a j THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1880. ' tX 1 m V i TIIK BONOS OF RPMINO. New r..lllbomliiutnate tl.eKOl.lrii ''''r Ami new ll.e bud lulllls "e iierfeet newer I New enrlh put' ' ''or b0,u'ty " crew" KromTliTlevv caeinent of ! collage room 1.. the ard l"ta"i e rlir tbedlui lillli been. T . IcnHlM .11 "".low land burst Inte bloom. AUun;!?mil.r.H.k.,.le.. leaping wliw 'Y Ami '"" it'.. """' wl,h m""' R ""' nl "","'i hlntf aweeli'i songs tlian exvrxut xvoiebiiiii:, " Anen mm nHiatiiH' ouaiies. A Miiiilhrrniu'a Oetid Htnrjr it nn IhilinprrMliin. lililn Nim-KiiglAlitler. Mum tt.n Allmila (da ) CenMllnllt.il. Het oral metitliv liorero tlie outbreak oftlie xxnr Rebert Tneuibi wi Looked Ter a n pooch In Allniitn. Whim tlie nllil iiitun for tlie NiMweli tlie NlroeH nwntineil villi iieiiiln Ntretinilntf up te lb" court lieiiin. It he lisp. IKiiml Unit I rnl I In Willi n Nexv-IInKlamlcr, xxhexxn slopping nt otte of the liotelx for n tUyer txxn, ninl in lie iixprimwil nilivilretn hear tlie rjreut Ueurf-iuu I took dim nlenjr with urn. " Yeu tinxnr liennl IMxxnnl Hvorelt, tllil yenT" Inquired my oeinp.iiiloii, at we hUlletl imU i Ne," I loplletl, 'Mint we think Miry highly of Mill ilexxn linre." " Yei, no ileuht, hut liN Hlyln xvetllil net Hiilt your people. Hit U iiIxxixjh culm ntnl illKiilllntl. He never runt. IIHoliN'Ullen Is Kliuply (K.rltH't, mill no living limn mpinlN him In priolileii of Mictien." " I ilen't we hew he citti me e tlie iiirsmeh," I remarked. 'I'he NoiwKtiKlnnilM-Mtnlleil suporler. " Thervlti Hei the illll'orenco hotweou your xMiple ninl inlne," he naltl. "Yeu talk ithuutnapeikcr inex lnc the matwes. With nn the iiiaHv.H inevu the Hienkr. 1 mean that our majwesnre Iiitolllueiitn.nl think for tlietiinlxc-i They xvnulil laugh, nt n, Hiimkur who lul.lrxssiHl tliem In thu Npronu-cnKle licdilnii. New, I liaxe been trulnetl tumor uieli omieiH hi Kxurelt, .Summer, Win Win threpnntl othere of that iflioel, ninl I must mulm. thnt, xxhlle I nut n Democrat, I ran ran net ninl tlie Hpoivhei of your lauieuH South Seuth urn oratent without nmiihouieiiL Your speaker fixonle the tiling. Tliuy are tmi llerhl ninl Kraillloipient. Tliey ile net ileal In rai-U mid login, New, nlr, noMpeiikor IUIiir tan iihi(i inn." . "Walt iinlll jolt hear Toemlii," I l.roke out. "My ile-u Kir," xahl my New Ktilntul hc quaiiilance, " I reel In nilxance thai lin will net please me. 1 am no ('(iiiNlltuliHl, I liaxe Mid. ..Judicial iiilml, in It wero, that 1 can net ht'lpJiiilKliiK " "peeeli Klinply uimu lin merits hi n logical argument. If It W nl whit Mill SoutheriKTH nil oleiUOlieo it linn no weight with me." "All right." 1 responded rnther shortly. "1 trust you will net Ihi tMirml te night." We walkiHl en for soine tliue in Nllencn. Tim Xexx-Kiiglamlur wai a limn of nUml anil his iipM'iirmice Mislnlnwl what he had Haiti el himself. Ilexxnsns Htlll in u llgure cut out et ('Aril'benril. llN(c- hnil n cehl, Mini ttare. lllstlilu llw wure i urlwl In a Hrtual Hiicer. llaxecnicil te hie alniiit ui uiiirli lift) as a uiarble ntatue. " What Is the noWe ?" he askml. "1 lin crew il shouting for Toentlw," I an an Rivensl. "Thny nre Imp-itient." "Thcre Is w here you illlUir frnmtisngaln," he kiiIiI. " In my part of the country we nre net iltMiwtmtrathn, We neer lotto our heads. II Is n rare thliiu te hear bolsterous npplause at our public meetings. As ler me, 1 nenr apiilaiid." I wasilisgutitl with this Icy pgellst, nnd rilail luloMUuice. ArrlMni; ill the court lieu) we secured ted In thecniwd. l'lirtu l'lirtu nntely thore was plenty el room, as the men! Ing was held out of doers. 1 gae in) self up te the enjoyment of the ociiisleii, mid did net enti lake tha tniublote leek at my cempui Ien, who sit a cnt or two back of inc. Toombs was at his best. Ills Indlctment of the KepubllcnuHnnd abolitionist was terrlllc Ills words his iiksI te lme wings of llnmes, and went straight te the mark. Rising higher mid higher Willi each Might e eloquence, he looked the Mry gonliiset ruxoliillen. 'J lie HH(s'h was lllenilly thunder and llauie. The wild cheering of the Riidlonce did net annoy me. It was music te my airs, but toward the clese el the Heech I canto te the conclusion that thore must be a maniac Just Isihlud me. Such delirious yells I necr hearil iu my llfe. l'lnally I shlited my MiNltlen and managed togetBliKikixtTooiiit' noisy udlillrer. Could 1 bolleo my eyes T Stnudiiig en a wooden bench, peundliiK with Ids emie and Hheutingal tlie top of his elc, sIimk! my New Kngland friend I I stareil at him In paml70d iiiUHZcmeut. This was the man who couldn't Iki uieed, dltln't csire for eloquence, who neMr n jilaiuled I Knewing what I did lheHctclu wh' ludicrous. In Ids excitouient the xwr lellew had broken his ejeglass. Ills ghissv iMiairi was the wor.ne for the part il hid I iken in the applause. The mini's face was red with excitement mid his ues filrly tl.iticetl. Just then the meeting broke up and I drilled oil' In the crowd. Hut I haw my man again tint night. There was it torch-light pnvoHsleu down town, uuil In tlie nry trout rmk rushed a Uirehfiiiled man, waxing ids pitdi plue torch and miring at exery ntcp: "Mtali for lleli TiNiinbsl" Il w.im tha cold, untlc untlc untlc inoiistriitixe gentleiiian Ireiu New Kngland. The next nmrnlni: 1 called at tlie hotel wliere the dlnuiger stepped and Inquired alter lilni. "Asleep," Hjld tlieclerk. "Yeu hee he get plumb lull or Toombs' iqicecb, mid then fooled around with that lerclillght precession until he Mnged all his hair oil and get nil mussed up Willi het plult until he was u kight te hoi. Theu he net 'out up ler the beH,nnd I reckfin he'll want wnue seltzer xx lieu lie wakes." 1 lelt mid nexerKixx tlie man again. Hut 1 ul a) h w anlcil te get a chance te ask III in w hat lin thought of Toombs' speech. Illoetl-ltatl Wetlilliig Irumrnt I-rein the New eik Hun. Tlie most appropriate shade for trousers In be worn at wedding would be bleed-rod, the color of the great fountain from which emanatothethouglilHanil aspirations of OM'ry commendable conception of matrimony, the heart. On that principle the trousen or the ushers Hheiihl be HOinexxluit mero hiiIhIiiciI lit color than these of the groom. Hut ens teui decides that this would Iw tee realistic and such n siir oftreusorH xveultl Ihi tinsul tiid ler exery-day use, at least during the dispassionate occupations or liusliuif-H. '1 run nels Hlieuld net be red. A light Mhiide of Kray used te be the standard color for such eccji liens; lint of late years the Hplrlt of freedom unil Independeiice has been soextondod In koclety tli.it a much xxlder range et personal laste Is allow able en such (kvusIedh. a malt has new nearly as much t iioice In the hoIoc heIoc hoIec tlon of lliehhadoef hlsweildliiK trousers as orthe (oler id tlie locks iimn the liead of h'H tiilure arluer In life. Only, of ceunte, the former Hlieuld net Is) black, but rather tend ing toward lightness than gloom, while the luners trousers should be et an approximate shad p. At tu Ceiillrniatlnn llrum " Ireiu the l.uthRrau. Ne, fair worshiper, we liax-a no 0I1J0.HI011 te seeing your wardrebe nt lirune, te admlre j our costly trappings tint, jile ise dn net or tend the propriellos of the sinctuary by making waraM the incision for im;'V Your extrax.igmilauil striking proseuco will threw the weak Christian outlrely oil the tr.uk, and break the H-ilut's prayer right In two. ItlsHhecking te Hoe anyone no weakl Let the most dzllng jewels lie (pilot In tne blue plusli casket tliey are glad for n Sun day tee. Take the rich, Htihiltied bracelet, sod the 11e.1l, uiioiitrustxe earring. I.o.ne tlie cluslcred riti); mid tlie ruby at lioine tlie peer womhlpiier at your sltle may take no lit e, nnd ilixliloher thoughts. We coine te tlie Heuse or (led te worship and nut te be aluilred. "Cled be nierclfiil te me the sin nirl" Kcd Hlar Cough Cure npniiedO'i old time preparation.) for the euro of ceiikIii 25 cenls Hen. Jehn 11. UiBaiUlL, M C, of llllunN, wtllea .I liuxebtttn a uitut Biilldrtir from dIMir tiers of the Stemal h and Malarial Atfecttena, 1 nave 1 1 tea ie rural phjaiclana, bnl i;el i.eiclltf. nudn friend advlava me te tiy "llr. t'olreld'-t deriuun lllltera " 1 luxe l.een ualni; It for Miierul daxs and my condition U greatly lm jirpTed. KIDNKY TltOUHLKS. A de of Many Vfilra Standing Cured Wllh Six lletllca, Iu a Man IHI Year el Age. AlLKNTOwv, l'a , May H, 1&.V. Dandiliun lliTTLHa Ce lientH i I had heen trenbled with my kldnoyarerniiuuiheror jeara, used almost exerj thing without lunch benefit until 1 tried Dandelion Hitters. 1 tued ulr hot het Ilea and nm pleased te say 1 am entirely rid or tbe kidney trouble, bc9ldei uiy a) atom being toned up ae that I feci like a different person. 1 cheerfully recommend the same te all allllcted inthlaway. JACOU MUSCUL1TZ. l()MmdXUrh,S HVKVtAt. MUT1VKH. IUkiulies Mvtn 1'illkth for nick headache torpid lix rr, bllloimnese and IndlKemlen . Binnll, and cny toawnllew. One pill fttlen, Prlre,2ric, 1 1 j- nil ilriiKKltln, feliS 3imlTn,Tli,H TIIATIIACKINII C'Olimicnti he e rpilrkiy cuiiitliy Hlillnli's Cine. We Riianinlmi It. anlii by II. Ik Cectimn, llriiKKl't, Nn. 137 North Wtii'im nt red. Oaiillun, n would riiiitleu tlie I'll til le te liewnm et Dealers eilarbig Kemp's llnltixiii at leas tlian the leuiilnr t'rle, tec'iiiln unit I, a eflciitlii.es Itnl tattonser luriirlnrartlrleiiftru neld ns the gniiiilnii In enlcr te enable them leitrll cl.cnply. II. II. I echiHii.driiirKtul. Ne. 117 North Oiiitii street It ui.r uki'iii. ier i.uurnsier. tiaini.le hell In I'lvun te jeurrr. elMwUAw . Wll.l. ()II HU1TFI- It with llyspcpsta and l.lver Ceniplalnl I Hl.lleh' Vltatlter Is gnarnii' teetl tec.irtiii.il. ter snle tiy II. II, Cochran Cechran lirugglst. Ne. 137 North (Jiieeu ntiimU Tim Kcllmiit Net Oer. Ihn rush at It. II. (.'nchrnn.drtiKK'st, Ne. 137 North (tiicen strtet, tilt ceiillniins en ncriuint of iMiniensnllllcted with Couch, Ueltts, AHIilns, llreneliltls and Coinumplleii, 10 pn.cu 1 e a holUe or Kemp's rtaUain ler tlie Threat anil l.ungil. which Is sold rm 11 giiarfinKsini. ill I'tvlnit entire saturiirileu. Il Is 11 stmiAard fmiilly nuneily. l'lkeM cents unit II. Trial tlterre. elVlwilAw CllODI', WIIODIMNUCOUtltl nnd llmiichttts linmeilliitely lelluxed hy hhlhiti n (Jure for sale by II. II. Cochran, lirtiKljIst. Ne. lw. North CJuuen tu et. AN UNKtintJNA'IK PKIlStl.V. Tlie most unrnrtunnte person In Ilia world ! 01111 nltllctid with nick hndiu he, but they will l.ti relieved ntei.ee by unlnif llr. Leslie's Wperlul Prescription. Hee uilxeitlsmncut In another euliiinii. () Hllil.OII'.S CUitK will Immediately rellere Croup, UlKKii.liig C'tumli nnd Ureiichltls. Ker unlaby II. II. LeUiraii, liruKKlit, Ne. 1J7 North ducen street. Tn rrstera sense or Unto, smell or hearing !! Kly'a Cii'aiu Halm. It cures all cases i.rCuliirih, lltt) Kever. Colds in the Head, llendaclie ninl lit'itrnnss. Ills doing wonderful work. De net lull te procure n bottle, us In II lies thai eiler yen iieek. Ills 1 uilly applied with thu tlngir. I'rlce, .Mw at ilrugKlrits. llr. P.M. Ilaitier, has used Kly'i Cream Halm for I'atarrh In Ids family nnd commends It very highly. A lady Is recoxerlng the sense of smell. A luckhnnnnck law j it, known te ninny of our Traders, a tin was cured of ileulness 1'ltts ten, l'a, (ianette. ni Jwdeediw DisriPTie, iierxeus people, "out or sorts," feldcn's I.liiild lUefloute will cure. Ail or Culil tn' 1 lit druegtsta nl2 lwdctsl.lw nilll.OII't I OUtlll nnd Constuniitleii Cure Is told h) us nn 11 gnnrHUtce. It cures Consump tion. Kersale hy II. II. Cochran, lltugghit. Ne. IX) North IJiueu atrrcU AH Ktliliir'a TrUiulft 1 heron I1 , henter, etllter of lr t. Wayne, Ind. Uatrtle, writes "for the past II voyeurs have always used Dr King's New Discovery, for cntigus of most severe character, as will as for thenci.r atntldertxpn It bever falls tectlHCta a peed y cure Sly friends te whom 1 Lax rrrem mended It speak of tt 111 same high terms. Hat ing been cured hy It of every eeuirh 1 have had for tlve iar, 1 consider It the only reliable and sure cure for CoiiKli'il'elils.elc Call ut Cochran's lirilg Ptnrc, u, aim ijj sieiin utu tll surer, i.sn I. Oil lrla caster, l'a , and get a lre 'lrial bottle. 1 urge 11) .size, jl ii Hiisra cehl, then lirnucl.lll". check tlie fl rat wlih Hale's Heney of lloreheiind and lar. l'lke's loe'.rmcho Dreps euro In one minute Hit Iwtlced.tw CATAItltllClMtKD, heilthnnd awiet breath aecuri'd, by Hhlleh's Catarrh Iteinctlj-. l'rlie fii) ci'iils Nasal Injector free. Ker ale hy II II. Cochran, Druggist, .a, 13J North C)u eon si net. Very Iteinurkalile Itecetery. Mr tlee V Willing, of Manchester. Mich, writes "My wife has Imsmi atinesl hi ljileits for tlte )enrs, be helpless that stie could lint turn exer In bd idene M10 uetl two bottles or hit ell le Hitters, and Is se much Improved, that slie uliltt new lotto her own wmk fl Mictilcllltterswllldeallth.it Is claimed for thrni llumlietls of testimonials attest tin lr gmt eunitlxepuwcrs, Oiilx fifty cents a bottle ullechruu's DnigHleru, 137 nnd ti. Sert htjuisin sin et, l-ancaslcr, I'u. (3) or lame tmek. aide or chest, use Hhlleh's Por Per ous Plaster. I'rice js rents ter sale hy II, II, Cts lir.iu, Druggist, Ne. I.tj Nerlh O111 en sticet. lluclilaii'a Arnleia Halve. The Heat Salve In the world for Cuts, llrnlses. ti.i.t-a, i'ii.iin,nni, ..ii.Tiiiit, ru.ui ptitt'-, iuiivi, (.'hapiMst llsntls, chllhalna, Hums and all Skin Seres, tHcera, Halt Itheuin, rever Heres, letter, Emu Knn.i lena, posltlxely cures files, or no pay nt- enlr tliui, nirisi iL is gunninusHi uigive evnecisaiuiuc- or uieuuy rufundud. i-riee a cenu per DOX. rereale by cx:nran. trio Druggist, 137 una 131) Nertli Queen street, Umciuter, isier, ra. 1 iiutatt) IIOIIIKHSI MUTIIKItSII MOTlIKIlSlli Are you dlstnrls d nt night nnd broken of your rest hy n sick child sntlerliiK una crying 1th the eicriicl.ittng liiln of ctittliig teeth T If se, Se at once ami get 11 bottle or Mrs. INS1.UWS DOllllSG BYKUl'. It will rullexe the peer little surferer Immediately tleiH'iul umii tt; thuru Is no inl-lake ntieul It, Tliuru is net a mother en earth who hits ex er used It, who will net tell Jim at onto that It will rognlnte the bowels, nnd gtxe rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic, II Ls jxtrfcctly sate te use In hII cases, nnd jilcusunl te the taste, nnd ts the prescription of enu of the eltleslHiid I slit female physicians Iu the United States. Held everywhere, il emits a bottle luay31-lydM,W,HAw FOB HAI.K UU HKKT. FOH Hl'.NT NICKTWOS'lOUY HKK'IC Dwelling Deuse, Ne. Ml, ra-t Oniugeslrei t. Iimr-ltld lllltlll A HIM). FS KKNT-A llAKI'. HOl'Si:, NO. Ill I'ark II oils.'. UlJ'ltlll P lt)K KKN'P. A 'lolmtie Warclie.ue with l'enn'a It. It. Hiding Cup idly ler storing .t,ls'liases. Apply uiitriethl IN rKl.l.ltiKNCKU Oh Kit K F OK HUNT. Anestnhllshed t.recery Htand with dwelllnir nti.irlietl In seutheni part of the city. Possession Altruist. Apply nt Ne. 13.1 KASfhlMi HfllKKl'. TOK KKNT. -K Shep In rear el Ne 37 1 eat Cl.tntnut street, used as a cigar het isitery, mid 11 shop en Mtillln street, between Meuth IJtieen and Pilnte stieets, lately 11 .ted as a carriage lacteiy. Alsea dwelling ami storeroom new escuplid by A A lliibley as u ding store, X est htng street. Apply al the llVtfd INTKI.I.UIKNCKIl (IKK1CK -TjUlVATi: SAI.K. 1 will have a cur in id of First-Uhiss Ohie Nerniuu Herses, AT TIIK MKRIUMAC II01SK. Ml USNIIlflll I'KINCK STIIKKT, by Menitsy, which 1 w III dispose oral ltrlxat sale New let of first class Herses-drUeis w 01 kers and heavy draft, mostly from Canada, ex cry week, and ill wax s ter sale UKOItltK (HtOSSMAN. fchlDUdAxv Vl.UTUINU. IIANSMAN A llllO, L. The Best and Cheapest Place 11) ltUx- Bey's and Children's Clothing. I, (1ASSMAS A HUD, comer North Diieen nnd Orange stltutH. ale hitter prenarcd for the ct.i.il...;i .11111. ami time a iu ere select Stock of Uej 'a unil Chlhl rtn'a Clothing than ex er be font. I'KlCKSMOltKl.VlKUKSTlNUTIIAN WOIIIIS. ts 00 llitya an Klecant All-W oel llej a' Suit. ti.MI ItllJB ttlloe.1 All-lXlMil Htlitx.l .Suit, ttinullujsa Une Hi-own Hoju'.CeikatrowSiilt JiMlluya uSIit.iiK Hexa' kneckalaiut Hull 7 iu Itux s 11 r'tne AllU oel lteys I'luld Hull $.SWllua tht.Hnest XXnratetl Hey' Helt Cllll.DltE.N'S HU1T8-AI.L0UU OWN MARK. W 00 Itnj a an All-Weel Child Suit. II 37 lluya a Nice Child Suit. i 10 imxaiiuiHMii'naaimriuuiiuu sun. :..Vl lluxa u Nlce 1'hild Chlhl Suit. . (10 llu a 11 Kine All-XVoel I'luld Child Suit b.-iu liuxa a ii.ii BcntMii unuu nun. IMU) tin j a 1111 hlcgtuil All Weel Child Suit, A hint te nurchnaera, may they he ladies or gi uileiuen t lUileru yen buy Hey 'a or Children' Llnthlng leek through our stock, examine mak ing and trlun.ilng, una ceuipuru our prices with ether house, tan will m.tlsfy ynuraelf that nexx here ele can you ftivest ae Ifitle 1110. ley ler te rccelx much big x alue. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MKItCIIANl' TAII.OItS AND iUHKUSOr MANUrAC- MEN'S BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, "66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Hlght en tbeHeuthweu Cemer Orange street, LANCASTKU, PA. I ., Net connects! wltt my otter Clothing Ueuie In Uh city. MBDXQAU e II 1 MY HACK. Kverjr Strain or Celd Atlncka lliat Wenk Hack nnd Nearly Prestrntca jnu. riijsldans am) lirnKgatfi Itrreiniuriul BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! ASTHE BEST TONIC. Htrengthena the Muscles HU miles the Nerves, l.lillthca the Uliied, (lives New Iger. lie .1 I, Mykiis, Kalrllctd, Iowa, snxs snxs "IIiewii's Iren Hitlers n the best Iren Medl Medl elne 1 have known In my .f 1 years prnctlce. 1 hnvn round It aMtrlally beneficial In nerveua or phxslcnlevhaiistleii, and 111 nil debilitating all. incuts thai bear se heaxllyeii the a) stem. Uae It freely In my own family. Mil. te. 1, IlkewN, 637 Main street, Covington, Hy., says! " I wnstemplutely broken down In health nnd troubled win. pulna In my back, brown's iron llltti rs tntlrtly restored tne le health " Miss buna Hrissan, Sille Ceeko nveniie, HI, 1,0111,, Me, aaxs 1 "I suirered wllh spinal weak ness, pains In my hack and sleepless nights. I tried evtry com elvablu remedy without much benefit, tour bottles of lliewn's Iren Hitters lint e rellex cd no, nnd 1 cheerfully rcceuinieud Tlie genuine has Trniln Mark mid crossed red lilies en wrapper, lake no ether. Madoenlyby llltl) UN CIIKMICAb CO, 0) llaltluiore, Md. VAHHIAUKH. OTANDAH1) UAIUUAUK WOHK. Edw. Edgerley, CAEEIA&E BUILDER Market Streot, Renr or Poetofnop, LancaBter, Pa. My stock foinprlses n large vnrlety or the bnlest style lluggles, l'baitens. Carriages, Mar kntmid lluslness Wagons, which I offer nt the very lowest figures unit en the most reasonable tonus. I call special attention ten few of my own de signs, one or whit his the KllllKHI.KVCI.UsKD rilitlCIAN CUUI'K, which Is decidedly the neatest, lightest and most complete Pit alclau'a Carrtoge tu the country. rontens wishing te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear In mind that they take no risk In buying tny work. Kxery Carrlage limits! nut In olghteu jears a geed one that Is the kind orgimiiintie 1 haxetoeirer the public All work fully warranted, Please glxe ineacill IthrAlltlNII l'HOMI'TI.V ATl'KNDKD '1 (J. One set of workmen especially en. pit. veil for that purpose. B AllY rAKKIA(li:s. 100 Baby Carriages ! MALE H 'I I IK BEST FACTORIES IN THE COUNTRY 'leul'IMIH N OlMlr'U, AND Offered at lower Prices THAN KKU CirSBND FOR OATALOQUB. FLINN k BRENEHAN, IM ItlKIt, l'A. nlJ.lydixv UIWUKKIKB. SI'IHMAI. l.KNTKN (IOODH. lit st selected (OdtUh, large rat. Juicy mack erel, ameLid halibut, canned salmon, new crop ellxes, Ilnest table oil, salad dressing, mustard and pickles, b uianas, oranges and apples Try our 11 in' selei tetl old (toy, Java, Mecha and Im pel lal Kle Cemes, they speak for themselxes, very geed at Me. Hargalns, 3 nnd 4 lb et It leu ler !Sc., 5 B. gtssl prunes, itV; ; elegant light yrap, sc. per tpiait j canned corn, tc ; 10 ft kit 1st mackerel we. I'lease tall orsend your erdurs. IIKU. XVI A NT, Ne. 113 XXust KlngHlrueU nurdd llinAI' I'AMII.VOHOUKUY. " 1 we net te tat. Hut eat fa (fir." A new nnd selected assortment el llosten, Dat mial. Monitor, tllnger, I'rvtrel, 111 110 1'elnt Oyster, r aiiitly and n liter Crackers, Sisls, Coffee, 1 en, ."s ic- lies, i.eiiieu, jtti -s r ingers, auugeis, Kllln Nuts. Cocea, I'emi, anllla, nnd Milk His cults: Lixstal, tlrahaiii and dinger Wafers. AUnn large n.uantltxnrHnnHMOh MH A l.MUN, Halibut, boneless cedtlsli, Uusslan baidlnes, Kxtra Ne. 1 Mackerel, Hue .Mackerel 3 rer 6c , Hi. used Muckt rol.Hidn.en, Lobsters, and Hojer's eslt rs, Helland, Pertl md ami Hcetch llcrilug anil ltleatt rs. The Beat Cheeses In the Olty. Celvln's I'ure nrk County Huckw heat, and u mil line til I resh llreccrleaal OHARLES MAONAY'S Choice Family Grocery mi! Cheese Emporium, UJaiidlKNOIUll (jUKKN Hl'itKKT, ljincaater, Pa. Uoetls deltxun-d Iree te all parts el the city and cnx linns, 'leleplienu Lounettlen. Il.tauia AT IIUKHK'H. California Apricots. 'lhe-n Apilcela aie xery tine und sold at 55c. fei t Hi , or tii.irt lull. 'Ihex aiudellcleuaaa a table tleaert 'I11I1I11 l'tiuhi", lie .tic and J5e a can. I'le Peiuhtw, Itk'. 101 ti.ttll can IHiiekl.errlt'., IV 1. run. Mtruwlieirle, if. 11 can, a"lih Applet), Ce 11 can 1IUNKV! IIOVKY' line leuih I It. ney, 2 pound I rallies 11 cent a pt.llllU. MMUKhSrOKSAI.K. Haxlng disposed of our II111111 1, .store, l best, nut nnd Mary atreets, we liaxe te pall el C01111 terScalHiOiiebhew Case, one Cefteu Mill, Cel lar Hepe, Iteritgeruter, lltelcuttei, ele.Hhlil. x e will aell cheap, at BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. l.ANCASTKH. VA. piAHTKH, liWa Easter Beeks, Easter Souvenirs, Easter Cards. A l.ari-n AdBOitincnt et Kaster Snuxenlrsand Cards, el the l.alial Uialgni,at ixiw frlres. WHOLESALE FOU SOHOOLS. ATTHK HOOUSlOKKOr JOO BAEE'S SONS Neb. IB and 17 North Qttoen Streot LANCASTKU. PA. QTUKAOn AMD OOMMISSIOK WABBHOUSB. DANIKL MAYKU. dert-lyd Ne, la West Cheat nut Street, VhOTBIXO. H 1HHII it 1IK0TUEK STARTIING FACTS I BUT TRUE. -THAT HIRSH & BROTHER HKI.I. TIIK Cheapest Clothing, Beet Made Clothing, Most Durable Clothing KVKIt HKK.V IN I.ANCASTKIt. All I he Clothing sold hy them la Manufactured by them, 'l hey are IVKLIi SKVVKD, XV KM, TIIIMMKI) AN HTVhIBIILY MAIIK. THOSE BOY'S SUITS At 8:0. and 1 00 are going rast and only n few are left. They are only enn or the many llargatns offered In Mep'h Clothing, Bey's Clothing, Children's Clothing -AND- GENTS' FURNISHINGS, HIRSH l BROTHERS One-Price Clothing Heuse, COU NIC II NOKTI1 QUKKN HTUKKr AND CKNTHK HUUAUK. w II.MAMHON ft KOSTKK. ARTISTIC CLOTHING -KOK- BO VS. Straight Frent Sack, -tm- Norfolk Blouse Suits. ISOl'd PLAIN sveh amis, $M. HOY'S CAStlMKKK SUITS, 6i. HO'3 DKKSS WOKSrKDS, frf ttl. ( llll.DHK.N'S NOltr OI.lv SUITS. $iui. Ulll.DKKN'S Pl.KA'IKD 1 UMC SUI IS, M.W, tI2i, JS V). tlllLDItfcN'S Kll.l ShlltlS, tiH),l50. V..W. TIIK I.A'lhbl' TASHIONS IS Qenta', Youths', Bey's and Children's HATS&CAPS. KA.NCA H.ANNEI.. NKtX PA1TKUN I'KUCAI.K AND CIIKVIOT SHIRTS H)K UK.Md AND HOtS. A l.AltllKASaOltlMKNT SILK NECKWEIR. TVKNTKH AND FI"T CKNIS KCONOMi IN l.ADIrs', UKNTh1 AND HOVS Dress Shoes. Ladles' Dress hid Shots, 11.50. Mls-es' Dresi Shoes, Utic Oeiita' Dress Shoes, II In. Hey's Dresa ShiMa, title. TKUNKH, VALISES & SATHEIfi A I lOWKsl' I' KICKS. 32,34, 36 & 88 East King St,, LANCASTKU, PA. M AVIUM MUX. Tf-AOlllNKKY.AO. ?e STEAM HEATING Latest and Meat Improved KNOINES-Trutiea, PerttMa or Stilieniry. NeworBecendliana BOILERS, WATER TANKS, BEPARATORfl. Maebikb or Uitaib Wets inch at done and kept In Machine Sheps. CULL OM OB ADDBBM, Ezra F. Landis, WORKS 687 HORTH OHERRT BTRHirr, Uieura pa. nT-Ua Williamson Fester, VI.OVKB Attn JT 7m RUOADS, JKWEIiKK. JEWELRY AND ART I In calling attention te our otTertnRa In thin line, the publle arolnvtted te a oleao and orltlenl ozamlnntlen or the soecla whleh we boltevo we ean fairly elalm are of a Btandard oeual teanv evor ofTeroil In the larsest oltlea of our I land, and we aak comparison of prloea. une noeun onerou man me ruling 01 prioen omewnoro. Our StoekorUnsot DIrtmonilfllalnrge, and we will mnke up fromthenc any style of work dostred. All the Nowest Patterns of Ladtes' Wear always In Stock, and Birth or Menth Stenes or the whele onlendor can be had promptly. ThoOems Diamond, Ruby, Bmerald, 8apphlre. Topaz, Opal and Pearl always en hand, and set te erder. OH Paintings, Marble and Bronze Statuary, and Musical Bexes, always cheerfully shown by our attendantn. Everybody Is Invlted te call and be nbewn through our stock. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO. i WEST KLVa STREET. LANCASTER, PA, VAHItlAIIK A MOTTO THAT AhWAYH WJNH. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES 1 Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KINO STREET, (NKAltl.Y OI'l'OailB TIIK I.KOl'Altl) IIOTKI,), I.ANCASTKIt, l'A. Nene But First-Clas3 Mechanics Employed. A 1 Material, and That Only, Used (I'lUCKSTOHUlTTltKTlMKS. Al.l. WOltK OUAItANTEKD. BUGGIES, PHETONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, And VohlOlea of Every Description Built Promptly te Order. A full I.lnoef Vehicles In Hteelr, prepared epeelally rer the Hprlnir Trade. A Large and Varied Assortment of SKCO.ND-IIAM) WOltK ON IIA'(I) which will lm aeldat MOST Itfi.XJ-ONAIII.K I'KICKS, PARTICULAR ATTENTION artllvn tu a call and examine the work, TUKl'I.ACK. Philip Doersom's Old NOS. 126 and 128 jiuirnKFtntMNiiisii noens. w M. A. KIKKKKK. A TTKXT1UX JIG USEKKEl'EUS I New Goods I - New Prices ! A New Firm I (AT AN NO. 40 EAST (upHJ$iie iue A Complete Line of Heusefurnishing Goods We are agenta rer the rUhiiKIl WAllltE.N CO.'STirey, N. .) rler te nenn In the market. The"Sl'I.KM)ll IlKATKIt "his proxen Itaoirteho thochelco or all economical housekeoiv era, and Is cuaranteetl te Rtxe mom the" WAKUKN " and " UtAMOND It.uiBes are full stock of llentern. Cook Stexiw nnd lliniKnef attention te our ..election et SUMMKIt COOK SlOV stock contains the frsf. the taint, and most coiieriifenf etreied te the nuhllc. AlsoCeokliiK t'tenallsef Iren, Copper, lin and Uninlle XVare.aud keep en hnnd a full assort assert mentor the latest luiprexed ceuxeuluiices which miike the duties or heusekeeplni; a pliasinl pivstlme. . Articles et Tin, Copper or Mm et Iren, of speclit dcalgns or pattern i, made te order en short notice. Uepslrlnir promptly and noatlrdeno. Hpeclal attention Klven te l'l.UM 1!I NO, HAS KITTING and SI'KA.M 1IKA1 1NU,1 IN lieiir'l Nil anil ll'eUll.Mi, nnila stock or the litest Improved tlaa T inures, Haihs Stiiutlr", Hath luhs, X ater Cleets, ami all perlnliilni; te the huslnes, constantly en hand. KIEFFER NO. 40 BAST KINO STREET, HATH, rpn r.ur. lSNOTiiiNe IilKHA YOL'NtJ MAN Something for Your Personal Interest ! It Is te every yeuiifj man's Interest tediess hlinselriiisuhaminneriuiwlllheeoniehliti. 'Ihere is no ether part of his dress that Mill se much ihimife hlsappennincetis his Hat. If the Hat Is lint the proper ene tn ault his face, leilld nnd Kenenil appiurince, ueiniittei hewrlnily hum ly he Oreted in ether partlculirs, he does net leek well. STAL'FFKK A CO, TIIK LKADlMi IIAT1KKS OF LASOASTF.U, niake it -Jieel illy of the New i stand ilest Correct Styles or SILK, STIFF AND SOFT HATS. Particular care Is tiken tn show customers only theso which are the newest and loek: tlie host en them. XX hen vtode this would our eh n Interest lis wt II us that of our customers. Only place tn Lancaster x horn the Original Itosten Light Weight lteantleannd thu pretty New inrk " hnex " Hats can he had, w. D. STAUFFER & CO., N03.31 unil 33 Nerlh (ikeh Streot, liiuirasier, Pa. T.IVK INSURANOK VUM'ANY. IFK INHUKANUKCUMl'ANY. GO AROUND THERE AND HOWL. When a hound shall hexx I at the Rate, In the dusk el the dawning day , A soul that Is wcury of life Shall sllently pass nway. jfneii. Tlie following letter recihed from an agent el the Northwestern Mutunl centalna nn Idea i AllKNOi OF TIIK MHl'llIWKSTKIlN MUTUAL 1.1KJC 1NSU11A.SCK COMPANY. 11, N. ltm holds, lieni nil Agent, III King St.,2H. Kast Orange St., ( l,ACAHTkn, Pa., April .', ISM. ( Te the aliter ej the Weekly statement DmnSm: Some Mutual Lite KgentTery kindly sent nien copy of jeurlast Issue In whlcli j en notice my little circular letter te my policy holders. I most fully enjoyed the veryhuppy way In which you did It, hut am also anmewhat pnrrled exer your advice for ine te visit Paslt ur for treatment, rer Pasteur only cures attacks el hydro phobia. A patient liiuat liuve been bitten by a mud deg te go te hlin for treatment. As my circular In question states, and aa Ills a ract. It v, nsvi rltteuenlyn.su result et a long con tinned series nt attacks from jour Heading ncent, Itebert Helmes. Se If 1 tun sutrerlng Ireiu the httoeriimaddog, then he must he that anlin il Inqiieatlnn. Common law requires the owner or n mad deg te suppress It and put it out or the way. Mr. Helmes la yeurlaxxfnl agent, and thcttforeltmust hoyeui duly te suppress him and put htm out of the way. ours truly, G. N. Uvvmiluh. That there are strong Indications that something has been lilting Mr. Reynolds, ttiare willing tn admit, Thore ule symptoms In which x indent matter fruclllles and reaches n grets th, unknown te the hotly in which It originated. History al9orcceiintspocullarbick nctleu results. Fer Instance, the Itlchmnnd Otiin-irr Miy: " A caniet-baggerwasrecently bitten hya copper-head snake, 'the C. H. continues tn held ettlce ami draw txx e xalarlis. Thu snake tiled." Prof. Pasteur recounts n ease In which a deg, in te eat up ten carpet nnu cnew inecuiir legs, lutHcit t.f t he nt.Ul.borheod. while the diu that Taking llr. Itey nelda' own admission that he that he at mice began tn chew the Mutiial's surplus fund and gnnw the um Is. and we must arrive at the conclusion tint he has intensltlcd the original virus, and that Alter dlsturblugihe neigh borhood " for n brier seusen, he will be heard et no mere, while the original cttnliie will wag his tall wlthsatUliclltm. De net lrwe sight et the quotation ut il.e head or this column, hewextr; by following out the suggestion tt cenuilus, Mr. U. in ly git rhl of his troublesome udversnry. Uouieund there unit howl. UUUHKVVKHISUimi UUUDB. gHl KK'H OAKl'KT HAM CARPETS I UK0PKN1NU Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Hest Selected Line el Carpets ever ex. Ity. WILTONS, VKLVK'IS. all the Trading Makes el IIODY ANDTAFhllltY UKK-PLY, All-Weel and Cotten Chain hXTUASUPKltS, and all qualities of IN nlMted In this c 0KA1NCAUPK1S, DAMASK. and VENETIAN own manutttcture a siHiclallty . Special AlUuitlnn paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CAItrKTH. Alae a mil Llueet OILCLOTHS. ftUUS, WINDOW SHADES, COVKULKTS, AC.AJ SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. W8Bt KinK and lltAINIfit,.XV. rNDI'-STHUOTl I1LU (1 K A I N INO. NOCHACKINO, NO PKKLINO, NO P.L13TEK We have a syatem or 'B,"'n?,"i;ri ".'i1?,1, ,n.t in thniHiir n.lure. take the place pi me adurahlllty. and Il.e capability of n-ceWIng JSr Ihi preccn H tbe neai eat approach te natural weed that ha yet been dlacexered. Call SSaaeeaauiplea. UUTHUIB A SON. sole Agents for Lancaster County. Heme Painting and U raining Emporium, corner et Chestnut and Nevln Streets. Always a large stock of Mantles en band, '1 elepnene connections. inarMnid WATCH Kg. knowing thnt etira are lower for the irUltlll. PAID TO REPAIRING. whotlier you purchase or net. DO.NT reittl T Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KING STREET. 127 lydiw ALDUS O. IIKIllt. OLD STAND.) KING STREET, irOiiri. Jioute.j ! Steves ! Steves ! JSTOVKSand KANUKS, Inre- a ialiinctlonenlriuel than any lieater In use. 'tl.u inerlU of admitted hy all who knew thorn. e have iihen uy an wne X'les and m x - Hrtnus styles and prlcea, and haveulxen cure fill Ef, heth rer Veai Oil and Uaiehnr, ae that our & HERR, LANCASTER, PENN'A. inarXllnid.tw, VAVH, tO. IUUNO IIRADHI) K1QIIT I bitten by a sunposed rnbld animal, began In a tow inisueuieu in did the bftlnir Hvi i three weeks, alter disturbing has been bitten and then cnnsldeilng the fact CARPETS ! CAKPK1S. KA11 KIlA I111AIN CAltl'KTMOf OUT AT- Water Sta., Lancaster, Pa. llra.mrt ' rt.U AT I V- BIOUK KKlOAItr.S OI.U 0- LIBTON'S HXTRAOT OP BBBF. rtHSBT IN TBB WOBLD. Kstabllshea, 1TS5. H. C. SLAYMAKER, AQT., febU tfd Nn. 'At Kut King Htreet, T UlS l'Al'KH IH I'KINTED WITH INK Manufactured by J. K. WRIGHT CO., martMyd a6tb ana Ilare Et PWIiaelpld, Pa jfit.r.rjiiir. oiMUNeTioonfi -AT- A. HIRSH'S, NOS. O&O NORTH QUMR 8T. All the Ijilestaiyloaer HATS AND BONNETS. llala for Me. and nil. anil flower rnimteiia. Flee trlnwera. Feat hurt luminary nima, eauna, elveti. Net llnira, l.acea, tleld Ijtre, Sllfitr lee, l.aen lulled wllh rrehl, nd many ether Naxr Trlinmlnn. I'aney Henda, Hat Orea.ir.anta, Chlhlren'a l.nce Cape, Cnraela, Cellar, Vnffa, lUnttkerel.leN. .leraexa, Ijidlea' IIemv, and k larife varlily or ether Reed. Call andill hoinrer.t!rctrutiiftfllsnwhon. atprH Vmil jrr.w Hi'iiiNd noens -Al ASTffl'S Palace of Fashion, 13 EAST KING STREET, I.ANCASTKIt, PA. THE TWO MOST ATTRACTIVE SHOW WINDOWS IN LANCASTKU CITV TO-DAY AUK AT Ne. 13 East King Street, AT STRICFTS. Onn Filled xylth the LarROst and Handsomest x ariety et MILLINERY GOODS Kverseen In thlselty.mnst artistically arranged, limktntf everybody's heart hound with Jey, rer It Is iim.re nnd untuning sign that SPUING IS HERE I Tim weather ls fine, pe take a walk, nnd leek at thlsmarxelefhcauty. II Is stm.etlilnifwbleh has nex er heen Been In I ancaster hefore, and la xtell worth thotreiihlo of a walk, 'lids week: we oililljltMO.ne KLhtlANTLV TIlllMMKD HATS Al HONNKTS. MSB FI.OWKUS, FKATIIKIt AND FI.OWKIt POMPONS. M1I.LI.NKHY. SILKS AND VKLVKTS. MIKADO HAT TUIMIIINUH. CKKPK I.lS'jK LACES AND NhTTlNUS, SII.lv OKIKNTAL LACKS, UOLD AND SILVKIt LACES, lil.ACK BILK. LACKS, lulled with Held. Sllx or or Copper, nnd many nther New Trimmings ; also nil thu New Styles In FANCY HKADS AND HAT OltNAMKNTS. All things most pleaslnj; te leek at, nnd we nex er ask anybody te huy. In our ether window we niake a display of LACE GOODS. Nearly a Hundred St lea of LACK COLLARS, White and rancy.frem 10c. up tell DOaplece, enth cellar wllh a plain large ticket tell Ing lis price ; alae a most com plete usuenineni or ACKCAPS FOItClllLDHKS OF ALL AUKS. Kxery onaerthesomaikod xxltha price ticket, ten can in ike ynnr selection bofero you unter the atere, nnd you xxlll tluil themiill xery cheap. JERSEYS. Ladles' and Children's .terrors In lllack Bnd Colored. Chlldien'a All-Weel Jcreeys, "tc, BSc. and IWe. Ladles' Jerseys fiein Coe. up. All-Weel Jersey s, tine quality, Black and Cel nicd, it iJ. All-Weel .leraej a, braided. $1.0,1. Fine Worsted Jerseys, xest, finish, I1SS. Kxtra Finn Worsted .lurnexs, plaited hack, l.enud all around, cellars and sleeves with silk lmilit, only II Ml. Finn derseya, trlmmed with wlde Hercules llnild. A Complete Line of Kid Gluics iu Black mid Colored At the lowest Prices. Three Mutten, Colored at lie.) fcnur.llulten, Celt.icd, at We. Kxcellent Ouallty. UT.ABHWAMB. H Kill A MAHT1N. GHHMJUL Heutckeepcra In want or any articles te Be. furnish will tin well te renieiulier that e luxe alxvajsnn hand a full line nt CHINA, GLASS, -AND- QUEEN8WARE. We open te day a new line of Eli Piminl Toilet Sets -lNr NEW DESIGNS & SHAPES. The llent In the Market rer the Meney, rail te soe them he fore purchailng. pen't 15EASIHHaSTIUBBrf LANDAMB, FA, OTE 13 MAK1N0 v l ' -.... - -' ' U Amis ssi. rnuiwnmjrmm, . m ikSjaiA m sa3aHHl AT NO. 108 NOKTH IHJSIKI W""! I 1 ri i n - .1 II I f As JUUJtJluniJU Mi A " vl If 3 K