Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 24, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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tip Daily Intelligencer.
'' fHMUHHB Every Ewnine in the Yuk
(et ticiriiD)
B. W. Cerner Oelr 83iir,
Lncatr, P.
TwCtWiK. fitDuiiVM cm liftCtM
I ( MeTH. nTMi rack
?, OVEIITIKtNT re Ti te r.u ciu urn
(ElOHT PA0E8.)
Publlbt Kvtry Wednesday Morning,
Te DetUu Yi m Aect.
CORRESPONDENCE SoiKitte tt. tvmt rt or txi
0H1t Mt Mwm, COMtO.M.Tt a.t MQvtltf TO '
iiht m m wt mm er tc rtrti emt ... te u. ri
Irf hMtt. nor rea fvwieit. owl ra Meet e Mrrp. Ait
9QM tlfrtOt Witt M COTUOMt t TKf MH WWII.
Address all Letters Mid Telegrams te
Lancaster, Pa.
$l)e uif aster Jut clliijcuccv.
&ANOA8TKU. APIUL 24. 18.
The Superintendent's Reply.
The superintendent of the soldiers' or
phans schools writes te the governor vv liat
must be conceded te be a geed letter, lle
starts out with the declaration of the per
tinent fact that the governor has net here
tofore, during their official connection,
intimated te him any difference of
opinion upon the policy of conducting
the schools, which difference tlu gover
nor new makes the occasion of asking his
He says that the governor has made his
investigation of the condition of the
schools, without inviting his participation
in the inquiry ; and has made his charges
against him and has cendemmed him, out
of hand, without allowing him an oppor
tunity te knew and meet the accusations
before they were given their fruit.
He suggests that as the governor admits
that he had no power te remove hlra, it
fellows that he had no right te demand
his resignation, which would thus be a
compulsory resignation equivalent te dis
missal. He considers that the law has
been vindicated in its failure te give this
power ever his office te the governor, by
the arbitrary manner in which Governer
Fattisen has shown that he would use it.
He demands an inquiry into his conduct
by the legislature and avows his readiness
te be dismissed if condemned by it. He says
that the retention of his Chief Clerk
Taul thought the year 1SS5 was at the sug
gestion of the governor, with whom he
could net agree as te his successor, his own
desire te promote his second clerk te be
chief clerk being opposed by Governer Fat Fat
tieon because his appointment would be a
slap in the mouth of Senater Stew art. He
meets a number of the accusations of the
governor concerning the manner of keep
ing the accounts of the schools with an ex
planation showing their groundlessness iit
some casc3 and their triviality in ethers ;
and he concludes with a declination tint
the schools are in belter condition than
they were when he took office, and that if
they are net institutions worthy of the
state it is the fault of these who established
them in the ioer quarteis which they
Se far as this reply of the superintendent
accuses the governor of condemning him
without giving him the opportunity of
meeting the accusations against him, it is
undeniably just. It was all right for the
governor te make his luquhy independent-,
lyef the supeiinlendent, wliose action it
challenged, but when he had found what
lie considered te be derelictions of duty
upon the part of that official, It was his
duty te advice him thereof and te invite
his answer te the charges and the evidence
befeie ceudeuiing him. 11 is also true that
when the governor had net the power te
dismiss the superintendent, it would have
been in better order te report the lesult of
his inquiry into his conduct te the legisla
ture, than te demand of him Dial he should
As te the matters of fact in which the
governor and superintendent are at issue,
the superintendent's answer will acquit
him in Bome cases if the evidence steps
where he leaves it. The letentien of Paul
in the chief clerkship he certainly
shoulders ou the goerner, if his narrative
is correct ; about which, however, we will
be likely te have further advices, and
especially need them te knew wheiefere
the governor desired te take caie of Jehn
Superintendent Higbee pa3se3 ever with
briefest reference the most important
charge against him, that of permitting the
schools te he in bad condition. His an
swer is u denial, without facts.
The governor, alleging facts, prevails
against him here. The simple question
beemste be just what degree of care the
children should have had, for it is undeni
able that what they had was net flrst-class.
Such care does net accompany itch, and
dirty sheets and towels, and ill-ventilated
rooms, peer bathing facilities, frozen feet,
and commissary stores. It is, however, a
fact that the soldiers' orphan children have
a geed deal better care Hum their soldier
fathers had en the tented field, and it may
be that they have no right te demand any
thing bet terJWhat de the people say ?
The Clearlleld Strike.
Senater "Wallace Is down in Philadel
phia and has talked with a reperter about
the Clearfield strike. He says both parties
are tired of it and that it is likely te be
composed seen. The, big operators, whose
strenuous effert-until new has been te
keep the little fellows In line te slat ve the
miners out, aiogettlngtire.lefthopollcy
just when it might be expected te bear
fruit In the starvation they have been
waltiug for. Their tiring is synchronous
with the announcement of the congres
sional committee that it is going
te seek an enlargement of its pew-
ers se as te inquire Inte Clear
Held business. It intends te de this
when it gets bark from St. Leuis. By thai
time the strike will boevor. The operators
tire ready tearbitrute. Senater Wallace has
deubtlesi been giving them wise counsel.
They de net want te be inquired into.
They knew that it will be speedily found
that they pay their men what aie living
wages only when full employment is given,
which is net often te be had, owing te the
policy which keeps the mine's crowded
with men, be that no one can make n full
diy'a work. That furtheimere tbtypay
la stere orders, upon which the operator
gets a profit ; and that cheating in the
siie of the coal wagons and the weights or
the scales is net beyond the mere unscru
pulous. The congressional cjminlltee
Would find n piefit in visiting the Clear
field icglen and in inquitiiig net only as (e
the treatment of the miners, with a slde
glance at that of the consumers of coal,
who are directly interested In tlie undci
taking new going en In legion, te
bring it under a monopoly in umI mining
and carrying.
Lei fenncllmrii l'eiilil(T II.
A fruitful subject for thought is pre
sented in an article ou tnuulciMl tax liens
that appears elsewhere in tlies-e columns.
It relates te a form of oppression as unne
cessary us it Is unjust. TIiem! property
owners of meagre means, who uie unable
te pay the (axes assessed against their real
estateal the time thai It Is required me
entitled te fair play. The municipal Hen
that is filed against them iseftectnein
binding their properties for fie eavs, and
takes priority ever mortgages and judg
ments earlier in date. There is no geed
reason why a slight omUsien en the part of
these owners should be seized upon by offi
cials te line their pockets with money. 1
pushing te immediate execution liens that
aiesafe for jears.
Besides, the law ne er contemplated that
the ta.xpajer's remissness should cost him
mere than one dollar, t'udei the sv stem
new in vogue, he is often made te pay m
cest3 three times the amount of the taxes
assessed against him. The suggestion that
these municipal liens should net be pushed
until the expiration of the fourth j ear after
their being Med, unless where the special
exigency seems te demand it. is wmtliy of
eiruest consideration by councilmen. If
the theory is correct that for every wrong
there is a legal remedy, there should be an
immediate correction of this grave abuse.
LtT social enjoyment new nuakeu, re
freshed from Its Lenten sleep '
Tuk Incineration advocate, like a'.l true
reformers, must expect n ll'tle persecution
en account of tlmir vl'ens. The nuvvcretuk.
tery at Kresh Pend baa beeu prntuuted In u
petition te the beard et lie.UUi or New town,
L. I., as a nuisance that is Intolerable and Iu Iu
Jurleus te the public health.
Net often does it happen llsh stories,
which are just new In tlicir injrieJ el greatest
dotelepuieut, are dignified te llie position of
becoming regular press dispatches. Hut ene
from Panama hns beun given this distinction
It Is gravely stated that the HiitiMi .ship
Alexander Yeats, from Labes ier Falmouth,
sprung a leak while le.ivirjg hei anchorage.
The pumps were put in readiness, hut beleru
they could be used the iullux of water sud
denly stepped. The cm;1 put Inte Callae,
rem, for examination, and Hie diver teund
that a large hole had been knocked in the
bottom. In the hole and completely filling
It was the body of a very large flab. It is
supposed that whlle Hnimmlug past the
vessel it was carried in by the water. At all
events the IIhIi is tlruily believed te have
saved the vessel and her cargo of 2,000 tens of
guano, wmch is new being discharged.
Susquehanna fishermen who haye ieug en
joyed preeminence as fabricator)! el weird,
wild and unearthly llsh stories, will turu
pale when they read of this occurrence.
Tiil demnud for Kaster lien era this year
for church decoration and nweetiicirt re
minder is reported ai unusually large.
Hen era cannot well be put te better use.
Thesk who observed Leut will leek upon
the Easter sun with an inexpressible satis
faction. Tin: remarkable work of Profe-sser (ilea (ilea
seu In subduing in New Yerk the most un un un
goernable horses, is attracting wlde atten
tion. His methods of operation recall these of
Denten Oflult, who mere than thirty years
age set the example whlih all successful
horse tamers of these dajH fellow. Ollutt
bolleved that " breaking" a herse common
ly meant Hpelliug him. Ills system was
based upon Judgment, study e( tem
perament and firmness, dtvnrcfld from
cruelty. His first caution was He kind te
them In all things." He must have been n
xery kindly man hiumell te lit these words
te the lips of the stubborn Imrse : " Yeu
must let me see that you will net hurt me,
nor will have anything about j en that will,
nor auything that smells badly. I am a
stranger te you; all that will etleud any el
the five souses I w 111 be L.jinpulled tu guard
against, and these senses must ha the
proof that you will net hurt me lcfore I will
nllew your hands te be en me." Ilowdiller Ilewdiller
eutls this process Irem the cruel Dentine
masteis give their horses ! These horse train
ers might pretitably gl e their attention te
horseewners with toniieisel ungoernable
Jamus C. Blain-k has written te u frieud
In Brownsville, Pa., te the ellect that his
political ambition being hilly gratilied, he
has withdrawn from public lite for geed.
The sentence leaves the writer h meaning iu
doubt as te whether his retirement Is for his
en ii or the public geed. We incline te the
latter Interpretation.
The Interesting fact or the double lutnlug
el liuKrtant battle-fields et the late war h
referred te iu General D. II. Hill's piper iu
the May Century. Thus, the lirst passage el
arms is called the battle el Hull It mi at the
North the name et a little stream. At the
Seuth it takes the name of Manassas, horn a
railroad station. The second battle en the
same ground Is called the Second Hull Ituu
by the North, and the taaeeud Manassas by
the Seuth. Stene's deteat is the b title or
Hall's Hlull with the l-ederals, and the bat bat
tleet I.eesburK with the Cuiilederates. The
battle called by General Grant Pittsburg
Lauding, a natural object, wns named
Slilleh, atter a church, by his int.iguiilst.
Hesecrans called his first great fiht with
Bragg the battle of stone- Iliver, while
Bragg named it after Murlreesberu', a ul
lage. Se McCIelIan's battle of the Ciilc-ka-heuilny,
a little river, was with I.ce the bat
tle el Celd Harber, a tavern. The Federals
speak oflhe battle of Pea Hldge, et the Oark
range of mountains, and the L'enledeiates
call It atter KIk Hern, a ceuutrv Inn. The
Union soldiers called the bloody inllle three
dHyaafler Seuth Meunfiln Irem the little
stream, Antletam, and the Southern troops
named It after the village-or Sharpsburg.
Dm the commissioners et public charltleH
have the Lancaster prison iu mind in their
stinging rebuke el the management or some
county prisons et the state?
Klllr.l Willie KiitiMlnliii: it Heteltrr.
.Ym AbB.y,.exBrHUl chancellor el the
KnlRhU or Pythias or Texas, shot hl.nsell
fatally in a hotel in Terrell, In that slate, en
Thursday. It is bolleved that the slioelini;
was accidental, as he was examiniui; a re
volver at the time.
A IS3.O0O IleilVi
i.-tV"1, -.' Kh'eef'y'K (anions Ileistelu
U?!i V.ensUH'ce s vled at fl.uoe, bin
OI.,"ie"Hoeera l'rm," nc,r Philadel
Ilk In ? 0Kl'ty-lhr., ih.uu.Is et
wy2.Jw!y "" ''"en beaten by
01'f.N Olt.WIH.
rite urailert et lh Kaner aay
temej net alone te tlie, wlteUy
Iht-lr Ievd ones down wiit, .,?
Toe.p beueath the SJK Sft"
1 tit te thus, l,eurU whes ! ,", ;j;
TelU or sweet hopes tea wl" v Ji'vrT
Of rikmOi. he teasel w "J,-...
Aiae-tne bauble or an hour
And left ui. whUe lltey yet rumuln
A legacy of cuaselesa pain,
Hy these sad grave through darkened, dav.
A lender, white-robed nngel stays
Te roil the ttene, that we may fee
Love crowned with immortality,
Elltn it. CumituU.
mrtLltti tUTrt.sTIII.Xfl.
Wliil ltMitlvr sn In III. Miell. Ilmi gli
Iint a.trr Mrmtmes (itittiR up in all riutn
nl I lie Imtn DitrUlnKitaiitl ItttMnrp
lleit.rfl In i'nitt.e til l.tettlmi.
II theie Imany of mil loadeisuhu ilnnt'i
that houses by tncdnren aie being elected In
this city, all they limn te de Is te taken stmll
en oueortliiwe llnetlays. They will ls sin
prled at the InipreU'iiieiiU going en. The
fellow Inp Is a it el houses recently com
pleted, new under wj, erlhat will l be
gun iu a low days. The list is tint complete,
having been gathered In a recent lusty trip
through some el the streets :
On North tjueeu street, alsne Hie Pennsj i
vaula depot, Samuel H. i.H'ss lias mt be
gun the brick work en a new tliren-sleiv
dVM'lluigand sterv Next dtstr, mi the north
side, I'. I iller is envtliiK a tluee-sieiy ilvv till
ing and store, which will he occupied by Ins
son. who i a isinlet tinner.
llehein A Kledel rtveutly iiuished three
three-story brick houses en Lemen street,
between Lime and Duke, llve two-sterlosou
Cherry alley near Lemeu, and one of the
same kind ou Madisen alley.
On Cherry alley above 'Lemen sheet A.
W. Hussel has completed nine two-story
William 1). Sprecher will shortly erect
eight houses ou Uukeaud 1 rederick streets.
Three en the former "treet w ill be tvv e story
aud live ou 1 rederick siiect will be two
Achmus A CuiumuiKs will erect three
three-story brick, with taney lrents, ou
Dukestresjt above James.
Israel Mayer is erecting a new- three-story
dwelllugeu North (jueeu near Lemen street
aud he will put up a dtven
Duke and New streets.
On Frederick street, between Shlppen and
Lime, Henjamiu Mvers has broken ground
ter seven twtvstery bricks,
Ileubeu Hershey has llnWlied three two
story dwellings ou L'ut Chestnut beyond
Pranklin street.
Charles Miller and Jehn Hrimmer are
erecting two two-story duellings, with
1 rench root, en North Duke street near
ThoGrlelsuro alw.ys extensive builders,
and iu less hau a year they have erected
twenty-four twtvstery brick dwellings en
Lancaster avenue, between Lemen and
Mary streets, 'ind uine ou Lemou street, be
tween Lancaster avenue uud Mary street.
Mrs. Uelle 1 isher Is erecting a tine double
two-story house, with 1'reuch toot, en James
street at Lancaster av euue.
Jehn U. Abraham has completed hlteen
three-story dwellings en Lauiaster avenue
north ei Lemou strict, and two twe-sturles
en Lemen stneU
Keubeu Hertiheld has Ilnished a two-story
brick residence, with mansard reef, at 5 IT
West Lemou street.
On James street near Mary, K O. Sturgls
has laid the foundation et two twu-stery
Jeseph XX acker completed a very large ice
house at his brewery ou XX'alnut street with
in a lew mouths.
Geerge StermfelU has finished a two-
story brick house aud store en North Queen
street above James, and Jeseph Dellet is ec- I
cupping a new shop which was built en Mar
ket street between Lemen and James street.
Alfred Diller has also built an addition te his
place of buslueM at Lemou and Water
Geerge Schupp constructed a two. story
brick back building te his residence en Char Char
eotte street, between Water and Lemou
B. IS. Martin's two thiee-stery bricks en
Prince street above James have been fiu
isbed, aud Daniel Hartuiau has put up u like
one next te them.
lUphael Pisher has put up two two-sterv
bricks ou Prince street near 1'rederick, anil
Christian Gitllch has made a similar pair en
Liberty street, betweeu North Queen and
Jacob SUuiler lore tlewuau old building
en Mulberry street near Walnut te make
way for two new two-story bricks.
Jehn Keith is building two tuo-stery
bricks ou Lemou strtet near Charlette.
D. H. Lantlis has finished lour two-sterv
houses iu a court in the rear of his large
warehouse nnd elevator, and between Water
street and Arch alley.
Ou James street, between Arch alley aid
the railroad bridge, four two-story bricks of
W. D. Sprechcr, have been finished.
Jehn Dickel built two two-stories en Cen
cord alley, between Lemen anil James
streets, slid Andrew Chambers has twenew
oues ou .Market street, between Lemou ami
Ou North Queen street, near Lemen. Ja ob
Mileyhas made a fine store-room out el the
lower part of his dwelling.
Capt. Mc.Melleu has tern down two one
story brick liouses, adjoining his residence
en Kast X'lne street, aud will erect a hand hand hand
seme three story house which he will move
it. Dougherty is building two two story
brick houses en Poplar sheet, between
Straw berry and l'llberl.
Jehn Laudewt r is building a brick heuse
en Heckliind sheet, between Lew and
Gustaviis tireeUiugerisrebiitldingand will
seen have erected buildings te take the place
of theso en Seuth Water street, recently
destroyed by lire.
Geerge Schlaugh has taken nut a permit
lorthe erection of twolve houses, ou West
Orange street, between Nevin street aud
Columbia avenue.
Fred. Banker Is electing two threo-btery
brick houses en West Orange street,between
Mary and Pine.
Jehn Lively luw turn down two houses ou
Seuth Queeu street, near German, anil is
building tvvohandsetno three-story houses.
Jeseph Solemon Is building a heuse en
Middle street, between Freiberg ami Jehu.
Wm. Genseullchter Is erecting two two
story brick houses en West German street.
Jacob Gable Is remedelling the Sun engine
house, The front has been taken out aud
the walls eutentled te the stieet line. Twe
cesy houses will be the lesult-
Jehn A. Ceylo Is erecting two two-story
houses en St. Jeseph street, above Leve
Jeseph fe. Zeek has been grunted a penult
te oiect twelve two story houses en Ceral
street, between Third and Fourth sheet.
Ceral street Is one or the recently opened
streets In the Lighth ward.
Peter Winevver Is building two two story
brick houses ou Mifilin street, lietvveeu Mul
berry and Strawberry.
Ou Nevin street, between Orauge and
Chestnut, Clement Krlsman its-enlly tin
Ishetl seven twtvstery bricks.
Christian Stlllel built six two story bricks
ou Fremont, near Water street.
Jehn Fritch has tern tlew n the store pro pre
Jerty, Ne tiuT West King street, and is orect erect
ing a new building in its place.
Jehn Deerr, residing at ,111 West King
street, and F. L. Krauskup or .Mulberry
street, liave each erected two story brick back
buildings te their houses.
Clement Krisuiau has begun the erection
et a dwelling en Chestnut sli eel, between
Nevin and Mary sheets.
The Hdlseu L'loetrle Light company have
broken ground for the erotlen et thelr
building, en North Water street.
'Iiii.ei'itli.L's Hikstami, of Marietta, has
puicliased the lumber yard e! I. O. Bruuer,
at New Helland, and has taken postesslen of
Hi.v. BtuiNAiin M.viHiUL, formerly presi
dent ir Georgetown college, is lying danger.
niisly ill at Su Jeseph's hospital, iu Phila
delphia. Hen. Kuklky It. Ce.xi; Is the gubernato
rial caudldate whom the Democrats or the
Fourth legislative district have instructed
ler. Hen. J. Simpsen Africa says he would
accept the position r tendered te hliu.
Dlt. D. IIayks AuNKvv'smomeIror Jehu
Light Atlee, M. I)., of Laneaster, which was
raid beiore the Phlladelphlacollege of phy.
stclaus iu February last, has been printed iu
pamphlet form with an excellent engraving
of Dr. Atlee.
Hstiiku VANiiunretii., a ler New Yerk
widow, is advertised iur te take jsissessien el
llinsiiui et $lir,000 which has fallen te her
by her brother's will. Her maiden name
was Alkiu iiiul iu curly Hie she was celebrated
ler iier beauty. Ah the vvifoel Hanker an
deriKielshu was alto well known, but long
be tore his death lie lest hU money, aud when
she bCHMuie a widow she was exceedingly
lHxir. Iu early lite thcie was u rupture be
tween her and her ecceutrie brother In
Brooklyn, aud the latter had lest sight of
her entirely. Since the death or Mr. Alkln
the ether heirs have been anxious te find
Mrs. audorpeel, win, l new, it living, evor
70 yearn old, but they have discovered no
trace of her. She was still alive about a year
go, ami lit extreme destitution in New
iii:.. i uit.irr.t.v
Tlie (Iteat lll.liinan VV lue Name I Nmr tllien
",1 will reuiam anchored here vv Ith hdclity
te the fortunes of my country, faithlul te her
treeilem, faithful te hei rail." se spake Henry when the Irish Parliament came te
an end. Iu6eirably coupled vv ith the u.iine
f G rattan, the name of Ch tries Stewart Par
nell w ill go tlew u te posterity, and new that
Parnell's naine Is mi every lip, It is appro
priate te wstew a lew moments te the mem
erv et his illustrious prodeceser.
Henrv (rattan was born at Dublin, July
,td, IT It. His lather was a Tery, but young
(rattan sn ts.iMisl from his father's faith,
for which action he was disinherited. He
entered I rintty college nud distinguished
hiuisell there and in 17fi7 was called te the
bir iu l.omleu, and m 177.' iu lrelaud. Iu
177e he i ntertsl the 1 rlli Parliament, and hav
ing civ en much time te the study of oratory at
euce niade his way te the trout In Febru
ary 177s he moved an address te the crown,
that the ceud iheu or Ireland was no longer
endurable, and although his metmn did net
receive the iuert of the majority ,"it led te
the reform nl many abuses.
In 17m) he moved his famous resolutions
that the "King, aid the . ni-stiif ei thi
"ir'i ri'icftf 'i iW'imf. was alone competent
te en ict laws te bind Ireland." It was iu
April, l., however, that he sreuscsl the
Irish people te the greatest enthusiasm,
when he delivered his "Declaration of
ltights," aud began his speech with " I am
tmw about te addiess a tree people." In
consee,uenco of this ineveinent the Kugllsh
government was forcesl.te pledge itself
te the redress et Ireland's grievances,
(rattau was voted s.lii,lKXi, but would
atxeptbiit ijO.oeo. The breaking or the prom
le inatle Lugland led te the bloody rebel
lion or IT'.is, and GratLiu losing the support
et mauy et Ins lermer allies, some of whom
were tmught ever bv the LnglUh, retlretl
from Parliament. In lMH', however, he again
entered it te the bill for union, and
whin that was passed uttered his inspired
words with which we begun our article. In
1HV) he was induced te cuter the English
Parliament te lend his assistance te the
Catholic relief bill, aud from this time uutil
his death in ISIS) Hindu this the ene object et
ins uie. ne was nurieii in vv estnunster
A bbev, aud lies near te the remains of Pitt
and Vex.
A cold, di. i mfert Ked hlar Imigli Cine,
happiness. Ne opiates, no poison. SOT1VES.
WHY Wll.bXOU couch when Fhlleh'a Cuie
will give I iiimedlate relict. Price. 10 ct.s.,M cts.,
and t. ler mile by II. II. Cochran, Druggist,
ie. 1J7 North llueen street.
IiAjtmrues Livrn I'kllets ter sick headache,
torpid Uv cr, biliousness and Indigestion Small,
andcay tosnallew. One ptllade&e. I'rlce.Sc,
By all druggists. feb-3nnlTu,'J h.S
hLKKl'I.hss Mell lis, made miserable by
that terrible cough. hileli sCurelsthe remedy
fnrven. hersaleliyll It. Cochran, Druggist, Ne
1J7 North (,'uec'ii ntnet.
ItucXlen's Arnla bAlvn.
The liestStiivti In the world for Cuts, Ilrulses,
Seros, L'lcers, Salt Itneum, tevur bores, letter.
Chapped Hands, Cbllbalna, Uurns andallbkin
Kruplien?, positively cures nepsy re
quired. It ts guaranteed teplve porfectsatlsfnc perfectsatlsfnc porfectsatlsfnc
llen, or money relunded. l'rice 35 cents nor
for sale by ( .K-tiiun. the Drugglit, 1.T7 anil IS!
North Uueeuatieul, Lancaster, I'a. T Th.tStu
' IIAGKMKTACK " n lasting and lragrant per
tume. l'tlceiTaud W cents, ter sale by It 11.
Cochran, Drugglst.Ne. WTN'erthyueen .treet.
iviiini; iiiOLiii.iis.
A Ca.ii nl Jlanj V ears hliuiillng Vtireil Xtllli
SU ltellli, In a Man 111) eara el Age.
4lletew w, I'a , itay s, lve.
Dasdbi.1i s llnTKai Ce. Gents I had been
heubled vtith my Uldneysforanumtierefjeurs,
used nl most evcrj thing without muchbuneflt
until I tried tiandclleii ISltters. I used li het
tics and am pleased te say 1 am entirely rid of
the kidney trouble, besides ray ststem being
toned up se that I leel like a dillcient person. 1
cheerfully recommend thusaiue te all afflicted
In this way JACOll ML'SUIUTZ.
Ielni3mtl ru.Tb.S
Ci'LDKVs I.lntild In'Of Ionic tinpsru strength
te beby a id lnind. Take no ether. Of diugglsta.
Olt DYM'Kl'MA and Liver Complaint, vTiu
have a pilntvtlguaniiiteuen every buttle otfehl etfehl otfehl
leh's Mtalizer. It never falU te cure. Fer sale
by II. II. Cochran,-Druggist, Ne. 1J7 North Queen
Tliutiftaiitls tsny he.
Mr T XV Mklns, liirard, Kaii'as, writes "I
nev ei hesitate K recommend yeui hlectrtt bit
ten te my customers, they give entire satlslat satlslat
tlen and are rapid sellers " hlectrlc llltteis are
the purest and bet medicine kn.jun and will
positively cure Kidney and Liver ( einplalnta
l'urir the bltsHl and leulute the bowels Ne
litmllycai atrmd te be without them. They
will save hundiuds of ilellais Iu doctor's bills
everyyear. bold nt thty cents a bottle by II. II.
Cochran, Druggist, 13, and 133 North Queen
street, Lancaster, I'a. ()
LikkeII upon troubled waters Is Hale's Heney
of Huieheuiul and Tar. Tike's toothache Dreps
cum In one minute.
A .Walking .skeleton.
Mr. K. kprluger, erMechaiilcshiirg, Pa., wutes
"I was allticted with lung fever and ubsces en
longs, mid leduced le a unlkinr; tkeleten (Jet a
Iivb trial bottle of Dr King's King's New Ills
c every ter ( ousiimptlen which did me se much
geed that I bottle. After using three bottles
found iujseir once mole u man, completely re-stou-dte
health, with a hearty appetite and a
gain in flesh of 4S pounds. Call at Cochran's
drug stoic, IJTand ti North Queen street, Lan
caster, i-u., unugeia iree iriai Deme of thl
this cer.
tain cure for all Lung Diseases
Large bottles,
cure ler Catarrh, Dliitheria, and Canker Meuth.
'or ssle by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne, 137
North IJlieen stieet.
A Sad MUlertiinu.
Is te raise a nice family or boys and glrla
and then have them carried Inte an early grave,
by that terrible disease Consumption Heed
llie warning nud check It In its nrst stages by
the piemptiisM or Kemp's llalsaiu ter the Threat
and Lungs, warranted te emu and relleveall
cases. 1'iice WK? and ft. for sale by II. II,
Cochran, druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street.
Trial lice free. (3)
AKf OV JIADK mUerable by Indigestlun,
Constipation. Dizziness, Less or Appetite, Vel
nvr bkln T bhlleh's Vltallrer Is a positive cure.
Ker sale by 11 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137
North Queen street,
THK ItKV. C.KO. ll.THAVKU, or Itotirben
Ilid., says : " Ileth liivnelf and wife oiteeur llvi a
teHIIILOirtCO.NriUMl'T10NCtIltK." Kersale
by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 -North Queen
Is tlie most directive Pain Doatreyerln the world.
Will n. cwt surely (juleken the bleed whether
taken lnUirnally en. applied externally, and
thereby mere certainly KKL1KVK PAIN,
whether chrenle or acute, than any ether pain
alleviator, und It Is warranted double the
strength et any similar preparation.
Iteurea pain In tlie tjldn. Rack or iiewels, Sere
Threat, icheuiuatlsm, Toothache and ALL
AC11KS, and Is lhn (Ireat Unilever of Pain.
Uilnevery lainlly. A tesHisKintiil of the Panacea
In a tumbler of hit water Isweetened, if pr,.
lened.l taken bt nedllinti, will liHEAK UP A
COLD. r. cents a m.tue
Are you distort e 1 at night and broken of j our
nut by a sick child sintering and crying with
the excruciating pain or cutting teeth t It se,
eal one e and gut it bottle of Mrs. VV1N8LOW8
OuriU.NU ufltUP. It wilt relieve tltl tZet
little Buiferer Immediately depend uiien Hi
there la no nil. take about IU There Is net a
mother en earth who hits ever used It, who will
net tell yen ut once that It will regulate, the
bowels, und give test te tlie mother, anil relict
and health te the child, operating llku magic. It
la perfectly sate te use In all cases, and pleasant
te the taste, aud Is the prsscrtptlen of one of the
eldest und liest fumale physicians In the United
States. Sold every wheie. ' cents a bottle.
.x k a VKurtsKM K.xrx
Vith Xert it'ei ' ' ,,l Knlle and I ei
l'jstrv Ssfls 'stij Knlle
lleuv llnnl ) ...
Ilen Miner lWT bdS
I.' I!eii5 sptsms V
VISK-ii 'Tetc-a-Tete Sets
l ittllll t.t I V
Blind tmk and
I . SiptHUI
I Msh hidle and
s Kerk
1 lleiry Spisin
I Aapatinus teik
Lettuce lerk
I he i oieim
1 I he King
I he Haw then ne
I The Chippendale
I 'the Cottage
The Allel
Ferks and
J. li. 1)02
& CO. ST.
Careful attention given te orders and in
quiries by Mail.
$12 for a Black Worsted
Corkscrew Dress Suit I
IUn t ik big pntc ' A Dress Mill' cheap
euuugh ! And we say, den t buy It.
hat are e thinking about Den t buy It '
Kvery store in town, almost, has the smile ar
tide. Ne ene sells It auy les -, and a gecsl many
jell It at a atui higher prtce.
1 he exception lu our favor Is that vt e mat k en
the ticket Mir all wool, 'there Isn't another
house In thecuuulr) that makes thu same brave,
honest, leek out for it bujer statement.
Pay f I M mere and buy one of our own
n ewira ciein ?uua ei tne material welm
Forted. This we knew nil about. The never
ailing test of boiling down tells the atery. Ne
vegetable muter can llve under our micro
scope. It sail neel, really and truly, net com cem
nierc!atl It'll net turn ding) nor ltistv. nei tbange iu
color tiotere It's worn out, and it- nevt lu
strength te our Iimeus Ironclad.
lt"snetuslne9 0f ours te show the weakness
or any ether place, but we are tuettned In saying
the strongest things we knew about our en u
(tte'd come short ear duty a merchants a-klug
your trade) li wt dldn t) and thereb) get the
people te come te headquarters
Judge our prlcei and out way ei dealing bv
these two Items
Yeu II find salesmen and stock abundantly
readv te-day at the old Mxth and Market corner
Seiiihi'iisl CeriHT Sixth ami ilarket,
HLl MttLKATOItS Hew lew people
there aie who buy Ilefnger.tters. knew any
thins About them or will go te the trouble
of examining into the ineiits et the tlllfei
ent ui.ikt'S. e.tra of caieful 3ttnl li.i:,
in.ule u a familiar with this line of gtxxh
and while we deal in all giaded, we knew
the " ItulKew.iy '" anil Alaska " aie far
bupener te any ether in the maiket.
ri.UUU OIL (.'LOTH. We no doubt
fcell ever one-half uf tlie Floet Oil Clelh
held in tins city, anil we tle this by having
at all tunes the Largest anil liest Selected
Meck and selling at tlioLeweit Price. vVe
me daily leceiving New Ooeds in this line.
Uaby Can l.iges is laiger, liner and mere
varied than evei, and puces aie lower.
Lxpress U'ugeii3 and Arelecipedes in gieat
PAH LOU PHIDL . Befote putting away
join stoves for the buiumer polish them
with" Parler Pride," and they will net rti3t.
ifATViiea, jtv.
Ijtucaster VV atchea at the Lewest Prices ever
ettered ; being a stockholder enables me te sell
these watches se cheap. Klgln, Waltbam and
ether watches en sale, bpcctacles, O pcra (1 lasses,
Ac. Itcpalringel the above named articles will
receive my personal attention.
LOU 18 WE II Kit,
Ne. 1SDX North Queen St., opposite City Hetel.
(Near 1'enn'a It. 11. Depot.)
Agent ter AUKOItA WATCH.
Aie rich In flavor, soil and pleasant te the taste.
Peine in quality, aie excellent stimulants, and
they stand without a rlv il In the market. Sold
at all the leading Het. Is and by Druggists. Ask
ferlt. lIUAIl'llltKYA MAltTlN,
bole 1'ioprleters,
lanUWiind Wl N. Sd bL. I'ldladuluhla, Pa.
Eeigart's Old Wine Stere
ktbdillshtHl 17 6. Ne.a Kast Klite HTitarr.
JaulS-Ud Lancaster, la
iX UUNNK11S. AH persons are hereby for
bidden te trespass en any or the lands et the
Cornwall or bpeedwell estates, In Lebanon and
Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed orunln erunln orunln
clesed, either for the purpose of sheeting or Ash
ing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against
alltieitnasslngeu said lauds or the undersigned
eiler thl) notice.
Attoruey (or U. W. uoleuiaa'i heln.
Feil ih:nt. laiuii: two-stehy
tult k tint lllii. Ne MS Stiutt, ijuuun utivfl t
Iwll.t li-til iihiiiis, biueiiieiit, Kitiit'i. celhir, Mii
Vliltl.cti ALLAN A flKltlt A I.U.,'
Ileal fitateaiid tti-uiitnte AKunlr.
n.i' ltd Hit Ins Kal Mug stieet
l.lOK HL.M'.
V A lntinittt Wan tiinian wh I'eiura It. It
I'll"," L"l'stlH Itu sttiliiK.l,Miasi(i. Apply
lllillHMttt I.NIKJ.I UlKNChll tlH II I.
i.ieitsi: leiiHAi.t: a iini: tsADDi.i:
I et laiiillv I'llvlng lliimt,, vniing iilnlln
guild ettlei and 11I..I illlm, l,.i mi!,. n
Ne 7-" I. sf UIIKHIM'I'rtllll'.KI
nph. lwtl IniieKHtei, I't
j'Vte i..s t .
-ill t.l-V II
An i sinlill.hed liitaeiv bland with dnelllug
nllatlied lu seuihein pan of Ihttclly.
I'tHsesslen April 1st. Applvat
Ne Its I.AsthlNllNlltKM'.
711)11 HK.NT.
8I1011I11 it'tr el Ne .17 Uesll liestnutstieet.
iiimI at a tluai litiv Meterv. and 11 shun 011
Jlltllln stnt I, Is'teten btiulh IJueeii nnd I'llnin
"titett, latelv u-td as a caul tge lat ler) . Alsen
dtttilllng and stele iikhii new titcutiled bv A.
a nuiney n a mug situe, vv esi mug sin eL.
Apply at Hie
tN i in, 1,111 km tir-ncK.
pen sai.i:.
ter. "H-ctmd and l.awlenee Sis.,
Ila IS rtsunt. located nineng the ttllleiunt loll
lug lutlN best stand in Columbia. (Hleied tin
cilutm at count tit the III health of the pinpile
tm. Apple te
al'i lttd On the l'lemlses.
A large and commodious residence,
wllh uiiHlein conveniences, sltuatid
en tlui Columbia turnpike read, one
hair mile from Lauiastei City limits,
with about I.' Acres or bum, 1L et
which aie lawn, garden and erchnrd,
and the balance in geed tillable soil
I he tnietl andtiiunmental trees In
the law 11 have been planted about 30
vrtii., and teusUt of t tins, etiks,
beach, tuaple., deg vtrssl, cooper
beach, ev e green, shrubbery, etc,
I'm It tites In lull bearing.
An abundant supply et putt) epilog
The situation of tbli piepeit) Is
eenldeieiI one et the mint dutlntblu
in the v tctnlty el Lancaster.
Kei further particulars apply le
Chas r. Haeeh, en fA itremiit: or
Jacob Q. Lonu. litnt lUtatr Aeent,
huncastrt , Pn
4, -
T3 Kill A MAKT1N.
lleuiekecpcis in wanl of any ankles te lte
furnl.h will de well leiemembei that we have
alwav j en hand a full Hue tit
Wwiipcn leilayu tieiv liuu ut
1 .1 I
Hi rn
1 be Ilea In the Market let thu Meney. Den I
fall loco them buluie piuchasliig.
Uest selected codfish, large rat. Juicy mack
erel, smoked halibut, canned salmon, new crop
olives, llucsl table oil, salad dressing, mustard
and pickles, bananas, oranges and apples. 1 ry
our nun selected old dev. Java, Mecha and Im
perial Itle CertVes, they speak ter themselves,
very geed at l.'(c. llargalua, 3 and I I el ltlce
for 2Sc.; 5 tb geed prunes, !c.s elegant light
Syrup, fc. per tiuait ; canned corn, be ; 10 B. kit
fat mackerel, Sue. Please call or send v-ou r orders.
augSO-lyd Ne. 113 West King Street,
Lancaster, la.
Kxtni Klne 'leics nnd CnlTees, (lentilue Eng
lh llieaklast Tea ! Coellees, flesh Iteaileil
Dally: llnal Cienui Chocolate for Invalids.
Connected wllh Telephone Exchange
Uoetts delivered free te all parts et the city
and environs. llSind
Easter Coffees I
We buy alleui Ceifcesgitt'iiuud nlnajsliave
them lreshiuaslcd.
We hav e Choice Mandtihlliig Java.
We have Olil ill own Java.
VVe have line Arublan Mecha.
VVe have laguura Cetiee,
We have Choice Itle.
We, have KUgaut blended Cedec ut J3c ft.
Wu w III glv e you the liest Itle ut 'Jec. lb.
We will give you Uoed Itle at lie. and 15c. t.
We will blend auy uf thu above Cetrees Just
u you want them,
Spring ami Summer
t"t VV'.,1'."" .'"" ."' "',' ' l ' "lock, et U111O1
Jlad, Ibilhliiglu ui iH( ,i guaianteeniii
rib es V cry Ltiw.
Iliitluesmiit,,ii 1 1,1111,(11 nnd (li.
me limn ttulls at (W, III ami (IV
lump nit tun gtMtN and piltes with oilier
boil. i and lie iimv liieed that Hit. It tint plant
te buy '
VII the Newest and best H,., ( pi,., n(t
tin Lii-itnn Uerk, wliith wu win make up lu thu
lle-ltlvle HI guaianttHnl. '
A lull Line et V eiilhv and Chlldien's Cltilhlng
Gents' Furuishiui; Goods,
Merchant Tailors aud (.'letliitr,
Ne. 24 Centre Square,
Yhlt-S A HA 111 VOW.
ut ll'iIMi
A Fair Way and an Unfair Wnj.
bat h vwuil s tu ile bu.lm t In u tali was
Se mis) rjntvt utiitleu. nu ahnm prices, ntiil tut
bml work All prnpli nant te buy bi'ftp, lt
nuit' attt'uttuu Hbuuhl be I -a It I inquiillt) nml
At Imi. IIU), (IVi, (line, iijiii (Ui. (Hei,
(I CM nnd (.mji), aiuali btlynlin
pelul til k.reat liupeitaute, fiirlu thetu da
thtiM am vcjy lew geed Hcuuti-madu clothing
made, and that I tause fur se much complaint
In ft ttilet Mii'-t, mtilit In prli Item
h tt te li- it
At oil prices, as low a. ah win tti el-e
all -tl. . mid prlit, stmng and eui ..i hud
nt tl
lu hiihlmb 1 hecks and (mall l'lalds, lit .S 01 K.Ik
Jacket suits, heit PauU
lintn II . tejniO, In light and dart, cebus
We ate I'limeeis lit the ( lutlilng lln.lni-..,
and wen Island ic-ble II Lew l'rltts gire us
the lead
I. railing l.itntiistir luller,
NO. 12 E'i.BT IUNQ BTItHK'l,
I.ANCAaj Kit. V
ILLlAAIbO.N A 1 O.V1 1.H.
Where te Buy It.
Ohlldren'a Planted and Plnlu Tuulo
Suite, 2.fa0 te 83 OO.
Ohlldren'a Norfolk BIuube Units, bIzch
4 te 13, $2.60 te 87.50.
Ohlldreu'a Kilt aklrt Bulla, $'J be te
All-Weel Gents Dress Suit,
Uut-a-Way Ceat, All Weel Drees
Suits, $10 te $12.
Bey's Scheel Suits. $3.60, $'1.00
and $5.00.
Bey's Dress Worsted Suite, $9 00
te $12.00.
Grand Army Suits. $5.00, $7.50,
$10.00, $12.00.
Grand Army Gaps and Ohev Ohev
renis, 75c.
bllOES, (LIU.
MEN'S DU1C3S 8IIOKS, (1 lu.
110Ya llltKSS SHOES, We.
Vlthl7C Without
HcclaOCi Heels
Trunks, Traveling Bags, Valiecs
Rubber Clothing.
m A I?-
llllllUUII v.v i uuuui i
329 34, 86 & 88 East King St.,
Wi miner