,vw 1.1 .' i ?' , - "" V, ' Vr" v''1- -.vV- ..,, T. "SSJ - - - V " 'rti - " . v. -' v .JWsTOW ' v- ,Hv' THJE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, APBIL 13, 1886. " '- .? Jv , , "1! ' ii'H Si $X" ? nr nfc' M . KHKOHKWt Fair Spring ha come, una Winter da nre AB"ln" fondly rtrraiii of vIoleH. i tliie, forerunners of Iho daisies '' Hi" clevier- CenMiiinlthHiilH Keicbewl kcrchewl ker. chew I Boen will the hltieblrJ, dr.mnd in gajnsl huh- '" ... .... Ill cliemm IKfltO with SWCBtent singing WOO Alit wlmta Pshaw I Kerchnw I kere-hewi kri chew I Tlie rlrulel, rrem Icy reltcis breaking, 'lolls te the glasses, nil it passes through 'lhnflrliH, the story of the earth awaking Te warmth mid In Korchow 1 leoiihen ! krr- bow I I nwl from I he brown cecinmh, seen will be flying 'I hu Iirlffht winged liullmllliit. Oh, tliU won't tin I Hew utm nrhnp In wrltn Hpitug ihyiues he tiy I'm: WIi ii- Oh I alii oil I lierchewl keirhnw! Wrrihi'W I Vei fiiriirr'i Ittnar, VltKMATIlIN IN INDIA. IliillillhCS 11 lha ItttersMe In Wnlrti Ilia Werk eC liirlnerailen W Dune, Calcutta t'or-Jef N t. Times. New that emulation Is en n lair feeling t home, perlist, llie rotulerH of your paper would Hke te heir hew It In carrleel en lit this ren ii try, where It la part of tlie Hindu million te lme llie ikhIIcs of llie dnntl ImrniMl, 1 temkavvatk through ene of tbolnreeatbiirnlnie KliKU In Cnlciitlntlia otheriilfrlitKtinlilnlKtit Let me ilnscrllie the Nlntellnh hurtling Ktiat, which will nnswer for n, eliwrlptlen of all. It Is h Mone building en the river Hooghly, fat-lntc the Htrciiiii. 'llie hack and the two allies or the structure are nellel walla, the trout ImiIiik c)miii, with large roliimnsiipiert. In the rmil. The tmtlillni; lit about T liy 60 by .1(1. The front liiut a atene roll alieut 4 loot high tunning along the odge (.f the bank. Tlicre is nit Meering but HiemiIM enrtll. I'rem (he contra el the front a atene stair way about 10 feet wlele leadu down te the rlver. The land entrance is through arch jh in the back wall cloae te the elde-H. Through these the DoiIIem are carrled for cremation. When n liedy Is brought down thodemoH, (the lowest canto of Hin du, wIiome only business It Is te bum iKxIfea) of which thorn nie n great many, slug eut: " Hurl, Ilel : hurl Hei," (tiealc, Heal : sneak, Uetl.) As I onterod the building 1 found that u man's Imdy had Juit lioeii brought In nnil was roiling en the ret en which he bad died. Ills widow was leaning ever the ret crying and Imploring the husband te return te life. Hclilnil her steed her mother and Ulster. After alieut 'JO min utes enn el the domes Informed her that It wits tline te get the body ready ler the II ie. 'IIje woman then took soine glue (an oily ireratlen) and rublK-d Itou the head, fliouldere, and feet of the body, Hhe en. treated her husband te roine kirk te life, at whli honeol the dome asked if her husband was net a geed Hralunati, te whlrli alie re. 11 led, "Ued's will is right," and thou gave tins orders te pronre the tire. The domes plsceel threo tiers el legs at right angles u 1th each ottier en Heuii) lle coats, and the Ixidy was placed en the pile. The elbow, wrist, kue and aukle Joints wiirothen broken, the legs Istnt Itark en the Iwrk, and the arms plnred under the back us the Issly lay with the late upward. This, as you may Imaglne, whs the most trying tlme Ter the widow, iind it was with great dllllculty that her relatives kept her away Irnm the pile. 'Ihroe tiers of woeil wre tnen placeil en top el the body, and a llttle gheti was poured en the II re which Immediately blared ii. All presontHangeut, "Hurl, Ilel; hurl. Ilel." 'llie nearest relatives remained until the body was burned te ashes. While we wero watching thlscoremony we discovered a uathe kneellngat another tire bofero the list remains of his wlfe. lle was swinging himself te and fro as the tire bucame dim. 'I he ordinary charge for burning n Ixsly In India is equal te about J 1.7ft, which Includes payment ler the follewing: (1) An earthen jet te bring water: (-) a cloth te ceur the IkkIv; (3) a llttle ghee, and (4) the weed for the lire. When a high caste Hindu dies ills burning pile Is samlal weed. .Sandal weed oil and glum are used for the Itedy uiul raisins are put into the lire. Ofcourse this Increases the cost. When the tssly of a sick porneti Is brought den n te the ghat, the domes tke the ret te thoedgeof the rherand oueortwo of them take the mud and 1111 the sick man's mouth, eyes and ears with It, Theu they lilt him from the cot and thnke him until he is sullo rated. He Is thou put n his ret and all are held undeinaith the surfiKe of the water for acoiipleormlnutos, the domes singing " Hurl, Hei." Although Calcutta Is under Kngllsh rulethts iniirder Isremuiltted every ilay. There are nearly I CO castes recegnl7ed In the Hindu religion, but It Is illy at death that memlwrs el dlllercut castes asoclale w I til each ether atall. Hindus of similar castes only can eat, binoke, erMt together. Hut at the killing of the sick the lowistel the low puts mud Inte the mouth of the aristocratic Brahman. The ashes are collected and sold te ten estates and used ter lertllMng purposes. Men nr lliilni', Walk I hrem tliti .New erlc Herald. There is n proverb in the West Indies which Implies the oxressivo Indulgence In "Pdentary habits Is disastrous te breeches. Hearing this In mind, It takes ue Mist amount of perception en the part of any oue toasnure himself that some or our fellow mortals are loe much addicted te the prac tice of relieving the limbs or the iKsly's weight. Ofcourse, it la te 1st doplerod that this chroule inertia is ruinous te woellen fabrics j but still mere, it Is te be bitterly la mented that it is surely and steadily deplet ing the strength of the muscles and the solidity or the llesli of the w earer of the brcechts. The l.tct Is that siuce the elevated reads have ceme among us there has been a great tilling oil' In the number of the meu who dally walk up and down town, or even ene way, and a corresponding Increase in the number w he rlde. This means, simply, th it hundreds el men who alt In olllres all day have abandoned the only form el healthy uxercise which thoyhave at thelr disposal, for the " pleasure el riding up town in coin cein coin lerL" Walk. It costs nothing. Till the luugs, fx pund the chest, straighten the spine, threw back tbe shoulders, stretch the limbs, swing the arms. In doing this every physi cal organ becomes naturally Invigorated and body and mind will seen acknovvledgo the benefit se simply attained. Hew are of tee much comfort, and de net despise that exercise which, Ter man as for beast, whatever his condition may be, Is best. Walk, stroll. Avoid chalra, seek the uir, and llnd in It medicine for the body better than drugs. IuialliU' Hetel ami Hurelral Iuttltute. Ibis widely celebrated Institution, located at llilltule. N.., Is organized wltb a full stuff e! i llitnen experienced ami skillful pbyalciana and surgeons, ceiulltntlng tbe nien rumplidu organization or medical and suiglcal skill In America, for tbe treatment of ull chronic dU cases, whether requiring medical or surgical means for their cure. MurvileiiH success mis lM.en achieved In thuciire et all nasal, threat and lungCiaeasca, liver and kidney diseases, diseases of the dluesllve organs, bladder diseases, dls euxes. dlacaeea pectiilur te women, bleed taints and akin dlaueaea, rbeumutlsin, neuralgia, ner veua debility, paralysis, epilepsy (ills), speruiat errhea, lupeteucy and kindred atiectlens. iliou ilieu aandsuia tuted at their homes through corres pondence 'J be euro of tbe worst ruptures, olio Iumem, varicecele, hydrecele and strictures Is uuarauteed, with only a short reddonce at the institution. Bend 10 cents in atauipa for tbe In. vullds' (JutUe lloelt (6S lmges), which gives all particulars. Address, Werld'a Dispensary Med lcul Askoclatlen, llutlale, N. V. alS-Tu,Vw Halvatlen Oil reuta and banUbea all beaily pain instantly, and coats only twenty-Ova cents a bottle. " a bull In a china shop " la out of place, but a bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Byrun fntbecblna 0leset la In plate, ter croup, brenchltlt, aere cheat and celda It la a prompt and ertlcarleua remedy. 'Iho very worst cold or rough Is permanently removed by Ited Star Cough (Jitie. . i i lira. Henry Ward lieecber uses and glvraaway ever lbree hundred Allceck'a l'oieua l'lastera every j ear. She writes tliat alie has found them a " uenulue relief for most of the aches ami pains which Heth Is heir te." Hen-HatnuelJ. Handall aald that they cured htm et Inflamma tion el the kidneys when everything else failed, and cured him el a severe cold that threatened te run Inte pnoumenla. lien. James W. Hnated writes that they enred hU aen of cbronle rhou rheu mallsin and relieved bm of serious pulmonary troubles. Teething llubtea are Instantly relieved el pain -when the guwa aie bathed with Da. lUne'a I ' Teethlun I.otlen. I'tlce, M cents. A fact from experience, Da. lUan's l'leatant i'byale cures constipation' In babies or adult. Sure and pleasant. J'rlce, 44 cents. apllindAw JTOK DYSPKl'SIA and Uver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee en every bottle of Shi Shi leb'a VHalizer. It never fall te care, rer sale brU.ll. Csvebran, Druggist, Ne, UT North gueen BVMOlAt, MOX1CMM. Thar Meat ba an Open Keait between the feed we eat and the substance of which our bodies am composed. If the mid Is clogged or closed we sicken, taint and din. This mad Is inadn up of the organs of digestion and assimila tion, Of these the stomach and liver are (tiler. Most peepln have mere or less eiperlenre or the horrors el constipation. Prevent II, and all II irnritii anfiunnri's uy using ir. nonneaya" r a vorlte Iteinedy." Ills thu first step that costs, msri(vliii(HMlAw WHY Wll.l, 1UU cniirjhwlum Rhlteh' t'ure will give Immedlatn relief. I'rten 1U els , Ml cts , and (I, Ker ale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, M. 137 North Huren street. A t ery Marrow Ksrapa. ' i'H, I had a very narrow escape," said a prominent eltlrmi te a mend. "I was confined lemy lied rera jearand my frlenOsgsvemn up lern rensiiiuptlve'a grave, unlll I began using Kemp's llalaam for llie Threat and l.uugs, ana here 1 am, sound and hearty." I'rlre Wki. and II. Ker sale by II. II. Coelimn, Druggist, NO. 197. North Queen street, Lancaster. HI.KKl'I.KSa NIUHTH, rnadn tulserahls liy that terrllile cough. Hhthih'sllure Is the remedy for you. ornate lv 11.11. Cochran, Druggist, Nu. 137 North LJniMin street. The InipaiKllua; Danger. The recent statlsllcael the nnmhnr el deaths shewtiistalargu msjertty dle with Consump tion. This disease may cotnmenco with an ap. parentiy Harmless cnugn wiiirucsn en ennui in ..... II.. I... lAi...a ltlfi,.i f.ir I t.M Ttini.l ntnl stantly by Kemp's llalsam for the Threat and i.uriL-s. which is iruurauteed te cum and relieve all cases. I'l Ire tvi rents and fl. Trial (ti re rnr sain by II, II Cochran, druggist, Ne 137 North clueen street, (sHwdAllw BIIII.OH'S VlTAl.17.Klt Is what you need ler Constipation, l.ea of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 rents per bottle, ter sain tiy II. It. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. It) North giineu street. Te restore sense of taste, smell or hearing use Fly's Cream llalin. llruresell casea of Cabin h. Hay rover. Colds In the Head, Heartache and Deafness. It Is doing wonderful work. De net fall toptecuroabolili'.a In II lies the relief you seek. It la easily upplled with the linger, l'rlce, Coe. at druggists. Mr. I'. M. llsrlwr, has used Kly's Cresin Halm for Catarrh In his family and commends It very highly. A lady Is recovering the sensu of smell. A luckhanneckhiwjer, known te many of our readers, us v s hit was rured of deafness. l'ltts l'ltts ten, l'a., llsrelte. u7 2wdeed.tw BIIILOII'.H CATAItltll HKItKDY-a osltlve cure for Catarrh, Dlpthnrle, and Canker Meuth, for sain by II. II Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North cjueen street. llucklen' Anilat Halve. The best Halve In the world for Cuts, ltnitaef, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Itheurn, ever Seres. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chlllmlns, burns and all Skin Kriipllens, positively rures Piles, or no pay re- aulrcd It Is guaranteed tnglvoperrectssttstac en, or money refunded. 1'rlie n ceut per box. rer sale by Cochran, the Druggist, 1T7 and 13S) North Uiiisin stnsst, Lancaster, Pa. T'lhAi(i) A IJlnjer's (Ipluluu lit Interest te All. .1 A.lawiier.t'sv.aleadlng attorney el Win: nna, illss., writes " Alter usluglt foriuere than thli'e j eats, 1 take great pleasiire 111 staling that I regard Dr. King's .Sew Discovery for Cen sumptien, as the best remidy In the vterld for Coughs unit Colds It has never failed te cure the luoslsnvemrelds 1 have had, and Invariably relieves the pain In the chest." 'trial bottles of this sum euro fei alllhrpat and I. nng Dtsi ises may be had 1-rce at Civil ian's Drug store, 1X7 and iw North cjueen street, l.iucestci, l'u. Large sire, II 00. (1) An Answer Wauled. ( an anvnne Mlngus n ra.nef Kidney or f.lver Complaint that Klectrlc Hitters will net speeillly rumf We say they cannot, as thousands of tases alnady permiinetitly cured and who nre dall) rpceinmendlug Klectrlc Hitters, will prove. Itrlght's Disease, Dlabiles, Weak Hack, or any urinary complaint uulekly cured. '1 hey purify the bleed, ngulate the bowels, slid act dfnctly en the diseased parts. Kvery bottle guarnnlwd. ler snle at .v a bottle tiy II II Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 1U .North gueen street, iJiit caster, 1'ic !) "IIACKMKTACi. " a lasting and migrant JHir. luinu, 1'iice'and M cents, rersalshy 11.11, Cochran, Druggist,. Se. J7 NerlhQueen atreet. I UK UK. OKU. II. 'IH.WKIt, or llourlien Ind , savs " llelh tnystdr and wire ewe our llvi a teSIIILOICS CO.SSlMPIlUS CtJItK." ter sale by It. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North CJihsui street, Feur-Kiniis. (Heur Aiuerleiiu iMonleure atlllrted with sick headache hi either lis nervous, lillleus or con g( stive forms, rtiused liy Irregular halilts, high ii nunc tin (itiiii i 111 111 I Itllis, Ullllilis ill lull Ive lerms, ciiused liy Irregular halilts, high rig, etc , and no remedy has iver ceuriucivd living, etc , ami no retneiiy nas iver cennuensj It until Dr. Leslle'sHiH-clid Piescrlptlnu was ills cove ret. (live It a trial Seu adverttsciuunt In another column. 13) AUK toil MADK miserable liy Indigestion, Constipation, Dlrrlness, Less et Appetite, el el ew skint Shlleh's Mtallzvrls a po-ltlve cure. Ker saUt by 11. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1J7 North yueen street. UI.AHHWAKK. H 1(111 A MAKTIN. xm bJ Ll llnusekorpeia In want of any articles te lie furnish will de well te rememher that we have alwavsnn hand a full Unit et CHINA, GLASS, -AND- QUEENSWARE. e open te day a new line et Eiidisli Printed Toilet -i.s- NEW DESIGNS & SHAPES. 'I be best In the Market ter the Meney Don't rail te see them bofero purchasing. iiliHi 15 EAST KING STREET, I.ANCAbTKK. l'A. (AiA4 AT J H'lOUK KHIOAKr.S OIiI) WJNK LISTON'S EXTRACT OP BEEP. nsasT m ina world. KsUblUhOd, 17S5. H. E. SLAYMAKER, Aqt., tehl7tld Ne. a Kaat King HtreeU B UHINKSa KDUOATION X'AYH. NO VOtlllff IMS ulintllil niitnr ItilAltnalnn.. while he la Ignorant of the manner or regulat ing book. Natural ability will net supply the derlclency, or prevent affairs Irem getting into contusion. The rourse of Instruction osadeiited at lha LANCAblKHllUSlNKHSCOLLIClli-. will beet advantage te even man whatever his fu turn occupation may be. It will teach buslnesa habits and attention te accounts, which will give Increased Interest and success. Ksaentlal te the success of the tarmur. Mechanic and the Professional man. Full particulars en application. Address II. C. WKlDLKll. Principal, Ne. 10K Kaat King Htreet. NOTIOK TO TKBSPA8SKR8 AND UUNNKHS.-All persona are beraby for bidden te trespass en any of the laud of the Cornwall or Hpeedwell estates, In 1-ehanen and LancasUr counties, whether Inclesed or unln. aleaed, either for tbe purpose of sheeting or hah tar, a the law will be rigidly euferctsf against uTtrespaMlns; en aald lauds of the undersigned after this neUee. Waf.COLKUAN VUKKMAN, jL l'Kstey ALDKN, ' fhlViUlllI aULhlf Ail "tuiintf m k,'w. ca4 bam. tttm MMBIOAL. A YKH'H MAliaAI'AmLUA. SCROFULA. la ene of the most fatal (ceurages which altllct mankind. It Is often Inlierltnd. but inav 1)0 the iTsult of Improper vaccination, mercurial pet senlng, unrleanllness, and various ether causes, Chroule Meres, Ulcers, Abscesses, Cancerous Humors, and. In some casus, Kmsclallen and Consnuijitleii, result Irem a scrofulous condi tion or the bleed, This disease can be cured by the use of Ayer's Haisspsrllla. 1 Inherited a scrofulous condition of the bleed which caused a deiiineeuieut of my whole sys tem. Alter taking less than lour bottles of Ayer's Harsaparllln I urn Entirely Cured, and, for the past year, have net found It nnrcs. sary te use any medicine whatuver, 1 am new In bet I er hrts.lt h and stronger than ever bofetct. O. A, Wlllard, 2IS Tlrinent "L, llosten, Mass. I was troubled wltb Bcrnfulnii rlnres for II ve years i but, after using a few bottles of Ayer's rai-xsparllla, the sores healed, and I have new geed health. Kllralieth V arneclt, Bl Appleten stri el, Lewell, Muss. Heme months age I was troubled wlthKcrefu. Ions rierrs en my lg. Iho limb was badly swollen and lyllaim d, and Iho sores discharge d large fiuiinlltles of offensive matter, Kvery remedy tailed, until 1 used Ayer's Harsapartlla, liy taking tline heltles of lids mndlclnn the sores have been entirely healed, and my health Is fully restored. I am grateful for the geed this medicine has dnne inn. Mrs. Ann O'llrlan, lVcHulllvunslnet, New 101k. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Prepared by Dr. .1. C. Ajnr A Ce,lwell, Mass. sold by all dniBKUts. l'rirn,lt sir het Hes, 1.1. apr'i,10,ll,j,lj,ll,15 0, ii,anti:iw. . 'Z each, for II ), any drug store, HOP 1 LAHlBltS nie jirepired from (he complete vlrlueser lloiis.cemhltii-tl with llurgundy Pitch and Canada ltafsiim. Hiijairlorte aTl ethers be cause they net Instantly and euro speedily. If you srn troubled with any kind of soreness ap ply oneof these plasters and oxperlente thulr seething, stimulating and strengthening cite ct. A wonderful euro for pain In the small of the Lack. 'Ale. ft for II no every where. HOP l'LAI TKIt COMPANY, llosten. Sent by mall If de sired. (V) HOP PLiAHTHUH. A KAMOHHUTUKNOTIIKKKIt. Housewives, shop girls and saleswomen all surfer mere or less from Weak Hack and Hide ache. Nelhlug affords such Instant relief as a HOP l'LASTKIl applied ever affected part. I'alns and aches or all klndsare driven out and the parts made ever and strengthened. Ask for a Ilel" I'LASl'KIt mada from llurgundy I'ltcb, Canada lUlsiitu andthn virtues of Iresli Heps. Holdeverywheie. ise.. 5 for II em. HnndtolleP 1'LAHir.lL COM PAN V, llosten, rer circular. G De m: siiNsiTiTTir " " "" The HOP PI.ABTKIt does morn goe.1 In eiin-cjuarter the tlme than any balm or lotion and Is mnru cleanly te usn. A fresh and sweet porous plaster which nets Immediately when applied lese at of trouble. Kheumatlsin, Nell ntlgls, tildiache, Lame Hack, C'rirk, Hclatlca, Hern .Muscles, Kidney Affections, Weak Lungs or I .eca I Pains ctiunnt exist long when one of these plssleis Is applied. Itemciiilier, virtues of fresh Heps, llurgundy Pitch ami Hums nun. lilned. bold everywhere!. Me, 6 for l W, Pro prietors. HOP Pl.ASrhlt COMPANY, ISosten, Mass. (7) c ATAH.IUI-1IAY-KKVKK. ELY'S CREAM BALM IS WORTH $1,000 VO ANY MAX, WOMAN OH CUTl.ll, HUKKKIUNll ritOM CATARRH. A. K. NKWM AN, Urallng, Mich. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agtcesalilu te , l'rlce 50 cents by mall or at druggists. Hendfercjrcular. , KLY ItltOlllKKS, Druggists, Owego, N.Y. lulyVUyoedAlvw riuui: uuauanti:i:i). RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by Hit .1, II. MAI Kit. Kasouteuce: no operation or delay from busi ness : tested by hundreds or cures. Main elllce. Ml AKCI1.1T., l'llll.A. send for Circular. fae-lvdAw A ITKltAI.IsOrilKKHrAIl,, CONSULT DR. LOBB, Sil .SOUTH HKTKE.STH 8TKKKT, (Itelew Cal- lewhtll street, Philadelphia.) 20 KAUSi' K PKItlKNC B. (iuaranteedte euro the ailllcted and uufortunate w 1th Purely ego tabic) Medicines. Heek en special diseases free ; send for 1L Advlrefnst and strictly confiden tial. Oltlcu hours, 11 a, in. te 2 p. in , 7 p. in. te 10 p. m. Treatment by Mull. lnlljd.tw DH. DAlsSKX. OfFlCKS AM) DltUll STOHK, leX.Plh St.. I'hllad'u., Iteglslered l'hjslclin and lirudiutle Jeffersen Celli go, guarantees te euro all liloed, Hktu mid Nervous Diseases; also Private Dist-nscs of eltber aev, with purely vegelabln remelles lilt. DALSKN'S (lOI.DKN PKKIODIC PILLS are Safe, Certain nnd Kffeetnal. ri box. Send terclrcular lVUN.Sl'H ST., Philadelphia. Treatment by Mall. rrt-lj d (lltUVICUlKH. Sl'r.CIAI. l.P.NTKN (JOOl)H. best s leeled reilrish, large rat, Juicy mack end, ainekid halibut, caiiuid salmon, new crop olives, tine st table oil, salad dressing, mustard and pickles, bananas, oranges and apples. Try our fine selected old eiev. Java, Mecha and Im perial llie Coffees, they speak for themselves, very geed alKXr. Hal gains, Sand R of lllce for ?c.: 5 Up geed prunes, .".c ; elegant light hymp, he. per quart ; canned com, i; 10 B, kit latuiackerel.riOc. Please tall or send yourenlors. I1M). W1ANT, angWltd Ne. Hi West King Street. rillKAP TAMIUV (1KOUKKY. " l,e net te rat. Hut rut teliie." A new and selected assortment el Itnstnn, Oat meal, Monitor, Olur-i-r, Pretzel, lllue Point (I) aler, Family and vv ater Crackers, btsls. Coffee, 'liu, NIeNaes, laMiten, lnl's ! Ingers. Mldgeta, Itllle-Mits. Cimssc, Peiin. Vanilla, and Milk Ills cults! crystal, ilrahuu and (linger Wafers. Alse a largeiiunntlt) id Inn SMOhKD SALMON, Halibut, ilnneless Cedrlsh, Husslan Saidlnes, Kitra sr 1 Mackerel, Hue Mackerel S for be , Mmed MteCke rel,halmen, Lobsters, and lloyer's eljslers, Helland, Portland and Scotch lleirlng and lileuli rs Tbe Beat Olioeaoa in tbe City. Celvlu's Pure lerk County lluckw heat, and a full llneet fresh (irecerlesnt CHARLES MAONAY'S Choice Family Grocery and Cheese Kmparium, 115 and H7 .SOUTH CJUKKN STUKH.T, Lancaster, l'a. Heeds delivered lioe te all parts et the city and environs 'telephone Connec lien, iltmd A V HIIHNK'H Canned Vegetables ! Kell's Sugar Cern enl) Se cut j Win. l'enn hugai ( nru only rr. can. hveiy can gunraii tied V ii have a huge stock el Full's ana Win. Penn Cern Is why we cell 11 an cheap. We have) Original (ieiiulnu Wluslew, lie. The Pride of Maine and Heney Drep inn the lltuul Cern In the market . sells at Isc a rati. trench and Ann ilcati Pi ns-Hne and Hurst French Kurly June, Matrewlat and Dew (Hep. TOMA'IOLS tell's .' lHiuud cans only Ts: ; t ell's iiiiart cans only lee. can s LuuchiHiii and Happy r umlly, line stock, only 1 iic can. String beans enl) 10c. ran. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINQ STREET. LANCASTKK, PA. Telephone Connections. MfVUMlTVltK. TT01-'KMEIEU,H.J Hid en aajr you nre In need of FURNITURE, If se, he sure nnd call en m, and we villi de our hest te oleasei 3 oil. fi. K. HOFFMEIER, 26 East King Street. Q. KOUQK KRN.ST,"in., Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, NO. 6J9 WKST KINU 8THKKT, All work receives my prompt ana pergenal at All klndi of Jobbing attended te at thert no tice and en reaaeiuvbls teruic Unwlnva and IMUmatMlanmbea. eJ.lv;d CLOTMnrB. TlTYKllS A KATUVOW. THESPRINGOFI886 Is upon us, Wa are net behind, either, with our Bleck of, CLOTHING reitTHE HKAHON. The best rsie and taste has been used In pre paring ll rer the trade, and se far we have been well rewarded. MEN'S SUITS In many styles and Onslllles, and at prices down te bottom, MKN'8 arHlNil OVKUCOATS In all the llcjt Styles, ranging In prices from fl.uuelliii). ihe Youths' and Beys' Department Hashemi well rared for, and all or thellestand Toughest Materials can be found. A l'AIK Or PANTALOONS Are a very necessary thing this time or year, and our assortment Is large enough te suit anybody's taste. Don't be afraid of High Prices. NOHIUH I'ltlCKHHKUEl If yen don't want the finest Clothing, we have All the Cheaper (Hades and better value can be had here for a small amount In vested than any where else. This la a strong statement, hut we knew It's right. & I.KADINO CLOTH IK lis., MO. ta BAST KINQ BTRBHT, 1.ANCA8TKU. PA. B UKOKHAHUTTON. Spring Opening -AT- BUBGER & SUTTOFS We are prepared te show our patrons and the public one or the finest stocks of CLOTHING! KrerScen In this City. Call and see our Goods for Custom Werk; 'lhey are particularly attractive. sTTWe Kiiarantee a satisfactory fit In all cases. Ne trouble te show goods. BURGER & SUTTON, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTER, l'A. T OAN.MA ANHMAN it HKO. The Best and Cheapest Place TO III Bey's and Children's Clothing. L. (5A.VSMA.V A llllO, comer North Oueen and Orange streets, are better prepared rer the cntnlngBiasen, and have a morn !elect Stock or Hey's and Children's Clothing than ever berore. PKICKSMOKKIN rKltESTlNOTIIAN UOItDS. $3 en buys an Klegant All Weel boys' Sull. stw buys ailoed AU-Wixtl Scheel Suit. $i.iki buys a Une Hrewn llojs'.C'erkscrowiiult. tV) llu) g a Htreng Heys' hunckalieut Mult I7illluysa tlnn All-V net lkivs Plaid Still W.KII!u)S the Finest t orsted Heys' Suit. CIULDUEN'3 SUITS-ALL OUH OWN M KE. 3 00 Ituya an All-Weel Child Suit. ft 37 llu s 11 Nice Child Suit. 11.10 lluys a Heed Casslmere Child Suit. M buys a Nlce Plaid Child Unit. s.Vi lluj s a rine All-Weel Plaid Child Suit. line lluys a UivmI Scheel Child Suit, te 09 Ituya an Klegant All Weel child Suit. A hint te purcnaseis, may they be ladles or genilemen lletore you bny Hey's or Children's Clothing leek thinugh our stock, examine mak ing and trimming, uud compare our prices wnh ether houses. ou will satisfy yourself that new here else can 5 011 lnv est se little money terte recelve sueh big value. L. GANSUAN & BR0 MKHCHANT TAIIOllS AM) MANUKAC- tuhkus or MEN'S BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Klght en the Southwest Cerner Orangn Street, LANUAHTKK, PA. W Net connected with any ether Clothing Houae In the city, NUTlUNt. Q.KAN1) UlSl'IsAY OF NECKTIES. UO'IO KUISUAN'C, Wilt CAMEL'S HAIR UNDERWEAR, UO TO KUUSUAN'a. IJIOK liATKHT HTYWiS " U COI.I.AItS AND CUKKS, UO TO KUtailAN'b. flHKAl'KHT AND HraTJ NOARLET UNDERWEAR AT ERISMAN'S. NO. 17 WKST KINO HTM LANOAHTXI J.KH AN It M.MQVOKB. milK UELKBUATKU "" " BOUQUET" AND "OLD ANCHOR" PURE RYE WHISKIES Are rich In flavor, aen and pleasant te the taste. Tub In eiuallty, are excellent alltnulunU, and lhey (land without a rival In thu market, bold atall the leading Hetel ami by Driiggma. Aak leriu iiuurjiiuvi a BiAanje, oeiu 11 enn Krtlia PinniHnlnm lanlDilind 401 N. 3d St., l'hlladelphla, l'a. TLTADKIHA AND 81IKUKY WINKS -AT- Mgart's Old Wine Stere H. E 8LAYMAKER, Aqcnt, KsUblUhOd 17 6. Ma SB K4ST Kle Steibt. (eb!7 UO TTIOU WOUKINGMEN'H HUPPLIKS OO Ji te liecbteld's, and sea the best Overall In the market for the money, heavy Duck Riveted llutlens, Deublo peauu and Hip Pocket. Price only 50 cenU. Drej and Working Shirt. Hosiery or any kind, some lob lets: lme styles Linen and Paper Cellars, Handkerchiefs, Sus pender and notions. All cheap for cesh, ATBKCHTOLD'H, , . , . Ne. 63 North Queen Street. Mr-Sign of the Big Slecking. P. S, Choice Building stone and Sand for sale. MYERS mm CLOCKB AHB jgr 7m rueads, jeweler. JEWELRY AND ART I In calling attention te our otTertnira in thla Una. the publte ara Invited te a oleao and orltleal oxamlnatlen or the goods whleh we believe va ean fttlrlv elalm are or a standard equal te any ever otTertxl In the largeat eltles or our land, and we oak comparison orprleos. knowing that ours are lower Ter the flne goods ofTDred than the ruling orprleos olsewhore.' Our Stock or Unset Diamonds Is large, and we will nmke up fromtheeo any style or work doslred. .. All the NewOBt Patterns or Ladies' Wear always In Stoek, and Birth or Menth Btones or the whele oalendor ean be had promptly. The Ooma Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire. Topaz, Opal and Pearl always en hand, and set te erder. Oil Paintings, Marble and Bronze Statuary, and Musical Bexos, always cheerfully shown by our nttetulhnta, Bvorybedy la Invlted te call and be shown through our eteck. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO. 4 WEST KING STREET, 11ATB, a A I'M, etc;. CJPKINO HTVIiES AND KAHIIIONH. W. D. STAUFFER & CO.. THKI.KADEItSOfSl'ltlNllBTYI.KS AND FASHIONS IN THR NKWK.hT, MOST CO It It KCT AND NOIIUV STIFF AND SOFT FATS ! With a full line of New anil ArtlHIe Deslgnaln CIIIbDKKN'S FANCV GOODS at Lewest l'rlces. Alse the New Yerk " KNOX " and the Bosten " WILOOX " Silk Hats. TRUNKS AND TIL1YEL1NG BAGS. TltUNK8-fW0, S2.2S, 2JU, 3.ne, H.tO UJi te $10. Tit A VKI.1N0 IIAUS-C.-KJ., 75c., 10c , tl.OO up te PI.OO. FANCY PLUSH LAP ROBES In lkmiMfiil Dcslgni at Lewest l'rlces. .lust the thing you need for Spring. 9-TKLKl'lI0NK (JONNKCJTION. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Nea.31 nnd 33 Nertli Quecn Street, Ijancaster, Pa. iieVHt-rviixtttiiiNU uueitB. vy-M. a. KiKKri:u. amus c. hkkh. A TTEKTWX 110 VSEKKKVK11S I A New Firm I - New Goods ! - New Prices I (AT AN OLD STAND ) NO. 40 EAST KINQ STREET, (Opposite the Court llouse.) ' A Complete Line of Heusefurnishing Goods ! Steves I Steves ! We are agents for the FULI.KH A WAHHEN CO.'S (Trej-, N. Y.) 8T0 VKS and KANU KS, Infe rior te noneln the market. The "Hl'I.KNDlD HKATKIt" has proTen Itself te lie thocheico or nil economical hetisekeeiv en, anil Is iruaranteeil te give mnre xaitfactlen en less fuel than any heater In use. The merlU of the " WAKHKN " and " DIAMOND " Uanges ere ndmitttd by all who knew tbem. We have also a full stock of Heaters, Cook Stevea and Kanireer various stiles nmlprlees, anil have given carerul attention te enr selection or SUMMKIt COOK STOVKS, lieth for Ceat Oil and Uaeline, se that our sleck contains the beit, tbe tafeil, and most economical offered te the public. Alse Cooking Utensils or Iren, Copper, Tin andMranlta Ware, ami keep en hand a full nsaert ment of the latest Improved conveniences which make the duties of housekeeplni; a pleasant pastime. Articles el Tin, Copper or Sheet Iren, of special deslgns or patterns, made te order en short notice. Repairing promptly and neatly done Special attention given te FI.UMUINQ, OAS FITTING andSTKAM If K AT 1 Nil, '1 IN KOOKlSti and SfOUTIMl, andasteck of the latest Improved Has i lxtures, Washs Stands, Hath Tubs, ater Closets, and all pertaining te the business, constantly en hand, KIEFFER& HERR, NO. 40 BAST KINO STREET, V.illltlAdK neitns. A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WJNS. HONEST WORK! Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KINQ STREET, (NKAHI.Y Ol'l'OSITK T11K I.KOl'AHD HOTKL), LANCA8TKU, FA. Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. A 1 Material, and That Only, Used It'UlCKS TO SUIT Til K Till Ki. AI.I. WOK1C tlUAUANTKED. BUGGIES, PHETONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, And Vohleloa of E very Doseription Built Promptly te Order. A Kull l.lne of Vehicles In Stock, nronireel nspeclally fnrthe Spring Tride. A Large and Varled Assortment of SKCOMMIAND HUlIk ON HAND which will he sold ut MOST UKA80NAHI.K 1'KIC'KS. FAIlTICULAlt ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. a-(ilv us a call and examlun the work, IIIKI'I.ACK Philip Doersom's Old NOS. 126. cud 128 .IKK IX.SUKAXVK VU 31V J NY. T IFK1NHUKANCK COMPANY. WHEN SOLICITED TO INSURE REMEMBER THAT Tie Mutual Life Insurance Company of New Yerk RICHARD A. McOURDY, PRESIDENT, la entitled te your JYW.S'rconslderation, slure it heldi the "OJK.lO.srjilace among Iho I.lle In In aurance lnattlutlonser the mulct, Hiidoireri ninei ler advantage In nil the tPitnreief limlnewi to gether with unequalled nnanclu! bccuilty. CASH ASSETS, It la alto the CH KA 7KA'7 Company In which te lnsure; Its larger dlvldend returns reducing the cost of Insurance holew that of any ether Ceuipiiuy. ll has A'O ureUKHULDKHH te clulnt any pail of the prerUa. Its ratio et expenses te receipts Is leas than that et any ether Ceiniiuuy It vvrltes the simplest and most coiuprehcnMve form of Insurance! Contract ever Issued, and the only ene that furnishes AUttOLV'jPt: IXltUliAXVIi FKUM T1IK WOltl) 110. KOII FUKTIIKH INreitMAIlON Al'l'I.Y TO Rebert Helmes, District Agent, 230 N. 5th STREET. READING. Or 60 N. DUKE STREET, LANCASTER. IIUUHKVVUNIHIIINU UUUOS. s HIUK'H (1AKHKT 11AI.U CARPETS ! UKOfKNlNU OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new propared te show the trade the hlhlted tu this ell 1 cuv. WIUTONH. VKI.VK1S. ilKUS.SKCS, THUKK-ri.Y, All-Weel and Cotten UUA1N CAUPKIS, DAMASK, and VENETIAN own manufacture a speciality, special Attention paid tn the Manutiictnre of CUSTOM CAiir ktb, AlMsrull LtneeIOILULOrllS.aUUS, WINDOW UllADkS.COVEULKTd, ACl -AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, (Jar. Went Kitif? ftnd illtAININO, .ft'. TNOE8TKUOTIIIL1K UUAININO. NO CRACKING, NO PEKLINO, NO HLIsmt 1NU. We have a system or graining kw weed that mast. In the near luture, take the plaee pi llie old system en all new work, lis merits being as fellow 1 Total laholltlenot painted ground, work, speed and cleanliness Hi werklug It, beauty and transparency el Uiilsh, amoethuess and durability, and the repahlllty or receiving aa high Uiilsh as hard weed by lhuanie uietli uietli eds. This process Is tbe nearest approach tti natural weed that has yet been dlsce ered. Call and see samples. UUT1IR1K A SON, Sole Agents rer Lancaster County, Heuse Painting and U raining Emporium, corner or Chestnut and Nevln streets. Always a large stock of Mantles ou hand. Telephone connections, marSJmd WATCBMm. , J .tv,., .A jvSfV LANCASTER, PA. LANCASTER, PENN' A. inar 23 lntdA w HONEST PRICES I vvhuthcr yen purcbase ernnt. DON'T FOKU T Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KINQ STREET. 117-lydAw $108,08,967. CARPETS ! Largest and Hest Helected l.lne of Carpets ever ex. all the Trad nir Uakeg el UODY ANUTAI-ctrui Chain KXTUA HUl'KHU, and all qualities of IN- OAUPK13. KAU and CHAIN Clltl'KTSef our Wnter Ste., Laucaster, Pft. HliV-1ruAAw pOUN itKMOVKR. YICTORU CORN REMOTER. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, thu most obdurate corns, hard or soft, without pain, sold by Uee. W. Hull, Chas. A. Lerber, Jehn R. KauUtnan, Dr. Win. Worm Werm ley, A ml. 11. ;Fiey, Chas. J, Shulmyer, and at UKCllTOLD'S DRUU STORE, decllHyd Ne, 401 West Orange St, T U18 TAPER IH PRINTED WITH INK Manufactured by J. K.WRIOHT 00., utartMyd aeth ana Hare BWM rnUiili'i t T.AH0Am AM - "i T1MB A Meandlljea.1 data laav Tt KULLH Me and 10-00 a. bv, 1 U KAIMNO ft COLUMmA ah ani itilANCIiaa. AMU LSI hANC'ASfKK JOINT UNiR.lT 'S? On nnd alter SUNDAY, ntlVIMMSl 'J-ltAINSI.KAVM MEABMtT' rer C'elnnil.t and tnrasUr M l.tttvl iiiHiiiaiiun.iviB.nl. s". rer ensrry vllle at 7.11 a. m. and lMa iaV eir v.uicniusHi. Linn, in ami v.10 p. w. t TRAINS J.K A VM COLUMBIA'. rer Keadlnx at 7.X a. m lt and ., m,f rer lliannn at U.1B and 8.10 p.m. , , TKA1N8 1.RAVI QUARRtTlLUlP rerltendlnat6..ni.iit.n,M, V rer l-ehannnat'isap.m. 1 '"AVR KIND RTHRKT(t4Mktf) rer IteaeiinR at 7 jn a. m., lte and ., fC rer lhanen at cm a. m7, 1140 and M C X rerguarryvrll I" at 11 a. m.. 4,40 an . STm. rer Iteadlnu at 7.40 a. hi, line and t.M&W." for Ihanen at H17 a. tn., UM and 3 k m. or gtiarrvTllle at 0 11 a. mt. 4.S1 and ltR7 rer Lancaster at 7-ai a. m lue and 7 Ji k M rer guarry vtlle at JM a. m. J? 8VNDAT TRAINS. SSv TRAINS LKAVR RBAtllMa rer Lancaster at 7.W a. in. and tee b. m. rorUuarryvllleaHOnp.in. '. -MS rllllMS l.viltf rilTmttvitf. 1 rer fJincester, Ibannn and Reading M7.MMft M.......W .....m. cv.... . ft&.H .lv iiiAinei.nAianinu ni.tianM4r, v rer Heading and Lebanon at 8.03 a. tn. MM Mk p.m. -i ij( ror14narryvllleatBSOp.n1. ' 1 TRAINH LKAVK PRINCK ST. (LmnOMtW,) 1- rer Reading and Lebanon and 8.1B a. w. msI tM 11. m. TRAINS LKAVK I.KnAVOW. v- M ' :i p rer Lancaster at 7.4 a. m. and 8.46 p. in. rer OuarrvTllle at a u n. m. A rer conneeUen at Columbia, Martetl tmrntm i U011, Lancaster Junction, Manhelm, MulBiaf j and Lebanon, see time tablets at all sUUesm. V7. ' ?. A.M.WlUON.SiwenntiiMMM. i PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SOHsWi and arrl ve at Philadelphia aa fellows t ;- a lAOiYB iava j ; WE8T1VARD. I'acltle Kxpressf....... News Expressf... Way rassonfjer' Mall train via lit. Jey. Na2MallTralnt Niagara Kxpress Hanover Accem rastLlnet rrederlck Accem Lancaster Accem Harnshnrg Accem.... Colombia Accem Harrlsburg Kinross... Philadelphia. LajCMtai; lJSsW Mr iltna 11. dip. in. 4 JO a.m. 4 30 a.m. 7 00 a m. 81S a. m. jA . SJWS.M. i"i via Columbia 7 10 a. 111. via Columbia Wse,M.j; tM p. M.JV; ll-se a. tn. via Columbia KlUp. IMp. 5 SOn. vlftMt, Jey. 13 p. Hi. 4 40 p. nu; 6 40 p ill. 8 50 p. m. KMM p. m. Leave Lancaster. 3 43 a.m. It os a. m. 8.10 a.m. SA3a.m. 900 a.m. 12J p. in. a os p. m. 4-00 p in. 4.45 p.m. BUn-tn. 7J0p. . 7.J Chicago and Cln. Kx..( 10-4BB, 12.10 a. nuawru x.Aiiiua9r. Arnva at EASTWARD. I'hlla. Expressf rast Ltncf Harrlsburir Kinross. PallsVi , 8-aaa.M.v' 10KK.M, Lancaster Accem ar... vbsMtJ jar ceinnsma Accem., Seashore Express., Johnstown Accem Sunday Mall Dav Exnresst 11:4ft. aa. .- fiip..' eMa.m Uarrlsburg Accein flisSp. aa.7 The Ijincaster Accommodation lnavea ttansi. burg at 8 10 p. in. and arrives at Lancaster at MS t p.m. ", The Marietta Accommodation leaves CetdM y, bla at C te a. in. and reaches Marietta at thin. AiMkii leaves Columbia at 11.13 a. in. and 2.4a p. as.,'; reaching Marietta at 12.-01 and !M. fTM -5 Marietta at 3 05 p. m. and arrives at Columbia i: 3-ae ; also, leaves at 8 33 and arrives at BM. ',; The Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta M 1 7.10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8 00 cenneentaaV with Ifarrlsliunr Kmrest nta 10s. m. . 3i The rredcrlctc Accommodation, west, eon i'; ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at !,' p. in., will run through te Frederick. AUO F1VUUIICK .ACCOUlIllUUlt-lUII, CMS, Ml- Columbia at 12.25 and roachei l-ancastcr at 11 p. m. ; uanoverjvccommoaauon, weisr, conmwuegiw Lancaster with Niagara. Kxnreaa at fiJIO i.au will run through te Hanever, dally, except Sam Fast LlniL west, en Sunday, when flamML , wilt step at Downlngtewn, Ceatesvllle, Panrasf burg, sit, Jer.i-llialictlttiwn and Mlddietewm. t The enl trains which run dally. On Santa? he Mall train wast runs br way of Columbia. ; VARBIAUBB. S' TANDAU1) CABU1AUE WORK. Edw. Edgerley, ,; OAMIAGE BUILBER; sif trjti Market Street, "fh-A Rear of Foeteffloo, Laneaster,. My stock comprises a large variety of tligi Latest htyle Huggles, I'hmtens, Carriages, Mar ket and Hnslneis Wngnns, which 1 offer at fM ' very lowest figures and en the most reasonable terms. t'yti I call special nttontlen te a few of my em M signs, ene or which Is the KDUERLKrCLOfUTO ru SICIAN COUl'E, which Is decidedly neatest, lightest nnd most complete i'hysietea'a . Carrlaire In the ceuntrv. -" ' 1'ornens wlshlnir te hnv a eoed. licmeet I substantial nrtlcle, should bear In mind u iney uike no nsic 111 utiying my werar. miv Carrlage turned out In elghteen years a a ene that Is thu kind of guaruntee have tee tnepuuue. ah were luuy warrantea. cm iflvit Inf. n OAll 1 HKPAlllINO PROMPTLY ATTKNOKO . fl ffterwh ba! rf nrnpbikuin 4L0lvAAlallt tSSSSllfiaMrt SLMB fl thatpurpoiev " a H EAnQUAUTKIW FOR -nJvJ-S B EST .-tW? ABY CARRIAGES. LATEST BTYLES, ?&, ; LARGEST STOOK, t ,f r X x WASKFOU 0ATAL0QUM$, . a W. D. Serecher 8c Sert -m NO. Ol HAST KINO HTHsW:vA n LANCASTER, PA Mb fBiiia.tTiii T vffl,.a , vllr.. UOUtWVUBNItllllNll UOOBS. ft -rtlH'P itKfllHVRn Hrs&fi ; ..- t'i- A U AlhU K liUl U txt HOBNAIL GLOBEJ WTilitri xn xu mr nf itmbmm - .. .v ..w ..... w.. H-u k , , J5 s seven Uincrent Celers. i? CRYSTAL, OLIVE, AUCTIUST, CANARY, - f URKKN. ULUE. ' . ' And AMI t. 1! THE FINEST LOTOr i'i. Glebes, Lamps and -A'S IN LANCASTER. ? V The SUN and HOME LAMr are the! . r-i In the market. ,. HALL AND SEE AT . . '' , I ': ' i JOHtfP. SCHATTlt A US' 24 south QunMnv; LANCABTER.rA. 3 t i J53 MWAxasawmmr, jw j- v sv-- -rfv- . t.a j. w-VvyvtVsAy -HATAUHlNKKY.Aa. & ', k i -- T, M STEAM HEATI3 - -- JV Atest and Most InpWWst tn.v a....... diJi.lJm mainw liectwi, imrnm wt . 1j Newer I BOILERS, WATBR TAllBaVJj ff--4W i af loam or kept la Macawe mp ftf Y,?-t. j 1.'. ti ) ,- Ezra F- 'J v.. 'hM i 'lf -I. . LviW "h