Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 08, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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In Ms.ldyti.ey ,,,,', '" ,,HMk "' '""' M
"Hint l.mul-m Hlgimlles." HI' lUlexxits
Vlsoeiuil Hentrmi Jeseph tin HUhoHeh
Orphsti, nml inlnr nl n buge duliinc, Im
made conspicuous llguie In llin tasliloiliihle
world. I'" I'"'1 H """ il'l",x''l'"t H""'
l,iMirlineMl, i hidlllyef spei Ii inlllcliil te
gain lilm Ihn tiiiillleii of wll, Niilun mitlllnl
iiiipii, mi ulr nf iiiitiln roserxc, n brave inns
Indus nml s.illnxes, Just xxhal w enif'il ml
inlti. II u xvas In deiiiuiil nt rweptlens, n desir
able mttuer In it null, nml Im Inspired mull
with tluit sei l ill oenlldoucn enjoyed liy theso
who mses onnrgetio races. Ile lived Imp
plly, (ipiletly, In llin mud itl 1-.0I itt gissl
moral Hkiiidlug. H was known that Im was
11 geisl swordsman anil 11 better slink
" When 1 haxe In light," he xxeulil say, " 1
cheese pistols. Willi Hint weapon I him sure
cf killing ' mill.";
New, 0011 livening, idler hax lug nicntn
puiiled In 1 1 it npeiaUwi young imirriOil ladles
iI ldiiciUaliihiucx, Willi thelr hustmmls, Im
liixllnd llin whole pmty nller tliti porler-
lllllll'll til lll.ll hOIIIII Nllluir t Teihiiil'.
'I'liny had been thore only n low meuit'iils,
when he (iler tt thatn gentleman sealed nl
h iinlKlilxirlii); table was tdirln,, hleadilviil
mm nt llin Isitlnslii llie psily. Mho oeliod
te reel atinoxed, euibiirnil, and kept Imr
IiiluI dn.xu." l last she said In Imr bus
html, "There Ii n iiiiiii hut lliiirn who keeps
staring nt .1110. I tli'ii'l knew lilm at nil -tin
j nil ?'
Tim IiiihImimI.wIi" Ii1' net noticed any
thing, turnisl le limk, .mil replied, -
'Nn; I ilim't kne Ii i ill at all "
Tim young woman continued, luiir miiiII
Ing, 'nl' nngry, -
"It's xery annoying Tint nun kmIIs my
Tli" husband shrugged liN shoulders -
"Nonsenvi; 1 ny im utti'ii tlen te lilm. IT
uii had hi worry 'ourselxo about all llin In
solent iib viii iiiiml, thorn would nover Ikj
an cinl tint."
Hut tin. ilviiiiiil Iml suddenly risen. Iln
could net permit Hint Individual te destroy
llm enjoyment which hu Iml nlliiriul. Tim
Insult via in lilm. Inasmuch 11 It xxn
through hi im lUlmii llin parly had outetnd
thoeilo i thercTem llm atlilr coin-timed nn
IIIIK Imt lilm.
Ilimpprovthed Hie 111111, anil Mid In lilm,
"Sir, 011 are staring at these ladle In a
maiinni which I rinnet tderste. Will you
Ini g'd enough tn ettvsn thl staring at
0111 1""
The ellinr repllti I,
" liiukx'p your inniitli slillt, will J oil?'
Tim ixtiiiul, Jltlm; I1I1 ti'Ktli, (xi'lnlliiixl.
" I'aUn iiirn, hi r I N nil III iy ninx'l inn In
inliite hi1iIi ntt "
TliiiiinniKHr utliiml only 0110 mini 0110
tlltli) Her.l, dial K11011111I111I rmin emi nml or
IIiei'mIii In tint etlixr, ami inailii evury 0110 In
Hin Iieiimi Mlarl m IT limy li.ul Uien Mil in
motion ly iiprliij. All wlieliail Hmlr hacks
turinil, hieki'il iirmiml ; llm rant ruNel thelr
In: nl . Ihnw wniti'MxiiiiuHalK'Oiitly whlrlml
iihiii Hii'lr ht'i'N llke. inany tops; llin two
wemi'ii hetiliiil thn iminlnr utarti'il mill
twl'.ii'.l thimi'iilviH I'.'inplfitely iilmnt, m it
HinV wein two plippela pllllcil tiy olio MrlllK
'I'Iiitii as a ttri'nt mIIcih-e. Tlmil a miuIiIdu
ilrv .eiiiiii Ui'kitl In llm air. TI10 IhceiiiiI
hail uluppril tin Hilprn.irjN l.u'ii. i:ery jiuiikiI up le inlcilore. funis worn
Afti'r Hin M-u-eiiiit rotiinieil liemn
infill. In. Iirm In walk up anil ilnwii his
101111 with Krcit, piii'k striiles. Iln mi tee
iiiui'h i.'itnl te think nlxmt aiiythliiK- ue
Hellt.irv lilm knpt lie crliiK In I''-" mlnil -
ilurl, althmiKh thn lilim Itsnir h ul net Jet
iiwnkiiiiml .my spvil omntieu. 1I01111
Just ulut Im encht te h.itn ilium, Im t nl
huh ml as ImeiiKltt te h mi lihail. Iln
weiihl U hpnki'ii of, weiilil Iki appnnisl,
weiil'l hi I'eir.ilul.ihsl. Iln inpcitiil
"Wlnl ii ulS r hruln llm lullnw Is "
Tli. .11 Im'KUI In lliluk. Ilu
weiihl Iiumi te pris'iim aeisimls In llm umrii-
hitf. Whom weiihl hni'iunHi? no uiiiukiii
el all thn iimsU'nhihr.ih'il ami 1110.M illllllieil
limn "f his iriii iml.ini'n. I 'mnlly Im snhvtnil
thn ,Muriiis iln U Tour Nnire mill t'olenul
Itniirilm, 11 ri'nt mihlnmui ami a
sel.llnr. thai wmihl Imi jiisl llm tiling. Tluiir
n.imn'i weuhl hae welht In thn nnws.
pi'iw He Hiiililunly illsisnnriHl thai he
was thirsty, ami Im Unuik Hinsi n'assns el
uiitnr, 0110 .liter aiinllinr , thou hnlsKin te
walk up anil ilew 11 at nil. He lull lull of
eiiitki 1 1 v hliewini; hlinsell te Iki plm'ky,
rnn'ly for iinjlhliiK nml inrry tliinu', ami hy
lusillnj; iihiii rioieii ami il.inuureua iiu
ilillnus, i il.Mii.milm; a Mirlmls, irv
Kerimis, tcrrlhlii ilui'l, liw uUerniry vieuhl
he .niiJily s.'inil, ami uiiike asiliKin.
He hsik thn mull's rani, whii'h Im ha.i
itrawu out nl his pe-'knl as Iki union il, ami
hiul llimu it en tin lahle, .mil Im mail llnuir
aKnIii, a he hail nlreuly reul it in thn i-.ihi
mth a plains, mil us he Ii nl also il In
llin nun ik" t'V inery jnisliiK piliKlil
"lnMirK" Iiiuil, 'I Une Meufiiy." NethlUK
He ox.iiiimiel Hin lulters or this 11 mm,
whii'h Mii'iiinl hi him ni)toileus lull or
auue fiitnili ii" ". ' ""'. Who
was llm tfllew ' Willi il lit Im 1I0? Whit
il 1.1 Im siare nl llm minion In that way for "
Wasn't 11 illsjiMllui; tethhil: that a Htrani;ir,
11 limn uelmilv knew nuythini; iiUmt, 11111UI
werrva in ui's hi" In thai way, juslhy t.iUInK
a notion te lit his oyes iuseliuilly upon a
woman' l.i.-e" ml the is.-eunt reHi.ilcHl
mf'iln .1I0111I,
" hal a ulnar hrute llie fiillew is "
Tlii'ii he iiuiiilnisl HtamlliiK uiotieuloss,
thinking, KiHipliu? hisoje Mill llxml upon
ttincHnl. A r.iKoareso wllhui him against
that tii el pnpir, a fury of hale mliiyUsl
Willi a Htraime mmse of iiiieislims. Il wasa
Ntuplil mess, nil Hits allilr' He siil'eilim
nmn Hukuihi HiUK h"shl" hiul, anil J ihhml
it into Hie uiulille of thepiinli'il 1111110,11 If
he worn Malitle(
Se he weuhl hiwi te tlulit' SI1011I1I he
rhiHise Hwenls 01 pistols' ter he lousliliireil
hiuisi'll le li llie pirty lnsulteil. Willi
nwenls Im weuhl run hs risk , hut by
I'hiHisim; iisels, he iiiiuht he ahle te lrl(;hteu
hisiiiliiniarv IntowitliilriwinKtlinclialleiiKo.
II i itry mIiIeiii Hiul inltiel with Mwerilsi
fatal, a .1 rri'lpns'al iriulnui'a oner.illy
prinenls llm reinbit.iiils Ireni fnni'lnj; al
hiii'h tloseipi 11 ter that llm htailesi'tu lull let
a Miry (loop thru it. Witli pistol hi III"
wen 1.1 Ihi serieusly omlaneroil ; hut again,
he inluht he lib!" te oxlrii'.ile liilusnlf Irillll
the ilillh'iilly with honor, unit el without 1111
a.lii il iiiunliiij; ilmi'.l :
" I must he linn Iln wilt show llm white
TI10 heiiuiI el his own miIi'ii mi.l" him
Mart, anil he loeknil areuiul him Iln loll
nrv nerMiiis. He aiiolher Kiss el
water, anil Ismail te unilriM in oriler te K' l'
Aoen 11 hoi;.!', into ha.l, he I'lmv out the
llhl ami olesml his oyes.
110 innuKui : "i niui in" inn" u.ij i" i"
iimrrew te arrmne my alliii. The best
HiiUK I i'.iii iln I in Uiko a i;oe.l hhxip te wittlu
inv norxes "
He loll xery wuui Uitntxiii thn sheets;
ami Mill hni-eulil nolsle"i He turne.l uxer
nml out- romalneil ler live miniites en his
bii'k then ler llxe uiiiiiituseu his rllit hhle
Ihi'ii he 111 loll Hlile. He
lull llilisiv niram. Ilu irei up for 11 iliiuk.
Theu a new aiixlely euuu upon hint.
' la II uisihle Hint I oeillii be afraiil "
Whx' if lil his heart start In li(.atiiik,'Mi w ihlly
at the I (lust llttle l.unlli ir ueNu in hi room T
Wlieu thn rliH'k was alMiut te Miil.e, the
rlii'k el llie llttle prlnj; HsIiiK upi-auseil him
11 xiel ul shirt, ami he loll xurli n xxelKht at
hi brail ler hoi oral tueinniits Hut he hail te
opeu hi mouth in eritur te broathe. Ilu
l41t 10 inat'iil viin iiiiiivii im iiiti
htiiiyef llm iiiinir,
"Am I really nfralil?
Ne, etirtainly ; hew rnihl he Im alniiil,
nIiiiii liu w a llruily roselxo.1 te Mrry out llie
allalr lethii xery eml allien be xxn lully
iliH-lih'.l te IikIiI, nml net 10 tri'iulilu? Hut
he lull mi proleiiuilly Inwarilly
Hint be knpl asking IiIiiimiII,-
"Cau a 111 in boeoiuoiilruiil in spile el him
sell?" Anil this 1I011I1L this Hiispieien, IhU lorrer
Krew iiHin lilm. Supisise thai 11 leren umre
IHiwerful than hi will, mi Irri'slslihle mill
111 HturiiiL; foree, hIieuIiI nvurpow'er him,
what weuhl happmi T OfiMHirHO he would
appeirnu IhoKreuuil, 114 he hail Hindu up hi
inliiil te ilu he. Yea; hut what xxeulil hip hip
iien? What II be Hhetihl be ufrahl? What
irhe aiieuiii inuiiT Ami 110 hfguii te think
el hi tMisltleu, of hi roputatlen, nt hi naiue.
Ami 11 utrunge donlre HUddenly Belzml hliu
tnKi't up nml leek at blinseir In the uIush.
He relll litii-.uulle. When he mixx- hi is.iee
relleeteil in the mirror, he could hardly
incogei" bluielf ; ami it Hnemeit as If bu
hail uoxer hiiuseir boreru. Hi eyca
looked onerniouH, uuil he xvhh pate rertuinly
J10 was Inile, xery pale ludiu'il. Ile Meet!
thorn in front or llie mirror. He put out hi
tongtie, as If toeertlly Hinatateer ill hn.ilth ;
ami oil lit 01110 till IlimiKht Hlml tlireuuh
him llkenlmllxt
"'I he ilay after In-morrow. nt thl very
hour, erhapa 1 Miall ba dead I"
And his heart began te thump agalii
"Theilay after t morrow I bball, perhaps,
Im ileii.l. Thl imrnntt born hpfore 1110 llili
I' that I win In that "1ms will bn nn niore.
Whatt Hutu I mil! I leek iillnysnll! I fnul
that I llxe) mill in twenty-lour hours I will
be lyln,K In thai bed diind ; with eyu elestiil,
cnbl, iuniilinnte, Ktiun from the xverhl of the
Iln liirnriil tn leek al thn bed, anil buili
lluelly saw hlniHcIf lyliiK thorn, under llie
Xery bsiiie cemuh he hail Just left. HI lace
bail the hollow 1111 nl a dead liu-e hi hands
hail llm llinpm'sser hands that will mixer
mux 11 iikiiIii. Thnn be bienme alrnld of hi
Ihh, mid In (inhir In owape II, he went Inte
his sinnliltiK roeni. Iln took a cigar, hum haul
ally llghtisl l, anil Is'Ljau le walk up nml
down iiK'idn. He lull cold. Iln Mnrtisl In
ring llm Mill, In oriler te wakn up llin vulet
ilii-elittiiiliret but atoppeil audilnuly, exen
whllebh banil xxaaralswl te Krn,ti llie bell,
"TbOHOrvanl weuhl koe Unit I am ariald."
Anil be did net rhiK. U luailiitlie llre lilm
aelf. HI band Minnie a llttle, with nervous
tremhlliiKH, xxbenexer limy limy teueliisl
aiixtbliiK. Ulsnilnil wandored, hi thought
livKnii lelly in eonriiHlen,- brusipie. painful.
Aaortef ilrunkoniienseauie timn him, 11 II
In Mwalluwlux lhUer. Anil exer
ami oxernitain he knpl asking himself, -
" What Hlnill I ile" Whalls Kiiliij; te I io ie
nium el 11111 "
1 1 1 xx hele body Mimhlnreil with spasniedlc
iUlxerlti;. Ile rest, and ielue; te tin xxlu xxlu
ilew, illnw aside the curtains.
'Ihniiawu xva bteikluK a miuiiner dawn.
Thnjesy aky liinile rosy thn city, the reef,
ami the wall. A grml Riew of son IlKht en en en
xolepisl llie nwaki'iilint city, llkii llm earns
el Hut wmrlsn; and wllh ll eeinliiK there
passisl into the xls.viuut'M heart 11 ray of
imist-incrry, ipilek, hriilal I What 11 root
he was te hale allowed himself te mi worried
hy feir beliiiniiuxlhliiK nlnll bad oxen hecii
ilis'ldwl i ImrorelilH mm-eiiiIh bad neon these
el (leorue I. mill ; iMilbrn he se inucli as
knew xx liiillinr he xxeulil hnxetn light at all.
He uiade his toilet, ilrn-sixl and walked out
with a Drill Men.
As he went along hn kept rnmiitiu;
" I 11111M. la onergelle xery onergotio 1
must proxe Unit I am net n hit afraid."
llin wllncHse, III" maripilsmiil thncelnnel,
put ttieinwlxc at III disposal ; and alter a
hmrty Hhake hands, they begin te discuss
llm conditions.
Th" colonel askisl :
' Iln you Insist iism a serieu,iluel "
Tim xlsc.iiuit repdiHl :
" dry Horlens."
The iunriiils :
" Yeu xxlsli pistols "
" Yia "
"Well, xve leavn ynu froe tn regulaln the
Thn X1S.-01111I nrtlciilihsl In u dry, jnrky
Voice .
" I'm inly luces te tire at the xxenl le
tire en the rise, InMead of en til" rill ; hall
le Ihi exchanged until one or llm ether he se so se
reously xwuimleil " 'I excUliued, In :i tonnofsitisfic tennofsitisfic tonnefsitisfic
lion " '1 liesn are excellent mmlllinu. "inn
shiMitwell and all the 1 hunces are in jour
And they departed enllulr errand. The
xiHceunl relurimil bnme te xiait for their re
turn. Ill excitement, tenierirlly appeased,
new began te increase exery minute. He
tell all along hi leg and arm, in his chest,
a sort of sinking -i continual iiulxerlng ; he
found hiuisnir utterly unable hi remain ipiitil
in any oil" pi ice, whether sitting or stand
ing. Ilisineiilh reltilrx-, as If whollyilex-oid
nt sillxa, and he chicked hi teugiin loudly
every oneu 111 a xxhlle, as If trying te iiufiMvn
It from Ills p dale.
Ile wished le hreaklisl, bill could net eat.
'I lieu the Idea (Mine te hlui totaken drink ill r te cixe himselt courage ; and he or er
deied a ihs niter of brandy lireught In, Irem
w hi. h IiiIiiiIhI hiiuself te six sill ill glasses,
one tiller another.
V In it, as or 11 bum, pi'sisl through him,
followed almost iuuuedl Itely hy 11 ort of
mental iiumhncHs. Ilu thniight, " Heiu'h
the leiiiedy. New I am all right."
Hut at llm end el an hour be h id emplied
thn ihs- uiler, 'iml his nxcituinent tus'junn 111 111
tnlerable. He hilt 11 111 ul wish te roll upon
the lloei, loscream, tn Idtix. r.xeulug cinie.
siiddeu pull al the diMir-bell gixe him
Kiicli 11 sense el NUlhs-atieti that he could net
lind strength te rise te rissilxe Iris mssuiiIs.
Ile did net oxen il ire speak te them, mil
oxen hi say " (.msl-exeulug," or anything
else, through ft ir tint thex might ilisisixer
exerxthlng from Hi" alteration et hi xoice.
The colonel said :
" Kxerythlng had benn arranged aivnrillng
te thn isi'ndltieus you stipulated, loliriut leliriut
xersiry at llrst claimed, as the lnsulteil
l it t v, his right te the eheii e ei xxeapeu .
but In almost Immediately alter waived bis
1 1 llm, and a.s-eptuil oxery tiling a J oil
wlslusl It. Ill second are two luiliUiry
'I he xiseeuut H.111I :
'I'lie m ippu ex.-l ilined :
" oil must excuse us ler only oeminc;nud
going out agilu, but we haxe still n thousand
thing te de. We must secure 11 geed sur
geon, shu e the 1I1111I Is te end only en the
serious wounding of nun of the priuclpils
and von knew bullet are net things te jeke
about. Then xmi iiiiisI setlle upon 1 geed
place nmr some house or oilier, te w liteh
xx e can i-.irry the weuudtsl party If nneessiry
-mil all that sort et thing. In short, xmi hi
get tw 11 or threo hours' xxerk bofern us."
The xlsa'euul a hihsiuiI time articul tied :
The colonel nsked :
" Well, xeu leiil all light '.' you iirn cool ?"
" Yes ; xery cool, Hi ink you."
The txxe men retired.
hen be found himself all alone again, be
fell a If he worn going 111 id. When hi
servant had lighted the I imps, be sat ilew 11
at the table te write heiiiu hitter. After
h ivlng traced, nt tli" lie id or n blank sheet
of nete-piper, the words, " Till 1 my last
will mid luitiiuiHiit," he rose le hi feel xxllli
a sudden shirt ami walked away, feeling in
capable of putting two Ideas Hutither, el
making any in-olntien, or deciding iihnul
auxthing xxiiitsiHixer.
Se tie w is going te light, Thorexxasuo
gettlngoutel il miw. What xxa Hie inatter
with him '.' Ile xxlslied te tlglit ; be bid the
linn Intention of tijhtiiig ; he had resolved
UMiu il . mid nevertheless he clearly lull, in
spite et Ills utmost doteiiuiiiation, ill aplte of
the utiuest tension el bis will, that he could
uel kisslbl) hed tholerio ms-ivss iry te en
able him te go a I ir as the place el meeting.
Untried te pu turn the hi mm in Ids mind -in
uvxn iitllliide ami the deportment et hi
I'reui lime te time Id teeth eh ittered xv lib
11 little dry noise. Ile wanted te lead, ami
tisik ill t'hiitiuuvlllarir " t'ode iln lluel."
Theu houskeil himself:
" line mv iidxerKary Ireipionttheabentliip;
gallerles? Is hn known? Is his name pub
lished any w here " Ilow can I llnilnut"
He reuri'iiihered lliren de aux'a luaik en
the expert pistol shots ; ami he xv out through
11 1 reni one end te the ether, (ioerg" l.aiull'
niiiiie was mil iiientlnund in it. I'.nt still, if
Hi it man was net a geed aliel, he xveilld
Hex or haxe been mi prompt te accept 11 duel
iliuler Hiicb Istal condiliens, and se danger
oil itxxnapeu.
A be xxalke 1 nn mid ilexxn he nIepihhI he
lme n little round table, en which lay 0110 et
(laslinne llouelle' xv el-kneu u pislnU1 ises.
Ile took out 0110 of Urn pistols, placed him
hull in thn usiieu et a man atsiut te tire,
uuil raised hi arm. Hut he trembled Irem
he.ul te hail, me that the kind of the phtel
ipilvered ami pointed In nil dlrectliuis.
'I lieu no Sim in uiiuseii :
"It I simply luiiesslhhi. I shall noxer
he able le light a I mil new."
Iln looked down the 11111I0 (if the barrel,
Inte thn Hill" peep, black hele which spits
out death. Ile thought or dishonor, et
xvblsperlngs in tlioHaleus, oflauglitei- at llie
club, el the contempt that women can show,
of allusions In thn neixpiver, of thi)es..n
insults be would tocelxo.
Still he stared ill the weiKin, and pulling
buck llie hammer, he suddenly observed 11
rap shining under itllken liny red llame,
Thn plstul hid reiniiined leaded by koiiie
chance, hoiiie fergetfulness. Anil the ili ili
cevery tllhsl hliu with a ceulilsisl nml inex
plicable Jey.
If he could net luainlaln bolero the oilier
lUHii the cool mid illgnilieil ilepertuuuit
which behooved him, then he would Ihi
ruined former. He would ba stained,
hiandcd with the stamp of iufiiny -driven
out of Htviely ! And that ciilui, learles at
Hindu he xxeulil net Ihi nhle le haxe; he
kueivlt; btf lell ceihilu of it. Yet he was
hrav e enough Hinee be wantisl te light! Ilu
xxas brave Mucu but the halt hIihh1
thought never completed Itselt in hi inliiil ;
ler, suddenly opening hi mouth us xx hin as
III! COIIlll, III lUrilsllllll lllll.l" 01 llie pistol
In, hack te hi xery threat, mid pulled the
Wlieu llie vitlel-ilf'chmnttre sturlle,! by
the renrt of the pistol ran in, he leiind his
master ij lug 011 hi back de id. A gusli el
hhssl ha I spattered exer llm while paper nil
the table, mid formed a great red blot liniue-
uiaieiy iinileruealli llm worn :
" Thl I my last will and testament."
i.e.r.i... 1.,,. 11. n tMatn tsnnU a I" Hie
muelinr el UmmiiI"I llmii'i Hiat I-""-
iNslcr Nitrr rftMitisirsli llm Clly
HllltritlliK frulll lltir-llilltillllK"
Itecenlly the 1nii;i.i.iiii:nci:ii f;axn nn no
count of the oxhuinlxe biillillng iiisirnlleus
Hint urn In progress in thl city, Illustrating
linw I.incasler I keeping It lest feet rrent
In the uinrcli or progress. There I perbapa
no oilier city or HknMn In the atate, ami
probably net In thn xvhole country, that
niore evenly nml Mthslantlally mliln te Ita
biiildblg plant eir by year tlinn l.anrasler.
Ik many biilbleia are men of large Ideas,
xvhonre Mngaeleus oneiigh le we that nelly
well supplied with dwellings and business
home, anil xvllh 11 prexleus cniiiuierclal
priHperlty leiuuhsl en willd n'k, iiiust
eventually nttrn.t within It limits the thou
sands of wanderers Imm ether phwca who
are In aearcb nl couiferlabhi livings nl rnason rnasen
ahl" rale.
I'er I.uieasler I a city where rent nre
surpiHiingl) cliiMp. I or fill a month n man
may Hceurii n gissl luiMleru bnilse lunilesl-
nil. I" local II v wllh jar. I 11 enough le
himlthliilly teir a growing famitv. Ami II
hoi willing loge tin month Is.llnr than
this, he can Ireipieutly ehUiin all the latest
aanllarj HivoiiiuiiHlalien, tint oxen the
wealthiest of these xxhelixed 11 lew genera
Hen age mixer perinltlml themselxe toeon teeon toeen
templatn. The number of ilxx oiling Iiiiiiwh
In this oily xvblch bring inore tlmu this latter
ligure nre few and far lietwwti. Theso w bose
liwli-i call Ter niore olalierato dwellings than
xx III rent for tM 11 J car usually own their
place el residence.
tiii: t mii:vti:ii iii i's
Interviews with n utimher or prominent
roil imtate HKfliiU nl Kuic.ister by an Inii I.
i.liil'M'ull lepoiler elicited the racl that
there nre an iiiiusicilly large iimnlier or nn nn
reuted houses here nt the present time.
iliUBinan A Hum report (-" ilwelllni! In
their band awaiting tenants, and 4 stores
nml elllces timxvupied. Heretofore nt Ihi
Hoaseu or thn veir, they my that they had
piactlc-ally none te reiit. The nxcrage rent
asked ler thee untenanted house Is fl.'O a
year. 'I'liny assert lint limy haxe no trouble
almnl reutfiig houses where the rent I under
tli) 11 month, but nlsne that tlgure the ap
plicants diminish in xery rapid ratio.
At Allan . Ilerr A Ce.' the iiiimlier el
dwellings te met Is L'l, rhlnlly resideurc el
hoiiie llttle prelenslens. Twe stnre ami
elllees 1110 without rss'iipints. Jehn II.
Mtl7lnr ha7 dwelling imil nostere, and
llenrv hhulHirt M.iinls reidy te glxe nny
eallerthe chin, e or six house in bis hands
Hint are new standing Idle. Theso real
ostale men also ngree with I! insulin A
Hum thai thl April ha been unusually
(lull In the house renting business.
Al Jereuilili Hire' oM-ite agency
elglit uueis'lipied itxxelllug xxore reerliHl al
present, xvhlle list year none were nn the
Issiks at Hit time. Anether tact tint gee
tn show the Rime conclusion us te the unusu
ally large nuiiilHir or unreiited houses in llie
city Just new, Is that nt the recent appeals
Irem water rt nt, sixty-three dwellings were
exempted Irem xvater taxes bocause they
were untenanted.
Whlln the nlsne opinions represent n
goodly Mi ire or cltv real estate, they, of
ceursi'i, de net cex er the many houses thai
nre rented hv their indixiduil owner. Ah
a matter or tact, these the I irgest
diss. I or there nre In lmc,islertnny siiihII
preerty owners, xv he xvill endeavor te sixe
the real ostale agent's commission by look leok loek
ing alter their own routing. Tlioexporimout
Ire.pieiitlv prnxes rather costly, bill they de
It. A walk through the town will tlmrelore
show Hi it the llguies given by the roil ostale
men must Ihi considerably niore than
doubled lonrrlxe at an approximate uuiuber
el tin unrenteil houses in our midst,
ts it a neon sins
The ipiery nny sugtjest itsell Is tins a
beillliy i ouilllieii fei eurcltyT Ami Ter its
pruper answer two facts must he ascertained.
1 irst, wbntlier the city i losing any el Its
population : tint second, whether the town
in belng exer built. Te Urn 11 rM iiuury none
w III attempt te return an allirniatixe reply,
hir it is n patent laci that the city is becoming
umre densely pepulnted exerj ., mid the
Incremenllt roceixea is of the most wirinan-
entcliar.icter, eiubmcing freipiently county
citiens el nie,uis xxhe tlusire te pass the
itiuiainder el their days In the bbsslul pen
hossleu of it many ad x .ullages as a home.
As te llie second iiuestiim theie xvill be
varying opinions. Tim fict that tliere are
many unreiited lieusesal the present time
xveufii seem te esLihlish tint the buibliiig
siipplv ha cxi ceded the demand. Hut a
i.ireliil investigation will piebably lead le
the conclusion Unit the situ itien Uii yeir i
of eulv n nKrullc characler. Tim general
ileprossien of business b is no doubt had the
t llis't et driving 01110 Irem de-ir te cheajier
homes, and xvllh the hrsl rising et the on
coming xv.ixe of prosperity, tin situ itien xvill
readjut it-ell. As the real estate agent tell
us, tneru 1 mi trouble about the renting of
small houses, the supply net being able te
. ;... .1... a. ........ 1 n.iu t.. 11...
KCep psue Willi III" nullum,. ill,-. .- ..u
best evidence lint I. 'iniiistei 'a working
mutilation Is growing steadily. Ami with as n bisis, tlie city's altuily grexxth for
the luture in iy li sarely premised.
xxnv sxixi.i. 111. ms vui: iv iiih hum xvti.
The big reiseu vxhy house xxitli hiiiiiU
rents are in such iinlxerxal deniand is tint
l.mcister ba low vvago-werl.ors who are
highly pud. Tim nxurage salary el the
empleye el this tow n is net inore than fit) a
week." Old and trusted ( lerks, cnutldeutlal keeper" and ethers occupying dese
Itiluciary rel ilieus xv 1H1 tlielr uiuniej ers may
Ail AUKtil hiuiikliic a L'lgar.
A clergyman, who l down en tobacco,
nsks : What would you think If you met
mi angel coming down the Mi cot with a cigar
111 his ineulli?" irhe was a geed-natured
looking augel tbeaverage man would think
of asking him If be had another.
here ami theie rt-ceivn umre than Hits
anioiintet vvae. Iml they nre rare instances.
Ha nun has J'.rtla year, and Is pajingone pajingene pajingone
hllhelil ler lent, it isquitemi item in hi
iss'ket, H he is ahle te secure hi rent for
seven dollars a month. Hew he mauigeste
clothe hi children, proxide feed ler hi
lunlly etc., en the biluicel 0110 el theso
mysteries thai will doubtless be cleat ed up
oil llie liay 01 judgment, tun urn. nonue.
The Increased building that is under way
and in contemplation must tern time have
the Inevitable tendency of keeping rout
dovxntetlielr present low hguie, lilt does net
still further reduce thorn. Hut this in the
nature el tilings 1 111 only be temporary.
When l.iuiMstui, vvllli all its advantages or
proximity le the gieit busbies centres or
llie country, the ceuutv senior the rlchtsl
I inning county In Uuil nited SUte, unsur
passed ami cheap priHliice m irkets, uxtr.mrd
Inary liealtlilulnevs mid elbclPiil admlnlstra
Uuil of iiiuuicipil all urs, ha besides tliese
the cheapest et unit, 11 niiisi inexiianiy
driw te itself 1111 exur 1111 reismg tilieiiship
thai will gain ler It added liistie as 0110 nt
reuusylvaui 1' solidest and mml prore
Nlxe cities.
lllhle llrinuiil hir l'i "lillilll.nil.U.
I-mm the .New Heik
The ipiii-llen as te xxhat sort of xxuie it was
Unit .lesiis undo mid drank is being debited
ter about the theiisuidlh tliiin by proliil.l preliil.l proliil.l
tieiiisisnud whomever 111 iy chose te quarrel
xxllli them. Muaiivxhlle the I'hicjige unci,
in rex lowing the discussion, says : "Tim
llllile 1I00.4 net coutribiite inucli aid te Hi"
prolilhltienlsts, Inklug its text (.11 lis face, but
It sanction or the cup would prelialily haxe
been withheld II the liquor had been n bad
In these day 11s It 1 la these."
Till may net be very linn Hilile ground te
stand en, but Ii Is much umre logical than a
great deal or talk which prohibitionists seem
tn think Isgoed enough ter anybody.
'inn 1'itixittesi:.
Welcome, pihiprliiirexi; stiiillnir nil helvvccn
lieiel umlUst leave el ash and oak. tli it slicw
Hut exeiy law n, llie wissl, the ipuiiicx
M id creeping iiiik anil Ivj ' d irker green,
Ilow inucli Hiy prcM-iue heiiiitlilu the creiinil ,
Hew hiv cut thy unshed, uiiiltei ted pi hie
Hew en llie miiiiiy hank, and weed' warm
And when thy lilry Mower In Kreiip um
foil ml,
1 he school hey ream enclt 111 lelly iiIeiik,
I'IiicUIih- the fairest Itli a riulu del laht
bile the meek- sliepticrd Mop hid nhtiple seiiif
Te Bttie n uieimuil en the pleasing algUl ;
D'erjoyeil tesce tliotlewora truly hrlinj
Iho welcome new et sweet, returning Spring
Jehn t'furr
Hid, Hut Clenr-Slehleil
Michael rettelger, of Kehrershurg, UerLs
county, is ts) yearn or age aud reiuarkable ler
his sharp eyesight, having uever used spoo speo spoe
taclea. He ha-sa jsvkel-boek In his posses,
nien which hears the date of 16S0.
ThMr Celer, WcnlllMvllmi of Clmrarlur, DUpii-
Hlml anil Tfiitiiernuiiiil.
rreni thn Ban rriinclnie Argonaut.
The colors most common te the eyi nre
brown, gmy, blue, hazel aud black, or vxlint
we call black, for Uiohe oyes which nppcar te
be black will Kcnernlly I10 rniind te lie of n
dpopyellnvvlsli brown when looked nt xery
narrowly! It Is the dlslatice only xxhlch
makes thorn appear black, Iss-ause llie deep
yellow-brown inlnr Is In hiicIi Mrangn con
trust te llie xx lille of the oye that apiwnrn
black. Thern nre nlse eyns of no bright n
hnrel a te npmr almost yellow; lastly,
there are eyes that nre positively groen.
Very beniilltul, tee, nre hoiiie et the oye of
this color when they are Miaded as is very
ellen the cae- with long dark eyelashes;
but, though Is'autlful, they nre net Indica
tive or n geed dsosltieii.
Clear light blue eyes, with a calm stead
fastness in their glance, nre indicative or
cheerlulnesser disposition, el a noreuo tem
ir nml n censhmt nature. These eyes nre
jss'ullar te the nnrlliern ualleus; one meets
litem among the Hw isles, nml nlse sometimes
among the .Scotch. Tim blue eyes xxe see
nmnng the rare blendes nf the south -that Is,
In Italy nml Mnin have mueng Iheiu eyns
In which nre hoiiie greenish tints; mid such
eyes, though elten called light blue, haxe
lienn el the ipinlitles or serenity nml con
stancy which belongs te llie light hi nn eyes
el the north. JNolther must Hie pleasant
light hill" eyes wllh ihe holiest glarue be
con founded wllh nnether Hortefeyeor a inle
blue, almost steel colored hue, which has n
continually shitting nnrt of motion IkiUi el
the eyclldsnud thn pupllser the nyes. l'oeplo
xx 1 1 Ii Mich uyiM ns these are te be avoided, as
they nre liuficallxe or n deceitrul nml helllsli
nature. Very dark blue eyns with hoiiio heiiio hoiiie
tlilng or the tint of the violet, show great
H)wer of nlbs'tien nml purltv of mind but
net inucli Intelbs-tuality. illue eyes nre
inore slgnlllcant of tendernesi nnd of n cer
tain jleldlngness or ptirpose tlinn either
brown, black or Kray eves. Uliio-eyed people
nre net Inconstant, llke theso of the hazel
and yellow eyes, but thev yield Ireni nllee
(ray eyes or n homexxhat Kroenlsh gray,
with orange as well as blue in them, and
xxhlch nre el exer-varying tints, llke UtoHea,
nre theso which denote most Intellectuality.
Tlioynre especially Indlcative of the Impul
sive, Impressionable tompemmont a mix mix
ture or the sanguine nnd the bilious which
produces the poetic nnd artistic natures. In
Knglnnd where thore nre inore vnrletles et
Huts In eyes tlinn in nnyother country the
lioets haxe nliuest always grayeyes, A biog
rapher of llyreu speaks et his " beautiful
fhangelul gray eyes." Shakf-ponre nlse
had, vx 0 nre told, grayeyes; I'olerldge, eye
el a 11 greenish gray. A lining tliuurlixU1, loe,
eyes et this color abound.
Illnck eyes, or what arocensldorcd Mich,
nre Imllc.itixe of passlonnte nrder In leve.
Hrewn eyes, when net of the yellowish tint,
hut pure russet brown, hhexv nn nllectlotiate
disposition; llie darker the brown that is
the mere Hmy xerge en te that deesist of
brown which In eyes xxe are In the habit or
calling black the mere ardent and passion
ate is the power of nnoctlen. The brown
eves xvlilch de net appear black that is,
vvliicb nre net (lark enough te appeir se are
the eyes of swoet, gentle ami unseltlsb na
tures, without the inconstancy of the light
brown or yellew eyes "golden eyes," as
they were 'called hy n lady novelist, and
which nre very llttle inore te he trusted thau
the green eyes.
(Ireen oye, although tlielr praise are elten
sung in Spanish ballads, hexv deceit and co-
ipietry. We sometime see eyes wiiien are a
combination et vollevv. orance and blue, the
latter color generally nppearing In Htreaks
ever the whele surface of the iris, while the
orange nml yellexv appear in Makes of unequal
slze around and at sumo little distance Irem
Hie pupil el the eye. Kyes of this varlety of
tints show intellect, or at any rnte a certain
originality of character. Ne commonplace
natu re 1ms thin sort of oye. Hasty, lrntable
persons have lreciuentlv eyes or 11 brownish
lint Inclined te a ereehlsh hue. Although
thn purely green oye Indicates deceit and
coquetry, the preenslty te greenish tints in
the eye I a sign of wisdom nml courage.
cry choleric persons, ir they have blue
eve, hax e also certain tints el green In thorn,
and when under the intlueiice et anger a
sudden red light nppears in them.
Thore am eve which nre reiunrknbje Ter
being of what'miglit be said te be of no color.
The iris ha only some shades of blue or pale
gray, se feeble iL te be almost xx hite in seme
part, and the shades of orange xxhlch lnter lnter lnter
xtmenroHe small that they can scarcely be
distinguished from gray or vxhlte notwith
standing the contrast el colors. The black
or the pupil 1 lu these eyes tee marked, be
cause the color or the Iris around it Is net
deep enough, he that In looking at them we
sheiii te see only the pupil. These eyes are
expressionless, 101 their glatice is fixed nml
de id; thev Invariably bulling te pblsens of
the lymphatic toiiiperuinout, anu iney nun
cite "a listless and feoble disposition, in in in
oapable of enterprise, and a cold and indo
lently selilsh nature.
When a Ureal llllnr Wui a rate
When Hussel Stge was in t'engressns the
representative of the Trey, N. Y., district,
miner the pge vvn a lively, ouergotlc liltle
lellevv named Watterson. Omi day Mr.
Htge sent the youth out en mi errand, with
Instructions te hurry back. It was at the
end et the session and in the midst of the
Keasnu when the Washington hiiiiiU boy had
a weakness for the seductixe game of
lnnrble. The gentleman from Trey waited
in vain ler mi answer 10 111 inew.", 11
he had remained in Congress he might be
uniting yet. The youth had thiewii con
gressional dutiosexer te gamble 011 his knees
In the dirt ler some oilier oeys iigiues. utr.
Sage get 11 due te the missing messenger's
whereabeut, turnover, a year or two nge.
Ile sat nt n public diniier, when a sturdy
linn vhoe sharp talk was linking him the
here of the table 1 mm uxer and slusik Ids
"1 haven't seen xeu for :i geed many
yiurs," said Ibis genllein in. "I'm the boy
you sent out en an errand down in Wash
ington, with hisii notions le hurry back
xxhllH you waited." The Incident cs.1110
clearly bid; te the W.ill-stieet magnate's
nilnd, hut he didn't scold the transgiesser.
The boy. boeenio 11 man, was known n
Henry Watterson, editor el the I.011U1III0
Cem tcr 7iki iml.
It was en seeing a lniivt creeping up the
Due silk ribbons en a fashionable lady's
beiiunt In church that lllirus pentird the oil
quoted wish,
") xi nil "ine peWr Hie gillie' plcni
'1 eris) 011 rsi I'mis Itlietsiwe iisT'
Thai lashloiinhle Imly xxas fully conscious of
her stylish bnniiet, line dress, nml general
bounty el nppnirnuce. Tim only lliing she
was net conscious of was Hint xxhlch most
attracted llie peel's ntleiitleu, In wll: Thn
leuse en her bonnet. New it has el Ien
struck 1110 hew characteristic this was of
most of us. Our excellences we need net be
reminded of. Ve don't olten let ourselves
forget them. And xve commonly think they
are JiihI as ( learly neon ami lully iiiproclaleil
hy everyUxly else. Yet nil the xvhlle, sir
haps, thorn Is 11 louse en our lieuuet, of
which we knew nothing, hut which Is morn
conspicuous te our neighbors, nnd attracts
tlielr ntteulleu inore, than nil our excellences
put together. Te knew our dehs'ts, xxenk
nesses, nnd lellies we must "sen eurscl's n
llliers see u."
That this is trim or cnmintir.ltles asvxell
well us of Individ nils was prnxed te 1110 only
B fexv day sage. I was cult Haleing n friend
Irem nbreid, nnd " pointed with prhle" le
Koineel our linudseinn business place nnd
privatn resiilonces, hullillngs as line itsniiv
111 the Mate, when my frlmul HstenNlKsl nnil
almost ellendeil me by saying, "Why yes,
you haxe hoiiie splendid buildings. Hut de
you knew I had net noticed them till you
pointed thorn out , my attention was se
draxvn te the qneoreld tuiiihlo-dewn Rhnnlle s
and llttle, one-tory, mess covered houses,
1 HeoHC.Utered all exer. Why, I nover hiw
anything like It In a place of this sire ! hook
nttlmt bigeld weather-beaten frame thing,
right lu the heart ei the city, pl,itnred oxer
with show hills' An allalr like that threw
Inte the shnde nil the ethor, handsome,
buildings round IL And I should think It
must depredate the valuoef nil the proper
ties xv llhlii n block of Ik And the saine way
wltlt theso ether llttle sheds nnd houses that
disfigure nearly every square In your city."
At tlrst I felt pretty nearly ns unreason
ably resentful at my friend's frankness as
that lady would haxe lelt If Hums had po
litely told her, "Madam, your bonnet Is
very beautiful: but thore fa leuse en It,
xvlticli somehow' attracts mere attention than
the Imiinet'" I'ut why should hhe be
angry? The Inuse xvas there ' And nil she
could downs te Like It oil ns seen ns possible.
Ai'xitr from ltsellect en the beauty of n
city, mid en the pecuniary value of real
estate In it, thl matter of nrclillodure Ins
jtt a lurther nnd deeier impertance mid
Mgiilllcntice which deserves far niore atton atten atton
tieii than It commonly rocelvos. It 1 will
expressed by a thoughtful writer Inn recent
journal or architecture xx he says : "Our archi
tects are scarcely conscious, I fancy, of the
liaprlnesser iiuhapplnes-i, progress or relro relre
gras, pleasure or (tain, ter which limy nre
accountable. They de net ronlie vxlnl a
moral as well as (esthetic iutluonce they
have ever thn people, hew responsible
they are ler the moral lone nt society. The
planners of our beuses havens great nn In-
tluence In forming our character as me
preachers In our ehurchOK ti inore lasting
intlueiice; for while the latter must rencli
and innve us by tee sxxlllly forgetton xxerds,
the former hiul expression for their teach
ings lu enduring Mrr.ctures et weed nnil
Mone. Hew qulcklv and acc-urntely we
judge, by driving through the streets of n
town, what Is the grade or its cltl70iishlp."
I wonder what Judgment of our " grade or
eltl7enshlp" this wrilnr would form by
driving through thn streets or l.incaster, nnd
looking, Ter InsLince, nt our unllermly com cem com
umnplnce mid utterly unbeaiillful church
edifice, te wiy nothing of the tee nuinoreus
ether buildings mreaiiy reierreu 10 ny my
frlend nforcineutlnnod "
ed eh changing thottihjeot right horn. Ker
he Roomed tn be gettlng into n regular
preaching veln. Atiyhexx, 1 slopped him
nml 1 made 1111 inv mind In fiiture te avoid
cjirerully getUiig him into Mich a " Drill "of
tnlk ngnln. Yet after hn was gene, when I
came in think ever wlmt he bud naUl, 1 could
net hnlpnnkiiewlcilglng that his nhle of the
circus (iiiestlnu had considerable truth hi It.
What de yen think V
It Declined le 1110 nl the satue tlinn Hint llin
charge or Isilinx lug llke n liltle reuntry low n
xvas, lu hoiiie tpspoets, nnpleasaiilly Irue.
Itcnrlnlnly Is net clly-Ilkn 011 nvery drcus
day, llrst or April, Ac, nbniit hair n 1I07011
tiniCHnyeir, le have some of the princlsil
stnels in Iho place used hy the tavern-keep.
ors rer thelr ew 11 0011 vonleneo nnd prelll and
te Hie great discomfort of nil llie resldenls en
theso streets, by hax lug a deuble row or car
riage ami wagons standing en both sides, nil
day long, xx lib scarcely room enough lern
couxeyance te drlxe through the narrow latie
lelt lu the middle. Tills hoeiiis llke a de
cidedly rural peculiarity (r Lancaster. I
haxe ellen womlered Unit our clly nitthorl nittherl
lies Mirmlt such 11 wholesale obstruction of
the public highways ; and that our leng-suf1.
hiring (-H17PII jnit up with llie nulmiire as
pallently us they de. I don't tiellove tliore
is nnether place of even half the Hire of Lin
easier wliere tlie taxern-kisiM)rs would ilsre
Impose en tlie public nml turn the principal
dlv slreets Inte hivem-yaril ns tliey de hern.
It" Is 11 ls'rlect oulrnge; nml our clllens
ought tn 1 Ise up against it.
Til iv, tee, It Is n llttle couiilrllled te bone
eisily exclleil and " gullisl," net only by
exery circus Hint comes along, but by
every troupeol Indian doctors, quacks and
mountebanks tint happen Inte our city.
They are a kind or poeplo who scorn te find
l.mcistnr particularly xerdant, nnd they
easily nianage te llecce us out of thousands
ofdellars exery year, xvhlle our legltlinate
business houses nre complaining of llie dull
ness of trade.
Pi: 11 11 vim thore Is inore than I llrst
thought In Iho words of my grumbling
friend, which he uttered en parting from
1110 : " If von Ltmcntter foils once come le
cur a little lent ctteh one only for hluiielf,
nml n Uttlr were fur the ienernl ijoed of nil,
you will ile a qeml tmnii thing quit? iliffcr
enth) from the inn iieu'nnip de them.
ahei'mi iiik 11 j. a nivruLV.
QimcuHA nRBiismr.s.
Frem 115 lbs, te 161 lbs,
Te the Outicura Romedlen I Owe
My rieftlth, My Bnpplneas
nnd My Life.
A Osy never puses that I ile net think unit
"P'viU llnitlynr (tin (.'irriut'iiA Uaatnm, Hevrn
Jciiiai;ii, Ml of nileren liniipi fnmimt en tny
nick, miu;i,iimUe from a cherry sloite te nn
eiiiiign. ilie laige win were IrlRlitrul le leek
nt. nml iiiliirul tn heart teepln tut tied Mlile
when limy saw me. In ilUgmtl, ami 1 x
nfliaiiint te Ihi nn thn Mn-et or dn society. I'hy.
Melius unit Hmlr trratnuinl, ami nil nusllclnis
rnllcil te de any Keel. In n uieinent of despair
1 trlcil the i;irrtci'n llvn-tnm-CimcimA, Urn
irnial .His In Cure. anil Uutievka Beip, anoxqut anexqut
fi te Skin lhMiiitlrlrr, extemnllv, nml CtrncuitA
I kM.v kjt, Hie new lUrs-M l'nriilnr, Interiially
Hie hiiisII lumps (as I cill itiem) Kmi1ually ills
npiwiinsl. and I he large ones lireke. In nbeul two
week. itUrliarglitg lariei iitiaiillttcser uiMtnr,
leaving two slight scars in my neck today te
tell thn slerv et my siiitertiig. My wclhl then
was one hiiiulreil mill IHUs'itnlrkly pnundst "'V
xvilplit new Ii one IniiiilriMt niiilslity.emi unlld
heidlliy peuiiils, nnil my liraltlilsniify nveiciM.
llvnlnrlie. In my travels praUcil HieCtrri
(itn KtxiicDiKS, North, Meuth, Kast nml XVest
le CtmcvHi Ukmkiuics 1 own Mr Ham-Tit. Mr
ii irri suss nml mv Lira. A prominent New Yervr
driigulM nsUi'rt me the ethor flny, " le you still
iie theUt'Tiien MKMKDtKs ) you loeh tolieln
perfect health 1" My reply vrns, " 1 de. nnil sltnll
always. 1 linvn nevur known what slrknesi U
slnie 1 cetiiineiicisl mtng tlie CimcORA HMc
IiIkh." 8eiitelltnes 1 am luliithrslat by pmlnltig
tlieta te pco,)lniietncqtialnti'dwllhthidrnierlts,
hut sooner or later tlmy will count te tlielr setu,es
nnd bollnre thn snine ns thnte that tun ttietn, ns
de.ens have w limit I have tehl, May the time
cetnn when theie shall be a lai-ge Cuticcr sup.
jily Heuse In every city In Iho world, for the
bhnilll of humanity, where the Cuticihx Itist.
Dins shall hn sold nsLr, se that will tut
rarely a nred of ever entering a drug store.
Ne 210 I'ulten St., .New erk, N. Y.
Cutiiciia Kkurdies nre n posttlve cum Ini-everj-
form of HVIn and liioed lilacases, from
ritnples te Scrofula., fold everywhere, l'rlcei
CtTicuRX, fte cents: Seap, SSccutst HmelvkstI Prepared by the rerrcn Hiiro awd Ciiimi.
oil. Ce, Itosien, Muss, Send (or "Hew te Unix)
.Skin Iilcarca."
Send (or ' llenr te Curn Mkln llle."
"DTTV1 1" '-I-14, lllackhcnda, Fkln lllemlshns and
W ii its ene has ence been put en the track
of finding delects Isn't it strmige hnxv easy It
boceuics te prosecute the search nnd llnd
oxer inore nnd inore ! At least I leund It se
in the c.tse et my irluuii. He seemed te be
wound up and unable te slop again until he
had einted out exery posslble Iw.xl defect,
peculiarity, and idiosyncrasy be could liud,
many et them such as the most old resi
dents xxeulil never haxe noticed, no used
haxe xxe become te them.
I'ntsi of nil he put this peer te me :
"llexvls it tint you hsxe pretty nearly ns
ninny 'hotels, reslaurants,' saloons, grog
shop .W., In your city a you have piixate
dwellings? Why there bceni te be en mi
uvorage about Mx te exery siiinu). Don't
veur poeplo knew that degrade all of them ?
Yeu can soe for yourself. Yeu h ive only
two or threo real hotels, tlie rest et thorn nre
nothing but taxerns. And many of your
saloons have n pretty lean nnd shabby ap
pearance. Why de joiitelernto such over
crowding? Why net dese up nbeul nlne-
In.ill.u ,f tlt.ttit ?'
1 told him te gixe me an eisier one, nnd
relerred him meanwhile le the hotieriiblo
judges et our ceurL They prebtbly will
havoiieilllllculty in miswemig hliu, let heir
own satlslactleu if net te his'
Tin: i.nhim:i.iis sthuv.
HanVetif, .tniugerJ e she's pinly nn' (Z
peiut she kin I.e.
Clexn XV y ' -.Le iibil no chlikin but i-he s
geed eiuiiigh fur inc.
XMmls her naiue T 'll kind e' common J It I
aliit ashttini d te tell,
Shu's eh " Hililler ' Htk'ln' ilAUBliter an her
d id he calls her ' .Sell.'
t wurdilxiu en tin 'Central " J lit about ajear
(lit the inn fieui Wliiiiiinilici up te Kcne III
XX n dice
There's no end ' skecrx elsies. 'lulnt u mail
turene wlie illeallis,
With lis cm xes an' awful tres'lesevel locks an'
lneuiitiilii MriMiii.
Tvvur. in altei neon lit Aucust we lied cot In hind
an limn
An we teal In' up the mountain like a summer
tliiiiutei shower,
lieuiiit ihiihemlssii' by the ledj;i 'liniit C7 tast
, . c mult! t:e.
XX 1th iheiiieunlalii peaks iibexe man' the ilxir
llOHIlls ten,
K vui (iiiiiii nlBlilen ties'lecies'la holler, ih cj
an' wild,
HiiiliUmlx 1 siw n baby, twuz the i,laHeiikccp-
(.1 N i liild,
'lihldlln'ilrthtaleiiK lh" tlniher vvltha bold nil'
fciiilus Head
IHuhtnfeie tliuloeeiiuillxe, net n hundicil reiU
1 Jlst Juiiiped an' grabbed tlie tluettle an' I f I'rly
huht my bieiitli
lurl IcllI inuld't step her till the child wuz
email, d ledcutli,
XX hen a woman sprang iilote inn llke a sudden
sttuiik e' Unlit,
Caught the neyau" twlxlllm tllilbei In a hi cetul
sank flout sight.
1 JIM wliUTd nil Uiohiakchen. An" we weiked
ullh inluht an' liinlii
llll thn llre Hew treinlhedrlii'Ubiit we couldn't
step Hie train,
An' It rumbled en above hei. Hew she scieanied
i' e tolled by
An" llniilver reared below im t shelt heir her
till 1 din t
'Mien wn step't;the mill wur. shlnlii' ; I rail
hirkaloiiKthe Huge
An' I leund her ilend ? Ne I llvlll ! hhn wuz
huiiiln' te llie bridge
XMiei bhodrep't down thre' the creistlin with
eiiuiinn nhnul a till
An" the ether rntinil the biliy, who xvuz ynlllti'
Se we taxed 'out Shu ixus Kiltty. She's vs peart
New wii'ie inarrld j she's no chicken Imt shu'i
geed enough ler me,
An nfeiiy ask who owns her, wyl 1 "I" t
uibained te tell
She' my wile. Tber'aln't nene better thaiiole
rtlkln't daughter " Nujl."
wXusene J, Halt,
Yet ought te hnve heard Hit raull-liiiiler
though the dny utter the circus !
"Was tliis the llrst drcus thai has oxer
been bere nt Uinc.ister ?" lie coninienced.
1 assured hliu Hi it nt least ene or two enme
here every year.
"Then what in the iinme or common
sense does your city go se wild ever it ler"
Why there vx'as inore lus nnd excitement
and ilemorali.illeu here in this i ity el thirty
thousand Inhabitants oxer this ene circus
than would be caiised by hilt a denu in thn
town where 1 live, nnd that doesn't pretend
te the dignity of a city, tint I oenlessedly
untiling Imt ii llttle country town. I must
say 1 nover mw mix thing like the xv.iy you
telks went en yesterday. 'Iho city was
completely dcmoralled. It behaved like
seme llttle rurnl v illage "
"Only that itniailongiMHKieai ei money i
I interM)"ed.
"Are you (piitosure of tint ," he asked.
" I gnuil Hiat thoeenfectiuners inade money,
and mi did the saloons, for 1 saxv mero
drunken people en your streets en Mendiiy
tli.tu 1 exer saw in a xxnnie mount in nuy
ether )ilnce of flxe time the sln el
caster. Hut I nm net sosiire that your city
is any richer te-day for the sex oral thousand
dollaiHef Its dti'iuh' nieneytliat Korepaiigh
took with him. 1 am sure the county is Just
hv he much poorer. And net ene or the ten
thousand ls-ople who went te IiIshIiexv but
is out or pocket by what it cost, ami bus
nothing le show for it oillier. Ker It Is
money which is taken dean away : neither
the city nor county will oxerseo a cent of
it again."
"Hut, my friend," I ngaln ventured te
reply, " money is net tne euiy coiisiueniiiou.
Ourwerklng penploden't gel enough rccrm rccrm
tien as it is. The minuiil drcus is ene el
their chlef holidays. It they did lese a day s
wagesandthe price el lulmlsslen, it was net
tee much te piy lern day's amusement mid
plensttre." ,
"ou nre right," he cngerly miswerisl,
for he seemed new te be iinUe exclled.
"Yeu nre rigbk .Meney isn't the only con cen con
ui.Uimileii. Kven It veiirdty had inade nil
you seem te think it did, and all rorejiaugli
carried away with hliu Lsisldes, It would net
ltax'e ceiiisns.ited it for tlie demoralizing
nml degrading Inllueiice nnd ellect of the
day en the rising generation. Ker Its boys
mid girls te see thn hundreds et ruling
driuiKarus, me cenuitci ei me retigus ami
loud xx onion, te henr the urolaue mid ob-
scene language, witness the brawling and
lighting, all this must have un ellect en the
morals, present and luture, of your com
munity, ler which no Amount of inoney can
ex'er coinpensate you. And us te the benellt
of tlie holiday te tlie working classes, opin
ions llkuw Ise diiler. 1 knew thai I tuvvnt
lenst u deeu farmers nnd mechanics In-lo-xlcated
en the streets, disgracing thoiu theiu thoiu
Helvesaiid thelr families, who would nexcr
have boeenio se it It hiul net been ler the
demerallz itien of the day. I um pietty sure
II did net pay llietii anyhow. And I knew,
tee, that the parents of that young man, be
longing te one of llie most prominent nud
re.spoet.ible famllle lu your city, whom 1
nmjn.-Tknexv they didn't think the price
iimv mid ler Iho circus was cheap. .Neither
did thut lKier xvlfe whom at midnight 1
s.niie ..I tlm Tlilei;;i'"ll'l"l" Modern Travel
nml sclelics,
frnux the New erk Sun.
Mr. Thnnns Stoxens' lilcycle oxctiralen
around Hie world, whether he fully carries
out his ptiriesO()r net, will call attention te
the fact that traxeler are new froe te ream
about some parts of thn glnbe that, until a
j ear or tw e nge, w ere regarded as nliuest or
qulle inaccessible. It Is only about three
years since Cleu. Ahrauiefl told Dr. hatisdell,
who xx .is making thp tour of Kusslan Central
Asia, that his contemplated trip from
I'harjni en tlie Oxtis te Merv was far tee
dangerous te nttnmpt, ns the Hiisslans could
nllerd him no protection. Mr. Stevens left
Teheran sovefi weeks age te travel ever this
very ground, with oxery assurnuce that he
could ninkolhejeurnoy in porftet safety and
with compiratlve comtert.
After wheeling his vxny through Hurope
and Asia Miner te Teheran, Mr. Slevens has
resumed his oaMern journey witli excellent
prospects of success. Along a great part of
his route lu Persia nnd ltusslan Asia he win
hardly incur greater persenal risk than It he
were traveling through tlie state of New
Yerk. ! reui Teheran te Meshed he will fol fel
low Uie very lair reul en which Mr. Cendle
Stephens ever a jear age accomplished the
leat or riding ene hundred miles a day for
several successive day. This is tlie read en
vxhli Ii fount Simenlch years agodrevo In
his carriage Irem Teheran te Herat,
Along the cjilef routes connecting the
larger towns in tlie vast territory ruled hy
Russia, iests only ilttoeu te thirty miles
apart nre new iitnintalnetl, wliore rofrosh refrosh rofresh
inonta and relays of horses may be procured.
Travel has thus been se largely Uellltated
Unit I)r. hansdell was able nl limes le cover
oxer ene hundred lniies a day In his yeli'de.
All the Russian authorities were instructed
toluitlierhlsxxlshos. Mr. Stovens also has
the premise that all official obstacles will be
removed Irem his route, and In hi north
ward journey through Hnkhara, Samarkand
nnd Tnslikeud into Siberia he will fellow
much or the read where IiusdelI, late in
lsJ, inade a eeniparatlxcly inpld mid coin cein coin
iertablojuurnox". Arriving In Siberia, Mr. Stoxens Intends te
fellow tin pest read east te Irkutsk, and
here hoi llkely le meet the most serious
pinblcm of his great undertaking. It is his
wish from Irkutsk, cress
Iho whin (SeliI dosertand reach Pekln. It
will probably be practicable for lilm te cress
the desert by lelulng oneof the trade cara
vans that travel Irem Kiachta across Mongo
lia, though the journey is se tedious that a
Russian merchant nnd his wife, who fellow ed
that route te Koechow in Issi, prefcrreil te
cres two oceans, America nnd K.urope,
ratlier than retrace their steps. Mr. Stoveus
would, hew ever, have te inake n long jour-
uey in .Norllieru x. tlinn, ami ii i nei mum
certaln that the poeplo would glve hliu and
his strange mnchlne a hospitable recoptlen.
I the journey te Pekln is
Impracticable, he can still fellow the Russian
IKist reads along the Ameer valley te the
Pad lie ocean. Ills xx hoel will haxe te enrry
lilm 0,000 miles ever tlie crooked and sonio senio sonie
times very illlllcult reute from Tohernn be be bo
fero he I able te enibark ler Yokohama.
Ill many well wishes will earnestly hope
that his health and bis tire will held out to
gether for the long, hard pull acres Central
11 iby Humors, ue CirricunA Beai
Sneezing Catarrh.
The dlslrelng sneeze, sneeze, snccin, the
acrid, watery dhcharges from the eyes nnd nec,
the imlnltii tnltanitiintlen extending le Iho
threat, the swetting or the mucous lining, cms.
lag choking sensiiHens, cough, tiliRtiij; noises
lu the head nml splltllng headaches. hew
rimlllarthee symptoms am te thousand who
snirer periodically irem bend colds or Intliienrn,
and who live In Ignorance efthn factthatix sin.
pie application or HANrone's HAiueAt. Cilia res
Oatakhu w III ntTerd inKaiKnneeui relief.
Hut this trcntiiicnt In cases el sltnple Cnlnrrh
rdveshut alalnlldoaer what this leiiiedy wilt
dnln the chronle fenns, whero the breathing is
ebstructed hy choking, pmrhl imtceus accumu
lation, thn hearing MtWted, Mliell nnd tuste
goue, throuMilCDntUKluiidhncklngcotiKhgradu threuMilCDntUKluiidhncklngcotiKhgradu throuMilCDntUKluiidhncklngcetiKhgradu
ully laatenlng lUell upon thn dnhllltnti'd sys
tem. Then It ts that the marvolleus ctirnlfve
newer of HAnreiin'a Hapical Curb nianltcHl
Itself In Initantaiif ens and gmtcrul roller. Cure
heKlns from the llrst application. It is rapid,
radical, permanent, economics!, safe.
SAiVOlOCB llAlJlCALCUKECOIlSlDtS Of 0110 bOttlfl
of the Kjsdicai. Cem. one box Catamiiial Hoi. Hei.
VKNTandmi Imphevkd Inhaler price, (1.
XVcak Hacks, l'nln, VX'cikneis nnd Inllamma.
Hen el the Kidney, Sheeting PalnsUireHRh the
l.elns. Hip and Mde l'alns, hack et Strength
nnd Activity Pale, Lack et Strength nnd ac
Hclty relieved In ene tntnute nnd speedily cured In.l.l'ntn lI.B,n n.tnw. nplt.1.
Iiiul. elegant nud infalllulnnntldote te pain and
Intlaiiiuiatleit. At dritglts, c.: flve for IHi
1,r I'lMUlKU 111'" Ol A Un Cll UKlUAOUl.lxivb
Ce., IIimtes, Mads. lnapl-luidAw
ThelIOl 11. ASTKH does mero geed In
one-niuirtcr the time than any balm or lotion
and is inore cleanly le use. A fresh nnd sweet
porous plaster whiih nets immediately when
applied tn scat of trouble. Kheiiiiiutlsin, Neu
ralgia, BIJcitche, Lmue I'.aclc, Crick, Hclatlca,
Bete Jltiscles, Kidney Airectlen. XVeak l.tings
or Lecal 1'alns cannot exist long when one of
these plaster is applied. Uemeiubcr, virtues of
fresh Heps, Jhirgtindy Pitch and (linns com
bined. Sold everywhere, ale , II for $1.(0, Pro Pre Pro
prletors. HOP Pl.ASTKIt COMPANY, Itosten,
Mm. (7)
WHYT IJocuuse coinpesisl of medical
riunlltles that nre knew n te posses great power
In relieving pain cining dlscne and wonder
fully weak mid worn out purl. Pn'sh Heps,
Itiiigundy Pitch and Utiuis ceinhlned In a fresh,
clean iindsweet peraus plaster. Always ready
te apply te sudden p ilii, aches, strains, cramps.
BlllCues, (1ICK, Nllllieil JIMIlin ... i.iuniiue, ...
Borenesa In any part. iXe.R for II ue, every-
where. HOI' PI.AHl'Kll cejitami, iiosieii,
Mass. (1
lte-its of people of all nges sti.Ter with pain in
the small of the back commonly called " Hack;
ache." Oct ofyettr druggist n HOI" l'l.ASrr.U
nAimn v II. ri'l. V IVi.rR'11111 llOUOll. AlIU
nnlv I
seething nnd palii-killlng piepertle et Heps
,......). i. , u.i u. in, itiiiiriimlv Pitch and Kxtract
makeluU plaster vastly better than ethers for
driving out pain and strengthening the part.
Atrial vx 111 doinenatrato tills. Always ready for
nm. Never la I avis.. . mr i.ti. mi
Pioprlctern, .Bosten,
tiii: uiiiiins iivvr.ceiiu
l he robins hax e come t The robins lux e ceme I
in tree en the hlllshle warm they sing,
And seen wilt beheird lhedre(. lium
Ot linea ltfe lu the genlil sptlng.
Thernhln his ceme I nnd thepmsh's lift
'Iln Ii sott.hrlghteye le tlie golden light,
XVhlle anew drop clo-ehy the melting di tit
Unfold their petal of petest white.
'Iho robin his come ' nnd fanner l.atle
Is thinking or ground he snen will plow,
And waving Held et gras nnd grain
All ginietedaudsite en llm hlgii pumi mew.
lhe robin luu come. " M itengnnd trill,
And graiiiluielher' , J es are tilled w lib tc ir
As she totteri nleng te the w Indew sill
Te gae en the pet el her e irly years.
She's thinking or Philip, se neb'c mid strentj,
And the day ham ide her his h ippy bride,
nd she heal again the sad, s eet song
Thn uiei nln" Hut little Itichel died.
'1 hey come le our doei and tenderly bring
'1 he sweet iccnlli Hen et ye u lh it m e gene,
XX hen tin ii xi-pen wuie limited at ixxlllgtil In
And tlinli inilliis undo vocal the cirlicat
C !'. UtrryUithe ISoMen Tranterift.
IS WORTH $1,000
Hliri'KltlNU KKOM
A. K. NKWMAN, Urallnir, MlcU.
Anartlcle I applied te each neitill nnd Is
ari mible te use. Prtce BO cents by matt or nt
druggist. Send for circular.
F.1.Y UUOT11E118, Druggist, OWOCO, N. .
An untiiillng euro for lmiietcncr, and nil Dis
ease that foUew laws of Memery. Unlvemal
l.nssltude. Pain InthelUck. lllmnnss of Vision,
Prematura Old Age. and many ether dlscaje
that lead te Insanity or Consumption mid a
l'5j!??-iiiMiarffcular In our pamphlet, xrhtch xje
desire le send free by mail tocveryen,,. -rhe
bpocllle Modlclite Is sold by nil druggists at ft
per iiackage. or six packages for tMirwill be
ient five by mall en the receipt et the money,
liy addressing theiipent. , ,
11. ll.COCHUAN'. Druggist. Hele Agent.
.Ses. ISJ and 1X Werth Queen Sheet, laincuiter.
Pa. . .
Onnccotintef countcrfelts.xxo have adeptfd
Uioullew Wi-uprsirt tliueiiiygenuliii).
buA. iiJVV.
heard lussiug the house, tearfully coaxing
and pleading with her husband te ceme
homeSvltl. liSr. vvhlle he xvas bri.ta 1 y m is-
lnir and tlireaieiiuig nn m n- ...........
'"b .""..". .ii ..,.!. I., I II, n i,r I'll sill Wll
xxratn, ue inn " - i-- .-..---.--
paying ler the circus was a small ene. Me,
am ceritti" hi""-'.." ...--.-- --. -
XViii-n April slop aside rer May,
Like ilhimnnil all th" ralndtejn cllstrn (
I'tesli violets open every d iy ;
'I e seme new bird unclilinur we listen.
I.uey iMTtam . the hitter Menlht.
Paiuuieuu, 1 uidanniii and stuperylngsiriips
urn given te bible by thoughtless metliem le
lellexe cel le anu iruliiiuu', inn parenis in
In lhtdilldren use Da. Rami's Celle Cine, ho he
cause it lelleve and docs no Injiiiy a stublMirn
fact from expuiluiire.
Cnslei OH ter the dogs ! hut lilt. Rami's flcas
unt I'hxslcferilillilieiiandfidults. mi 1-lniil
All that Science and Skill
Could de te ntake Itoiisen's Capclne PliHters-
the best poieu rhiater, and also the best gen.
end extiinnl leiiiedy In the Verhl, lus bten
done. Wheiiev or It 1 possible te Improve Ibein
It is done. ISonteiiM plasters nre iiui i.mue ...
liiipose upon tlie credulous, hut te cure disease,
'lhelr eminent success has piecund for tUem
the voliinlarx-endersetiiciit of 5.i physlclatts,
ii v. nud tue ontspekuii pielemnce ei me iiuciii iiuciii
t!iintlnhlie. '1 hey ure pi einpt, powerful, cleanly
n ml certain. '1 hey cine whero no ethers can nj;
tleve. Ketusu Inilliitleiis .stvhsl Cunhlilii,"
e cupslcnm " or " Cniiiirln ' plasters. jttntu
........... .i.ia mil... 'i'lie "'linen foals " trade-
mark en the genuine and Ilu weul " Caprlnu "
cut In the centre of the plaster,
Ha On Your (liiard.
llcnsnii's Papiine Plasters me widely Imita
ted. 'I hat is Um fad, New, why um Uiey Imi
tated t liccause I hey inn the only jioieiis (ilas
terlu exlsleucetlial Is nully trustworthy ml
valuable. Hensen's I'lusteiH are highly mid set
(iiitllle.illyiiiedlcnnd, nnd euro In lew hours
.. '. .!. K. .... ..Il...ta. 1..1KAA llllll UllV
UlllUIMUH lillOH WH1UJI IH lWltJii "'',""
DlC orrfeK? 'and duihi bthuk,
leN.mhMt.. Phllad'a..
UcKlstcred Pliyslelaii nnd (Imdimte Jefforsen
CiXw'.Btiaiiiiitcestociireall Htoe.1. ktn and
NorveiDlsoasis with purely vegetable leuie-
(lies. ...... .. ra a..r ,.. nnil aITmA.
lilt. HAI.SKM'n linns.-.... ....... ";-; Hontetilyhy KxpreMOiiraci. Iptei tti. Ne
IViinvroyiilerdimcoroiis drugs. Ijeu N. Hth ft,
I'hlladelliUln. ' 'Va
vvarranted te oradlente coinpUtely and In
hurt time, the most obdurule corns, liard or
loll, without pal". Beld by (loe. W. Hull, Chat.
A.locmVr,JennU. KautTuian. Dr. WnuWorin WnuWerin WnuWorin
lev. And.U.ll'rev, Chas. J. Shiiluiyer, and at
declS-lyd Ne.Wl WustOnuiga 8L
ja NOUTll TrTSI!NTIl BTUKItT. lUelew ml-
lewUUl SUeet, Phliadelphln.)
SO YKAltii' BXPKUIKNCK. OuinnUeat ,f W
thearmcuHiajmuuiermiii"i ":,7.iJ.iilL.frii
tuhte Mo.llcl.ies. . Ikk en .pec d -eaJJ lr- ""'""
and children 1U IIUS CUV le vvneill numi n eili'CI. vnimuiui, aiiu .uuMu..... .----- -.
Zv MuSt Monday nieins a night hell XW&vXW4
lolfewlng, iiioaiiHciirseHiiiid blew a and blller Lai' '', uluV,toivs.ier "Ospclne"
ears, means the less or far mero than a day 'a V" 11V,C0U u 'ahTerelic.') ," ,?t-'.l,"t.
xvage, a drunken husband and rather, per- piasters bearing the nainw ' "' " , .V.1"
p. in.
Jz. ,. Tin. J. M. UAYK8'
rrKll?hSad.Sf euro..' Main e'
JS"i,UcIlV..VHn-A. Hi-ud ler CUguJ I
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I don't kuexv hexv long my friend would
have gene en In this way If I had uet luUt-
tlnn The irenulm an me wl" Y-1 v ...
or , of thepUjd.rr,a the
"Three 8eal " irtuieuiarK en iue i i.u.u.
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