Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 01, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    - H.
1 t ,
a levviumi tiiitur ur hamiimi hia m
uiiiNin eruiiAiuvrrii
llniv Illini1lnlnllli MuHuylii llie rinr
llmllulbrmk hi Nnluri(li, N, -11m
Milliliters lrrli Down Fiem
jnrlir tleiiRrrM I'Icm
Jehn Hkeln Atluille Monthly
'Iho illshitilliutiiilef llie nrtny In Hin mini
innr or I7&I, liolero llie llrltisli troops had
nvne listed New Ycuk, wbh lia.tctue' hy llm'
Impossibility of paying llie soldiers nnd tlie
iltimil of wlmt they mllit de under niiuIi
prciviM'.illeti. Though paice IihiI been mil
dally announced, Hamilton and Livingston
ured Hint for llie Mkn nl nppoarnneos II Kir
no ether reason. Ihn nriuv should lie knot
tORl'tlier w i Iemh III tlie llrltisli lOlllnlllllll In
New Yolk, It net until lliey should hale
Niirrenili red llie Wealem frontier kws. Itut
l'oii(reH i until mil piy tlie iirmy, nml mis
iilruld ut It, nml nut without neiiiij irasen.
Dlsenur.iijrii Hi llm length el llme Willi h hud
pissed allien tlmy liml received imy ineiiny,
tlie soldiers hnd Ihi;iiu le four lest, new that
thelr services wero no longer untiled, their
honest claims iinulil he net aside. Anient;
Ihn ollleom, loe, there was uruve discontent.
In tlie niirltiK (( J77S, niter llie ilrunillill
ivlnti rnt nl I ey 1'orue, kevcral olllcerH liml
tlirenii up ihnlr ii iiiiiiih.1(.u-. nml ether
tlirniitineil le de likewise. Te avert llie
ituiKCr, WruliliiKleu liml ured I'eimriHi le
premise Imirpiiy Ter llfote such ulllierx us
nlirnilil Hcrvote tlie nml nftlie war. It was
nnly with Rinal dllllciilly Hint lie Micoeeilod
In nlituliiliiK u promlse et hall-pay for seven
J ears, mill etn this rided en outcry
lliroimlieiil llie country, whlih deemed te
ilri'iut Hi initiiiAl iieroiiuerMeiny us innn km
enemies. In llie fall of 170, him ever, In tlie
);iiiierul depics-lun which followed upon tlie
disaster hi I'harlosteu nml Camden, I In)
iiillnpte or tlie pipqr moony, unci llie ills
eotery of Arneld treason, tliuie ivas serious
daiiKer Hint the army vveutd lull te piece.
At tlilx critical moment Washington liml
earnestly appealed In I'oiiKreKs, aud ukiiIiihI
llie MlnlllllMIS OpHI-ltlOtl of Nauiuel Adam
had nt length etmrltxl the premise nt hair
piy 1'ir llie In llie HprliiKOf l'TJ, elntr
tlie utter Inutility of Congress te ilnwlmre
lit s unl.irv utilisatiens, many nllleer Im
iMiti In doubt whether tlie premise would
nmr Imi kept. It Ii ul tioeu innile Ixilore tlie
nrtlHi el conrmli'mllen, wlileli rriilriKl tlie
H-'iil f nine Htiilet te imy mih'Ii meuMir ,
teiilliiMlly rntlllml. Uwh-sheII kueuiitluil
nine Miilr- liml inner Iiih'Ii fetiml In tmer
tint ini'isnic, nml It Mit new liwrtxl Hint It
instil lie roenl(il or repmlliUxl, no Inn. I
wai llie pepulnr ( l-iiner iinfilnt It. All Hi It
Kiinmnl ii piilihi in Ken inini'iil, H.tld hhiiici
nl II. n i.lllcein, Iimi iiintiv iiKiki hkiII llie
lireth ; ii ilntu lit'iid urn ni liait hi no lmel ,
iu id i nut knew win iin preuilNtiH le trim ; n
innmiii'liv, Willi n kixmI king w liem nil uiiill
imii Iriiii, would oxlilt'rite Hi Ireiu tliuie
iIIIIIpuIIIim. In Hili mood, Coleunl I .null
Mceln, of llie IVniiltnuln line, it forelKiiur
liy blrlli, nililrtwHMl n leiiK ami well ur'ed
lutlnr In V uliliinlen, Hulling lertli tlie
Iroiililei el tlie Unit', and urulnw lilm le cnme
firwnnl n n xiileur of HiN'lety, unit ucept
llm crew II ill tlie IiiuiN or Ills fitlllimi mil mil
dlers. Mitilii wahhii biimI mail, of excelluut
i linr.ti'tcr, nml In uinkliiK tins nui(Ktmllen lie
Htmiuixl te lienctliiK ul NKikiiiiiiun el a ior ier
laiu i Inpioer pirl nuieiiK tlie olllcerx, hew
niiintreiii li mil known, 'oiIiIukIeu lu
hlntitli icplii'il Hint Mceln could mil
I. .nml a i"r-eu In w liem hiicli a m'Iioiue could
Ui tiioie inIIiuib, nml Iiewhh nla low le ion ien ion
iiilie wlint Ini liml or dene le lme It hiiv
IkNisI Hut lie could for ene mouienl liHten le
n MimieMinn mi Ifiilltjlit with uiitclilel le Inn
'innn r v . llie ullnlr, iHicmulni; known,
Hlieulii Milrmiii HieMipulnr distrust of llie
uriii), n-lilnglen h till iiellilnj; nlieiit It
lint n llm jitir went by, and tlie outcry
iik'niu-l Imlfpny luiutliiucd, ami ( eij;rtiss
flinwid -j uii.teiin efa w IIIIiii,mi('hs te coin
ptOIIIKO the uiiltir, tlie llllCOUtl'Ut of tlie
Hriuy iin ren'pil. Olllcersauil solillorHtirood selillorHtirood solillerHtirood
imI iillke evor llielr wrenn. "Tlie army,"
HHid itKiinriil M n'dniigill, "Ii lurking te Hint
n lid i) wliii'li, we nre told, will uiuke n wlse
innn in. id." Tlie of tlie Nlluatinn whs
liicriiistxl In llie uull iniMiit but InjiidlCeiiH
wIiIswiekk of oilier puliliouredlton, mIie
Imlliiie I II ut it tlie army would only liike u
llriu hi mil ami Insist iimiii a imnt of pormn permn
uiiiil IiiiiiU te I'engri-ti for IIiUid.UiiK all
uililli deliU, llie slales cjiuld iretulily m
jneiaili'il upon le mnke hiicIi a 1411ml.
llelH'ii MerrU, llinable Ms-rotary of tlnniire.
In. Id tins opiideii, ami did net Polleio tint
thti st.u,. -in.uld txi Ureulit te turms in nii
oilier win. Ins UiUiies.ike mid asnlstaiit,
linnv i.rnt'iir Merris, held slnill it Mews, mid
Kile oMirexslon In tin. in In I ehrunry, 17"-l,
in 11 luiter te lieuurd (Iruone, who was still
cemuiamtlni? in Seuth Cirellun. Wheu
(ri'ine risiiiid the lettpr, he urj;(nl upon
tin. Iplslutiire (iflliut ktate, In most niiHrdcd
and iiunliTute lan;ti.ii;e, the paraiueuut neud
el i;ruilii)K a roienuo te CiiiiKrwH, ami
hlnusl iinit tlie iinny would net In) s.UislUul
with nulhlni; less. The assembly htniiKht
way Hew Inte a rae. "Ne dictation by a
C.oniwell '' nIieiiUxI llie uieiiiIkhs. S. nth
.irellnilud cousentod te the Ihn portenL
luiMist, but new xhoreiokod It, te show her
Inilnpniideiiiii, mid llroene's oyes woie
eS'iicd ut ence le the dmiKer el tlie hllKbtesl
11ppo.1r.1uce of inlllLiry luciill
llli: Ol rltUI'AK AT M'.M III ltdlt.
At tlie wen.) llme n lelciit euUirimU In the
army Hi Niiwburnliins birely proiniled by
tin. iiiiImiIiii t.i. t of WaslnuKleiii Aiiliunr
nciil iilxmi H10 i-.inip Hint II was Kiiieratly
expti iml tlie army would mil disbiml unlll
tlie ipiHstl.m of piy Nheuld be willed, mid
thai llie pulilic (ii'dltnrx bxiktsl te tliein te
uiuke xiniii hiich deinoiistr.itleii as would
oierawo the dolinipieiit xlales. Ilnnenil
(Jnles had Intely einerj;ed Irein tlie retlro retlre retlro
uienl In w Id. Ii he h id Inicu fain In hide I1I111 I1I111 I1I111
xolfalier t'uuideii, ami liml rojnlned the army
whom ihcre was new Hiieti a llehl for In
triifiic, ti ihIi.ius iimiimel Itupoteiit inalice
clings alxiiit his nu.niery en this Inst nc
casino en wlili Ii the historian uevds te
netl.'ii lilm. He plotieil In socrel with old
corriefthontHll mid etlierx. One of his ntall,
Majer ArniHiieutf, wroleaii anonymous ap
peal te llm troeJM, and another, Colonel
llniber, ciusiid it te Ixi circulated about ll9
camp. It named the next day ler a meetlnn
le nniHliler Krlovuncef. ita lannunge waa
Itilltmuiilery. "My friends 1" It said, "afler
m)en long yours eiir Ntillurlntc celiraBO has
inmlueled llie I nlted States of America
HireiiHli a deiil.Knl ami blixaly war; and
ara returns le bless wheiuV A country
willing toredre-isyour wrongs, cherish your
worth, ami reward our oerilccn? Or Is It
rather a country that tramples upon your
rlghla, disdains tour crles, and insults your
ilistrossea? ... If such be your trvat trvat
liiHiitwhile the swords.) nu xiear nre uocos uecos uoces
Bjry tin thi) ilnlcnse of America, what haa
you te exHH-l when thosuxery awerdi', llie
tnstrumentsaiid coiiipiuleiiH el your glory.
xliall lie takt.11 Irem your Hides, nml no mark
or military distinction lelt but your wants,
inllriultles, and ts-irs" If jeu haie hoiise
oneiigh le discolor and spirit te oppose
tyranny, whuteier gurh It may asaiuue,
awnke te your Hlluallen. ll the prosent
iiiement be lest, your threats heroafler will
Im) as empty us jour ontrenlles new. Appeal
Ireiu Jusllce te tlie loaraefgovorninont; and
Htispecl 1I10 man who would mlvlse te lenger
Hetter Kugllsh has Heldeni been wasted In
in a worse cause. Washington, tlie man who
Mas aimed at In the lust sentence, get held el
the paper next day, J imt in time, as he said,
"te nriest the reel that steed waverliiL' en a
preuplce." The memory of the revolt of
the Pennsylvania line, which I mil he alarmed
the people in 1771, was still Iresli In men's
minds; and here was an Invitation te mere
wholesale mutiny, which could hardly fall
te end in hlnndrict', and might precipitate
the 1 erplexid and euibarmssed country Inte
civil war. Washington issued a general
order, mcepnlrlilg the existence nftlie manl
iest e, imt oierriilliig It he far as te appoint
the meeting for 11 later day, with the senior
major genera', he happened te be dates, te
preside. This order, w lilch neither discipline
nor leurtei-v could discolor, In a moasuie
tied iat(K' "hands, while It gain Wavhlng Wavhlng
len llme u iiicertalu the extent of the disaf
fection. On the noDeIntnd ilnv he suddenly
laine Inte the ineetlng.nnd aiiil.l profeuuilost
silonce hroke forth In a most olequont and
touching speech. Hyinimthizing keenly with
the biillerlngs of his hearers and lully ad
mitting thelr claims, lie appealed te llielr
Ixilter feelings, and lemludeU Ihem of the
terrible difllcully under whlcli Congress
I at sired, and of the felly et pulling tliein.
helves In the wrong. He still counseled lor ler lor
liearnine as the greatest of victories, and
with cousuminate skill he eharai lerims the
anonynieusnppeiil as undoubtedly the work
ofseinecratiy cmissiry oflhe llil.lxh, eager
te dUgrace the army which they lime net
lieeu able te vatxiuMi. All were hushed by
the iiihJiMlle pnence aim inose seienin
tones. The knew ludge that he had refused
all uy, while enduring niore tliau auy oilier
man in tlie room, gavoadded weight te every
word. In proet et llie geed faith of Congress
he lxi(jaii reullnga loiter from ene of the
ineinbers, when, llndlng his sight dim, he
paused and took from his pocket the new
palrefinecUclea which the astronomer David
Itltlonheuso had Jiml wnt lilm, He liml
noier wnniMKicbiolen In public, nml as lie
put them en he mild, In his slmple mnmiur
and with bin pleAxnnt niulle, ' I hale grown
gray In your m-rvlce, ami new Hud mynelf
growing blind." While all heans nore
hertened he went en remllng the letter, and
Hum wIlhdreM, Ironing the meeting te Us
ilelll.eratlnii". There was a sudileii and
mighty reiulMnn or feeling. A motion was
rexittml declurlng " iiiiNliaken conlldnnce In
tlie Jusllce of Congress " and It was nddeil
that "the dlllcers or Ihn American army
xlew with nbherrnncn andrejMt with dis
dain the Infamous preimxalx contained lit n
lile anonymous address le ilium." Tlie
crestfallen latin, as chairman, had nothing
te de but put tlie question nni reert (1
carried unanimously; for If any mill re
mained ohdurnte tlmy no longer dnred te
show It, Washington Immediately net lertli
tlie urgency e! the case In nil earnest loiter te
Congress, nml ene week Inter the matter
wan settled by nil net commuting half-pay for
life Inte a gross sum equal te llie yearn' full
pay, te Im discharged at ence by i.erlltlcates
hearing Interest at nix pur cent. .Hueli xxir
nmr was nil Hint Ceugrrxi had te pay with,
lint It was all ultimately redeemed j nud
while (he coiiiiuntatlen was advaiitageeus le
the gm eminent, It wan at Ihn siiiiin llme
greatly for tlie Interest or tlie elllcers, whlle
thnv were lixiktng out for new ; means of
Iiii'IIIiikmI, te luue tlielr claims ndjustivl nl
once, nml te rrselvn something which could
de duly te a rospectittilo sum of money.
Nothing, howeier, could preient the story
el the New burgh ullnlr from Ix.lng piilillshed
nil evor the country, nud It greatly added te
the distrust with which the army was re
garded 011 general principles. What might
linle hniHinncil was forcibly suiriesteil hv a
lulsorahie ocMirreuce In .111110, about two
months arier Hie dlsbxudlng of the nnn v had
begun. Heme eighty soldiers of the I'enn
syliiinln line, mutinous freui dlsiviuilart nml
want of pay, broke from
oiftter and marvlied down te Philadelphia,
led by a sergeant or two. They drew up in
line lieiiire inoniaie iioiise, wuere 1 eugresi
was assembled, and after passing the grog
began throwing stones and sliitlng their
muskels at the windows. They .deinatided
piy, and threatened, if It wero net forthcom
ing, te solre the members of Congress and
held them as hostages, or else te break into
the bank where the federal deposit were
kept. The exirutlie council of I'eunsylia
nla sit In the S.11110 building, nud no the
federal government appealed te the slnte
geiernmenl for protection. The aptHul was
fruitless. President Dickinsen had a few
slnte liiilltli at his disposal, but did net dare
te summon tliiui, for fear they should side
with the rlnlers. The city government was
equ illy llsiless, and llie townsfolk went tlielr
h nix as If Uwere none of their business;
and se CnngieHs Med across the river and en
te I'rliiis'ten, whero the college allenled It
shelter. 'I litis In a city of thirty-two thou
sand hiliiilniauts, the largest Ity In the
isiuntri, the geiernmenl of the I idled
States, Hie lwly which had Just completed a
tre-ilx brewlxviilug Hnglaud nml 1 'ranee,
was igiioiiilnleusly turned nut or doers by a
liamlfiil or drunken mutineers. Thealluli
wits laughed at by many, but sensible men
keenly lelt the disgrace, and asked what
would be thought In KurejM) efa govern
ment which could net even command the
Honieex of llie (xillce. The nnny ixs'iine
mole unpopular tlian eier, and during the
summer and fall many tow n-ineetlngs were
held In New llngland, condemning ttincotii ttincetii ttincotii
inutatleii nit, Are we net peer enough
alnady, cried the fanners, that we must be
taxed te supixirt in Idle luxury a riotous
ratil.le ofMildlery, or create an arlstrs'racy of
men with geld lace and epaulets, who w 111
priscnlly plot ngilnst eui IHxirlies The
Maxs.11 hiisetls legislature protested J the
ve.ii oft euiHH'tti'iit ine.lltatisl resistance.
A eon ventlen was held at Mbldletewn in De
cember, at which two-thirds of the towns In
tlie stain were represented, unit the Ixist
iiiellnsl of overruling Congress was ills ills
cueil. Much high-Mown eloquence was
wasted, but tlie convention broke up without
deciding uisin any course of actum. The
m itter had Ikk-ouie se viriens that vvi-onien
cliaiigisi their minds, and dUippreied of
prr-ei dings calculated te threw Congress In
ti contempt. Simuel Adams who had
almost 1 iolentli eptmstnl the granter half
niy and had Ixien illsxitisl'itnl with lliocom lliecom lliocem
iiiut.itiou act new eiiiii (s)mplotely ever te
the ether side. Whitei or might lx thought
of the policy or the ineisure.s, he said, Con
gress Ii id an undoubted right te adept thein.
The army haJ been necessary for llie dofenso
or our lllKrtics, und the pttelie faltli had Ikeu
pledged te the payment et the soldiers.
Mites were as much "isiund as individuals te
fill III I their eiigigeuieutx, and did net the
sacred Scriptures sal el an honest man Unit,
though he swearelh te his own hurt, he
chingcth net .' .Such plain truths prevailed
in llie Itosteu tew-n-mtxHIng, whlili voted
lint "the commutation Is wlsely blended
with the national debt." 'llie agitation In
New Kngland presently cnme te an end, and
In this matter the course el Congress was
Tim nvt lairit Ctianralliir of laiKlnm!
Ileferrlng te llie statement Hint tlie lather
et the new lord chancellor el Knglnnd was n
Jewish rabbi, and that Lord llerschell be
came In his youth n convert te the Christian
faith, this, sajs l.tfe (Londen), Uunttiue.
Ills lordship's father was Ixirn n Jew, and
was a native et P.erlln. He c.itne te Knglnnd
when 11 child, was converted and ellered
himself for tlie ministry In ene el the Dl
seiiting churches. His eiler was luxopted,
and he vi us ordained ; but net being able
oulle te identity himself with any one sne
cial form el Ixiliefte the exclusion el ether",
he tool, up fin indexiuileut position nml ofll efll
cialed in 11 chapel mere or less unattached.
Ile married twice, and en each rxvaslen
chose ns his w lien member efa wealthy and
religious l.unlly. Ity his llrst marriage he
txrame the rather of the present " keeixir of
her majesty's conscience." ills second wife
was a daughter ofthe heuse of I'uller-Mnll-land,
well known half uienturv age In mer
cantile nml evangelical circles.
The .Menth of Mary.
About a hundred jears age a young clor cler
gjliiau In Italy conceived the idea el devot
ing the beautiful mouth or May te exercises
In honor of the Itlessed Virgin Mary. The
new devotion caught the Impulses nl Catho
lic piety in all countries, nml In tlielauguage
of devotion the month of May IXH-ame the
mouth of .Mary. The llttle statue in the
heuse becomes the centre el a shrlne, w here
Dewers and lights and drapery manifest llie
feelings, and exercises In the churches at
morn or eve, with precessions of children,
show the general dlllustnn. Ot course, In
(invent schools Hie month Iscelebrated with
Its greatest pomp.
" FliiUti . our HentKlirn "
"Mr. Celdcash, I havn ceme te ask for the
hand of your dmiglilei."
" My daughter, sir?"
" Yes ; J can't II ve w Itlieut her."
" Well, sir, Mulsh jour senlencii."
" finish my sentence? "
"Yes, you were nhnut le nay 3011 could
net live vvilheut her Income. Let us le
frank, my dear sir."
llhlii a mil low, dreary room
'I lull leeks upon a nolseiiio aticet.
Hall f.diltlnu' with tbe stililng heat
A starv tug girl works out tier deem I
ct net t he liss In (led's aw net air
'I lie little hlivtssliig flieet cute.
And hawthorns blossom eveiy where,
Hwirt, ceaselcas tell scarre wlneth biead
Creiii 1 nrly dawn till twilight falls,
Hlnitlu thy tour dull ugly walla,
'Iho liniirx crawl reiinil with lumdereiis Head ;
And alt I lie while In some still place.
Where lnleit wining heughs eiubi are,
The blackbird build, llme tiles apace.
U llli envy et the folk who dle,
W he may ut last their leisure take,
Whose longed-for nits p none roughly wake,
Tlreil hand the restless needle ply.
Hut far and wide In meadows green
The golden biltleicniH Hie seen.
And leddcnliiK aeriel ueds between.
Toe pure and premt te soil her soul,
Or steep te easily gotten gain ;
llydayaef changeless want and pain
1 he eamatress rami a pi Uoner'a dele,
Idle In the peaceful Ui Ids the aheep
feed quiet, and through heal ens blue deep
'the silent ileud-w lugs ataluless sweep
And If she he alone or dead
That weary woman scarcely knows;
tint hack und forth her needle gees
In tunes with throbbing heart und head,
Le! wluire'llie leaning alders part
White bosomed swallows blithe et heart
Aliev e mill waters skim and dart.
O Hed In heaven I ab-ill 1 who share
That dj lug weniau'a womanhood,
Taate all the summer's bounteous geed
Unburdened by the weight of cure 1
'I lie white moon daisies mar the grass,
The lengthening shadows e'er tliein pass.
The meadow's peel Is smooth as glass.
iMur JJalheten.
" 1 am much pleased," said a prominent
and well-informed banker el Hilarity, rofer
ring teati eilltnrlal In Wednesday' I.ntix, "In moo wiiiie newsp-ix)r take
up Hie subject of lliogeverniiiciilfixclianglng
lllnuil dollars for the unpopular nud repudi
ated trnde dollar. Under existing circum
stances Hint ptexwltliui Isn most reasonnble
one, and llie wonder Is that It lias net lx?en
passed or even pressed with lunch vigor. A
great deal of discussion and sumo bUleriuwx
have ensued ever the slliercolnage question,
when really It Is net as Important te the
honor and credit of the government and no
greater matter el llnaiice than the redemp
tion, with N011111 sort or legal louder, or a coin
le which the government leaned lln super super
wrlpllen and which new Is branded with
practical repudiation. Hnlng Hint Us light
weight llland dollar, will mil move, 11 could
save Its credit and Us cake by unloading
thein for the trade dollars." At least se ll
struck n prncliinl business man, who (old 1110
Hint the banks el (Ills county had at least
f700,(iili) of these ilellirsju great xulfen or
theso had been received ut par and ethers
Ixinglit at n discount te u.vouinindnte 1 uslo usle
Iners, which is net covered by the lest InleresU
The government should call In the trade dol
lar. 1'ew spiechiis inaiie In Congress this or
any ether siisslen have had hiicIi wide circu
lation as that or Him, Win. I.. Scott, en the
coinage or the standard silver dollar. The
current edition or ll makes "ii pages unit Is
bound In a tasty terra cetla cover. In that
form he lias supplied It te meet a demand
without limit ; and I am told '.'en.OOil copies
Is tlie Hgiire. Ills reprinted and lurnlshed
lilm at actual cost; but just slop nml calculate
hew much 2ni)(Ki(J copies of almost any 31
page pamphlet would font ii. I suHxct
Mr. Hcett has ether sources of Income than
his salary as a member. Ills, nil the stiiie,
a lery geed xiee.h, and you need net de
spair of receiving a copy of It rreni jour own
or Heme oilier congressman.
Itseems In 1110 Unit the soisen at Washing
ton Is net any inore bickward Hi in here.
The llnwer-lxxls alongside of tlie treasury
building lire further en thin thny wero a
year nge. In the White Heuse grounds the
tulips nud all that sort of thing have been set
out for some time ; but the walking fre.11 the
treasury te the Whlle Heuse front deer is
shiskliigly bid. At thi 1 season e'r the J ear
after ene has irausuited one's strictly private
business In Washington, n young man's fan
cies lightly turn le thoughts of gnrdeu sass.
A bob tailed car gets you up te the Agricul
tural bureau, but niter piloting through bigs
erdnver semi mid ever cords el vegetable
packxgex and pst llles of mere or less pretty
girls putting them 11 1 1 was se rejoiced te
see u stalwart Democrat oil the civil sorvice
commlxsleti that I forget nil about further In
vestigations Inte the agricultural bureau of
Hie federal government. I de net knew ox ex
acllv iiH)ii w lint principle they located tlie
clvli service commission ever yonder among
the garden seed. Hut it Is there. liberty Is
clean shaven as a priest and Ills hnid Is hare
ns u billiard ball. Hut he moms te get the
hang of the law Hint he is le work under,
nud 1 predict that he will breathe the breath
or lire Inte Hie sj stem.
II jeu were en an examining Isiard and
would give mi examinee tliissonteuce tocer-ns-t,
" eulli Is mere opportune than any sea
son et life," und instead of writing, " eulli
is mere opiertiliie Hiiniiny ether siusen et
lire," Jin would make It, " Youth is the most
epxiitiiim season of Hie," don't jeu think
you would mark xeurself down an ass by
murk lug him wny Ilnwii,lKxiuse he put it In In
eo stronger rerin than It was in inur mind " I
think Olxirly will make the lelerms juM
where they lire most neisled.
The IVnslnn luireau lias Its liltinroiuiuce,
tee, and plenty or Ilium. Think or a in in
getting (I0,mii) hick pension, and then the
government buds out after he lias spout
the money -that he received his curvature
of the spine, jeirs after the war closed, by
falling oil 1 house. A xeuerible woman
swore brivi ly that 0110 son washer sole und
exclusive supsirt,te save him from tliedralt:
but when another ene was klllisl in the army
she shifted ixixitleu and Uxik holy oath
that hoaleuo was her strong stall mid deHin deHin
denee. Down in the Seuth, where the pen
sion claims are largely based upon the ser
vices of negre ex si ive soldiers, unusutl dlf
flfiiltles are exixirienced alike In establishing
claims and In expsing Iraiids. As a rule,
where thu mother and son were Ixith slaves
at the liment enlislment the law Inexorably
holds that he could net have been her sup
port ; but he liberal is llie application that
when it was shown the negre soldier at pin
ing rrnm his mammy had withdrawn Irem
his nook and glien te her the old oeppor
coin, his only jK)ssessien, which lie were,
suspended by a cord, It was taken as proet
et her doixMidciue upon lilm, mid slie draws
her money.
In the jear of grace MS, ( engross, then
meeting In the het mouth el August, 1 have
no Inhumation that August was ever net het
passed an net te piy for one mouth's ser-
viuothe elllcers nud seldleis of the 1'eurth
regiment. Second brigade, Third division
or the militia or Vermont who had p-irtiei-pited
in tlie battle or l'lnltsliurg, September
II, lsll The appropriation gnve about fci
piy and if! rer subsistence te each of the let
erans, w he must hav e been at that time Ikiv h
el ii)) or sa The news of the lavish grant
seems te hue reached ene of them only n
few years nge, and Israel Straw, new- el
llradferd, (Ireen ceuiilj, Wisconsin, put In
for bis money. Ile tertitled his claim xvlth
allidav Its or identity nml the like, nud audi audi
ters and controllers, divisions und depait
nients plaved shutUewek with it ler n few
years, while the old nnn was Hearing the
century line ; until llnilly, when It was about
at Its last gasp, and when It was well nigh
irrevocably refused, en llie ground that a
man who hud slept Hi years en his rights
hadn't any, It occurred te somebody in the
Treasury depirtment te ex iinlne the tiles et
tlie wai bureau. And there, sure enough,
was record net only of Israel Straw's service,
but el the fact t tint he was uupild his share
el the congressional donation. He will get
itsonie of these line days nlsiul JI-. He He
publlcsnre net ungrateful.
As a rule the Pension department fellows
the presumption et the common law, that a
man or whom nothing is seen or heard for
seven j ours is dead ; und goner.illy this niaj niaj
be sately assumed. The uumlxir el men
"missed" during the war was enormous ;
their deaths could net be pioved, though in
most esses alter along lipse of tlme It was
reasonably inferred tli.n limy wero dead.
When claims based iiKusuch presumptions
have come betore the depirtment It at
least exhausts Its own resources te threw
light uixiu them. It hupxns Unit a missing
man's wife sometimes lluds him through
tills agencj', Tlie Venslen olllce bethinks
Itself te leek upon Its ew 11 rolls for the name
ofthe missing man. The ether dny along
cjiine for determination the claim et a New
Knglund woman. Thn clerk who thumbed
the record Inuuit that her husband place,
regiment nud all dulj given was living
away down Seuth in Dixie, Short story ;
seen told. Man loll bis regiment in uSnuih
eru town ; found a pretty girl und married
her; never went back home ; dead le his
old family and friemls ; and ut last his faith
lessness is discolored through the machiuei y
et the department upon wlinse bounty be
was subsisting in part. Pension agents
break the news gently te Iho deceived
vvhlew ;" Incredulous, she coiicIuiIeh te
make the lourney Seuth te disnel or cenllrm
.1 . . . - 1, 1. . , ... .
1 Hosiery, r.uec.11 nriieu-iiKO, sne oieops te
the window, leeks In, and with heroic sell
abnegation leaves the treacherous bigamist te
his new happiness ; gees back te her empty
New Knglaud home te llve or dle heart
broken. Ureat plot here for a geed story.
Sarah Urue Jewett bus told something like
it in her ' Marsh Rosemary " in the May
1 often wender why the Washington cer
respondents mul.e se many lies about men
and things there; when tlie departments
lurnlsh ferlli thousands of actual lucldentsef
llie in all its phases te point a moral or adorn
a taie. i-or instance, that excellent sleiy
about Senater Heek net roeouliug the Son Sen Son
ute chaplain when he called at bis heuse, is
pure llctlen, he tells me ; Invented by thn
scribes in bore lilm en his Inattention te llie
daily prayers In the Sen ute. Chaplain Mil
burn don't propose te let anybody terget
hi in.
The reason, they wy, why no city news-
pijier gets respoctable character anil solid
foothold In Washington Is that if it is an ad
ministration organ, slavish, purely and
simply organic, it is net respected as a news-
paper. If It nppoe llie administration any
ndmlnlatrntlnn the Washington population
of ofllce-lioldorH and patronage dependents
will net dare te hikelu Think et this, the
Washington representative of a leading
llepubllcan newspaper of theceiintry told me
that within thn Jiftst twelve iiienths lie had
( hanged llie addresses ofevor'JOi) Htlbscrlliern
te Ida paxir from the departments in which
they were employed te llielr homes; tlmy
wero nlrald le be neon and known ni natrens
efa Itppubllcan nowspaier. Turn thn ras-
cais eui.
An eminent genlleuiau Irem a great slnte
evnry slale In grenl In Ita way perambula
ting thn Inw-celled corridor of ene el the
department buildings the ether day, wasap wasap wasap
pronched by a veteran olllce-liolder with
whom he had long stand lug porsennl rola rela rola
liens nud Implored te loud til Influoneo te
keep the veteran veteran ofllce holder in.
" Why," Haiti the eminent gentleman em 1 1
neiit gentleman being a Democrat, el ceurse
"Ain't you a llepubllcan ?" "1 was
nlwayp," was tlie llinlii rjaK)iixe. "And your
father was a Whig, jour graud-fatlier was a
federalist ; your ene son U In tlie Treasurj-,
another In the I'osteflko department; your
brother In the l'onslen bureau ami your
liophew a ibsir-keeper liBre" Te all el
which the old gentleman assented. "Theu
what In the name el decency can I, a politi
cian, say In your behair?1' "Yeu might
say," whs thn quiet answer, "that 1 approve
el this administration."
The case of the ruiprmlntment of Mn.
Thompson, lostmlstrexs at Louisville, Is the
great Ixhoe In Kentucky nud It premises
te xjrmeate and animal) tlie politics of that
state ler Heme tlme te come. Mru. Thoinp Theinp Thoinp
sen's politics seem lobe a llttle uncertain!
thore Isn't much doubt of her religious status ;
she Is the daughter of Alexander Campbell,
founder of the Church of the Disciples, and ns
such had the backing bclore this of (larlleld,
Judge Hlack and ether shining lights among
these who wero first railed Christians In
West Irglnta.
It was of theso people, jeu will romeutbor,
Judge I Hack used te tell the droll story that
one of Ihem, who had strayed Inte a Ken
lucky town en a Sunday morning, went
around asking at the street corner if there
was n Christian church in the place; and
the long, lank natlve Interrogated, answered
that all the churches in town were Christian
except "that d d Camelllte church upon
the hill."
1 met a nlce looking young man from
Louisville 011 a train the ether day. who
seemed te knew something about society,
business and politic there. Ile assured me
the fuss ever Mrs. Thompson's appointment
was nearly nil in the I luster n papers; that It
was pleasing te many of the Democrats of
the city ami the great bedj' or Its people; that
when alie was appointed by Republican
presidents the partisans of that lalth kicked
us long nml as loud ; that of the thirty or
forty ether cotitestnnta net ene was n very
hard-working Democrat ; that Mrs. T. was
really or the right ielltlil faith nml se was
her deputy ; that Waltorsen had 110 objection
tnher roapx)lutment and it was ene or his
wicked partners who was howling through
the (' ; and that of thin part
ner aforesaid tomsbedy had said, in the
meeting te approve Mm. TIiouiiiheu's reap reap reap
polntuient, that he the partner hadn't as
much Democracy in all his bleed and body
ns thore was In ene drop or the perspiration
thit rolled from the brew or the great Jore Jere
nilali Sullivan Black. And se it gees In
Louisillle; and from Sitka te Tampa Hay.
It is a great and glorious country; tree
speech nml free press ; and still tee many
llepubllcnns In ellh e.
There Is no room for doubt Hint ence upon
n time the constituents or Procter Knett, In
mass meeting assembled, round themselves
without 1 evolutions and lusoreneod of them.
Tlmy sent a committeo down into the bushes
te iiukeand report a fit declaration et princi
ples and thej- caine back with these, Levl
Hhedes being chairman el the platlerju com cem
mittee: Jtce-ielrel, That the Constlteoshun or
united sbitei nud the d(claratuu or iude iude
pendeu 7 a abel and vvell-riten dekyment;
and e hereby pretest agin the ropeel el the
lltf-avri, That in our leller celzeu J.evi
Rhodes we view a honest man, ami we
hereby numlnat him for llie mils of by
Judge Hlack ence told tint sterj in his
own inimitable way at a Fourth of July
celebration in Paris ; and old men wept with
laughter. It Is 11 great pity that geed stories
nre 01 or reduced te print, eti might us
well uncork champagne a week bolore the
In lis chat alxiut new Ixieks, the Calhulic
lluiif hits Sir. Keennu's " Aliens " some
pretty sharp cracks, while net withholding
due praise for obvious merits. The H'erif,
ley the vvaj', is gettlng te te ene of the
monthlies that you can net ullerd te miss
Aqulli Jones, the friend of Hendricks,
who get into tlie Indianapolis iostelUco after
a long contest with Democratic competitors
ami stajed in alter a short brush with the so se
called civil service people, Is 110 spring
chicken. Down in seme llttle Indiana town
he was turned into tlie postelllco by Vnn
Huren anil turned out by Harrison ; Tyler
put htm back and l'elk kept him ; Tayler
turned him out and Crouteni restored him.
Then the people'called him te the secretary secretary secretary
shipofstnte; mid he branched out, I sus
pect that AqulU Is well-seasoned timber aud
altogether geisl mull. The postetllcos, by
the way, that the Democratic " practical pol
iticians " are running nre net going te the
dogs at all.
l!j way or Iowa 1 hear a geed story.
Away back In llie days that the Democracy
et Pennsylvania were looking aieiiud for a
preper candidate ler I nlted Slates senator,
they were talking it evor down at the (J Irani
house, In Philadelphia, Huckalewaud Hlack
wero among the men whose names came In
naturally ler attention, and their absent
mindedness was under discussion, among
thelr many traits of greatness. Souiebodj'
told hew, when ene or the ether of thorn had
been In te dinner, he invariably couldn't
Und his lint when he came out et the hotel
dining-room. " 11 you want a senator with
brains," breke In Jere McKibben, "go up
Inte the state aud take young Hill Wallace.
He can Hint his hat ; aud Uhe don't he gets
a better ene."
Frent Iowa 1 hear, tee, that although verj
few ofthe Republican postmasters had jet
been reuinv ed at the tlme of the last state
election, tlielr state committeo could Bquoeze
no money out of them. Although they bleed
copiously heretofore a single ten-Jellar bill
was all that leeches, thumb-serous or
stomach pumps could extract from them
this j ear; aud Hint was accompanied with
no marks et Identltlcalien. Turn the rascals
The ene loiter that it don't hurt n man's
reputation te write he don't wrlte a lette
et resignation.
Dr. W. J. Wenlr, of New Providence, tells
me he has geed hepes ami that thore are
even liunces ter the recovery of old Jehn
Snyder, w he shot himself down that way ever
n week age. A tough old knot is Jehn Sny
der. There nre a quartette of these brothers,
liddlers nud lighters, hunters ami llsliernien,
whojire the IsM types el representative citi
enshlp In that region, which stretches from
Mouievv here near tlie Ruck, across Martle and
Providence townships te near Conestoga
Centre, unit known for many years as
" iteggar Rew." I'uder the stimulating iu-
lluouce of Hen. Sleiuman's progressive ex
ample and seme ethor advanced farmers, It
lias greatly impreved of late yeara and no
longer deserves its old ollenslve nppellatlen.
Hut et Its denizens tlie Snyders were geed
tv pes and Jehn's condition attests that it is
liard te extinguish thelr light, ile
drew a let of back pension last full
and has been a llttle irregular in his
habits ever since; he never threw It ever his
shoulder. The dav he shot himself be had a
llttle row wlthsomeof the weemln folks ana
went den 11 in the laurel bushes with Ills
leaded gun. llopelntod it at Ids heart aud
sti tick oil the trigger with Ills ramrod; the
lead passed through his body, came out or
Ids luck, nine inches from where it went In,
tearing 11 big hole nud doing ullserts of Inter
nal damage except killing thn man. 11
knocked hlmoier,btitSnyder-llke huget up,
vvalkedclgldy yards towards the house, felt
In 11 I"il et bl(s)d ami It was three
hours befere they could get a doctor ler
him, IlelsalKutt70 j ears e I age; this Is Iho
man whom Drs. Went, anil Deuver oxieel
te pull through, unless bleed poisoning en
sues. And Uartleld died, The case of Mrs.
Shirk, whose husband accidentally shot tier
in the back, and who loceverod under the
treatment of young Dr. Tliad Rohrer, et
Quarry vllle, 1 urn told by the physicians,
was quite as much of a case as (Jarlleld's,
except in the publle importance of the
Rollouts! and with Iho illllorenco thai Mrs.
Iilrk get well, There is less preblnjr of
wounds down the country and lewer bulle
tins, but I suspect we have home country
doctors, riding through muddy reads in
sulkies, traveling Imfore daylight and after
(lark, who could give thn mere famous sur
geens an occasional Jointer 1 bolleve that Is
thn technical term,
Jehn Hnvder's brother about a ngn
leaded n horse pistol te the mould with Hint
stones and llrcsl them Inte bis head. They
made slight Impression,
Old Dm Klneer, or Drumnre and 1'rnil 1'rnil
ileiice, was In town Iho ether day, gray as n
Imdger but sportlve as a brook tietit. He Is
the only alisnlutely contented man 1 ever
knew, lie has all he wants Ixs'ause hn Is
and was and nlwajH will he ion tented with
Just what he has. He works when he pleases
ami for a hundred and lllty jears, inore or
less, no day lias ever seen Film uni.ble or un
willing te go en a squirrel hunt or a llshlng
trip te the river, 11 geed company ellered.
Ills only plan ler the future is te meve a
llttle Higher te the rlv or, se that be can get
there ellener. The fish always blte for Dan,
and no rlght-miuiled squirrel would ever
refuse le Ixi a target for bis true aim.
There has been great llshlng down around
the lower Susquehanna llslieries this year;
nml people who have never lxen eye-witnesses
of the way herring run when they are
abundant couldn't bolleve the most moderate
statement of the truth. They ceme In shoals
and schools and make their way up the
llttle creeks that run into the big river or
play In the shallows se that one can dip
them out with a basket. In such a pleni
tude they sell readily at rrem llfiy cents te a
dollar pet barrel of UK); and even this year
they have been as low ns ten cents n hun
dred. A lewer end lurmer tells me he has
gene down te the Hsblng and filled up the bed
ela four borse wagon withllsh ter simply
helping te haul In the stlne;and he lias
seeu the great nets se overloaded that it
breke with the weight et them, thocaptured
school get loesoand fish were as scarce ns
they had Just premised te be plentlful.
Thore is no hope ler Senater Jqnes, of
Flerida. He Is clean gene, dafr, out thore at
Detroit; and he will net be coaxed or driven
track te duty. It isn't only leve sickness.
He has been oil Ids base for seme time and
friends who met him abroad tell 1110 they
heard lilm make seme splendid speeches in
(treat Hrltaln, but they who knew lilm
recognized In his manner that there was
something wrong with his mind. He's te
Is) pitlrd, net ridiculed.
The pastor and people or the First Re
formed church of this cltj' are gettlng ready
for a grand celebration of its IMth anniver
sary in June. Faster fell this j-puren tlie
latest day possible; se It did In 1730w1ku
this congregation was llrst foutided ; the
event will net happen ngaln for slxlj j-ears ;
thecolucldenco Is striking. The records et
this church nre complete nml in most ex
cellent condition.
I would net llke te tell hew Lancaster has
narrowly missed tlie establishment here of
1111 important manufacturing Industry. Fer
if the chance Is lest forever we would all leel
unnrelltably uncomfortable te knew it; and
It the opportunity recurs It will le nil right,
The preposition Involved the employment of
live hundred hands at light labor; aud its
projectors had been Uioretigllly convinced
that this was the pi ice for it. New one of
them writes me : " We have decided net te
establish auy outslde branch et our works,
as long as the labor troubles are net settled
down te a regular and solid basis. We de
net feet Inclined te make any Investment
under such circumstances. We may take
up the mailer again at seme future lime."
This will net, however, Interfere with the
government building ler Lancaster, for
which Commedore Hlestand is putting en
his beat licks at Washington. When Krie,
Harrishurg aud Willi ituspert are already
provided for; with Heading and Scranton en
llie list, it is ridiculous te longer pass by
this great aud glorious town, centre et IT.0,000
ixmple; with historic memories nud all
kinds efcivil and social lustre ; seat or mani
fold industries; location el the Internal
revenue olllce and with mere posteflloiH in Its
radiated web of local connections than any
corresponding town in all tlie ceuntrj'. On
xv itli the appropriation !
The Het Mnile or (letting l'nt Is te 'Develop
Vetir Mum lcs.
Krem the New erk Sun,
Ne better adviser concerning the use of ex ex
orcise could be desired than oerge (Joldle,
director of athletics of the New Yerk Athle
tic club, who has long been n champion
general athlete, and who has kept himselriii
such geed trim, bj exerclse, that in tvventy tvventy
tlve years lie has net grown te leek or feel n
day elder. It is his linn heller that a man
who takes proper euro of himself should net
begin te grew old, by the slighteat decline or
failure et any et his faculties or powers,
physical or mental, befere he Is sixtj, nnd
lie avers that if the avoraste rich man would
take hall' as much eare or himself as he has
taken of his herses he would prolong his llie
nnd his enjoyment of It maiij- j-ears. .Mr.
(Joldle has inade a llfe study el development
ofthe capabilities ofthe human frame, and
what he doesn't knew about putting men in
any desired physical condition would be
very llttle Indeed. Doing consulted about
the subject et this artlcle he said :
"If a lean man came te me te be inade
stouter, 1 should first et all liml out if Miy
thlng idled him. If he was emaciated
through fdcknesx, and the special cause ter
liis condition still oxisted, 1 would send him
te a doctor te be cured. if he was net sick, 1
would put him through n ceurse of exerclse
that would bring out his muscles. I nan
hardlj'coucelve that any man In iossesslou
of bis sonses would wish te acquire mere fat.
Muscle Is what Is wanted, and It belng
clearly understood that tint Is what the lean
man is really after, the course of bis treat
ment would tie simple. 1 would advise him
te take plenty of geed, nourishing plain feed,
roast beef, mutton chops, poultry, birds,
beelsteak, potatoes, beets, carrots, parsnips,
and turnips, as Ids npjKitite demanded,
starchy feeds and saccharine, with lenly of
milk, If It agreed with lilm, and occasionally
lisii ter a change, no sueiitu tane no spices,
and 1 would net recommend perk te him or
te anybody olse. Ferk is net t,oel loed ler
auj'bedj'. 1 am oppesod te liquors of all
kluds myself, because I de net think they
de any goej, aud are liable te de 11 great
ueai 01 harm ; mil 11 1110 uuuject wants mom
let lilm stick te malt liquors, as tree from
adulteration as posslble, nud ns llttle or thorn
as he can get along with. Alcoholic liquors
will tend te putting 011 of adipose tissue, but
but net or geed healthy muscle. Hum and
muscle de net go together, enlj' In excep
tional casus, aud thou for but a limited time.
Nature may for a whlle contend with con
siderable apparent success against the de
structive cllects of alcohol, but the latter is
bound te triumph in the end if It gets the
"Hut foedlng alene will net make a man
muscular or glv 0 a man w elght, eveu of geed
tat. Some men, Indeed, you cannot make
stout by any ceurse et treatment, Just as
thore are ethers who cannot no maue mm.
Nature has chalked out thelr proportions,
aud, though you inaj- assist her, or perhaps
modify her plau te a limited extent, you can
only go se fur, and no further. Whlle I was
director of athletics at Princeton college I
bad in the class 0110 young man who was ex
ceedingly stout. Ills fal inade lilm slew,
logy 111 uis movements, auu lazy, lie uoier ueier uoier
mluedtogot rldet it, auu no human being
ever lubered inore energetically ter an cud
than lie did. He dieted, exerclseU con
stantly, and took overy jsisslble euro et him
self that would reduce him. It was all no
use, se far as making him tlilu was con
cerned, ler he only get rid efa few )euuda
net worth speaking et. Hut it worked out
tlie fat Irem betweeu his muscles aud hard
ened them, took away his stiperllueus belly,
aud wholly changed the character of his
mevements aud habits. He grew te be a
line athlete, performing en the trapez.0 nud
the Hying tings with ihe bust of the class,
when he weighed till pounds. When he
went Hailing through the ulr, turning a
somersault irouieuo Impose te another, he
looked, llke au avalanche turiied loose. J 11
like Illustration of what 1 have said, I could
clte n Hcore of eases, some or tliein In the
Nnwr Yerk- Athletic club. wllOrO HlO 111011
liave tried their best te gain llesh, nud have
only Huoeeodod by long nud haid endeaver
in winning a low inore ixiunds. Hut, hap
pily, the tow annuls they get wero well
worth the ellert te get tliein j w hat they had
horerohad been reudored doubly valuable,
and the small addition achieved hud au etlect
that would surprise you In Improving thelr
personal apt oarauce.
i Te continue the ceurse of the lean man's
trealiueut, 1 would recommend lilm te take
plenty of Bleep and te avoid all worry.
trouble, and nevere mental oxerelso. 1'h.vM'
eal cixerclse should be planned and directed
iw te gently work the whole tsxly and limbs,
taking one net of muscles alter another In
easj', regular erder. That Is the only trim
system et physical development, ami Is
equally ndnptable te all. That which re
duces the lat man will put weight en the
lean one, proper regulations of dlet being
applled in each case suitable te tlie end In
Mew. 1 would net nil vise Turkish or Rus
sian baths for a lean man, Imt plain ordinary
bath", ul summer heat, say fi,',e te 700 rter
exercise, followed by friction enough le keep
the skill healthy. Veak ten doesn't de any
particular harm or nnj' geed either In Iho
matter el taking en llesh. In training, cold,
weak tea seems le have rather a txinellclal
oiled en Iho threat sometimes, but the use
fulness of It Is net conspicuous enough te
constitute it any part el my system. I
would rather see It used in summer than
Ice water. Thore Is no particular dillerence.
In training, Ixitwoen the cllectx of ten and
ceflee, inur both, ir taken nt nil, should be
net t.Ki strong and consumed in moderation.
The use or tobacco has a tondeney te kecp a
thin man thin, but the treuble about It Is that
lx)raens addicted te its use are apt te carry It
te o.x.'exs, and tlien it has an Injurious etlect
upon the heart It Is therefore best te let It
alonelfoiio wishes te attain the highest pos
sible geed of physical development,
" lu practical experience, directing as I de
the physical training or a greit many men, I
llud that almost every man I get te put In
condition, who Is Inclined te be thin, In the
ceurse el six or seven months gains seven or
eight pounds of geed muscle. That may
seem small when put en paper, but .take n
man nl lili pounds and bring htm up te 132
or 1.11 iveunils with well-placed muscle, and
the dillerence It will make In his appearnnce
will lm astonishing. The lean man has ene
consideration te cheer aud onceurago lilm In
perseverance that the fat man has net. That
is that tbe results or his work continue, and
are net lest 11s seen as he steps the process
by which they have been attained. The fat
man whrjiias werked and dieted until he
has get rid et his corpulence must continue
le diet and work, or the lat Is likely te ceme
rushing en him much faster than lie get rid
or it; but the muscle that llie leau man gets
comes te staj', and his coutlnuance of the
training that procured It Ter lilm lsenlyn
matter or his own choice for its Increase.
Uetween thirty and forty j ears Is the age nt
which, If a man is ever going te take en
llesh, lie Is most likely te de se. 'Would I
recommend exerclse or long walks before
breakfast?' Ne; decidedly net. That no
tion Is all n fallacy. Some inen may eudtire
such treatment ler themselves, but nobody
Is likely te be benetlted by Ik A llttle light
calisthenics before breakfast maj' be permis
sible, and long breaths of pure fresh morn
ing air are advisable, hut real work, with an
empty stomach, Is felly. It Is as bail as
violeut exercise en a full stomach. Nature
rebels ngalnst ll."
heng tlme hu'd been away from home,
The Itoverend Mr. Harris,
When he returned be told his w ire
That he had horn te Paris.
And n lien he naked bis wlfe about
Ills llttle girls and heys,
Min said that they were visiting
An aunt In HUnels,
Mie slid she wa In tailing henlth,
And If she had the means
She'd llke te tuke a trip hurseir
As far as New Oileans.
He mid, "My dear you'll bive the trip"
The proper thing te de Is
Te go together and we'll take
'IhestiamerntSit Leuis.
Frem the JSoilen Courier.
Can consumption be cm cdT Yes. One man,
only, dlsceieied the law or gnu button. One
man, only, dlscevc red the virtue or vaccination.
And one man, after venrs of study und rotlec retlec rotlec
Hen, has discovered ihe euro for consumption.
Dr. Pierce's "l.olden Medical DIscovery " it Ut
tnectflc bend two loiter stnmas nnd get Dr.
Plen u'a liuinphlel ticallse en consumption.
Address World's Dispensary Mistical Associa
tion, llumde, X. . u'S wa.iw
M-As tiencral (.rant was te tbe United States
In the rebellion, se Is Jenes' Cattle Powder te
the fanner nnd stock owner the great leader
and deliverer.
tli hen the Lips of Ilenuty
Are parted In a smile, they disclose n row of
pearls rivaling In purity theso which the dlver
brings up irem the bottom or the Persian Sea.
What will best preserve tbese gems of the
mouth. MV.ODONT, the celebrated benutirier
und piescrvntlioet the teeth.
Change or climate nnd water often nllccts the
action or the bowels. One or two ilnuulreth's
l'llls taken every night aiu a perfect remedy In
such cases, they also prevent uialarli and area
protection ngalnst typhus feicr, or diseases aits
lug (rout had sewerage.
De Net .Meve llllndlj.
(,e crtiefiillv in lmrchaslnir medicine.
udi erased remedies cm weik great Injury un
worn) thin none JiurilecL Illoeu Jtltlert ure
purely 11 vegetable preparation; the mealiest
1 blld can take Ilium. They kill diseaseand euro
tbeputleut In 11 snfuuud klndlv way. rer sale
by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 1 17 nud 13.) Ninth
Queen street, Lancaster.
Depend Tput) It.
Mether hhlpten's prophesies and Louisiana
ehctieus am very uncertain things, but Thoin Thein
m' JiCteclrte Oil can be depended upon ulvv ays.
Itcuri'B aches nnd pains or eiery description,
h or sale hy 11 it. Cochrun, druggist, 1J7 und 1 M
North Queen street, Lancaster.
First-Kate Kilileme.
"Often unable te attend business, beliur sub
ject Insurieus disorder et the kidneys. Altera
long siege of sickness tried JIiirdecL lllaeil Jilt
trrt unit wis relieved by halt a bottle," Mr. Jl.
Turner, of Itechester, N. Y takes the pains le
w rite Fer sale by 11 Jl Cochran, druggist, 137
unit 1 it Nei th Quuun street, Lancaster.
Hew Much Will De It?
Hew niticliet Themat' Kclectrlc Oil Isrequlred
tncure Onlyiiieiy little. A. fowdrepswlll
cure any kind et an ache ; and hut a trllle mere
Is needed tei sprains and lameness. Kheumu
tismls net se readily ntrected ; uu ounce and
Heiuetliues two ounces are required. Ne medi
cine, howeier. Is se sure te euro with tbe same
number of uppllcatleus. Fer sale by II. II.
Cejhniu, druggist, 1.17 and 11) North Qncen
street, Lancaster.
" Don't lfui-ry, CSeuUemen,"
bald a man en his wax- le be lrmucd. "Ihereil he
no lun till 1 pet there." We y tot lie dyspeptic,
liiuveus, nnd debilitated, don't hurry theught-U-slj
for some icmcdy et deubtlul meilt, un
ci italu of ullcr, when von can pet at the drug
gists for ene dollar Itttrileek llloett Jlitterstinml
sum te c. ne und certain te benefit Fer sale by
11. ll. Cochran, druggist, 1.17 and i:n Ninth Queen
street, Lancaster.
A Newspaper Killtnr.
() M. llnlcemh, of Itloemv llie, Ohie, rises te
explain "'Had that terrible disease catarrh, for
twenty jears ; couldn't tusle or smell, and hear
ing wits falling.' J-Xlectrie Oil cured
me. 'these aie facts veluutuilly given ugulust
u renncr picjudlcoer patent medicine. I or aula
by 11. B. Cochran, diugglst, 137 and lit) North
Qupen street, Luncnsler.
Edw. Edgerley.
Market Street,
Rear of Postefflco, Lanoaster, Fa.
My stock ceiuprtscs n large vnrlety or tbe
Latest Style Buggies, l'hailens, Carriages, Mar
ket and Business Wagons, which 1 elfer at tbe
very lowest figures and en thu most reasonable
I call sncclul attention te a few of mv own de
slirns, oneol which la tbe KDUKltl.KVCLOSKU
PHYSICIAN COUl'K, which Is decidedly tbe
neatest, lightest and most cemplete Physician's
Carriage In the ( euiilvy.
Persons wishing te buy a geed, honest and
substantial article, should bear in uiliul that
they tuke no risk in buying my weik. Kvery
Ciuriage turned out In eighteen years ugoed
oi.e that is the kind of guunintee 1 liuve toeller
the public. All work lully warranled. l'lease
One set of workmen especially employed ler
HO TO F.lltsilAN'8.
Frem 115 lbs, te 161 lbs,
Te the Outicura Remediea I Owa
My Health, My Happiness
nnd My Llfe.
A dni-iicicr panics that I de net think anil
speak kindly r thn Cl'TUt'nx Uni. Meven
veins age, nil et aiteren lumps fenucd en my
m'ck'rnnKbiB In sire nema cherry stene te an
irntige. The large ones were frigid ml te leek
wlmn ili?. .'! l? lKw.r' W-epI" InrniHl Mlili
slclnns met their t,:.'.'. "."'.'"." 7 "'.. J "V
fallnii in ),. ........... "'""" nil meuicine
1 tilci 11, ( M,T': .'," a '"nt or Oespal
i "'.' i!,.1.! ..VVTll'"A UsmciilM-CiiTiriiiii. Hi,
-re' "' -..'.' 11. i'iiK" ones nreie. In iilieul two
weeks, ili.clinrgliiK lnrnii UllMllllesSf iniller.
eiivlngtwe slight scars in my nclc , Vuy
tell the story of 111 V uiliirlng. Mr weight tlii"
11 v Iruv
CnRA ItSVCDILM. Nniill. flmtll, Hn.l ... ti .
Te Ctmiun. ItKMKDiEs I ewa MV IIKALTII. Mr
lurrisRssanil Mr Lira. A prominent New lerk
driigi 1st asked me the ether day, " De you still
iisetheCiTKimv Kemkiuks; you leek te be In
lierrect health t" My lejily was, " I rte, and shall
always. I have never known what sickness Is
since 1 commenced using thn Cirricutu ItsxK
11IKS" semutliniis I am laimhed at by praising
thein te pco.ilniietncitualnusl wlthtlielrmerlli,
hut sooner 01 later t hey will come te thelr sen,.-,
nnd believe the name as theso that usn thmn, as
dozens hnvexv horn lhnve told, Mny the tlme
ceme when thorn shall be n large Cltk.ciu nn
ply Heuse lu every city In the world, rer thn
bhnUll of humanity, wbete the Cuticcra Uavia.
iid-s shall he sold eslv, se tbat there villi ,e
rarely a need erev er entering a dnig store.
Ne 210 Fulton St., New fork, N. V.
Ceticuri IIkmbiuks me a esltlve cure for
every rerm of Wkln nnd llloeil Diseases, from
l'lmples te Scrofula. Held everywhere. Price:
Outicura, fV) cents: Seav, Wtsmtst ItEseLvgNTJ
$1.00. l'lepared by the 1'ettkr Dri'ii axd Ciismi Ciismi
eal Ce., Ilosien, Mass. Hend for ' Hew te Cure
Nklu lilscases.''
Heml for ' Hew le Cure Shin Diseases.''
1'f.Ks, lllnckhends, t-ktu ltlemlsbes and
ltaby Humors, use Cutiltra. Seap.
Sneezing Catarrh.
The distressing sneeze, sneore, uneezn, thn
acrid watery discharges from the eyes and nose,
the palnluf Inilammatlen extending te Iho
threat, the swelllng of the mucous lining, e lin
ing choking sensations, cough, ringing noises
lu the head nud splitting headaches, bow
familiar thencuiymptems nre te thousands w be
se ire r periodically rrem head colds or Inlluenia,
and who llvn In Ignorance ofthe fact that n sin
pie application el HAnreRD'a ltAineAt. Cerk ren
CATxniui will afford intfanfanraiiJi relief.
Hut this treatment In ceses of simple Catarrh
iMvcx but a faint Idea or what thla mmnly will
de In tbe cbienlc forms, whero the breathing Is
obstructed by cbeklng, putrid mucous accuinu accuinu
bittens, tbe bearing atlccted. smell and tnste
gene, threat ulcerated and hacking cough gradu
ally fastening Itselt upon tbe debilitated sys
tem. Then It Is that the marvelleus curative
iwwer or SAsrone's Hauical Curs mnnlfcsts
Itsuir In Instantaneous and grnterul lellcf. euro
begins irem the first application. It Is rapid,
radical, permanent, economical, sale.
SAirenn's Kadical Cube consists of ene bottle
ofthe Kauical Ccrk, one box Catarrhal Bet..
vent nnd un lMi'nevKD ImcALEn ; price, (1.
l'OTTrn Drcii A Cubmical Ce , llesTOV.
Went Hacks, I'nln, Weakness nnd Inilamma Inilamma
teon or tlie Kldncj s. Sheeting Pains through the
Leins, lllp and side rains, Lack et Strength
and Activity I'ulns, Lnck or Strength nnd Ac
Malty rullev ed In ene minute nnd speedily cured
hy the Cutlcurn Antl-1'atn t'luster, a new, origi
nal, elegant nud InralllDle antldole te pnln and
Inilammatlen. Atdnirrrrlsts, 2Se.; five rer line;
or postage rice of 1'ettbh lJRie ami Cukhilal
Ce., Rostev, Mass. mapl-lind&w
axe. each, & for tl.en, nny druft store. 1101
FLASTBHS are prepared from the cmnplcta
virtues et liens, combined with Burgundy Pilch
and Cunadn Balaam. Superior te all ethers be
cause they net instantly nnd euro speedily, ir
yeuate troubled with nny kind of soreness ap
ply one of these plasters nnd oxperlenco their
seething, stimulating nnd strengtbcnlnicellect.
A wonderful core for pnfn In the small or the
hack. 25c., 6 rer (1 en every where. HOP l'LAS
Tklt COMPANY, Bosten, bent hy mall If de
sieod. ()
Heuso wives, shop (,'lrls nml saleswomen all
sutTcr mere or less fiein Weak B.i"k and Side
ache. Netblnir uileuls such Instant relief as a
HOP PLASTEIt upplled ever nirectcfl part,
ruins nud nehes of all kinds are driven out unit
the pirts made ever and strong thened. Ask ter
allOPl'LASTEIt made from Burgundy l'ltch,
Canada Balsam and the virtues of fresh Heps.
Sold overyH here, sic . rer Send te llef
1'LAiTKH COMPANr. Bosten, for ctrciilar. II
The HOP l'LASTKll docs mnre geed In
one-quarter tlie tlme thin any halm or lotion
and la mere cleanly te use. A. fresh and sweet
porous plaster which acta Immediately when
applled te seat of trouble, llhcuinnllsm. Neu
ralgia. Sldciiche, Lame Back, Crick, Sciatica,
Sore Muscles, Kidney Affections, Weak Lungs
or Lecal 1'alns cannot exist long when ene of
these plasters Is applied, lleinciuber, virtues or
fresh Heps, Burgundy Pitch and (lums com
bined, bold everywhere. 25e , 5 rer lllie. Pre-
pi tutors, nur n.ASiKii cumi'an v, jiosieii.
l.VION.stb St.. t'hllad'a.,
Kcgtstercd Physician and (Iruduate .letfersen
College, guaniutccs te euro all BIimhI. Skin and
Nervous Diseases with purely vegetable reme
dies. OIL DALSKN'S PILL'S Sum, sum and elfee
tual. Sontenly by Express en receipt of fi. Ne
I'enny royal erd ingureiis drugs. lJuON.sthsi,
l'hll idelphia. f.T lyd
Warranted te eradicate completely and In a
short time, tbe most obdurate corns, hard or
sort, without pain. Sold by Uee. W. Hull. Chaa.
A. Lechor, Jehn It. haiifriuan, Dr. Wm. Worm Werm
ley, And. 11. Fruy, Clias. .I.Hlinlmyer, and nt
decia-lyd Ne. 401 West Orange St.
lewblll Street, l'lilladulphia.)
BO YKAH3' EXrEUIKNCK. Ouaranteodteciiro
the mulcted und unrortunate with rurely I ej;s.
table Medicines. Benk en special diseases free
send for it. Advlce free and strictly confiden
tial. Offlce hours, 11 a. m. te 2 p. ni.,7 p. in. le 10
p. in. Treatment by Mall. ml-lydAw
Cure guaranteed by Dtt. J. B. MAYKU.
Kase ut ence : no operation or delay from busi
ness ; tested by buudredsef cures. Main ottlce,
831 ABC1I ST., fill LA. bend for Circular.
An unfailing cure rer Seminal Weaknoss.Hnor Weakness.Hnor Weaknoss.Hner
matorrheu, lmpetcncy, end all Dlseaies that
fellow as a scoiience of Self Abuse ! as lesser
Memery, Universal Lassitude, 1'aln In the Back.
Dimness of Wen, Premature Old Age. nud
many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or
Consumption nud a l'remattire Mrave.
-rull particulars In euriwmphlet, which we
desire te send free by mail toevcryene. ,'OrVha
Specllle Medlclue Is sold by all druggists nt i
pir package, or six packages for $i,erwlHlm
sent fitie hy mall en the receipt of the money,
by addressing
On account of counterrelU, we have adopted
thelellewWiapiier: the only genuine. Uuaran.
tecs of cine Issued by pJ-lydaw
IS WORTH $1,000
A particle Is KPP"d ,, J1 bVmtHwr M
n.mble te us, l'rlce W eenU DjrMimwH
iuiiTaieiiy .,
Oareenter, Contractor ft Bulldw,
SI10F-KA8T OUANT UT., Opposite HUtlUH.
All work recelTM wy prompt aa perseMl
W""- . ., .--,
All Binniei jeuuiuKn" w - .-
Ilea .m ..m --..-
UllumUis lurnUlied,,iinil.hM). fSlT-1
Kmimmii i.iire, nun Cbtkiiiiiii Biuj iniim.
thesmall lumps (as 1 call th" m)YriS!illly .IW