Tt<-yT THE LANCASTER DAILY INTKLLIQBNOER, WEDNESDAY. APKIL 28. 188G. lir.ll NKKTVIt IMMIK. 1 hey leaned lenelhcr ever tlm i8" ller hand Imil pBliilet- meadow P"' O'etspttwd Willi IHIiw-itriistleuBle. And a K'UnP'O ' "l0 nlrH '"y0"" Ami detlly eiitllnf'd, it loitering pair or im r tini in iii ii'i'y "i";rV ' . Tim gill hud" llniiitllUViiwinUtK hull, Ami thentllst'. own piutid fate. "A fancy plctuie." HhUy mid, Yt Hhe checked u ! tliat lulu would ele Hit iilwunnt talkltiR, I' "lm ' Houns piiHH "f tiMiiiililliemil Ions. And lii lin Inekwd at hcl downdtept e)c, Noiatlhepleluin- HUlit'iitl liviittiut Willi llie pwwliumtii leve nl n liiAti'n ttteiiK )l)lltll 'llinlove Hi it It flul nml last' Ami lietti wntn silent, lie limited in M'i "1 leve-l louyeit. HWPiMlicnil I" nml Him, "I burled my limit In Hint pcxil.mie day Thelitis no ininiilnve fiirinu." Maru Aimje ItcVtretn VnnA. .ciiVi. a yjcir ntuhv ur.iuur v. Mtn. Ilitn Hrnater Motion Hctirit for llltil Ilia l'il ill United State. Trraniirnr. IVimhliiRten Mspalch te N. Y. Herald. I metex-l'nlteil HUIek Trousilrer Jehn C. New an I ivm HtrellliiK hIeiir tliu Muntiu nml IiiiIiiIkIiK tliu gastronomy of din uje. llu Iiah lxeri HtuppliiK at I'je RIkk- t lieiinl n curl curl em story told by ene el (luiutral llraiil'Hclrw I'Mt (rlviiilM, ulm Imd It illruct from the ax president. Sonater Murten failed te see tlm pri'ilileiit ene day, ami, lining a rrlpplu, lien, iiral (Irani eunii ilmwi hIbIih te mil lilin. I'lniliiiK Hint lila visitor was leatlitiK up te llie Mtibject el itreiiaR(i, (lenural U runt sue;. Kuttcil that tlmy (?e reiiml te IheHlaliln anil moo anew colt that had JiiHt been li.niglit. Motion did net hoeiii hvetm", anil wliim 111 Kervant had lifled him Inte his ceiimi he inked tlm privililmit te lake llie place liy hi hlde, They rrnclieil the blnble In due tltnn. The new colt wan tretlud out. ilia tioed xiintH wote nil Indicated by tint provident, who wni a fair JimIkoeI linrne lliwh. II What de yen ttilnk 1 K10 r"r ''I'" f le anKeil the Heuater." "About K00," repllml Moiten, who knew nothing about herww and earml Iemh. " Wrong," nalil the president, " I paid "IM rather hum tlie meney," uxclainii'd Motion. "KtratiKe: but'a exactly what the man wald of whom 1 lieuglit the home." " Hew heT" " I ellered lilin my nole for thnii iiieutliH," iiusnerr-tl lleuural I rant, eildenlly iniicli pleaied that he had worked oil a favorite Htery lit new ahape en the wjnater from Indiana. Hut he suddenly co.i'e.1 NiuillUK as the latter reierted : "If you ellered that te a herse JOA'key 1 want you te eiler the arant treaiurerahlp te Jehn C New, of my ht.ite." Tlioillrectmiwef the reiinil NluciMtil the president, and he lepllud : " I haMialriMily iibeul piemiwd tlm place te Senater I'eukllug ler a Itiend or eiiih In New Yerk " nauiliiK the name, though I de net revall Hat thU moment " 1 can't illiitp iwlnt him you knew." "And you can't put oil and old Jeke en him asjeu haoeu me," w.w llie bland lejelnder. At thUthe president laUKhiil heartily, and .Jehn (.'. New rtcvleil the npiNitntmenta lew dayH later. All I llltlillilill lt It. The body el Mrx. Morten, burled In the wrong part of a cemutery let at Nhulbnrne I'lilln, Miwvi., was exhumed last wii'k, and ler the purpose el penltively knowing whether Hhe had been hurled alheand "hail nulleiiil untold agenlttH," as her spirit told the mo il I um at a recent Heani'c, the celli u was iIeniMl and the hedy was found In exactly the same poHltieu us when liurk-d. A Celurmt Htery. I'rein the U llllainnperl Ilniinvr. Themas Weiss, el Heptmimllle, Is the owner el a duck thai lays K.vder cge. Wliat the reason Is ler thin peculiar lu-ak of nature nobody knuwa, bill Ills a f.ict, uoer-thoIpB-s, as Mr. Welsa and his nelghbera w HI texitry. The color of the egg is black und the (luck has no or laid eetis el any ether mt, One or the eggs can be Hoeu at th'ls ullke. Wet tecl bring celli-. Iteit btar (.eiikIi Ciiiv, ui reineily. I'uiely vpRolnble. Can ciiiwutiiptliin be ctuud" lr. One man, only, ilUvevenMl the law of gravitation. One man, only, dUcmeruil llie virtue of vaccination. And ene man, after years of utility unit lellcc lellcc Hen, has tllicevertst the cure (or consumption. Hr. I'lurie's "(.elilen Medtcal Dlmmery ' u Hi iptcijU . !eiiil urn letter atiimas and gel lr. l'lerMj'd pumphlcl licatlnu en cotisuiiiitlen, Aildress World's Dlipungury Uedlcal Asiocla Asiecla Asiocla lien, llmlale, J, Y nlstl'Mw Muv.;i). Jl Laipvnter. el tlymul, Lh iiitamiua Le., N. Y .writes .Match .', lMsl l years old, leek a smcre cold likhhttled In his tureatandlung. Nothing uireidcd lellel.and 1 theughl he mil st life, finally I put an All All ceck'a Pereus PlMteraieuml thethinal ami enu onthecliesu In less than an hour his hreatlilng beiauie biiltur, and hu fell aMrup In twenty loin lieurj tliu tlilhl as ucll. Teething Ikthlea aie Instantly lelleted el pain when the gums aru I ntbed w Itli Iih. IIanuh 'levtblng Letien. Price, 25 cunta. A fact trout experience, Dr. IIakuh Pleaeant Physic cuius couatljmtlen In babied or adults. 4un and pleasant. Price, JAientn. apMnulAiv avruiAL HUTJVKH. AUK YOU MAIIK uilserable by Indigestion, CoiiKllimUen. UtzzlneHs, Iaws el Appetite, Yeb enrhklu Ublleti'u Vltallzerls a pesltlte cure. "or Hale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. U7 North Queen ulrcul. Dn. IIabcler Werm Sircc, Purely vegetable, plca-ant te lake, ttlll uxpel norms It any eilil, no purgatlte reipilrcd after using. Price, inntg, by alldrugglsta. febmdJI tt'JIK bf.KKPl.KKS N HI I ITS, madii mUeniblu by that terrible ceuu'li. MilloiraCurelsthuiemedy ler von. Kersnleby II. It. Cochran, Druggist, Me 137 North (Jticcn street. BIlIbOH'C VlTAl.I.KIlls what you need ler Coustlvitlen, l.e9 of Appetite, DltzlnuHs, and all ymptems of I)yH'ala. Price In and 71 cents par bottle. or hale by II, II. Cochran, DruggUt, Ne. IJa North Queen street. One el my children, a girl about uliie yenis old, bad a very hail dlselmiKO from her head and niMiiefn thick, yellowish inatter.and wasgre lug worse. Wu had two dltretent pliyhlilaiiH Piencrlbe ter her, nut utlheulbeuelll. We tried Kly'a Cream Halm, and much U eurxurprlnnlii three days there was a marked Improvement, We continued using the llalm and Inn shelt, limn the dlacnarge was appaiently cureil. e. A. Caty, CernlHg, w. Y, al'i-'JwdecMAw TllK KKV. (1EO. II.T1IAYKU, of llottrben Ind.. says : " llothinyeiraudwireowoourllves teBIULOIl'H CONBUMl'TIONCUItK." lersalu by II. II. Cochran, DruggUt, .Ne. 137 North Queen street. The rnpulatleu of Lancaster is about nn,ie, and we would say at least one eno ene half aiu troubled w 1 1 li seme nirectlen of the TIi tout. and Lungs, as these complaints are ae. cording te Htatlstlcs mere numeieiis than ethurs. We would advise all nel te neglect the onpeitunlly te rail en us and get a boltle et Kemp's llalsam for the Threat and Lungs. Price Ml cents and l. Tilal sire tree. Hespectfully, II. II. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 Neith Queen sticeU (3) One IleTTLa Krricc-rs A CenB. Mr. Oscar K. II. Kech, of Allentown, Pa., was bcdhwl with In. Uammatery rheumatUui in the wlnler et 1S.nL Doctors could de nothing te relieve hlni. llu commenced using Gress' Itheumallu Ittmedy. lly the tlme he had used halt a boltle he could leave his bed; when he had llnlshed tliu boltle he was curud and has uet had u return of the disease since. In his own words, "1 juel hotter than ever befere." Price I, by all drugKlsls. JUST AS GOOD. Don't allow nnyone te make you believe any ether remedy Is Just na geed for sick hc.idachu as Dr. I.esllii's Special Prescription, for It Is net true. This Is the only remedy In the world that strikes at the root of the dlsease aud drives It out. Give It a trial. SHILOII'B OATAKUH HEMKDY a posltlve euro for Catarrh, Dlplberla, and Canker Meuth. Ker Bale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1J7 North Queen street. A Bad MUfurtiine. Is te raise a nlce family of boys anil girls and theuhave them earned lute an oailygrave by that terrible disease Consumption, lleed the warning and check It In llu flrst stages by Iho piemplusu of Kemp's balsam ler the Tin eat and Lungs, warranted te emu and lelluveull cases. I'llce WW. and II. rer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, Ne. IJ7 North Queen slieet. IV-lciI iltcrce. (jj MUTIIKItSI MOTUEUSII UUTIIKIISIII Are you disturbed at nlKht and broken of your lest by a alclc child suirurliiir and cryliif with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T It se. Se at ouce und get a bottle or Mm. WlNSLUW'a OOTHINU bYUUl". 11 will rollevo the peer lltlle sufferer Immediately depend niieii It) tliore la ue inlstake about 1U Tliore Is uet mother en earth who has overusod it, who will net tell you at ence that It will regulate the bowels, and glve rest totheinothor.andrellnt and health te the child, operating like magic. It la perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste. and Is the prescription of en of the eldest and beat feinale physicians In the U nltefl Btates. Beld every wnore. SSientsa botUe. Uiai-31-lydM,Y,8Aw WATVHMM, . y i:. x co. rim.ADKt.i'iiiA. BRIDAL GIFTS BRONZE oneura, btatubtths, uutTB, MYTBOLOOIOAIi BUBJKOTS, BTUDlfSd. I'olwhreinn llaitieiUeune Mednllle Mml Kiiinlin Anllque Iveiy llarye COLORS PEDESTALS Harilella slarhln Mexican Onyx Menuii Mai bio Carhmere Onvt llelgluin Mnihle Aiilhiue llinas fpaiilrih Maihle E. 902 CHESTNUT CALDWELL &C0. ST. Careful attention given te orders and in quiries by Mail. w ATCHKH, ULUl'KH, Ae. WAT01IK3, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ciikap rim CASH. Lancaster Watches al the lowest Prltesever olleiisl t tielng astiMjkhehlHreuahles nm le ucll these watches se cheap. Light, Wallham and ether watches en sale. bpectaclCH.eperaUlassi'n, Ac. Itepaltlugnf theatievu named at llclcs will litelvemy twiienal attenllnn. I.OIUH (VKIIKII. Ne. l.VJ.W North Quihui HI, eiipmlle city lintel. (Near IVnn'a It. It Depot ) srAgi'til ler AUKOHA WA1C1I. Ul.llTltltlU. VJ-YKKHA HATH VON. TWO WAYS OK DOINU BUSINESS ! Fnir Way aud an Utifuii' Way. A What no wanlls tode business lua lair way. Ne inlsiepteiMitatlen, no sham price, and no bad work. All people want In buy cheap, but Mime attention should be paid te finality and work. OUR SUITS, Al llw. liuiw, men, iH.n 11310. Ili.01, fll.ei, Iln (in and -i 01, ate nl I bargains OUR OWN MAKE, A Hilnl el gleal Importance, (or In Iheiedays theiu are very few gisst Heme-iuadeClnllilng made, and thai Is cause terse much ceiiiphilul SPRING OVERCOATS In a Mirlely et utiles, ranging In prlcu trout tilllO USUI. Y0UTPiS, SUITS ! At nil prices, as low as anj whetoelse. BOYS' SUITS, all styles and price, strong and Stout, ler haid w nir. CIIILDIlb.Vij SUITS, In LuglUh Checks aud Small Plaids, in Norlelk lacket Suits, Bheit Pants. MEN'S SKPAUATK PANTS litmi II ri, In light and dark (..ileis. We am Pioneers In the Clothing llusluess, and wen'l suind aslde It Lew Prttes gtve us the lead. lii'iullng Liiiii'iisler Tailors, NO. la HAST KINO 8TRHBT, LANCASTKH. I' A. . rilHSIl A IUIOTUKH $10100 All-Wee I Suits FOR MEN, Of which we have tlfteen dlllerenl patterns, go lar ahead et all the goods advertised by ether houses for ll'J i.liiild IJ l. Iheynrestiletly all wool, well imule and trimmed, and allot our tiiaiiiilactuin. Of com in no have a lull line of cheaper aud liner suits. BlKN'h BIMTS AS LOW AH lll. JlhN'S SUITS AH II1UH Ah .WH, BOY'S CLOTHING As well as all ether goods In our line. We lead, ethers fellow. CllILIlltEN'S B1IOUT PANT SUITS, 4 te 13, range from tflc. te New Goods riOY'S SUITS, long pants, II te I2,tl Ui II0.0O. IIOY'3 SUITS, 11 te 18, M.UU te ItiOiJ-Thlrty .Styles. AN IMS1KN8E LINK OF KNTi', HOYS' AND CtllLDUKM'd FURNISHING GOODS. Comprising all the l-itesl Novelties us well as the elaple GeimIs ler Oldlimry Ube. Sl'ltlNll UNDKKWKAlt, S1I1UTS, H031KIIY, C0LI.A11S, CUFIS, NECKWKAU, GI.OVKS, llANDKEUClIlErS.JKWKLUY, besides a Kull Line of TKUNK8, VALISES, CAIIUAB, OAUIIYINU bTKAI'S, and Tiitvclei-sOutllts In general. Oiio-Prlte Clothlers -AN1J- GENT'S FURNISHERS, COKNEK NOUTU (JUKKN BTltKBT ANH CKNTUK 8UUAUK. riAlil. AT KEIQAHT'S OLD WINK Vj BTOUK FOE lilSTON-S EXTRACT OP BEEP, nvan i m world. EatabllshcO, 178S. H.E.8LAYMAKER,A0T., ww. rtr.b.,, -tul.9 Ne. SO East King BlreeU iOUll-UU MYERS & RATION, HIRSH k BROTHER, HBOIUAU O UTlUUKMir.MKUIKS. A Little Sufierer OlORnaed, Purlned, and Uotititlfleil by the Outleurn Remedlefl. It affords 1110 pleaium te give you this tepeit el the rum of our Utile giandchlld by your CuTli.i.RA IIkmsiiiks. IMicti (lr months old his loll hand begun In swell and hail evely apH-ar-atice el a large bell. We peulticed It, but all te 0 purpose. About Ave months alter II became a running sole, hoeu ether sores formed. He then had two of them en each hand, aud as his IiIixmI beeaine morn and meid Impute It took less Minn ler them le bleak out. A sein cauieen tint chin, beneath Iho under lip, which was very eirenslve. Ills head was ene solid scab, ills charging a great deal. This was bis condition at twenty two months old, when 1 undertook thecaroef him, his mother having died when he was a little mom than a tear old, of con. sumptien (strufula or course). IH could walk a little, but iiiuld nel gel up If he loll down, and could net move when In bed, hating no use of his hands. 1 Imtne dlately commenced ih the Uctichka ItKMit luitH, using Iho Cetui'iiA and Cutievra Beat li cily, and when he hail taken ene bettln of the CUTiiCHA Uesei.vknt, Ids head was completely cured, and he was Improved In every way We were very much encouraged, and continued the usnul thiilemeilles for a year ami n-half. One nore afler another healed, a bony matter form Ing In each one or tlice live deep ones lust be be be eoeo healing, which would tlnallygrew loesoaud wote Uikcu milt then they would heal rapidly. One of these ugly bone formations 1 preserved. After taking a dozen and a hair bottles he was completely cured, and Is new, at the age et six ) ears, a silting and healthy child. ThoBcarsen his hands must iiIwiivh letnaln i his hands are strenic, though we um e (eared he would never 15 utile louse them. All thai physicians did for him did him no geed. All who saw the child be fore iislnK the CtTictuA Kemkmus andseothe child new consider II a wonderful cure, irthe above racts are of any use loyeu. you areat liberty te iisuUieiu. silts. U.S. DltftKIS. Ne, 6t Clay street, IUoeiulngtoii, 111. May It, IHSii. The child was really In a worse condition than he appeared le Ids grandmother, who, belnir with him every day, becamn accustomed te the dl.ease. MAUUIKIIOITINO. CltTKUBA ItKMMUK Hill Wjlll OS cry W llOIO. L'nitt'RA, the great hktn Cure, tn els i Cuticcra peat, aneninlHlle hkln iteaiiliner,. ?3uis.;i;uti I t'RA ItKSOl.TE.NT, till) 11(1 IT ItleOll I'lltlllcr, ll.(. Prepared liy the Pettrii Dri'ii awi Ciiemical Ce., Husten. Rrnd fur ' llniv le Cure Skill lllsewses." Trpntr'N"' "caty. Pimply and Oily Skin XXUXlbeautllledby Cnicuai fceAr. Catarrhal Dangers. Te be fried fium the dangers el sutlocatlen while lying down; te breathe Irecly, sleep soundly and unillslurbnl ; te rlse relreshed, head clvarr bruin acllvu and Iree Ireni pain or ache ; te knew that no poisonous, putrid mat ter dellles the bleath and lets away the delicate machinery of smell, taste nml hearings te fel that the s)stein dis'S nut, Ihieugh Its veinsnnd arteries, suck up the poison thai Is nine te un dermine and destiny, Is Indeed a blessing be yond all ether human enjoyments. Tupuichase Immunity flout such a fate should be the ebjeel elall allllcted. Hut these who have tried many lemcdlesatid physicians despair et relleforcure. SANrOUD'S IIAD1CAL CUUK meets every phase of Catarrh, Iromnstiiiple head cold te the inesl loathesemo and destructive stages. Ills local and constitutional. Instant In relieving, permanent In In cuilng, sale, economical and never falling. SAXreKn n llArui al Ccrk cenklsla of ene bottle et the Uaiiicai. Cl us, one be el atarriial piilviit, aim one iMi'Bin wnippeii In ene package, with treatise ami dltectleus, and sold by all druggists rer II. I'uiTKn A Ciikvual Ce., I'm ..TON. ACHIMG MUSCLES ltelleved In one minute by thai new-, original, elegant, and Infallible anlluote te pain and In flammation, the (.UTtctRA Anti Pain Plartkh. .Ne ache or p.ilu, or brubu el strain, or cough or cold, or muscular weakness but vlelds te Us speedy, nil powerful and never-fslflug, pain al leviating prepcrtlu. Al druzKlsts, UTie.; Uve for ll;oret PeTrita Dnve a.seCiiem. Ce, IUmteh. VltAlhltOAl) KNCINKKH I.IV1NU t. In t entral New Yerk, was cured of a dis tressing Kidney cemplalul by the ller Plahtkr. He sajs- "I knew whit thev are and recom mend them te all the lieys en the lead." Ap Idled te pain In any part Instant teller Is given, 'or weak and tired muscles or lelnts, Click, nun lies, Biueiiciiv, .euraigia, -ete cnesi, uiieu- fmitldlti il Itu'iit ui nt. niiiii (tin ii 11 aii I laitiilirli nOl'ri.ASTMHN Kemevu pains audeieness quickly. Com pounded from iienli Heps, lliiiguudy Pitch and Canada Rilsiuu, they ale, as thousands of people testify, the best and strongest porous plaster ever imide. Always seethes and strengthens weak and tiled parts, backache. Sciatica, Crick, Kidney Dlc.ica, llhcmn.ittsm. Sharp Pains, Sele Chesl, Sldenche und all pains, local or deep sealed, niespiedlly euied. A tilal will domendtntto thefi worth old by drtmirMs. Sia, 5 ler II.OU, HOI' PLASTLU COMPANY, liosten. Mass. (11) N O DOl'HT ABOUT IT. The stremrest and best oetiioiis nlaster ever known. The HOP PLA-il'Klt Is highly medicated ter thu Instant euro et putns and achesaiidthetieuglheiiiugef weak para. Pro Pre pared lieni flesh tiiKiedleulN. llurgitiidy Pitch, Canada lliiNamnnd the entire medical qualities of lluiis. If j en aiu troubled with local or deep seated pain, sevcie w cnchc, llackache, Ilhcu inatlstu.Slltches, ere Chest or soixmessef any nature,apply ene of these plasters and note Its mietic em ei. All eriiK sien, -.uc,e iei l no. HOP PLASTLU CO., Ilosleu, Mass. (II) Al'TEK AL.I.OTHEKH l'All., CONSULT DR. LOBB, 3)NOUTH Klr-TK.KNTII STItKKT, (below Cal low bill Slieet, Philadelphia.) it YKAKV KXPKlllENCE. Guaranteed le cute Iho allllcted and iiutertumite with Puiely Vego Vege table Medicines. Heek- en special diseases lieu ; send for It. Advice free and strictly loiifldon leiifldon loiiflden Hat. Oirice benis, 11 a. in. te : p. m ,7 P. in. te la p.m. Tieattnuiil by Mall. inl-lvdAw c UllK UUAHANTKKD. RUPTURE. Cuie guaranteed by Hit. .1, II. MAYEIl. Easualeuce : nonpenitlen or delay Ireni busi ness: tested by hitiidiedsel cures. Maluelllce. b31 AKCH ST., PIULA. Kind for Circular. IJl-lvdAw DH. DAI.SKN, OFFICES AND Dltlll STOKE, l,.'0N.Mli St., riillad'a.. IteglsUuvd I'hjslelau and (.iiiduale .Icitersen College, guaniuleea te euro all bleed. Skin and Neiveus Diseases with puiely vegelablu ixiuie dies. Dlt. DAI.SKN'S PILLS. Safe, sure and ctTec tual. bunlenly by Kxpiesseu iccelilerti Ne IVnuyreyal or dangerous drugs. ISeuN.sth "t, l'hlladclphla. f-lyd rlOHN 15KMOVK11. YICTOltlA COHN KEHOYEK. IVarranled te oiudteate completely and In a short time, the meH obdurate corns, haid or soft, without pain. Sold by Uee. V. Hull, Chas. A. lecher, Jeliii It. Knutrmnii, Dr. Win. Worm Werm ley. And, O. .Krev. Cha-n. J. bhuliiiyer, und at'n muni uteuk, declD-lyd Ne.401 WealOrunge 81. KAUUINKUT. iyrAUUlNKUY,Jte. ten STEAM HEATING Latest and Most lmprured EKfllNES Traction, Perlahlt or StaUenary. New or Becendllaud BOILERS, WATER TANKS, BKI'AHATOHB. Malhiws or Uii'Ain Wehk such as done and kept 111 Machine Hheps CALL OH OR ADDBBM, Ezra F. Landis, WORKS J37 NORTI1 OHEIIUY STRKIST, Labeabtsu. I'A. 117-tfd 2TORAIIE AKU COMMISSION WAnBHOUSB. I1AN1EL MAYER, duc'Mjd Ne. 1 We-t Chestnut Htieet. G EOKGEKKNHT.Jii., Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, KKSll)ENCE-NO. WJ WEST UINU HT. SIIOr-KAST URANT BT., Opposlte Station Heuse. All work receives my prompt and personal at tvntlen. All kinds of Jobbing uttended te at short no tice and en reasenable tonus. Urawlngs and Ettliiiates turnlshed. e4-lyd Preiaied ftem Iturgundy Pitch, l.auada ltalsaui and vlrtuesef garden Heps, Sold by tlreKglsla nml ceuutiy stoics. S5c, 5 ler IIOP PDAS. TEUCOMPAN Y, bojten, Mass. (U) cfcerHijra. OANHMAN A IIKO. L. THE PEOPLE. Why De (he I'ceple Advertise Us 1 Aioeur Advetllsera t Why de the people Ad vlse their Mends le buy our Clothing I Why de they euleglrn our floods, our Prices, our business Methods T They Advertise us because we deal Am Fairly anil h'quiiirly a,s I'oNsihle. SPECIAL I1AIU1A1N3 IN Custom-Made Clothing! CHECKS aud PLAID 8UITINGB le order at tl. ; fully- worth a KNOL1SII COKKRCKEW SUITS te erder a IIS; fully worth t-M. READY-MADE OLOTHINQ, Ait; selling last, especially our Kim, IHOUnnil Jlu. MKN'H CASHIMKItIS SlXltW are 30 per cenL lower than any ether heuse can sell them. L. GANSHAN & BRO., MEUCHANT TAILims ANDMANUTAC TUUKB8 or MFJTS BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Itlght en the Southwest Cerner O rati (50 SUeet, LANCASTER, 1' A. W Nel connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In IheclLv. B UHaKIl&HUTTON. Spring and Summer CLOTHING AT- BUEGER&SITTTOFS. V CAH hnw ene et the litul slecks et Iti-ndy-MadnCletliliiK In thu etatt) and Kuirruntee our Filtcs Vcrj" Lew. HualiiPSH 811II8 at .s. n, I0, til aud Hi Kine Dri'ss Suits nt 112, 111 aud ll.'i. Cempar our Keeda and prlces wltu etliur heusiia and bu convinced Uial Hits Is llie jilacu te buy. All tlie Newest and Ilest Styles of I'lece Goods forOuslem-Work, which we will make up In the Itest Style. Kit iruaninteed. A full Line en eulhs'nnd Chlldmu's Clethliij; Gents' Furnishing Goods. BURKER & SUTTON, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANUASTKU. l'A. w 11.I.IAMSON .k 1'OSTKK. PERFECTION -IN- A GENT'S Perfect-FittiDg Gutaway Ceat Sait lllack or llieim Weisted, Wi.100. A GENT'S rEHH:CT-FITTlXG DItESS sack coat suit, Veiy ITIne ltupp Weisted, SS0.00. A GENT'S Perfect-FiUing Straight Frent Sack Suit, Fancy Fallem Ciepe Worsted, S.00. HATS AND CAPS III thoNewcst Shapes In Stiff and Seft Felts. Agents ler DU.NLAf'8 I'lne Bilk felt and Straw Hats. A Large Aeseitmcnl of NEW AND STYLISH Bews, Tecks and Flat Scarfs, 25e., 50e. and 76e. L0W-PR1GED SHOES FOR CHILDREN. Children's llutleu and Lace Bheea Sizes 1 te 5, S3 cents. Children's Kid Tep Vutuul Leather Foxed Sizes 1 teft, 10 cents. Children's llutten and Lace Kid and I'obble J eat Sizes! le MK, 7S cents. Children's Uiilteuaud Lace Uralu Tips Sizes I te 10X. 75 cenls. Trunks, Valises, Traveling Bags VERY CHEAP. 32,34, 36 & 38 East Kiug St., LANCASTER, l'A. PROVK TI1IH TOR YOURSKLK-ONE Kreat truth told In two lines i Ilenseu'a Capcliiu Hastcm uie better tlmn all ethers, ia cents. Ready-Madc Clothing ! Williamson d hw. CLVCKB Attn TT . KHOADM, JKWKLKH. JEWELRY AND ART I In eallluK atlontlen te our oiTerlngB In this line, the publte nre Invited te a oleee and critical axamlnatlen or the Keeda which we bolleve we can fairly claim are of a Btandard equal te any ever olTered In the lament eltlea of our land, and we aak comparison of prices, knewfnsr that ours are lower for the flne goods oflerod than the ruling of prlcea olsewhoro. Our Stock of Unset Diamonds la large, and we will make up from these any style of work doelrod. All the Nowest Patterns of Ladlen' Wear always In Htoek, and Birth or Menth Btones of the whele calonder can be had promptly. The Qeros Qeres Qeros Dlamend, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Opal ana Pearl always en hand, and set te erder. OH Paintings, Marble and Bronze Statuary, and Musical Bexes, always oheorfully shown by our attendants, Everybody Is invited te call and be Bhewn through our stock. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO. 4 WEST KING STREET. CAKHIAOK AM OTTO THAT AI.WAYH WINS. HONEST WORK! Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KINO STREET, (NKAltbV OI'I'OSITK THE LE0PAI11) HOTEL), LANCASTKIt, 1A. Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. A 1 Material, and That Only, Used l'UIUES TO SUIT TllK TIMES. ALL W011K UUAIIANTKKD. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, Aud Vohleloa of Bvery Description Built Promptly te Order. A Full I.lnent Vnhlclns In Sleck, prenirnd esp Asanrttiicnl of SKCONO-HANI) WOllK O-S HAMD 1'ItlUKS. PAHTICULAU ATTENTION 9-dlvn ua a call aud oiiunlne the work, TUB 1'LACK. Philip Doersom's Old NOS. 126 and 128 1.1 Fit ISHVltANVK HUM ! ANY. T UK DIKFKKKNCK IN I.It-'K lNHl'HANt'K COMI'ANIKS. Cesl of Life Iiisiiriiucc at and Frem fiO Yciik in 188E. MUTUAL LIFE. llE.iur IIawh, lliRiisiior.e, l'A. l' Ami tl.wxj e Anii.Iiui'in 'i'.l J 6 pi eniluma each, luV.'J 3") a. Cash UlvldcniH 08 51 NelCesl t 'ill "I Lest )icr m t 'ill 71 I Cedtperm f SO ttt DIITurence In lavoref Mutual Llie ever the Northwestern during thu past 5 years en tboceslot each tl,JM lniurance, $-li.JI. The Mutual Llfu'a NKW 1'OLICV ABSOLI'TELV cuairtuteea Ihupnymentef ltdf.tcoen the death of the Insured, conditioned that he paya llie premium whlle living. NOTKTtiellberal, incontestable policy of TIIKNOItl'lIWESTKUN, adopted Noveuibor, Wl, contains the following, le wit: Transcribed Ireni I'ellcy lfeJ, Issued June 21, ISrfl, en life of IVayne L. Frantz, Kphrala, l'a. Co.nditien 5. "If the Bald Insuied becomes habitually intemit.iutk, orae tarlntctuporateaa either te Impair health or lnduce dcliihuh tkkmen3, then and In cither such iase the Company MAV CANCKL thl3 policy ; and Ihcidore ahull be AUSOLVK1) from all liability upon the same, electa, CeMiiTurv 3. "If any statumcut niade In tlie application ler thij I'ellcy Bhall be found lmor lmer lectthU I'ellcy ehall be void, etc., etc. Rebert Helmes, District Agent Mut. L. I. Ce,, ee N. Duke 3t Lnucaater 230 N.6th St.. Readta?, Pa. FVJixiTunt: H KINITSH'S 1'IJHNITUUK DIU'OT, SPECIAL! The opening is ever, but you are cordially invited and will be welcome if you desire te leek through the large and varied Bteck te which new attractions are constantly being added. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, Nes. 27 and 29 Seuth Queen. Street, LANCASTEll, l'A. HATH, rnllKKK IS NOTU1NU liki:ayeung jian ukine iu:adi:i right Something for Your Personal Interest ! It Is te e cry young man's luteiest te di ess himself In such a manner as will become lilin. lhcre Is no ether parcef his dieus that will se much clmngu his nppeiirunee as lilt llau if the Hal Is net Iho pinner ene le null bis lace, build and general uppeaiauce, no matter hew finely he may be dressed In ether particulars, hu does net leek neil. STAUFFKR CO. TIIK LKADINO HATTKltS OK LANCASTER, mnke n snecialtv et the Ne est and Most Ceirect Sly lea of SILK, STIFF AND SOFT HATS. Particular cam Is taken te show customers only loose uhlchnie Iho newcsl nnd leek the best en them. When no de this wouldeuronu Inleieslns ucll us thai of our customers. Only pluee in Lancaster wlieiu Ihu Orlgtuul Ilosten I.tcjUt Weight lleaullus and the prelly New Yerk " Knox " Huts can be hud. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Nes. Ill ami He North Queen Street, Lancaster, Fa. uuvatstrvKMiHiiimi ueuua. s HIKK'H OARPET HAI.U CARPETS ! U&OI'KNINU or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We ure new prepaiedle shewlhn trude thoLait'eelund lieslHelected l.tue of Carpels ever ex, ntlittedln thl3Clty. W1LTONH. VKLVhTS, all llie Trading Makes (it llODY AND TAI'KSTRY URUHNELS. TllltKR-l'LY. All. Weel nnd Cotten Chain EXTRA BUl'EllS, and all quallltea of IN URAlNCAltl'KTB, IIAMAHIC and VENETIAN CARPETS. RAO and CHAIN CARI'ETBef our own liiauiilactuie a speciality. Beeclal Attention paid totheMumilaetuiool OUBTOM CAUPETB. Aliearull LlnoetOILCLOl'Ha.RUUa, WINDOW BHAUE3, COVERLETS, &,! AT r SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water St8., Lancaster, Pa. lehn.iinrt nut i una. Q.RAND DlHl'IiAY OF NECKTIES. UO TO ERIHMAN'S, IOR OAMBL'H HAin UNDBRWHAR, UO TO ERISMAN'S. P R LATKST STYLES' UOLLAUK .U1H uuir UO TO ERIBMAN'B. pUEAI'EHT AND HICSTJ SCARLET UNDEItWEAK AT ERISMAN'S. NO. 17 WEST KIHQ BT LANOASJ'Kl.. WATVHBB. LANCASTER, PA. trVHIln. HONEST PRICES ! forthe Slirllltf Trildn. A Lnrirn mid Vnrinii whtcU will lie Beld at MOST KEASONAHLK PAID TO KEl'AIItlNO. wliotlier you purchnse or net. DON'T ruilUKT Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KING STREET. 1'27-lydAw NORTH WESTERN. IlKnnr MiLLitn, Tinr (;ruvk. l'el. li:,7CI, Amount 3,iKin en Ann. l'rrm M 75 n prHUilutn?, enciifsi.73 Cash lllvldendu , 1.318 71 Net C'eul., ...$Kil9 ,i Hl3llyd VAl'H, XV. CARPETS ! BUSINESS EDUOATION 1'AVS. Ne yeum; man should enter lute business whllubnts iKiiemnt or mu manner ei rei;uiut liiirbiuik. NutumlnblUty will net supply llie duilLiuucy, or prevent atTuIrs from gcllliiK lule confusion. The eeurn of instruction osadepied ul thu LANCASTER I1USINKSS COLLKUK will buoludvuntuire teuvery mail whatever his fu. tuiu occupation maybe. 11 will touch business habits and attention te accounts, which will Klve Increased Interest und success, hsseuliui le thu success of llie r'uimer, Mechaulu and thu 1'rofeaslenal man. Full particulars en application. Address 1I.C. WEIULKR. Principal, Ne. WU East Klntf Street. rpUlH PAl'ER 18 PRINTED WITH INK Manufactured by J. K. WRIGHT & CO., inar)!Hyd MU aud Ilare fits,, I'hlladelphU, l' VISA IlAS5,J. ANB MUAWIVU3 RiVi1?. 5 .4. I'HS " ' A KAtt.ROA ANU IIKANCIir.R, ANII I.KMANIIN AMD LANCABTKK J01WT iAnM . On D BfUir BIINOAT. KnUMMIM.M1 TltAINSLKAVK KKADINU rer Columbia una LaneuUir t UlialilM nmnand.IOp. m. rer uuarry vllle nt 7.U a. in. and Me p. m. rer Culcklcs at 7.IA a. m. and MO p. ui. THAINS 1.KAVK COLUMniA rer Iteadlnx nt 7..10 a. m ., UM and S.I0 p. m. rer Lebanon at I3.SS and 3.40 1. Bi. TUA1N8 LKAVK QUARRTVILLK rer Lanciuter at . and 7.l . m. nd . p. rer lleadlnic at . a. in. and 1.3e p. m. rer Ijelmnen at p. tn. ..,I,,!AV KINU trrT (MneMttr.) rer HeadlnK at 7.30 a. m., 1X40 and S.40 p. m. rer HJJ'iTO! if .Rt 9M """, 4.40 and p. m. rOTl;ICyV l ''JNCMTIltfr.T (Lancular.l rer lleadlnn at 7,40a. in, ll.viand XMt p. m. for Jjobanen at B.47 a. m7, UM and Wig p. ra. 1 or VI uarryvilln at 0.12 a. in.. and D.te p. rer Lancaster at 7: a. tn., lije and 7:W u. at. rer y uarry ?UI at 7." a. m. BUWUAT TKADTH. TUA1NS LKAVK RRAD1MU rer Lancaster at 7.20 a. in. and 4.00 u. in. rer guarryvllle at 4.00 p. m. TRAINS LKAVK QUAUItYVlLLB rer Lancaster, libanen and Keadlrn at 7.10 a. m THAINS LKAVK KINQ ST. (Lancaster,) rer Rending and Lebanon at 8.08 a. tn. and S.W p.m. rer (Juarryvltle at 5.M p. in. TRAINS LKAVK 1'RINCKBT. (Uncaster,) rer Reading and Lebanon and 8.18 a. in. aud 4.0i p.m. TRAINS LKAVK LKI1ANON. rer Lancaster at 7-4 a. m. and S:4ftp. in. Fer (juarryvllleats 45 p. m. rer connection at Columbia, Harletla June lien, Lancaster Junction, Manhelm, Readtna and Lebanon, sea tlme tables at all stations. A. si. WILSON. SuDertmandent. KNN8YL.VAMA KAII.KOAD HOHKD. ULK. Trains lbathLakeartkr and letva aniTarilveat Philadelphia as follews: Ixiave Lrave Ijincasier. luTSe. in. Bra a. in. ::a. in. e-Jl a. m. 0J3a. in. njen. m. 0.18 a. m. 2.00 p. in. 2.10 p. Ill, i-jm p. in. rM p. m. 7:30 p. In. 7:40 p. in. 10:4.1 L m. 12.10 a. in. Arrlve at I'hlla. WKSTWAKO. I'nclne Kxpressf News Kxprrsit Way raseeniier" Mall train vl.i ML Jey. Ne.'zMnllTmlu Niagara Kxpress Hanover Accein rest Line) rredorlckAccem LaucaKterAccem Ilarrlxburg Accem.... Celumlila Accem Ilarrlsburg Kxprens... Chicago and Cln. Kx.. Western Kxpressf KA8TWAKD. I'hlla. Kxpress) raslLlncl Ilarriiburg Express.. Lancanter Accem ur... Columbia Accem Seashem Express , Philadelphia. iirji p. in. 4:.XI a. in. 4:30 a.m. n m. via Columbia 7:40 a.m. via Columbia 1110 a. m. via Columbia via mu Jey, 2:lp.m. 4-10 p. in.; fi:40 p in. 8..VI p, m. 10:03 p. m, Leave Lancaster, 2.13 a. m. IMG a, in. HMO a.m. BAl a. m. 'J:"il a. tn. r: m p. m. i ui p. m. 4.(ie p.m. 4:1.1p.m. 4:4.1 a. tn. 8.28 a. in. tojea. in. vUMUey 11:48 a. m. 3:18 p, in, 80 p. m. 8:48 p. m. 8.80 n. m. SuiiUuy Hull , llav KinresBl llarrlaburg Accem.. e.tap.ui. 9:45 p. m. The lincaster AermiililtMtiLtlnn IcAVea llArriii. burg at 8.10 p. m. and arrives at Lancaster at VM p.m. The Marietta Accommodation leaves Uelnm bin at 6:10 a. in. and reaches Martella at 6:85. Alse, leaves Columbia at 11:15 a. m. and 2.41 p.m., reaching Marluttu al l.'.el and 2.85. leaves Murlettaat3.08p. in. and arrives at Columbia a. 3rJ: also, leaves al8u!5anil arrives atHJfl. The Yerk 'Accommodation leaves MarlnltAat 7.10 and arrives at LuucaHteriil8.U0counecllu? with llnrrlsburgKxpi-essnlHilOa. in. The Frederlck Accommodation, west, connect ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 2:10 p. tn., will run through le Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, east, laavei Columbia at 12.-28 and reaches Lancaster at 12A1 p. m. Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara KxpreHi at 0.50 a. m., will run through le Hanover, dally, except Sun day. Fast Line. west, en Sunday, when flagged, wlllBtejiat Downtuglewn, Coalesvllle, I'arkes burg, ML .ler. Eliznbethfwn and Mlddletewn. Iflioenlj trains which run dally. On Bunday he Mall train wesl runs bv wav of Columbia. 11ARDWAIIB. F IRK l FIRKM KIRE!,! WATER. WATKUU WATKKItt &reat Bargains :-at- KEPLER'S. $40,000 W0ETH -OK- HARDWARE TO IJE SOLD IN TllK NEAT FEW MONTHS TO MARK ROOM FOR A NEW STOCK. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT KEPLER'S. STILL THEY COME I NOW IT IS Steves ! Steves ! All Wunl le Tuko Advantage of this GREAT SALE, And aie ulicady anticipating their wants let next winter. Special Inducements and Bargains -FOR- Mechanics, Builders, Farmers ..... .n ...I... ..I... Hl.h in mtt thA VOKTK rati ,.u miiL'ti .i.iwv ijvilr vmiraelvus be M lore Beln'g elsewheie,'aud be convinced. 0 RE AT VAR16IY OF THE BEST Steves, Eanges, Heaters, FURNACES, -AMD-HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. ALL WILL HE SOLD. A NEW SIX-HORSE PORTABLE SIMUNUFIKLD B't1?"l1N ENUINE will be sold very low. CaUuOeeH. Iren and Blacksmith Sim BLOWjoefr.: J A. C. KEPLER. "-J msrliMmdW.f OTE IS MAKING OABINBT PHOTOCIIAPIMI XT A DOJWT. t . AT NO. ll NOUTU qUEBMTltfr,t lauls-tM jjueiMHr,ri , ,- OTE IS MAKING XX vra t