THE LANCASTER DAILY, INTOLUQBN01CB, MONDAY, MAY 10, 1886. GKACIH. Continued. CIIAI'TIHI ll Mr. Nliiipkliiii,eiiileiiiyliHlw'lH ' '!" mean planned upon ntiy new or t.lnliir.ile method. Mr. ami Mm. Hliiipklim prl. U.I tliomselui mllier nK) "'"r V.mTV. ." initley, nml WMike utltinlliKy. " iieUIIkIiI liBly. of nil modern lnlltiitleim limn tliclr own. When Mr. Hlnipklim (tlie prolimer, um he wnNoilleil) iwltl Birth en tlie wilijwt eC Hrl, clmt In hi voltet ilrciwltig (town nml In Milled MiiiiikliiK'i'ePi 0110 hand Urmly planted en lilt lilp, the ntlier ninety (racing tlcslgiiM in tlm einpty iilr, lieHild a hikxI e i I ortue for lleynelilN, !.;. lonre, or (li.linlxireiili, ami ewm lilaudly commented upon Wllklu nml a few otliei of lilt coutempoiurliit, lull I-OIWCOII IIIC10H1HI UK) lMllllCMOl tllll pieiunl wiw n niile null lli.'il. I'.vun continental urtlM wei 0 r coreiiH v IlmieiimI. Sullv. hImhvkI (e.irriilly, wllli nn otnliieu Rlinke of tlm head, Mr. Hlinpklnt would any i "Let ti go Uwk, my (tituitlx, let lis un iMCklnrnrL" Ami yet, fur tlie me called "old iiuiitera" liu had llllle j Ilapliael m peiluipi tlm only erwii liose talent he admitted, hut thli with hiipIi roliictnnce Hint It It te Iki fenred the prolm-ier'H ImlginuiitH nuru xoniewtint narrow. With Rrent ilccl ilccl "Ien he opposed nny tien-rmiHlml ur ur ratigemenu (even for Mintllnllnti) In IiIh elass-rtiems. There wai n clasn for Imllpx, ntietlier for gentlemen ; tliei-n were held in two dirty litllu roeum, tlie Htiiallcraiul dirtier IkiIiib graiilcd for tlie nenker net. Here It wmh tlint Amelia AVyuirn plodded nml ilioameil, her exterior aspect that el h pilot, iiHltutrieui pupil, her Inner heiiI nllame with eager ecnlnllcleiiKluK' for fulilre (aiiienml HllrceiH. I'oer AmulM nut Hometimut it Iltlle imeor imeer tnln of the profettor'a ability ; In thl hIie .tillered from the red of the putult, who "orshlpped, iiuiiinillniiliigly, ut tlie kIiiIiie of hit Intellect ; lint there was In AiiieII.i'h haracter nn absolute wnnt of rouirenco. Mho, Indeed, tluerate)y anxious te nttend n nclioel In .lower street, of which Mhehad heard much, whero the teaching m.t llrst rnle. Hint whero young men nud women worked Hlde hy hide In it great linll, thereliy advancing thilt great mid liolile canto ei "women' rlghtis" which lay me near te AmelU'n liivut. Jlut Mrs. Wyvern willed It otherwlnn, nud therefere, her iluiighler continued te li ene of the prefipwu'i. pupil. I'uiictually eery morning Ainelli. iiiiule her apiicurauce in the little dark cIuvmoeiii , dally the ktuuihled niiir the skeleton thedoer.n peer battered xkeleteu whereon tlie Niudeiit hung their cloaks amt lint, and concerning which mid the 'id.n enl-up heard many teetiln jnk.m were made. l;.erv morning; Itttle Mtn SiuipkliiH rounded te Amelia with retiewwl rett what enre nud trouble she (Mix. Hlmpklui) had feuud II noeeHtary te bestow en thoeestinue of next wpnk'KOlnuerntnly ilrnpeil iii'Mlel, nud e.nrv morning Hie prolester, ruMiing In hands, would rultorate: " Art, Mint Wyierit, nethlni; like art, my dear lady, nAin; ( nrf '" And overy morning Amelia mmleil and I'.slded In rilunt reply. The priiloaer Hhene, noiucIieu, inem in theory than In practice. He po"etscd u pur pleeye, that It, of course, metnpherkall.). KerytlUii(,' he piloted, from n tunnel te a snowdrop, was equally pliiui-eoleur, ami he until rally insisted that hit pupils kIieiiM iH-rupiileiisly lmit.le hi method. In tlie class were many .loree of cxi-cl-lenca One Jioer lady uever ce.ised te repre (line In black u huge plaster uuse about II no inities In leiiKlh. There va. the hIiem pupil, of course, who, it was wlusmred, had once exhlbited nt the Dudley gallery. 'seinulliiicH, when Amelia, biting heremil is'iicefully at slie Kaeil round tlie room, tiist nt the tired Hiiltana en her Kreeu biiy tlimnc," then at the pluiu-oelonsl repre repre HeutatieiiH of the said sultana en the ls mis or canvases of the students Amelia, with a long sigh, aekiirmledpwl that life It short, and art distressingly, almost nbiurdly, letiK- Vel she worked clieerlully till nearly dusk, then, KAthered iiji her painting materials, hIiu wlolarewell te kindly Mrs. Nliiipklus, sent "all manlier el leves" te the, nud shook hands with the professor, who, whilst he praised her work, nan pretty cer tain te recommend " a lectie mere cobalt mixed with crimson lake." And then, dreaming dreams of future glory, her pretty tresti faconlew, Amelia ran downstairs and walked quickly home, only te take out her palnttiex ence mere, nml study candlelight ellect-s, with her mother nud.irmiu ler model Instead or the weary sultana from Leather I .alie. Olie Inte afternoon In NeMuiiber, Mry. VyBrn nml her younger daughter weru sitting, a usual, in their somewlitt dreary drawlng.roeiu, which had been liimlshed upwar.Nef lortyjears ageand was cense iiently at unplcturcs'pieiis metiip..rlinunl of that date. Ainella called this an "I in pos sible" room, nud, in her moment of hopeful miss nt te a happy pecuniary futiire, w as apt te Imagine herself pulling down tlie ugly glaml chlutz curtains, tearing up the worn crimson and black carpet, nml gtwug free M-ope te her ndtanced ipstlietlc lend. u le ' That was a dream, however, distinct, lil;c se many of our castles In the air, te adorn the future only, for albeit ether folks' taste might cemu and go, Mr. Wyern's -ellil but Inartistic draw lug-room furniture "went en forever." (Iracle Wat lying en i. sofa, which was .lis tresslngly mnde up of false lines ami wrung curves. Hhe was staring at the lire in the highly ornamented steel grate, whilst, eppi -site te her, sat Mr. Wyveru, knitting and converslng, or rather sollleipiir-ing, en the iiiexhaustible subject el butchers' ami bakers' bills. .Suddenly the deer opened nml Douglas Mcllulsh was shown in. "I Ventured te liringa lew violettleriirncie,'' queth the shy young man, proceeding with laborious awkwardness te untie a little blue M3r parcel he held. "Howare yote.hy, Ils.t.iracle?" MIsHfirncle wa. much delighted with the Molets, and sat up en her sela, nt slie held them In her thin little hands stroking them, and tin ally arranging thorn, caiefully one by une upon their green leaves in n saucerful el water. "Is net Ml Amelia home yet'" asked Douglas after n pause. Ne, Amelia was net home yet ; but Mrt Wyvern was looking for her sjieedy return, for the alternoen had already grown both dark nml misty. " that child sottle herself com fortably down nt her painting," added the mother, half in pride, halt in annoyance, "and thore's no getting her away again till doomsday." "She went oil te school at nine this morn ing." said (iroce. ".She'll be u line pain ter Heme day," re marked Mcllulsh, with conviction. He was sitUg In tlie semi-darkness u few jards from Grace ; she could hee the outllue of hit gaunt figure, and hi plain, earnest featuius Irradiated new and then by litful gleams of tlrellght; he, en tlie ether hand, could watch the sleuder white lerm stretched out In stillness upon the couch. "Will I wait te see Miss Amelia " asked the visitor with subdued eagorues. "Oh yet, pray stay and tnlk tens ;" replie.1 Mrs. Wyvern; "this has been rather a bad day of neuralgia for drace. Yeu won't mind tlie dark, Mr. Mcllulsh ; it scarcely scorns worth wlille having the Iluhts a vet." Thoreupeti, Mcllulsh contentedly stayed and talked ; darkness Is nn incentive te tlie conversation of shy lelk. Besides, strange te say, he could always talk mere treely te drace and her mother than te his lady-love, bitterly though be lamented hi dellcleucy in that respect. Presently, Ameliacame in. , "Don't you want a lampT"she nskud, laughing, brlnglngln with her nn atmosphere of energy and gaiety, and yet an amount et tresh air that made drace shiver. "Oh mother. I cau'taeea bit !" continued Amelia; "de let us have light. Why, it tliatyeu, Mr. Mcllulsh T" "Mr. Mcllulsh has been telling u nil about the aurora," said Grace. " It must le se btiautllul In tlie far North, Amy! Please tell Amy about It, Mr. Mcllulsh, won't you 1 "Only hew I red 'home ene ulgut, ene winter night," began the Scotchman, con lusedly. He had risen from hi chair at Amelia's entrance, uud new steed twirling his hat slowly round uud round In his big linuy nanus. "It was across the lonely moors," said drace. " Anil the aurora was sheeting up into the heavens," said Mr. Mcllulsh. "Mere lienutirul than daylight," added drace enthusiastically. "Onfyluncy, Amy, what the great rays must lie, white, and silver, and rose color, giving one an idea et Heinii wonderful welr.l world out far, far be yond the distant hills. I can fancy being lured away and away, tewaril tlwt magical horizeu 1 "Here comes the lamp," said Mrs. Wyvern. " Dear we, hew they have snllt the oil again, all ever the handle 1 l)eesnft your moiher, Mr. Mcllulsh, lind thather BervantH " "Light, Light!' I leel like Ou-the," In. terrupted Amelia Irrelevantly. ''Mamma, I waut te show you gomethluir. De leek. The professor mya thare Is an oxUibltlen going te eiien Imiiiedlatcly, nomewliutn he knew, nud he thinks I might leally, Ituly, n.l thl head." Out from iimler Amy'si leik cainensipiiiie brown nier parcel, mid then the young artist, with n little nlr or modest (heugh con scious merit, held up te view n small oil painting leproseiillng llie heiul of nil Italian lumllt, " WlinlrenllyT" nsked Mrs. Wyveru, in ndmirntleti. "Oh Amy, net renlly 1 " whoed drive. "Ye," answered Amelia quickly He vvasa llorce bauilll.n very llure-j ImiiiUI. Ills head wa slightly tuined away; still his eagloglnnce was llxixl Ihre.iteuliigly en tlui bnheldert hi glance evidently meant much. H.i wa nrrnyed in a gorgeous continue, worn, prnluhly, by baiullin el hit province only, nml lilt backgeiiud vrnt the well-known blue nud cloudiest sky of the Neulh. "Well, 1 must say," reiliarked Mrc. Wyvern Impressively, ntshe lisikml nreunil her for tlie sake el nrgument- -" I must s.iy, Amelia, that you have mnde very gteal pro pre gross." " It's n bunutiriil head," said (Jrace syiu iinthellcallv! "nh. veil dear, clever Amy, 1 inustulve veu kltsj 1 nevur snvv such n llercn.liwiklilif bamllt !" "I sheul.r think mil," letutned Amy. "The proretser w.mteil u iillcillarly te catch that expression, in the mistel actually did commit n murder oiice long ngolnCer. slca." "Ol tourneeiio must net praise ene' own child," nald Mrs. Wyern, " lint I cannot help thinking there nre very Tew young ar tists vv he could beat that head. And I don't knew nlieut 'young either." "There Is ene llltlu thing that troubles me,'1 said Amelia in n hesitating voice, "that I, you see, miinilim, the high light u the bandit's tiose. What de .you think ej tlie highlight, Mr. Mcllulsh ?" "I'm no much et n palnler injsel," io ie io plled tlie person Interrogated, who lapsed into n northern dialect whouevcr hit b.s'.uiiu nervous. " The lume I net that bad, le my thinking ; It's the lad's completion that's ter rible blue, surely." " Why, the professor R.ld II was net blue enough'!" exclaimed Amnlla. "Oh, Mr. Mcllulsh, you don't leally think It blue'"' nsk.d drace roptojih reptojih roptejih lully. " I I . " slamuieied tlie 3'eiiiig man. " I'erha," H.1I1I Mrs. Wyvern, vvtlh sem.i severity, " perhaps that Air. .Mcllulsh has net sullloleiitly ceusldeied tlm iclltstlens Hern tlm seutlieru sky." Amelia said no moie. I'es-slbly, she in wardly loll that, Uke the archbishop in 'dil llliis,' alie de-iied ler her critic " toute serlet .In preiierltes, iivw) 1111 hjii plus .logout," whilst the unhappy ellumler, stumbling ever hit sentence, sought, by the most ludis crluilnatiiig praise, bireluslale hlmsell In hit former ixisltleu of trust. Days passed , the bamllt, carefully trained nml lalielled, was sent te tlie exhibition, and In due time, at Amellt received nominee te the contrary, she became tnjmtillngly, hee billy, delightedly nwaie that her pi' ture wa accepted and hung. During these anxious days, show at eagerly wxpectant,aml yet all aid, te hear the pet' man's knock ; -.lie knew net what new he might bring. Ne news is geed news, doubtless, hs ..race elteu asserted, nml jet sin li Ulcnce wat trying te Amelia worked soniewhat lltfillly nt the protester's. She found herself In high favor with her fellow -students , they evidently viewed her Willi much increased rosecl. On 01.1 isvulen the oer lady who was struggling with tholarge chalk 1100 actually went en all-tours te leek for a piece or India, rubber which Amelia had dropped ' Mrs. Miupkin a hi ru.vsel her as " dear child ," the profetsir Ulked lengthily te her of the jswdble legeneratlen "I art, a Kiihjis't he rosetveu lur 11 very choice row iiuuugst hi pupil, deeming, doubtless, thnt there were but few r them (Untitled te lake a really uethe part 111 such regeneration. Hut Amelia could net work a of vore ; she piloted out te-day what she had ktlnted in vesterday. slie wa certainty domerallrcil. Her small capibllitiesef tlie present jir red In her mind vvlth tlie wlde destinies slie con templated forthe future, or coiime the brig and was tlie doorway through which she was te wend her steiis toward these destlnIes,aml t, at she worked, she wat i-onscleilt or some uneasiness concerning the Hulle nature of her own art. Certainly, at home, as shu sat Isiside Oracle's couch, at rest Ireiu palette or canvas, she held lertli garrulously at te her future aim and present success, vv about any disturbing emotion. Somehow, it was nlvvnys se easy te talk te Grade! Nothing seemed tee gieat, nothing tee small, for her facile comprehension ami universal sv 111 palhv. " by can't women become K0y.1l ncado ncade miciaii"'" Amelia would exclaim wratbfiilly whilst hersister listened sorrowfully. "What 1111 unjust, miserable nineteenth century we llvelu, b) he sure," continued Amelia, lor ler getful of her dcs'trlne of progress; " only think el Mary Moter and Angelica Kallll mail I" " Were they aculemlclau " asked drace, who was stillstrangely ignorant en the sub ject. " Why, of course." And" tbereupiin Gracie Irem her lull luvmg heart protested that Amelia was surely liiteiuled te Ixxjeme tbe famalu ait pioneer of this present generation, and that the most obtuse public could net isjsslbly remain blind te her remarkable merit. It may be held that stub indiscriminate praise was iiuuholsemo for Amelia, but Grace did net reason thereon ; she was net going te set upas a mural blister or scourge ler the chastening el her sister. If drace Wyvern loved the universe generally, hew much mere must she net iuell70 these objects of nllectleu which woreenolrclod by the narrow laiuii dary or home? l'erchiince she wa net aUegelli.n wrong. I'er, surely, when, tired amt grey be.ub-il, we pause In the journey of 1 lie, and hsik back Usm tho.e sweet, IikjIIsIi fend nesse with which in early days our dear one ouceuragod our unripe cllerts, we smile te recall the elleits, and sigh te remember the iend words, conscious that siiice then the outer world's mere truthful judgment together with our own piimrul conviction) ha sulllciently well set tled that little ouryeuthtul vanity. There 1110 net many boys at school, 1 Imag ine, who condemn the mother's teuilerness vv Mich scarcely prepared them for a llie of haul ship. Ilapiy, even whilst Gracie encouraged her sister by extreme adulation, Amelia grew humble, and lelt her own laultsall the 111010 keenly. "Don't dear, don't," slie entreated. " Yeu see me 11 I want te be, net a I mil." "It I becaiHe I knew you se well," returned dracle simply. " I see you new already n you ate going le be. It It all in you Amy, though oilier jieople may net see it yet n I de, nnd I sup sup jes.i it ha been in you ever slnce you were born. Yeu need te learn what I technical, per luii, but an artist is an artist nlwnys." " I sometime think it i you who nre the real 'artist, " sighed Amelia; "you feel se much." " Oh yes, 1 leel," said Oracle, somewhat viigueiy, gazing nt Amelia with lustrous dye. As ler drace's own prospeet. they nevei troubled her. Kven Mrs. Wyvern, who doted en her Invalid child, never alluded te the child's tuture. Perchance she dreaded the tuture or perehatice te her it seemed that the little white form must needs con tinue le He strotched befere her eye en the couch by the Ilreside, though years tolled en, though Amelia should go forth Inte the world te her triumph, and whilst she horsell sat knitting with tlm deepening shadows of age gathering about her. Yes, Gracie wat te be there, always ; Oracle, who was tended and pettod, carried Ireui room te room nud prepped up en pillows j Oracle, ler whom tlie cook's sleuder knowledgo wa dully heavily taxed ; Oraele, for whom new iJoeKHHiHi preuy noeuioworK were cousiaui ceusiaui ly provided drnole, ttie pivot en which the household really turued, the homely beacon by which they all directed their wav. All, Douglas Mcllulsh last, net least, itecause he was net constantly present In the house, however, Douglas noticed mere readily than the ethers hew Hhrunkt'ii tbe slender tlgure had be- become, hew wan and whtte the delicate feature had grown. It tilled his heart with pain te inarK me change, a gradual, steady change, he thought. Hew he should mi. little Oracle) He hail never had a sister; it was a tender Jey te him te think of dracie a' such. It was no disloyalty te Amelia that he leved dracie se deeply, lur Indeed Amelia pessessed an additional attraction In hi eyes In that dracie was her sister, and therefore, .thought Douglas, ene day. However, argued he, drace was hi sister already ; there was really no need te leek ler inore. Hhe understood him a none surely but a sister could understand. Wheu )ie was earnest, she was soil soil en 1 when he was perturbed, she grew sym pathetic ; wher. he was shy nnd ill at ease, hIie renewed his contldeneo. Hy seme In explicable reticence, he had never actually talked te her or his matrimonial lutentleus ; he guessed noverlholoss that Oracle would btuud him iu geed stead with her slater, uud sieak well of him. nay, plead hi cause. If noed thore worn, lle linrt even occasionally wished, big, brave malt though he was, that he might proisise le Ainella vvbllst dracie lay cl.we hy. Hhe would doubtless, without speaking, give him that ceurngn or words which he se strsngely lacked ; he could augur from llm loot In her oj-e whether he K)ke well or III nml what cllecl he was likely te have en Amelia. Douglas wnt abb! te read Unrein h counteiinnce botter than that or his lady-love ; In many ways the yeunger girl nppenred le film llie elder or llie two. Hisviiise Amelia wa sojeymis, se mil eriire, netnken up with nrtnnd thoerlos or nil sort, he busy, he ohetgotlc, he wn n little uurerbiiu hew le break the ice, hew le de mand hen attention, nud bid her listen te whnt was tumullueuily throbbing, and ach ing within hi heart tumultueuslv throb bing, yet setlly murmuring also. I'er, ifn mail's henrt hoever Helier than a women's, Deimint McHulsh, rough and uiigalnly though he appeared, poswssed mere gentle organ thnn did Amelia Wyvern. Ohie he hail tiled te lHgln ieii the drend drend ed subJecU . , , "Don't keep 1110 tee long Just new;," said Amelia, smiling, ami looking lilm through nnd thieugh with her wldo-eisjn brown oyes. " Yeil knew, Mr. Mcllulsh, men never exKict women le hatu.iny rcitf btial nets, de they T" "Hut tlil,"sliiiiinrued Mcllulsh, -"this In question of vital lliipoitnnce. . . A peer lollevv " "Oh, here are two shillings," crled Ainella cordially; "why should you mind asking me? 0 cetiMr I should llke te help any ene you are Interested In I And I daresay mamma will help, tee. Hut I really must go new; y.ju won't mind, for my brushes will rurtnlnly nisii! if I don't go nnd clenn them tills very minute!" IC'eiichithnl Toinniretv V lelrta, tlnlnty nml sneet, I lei 11 of tlie dew unit tlie May ; Set In theiIliU nnd Hie heal 1 leave yen te perbiii te dty .Say, In the lentlest ttnte. I'leull shall you go te your lest. Mega could but envy your fate lijlnij le nlgtit en lier breast. . I), rufen. Male winknua nnd lest et power iiieiiietly uuicil II00W, In cents In slumps. Hei Urn DlMxiiifiniy JlcOleal Ahsoclntleii, U'J -Mil 1 11 si reel, lull, lie. N. 1, M.Tlut IT Knit wind neuralgia sleepiest nllitu. tit. .Intelis Oil lines and gives lest Pimoenn, laudaiuiiii nml stupelylng yiups nn'Ktvcnte babies by lliuuglitles inelhus te telli've cello and tletfullics", but pal nut of Inluliti lilhlren ue I)b. Hand's Celic Cure, be iaii.n It relieves unit doe no Injury a stubborn act iieiii expHrieuce. . ... -i..- .., ...- .L.. .. . ..... ... . .... a ..I.. .- lHldl lll IUI HIV IIUS lllll I'll. II AI.O " K-f. .- mit t'ln jIc for thllilimi unit ail nils, inavl-lnid .hum ,1, Mitliieli., Siipt. Htene Dept. New Cujillnl nt Albany, N. .. writes "315 Lnrk ktiiul, June , Vum. I linve been using All- 'tck'-i l'oreiis I'lustiis m in) own person nml In my family for the last thirty eurs. I deem It n lnslter et duty te bear public testimony te their excelling uscIiiIihms a un external luin eilj. riac.d upon the pit of tlie stomach, they emul and tone the digestive organs. On the niuall of tlie liuek, they glve vigor te limner limner veut system and act baft v. enderlul dtruutfe. I think In nil la.'.a of ilyspepln they should be worn lulti en tlie back nml en the ptlef the stomach In Hits n they act as n stimulus te Hie n hole system. ' inaH-lnd llirrt .ire a I'rw IJrugKUt VV he an- tonuikeiilaigeprotlton n worthless lull- le ilian te wall ter the ptsnperltv that lilll-iiiaia-ly icsulu from honest ilesllng. 'I hese nin the men who, when nsked for n lknsen't Cap cinu Plaster, will lecemmeud semu cheap nml tnl-tiy nibslltiilnorliiitlntlen, saying ills "Just us geed " seinctltne-i lliev will de up mid sell the tndcrable Imitation without remaik, allow bur the ciisiemer te supwn he has Itensen's, If the valueless planter 14 returned, Cheap Juhn will uy In- has inaite a mttnke If mil, lie htm ibinu a iroeil tlrel.u of business rlhe iiubllcurn nuitleiHil agiilnsl.lehii ami nil his Ilk Hey el rejpiTtnl'le druggists only. The getiutne llcn llcn seii s plaster has the " 1 hie. Seals ' traile murk ami the word " Lspelne "cut In thecwiti". n.'iil.VV.Sw HVKUIAI. KtiriUKH. WHY tVli.liiOU eeiiKh when Klilleh's Cure will glve ImiiH'itlateri'llel. I'rlce in cts.,50eta.. nml It, Ker sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist. Ne. 1J7 North Uueen street. All K YOU 3IAIIK mlsemhle by Iii.ltRvttlnn, Censllnatluu, IHzlne-s, I.est et Appetite, Y'ol Y'el Y'ol ew Skin 1 Milleli's V Itallzer Is u positive cure. Ker sale by II. II. Cecluau, Druggist, Ne. IJ7 North ijueeu street. " IIACKMKTAUk ' n lnstliiK mid tnigrant per. nine, 1'rlie JSanilf") tents. Fer sale hy If II. Cochran, UrugglsUNe. IJ7 Nerthyueen street. bllll. HI'S CATAltltll Itl'.MKDY n rstltlve cure ler Calnrrh, Dlptherla, mid Cunker .Meuth. or sslu hy II. II Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1J7 North .juoeu Btieet. Onr nerri.R KFTKi-rs A Crmc. Mr. Oscar E. II. boeh, el Allentown, I'a , wnt bedfast with lm Itjiiiuiutury rheuuiallsin In the winter of ls-A Dovters teuld te nothing te relieve him. lle teiniiienccd using Ciiess' Itheumatle Iteinedy. Hy the time he hud used hull a bottle he could leave his lied : when he hail Mulshed the bettle he was euied nnd haj net had a leliirn of the dl-eaieBlnie. In his own words, " 1 leel liettel thm uverbefeie. lice II, by all dniKislsts. I1ib3iih1MW,vK ItKOVV.Va ilOUHhllOI.I) l'ANACKA. 1 the most directive l'alnDesliej ei In the world. Will most suiely ipilcken the blisxl whether taken Internally ors applied iixlernKlly, nua Uierehy inerti certainly ltKI.IEVK PAIN, whether chionle or acute, than any ether pain allevluter. and It Is warranted double the slmngth of any similar preparation. It cures pain In the Hide, Uncle or llewels, Sere Threat, Kheuinatlsm, Toethucho nnd ALL ACI1KS. nnd Is The (Ireat Kellever of l'uln. "IIIlOVVN'hllOUShllOI.D l'ANACKA " should x In every family. A leunpoentulof the 1'nnacea In a tiiinbler of n t water (swei'tenisl. If prn prn fened.l taken nt iedlline, will 1I11EAK UP A COLD, a cents ft bottle. ui3MyflM.W.43w .SI.EKI'LESS NIUHTS, iniule mlsenible by that teirlble cough. hhlleh'sC uieUtbe leinedy ler veu. Korwdeliy II. ILCechruu, Druggist, Ne 1J7 Ninth (Jilccn slieet. hlllLOIl'S VlTAbl.EliU what you need ter Constipation, boss of Appetite, DUzlness, and nil sympteius of lyss'ptla. I'llie 10 and 75 cents per bottle, rer sale by II. II. Cochran, lliiigKist, Ne. 1JJ Ninth yui-en stieel. Caiitlim. Wn would cmitleii the l'uhlle te bonme of Dealers nllurlng Kemp's llaltam nt less than tbe regular l'rlis,1llr"iitsiind fl, lis eftenllinet tint, tutiiiiisorliiferieimtlclesiiienoldasthegeniilno In outer te ennhle them le sell cheaply. 11.11. Cechnui, druggist, Se. IS! North Queen street It eiu iiKt'iit for Lancaster, bainnle buttle given tojeiirrf. KOIl IIY8PKPIA mid Liver Complaint, ou hnvun printed guarantee en every bettle et bid lull's Vitallzer. It neverhills teeiiie. Fer sale hv II. H. Cochran, Iiruguist, Ne. 1J7 North Queen street. The Kirllenient Net Over. Tbn lush nt 11. It, rechran.rtiUK'glst. Ne. 137 North Queen street, sllll continues en ucceunt el persons mulcted vvlth Cough, Colds, Asthma, IlieiichltUmid Consumption, toprectironbotllo of hemp's lUlsam ter the Ibrent nml Lungs, which Is sold en a gtiniantee and Isglvlngcnllie satisfaction. It Is a standard family remedy. PrlcoSOceiitsiimUi. Trial ittcrce. el5-twdAw TIIK KKV. tiKO. 11, T1IAYKK, of bourbon Ind., says : " both Inyseir anil wlfn ewe our lives teSlllLOIl'MCONrUfMl'riUNClJKK." Knrsalu by II . II. Cochran, DruggUt, Ne. XT, Ninth Queen BlIIM't. NEVKUtilVKUP. II you nre tumbled with nervous or sick head nehe, de nut gtv clip v our case us Incurable until you have tiled Dr. Leslie's Special l'lescrlptlen. be the testimonials In another column, dil lwd Don't elve up. them Is a euro lercatuilh mid cold In the head. Thousands testify that Ely's Cieam Halm had entirely cured idem It Is a hate and pleasant remedy. It Is net a li'liild or Hiiutf 11 cuius by cleansing nnd healing, Pilcu ilk' at Drugglsta. Ex Mayei It. W. Tewnluy, Judge T. F. Mc cormick, E. II. bherwoed, llunkeri J. Mugulie, banker i II. S. Davis, Hunker; and J.O.'llche J.O.'llche ner, Meirhant, idl of JSlUabctb, N. J., earnestly commend Kly's Cream Halm as a spaclfle for catarrhal nirectlen. my I Sw deedAvv MOTIIKKSI MOT11KUSI1 .MOTIIEUSIII Are you dtsturlied nt night and broken of your rest by a sick child suuerlng una crying with the excruciating pain of cutitng teeth t II se, Se at onre and get a bettle of Mrs. WlNbLOW'8 OOI'IUNU SYKUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It t theiu Is no mistake about It. Thore Is net a mother en eai th who has ever UM'd It, who will net tell you ut onto that It will regulate llie bowels, and Klve lust te the luelher, and lellef ana ueiiun ve me cmiu, epuraiuiK like limbic. tt Is perfectly sate te use In all caes, and pleasant te thu tasle, and la the prescription of eiih of tbe eldest and best female physicians In thu United States. Beld every where. 23 cunt a bettle. miU'Sl-lydM.W.Siw T 1118 l'Al'Ktf IH PlllNTKD WITH INK Manufactured by J. K. WBIQHT & CO., umriD-lyd JIU and Hare Sts l'liilaaelphla, Pa nmnwAu Hi:UMATIHr. T? A Creaking Hinge Is dry and turns haul, until oil It applied, niter which It move raally. Whnii tlm Jlnts. or hinges, of the body niostlllencd nnd Inljaiiieil by Ulieiitiintlsm, they tniinel bn moved without ruining the Hunt mcruclKlIng ptliis. AVer's Hnrsnputllls, by Its uctlen en the fitoed, rullevet this comllllen, and icsteret llie Joints te geed working order. Ayer's Barsnpaillla hat rlTecteit, In our oily, tunny miMt reiuurkiiblu cures, n number or which bullied tint efTerts of thuiiiostoxnertoiiceilphysl thuiiiestoxnertoiiceilphysl thuiiiostexnertoiiceilphysl chins. Wure It netestsry, I euiild glve the nniiirs of many Individuals who have been cured by taking this medicine. In my own case II has tertaliily worked wonders, relieving me el RHEUMATISM, alter ts'lng troubled with It fur yeais. for yens. In thl", ami all oilier. liseasesarisim ; ireuilui intra uiihki, thore Is no remedy wllli which I amnceualnUil, VVl It. II. Laurence. M. II.. Ilalllinore. Md. AVer's Harsapartlla cured inn of (lout mid Ilheiimuliain, when nothing elnn would. It has enidlcated overy trace of disease from my sys tem. It. II, Hhert, Manager Hetel Ilelment, Lewell, tlui. I wri, dining many nieiilhi, asurTercrfrnm chienlc Ithciimatltin. Tlidlscae atlllrtcd inn grievously, In splle of all tlm remedies I could nnd, until 1 commenced using Ayer's Rarsapa tills. 1 took several bottles el thl preparation, and wnt speedily restored te health. J. freaiu, Independence, a. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Piepnred by Dr .1. U. Aynr A Ce, Lewell, Mast. Held by Druggists. Pllte, II : six bottles, 11. mVlelJ A tiUKSTION AHOl'T Brown's Iren Bitters AXSWEllEI). Thniieatlen has probably been risked then sands of times. ' Hew can brown's Iren illltere cure everything T" Well, It doesn't. Hut It doc euro nuy disease for which a reputable physi cian would prescribe IKON. Physicians recog nize Iren as the best restorative agent known te the profession, mid Inquiry of any leading chemical firm will substnntlate tlie assertion that there are mere preparations of Iren than nf any ether substance used In medicine. This shows conclusively that Iren Is acknowledged te he the most Important factor In successful medical practice It Is, howevor, a retnarkabl fact, that prier le the dltcevery or HIIOWN'S IKON 1IITTKUS no perfectly satisfactory com bination had overbenu found JlltOWN'B IUON IIITTKItS dtsvt net Injure the teeth, catise heart ache, or preduin reiistlpatlnn nil ether medi cines de. JlltOWN'B IKON IIITTKItS cures In digestion, Illlleusness, Weiikneti, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Chills mid Fevers, Tired Kcelfng. Uen oral Dehlllty, Pain In thn Wlde, Hack or Limbs, Headache nnd Neil nilula ler all these ailments Iren ts prescribed dally. HIIOWN'S I HON IIIT TKItS, honever, ilnet net cure In ivmluiite. Like nil ether thorough medicines, tt nets slowly. When tnken by men the first symytem of bene tit ts renewed energy. The muscles than become nnner, the digestion Improves, thn bowels nre active. In u-cmirn thn cited Is usually mere rapid and marked. The eyes begin alonceto brighten j the skin rlears up ; healthy color comes te the cheeks 1 nervousness dlup- ficais ; functional derangements becume regu ar, and flu nursing mother, ntiuitdant suste nance Is supplied ler the child. Keiueiiiber browns lien lit Iters U the ONLY Iren mcdl clne that Is net lnjuileiu. i'i;ilcmiiaiid drug drug gttttrtcemmenii it. The Cenulne has Trade Mark and crossed led lines en wrapper. TAK E NO OTH Kit ej) limits lvdAvv NOT IillCEOTHKIt KINDS. Her 1'lastkrs net Instantly when applied, t ty them ferltacknche, I'alntu the side, btllches, Itheumatlsm, Sciatica, Here and w oak chest, and dt local aches unit paint Se seething nnd strengthening le wenk and tired parts. Com posed or nature best known lemcdles. Virtues' of fresh Heps, Ilurgundy Pitches nnd Canada balsam, bold ev cry w heru 25c., 5 for f I . HOP PL ASTKI1 COMPANY, (10) I'loprleiers, bosten, Mass. tJHAHl OK Dl'hl. I'AINH. O Shep girls, sales-women nnd house wives all sinter More or less from wenk back or side. ache. A lady says " One Her I'tASTER worn i hours did my back moie geed than all the reme dies lever used." Fer any sort of pain or boie nesa et whatever nature. Instant relief Is given, Superior te chest protectors for weak and seae lungs. Her 1'LAsTKiuvaiu madu from Ilurgundy Pitch, Canada Italsam nud the entire virtues of irarden Heiw. sold everywhere, V, or 5 for I1.U1. HUP 1'I.ASTKK COMPANY, (11) Husten, Mass. "AitAii7ubTvii "Tjnuin kkii- Living t. In Central New Y'erk, was cmed of a dls tiesaiug Kidney complaint by the Hep Plaster. lle says "I knew what thev are nnd tecom tecem lnenrt them te all the heys en the read." Ap plied te isiln In any nail Instant rellef Is given. Fer weak and tinsi muscles or eluts, Click, btllches, bldeache. Neuralgia. -ero Chest, ltheu mntlBin or local weakness the eflect la magic. Prepared from Ilurgundy Pilch. Canada llalsam and v-lrtuesef garden Heps. Sold by drujrgtsU nnd country stores. 25c, S ler $l.l. HOP P I.A8 TEKCOMPANY', Hosten, Sin-.. (l-'J Sata uhh-ha Y-i'i; v Kit. ELY'S CREAM BALM IS WORTH $1,000 TO AS Y MAX, WOMAX Oil CHILD, SUFIEKINO KltOM CATARRH. A. K. NEW 1AN, ijnillmr, Mich. A )irllile It applied le each nostril and Is agreeable te use. Price f cents by mall or at druggists, heml for circular ELY IIIIOTIIEUS, Druggists, Owego, S.Y. ulyUyoed&lvw DuTuaiSkn, OFFICES AND Dill. I bTOKE, l.MjON.sih St ,1'hllail'a.. Keglsteicd Physician uud tiraduaie Jcrtersen College, guarantees te cum all llleisl. skin and Nervous Dlseoses with purelj vcgetable reme dies. . , DK. DALSEN'S PILLS. Safe, Bure and etTec lual. Sent only by Express en lecelpl of fi Ne Pennyroyal or daugereiis drugs. 15ei)N. sih Ht, Philadelphia. f-Myd -lOKN RKMOVKH. YICTORU CORN KUHOVKK. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a Bheit tlme, the most obdurate corns, hard or sett, without pain, held by uee. W. Hull, Chas. A. Lechur, Jehn 11. Kautlinan, Dr. Wm. Worm Werm ley, And. U. IFrev, Chas. .1. bhulmyer, and at HKCHTOLD'S DltL'Ii STOKE, declO-lvd Ne. 101 West Orange 8L "I KAY'S tSl'KCIl'It' MKDH'INK, THE GIIKAT ENGLISH ltEMEDY. All unralllng cute for lmpetency, mid nil Dis eases that fellow Less et Menieiy, Universal l.asiltude, Pain In the Hack. Dimness or V lslen, Prcmatuie Old Age. and many ether dleacs that lead te Insanity or Consumption unit a Piematiiie Grave . ... -Kull particulars lu out pamphlet, which we deslie lesend tree by mall leevi ryene. t-The Specllle Medicine la sold by all druggists at li per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent liee hy mall en the receipt of the money, by addressing the iigent- II. II. COCIIUAN, DriiggltloleAgent. N03. 137 and 1J-J Ninth Queen btreet, Lanciutei, Pa. On account or counterfeits, we have adopted the V ellew Wrappers the only cenulne. Tin: okay Medical co.. apiS.lyd.Sw ilullale, N. V. lTJEirAIiT,OTHKKS FAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, KJNOIITH FIFTEENTH bTKKKT. (llelew Cal- lewblll btreet, Philadelphia.) SO YKAItS' EXPEIIIENCE. Guaranteed te euro the ullllcted and unrortunate vvlth Puiely Vege tublu Medicines, book en special diseases ftee ; send for It. Advice iree mid strict! V cenfiden tial, omce hours, 11 iu m. te S p. m., 7 p. in. le 10 p.m. Tieatuientliy Mall. ml 11-lVUt' Hw c UKK UUAHANTl'.KU. RUPTURE. Cmu Kuarantced by 1)11 .1. II. MAVEIt. Ease nt unce j no epcmllim or delay from busi ness i tested by huudiciUiif curus. Main office, 8J1 AKCH ST., Pill LA. fend for Circular. I'JU-lvdAw WINKH AN It LKJVVHH. rpHK OKIiKHKATKI) " BOUQUET" AND " OliU ANCUUll" PUKE BYE WHISKIES Ate i Icli In Itnver, selt nnd plcnsnnl te thu tnste. Puna Iu iunllty, ale eniellnulslliuulauts, and they sUind without nilvnl Iu the market. Mild at all thulcadlnK HnIeU ami by DrugclstH. Ask lerIL HUMPllUEV.t MAllTIN, bole Piiiprlolers, taullMliiia 401 N. 3d St.. Philadelphia, Pa. M AUKIKA AND HIIEK1IY WINE8 -AT- Mgart's Old Wine Stere H. FA SLAYMAKER, Aeent. KsUibllsliOd 17 6. Ne. l East Kme Stuit. Iebl7U0 MATt, aUMMHH ni;wh. W. D. STAUFFER & CO.'S STRAW HAT EMPORIUM ! . The laiitnst, most fashionable nnd most carefully selected stock In Lancaster City. riNK MACKINAvV, DUN8TAIILE anil JAPAN llHAlilM, made up 111 thn Newest and Most Ttuueim Styles. Alse, a larmi line et CIIKAPEIt 1IHA1DS, mude up In Elegant Styles and Attractive Shapes, DUKSS HTIIAWS fremlOc. up. Children's Straw Goods in Abundance. KJIIT SUMMKIt DRUIIYB III all grades llieakahln W1LCOA DKKIIYH, mill IIIU 1'ICtty, New, whero clne In tbe city. tff-J.oeK ran tju: ma W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Nes. 31 nml 33 North Queen Slreel, Ltincaster, Fa. -TELEPHONE CONNECTION. VLtWKH ANU WATVI1KH. -TT" Z. ItllOADH, JKWKliKH. WATCHES. Klne Watches let Ladles and Misses In Geld, Sllvcrt.nd Nickel with the nepular "Quann Chnln " te match ; also a fnll Unit el Gent's Ueld and Silver Watches at lower flguies than ever ettered herotefoio. DIAMONDS. Our stock In this linn Is complete and net be enelled even In the Mctiopellt, as also Inuunllly and prlte. Mounting et precious stones a specially ; unique designs et sarue furnished te order. JEWELRY. Ladles' lllhbeii Pint. Gent's Scarf Pint in Geld nnd Silver, with variety of finish te lull nil j In short, everything new and novel In tbe Jewelry line. CLOCKS. Fine Fiench and American Mantel Clocks with Cathedral Geng Stilkoialse a full llnoel Cheaper Goods. REPAIRING. Ilepalting ciilriifled te us will be handled only by muster mechanics. H .Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO. 4 WEST KINO STREET. , I.IFIS WHVHANVR UUill'ANY. T hi: dhtkki:nci: in uivi: inhi'hanck cempaniks. W of Life Iiisiiricc id anil MUTUAL LIFE. IIe.miv Haws, Hiudhiioke, Pa. Pel. Ul.'.', Ami , Ann. prem ti piemlumseach.l'A.W.. Cash Dividends . . 3 95 a 2i Net Ceat t Ml 71 Cestperm 291 71 Difference In lavoref Mutual Lite ever the inch tl.oeo Insurance, Mill. The Mutual Llfe's NEW POLICY AlibOLUTELY guarautces the payment of IU face en the death of the Insured, conditioned that he pays the premium while living. NOTE The liberal, Incontestable policy of THE NOItTHWESTEKN, adopted Novcmber, 1SSI, contains the following, le wit: Transcribed lrem Policy IKS.'Sa, Issued J une 21, 1381, en life of Wayne L. Fraulz, Ephrabi, Pa. Conditions. "If the said tnsutcd becomes habitually intrmtikats, orsefarlnlempornto a3 cither te Impair health or Induce DKLimcn tiikmehs, thou and inoltbursuchtasethnCoiniany MAY CANCEL this policy ; and tboiefere shall be A11SOLVED from all liability upon the saine, etc., etc, . i . Ciwmtiei 3. "It any statement made In the application ler thlj Policy shall be found lucor lucer iccltbls Policy shall bevpld, etc., etc. Eotet Helmes, District Agent lut. 1. 1. Ce., 60 N. Duke St Laucoster 230 N.5th St.. Readta?, Pa. OAKIUAUtS MOri'O THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! Philip Doersenf s Old 126 and 128 BAST (NEAItLY OPPOSITE THE LEOPAKD HOTEL), LANCA8TKK, PA. Nene But first-Class Mechanics Employed. A 1 Material, and That Only, Dsed PK1CES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL WOKK GUARANTEED. BUGGIES, PHiETONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, Aud Vohleloa of Every Doserlptlou Built Promptly te Order. AKullLIueet Vehicles In Stock:, prepared especially ter thn Spring Trade. A Large nnd Varied Assortment ei luteuuiuu noun u.i Uii.iu niiicn mil oe sela aiiiusi in ruiCES. PAH TICULAIl ATTENTION -Ulve us a call and examine the work, TIIK PLACE. Philip Doersom's Old NOS. 126 and 128 HUUBKirVliMliHUtU HUUVH, S1 HIKK'H OAHl'KT UALU CARPETS I UKOPKN1NG Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Woate new prepamfl te she hlhlted In thli cli 1 CUV. II 1I.1IJI IIKIJ88EL8, THKKE-PLV, Alt own mnnutacture a speciality. Special Attention Aliearmt LlnoeIOILCLOrua.ftUUS, WINOOH, iiiiiEtCi'i in, jin'iTiminim iiiiiiuvuttiii i.xi..vau ixiUi auu nil uumiiieB ei Ail OIIA1N UAltPETH. IIAJlASK and VENETIAN CAIIPET8. KAU and CHAIN OAKPETS of our SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Ste., Lancaster, Pa. UH0VKR1E8. HHIII UHADH COKFKKS. Pine old Government Java and Mecha Cedecs, the best In the market. Our Java Men ded Codce speaks for Itself ; rich and fragrant. Sic. per pound. Very One Plantation llie Coffees, our best only sue. per pound; ene very popular at 15c. Wowantyeu lecall and try our lSKc. Cotlee. The excellent iiuallty et our Cettecs nnd line Tens Is making trlenus fast and firm. Our dally sales show n steady Increase. Kreab IUuuted every day. A full line of fancy Oroceries. Please Rive us a trial order. HEO. WIANT, auirAMyd Ne. 113 West Kins StivieU rniiK iikst in tiik city. J nut leech ed a laiKU censlKumcut et FINEST IMPORTED bWElTZEll CHEESE, NEUECII ATEL CHKhSES. OENUINEIMPOKTEDHOiJUEli-enTCIlEESE, HAPSAOO CHEESES, ENUL1HH briLTON CHEESE. LIMUUltUEll CHEESES, PINEAPPLE, PICNIC. KDAM and DUTCH HAND CHEESES, FINEST NEW YCdtK EMPlltE AND OHIO CHEESES, At Oharles MacNay's CHEESE EMPORIUM, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERY 113 and 117 NOllTll QUEEN STUKKT, Nes, Goods delivered lree le all parts et the city and environs. Telephone connection 113-Smd 5itAlNlNU, .IV. TNDKbTHUOTIIlLK UHAIN1NU. NOCUACKINU, NO PKE1.1NU, NO IILISTEII 1NU. We have asvstemef miiliilng mw woenlhnt must, In thu near lutuie, taku thu place of thu old Bystem oil all new work, Its merits being in us morns uuihk mi a nuliited ground- fellows i Total i abolition et virtrir aiw.'ri ntnl nleiinlle and cleunllness in working It, nsnareucy et nuUU, smoothness beauty and transparency et niitili, smoothness and durability, and the capability of receiving as high finish as hara woea uyinu isainemetn. eds. This process Is the nearest approach le natural w oed that lias yet lieen illsceyereq. uau and see samples, tlUTIIKIEASON. elu Agents for Lancaster County. UeusaPalntlngandUrulnliiB Emporium, comer 01 UnfMlIIUbUUU .UV1.1 D.ItMJIS. Always a large stock of Mantle en baud, Telephone connections. war&uid CAF0, MO. The beautiful. Unsurpassed, I.I KhtWrlaht. Nen. ltellable" KNOX," cannotbe purcbnseit any- ruvQirAS" itAV.jgi Frem 60 ! in 1882, NORTH WE3TEIIN. llENHT MlLLEII, 1'lNB GKuVS. Pel. 11'.', TGI, Amount 1 5,1 me u) Ann.l'icm !.) 75 5 premiums, cnchWsl.73 1,'JH Tt Cash Dividends 294 03 NetCeit Cesliwr in Northwestern during the paat.5 years en the cost of WOltllS. HONEST PRICES 1 Reliable Carriage Works, KING STREET, tEASONAlILE PAID TO REPAIRING. whether you purchase or net. DON'T FOUQKT Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KING STREET. I271yd&w CARPETS ! ew ihu tmdnthe Largest nnd liest Pelected Line of Carpetaever 'S. VELVETS, ull the Trading Makes el BOOT ANOTAPK8T W'oeland Cotten Chain EXTKA 8UPEH3, and all qualities of KSTUY IN. paid U) the Manufacture of CUSTOM 'JAJU'ETS, SHADES, CO VEULETS.Ac.l teb'23-2md VUA.L. T 11. MAHT1N, WHOLES1LS AND RETAIL DIALS! 1H All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. O-Vard; Ne. 420 North Water and Prince Street, above Lemen, Lancaster. nl-lyd T5AUMUAK.DNEHS A JKFKEHIES. COAL DEALERS. Orriua; Ne. IS) Ninth Queen street, aud Ne. Nil Ninth Prime street. Varus: North Prluce street, near Heading Depot, LANCASTEIt, PA. augU-tia RKMOYAU M. V. B. 0OHO has ieineed hU Ceal Office te Ne. 135 KOllTIl QUEEN STtlEET (llilmmer's New lliilldlng), v, here orders w 111 be iccelved for Lumber and Ceal, WHOLESALE AMD UtTllL. M. V. II. COHO. UIR till E AHT KND YAHO. O.J.SWARR&OO. GOAL. - KINDLING WOOD. onice. Ne..i) UKNTUK 8QUAIIK. Beth yard nd oitlce connected with Telephone Exchange aprU-l ydMAr.U r KOIUIU EHNHT, JB., Oarpenter, Contractor & Builder, UESIDENCE-NO.IO) WEST KINO 8T. SHOP-EAST UltANT ST., Opposite Station Heuse. All work receive my prompt and personal at tontlen. All kinds el Jobbing attended te at abort no- ucn and en reasonable urms. urawwin - ring aa ffl-lT EsUmaUis lurnlshed. vtiin STT:.-'?"w' for KW 7. a.. iHSWAKAIKOM) 11 -1 i .- . lAK6AiJTAHj6iNI.Si,.tf,,A',",'l, ii On and after flUNDAY, NnvnMniHMai.lsW TRAINS LBAvK MABIIIW " tot Columbia and Lancaster at MA a, a-UN neon and M0 p. m. Jer Qnsrry vllle nt 7.19 a. tn. and (.10 p. m. rer Chlckles at 7JS a. in. and 8.10 p. rn. TKA1N8 LKAVR COLUMBIA rnr Heading at 7.30 a. ui ., 1139 and g.40 p. . rer Lebanon at la.SS and 3.40 p. m. Tit AIN9 LEAVE QUABRTTILLR ESI !;,lnI!w,er t (t.3 and 7.15 a. m. and l p. "J i'mtat . a. m. and S.SB p. m. rer Lebanon at 3 3e p. in. reJ Kf "J nR Rt.7sn i V4eand 8.40 p. w. rn, iiEAy? ' B'?0KyiTHKItT (Incaslir.) J& KR2L',,f.llA7J4i, ln- tnd 3.50 p. m." i S I lfii'22,tf !7e.',n- Ilw nd 3.08 p. in. or QuamvlUe atsjl a. ni.. 4.30 and a.ti p. m r... iU.A,N?.,,1CA-VI' LRBANON. rer Lancaster, lije andJ:n. m. rer QuarryTUIe at 7. a. m. ' p buwuaTtkaiws. tiia1n8 leavb rbadinu Fer Lancaster nt 7.M a. m. and loe p. at. Fer Quarry vllle at 4-00 p. in. TBAIN3 LKAVB QUABBTV1LLB Fer Lancaster, Lebanon and Beading at 7.10 a.m TKAIN8 LEAVE KINO BT. (Lancaster,) rer Bending and Lebanon at 8.08 a. m. and IV P.m. rer Qunrryvllte at 8:80 p. m. TBAINS LEAVE PUINCK 8T. (Lancaster,) rer Bending and Lebanon and 8.16 a. in. and 4.04 p.m. TBA1N8 LKAVR LKI1AN0N. for Lancaster at 7:43 a. m. and 3:44 p. tn. rerQuarryvlllnatS'Up. m. .rer connection at Cnlnmbta, Msrletla Junc tion, Lancaster Junction, Manhelm, Heading and Lebanon, see time tables at all stations. A. M. W1I.80N. BuperlnundenL PKNNHYIjVANIA ItAirjHOAD HfJHKII. ULE. Trains Lixva LAi0ASTn and laive and arrive at Philadelphia as fellows t Learn Leave Lan caster. 1:35 a. li. .- a. m. 0.30 ft, in, !k31 a. HI. BiUa. in. le.ftua. in, rcvia. in. 3.0U p. m. 2:10 p. m. 2.M p. in. 6:30 p. m. 7:30 p. in. 7:tfl n. in. WK8TWAKD. Pacific Exprcml News Express! Way rassenRer Mall train via ML Jey. Ne. 2 Mall Train) Niagara Express Hanover Acceui KnstLtnnt Frederick Accem I JincaHler Accein Ilnrilshurif Accein.... t.'elumhta Accein Ilarrlsburg Express... Chicago and Cln. Ex..) Western Express)..... Philadelphia. ii:ap. in. t:XI a. m. 4:30 ft. m. 7.-00 a m. via Columbia 7:40 ft. m. via Columbia 11:30 a. in. via Columbia via Mt, Jey.. :i:i p. in. 4.10 p. m.; R:0p in. 8.80 p. in. 10:03 p. tn. Leave Lancaster. 1 43 a. in. (l 05 a. m. 8: 10 a. in. 8.33 ft. m. 9.1) a. m. 12JS8 p. m. 2 03 p.m. 3 oe p. m. 4:43 ii. m. 1(1:13 p. in. 2:10 a. in. Arrive at EA8TWAIID. I'hlla. Express)....... KastLlne) Harrliburg Express., Lancaster Accem ar.. Columbia Accem Seashore Express Johnstown Accem.... Sunday Mall Day Express) Phlla. 4:43 a. m. 8.23 a. in. 10 20 a. in. vlnMUny 11:1.1a. m. 3.19 p. III. 3.-00 p. in, 3'43 p. m. 8.30 n. in- llarnsbun; Accem.... 111.13 p. i 6'43 p. in. V.U p. in. me j.ancasier Accommodation leaves uarns. burn at 8.10 p. in. and arrives at Lancaster at .33 p. in. The Marietta Accommodation leaves Celum bla at 6:10 a. in. and reaches Marietta at 0:33. Alse leaves Columbia at 11:43 a, in. nnd 2.43 p.m., reaching Marietta at 12.01 and 2.M. Leaves Marietta at 3.03 p. in. and arrives at Colombia C, 3.20 ; also, leaves at 8.33 and arrives at 8.5a The Verk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7.10 and arrives nt Lancaster at 8.00 connecting' wltbllarrtsburg.Kxpressat8:10a. in. The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect ing at iJincnster with Fast Line, west, at 2.10 p. m.. will run through te Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, east, leave Columbia at 12:23 and reaches Lancaster at 12.M p.m. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9.30 a. m., will run through te Hanover, dally, except Bun Oay. Fast Llna. west, en Sunday, when flagged, wtllstnpat Downtugtewn, Ceatesvllle, Parke burg, lit, Jey. Ellzahethtswn and Mlddletewn. I rhe enlj trains which run dally. On Sunday he Mall train wast runs bv way of Columbia. OLSSFTCltir. H IQU & MAKT1N. GHUIJUI The Celebrated $18,000 PEACH BLOW VASE. We have a porfeet fae Bimlle of 11 en Exhibition in our Window to day. DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT. 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCABTEE, FJu MACHIMMMT. TyTAUHlNEIlY, 40. STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improve f ENGLNES-Travliei, Ferlibli SbtiMHj. Mew or Secend-Haatt BOILEI13, WATEK TAKKfl, 8KPARATOR9. MAcaini or HxrAia Wout tuck wdeaaasd kept In Machine ttheps. OAUOHORADDKiaa, Ezra F. Landis, weiusa-riay nebthi eHKBur fmam, LAaeUTM. fa. . HiMdrtiii, BUSINESS KUUCAWOJK PATft Ne young man i ilioeM "i ft wSfffiS rng'tir ,ssisss&SSS& deflclency, or PfM2cuen aidpw S?8&el8TTSlwi58 TcOLLlt'-VwS o,dvJe.Tfnra wh..r ... ''itbuTlMMhablUana attewUen te aecuataTwbleli will fire loewastajawM riTfflorJUectanle and the rnMUMp, .. ij4jlMVlllslplBi.'. y i AtJff T.. I yn 'M