1sii-3!s,r.rB.,l ... . t. ' x; - . ". i ,." 1 ,' e e .1 THE LANCASTER DAHjY INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY, APIUL 19, 18SG, .nkMwlu Y t--.. h1 sft ffi 1 .. Efr l,K' . . - 'At..' wy TV' iU F. .;&;;. ?.. iw .TSf i KM. fefit w F W Daily InUlligencw. fJi PUttttHK& Evm EvENma in TrteYt' (tUHOMS (Minn) BYSTBNMAN HKNSHU IHTELLIQENOER' BUILDING, r B. W. Oenwr attain Sqnr, 1taOMTW fnriDeiuMAYl.li er,rrrCiTI rvsTua rmii ftjWUHWfcKWTll Fwn Tin te r.rry Cuti a L.m. INTELLIQENOER, (ElQHT PAQE8.) Etit Wednesday Memlmr, PnWteMd Twe Deuam a Yi m Awmki. OOKRtWONDENCE Soueitte rr tviw 'T of thi 8Tt , MiMTRt. tOItflP04flTI MOWtlTIB TO W.T. llfT , Wl 0 .H OP Tw rm.O.i.l M. TO Ttl. ln, WOT MKlCATIOM, VT I. MWOP OP 0000 PiT. AiL MMM UTTCMt W1U II COMWf I TO Tl IT, Address all Lettern and Telegrams te THE INTELLIQENOER, Lancaster, Pa. ftljc oncaetct Intelligencer. LANCASTKIt. Al'KIL 19. 1886. Mill It Be n (!j clone I The Quay party are evidently enter ing the campaign of this jear with a great many tremors. Quay sla ted Heaver last year, and the fact has become se generally known that he cannot back out, although Heaver's weak ness as a candidate is even mere apparent than It was in 1SS2. General Heaver him self pointed out the ether day in an inter view with the Williamsport Sun und Ban ner certain important interests which did notepposo him in 1SS2, but which he thinks will oppose him this year. He then proceed ed te whlstle themdown'.the wind with the remark that they " didn't amount te much anyway." Chairman Cooper get up a very pretty scene at the meeting of his state commit tee. It was the first performance of the trained animals en the slate pregramme. Each member of the committee, except an unhappy little goeso from Juniata, who wanted te vindicate the orphans' school syndicate from the " lies" of the governor and attorney general, were called upon one after another aud reported that each district was just burning te give an unex ampled majority for Beaver and the whole Ring slate. Here and there seme half instructed fellow let'it out that there was great danger from the labor vote this year. Hut as a rule Mhey " spoke the piece " through as it had been given them. "When Cooper had finished tip this business without any serious mishaps, he proceeded te fix the time for Mr. Quay's convention. Here, however, Lucius Rogers, Hre. Kauffman and ethers broke loose completely. They were evidently in trouble about Heaver and had a strong suspicion that if the slate was run through, without a deal of caution, it would get kicked te pieces at the polls. Cooper wanted ap early convention for fear of accidents te the machine ; but these people wanted a late convention because they dimly foresaw a labor uprising against the slated candidates. Kauffman plainly stated that If these men were put into the field in June, the chance3 were that the convention would have te be reassembled te remove some of them from the ticket. Cooper rebuked him for expressing " fears," and then blundered in the same line himself by admitting the possibility of the " cyclene " which the ether fellows wejild beyond question have openly pre dicted it they had only been rid of the machine miralcs. Mr. Quay and his " busy men " manifestly feel the ground quivering under their feet. The Levelling Precess. The Philadelphia Press is again dis turbed ever the legitimate operations of the civil service rules, te which its party appeals te keep in office the retainers who were appointed for partisan reasons. It seems that of sixty-ene appointments te clerkships in the Philadelphia postetlice, recently made by Postmaster Harrit,y, all are Democrats, although made in strict conformity with the civil service examina . tien which " are supposed te level political barriers and give all applicants, whether Democrats or Republicans, an equal chance te obtain positions under the federal gov gev ment." Certain examinations wcie recently held in the Philadelphia postelllcc, and from these who received an average mark of C5 or ever the postmaster must take his ap pointees. When there is a vacancy te be filled the local beard is called tqieii and selects four names, beginning with the ene having the highest average and selecting them in the order of their rank en the merit list. The postmaster lias the prlvi lege of rejecting three out of the four names, but homustmake his selection from that batch. Tiiose who are rejected can be sent back te the postmaster when new va cancies occur for three times, after which the rules require that their names shall be drop;ed from the eligible list. We are glad te learn that in strict con. fermity with these rules the new post master has been able te find slxty-ene Democrats; or the men he found in posi tion about toper cent were Hepublicans appointed en that account. After he shall have appelutcd four or five hundred mere Democrats the parties will be neatly ?iV,en;,Ue " barrera " wm Je"Ti, the levelling process will have dene its work ; but utu thi3 evenn033 imbeen IS? a Ut we trust l'e will net be de terred by the pangs or fears of the I'rm. aunwru0 -.then The Commonwealth's Constitution A committee of the persons who made be suite constitution appeal te te Se te take measures te secure an enforcement of it. 1 1 is a pity this Bheuld be necessary Iret the appeal will be none the less forcible mxuusu me occasion ier it is se urgent. It is net te be forgotten, however, that for ten years Democratic state conventions have declared and reiterated their declara- tiens for the enforcement of the funda- mental Jatr. While the Ilepublicau party f PesMylvania has, as a party, nullified 14 dotted the la w,the Democrats as a body bare atoed up for its enforcement and for tt supremacy.- Stragglers en both sides 'r hare wandered from their main bodies j '.4 while all who believe are welcomed ttbejuks of the faithful, no "new ,fttVte seeded in Pennsylvania te pre- tt with a party of the constitution and On the UiunpeKC. An excited cot respondent of the Pit If burg Diynitch, writing from Washington, says rather indefinitely that he has been offered various mums from 41,000 te S5,oen te shut his mouth and step his pen against "the unlawful hierarchy" the Mermen church, which he declares is new engaged in a death grapple with the United States government. And he calculates that it his silence Is worth that the failure of the Heuso te pass the anti-Mermen bill has been purchased at enormous expense. Then he gees en, like all the anti-Mermen ranters, te denounce Mormenlsin without polygamy. Even with this offense against morals and the laws removed, he says " the church would still be dangerous te our form of society.'' " The fundamental creed of Mormenlsm is hatred te Christian civilization, with which it is incompatible and always at war. Mormenlsm cannot exist without our form of government. One or the ether must succumb." " The Mermen church must be cut tip root and branch, There are many who new believe this can never be accomplished except by force of arms. I am Inclined te believe this is true." "The day is net far distant when the dernier resort te the bayonet and cannon will come." It does net seem te occur te this excited correspondent that men can be restrained from making feels of themselves without being paid for it. A Mermen policy that proceeds upon his as sumptions is se ridiculous, se constitution ally immoral that the failure of Congress te ndept it needs no apology nor explana tion. Titesi: who have forgotten te keep lent alieuld make a fair trial of It tliN last week. A woman has been reneminated pet. master of Louisville, anil 0,000 constituents of Congressman Willis are denouncing him for his alleged work In bringing about the result. Leng before the daysoflevoly Helen, woman has been conspicuous in ratlng rows. Tiik boycott, when injudiciously ii'.ed, proves te be a big lielpta the ciuse that it Is designed te hinder. This lias been manifest In the boycotting warfare that was directed against Mrs. Cray's bakery, in New Yerk. Falling out with a baker's union, the latter gave orders te boycott her place, but the ltttle woman paid no attention te their warnings and her bold stand finally at tracted the attention of the public who thronged te her doers. Her modest little shop new contains fie assistants aud these are Inadequate te supply the overwhelming demand for her goods. Her store cannot aocemmodato any mere help, and her evens although worked te their fullest capacity, cannot bake anything llke enough te rnipply all who wish te show their practical sym pathy with her. liven inenled contributions pour in te enable her te keep up the fight. It Is therelore evident that the boycott is a two-edged sword, which It were lar better te allow te rust In the scabbard than te use iW wlely. KKr.pyeuf eye en the trees te note the Easter awakening. Attention has been recently directed te the fact that In the Rhede Island legislature an Irish home rule resolution met w ith strong opposition en the grounds of International Interlerence, and that Ireland by voting inoney and men for crushing the colonial army In 1770 wan net entitled te spmpathy en the score of reciprocity. Aloxander Sullivan has met and answered this mendacious state ment, end It Is surprising that In the Khnde Island legislature was found net ene well enough versed In Irish history te repel it. As Mr. .Sullivan says: "Ireland was abso lutely without the power te vete upon any question in 1770. hhe neer voted a man or a dollar te crush the colonies. It is true that a body was in Dublin previous te the revolu tion and during it, but It did net represent Ireland. It was composed exclusively of men belonging te a section constituting only one-ninth or the Irish people. Three-feurths of the peeple could net vete at all even for members of iu Its members were chlelly reprcscntathes et the landlord power and otllce holders sent ever Irem Kugland and Scotland. It could meet only when sum moned by the Knglish king, and could take action upon measures only iu accordance with the king's order. What untruth Is It net, therefore, te describe as the act of the people el Ireland any measure passed by that body" It was only trem J7K2 te IsOO In the Parlia ment known as Grattan's that original bills could be considered." Tin: met ement set en feet te give no per formance in the few Yerk theatres en Geed Friday Is an excellent ene, aud u e are pleased te note that the leading managers are all giving It most cordial support. It might profitably be extended te all citles. Te set aside ene week-day of the year ter the con templation oftbe awe-lnsplring mystery of the Redemption can have none but the mast truittul results for all rlasses of peeple. Menk will deny that spring's robes of sun shine are very becoming te her. Matthew Ahnemi will come te America next month ler a summer of rest, though he may lecture once each In New Yerk, Iluten and Philadelphia. Matthew leek away a goodly number of silver dollars en his last trip te this country. PEK30NAU Hampson Lew. the eldest Londen pub lisher, has died in his eighty-ninth year. Ministuii Ce hns been lecturing in Con stantinople en the " Poetry or Mechanism." Mn. I'Ar.NEi.t. has written a nnvel called "Lady Drussilla," which is said te Ik) a line psychological story. Martha Washington's autecraph letter te her friend Miss Green, brought flit the ether day at a New Yerk auction. Mas. JlAltv ItiiKNNAV, of Chicago, will celebrate her 117th birthday eh April 27. and en the same day her eldest boy will be 81. Lti.i.iAN lit sski.1. has made up with her husband, and New Yerk Is excited bocause they were seen walking out with the baby, Hi:nateh8awf.u Is a valuable inemler of the pension committee. He pays Ids own clerks and derides cases without any cost te the government. W. 1T. Hunski. has been Invited te deliver the oration bofero the literary societies or Washington and Jcllerseu college next commencement. Macaulav get no pleasure from books, he confesses, (pial te that et " reading ever ler the hundredth tlme great productions which I kuew almost by heart." Mrs. Frances ILUuiinettIs rather ntmvn the medium stature, of geed round figure, a comely blonde, blue-eyed, with light brown hair, shapely mouth, dullcate nose, firm chin and face lull of expression. Okn, Wade HAJir-Toxencosald : " Shew me the man who Is ungracious or everbear. leg te bis Inferiors, and 1 will show you a snob, whose family thread Is most likely waxed at the further end." Count Lee Tolstoi, the Russian novel 1st, Is In oicellont health, employing his ltd. ira uunrs in mu uiiigeiu siuuy et UreeUaml Hebrew, in taking bodily oxea-ise and iu writing a seilts of short popular tales. nS!,1!,8 k.ma"kth Van Rensselaeu SS.V.? V .r General II Ilurd Grubb, died lifL2t'l,?:V,Ha,"rilay ni!ug in the mie?r0l.e1' ""'I'lila. Khe had been Ilr Vn V iEl ? "" Hue was daughter or ?erph.weru.nirJSbS.,,d "er ",,SbaUa ,S efJtidunu",w!l.ra Abrshsm nrnner, ei miscount)-, have lieen drawn tn srvH I grand Jurers in the United HtiuE SistHc? court at Philadelphia, for lh? May term commeuclng Monday, May nth; JeMr.li M l'etts and aolemon C Gregg bavLbee?, draw 1 te serve as petit Jurers at the same court. Jtrr-IAN IlAWTllOKNKsaysthathorereem. tiers that en one occasion he wrote for twen. l1tU. consecuUve hours without pause. Wltliiu the last month Mr. llawthorne has done a big piece of work in a remarkably abort time. Qa the 234 of March he began and en the COth be llnlMipri a story et S.000 wen), doing for four day' work averaging 8.W0 words per diem. It must have been trashy work. HAS I; II ALL Art 11.1. The Ametlr.in A. social Ien C!iatiiinnMp !' Mill (fpenrU oil SsttlnlAjr, On Saturday the American Association championship seaen oicned. At Philadel phia the Athletics easily defeated the M eta by 10 te .1j at lUltlinerc, HyrneV Brooklyn tieys met dere.it by I te 1 j at Cincinnati the l-oult-llle downed the home team by I te 1 ; the IMttsburgSt. Leuis g'amenas iospened en account et rain. The exhibition games played en SiturtUy resulted as fellows At Washington : Wash Wash tngteu 14, Jersey City a ; at Newark : New ark fi, Philadelphia 1 j at Norfolk : Bosten !, Rochester J at l'rovldence : Providence 2, Newburypert 1. The scores or the Southern League games were as fellows : At Augusta : Naslnllle n, Augustan ; at M scen : Macen 1, Memphis;! at Savannah: Savannah '-A Chattanooga 4 ; eight tnulngs ; at t'harlas t'harlas ten : Atlanta S, Charleston 3. On account et the sickness et i'erguseu, Clements the catcher, was put iu te pitch against the Nenark ou Saturday, and ten hits were made oil him. This was net the cane of the League team's defeat, hewever, as thev could de nothing with the delivery of" Phenomenal " Smith, lie allowed them but three hits. In the game at Baltimore en Saturday McTamauy canledel! the honors for Brook Breok Broek lyn. He liad six put outs and one assist. Yeung KUrey pitched a great game for the home team, but two hits being made oil him. AlKWt SOOO ieople saw the Athlellc Athlellc Athlellc Mrtropelitau game Saturday. The Jersey City peeple ha e Pat l'rlel in the box. nnd it is no wouder that they don't win. Frank Lang is said te , be doing great work at short for this team. During Irwin's illness Pitcher Bradley Is doing geed work at short ler the Athletics. In the local series the Philadelphia club outplayed the Athletics every way. Barnie says he will be satisfied u lsj beats Pittsburg in the series, and It Is pretty cer tain he will. Thereare very few gitues in which U-irkln, of the Athletics plays, that he don't have mere than ene hit. Un Saturday he had a double and two singles. The l'hiladelephla club is already begin nine te makn seme of the ether league teams shake In thelr beets Barnie will release several players shortly. Base ball yesterday : At Ixiutsrllle : Leufs- ville4, Cincinnati:); at St. Leuis: St. Louisa, Pittsburg I. Atternoen game, St. Leuis in, Pittsburg 3. Over n llnmlrril I.Uet l.et lij n I'lre. The town of Stry, in Galicia, has been al most cempletely destroyed by tire. The tiumber of houses burned Is about six hun dred. The inhabitants are destitute A high wind was blowing and the tire started Iu several parts of the town at about the same time. Many inhabitants were killed by tail ing walls and steeples. One hundred per sons were killed in one street. The town hall, railway station and the telegraph otllce were destroyed. A large number et wound ed were extricated from the ruins and wero sent te Lembere, forty-two miles distant, where the hospitals are crowded with the sutierers. Hundreds et persons are missing. Lack of water rendered aid by the military futile. Meney and feed are belnc collected In the surrounding towns for the relief of the sutrerers. Hun Dr. Itultnra Get a ljusrter. from the (.hicage Ltving Church. Ttie veuorable Dr. Foabedy, of Harvard, is noted ter his benevolence. One warm day in summer he was coming into Bosten from Cambridge. He had Just left the herse-car and was hdrrledly turning the sharp corner near the Revere house, when he came near colliding with an old gentleman. The elderly-looking individual steed with his hat etl wiping the perspiration from his brew, but he held his hat Iu such a position as te give the appearance that he was begging. Dr. Peabody, seeing only the hat, dropped a quarter Inte it with his customary kind re mark. Dr. Oliver Wendell Helmes, who was holding the hat, put the quarter into his pocket, solemnly thanked Dr. Peabody and passed en. A llriitflrent Outreine et Cremation. Frem the Philadelphia Hecerd, Should cremation ever beceme popular It could at least have the advantage of prevent ing long funeral services In cemeteries and the consequent exposure of mourners te the dangers attendant upon standlngupen damp ground with head uncovered. Only a few days age a well-known citiren el Baltimore died 01 pneumonia, which he had contracted while actiug as pall-bearer at a friend's luneral. It Is dillicult te estlmate the evil results efa long ride te a cemetery, especially In winter, tollewed by oipesuro at the crave during lengthy religious services, accom accem pinied at times by the ritual or secieties te which the decoased may have belonged. In honoring the dead we ought net te be un mimirul of the living. Net an AmUAttment, Frem the Chicago Hambler. Mr. Cutaway: "Why, Miss Fitaltament, I thought you abstained trem amusements during Lent. Yet I fancied I saw you at the theatre last week. MlsaF.- "Oh! hut that wasn't an amuse ment. It was a Wagner opera, you knew." A Darkj's 'rarer Fiem the llosten ltocerd. " When I hear stories or odd prayers," said a certain colonel, " 1 always think el one I heard ellercd by an old darky down en Ship Island during the war. He prayed, ' O Lord, ranshack de werl' all ober en a white horse and gib us all charity llke bounding brass and simple tingle!'" iVAKi: IT, III.OSSOMS! The Kastcrspsrrew repeats her eng : A merry warbler, she chides tbe blotsein, Thu Idle blossoms that sleep se lenjf, Iiryant. Asa ht-aleref threat troubles Jtcd Star Cough Curt) has no equal. Tnenty-flve cents. al-KUl.tt, XOTIVJM. l'e.tma.trr haini. A. Hew lit. Or Monterey, Stlch., dollvera himself In this M ".'I i.'." cod', burns, sero threat and rheu. mutism Thomai' Kcleetria Otl cannot he beatnu. I say keep It up te the Rtuudnrd, and It w 111 hat Uly 1 he peeple. I hallend ler u new mipplv een." termiltihyll.lt. Coehnin.tlrugKlst. 137 and ltl North (Jut-en street, l-anciilter. rln. l'luasnnt, healthy Krlns arn seen only en the Hce of healtliy pt-Men. Tbe dy'poetlo nnd dehUltatrtl can smlle only In a hall-hcartcd way rurlly the bleed, tene the stomach, nnd sttnnKtheu the tlianea with Jlurdeek Meed Jlit leri. If you wish te laugh welt and ofteu. Fer salt) by II. 11. Ceihran. druggist, 137 and U) .North Queen strret, I.anca.iter. Will It Iteallj-Cure ltheniuatlsin t We anisrer. honor bright. It will euro rliomna rliemna rliomna tlein, nnd the severest cases tee. Mr Thomai' Xclectrte Oil was specially prepared for the rhcumattn and luiim. Ne! Icu lutters from tbe IH-ople relative te Its merits In nearly every paper In the country. Fer sale by II. II. Cecli. ran, druggUt, 137 und IS North Queen street, Lancaster Came Aiteulihineut. " Cempletely preatrnled for days with Indi gestion nnd bilious lever. Thn oirw-tHer twn Ileteetlves autl frllsle Olllrer. Isually wear their tiadges of authority conceal i-d under ttaflrcletblnit, bnt Dr. Theina? Kclee trie Oil wean 1U badges In tbofennor printed la h-1 attached te each and every bottle, se that nil may knew Ha mission. It I, KiVen full and roiiiplete authority teunest ull at-be. nnd pain., nnd does its Only u cry time. Fer nale by II. II. techran, druggist, 117 and 133 North 'Queen street, Lancuxier. w"j" TIi Kind we ijke. The mertlclne we most llke U that which docs its work riulcknnd well. Jiunteek llloeil mttert uie the quickest kind of a euro for dysiwiisl 1 and liver and kidney affections. Fersnlt'bv II Jl. techrnu, druggUl, 137 unit Si North Uuceu street. Lancaster. MlLl.lNr.HY. Cl'JUXO GOODS -AT- A. HIRSH'S, NOS. O is 8 NORTH QUEHN ST. All the Laical Styles or HATS AND BONNETS. llaUferna.undup. Fine Flowers. Feathers and lower Pompom, Jlllllnary Silks, Satins, 1 livc! N l,xln!"i' . "old Lace. 811 ver Lace, m.?iVix,'a Vth KO'?' ana nny etner New hiVJfliJSCi"'! -". ",,u "t Ornaments, IU, eK'i.i .'f CU1'W. Content. Cellars, Cutrs iiaudkcrehltirit, .leraeys, ljulles' Hese, and 11 aiye variety of ether 'goedi. CallndsSe ua btferspurchmingeuewhcrs. apVitjd XKIt:CAU ptOIt THH BLOOD. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! j. t'niiiblnliig Iren and Pure cgrtalilt lenlrs, tiutrhly and completely Cleanses unit hnilehm the IlliMHl. Uulckens ttaesctloiief the I ucrsiul kidneys, licurs the Completion, makes the s-LIn Smeeth. II docs net Injure the teeth, ciiii.f ticHilachp or produce constipation A 1. 1 O I II hit MKH1CINKS DO. l'hyslclsiisand druggists K eryw here Iti rem tneml It. Dr. .n.S, Knidt.it-., of .Marlen, M 15 " 1 recommend brown's Iren Hitters a Miluabln tonic ter enrlchlim thebloeu, and removing all dyspeptic sTtntitems. It does net hurt the teeth." Da. It. t. DiLigtt, Keynehli, tnil , says " 1 have prescribed ltrewn's Iren mttms In cases et nnivuda and bloetl Olseases, also when a tonic ns needed, and It has proved thoroughly satis factory." .Mr. W v. IIvrns, Ne. WSI. Mary street, Nev Or leans, La , 9ys Hronn's'lren Hitters relieved me In a case of bleed poisoning unit 1 heartily recommend It te these needing a bleed purl Her." The genuine has Trade .Mark and crossed red lines en n nipper. Take no ether. Made only t ltKOWN CBK.MtCAI. t ., (6) lUltlineie. Md. CI.UTU1XU. OANNMAN A BRO, L. The Best and Cheapest Place -TO HI - Bey's and Children's Clothing. I.. OA.SS.MAN A ltlte, corner North Queen and Orange stiects are liener prepared for the coming season, and have a mere select Jteck of Hey's und Children's Clothing than e er tH'tere. liUCK3MOUKI.NThUKSTl.(iTMA.N Ollls ft) ltnys an Klepant All-Weel l!ey' Suit. IW lluys nOoetl All-Weel Scheel suit. W.0e buys a Fine ltmwn lloys'.terkscrow suit fiMilluysabtrenir ltevs' knockateut Milt IJ.U) buys a Flne All vt oel lteys Plaid 'Ult s.W tluys the Finest Worsted lteys' suit. CIIU.tlltKVS SUITS-Al.I.OUU OH N il hK. M 00 lluys an All Weel Child Suit. It 37 lluys a Nice Child Milt. l.(0 ltnys 11 (ioedlusslmero Child Suit. !U0 buys a Nice Plaid Child Suit. AH) buys a rinn All Weel l'lald Child Milt. t! IU lluys a (,oed Scheel Child SulU f,.M lluys an F.legaut All U oel Child Suit. A hint te purchasers, may they be ladles or gentlemen llotero you buy Hey's or Children's Clothing leek through our stock, examine mak Ins and trimming, and compute our prices with ether houses, ten will satisfy yourself that new here olse can you Invest se little inoney ter te recclve such big value. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MKlttllAM TAILOIIS AMI TUUEU3 or MANUFAC. MEN'S BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST , Klgbt en the Southwell Cerner Orange street, LANCASTKK, l'A. Mf Met connected with any ether Clothing Heuse tn the city. w ILLIAMSON KOSTKR. ARTISTIC CLOTHING -Feil- BO VS. Straight Frent Sack, -OK Brfelk Blouse Suits. HOY'a l'LAIN SACK SUITS, $5.00 UOY'S OASS11IEKK SUITS, KM. UOt '3 DKKSS WOKSTKHs, VAu. CHIl.DltE.N'S NOIIFOI.hSUITMKO CUILDHEN'S PI.EATKO 1 UN1C SUITS, JJW. 1, 13 W. CIIILDKE.N'3 KII.T SKIUI S, jijti, n.&n, i(e THE LATEST FASHIONS IS Gents', Youths', Bey's and Children's HATS & GAPS. FA.VUV FLANNEL, NEW 1'ATTKItN I'KUC'ALE AM) CHEVIOT SHIRTS, FOIl OEN'IH AM) HOYS. A LAltOK A9SOUTMKNT SILK NECKWE5R. TWEN'IYFIVK AM) FIFTY CE.V'IS. KCONOMY IM LADIES', OE.NTa' AND 1IOV '3 Dress Shoes. Ladles' Dress Kid fthec, tl.M. Miees' Ilreti Shoes, side, dents' Dress bbees, ll.le. Hey's Dress Shoes, ;Jc. TRUNKS, VAIJSK8 & SATCHELS AT LOWEST .MUCKS. 32,34, 36 & 38 East King St., LANCASTER. PA. JglOU A DAUK KIOU HOIU" Te luipreTe jour flew or heil ana yarjs, our Fine Sharp Sand, or Thin Solid Flag Stoats. Lea ve your erUeraatUKCHTOLD'S Ladle' and (ienu' turnlihlnK Stere, Na 61 North Qucen ttreet. -Slirn or the lllg Stocking. Williamson Fester, NATCH K8. C CALDWKLL OO. Bridal Ushers pen nnd Favers Bridesmaids. Meaura. Onldwell A: Oe. have propnred for the wod wed illn.KB of EuatortUle n ett ett perb tiRSortment or olo elo ole Kantly otirtmelod liroeohon ntul Scnrf Pitta oapeolnlly ndnpted rta Ttivera for Brldeemulda nnd Uahera. THE FLOWERS. ts HUE THE EDELWEISS 'I HE l).WS I'llEAI'l'LKltl.OSSOM THE VIOLET THE I'ANnY HIE I'lNK IS TIM'S li, 0U2 CALDWELL CHESTNUT & CO. ST. Careful attention given te orders and in quiries by Mail. -ty-ATl'lII'-H, CI.Ol'KS, Ar. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, CHEAT roil CASH Lancaiter Wulclies at the lxiwest Trlceserer OITeri-J ; helnu atockhelJereniihles me te Hell these watches cheai. Elgin, Walt tain ana ettier atches en ale. siwctnclex, Oicrii uinww, Ac. lleialrlni;ef thentieve iiauieU articles will receive uiv personal nttcntlen. LOUIS WEltElt. Ne. 151H North Queen St., opposite ilty Hetel. (.Near I'enn'a It. H. Depot ) -ARentler AUllOltA WATCH. CAIIltlAdF.fi. H r.ADQr.VHTl'.US FOlt THE BEST ABY CARRIAGES. LATEST STYLES, LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES. 3rKS7v FOli CAVA LOU UK. W. D. Sprecher & Sen, NO. 01 BAST KINQ STREET, LANCASTElt, l'A fehl9 -hnil OTANOARI) CAHKIAOK WORK Edw. Edgerley, CAKRIAGE BUILDER Market Streot, Renr of Poatellloo, Lancaster, Pit. lly uteck cemprlseii a larice vnrlcty of the Latest Htyle Hnirgleii, l'tia-tens. Carrliines, Mar ket and limine Wiigens, which 1 otter at the very lowest I! gum anil en the most reasonable tonus. 1 call special attention te a few of my own ! nlfpn, one of which Is the KDli KUI.KV Cl.USKIl PHYSICIAN COCl'ff, which li UeclOeaty the neutast, llgbte.it ana moslceuiplota 1'hyslcl.an'i Carrtacu In thn ceuntr). Persons winning te buy n geed, honest ana aubiliintl.il article, sbeuUl bear In mind that they teke no risk In buylni; my work. Every Cnrrlai;e lurnea out In elulilwn years aitmil one tluit li the kind et guarantee 1 have te offer the public. All work lully warranted. Please gtvn me a call KEPA1K1NG 1MIOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen eipectilly employed ler that purpose. B AHY CAKKIAOKH. 100 Baby Carriages i SIADE lit HIE BEST FACTORIES IN THE COUNTRY TO OU It OWN OltDEtt, AND Offered at Lewer Prices THAN EVEIt. K37SEND FOR CATALOGUE. FLINN & BRENEMAN, LANCASTElt, l'A. nl.Vlydiw 1IOOKD. "PJASTEIt, 18-fi. Easter Beeks, Easter Seuvenii-s, Easter Cards. A I.arpe ABsertment et Eaater Heiirenlrs and Curilit, 01 tbe Lateit Designs, at Imw Price. WHOLESAtiH FOR SCHOOLS. AT THE IIOOUSTOKE Or JOM BAER'S SONS, Nea IB nnd 17 North Queen Streot LANCASTElt. l'A. TJOTi: IS MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT 3JOQ A. DOZIV. AT NO. 1W NOUTH QUEEN BTUKKT, Janl9-tta Laucter,t'aJ I - - vs -v HKT JJAGKK .A imOTHKU. '' J t D RESS GOODS. New French stlne. New Aineilcxu Snttnei. lletmctte. Mnvs ellliiir, EunlUhnuil French Sctijes, Clatrruttn Cleth, Weel llatlstc, French Coiiitiluntlen, 1 110IUI1 l.'ouililniillens, Ainerlenu Coinlilniitlenii, t nlnnM nml lllnck Civmi Clelhn, Itreehe ami Otteman (llnnliamu, Satin lleitier, llrecaitn CashineriM, EhkIIsIi Cheviot 4, Nevel Coiuhlnntlenf, Shawl DetMitiiient ! Ul.AL'K TlilllKTSIlAW 1. CASIIMKUES1IAWI.S. I'EHSIAN AND OltEClAN HA1.H. KMUUOlDEItE SCAItKd. AN INI.I.MITKI) Sl'lMMA" OP LADIES' GENT'S Slimmer Merine and -AT- FAHNESTOCK'S. Alse Ladies' Gent's nnd Children's Hosiery in quantities at ex ceedingly Lew Prices. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT Q-UU'KTH FKO.M Al'lTKl.V. MZTZGER & HAVE NOW Ol'ENED A LAIIHE INGRAIN, RAG, HALL liOlTnill- AT AUCTION 'Oll CASK CAItl'EIS ntlO Cent. CAKPhTs atUS'CenU. CAItPKTM atsu Cents. CAKl'ET at.TU L'entx. LA1U-K1H nil-) Ceuta. CAKl'ETS atM Centi. Fleer, Stair and Table Oil Cleths, Cheap. letzger & laughmaii's Cheap Stere. 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. - Uetwmn the Cooper ileu.e ana Serrel Heme Hetel. fViistrviiK. Gll AM) OI'KNIMI, GRAND HEiNITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, Nes. 27 and 29 Seuth Queen Street. Tliis Week, Beginning en TUESDAY, AFKIL Cth. The Ijirgest anil Finest Dlsplny Sleck of New nml Deslrable Goods in the (Ml)'. WALTER A. WALL fAfifU. pit. MllCM W. THY. UUOl' IN ANI TAKK A t.HHK AT OUK WINDOW SHADES, 40c. aud 50c. Apiece. Spring Rellers, Ready te Hang. WOK I'll We. AM 75c. Dadoes, 50c. Werth, $ 1 . WALL PAPERS, FIVE CENTS APIECE UP. PHARE8W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTKIt. l'A. KT WALL I'APEIS STOHK. I.AKOKSTSTOUIv 01' Wall Paper and Window Shades AT I.OWKhTl' KICKS At the Art Wall Paper Store. Come early In tlioninrnlnKteinakeyoiiraelep' tlens, ft. later In the ilay we are ru.hed. Ileuutl' tnl Uilt and Cbeap Taper, lieadjr-tuade ludew bliadea, all colere; liade BUaden ull ttylea; Spring and Cord rixtures, Laee Curtain t'elcs, etc. SHADES AND PAPBR HUSO BT EXPERT HANDS. ALFRED SIEBER, NO. 134 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTKIt, l'A. milKN YOU CAN GO TO WORK. X Veu are almeit dlaaliled by tbat lame baclr. Ucnen' Capcluel'iaite). will cure It qnlcklyj i5a uvuim. s 1mW Hprlni Wrniii. OTTOMAN SILK UAl'3. illlOCADE VELVET WltAl'3. JEUSEV JACKETS In lllnck unit Celers. iierct.K cloth .iackeis III lllnck niul Celer-., HAGER & BRO., Ne. 25 West King Street, LANCASTER, PA. AND CHILDREN'S India Gauze Underwear. HOUSE, LANCASTER, PENN'A. HAUGHMAN AND HANDSOME VAUIKTY OK AND STAIR CARPETS, AMI TO HE SOLD Cll EA I' roll CASH. CAUl'ETS ntlS CAltl'KTS at2S CAUl'ETS l CAKPETrt at.V CAUI'ETf HITS CAItl'KTS ateA On li Celll-i. I'mila. CelltK. Cents. Ceuta. OPENING -OK- HEINITSH iu3l lyd iKl' iieiilm. xtkw heeds i ni:v coons 1 1 AT TIIK- BOSTONSTORE. Great Birgains. (Jreat Birgaies. Tin Chert I'eiikw, )(e. a yard, made, te tell at 17. a yard. Klenan Weel Iircss (toedf, ten dltrnrent similes, lie. a yard ; would Iio cheap atl'.'H".' yard. lnu C'ointilnatlen Snltliigi, UXc. a yard; worth 2ijc. a yard. All-Weel Itlaek Cashmere, fee. a yard ought te le filUc a yard. , .... OiirSOc. Dress Silks would he a harnaln at C5e. a yard. 'Hty ptccea All-Weel Bprlns Cleths, alljicw and pretty shades. Large assortment of Spring Wraps STAMM, BROS. & CO. Nea. 20 & 28 North Queen St. LANCASTKIt, l'A. WreniHirly at New VorkSteio. JanlJ lydAw NOTIONS. T.KANI) DlHl'i.AY OK NECKTIES. 11(1 TO Kit 13 MAN'!: OAMBL'S HAIR UUDERWHAR, UOTl) KULSMA.N'S TJIOK LATEST 8TYLEH J3 COLLAUH AN11 CUKF3. tlOTO KUIHilAN'b. pHKAPEHT AND HKST, SCAULF7L1 UNDEKIVEAU AT ERISMAN'S. N0.17WKSTKIN(1BTh I.ANCASTKI rVHMJTVUK. TTOFFMEIEU'S. Loek In our windows and you wilt ce articles you never before naw j en article tbat will In terest every geed hoUscwlfe. It li a FOLDING DRESS PILLOW That has advantages that will be acknowledged by all all. Call In and examine It. HOFFMEIER'S, 26 East King Street.