-" sn 'v. "V .:ir je Dtfa$te i ; ' - if 4 v,i r fuMltgnM. aeb lulV.Mli.it''iX-l in "ina'jvawTKBKfaSlr , A VOLUME XXn-NO. 200. LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1880. pjuce two cents. I'AINTINO TIIK COUIIT I101ISK. h(IMK lilatUHlMltim-KO AMI HON Alltltir TIIH AHAIlll. A l-rge T-l'Jr Who Ak Humn llmiuli- ilruii-TlieCiimiiil..liiiiri lnleilrril Hint Mite Tlielr KvpUniitliiii el tlm AiHhl. llin l.nuf.t Net AIhki llm Wiener, he right te lojeel any in ui'htt tiii: hash n.il.l. ttr.i.titv. Them Is h rihhI deal of fcandnl and discus discus slen el enincst sort among Hi" pulnlers, dealers mul tu paver generally el llm city, (eucurulng llm uvvard it tlie contract for pHlntlng the ceiinly court house. 11 will Iki ruuiemheitit that en H.ituiduy mill Mfiinliiy llie oeniliilsslnnors ailvcillseil In tlin city iiewspspnt-s for prels, dtiiarlng "lliren msls of pnlul limit 1st given Wherever tlie Mild nml llllll Hull or hsise It iniiet Iki scraped ami painted nml H.uulii'l toenrcspond with llm test or the building. The host whlle Iru.l imil oil limit Iki must. Same le Iki pur chased In clly el Ijitmister anil kept In court house cellar, subject In ltiH'i-tleii. Scnllnld. Ing unit even thing necessary for ii IHsl-ehus Jeli te Iki liiriilxln'il by ronliltiuteri Tlie isimnilssleneis reserve tin or nil bids." They iikiiiihI tlin liliUnt tlie tliiiuHiMiliilcil mill nuiirilrul It (e W. II. Hatcninu for f 1,500; Hlthoughefflght blddeisenlytwn wurohlgher llimi lili nml tint following worn lower, Jehn K. Leng, f:t,tl"H): Charles r.rnst, iK.J.; lien. Vluuir,f.'l,7Nli Peter Willow or A Sen, J.l,K75j lMwanl lKsikuiyer, r2,SUi. ljuile iiiitunilly the competing lilililnrH urn evitcd nml many tavpiiycrs wnnt te knew, jeii knew. It N iic i.in-il tli.it whlle thoceiuiuUsIouors I mil thti light le reject hiiv imil all bids, tliey Imil no nlii In consider them nml then dellhcriiliilv pi i ever tlie low or Im tlie hlghrr Ouncillren e presses tlie views of a geed iiinnv In Ihlsoniiimlinleiilleu : I v vn i in i. sew win. I.am Asn:ii, .prll 29, Ksn, I'.iiitiuis Im i;i i iiit.M'i'.it : In your paper el juMihiIiiV, under tlin bend of " bids ler painting limit heuse" I noticed the coiumls ceiumls coiumls slenftis li.nl awarded the contract te Hnlemin lit his lilil el i I, MM. New n large tax aiyer Is net Hitlslleil wild tlioeii tmintleu ortlKntim ertlKntim iiiliiiniiiin, wlie "wiiriief oilnlen llmt tint work in'ilil net U ilemi for li'Jvi xiiiii limn II.iIeiiihIi'i lilil " ; unit Hint In tint liiri) of Umi lower lilili u' ul only two lillier. If tlie litililtin ure 'iiinlly H'imii. nllile 1 don't M'ii why tlie lowent lilil N net the lil ler llie tuv payer. lAirlintKiire I weulil llkn te knew nt leait wlmt was wren Willi I'i'tnr Wlimwer A Sen' lilil nl f.1,87 , Jnit JiK.1 low or tlim Itilenmn'K, nml .Mr.l'oter Wlnower Is a re.il tntitle owner mill fan k'vu Mtw'iitlty liliiiK'lf for iloulile thomneiint, hetli in for llm nuilf rial te Im moil nml work te I hi IHTfertnul I'lirlher Mr. Wlnower li.ii lrimils ili'ituill Inickhliu npferttii tlines llie Hinennl, If nn'ONiary, lint he ran palm the reurt Iieiimi mvoiiliei; te the rt'iiiiruhit-iiti ler Just what he hhi he mn, enmity roiiiinls reiiiinls roiiiinls iiencri le the eenlrnry iieMjrthnletis. 1 for one, mill I pritniine liniulriHliet ethprxlii tlie Kine) IhwI, wnnlil llke te knew why we are le piy ti'i-i inoie le linve the iniirt hoiise pHinli'il than Is no.-ess.irv. N nit r ii li r.v.v Ht. hut lli Ciiotilil.nlenrri Srty. CoiiiniissieiKir ll.irlnum hiim that the iKMnl was liiianlineils in Its nw.tril of the iiintracl s he nml Myers fAVerlnp It mul M. (Ilnricli inptfVslnj; liltnielf HntUtlcil. They roiLslileri'iI lltitlirle the lieht palnlermul Ills Mil win the highest ; they thought i;ruit'H hlil tlilieuleiis, Iiumiise It weulil net tiny the nmtiirUI, imicli less put up the HiiiiloUl HiiiileUl ing ; the ether Mils wero tee low for geed work ; no MVirlly Inul lioen mkeit from tlie lilililen ithoiiiuimlssieuorN Iiml taken hpcii rlty liem soineeontrai'tiirn for county work ami feiinil It werthleM te kocuie kmmI work or priiln t the county ; the eommKiienem were iletttriiilncil te net gixul work nml ler HiHt piirisise they hail agreed te employ H"hI workmen ami le piy them fair prices'; hail it Ik en their own private tiuxlnei they would Inive iloue it the M.U00 way ; tlie prim waaa falrone, fnr lis limn llie Jeb cost the last IIiup, nml many citlzmiH nml inx-piyen had already epreNsed their iipprimil el the hwhiiI. Ml Ml Kill' ii:w or it. Mr. Mmms hiivh heHi'.led in llie mailer llie lauie in If he would lme U'eu awarding llie riiutiuct in his private business. Ills n pu rloin c las lieu that the lowest Is net llie U'st hi. liter. W hen he awarded the enntrnct for tlie lulullngsiriih losideiice he asked for IiIiIh, mid nirtiea ollered te de II ax low as (i. He cave out llie lentrait te the IiIkIi- esi Mililur at fl.u.e. iKcalise he iliil net lit lit lleve tlie work could Iki done v.ell ler a lexx Mini. Whin the couiiuifc.sieuorH awarded the bteue work ler Illukley'ti brldge It wan given te the lowest bidder and the result was a bad Jeb. It lia-i all le be done ever, ami llie ex pense Is uiiii'li greater than if tlie timlraft had been originally nwnrdiHl te the hlghext bidder. 'I he wer.sl is Hint a geed job cannot new be uiiule el the masonry. If thecoiumUsleneii were obliged (onward the contract te the leweht bldder, then Kriint would liaMi recelvcd II, nml any one of In. telllpence known tnnt the building could hardly be whitewashed for lili num. ln ipilrlns wero made Ireui ceuiKiteut aitlea as te the probable cost of re-painting and the commissioners were nattslled that the paint ing could net U done for n less mini than llatemau bid te de 1L Mr. llullirle, who was the highest bidder, alter llie award was made expres-seil liluiMelf as well Hatlnlled that he did net get Hie contract, for he bolleved thorn would net nave Uien a dollar profit en It for him. Mr. Myers win mked w hy tlie purchase of the materials was coo lined te the city, when therj were dealern in the county, who could turnlili them as olieapas these in the city. He replied that It was hii e.erslght in the w erd ing of the nil vrrtlsoment asking for pro pre pro pesalh. The Intention was te louvellio matter open In nil dealers fit the clly mid county, but the commissioners did net e.ect any UliU from tlie country en account nt the building being In the city, ami painters who had te iHiard here while llie work was belng done could net compeio willi these whose homes arohero. He concluded by Mating that If tie had te de It en er again hew eultl de as he had done, because lie belie, ed it tn be the best interest of the county tn give tlie con tract le n painter who they knew would dn Ids work according te the specifications and Use the liest material. I'OMMIKSIONKIl (HNURIOIl's HTATKMHNT, Commissioner llingricli was seen by u representative of the 1nthi..kii:mi;u this innruiiig. He was pet disposed te talk much alieut the award. He did net bellove a geed Jeb could be done for a less sum than llale- man mil. ins experieiice as a commissioner wbs that it Is nut policy le award contracts te the lowest bidders. He IhjHoveiI that llato llate iinm's bid would be satislaclery te the peo ple generally when the ceht of Hie material le be used and the size nt the building Is enn sideied. ItlK Friers fur I.lm Murk. Wednesday the valuable herd of Jersey ami liiieriisey cattle nml llerkhhlre and Yorkshlre pigs, belonging te the estate or the late Themas M. Harvey, were sold at publH) i-ale at West drove, Chester county, the cuttle bringing from J'-i tn f llHI )ver head. There were many celebrated sleck raisers in ullemlatice, preiuiueiii nmeug iiiem neing J. Legan Fisher, el Philadelphia; It. II 1'age, Jr., or Columbia, N. .1. ; William M. l'aiil, or Moerestnwu, N.J. ;tlcorge Blight, or l'lilla delphla, nml Colonel Masen C. Weld, of New Yerk. Krpm this county Jesse Yeciiiu, or Wakelleld, bought a bull call Cossack for t'6;H. C. Hersliey, el Kllzabotlitewn, inr fai, the heller call Minnie, ami the bull call HaDche, by W, U Shoemaker, ortlnslien, ler 131. I.ni.i-iulf r le I'liijr Villliiiiiaerl nl llm l.allrr I'lsre mi Hslnrilay, Mar H. On Hiiliirtlny, May 8, tlin Pennsylvania Htnle AHioclntlen of base Unit clulm, of which tiaiiRASler Is n inember, will nsm tlie season, Lancaster playing with WlllUinsiverl nt the Inllnr plnce. The Wllllnmipnrt club H ns rnllevvs: Jelin Uriel, catcher; J, A. While, catcher j .lelm l'lsher, jillclier ; William Ittltenhouse, pitcher; V. Feulkmil. short step; .lames Mt7itrlck, llrst base; Mlnhnel ltyan, Mwend bnie ; Christian Kick ley, third huse, nml Lewis (taker, lelt Held. Jehn Scliwell.er has signed with tlin l.owlslewn cluli. The lick llaven Huse Hall Association has I een exki!IpiI from the Htnle Asks-IsIIeii for mm compliance with Hie coustltulleu. It Is said that mi indepnudeiit club will be formed In Lm-k llavnii. The Scranleii club h is been iidiullted te the assr'Utleu. The schedule has been prepared, nml be low nre given Ltucister'x dates : i,sivsri:it at iiemi: : AltiHina-May 2l,LLi; June 11,15; August 7, e J .September II, l'l. Lew Islewu- June I, ft ; July I, 'J ; .September 1,0, "I, -'. Hcrnn Hcrnn Ien -Mnv Tl : Jime I ; July in, II. Vi, '1 ; AliKint'JI, i. Wllkisbane May 131. n. III., '.in p. in. ; July 111, 17 ; Soplemlier a, ;i, II, l. Wllllamspert .Inne ll, It); July t), 111 ; August I, ft ; .Sepleiulierl', 10. I.AMMNTKH AIIUOAl). Alioenii-Mav Ii 13; Jiimi l'J, Ul; July :in, 31 ; AugustliO, l!l. Lewlstnwn--Miy II, I,,; Juun'i, -il; August 'J, 3 ; .Nnptomber 7, .s. Honmten May It', IS I ; July 3, r, p.m.; August II, 12; September 1TJ, lit. Wilkes, barre May 17, H; July 5, 'a. m. ; August 10, 13, II iHniilniiilxirSa, SI. WllllainsH)rt Mnv H, In : .luuu 12, IM ; July 17, US ; August I7,'ls. It. (i lull Uriel. Atkinson nnd Tayler wero the pllchets in yesterday's Athlotlc-llaltlmero game. Of the eight hits by tlie Brooklyn jester div, McTiinumy hnd thrte, twn doubles mid n single. il irklusmid Oldtluld formeil the Itioeklyu Imltery esierdny, nml seven hits worn ma'ile oil the leruier nml the latter played n bc.iutl lul gimie. I'lie Brooklyn club 14 playing the best Hold Held ing gauin ul any club in the association The Allegheny players linvu made several home inns llils mmmhi. Wiirkiiieu me busv luveling up the Iron Iren sales grounds. The fences nre U-lng repainsl and largM plwcs of (vmvass will be stretched en top te prevent Hie army of beats from seeing Hie games for nothing. 'I he New- Yerk (ilauls IihiI but Tour lilts oil .Smith of Newark yesterday, and tlie Jeisey ineii had only two oil Keole. Tlie New erk clubs hnVjO net liecn beaten ill mi exhibition gaine, mid strange tessy the Newark club has glien tlin "(Hants'' the closest contests. Cay nod Me Julie u'e In In-duy ns the eieiiliig Uittery for the I'hilailelphlas agiinst tlie Washington. i:lubitlen gamesyesterdav resulted as lol lel lol lens: At riiilndelphl.i: rhil.ulelphlt II, lliillale I : at Jersey City: Bosten I, Jersey City .1 ; at New Yerk : New Yerk 'J, Newark 1; at Clmlrii- Klitilm 10, Kecliester ' Blllee Tayler, of ll.dtlniere, cuts ucrnss Hie diamond w"hemier he gels n chnlica cs. lenbiv hedld It miicli te the disgust of Hie Athletics mul Philadelphia '--.. Ileiickls keeping stralghtaml the I'.illl I'.illl meiesare llndlng him a valiiable man. On Tuesday his picture ndnrued tlie score card. It lnpHtnel that he wen the great l! tn 1 game by his ha.su running mid he was a great here. The games played yesterday by the American clubs resulted as fellows : At Baltimore : Athletic s, Baltimore 7 ; nt Sbiten Island : llroeklvn I, Mets 3 ; at Louis ville : Louisville j, Pittsburg 1 ; at St. IaiuIs : St. Leuis 7, Cincinnati 3. It is probable that Iieuny Mack, lately an umpire in llie American Asswlatlnn, will be oiupleycii as manager el tue neme cum. Mr. Muck Is quite n bue ball player and if an oaiergoiicy arises he can take the Held him self. - II irlri'xirrc AVeeril. trinsiWKV nrKAK run iuklamk A sa Meelln III WaKltlliCtilll Sllils Crl-tllig te (HniLleti anil rarnull. V mass meeting was held In Washington isliKMlny night. III pursiiauce te a call by a nuinU'r of congressmen und business uien teHympathl70 with Mr. (iladstene's ellnrts tosts-iireii free Parliament ler Ireland. On the platform were Senater Van Wyck and Representatives Ktuilnll, Phelps McKlliley, (iibsen, or est Virginia ; e'llarn mid (ilass and ethers. Mr. ltsudall, en taking the chair, erpiess sl his profeiiml symnalhv with the cmse of home rule. .Senater m Wyck speke enlliu- siasllcally of the triumph el home rule, which was about le be obtained by Ireland. Mr. Knmlall then rend n letter trem Samuel J. Tllilcn expressing regret nt Ills Inability te be present, lint joining nevertheless in ap plauding the exertions of the Illustrious statesman of lieglaud and the great leaderef the Irish Ksiple in belialf et the cause of home rule. Letters wero also rend from Senater Sherman assuring tlie meeting el his hearty sympathy In the movement for home rule uml liem .Senater Legan stating that he had ever been and new was for Ions Iens eiilug the grasp of the Iren hand of Lnglaud Iren) the threat el the Irish people. ltopresontntlNofiibson, et West irgiuia, Sunnier Itidillelsirger, el Virginia, and Ho He Ho presoutatUos William Walter Pheljw, nt New Jersey, McKlnley, of Ohie, and O'llarn, el North Csrellna, also made addresses. Koso Keso Kose lulloiis of syuiathy willi the Irish people In their peacelul ellerls te secure local sell-gov-ernincnt and of assurances et cenlldeucu in liladstene ami I'arnell were passed. The fol lowing telegram was forwarded te both IivkIuis: "Immense iiiisstiug, prominent cltl'-cns, nil I niled, held here te-ulght. Many distin guished members of Congress, governors el suites nud ether omlnent cltlrens send con gratulations te you. Cordially approve nud sustain your elleits for Holf-gevornineut ler Ireland." Telegrams mul letters worn rend from Pat rick Perd, of New Yori ; (invorners Perry, of I'lerida ; O'Neal, of Alabama ; Abbett, of New Jersey, mid Oglesby, of Illinois, nml Sennter lilair, expressing regret at their Inability te be present and expressing sym pathy with the movement for Ireland's free dom. Heeclies wero also made by Honro Henro Honre senlatives McMlllln, el Tonnessoo ; McAdoo, of New Jersey ; Hiillerwerth, of Olile ; Law ler, of Illinois, mid Mr. Harmen, of Chicago, epres.slug sympathy with the movement. TIIK CASK OK A MOUMON. AHtWMKNT IS Tlttt SVrUKilK V.IH1HV III' OKU. TIOKNOIt VUHTI0. A HstliiHi et n HeiiiArkshla l.'niD A Ainu Who Minimi In H In .bill I'ur llin (lilnliil. Net Ills l'ra I (( An Aliln Ar gmiifiiil tiudrrjit l.tiwier. .V ftl.lt VI.AY WKl.l. flU'K.V. ICII, llie Ttia Seuth rcunijluaiiu lUllreail. The Judgment of Jehn Dougherty, of Mount Union, Pa, against the Seuth Penn sylvania railroad company, which was re vived ami transferred Ireni au original judg ment egalnst the Sherman's Valley A- Breail Tep rail rani cemiuiiy, has been assigned te William T. ljuigt'i "I the Seuth Pennsylva nia company In consideration of fl.one. Negotiation are bIse lielng made by the Seuth Pennsylvania company te satisfy the remaining Judgment against It. new In the bands of W. McKnlght Williamson, ami from which an appeal was taken in the bu preme court before a levy and sale of the property and franchises of the company could be made. Henry Clianlniu Ably rreaeiiM ArkaiiRHW Traveler." The nudlence le see Henry Clumlnm play " Kit, the Arkansaw Traveler," nt the opern heuse last night was net large. The play Is very old uml II attained a great success with Prank Chaufran, the father et last night's actor In the title role. The pioce Is sensn sensn tletial, but it is or tlie kind that Is popular mid the Interest In it nover slacks. Slnce the death nr the elder Chanfiau, llenry has been playing the part of Kit JtetUliny. He Js n very gissl actor and his suiwess lins been almost us grout ns his lather's. Last night Mr. Chanfrau dellghled the nudlence by his Impersonation of llie good geed natured traveler. The company in mippeit nrthestar Is veiy large and strong. Win. Wilsen as .luniiff Jleud. made n capital vil lain. The characters or the J mine and .Vninr, which have done no much for the play, wero taken by Odell Williams and J. Mitchell, re spectively, und n great let nt lun win made. Miss Sarah Trenchurd was excellent in the double rele of Jnr.v and .Wire JtttltUm;. The whole company did well. In the second net. In the Mississippi sceno. were heiiiu great specialities. A large num ber of colored people talte part and nmeng them is n tine quartette belonging tn the company who sing new Hengs and give linl linl tatieiisnf steniutmats, callopes, Ac A little ami very cnmlcal-Uxiklng darkey does some wonderful dancing and cuts up nil kinds of antics. This leuttire cu me snow is very strong. There Is no reason why the eerii house should net be packed this evening when the treupe appears ler the lust time. Wern of Adjusters. The adjusters appointed tn leek after the losses of H. Ij. Zereher, whose cigar lactery was burned en last Saturday morning,' have II xed uism the following amounts, the com panies being represented by Bausinan x Burns ami Kheuk it Bailsman : On cigars, 1 1, WO; en moulds, pressea, tools, Ac,, le0 lurnllureaud fixtures, flM.U); leaf tobacco, &i7.2e : stock In process of manufacture, f 100; total, rit&MZ. WAsinxnTON, A pi II 'JS One of llie most roiiimkable uigumenli whlcli has been niaile In the supreme court et the t'liileil Klnles since Judge Black discussed the famous Mil lignii case, was delivered le-ilny by fleetgn Tlckuer Curtis. The c.xtit was that of Loreiirn Snow, nil npped from llie siiprnuie court or I'tali. Huew Is oue el the twelve uHstps of the. Mermen church. Hels 71! 3 ears of age nud Is n man el leumrknhln scholarly ultnlu ultnlu mellis. He was one of (he caily converts made by Jeseph Smith, Jr., tlie founder or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day -SalntH. 1 remember hearing him preach .1 sermon in tlie great lubeiiuicle In Salt Like city several years age, In an audience or mere than six thousand people. Ofcemmimdlug presence, and with n highly lulellistunl luce, tills man would liave exciled the admiration of the must cultivated assembly In the wetld. Ills manner of delivery and Ids r-lneutlrm were theso of the trained nialer. Ills diction was lelly, his discourse surprisingly eloquent. I subsequently met AkisIIe Snow nt the house of n 11111t11.1l friend mid was charmed by his easy dojiertuicut nml Ids conversa tional powers. This man Is new in tlie Utah penitentiary, having been convicted of unlawful cohabita tion in three separate cases before Judge Pewers, ntOgdee, Ulnh. He Is sentenced In six months Imprisonment In cricli of the three rami, ami te uy the costs or prosecution, nml three lines or J.'UHI each the full penally of the Inw. He win olio of llie first te accept the truth of the revelation concerning plurnl marriages re ceived by Jeseph Smith in KIJ. ITpeu the passage of the Ddmiinds law lu KV- he had live wives living, who, with their families, worn maintained by him In Brigham City. .Separale establishments were provided ler each el the families. The law against unlaw ful cohabitation laiing enacted Mr. Snow nt oncenimouuccd his dotermimitieu te obey It. The terms el that law were general, nml the recognized meaning el the word cohabitation in crlm.nal status was that hexual Inter Inter Inter ceurse which the relations between man and wlle Imply. Thonutherof the Inw nml these who favored Its mssage by Congress dis'lured Hint its purpose was te preenl the luture pracllce of iKilygmneus marriages. It wm miueuiiced Hint llsebjist was net te break up family relaliens which had been leriucd when Iheie was no enaclment making isilygniny acriuie. The issues of such mar riages were legitimatized. The common un derstnmllug was that while the male polyga pelyga mlstscniild maintain their plurnl families, siipirt mid care for their dillereiit wives they must live and have Iiitnrrnu-e ns man mid wlle with one woman only. This was w hat Mr. Snewdld. He net only separated Irem four of his vies nud innln- tallied domestic relations Willi only one, but announced that this was te be his course of life. IIe did net ncknowledge that by his previous ceurse of Hie he had been guilty of disolwillcnce te any dlvine commandment, but maintained that his manner of living was in accordance with a ill me revelation which (ed had given te Jeseph Smith. Still ns the siiiireme iniwer of his country had lorblddeu such relations, and even the appearance of the same, he would respect by outward npw)arimccs that law. 111: MAivrvivr.n ins vvMit.irs. The government, en the trial of tlie cases against Suew , w as net uble te prove that he bail lived with mero that 0110 of his wives niter the enactment of the Kilmuuds law. In deed the record shows that the w Itnesses for the pre-H ullen testltied that he had rarely ever seen lour or his former wives, nml en such occasions as he did see them he or they weionlwnvsnccemiutilod by ether persons. The defense udmllled the nudlileiiance of the families, and the defendant and the wives admitted also that us their religion taught that inarrlage was for time and eternity, they held that lu a spiritual sense they weie united te each ether by indissoluble ties. Judge I'owers held in tlie Het case that this was holding out the wives and pruetlcully directed 11 verdict or guilty. Ill the second case he held that there was a presumption of sexual intercourse and under this ruling the Jury convicted. In tlie third cue there was stiil another ruling by the Judge, mndn te Ht the facts, and u conviction of ceurse te lowed, lu 1 1 tali the iiiry are juuges eniy et the facts uml must take the Inw trem the court. On theuppe.il te the supioine court el the territory. Pewers sat In review upon hlmsell, uml by Ins casting vote utlirined his own rulings. I' pen the appeal te the supreme court el the Culled States.lIou.Oeorgo Tlckuer Curtis was retained for Mr. Snow, nud Ids argu ment te-day was devoted net only te 11 scath ing review et the proceedings lu the three eases nppoaled, tint te a discussion el the en tire Mermen problem. Mr. Curtis Is 0110 el' the low great constitutional lawyers et the old school remaining. His literary fund Is quite equal te his reputation ns lawyer and udvocite Hels the author of a history of the constitution, 01100I the most admirable Uxiks ever written 011 that subject. His biography or I) mlel Wobster Is 11 master master master ploce of blegniliblc.il literature. Ills life or .James Buchanan is known te all PeiiiiHVlvnuiHiis. Ills review el the lust services of Oen. McClellnn recently published, Is having un extraerdi nary sale, as ll well deserves tn h.ive. A von ven von erable man, highly Intellectual In appear ance, and un easy and graceful speaker, Mr. Curtis sH)kn te-day with the iire of youth, coupled Willi nil the iinpresslveness of nge. A large audience tilled the court room which has been the sceno or se many great senator ial debates unit memo rable forensic displays. 1 in: a mil vii;nt nr Mit. ci uris. The argument rev iowed the salient r.icts In the history of the M ormen people Irem their expulsion frouiNaiiveo, Illinois, in Will, by luobvleleuce.Hiid their tinparu Helled Jeurney- Ing, twenty thousand strong, across an unin habited country te the great Salt Lake valley, and through nil the va rying phases et their subi-eqiient strug gles mid privations, their glow Hi and progress ns a people down te the present time, Itwasngr.mdthonie.nnilltvvashnndled with consummate ability and skill. The cen tral point or the argument was the lellgieus sense In which Mr. Snow and his practically divorced wives regarded their relaliens te each ether. It was unanswerably main tained that tlin heuse lu which the relation ship or tlie delendaut te his former wives was regarded liy him uml by them atler the passage of the ICdinunds act was spiritual, religious, due te the tact that inarrlage by the Mormons Is held In be everlasting, te exist net only ter this wnrld, but during nil eternity In the next. Thern was no pretense that mere nan eeeu miy curuui iiuervunmu, nml te punish n man for rel using te surrender his religious convictions under the pretext el punishing mi Immoral relation of the sexes wasmonstieus, as well as In dolianceol the constitutional guarantee el roilgieusireouom. A MOUMON COlNSRt.T.OIt. Throughout tlie argument was Ingonleus, masterly, and most eloquent. Assistant At torney tieneral Meney followed Mr. Curtis, and the closing speech was made by Mr. V. S. Hlchards, a veung Mermen nttorney, who tried the cases below. M,r. Hlchards Is llie son of Franklin Hlchards. 0110 et the twelve ttjtostles, und Is the leading attor atter ney of the Mermen church, in the ceurse of his urmimenL he took occasion te animadvert qulte severely upon sonie el the reinarkH of the representative of the government rellectlng upon the morality el the Mormons. It was benutirully uml tellingly done. H was net the deslre for the gratlliculieu 01 nisi iniu me aioiiueus niui Hen put HiKiii the Kilmumls Inw by the cenns of I'uili, nml even by llie supreme court or tlin United Suites, they would Im spciire Irem nil Inlorreronco. Net only would they Iki freed Irem the pennl pro pre visions el tlin law, but they would be re stored tn nil their civil rights nml rulloved of nil dlsqiinllllcntieiis. Il was n telling re joinder. The supreme court adjourns for the Hum mer seen. There will 1st no ether caws heard, nud nfter llie opinions In n few cases nre delivered the summer vacation will Ixigln. ,IKFF It AVIS' ItKCriTWX. Hid lit CnnUdiTAtii Chief Make n Hliurt Ad- ilrrn t AUbsinn's Capitel. Wodnesdny will ever Im momnrable In the history of Mnntgomery, Alabama. Kvery locality was represented, and ninny ndjccut towns anil villages leur(sl their entlre popu lation Inte the streets. Instead of going te the pail.', It was decided te go te Ihecnpllel grounds, nml ler the hhh'Ikh te Iki made Irem llie voryspet whoreMr. Davis took the 0.1II1 of nlllcens presldenl of the Coulederato states. Plclurns of Confuilernto generals nre lastened In the nutslile walls, whlle the names or Hebert I". Loe, Stonewall Jacksen, Albert Sydney Johnsten, Hebert I". Hedes mid many ether Coufedernlo generals Mut tered te the hroe7.o en streamers. The capl capl tel was iK'nutlfiitly deceraled. Mr. Davis was escorted te tlie oapltel by the militia, nud upon arriving there was In troduced by the mayor. He win loudly ap plauded ami said : "My Frleuds: It would be vain HI should attempt te express te you the doep gratifi cation which I feel at this demonstration. Hut 1 knew that It is net personal, nud there fore I feel mero decply grateful, because It Is a sentiment far dearer te 1110 than myself. Yeu liave passed through the torrible ordeal of war. which Alabama did net sock. When she felt her wrongs tee grievous for further toleration, she sought the peaceable solution. That belng dented her, thunders of war c-jiiie ringing evor the hind. Thenliorpeeplo rose In their mnjesty. (Irny-liaired sires and laiardless boys eagerly 'rushed tn the front. It was that war that Christianity nlone ap proved a holy war ler dofense. Well de 1 reuioqiber seeing ynur gentle Imys, se small, tn use a farmer's phrase, tliey might liave been called seed corn, moving en with eager step nml fenrless brew te the carnival of death ; and I hnve also looked 111111 them when their knapsacks nml muskets seemed heav ier than the Isiys, nud my eyes partak ing of a mother's weakness tilled with lenrs. These days liave passed. Many or them have found nmiieless graves, but they are net dead. They llve lu memory, mid their spirits stand out, llie fcraml roservo of that column which Is marching 011 with unfal tering step toward the goal of constitutional lilierty. Jt wero In vain it I should attempt, ns I have already said, te express my grati tude te you. 1 am standing new very nearly en the sKt uhore I steed when I took the oath of elllce lu lsiil. Your demonstration new exceeds that which welcomed 1110 then. This shows that the spirit of Southern liberty Is uet dMil. Then j en wero full of Joyous hepes. Yeu had every prospect of achieving nil you desired ; and new you ure wrapped In the mantle or regret, and yet that regret only manifests mero profoundly nud does net obliterate the expression of your sentiments I felt last ulghtus I apprniched the Exchange hotel, from the gallery of which your peer less orator, Wm. I. Yancey, Introduced me te tlie citizens ni .Montgomery, ami com- niemieu me in language vvmcii only tils elo ele elo quence could yield, and which tar execeded my merit; I felt, I sayagalivthat I was com ing te my home-coming, te a land where liberty dies net and serious sentiments will llve forever. I hnve been proinised, my Irlends, that I should net be called upon te make a siKiH.ii, and therefore I w ill only ex tend tn you my heartfelt thanks. Ced bless veu, 0110 ami all, old men nud boys, mid the ladles nbove nil ethers, who nover faltered In our direst needs. (eneral Jehn B. (.'onion thou delivered the address preccdiug the laying of the foundation of the .soldiers' monument. 1)11. KAIINKSTOCK'S DKATII. JVKIM or 11.1 iievkam: at 11 ix Heur, HAI.IIAI.LA, If. II. The rrelrMlnnnl nml Hilenllilc Career of nn lluilnent Clllrii A riihaiillirnplat ferSUty Vmr.-IIL .similes In Animal lUsgiielltm ami Mutiiviilriiie-llie Miiny ftllln. A MrilHIII.KIi1 IVUIIK AT HT. Hew .nt r, fur 111. I'atent Senired. Through W. It. (ierbait, patent solicitor, Mr. Jehn S. Kehror, of l'ustls, Plerlda, lately el Lancaster, nml Mr. Samuel Werntz, of this enmity, have obtained a )atent for au im proved thill coupling. The principal object of this luvontlen Is te avoid the use of a nut en the Isills connecting the shafts with the axle. This is accomplished by hav ing a box like frame with n bottom nnd two. side plate, between the two lalter of which the thill head Is recelved. Beth of these side plates nre provided w illi long vertical slots, the end et oue of these being turned outward and downward se as te lerm a geese-neck. In connecting the shafts, the thill head is insert ed between the vertical plate below the goeso-iioek, the connecting belt passed through the slots nud the eye of the thill bend, and the whele then tnreed upward, se that the twit head may engage with the goose geoso goeso neck, by menus of au eccentric belt Jeurnaled in tlie sides nbove the bottom plaU) which acta en 11 bearing plate having a rubber cushion en Its upper surfaee which supports tlie con necting isilt Armnclnir le Test Car Ilrakea. A meeting el the muster car builders' com cem com mltlee was held en Wednesday nltorueou nt the Bolten house, Harrisburg, nud continued until Inte in the oveuing. The matter under consideration was automatic Ireight train brakes lu connection with the follewiugcom. panics : Westlnglioine air, Kmes vacuum, Kote aiitnnmtlc, American, ami the Widdl Widdl lleld uml Butten. The Hrst two of these ure continuous brakes, und the last two compres sion brakes. The object el tl.e meeting was te arrange a series nt tests which are te take nluce 011 the line or the Chicago, Burlington , (Julncy railroad at Burlington, Inwa, nn J uly 13. A (lilt el u Cliurrli. SL Philip's church, Ne. 505 Mulberry street, New Yerk, which for a long time has been owned and occupied by a colored congrega tion of the Protestant Kpiscepal church, has been purchased by Miss Catherine I,. Wolfe for 15,000 for the Italian mission of the Protestant Kpiscepal church el that city, under the charge or the Hey. Mr. Slander, formerly a priest el the Hemaii Catholic church. W. M. Kingsland has contributed K.IHK) toward tlie Interior iixtures anil uoeora ueeora uoeera lious. Cliarjeec) Willi Tlllla Sniltli'a Murder. Detectives Simmons ami McClellau, en a warrant issued by a Justice of the peace, ar rested Janitor Titus in his rooms lu the Meth edist Institute, at Hackettstewn, N. J., nt 11 o'clock Wednesday night. The charge Is that Tims, en the night el April s, outraged and murdered Til lie Smith, a domestle lu the institute. Titus was taken te Belvidore at I o'clock this morning. A telegram te Laneaster.recelved this fore noon by the relatives of Dr. William H. I'ahneileck, brings le them the news el his death at his home lu Wallmlla, H. (-'., where Ids Illness for sonie weeks has made his dn dn ceaie nn event that had been anllciated. As was nnliced In the Inti:i.i.uii:nci:ii nt the time, his son, llenry H. Fahnosteek, roceutly maileavl It there and only returned about a week age, nt which time little hnpoef his recovery was loll. Deceased was eldor lu the medical prnfes slen than any ether poi-son lu this county. He was natlve of I.nncnstcr nml years age his lather was one of Hie leading physicians here, ami for a long lime, In connection with his practlce carried en ndrug stere en West King street, Just nbove the Serrel Uorse hotel. William H. Fahnosteek was bem here and was nt the tline of his death ifiyears old. lie took te the study of modlcine lu early life ; his brother Dcltrlch also bccanie a physician ; William was graduated nt the nge of "0 from the Unlverslty of Pennsylvania, and began the pracllce of medlclne "hore, continuing it ac tively for thirty years, nnd coining Inte very extensive practice. He was ene of the founders of the local medical soclety and his membership lu that body dates Irem 1st I. But he was a maiier wideaoceniplishmenls ami varied tastes. He combined clentIHe knowledgeaml research with a philanthropic disposition, nud engaged himself closely with nil the new questions of the day, at a tline when the nge was en tlie verge of Important discoveries. Ills frletfd .Tames Dammit was the principal of a large and nourishing ladies' school lu this city, and when the news was first heard here of Daguorre's new method of taking pictures In France they werked harmoniously and zealously te develop his processes. Without hint or Instruction further than were te be found In the nuagre newspaper reports of that day, tliey applied themselves tn the science und worked out most important and satisfactory practical results. J)r. Fahnes. took was tlie lirst person In this city tn take dnguerreetyi) pictures ; and Irem that time lie applied himself te every sort of kindred study. Among his inventions of medical In struments was one ler operations en the ton sils, which has come into use all ever the world, though the geed doctor never had. It patented. Prerently lie entered upon Investigations into animal magnetism, spiritualism, clair voyance and dually developed his theory of statuvolence, upon ivliicli he wrote an inter esting work. Ills theory was that the treat ment of disease should be mental ; and that the mind of a tiatlent could be put Inte such a condition with relation te the member or part of the body alllicted as te entirely with draw' his or her attention from It and make treatment easy ami recovery quick. In his many exKrlmenU and with the hundreds or patienls nud subjecls upon whom he tested his theories he doveleiwd most remarkable and startling results ; and his reports attracted great attention among the scientific men and Institutes of the Old World. In this vicinity were a number of persons who testified te all Investigators his power te render their bodies free trem feeling rain ; and he wrete 0110 lioek, most curiously Illustrated, te explain by report and diagram his theory of the com position, the Inhabitancy and all tlie physical features of the planets. He.was an oxpeit mineralogist and assay lst ; and was at ene tline for a period of years superintendent of the copper mines at corn cern wnll, Lebanon county, nnd nssavlst for the great mineral interests there, l'er a brief time also he lived and practised medlclne lu Marietta, this county. Of late years, however, and since he lias lircn in falling health, his home has beeu at Wall 1 all a, S. C, where he found the climate te agree with him. Ills son, Themas C, Is a resident of that place ; he is a dentist ; se is another son James who lives in Cincinnati. Besides them nnd his son llenry It,, et this city, his children nre Kllzabeth, wife of i)r. M. AL Withers, et Maytown; and Sarah, wlfe of Jehn Spangler, of Marietta. His wife, who survives him, was a daughter el the late Henry M. Holgart, or this city. The last Illness of deceased, wh'ch continued about threo weeks and terminated fatally, was from heart disease and dropsy. He was n scholarly and huiuaue man ; do de voted te his profession, he c.une te realize Itsclose relation te nil the sclencesmid te metaphysics he read, studied and Investi gated largely and was Imbued with the loll lell loll lestphllauthrophy. Mild and gcntle In his disposition, lu all the relations of lite he was n geed man. It Is n coincidence that el his old friends and contemporaries there Is yet with us Mr. Henry P. Curson who took his wedding trip the same day with Dr. Fahnosteek, the two happy couples traveliug In buggies. lis Cut Hie It. A. It. Clunk Knmery I'ntlllt titna Aiilte, Mount Jnv, Apt", lili. Last week n stranger came te town nml, passing himself oil ns a soldier, began begging money. Such a gllb-tongued t.ilker was he that net only our f Irniid Army men but ethers possessing n kind heart responded liberally te his call. They ullervvards had cause tn regret It, ler he net only begged money, but stele every thing he could get from the oHlce or Dr. Jehn J. Nevvpher. He stelo n case of fine surgical Instruments ; also from Dr. Jacob L. iegler was stelen a line geld en. The geld lien, however, was net taken out of town for he disposed or It le one or the town business men. One evening he purchased a railway llcket Ter Lebanon, and that was tlie last seen or thed. A. H. trnuil, for he claimed tn I Ki lling te that nrgnnlatlnu. Scheck A- Hosteller, dealers In coal, llluml imtlng nils, An, will engngn lu the lumber business east of the P. H. it. passenger sta tion, and Just across the railroad from the place where A. N. Cnssel, or Mnrletla, has opened 11 luinlicr yard, with A. H. Flowers ns 1n.111.1gcr. It Is understood that Mr. Cassel will al.-oepon out In the coal nnd oil business nt the same place ; se perhaps the ponple of ML Jey can have cheaper coal. On Tuesday of this woek, A. O. Soyfert, candldate for tlie legislature, and Jno. M. Stehman, candidate for Btate senator, were in town trying te Hud out 11 the Republicans of this place were going for them solid or net. Whether they leund things In their favor or net we cannot say. A brain Sum my, also a candldate for state sonnter, was Hi town en the same huslness of drumming up the Republicans. The O. A. H., is working for the nomina tion et A. C. Helniehl ler district attorney. Misses Hortle L. and Nannie I. Manning, who nre attending school at Chambersbtirg, I'll., wero home ever Kasler, visiting their parent, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. IC. Manning. Prof. Kssenwelti, 11 toacher In the theolo gical seminary et the Kvnncellcal church. was in town ever L'aster belng the guest of Hev. P.. J. Miller. . II. Lberle returned home en Monday, having ended his three months engaeemeiit with the Currle Stanley treupe. He waseer- neiisi ana leader or the orclie-tra for this favored and highly recoiumended traveling trouie, who tilled a three nights engage ment bore ifl the popular play nt F.ast Lviine i'j eptH'iiu leqiiesu II Was a Very Narrow Kurape, A colored man driving a one-horse lieard wagon up Water street, this morning, met the passenger train of the Quarry vllle rail raid, due here nt 9X), opposite Hteigerwnlt's coal yard, and lu attempting te turn out get caught m the switch. The engineer seeing tlie peril the darkey and ills team wero in rev orsed his engine and succeeded in stepping the train Just as the engine was within threo or four feet of the team. The horse wns badly frlghteued, but could net get loose. The tenmster was scared se badly that he turned nearly white. The timely illscevery by the engineer or the block ed track pre vented what might liave been n terrible dis aster. VVIiti t lceaillng May Iise. A telegram from Heading says: "Of the ?7."1,000 worth of new work, such as passen ger, coal nnd cattle cars and engines, orderod by the Philadelphia A-. Keadlug railroad ro re ro ceivers, JfiOO.OOO worth was assigned te the company's shops in this city. Thocempany'a oue thousand employes asked that they la allowed te de tlie work by the day, instead of working by contract at a ll.xed price per car. The etllcials lurormed them that if they per sisted in their demand the work would In all probability lie dene at ether places. In which event nan tee present, lorce weuui de un charged. The empleyes will held a meeting te consider the matter." Til!': TKADK DOLLAR. iiii.i. 111 rmiTKii reK ith hktimk- 31 HIT AM) MKVUIHAUK. I'raliitennl id Mranurn ll'ilciied by Rrprttra. tallve l.iihin,ofTet--eurtholJuir Claim Under Centtdentllna Among Hie finite ami )cnlail Kenatera. WASltlNdTOX, P.O., April !!9L-f0UM. Mr. Hammend, from the Judiciary commit tee, reiKirted a bill te ratHy an agreement luade between cnmmtsileneni appointed hy the Mates of New Yerk and New Jersey ro re ro Rlectlug llie boundary line between these stales; Heuso c.ilendir. Mr. Liu ham, of Texas, from the commit commit commit tee en colnnge weights ami measure, re ported .1 bill rer llie retirement ami rocoln recoln roceln ugooflrado dollars; Ifoune calender. (It provides that for six months after the pas sage of the set, trade dollars shall be re ceived at ilielr lace vnlue In payment of all dues tn the United Slates nnd net Intro Issued. Helders or trade dollars may ox ex ox chnuge them for standard dollars. The trade dollars se received shall be rocelvod as standard dollars.) 10111 Hi nl July CUIini. Wahiiinotes;, r. C, April 9. Senate, Mr. PJke obtnlnedunaniaioiiscoiiaontlotako up the Fourth of July claim bill. After some discussion, the rending of the PI pagosef the bill wns emitted. Heme objection was made by Messrs. Ingnlls nnd l'l 11 nib te the Item recommeiided by the commlttee te reimburse the estnte or Ayres P. Merrill, of Mississippi, tW.OOO for supplies le the United States array during the war. Messrs. Hear, Pike and Dawes vouched for Mr. Merrill's consistent loyalty which wits endorsed by (Ien. Grant nnd ether Union olllcers. The Item was agreed te, and the bill passed. The postefllco appropriation bill was then taken up, ami Mr. Heck took the lloer. The Kscli Ship Hallway Bill. Wahhinotes-, D. O., April 1W. Fjrem the committee 011 commerce, Mr. Cenger report ed te the Senate te-day, the Tolmantepee ship railway bill, known as the "Eads bill." It Is the same measure which was reported with lavorable recommendallon recently from the Heuse committee ou com merce, with two or tbree changes winch are very material. The .Senate bill reduces the total guarantee by the government from $37, 600,000 te ii',&00 000, nnd reducesthe length or time ever which the guarantoe Is te extend, from 15 te 5 yours, 52,600,000 of the guaran guaran guaran niiteoeu the first year, J 1, MX), 000 the second year, $1,500,000 the third year, etc. The for mal vote was taken en the passage of the bill and no report accompanies It, but the measure gees te the Senate, it is Understood, w 1th favoruble consideration of the romml' remml' romml' tee. Tlie Clilnene Indemnity Hill. vV.vsiii.viiTesr, D.U, April 29. The Heuse commlttee 011 foreign aflulrs te-day agreed te report favorably Mr. Belmont's Chinese In demnity bill which appropriates 140,000 te Indemnify the Chlnese for losses Incurred hy the Heck Spring riots. Net le Arthur' Ueililile. Wasiiinoten-, D. C., April !. The re port that Dr. Leenard, of St. Jehn's, had gene te President Arthur's bedside, Is Incor rect. He has gene te Brooklyn en a visit. He CSut W3.,000 Oauiacm. At Newburgh, New Yerk, Wednesdny, In tliesult or William Albert! ngnlnst the New Yerk, Lake Lrle ,V Wentern railroad com pany, tn recover ?."0,000 damnges for Injuries rocelvod 111 July last lu nn nccldent near Oxford Depot, the fury gnve Albertl a verdlct for 52.VHX). The lilaintltt', at the tlme or the accident, wns sitting up In 11 berth in 11 sloop sleop sloep ing cnr. 1 he deer el an Krie box car In a passing freight train, which was loose, struck the window, injuring the plaintiff In the back mid side, nud breaking soveral of his ribs. A (lullty Couple llruugtit Hark. Mrs. Currie Springer, et Geshen, N. J., who eloped with Captain Petersen, sailing with him lu the schooner Threo Hrothers, was brought home early Wednesday morn ing. Her lather, husband and Captain Peter Peter eon's lather sailed out of Geshen creek with Captain James Choster In his sleep te make a search in the bay ler the schooner, which was belloved te be detained by head winds. She was found und bearded. The faithless wife nud Petersen were transferred te the sleep. 'I he latter was placed under arrest. this atuuxiNirs vikk. Hail fur HeBtmi, The longest list of dlvorce libels evor made up in Bosten was completed Monday by the cleric or the supreme court. Judge William Allen is tn sit this terni, which w ill come in May .1. The number of ivises tn bu heard is Ull. Of the lttl uncontested cases 150 are brought by wives against their husbands. Ol the 7.1 contested cases only 35 are brought bv vv lv ( s. Tlie list includes several casus in high life, whlcli will develop sensational scandals. llie Champien Ilgg Suckem. At Bedford, Iowa, at an Kaster supper Saturday night four (young men J. W. Coombs, Charles Tumor, (lenrga Tumor, 'und W. M. D.ile engaged In unegg-siicklng cnu lesr, mul accomplished the feat of swallowing the enormous number et lis raw eggs, tlie hlghest number eaten being by tleorge Turner, who disposed of 35. Hack HuIIiIIue Michllr Damaged The Chief Knglueer Very Cres. This morning a Ure alarm was sounded from box 42, at Lemeu nud Mulberry streets. The lire was in a frame back building of the honse nt 211 West Lemen stroel, which is oc cupied by Geerge Myers, and owned by the estate or P. Fluger, deceased. Tlie llre was ll nnlly extinguished by a stream from the hese of company Ne. 4 A considerable nole was burned In the reef of the building, and some damage was dene by water. Tlie back building or the heuse next deer, which is also own oil by the 1-iuger estate and occupied by Charles Flick was also slightly damaged. The less will be between $50 and J UHJ, ami the property Is Insured with Bailsman it Burns for tsOO. The lire caught from a steve which was very net ter ironing purpeses. Soen after the Ure broke out, nud even before the companies of the department ar rived, several men, who are uet liremen, did some geed work lu assisting tn extinguish the llames. Wlieu the chlet englueer came and saw them he erdered thorn oil' saying that he needed no outaide help te run the department ami threatened te have them ar rested it he ever saw them working at a lira again. The language used by tlie excited ciitel was anything but elegant, and from his talk innocent bystanders were led te lielleve that lie was the head of the greatest tire de partment ou tlie face of the earth. It Is sale te aay, however, that he Is net. Other gonlle- men, wne were priweni huh suw 1110 ure ukik 110 part because they said they had frequently been abused by the chief engineer. Forty-Twe Year In the State Service. H. F. Chandler, aged Ol, died, in Harris burg en Wednesday evening, of pneumonia. IIe was born in Sudbury, Chester county, and wlien he was but a child the family moved te Harrisburg. In 1S15. upon the In auguratien of Francis It. Shunk as gover nor ler his llrst term, Mr. Chandler was ap pointed toac.lerkshlp in thoHtatedopartment. Uowushe faithful and elllcleut In the dis charge of the duties of the responslble et- lice mat 110 nas been continued uurlugall the succedlng administrations up until the time of his death, making a continuous Her vice of -12 years, a tenure without precedent in the history nf the state. Ills wlfe and n son, Kllburu J,, or the Philadelphia iYc.M, urvlve. A. Hank Cloies I W floors. MaRIUTTa, Ohie, April 20. The bank of Marietta closed its doers this morning hav ing made nn assignment te T. W. Moero and A. K. Nye. Over speculation in real estate was the causa. The dejieslts nmeunt te $100,000, but as tlie bank has n large nmeunt et real estate It is believed the depositors will leso very little. Nearly overy huslness house in the city had mero or less money in the bank. Thore Is net much excitement. The New Comet. Pirnr.rs, N. Y., April IM. Prer. Brooks, or the Hed Heuso observatory, obtalned obser vations ugalu last night el the new comet discovered by him ou Tuesday night. The comet Is large with central condensation. It Is situated in the constellation el Cassiopeia, in the northwestern heavens, and remains vlslble the entlre night. reurtli-Clax Huatuuuter. Washington, D. C, April 2!. Fourth class postmasters were appointed te-day as fellows ; Penusylvanla-H. J. P. Webster, Academy ; C. A. Frampten, Brady; J. F. Wilt, Shady Orove ; Mrs. Susan Schwart, Vera Cm.. m ' lilet teil Cemmniiiler-lii-Glitef. Ci.r.vi:r.ANi, O., April 211. Cel. A. Ij. Cenger, of Akren, was te-day olectod com- niandor-ln-chlerorihodoparuiionioi union. A. H. The St. Loul Deputy Sheriff. St. Leuis, April 29. The case against the KastSL Leuis deputy sheriffs, charged with being fugitives from Justice, was dismissed in the court of criminal correction yesterday, the'grandjury having already indicted them. Prosecuting Attorney Claiborne, who sup-s-)sed the deputies had been Indicted for murder, learned they had only been Indict ed ler manslaughter In the third degree, ami could be released en small bend, with nothing te prevent their forfeiting ball anil escaping. IIe at once had another warrant issued, charging them willi being fugitives from Justice, and they will be tried en this charge, se that the tosllmeny in the case against them in regard te their offences In Last St. Leuis can be obtalned ami for warded tn the governor of M lsseurl, thus en abling him te pass upon the granting of re quisition papers applied for by the governor of Illinois. I.uer Who Wat Hound te Wis!. CniCAde, April 20. Chas. Hlrlpp, a good geed looking young man of 20, and Kitty O'Brien, n beautiful brunette or 13, olepod from New Yerk Tuesday evenlng nud at II o'clock last night they occupied aparlmeuU at the Armery. The elice yesterday recelved a dispatch from the young man's father In forming thorn of the elopement. Last evening en their arrival they were traced te a hotel nnd takeu into custody. Strlpp claims that his father is a large coal merchant in New Yerk. He says he has known Kitty for year and wished te marry her, but bis father refused te receive the girl as a daughter. The levors were lxiunil te wed anyhow, and they allege that they were married two weeks age. Their parents have been notified of their arrest. Mr. Smith' Funeral. Pout Monmouth, N. J1., April 29. The funeral of Mrs. Smith, the maniac murderess and suicide, who brained her four children at Harmony, near this place, en Friday last, leek place this morning. Her remains were iutorred In the same grave with that of her babyglrl Hdua, who was murdered by the lnsAt'10 mother. The heart-broken husband and father, guarded by two men, was allowed te attend the funeral. He seemed net te real ize the fact that his wife was dead, and in quired seyeral times for her. llofere the mourners returned from the funeral or Mrs. Smith, the thirteen-year-old boy Rulus, whose head was split open from the forehead tn the liack of the right ear, died, making the seceud victim. I'ligllltt tlangereiuly III. Bosten, April 20. Josepli Lnnnen, the heavy welglit pugilist, who fought u draw wltti Godrrey.Monday evenlng, isdangorous isdangerous isdangoreus ly Ul with puoumenla. Asking SIOO.OOO Itamases. Mestuiiat., April 29. The Hrms of I), it J. Sadller and J. H. Helland it Sen, book dealers, liave each outered an action agalust the Terente Mail for J200.000 damages for stating that customs nlllelals had selred goods In their stores. he strenuously struggled ter their peculiar matrimonial uenei. 11 mero nisi was ineir object they could very cosily bring them selves within the protection of the law. All they had te dn was te abandon their plural wives declare that they were simply their mistresses beceme as ether men were ; and, according te the Interprets- Trever auil Coutenleii. A suit for trever ami sn version has been e iilered in the court of common pleas of David Andes against Kby Hndy. A bay niare Is the subject or the dispute. The do de lemlaiit was arrested 011 a capias and gave bail ler trial ut court. Henellt of Separate fttrnlug. Mrs. Catherine Heffman, of Kant Hemp Helil township, has been granted the beneUts el the act et assembly or April :!, 1S72, giving te married wemeu the beueUt of their sepa rate earning. Proposal fur lleail Meuea, The county commissioners tills artorneon opened bids for head stones for soldiers' graves, which the commissioners are required under a late act or assembly te place. Fol lowing were the bidders : t Joergo L. Mayer, 19.95; L. Ilaldy, whlle Helland marble M70 and White Manchesler marble, r7.90;O. M. Hewell faiW for stones for city cemeteriesauuw.i 1 lorueausieno nr iimjr cemeteries; Charles Macklusen, (13.95. 'I he commissioners will consider the bids at their uext meeting. Kuehu u-Su, "M." An Italian workman In the empley of Keller Rellly, near Lebanon, had his col cel lar bone broken yesterday, and was this inernlug conveyed te Ht, Jeseph's hospital, this city. The man, who gees by the appella appella teon1 Ne. 33," ia seriously hurt, j has A llaukrupt lluglUli Lord. Londen, April 29. Lord Headley, been declared a bankrupt. Appointed Aeclale Juilge. HAUlUHiil'IKi, April 2rt.-Gev. Fattisen to day apjielnted Uoe. W. Drukonsseclato Judge of PIke county. Appointed Tux Collector. Benjniuln Oimilt, or MarletU, was elected collector of taxes nt the February election and he failed tn lile his bend in time, because he wns Informed by the school authorities of that borough that 11 was net noceasary te de se until the tax rate was llxed for the year. The court appointed him this morning and his bend In the f7,00U was approved. 1 1 m . I.erlure Te-ulnht, TholeclureefProCJ.lt. Kleller, Ph. I.i ou "Popular Government" lu the college chapel teulglit premises te be largely at tended. It will Ut the last of the ceunjfj" free lectures under the atinplcenel the College Y. M. 0. A. A Striker Found Guilty. St. Louts, April 29. Jehn Helland, a strikoren the Missouri Pacific railroad, was found guilty yesterday by a Jury In the court or criminal correction of assaulting Warren Stlllvvell, whlle the latter was brakiug en Hie same read several daya age, and bis punishment was Hxed at thirty daya In Jail. This is the llrst Jury trial that has resulted In the conviction of a striker. leilUn Klf ht l'ersent. HAKTAKf, Ariz., April 29, A telephene message from Jehn O'Deugherty, auperln auperln teudeuter the Total Wreck mlnea, aUtea that forty Indiaus attacked Hlchardseu A Geriuley's ranch, 20 miles southwest of here yesterday and kllled eight persons. Ne further particulars liave been received. A Oltai treua ConuagnUleu. Londen, April 29. The mills owned by Messra. 'Wilklnaens, aud a number of adjoin ing building1 at Beesten, near Nottingham, were destrnyed by llre te-day. Tb le K, estimated at 150,000. TbeuBds of hM have beeu tiirewu out el einpleywent. A MluUUr KwiC". ,L. i. ..? A,.rii 5i i;oLA.Mavre tea K minister et wax, baa rerifwd, JJS reason that lie cannot PPt"' " . of his colleagues during JH front. r, wuathbb rmemAitmm. J Middle AtlMl- - Ber-itM winds, llghUycoelflnly wMr, followed by light ralea,att4t a eHt-t aterm oil' the coast- l ' Feb FnAY.-Fer ll MM jMm Mr weather. v C " ' f ataaet at, Mm