Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 28, 1886, Image 1

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rMlFRl tttfp
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AtTtlR XIIICJYil' ririC VKAHtl.
A .Notable Hiene In Wlilrh llin I'rrsldent nl
the haiutlierti Uiinleiletni)' tin. the On
trnl riiirA-. Clljr Alilsie Mlllt for tlm ll.lliii.
"Ami new for llin reign of l)ll(i." 'I lit)
!ily l)i,i)nUci, nf Montgomery, Alabama,
rltilft (liln 1 1 no Hi the head il Its cdlletlal col cel
iiiiiii, itnil llie sentiment Ik echoed thteiigh.
out tin) community, ami hat fmmtl tuples
ilr.ii In n thousand mill mill whjh, iiiinu thu
lean tamest nml nlncoie bccausn llicy utti
mor,e peacrhll nuit ipilet Hutu these which
gtcelcd Jollerson Davis when Im nirlved In
.Montgomery it quarter efa eeulury age I" ns
sumo the presidency of the Coiiledoritcy.
In IIiihu ilajaet coming dl-iiiptinu nml
bitterness he came te Hint beaiitllul ell en
llie bonks et the Alabama, amidst llie angry
I'lHiner ter war nml the tiveilhriiiv i the
government 'I'lie tettn liml untie mad with
paHSlnll , llO lllllllt'lf HtlXlll Oil lllll Btl'H lit tlld
lieli'l ln sleeps III Tuesday night ceunselling
in appeal te arms ngninst IiIn brethren in llie
North, ihu liiildentH nfhin re-cutratlcu Inte
llie city Tuesday evening, alterit long nml
nveutliil nl nonce, were In sharp contrast
with theso which Kciii red ttii'ii ; pe.xunnd
iiilitciitiiU'iit are new pictured en every lieu,
otery street nml overy home ure signs hi
tlm changed conditions el nlliilrs (low n them
since Hum, nml piiiHperity everywhere lelgus
I'lie I'retMU tlutt g looted Mr. IMtH, wet
ceinid him le llielr midst a it leiuliiiseeiiiu
of the past, net ns a llguru of llie pieent.
TIlHJ ShUVtCll llllll till) Vastlllllorelll.eiOtWOOII
what they me new nml w hat they vvtiie n Inn
he nppenU'il te them from Iho sliis nl llielr
tapllel le snctlthe their lit os for llie govern
nielli ul ttlilcli he vvas llie lienil ; tint they
strewed his way ttltli Mowers nml Kind
words, se tlint llie shock would net Ijo tee
hard for lilm.
Mr. Davis arrived iu a speclal car shortly
bolore x o'clock. He was accompanied ti "n
lOlllllllltCO Of SUV Oil tlMt lhlll llft'll Belli ifelll
tucroteescort lilm from IiIn lioine In BeaiiiDir.
Majer Hee-e ami (iiivuriier O'Nell wcieiil
llieir head. 'I'lie ttliolelotwi mil le
it'll lilm as liu iwtsed dettn tlie street, ami
was reinforced liy llie thousands el (siople
who came In from tlie mrrenmllii ceimtry.
A reulmeiil tftlie state militia wa-silmttn iii
in line opiHiille tlie Ht.ttlen te paliite lilm ami
100 Kims ttore lirwl liy tlie MontKeniury
artillery as lie allKhkil. (.cncrnl (lonlen,
lie liml arrived a iitiartt'r el nn hour uelore
from Atlmil.i, went with lilm in tlie o.irrl.ige
In the Kxclimige lieli'l, uhcre an uddri'M el
HelfOiiie wat ilellvetixl anil the ticodein el
the city proientisl te both of thein.
At this historic hciHtt'lrle uurj Uiiiik
been deiiii In llrst-cliiHs ittylu , as the heit uv
phiincil, the room set apart for Mr. IUn had
rweitisl carelnl ntti'iitlen. It was ntnly
fiimi-hud for the occisien ami is laden
witli the snoot pvrluine of countless Ira
Kraut roses. 'I he ipilll en the bed Is the
Mine under which (ieiieral IjifajeUn Hiept
w hen he spent n few- days in Richmond, mid
ilHewuur thereKciitll toMentKOinory let Mr.
llmis' use. Ovorlhe ilinrtiiiv hiiUKsa Kir
trait et lteburt II l.ce aur-
eutitled by "Wolcemo ' in larRe letlern el
rcii roses.
The rlde lrein the railroad sl.ttiun te the
lieb'l was made tliroiinhadreneliliiK r.un.bul
CoiniuerieMreet, nevcrtlieless, presented n
spts.tacloel m.iuiilllcence that Mas neerbo neerbe neerbo
lero been cipialled In tlioUetlth. AIeiik the
biiiUlingH en cither hIiIe iu a double row el
lanterns, llas hun irum etery eoiiiehable
plai.0 : recketf, bombs ami colored lues
lerined a jierlect archway el blaing lihLs
ler nem ly u mile dew n the wlde tliiiriiuli tliiiriiuli
t.tte, and the radiance or the cleilili xtitci
IIkIiIh made the r.Undres glisten llke mi
many dl.imemlH.
Thucarrl.ige with Mr. D.ttls and iieneral
liiudcm was driven through the gauntlet el
oter le.tXHi mirteiis bolore the Jenriiny was
ended. "ThrcecheerH ler Jell finvls!" was
hlieuted from ene end or tlie line te theether,
only te Le lustily (vhixsl luick anln lj tli"ii
anda of threats, 'lheeutliuslaslii Nheiits of
tlie ladles were Hie loudest el all. A Mr,
Daws passd they wated their ImmlKerilnefa
in the ralu until they were wet te limpness.
It was an oatien nover bolore iald te any
Soiithern leader and te but few in the North.
Mr. Datisuas inore than picked. Despite
the rain he kept from beneath an iimbrella
alter the btart was made, Ikiwiuk iiKht and
lett continuously along llie entire route te the
I'lKin arriving thoie hewent le his room at
once. A low moments afterward he appeared
en the balcony ami in ausw or te the shouts
et the crevtit iH'Kaii te Hpcak. He had only
time te way " With n heart full el emotion "
when the baud Innlde striu k iiji the old
l.unillar strains of " Dixie." This killed the
speii h,fer buferu the leader could be Induced
lontep his band Mr. Davis retired auilute
his room. He steed there ler a time shak
ing hands with hundreds of ladles who
preased lerward, but was seen se latlgtusl
that he gate up the reception until llin af
The sharp contrast between the Incidents
el this lsit and tlione of the ene en which
Mr. Dais ctine there te be inaugurated as
president of the Conlederaoy presented ltsell
forcibly te many minds Twouty-llve yvnrn
have neter made a groater chaiige nuyw here
ihatt In Montgomery, the first capital el the
Confederacy ; een the elements worn dlf
fiirent te-day from the iiiuuiorable ISth of
February, lbOl, when he nrrhed theie niter
a journey from llrlerileld te Montgomery
in a blare of bonllre by night ami thoac theac thoac
clauiatiensor null titudes by day. Then It
was ene continuous ovation lrein n people
i Iniiioreus te " sound the tocsin of war ami
hall him as the conquering here for their
It wiLSit lx)aiitiliil day, as fair ivs any that
toine in tins tleliglitiuiclimate. Montgomery
was packeit with tcople ramjnmt ler
Net a man among them was there te speak a
word for his country, and the Hag of the
Union was nowliero te Le seen. The I'xchauge
hotel aheltored him thou, its It does new-, and
Irem Its bread steps he addressed the sli out
ing populace in the ovenlng, standing be
tween two negre slaves, who held caudles in
tlie air te Illuminate the features of the com
ing president. All this changed except the
enthusiasm of the poeplo. Tiiere Is net n llig
or plece of bunting In Montgomery that is
net in use, nor a inuii who la willing te liy it.
The Confederacy has taken the place which
the Union occupied here in 1N11. The rear
from the cannon's mouth is that of welcome,
net defiance, Whatover thoughts llie .South
erners may entertain, net n weidlsluaul
in all the uproar sae of devotion le tlie
I'nien. Mr. JaU is aloue tlie relic et the
historic days of Alexander II.
(Stephens, who also steed by his slde when
he took the oath of olllce, is dead and goue.
Hewell Cobb, who admluUtored the oath of
eillce, has also passed away, mid lteli Toombs,
his chlef rival ier tlie presidency, Is net num
bered with the living. He have the men who
made up the ilrst Confederate Congress been
gathered te their fathers.
The old state house, where the gewrn
uient was ergunUed, still stands en the top
of the hill, but Its whlte marble front was
decorated by a man who wero the hlue nud
net the gray, and who la a gallant member of
the Grand Army of the Republic. All the
ether Confederate buildings have been put te
ether use. The White Heuse, an It was
called, Is new a bearding house. The build
ing in which the government elllcea were Is
a hay and leed store, and llie Ilrst Cooled.
oratetreamiry Is a prosperous gns'ery. Tlnw
llie men and things or tboaedays lm e passed
away, but the chler actor In llie scenes they
plajed In lives te llnd IiiiiihcII entering
into a new phase or popular esteem ami
The progrumme ier le-day will depend lu
creat measure uikjh the weather. The rain
lacomlngdewn In torrents, with no signs or
relenting. Should the day be clear, however,
Mr. Davis will go out te the fair gieunds,
where he la te deliver nn address. 'I'lie re
ccipls of the day are te go te the fund ier the
monument te the Coulederate dead. The
coruer-steno et this will be unveiled en
Thursday, when Mr. Davis will speak again
Irem a platlerni In front nt the statu house.
Ills speech will be only In Introducing (inn
era', uorden, who Is te be the ointer of the
occasion. On Friday Mr. DnvU nml iieueial
Uorden go te Atlanta te uuvell the iii"iui
went te the Inte .Senater Den 1I11L
rir; 1 .11. 1, UAMKH i ;imim.
AlKillin llflfsl lur tlm AlhlrlK. - lint I
Ncmt Among tlm I'Ujria.
The Natleunl I,omie will open lis clmtn clmtn
pieiiihlp giunes ou Thursday.
The Amer lean Ahflecinllun gamea plaitsl
joHlerday resullml an fellows i At lUUIinore :
Ilaltiuiore 'J, Athletln It nt St. lniilt: Kb
l.oulslie, Cincinnati II; nt Iiulsvllle ; 1'itts
burgK, Louisville X
The Heiithuru l,oague gaums .vestiirday
wore: At Macen, (la.: Atlanta I, Mki-eii 'J ; at
Charlesten: MeuiphlH t, Clinrliwlen 8) at
Augusta : ChnttniioeK't '', Augusta H.
The Leng Island club, el llie Ctsleiu
League, wero defeated jesti'iday by I'hll.tdel
phl.t by ill ted.
Lew Simmons, the knew all of base Imll,
Is Ixveinlng very sick nt luscluk
The most remarkable balling ever seen in
HI. I.euls was ilotie by llie home Ii'hiii iesler
day. They hit I'echltiey, of tlie Cincinnati,
for twonly-leiir with a total el Im ly-one liatea.
rilleen of llielr twenty runs were earned.
The Leng Inland club had but ene lilt oil
rergiiseu, of Philadelphia, jestenlny, id
though he was pitching n straight ball.
There is kicking nlsnit lieu "lining, nil
inerlcaii Association iiiuplie. Veiingsa.vs
he knows he is Imd nml liilends lu resign lint
he says "when 1 geHU Leuis will 1st without
n Ilrst baseman. 1 shall slaughter Cuiulhkey
if It costs n law suit." Yeung Is ver bitter
nmilnst the awnrthy foreigner en ncceiinl el
his kicking propensities mid Insulting in
marks. Couiiskey was lined lA) during
the HU Leuis series el foul games for kick
lug nt the uinplie's decisions.
In the gnme betwisui lmis villn nml
1'ittsbiirg Meudav Yeung lined Cat roll,
Iliiiincy and llarkley.
Ills H,tlil that ll.tmsey, the lelt-h.indcd
pitcher, nud l'ete llruwnlng, thu big hitter of
llie Louisville, alea stteug couple when lull
of "Immize. '
The l'ittsburg 7'iri says el Denny Mack .
" Denny means well enough, but his Judg
ment scorns net le lj trained te n mint ro re
iiilrd In an umpire. List season he man
nged the l.tlicasler club, and alter the dis
banding el Dial aggregation he was appointed
en the stall of the eastern League umpires.
His work was highly praised mid It was umhi
the strongest recommendations that ex-l'resl.
dent .McK'ulght put lilm ou the lint el Amerl'
can Association iiuiplies.
Kllrey and (ireer, of llie lltlltiuoies, have
bien thrlstentsl "The Md,' and lliey seem
te boa lively pair.
Carrell, et l'ittsburg, Is hilling the ball
right sipiaioen the nose this ear.
I ieiii the manner lu which the inns aie
pilinl up against the Leng Island club, It
would seem that " hhetr." and his friends are
again laving ball with their leet.
.lUlty f IfJUlCfA 1IKA11I.
I'urlh ills?. Coin trnliiK III. nintileii Tak
ing till fmirrnl lii-iniiiiinv
The Insjy el Jehn Nlxderl has nrrlved In
this i ity from Alteena, nnd the funeral will
t.tke place te-morrow aflorueon. The
Alloeu.t l'ut has soine adilllitlenal p.trtl-
ulara In regard te the man's death. It
Kivs ; He had attended le his usual duties
nt llie lestniiraiit en Saturday, but was seltsl
with a sudden .illness during thu evening.
On Sunday he kept Ills bed and seviiicd lu a
dalcd condition as II lttlally On
Sunday night, between e and 10 o'clock, he
had lour very violent convulsions in fpiii k
nucx erstati which loll him ilelIrieus,in which
isiiiditleii he rematiiisl until he died nt
the time mentioned. Mr. Mxtlerr
enjoyed mi OAtendedacliiaiuttiice ill Ihecitv,
was ncllve ill every public enlerprise wllhln
his mean, and vvas a generous he.trled hon
est man. In the tall el ivi he c.tme te this
citv and conducted a lestaiiiaut en 'lenth
avenue ler ene year, idler which he went le
Johilslewii,w here hew as engaged In the same
business ler tlie same length nl lime. He
then returned te Lancaster, where he re
mained until ', when he letiiiuid te
this citv and resumed the restaurant
business. At Ilrst he procured his ice
i ream litim Laticasler, but In ls-SI he
ercctetl souie build lugs at llie comer el Tenth
avenue and eleventh stieet, and began the
maullfacture et the same article ou a large
scale, llenddcd Improved machinery te his
establishment from time te Hum until It is
new one of tlie most complete eMiihllihiiifnls
et tlie kind le be found me where. All this
lime, vvllh the assistance of his sons, he con
ducted a complete restaurant in llie loom mi
del the p'isteflice, giving siipei v islen
te both establishments. He vvas a most inde-
fatlgable worker, dovetlng mere hours el the
day le his work than it would seem physical
nature t etiltl stand, yet he was alvvaya pleas.
ant nud cheerful, very active nnd apparently
vigoieus. He vvas especially active lu ntl.tlri
el the city lire department, being minStlve
member of the YlglUul ceiniuny, and it lite
number el the Legan huse, nnd nnsvvored
all alarms mid worked ns faithfully as anyef
the younger inemberK." Mr Nlxderl leaves
n wite and twelve children.
'Ihelsnlv el llie deceased reiiLhed this city
..n the l o'clock train this nllernoeu. The
liiends and relatives occupied a siss'ial,
together with about a do.en meiubera el thu
iglhuil lire company, et Altoeua, te which
Mr. Nixderf boleu ged.
'mi.i iJtuiir. .let.'y .i ri'is n..
llu VlAke. I'rui laiimtlun ul III. AllrKi-d tlrlrv
ancrs at thu rrlseit.
Lam ami i:u Ci i v ,
Audi -'.
'le who Ibis may com earn every time I
come te this town lam A rested 1 have just
done '.Hi days in the hummers hall en bread
and water the olllcer that aresled me did net
apisw against me but llary hchinkes that
lends le llie prisoners in Clie Station Heuse
apvard against me ter the bunelit or the lees i
made up my mind te go te philidulphla and
itilist lu the regulars by helping me along te
my destination 1 will be obliged te you.
.1 ci i: ili:.i.,
alias ltulle Joe.
iv i:ri. nin.M n vr rm: cahtm:.
lu iltr IJiliUiri ej the InUUiiitiu cr
(li.M'i.nviK.s 1 would llke te bring te
jour and the public notice my expeiieiice
vvhlle doing 'JO days under Wartlen lluck lluck
helder. Alter nrlvingnt the prison 1 was
alewed for a day te remain In the prison but
was then Translened te that Hetiin et misery
known te ns Hummers Hall. Hut 1 thought
they could net think et iKtsslbly keeping me
nil iny time en Hread .V water. Hut I can as
sure you ttuntleiueu such I ieund tne Human
kindness el Wurdeu Huckholder. 1 sent no
tice te him several tlines el my vv illness te
Werk 11 he would only nllew inn. Hut this he
alto leTtiiPd te tle my cemmittment called
for W tlajs and 1 was held for M tlays.
Se new lienllenien nllew me te sign niy
sell, Your Unfoitunale
Hai.i Jei:.
I 1' AM) HUM N TIIK hl'Al C.
'llie Mount Jev soldiers' orphan school
examination ou May 17, will ullract unusual
attention llils jiur.
The Pennsylvania railroad diiocters will
held a slated meeting te-day, at which the dividend will probably be do de
claied. Dr. A J. Ourt, secretary et the committee
en lunacy of the beard or public charities
says the coininittee will preUtbly bring the
subject el the establishment or a state train
ing d'hnnl ler idiots borero the slate leglsla.
ture nt Its cemiug session.
1 he grets earnings (or March or the North,
ern Ctntrulrallwuyceniiiany wero MWi, 117 i
net earnings J103,i;i8, a docrease et JO.l'se, as
compared vvllh March. 1SWS. The net earn
ings for the ilrst threo mouths of the year
were 510,785, a decrease of f 17,171.
Andrew t-arnegie lias presented a check
rer J5,0M1 te the Western Pennsylvaula Insti
tution rer the dear mid dumb, at Pittsburg.
The money is given In such n way that the
Interest el the fund Is te I si deveted each
year te the purchase uf new lioeks by the
beard of managers.
l'pliraliu Lavvsen nnd wife, of Kile, went
out te spend the evening and lell llielr chil
dren at home alone. Toprevont thetu from
getting into initchiel they were locked lu a
chamber. Shortly after the departure of the
parents the beuse was discovered be ou lire
and it litlle baby was burned te death.
The will of the lute Mrs. Klizibeth Shee, et"
West Chester, among ether things), directs
the executer te iuv est ?I,600 In geed secuillles
and te devote the Income arising therefrem
te the maiutonauce and care nt the decedent's
family deg.
. Oil' Het Mermen fjiuil.
Twe hundred Mormons, destined for Salt
Lake, arrlved In New Yerk, Tuesday, by the
steamship Nevada, from Liverpool,
iriMr j.() mtiM tiik iihutai,
mihiiikh or a human.
A Inln Frem KitmA te Alnhe the llltind Hun
Cohl Willi nml t'hllil Killed, the llu..
Iininl n ManUe ntul tlm Mur-
drrer DrnfTKFit le Dratti.
Tnl'KkAi Kits., April JS. Last Hatiuday,
llie wife el Jaaib Krleimilh, a home-stoador
lu Heward cell lily, wns assaulted and mur
dered by I'rllr. ltupiti, a half-vvlllcd (leruiau
who had been for sonic, time enjoying the
hospitality of llie I'lelniuthu, being huuielpss
and without friends. During the absence or
Mr. l'rieniuth, Kupiii assaulted his Iwuelao Iwuelae
tress, then ImuuhI her hand nud feet, and cut
her threat, and thru took n rusly hee and
while the woman was dying dlsoiubenelod
her with the blunt Instrument. Mrs. Krlo Krle
lii tit li wasriincafcWheudiscovered thestlll.
iHirn nml iniitilaled babe lay near the moth
er's iHsly. Mr. I'rlein ulli c.iuie home next day.
On iliscevcriiig the body or bin wlfe he be be bo
came a raving maniac. A neighbor lu the
sjianely settled region who hspiJiied te be
iasiltig, found Kreiuitilli wild vvllh Irony
and dared net nppreaeh for fear of his lury.
Ilotlrevo te the nearest settlement nud told
llie slery. A paity vvas nt ence organized
and went te the ncene of llie tragedy. They
leuiid 1'reluiulh vvelteiing In his own bleed,
having killed lilmself with n shotgun. A
grave was dug and the remains or the unfor
tunate Hiople burled. The pesse then
scoured the country ler the murderer and
found lilm Ilia small ravine sevvral tulles
awny Irem the Ktelmulh place, near the
Cimarron river. A tractions herse was be
. uted and saddled. One end el a long lariat
was fastenisl around Hupln's neck and tlie
oilier was attached le the ininel uf the sad
dle. The herse vvas thou sLtrted and amid
thu sheutings or the men mid the cracking et
I ev elvers nud rllles the lilghlend animal
ilitslied away. Altera run el nearly livemlles
the horse fell exhausted and the tireless body
oflhe murderer vvas le-neiied as the men
came up. Ills head was almost severed from
his iKxIy. The carcass was left lying
ou the prairie uncovered fei the coyotes.
A rill I. II KDIItMl lir.l.l.S.
A .Sunilierel Nml. Willi Slliglti lli(iuglit unci
HcnttH That Heat a. One.
The marriage of Mr Andiew Uullleiwh,
the genial and popular veung tonsorial artist
te Miss l.miim Kschb.vch, was soleinnired at
btfO Mii , yosterday.nt St. Antheny's Cnlhellc
church, by Kev. A. K. Kaul. The ceremony
was private. Mr. i.eorge Oalsrdli)l ollicia ellicia
tml as Is-st man, and Miss Marvv Heptlug was
biidesmald. .rier the marrltge a bridal
supjier vvas ptrukeu el, alter vv a recep
tion vvas held nt the residence or the bride a
parent's Ne. '- North Duke street. This
vvas largelv attended bv the numereus
IriendH of the happy pair. The presents were
many and cehIIv, nod Included nearly every
thing concelvatilo lu the line of housekeep
ing. Mr. mid Mrs. (tiitlli'isch have taken
possession of their already furnished home
at rse. -".' J.ast .-sevvsxreeu
Mr. Frank Hess, of Philadelphia, who has
long been nlreipieul vlsltorlethisuty,whero
the circle or his friends is large, was married
Tuesday evening te Miss Sallle .1. Sullivan,
daiightei of Mr. Jehn isiilllvau, at 1 )-l North
llread street, I'hiladelphia. The ushers were
Mr. William rettiell.iml Mr. Harry Laiiahan,
of Baltimore. The beat man was Mr. Jehn
Kusscll Sullivan. A reception wns held at
7t!0te which several hundred invitations had
1011 issued. The hride was nttired In it
inaguihcent costume of vv Idle satin, the train
made very long. The usual vell and erange
blossoms wero worn. The house Iairl3
bloomed with Mowers. Among theso in
allemlaiice Irem this city were .1. L. Stein-met-,
esq. and Jehn C. linger, jr.
James J. I'ex, esq., a tising jeung New
Yerk allorney, who made ninny rriends here
en his vlsltaeveral ears age, wna married
in Hroeklyu enTiiesd-iy evening teMisaMay
Seten lUlley, grainlnlise el the late Arch
bishop llailey, el itailimerii.
riKK.iifci'J''v.i v niKiii inunitLis
here ISiimher nt Net, Hniipeiit'il te Have
Hreti sinirti, Are.
The lisheriiieu el this city are still en the
anxious bench, and they are nil wanting te
knew who Coiey has en his list. Many
of them nre badly lightened, but It Haid that
Cexey will have (oiiie trouble In making out
his cases against some el the alleged ollend ellend ollend
ers. Many of the lisliermeu who are
charged vvith Using nets, net nllewed
by law, say that they were all right.
There seeins te be it great deal et dltlor dltler dltlor
euco of opinion in legard te the inanner of
measuring meshes. Mr. Cexpy says he
has plenty of kinds of cases against the Ilsh Ilsh
ermen, and some have as high as tour charges
against them.
Cor wiiiie time many lislieiinan bolievoil
that their nets were stolen from the creeks.
After reading last night's iMin.l.luUM'liit
they liwamoienv lined Hut Coxey is the
man who has been inlerlerlng vvnh thorn.
One man, who claims te knew, says that
lotsefuets have been destroyed by their
ew ners in this city vv itliln a low days.
Illd. ler I'sliilliig Court Heuse.
'I'lie county commissioner!! this altorneou
oiiened bids ler the paiiitlni; of the outside
of the court house. Following wero the
bidders :
Jehn V. Leug. f-slWO , Charles Hrnst, iX,2;
tiuthrle A Sen, f I,S50; tioe. Wiuovver, W,7b0;
Peter Winewer A Sen, fJ,S75 ; tloergo Pent,
fl.O'.K); W. 11. Hsteinmi, SI,&U); Udward
I leek my er, J.'.S'.Vi.
The bids were opened lu the private ollice
of the commissioners, and after a long con
sultation It vvas decided te award the con
tract te Ilateman at his bid el ?l,5O0.
In the advertisement asking ler proposals
the couunlssleiiors roserved the right te ro re
Ject any nml all bids. It will be seen
that the bids el live men were
lower than the miccesstul one, and
the commissioners were of opinion that the
work could net be dene rer a less sum than
Halemau'.s bid. The paint, it Is said, will
cost mere inoney than Crust ngreet te de the
work for.
Arkiuinleil;ltiK ltetelt ula Hat Crunu
L nun llie llariUbiug Independent.
The lollewlng is it verbatim copy el a letter
el thanks fei a "hat crown" leuud in the
street last week :
Di.ah Mai.v 1 thank you with all my
heart for that lovely hat crown, worked by
your own delicate lingers. 1 had it put in
mv bast hat and will Uke care te always pre-
serve it and keep It nlce and clean. 1 will
call en you this evening and hope I may be
allowed te de se elten, iny dear Mary, for 1
don't llke the name Alame. 1 will ask you
something which 1 hepe you will say yes te,
lr .you don't 1 will never again be happy.
Loek ler me at 8 o'clock, (ioeibbyo dearest
Te bell llenillug Collateral
At Tienten, New Jersey, counsel for the
Heading railroad receivers, made application
te the chancellor for an order positioning llie
sale ettJ.uW.OOO worth et stvurltles pledged
ler the paymontef tlie Central company' in
debtedness when the latter read was leased.
The request was denied mid llie hecutities
will be sold in New Yerk te-day.
Held lur a Healing
Tydial Mergau, a coleied bed-carrier, has
been held for a hearing before Alderman
Spurrler ou 1'riday evening. The charges
nru surety of the peace and drunk and dis
orderly cenuuci. nuuen neon, nisu cuuuuui
is llie presecutrix.
Alleged Snfe-lllniver Captured,
Madisen, Ind April 28, Olllcers last
evening arrested IMward Jennings, of Kan
sas, charged with blewlug epen Leckard'H
safe, at Currnn, this county, and robbing it
ei 25,U0a He vvas locked uji.
A .Street llamsfie Cn.e Agnln.t CllyaiKl Cetuily
DetHted In Fsvur nf Defendant.
ni'.iiiiii: juuui: i.iviMisreN.
The suit el Catollne Hieder nud William
Snyder, her lutslimid, for tlie use of Careline
Hnyder Bgalnst the city and county et Lan
caster, wan attached for trial en Tuesday
afternoon. This vvas an Issue te doterinlno
the damages occasioned by the laying out
and 0K3nlngr Filbert street, lu thu city or
Lancaster. The testimony or the plalnllll's
witnosseH was the opening of Ihnstroet would
take llie iiriqierty adjoining that of Mrs. Sny
der, hut would net' go wllhln lliroe fcet of
her property. The tearing tlew n of the ether
house would necessitate the building efa new
wall, at a cost or alieut piV), which Mrs. Sny Sny
der thought the city ought Ui nay for. At
the conclusion of plalnllll's testimony coun
sel for the city moved for a neil suit ou thu
ground that there could net le a recovery of
consequential damages. The court directed
the jury te render it v erd let Ter the defendant.
'I hey retired but neon returned with a verdict
lu favor of the ptnlnllll.
The court sent them back te thelr room
vvllh Instructions te re I urn the verdict
they had been Inlermcd must be under the
law governing the case. This morning they
returned a vetdlct lu laver el the dereDdanu
The next case called wns that oflsaae Murr
and Jehn Itecser, trading as Murr A- Hoesor.
of Intercourse, ngaln.t Adam It. Krelderand
Benjamin Kreider. This was an action te
recever a Ixdiince en a promissory ntite
dated March 1, ISM, rertVil. Ofthatnineutit
?k'll.(-, it was admitted, had been paid ou
account. The nete was given Ter reiir horseM
purchased at a public sale by defendants.
Alter ollerlng the note in evldence the plain
tills rested thelr ense.
The defonse claimed that the horses were
all warranted te be sound. If round net te
be se they wero te Isi returned. Thore was
no disputejas te three el the herses but as te
llie letirui lliere vvas. lesumeny was
ollerod te show that it had the lung lever
when II was sold, that It was preiwly cared
fur, hut notwithstanding the enre the herse
died nnd the defendants allege that they nre
net liable ler the price el the same. On trial.
In the suit or J. C. Yest cV Ce., against
Andrew Kane, a verdict bycenscnt vvas en
tered in lav or et the plalntlfls ler TJSl.ei
nr.ieui, jfimi 'atti;iisen.
A greater imrt of Tuesday ariorneon's ses ses
sieu et court wns taken up lu the argument
by counsel of the suit or Jesse Lutz against
l II. Kaullmau, lierore reported. Tlie
jury were Instructed this morning ami ro
uted te deliberate.
The Jury thlsariorneoii rendeted a verdict
In raver or plaintiil for S2.'.0.M.
t t I11II..NT lllSl.NI.SS.
J. 11. Barnes, of the I'hiladelphia btr, was
ad in tiled le practice law lu the several
courts or Lancaster. He presented a petition
Ier the sale et jierisliable IreighL. It appctrs
that two cars leadod with bran vvas shipped
Irem Chicago te Med in a, a station en the
Heading railroad, by Hellew ay Hros., grain
dealers. Theso cirs were transferred le tlie
main tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad at
Ceatesville and from there wero sent te Hird-ln-Hmid.
1 he bill el lading for the bran was
loll nt the Columbia bank, Philadelphia, by
Hollewny Bres., ns collateral security. This
llrni get into lliiancial dilllculty and their
prejKjrty vvas ntUched In hands of the Penn
sylvania railroad elllcials. A litigation Is
pending as te who is entitled te the bran and
as there Is danger of its snjillng, the com
pany's attorney asked the court for an order
for an i m mediate sale. There are ten tens of
brnu in each car. The court made an elder
directing; the ceuijiauy te sell the bran en live
days notice le the )mrties interested.
The restaurant license el L. IS. Hatkei,
Warwick, was trauslerred te Ci. S. Steuer.
v. 3i. menu.
tine ill the l.aigeet lurniiiil.
Iifr Seen In the
lamer liml.
Tlie lunula! el C. M. Hossleok place from
his Inte residence in tjuarryville, nt 10:30 this
morning. The atlendaiice et friends and
relatlves Irem the surieiiuding country
lireught together ene et the largest concourses
of persons ever sceti en a like occasion in the
lower end of the county. The funeral pie pio pie
cessien, which contained hundreds or
carriages, proceeded te the Horeruied church
In the village where serv ices were
held. The church vvas crowded te
its utmost capacity and many iailed te
gain adinillance. Hev. J. M. Seudets, the
pastor, conducted the servicr s. The music
vvas rendered by the church choir. The
interment was made In the graveyard ad
joining the church. The directors of the
Quarry vllle National bank, of winch body
the deceased vvas n member, acted as pall
bearers. During the hours et the lutieral
the bank was closed and business generally
in the village wes HuspemlHii.
The .VliiynrV Cinirt,
The mayor disposed of live tills
illumine;. Among ihein were lour vagrants,
oueot whom vvas the noted Ilaltimoie Joe.
Tlie mayor herved notice en him that If he
came luck te the station house he would be
committed. Joe premised te leave town at
once. The tilth case was a young man ar
rested for disorderly conduct at thoceruorof
North (Jueen and Chestnut streets. Com
plaint was made te the chief about a gang or
young men vv he makn thai corner their head
quarters te the great aniieyanrti of Mr. Wool Weel
worth whose place et business is thore.
Wheu Olllcer Pyle eidered the cievvtl away
they became Impudent and ran away. The
olllcer fellow ed and arrested ene el them.
Mayer Morten discharged him vvith n iopri iepri
maud, upon the pa mcnl el costs. Cerner
lounging, the major sajs, must be broken
Ariested Oil-Mealing l'leur.
Jehn Mellet was tricsted en Tuesday
nftorneon for stealing tw e s.vcks of Heur, from
inlrontef Llnlnei's grivury store, ou Seuth
ijueen street. De vvas seen le take the Heur,
vvas fellow eil by Mr. Lintner and overtaken
en Morten avenue. He surrendered the lleur
and kept en bis way, Mr. Liutner happened
te meet Maver Morten, told lilm or the theft,
and the mayor telephoned ter an oincer. ro re
llceman Morringer resinonded and he cap cap
tuied Metlet near the Conostega creek. The
prisoner showed light and Olllcer Wen
ninger vv ent te his assistance Mellet resisted
all the way te the station heuse itud gave the
olllcers a geed bit of trouble. Complaint vvas
made against him liolero Alderman A. V.
Dennelly, and he vvas committed for a hear
ing. Mullet sold a coat shortly bofero his nr-
est, nnd it is supposed that he had stolen it.
A DUietery lu Chicken..
The chicken fauclers of this city women-
-lightened last night by the roiiert of a cock
light lu Yerk In llie l.'m. Fer the Ilrst time
Ihey learned that thore wero such chickensas
' Patrick Henry deld Spaimled Cocks."
They were also astonished te hear that the
little battles botweeu "stags" iu Yerk were
for J.'0 each.
A IteinarknlilB Traceilr.
At Hijeu Hasin, Colerado, a few days age,
while Mrs. M. V. Sides was diessiug her
batie, she asked F.dward Mnekay, n friend
who was visiting her, for the lean of a
pockel kuile. He unbuckled his cartridge
belt te get ut his pocket, when his revolver
dropped le tlie iioer ituii weni en, uuu me
bullet paased through tlie woman's heart,
killingher Instantly.
An Alumni Meeting,
A circular has been rccelved te the ollect
that the alumni meeting at Mt. SU Mary's
college, nmmittsburg, Mil., will Ih held this
year en Tuesday, June ", which will'be
interesting Infill inalleu te the many sous or
this famous aliiiit imiler iu this vicinity.
Waku leblii's peeping from the meld
' "Hey, llebln lleliln, vvake '"
Vunlshed la the whlte anovv-flake i
Loosed U Wiutcr's Icy held.
Hprlugis coming o'er tlie welil;
Ue merry for her sake.
Wake-robin's peeplng from the meld
" Hey, Itebht I Itebln, wake I"
Ilall'edll, In gown e' geld,
Hastes the louder aed te break ;
Dandelions a euvpet niiike
Unaur her dancing feet unrolled ;
Wnko-reblu's peeping from the meld
"Buy, llebln t Itebln, wake!"
-Uice lriHidwii Jlrullttrtmi,
HKfKllf.l.r it IT 1 mi HKl-KltAt. i'AUI'.JI
The Havoc That Wiu Canned In I'lllllimii,
llllnelf, l7 a llig While Cnnlne lining
lle).. Deg. anil a rellceinali Vic
tim, le He Hent te I'arla.
I'UM.MAM, HI., April 28. A big whlte
tleg, mad with rablef, appeared en Fullen
street yesterday altorneou. Ills Jaws wero
covered with a thick foam. Johnule
KHugel, aged .', vvas the brule'H Ilrst victim.
Tfie liey was bilteii ou the choek. The
animal than sbtrted tlewn the street and at
tacked a litlle boy named Conners, who he
severely bit lu the hand. Theu the deg re
traced his way en the street attacking every
thing that confronted lilm, but never turned
aside. Meeting another boy he soied him by
the scat or the trousers and nearly tore the
garment from the lad, but his teeth did net
touch the flesh. Twe dogs were next attack
ed and short lights followed. Hy this time
the street vvas nreiised and all was oxcito excito oxcite
incnL Policeman Kane and Cassonbret pur
sued the deg, firing several Bhels, which
wero Inefleetivc. One of Olllcer Kano'sshels
breke the deg's leg. The animal foil, but at
ence get te his root ami rushed upon Olllcer
Cassonbret With a sav age crunch he set his
teeth In the man's wrist, larceratlng it terri
bly. Yelling llke mad, the officer shook
him oil, and another bullet from Olllcer
Kami's ruvolver entered the brute'n mouth,
killing him. The two dogs bitten
by the mad ene were killed by olliters. The
wounds et tlie Ixiys who were bitten were
burned w lib caustic, but the physicians gave
noliuiieor preventing hydrophobia. Oilicer
Cassenbrel's wound is the most novere of
any. A subscription paper vvas put in circu
lation last night ler the purpose of sending
allel the bitten cliildren te Paris Ter treat
ment At Wild weed last Saturday the name deg
bit Percy Perkins, son of the superintendent
el the Pullman iron and steel works. The
boy Is 12 years old and will also be sent te
Paris for treitment under Pasteur.
A lleMuu Character Who Made a ruitune lu
1'ecullar hljrle.
Ilosie.N, April 28. Isaac A Saw telle, well
known In and about Bosten as " Ynnkee
Deedle, the Whistling Cobbler, " and who
was found ou Monday lying inseuHlble en
the fleer of his little shop at l,27e Washing
ton street, and taken te the hospital sullerlng
Willi paralysis of the brain, died at 11:12
o'clock last night, aged 1 1. Fer ears It was
"Yaukce Doedlo's" dally custom te peram
bulate the streets of Husten habited In a
blouse, with a kit or tools and a pair of beets
slung ever his sheulder whistling his only
lune In llie llke notes that could be heard
blocks away. He speke te no one, but people
soeu learued that he was whistling Ter trade
and were led le try his skill. His cobbling
proved lobe as geed as his whistling anuin
thoceursoot jcars he amassed a snug for
tune. Of lale years lie dreve quite a trade iu
letting out his quaint cestume te masquer
aderv. Lingard, the character actor, ence
bought a suit of him and impersonated him
iu the Hosten Ihe.vtre vvith great success.
Sullivan te Fight MlUhell.
Cm Afie, April 28..!. I.. Sullivan and
Chas. Mitchell havu arranged for an eight-
round gleve light te take place iu this city en
June 7. The winner is te have".) and the
loser2."i poreenL of llie receipts. Articles
have also been signed Ter a small glove tight,
eight rounds, between Jack Hurko anil'
Mitchell, at Battery I)., May 10.
Mnuk Tills Morning. .
Cah ai.e, April 2n Twe bundled and
sovenly-live cabiiiet-makers and furniture
werkeis, at the large factory et the Heth-
chlld'sSeuH, went out en a strike this morn
They Seem Anvleim te Ituii Away, Hut De Lit Lit
leo IMmage.
This morning a herse hitched le the milk
wagon of Jehn Kehr lrightened near North
(Jueen and James streets. He ran out the
latter street and neartiast's pottery the milk
cans, which were empty, vveie thrown liem
tlm vvacen. The horse ran le the James
stieet binlgovvhero his wagon came in con
tact vv I tli another and vvas upset. The shaft
wasbrokeu oil the milk wagon, and the
axles were bout Bovend that no damage
vvosdeno. The herse was caught uninjured.
Tuesday alternoen Josepli Bueher, a milk
man, was driving along Duke siroet. He
had sold all of his milk nnd the large cans iu
the wagon were empty. Near the public
schools a tiaie came loose rrem the wagon
and the hoise began te run. He dashed
down the hill towards Vine street and
Bueher vvas thrown treiii the wagon, hut net
hurt The hoisekept en te Hest Kingstreet,
Inte which bj turned. Oneshart was bung
ing down and It looked as though the animal
might be hurt In Irent or Huisk's store the
wagon collided with another, belonging te J.
D. Fielder, pretzel baker. Bueher's wagon
vvas knocked ten side and the herse became
loose, the harness having been badly tern.
The animal was caught en West Klug and
was again hitclied te the wagon, which had
been badly shaken up. Uichler's wagon was
net hurt A veiinc Isiv named Daly, who
was' lu It, saw that there would be a collision
Det ween tue icmus unit no juiupcu um in
hiue himself.
l'alacu Herse Car.
Patent Solicitor Win. It. Gerliart, el this
city, has secured it patent, Ne. 310, 'Jle, dated
April 27th, lsbe, for Mr. Gcoige (uessman, el
this city, for hU palace nerse car. it is an im
provement en it previous pateul for his car
which vvas grauted him seme months age.
The lurtitlens which form the stalls are
liln god te thoside el the car se as te fold back,
against It In order te facilitate the leading and
unloading of stock. When the partitions me
open they extend but partially across the car,
and the improvement for which the present
patent Is granted, Is the connecting or the
swinging end et the partitions, when they
nre oiien, by means el detachable chains or
nqies, with the manger, thereby serv lug le
held the partitions eiveu aud at the same
time preventing any animal vv hich may have
sllpied its halter from getting Inte the ad
joining stalls.
KvUlence That the tlinie Was Untitled.
Kieut the Oxlerd Press.
About adeicu citieiiH of Little Britain, in
cluding seme trustee or the Presbyterian
church, met tn the graveyard of that church
Weduesday last and Investigated the grave
of the unknown tramp us lu our
issue last weeK. iiie grtive iiau neon openod
and the clothing of the dead bearched
for tlie reported valuable papers. An eye
vvltness et tlie senrcli writes : 'Bofero we get
te llie box parta or his clothing wero found.
Tlie ceinti mi vvas spin into hev oral pieces
aud en opening It we found the clothes lit lit
eially tern from llie body. He was. lying en
his slde and all his body was bare up le llie
arms." Whether the grave lebbeis ieund
any papers or valuables en the porseu of
the iiiiforluualestrmigor Is net known, but
the impression that they wero unrewarded
generally prevail.!.
hliueleg Contract Anurdcil.
Tuesday evening the llre committee met
aud opened the prejwsals ter shoeing Iho
horses of the city llre tleurtment James B.
Kearden and Kdward Walker (the present
shoer) wero the only bidders. ltearden'H
bid was as follews: Four new shoes fl.00,
removing shoes f 1. He also offered tn shoe
the lirteen herses for u year for?180. Walk
er's bid was four new shoes f I, removing
shoes 0. cents. Wdlker get the contract
a iivnnvn in a VAit.
1 hree Men Heard a Train, Mioel t'l.lul. nn,
Cnn.e Wllil ICil IteineiiU
Caiiie, 111., April 2S, Yeslerdny morning
at ene o'clock, thu south-bound passenger
train ou the Illinois Central, vvhlle at lucllne,
was hoaided by threo mqn, who began shout
ing and crowding the passongers, occasion
ing grcnt cenfusluii. The report era pistol
through the car added te the confusion of the
scene. During the e.xcilemeut I. S. Brown,
of Ballard county, ICy., was knocked down
and rebbed or tin, vvhlle State Atterney
Charles Themas, or Ballard county, vvas
knocked down and beaten with brass
knuckle', lining considerable bleed, but
vvas net seriously Injured. Brown returned
an hour later en the transfer beat
and with olllcers seen picked up two strangers
asloep In a saloon ou the levee, who wero at
ence Ideiilillnd as the guilty parties. They
were placed In Jail and the money lielenglng
te Brew n was Ieund ou them. They ollerod
he olllcers $150 te let them go. Burglars
tools were also leuud en them. At a prelimi
nary examination yosterday afternoon both
moil were held iu f500. bends The prisoners
are thought te beleng te a gang In llin wnke
of a circus new exhibiting here. The ring
leader fs Htipixwed te have escaped down the
Mohlte read.
They Kesnltn Mnt le Mrlke Until the Altempt
te Arbitrate rl'"y
Si'iitMii-iKi.n, III., April 28. The mass
meeting of the miners el this district, held
east et the city jeslerday, vvas attended by
about SOU miners and initie laborers. Ad
dresses wero delivered by Hen. Jas. M.
tiraham, of this city, and Jehn l'.McLechlin,
of Ia.Salle. Resolutions were adopted in
sisting en (he s-hour law aud Iho slate's
scale, which is 70 cents ter mining coal, and
asking for the passage efa gross weight bill
by the legislature, allowing them pay for
coal mined before passing evor the screens.
It was also resolved that their demands Ik)
submitted te a joint meeting or the miners'
executive beard and operators, and that no
strike shall Ijo entered upon unless the opera
tors shall refuse le arbitrate the question in
UhliMl, A It. Men In bemlen.
Ci.kvki.ani), O., April 2S. The depart
merit el Ohie (!. A. H. te-day assembles in
the 20th annual eucimpment in this city.
Delcgale? are present from 591 pests and the
ladies lellef cerjis Is represented by delegates
from Ui pests. The encampmeut will last
until FrldBy. Te-day and this eveulng will
be devoted te election, organization and the
transaction or department business. To
morrow there will be a parade and in the
evening a grand camp-llre will be held, nt
which seecheH will be made by Commander-in-Chief
S. S. Burdett, Generals Legan and
Levy Wallace; Department Commander
Brown, Governors Feraker, ofOhie, and Al
ger, of Michigan, Commissioner of l'enslen
J. Black, Congressman McKlnley and
ethers. Friday the encampment will close
vv ith a grand ball, te be participated lu by all
the delegate?.
A lbillreadcr llin tally llenteu.
StiiAi.i.v, Sle., April 28. A non-unionist
named Ames an empleye of the Missouri
1'acilic shops, vvas assaulted by an unknown
K'tseu yosterday and badly beaten. The
police are The strikers
held a meeting yosterday and reselv Oil le con
tinue the light until after the Ctirtln inves
tigating committee completed Its labors. The
grievance coinmilleo el the Brolherhood of
Locomotive Firemen was lu sossleu yester
day, taking the oviilenco of firemen, who
have lieen discharged since the strike, and
preparing a bill of griovauces le present te
Mr. Hexie.
HelielllUK Again! Mexican Authority.
Ki.Pvse, Tex., April 2S. A rebellion
against the Mexican government has broken
out at Cuslhiieria, an important mining town
in the Ht.ite of Chihuahua west or the Mexi
can railroad. The fedora! government an
nulled the local election nnd seut a man of
their own te act The people, under the lead
of Den Teodore Casavantes rose en mas?,
killed the federal apointeo and reinstated
Den Pedre Yrlgoyen, who had been legally
elected. A laige ferce or Mexican troops is
or) its way le quell the rebellion, and con
siderable excitement exists in Chihuahua.
IMiiratluu tn Insplre Trade.
Bnni.i.v, April 2S. The German govern
ment, as part el its plan te extend its inllu inllu
ence and trade in the Hast, intends te round
a seminary in which the oriental languages
will be exclusively taught, iu connection
with the University or Berlin. The Im
perial and Prussian treasuries will each con
tribute 20,000 marks and each will pay :12,UOO
marks annually Ter Its support Beth Gor Ger
man and oriental teachers will be ompleyod
ami the tuition will be or the most thorough
Wendell rhllllii. te He Hurled Willi 111. Wile.
Bes ion, April 28. The remains of
Wendell Phillips were yesterday artorneon
removed from the family tomb In the old
Granary burjlng ground vvhore they were
intoned at the time of his death aud will be
taken te-day with theso el hiswile, whedleil
ou Saturday, te Milten, where they will find
their last resting place iu tlie Milten como cemo come
tory. The removal of the remains from the
old Grauary burying ground is iu accord
ance with the wishes or Mrs. Phillips, ox ex
pressed just bolore her death.
A llig Iowa Failure.
DAVHNreivr, Iowa, April 23. Geergo Ott,
an extensive manufacturer of doers, sash
and blinds, made an assignment for the
beuellt el creditors te Chas. F. Meyer. Mr.
Ott began business here 23 years age and at
the time or his laliure was employing 125
hands and doing a business or nearly f.'JOO,
000 annually. The asset", including plant,
book accounts, etc., nre flSI,3S0; liabilities
A lle.trurllte Storm.
llei'K Dam:, Tex., April 28 A dostructive
storm aw opt across this tevvu yesteulay alter alter
neon, doing many thousands of dollars dam dam
age. Hailstones of extraordinary sUe fell
with such force as te jwnotrale Bhlugle reefs.
The orchards and gardens surrounding the
tow n vv ero literally ruined. Some live stock
was lest
A Consulate Appointee Indicted.
Toi.e.m), Ills., April 28. Andrew F. Fay,
of Toleuo, vviie was en Monday appointed
consul te Stettlti, Germany, was iudlcted by
the grand Jury at the March term of the
Champaign county circuit court en eleven
counts ler Illegal liquor selling InToIeno.
Passenger Train Stoned.
Hi.oeMiNino.v, Ills., April 28. The south
bound passenger train of the Chicago &.
a linn iimil last nicht. vvas stoned at Loment
Nearly every window iu one side of the train
wasbieken. The company eilers a revvard
of M for the detection of the jjullty poisons.
lu bell I'aineu. Drawing..
Dui:siu:n, April 2S. A collection of draw
ings liy the Bidders, father and seu, will be
sold by auction lu this city about the middle
of May.
WABiuwaTOM, D. O,, April 24 Fer
the Middle Atlantle states, northeast
winds, stationary tomperaturo, cloudy
vveather, follewod by occasional light rain
Feil TiluitsiiAY. Coeler, cloudy and rain
is indlcattxf for tlm Mlddle Atlantic- taU
I and Virginia.
Ilenjlng Hint lie I. Nnir Hulkllii( Fin Wiuk-
Inglim Ite.ldeiice IIIIU 1-M.erf fur th
Kratlleu nl Many Urltlgea-A Werd
In llelialf of the Chlnen.
Washi.n.ites, 1). C, April iM.-tSwalA
Tlie proceedings of Uie Senate wereopened
with a personal explanation by Mr. Call, of
Flerida, who roll grleved lecalise of publi
cation lu Flerida roilectlug upon hla Integrity
and in which it was charged that before leav
ing Flerida Mr. Call had no money, but that
he vvas new building a One residence In
Washington. The senator denounced llie
article ns an nusolute falFoheod and "foul
slander," and said that he was net building
a residence In the Capital City.
Bills autherising the construction of
bridges wero passed as fellows : Acress the
Mississippi at Kerthsburg, 111., and Winona,
Mlnti.j also at Hed Wing, Minn. Acrosslhe
Yellowstone lu Mentana ; across the Mlssetitl
at Plelre, Dakota ; across the Bed rlver at
Brown's Ferry; Texas and DotinUen,
Texas ; across the Illinois at Lacen, III.)
across the Des Moines; lu Iowa ntmuh
points as may be selected by the New York Yerk
it Council Binds railway company; across
tboTennoHsooiii Perryaud Decatur counties
at such point as may be solected l.y the
Nashville, Jacksen .t Memphis railroad
company; across the Kansas between
Wyandotte and the City of Kansas, Kanaac.
Mr. Morgan moved te take up the bill te
indemuily the Chinese for losses sustained
by the Heck Springs riot, but yielded te Mr.
Mitchell (Oregon), te speak en the memo
rial submitted liy thocenlcrenco of the New
Yerk Methodist church, praying for protec
tion rer Chinese iu the United States.
The iKistolllce appropilatlen bill was laid
befere the Senate, and temporarily laid aside
Ier Mr. Mttchell Ui uiakehls Chinese speech.
A Hill Heliums flutter.
Washington, I). C, April 28. Heuse
lu the Heuso, Mr. Hatch, Irem the eommltlee
ou agriculture, reported a bill detlulng but
ter, aud liniKMlng a tax upon oleomargarine ;
referred te the committee of the whole.
Trade Dellar Itedemptlen.
Wahiiinuten, D.O., April 28. The Heuse
committee uu coinage, weights and measures
agreed at Its meeting te-day te report with
unfavorable recommendation the bill pie
viding that the redemption or the trade dol
lar shall come out of the regular monthly
coinage. The committee will take Inte
further consideration the general question of
redeeming the trade dollar.
The commilteo ou territories determined
te repert against tlie passage of Senater Har
rison's bill te divided Dakota territory and
admit the soiithern half te statehood, but
will net report the bill until the ether bills en
the division of Dakota have been considered.
Oft' for St. Leuis.
Washiniiien, April 28. The special com
mittee, composed of seven members of the
Heuso of Representatives, appointed te in
vestigate the labor troubles iu Illinois, Mis
souri, Kansas, Arkansas and Texas, left here
at 9:lj this morning ever the Pennsylvania
railroad, aud w ill reach St Ieuis about neon
lo-iuerrovv. The committee has a combined
dining and sleeplng car, and is accompanied
by Olltcial Stenographer Welsh aud Messen
ger Coombs. At St Leuis the committee will
divide lute two sub-commitlecs, one of the w
gelug te Fert Werth, Texas'.
1'iiuF. iibll TEaTiFrma.
What He Ha. te 8iy eC Ills Celeuwted Tele
phone l'aleut.
Washington, D. C, April 28. Prof. Bell,
the inventor of the Bell telephene, was the
Ilrst witness called bolore the Heuso tele tele tele
phone investigating committee te-day. Pro Pro
feseor Bell, In nns w or te questions from
Chairman Beylo, gave a brief history el the
slopshe took loebtalii his lel6phouepatent,aud
the subsequent steps taken, which led te the
use of the tolepheno. He obtained his patent
for the tolepheno In March, 1870 ; but before
obtaining the patent he had parted with his
inventions te an association ; and since that
time he bad nothing te de with them person
ally. He entered into an arrangement with
Mr. Hubbard and Mr. Sauuders by wnlch
they were le pay thoexpeusesof exisirluienta
and patents for telephonic inventions, as well
as the oxpensos of putting the mvontlen into
operation. Under this arrangement, which
was a mere verbal one, each paity was te
have one-thlrd interest He was paid no di
rect consideration by these gentlemen for as
signing them the two-thirds interest The
ilrst steps were taken lu the autumn of 1876
te put the invention into operation.
Chairman Beylo asked l'rolesser Bell what
he had done with his one-thlrd interest, te
which he replied that lie had, before leavlug
for F.urope In 1S77, made a gift el It le his
wire, Mr. Hubbard's daughter.
When the original Bell company was
formed, his wlfe received her shaieef the
sleck, and after the consolidation and lerma.
tieu or the American Bell company, sue bad
received a proportionate amount or stock and
vvas new ene ut tlie largest holders of the
Chairman Beyle, asked : " Then her ten
million dollars Interest has grown from the
one-thlrd interest iu this instrument from
Te this Proresser Bell leplied hi thoallir theallir
matlve. 1'reslileutlal Nomination..
Washinhten, D. O. April 28. The presi
dent'sent the following nominations te the
Senate te-day :
It II. Jenes, of New Mexico, te be U, H.
consul nt Chihuahua.
Sam'l H. Keedy, or W. Va., U. H. consul
K. II. Bryan, of California, te be U. B. con
sul at Lyens, vice W. J. Newmark, with
drawn, and a long llstel army and navy
Teenier Accept, llanlau'. CUallm.e.
it.u.-wiv. Anrll 23 Teenier has written
IS. 1C FoxaeceptlDgHanlan'achallcnce!
race at Beckaway, N. Y., for 1,000 a side luu
tlrst vveek In June. Teemer's engagemeata
already comprise races with Resa at Oak
Point, MayUl ; with Gaudaur, June 13; -Itn
Bess threo miles en lke Memphtemageg
at Newport, Vermont, June 19, and the re
gatta at Bay Itidge, near Washington, D. 0,,
July 15.
jaebne'a Csm Oee. liver.
Nkw Yeiik, April 28. The case of Alder
man Jachne, charged with having aceepUd
$20,000 for his yete as an alderman fer Mm
granting of a franchise te the BreadwaB-ri
face railroad, was called and postponed w-U
May 10th.
Killed by Inillae.
Noeam:', Ariz., April 24-The wiki w
child or A. L. Peck have been 'J
i. .. ii. .,u ami tluiiiieca taken prIHf 1
was a cripple, but escaped. ThQJ f
thers, preiueuent raucauien, r -"-,
.....i llrnml dlK H" ' ""''
en the May divldeeiL
Th. a.eoe Gnla
Ijnpen, April 2S.-TU0 raee ter t t
thetuuvnil guinea iiUke was jrua ff
NwX-et, and -eh by Uta Dak. T ft
minster's OnaenUe,