Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 01, 1886, Image 1

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4 :- fc.'f'Ja&vKl ISlS
dMHnNntx. Tv
Srir wPWwlwNSiw-;
A WHOMBALU MKKCIIAN1 i.itr. of e.vjc or lasua-
llih . 3IUHT AVriVK ItV.HtXKAIt, M K.t,
TtMlmil at Ihn rrlhtfl'a CMMt-Ktrly r.lirrl
eurn In Hie OiiHfty lliilni--Twii l.n-
IWtiiiriita Dining Ilia War ler lint
I mIihi In ttin tmMticr Itml-
Iran I'lulirrr 111 the
' " VI Trade.
One of the distinguishing marks or a clly
Is Iti wholesale trnitu : mill contemporaneous
with llm forward strides eM.ancftster In what
liniktt fur miinkipnl importance nml 111 nil
the elements ir material prosperity during
tli pt filten years, nothing has been niore
notable tliiin Hit) c-.tuullshment licrn et varl
(him liiii-t nf dittlnrt wholesale trade. Time
ml nfiiilml this city, wllh Its manifold man
ufactures mill iiiiiny large stores, has sup
plied ttie nil even distant retail I rail e
with gpeJs and wares. Hut It has only leen
hIieiiI ev ntoen jear sluc tlie tint success
fill iillcuipl was made liure te establish ou a
tire.iil Hiiil general buds H distinctly whole whele
h.ih business ; hihI tlie gentleman whose
easily rnoegnlrad jMrtnilt heads this nrllcle
wasnminf tli ft men who gave tlie lliHt ltn ltn
pulse te this commercial depur'ure and has
(ecu Identified villi It ever since.
Miielin itiuv emeiit. marks a new era In tlie
business lira of it town : nml Its iullueuce is
very widely felt. I."eal merchants can deal
te letter advantage und money is kept at
li'iin. Tim wholesale merchants within short
range of their customers knew tlielr wants
mul liiniinstancfl, hihI cater most sueooss sueeoss sueoess
mil v te tlm tastes and siclal feature of
ili"li'.il tradf. The cmaniDle of Mr. Jehn
I. Iliriinnii ami Mr. Ilenj. 1'. Miller, nvio nvie
clnUil in tlie wbolinale groeory tnule, in
lluenifl Mr. llelxrt J. Housten te letiinl
the wlinlitnte notion buslnet, which ha
htfii eiyiml Biin'tKw under his proprh'ler--hip
, ami hlncH limn llirre hnve lxn mtatv
IihIhhI li-ii te ether holi-Mle urectiry is
Uililirliiiiciilj-, hheu Hinre anil nmiioreiH Klml
lur fiiturprlftis which have net only In large
iiicMniire .-.t'Ciirctl local city anil i-eunty
trailfs hut lnve lireiiKht hither ciuteiutipt
treui ail parti of the statu,
sr.vuTt i at Tin: pihntkhN c.wk.
Jehn I. ll.iitiuun It a natlve of thin city, of
which hit father, thu lute I .owls llartuiaii, Is
well iKinemtHiml as a leading cltlrwn, tlie
family bcliiReMlennaii oitrartlen anil long
lilciillllwl with the history or Uincastcr. He
was Uirn 1'uhrii.iry 3, lS31,aiiit had a HmlttHl
indication In llm common nelioel uf tlm clly,
which were In his day of ceunwi net what he
linN ll4Ml te see thetn become, uinlnr the
fiwlcniix euro tit tlie beard et which he
has mi iphj; Ihmiii a consplcueui and liilliieu
tlal number. Soen alter bclns ailmltted te
the bUb n-boel, III Hill, he enterwl the
ptlntiii): ofllre or Danlul lvleller, (i , piiln
lltlier of llm A n rtciui Jlfmhhcan, te mire
an apprenticeship for tbrce years at tyi
.eltliit; and all tlm bram-hes el the rratt :
this Mier lint its name and Identlty by
merger with acntiinerary In IS-'iO.
The prinnnK business wits, howetor, a
little tee dill1 ler ymiiiR llartman, whoe
naturally bcuie racullles bad been iUlckuiied
by the uiunbd exorclse of composition, lie
had an aptitmle for business and In IS 111 a retail tjrocery atere en North Qntsjii
Ktreet, ceutlnuliii; that husliiess ler tlltoeii
tirs; liiterruptiiip his cloe and assiduous
attention t' 11 only for threo and a half
mouths at UiRlivrftmitnifOt the war for the
1 nlen, when he enllsteil for Hervlce as a
prlaie in the Lancaster I'enclbles with
which isibitarv organisatien In timet el
ih.v'ii he bd Iimjii eounected. He was
eltfted lieutenant hhertly utter the command
left Lannstertellll aacancycauiMl bv resig
nation , when Hi Martlnsburff, Vt. Va., he
was apiKilntcd A. A. O. N. and was detached
from the oemp'iny.
Tlm 1 lllletli relment of I'eniinylvauia
elunteeih was originally recruited In the
oeunllet of lleriir', Schuylkill, Uradferd,
HusipieliHiir.a, Ijiiii-aster und IiUierue. It
"uaw IniiMtrtaut nervIce iu Seuth Carolina ;
then In VlralnU, atHetith Meuntalu, Autle
taut and lrederlcWnuurif, and was then
tranHlerred te tlm Western army. In 1W)
the three hundred men who were left of It
nearly all re enlisted, were furloUKhed and
tlm tf (tlmeiit wan recruited anew ler service
In the I hsU AtueiiK theso who new Jelued
It was Mr. llartuiaii ; und he was maJe lieu
tenant of e. 1, but lilt business cupiclty and
experlcuce led bis ileUtchment from
therepliimnt nd he was appeinted brigade
quartermaster, erlnr as such during the
term of the brigade, and alter the oleao of tlm
war returning te Uinauter and resuming
bis bualness.
A VI1N1 fill! IN JOl'llNAMSM.
On Jau. 1, 1MI, llm Mesirs. Cochran Beld
the Union weekly newapajier, or this city, te
the y.'j-rnimicr, then published by Jehn A.
Jtle&taiid it Cu, and the papem were untied.
On May 1, lH'.l, Mr. Kraucls Heckert sold bis
Interest in the concern te jeiiii i. iiariuian,
the Ilrm then Incluillug Hen. Jehu A.
Hlestand, i: M. Kllne ami Mr. llartman.
The latter became business manager and
continued In the elnw ler lour years, when
be sold out te IiIh associates.
Ker eai3 belore this Mr. llartman had
been Iu the husiuesn of manufacturing print
ing paper; Ulngoneot the rrlntnra' 1'aper
Mill company and iib.-quently asuoclateil
with Mr. Jehn It. Ilituer In the mill at
thk wiiei.khai.i: oitecr.nv iuihim'.ss.
It was In Ibe spring of l&VS that Mr. llart
uiaii formulated und put Inte elocution the
Idea of establishing tbe wholeaalo grocery
business In thla clly. Although a very large
amount of this trade wan here, the business
has always been ene or snail prellta j tliocom tliecom tliocem
inislllles linndlid Involve large Investments;
they lluctuate In value, aomeare perlahable,
the rinks are treat and the trade U generally
carried en ir.ct Kuccesslully near llm large
perta of entry. The establishment of audi a
btitlness lit ir, wbete tradesmen nan ceiun
regard theinfelsiH aa clllzuim or arelalltewii,
was cerUltilv an cxnorlment, and It was
looked tisni with doubt by old beads
iu the letail trade. Openlug In the
stene waroheuiiu iu West Che-inut street
near the present location or tlie business, Mr.
Hartuuti HJoilrtted lilmseir with UenJ. 1.
Miller iud their llrm has never changed IU
name or relations, jta aucceas was seen dem
onstrated by a growing trade j and In 1S72,
ufter four years efmislnes-s preaperlly, Miller
iV. Hartiuau bought the alto at the comer of
West Chestnut und Market atreeU, where
their store and warehouses are new lecated ;
and they there erected the corninedlQua build build build
IngHwhiohnew oeonpy that corner and the
most 01 WII1CI11H IIOIUWU iJ lUDIi llllKva,
The retail trade of the elty and county has
soeonded llifcir effort and It haa been dtm dtm dtm
onstraled aucceaslully tbal wholesaling can
be done here te inulual advantage.
Mr. Ilartiuan is a Hepubllcan In pelitlea,
but of a pretty Independent sort, and he la
one or the lew men who uave taken an ae.
Hve part la the politic of the county, anil
has always inatutaltied the resecl and sup
port r the Hlalwurt faction without losing
the confidence Jer and a strong held iikii
theso who call thniuselvcn Independent.
In IKiUhe waschoseii Jury oemmlaslouer or
the county; and would "boa strong candi
dal!) for any mllce te which he might aspire,
always being a leading llgure In convention's
committee or return judgei meetings or his
parly. He occasionally, hewever, ahewa hl
iolf-reps-t by lulling unworthy candldalea,
and wheu lie doeahe strikes wllh nn uncer
tain blew. , ,
Howaaennol the parlnera in the l.ancas.
ler watch factory enterprise; and In tlm old
milliliter lire department he was an active
and enlhiislastle member, serving 'or many
jimrs as prusldeut or the Washington lint
company ; he Is also president ami has long
lawn n member el the Iward eff trustees or
tlm Lancaster cemetery company. He Is a
mi nilxir and ene or the veslry of Nl. Jehn'a
Kplsixipal chiirclL Ker many yearn he was
a dlroclerol the I.aticasler County National
bank and Is new a large slockhelder In
Mils Institution ami Iu tlm I'ultnii National
bank. He is a stockholder and director III
the lniulrer printing company.
In 18ftS Mr. Hattmati was elecled nmeinber
or the I.sucislcr city school beard, and at
ence took n leading lrt In Its deliberations.
He warmly siipiMirtiul all project that seoni seeni
ed te him te be ter the geed or the aehoelH.
Iu ISTfi be was elected prealdent or the beard
and sred In that capacity two yeiira, earn.
Ing the reputation or being an exnellenl par
llamentarUu and an adept In pushing through
the busliii-HH of tlm beard with great dis
patch, without Interfering with fioedwii of
discussion or curtailing the prlvlteges el the
minority. After serving us president oftue
IsMril for two years he Ksltlvely decllueil h
reflection, but has continued te sorve as
a member of tl'e beard te the present time,
and has Ix'cn one or the most active members
or the prewrty ceuimlttts), devoting much of
his Hum te tlm onerous duties of that te.
lien. At the Inte election or achoel dlrectnrs
lie was re-elected Ter three years from No Ne
vi mlier next,
Mr. Hartmaii has been twlce married ; tils
lint wife was a daughter or the late Dr.
Imxe Woldler, of Luiceck, and his pre-tout
wire a daughter or Jacoti !. Ilnlliueltr of
this eilv. 1 1 is children by the llrst wire are
II. W. llartman, or the Unn el Kose Ilres. tV
llartuiHii: I I', llartuiaii, loekkeeier ler
Miller . llartuiaii ; Marlen II. llartuiaii, re
ceiving teller of the I'ullen National bank;
Jehn II. Ilarlmau, a sludeut at Iihlgli
university, and a daughter who lives at
home with bur lalher. Tlm two children by
the second w I Ce are small boys at home.
Mr. llartman remmrly rutlded en North
()neeii street, atxive Walnut, but last year he
llnlshed a bcaittirul new resldonce en North
Dilke street, next te Mra. Kshleuiau'H en the
corner or James land that Is the family resl
deiue. In private llm be is a courteous,
hospitable gMilleiimn and In all respects ene
or the lending cltizoiisel bis native town.
Mr. llartman Is enilneut In commercial and
Unsocial circles as a shrewd businessman, of
excellent Judgment und enlarged lows. He
Is well jsistml in city, county, state and
national elltics, and while holding ery
jMisltlve opinions en certain political princi
ples, he Is alwav a ready toglven reason for
tlm fallli that Is In him, and te accord te
ethers the lurgest liberty el dlllerlng from
him. I ewmeii In lvticwtorare mere widely
known than Mr. llartman and mere
highly esteemed than he for the iw-sii-isinu
or theso virtues which adorn alike llm
public olltcer and private clliren.
SIlHtK THAN film I.V THU i. I'.S.
rim I'aruell Fund In'iilr Inrresnt liy
Tltsl ItamLimin hum.
The local Irish National League committee
soliciting stiliscrlptlens from the business
men of Uinc&stnr for the Irish rarllamentary
fund were ipilte auccexsrul In their work
te-day, the labors or Friday and Hnturilay
adding ever f2i te the handsome sum
already collected Iu this clly mr the
ciiusoef Irish home rule. Thee are the
latest contributors :
Mrs Mary Ilium
riiltlp lUrnarit
VV h Unit
II .1 Mclirtinii ...,
laoeli lliusiiiaii
'Hum. llatiniKariliier
II K. Montgomery
Henry 'tliui.ert
.lames II Krey
Naiuiiel Moere.Jr
Jim. i. hklles
'I In)'. II Cerlirmi.. .
Cli-n 1. l-umlli
A ( Itelnil-lll
H K Kallliestiick
W I) hpierlier A Seu
Ilarrliii . Shirk-
II S. Ilursk
Illuli Martin
.WtllUi ilms
II l" llarnrr
Kdw. hrcikel
.Uines Kelly
Iluury lUtiingattliier
.h tiny Miller
Llins II. llsrr
.1 11. Leng
J. K. llakel.M. I)
( ll.I.ecliei
(ii'it. M Sleliiiiiiii A Ce
ItagurA llr'
I" Suiter A Itie
Jelm ttteiu....
r it. linker
A. Kuliliiiaii A C(
Marsliull A lleiiKler
A. llerr hinlth
Uenrge At. smith
L'ellecteil tin Ki lila)
; f lJ
A no
lu ui
.11 ui
lu en
5 11
! IU
i IU
I 10
I Ul
I ll
: ui
I )
I )
5 IU
l II)
1 1
1 Ikl
0 Ul
6 IU
1 te
5 00
I ul
1 l
:, ui
l iu
rT;i ui
a :. co
1,111 ue
Amount prevluuly uiiimiincel....
(laud total
l.i'.l j 00
l.lfCllUllS 111 lllO lllllT Ot Ollli 1'CllOIV.
The election for olllcers of the Grnud Ln Ln
eampmuut of Pennsylvania recently held
throughout the Jurisdiction was as fellows :
fJrnud Patriarch, Win. A. Witherup, of Ne.
3. received I.lvj votes.
Oraud High Priest, Jehn Loveigeod, et .Ne.
11, received l.tbS volts.
Grand bcnier Warden, Heubun Stmlnian,
of Ne. IM, received 1,177 otes.
Ornnd Scribe, James 11. Nichelson, of Ne.
SI, received 1,173 votes.
Orand Treasurer, Jehu S. Helsa, el Ne. -',
received MSI votes.
Graud Junier Warden, IMvvard l Deans,
or Ne. 7f, rtiHslved 71U voles, and M. D.
Wiley, el Ne. 101, who was elected, received
70.1 votes.
Urand Hepresentative te tlm Sovereign
Grand Ledge, Alfred Mack, el Ne. 101,
(elected), received 1,010 votes, and hniniiel
F. G winner, of Ne. 17, received 178 veIpn
A Company ut l.lllle l'eeilt.
Ijist evening the Count and Countess
Magtl appeared at the opera heuse with thelr
company. The aiidlence waH ((lilte small
and it Included some children. The treuX)
contains u number el small people, who give
a clever porfeiiuiitico und ene that Is esie
clally calculated te please llltle folks. The
count und his wife appeared In the Identical
cestumes worn by them at their marrlage
ceremony in New Yerk, llareu Magrl,
brother of Ihe count, did u musical act. Mlas
Lucy and Sarah Adanm sang, Master De For Fer
rest Juggled, I'ref. Legrema gave leals of
magic, etc., and all pleased tiieauuience.
At u mutlnee this altorneoii there was a
large audience, and the company appears rer
the last tlme this evening.
A lu.noe I'tiini fur a Tramp,
A few weeks age a Cuban tramp cigar
maker, with four centa in ills pocket, se
cured work at his trade lu Ox ford at ft per
week, ills story was that he had arrived In
New A'erk city u rew wueka borero with
t",000, which he hud lest by associating with
evil companion, und he was a financial
wreck In consequence, Thursday he re
ceived a letter from his Cuban home Inlorm Inlerm
liighlmtlmt hla brether haddled, leaving
him heir te f 10,000, and the next train took
hi in outet town.
Will Celaurate Tliclr lllrtlulay.
Cau-as-s.i-te go trlbe et Hed Meu or thU
city, will celebrate thelr thirteenth anniver
sary en Tuesday, June I. They will held a
banquet 1. 1 Llederkraiu. hall, and u history
el the trlbe since Its organisatien will be read
by a prominent Indian. The committee
having charge of the atlalr is eeinpcwAu of
Pavla Kltch, Hyreu J. llrewn, V. V. Janil Janil
aen, C, F, Qiiadeund Htchard Apierly.
Iteturutil te Court,
Tidial Morgan was heard by Alderman
Spurrier last evening, en a charge of surety
ei uie peace preierreu uy riusau weeu, oei
ed bv Susan Scott.
ereU. Alergan was required te enter ball
trial at oeurt.
limit &VIHHIK
Tcnlli tJeiiiiiitmtmtiil of line el The lll
I'lililln NrliixtU In Hi" Ceuiilj Name, of
llm Vuuntf Mm anil Wemwi Mini
Mke Tlielr low li tlm tVerlil
The leulh annual (sinimeficeincnt of the
Slrasbuig I nlen si-hoel was held Iu
Matsasell hall, that lioreugh, en Fri
day night. The names or tlm graduating
class ter this jear were lMlth llachinau,
Mulniiie Kby, Ann In Helm, I'hrlstln Keueagy
Miller H. i'eulk, nun Harry N. llerr. The
class molle Is llm souleiiie "Turn livery
Stone i" but llm exercises et the evening
which began at " '!il were repluMililalive or
all the hcIkhiIn of tlm iKireiigh, as the follow
ing pregramme show-.
" K imparl Mnirli ' (Ki'lTeii lirrlictra.
Invocation Itev s It Mrhnileld.
Uvcrttnr ' 'lhe Miniiitiiliierr" (llrriiianii)
Malutntery " nnth's livaiii," llsiry S llerr
Oration-" Wlilit Meild Ctilliy,"'iileiiiM Kby.
" hlectrlcl Pel kii," I Kami ) On lientra.
Oration" Drilling Homeward." Annie Helm,
Fresiinlatlonef Meiimnloe.-ChrlntleKeiicncy.
Onion, ' Chninimlgnit " (l.uuilie) Orchcutla.
Ilccllatlen-" Vasiill "-Kill Hi llueliiimu
Pnttciitiilleii or liliilniiius Or. II. r Hindi
Oveneiir "Monks of bt. Ilcrnuid ' -lller-
imnii) (Irclicitra
Valedictory-" What l ri
I'elka-" Kalj dlil,' (Kuc
late " Millers tnulk.
tKiickuni Orcbcutra
Aililress nr .f iiane.
" Miiuutabl l.i lie,' I'elka (Keller) Oiehejlin,
llcnetllclleii- liev. Marls (i in Vim.
The llcrurntleiia.
The llerul tbs'oratlens of tlm hall and st.ige
were olaberato and elegant. In the midst el
pyramids or blooming llowers there wete
sparkling reiiiilalns, siirreuuded by lieaull
f nl plants anil garlands losleonod In cunning
and graceful forms, l'llleil with a delighted
and Interested audience el sireuts, mtreus
and Irlends, old Massaselt hall was trans
formed into n Isiwer or beauty ; and with
music luriilslieil by llm Htrasburg orchestra,
everything wenu-d in harmony with the
Joveus occasion.
Tlm meiubers or the class, eacli and all,
acquitted themselves with great credit. Hr.
Nliaiib, of Mlllersvllle, In presenting the
diplomas made some gracehil and feeling re
marks, reminding them that as a duty new
e Ing the pause of education and lliomselvf,
the diplomas should alwajs rellect through
them a credit te the scheme or education et
which they had received tlm benellta.
Dr. A. N. It tub, a well-known educator,
entertained the audience with a pleasant
thirty minutes talk, and made the point that
all education Inoklngte the absorbing ordllll erdllll
cult tet bisik knowledge, without the power
te make tlm application te the duties ami
struggles el lire, must in a great messiiru l
lest tlme te the c into or education.
I'ref. Chas. it. Keller, new et i:pbrata, the
former principal or the sclusil, made a lew
remarks te preve inai nit ncuri was nun in
ItVI'l.r.Y ASliilAXVll A II I.V.
Ilia DlastielhUii 'xiiilieiiiura ami rrmlimtn
Oratorical I'rlxps.
Tiwlay Instead of the regular exercises, the
Dlagnethlaii sophmero and fieslimati con cen cen
test took place. The meeting was eKiicd
wltli prayer by Hev. C. U Fry, pastor or
Tiinitv Luthemn church, who with Dr.
Titrel, pastor of the First IEofermeod church
and President Apple constituted the com
mittee et Judges. Mr. (). II. Ohrelter, presi
dent of the soclety.thcn anneuiiceii the object
or the contest, after which the following
gentlemen or the sophmero class ke:
W. K. Hnnilsh, Alexandria, Pa., en " Oj) Oj)
iiesitig Forces"; C. L.. lien man, Lancaster,
en ''(Ircatness"; F. A. Hupley, Martlnsburg,
Pa., " Whom Shall we Hener. "
After u few iiieinents of conference the
Judges decided lu r.ivoref.Mr. F. A. Kupley,
and ceuseipiently Dr. Apple lu a lew well
cliOMiu words presented te Mr. llupley, a
beaulllul geld badge previdist by the s
clely. Tlie following gentlemen et the Ireshm.m
class thou speke: 11. II. Apple, Lancaster,
en " UhIiiI Knowledge " ; A. 1!. Ilaiimaii,
.wingll, Iowa, "Honored, eti:xiled";
I). G. Hetrtck, Mines, Pa., " Problem or
Llfe" ; H. Mancha, Cliiriiuient.Va., "Friend
ship " ; C. II. Sheck, ML Jev, Pa., 'Wouian 'Weuian 'Wouian
heod " ; S. 1. Yvanguuti, Harrison City.
Pa., Daniel Webster.
After isiurerrlng again ter a few moments
the committee presented the prl.e, con
sisting el l-aingfel low's complete works, te
Mr. Maucha.
(J(e. l.uubach, of Fasten, Pa, Is visiting
hisrrlend, Kiirus W. Miller, efthu seminary.
found In a Ditutt lleitft.
Frem Itie Nvv Helland (laileu.
List .Sunday a Him hersti iiino-yeirs.old
and valued at'f'-lil, owned by Clayten Worst,
et Sprlngvllle, Salisbury township, Istcame
sick and eterlnary Surgeon Saiu'l Hair, of
ilreen Hank, was sent for. All efterts te
give the heixi any relief proved unavallng
and en Wodnesday morning the animal died.
An exam inatlen of tbe dead anilnialw as made
by Mr. Halrwheu there was discovered in Itie
nstum near the large bowels a stony foraia feraia foraia
tlen larger than a man's list. It looked very
much like a coral formation, or like some
honoycemb lava or Hint rock, and had the
hardness and weight or an ordinary stone.
This calcareous formation had completely
clogged the possage and caused the death
of the horse. We are told no works en
veterinary surgery cite any such case, and
jut what It Is. or what caused the formation
Is a very great mystery.
A I'oielnit Miiitlirrii WnMlng.
rreni the I eliiuiiila "y.
Cards have been received iu Columbia
bearing llm compliments nl Mr. and Mis. I.
Adelplm IteiUe, with an Invitation te be
present ut tlm marriage ceremony or Miss
Annie H. Haldeiuan te Mr. Johnsten Gray
Finnic, which Is te lie seleumied iu Christ
church, Savannah, Georgia, en Tuesday
evening, May 11th, Issti. Miss Ilaldemau is
tlie youngest daughter el Dr. K. llaldeman,
deceased, late of Chlckles, and lived In Co
lumbia ler a number of lears. Alter her
ralher's death, she became the w aid et Hen.
H. M. North, hhe was educated at lllshop lllshep lllshop
lherH), and is a refined and aiveuipllshed
voting woman. Her Irlends, und the in any
irlends of the family In this purl el Pennsyl
vania, will Jein lu extending their com cem
pllmeuls and congratulations iimn this
Iiappy occasion.
Illu II lit In lUlllmere.
A lUeln Haltiinore Friday nlghl destroyed
the live-story warehouse, Ne. 313 West Hub
tlmnre street, ix-cupled by S W. Fless A
Ce., wholesale dealers in notions and white
goods, and badly damaged several adjnlulng
buildings. Thelehsesaiid Insurances uie us
fellows; Fless A Ce., less f l.i0,H0H ; insnr
ance, ?0,000 ; less en building, t75,00i, cev
ered by lnsurance. M. S. Levy X Hotis,
inatiulactiironiet straw goods, less, (15,001) ;
fully Insured. Klug A- Ce., clethiers, less,
160,000 ; Insurance, M0.0OO ; less en building,
30,000 ; Insured. Creat .t Dunbiace, Itiriii Itiriii
ture dealers, less, J.W.noe ; Insured. Iinvveld
t Meliriug, cariets, less, .ITi.OOtl ; Insurance.
fJO.OOO; less en building, f 10,000 ; cevered
by lnsurance, There were several smaller
losses, aggregating about f 50,000.
Tile l.annuter thin Vluli.
The (jincaster Gun club held their annual
meeting last evening, when the following
olllcera vvore olected : President, I. V. l.old l.eld
Igh ; secrelary, Jacob II. route ; treasurer,.
II. K. Atideisen.
Tlie club deeided te order a let el birds,
blue rock pigeons and ether targets, and they
will have u hhoet" ut an early Jay. The
club ure lu geed condition Uiiuiiclally, and te
keep iu geed sheeting trim they would like
te make a match with some ether club te
sheet at clay pigeons, glass balls or live
Ate 17 lluck Kg. In Onn Day.
I'rein the l.lllt. Kxpresa.
A man in Marietta ate 10 duel; eggs last Sun
day morning. In the evening or the same
day he get away with 7 mero. Karly en Alon Alen
day morning lie boeiuno very sick, ills wile
held his bend whlle he quacked. In fifteen
...imiiAii l,n camfi nn and Iih whs nil
oe. I """."".; .".".."." I .'" "....""'
for I HK"- 8 nauu1aV'i !f ' '
nut iuiw .uuu(u wt
(Iiisrillng AruIiiM ItUk il Aiililtnt In Oebif
Irnm I'lara la flar.
All tlie niDinbeis of the Detroit liase Imll
club have been inunred lu an arrldent lnsur lnsur
aneo company and during Ihn season II any
of thdin are liurt while traveling the treasurer
or tlm team will be paid an Indemnity of fi'i
ter week during the player's Inability te
play ball, or ir killed (r,(me will be paid by
the lnsurance company. The directors pay
ali;oxpense", he It cost the player nothing.
It Is simply a move taken te guard against
llnanclal less te the club should ene or sev
eral or the players be Injured while traveling.
During llm sickness of a player, If for the
jterliHl of two or three weeks, his salary la
jaM lilm lit full and the object of the Insur Insur
hiice Is te have the club reimbursed te an
extent should the player I cotnpelled,
through Inlury, te absent hlmsell from the
diamond. The policy does net cover any In
Jury tlm player may Incur while en the ball
Held. It is belloved this Is the first Inntance
oftlie kind In the country.
The Waslilngtnnlans steed with thelr eyes
and mouths vvlde open yesterday when
Andrews and Fogarty began sliding liases.
There were but two games In the American
Association yesterday. The Athletlcs de
feated the Haltluiere in Philadelphia by 7 te
I, and Louisville dew nod Cincinnati by 7 te
I at the home of the former.
The 1.eague games yesterday resulted as
follews: At Washingten: Philadelphia 12,
Washington n ; at New Yerk : New Yerk 10,
llestnu 'J; at St. Leuis: HI Louts K, Detroit
0; at Kansas City : (thirteen Innings,) Chi
cago (I, Kansas City !i.
The Southern League games yesterday
were: At Savannah, Ga.t Nashville 12,
Savannah 0; at Charleston, S. C: Charleston
7, Memphis 11; at Macen, Ga: Atlanta H,
Macen 7 ; at Augusta, Ga.: Augusta V, Chatta
nooga 0. Fight Innings.
Kansas City showed up In the opening
game by wrestling with tlie champions ler
thirteen Innings.
Yesterday Harr, Washington's pet pitcher,
was batted alt ever the let by Harry Wright's
men, who had sixteen hits.
The New Yerk men hammered Ituuingten
very hard yesterday.
'I he disorderly gang that attends ball at
the Athletic grounds kept guying llradley
yesterday for striking out, but they were
surprised-when he drevu the lull ever the
centre llelder'a head for three Imses.
The Athletics did net have as many hits
as the Haltimnre yesterday, but they were
McKlnnen, of the St. LeuW, put out seven
teen men at llrst vesterday. '
Jehn Patrick Cahill In net quite as big a
man in St. Leuis as he was lu the Seuth.
Ne street cars have been named after him
The people or this city seem te be anxious
for base ball this noaseu, and the Ironsides
management feel encouraged. The club will
have te play against some geed ones and It
should be made us strong as possible. Peo
ple won't co te see a losing team.
Orthe Ironsides players.Zechor.Onedman,
Wilsen and Dressier are new Iu this city,
and Hyndmau Is expected this evenlng.
Sam Fields will bring n nine te this city te
play the Ironsides next Friday, but a game
may be arranged for an earlier day.
The Ironsides will have a big crowd nt
their opening game.
Wlipretlifi Ilrghueuta Will Camp.
The following order has been Issued from
the adJuUutgencral'a department :
The National Guard or I'enusylvanla will
go into regimental camp as fellows : The reg
iments or tlie First brigade rrem July It te
lulv 10; Third brigade, from July 10 te July
17 ;Seeend brigade, rrem July 17 te July
The canis of the regiments of the First
brigade must net exceed twenty miles from
Philadelphia aud are subject te the approval
or the brigade commander. The regiments
et the Third brigade will go Inte campus
follews: Fourth regiment at Alleutewn,
Eighth regiment at Lebanon, Ninth regi
ment at re, Twelfth regimental
Wllllamsimrt, Thlrteeenth regiment nt
Seranten. Kegiments of the Second brigade
will go Inte pump an follews: Fifth regiment
at Altoenu, Fliteenth reginientat Meadvllle,
Sixteenth leglmcnt at Franklin, Tenth,
Fourteenth aud Fighteenth te Ik) determined
Transportation will belurulshed by brigade
quartermaster. Per diem pay will be allow
ed rer H ve days. Unasilgued Infantry com cem
irinles will go lute camp with the regiment
nearest location and will arrange with the
commanding olllcer for '.transportation and
rations. All expenses ether than transiiorta transiierta
tinn and rations must be home by regiments.
The day for regimental inspection win tie
designated In future orders.
A Nnnigtuailin Speak, at Itie V. W. C. T. V
rir.t Annlvermrf.
Ne mero animated throng could have been
feuud last evenlng assembled In any parlor
in this city than the frlends and guests or
the Yeung Women's Temperance Union,
who thronged the parlors or Mrs. James
Hlaek, en North LHike street, en Friday
evening, In honor el the first anniversary or
thelr organization. The greatest sociability
prevailed. The ladles had kludly provlded
ler the carnal as well as tlie spiritual man,
se that nobody was excluded from thopro thepro thopre
uiaiiime. Tim narler entertain inent con
sisted el singing by the ladles et the union,
a sole by little Daisy Mingle, a history
or the soclety by Mist Harriet Cur
tis, an address bv Itev. Mr. Gray, or
the Fiist M. II church, and net least, a read
ing and recitation, both bearlng en the tem
perance pause, by Mist Amanda Imdes, or
tlm Mlllersvllle S'ermul school. Old Mr. Mur
ray, Mrs. Htaclc's lather, new approaching
his ninetieth year, speke en the cause near
Ids heart, indulging in soine interesting roin rein
Inlscences. Mrs. Hlack iccelved the thanks and praises
or her guests ter her share el the evening's
pleasure, by providing such a beuntliul re
past rer them as greeted their eyes upon the
adjournment te the dining room. ! lowers
ter the sight, and cukes, fruit and lomenado
ter the Inner man, crowded the gouereus
table. The Fiilen reels euceuraged with
new members and twelve pledgesaslt enters
It second year.
New Helland Clmrch Ofllrera.
These olllcers have been elecied by the
Lutheran church nt New Helland rer the
ensuing yeur: Trustees, W. W. Kinder,
Ames Kutter, Adam GeUt, Abm. G. Smoker,
Henjamln F. Weaver; elders, K. S. Hru
baker, Thee. A. Klnzer, Israel Hair, Gee. 11.
ltanck ; deacons, Dr. J. II. Kehler, A. II.
Ilasslerusq,, .las. K. S. I'axsen and Isaac G.
Dav Is. At n v estry meeting held afterwards
Adam Gelst wa elected secretury and Dr. J.
Kehler treusu i er, W. W. Kiner declining u
ro-electlnii. , ....
At the annual business meeting held In
the Keferiiinl ihiirch or New Helland en
Faster Monday morning tlie following ofll efll
cers weie elected: Isaac Sausman and
Henry Lewis, eldeit ; D. F. Hesore and Gee.
11. Hacer, deacons ; nil ler two years ; A. G.
Sutten, trustee ler threo years; Jehn
Monter sexton ler one year. There will be
Installation of olllcers at the regular aorvlce
te-morrow morning.
The I'eiiDnyluiiila Iteiliiclug l'aineiiKcr ltt.
Following up itrt recent reduction In the
through passenger rates between New Yerk
ami Pittsburg,', the Pennsylvania railroad
company anueuiieus the issue en and after
May 1 of ten-day oxcurslen tickets betweeu
New erk and Washington ut a rate of ten
dollars, and botvveon New Yerk and Haiti
morn at the raloef eight dollars, aud live-day
ewnrslnti tlckels between New Yerk and
Wilmington nt a rate or llve dellats. A step
ev or will be allowed en all theso tickets at
Philadelphia anil also at llaltlmera en these
betweeu New Yerk uud Washington, and
their Issue will extend te all the mere Im
portant stations en the line.
Te bpeak lit Marietta.
W. 11. Househelder, Jpust commander of
Pest Vi, G. A. It. of Lebanon, has received
and accepted nil Invitation from Pest Sal,
Marietta, te deliver the memorial address nn
An lrifht-IIeur loiber Query,
rrem the Philadelphia Ameilcan.
Where should we all lie If the farmer w
te insist upon being ceuuted lu ou the eight
.i I "' " i" "!" """ -
hour movemeniT a goeu many e us weum
leiur a gee
go hungry.
neon uave luguuuuKry.
1, L880.
O.V TIIIC KltlllT-IIOtrU A Sit.
Illipatflirs from Chicago anil Ollirr
that Inilintta rearaful I'prl.liigs In
IIFrtmtiiL nl Ijibnr Ne lllienlrr
Tlirtaleneil-i:iiiile7n Arrcuing.
UincAoe, May 1. After the freight
handlers of the Durlliigtnn read quit work
yesterday altorneoii they marched about te
the freight dejiets or oilier reads and mailn
siHjcchcs te tlm men there employed, advising
them te demand eight hours with Increased
pay, and inviting them te a meeting te be
bold this morning at Harrison street bridge.
In rnspouse te this Invitation betwccii three
and four bund red men gathered there at S
o'clock and listened te speerlies by thelr
fellow strikers. The llrst oration urged them
te visit all the depots, urge the men te strike
ler fewer hours and mero pay, but te lw
careful net te iise vlolenco or create any
disturbance. Anether speaker said the Wa
bash had kept Its men at work till midnight
last night leading and unloading Ireight, in
violation or nn understanding that they
would net require work.evor hours. He
advised that they visit the Wabash dext
first and urge the men te strike, and if they
did net de It te pull them out. This was re
ceived with cheers, and the crowd imme
diately formed four abreast and started ler
the Wabash depot en 12th street near Clark.
The men are from the Northwestorn, Mil
waukeeA SU Paul, Fert Wayne, Alten V
Burlington freight houses.
The marchers gathered force as they went,
a number of boys falling Inte line as they
moved aleDg, until the party numbered mere
than II ve hundred by the time the Wabash
depot was readied. Here ene of the leaders
made a speecb te the freight handlers who
were at work, urging thorn te strike at ence
and Jein forces w Hh them for shorter hours
and mere pay. This the vv abash men re
fused te de, but ue effort was made te meltst
thorn, and they continued at their work.
The crowd then went te the depot of the
Kastern Illinois, where theslxtymcnat work
wero easily persuaded te Jein thorn. This
action was greeted with cheers, and the
crowd, rolnlerced by the new. strikers, re
turned te the Wabash dept te tnake another
eflbrt te induce the men te quit.
The In and out frclght-houses of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & SI. Paul railroad, were
closed nt 10 o'clock, all the 800 rrelght-han-dlers
having quit work this morning alter
cleaning up and setting things in erder.
The Chicago A Alten Is accepting no freight
te-day, and sending out nothing except per
ishable property, nnd great difficulty is ox ex ox
Cerienced In doing this. The handlers nuni
er between fifty nud fceventy-llve, and are
all euL The managers of the Alten said If the
men would gote work at neon they would be
as liberal te them as any ether read, but
no such Indefinite preposition will be ac
cepted. Seme tlme during the day a general
meeting et the suiierlntendcnta et all the
reads will be held te decide upon a plan of
A committee representing the 100 lrelght lrelght
haudlers el the Pittsburg, Fert Wayne A'
Chicago read presented a demand ler the
eight-hour day with ten hours pay, te the
company thlsmernlng. Pending the answer
the men are still at work but will Immedi
ately quit In case of a
THO llrst siarinug news in iuu ipuriuug
cauie at 7S0 o'clock. A crowd et men rrem
the lumber yards and planing mills, num
tKirlng about 3,000 or f 1,000 men, get together
In the vicinity or Tvveuty-fiocend and Illiiu
Island avenue. A leader was selected and a
line termed. In the front rank n man car
ried a red Hag. The body et the men then
moved down In the direction of the M'Cor M'Cer
mlck reaper w erks
1,000 r.inple?ea Out en a llellilay.
Citicvfie, May 1 The solid tille or bulld-
iugsthat houses 1.100 of Cane Hros., work
men was closed this morning nnd barred.
Iho 1,000 empleyes or the -Malleable Iren
works are out en a holiday. This altorneon
they decided at a meeting whether thev will
strike or net. The 400 men In the Villen
brass feuudry walked out In a body yester
day borero closing hours. The 12e men nt
Geeuw lllle's box shop aud n precession
that made the rounds last night or
ling's, Maxwell's, WHee's and Labslelr's
factories and planing mills were Joined by
about 1,000 ompleycs. The 100 men at the
Warner Fitruiture company nre en strike;
the factories or William Gitlert, It. W. Hates
and Albreacht V Delmel are closed for the
8.inie reason. At S o'clock Monday morning
the owners or the lumber yards will refuse
the demands of the ompleyes, and the 12,000
handlers of lumber w ill lie en strike, entail
ing as a consequeuco the lay up of the lumber
lleet with Us fi.000 seaman.
The Columbia Ironworks, Chicago avenue
and llalsted street, has given its (XW men
eight hours work for eight hours pay. The
laborers received a 10 per cent, increase.
The American Nickel Plate works, corner
Randelph and Market streets, has given Us
200 men ten hours pay for eight hours work
the only shop where the Mebd workers'
union get this demand.
Traser it Chalmers, tlie largest niachino niachine niachino
shep men In the West, settled with
their men. Se did the Vulcan Iren
works. C. A. McDonald Featherstene,
the West Division car shops, O. A. Peacock,
the J.lnk HeltManulacturingeempany. The
llradley manufacturing company compro
mised with IU fipO empleyes, aud the Heet
nud Shoe Alen's association, which employs
7,M)0 men, reached a couipremiso with its
There were probably compromises reached
with tvvice .is many empleyes us will go ou
strike te-day.
Geerge W. Allen has increased tlie wages
of his carpenters 2d per cent, and adopted
the eight hours.
Seventy-llve te ene hundred empleyes of
the Kqultable Gas and Fuel company, on en on
guged In building tanks en Archer avenue,
near llalsted street, quit work this morning.
The men were rocenlly granted a raise from
$1.00 te $1.70 for ten hours a day, all they
asked. Hut this morning they quit because
the company refused te allow the Increase
and eight neurs werii.
5,000 te Demand Klght Heur..
ltosrev, Mas, May l.-In this city the
trades union of carpenters, the brotherhood
of carpenters nud joiners of Amerlca, the
Amalgamated society of carpenters and
Joiners and the plumbers union, 6,000 men
In all, have resolved te demand eight hours
en Monday and will stiike II the demand is
ThB master builders association,200 strong,
unanimously adopted a manifesto yesterday
altorneoii, bllterly condemning the action et
the workmen, laying the whele hlaiue te the
labor unions and declaring that the demands
cannot is) compiled with without disaster te
the business and workmen both, and that
they will clese up business ruther than sub
mil te nny iuterterence.
Anticipating Damage from .Slob Violence.
CoNcetii), N. II., AIiy I. K. S. Harris,
proprietor, of the woolen mills in Pouaceok,
has im
mnde oath that he believes damage Is
Intended te ids iiretHirty by mob violence and
has notified the selectmen of Hescaweu that
he will held the town responsible for its
protection. Sisjclal policemen have been
appointed who will be en duty until the
danger has pasaed and the selectmen have
notified the officers of the Knights et Lalr
who ordered the strike lu these mills that
they will be held answorable iu courts for
any damages sullered by the town,
.lejful Street Car Kuipleje..
Wasuinoten, I). C.. Alay 1. Perhaps the
happiest men in the Dlstrlst of Columbia to
day are tiie conductera aud drivers or the
Washington A Georgetown (Pennsylvania
avenue) street ear line. The hours or the
empleyes have been reduced and they are
ruiinlmr their rosnectlvo cart literally cev
ered with decorations-Hie stars and stripes
being predominant. A summer par, m
which Is tdalinued n baud or music, Is also
being run back und forth ever the route.
Ijivt Kieiilng' Cremation.
The cremation of the body or Geerge D.
Kmmens, took place at 0 o'clock last evening
and was private. The asliet were taken
away this morning by his brother, who will
bury them in Greenwood cemetery, New
hellltst Ilia lllll.
.inlm Ceover. el Fphrata township, had
been directed by the court te pay a spoellled
sum for the malntenauce of his child, and
falling te de se n u and cu u was issued.
Wheu the sherlll aerved It en him he paid
the amount due aud all costs.
VA tS TltHI,
Cliarlm Criut Want. It In be Hinlf nlnml
II Knows III. Iluilnt...
Chas. Hrnst, tlie painter, who was the very
low bldder for painting the court house, and
whose bid was net considered, as being ridi
culously low nml ImiKisslble en the face of It,
complains that he has been misrepresented
by such misstatement As te capacity
as n palnter and Ills reseii9lblllty he
points with pride te .the Stevens house,
St. Alarv's church, Ihe City Hall and SL
Jeseph's hospital among the important larger
buildings lu this city which he lias under
taken and gets through with. He says he
bid tiHiu Inlormatlen given him by Cominis Cominis Cominis
Moner Atyers, who simply told him thoout theout thoeut
sldool the court house was te have three coats
of lnt, without mention or sanding, painting
the fence and ether extras; he was told there
were no written Mpoclllcatlens.Ho says that as
for the cost of scaffolding, which, it is said,
would have lieen as great as his entlrebld, he
would have Incurred noextraexnonsoon that
account as he Is better prepared for this line
of work than any painter Iu town. Air.
F.rnst dees net understand why Gnthrle was
net given the work even at his blgher bid, If
be Is "the best painter lu town ;" while if a
low bid was te be considered Ixing and
Wlnewer ought te have had it.
Finally Air. I'rnst wants te bet Cemmts
Hener Alyers $100, $300 or $1,000 that he can
de the, work he undertook te de nt the hid he
A CoimnlMleuer Fire, a Hhet,
Km. : It would seem te
us and also te the tax-nayers mero mauly ler
the "North (Jueen street" tax-payer If he
would come out ever hit own signature;
and then the allllcted tax-payers could be
mero Intelligently Inrornied as te the sin
cerity or the writer or whether there is net
behind all this great imuiaglnary wrong In
dicted en the "tax.payer," a llttle seir-ln-terest
that would ceme up te the surface
should theslgnature appear. Of course, net
knowing exactly who the writer is, we hive
te go It a llttle lu the dark, but we belleve
we can hit the target right in the eye the
first shot with a rllle that sheets mero ac
curately than the one used by our friend In
sheeting deer iu Ferest county.
Ve can only say tehitn he was uet shocked
at the county being assessed damages ever
$1 1,000 and the city about ?.",000, te have an
alley epeued half a square out ou North
Queen street for the bonelltefa few individ
uals. Indeed, he seemed quite Interested
that the alley should be opened ; and yet this
same Individual is wonderfully exercised
about the great soeming wrong dene by the
commissioners lu net giving the painting et
me court ueuse te me lowest muuer en, no,
but In net giving it te his man.
Truly the old ndage is carried out here
again: "Strain at a gnat and swallow a
Come new, be manly aud ceme out evor
your own signature; and we will be able te
prove te you that you are doing and have
been doing, during all your business life.
Just what you are trying te condemn tlm
commissioners for doing.
Sam'i. Af.
Cel. At. S. Quay takes charge or the state
treasury next Alenday.
Achilla Onefrl has been convicted in
Philadelphia et murder lu the second do de do
gree for killing Lottte Cook, his step child.
Tlme was granted his counsel te file reasons
ter anew trial.
Te-day tlie Pennsylvania railroad company
will Inaugurate a new system ler the prompt
dellverv et bnggace, te be known as the
" Special Delivery System."
The pinkeye or opixeoty, which paralyzed
the business or Ihe country a raw years age,
has broken out among the street car horses
in Pittsburg. Probably ene hundred ani
mals are ntlocted but no fatalities have oc
curred. Assistant United States District Attorney
Geerge C. Wilsen, of Pittsburg, has been re
tained as counsel by William Hrittaiu, the
well-known Hrownsville distiller, in n suit
te test the validity oftlie license law of Penn
sylvania. The annual ceuv eutien el tlie " Protestant
Episcopal church, lu the Dioceso el Penn
sylvania," will eonveno en Tuesday uext,
the 4th of Alay. in the church or the Epiph
any, Philadelphia.
F.d Klnuane, who left Philadelphia last
Saturday night with three trunks filled with
flue dry goods nnd jewelry, which he had
fraudulently obtained from Illegel, Scott ,t
Ce., S. Kind A Ce., and ether well-known
Alarket street merchauLs, has been committed
for trial nt Pittsburg.
Unbtmr.s brokelute the iiiieccupted dwell
ingot Hen. Geerge A. Jeuks, at Hroekvillo,
aud gathered up about a thousand dollars
werth of iKirtable property ; but having dis
covered a very excelleut article et rye
whisky In their search for plunder they were
either touched by awakened conscience or
get tee drunk te 'carry anything else away.
Themas, the slx-yoar-eld son of Themas
Lyergey, of PotUtewn, set a lire te a large
frame building belonging te his father, but
fertunately the llames were promptly extin
guished. When taken te task about it the
little fellow said he wanted te see the horses
of the Philadelphia tire company, of which
hit father it n prominent niember, run te a
An llicltlnz Iluuaitay.
This afternoon Jehn Kleiss, a local deliv
ery mau, was driving along Lemen street and
ns he was about turning into Duke street
the body pin of his wagon eame out. This
separated the front gearing with the horse
from the ether part of the wagon. The animal
becnine frlghtoned and started te run down
Duke street. Air. Kleiss was dragged some
distance, and until he left go of tlie horse,
lie was very badly cut aud bruised. The
horse, with the two wheels, kept ou down
street and crnmed the Duke street
bndge successfully. In front of the
residence of Dr. fihler he slipped en a pile
of stones nnd fell. He was unable te regain
his feet, and upon examination it was found
that his left front leg was broken.
The animal was killed and taken te l.atii-
parter's glue factory. Tlm trout part of the
wagon was badly used up.
The Lewer Suiitebiiiina KUherle.
The run of herring In theSusquehauua fell
oil considerably the ether day, but new they
are running as thick asever. Alany thousands
are dally released from the nets and allow ed
te go free for want of a remunerative market.
The prevailing prlce 10 te 20 eeuts per
bund red dees net pay for catching und
handling them. At Havre de Graee
herrlug are se plentiful that but llt llt
teo account Is taken of them, and auy
quantity can be had at ten cents perhundred.
Shad have fallen oil considerably, and bring
from $12 te 51."i per hundred. Owing te the
extremely low prices prevailing for herring
aud the small numlier of shad taken, the
fishing season Is net ltkely te be a profitable
one, and te the big handlers who are ut a
heavy dally eniense must result in heavy
less. The g'lllers whodepoud regularly every
season upon the fishing ns a souree of rev
enue and partial support, are doing ulniest
A Heme ou Fire.
About S o'clock this morning the frame
heuse occupied as a residence by Dr. 1). U.
Shenck, lu Kohrerstown, took fire Irem a de
fective Hue. The people of the village were
alarmed and In a short time quite a crowd
gathered. Alen worked llke beavers with
buckets of water but the fire had gained great
headway audit was net extinguished uutll
damage te the oxteut or about $i00 was done
by tire and water. Seme valuable luedlclues
were burned. The house was iusnred iu the
Penu township cemiuuiy.
A Had Hey.
Harry Leng, whose parents live In the
Flglilli ward, was arrested last nlghtby Olll
t nhrlitliv Olll.
bv Vlderma,
by Alderuiau
god with being
control of his
nirtllll en a warrant issueu
Patrick Dennelly. He it charged
incorrigible and beyond the con
parents, and ns-mciates with ltad company,
He will le taken before the judges with a
view or semi Ing him the Heuse et Refuge.
llursUrs at Werk.
Thursday night or early Friday morning
the residence el Airs. M. Cexey, 413 Kast
Htrawberry street, was eutered by burglars.
Te de It they broke a pane from a)wludew In
the klteheii aud unloosed the sash fastenings.
Thoyceulil net get further thau the back
room, uud during their attempt the deg
made such noise as te frighten them away.
Nothing was taken.
a iiKtKr nvDUKrnr tMira mum
The rnntr. Wilt Itajarl Ilia Ktptjr of Urate
nml leilit iTrsiii lilurmamant-Ceunl
llftlirrt lll.marrk New Itapnrtad
In Ha Out of lMngar,
I.ONHOV, May l.-The .sVrtiiu'arii'.t Ilrlln
correspondent telegraphs that the powers
have decided te reject the reply of Clroece te
the ultimatum and insist upon unconditional
disarmament. The allletl lleet will remain
in Greek waters te enforce the mandate of
the towers IT necessary. The North German
Gazcttf nt Herlln says that yesterday's new
falls te Improve the situation lu Greece.
The aoml-elllclal German newipspers as as
eort that if the powers persist In exsctlng thu
abject surrender or Greece, the nation (Oer
many) will lese Us fnitience.
A.klng la II Fergltan Fer a lll.liep. Murdrr,
AtAiiitit), Mav 1. Galoote, the priest who
murdered the bishop or Madrid, has written
te tbe Papal Uuncle at Atadrld, that he Is re
pan tent and asks the forglveneaa of the pep.1
for his crime. The man is evidently trying
loappear insane.
Yeung Ill.uinrek Out el Uangar.
llKitM.s, May I. The critical period or
Count Herbert lllsmarek'a Illness lias been
safely passed. He Is new considered out or
daug'er nnd Is oxpeotod te recover rapidly,
Kursker. UnnaresMrj' nasi.
Cer.UMUiis, Ohie, Alay l. The spoech or
Gov. Kerakerat the state oneamptnout G. A.
A. at Cloveland caused a great dent of com
ment around the capltel yesterday. Iu
speaking or the recoptlen tendered te Davis
at Montgomery and tbe unusual statements
which he made en that occasion the governnr
said: "If the spirit el llberty Is unt
dead in the Seuth, uelther Is it
dead In the North. Whatever ethors
may. lepresent, this man Jeff Davis
who talks about liberty, reprosents only
human slavery, the degradation of labor, the
treason of secession and rebellion, the hor
rors nnd Infamies of Llbby and Andersen,
vllle, all, In short, that is most malicious,
vicious aud daumable Iu American history.
Te talk or him as an Illustrious statesman
who Is te be honored with Washington In
history is te Insult every sontimentor loyalty
and decency In this great country which he
wickedly did se much te destroy."
Many htrlKe at Milwaukee.
AIii.waukki:, Wis., Alay 1. nrewers
struck te-day numbering 3,000. K. V. MM'
meulders wenteut te the number of 1M). It
is expected that 1,000 machinists will Jein
theni . Alenday.' Other strikers, COO
lurniture men, 000 planing mill '.hands,
COO coal heavers, 2.V1 teamsters and
150 box - makers. Prepositions have
uotyet been answered and may lead te further
strikes en Alenday. Te-morrow there will
be an olghtheur demonstration, but no trou treu trou
ble Is I eared. There is no change lu the
railroad sltuatleu. Freight handlers have
made no demands. A 11 airs at the shops are
held In abeyance until the middle of the
A General Stoppage at the Capital.
Wahuinute.s-, D. C, Alay L There Beems
little room for doubt new but that the sus sus
tensien et labor throughout the city, which
will occur en Alenday, owing te the eight
hour quostlen, will bu mero extensive than
had been anticipated. The master builders
are firm in tbelr resolution of resistance,
while the Knights of Laber are equally deci
ded In their determination te strike for what
they consider thelr rights.
The Child Murder Cat.
Ni:nnMKA City, Neb., Alay 1. The cor cer cor
euer'a Jury in tbe child murder case after
being out nearly all day, adjourned until
four o'clock te day. The father el the girl,
her stop-methor and brether f lt-years-eld)
wero arrested and are in jail, l'nblle feeling
Is se strong that the judge will be asked
te call a special term, impanel a grand Jury
aud have the matter sirted nnd Justice
speed ly meted out.
Why llsilread OdlclaU Ke.lgiied.
UANXiur Ma, AIny 1. S. 1'. Htroes.
who for twelve yenrs has Ikjeii the freight
agent here for the Missouri Pacific, has re
signed. Foreman Suiades, or the car depart
ment, und Section Foreman Harduian have
also resigned. It is understood that the
resignations nre due te the lallure of these
elliciala te secure men te take the places of
the meu who struck recently.
A Striker's llend Forfeited.
Kansas City, Ala, Alay 1. The case
against James Neenan, who with Alartln
Scow, Is alleged te have wrecked the Alls,
seuri Pacific train In the Kast Uottems by
turning a switch about five weeks age, was
called iu court yesterday. Noenau lulled te
appearand his bend or $1,000 was forfeited,
Scow and Neenan attempted te escape at Uie
time and Noenau was shot iu the leg by an
Oulet at IudlanapelU.
Indianai'ews, May L There are no Indi
cations of trouble en account of labor
agitations here. The workmen at the
Savern wheel works asked for eight
hours work with pay for ten. It
was refused and the works will be clesed
until AlayMh. All workmen are invite!
back at the old rates and it Is bolleved they
will return.
I'.leiater and Content Burned.
Kansas City, Ala, May 1. Thoadvance
elevater, Atlnter Hros., proprietor, vras
burned at midnight last night. Less 100,000.
Forty thousand bushelH of wheat and sevou seveu
teen bushels of corn were destreyed. In In
mtrance en building, $17,000; en the grain,
A Ceusreuuian Critically III.
AleKiNNKY, Texas, Alay 1. Congressman
Jas. W. Throckmorton, who was forced te
abandon the capltel te recuperate his health,
intended te return te Washington seen, but
it is learned that he Is very low and will
hardly be able te go back te Congress this
term. He Is 01 years old.
The luvettlgatleu Committee.
St. Leuis, May 1. The spBClal investlga investlga investlga
tiugcouunltteo today took the testimony of
business men of this city, as te the etlect of
the strike upon business.
A Solitary fettuuuter.
Wasuinoten, D. ., Afay 1. A fourth feurth
plass postmaster was appointed te-day ler
Pennsylanla-G. W. Stone, Alahenlng.
... ... n il 1mv 1 Vrr
TUntem New Yetk, Kastern Pennsyl
vania nnd Delaware, UttUt rains Ibl
lowed by fair weather, with slowly rUlug
temiierature, winds becoming 'variable,
geuerally preceded by northwesterly winds.
Fer Western Pennsylvania light showers,
slight changes lu temperature, winds gener
ally easterly.
Feil Su.nhat. Clearing and fair, slightly
wanner weather la InUluated for Eastern
New Yerk aud Kaatera Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia,
and fair weather with slight change la teui teui
perattue iu Ohie, Kentucky and Tennessee,
The Greatest el ruueruea.
State Printer W. Hayes drier, or Colum
bia, was in Lancaster yesterday ler the llrst
time in many months ; he seemed te tpro tpre
pectlng ameug Hie subjects of his perennial
geuereslty lu tbodUiesat of L'elumb!Ab.rJ
I a,,u iuose who wero iiuniiwe v"r m, i
te get a ilr under Ills frank wl i"r.252
Hf1(l ,, Ul ,1)g, M would bar MM
I j.:PCUruH weep Ter euvy and Lucillliu) uf
The April DeM Kerfuetl "ff
niseatlmataJat hJffiS.
that there Iim be rffn ,W!52i L
C00.0M In the publle ".' .3Ei
llaady le Kcel Water He.'""
The water duplicate U new )n lh 1k4 at
City Treasurer Myer.wne will ts rJ te r
clv rent en Monday. I