-'' j-sV'syi- W -fij rw LAKOAOTMB DAILY IKTLLIGOgBt MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1810, v &i' ' i . Sri st, .i'-n: :m A BUILDING 04OMW, r. fMPSUASSAYlAS OaFimClSTSA 1Mb tm Tm te iVtt Ctirn lm M, 'i r at. IHTELLIQENOER, , .' l. ikiAu Ba l ,'-"" - -Mmy WadaMday Mernltur, 4y.fett.tU A Vb.B Mi IhMIM ,v ' fcffis, socrrie saw ivtsy sr e mi Up Mil, Mmwim mm mwkti te wnra I rnmm im m w w u i , ,- SWUtKTW, fcTf IS MOW SHOOS PUT". Ml lima u m wmmi ts ws in -n. rM Lrti and Tlgnuns te .lyrai nrnELLiGENOER, "- . TATtMuitJif. T- v.-.-.wv.. - iantetct Intelligencer. '.'V-IAIIOAOTBB. APBtLM. 1MB. J. , Xe Arbitration Needed. H'ir blent, nwimmpnrl.q te CerjffreSS tHm .aatabllahment of a national beard of ?V tfaw Members te whom shall be confided - MM af nitration or Mitirrrnnn Demeeueiu ljt"Vnil employed ; but he does net pre- ; Uie decisions of the beard sliall fectire unless tbey.are voluntarily ro re ro IMted. We fear tbatsucb arbitration will -wt always or even generally accomplish thr object of settling the disputes, al al ttiengh the institution of such a beard ymid Berve a geed purpose in direct ttf the force of public opinion toward ttw.'iiide in whose favor the decision ftsTtren, If it is rightly rendered, as it may b tstpeeted te be Inmost cases. The force wfytVbUc opinion is what is new our re Itaee inkeepingpeaceful relations between wwjilnjfir and employed, and we see that it haeVas operative as it should be. The in- iTHOgatlen of complaints by national ofH efH Aetata would be a great aid te the formation 'mmT urMiit: tkrA fttrnnfv miVillr. rmlnlnn- nnrl "MMl therefore be a very wise thing te $ institute. ffi 3nt what are our courts of law but ar ar '3Wtetien courts, with obedience te the re j$ mMa of the arbitration compelled V And is ' net the compulsory feature a needed and nmear firm if the decisions made are lust ? vlrAad would net the national beard of arbi arbi ?tratien between employer and employed be aere useful if obedience te the decisions 'b.iWMB' renuiredV If. in fact, it was a ;court of law, taking cognizance of n3$ffhte special class of disputes between S-f employer and employed, arbitrating them, ''f and enforcing its decisions as courts of 1 i 1. il ii w,w.1r1 tf .st m&at flie Mrtiilmmant. !3mnt UU nuu. .u ll. Uimv uu n.i... fcefthe situation V Our courts, as we new ibavAihum nrtmnlzfld. nrn net emrjetvered iptoeensider all the questions which such a i;Sv"wlu ivi unu w s.n-tu. , w"B"j i? hmhahlv fhnv invn r.nfmi7.inp.n ct mfiSt NbS' violations of contract, as these Western ireuuiea are saui mi uavu uuue. ;A Bat the action of our courts is net suf- .V.dj.talnnH nrn tnn lnni? (iplaved te of, any manner of use in arbitrating tPi--A " ' j'MJBtween capital ana laixir. wnenaue- litjralalM. a I.m TTmUh Ulnlna nt-v.mA ...,- i fc V? WU V U1D VlUtCU iWllS DUflCUlU WUIV (Wieannet De had In less than five years, P'.Sfey-there Is an absolute denial of justice 'SilThwe action needs te be prompt te Fitf be effective The national legislature V - "nema Bees te rignnnis patent wrong in ,4'...-the administration of justice and te se .e! Aivflnfra ttci manlilnprv na In fipniirn IVin kfa. e"""" - - .-j w-.w .- . .', 'final let tlement of all cases in courts of Ci.JW within the shortest possible time. '.i .v'f But the differences between employer and Sw employed form se distinct a class of dis- nla, and one that the country's interests ' : .wqulre te be se promptly settled, that it ' j-.-H.wpiuaaeeuiW) de wise 10 eauiuiisu special . arbitration courts, with a single appeal te a .M'ewitral arbitration court, te effect their te nAAdVv ntiilaaHflfaftfenrflAtjirmln'iHnn anil v?? "r --, ..... , .... ' .iv-tmAMaAfn9t 4t,ea alalT,a at,r.L1 nnt Iia 'ij-pade compulsory upon the parties, as are i1a$be decisions of the ordinary courts of law, i:.j m . . .. . wb oeniess we ue net see ; ana 11 certainly that they need te be se made te se- f- cara tht respect and ebedlence te them 1 jjt, which would Justify their creation and Jffln uni jjuhveci. SA lffn1A. Will. .. T.l.t. n c tft ' fV 4t,A MVW r9 ttlA.l.nMnll...t t j av wje vj ui iug aiuiiuiaui luutuuuie jj,?tra ler Ireland will be a source of danger !$Cte the Empire, Mr. Gladstone calmly Cjf ftfteates .that it will be a bulwark of "'strength. His individual judgment In vi -ttkij. ha savs. has been strengthened liv Mm V7Vim-' 1...1 1.. 1 ..,.. . ..r ' " ,uke ceuuiuaiuu iciiuuuu uy uve-sixtns et ') J. T ,.-.J, l... . ... T "$L den's sage might well have added that '& -' u" were ineusauus en mis siue 01 tne jy-, Atlanue cherishing the same views and ready te support them bv menied centribu. j 1 4l The kernel of the opposition te Mr. Glad. 'fstena'a plans for the amelioration of Iro Ire KUuidla unhappy condition, is hatred for IretaBd and all thmgs Irish. And the un- AJi'NudIcedtlllnk,n8men et all countries ..?t?u haffinnincr te nnniwlntn tlm fapf nmi s-.B- "TTT" . r.Tr" "" "" l&, WitB tneir recognition the anti-Irish party 'J f. in England are growing weaker. It is un- 'dealabkj that Ireland has been grossly wronged for centuries. Her bitterest fees ''kamtaea brought te the necessity of this (tAmimken. Fer every wrong there ought ;;?e warawdy. And when Mr. Gladstone, wteaaaw be accused of loving Ireland . : England, presents a scheme for Y;!lriebBBerule and a land purchase bill, h-yabeuld have fair consideration as the l-iroductef one et the greatest brains the Tf tmbuy has produced, working en one of .ha mat Important questions of the time. 'Sir Ttw8 he caet understand thU plain atetc et affairs and persist in fighting every pajaet ia Ireland's favor must Inevitably Mat tbe fate of the -man who menkeyed' trttfctbebuizaw. ' V Blaise's Plans. ' ?b- Udkatiena among the Republican fWtWrtina at Washington are that the .ghavstormtflgferthe capture of the next Wlltlintlsl nomination of that party are Wm faaisd work of Mr. Blame's friends. shallow pretense that lie Is busy etber aattwa and practically with- frett aetiva political interest or it. la, well nigh abandoned. Ja ceunselled with mere than any la &u party net in encial life Is tlttfact; and his onraabaUea MitlMnMtfaWtageww newspaper press of compact than that of any in the country. It is sys- at work for his renomlnatien. presidential bee once cot into a pub lic man's bonnet never ceases buzzing while he lives. Judge lllack, who disavowed evtr being touched by the malady, used te declare that presidential ambition was mere malignant than yellow fever or small pox. It is net te be assumed that Mr. Blaine's desire will ever qulk him. Like Clay he has been very near the goal of his ambition. Twice an eager contestant ter nomination ; and when en the third trial achieving It, he was defeated for election by a very slender plurality furnished from his own party, he will never be content at his time of life te abandon the contest without at least one mere trial. It leeks as he would accomplish the nomination. Edmunds cannot, Legan will net, and among the smaller men like Hawley and Harrison, Lincoln and Alli Alli eon, there will be enough di'pnte te beat them all. But It nominated, UUinewlH be weaker than before. He Is strong with a majority of his party; but weakest where be most needs strength, with the minority and independents. They will beat him just as they beat him before ; and the question is whether he and his friends wlllrecegni70 this before the next national convention. A oeod way te keep In tune with the Itosurrectlen Beng is rle up and ray your debts. Colerado nas net been much et n state since It get into tbe Union, but Its mineral output of 1SS3 la worth noting : Cleld, 5,000,000; silver, J13,C00,00O; copper, 57V 000 J lead, 3,301,000. Total, f22,D01,000. The Lltltz Express, In Its complaint about the Intelueesceii's report of the Hopubll Hepubll can situation In this county, upon the con test for state senator, says : Mr. Brown has a "quiet but etlectlve" way of Intluenclng the Istrm-ieksckb. Under the circumstances therefore. It 1 net surprising that he should employ Mr. Hen sel as a mouthpiece Tbe last named gentle man thinks be can erlnd the axe of his friend and master, Brown, and stab the Re publican party at the same time. If this hint te Messrs. Brown and Ilensel Is net suf fldent, we shall be put te the unpleasant duty of explaining their peculiar relations It is quite the habit of the Republican poll pell tlcans or this county te Infer and Intimate that the iNTELLiCEXCEn, upon which Uiey have learned te depend for news of them selves and their movement, Is "influenced" by partiality ler one or another, or by some ether consideration than a pflrpese te print the news. It has been but a short time since the friends of Senater Stehman filed their complaint that the I.ntf.lliokx I.ntf.lliekx ceu was boosting his opponent. It seems te be difficult for this class of peeple te compre hend that It is the function efa newspaper te print the news. It may be said once for all that neither Mr. Brown nor any politician of any rarty, and no person of any degree, has any quiet or noisy, eflecthe or moderate way of influencing the Intklmeencer or either of its editors and owners, te print or suppress anything, en any subject, except according te their own knewledge of what 1 true and their own Judgment of what Is proper for publication. This Journal ii nobody's grind organ and no person's mouthpiece. And if the Lulls Express, or any ether newspaper or porsen.knows of any peculiar or common-place relations between any of Its editors and anybody else, It Is v el come te print and publish te all the world. Meanwhile the Intelieencf.u will go right ou printing all proper news, no matter what particular politician or candidate Is helped or hurt. Te these who kept Lent well and new feel like taking an overabundance or that which they have long denied themselves, no say festxna lente. Tiik suggestion or the Xerth Imerican is a geed one that the memorial with which Fhiladelphians propose te cominemorato the late Jehn Welsh be turned Inte a fund for providing sulllcient endowment ler tbe maintenance of the moribund Zoological Garden, thereafter te be styled the Welsh Zoological Uarden, be given te the people of Philadelphia ler their free use and enjoyment in perpetuity, under the management of the park commission. This kind et commemora tion beats monuments all hollow. Miss Fannie E. Gray, managing editor et thu Belletente Daily yews, has married an empleye of her ofllce. One who can manage a newspaper ought te find the work or managing a man cry easy. m m Time sets all things even. Tbe New Yerk Tunes, which was tbe first newspaper te claim Hayes' election as prosldent in 1S7C, and which clung tenaciously te tbe lie lrem that time till years afterward, new refers te that porled "when the business of the gev ernment was In the hands of Mr. it. IS. Hayes as general superintendent, for the term of four years." m m It was a curious Idea that emanated from the brain of Miss Addle G. Heaver, et Waynesboro, this state, te secure a sew leg machine, the lunds for which would be con tributed by members of Congress, the ma chine ever afterward te remain as a politico- historic souvenir, it must net be supposed that Miss Addle was inspired by sordid mo me mo tlres in writing a personal letter te each member of tbe Heuse of Representatives, asking for contributions. On the contrary her friends are careful te say that the dol del larsnnd centa issue neer presented iuelt te her, but that her sole motive wai te add te her possessions n historie keepsake, con necting her iu memory with the members of the national legislature. This becomes f urther ovldent In the following extract from bur persenal letter te congressmen : "How "Hew "How ever, In asking you for a contribution te the fund lu point, I would net have you infer that I am unable te purchase myself a sow sew ing machine. Simply this: I would like te have the exceptional honor of saying, I have a sewing machine obtained by contributions from members or Cengress hi ether words a congressional sewing machine." The world will be pleased te knew that most et the honorable members took the thing In geed part, and forwarded their mites prompt ly. Heme seized upon the occasion te empty Congressional llecerils, unread speeches, etc., upon the unsuspecting damsel, and Hewitt, of New Yerk, sent a nicely bound volume of " Memerial Addrosses en the Llle and Character or Senater Antheny," which will no doubt be very Interesting te the yeuug wetnau. Seme ethers of the great and reverend seigniors delivered a lew shafts of wit with their contributions. Con Cen gressman Burleigh, N. Y. writes: " Hepe you may be sucesslul In your undertaking, but am afraid that if it la ealled a cougres ceugres cougres slen sewing machine It will be a slew run ning machine." Anether New Yerk mom be r, Jehn B. Weber, says: "Your success may suggest te some ethor the Idea or soliciting contributions ter a congressional threshing luncumote wuicu 1 should subscribe mero liberally especially U It would separate nice ly In our debatea-the chaff from the grain." Little thing like this make congressional life worth living. Kkitz Emmet U rifled as "sick" again. -.-m?11? P18 henla y te con tract with him te travel through the country " J wf u' ewmple. The exhibition would be the most powerful kind of Umperane an. Te holy tears In lonely hours, Chrtat rlten appears 1 In social hears, who Christ would eu Mast turn all uik te Charity, -KtUf, Sbwater DeLrH, of Oregon, Is regarded bv the ladle as the handsomest man In the Senate. Gladstone, will become a Reman Catho lic, according te a shadowy rumor that ema nates from Scotland. Jeff Davis has written a letter en labor questions. lie thinks a court of arbitration might settle all disputes. Frank llunn narrowly escaped rounding out his studies with the education and ordi nation of the priesthood. US-JUDUE UAlintCK M. llAHIUNd. of W'llkesbarre, Is "talked of " as a Democratic candidate for governor. Willi a v Whitehead, Jmtlce et the poace In West Chester for twenty-six years, died Saturday night, aged 73 years. Qeoree Vanderbilt en Saturday laid the corner-stone or the new medical college in New Yerk endowed by his dead father. Jehn J. Beyle's new group, an Indian family, new nuishlng In his I'aris studio and recently noted In the Intelligence!!, lsueslgneu ier i-airmeuui mi, Secretary MannineIs new allowed te see visitors He as Oewn stairs Sunday for the first time since his illness, and his physi cian thinks he cau drive out te-day. Ex-Senater Kklloeo, of Louisiana, claims te hive the last commission that was signed by President Lincoln, which was an appointment as collector or the pert or New Orleans. Emily Ven ScitAUunERe. Philadelphia's famous beauty, who married Charles Hughes Hallett, has with her husband fallen heir te an estate from her aunt, amounting te from $150,000 te tioe,ooa Dr. Theodere Dim. Kit, of this city, who recently finished with honors at the medical department of the University of I'ennsyl vaula, has passed the examination for one of the pests of resident physician at the Penn sylvania hospital, Philadelphia. Alfred Khufp owns probably the largest inisiiiess in me worm uepenuent en ene Individual. The works wlthiu the town of Essen, Germany, occupy mere than live hundred acres, half of which are under cover. According tocen9Us taken in bap, tember, 1SS1, the number et hands employed by Mr. Krupp was 19,G05, the members of their families, 45,770, making C5.3S1 persons supported by his works. Mr. Krupp owns WT Iren mines In Germany. He owns four sea steamers, and there are connected with hts K-sen works 42 miles of railway, employing 23 locemotU es, and &S3 cars, C9 horses, with 101 wagons, and 40 miles of telegraph wire, with 35 stations and 55 Merse apparatuses. Tlin I'rlce or lUUlns. Frem the .e erk Times. " Hew much is these raisins wuth?" asked a farmer as he dipped Inte the box for a sam ple. " FIve cents" said the grecer. " Five cents for hew many a pound? " Ne, for these you've get in your band." THE GOD OF LOt E. W hen I-ove came first te earth, tbe Spring Spread rose-buds te rocelve him. And bick he vowed hu flight he'd irlne Te heat en, It she should leave him. 11 lit Sprlnp, departing, saw hU faith I'ledfted te the next new-cemci He reveU'd In the warmer breath And richer bowers of summer. Ihcn sportive Autumn claltn'd by rights An archer for her lever : And even In Winter's dark, cold nights, A chanu he could discover. Her routs and balls, and fireside Jey, Fer this time w ere hts reasons In short, a young Leve's gallant boy. That lll.es all times and seasons. All stock raisers keep bt. Jacobs Oil. The effect en animals Is marvelous. Yeung or middle-aged men, suffering from prematura decline et power, however In (In end, speedily and radically cured. Illustrated book ferlOcentalnstamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, liaffale. . V. aW-MThAw Kcv.;i). M Carpenter, of Clymer, Chautaue.ua Ce., N. V , writes March 2, 1SS5 My boy, two years old, took a severe cold which settled In his threat and lungs. Nothing afforded relief, and I thought he must die. Finally I put an All cock's l'oreus Plaster around the threat and one en the chest. In less than an hour his breathing became better, and he fell asleep In twenty four hours the child as well. Teething llables are Instantly relieved of pain when the gums are bathed with Dr. IIa.sd's Teething Letien. Trice, 23 cents. A fact from experience, Da. IUkd's I'lcasant I'hysle cures constipation In babies or adults. Sura and pleasant. I'rlce, 2S cents. apl-lmflAw ETen If Teu Buy a Dezen Common Jplasters which you can get for a song ut any of the Cheap Jehn druggists you have merely thrown away 5 our money, for one llensen's CajMne Plaster Is worth them all. The reason Is this Bensen's Is the only porous plas ter In the market that Is honestly and skillfully made and scientifically medicated. Others are no mere than nominal Imitations of Bensen's. They are cheap liecause 'hey possess none of the ingredients which render Bensen's valna ble. Hie latter are prompt te act, plessant te wear, and cure In a few hours ailments which ethers will netcien relieve. 1 he public are es pecially warned against se-called "Capslcln," 'Capsicum'" "Capucin" or "Capsiclne" plas ters, as worthless articles Intended te deceive. Ask for llensen's and leek for the "Three Seals " trademark and the word "Capclne" cut In the centre. De Met lie Deceived. Hypocrisy Is the compliment vice pays te vir tue Imitation Is the compliment lull 11 re pays te success. The name net tbe character of llensen's Capclne Plasters Is lmluted by un scrupulous parties, he make and try te sell plasters variously called "Capslcln," " capsi cum," "Capslclne," "Capucin," plasters, with the manifest intention te deceive, be cunningly and boldly Is this dena that careless peeple are doubtless sometimes beguiled Inte buying such articles In place of the genuine. Happily the number who fellow this vocation decreases every year through the refusal et reputable dealers te handle the Imitation goods, mean hlle be cautious. In the middle erthe gennlne lscutorperoused the word "Capclne," and en the lace cloth Is the "Three Seals" trademark. Ask for llensen's then examine. One iiensen's Is worth a dozen of any ether kind. apldmdM.WAS Ht'XVIAL NOTIVKH. lie Careful of lbs llables. If your children ate threatened with creun or any threat dltUcully, apply a few drops of 77iomet' Kcleclrie Oil. It Is the nicest medicine ferthe little ones we knew of. i or sale by II 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Werth Queen street, I-aucaster. What Three Applications Did. "1 was troubled -ery much with sere feet. Three applications of Thomai' Kcltctria Oil entirely cured thum. Mntntng better In the market" Jacob llutler, Heading, Pa. Fer tale by II. H. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13a North Qui'en street, Lancaster. i ea chUIs, fever, ague, and weakness, Col Cel den's Llauld ileef Tonic. Velden-M Take no ether. Of druggists. a.'S lwdeedJtw The Traveling Halesman Is an Irresistible fellow brim full of stories, Jokes courage, self assurance and grit. He is vet v taking withal. JIurdeck JHued Uitteri are a ery taking medicine; they take eiery where, and are sold everywhere. Fer sale by II. M Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13a North Queen street, Lancaster. An r.lmlni, IS. Y.) Lady, Mrs. , II. L. .Clark. W E, Clinten street, declares Murdoch Bleed littttrt are a medicine I admire. Ilest remedy for dyspepsia in the world. Keep linilliN.linnhAil wlihlr bn-B-iA i... .. .r ITnri.lAliw It 11 .i.tr ran. druggist, 137 and !3l North Queen street. Lancaster. i?i convulsed 1 cough cut be seethed with Hale's Heney of lIoreheiindandTar. Pike's Toothache Dreps cure In one inlnute u.o-lwdeodAw "My Qraudfather's Cleck," Was once a very popular song, but like many nthersentlinenuif lunes It doesn't wear well Vr. Themas Xcltctrie Oil will wear. T It w 1 wear away all aches, sprains, and pains, and re pays lu purchaser a hundred fold. Fer sale bv 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IJ3 North Queen street, Lancaster, ..-... JJ-Illg Thleves-S. Dyspepsia and debility are two big thieves i they creep in and steal our health and comfort before we knew It. Let us put a step te their nvaslonswlthabettleofJurtfocfciIoodilVir.. te be had at any drug store. Fer aale by II u ZSSSi&S&lS?' m ttnd 1JJ " UOTUEUBt MOTHKUbl! .MOTHEU3 III Are, yen disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick chUd suffering and cry lng with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth t If se. 80 at once and get a bottle of Mrs. W1NSLOVVV OOT1UNO BTTUUP. It (till relieve the peer IHUe sufferer Immediately depend npenlt 1 there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a sether en eaim who has ever used It, who wtu SSLiS1 J"? . once "" w"' regttlau the J&S?ocheUS eldest rw and best female Dhvslclani in th ttnitS -.w s uiaauiiiiuiin ! nnn ru aua , vqrwlMsV ttimusbegs. s-iijTwiiiw WATOMMM. SO. J E. CALDWELL A CO. PHILADELPHIA. EASTERTIDE BRIDAL GIFTS f The llouilelr I The Drawing room A Th rarrlage O The Kscrttelre sThe Dining room CLOCKS I The I abtnet (.The Hall Watttan Japanesque I.eul.V ilrectun Leuis X VI Moresnuo Egyptian STYLES i Muni tie trie i Ormolu DECORATIONS METALS & MARBLES Ciicnmereunyi l'tillshetl Hi-m llronie A'Ktrlan Onyi 1 l ernu jianin I.E. CALDWELL SCO. 902 CHESTNUT ST. Careful attention given te orders and in quiries by Mail. VyATCHES, CLOCKS, Ac. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, CIIKAP rOltCASH. I.anraster W atches at the Lewest Prices ever offered : being a stockholder enables me te sell these watches se cheap. Klgln, YValthatn and ether watches en sale, spectacles. Opera Glasses. Ac ilepalrlng of the above named articles will receive my persenal attention. LOUIS WKUKK. Ne. 159K North Queen St., opposite City Hetol. (Near Penn'a It. It. Depot.) r Agent for AUKOUA WATCH. OLASBWAMK. H IQH & MARTIN. GMMML Housekeepers In want of any articles te Re. furnish will de well te remember that we have always en hand a full line et CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. We open te-day a new line of -IN- NEW DESIGNS & SHAPES. The llest In the Market for the .Meney. Den t fall tesee them before purchasing. in i n ti r i M 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCABTKU, PA. TOASTER, 1888. ; Easter Beeks, Easter Souvenirs, Easter Cards. A Large Assortment of Kaster Souvenirs and Cards, of the Latest Designs, at Lew Prices. WHOLESALE FOR SCHOOLS. ATTUK llOOKSTOltK Or JOM BAEBS SONS, Nea. 16 and 17 North Queen Street LANCABTKU, PA. MiouaxreMMUBiHa goods. JUST KEOE1VKD ALAItQK LOTOIf HOBNAIL GLOBES Whlchwe will sell at 2S els. each. Seven DiBerent Colen. CUYSTAL. OLIVK, AilKTHYST, CANAKV, UUKKN, ULUE, And A HUE It. THK 1T1NX8T LOT OK Glebes, Lamps and Chandeliers IN LANCABTKU. tett" ?uartela "M1C VAUP " thebe,t "P CALL AND SKK AT J0HlfP.S0HATIM&S0J, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCABTKE. PA. S' TORAGE in COMMISSION WARMHOUBB. DAHIIL M1VHU tte-lr MO, U WMt Chmeut BtrMt. MBBICAI mlRKD OUT J At this eon nearly rery eae nseds teutn nernc sort of Ionic. IKON rntars Inln almost fivftrv phynlclan's prescription for these who neeif bull mining up. Physicians ami Druggists Recommend BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! ASTHE BESTTONIC. Fer Wi'sknMs.I.B-ssltuaeLack of Knorgy.Kte , It II AS NO hQUAL, anil U the only Iren uieill rlne that It net injurious. It Kurlchet the WeCKl, lnriKomtes tue syaiem, uosieroj jippe tlte, Mils Digestion. 11 ue ifbes net blacken or Juie the teetn, reuse hsadache or produce con sllpauen Ksoiuenueuiciuesuo. liB. II It Itiiatav, a leading physician el Springfield, Ohie, ssys "llrewn's Iren Hitters Is a thoroughly geed medicine. I use It In my practice, and tlnd Its action etcels all ether tonus et Iren, lu weakness, or a low condition of the system, llrewn's Iren Hitters Is usntUva petltlMi necessity. Itlsiill (hit Is nluif l i . It Da. N. W atkks, lilll Thirl) second Mnx't, tleorgetewn, V C says "llrewn's Iren Hit ters Is the Tonle erthe age. Nothing better It creates appetite, gives strength aud Improves dlrcstlen " The llenulne Ins Trade Mark and crossed red lines ou wrapper, lake ue ethor. Made only by ltltOW N CHEMICAL CO., (t) llaltlmore. Mil VLUTlllXH. B UHOKK A SUTTON. Spring and Summer CLOTHING -Af- B1TMER&SITTT0FS. 0 cs.n show ene et the best stocks of Iteady Made Clothing In the statu and guarantee our Prices ery Lew. business Bulls at i, t tlfl. 111 and 112. t ine Dress Suits at ll. (It and IIS. touipare our gi)ls and prices with ether houses and be convinced that this Is the place te buy. All the Newest and llest Styles of Plee Heeds for Custom. Werk, which we will make up lu thu Hest style, rtt guaniiteed. A full Line of Youths' and Children's Clothing Gents' Furnishinc: 'Goods. BURGER & SUTTON, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTKIL PA. w ILUAMSON A FOSTER. WHAT TO WEAR AND- Where te Buy It. Children's Pleated and Plain Tunle Suits, $2.50 te 86.00. Children's Norfolk Blouse Suits, sizes 4 te 13, 82.60 te 87.60. Children's Kilt Skirt Suits, 82.60 te 85.00. OUlt .ShW MPKCIAI. All-Weel Gents Dress Suit, $12.00. Out-a-Way Ceat, All Weel Dresa Suits, $10 te $12. Bey's Scheel Suits, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Bey's Dress Worsted Suits, $9.00 te $12.00. Grand Army Suits, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.00. Grand Army Gaps and Ohev Ohev renis, 75c. (iO(JI) AND CHEAP SHOES! MEN'S DOU1ILK SOLE AND TAP JiUCKI.E HIIOKS, 11.10. MEN'S DltKSS SHOES, fl.10. HOY'S DltKSS SHOfcS, Wc. LADIES' BUTTON AND LACK SHOES, 11.10. MISSES' UUTTON AND LACK SHOES, Hec. CHILDUKN'S UUTTON BHOKi. Wlthnc- Without Heels ItliJVi Heels. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Valises -ANU- Rubber Clothing. Williamson & .32,34, 36 & 38 East King St,, LANCASTKK. VA. aBAiKisa, &e. rNDESTRUOTIBLE GRAINING, NOCUACK1NO, NO l'KKLINO, NO BLI3TBU INli. We have asyatomef (jralnlnir iw weed that must, In tbe near future, take the place of the eia system ou all new work. Its merits belDE as follew: Total 1 abolition et a painted ground, work, speed and cleanliness In working It, beauty and transparency et finish, smoothness and durability, and the capability of receiving MM hlsh finish as hsrd wcwul bv the BAmA nth. wu. This lis TirecfrM la ma nMrAatfttinrnuhtn n&tural weed that fau yet been disoevered. c&ll and see Mm; tmnTa mirptlMfP s nnu fecle A (tents for Lancaster County, LfS Wa KM U A AM. A t, DUil. Heuse Fainting and draining Emporium, corner Fester iu vaesmui ana aotte euswia. Alwavs a huv stock of MasUH en hand, Tstephena cenaKUOEs. BUtflBttd BUT rAOKH A BROTHER. SPRING WOOLENS. su - AND NGS SPRING OVERCOATINGS. Our tuwertrnent or Standard and Nevol StyleH of Coatings, Sulttngs and Trouserlnfira, for Men and Beya' Sprlnu Wear, are new oemploto and ready for lnepoeUon, READY-MADE OLOTHINO In Duslneaa Stilts, Dresa Suits, Beys' Suits and Children's Stilts. Dalanoe of winter stoek at very low prtcea. Spring Over- coats. PDRNISHINQ GOODS Leading New Shapes In E. & W. Cellars Cuffa, Noveltloa In Noakwear, Laundrled and Unlauudrled Shirts, ote. Hager & 25 West King MK r.CI K K A II A l' OH M A N. -BARQAIK3 IN- Counterpanes COI'NTKItPANKS AT LIIUN1 KK PANES A'l COU.l'KUPA.Vr.S AT I .( .78 I.-J3 llKAUrUUI. MUSLIN COU.SThKPAN E3 AT J.OO, H 60, ! DO, 40,S3OO. We have bought theso Counterpauos In large quantltlea nt Auction and they are Ohcap. METZGER k HAUGHMAN, Ne. 43 West KinR Streot. botweon Ooepor Heube and Berrol Horee Hetol. N UKMMITKD HUI'I'I.Y Ol" LADIES' GENT'S Summer Merine and -AT- FAHNESTOCK'S. Alse Ladies' Gent's and Children's Hosiery in quantities at ex ceedingly Lew Prices. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT TUBS1TUHK. H EINITHH'S 1'URNITUKK DIU'OT. SPECIAL! The opening is ever, but you are cordially Invited and will be welcome if you desire te leek through the large and varied stock te which new attractiens'are constantly being added. HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, Nes. 27 and 29 Seuth Queen Street. LAM'ASTJiH, J' A. MWCKUIJCB. SPKCIAI, l.HNTKN GOODS, lest selected cedtlsh, large fat, Juicy mack erel, smokert halibut, canned salmon, new crop olives, finest tuhle nil, salad dressing, mustard and pickles, bananas, oranges and apples. Try our fine selected old Det. Java, llecha and Im perial Kle Coffees, they speak for themselves, very geed at 12Xc Itaralua, i and i t of Klco Syrup, 8c. per quart; u. M... w Ut u-- J'.U.tl'O, r. , V.Vl(n,,k .IKUb utiri ; chuiieu corn, sc; iu n all Please cull or send your orders. OEO. WIANT. mi mackerel, Due, auirlyd Na 113 west Kins street, mUK FINEST AH.SOHTMi:NT OF FRESH QROCERIES AND IMPORTED RELISHES AT CHARLES MACNAY'S CHOICE FAMILY GROCERY AMD CHEESE EMPORIUM, 115 and 117 NOItTII QUF.KN STltKKT, Lancaster, Pa. Kxtra Pine Teas and entrees, Uenulne Kng lsh llrcukfast Tea ; CoeHees, Kresh Keasted Dally; lleyal Creum Chocelnto for Invalids. Connected with Telephone Kxchange. Uoeds delivered free te all parte et the city and environs. lis-smd AT BUKSK'H. EASTER CARDS UIVKN WITH Easter Coffees I We buy all our CetTccs green and always have them fresh roasted. We have Choice Mandehllng Java. We have Old llrewn Java. We have tine Arabian Mecha. We have Laguazra Coffin, W e have Chelre Ute. We have Klvgant lllended Coffee at 23c. . We will give veu tbe Hest Kle at 'Jee. A. We will give vouUeodldoat 18c. and 15c. t- We will I uicnu any of the above Coffees Just as you want them, BURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, FA. CALL AT BTOKK KEIQARTH OLD WINE LISTON'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, mar ik m woble. JUUblUhed, im. H.E.8LAYMAKER.A8T., Ke. m staM Must. MOOD. AMMIMAMVMt - and Brether St., Lancaster. from Auction! COtLSTEItPANKS AT. ,.0 COIIM KKPANKS AT I OI COU.NTKUPANKS AT I.MI AND CHILDREN'S India Gauze Underwear. HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENN'A. 1U31 1yd MAaUUfMMT. -jyiAUlJINEKY.da. 101 STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improved ENGINES Traction, Portable or SUtienarj. New or Second-Hand BOILERS, WATER TANKS, SEPARATORS. Macbi or UarAta Wes such as done and kept In Machine Sheps. call ea ea ADDaaas. Ezra F. Landis, WORKS 637 NORTH CHERRY STREET, LAwaisTsa. Pa, nT-tld COAX. "O H.MAKTIN, WHOLIOALa AMD UTAH. DIAIBB III All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. WYard: Na 420 North Water and Prtnca Streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. nJ-lyd OAUMUARDNERS & JEFFERIEH. COAL DEALERS. Ofneb: Na 129 North Queen street, and Ne. IM North Prince street. Yards; North Prince itreet, near Heading Depot, LANCASTKlt, PA. anglS-tid QOAL. M. V. B. COHO. NO. S30 NOTlTn WATER ST . Lancaster, Pa., Wholesale and Ketall Dealer In LUMBER AND COAL. Connection with the Telephone Kxchange. Yard and Offlce ; NO. wf NOUTU, WAKtt BTUKKT febV-lTd QEOROE ERNUT, JR., Carpenter. Contractor & Builder, KK8IDENCK-NO.38 WEST KING BT. BIIOP-KAST OUANT ST., Opposite Btatleu Heuse. All work recelfe y prept and personal at tantlOB. All kind of Jobbing atunded te at short no- Ues kaA ea rsasfmsu vmsmm. viswuijh iuiu ROUSERINGS, rn'iym - 1 ' IWI'W .f