i-i-ra W-rfV wvtvv - ?tf3 ngp; "if,i , ,, i.'t .-.n , ?r.-'v '" '" "'- if -j, j rC'-fi-i,-i.AV -y -! f THE .LANCASTER DAILY IOTEIJJGENCEB, WEDNESDAY, APJR1L 14.1886. BII5?ttw,sw)np " - aw ' tcTOSTOJV' ?'F?&T7QBIEM k S3ft fe. "v. .PM i?s?-f a4 fc& JTTH kfe."., .y f 'W ?.' iVs i tj' .'fc- v -. 'v-y KLlBftS. i& . rfcNUl'iJIB r TH r?tM manttma. rv. lCM naaacM-ltelttrt of eeaualtt-Hew Arber la ObMTOd-A CktM'i ? town NelM. j'" CsKTwyeBdeBCe lirru.iaicxa. UtatA, AMU I. ' regular Ij'MtiMm or borough council m Mt'dMHlML'Mlfae council chamber at atlUt,;- aitabera present : Meaam. ', jwsrarua, raxtaan, uaawett, t carat s Aiera, weater- Berabej. The minutes of the or March Oth, the adjeurned f Mareh 96th and 30th and' meeting 'AM Mb. were read and approved. dttrfufMntwaaa 3mi1rmfin rniwrlail th lewn Jtta . S Vlli ...!,. ......I.... U .. fcNaMi t Columbia fire engine haa been re .JtiMdaad the boiler of the same te be In Jeed order. TH finance committee reported a follews: ee en sand at data of last repe. .. .J,W7 -i aisarkct rents 1,170 w atstcatnarket rents 55 j iter auaitenum rentals V GO tSmtinfni' mltitntnr.lggl 73 30 tu, collector, ike... aw 't,Otdtr paid since lest report l&ew - t T. sMatakceen hand $3,191 &' ''& Property commlttee reported havlngoxam havlngexam havlngoxam lead the opera hense anil found that spout- "law needs repairing; the tower leaks somo semo some ;Sjr8at Md a few ether matters should be at ., banded te. The necessary repairs will be J,-, made. The commltteo en highways reported Vfc.? mat AllMi . Vn waw wn.lr Itna nnAtl flnnil -g. flp4a w a . A.v .u. rtim ..a uuwu raMaatiHMnt nnmniittpn iiaa neen nDneinu?u: ;',have examined Alley K., running rrem Sec "iSg'OBd te Third and between Maple and Fop Fep Jwtar, which lain bad condlUen and has peer '-'('iiadraWage. The committee recommend tlie i?fatag of the aame ; permits have been , yajranieaierujree Duuaings. ine uiKuwav ,;pS;!emmlttee was instructed te have Alley K. If, i traded and a sewer built i t SwBaylvanla railroad, te c i sewer bunt, at Aim Bireei ana carrvefl the drain. V'r gerromtbeatreeuintblsneiRiiboruoou. j.ne K vv MaarkAtmmmHtAnrnnertpil thnt the annual t yOkarket renta come In very slowly. T. w. uaiaeman asnea ier me proper ' ,''i1' grade at Eighth and Chestnut streets te alley "''X L where he will erect a residence. The - A?1 hlilimvMmmUtAAItl attAmltn thla mnl. i-5 y V: e"j .m....vw ..... ......... -w ........ tsKJK. tet A permit was granted te Mrs. Leng ter ; i-V,.i,, Uie erection of a stable en alley 1. rJjs ."The following ordinances were presented ';:'-' 'and were laid ever for one month under Z' 'Si: thai rnlaa. That Phmlnnt KtrflAt hn 5': opened from Seventh te Ninth : Ix)cust 'f- atreet be opened from Elshth te Ninth and Mrs Elshth street be opened from Chestnut te . .' Walnnt. Provided tht before any work be &P- Sf" at ...... At... Mvrtrmm rf .k.. .. rltn!..!.... 1 .n fl . V... t(yvt uw.ununua.vi uiu nujuiuiu inuun ic &-,l,r tBHHU U1B UiUUlJT ui utuuiur uuu uuiuuku , :-'", ei Columbia or all damages, 'in at alley l(. Between n.igniu anu is in in streets, Doepeneu te the width of 60 feet, and the centre line te be 207 feet north of the north ;iine of ISlun ISlun ten atreet, provided the owners release from alt damages, the same te be called Housten street, and the eillclal plan conform te this ordinance. The com mission of Lewis Hartman as a special police officer was reissued ier one year. Charles Llpbart was elected stage carpenter In place of Jacob Hitler, reslgend. The pedal policemen at the opera heuse were 'discharged. An order was granted in favor of the sinking fund for $00.33. A comuiunl cemuiunl , catien was received from Gen. Welsh pest ask , Ins for the use et the opera heuse en thenlgbt of Sunday, May 30, for Memerial Day services. The request was granted. The property committee were instructed te have the sur veying instruments put in proper order. The sewer at the feet or Union atreet will ro re ceive the attention of the hi eh way committee. The tax rate ler the year 1880 was fixed at the rata et five mills for the general fund, and one mill for the sinking fund; the day of ap peal will be Tuesday, May 12. The secretary of council was Instructed te notify the nureties et Duttonbefer, collector for 18S4, that the tax dupllcate for that year must be settled en or belore the next reg ular meeting or legal pieceedlngs will be In stituted. The bend et the First National bank at treasurer of the Iwreugh was fixed at 15,00a On motion council aureed te meet In adjourned session en Tuesday evening April iiOtb. A number of bills were ordered , te be paid after wulch council adjourned. Arber Day Obscrrance. The public schools, te-morrow, Arber Day, will held short and appropriate exercises in the dlSerent rooms, and at three o'clock be dismissed. The pupils will then preceed In a body about town and plant trees en the fol lowing streets; Twenty trees en Walnut, eight en Chestnut, six en Third and air about the Cheiry street school building. They will plant the trees about the proper ties of such persons who desire them. The exercisea about the streeta lll be done quietly. Tuvn Notes. At the weigh scalen of the It. it C. read a four-year-old daughter or A. P. Kodger?, Seuth Third stroet, nearly lest ber lire en Tuesday atternoen. Bno was en the track when a passenger train came speeding along. Death seemed immlnent, but fortu nately ahe foil ever the ties, and lylug with in feet of the rails escaped Inj ury. The following committees have lxxm ap pointed the trustees of the old Columbia Public Ground company; On llnance,Mesirn. Hippey, Wlke and Pinkerton ; en Improve ments, Messrs. Wlke, Yeager and Leckard ; en law, Messrs. Strtne, Grove and Filbert A special meeting of the Vigilant tire com pany will be held this evening. The audience in the opera heuse last night, was net large. Louise Arnet and company well presented "The New World." This evening "The Honeymoon" will be glven. The fire escapes at the Odd Kellewu hall have been completed. Jacob Sample has In hU j)essessien two Easter egga or a very old date. One egg con Ulna the initials J. 11. 8. Z., and the otlier D. C. H. Z. The year 1830 is en both eggs and M Vaster eftbat year came en April 13, the egga were fifty years oldjesterday. Where the Water Comet I'rein. Dayis Kltcb, who has been busy at work In the cellars en East King stroet, which are filled with water, last evening discovered where aomeof the water, If net all of It, la coming from. Between Sprecber's tteed store and Slaymaker's liquor Btere, tbere is an alley. Immediately under this there Is an old well, which has been walled ever. A hole was cut through the foundation wall of Sprecher's store at this point, and it was found that the old well was overflow everflow overflew lng and water lu a goed-slzod stream was pouring Inte Sprecher's cellar. It is very likely that both this well and the ene in the rear of the bank have been overflowing for 'sometime past. There are several wells In thla neighborhood, and the earth Is naturally nil of water. i Humors of Cleveland's Marriage. Assemblyman Piatt, of Pougbkeepslc, X. Yi, who has jutt returned lrem Hullale, where he acted as chairman of the special committee te investigate the aldermen, re turns with a piece of news that settles the ' matrimonial prospects of President Cleve land. While in ButTale he was shown a letter i from Mrs. Felanm. Ill which aha relerrnil In i approaching marriage of her daughter te x-ieaiaent Cleveland. Mrs. lelscm and her daughter are at Genea, Italy, at present. A New Hove! gelling Well According te the Philadelphia Keics Mr. Henry P. Keenan'a last novel. "Tim i,Mlb'" hM "Iready sold hotter thau any vi American novel of the season. Neariv "o.neo ?J &? er.nl? " Trajan' have been sold and .; we doek is censtanuy in demand in tim stores or this city. Forty thousand of " The Moneymakers' which is atributed te the auiuerj were Beld, . A Qoed idea. A number of young misses of Phcenl xvllle. x t rwaglag In age from 11 te 12 years, have . ,. ..eefajBUed a cooking club. They meet al- v- lam amy a we reaiaence ei tue parenU of , ttva BHWhria every week. The mother or ,, Ttk Utile girl t whose house the meeting is Jattd deefdea which of the contestants has ;aaajlB the best cake or bread, and also Wafpteuea a prize te be given te the winner. V , i 1XW Change of rniriters. i W. Scheett, who for mere than a been keeping the oyster saloon . lllaOB'a bulldleg, Centre lasr, took ivwjuMBlnu Af lhn aaMaaaft. aSaSrai Btert U haaemeut of Hindi K jfeft",'1' "erJTtaf Prcbaad I .. p4 lUlarea at Hwy(d. . liie stock - DhiIi of Assignment. AWln Kins and Margaret Jn King, lila wlfe, of Fnltoe township, havoniAile a deed ofaMlgnmentferthebenetttoillielrcrodltors, naming Levi K. Brown aa thelr assignee. Miller B. Iieaman and -wilV, of Taradlse township, amlgned their prepsrty this arter arter arter noen for the benent of creditors te Aloiue 1. Wltmer, et the aame township. Salvation Emma Absent, Salvation Em failed te appear at Alderman Barr's emce Inst ovenlng te prosecuto David Ohie, for assault and battery and dnmkon dnmken ness and disorderly conduct The alderninn continued the lieartntrs until Kmma'a appear ance can be aectired. It is said that she went te the country ier lier health. Fifteen Peculiarly sick In ynarryvllle. Dr. H. E. Kaub, of Qnarryvllle, reports fifteen cases of the peculiar dlaease that has been mystifying the Lancaster doctors and which has been attributed te bad air, water and bad feed, lie says the symptoms are the aame as In the Lancaster cases. The Injured llallreadara. Fred. Weaver, Samuel Kurtz and Win. E. Kultz, the railroaders who were Injured by the collision between the shifting enplne anil Mr. Ryan's milk wagon, ere doing well. Mr. Weaver, who was reported dangerously hurt Is net new considered in danger. .Mr. Ryan Is also doing well. CharBett "lth Drertleii. Lorenze Y. Floyd, en complaint et Ills w Ife Allce P. Floyd, was arrestel for desertion. He was glven a hearing by Alderman Spur- rier, who held him In ball te answer at ceilrl. Letter Held. A letter addreiseil te Miss Nera Themas, Ceulla I. O., Is held at the l.tncaster etUce Ter letter directions. alit iiir, The pay car of the Pennsylvania railroad passed through this city at neon te-day, ami the men were paid elT ler the month. The Red Frent hliee Stere. Attention Is called te nn ailvertlaemsnt In anether column of the opening en Saturday next, of the Ited Krent bboe Stere, In erth Queen street, next deer te the postefflco. The proprietor, Sir. C. A. Jleeep, who has had many years oxperlenco In the bee trade In this and ether cities, opens with a large and finely as as eorted stock of entirely new goods of all de slrable makes, which he premise te sell at the lowest possible prices. Connected with Telephone Ktctiange, Mr. D. Hayes Itnpert's grocery store, corner East King and Shlppen streets, Is connected with the telephone exchange, Wk advise all In want of geed beets or shoes at low prices te visit the nod Krent Shoe Stere, Ne. I) North Queen street, next deer te postenice. aprll lwdAltw Amusements. " Veiinp Jn. )17n(7ire;i." ThU evening the flne play of ' Youny Mrs. Wlnthrep " will be rlayed In the opera hause by a line company from the Madisen Square theatre. The -Vew Yerk Star says of the play t " It Is u story et everyday life, but does net preach a sermon ; only points a moral daintily and acceptable, it Is thoroughly Interettng without being either eventful or essentially dramatic, from begin ning te end It does net reqnlre In a single en en tence the emphasis of violent acclamation. The sentiment et the play Is pme.wholcsemoand delicious. Thoroughly charming and marvel leusly refined The play has a vein of comedy which Is never coarse or farcical, and la as natu ral and enjoyable as the mere erlens element 1) Ufe-llke and sympathetic." 27ire Xtghtt at C?itap llatet. Te morrow evening the People's Dramatic company, of New Yerk, opens a three nights engagement In this city. The first play will be "Monte Crlste," and the prices are popular. The company In cludes Gustavus Clark, Miss Kmma Hendricks and Laura Linden and ethers. DKAI1IS. KiciIBOLTZ On the 12th Inst., Kdward Edgerley, lntantsonef HerDert K. and llertba Klchbeltz, aged 7 months. Hclatlves and friends are rcspecllully invited te attend the runeral from the residence of his parents, Ne. 'If, East Chestnut street, en Thurs day afternoon at S o'clock. Interment at Lan caster cemetery. al2-3t 3MAKKJSTII. fhtladelphla Prtxl ace Market. FBtLADU-ratA, Aprll II lleur market weak ; Salesef lOIO tmrreln. Minn, bakers lit 13 ettft75; retina. lamllyatMTJfJI 10 ; Wostern at tl l-'HO 4 7S s 1'ntcnts. II SeS MS. Itye flour plow alH i0O3 1. 1 p. ui., call Wheat April, m'.ic; May, le ( June. 91Ke: July, KlJie. Cem April, C'Je; May, 4CJi,'e JunetCKc; July,4i;jje. Oats Aprll, 40c; May and June :r0Jc;Jiily 39JJC. New Yerk I'riHluce ?I'.rket. .S'kw leBK, April It. Fleur aull and lu the liuvers' favor ; lne, MSKil'.iO; Superllne, 12 m) S3U: Common te Meed Kxtru IVeilern, JIB520. City Mill Kvtras, tt GOQ4 (3 for West Indies. Wheat Ne. 1 Ited state en I Spot, trw ; Se, 2 Iled,9lfc: Ne.l White, state, tee ; Ne. 2 Ited, Winter, May, t5ie ; Ne. it lied, Winter, June, flVJe; deJufy,9lKc. Cern Ne. 'J Mixed, cash, 47c. Oats Ne. 1 Whlte Btale, spot, 4lc : Ne. 2, mixed. May, 35,r. itye dull. ; 2ti3c. for Western. Jlarley nominal. Perk dull ; Family Mess, 111 BQ11 50. l.ard May, te 13. June, MM. Molasses dull t Sir for M) tu st. Turpentine steady at 40c. Hesln dull; st mined te geed, II 07KO1 :(. 1'etrelenni quiet ; refined In cases, b'ir. Butter Market ijulet: Western Imitation f.TMHmury, a3.'c ; state Dairy, half firkin tubs, 'JIG31C ubeese dull i State, Sgllc ; Western. eaibKc Eggs steady; Stale, 12ei3e Westeni, 1:0 123e. eugar dull s Iteflncd cntlear, fijje ; granulated, Jc. Tallew steady ; prime city, 4c. Krelahts dull; grain te Liverpool, 3fc. .ou"i" Ann ; fair cargoes at b?;c Ulcedull; ranges lruin3);lc. unicagn .Slarket. Caioieo, April If, 9.30 a. m. Market opened Wheat May, Tbf'c j June, 7!?ic ; July, wie Cern April. Sle , May, 37Jic J June, 37X0 17i;c ; July, SXc iiutx May, i.";63c. l'erk Mav,rJ"5:June. J912X; July.rJiO. Lard May, 5 83; Julie, S '.OffiS WX ! July. ltib-May, i 27X : J une. 15 02X , J ul) , IS 0X. OUIKU. Wheat April, 731.; May, V.e : June, 7K071c; July.wXc. c.er,ir7Ap,u' 3J5 5 MaV. 37Jic;Jnne, S7Jie ; July.3SWc. OaU-Aprll, !Ce; May, 23JJC ; June, 2,ic July,3(c. I'erk-Aprll, t) 07X ; May, 9 10; June, I9 17XS July.9!.'. Ijud April, 3 MX; May, : S7X; Juue, Klbs-Aprll, s KX i 1 lay, i si; June, p SO; UUI)', 13.33. lira in aud I'roiisiem. rnrntahed by a, K. Yundt, Ilrekur, Chicago. April 13, 1 o'clock p. ui. Wheat. Cern. Oats. 1'erk. Lard. April siij May 7U 37? m 9 07X t- S7K Junu 7S?i 37 Ml 0 17X & W-'W July 8iX 3'l .... 9 21 6 9JK August Clii September SIJi Kecelpts. Car Leta Winter Wheat s Spring Wheal , u Cern in Oats u Itye i Hurley i. Oil City Crude Oil ,, 70!: . H"ad. Bacelpts Uegs i'.i,(u Closing Price 2 o'clock p. lu. Wheat. Cern. Oats, l'erk. Lard. April 71 sajj vu 9 ww 6.U7X May 77X 37J v.w .le 5.H7X Juue 79 .174; 3.JJ 9 17X S.irlX July box SaX SOJi 9 24 5.97X August. mil September, ttt Oil City Crude Oil ,(Si Ure .Stock AlarkeU. Kast Libirtt Cattle receipts, Stil bead ; shipments. 33 bead t market slew und a Hlmde loner than yesterday; cattle sblpMd te New Yerk, none. Hogs receipts, 700 head; shipments, COO; market slew ; jPhUadelpbias, II 7001 bl i Yerk, era, at ieai 60 1 skips, f SuQ4 S9 ; BUlpmcnts te New Yerk. 2 carloads. Sheeiwrucvlpu, 3,200 head ; shipments, 2 810 ; market fair. Haw Yerk Stocks. Nsw Your, April lt.-Wall itreet, 1:S0 p. m. Meney at 2 per cenu Foreign oxchange quiet, at tl87XO8aXt Hevernmenu were firm; WMmXbia.,mH bW 4'ceuP, K"d! The stock market opened flrmand iractlenally higher, and during the early dealiegs was firm but shortly before the first call tbere was a de! cided pressure te see Pacific Mall, and under Its lead values declined X te 3 per cent. After mid day the tone was firmer and the decline re covered. At the present writing the market Ii rxtreaelyduU. Bleck Markets. Quotation by Beeil, MeUrann A Ce., bankers, Lancaster, l'a. . i MW TORI I.IST. n Canada Pacific...... t&fi U. C. V. 1 ..... !''X Cel. Ceal . Central l'aclflc. .... Canada Southern 4IK 111 8 r.M. 28. I 41 MV 41 VDL, 01. Ii. n ign.. Denver A Uledrnnile. Det., Lark. A Western. Brie KrteSrt New Jersey Ci'Utrnl... K. A T lxill. ft N...t Iake Shern Michigan Central...... MiMirt ractflp, Northern I'actBa N. 1". I'lvil New VeVk Central'..,.! Ohie Central ., 1ST , sr.if '. nVi" '. 1032 1K4 1 V.i lir.nI If.'S l.t no if:;; uV; M lOfli mi ml Ml w w" 4 16S l 10J) 57 12 3-l3 51 Omaha 1.H Orpfren Trans A., Ontarle. Western........ raclfle Mali MX uocnesier riiwenrx 81 I'anl Texas I'aclflc Cnlen 1'aclOe Wabash Common Wabash I'relcrred Western Union TcleKraph. West Shere s?: iS u, raiLADELrHia list. Lehtgh Valley U.N. V. A I'hlla KVJ W W Pennsylvania M tH Headlnir U W6 12 5-10 Lehllth. Navigation SI 51 upsumviiie. ...... I'hlladelphta A Krle Northern Cent Peojile's rassenser R'd'g Uen'ls al'tg's c. UU .... TrtS SIK 76;J lilt JUtriUlTlSEXKNTn. B AKINO POWDER. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. Tills pewder never varies. A marvel et purity, strength and wholesemencss. Mere eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the tnnltltude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Beld only in can). Kotal lUatas 1'ewDsa Ce., 106 Wall Street. New Yerk. may27-lvdftw LAYING C.VIIDS AT B, 10, it 10c. PEK deck. Ftne Ollt Edge Playing Cards, 25c. per deck. DKMUTII'S CIOAH STOltK, febl3 WJtStfd Ne. Ill hait King Street. Nf OTK'E. 1 hereby irlve notice that C llcreman Is net employed te uuy iodscce ier me. l na ave no one buying ler me except Jacob Greenawalt. JACOl! MAY Kit. I.amcaster, l'a., April II, l&W. apl-2td.tltw LAN- O Vf lf jJJJ caster property, In minis in sun, ui me lewusi ciirrvniruiix. .1.11. DUFFI.V mart; lmdlt Vt Walnut st , Philadelphia, AA. BB. Use Maiilieini Heller Fleer. The Original. The IteaL m y2.lvM.WAS K Tl' EMMA S. MILLER. WHO WAS JL transferee of a Judem ratufcncef a Judgment against Isaac Wal ten, of Manic township, as collateral security for a claim et f 153 will call upon orcemmunlcate with the undersigned, she will confer a great laver. IV. A. WILSON, aprll-ltd&3rn Ne. 45 North Duke street. TUE "YELLOW FRONT " CLEAR rilled Havana 5 cent Cigar Is the great favorlte and most reliable Nickel cigar In the market. Try them, at MAKKLtCY'S (Kermerly llartman's) "Yellow 1'rent," Ne. 21 North Queen Street QT CiCiCk SALARY TO AGENTS. iXmJJvJ AOdn-ssatence, DK. SCOTT'S KLECTItIC (JOOl)a, Ne. SI2 Ureadwaj, New Yerk. The Only Genuine. ap9 Smdced THE ONLY CLEAR HAVANA FILLER CIOAlt In -the city for 6c. Meerschaum Cigar and Cigarette Helders for 10c. DKMUTII'S CIOAlt STOltK, iubl3-W.x3tfd Ne. Ill Kast King blreet. PUBLIC SALE-ONTHt'USDAY, APRIL 15, l&fi, at 1 o'clock, sharp, will be sold at Daniel M. Marer's Storage Houieen WestCbest nut street, a general variety of Household goods. conMUIntref I'arlnrSult wining jioem t u rnl tureund kitchen utensils. Tailor Cartwt, Mlr- rers, Itedsteads and bedding, hewing Machine, Coeklng and l'arler Steves. This lurnlture is all in geed condition ana u in tiesltlvely be sold, aprlJ-3tdlt UENK1 SillUllEUT.Auct. T RY OUR RYE WHISKY. r, EARS OLD. l'Elt QUART Y5 CE.SH, AT KOIIUEK'S LiqUOli STOltK, Ne. 22 Centre Sinare, Lancaster, l'a. apr22-lydK ESTATE OF PHILIP WOLF, LATE of the city of Lancaster, deceased. Lot Let Lot ters of administration en said estate havlngbeen granted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto nre requested te make immediate pay ment, and these having claims or demands against the dame will present them for emtie ment te the undersigned, residing In tbe city of i.ancusier. MAODALKNA WOLF. Administratrix. JonxA.Cen.it, Attorney. aprll 6tdW QLARKE'S TEA STORE. OH, HOW IT SPITES MB I This Is what you wilt say If yen fall te get one et the beautiful Cards Clarke Is giving away v, it ti his Celebrated Teas and CeiTces this week CLAUKH'S TEA AND COITEE, m2Mi.dw At Ne. 3s West King Street, lUILADELI'HIA SHOW CASE WORKS Any shape or style made te order and guaran. teed te be first-class. Estimates ler any size or form solicited. Cases carefully packed and shipped te all parts of the country. A large iwfc auu Krriib vaneiv 10 select I te select lrem. All rreneb glass. All panel be ems. At low prices. Please rail and pv The best Is the cheapest amine. 1)1 N. 1 OUItl It STUEKT, mar23-3mdTu&S Philadelphia, Pa. s PRING GOODS -AT A. HIRSH'S, NOS. G Si 8 NORTH QUEEN ST. AH tbe Latest Styles of HATS AND BONNETS. Hats fer23e. and up. Fine flowers, Feathers and rtewer l'otnpena. Mllllnary Silks. Sallus, J elvets. Nettings, Laces, Ueld Lace, Silver Lace, I.ace mixed with geld, and many ether New ,.nni"n(5'-, Bney Heads. Hat Ornaments, Children's Lace Caps, Corsets, Cellars. CutT. Handkerchiefs. Jerseys, Ladles' Hene, and a large variety of ether goods. Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere. u QPEN1NG 1 OPENING I 1 T11K Ol'KNINO OF THE New Red Frent Shee Stere, Ne, 4B NORTH QUEEN ST., (Next Doer te I'ostefUce) Will take place en 8ATUUDAY, Al'ltll, nth with ene et the finest and most complete assort ment of Beets, Shoes and Slippers Of the Best Makes and nt the Lewest Possible Prices. The stock Is entirely newand carefully selected, and goods will be sold at STU1C1LV ON It PltlOKand SATISFACTION GUAKANTKKD, A cordial Invitation Is extended te all te visit our New Stere, whether you buy or net. Ne trouble te show goods. UEMKUUKUTHK PLACK, Ne. 48 N0HTU QUHEN STREET ( Next Doer te the Postoffice .) GHASs A RESEiCEs aprlt-lwdtltw SKWlAItrXHTlMKHKNTa w UAl'S AND JACKETS, W! RAPS AND JACKETS. RAPS AND JACKETS. Opened This Day Large Stock of the Above in Blacks and Celers At Lewest Prices. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NHXT DOOR TO THB COURT HOUSH. TT IKK 1NSUUANCK COMPANY. GO AROUND THERE AND HOWL. When a hound shall howl al tbe gate, In the dusk nt the dawning day, A em mni 14 n rary ui me Shall silently pass away. Anen. The following lettcr received from an agent et the Northweslern Mutual contains an Idea : AOBNCY OF TIIK .NOltTllWKSTKltN MUTUAL L1FK INSUltANCK COMPANY, U. N. Hhteuh, Oeneral Agent, 121 king St..M Kat Orange St., ( LAM-AsrxR, Pa., April '.', ls-6. ) r the Jiililer of the WteKly Matrmcnt Usui Sir: Some Mutual Ufa agent very kindly sent me a copy of your last Issue In which you nonce my imiu i-irciunr inner 10 my policy iioiuers. 1 most fully enjoyed the very happy way In which you did It, but am also semewhat puzzled ever your advice ter me te vllt l'asteur for treatment, for Pasteur only cures attacks nneuia. Aisiiicni must navu eeen omen nv a mau ent must havu been bitten by n mad As my circular In question states, and as It Is a nunv uiusi navu uei-u omen Dy a mau upg 10 go 10 nun ier ireaimenu ular In Question states, and as It Is a fact. It as written enlv as a result et a lone eon tinued series ei attacks iroinyeur itcauing agent, lienert Helmes, be bite of a mad doe. then he must be that animal In ouettlen. Common law requires the owner of a mad deg te suppress It and put It out of the nay. Mr. Helmes Is yenr lawful agent, and therefere tttuust be your duty tesupprva hint and put him out of the way ours truly, u. N. Kktseujs. That tbere are strong Indications that something has been lilting Mr. ltevneld, we arc willing te admit. There are symptoms In which lruleul matter fructlries and reaches a growth, unknown te the body In which It originated. History also recounts peculiar biek action results. Fer Instance, the Itlchtnend efcjenrr ays "A carpet-bagger was recently bitten by a copper head snake. The C. II, continues te held oftlce and draw tw e salaries. 1 he snake died.' Prof, Pasteur recount a case In which a deg, bitten bv a supposed rabid animal, began In a tew days te eat up the carpet and chew the chair legs 1 his deg died In three weeks, alter duturblug the peace of the neighborhood, while the deg that did the biting lived te a respectable old ace laklng Mr. Ileynelds' own admission that he has been bitten and then considering the fact that he at once began te chew the Mutual's surplus fund and gnaw the as.ets. and we must arrive at the conclusion that he has Intensified the original rirus, and that "after dbiturblngtheuelgh borheod "fef a brief seaen, he will be heard el no mere, while the original canine will wag ills tatl with satisfaction. De net lese sight et the quotation at the held of this column, however, by fellow lng out the suggestion it contains, Mr. It. may get rid of his troublesome adversary. Ge around there and howl. STEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TIT ANTED. - AGENTS COIN MON NEY I TV wlthrair Amateur Photneutflt. and ret lectlng family pictures te enlarge. Special SO day Oder. EMPlUEceri 1NU CO.. aS-3meed SblCanal St., N. Y. A CHOICE LOT OF SMOKER'S AKTI clcs. Cigarette Helders, Tobacco l'euchei, Pipes, etc.. In great variety, just reeatved at MAULEY'S (Formerly llartman's) " Yellow i rent," Ne. 21 North Queen htreet. TOHACCO CUTTINGS, SCU.U'S. SIFT INQS AND 1'ACK.SKS'NVASTE, Dry and Clean, bought for cash. .1 s. MOI.ISt, Ne. 573 Pearl Street, New lcik. Ketercnce Fred. Schntte, Ne. 213 Pearl street, New Yerk. febll-lyd TtTANTED A GOOD, KElTaIII.K V Man te take the agency nt Lancaster for an established Collection and MercantlU Agency, itoed pay te the right man. Kefer ence reqnlred. Address, Uenernl Agent, Ixck Bex 1(0, Chambersburg, Pa. alt .ltd TVTANTED DOAHD AT A KAKM TV Heuso for a young man eighteen years of age. Satisfactory reference given. Address, al2-3td " 11.," INTELLIGKNCKKOFI h-FICE. GENUINE PERSIAN INSECT I'OW DKIt, Heflned Campher, both ectle and efllelcnt Insecticides forsalent IIUlJLBt'S DUUO STOltK, Ne. a', West King street. 4VNete tbe change In location. ADIES AND GENTLEMEN wTsTl" lng te study the German, French and Ital ian Languages, will rind practical Instruction at my studio, ever Lecher's Drug Stere, Ne H East King street upi'J-lHil LEON ON OSSKO. d raTaTi R K W AUDI FOK ANY C-a-avVvJ case of Kldney Troubles, Nerv eus Debility, Mental and Physical Weakness, that BOTANIC NEKVE BlTTEKS fails te cure. Sold by druggists, W cents. HKllIl MEDICAL CO, Ne. 15 North 11th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars free. marto-uieeil.tw TOSE HROS. V 1IAKTMAN. SPRING OPENING OF PARASOLS! SATURDAY NEXT, APRIL 17, AT THE MANUFACTURERS. Rese Bres. & Hartman, 14 EAST KING ST. apl-6md J.R MARTIN it CO. DPHOLSTERM GOODS. An elegant stock of these geed at moderate prices, consisting of KAWHILKS, UK PI'S, UAMIE9, JUTES, TKK1UE&, TAI'KSTUIES, TUllCOMANS, OTTOMANS. Deuble -Faced Canten Flannel IN AM.S1IADK4. A NKW INVOICE OF UettingliaiiiLace Curtains At prices lower than they were ever sold, nt prices ranging from tee te r a pair. A special bargain lu Ui pairs Taped Kdge Cream Lace Cnr tains at tl a pair ; w ertb VIM. MAD'RAS CURTAIN. A large number of patterns te select from, In clndlngtbe Mikade pattern, the newest design In Madras Curtains. CURTAIN .SCRIM In Cream, While and Colored Stripe fremlSc. te 24c. TABLE COVERS In Itaw Silk, Jute, Felt and Flannel, Tinseled and In new colorings. Ttlseled Jute 'table Cevers-fl-4, ffiM i M, H.50 ; 10-1, 1 W. CURTAIN POLES. llrnss. Ebony, Cherry, Walnut and Atb Peles, all lengths, with or without brass Trimmings. Cherry, Walnut and llrass Poles at SO cents apiece. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. West KiBg & Trlnce Sts., (Opposite SUycns Heuse.) LANCATU, PA. 'RAW AND JACKETS. LANCASTER, PBNN'A of hvdre- deg te go te him fe uei; in i?e te mtn inr ii fact. It as written enl mlv If I am suffering from the UK A It rXR TISKMKST. TirANTKD A QOOOaiRElN ASM AM. T family te de geueral homework. Call nt this oftlce. alJ-2td "VrOTIClL -LSI The person who called and (received CI. M . Hess' Sliver Hunting Case Watch, ltncaster works, named Klbren, Ne. 110,03 will pleae re turn It te this enice. alMld Ty-ANTi:n-A."YeuNaiAN ahectIt T T years old te learn ttie Drug ltmlness. Ad- ureis in uw u uanuw ruing, stating agiv ii mms. ulS-Ctd Care Examiner Otllee. TT EVAN'S 1'l.OUR. LEVAN'S FLOUR Always Uniform and Reliable ASSIGNED ESTATE OK CHARLES Peters and wife, of Lancaster city, I-an-caster county. Charles Feters and w Ife, of Lan caster city, having by deed et voluntary assign ment, dated the nrst day et March, lsx:, as. signed and transferred nil their estate and cnVcts te the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors of the said Charles lvters, he there fore gtres notice te all jmrsens indebted te said assigner, te make payment te the undersigned without delay, anil ihiwn having claims te pre sent them te DANIEL Sl.NU, Assignee, Lancaster, l'a. JlV.lt. UeLAsn, Attorney. mS-CtdTu A3tVSK)tr.NTa. T AN CASTER RINK. l.ASl'liAMK OF THESKItlES. Lancaster Rink I WEDXE.SDA P EVEXIXU.' Watch for Saturday Night. T ECTURE. Cel. Geerge . Bain Will Lecture In Iho Chapel of the State Niinual Scheel, Mlllersvllle, Pa., WHDNKSDAY, APISH. H.lSsrt. Subject "Our Country, Our Hemes and Our Duty." A ear will run te ltneaster after the lecture ler the accommodation of peeplw from the city w he wish te attend. ADMISSION, 25 CKMS. Deers open at 8 o'clock. a '.031 F ULTON OPERA HOUSE. LNOAC.EMKNT E.XTKAOKDINAKV. Wwlnesfluy Evening, April H, 1880. THE C) It EAT Madisen Square 'Theatre Ce. YOUNG MRsTsVINTHROP. l'resenled at the Madisen Square Theatre, N. V , ever Olie times, and pronounced by press and Eubllc the greatest success the New lerk stage as known for years. A SUl'EItll COMPANY OF DISTlMiUlSHED AKTISTS, Direct from the Madisen Square Theatre, New Yerk ADMISSION 25,60.1 71 CENTS. IIESEUVKD SKATS ;CK.NTM. New en sale at opera house. aprlO-ll -piULTON OI'ERA HOUUh. THHEK NIUIITS. Oommenolng Thursday, April 15, The New Yerk People's Theatre COMBINATION. l'Ol'ULAIt PLAYS' - POPULAR PKICES I ADMISSION KESKUVKD SEATS. 10 4 20 CENTS. S0CENTS. Thursday, April 15." MO.NTE CHUISTO." Friday, April 16-" A CELEHUATKD CASE.'' Saturday, April 17-" NEW YOUK AFTEIl DAlth." Iteserved Seats new en sale at Operu Heuse. a)irl34td WOU HALM OH MKNT. 17IOR RENT NIOE TWO-HTOR Y URICK : Dwelling Heuse, Na Mfi East Orange street. mar-Hid HlltSH A 1IKO. TTIOft RENT-A 11AKEHOUHE, NO. Ill Jj Washington street. Apply tellarry Myers' Park Heuse. inSMfd 100D 8TAI1LE I'OK RENT. JT A Heed Stable und Shedding, situated at Ne. 113 Wushlngteu street, L'.h n(n.. .. a . I -T . .(.., MYKUS.atPatk I'l") lu JIAIUll iuart-tfd Ik 1IO1H0. FOR RENT. A Tobacco Warebouse with l'enn'a It. It. Apply Hiding, at the Capacity ter storing 3,000 cases. marltvttil INTELLIOKNClCIl OFF1CK. pOR RENT. An established Orocery Stand with dwelling attar hed In southern part of the city. Possession April Uugy at . Jb Shep til rear of Ne. 37 WestChestnutstroel, used as a cigar-box factory, and a shop en Mllltln street, between Seuth Queen and l'rlsxie streuu. lately used as a carriage factory. Alte a dwelling and store room new occupied by A. A, iiubiey as ui"B eiuiu, nmkniuniinwi. Apply at tee 11&-IK ltd 1NTKI.L1UEN0KH OFFICE. w pIUVATE HALK f will have a car-lead of First-Gless Ohie Nerman Horses, AT TBI MIBaiMSC HODSE. NO. US NOUTH 1'ltINCE STKKfc'T, by Monday, which 1 will dispose efatpitrat sale. New let of II rat, claw Horses drivers workers and heavy draft, mostly rrem Canada, every week, and always for sale. OKOUQE OUOS3MAN. febiaiydw n VI.UTfttHU. CTlHHll A UllOTli7:H FACTS ! F1CTS! HIIKKK IS'UIK HKN3K IN l'AM.MI Fancy Prices KLSKW IlKKti, W1IKN YOU CAN HO TO HIRSH & BROTHER -AND lll'Y- CLOTHING -AND- GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, At Far Less thau Ordinary Hates. The Old Hay ing lines . A Dellar Saied is a Dellar Made. Put It le practice ind call upon us. We guar antee satlstaetlen and a t'erlect Fit or money refunded. What mere can be desired ? Our Departments are new IN ell Slecked with Spring Heeds, and our prices are at rock bottom. CHILDKKN'S SUll'S, c;c. Jl.50 le $10 W IHM 8' 'PITS, l tu te I1S.UI. 1(11TI1S'SUIT8.W.: tnflltu. M UN'S SUITS, I Ul te J.11.1M. St'ltlNO ON KltCOATS, t;.ii upwards. MERCHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY. One-Prico Clothing Heuso, COUNKIt NOUTH CJUKKN STItKKT AND CKNTUK HUUAUK. w II.LIAMSON .V KOSTI'.K. ALL-WOOL CHILD'S SUIT Pleated or Plain Tunic, $1.00. SIZES 4 TO Vi. (iren s S2.50 , SIZES Q TO 6. Yeung Gents Dress Stiff Hats, $2, A I.A1U.F. VAltlKTl (IFI'OI't'LAK SHAPES. CENT'S FLEXIBLE DERBY HATS, $2.50. BOYS' DRESS HATS, 50 Cents. AllKNTS Fill'. Dunlap's Fine Silk -AND- FELT HATS. French Percale Shirts, S COLLAUS A MM U FF3, COc. SILK NECKWEIR. rUFlS, TKCKR AND CLAU DENTS, 60e. If you don't wearthe Eighmie White Dress Shirt, Try One. It Is l'crlect Ittlng, $1.00 Each, or 85.40 Per Half Dezon. GAITERS. ClENT'3 FINK DltKSS HL'TTON OK LACK I1A1TKKS, tiOU. BOY'S FINK DKESS 1IUTTON Oil LACE CiAITKKS, I1.&H. CHILDUKN'S FINE 1HIKS8 SHOES, COc. MISSES' FINK DltKSS 111)1"! ON O AITKIt, tl.S.'i. LADIES' FINE DUES', 1IUTTON uaitei:, r.'.UI. TRUNKS &. VALISES, 8i.ee te $10.00. illiamsen d Fester, 32,34, 36 & 38 East King St., LANCASTKH, l'A. AN UNPAKAIihKMM) HAltaAlN, "It Is an III wind that blows nobed ifoed." The recent luilnro'el a noted F Worsted Manufacturer enables ns te offer you ,0) yards French Worsted, for Pantaloons, ut n lerriuie siaugnier. inn g pure worsted, el elegant The ceeds are strictly all .nt weight, anil exacuy worth U0.0U te II! Ul. 1 will make them up In nrst class style, perfect titling, at the very low price 01 eniy se.uu per pair. Call and leave vetir measure before the choicest patterns are all se lected. ltOSKNSTKl.VS Flne Tallerlug, Ne, 87 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. -N'itk. 1 employ none but practical Panta Panta eoon Maker. SI III N l II A UTS. Ol'ENINO AT II. QEH. FINE TAILORING. The largest and most Complete Assortment of FINK WOOLL.KNH for lha Spring Tiade te be found In the City of Lancaster. A Choice Line or Spring Overceatings and I'antaloenlngs tn all the Latest Patterns. ITIces Lew, Hest Werkmaiubln, and all goods Warranted as represented. H. GERHART, NO. NOBTH QOKEN S7UXKT. '"Opposite the I'oiteince, max-iydK HIRSH A BROTHER'S dry veunt. rrmiUOTS. All-Weel Tricots in Spring Shade And Kleganl Finish for SJc. a yard, AT TIIK North End Dry Goods Stere. J.NV. 1IYKNK, nevft lyd Ne. XI North Uueen street. Q.IIHAT A 11VKUT1H1NU Ht'll KM V. AT TIIK BOSTONSTORE. ffi.lt) place Flne Toilet Seap, ftc.n piece. I'uie as soap can be uinde. F.aeli plece stamped wllh our name. 'Mils Seap Is really worth We. a piece I In fact, better thau usually sold at 10c. a piece. Special Bargains! Three-quarter Homespun Cheviots, lee, per 10(1. yam i same as sold else wheroairJHe.por yaid. Weel Ciuhmeiea ever a yard w bin, all the imw Sprlng Shades, 25c, per yard, made le sell at 37Ke ler yanl. We haxe another let of thoseflnnHllk- finished Klectrte Gossamers at ll.ne ) worth II 75. Opened te-day nn elegantassortuientef dent's furnishing floods nt low prices. STAMM. BROS. & CO. Nee. 20 & S8 North Quoeu St. LANCASTK.lt, l'A. 9f Formerly at New Yerk Stere. Janll lyd.t w rpllE NI'.W CASH STORE. NEW CASH STORE, Opposite the Keystone Heuso and Northern liana-, Nes. 217 & 249 North Queen Street Today and en Monday we open our New Spring Dress floods j all choice, geed nndchesp. Ale Nun's Veiling In cream, pink, blue, hcru, while Sud black, crinkled tiersuckers, llatlste Cleths, Satleens, Peiealcs, Zephyr (Hughanis, Feularil. Chintzes, New Spring I'rluts, l'lalu and l'lald Nainsoeks, the lUirkley Cambric the nicest goeas et ine kinti in inn market, nun n full assortment of demeitlcs all new mid allow prices All are Invited te call and see our New Spring Sterk. febs-lyd W It. IIOWKHS. IOHN H. OlVI.Kll. (1KO. I'. KATUVON. $50,000 CASH SAI.KiOF Dry Goods. - - Dress Goods. SILKS, &c. White Goods, Embroideries, LAOE3, RIBBONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, CUKAM, I.IIIIIT 111. I F PINK ASD CltlM SON I tSIIJlEIlK, SHAW t.S, Ac 'Musl be snlil within Ninety Dsys FOIt CASH. H'irgilns all through our store JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., Ne. 25 East Kin? Streot, l.iXCUBTKR. l'A. G UK AT 1IAKOAINH. FUKSII AUU1VA1.S Ol Dress Goods AT TIIK- New Yerk Stere. Homespun Weel Face Suitings, l.'Xc. a yard, uiadotesoll at '.Me. lertv-lnch anltl Suiting", ISe. a sard, city price 31c. Thirty-Inch All Weel Homespun, .New Celers, 25c a yard. Flne Spring Cashmeres, yard wide, S3e. a yard. Camel's Hair Suitings, 40 inches wide, 37le a yant. line Kngllsh Cleth isiiltlngs, all wool, only 37XC-11 yard. New Canvas Sultlrg, rv. a yard : usual price, Mc. Silk and Weel Suitings, 3S Inches wlile, ft'f. a yard; Silks I Silks ! We are nowshewlugMhe greatest bargains In Dress silks ever sheu u In the slate. Colored Dress Silks, "'c. a yard 1 cerday price, $1.00, Elegant Black Dress Silks, natranted te give satisfaction, tl.ce, tl.'AandllOnyaril, WATT & SHAN D, Nes. 6, 8 Si lO East King Bt. LANCASTKH, l'A. UKUOKUIf.H. SPKC'IAI, l.KNTKN OOODH. best selected cedtlsfa, large fat. Juicy mack erel, smoked halibut, canned salmon, new crop olives, finest table oil, salad dressing, militant and pickles, bananas, oranges and apples. Try our flue selected old lier, Java, Mecha und Im perial Itln Coffees, they speak for themselves, very geed at lSKe. bargains, 3 und 4 B. of Ittcn for 25c.; i tL geed prunes, 25c; elegant light Symp, c. per e,uart: canned corn, sc; 10 a kit tat mackerel, K0c. l'leasecall or send your orders, CI KO. W'lANT, aug20-lyd Ne. 113 West King Streot. c HKAl' FAMILY OHOCKHY. "Live net te eat. Hut eutteltve." A new nnd selected assortment oflleston, Oat meal. Monitor, Ulnger, l'retzel, lllue l'elnt Oyster, Family and Water Crackers, Seda, Coffee, T'ea, Nlc-Nacs, Lemen, Lady's Fingers, Midgets, UlfleNuts. Cocea, l'enn, nnllla, and Milk Ills, cults: Costal. Graham and fllnger Wafers. AlsealargequantltynfFlneSMOKMiaALMON, Halibut. Tieuelcsa Cedtlsh, Itusslan baullnen. Extra Ne. 1 Mackerel, Fine Mackerel S for 5c, Soused Mackerel, Salmen, Lobsters, and lleycr's Oysters, Helland, l'ertland unit Scotch Herring and bloaters. Tbe Beat Oheoses In the City. Celvln's Pure Yerk Cennty buckwheat, and a full llnoet Fresh Ureccriesat CHARLES MAONAY'S Choice Family Grocery and Cheese Emporium, 115 and llTNOKTH QUEEN STItKKT, Ijincaster, l'a. floods delivered free te all parts et the city and environs. Telephone Connection. H3-Smd AT IIUltHK'H. Canned Vegetables ! Fell's Sugar Cern only 8c. ran ; Win. l'enn Sugar Cern only Be. can. Every can guaran teed. We have u large stock el ell's una Win. l'enn Cern Is why we sell It se cheap. We have Original tlenulne Wlnslew, 15c. The l'rlde of Maine and Heney Drep are the fluent Cern In the market 1 sells nt lsc 11 can, French and American Peas line and Finest French Karly June, Marrowfat aud Dew Drep. TOMATOES- Fell's 2 pound cans enlr 5ct TOMATOES- Fell's 2 pound Fell's quart cans only loe. cam Luncheon and Happy ramify, rlne stock, only 12r. can. ailing ueanseniy luc, can BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTKU, l'A. Telephone Connections, C! BALED PROPOSALS KOlt COLLKC). if Kast and O Hen of Staba and County Taxes of Hast and West Wards of Lancaster city for 18Sn. will be received at county commissioners- umcu uuiu la o'clock neon, MONDAY, AHUL19. 1Sb. , , Tba appointment for the entire city will net be given tn one person t or te fi"e persons, ciir of whom will deputize the ether te de bis work, TBY OJlDKU OF TH 1C BOARD. AttwtsmwGruiT,Clerlt. a7-td . -v--r &&&. tfLdft . 'fe.p'iwAi.l V J.-H4AMau-4kr I, .,Writ!X, i Jfesfci-eiuf .- Vii eeMsAuv- v. - t u .fet-'C-A "C'-.-jn''.- w& g:,!',