I) 4 JjJHBiEIHEBOES THE LANCASTER DAILY INTEUJQENCEB, FBIPAY, MAY 7.1886. vftk i Vp4 c RVjI A 'vT ' t- u ': .14 I u VvlB'MIWS OF COLUMBIA. "am'tar raurn reaikrtvmxn bt ram meaoven reue. Mk te Uta PtaM WMN Um 08ni Was CewunHUd-A Knaww Bey K- HI Father On Bi Draak MetM About Town. ggu)ar ConwipeniJenoeof iFTELUamcKii. Columbia, My 7.-SeTeral days bro Officer WMttek weelTed notice from Mlcklo Mlckle tea, etewMter county, N. J., te be en tlie leakaat ter boy named Henry Cuter, about HfMte yeafa of age, wce had run away from kit keaaa la tbat place. Tbe boy tv aa living a tka (arm of a Quaker and bad became tired of thla kind et lire and started out te earn his own llrlng. A description of the Imy was received by the officer, and a watch kept for blm. Tbe officer was rewarded by Uniting a boy that answered te the description, a few days ssge, and It proved te be tbe right one. Tee Quaker farmer was notified or the find ing et the runaway boy and he ome te Col umbia en Thursday and took the boy back te his farm. A Thief Captured. On Wednesday night an old man, lioird lieird lug at a hotel In Yerk, stele ibrtyllv e deliare from the hotel ana at once leu me ion n. in formation was received by Olllcer Stylet or that town, who was en his track, that tlie man was seen coming In tlie direction of Co lumbia. The ofllcer catne here en Thursday, and together n 1th Ofllcer Witllck was wait ing at the Columbia bridge for the appearance et the thief. At last he made his appearance and was seen under nrrest, with part of Ids ill-gotten money. The uiau became Intoxi cated, and when arrested refused te reveal his name. He was taken back te Yerk dur ing Thursday afternoon. On a HI Drunk Wash. Duck, well known In ten u, get en a big drunk, during yestenlay, and acted In a very disorderly tnannerat tlieaaloeu of 1'red. Sfeln, corner Second and Lawrence streets. He was arrested by Olllcer Hardnele atid given a bearing by isqutre Frank. A com cem mittment was made out for thirty days, but after some Intercedlug en tbe part of Duck's friends he was discharged upon the payment tpf costs. Fire Company Mevtlugt. The regular monthly meeting of theSliaw theSliaw nee Fire company, Ne. 3, was held at the en gine house en Union street, last night The company resolved te held a picnic in Helse's weeds en Whit-Monday, June Hth. The necessary committee or arrangements were appeintea te manage it. The regular monthly meeting of the Columbia Fire company will be held this evening at the engine house. Chickens Stelen. Some time during last night the chicken coop of 11. P. "Verity, living en Locust street, which is situated lu the rear or his yard, was entored by thieves and seven chickens stolen. Ne due is yet found te the perpetrators of the act Mr. Yergy haa Heme chickens stelen some months age, but they were recevered. Town Nete. . The Bible class of the Second street Lutheran church held a sociable last evening at the residence of their teacher, Mr. L. W. May, en Locust street A very large num ber of persons were present and the evening was spent in a very enjoyable manner. Re freshments 'were Bened and a neat sum wis realized for the benefit of the church. Pennsylvania canal company's dredging machine, Ne. '2, with a large force of men Is at work cleaning the outlet of the canal, above tbe bridge of all refuse matter. The fair te be held lu tlie armory by the St Peter Catholic church, opens this even ing. Active preparations have been made by the congregation of this church for the hold ing of this fair for some time past, and suc cess will, without doubt, attend their efforts. The armory has been fitted uptesuitthe wants et the managers, and it will be an at tractive place te spend an evening. The fishing for shad at the batteries at the dam still continues te be very geed. A shad caught at the battery of Geerge Weaver weighed seven and three quarter pounds. The Si'uduy school association of the Methodist Episcepsl church has passed a set of resolutions eulogistic or Airs. M. A. Uletz, lately deuuaseil, who was connected with the Sunday school for tlilrty-tiv e years. An eloves'tnenth-old child of Charles W. Minich, living en Union street, between Third and Fourth, died atlts hcuieeu Thurs day afternoon. Tlie cause of tlie deitb was convulsions. The luneral will be held en Saturday alteruoeu, at two o'clock; Inter ment at Mount lletbel cemetery. l'UtSl'Afllhll fUUAH jsjwuti&xcr. The City's Right te Lay the 20-lach Malu en Wtt OraiiB" Street. The water committee of councils met statedly last evening. The committee au thorized the superintendent te ask for bids ler the erection of a shed for the storage of coal, whitewashing the reservoir fence, the repair of the wall at the water works dam aged by the Ice last winter, and for the grass at the reservoir. The committee decided te build the shed and keep en baud at all times uet less than 300 tens et coal. Thov fear that at borne time, through a strike or the miners, that they will be uuable te get coal, ami iu that event the city would be without water, If the creek is tee low te use the water pumps. The following opiuleu of City Solicitor Carpenter was read and tiled. Hen, William A Morten, CrwlrtiMn qf the Water Committee, of the Councils of the C'ltu of Lew. cotter, J'a. Dear Sin : lu reply te the question re ferred te me us te the right of said city te in terfere with the Lancaster A Mlllersville street railway company, in the laying of the new water main en Orange street, in aid city, I would stale us fellows : The Lancaster A Mlllersville street railway company operate their read under a lease from the Lancaster.t Heading Narrow Guage railroad company, who built the read under their charter Hy sections, of an act or legislature, passed March 21st, 1831), tlie ity et Lancaster was invented with the right te oecupy, dig, ditch aud lay water ripes through all streets lu said city and tbe same te raise, alter aud re pair from tlme te time and at nil tlni6 there after. And iu pursuance of said section the Hald city has a perfect right te dig up any lart or parts et the streets or highways el said city for the purpose of laying the new water main; and for that purKsu the eald city cm raise, take up, or remove tracks or read-bed of the said Lancaster 4t Heading Narrow Guage railroad, without Incurring liability ler auy damages whatever, either direct or consequential by roaaeu thereof. Admitting that the Laueaster ,t Heading .NarrewGuage railroad company, by an act el the legislature passed April 3, lh73,has aright te occupy and cress, with its reads, any street, Ac., In the city or Lancaster ; it enjeys that right subject te the prier and superior right el said city and cannot, in any manner, interfere with the exercise theroet. In the absence of any statutory prev. islen the city would have an implied right te lay nald pipe as nforesald, it being a publhi ne cessity aud a benefit te the ciiUtms. How ever the matter is clearly defined by legisla tive enactment and requires no further justi fication. II, OAltrENTKlt, May 0, 1SSG. City Solicitor. Uuder the Circus Teut. If reru the Chicago Tribune. Tbe circus fakirs called everybody or w horn they spoke "guys." Seme the mere im im pertant persons -were designated as "main guys." Countrymen were "Jays" and "hay seeds, blokes" arul ..BUckeis." Meney wascalled blunt," ua or ., ,. , ler or ether drinks were spoken or as "lush;" clothes as "togs" or' " barnesn? d as "grub," conversation as "weddlniisj'the verb te see was rendered "stak." eves wnrn called "ogles," a hat a "dlcerer a "cadv " while ladies were spoken of as "dauiesl" girls as "molls," arguuieuts as "mill " downs as "Jeeys," aud bank bills u"Uiui. sles." Child 1'otseued. A little daughter el LlnmousLengenecker, residing in Penn township, two miles south--west of Lltltz, recently drank seme bella donna which tbe family physician bad left for external application lorene of f hechlldreu. The child died aud was burled en Tuesday morning. Deed of At.lgument Martin CBHzcraud wife, of Kphratatewn. bip, made an aslgnment te-day for the ben Ht ocredllors, te Levi Mehlcr, of the same teruisbln. STUB UHltUAKY LlttT. The IJemlse or Mr. Suahh llrlcnrt Uymtker and W llltatn Hnrhiu. Mrs. Susan Relgart Slaymaker, widow bt the late Stephen Slaymaker, and mother or Postmaster Uenry E. Slaymaker, died at the 'residence of the last named gentleman, corner 'of Duke anil Chestnut street, Ibis morning at 3 o'clock, aged M year. Deceased was a daughter or Adam llelgart, Jr. She was born lu lliisilty. and paed her earlier rears here, She married htephsii U Slaymaker, who for a number of jcars llviit with his family at Margaretta liirnace, ik county. On his death in 1SI I Mrs. Slaymaker ,m,ne.i this i-liv with her f.untly ami kept heuse until her children were grown, alter which she and her sister, Mr. Uelgart, lived together until 1STI Htice which time she has lived with her son, Postmaster hlBy hlBy maker. She was a woman or line phyRlque aud remarkable constitution, hhewat a life long member of MU Janus' church, and was noted for her works of piety mid charity. Her luueral will Uke place from ht James' church, Meuday morning ut 10 o'clock. Ilralh of VVllllsin Iterliin. William Koehm, a well-known cltlren of Lancaster, died this morning, at his home Ne 1 Church street, In tlie 1Mb j ear et his age. Deceased was born In Wurtemberg, Uermany, and came te this country atieut 'J7 years age. He was a machinist by trade and worked In Heading, Scranlen and Lancaster. During the war be was a member et the Hii Pennsylvania cavalry, and aHer it was ever he settled in this i.iiv. Mmiv rears co he embarked In the Mloen business. He first kept the I air mount hotel, cm l'ast King sueel, sod moved lrem that te the I uien hotel 1 ast Chest nut street Krem that he went t.i the Schiller beuse, aud thence te Quarrj ville, where for two v ears lie was proprietor et the National liotef. L ixin ceiutnirtuck li this city be took possession of the Fourth anl hotel, en Seuth Queen street Frem that he ineed te Ne. C3- North Queen street, where he ob tained a license end opened the North Pele saloon. He remalued there ler we oral years and up te last spring, when he old out, and hail been living private for some tlme pre vious te his death. Mr. lleehm was an oxeellenl marksman and very fend of gunning. Wheiever he kept saloon his barrooms were always decor ated with deer autlers. He was a member of the Lancaster Sharpsbe H3r, and took un activ e Interest In the society He beleugwl te both the Lancaster Miennervher aud Liederkranz, ami was a inemler of lUsjrge 11. Themas pest Ne. M, tiraud Army or tbe Kepublic He was appelutetl a notary public by Ge. Heyt and receutly reapplnted by Governer I'attlsen. Deceased It-axes a wile and a number of children. Ills eldest seu Geerge, Is a soldier In the regul.u army and is new en the Ireutler. Klepeil Villi the t'eschiuaii. In Plttslield, Mass., fashionable society Is considerably excited ever the elepemeut of Miss Allce Cook, sister-in-law or A. J. Water man, district attorney, with Mr. Waterman's coachman, and their marriage. Miss Cook is a pretty brunette ei uiiriy-six jesr, ac complished, and was engaged te a wealthy veung man. She with her aged parents, lived with the Wateruiaus In a handsome residence overlooking Ouote Lake, A few years age Mr Waterman engaged Jehn Acres, aged twenty-three years, as coachman. Miss Cook w. is frequently out riding with him, but nothing wrong was susqieeted. A few days ace Miss Cook and Acres disappeared, and alter a long search they were found living tegether lu North Adams. A stormy scene occurred at the meeting, w bich rtsulted lu Miss Cook confessing she was married te Acres. She says tbat her husband suits her, Is devoted te her and that she gladly accepts her situation. The Koctera lit SI. I.nuK At the third day's sessien or tbe American Medical association in St Leuis ou Thurs day, W. II. Pauceast, or Philadelphia, was elected third ice president Tbe 'admission or the Aguew delegation from Philadelphia caused quitea flurrv, as a strong pretest had been made. Late Thurs day evening the Judicial committee receu sldered tlielr action uud have decided uet te admit either faction, which is a victory for the delegation led lv Pre. Paneeast, Doungllseii, Atkinson, Knyser, Uuekley, Shoemaker, Smith, Tavler, Ue'nibiirj, Slew-Ma, Prick, Miuch, Knight aud Prince, who are alreidy In as delegites from the state association et Pennsylvania. the 1'lPiiro.rneQiitenla. Mr. Jeseph P. Ginder, el Masterseuville, whose herd of cattle was Hst wluter seri ously atlected with pleuri. pnomnenli, tent word te Dr. Weher that one of his ren was sick. Yesterday Dr. WeUir viRited Mr. Ginder'sand found Ills herd iu uoed health, with the exception ofeuecon which is moiiig meiiig what atlected but will get well. The disease is pretty w oil stamped out iu this county, aud with proper care en the part or stock raisers no further trouble need be appre hended. VValiUHIa Chllilreu, Oliver Markley, el Penuville, has beeu granted u writ of habeas corpus, which the court has made returnable next Tuesday morning at lOo'cleck. It appears that Mark ley and his witu separated seiiiu time age, aud when she went te her father's home she took her three children with her. Hodeslres teget the custody of the itiltirn, end for that ieaseu applied ler a w rlt el habeas cor pus. 1'Jre Nrtir 11 .f pj About neon te-day u smuke bouse aud blacktmllh shop ou the farm of Hev, Jacob Ilrubaker, who resides en the Harrlsburg lke, just east of ftJt.Jey, were destroyed by lire. ThOBhep was an old bulldimr, which was used for doing the work of the farm. Thcre was very little in it besidiw tlie tools The origin of the fire Is : mystery. Sml Out. William Peeples, a young man, made his second appearance before bis honor, tbe mayor, this morning. He was one et the first cases the mayor had te dispose of an d he was given fidays, upon his premise le reform. Yesterday afternoon he w s ar rested by Olllcer Wenninger fur iliuiiken nessand disorderly conduit. Ibis morn ing he was sent out for lf davs Itsie llvlneeu the ' Tnn ,li,lui. ' This meming a race bsjk placn at Mo Me firauu'a park between Jehn Hidoneur's deg "Jack "and I'M. Mcdtmlgle's "Jack." It was for n hundred jards aud .MeUonlgle's deg wen alter a oleso raa-. The time was uet kept, but it is known te have been veiy fast. 1'ui'Vi.Ait .i.snir.Tivii)t. Hen- Ailiamliie Culture l ImpriiviiiK Hie tlrncea auil .duriiiiiPiits of I.IIm. A writer in the Philadelphia Iii'unei who recently went into the great Jewelry estab lishment of J. K. Caldwell A Ce., was moved te n train of Interesting rullectieu nisjii the advance or popular taste since the davs, net fifty years uge, when people Hocked te hue a ftere even lighted with gas And tbe Mine writer casting about him, i. unhides that in this one great establishment of Caldwell's nearly every one or the varied tastes for household decorations cm Le gratified. He says: Loek at these I loreiillue ihalrs, tables, Mdebeards, In rare dark weeds, rich with antique carvlug ; these vases from the Royal Worcester, the Crown Derby and tlie Doul Deul Doul ten potteries, mark thoierlictleiiof fermand color ; the " autlque ivory " tint, the "pen cilled Ivery," tne "Huse Du IJanv," the " Kscurlal lace," looking as If the vase worn mantled with the richest SpauUh isiint Nete this art glass et Webb's emulating the gradations of color iu the ripening fruit, as In tbe " peaeii blew," or as in the " Oriental glow,'' the inlmltable hues of the sunset sky, the c jlectcd sunset nbove the eastern hrin, the finished perfection of this crowd of "linur ines" Observe uvoryvvhere tlie lepiiHiue lepiiHiue tien of aud iiuprovemeut utsiu tliebe.uitv aud grace of ancient forms and tbe iiiucl combiuatieua and contrasts el color, Stohevv meuern science Jias struck out new bt.uitles in Us emulation or the ellects or nature In Ihi cameo glass tow IiIlIi the relieve or in'dglle eilect rs given by running glas-es or the uitlerent colors one e ver tbe ether and cutting through with delicate wheels line as pencil jelnts; htudytlioeirect el tliu arabesque or or In the white, and umber, or this rieli aa green. Hew will the.e null Preuch or' melu and onyx clock sets grace he drawiuK r!!l.Tr ,t."tiM,,,ta1,1' cel"nl1 HcU or "e grandrathers," with thulr deep-Umed bells or musical chimes, their moeus'and calendars, the hall T or these hromes of Rune AUellu and ethers, studies from all ages and climes, from the Nubia or te-day , te U.e 1'rinti ! of Cuthorlue de Mcdlcls these weudetlui aul- nial forms from the models or lliirye. Kven te walk among the bronres as they stand here waiting purchasers Is te have the lulud tilled with picturen lrem the deert, the battle field, the palace court aud throne room, tmv el, history and fiction. Is it a question et table appelntmeuta, here in the front, sterling silvei, bowwldethe choice between the patterns or lndliu luxury or the mere ihaste Hidings of the Queen Auliestvle, net forgetting the novelty known as the ""butler tluleh" Just new In vogue" Yeu have genuine) silver, pi till, or open worked, or exvdlred, or iepouee, or lu combination. While qulte at the ether -tremltv of the long saloon till cabinets shltiu with tiie unrivaled Gerhatii plaits the near est nppruu.li te sterling silver known te cemnierve. What Is tlie meaning or thte rlchly-lvilnt-cd dinner aud tea sets, thee gtaceliil tire M-reens of crvstal 1 rained In brass, these lew oiled huniM and shades under their over hanging silken canopies, of thevi brnreu lamp stands, with their sliding rixls. the bight of wmcu suggests me rirmy npisjiiiieu dining table, the library bright with color and geld, the seaside jmicIi wliere the quiet glow falls ever the leader s shoulder, or the card room w here the hill lamp sheds Its light upon a merry group, what but that Imiuty has already ts-come an essential of the Amerlran home te an extent that w ill seen leave ether nstlens far behind7 Fer ivsthetic trifles and dainties leek at these paraelt and umbrellas of richest silk, w Hh handles of precious weeds , these bridal praver books, bound lu silver; the-e mara mara eout and ostrich feathers for eiera fans or tire screens, ever which birds of velvet plumage soem te fly, or te make which n single bird lias been captures, s mat, w minis open iM.au near the amber handle, he swiui te sw lug it te fan you with hi wing Miat ilws this mean, but i crav ing for beautiful objects te urigmen tue uemeT And this Is true in whatever relates te articles for icrxeual use or adornment Would you supply your toilet? Here, tssit tered in heaps, lie the manifold articles required, combs brushes glove hooks Mioe horns, all the lurnlttire for the dressing cat These and a hundred ether things in pro pre lusion that indicates a large and constant de mand. ioek at these evses el jewels. Measure them with the eye mid cahulate the wealth they held, bee hew the Jems set in the new ilusterstjle new se popular, llssb and glit ter w lib blended or contrasted colors ; hew thoi-e moonstones gle.uu aa with lunar light In a circumtereuce thick with brilliants like the telescopic view et Saturn iu bis ring. L'xauiltte these miniatures of the beautiesel the ancient regime, these rlnps of tw inued or triple stones rubv , emerald, di tmends , necklacoserbrilliants, or great Kilitalres side by side, asir the artit had caught, J ust as the light strucK them, "the first drejM of a thunder shower.'' Nole the rippling ellects et these dazztiug clusters. Nete hew all the settings "set etl " the gems at their best , the tluciiess el the geld, whether about the jewels or ureuuht into bracelets rings, broeihes of bangles by itself, the cunning of the work iU4Usilp,lhe ever v arv Ing j et alwavs beauti ful design. Iser are these all; the richer Jewels are held apart as costly secrets ; the great velvety green cmemlds, the big canary diamonds rejKse in their snowy Hakes of cot cet cot teu, asir they were fragments of refracted rajs of light Gelden Medical DUiovery will net turea person whose lunfrs are almost wssted, but It Is un iinfalltne remedy for i onsuuiptlen If tuken In time. Ah druggist. ml-Tu.liw Tire Xlmuraute Appulutineut. IlaiiBtnan A llnrns te-day received the ap pointment as agents of the Citizens' Insurance company, of New erk, organized inlsA. Cap ital et fvWi.Ooe, and assets of il,U0.u"u. TnERKU new en exhibition In the window of High A Martin s China Hall a perfect f.K simlle of the celebrattdll-.nee peach-blew vase We udvlae all In want of geed beets or khees at low prices te visit the lied front Shoe Stere, Xe. 49 North Queen street, next deer te posteniee. aprll lwdAltw H.utitiAtir.x. (joet Yeaeiiu On Thursday evcnlntt May 6. by the ltev. J.Max Hailr.Mr. blamdoed te Miss Lillle 1 eager. All of thU city. If UtSATHn. Siakk In this city, en May t. C harles A. stnrk.hen of Martin N. and kllen tt Mark, and adopted son or Henry VV. and l.muia stark, In the 11th ear of his age. Tbe relatives and IrlenJs of the family lire le fcpec t fully lnv ill d te attend the luneral from his patents' residence, e.SI9 W est Chestnut stieet en Saturday morning ut 11 o'clock, herv ices at Lltltz at is o'clock Initrmcntat Lltltz cemc-tee- -t Ueliim. ilay 7. lis,, iu tills city, William Uechm, f n his 40th ) ear The relatives and friends of the f.imll, uUe the members of Pest j I, O A K., Liederkranz and Mx'iinercher societies and the Shaipshoet era, are resptctlully invited te attend the fu neral from bis late residence, Ne. lsa Church street .Netice of funeral hereafter. in; Ud bLAWAKiii. On themenilni; et the Tthlnat, at the resldence of her son, II K. siajinavt,rt busan lleliraxt. wile et the late Stephen U. slay maker. In her fc3d year. luneral lrem st. James church, Menda morning, May le, at 11 e clock .a MAUKETH. I'hllHitelptita L'rndiics AtarKet, 1'HiLADsLrutA, Slny 7 Heur Slarket eulet. HivIi-ji of 1,&xj barrels : Slum, bakers at tlsefflTT I'i'uuj. lamll at HT1;i le , Western at ft 1 li(ti ,i j Patents, (4 VMf, i", llyu Heur wiia steady at 1Z .I'ie I te. 1 p. m , call Wheat May, teke ; Juue, SW-Xe; July.wv. Cern May, 4i Le June, 47c , July ICc , Aug., 47e. iJals May 4r'jj JunoSUe ; July sjvje ; Aug, e,c. ew Verk rreilui .Slnrki t, Nw Ierk, May 7 Kleur market anil but nrui . Hue, (2 z&i ui. miimrtlne, tl :ui ft3 4i); Common te l.oed Extra i stern, Mi'sll, City Mill hvtra (I fOgt for West Indies , Minn. hilra.W "i?5 b Wheat Ne. 1 K l bIiiIii en Ppet, trie ; N'e. S Ked, tile; Ne. 1 V, htle. state, utc - Ne. 2 ICeil, Winter. May. U tic: N'e. -J Ued. Winter. June. 'Jl'ic: Jnly.uiKe, Cern Ne. 8 Mixed, cash, 4(e. ; Jiine, Oats Ne. 1 hlte eutle, sjiet, i:ej 47";c.' i -Ne. 2, Kye dull. Jlarle nemluiil. l'erk dull ; Mess, flu 'SjiWUl Lard .lune, 23i July, f ."J. Molasses dull; 1-Xtil'Jc tin Ut list boiling Turpentine quiet at 3CJc. Itestn dull ; strained te geed, tl ('7ftl l.'W. FreltfhU quint: grain te Liverpool, Jc. Butter Market dull : New iVeslern Criuunury, lfOik. i iJUvte Hairy, hull flrkln tubs, 2lff3lc. Cheese dull j Western, 3Qc i Stale, 7(9e Kggs dull ; htale, i:u, Western, llSOIIic. Hiutai market dull ; Kenned culleul, 7Ke : (Jrauiilated, bi(HryAi: '1 allow steady i pi line city, 3)4c. I'etieliiuin Hull ; rellued In umpj.b'ic. etrcii steady j fair cargoes at 8,'ic Uicidull; rancet from a,a le UmcKge.'Marhet. Chiuahe, -May 7, 910 a. in. Market opened Wheat May, TfcJic; June, 7Se , JuIv.eOKc; AiiKUst, flHe- Cem May, JIJ4c . J une, Stc ; J uly, 37!-ic; Aug , Ji'c. nits May.'iSfe June, Ssjjjc,- July, . is'4c ; AiiKiist, iic. i-erk May, tHU; June, IK U.sf , July.Jj .-j', l4iid June, ti'flU I July, Men. Ulbs-Juue, I5S5; July, fi40; Aug, 5 I7J flraiii ami rrovi'iens fntnlsbed by b, K. 1 mult, lliekul, C'IiIuike. May 7,1 o'clock p in. Wheat. Cern. Oats, l'erk. l.ard. Mai TWf le). iM 8 10 Junu a, 'jsji v.viU ft kx 1 I.I.. L.U 37' i M S1 UK 0(0 i7Ji aJ jbjJ i, ui w'i eii August MlJ beptember tl; .. . . ..... . ifcccciiim. cur l.eis. WlnterWheat ; i Spring Wheat a Hfu tJ V"" W Ke Hurley u OUClty Crude OU 731 Hocelptii-Ilesrs "j Closing l'rUes i o'clock p. m. Mny , iirai, corn. uais. rerK. i,ara .-. Tt.;- "; es? 11 ir. in" i!j V (O July hi2 AUKUSl. M Keiilember. ti'i Oil City Crude OU 5 US I, UI 37 J 4S t, 07 w ti l.lle hl'Kk lllarkela. Chicaiie, May 6. 1 be fJret erj' Jein ,eif reran ts Cattle-lteielnui, 4,Uu) head i shipment,. IIMJ headt insrkelstrenirt lOftiHc hlher, ehlniiiiie steei-s, Oiu te l,5ciu tts.ll v(tv . sulcVerJ and feeders, 10Ut4 7U; envvs, bulls and mixed f."J5CHibulk, lauiSJUi, TexuscalUe.tiurt 1 75 Hogs ItecelpU, 1SI0 head 1 shipments, 4.i0 heua 1 market si rung 1 shadohlgecri rough and mixed f3 7i'l S t packing uud thin. Jijug, JUJa33 light, 17534 331 skips, l.'Suij Sheep lU'celpta. 1,500 bead t shlpmenu. nene: market itieng; shuuilug, natives, Ji'ilgijv. cast Mbshtt Cullliv reeulpln, )l head, si ipinculs, aci head : inaikctslen-1 prime, itj (ii5"l lulr te geed, l 75a; common. lfll Ml; sieekers uud feeders, 1 seflt 7S1 Bhlpmuuute New Yerk, uuiie. UoKe-iucclpU), 1,'jev) head j shlpuiuuts, J.'AWi niaikrt active) Philadelphia, II KHIOWt erk. ers. H skip, tm'vjtn. Shipments te Neir ink i, earleails. .heep nccliits, hm limit, shlpincnla, 1,1'wt mil ket uien prune, l hhJI 'Xl lair U bcs-hI, Hi-Stl.""1 roiimien, fJ!M spring t.(J clip peillainbs, 1p.vi. new lets, Mtixks. Mw lima, May 7, Wall street, I JO p. Ui. Meney esu at a jwr cent. loreUn ox ex chiiiKW dull at IS7KCIS'.Ht Uovernuients stcaJv Currency 6's, iu;hlil i ' leup. Ili'Ai Did 4Vll'?ibld. The fisturu of the dealings ou Ihe -ileck m rhtiiKO this luernliig was IKI. taik A Western, vthlrh was slreiiB, ami en a steady bit) Ing ail v antul 1 per lent, and strengthened the w hole lll. At inlililay prices were frnctlenallj higher ullareunil. Iheuiaiketat the lime et writing Is firm. Sterk MniKrls giiotatiens by Heed, Mcllrauu A Ce , banket , ivuiasier, i a. saw less list. 11 a. a. UM. 3 r.M r.,4 Canada t'aclllc C 0. C t 17 Uel. Ceal Centiat l'acinc SJ.Vi Camilla Muithern.,, Chi., at 1. A l'Kli Denver A Uletlrande IM., l.sck.A Western 121 Ktle lift Krlelit nW New Jersey CuntnU I'U K. A T Jl Leu. ft '!'( Litkuchore iilt Mlchlftau Central Kl.-eml Pnclric lav 41 17 " 4J S 1C7S JIW SI'J si, II iiv MS mi, 101 Northern fnclllc 4IJ N. 1. I'rul S N VV Hft? New Yerk central U,vi 101 'J- S v. ft 1WJ Ohie central :::: Uuuvha Oregon lTaiis OnLiitinA We-ftern reclflc M'HI ei M lterhtturft l'UUIuirK SU I'aul WJJ MJ. Telas Pacific S sv Union 1'aclflc l ''. Wabash Common W b.nh 1'relerrtHt . .. Westeru Union Telegraph., ej PJX West shore rUlLAUKLI'lIlA LIST. tehlKh VsJley NVJ ,VV, It, A 1'hlla Si, iS reuusylvanla 1-J. 5;'. Keadlnijt IP. II1, Uihlgh NavlK'Hlen i)i l4 UesUmvtlle 1'htladelphla A Krlu... - Northern Cent Tisiple's Paener K'lVKUen'lsM'lits I. "O "i OU TKi fl II l-lti .CI ;i'i lii-al hieckb mitl lletuls. Kiqsirted by .), Ik bong. Par Ijwi value. sali Lancastet 8 per cnt. If) .... IU) 111) O " isic. uv " " Scheel leun . im " I " In ler Ai j ears lt " I In ft or Ji ears 10) ' 4 ' In lUerJDjcars. li llanhebu lloieugh lean HO BASK STOCKS. First National Rink be farmer' National Hank M) t'nllen Villenal Uank It") lineinti r leunty N'Ulenal Bank .... V) Columbia National Hank lei Christiana National Hank llll Kphmta National Bank tne rirst National ltank, Columbia lt first National Hank, strasburg ion first N utlnnal llank. Marietta 110 t lrst National bank, Mt. Jey lui tltltx National Uank Ui) Manhclm National Jlank no Union National Uank. Mount Jev ... W 1JU 1V U'2 1(0 3 l'ft llfj a Ol lift 148 lift 13s lfts 133 AXi.50 IM. l.V". 10 New Helland National Uank 10U Gap National Uank He quarryvUle National Uank UD Kllzabcthtewn National bank 1UJ Northern National Hank 100 TCRSriKB STOCKS. Uh? Snrliiif A Heaver Vallev 1.S0 110 110 110 137 50 7.C0 U4.S0 Itrldgepert ft Horseshoe 13 Columbia A chestnut lltll.... J) CelumblaA Washlugten Ji ConestegaA big bprlng CelumblaA Marietta VS Mtytewn A KHzabethtewn 2ft LAncasterA Kphmta 23 Lancaster W'lilew street a Btmsburgft MUlpert ii Marietta Maytewu St Marietta A Mount Jey 2ft Lane, KHzabethtewn A Mlddletewn. loe ImcasU-rA t'rululllu se Lancaster A Lltltz 2S hast llrandywlne A Wayneaburg ... SO Ijvncaster.t Wllllamstewn - IineuturA Mauer te Lancaster A Manhelm 2ft Lancaster A Marletui Jj Lancaster A New llellsnd luu KUC1UXASE0US STOCKS. OuarryvlilcU.lt w Millerv llbi Street Car Inquiring Printing Company Ml liasllght and uel Company '25 Stevens Heuse (Uends) 1KI Columbia l.iw Company "s Columbia VV aliir Company 10 Su'euehanna Iren Company Un Marietta Hellew-ware pi) Stevens Heuse ft) Mlllersvllle Nermal Echoel '2ft Northern Market fte Eastern Market Ml VV estcrn Msrkut SO LancusterClty Mriet ltallway Ce .... M Q4U5 a) 23 40 14 4itO m M.W 70 f 1 75 107.50 11R 3W0 a w 1.13 te 52 2S PO 25 II) 'J 0.3 210111 105 IS. Hi 10 S! 35 llU 101 0 11 11 7S 103.73 Oas Company tiends no Columbia Uoreugh lnds 110 Lancaster Susquehanna. 310 LuneasterA; New Dsnvtlle 2ft Uuarryvllle 11 ft., ,'s ku Keading A Columbia H. U., 7 s pe llotiseneld Market. OAIRV. Creamery Uutter JVi'-c Uutterwai !3W2j-c Dutch Checsa y Inmp ittlOc 1-OClTRT. Turkeys fl piece (live) tlfjia " " (cleaned) Il1.75 cnic&eua v pHiriiivei sfi.coe " Pplece(cleaned iHSloe MISCKtLAMKOCS. Apple UutlerV It 2: Kggsrirlez llUc Heney V ft Jic Lard V ' KfJc raciTs. Apples THlk 1UQ15C Uauanas Idez Cocetinuts, ixieh Lemens V dez Oranges tdez Craiws V B Cranberries, pr.ut '2ft,i Jlc h<r. '20C 3VJ50C Mtjme .... Htc 38e MjtlOO .... 10C1SC 45lli0C Sii3U0 VKllHTABLKS. Cabbage V head. lleetj its V lib l'olutees IfKpk ' Vbushel Cauliflower, pr. hd Bweet rotntees V U nk ..nW2c Turnips PX pk : loeiso rien. Halibut l S 15O20O Catfish l ft uc Herring V dez '2fte rrc-an Mackerui f a 13c Clams per luu tl sea Itass 100 Uluuflsh 10a Hturceen 1110 bhad V plece ZQWe UllAli,. Wheat 'JOuTvftc Outs 12c Cern 503V ltye iae ibivpurten llftQ-JI Cleve rscvd 7Uft 'timothy ticker) HeriKiniss f.'2ft Orchanltiress fJ.M illjed Lawn Grasses n 10 rieurw uui A flH.vi Huugiirlan cirass Ji.n SKW ADYr-RTlHEHlKHTII, B AK1NO 1'OWDKK, ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. TH18iK)wderuuvervailes. A marvel el purity, tiutigth and wboleseineuess. IU110 ecu. nemlcal than the ordinary kinds, Bnd canuetlsj sold In competition with Ihu multitude, et low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders, tfeld only In (11111, Kerr. UakinoI'ewdirCo., luu Wall BliecU New Veir. marn-lydAw A UDITOU'S NOTK'U IIcnkv M. Kmilb, ) April Term, lms. . ..V',. f f"-. " Kxeu. diAin jj cnuce. ; iiecuvi, The undersigned auditor, uppelnted te dis tribute the money paid Inte Cem t by the sheriff of Luneuster County, by vlrtue of the above execution, te aud ameni: these legally entitled 10 the sumo, will ntteud for that nurpose en Tuesday, the Slh day of June, A. D. ltKSJ.at 10 o'clock u. in., in the Library lloem of tbe Court Heuse, In tbu City el Lancaster, where all per sons Intel ested lu suld distribution may attend. uijMtdlh L. O. iSULEMAN, Auditor. xmr AiirxnriiiKM kkth, rANTi:i)-A HKsrAUUANT COOK. lllJ 3t APPI.1 ATtllleOll'lCK. SCOTT'S F.LKCTHIC HA1H COLOH POH sale at HUlll.KVH liltUllBIOUK, .e. su vv est King hireel -IJIOH HP.NT. JC The Two-Slet j Heme, .Se, (vM Netth Ouwn strett. lunulieiiil tnaj I tW M) sol til IJUKKN r. mlin "YF.Ll.OW l'UONT" TWO I OH JL Hvrt em Hkis unveil llllets.nie the best in tne market uir ine unuiej , in MAUIU.Kt s (temunl) Hal Im ill's) ellen Ment," .Se ilNeilh Uui-eii street. v 11 Y V fl&reltAHHT 01 TKlVlll w lieu v ou can gi t I he same at I-4, at VI W ris IIKIl'b Dental ltisims. Ne iri North Oueen Slt-t Oiisadiulnliteud pl7 ljd 7 lb IT HlCUAHDi.' Ni:v"siTl)10 (OK MM. I'HOIOIIKAI'IIS, Iii7lnd Ne t.KNOKTHQIJKKN bl -VTOTICK Ol' CO-l'AHTNnnSlUI'. JLs We have this din entered Inte 11 te-pail ncrshlp ler the Itniss Custlngs, Manufacture el Mat bluer) itiroesii of milking Iren uud Patlenis and Medel, and the Specialties In llaidware and vv i ri'MMIMIS, II. .1. 51 Kli.KltVV A I 1 I iiiASTin, Pa , Slny (t, lsstc lniiyT 2tvl ,50CK lli:i:Ht-TON10HI' AMI T.I J MOHUOIV MUllr.l Imllrs-llirt ! fill nil.l Bl lihla Deck lleerat AKNOt.l) HAAS' .saloon. ltd" J2S North yuienistnel. -Ol.ACKlinHUY,- CiTkHHY, 1.1M1KH AND IvIMMKb IIIIAMULS, one. a i unri. I'l S ts r l A I A rt HA VV IN K, tl SO a gallon. 110 11 it Mi's Ligueu aieue.. Ne. 21 Centra Srjuare, Lancaster, l's, aprJsMydlt I?isTAfr. or rvTKU'KTiiTvue iTuNi 11 lute of Manhelm ten nhlp, Lnueester Ce, la , deceasiHl Li Iters tesbiinentarv en said es tate hn Ing teen gnntcd tethe underslgiied, nil persons inuenieii incuioni-e lequesiiHiiemtiku ImuiedlAte pamrut, and these having claims or deminds against the same, will present them without dels) for sdtleuienttetheuniler signed, lesldlng In HerlsburK, or II U. Mc Coneniy, aJderuian, Ijincasler I AM bs Mi I At (ill LIN. ap24Stdr hMcuter rpiii; iu:.si t ui:i.sii in Tin: city. Ju-t ixcelved 11 large cenilgnuient id MM-.aT IMPOU'IKD bVV KITKP. CHKhbh, S.kl k, II ITV1 t IthkukC GENClN'EIMreinhlMlOUl'KrOlduiEKsf, S M'sAt.O t llhKSKS, EM.l.lslI STILTON LIlKhSK. LfMHl-UOKlt (. IlKKSbS, l'lNLAl'l'LE, PICNIC. KIIAM and DUTCH HAND CIIEKSLS. FINKsT NEW IOIIK h.MI'll'.E AND OHIO t IIEh.!Es, At Oharles Macnay's CHEESE- EMPORIUM, AJID CHOICL FAMILY GROCERY Nes 143 aud 117 NOllTH QCELN 5TUELT (oeds delivered liee te all parts et the city aud cuv liens. Telephone conuectle-i iia-smd -kPh.NlNO! Ol'KNINGl! THE OPENING Ol THE New Red Frent Shee Stere, Ne 48 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Next Doer te I'ostefflcc) Hill take place en "ATUKDAl, APK1L I7th, with one el the finest nnd most complete assort ment of Beets, Shoes and Slippers Of the lkt Makes and nt the Lewest 1'easlMu 1'rlces. 1 he stock is entirely iiewnndcsrefullysclecteJ, and goods will be sold at bTllICTLY ON fc I'mCEaud SATISKACTION tJUAHANTEKD A terdlil Invitation Is extended te ml 'te vig vig our New htere, whether jeu buy or net Ne trouble te show geed. UEMEMUEHTHE PLACE, Ne. IS NORTH OUEEN STREET iNext Doer te the I'ostetllco ) CHAS. A. REECE. aprll 2udA2lw W 1LL.1A.MSON A KOhTHK. STKA1UHT FKONT SacK Geat Suits ! -AKE THE LTEST FASHION'S FOR VOUNG GEMS. 'Ihev aie perlict titling and range In price from is no le f22.li). HIE- Swift River Cassimere Suits A Sl'ECIALTl. WIS 00. GRAND AMY SUITS, $6.00, S7.50, 810 aud 912. tliililreii's Noil'elk JSIotise hiiiils, 12 W, ii te, file, ioe. BOYS' DRESS AND SCHOOL SOUS, il M, Ji IX), f, le, il). Medium and Light-Weight Onderwear, ic , .We , 75c. SILK NECKWEAR, J5c, ft ml VH: Silk rinishecl, Suspenders, Twenty-nve Cents. SUMMER FFrLT HATS -IN Light Grays or Tan Colerfe. MANILLA AND FANCY STRAWS -1011- rv.EN, BOYS, OH CHILDREN. A Dress SI raw Hut, (Jit. Grand Army Caps ! Including Wieutli and I'lgurcs.TSO. lieni's Superior Haud-Made Kronen Cidf Bkln Halters, excellent In Kit. inoderate In price, (icutleuieu should soe them betore leaving their enler ler custom inttde. Ladies' French Kid Turns, A handsome Drees Bhee, sUes aud vildtlts lu yj,era, Itcgularuud eijuaiolec. Williamson it Fester, 32,34, 3D & 38 East King St, LAN'CASTEU, l'A. r-Stert3 open every cvenlii,'. Kir .iUVKHTHIKMHSTH. OVU Ni:V HHAND, Till: ' LATHhT," live tent t liir. Is llin inipular ilKSrat saloons, te. liy Ilium. MaiiiiMutiiied hi MAUkl.KV.s, (Fetmeily tlailnmn's) "bellow Irenl," .Ne. SI .North Queen street ALL KINDS OF HAILING DONT. AT hint unllie. Alse eiileia ler Whitewash lug tan be lelt wlih lllTKI.K A MKTlli:U. It Ne. I Middle. Ulirct E JIA8T LN1) YARD. 0.J.SWA11R&00. GOAL. KINDWNQ WOOD. Olllee Ne. '2UCKNTIIK HllUAUK. 1lelhatd ud initie 1 euiieeled Willi 'lelephoue Kxchmige airlJ-l vdMAK U A I i:V HA HI. A I.N SAT CLARKE'S. Hilclev s Mineral scouring Soup, !ie. 11 ake , Heed Hand Seap, le ; Ikibbltl'a Heap, !k' a cake Millet s lliiuis. 0rtp, 7e 1 Table lenmtis'S, .V a can , 'table llll, e ubelllei Klce, Stnnh, Oat meal, llarlev. shrnbled Outs or Avenitenl !i B . nmt KWIni' suu ileve Polish, tx. l'uri Ien, tellies, syrups and liu-gal at low est prlies CIiAKKh's, ln'2i!l)dAw Ne 3S West Ulna Stu el. Cs.VKHYHOI)Y WT.t.COMi: TO CAl.l. Jil and see our lute m rival or Spilng Uissls. lilib we ate selling at etticmclv small vireflts Our goods aiv sillied for armors, Met remits mid Herklngnien innliily. Alse 11 lull sitpplv et Hosiery. I elliits, Culls, lliuulkeri hlels, iule styles. Neckwear, Suspender. Ciiderwiai siiltidfer nil m'iiseik, ler rli h and peel, uud money csit be saved bv bulug new. rieau cull n nit see for ourselves. A I HECHTOLII'S. Ne. M Neilh vim-cu slriet. -Sgt, el the lllg BttMikliig H 1HH11 A llKOl'llKK Strike While the Iren is llel ! 11 ii whlle kihmI are eIIrttMl at fturh lllilnu CLOTHING lias nevui etd cheaper ths.11 at punent the prices el a low article appended heie MB.N RSUITSna low a, H l, II M, M. MEN b ALL WOOL SACK, "UO MEt-S Al.lVVOOL 8VCK AMI (.1'IAHAV. MtO J."0ll. SlfcS e ALL-VVOOLCOKKSCHI.W8, JO0 te.X) OULHULN 3 SL-tl-- flour s;i tn Jia IlOlh' 81111 8 from 11 10 te II J Our hntlm Stisik this Season l mat ked Pro portionally Lew MERCHANT TAILORING! Me have j ust tecelved anew luvelie 01 all the ljit3t Novelties In Suitings and Pautaloenings for ear Order liepartment, te nbuh we 11II )iurspeclal attention, these goods comprise the ucutist patterns et tboseiuen. C1LL flD SEE THEM. HIRSH BROTHER'S One-l'iice Clothing Heuse, COKNEB NOK1H clUEEJf B111E61 CKMTKtt SUUAUK. H lOH d MAHT1N. GHIN4 HALL The Celebrated $18,000 PEACH BLOW VASE. We have a porfeot fue Bimlle of It en Exhibition In our Window te day. DONT FAIL TO bEK l'l'. HipWitlii j 15 EAST KING STKEET, LANCA8TEU, FA rVltNlTUllE. TTOrFMEIKlfa r TABLES Every Description Of -AT- PIOFFMFxIER'S FUHMTUItK WAUKKOOMS, Ne. 26 East King Street, 7SpecUl Alleutlen le iKepalrs. l'Ulur Jfruuies te Order. .VK II' A It PA' TJHKMKSTtt. VWu- e Y,el,N" MAN TO LKARN 1 ? Ihu Hunt lluslinm , una will, u v...'. .... perleniii pieleiKil AiUlirss wlih ivfninntn, 111.1 .Mil I'UL UIIICll, INTCLLlllkStl ROIlke. TUVAN'M KI.Ol'H. LEVAN'S FLOUR Alwaye Uiiilbnn mitt lloliuble Korieu OrrusHiMjeiimsNA i;ami Cemivm, 1 Cen. Lkximuen ash Davis 81 un.ts, S . , . llaltluiere, ApillV.", s-il 1 . .'. ,rS.1' '.'""'J'V given Ihiitii gHiiutal nieelhig of the Hlockheldeis of this Ceiupauv will be hi Id at Um elllee, lu llsltliuere, en MONDAY, Um Huh ilny el MA 1, I8.S,!, nt 0110 o'lleck p 111, ler Um eli clleii et oil com nnil nmnngers ler Um 1 imiiiu: jiuf 'lheiinnstei bmikswlll IhhIimiI 110111 .Memmy, tne M el May, until tiller the ell 1 .Ien. Hy unlet, tip: ld ltetlr.ltr D. IIItOWN.f teasutet rJteKHAM;. 2 An kstiililltliiit llutliiens, or will tukna luiituei. new doing a business of t MHUn venr um bedeiibliil , ptetlts buge . pmti ctid by patents, r-ur paitlciihire.tuldnss inns 1 lwd mi 31., lJimasler, Pa. "i i:mi.i:n uhiian, V AltCIUlLCT Designs Plans and npeeiriiiilleus Itirnlslied un iiiiiiiiigsi! ,',,'ry ill'SlTipileil iimi i'- r. i 1111 I'KNN tOU UK ANl EVsl mm. tiu;m'. uis liiimiHl 1)1 Hi. If SAl.K 1)1' llDllSKS. I On MONHA1. MM IU, Insi, will Im sold nt the Meirluuic Stiil'le iirailimder Moslem llll neli uud Indiana Horses, from Ulveu, llaiun.t Le Mrst 1 tmidllvi'ls. liiiluherses, leedeisand heav v distts. Hale te celiiuu 111 e ut 1 e elec'k p lu. Alse en bund, Canada and Western llntiuis Hue ililvers uud Kisnl steppers which will lie sold nt prlv ale sale UlOltliV. UltOSSMAS. - 1'lllillu K.lli) IM'TJ Menduj. lJATKN I'hl'HAl' l'NT.l,OON8. The CiMtcsl Intnli"3 of lh Ai;f. I'siiliiltHuis liiuile wlih the Patent htrnp IH esnv.de "el liar; out at the km e, den'l draw lip wliiin -llllug ilone, mid give In ttorsill'fuctleu thin nu ethers l'laee your erdi r Willi A II Kei ustitln, tliu Mtrchuul 'laller, who has t fin iule right fur Luninslei for the Patent Heulili Htmp t'tintuloens 1 eiler nil uiitisiiiilly full stock et uehbv gisnli tin Pantaloons, Mults, Vesting mid I Spring liierieuls.iiiidiitu devoting my en lltll IllllMlllllU 1 Ml) llll'IlU. Illlll IIHIIIIIIB, llllll will span- niMlTert te retain the position I tmve soleug lu Id n tint linn Mcrctuiut 'laller el alienator ni'sis ciiuny veurs. A. II. UObbNSi r.iN, JJ 3;.Seitli tluien 81 s I' U I N tl HA Itl'S OI'lIMSd AT II. UKK FINE TAILORING. 'I Im Lamest and uuwt L'oniplele Asseitment et KINK WOOI.I.KNnrorthntiprlnRltBilulelJO teuud In tlie City of Lnneater A Obolee Line of MpiiiiK Oiiute.itiii,:s nnd PnutiiliHintutts lu till the Lilrst Patliun 1'itcus Leir, Hint VV erknmuahlp, uud all k'hhIs aiianted ns It piest tiled. h."gerhart, NO NOU1 II (JUJthN blltKKl Oppislte the Poslelllce. iiinrti ljdll U llir. Sl'UlNf Ol'l'.Nl.NO AT- ASTRIGH'S Palace of FasMen, 13 EAST KING STREET, lb OV fall, ANO IS 1'KllCLAlMbli IU I V Kllll'.UlM A (.I.EA1 hUCLKiS. I, KAMI UhlO.MI IthiLKIITIO.N NLVEK HIJI.ALLEH'' Aie Ihe uniiiilmeiis eipiiisteu. el tbivi el our patrons who hid time eueuitb te lusput Ulll IHSPLA1 AT Ol li Hl'lMMi, Hut the tuultltudoef xeisls we had for liiipn tlen was (isigrenl for tlie tiieotninednlton ucc essary te show them te Ailviiniuite Wether,1 tere would selli ILeur closescrulluy te tbe t 1 leivlUK list of urllclcd and prices VVbSELL THEllhsl FIETY CENT KID GLOVE lutlietlty, heui llutten, fjitist bhadi We sell a five and six button bid ( leir si loped lop, In gre undgl.ites, tit &K. n pull IV e sell a reul kid tl ve button gloieul 7 We sell a real kid, stltchid back, lour buttons at "7c. We sell a five hook real kid Incllin kIoie ler II t. We sell an uiiilte srd Md Rleve, four billion., fin Wi , ii bettr r oimfer'Je a reil kid rleve nit dres.ii if, at II. J5 We sell n tlne lisle k'ove at l',. n pair WoheII n (Hiirl IliloKleve at Ji, . liuitpcatl lixlenlUe i EiiKllsh pearl lisle at J7c W'e sill line silk K'eves, In black audeolend, nt IV. and tie. We sell the finest yime rjaiue silk kIdie lu town, black unit coleied, ill ' u pair .We mdl pure silk lace mitts, In bbuk.leisey style, at 'JOc. a pall IN HOSIERY. We sell ladles itrlped lnne at &c. a pill We sell a belter ijuullty, pl.iln coleied and striped, at 7c npslr We sell plain coleied, alrlped nnd black, nl Hi a p ill We sell split feet, full bisbteni d, line iiiullly bese. In eolerid and black, ut like, a pair Ni if Npiinct shinies, tans audslales, 15c a pull Weseil fulT.riKUlurmiulullilbliKKaus, let IV. a pair; excellent iiuullty atlsc and Xc u psli thn lluest Ilulbilgcuns at Xx. a pair We sell extra geed iiiullly black besi', full leiriilnrinade, whlte feel, at sTje.ii pair VV'e sell the Illicit coleied liee, fullti,uhii uiude, In Luis and slates, ut c. n pair W e sell striped Hese, full regular inadi, lieui 'JJi u pair up W e sell black lIslulhliMd huse lit 37i , and bet lei ones at tee. lllnckBllk hoseatlTjo uud II i. Our stock or checkeied uud Lincy ulllped horn cunnet bu surpassed lu ijualll) el vailely el stvles. We sell geed iii illty hee for ehlldicn, plain or Hbbvd, lieiu lue. a null up. Children's full regular imulu black heie, wblle lint, nl Im. nnd 'Jie. u pair. lnrant's thiee fourths hese at 10J , 1 W . 15-. Wa. mid '-'e Infant's llsle thread thiee fouithshesc, h Ladies' and Gents' Gauze Underwear, LONCI AMD HIIOHT8LKEVhS,'.Sc,37c,AM'c. llalbrlgu'iin bhlrU for ladles uud gentlemen, See. dilution's Uaiue llndeishli ts from si up llenls' iinbiiiudiled shllts, relnlerced linen biMimi and lined back, geed iuiihIIii and well inlile, S"c. DENTS' HATIN BCAH1S, NEW blVI.l.s, iic LAllILb JEIiBE. ULOlll LOA1H, AND COLOH9. MK JERS EYS -AT- AST RICH'S, NO. 13 BAST KING STREET, LANCA8TKH, l'A. AMVtJKMJiSTli. -piuireN eij:ka heuhi:. fOXJi IIV.7:A".-tt CoinmeucluB Monday, May U, 1080. 'I huir d.iy, 1 liilay,. Hinday um! hulmday Mat lite -8A El) KllOM IHKblOKM. ' GRAY & STEPHENS, In tlie Uie.ilcul el all Eeiisatlunal I'lajs, hn titled " Saved from the Storm." Il'i'd AVK of the JIIIM-MIS3 MINNIE 01 CAtl UllAV. l'ercu TeLld-iUl. W. K. STKl'HENS. Incidental te the Play, the Hramatle Dogs, Romoe, Zip, Hore, Lee and Mnjer. ClltAV & STEPHENS, I'roprlelers. JUL J. A.llU.NlEIt.Oeneral Manager ADMISSION 10, WnuayeCENTi Kcservid Heats at Operu Heuse. uSOfctd f.l. J'A . M