THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELtilGKNCKR, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1886. A i ON KASfKH MOItN. 1 hail net known Unit I was dead, Until l liejr1 It dfittly ii1t Hy the itilck im above my head. Ami tiy ll.ii ninny btiddrd Itiuin, On Knttei- iiinin "Ycu, IIiiiii prt dead" lllu'se hlpni mcl mcl "Dead long age. none senkelh thee, j 'I hy sealed i'V "I"1" nerar see The Lnidef Life put death te morn en Kiistoruietn," 1 said, "One thing deny tun net Willi nil ymir bloom and verdiiru plot 'liiiiiitku my guile tlie tallest spot 'I but ly HI' iMitMrp slrnll tin mini en KhMpi morn." Thru In ttin dim mid sighing linnr, Kreeviirdarknesii light liatb pewi r. They wrought tegmhnr-liladnnnd ilewcr Tlie meld abeve inn teml.i.-n ter hailer mom 1 Ii'lt III) fixitali ps pause nnd slay, "elt tliu sweet, siiaruhlug light (if day t " Hl-ii, Kriitufiit dnat t" 1 liriud Him say, " I'er then hate I put dentil le scorn On Kaslnriiieni." AMiA J. 7AHUIIII. IIIK (KllttlKIIIIH Ktl.S n.uirKH. A 1'iaillrul tlswnl t ! Crowning III iaiim cif .IlilliBllrlaiu. "'I K W." In Country tlenlliimiin. Tlie Munllnwer li'l)iij;i te tlie comiflte family, mill ceiihIhM of nlsnit lllty Hrwcles, nil American. Tliuniitilinl Minitewer, common hi our Mower khuIuiih, Ihii imtlvenf tropical w liure It attnltiH awemlnrfiil grew tli Heuntluirs twenty feel high. Tim atom Is tlili'k nuii rough j tlie Itewnra solitary uml from ene te two (net In tllameter, iieiIiIIiik.; margined liy jullew rny lloweri, wlille tlie ri'iitral portion, or tllslj, la r-roiuletl wIlli brownish tubular one ; tlie leaves, are Iie.ut sliaiil mill eiutu. Ulie plant Is new ciiltlvateil hi nearly nil twrtH or tlie world, lint Kenurnlly en n small hchIu; In tliu neutli of Knresi ntul In tliol'nltedSlntoa, however, It Is hoiiieIIiiH'H n lletil en) p. 'Ilie ainillewcr requires Ilie richest soil. Heme virltcr haveMilil that It will grew anywliere anil In ituy will, with llltle or no attention. My imailonre lias Iwi Iho uppmilUi. I'lant tlm heeds, when t he gpple tnxw liloem, In Mlla lour Ki'l npiirt ouch way, ami Irem tlircHi te lour heeds hi n lilll, anil at last working thin out all tlie weakest planta hut two te a lull, t'ultlvate the aaine as tire. Manure highly with k(mkI harnynnl iiianure uml weed asliiw, or any roiunuir reiunuir r'al lurllllrer containing large ism-eiitavii et iKttuili. When ready te linrvutd, the seed, heads may Inj out oil anil lilinj; In Muxla until IliureiiKlily l'.v "'"I ready ler thresh ing. Or lliey may Iki left en the Held until nearly dry, ami nil oil ami thrown en a .wagon, ilrlwn alenai the cutting proceeds, ami eai'h lead ilriiwu te the Inirn Meer, uml threshed immediately ; ler IT the headi am lull lying, en a heap, they will ahertly heat ami reL Tlm Hel must I ajireml nut thin 011 Ilie Heur, and aheulil he turned uvery lay or two until thoroughly dry, when It ran he run through the Kraln fan and itoted ler lutiire tun, as corn or wheat. The scedaare allied a.a feed ler cuttle and leultry, anil mi mvnuni or the oil which they contain, whli'h In 111 Id te Ih littln inferior te ill lM' oil. The oeds nrn also used, Ilke nlmemls, ter making ileum Icetit and wivitlilng euiulaleiiN ; and In anuie parttel r.urnpea IkhiIIII Is luade e( lliiiin, which ia uael as feed for liilnula. The American Indiana tnake hrend nf theni. The llnweranlmiind In honey, and are much lru,unuted hj" laHH. TholeavoaaroKood fod der iori-Hltle. The atoms nre uawl rer fuel, and yield much potash. I'ew planta are he exhaustive el peta.sli the eeiiatltueut In which most soils nre dellvient us the min min ieower ; and Its riiltlxatlen, which of late has Lti rts-omuiended hy tlieacrlcullural inwx, ler various usea, would aoen remlur lertlle soils unpro.luctle. I'er this ronsen, itcmi itcmi nel hecomea prolilahle farm crop at preatitit prices. The idea that the Hiinllewer Is no called be cause It always presents Its luce te the huh, la erroneous . the name Is niore prelmbly due te the rosemblanco of tlie Hener-head te the old pictorial representations or the sun as 11 illik nuriounded b- Hauling raya. A I.eiiRlladei! Clll'n Talklni;, Krimi tliu mnrale Cernier " Vh' cmiiet we," said a lnng-hculej citi zen yesterday, "hauinMiibtorrnnean hotel at Niagarj, imderueath the American Falls, with a piazza looking out upon the vaat Minet of falling walerT All that la neciiwiary is te sink a ahaft en (ie.)t Island, tunnel straight out under the channel, out a cavern, put hi Iren pillars iruece-Mary te auptiert theculllng, and ceiihtruc't any ort or an obaervatleu ilut ilut lerni jeii pleasn facing the fall from the rear. What mere delicious place can you lmalne In which te iMMsii sultry xummer alteruoeu A Kirlinii e: 1110 veranua lillgui ue Minn en trout tlie spray hy means of pinto glass doers, mi no cliaiiKO ofclethlng would be necessary ter tin se w he dlsllke dampness." A llrliflit ltej' llauiark. Krein the l.oHUtevrn (Sle.) .leuruiil. The brightest thing h.iU1 en yeslerday's Mumlay sch oel Iohseii, as usual, wits by Ilie geed llllle liey In the primary clas, who, lolngaskeil whether Jesus uiiule wine, re illi : Well, ir he did, It waxn't wiue that would hurt auyliedy ; Ter wasn't it made out 01 water"" 'Did Sl-hirs of Mount Ml. Jixepli, Kinuillts. hur, Md , enilnrne Hed Star Ceugti (Jure. I'llu Tuiiien, neRlecled or badly treated, elteu deKeneratn line ciiKiT. 'llui mini pile tumors are paln lusily, npi'i'dlly and pcriiiniieully cured without khltu, i.iiiallc or sule, by our net and I111 proved mrlhndi. ramnhtct and ruferenCH In wnu In htuuips. World's Itlspensary Medical Aannclallen, N.) Jlaln utictt, llullule, N. . Tu, r' Aw llev. II. M Curpenter, of t'lyniur, Cliautaiuitia In, .N. .write March !, Isss My boy, two yuars old, took u severe cold which nettled In hU Ihreut anil liings. .Netlilng airerdcd relinr, and I tlinui;hl lm iiiust die. Klnnlly 1 put an All cock's I'ernus Planter around Ihn threat and one . en the chest. In les than an hour hU breathing became better, and he foil asleep 111 twenty lull! hours the Child was well. TnllihiH llaliliM are Instantly relieved el pain when the gums am bathed with lla. II ami's 'liethlii); l.otlen. Price, -J5 cents. A fact from experience, IlK. Hash's Pleasant Ptiyale cures consllpatlen In babies or adults, tlure and plcaaant. 1'ilce, ciiiila. apl lindAw " BVKVIAI. NUTIVKH. aini.eiis uuuk win luimedlately lulleve Croup, V hoeplnic Cenirh and llreuc 11; L'euxli and llreuch lis. rer side by II. II. Lech ran, lUutKlat, Ne. T, .Neith Queen stieeU One of my children, 11 girl about nine veurs old, had a very bud dlschiiiKO Irem herhead ami niwe of a thick, yellow lull matter, and was itrew lux or-n. We littit two dllterent phvslclans piekcrlbe ler her, nut without hcueitl. We tried's Cicatn lialiu, and lniich te our surprise In three days there wusa marked Improvement. Ve lentliiiied using the Halm and hi 11 short lime the discharge was itppureutly cured. O. A, C'ary, Cerulue, N. V. ul' l.licic oil upon treiihled waleruts Hale's Heney of lioiuheiiudaiid'rar. 1'lku's Toothache Ditips euro In one minute. iil'.l iwdeedAw O.M neTTLii KvrEcra a Uubc Mr. Oscar K. l. Kech, of Allentnwn, Pa., wiu bedfast with In tlauiinatery rheuiniitUm In the winter of lssj. Doctors could de nothing te relieve him. Ilu eniineuced using Uresa' Kbeuinatla Ittliiedy. Hy the time he had used hall u bottle he could leave till bed; when lis had llnUhcd the bottle he was cuied and 1ms net had it return of the disease since. In his own words, "I loci better thin ever before." I'llcetl, by all drugglsta. lebSjmifslWAr CATAItltll CIIKKD, health and aweel breath secured, by rthlleh'a Catarrh lleiuedy. Price 60 cents. Nai-ul Inlecter tree. Ker sale by II. II. Cochran, Hrugglst, Ne. IS) North yijeeiislreet, Cautluii. We would caution the Public In lie wave of Dealers eiiurlng hemp's lUlsain at less than the regular Price, oe cents and II, us nftentliues Imi tations or Inferior articles lire sold us the genuine lu order te enable them te sell cheaply. Cecbrun, druggist. Ne. 137 North gueen street Is our agent for l.aiicastur. Sample bottle given toyeurrf. elMwdAw WILL YOU SUrKEtt with Dyaiiepsla and Liver uemplalnt t Sblleh'i Vltallzer Is guarau teed te euro you. for eale by 11. II. Cechrau. Druggist, Ne. 1S7 North yuoen treet. The Kielleimmt Net Over. The rush at II. II. Cochran, druggist, Ne. 137 North lucen street, mill continues ou account of persons atlllcted with Cmigh, Colds, Asthma, Urenchllls and Consumption, loprecuro it bollle or Kemp's llalaam for tbe Thfisit and Lungi, which Is sold en a guarantee andlsglvlngeutiie satisfaction, it Is it standard family remedy. Price W cents mid II, 2Vlel literee. ell-lwdAw AN UNrOKTUNATK PKUbON. Tbe most unfortunate person In the world Is ene anllctcd with sick headache, but they will be relieved at once by ualntj Dr. Leslie' Special Prescription, bee advertisement la another column, (I) trmviAt. MUTtvmn. Da. llAMLun Wenn Hraf r. Purely vegetabte, pleatant In bike, will expel worm 11 If any exist, no purgntlve reiiulred ullcr using. Price, S3 ceiit, by alldriigglita. fubDDindMWAt' flllll.OH'SCOUOH and Consumption euro Is sold by us oil a guarantee. It cures Uensiiliili. lien, rer sale by II, 11. Cochran, DiiikkIsI. Ne, Ui Ninth queen licet. "' ' Vnrlaiiia back, sldeer chest, win Hlillnk's I'er nus Plaster. Price 'il cents. I'er sale by II. II. Cochran, Hrngglst, Ne.lJJNiirllHMeeii stltet. lllATIIACKINIlC'OUllllcan be se uickiy cured by Shllnli'a Cum. W11 guaranlisi lu rer yitln by II. ll.Ceeluan, lirugglsl, Ne. 137 North qneen atrnet, UKUyiSWIIOOIMNlTciiinTlt and HrtinchllU liiiinedlatelymllevedby Millien Cure. Versaln hy II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. ITJ North queen treuU CeiiiuiV Mriiild lleef Tonic hupartsKlrnngtli In body and mind. Ttke no clhrr. of druttKUtt. alDlwdeisiAw tli.t.lMCHV. s 'I'ltlNO (lOOI).S -AT- A. HIRSH'S, NOH. O & O NOUTU QUHBN BT. All the Latest Mlyles or HATS AND BONNETS. Hals ferKte and up. Kine Flowers, Feather and Mower Pompom. Mllllnary Hllks, Matins, Velvets, Nettlngs, l.aces, lield Lace, Oliver I .are, Laoo mixed with geld, and many ether New Trlmuilmts. taucy Heads, Hat Ornamenls, Chlldieii's Lace Cans, Cnnints, Cellars, Culls, Handkerclilefs, Jnrseya, Ladles' Hese, and a large variety el ether geed. Call and sen us before pnrcluudiiK elsewhere. aprU'.'ind WAHTHU II.VTH ANI IIONNKT.S. EASTER Hats and Bennets -AT OSTRICH'S. Palace of Fashion, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCAHTKIt, PA. Anticipating a large trade during the week preceding KasterHunday, we have made Great Preparations I In every one 01 our l)cpattmcnt. 'lhe I nprftcodentcd Hush In our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT dutlng the last week has Induced lis te buy an extra large stock or MEW SPRING HATS, and we ate new displaying the Largest and llsml.eini'-l Variety el HATH, BONNETS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, And all Novelties In MILLINERY ORNAMENTS. OMCIIU.VIIKKU " Trimmed Hat3 and Bennets On Kihlbltlnn, And mere are trliiiiued every day. In our KID GLOVE DEPARTMENT we have heen opening I irge Invoice el New ( loves, and our assortment at present comprises the lollewlng slv les . 3 Uiitteu lllack. at 60c.; 4-lluttnii Tans at W.; 4 Uiitteu Uiidn-ssisl, In 'lans, atstie t llutten Tan iiiIem. Hcalleed Tops, 75a: llutten stllched buck, asserted Tans, N7c : 4 llutten t'n diT-d Tan colors, TVc : 4 llutten Kent Kid. Il.'i5 Kci it in, i.iiceu.ji'jrii rine iiruilaul l.lsleatld and rw aialr, lllack and Colored Mlk (ileyca, iV a pair. n call special attention te our new stock of CHILDREN'S MERINO CLOAKS In While, lllne, llrab, lielgenml Kern, Irem II M apiece nil. H1111 VVhlte Merine Cloaks, Handsomely Km brtildered. tl.TV. Infants' Kmbrnldered Merine Hauls, 'joe , T5c, ll,ll.llft). INH-ANTS'HHOKT IIKKSSKS, IIIIII. IIUKN'.S KHKS.SKa, 1M AMS'ltOIIKS, Heys' Pleated t'amhrlft Waists, V-e. yine t lunch Percale Waists, 4'c. 81'KCIAl. HAItUAlN'S IN Oeufa White Unlaundrled Shlrta, llelnferced ltoseui and Lined Hack, at .vie. LAMIMKKEMIIOULDKK hCAKK.S, with hnetted fringe. While. Ill no. Pink, Cardi nal, Onibuud Kciu.ut ll.iV KTltAOItl)lNAUY IIAItUAlN. Ltilics' WI1U0 Embrelilered Suits, put up III lleies. uncemplete, a I H.;5anil . Meguut White and lielge Oriental hklrllngs, 4', Inches wide, at It, ll.-.M, 25, ll.f.l, .u and fJuvard. Win 13 Inch Klniinclug, M te '0c. a jard. lllack hpanlsli and kscurlal riniinclngs and Skirtings. lllack Kscuilal Lace. ( leamSllk Kscurlal Luce. NOVKI.TIKS UXCKIVKII HAILV. HUUKa. "IASTKH, livHft, Easter Beeks, Easter Souvenirs, Easter Cards, A l.arirn Assertment of Kaster Souvenirs and Cauls, or the Latest Designs, at Iaiw Pi Ices. WHOLESALE FOR SCHOOLS. ATU'HK IIOUUITUKK OK JOHN BIER'S SONS, Nea. 16 and 17 North Que en Btroet I.ANCASTKK. l'A. MIUVHKITUUNUUISII UUUOS. JUNTitKUKIVKI) A LAKUK I.OTOr HOBNAIL GLOBES Which we will soil at a cts.eacd. Deven Dinerent colors. CUYSTAL.OL1VK, AllKlinal'.CANAItY, UUKKN, UI.HK, AudAMtlKK. THKriNKUTLUTOr Glebes, Lamps and Chandeliers IN LANCASTKIt. , The HUN and HOMK LAMP are the best Lamp Id the market, CALL AND HKK AT JOHUP. SOHAUM&SON, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANl'ABTEB.l-A. mmnteAL. B iiewn'h HteN mrrints. BROWN'S IRON BITTER! WILL CURF iii:aiaciii:, INDIIir-HTION, KII.1UUHNK.SH, l)YHI'KI'.l1A, NKIIVOI'H I'UOSTKATION, MAI.AHIA, !I1II,USanii'1:VKKH, TlUKIli'lIKMNll, OKNIUIAI. IIKIUI.ITY, , l'A INH IN THK HAUIC .V HI lKH, IMI'UKi: III.O0I1, rONHTII'ATIUN, KKMALKINI'IKMITIKH, llllKUMATIHM, NKUIIALUIA, KIDNKY AND I.I VCIt TKOIMIMX a-KOI(HALK II Y ALL IIHUUlilSrs. The (leuiitup has Trade Mink and crossed lied Lines en wiuppi'i, TAKE NO OTHER. C-'imlTlydAw THE MAUKKT IH KI.OODr.I) With old fashluned slew-acting plser et doubtful composition. Here we pre. ent VO I the complete virtues nf fivsh Heps, lliugn.iuy Pitch and Canada linlaam as the Ingtedlnnts of the HOP Pl.ASTKIt. Pure, 8weet, Kresh and never falling for all pains, aches and setetiess. local or deepseated. Absolutely the best uml Irengest porous plaster ever known. Thou sands say se, why net you t OnlyV,ei & for ll.eil, everywhere. Knnlliv mall ler prlie. HOP ItKAHTKIl COMPANY, llosten, Mass. (Ifi) irtiu can't iii:attiikm. " HOP PLASTERS. became possessed of fresh and actlve medici nal agents for the euro of pain and disease. A wenuertiil strengtheiiliig porous plaster, inade Irem Heps, llnrguudy l'licli and Canada llal siim. Apply one te Iturkiiche, Crick, Kidney Troubles, Htllches, Mclattca, Uheiimatlsm, Heio Chest or pain In any part. Acts Instantly always seethes rjuleU nervousness ready te apply, All dcaleis, SV a for II. Hunt by mall ler price. HOP I'LAHTKIl CO., Proprietors, llosten, Mass. nevl.'lyd ( HUI' I'LAfiTKHH. HOW IS 11)111 IIACKT Hhat Is the use of surTerlng with llackache. Pain In the Mile or lllp, iSclallca, ltheuinatllsm, Kidney Diseases, Crick, Mtltches, .Swollen and Tibs! Muscles, chest and Lung '1 reubles, erany sort of pain or soreness, either locater deep, salted, when a Hep Plaster will give Instant to ilet? Pic pared from lliirgundv Pitch, Canada Italsain and Ihn pain killing virtues el Heps. The bent strengthening plaster ever known. Thousands say se. Held by all dealers. Mailed en receipt of price, iVi , & ter II. en. (.') HOP Pl.AMTKIt CO.. llosten, Mass. e ATA Kltlf-1! A Y-KKVKK. ELY'S CREAM BALM IS WORTH $1,000 TO ASY MAS, WOMAN Oil, atirrKitiNe rueM CATARRH. A. K. NKWMAN, Urallng, Mich. A particle Is applied te each nostril and is agreuihle te use. Price M cents hy mall or at druggists. Send for circular. F.T.Y HUD I'll K 113, tiriigglsus, Owen, N.Y. lulyaiyeed.tlvw Ap'I'KK Alil.Ol'HKKH FAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, il NOKTIl riKTKKNTH hTHEKT. (ItolevT Cal low hill Street, Philadelphia.) 30YKltVKXrt:itIKN'CK. tliiaraiiteedtocure theallllcted and unrertunatn with Purely Vege table Medicines, ltoek en special diseases Inn) ; send ler It Advlce free and strictly cnuriden ttul. Oihce hours, II a. in. te i p. in., 7 p. lu. te 10 p. 111. Treatment by Mull. UU-lvdAw rlUKi: OUAHANTKKI). RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by lilt .1. II. MAI Kit. Kasuuloiice; noeMirullou or delay from bust ness t tested by htindiedsef cures. Main etUce, Ml AKCU ST., I'lllLA. Sunil ler Circular. RM-lvdAw Dlt DAUSKN, OI'KICK.S AND llltl'd STOUK, l.r.ieN.sih St., Phlhid'n., Heclstered Physician and (Innluate .letrersnn College, (juamntees le cure all IUikhI, Hklu and Nervous Diseases with puiely vegetablu reme dies lilt. DALSKN'S PILLS Safe, sine and etlec- tual. Seutenly by Kxpiessnn receipt elfi. Ne Pennyroyal or dangerous illlifs. 1,'siON.Mh Ml, Philadelphia. r:; lyd WALL IMI'JTU. Oil AHICS V. I-'HY. HKOI' IN AND TAKK A LOOK AT Oil II WINDOW SHADES, 40c. and .0c. Apiece. Spring Rellers, Ready te Hang. wen i ii we. am:v Dadoes, 50c. Werth, $ 1 . WALL PAPERS, FIVE CENTS APIEOFl UP. PHARE8W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST., I.ANCAHTKIt, l'A. AHT WALL I'Al'l.K.STOiU:. LAIUlKbT STOUK OK Wall Paper and Window Shades AT I.OWKhTPIUCKS At the Art Wall Paper Store. Cniueeaily lu the tiiornliiKlemakc your selec t tens, as later in the day we are lushed. Iteautl! tulUlIt and Cheap Papers, Iteady-iiiade Window Bhades, all celnis; Dade Shades all atylcs; Hprlug and Cord KlTlure, Lace ( urlulii Poles, etc. SHADES AND HAPKR I1UNQ BY EXPERT HANDS. ALFRED SIEBER, NO. 1H4 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTKIt, PA. ! ITVItK. TTOKKMr.IKK'.H. Loek In our windows and you will ste articles Vim never before saw ; an article that will In terest every geed honsewlte. It Is a FOLDING DRESS PILLOW 'I hat has advantages that will he acknew ledKed by all all. Call In and oxamlne It. tfOFFMEIER'S, 26 East King Street, V LOT It 1 mi. TJURaKRAHUTTON. f Spring and Snmmer CLOTHING AT- BURGER & SUTTON'S. Wn can show one nt the best stocks of Heady Made Clothing In the state and guarantee our Pi Ices Very Lew, business Holts at is. r, fin, ill and 111. rincl Dress Hulls at Hi, til and ll.V Compare our gissls and prices with ether houses and be convinced that Hits is tlie place te buy. All the Newest and Hest my les nf Plere floods for Custom-Werk, which wn will make up In the best Hlylii. Kit giiarautcuil. A lull I.I ne el V ou His' and children's Clnthlni; Gents' Furnisuinr Goods. BURGER & SUTTON, Merchant T&ileu and Clothiers, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCA8TKU. l'A. M YKKM A KATHVON. TWO WAYS OK DOINII BUSINESS ! A Fair Way and 1111 Unrair Way. What we want Is te de business In a lair way. Ne lulsiepresculntlen, no sham prices, anil no bad work. All people want te buy cheap, but some attention should be paid te quality and wet k. OUR SUITS, At is.m. neon, iisoe, iii.en, linen, iiiei, iii.tti, lia.OJnnd, ureall Imrgulus OUR OWN MAKE, A point el great Importance, for III these days theiM arn very lew geed Heme-made Clothing made, mid that Is cause terse much complaint SPRHG OVERCOATS In a variety of styles, ranging In prlce from t:.u toluel. Y0UTFS, SUITS ! At all prices, as low as anywhere tlse. BOYS' SUITS, all styles and prices, strong and Stout, for hard wear. CHlt.DIU.N'S HClTd, In Kngllsh Checks and Small Plaids, in Norfolk .(ticket bulls, Short Pauls. MKN'S SKPACATK PANTS Irem II a toffieo. In light and dark colors. We are Pioneers lu the Clothing llnslncss, and unn't stand aside ir Lew Prices give us the lead. Leading Lancaster TuIlei'B, MO. 13 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTEU, l'A, OAUHlAUHa. H K.U)QlTAKTi:nS FOK THF. TDEST urn jjj ABY CARRIAGES. LATEST STYLES, LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES. WASK FOll CATAI.OnUK. W. D. Sprecher & Sen, NO. 31 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTKIt, l'A fehl9-2md CTAND.VItU CAUK1AOK WOKK. Edw. Edgerley, CARRIAGE BUIIBER Murket Streot, Rear of Postefllco, Lfincaster, Pa. My stock comprises n lartre variety of the Latent Mtyle llut-gltw, I'hiuteni, Cnrrliitsei, Mur Mur kel and lluslne-,s V 11011:., which 1 odor at the very lowest tlgntcs nud en the luest leusoiiulile terms. I call npclal attention ten low of my own de. sli;ns,oneor which t tliu KIKiKHI.KV CI.OSKU I'lllalUlAN COUI'K, which Is decidedly the neatest, llchteil and most complete I'hyslclun's Carrla);u lu the ceuiitr)'. rersens wlihlnt; le liny a geed, honest and sulwuuitlal iirttclu, should timtr lu mind thnt they take no risk In huylni; tny work. Kvury Carrliipe turned out lu ulnlilnim years uroeu ene that Is the kind et cuamutce I lme tmidur the public. All work lully warrunted. l'lease glie ineu call Ut:i'AlKlN(l 1'HOMI'TLY ATTKNUKU TO. One set of weikinen especially uiupleyed ler lluilpuriHHu, VUAL. 1 II. MAHTIN, WU0LKS1L1 AMU KlITilL DKILKI IK All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. 49-Yard: Ne. 4M North Water and l'rlnce Streets, above Lemen, Lancaster, n3-lyd IJAUMUAKPNKUS JKKFEHIKH. GOAL DEALERS. OrrieHi Ne. lit North Queen street, and Ne. SHI North l'rliire street, Vahi.s: North I'llnce stroet, near . Uendlng llopeu LANCASTKIt, l'A. auglS-tm c IOAL. M. V.' B. COHO. N0.3.-K) NOKTIl WATKIt ST., I.ancaster, 1'a., WholesaleuudKotall Dealurln LUMBER. AND COAL. Connection with tbe Telephone Kxchaoge. Ynid and OIlUe: NO. 3.VI NOUTII WATKtl STUKKT feba-lvd INKH ANU LKJUUKH. mills UKLKHKATKl) 44 neUQUET" AND ''OLD ANCHOR" PURE HYE WHISK1E8 Are rich In daver, soft and pleasant tot be taste. I'URClii iiualily, aru excellent stimulants, and they stand without a rival lu the market. Sold at all the limiting Hotels and by Druggists. Ask ler It. IIUMl'HUKY JtMAliTlN, Sole 1'ioprletera, lanViCind 401 N. 3d St., I'blladelpbia, I'a. M ADK1HA ANDHHKIUIY WINKS -AT- Mgart's Old Wine Stere H. E 8LAYMAKER, AetNT, KtUblUhiKi 17 6. NaU K4IT Kla Stmit. lebUUO MYERS & RATION, VT.UVKH ANU Ul"- K1IOAD9, JEWELER, JEWELRY AND ART I In eftllltiK attontlen te our olTerlnKH In tlila line, the ptiblle arolnvlted te a oleso and critical oxtimlnmieii of tlie ffoedu whleh we bollevo we eati fairly plalin aroefaBtiuidartl eqtial teany ovrer oireroil In the larffeat oltlee or our land, and we ask oemparlBon of prloen, knowing that eura tire lewer for the line (reeds ofleroil than the riillnp; orprleon olnewhoro. Our Stock or Unnet Diamonds InlarRe, ami we will make tip from thorn any style of work doslred, .. AJL Nowest Patterna of I.adles' Wear always In Stock, and Birth or Menth Stonen or the wnole oalendor nan be had promptly. The Gema Diamond, Ruby, Emeraid, Sapphlre. Topaz, Opal and Pearl always en hand, and set te erder. Oil Painting, Marble and Bronze Statuary, and MuBleal Bexes, always oheorfully shown by our nttendniits. E vorybeify Is lnvltad te call and be shown through our stoek. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, HO. 4 WEST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. VAHUtAilK UtWIIH. A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Garriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KINO STREET, (NK.AULY OI'l'OSlTK THK l.KOI'AUIl HOT KL), LANCASTKIt, l'A. Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. A 1 Material, and That Only, Used irUlCKSTOSUITTHKTlMKS. Al.l.WOUK UUAUANTKKIL BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, And Vohleloa of Every DoscrlpUen Built Promptly te Order. A full l.liinef Vfililrle In Sloek,.rirflniredniiKliilly for tbeMiirlnKTrndn. A l.nri'd find Vnrled Ajii.rtiiient et SKCONlldlANK AU11KU.V HANI! wlileU will lm sold at MO-4T IlKA-iONAIII.K IMRTICUUK ATTENTION PAID TO IIEPAI1UNU. 'llS.".v.0J,, ca" '"", "inlne the wnrlr, whethnr you imrclmie erunt, IXIN'T reitOKT Philip Domem's Old NOS. 126 and 128 JIUUHKFOItSlKIIIMI (IOOD.1. -iyM. a. kij:kki:h. aldlis e. hkuk. A TTKNTION II O USEICJilWMIS I A New Firm I - New Goods ! - New Prices 1 (AT AN OLD STAND.) NO. 40 EAST KING STREET, (Oppo-ilte tlie Court Heuse.) A Complete Line of Heusefurnishing Goods ! Steves ! Steves ! U'e are mjeuM for the KULLKIIA WAKKKN CO.'S (Trey, Jf. Y.)3TOVKSnnd KANUKS, InTu InTu rler te none In tlm iimrkuL Tlie"8l'LKNIll) HKATKK"h'H proven ltcirte lie tlioclielco or all ocenotiilral lionsokoep liensokoep lionsekoep m, and la Bimratiteeil le plvn uiore tathfacUen en feiiirl tlinn any lirater In ue. The nierlu of the" IVAKKKN "and " 111 A SI UNO " ltuil(,'ii urn admitted liy nil who knew them. We lmvu nlae a lull atoclcer Heaters, Cook 8tmi and Knngca or vnrteiu ntylei and price, nnd hitrei;tieii cureliil attention te ftr oclectlen of SUMM Kit COOK SreVF.i, both for Ceat OKniid (lawhtir, se Hint our stock con taint the fj-r, the tnrst, and innit ci-miewlcnl orreied te tliupulillc. Alte Cooking UtentlUet IroiLCepppr, Tin and Urnnlle Waie.und keep en hand a full assort ment of the latent Improved conveniences which mike the duties of hoiHekeiipliii; a pleummt pnstline. Articles el Tin, Copper or SUeet Iren, of sped it deslt'ns or pattern', made te erder en short notice, IfppiilrinB promptly and nosllydeno. Sncclal attention Riven te 1M.UM11I.NO, (l.H KITTING andSTKAM IIKATINll.'IlN KOOKl Sli and hl'DUTINtl, nnd anteck of the latest Improved Uas Klitun-s, Wanln-StiuuU, llntli Tnhi, Water Cle-ets, and nil pi-rtulnlnj; te the liuslness, constantly en hand. KIEFFER NO. 40 EAST KINO STREET, HATH, mllKHi: IS NOTHING LIKK A YOL'NO MAN ItKINO linADP.I) R1011T ! Something for Your Personal Interest ! It Is te every vnunjr man's Interest te dress hlnwclflnsurh u manner as will becoine him. Theiti is no ether part of hlsdrcs that will se much change Ills appearand us his Hat. If the Hat Is net the proper ene te suit his lace, liulld nud (tenenil nppeuiiince, no lutitter hew flucly hu may bu dres'Kdluother particulars, be does net leek well. sTAlKt'KK CO, THK l.KADINt, HATTKIW OK LANCASTKIt. make a specialty or the New est nnd Most Correct Styles el SILK, STIFF AND SOFT HATS. l'lirllculsr care Is taken te show customers only these which aie the newest nnd leek the host en l belli. When wude this would our own Intel est as well as that of our customers. Only place In Lancaster w here Iho Oriental llosten Llplit Wetjht ISenutlesnnd the pretty New eik " Liiiix " Hats can be hnd. W, D. STAUFFER & CO., N09. 31 uml 33 North Quecn Street, Ijincaster, Pa. LIFE 1SHVHAHVK VOXVANY. 1FK 1NHUKANOK UOMl'ANY. GO AROUND THERE AND HOWL. When a hound shall howl nt the gate. In the dusk el thu dawning day, A soul that is weary ofllfe Mull! silently pass away. lnen. 1 lie following letter received from an agent et the Northwestern Mutual contains an Idea : AHKNC Ol' THK .SOUTH WKSTKUN MLTLTAL L1FK I.NSUKA.NCK COMl'A.W. II, N. IUvmilim, (lencral Agent, 121 King M., 2il Kns.t Omngr- St., I.AHOAHTKK, l'A., Apill '-, lUMl. ( 7 the M it or of th r Wfetlf) Statement : IIbahSik' Seme Mutual Life ngeiil vcrj- kindly sent 1110 a ropy of your last Issue In which you notlce my little circular letter le my policy heldurs. I most lully unloved Iho very happy way lu which you did It, but am also somewhat puzzied 01 er your advlce mr 1110 te visit l'asteur for tieatiueiil, ter I'asteur only cures uttacks of lijilro lijilre lijilro phebia. Atuitli'iit must hae been bllteu by a mad deg te go tehlui for tieatmenU Asinycficulur In iiuestlen states, and as It Is a tact. It was written only as a result el a long con tinued series elntluck Irem your Kc.uHng agent. Unhurt Helmes. Mi If 1 inn siillcrlng I nun thu bltoeta inaddeg, then he must be that uniiiml In iiuesllnii. Couuiieii law reeulies the owner of a mad dug te snppicss It nnd put It out of the way. Mr. Helmes Is your lawtul agent, and thciefeie ltiuusl be your duty te suppress blui nnd put him out ut tlie way. ours truly, U. N. Kkimeluh. That there nre strong Indications that smoothing lias been biting Mr. Iteynelds, we ure willing te admit. TheieaieHymplnuislu which virulent mutturfriictlllus nud reaches u growth, unknown te the body lu which It originated. History also recounts peculiar b ick action results, Ker InsUuce, the Ittchmpnd Obterver says : "A carpet-bagger was recently bitten by a copper-head snake. The C. It. continues te held nllice and draw tw e salaries. The snake died." 1'ret. l'asteur icceunU a ease In w hlch a deg, bitten by a supposed rabid animal, began in a lew days te ent up the carpet nud cliuw tliu chair legs. This deg died In three weeks, after disturbing thopencoortho uelghboiheod, while the deg that did the biting lived ten respectable old age. Taking Mr. lloyiields' own admission that he has been bitten and then considering thu fuel that he at once began te chew Iho Mlitual's surplus fund uml guan the assets, and we inusturrive at the conclusion thit he has Intensified the eilglnal lrus, and that "alter dl-tuiblnglha uelgh uelgh uelgh harboed ' for 11 brief season, he will be lieatd uf 110 mere, while thu eilglnal amine will wng his tall with satlstactimi. De net lese sight e! the quotation at the he.ul of this column, however; liy following out tlie suggestion It contains, Mr. It. may get rid el his tioublceiuo adversary. 11 e around theru ami hew 1. uevtusrvuitmuiNU oeoua. S' HIHK'a OAKl'KT UALL. CARPETS ! UEOPEN1NU Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Hest Selected Line of Carpets ever ex, hlbltedlll this city. WILTONS, VKLVKTS, all the Trading Makes el liODY ANDTAl'KSTllV UUUSSKLS.TIIKKK-l'I.Y, AH-Weel and Cotten Chain KXTUA SUf Kits, and all qualities of IN UKAINCAUI'KTS, DAMASUnud VKNKTTAN CAKl'K'13. KAU and CHAIN CAUI'KTSef our own manulacturu a speciality. Special Attention paid te the Maiiulacturu of CUSTOM CAttt'KTI. Alse. rull LluoeiOlLC'LOI'lia. flllUS, WINDOW SHADKS.COVKULETS, C,J AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sta., Lancaater, Pa. rehill-tnidAw URAISISil, XV. rNDKSTUUOTllILK (IKA1N1NO. NOCKACKINO, NO I'KKLl.NH, NO III.ISTKK 1MI. We have a system or graining wkw woen that beauiy mid transparency el nnlsu, smoothness nnddiirabllliy.andlhe capability of receiving as high flulsli as laud weed by lluiaauiu moth (His. This process Is thu nearest appieach 10 natural weed that has yet been dlaCeered. Call audaeubampics. IIUTIIIUK & SON, sole Agents for Lancaster County, Heuse fainting and 11 mining Emporium, corner of Chestnut and NuvluSlieets. Always a large stock of Mantles en hand. Telephone connections. in&ra Juid lnusi, 111 lue neur inline, i, .., i--" old system mi all new work, lis uieilts being ns fellow Tolaliabelllloinil u piiluled giound gieund ,.u ui...,.,i uml eleaii Iness lu working It. W A TV II MM. Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KING STREET. 127-1 yd Aw & HERR, LAND ASTER, PBNM'A. uiarSllmdAw VAI'X, Jta. CARPETS ! OALL AT KKUlAIVrH OLD WINK I KJ Hl'OKK 0 MSTON'S BXTHAOT OP BBBF. riNltaT IM TBI WOLD. Kstnbllslied, 17S5. H. E. 8LAYMAKER. AQT lebUtld Ne. 'il Kaat King Street. T IUH I'Al'KK LS IMtlNTKD WITH INK Manufactured by J. K. WRIGHT & OO., I marlMyd 56th and iiare 8U fhUadelpnla, ''M mvtmm 'wmid 10J k in., and 1J Iw, wTnS 1$ w RKAIIINO A COLUMUIA lUILHOAl) AND llltANCIIICH. AMI LKIIANllN A3u On KUd Ml or 8UNIIAT. NOVKMHKKtth .!' TKAINS LKAVK UKAIIINu Fer 1'nliiuililA and LmiCKtcr l 7.1. m., lt.M nerni mill mil n. in, for IJimrry vlllii nt 7.14a, tn. dud MO n. in, ur Ijliirklni. nt 7.11 ft. tn. mid 0.IU p. til. IUA1NS LKAVK COI.UMIIIA rer llnndliiK nt 7 sn . in., nd S.W p. in. rer lilmiien nt and S.40 p. m. TUAINS LKAVK qUAIUirVll.l.R ISZ .'ur!v,ler.t ' " 7.1 ft. m. and 4.M p. Ker l-iilmiimiRt 5 t.i ,,.,, ' r.ul,Rftvlt WSU TRKET(lnriier,l for U.indliiK at 7..10 a. in., 1140 and II. W p. m. Ker L.ilMiieiint 8.10 a. m., ilie mid e n. in. LK A V K I'ltlNUKTUKKT (lncailr.) rer iwdiiiff at 7.wa. us lllWand a top. m ' rer lrfitianeiiata.l7a.ui.lliMandS.(Mii. in. for l.aiiriuutr nt 7:'R.ui., Hw nntUJu t. m. or Oimrry vllle at 7:W a. in. BUNDAYTRAlm, TRAINS LKAVK KKAlllNtl rer Lnnraater at 7.20 a. m. and l.uu p. m, rer p. in. TltAINH LKAVK QUAKKYVILLK rer l.nurnater, Lebanon and Heading at 7.10 a. m TUAl.Nft LKAVK KINO ST. (Lftneaatcr.) rer lUmdlug and Lebanon at 8.00 a. ui. and Mr p. ui. rer giutrryvllle at 5 se p. m. TKAINS LKAVK 1'IUNCK ST. (Lancad ter,) rer Keadlnit and lAibanen and 8.18 a. m. and I.H TKAINS LKAVK LKIIAN0N. rer Lancaster nt 7.4S a. m. and 3:45 p. in. Ker guurry vllle at s is p. m. rer ronneotlon at Columbia. Marietta June Hen, Lancaster Junction, Mnnhelm, Ituaainc mid Lobaneii,8eetlinntAlileatalltallont. A. II. WILSON. SiiDenntandent, IJKNNSYLVANIA KAILHOAD SOUED- L IM.K. Trains Liiva Lakeabtkr and te Vn and nrrlve at Philadelphia as fellow 1 Lenye liave WKSTWAlll). Philadelphia. Ijincaster. l'aclrle Kxprcsaf 11:3) p. nt. News Kxpressf I.lda.m. ICTia. 111. Way l'nssenKei 4:30 a. in. O-.'Wa. tn. Mall train via ill. Jey. 7.00a 111. 9.11a. m. Ne. J JlnllTnilnl via Columbia K.Ma. 111. Nlatrnra Kxprcss 7:10a.m. d-.son. in. Hunever Accem via Columbia tJln, ui. rast Line) 11:50 a. 111. luip. m. Krederlck Accem vlaC'nlumbln 1 10 p. tn. ljincaster Accein via ML. Jey.. 2.Mp. tn. Ilarrlshurg Accem.... 2:15p.m. ftJUp, m. Columbia Accein 410p.m.; 7:30p.m. Ilarrtsburi; Kxpress... 5:40 p m. 7:40 p.m. Chicago and Cln. Kx..) 8..'flp. nu 10-45 p. 111. Western Kxpress) 10:09 p. m. 12.10a. lu. Leave Arrive at KASTWAttU. Lancaster. l'hlla. l'htla. Kxnress) 3 15 a. 111. 4:1.1a. in. rast Line) 8.25a. tn. Ilarrl.burn Kxpiess... 8:10 a, ill. 10.20a.m. Laucnsler Accem nr... 8 55 a. 111, via Mt Jey Columbia Accem tteua. m. 11:15a.m. Seashore Kxprus UAIp.ln. 3:15 p. 111, Johnstown Accem 2USp.ui. 5 (10 p. in, Sunday Mall 4.(0 p.m. B:43p. tu. Hay txpress) 4'lSp.m. O.50p. m. Ilairlsburt; Accem.... 6:45 p.m. -0-.4S j. in. The Lancaster Accommodation leaves Harris, burg at p. m. and arrives at Lancaster at 9-M p. in. The Marietta Accommodation leaves Celnm bla at CIO n. in. and reaches Marietta at GA. Alse) leaves Columbia at 11:45 a. m. and 2:4.5 p. in., reaching Marietta at 12:01 nnd 2.55. Leaves Marietta ats-es p. m. and arrives at Columbia a. 3:20 : also, leavos at 8:21 and arrives at 8.50. Thu Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7:10 and arrives nt .Lancaster atit.OOcennecUnar with HarrtsbuigKxpressatS.IOa. in. The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect ing at Lancaster with fast Line, west, at 2:10 p. 111.. will run through te Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, east, leaves Columbia at 12.25 and reaches Lancaster at 12AJ p. in Hunever Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9.50 a. in., will run through te llanover, dally, except Bun Bun eay. will step at Downlngtewn, Ceatesrllle, l'aikcs- unv i., n. ju Buuunjr, .iieu imHm uurg, ub'iur, r.uzauointewn ana utaaioiewn. trhoenl) trains which run dally. On Sunday liu Mall train wust runs bv way of Columbia. OLASBWAKB. H IOH it MAKTIN. HUM Housekeepers In want of any nrtlclcs te Re furnish will de well le remcinher that we hare always en hand n full Una nt CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. We oren le day n new linn of Eudisli Printed Toilet Sets -l.N- NEW DESIGNS & SHAPES, The Hest lu the Market for the Meney. Don't fall te sie I In-ill befoiepiiiclmslng. islMmlii 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTKU, l'A. MACHIXXMT. -ACUlNKRY,A0. FO STEAM HEATINO Latest and Most Imprerea ENGLNES-TraelieB, ParbUt or Stitiewjr. Mew or Bocend-Uand B0ILEK3, WATKB TANKS, BEP ABATORS. MAOHtwa nr Kirira Wen inch ai done and kept lu Macblne Sheps. . OlLLOMOaADDMSA Ezra F. Landis, urnnwn r.rr wnnTH OBI ' ....... ,oe i-rMTflATfflV PA Vi 1 Ne young aim should elr Ibb1 wlilieimis ",-., j,i7 ui ui, i"ueienc?, or prerenl 1 Main Mlr hit- J?he LAN0A8TICII IHJSINWWCOLLKMie Ul. Im of ad aelage 10 every " w)utver l. f lure occupation maybe. ..' ' 1 11 will teach buslneaa hablUand atlMtUea te aceeunls. which will tire InervaMd latfMM iiid success. Essenllsl te tbe muxwsa a Urn 'rmer, Mwhanleandtne yrtrfKXenM ."' ru.1 ,r.lcu.arj ottejtlg A-J NO, mt MM Ktast Mli 1 1 ,'1J M M sji