ilMlMfcAiiMhiiHBHisHMsHHmH!IW0 IUI MlNJUMWiTt- ',." iiJTryvMK. CT .wiipri - --v?rm,'svr- -' ft.'sy . " THE IiANOASTBR DAILY INTEIiLIGENCKK, TUESDAY, APRIL 13. 18S0. pp ,-!,;f iv n '1 J '.ms SVv w- K' , wz zf M. :y. tfi .1' s& ; A3 R InUlligftncir. tvtNme IN theYeaa'J MMMAM BSfSXL. Jc--; ISTOIR BUILDING, iTI Cmtra Square, I 1 'M Pw I I hmmjtk""V" rimcmn. I t re Tin te Firrr CtuTt Lim. fe, jT intelliqeneeb, (ElttHTPAOS.) tmt Wednesday Morning, .,' TMBOUAMAYfMMASvMCI. Hec Souerrto rr-i tvtnr rw or tm 1tOWTWr eMMtCOMNMTt M M0uCITt TO TI mm M Ht W TM FM t OM.T TO T ' MT PM fWtUMTKW, pvf IM rwef Ot oeo Mir. AU f UTTtn W1U N MWHII TT wt --. Matters and Telegrams te THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, Pa. Xmuestct 2tatcll.gcwcr. ';j bAMOABTKB. Al'HIL 13. 1886. A. Proper Inquiry. Heuse has passed a resolution, by Mr. Morrison, raising a com- fmHUaftt mvAti " tn InVAStlirnte tlie causes Km y offered t' waxtent of the disturbed condition new 'Kkdeg in the relations between railroad ''emperatiens engaged iu inter-state com- ,;eree and their empleyes." Mr. Reagan, 'ti Texas, thought that it was no mere of Sir tte business of Congress te intervene in the contests between railroads and their cm. -jf?pleyes than between any ether classes of ." the people. He seemed te think that the M matter was one for state adjudication, and , j. that a question of state rights was involved it Mr. Kandall protested that ?lwl.l1.k l.A OTAa ..tvAnnln tn f.OAF nf oenflninff national legislation within 5; eeBstitutlenal limits, he was satisfied that rfel -it was the government's interest te see that peace and order instead of discontent prevailed in the land. Mr. Curtin de- wciareait was tlie titiivet uoncrresate in- f quire into the unrest of the land, and te Pi'i.y 'bmrken te the appeal or the humblest cit izen praying piuieciien agumsi wruugs in flicted upon him. Reed, of Maine, Springer of Illinois, and Ilisceck, of 2s ew Yerk, agreed that there could be no reasonable question ns te the duty of Congress te lis. ten te such grievances as theso new brought te its notice; Mr. Heed inquiring bow many representatives of the people . ? weuia turn away irem tueir pennons ana refuse te listen te their wrongs. Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, apparently was the only member te side with Mr. lteagan , and they did net appear in the vote, the resolution being agreed te without division. The sentiment of the Heuse in this mat-i ter is that of the country. If any doctrine of state rights interferes with an appeal for redress of wrongs Inllicted by rail road corporations running across the state lines, then that doctrine is net one for the times. It might have been well enough In the stage coach days te remit the drivers and hostlers te state jurisdiction, but itwillnotdein these days when railroads stretch across all the ' state lines of the continent and defy the local control of each state. The hand that controls them must evidently be one whose jurisdiction is co-e.xtensive with their system. Mr. Morrison, in offering this'resolutien, said that the aibitratien act just passed by the Heuse was "inadequate in its provisi previsi ons;" which is very manifest upon its face. Why it was passed we cannot imagine, as it does net meet the evil which it presumably was designed te reach. It provides noth neth ing mere than a "method of arbitration of grievances, both parties being willing ; which was a privilege both parties had la tere its passagep It puts the arbitration under the auspices of the government, through efllcials designated, but provides no efficient means of securing the aibitra aibitra teon results. The measure is like, in its essence, te the one placed by the last legis legis lature in the statute book of Pennsylvania, at Senater "Wallace's Instance, and which has amounted, as we declared it would, te nothing at all. The Congress of the United States must take cognizance of the relations of tlie rail rail reads te the people; which no state alene Is able te handle, because of the obvious fact that the niilreads.running through the different states and being largely competi tors with each ether for business, must be put under the law, that their competition may be upon equal terms under the law. Arbitration, as a means te accommodate empleye te employer, i3 undoubtedly a thing te be established ; but, it must be an arbitration enforced ; else there will le no arbitration, when one party finds advant age in refusing the accommodation which the public geed demands. Enforced arbi tration is nothing but enforced law ; and we therefore return te the preposition that laws must be passed by tlie national author Ity, that is alone capable of enfercins them. which require railroads and railroad em em peoyes, common carriers and the people, te respect the right of each ether as the laws define them te be. He Hay lie Itlghf. The "Williamsport Sun itnd Jianncr pub lishes an interview with General Heaver in which the latter says: "If lam nomina ted I will be opposed by tlie corporations and liquor interests. I de net think that this will amount te much, although it is hard te say at this time what votes they will or will net control. Teliticsin Penn sjlvanla are In a muddle. The labor vote will be a great lever in this campaign." s- jii u jieiieienie speech last year, Gen. Beaver, after two years of silence, repudil u aedtheattltudeefhls own party en the f , 'question of enforcing the state constitution .''spontherailreadsaswell as ether neenle. ' His speech was unequivocal and entirely . heoerablo te him as a man and a citizen. HJfctf be was never guilty of such a tiling MV'btfew and has never repeated it slnce. ;JWflg his single eHense against the party -i J Micbt be forgiven, and when he was slated iatfovwaerby thebess, it was fully de Clam4 tbat " Quay will fix that," and no Mtthewlll. 0tiU, Gf serai Ilea ver may be right In the which he plainly holds, that he b te a certain extent distrusted both Ui eAfedlng corporations J and the Jadgc Jacksen, Senater Jacksen, of Tennessee, lias been nominated and confirmed lis circuit judge of llie United States for tlie district com prising Michigan, Ohie, Tennessee and Kentucky 5 and his choice Is received with great favor, ns he Is recognized as an able man and a lawyer of a judicial cast of mind. He has been en the sunrcmeliench of Tennessee. He was 0110 of the small minority of the Democratic party of Ten- nessee, who Ineffectively centenueu wan llinli-ivirlv nmtnal 111 runlllll.ltlnn of till' stnte,ieul . whc, is n sufllctent Indication and faithful adherence te his convictions. He will have the great telephone suit te decide, which has been brought in the Ohie district ; and may be relied upon te de termine it intelligently and without preju dice. "Dbak Braver, don't tnlk t" LAiien la proving faithful te Its e 11 volun tary contributions te the nmennt of about 10,000 a week are being received at St Ijeui'' from all evor the country te alii In the main tenance of the railroad strikers. Butleh county is reported te favor Heaver, Greer and Grew. It is net certain that Greer K slated, and it H certain that Grew is net Mr. Quay will be the senator lilm. self, if the senator is te be Republican. Hen A. Wilcox Nenius appears te be slated for auditor general quite as securely as Beaver Is for governor. He h always one of the two or three select spirits closeted with Quay In Philadelphia, and is his chosen companion In the Atlantic City trips. Sew Jkimrv stanila linn. The Demo crats have carried Trenten with a clean sweep, as it were. Gr.N. Osiiensi:, the Philadelphia congress-man-at-large in this state having voted against the suspension of sliver coinage, his renomlnatien will be a real test of his party's views en thU quostlen In Pennsyl vania. Dkmeciiatic administration does net seem te nave utterly ruined the country. The In crease In the revenue of the postelllco depart ment excluding postage en second class mat ter, for the nine months etuled March 31, as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year, at thirty of the larger post pest post efflces, amounts te J9il,4l5, of which J$0,03ti was at Philadelphia ami ?15,(illat Pittsburg, at both of which places the Itepubllcan post masters had te walk the plank. m m Tin: supreme court of tlie. state keeps up the line of rulings upon which the .Uinraster county salary bill was declared unconstitu tional. In a case decided yesterday thet Judicatory decided that the act of the legisla ture of June, 1S7S, which regulates the fees te be received by sheriff, coroners, registers of wills and recorders of deeds In counties containing mere than 110,000 or less than 10,000 Inhabitants Is unconstitutional because of Its local or special character. I)n, anpuew Nr.nixenn, who died In Philadelphia ou Monday, was a most estimable man. His life vsas divotedto geed works. He gave much time te charity and te educa tional matters. He was a Democrat of Demo crats and in 1S73 served as chairman of tlie Btate committee. In local allalrs he steed ler geed govcrnment and honest methods. PERSONAL. TiiAnnr.i's r.vinp.ANK.s, inventor of the famous scales, has died In Vermont, aged HI. He was net found wanting. Onr.AJtne W. Powers, et Michigan, nominated te be associate Justice of the supreme court el Utah by the president, has been withdrawn. This is said te be a slap at "the Den Dickinsen tactien." TALMAonen newspapers: "Ninety-live percent of the newspapera are my friends and the ether five per cent are such notr netr notr rleus liars that nobody believes them. There are only two kinds or newspapers ; the geed ones are very geed and tlie bad are very bad. Maktin Iite.vs, the Western labor agi tator, has 1011111I the strlke benetlrial te him in two ways. He has discovered a long lest sister in New Yerk whom he had net seen for twenty years, and he has recelved ?."0 Irem the oditerof Jjippmcett's Maqnnne for a five-page labor article H.W. TnACET, a prominent and wealthy citizfiii of Bradford county, died at his resi dence In Standing Stene en Sunday, aged seventy-nlne yeara He was two years a momber of the suite legislature, a member et the Thirty-eighth Congress and later first deputy collector of the pert of Philadelphia. Themas MaoRkvxemjs, who has died at Clialfent, Bucks county, was ene of the lead ing Democratic members et the legislature 1SS1 8-". He was also prominent as a candi date ter the nomination of stitn treasurer when Mr. Powell was named. Hh was M years of age, of marked Intelligence and much respected. "Ci.AR.t IlEr.r.i:," the famous free-and-easy correspondent, drepped dead in front of the Filth aveuue hotel, New Yerk, ene day last week. Her real name was Mrs. Win. A. Thompson. She was ferty-three years efage, or slight figure, with fair hair. She uiarned In 1S07, and slnce that tlme had lived with her husband en Slxty-elghtBtroet,Now Yerk. She obtained her introduction te the public through Franklin Hie, of the still'ef the New New Yerk .S'rin, whom many supposed te be the author of the " 'lara Helle" letters, Bisiiei' ISewmak, ef.St. I.OUI-. lna.Melho lna.Melhe dlst meeting In New Yerk en Monday, said there was no such con ll let between labor and capital as had been The agitators were net considering the fact that the price of labei had been steadily Increasing for the last fitly years, while for the muie time the In come of capital wiis decreasing. "And 1 don't want te be taken as defending Jay Gould," said tlie bishop. "1 would like te see Heme ene take him by tlie neck and kick him through New Yerk as tengas he wasn't killed." Ituv. It Ili'liKU Ni.wte.n may expect te seen again be called te account by his Kplsce- ful church. In alatonewspapor publication, 10 nays : " Christianity is but the llewer of Paganism." "Scratch the lliisslsu and you will find a Tartar; scratch the Christian and you will find a Pagan. Much or our business Is conducted en thoroughly Pagan principles. The statecraft of even the most Christian kings Is iinblusbingly Pagan, and the religion of the uneducated masses is tlie superstition of our heathen ancestors, re baptlsed with Christian names." HCIIUVL 7IOI a OX A tiTUIKl! Tim Yeung Mea ISrgliit e Sheet In the Sainn Direction an tli Kulghta. About half the bejs In the Kleventh ward school at Trey, New Yerk, struck ou Monday afternoon for Hhorterhours, "and refused te con II nu 0 their studies." They demanded only ene session a day, and that te be from eight o'clock until neon. "The boys held an open-air mass meeting, and iheu procur ing laths and sticks swurmed through the neighboring streets threatening violence te pupils who did net Jein them. The reserve irem one police station was sent te the scene te give whatover protection was necessaiy. The strlkers tried te induce the boys In au au au otlier school te fellow their example. About 0110 hundred boys, pupils of a pub lic school in GreeniMDint, I.eug Island, made a demand en the principal " ttiat the usual morning and ariornueu reccsses be extended Irem lb te .'10 minutes, and that en Friday the afternoon session clnse halt an hour earlier than at present." Their demands net being granted, the boys refused te return te the school after the morning recess and picketed the entrance te me vent ethers liem entering. The trouble as sumed such threatening proportions that the principal Bent ler the police, nud n sorgeant and several officers were sent te the schoeU .ii'ilX tU? "J01'10' or the chief rmgleader f,'1'"11 succeeded iu lercing horsen into UJ.I. nlSin After b0 haU Bone In the ether h?i,lulelly """tued In and no lurther trouble was experienced. A Uar.Uuu et 0uer Frem the Tld Ulu. Citizen : Just think et the deception prac ticed every day. Why, tf dreadtu 1 Sew, If you could make flbu by alie, veur annsA of honor wouldn't allow you te de "t we m it, Washington Jacksen T ' ,1U Washington -Jacksen: Dunue, boss dunna Heems te me dat am a matter ob bUness wharin heuah ain't get uuffln te aj. ftty, boss, noe' da man wld d J160 T ' I JOHN WELSH, CITIZEN. v ''' '; : ' I THF. rKATVRB OF Til K MA II III) Olf- OAyt.FIt TIIK CKXTKXXtAl.'.S rtXAXVF.S Jehn Welsh, ox-minlsler te Kngland, who died en April 10th, alter a week's Illness, at Philadelphia, Is best known te the country at large through his connection with the Centennial beard of finance. He was born In Philadelphia In 1S05 and was one of the three sous of the late Jehn Welsh, sr., who came from New Castle, Delaware, In 17!k. The elder Welsh brought up his sons for a mercantile career and gradually relin quished his business te thorn. Jehn Welsh became a menilier or the firm upon the death of his father, iu ls5l. The house Is the largest one in the West India trade In Philadelphia. They Impert solely en commission. Fer eome time Mr. Welsh was amember of councils and -was n member of the sinking fund for twenty vears. He was also president et the Philadelphia beard of trade. In June, 104, he was chairman of the executive com mittee of the sanitary ftif) from which J 1,000,000 were realized for sanitary purposes. In 172 Congress chartered the Centennial beard of nuance, a body corporate, erganised te raise the neces sary funds ter the Centennial Exposition. Jehn Welsh was unanimously elected presi dent of the beard, and no one man Is entitled te a greater share et the credit for the success of the World's fair of Wt). In 1S77 a sub scription of f."O,000 was tendered him lu re cognition of his services, and at his request the "Jehn Welsh Professorship" of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, was endowed there with. In October, 1S77, President Hayes ap pointed Mr. Welsh te the position as minister te England, which he filled with great credlt until his voluntary retirement iu 1570. His retirement was caused by the death of his brether William, se universally known as a philanthropist, and or his two sisters. I'peu ills return he was given a reuslnc reception In Philadelphia, and ene hundred of New Yerk's most prominent biisine-s men ten dered him a complimentary dinner at Del Del Del monice's which he was forced te decline. In lbSl an etlert was made te place him In the I nlted States Senate, but the politicians would net allow this. Slnce then he has taken llttle interest In public affairs. In 157a the I niversity et Pennsylvania centerred upon him the degree of I.U P., and the saine honor was bestowed by the Washington and Vnherslty In l-ise. Mr. Welsh was twice married, and was the father et eight children. The ltiueral occurred this morning at 11 o'clock, from his late residence, ou the south east corner of Eleventh and Spruce streets. The Interment was at Iuirel llllL In ac cordance with his well known wishes, the ceremonies were brief and unostentatious. His psil 1-bearers were the vestry et old St Peter's church, of which congregation he was a member for fifty-three years. The services at the heuse and at the grave were conducted by the rector, Kev. Themas F. Davles, D. I). niSA(IUFl) FHU31 JllJhllir.Elt. Officfr l'hlllp ltllel's Ceuracenns Itesrue of a Vfellld-llesulriile. Au elderly and shabbily clad niau lolterod for nearly an hour .Sunday morning about the deck at the feet of Ilegart street, New New Yerk. The stranger was contemplating Biiicide. Nerving himseif at last te the des des perate act he deliberately walked ever te the stringpiece aud leaped Inte the North river. The splash attracted attention aud the cry "Man overboard I" was ralsed along the river trent Patrolmen Philip C. lillel, of the Third precinct, who has en many occasions distin guished himself ns a ilfe saver, heard the alarm and started te the rescue. 1'rem the deck lie saw that thore was net a moment te spare for the form or the man, bobbing up and down, was being carried out rapidly by the thin. In full uniform, with his hat stilt en his head and his club dangling In the socket or his belt, IJIIel plunged Inte the chilly water. The stranger was at least titty yards away, but the policeman swam like a duck and in a very short lime he laid his hand en the would-be suicide. Then occurred a scene that horrified the people that had gathered along the string piece te w Itiiess the rescue. The man wanted te die, and when the policeman caught held or him he struggled and (ought te free him self. Although leaded down with his heavv overcoat and Ids uniform trappings, anil chilled by his bath, Uliel was net te be thwarted aud he battled back. It was an ox ex citing situation and the policeman realized his peril. Freeing himself, llliel swam away for a few feet aud allowed his adtersary te sink below tlie surface. J list as he was coming up again the policeman struck the man a blew en the side or the head with his list which had the ellect or stunning him. 'fben he clutched the stranger by the clothing and wltlionehand tewed him back te the deck. As llliel, panting for breath dragged the mail alongside ene or the slimy spiles he was cheered lustily by theso gathered above. Here occurred another scene similar iu many reHpects te the one that had taken placa a row minutes before away out in the water. The man had by that time recoverod rrem the blew and renewed his struggle te roleaso himself He teucht desperately and gasped, ' Let me go or I'll drown you, tee. I want te die," llfel backed ass-ay a second time and there was another hard blew dealt That settled the contention, and when the captain or an Ice liarge moored near by lowered a long beat hook It whs stuck lu the clothing or the would-besulcidoand he was heisted upon tlie deck. A second later the shivering and heroic member of the "finest" was landed en dry land. An ambulance was sent ler, but be fore It arrived the rescued man and his res- cuer were iraited with a heating drink. The policeman remained alomrside the man until tlie ambulance arrived and took the latter, who was sintering from the Ini Ini merslen. te HI. Incent's hospital. Then llliel, with the salt water dripping Irem his uniform, hurried te the pelice central ofllce te report the facts of the case te Sergeant Tayler and also te obtain permission te go home and change hisclething. Whlle awaiting the arrival of the ambu laneo llliel questioned the man, but he doggedly refused te tell his name or where be lived. He said, howesor, that he was lerty years 01 age and was married. He Is or low stature aud or sandy complexlon, and wears a rull beard. His clothing, which was seedy looking, was dark. He is an Intolll Intelll Intolll gent man, and admitted that he had seen better days, A l'est- Werd A limit I'l.h Wardens The Angler's association of Kastern Penn. sylvanla, are in rccelpt or numerous lotters irem residents la various sections or the state, asking te he appointed fish wardens: and as it Is Ter the publle benefit this associa tion has been formed, it lias been deomed ad visable te make publle the manner iu which fish wardens can lw npiiolnted : The law provides that upon the application of any perseu with n petition addressed te the lish commissioners of the state, and sigued by ten citizens or the county where the person desiring te be warden resides, the commissioner will appoint such person a warden, whose duty it will be te see that the laws respecting Illegal fishing, be strictly en forced. The warden receives no compensa tion from the state, but is expected by ills dlllgencelnihu pursuit of eilendes being entitled te one-half ir the penalty prescribed by law (which ls?A) te get iiUcompensa- The Angler's association of Enstere Penn sylvania, Ne, 1020 Arch street, Philadelphia, w HI supplement this by paying ten dollars te any person who will precure the conviction of otlenders against the fishery laws, such as taking black bass in neta, or between Jauu ary 1 and June 1, iu any year, or brook trout, belore April 15, and after July 15, lit any year, eltlier in nets orethorwiso. -vny citizen rau matte complaint neinre me nearest magistrate or Justice of the peace, procure conviction, and get one-halt of the penalty, and by sending tlie certified copy or the case te this association rtvvha tlie re ward ollered. A l.lttlc .sprint, rinrlcla Frem the l'alatka lternUl l.ast week there was a dead alligator en I.ucas w hart that measured 20 leet This salurlaiw as killed In Hlce crock by Hrewn, acoletea resident or that section. Its cir cumference wassntuethlnc unusual, and was commented upon these who saw It as It lay ou the deck. Next dav the alligator was skinned and stulled. When cut open It was foil ml te contain tw only bushels of eggs, tw e pine legs in a perfect state of preservation, n leg cnain, 1110 dew stem or a beat, a negre ley, a small Iren chest and Ilghlwoeod enough te steam any beat ten miles. Its body contalued 3.M bullet marks and fifty pounds of lead. The I'reMcnt ita Ahead f thr trnste. The terms for which many el the elllclals suspended by President Cleveland, were erfglually appointed, having expired, he has decided te withdraw the nominations origi nally made te succeed them ami reneminate the same persons te fill tlie vacancies, se as te remove them from the Jurisdiction of the Republican caucus, snd leave the Senate without an excuse te relect them. The long list or nominations sent te the Senate en Fri day was almost entirely composed of thlsclass of cases, and the several heads of depart ments are examining the records for ethers te be treated In the same wav. FLOWEltS TO TIIE KAIlt. 1 lei era te the fair te you these ilewer 1 bring, And strive te greet you with an earlier spring Flowers sweet and gay.and delicate like yen Kmblems of Innocence and beauty tee. Afrj. Jlarbaultl One Great Merit Of that Iteauttncref the Teeth, J-O.ODOST, Is that Its eiTectnpen the metithlsrern'-hlnc, while as a means of cleansing the teeth, and Imprev Ing the breath, It stands alone. npsTu.Th.sjAw heep the bowels regular by the use of Ur. Hull's liiltlmore rills and you will avoid dy pepsla. nay's Herse Powder Risen te cons ssitl in crease, the tlew or milk from 10 te W per cent. liable are tee highly prlred te be permitted te suffer ss 1th colic, or ether stemseh or bowel dl enlers when Ir Hull's luby syrup will euro them. . i Athletes every here ue St. Jarebj tut. It re moves all stiffness of the muscles HI-XCIAZ. XOTIVF.S. Curious In mink that desks and chairs kill peo ple, but they de. Taken In large quantities eutre lurnlture Is fatal as yellow lever. e stt and write ourselves away, bertentary ha tills produce con3tlpstlen that begets dsspepsta ; rheumatism and kidney trouble fellow in their tratnand death ends the chapter, iesi whose lives passed ever desks nml In thecennneil air of orace seuEht te keep Ir. Kenned js a a a vorlte Hemedy " always en hand for the stomach and brain IUkdkliem tiVKR Pellet for sick headache torpid liver, biliousness and Indigestion Small, andeay toswallew. Oneplllada-e. I'rlce.'i'ic. Ity all druggists. febs SmdTu.l h,S "Slient Fifty Dollars In doctoring for rheumatism before I tried 77iernai' Ikttctrie Oil. I cd a W-cent little of this medicine and get out In one week, ter burns and sprains It Is excellent." .las. tnr-l-am. Kast Pembroke, -. . Fer sale by II. It. technin, drnjrglst, 1J7 and li) North Onren street Lancaster. Honesty tlie Heft I'eliry, In ads ertlslng a medicine It Is best te be hen est! te deceive one will never de; the people won't stand It. Let the truth be known that Jlurdeck liloett liittrrs cure scrofula, nnd all eruptions of the skin. This medicine is sold evetywheru by druggists. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 1ST and 13a .North Uuecn street, I.ancaster. Iirsrirnc, nervous people, "out of sorts." Celden's Llanld lieef Tonic svlll cure. Atk jer Veldtn't. Of druggists. j.12 ldi ed.t KIUNKV THOUlILKs. A Cae of Many Vears standing Cured With Ms lkittles. In a Man l0 V ran ul Age. ALLt:rrewi, Pa., Jlay s, lvl. UajiDklk'S Hitters Ce. (fonts I had len troubled with my kldnoysferanumberof years, ui-ed almost everything without much benefit until I tried Dandelion Hitters. I med six not net tliN and am pled tessy 1 am entirely rid of the kidney trouble, besides my sjstem bdng toned np se that I feel like a dlfleient pen.en. 1 cheerfully recommend the same te all aitlleted lnthlswaj-. JACOll Ml St 111.11.. Iebii-3mdrn,Th,S A SS'erd ii r Cautluu. Itallread men, mechanics, commercial travet ers, base balllsts, farmers, and ethers si he labor out of doers, are peculiarly liable te accident and Injury'. Themat' Kcltctric Oil for bruises, burns, biles and sprains. Is one of the finest ap plications yet devised. Fers-ileby 11. 11. Cecii ran, druggist, 1.17 and 139 .North Cjueeu street, l.ancaster. Can't .lay Fuuugli. "I cannot speak tee highly of Iturdeck lltoeJ Jlitteri, they have been a blessing te me. Cured me of biliousness and dyspepsia from which I had suffered ter years." ifr. .1. Marsh, Hank of Terente, ent. Forsalebyll 11 Cochran, drug gist, U! and 139 North Cueen street, l.uncaster. Thunder It limn the Ages, That for lameness, for rheumatism, for aches, for pains, and for sprains Or Tltemnt' Keleetrtr Oil Is a positive and reliable remedy. " l)r '1 nemas' Kelecttlc oil" cm be purchased of any druggist. Fer sale by It. II. Cuchran. druggist, 137 and 13:1 North CJueun stnet, Lancaster. All AdmlrA 11 Handsome Fn e. A pure.clear skin will make any f ice hand some Manifestly anything whlih strengthens and enriches the bleed u Hi directly affect the ss bole person. All eruptions or the skin dlsap pear when Jiurdcck Jlloed Jiaim are emples ed They am a vegetable leiuedy el Inestimable value. Fer sale by 11. 1! techran, drugglit, 117 and 139 North (Junen street, Lancaster. First a cold, then bronchitis, t beck the first wlih Hale's Heney of linn hound and 'lai Pike's Toothache limps cme In one minute at'.' FOB HAJ.K OH KKXT. FOK KKNT NICK TWO-NTOUV lllliriv Dwelling Heuse, Ne. We Eat Oningestreet. mar-ltld lllltsa a. into. TTIOIt KENT A IIAKKHOlSK, NO. Ill XI Washington strect. Apply tellany Myers' Park Heuse. m'it-tlrt GOOD .STAilIii: FOK KKNT. A flood Stable and Shedding, sltnated at Ne. Ill Washington street. Apply tellAltUS MYEHS, al Park Heuse. mariUfd TTsOK KKNT. JJ A Tobacco Warehouse with Penn'a It. n Siding, at the Capacity for storing 3,(OcHses. Apply marlO-tfd OFFICE. F 10 K KKNT. An established Grecerv Stand with dneiiim. attached in southern part of the city Possession April 1st. Apply at Ne. 133 EAST KINO STitKKT. TJIOK KKNT. -U She Shep In rear Of Ne 37 West Chestnut iiseu us a rigar-uex lactery, ana a shop en Jlltllln street, between Seuth gueen nnd Prlnce streets, lately used as a carriage lactery. Alse a dwelling and storeroom new occupied by A. A. Ilubley as a drug atom, West King street. Apply at the lli-tfd INTELLIGENCE!! OFFICE. plllVATK HAJjKT ' I wilt have a car-lead of First-Oluss Ohie Nerinnn Herse?, AT Tni MKBRratAO 1IOCSK. NO. US NOUTIl PKINCE STUKET, by Monday, which 1 will dispose efatprlvat sale New let of first-class Horses drivers workers and heavy draft, mostly from Canada, every week, and always ler sale. UKUUUK (iltOSSMAN. ft-bllydw 1TANTIU). - AOKNTS COIN MONKY T wllheur Amateur Photo outfit, and cel. lecttug family pictures te enlarge. Special 0 day eiler. KMI'lltE COPYINU CO., aS-3iueed 38Canal SL, N. Y. mOHACCO CUTTINGS. KOKAI'H. HIIiT. X IN03 AND 1'ACKKIU)' WASTE, Dry and Clean, bought for cash. J.8. ilOLINS, . Ne.173 Pearl Hticct, New Yerk. Keterence-Fred. Hchulte, Ne. 813 Pearl street, New Yerk. febl7-lya KAI.KD I'KOl'OSALJS KOK COLLKC ... J';:!1 e' State and County Tuxes or Kast and West Wards et Lancaster city for lssn, will be received at County Commissioners' Olllee until 1J o'clock neon, MONDAY', A Hill, la, luu. TlieapiKjlntmeut ler the entire city will net be pi veil te one person t or te I we persons, ons et whom will deputize the ether te de his work. 11Y OltDKIt Oi-TUK UOAHD. Attest: FiUhkUbiht, Clerk. 7dtd MMD1CJU.' P1 OMMEM?18 ANU 1)UUt,U1STH n BROWN'S ISM BITTERS! AS THE BESTTONIC. ThU medicine, combining Iren with pure t'(?- etntile tenlr ultlcktv nml ... ...i...:.. . ' . . : .;f..i.u.. ' . .'. .1.. . cemiMPieiy luivs WKAK.NKSS, lMl'l UK III.OOK, 1'llIl.I.U ami in umr.s 1 iu-n, KK Kit, nml NKl UAl.OIA. llv rapid ami thorough nssltnllatlen with the bleed, It reaches eery jsrt el the usstein, purl tics and enriches the mood, trenKt hens the nm cles and ores, and tones and lnvlKrates tlie system. A Ann Appetiser Hest tonic known. It will euro the worst ra-eef 1)) spepstn, re moving all illsttslnR symptoms, such hs Tat lng the Feed, UelchinK, lU'ut In Mic'i .11 itli, Heart liurn, etc The only Iren lncillclne that will net blacken or Injur Iho teeth. ltl Invaluable for dleacs pecular te women, and te all persons w he lead sedentary IU rs An untalllng remedy ler diseases of the l.lvcr and Kidneys. reisens smTerlnir irem the eirccis of nr. work, nervous troubles, toss et appetite, or de bility, experience quick relief and rvnewed energy by Its use It ilees net esnse Headache or produce Con-9tlpstten-OTlIKlt Iren medicines Ue. It Is tie only preparation of Iren thst causes no Inluileus effects, l'hysirians and ilrugit'sl' recommend It as the best. Try" It ' Mark and crossed red lines en wrapper lake no ether. Mailnenly iiy unvin -. i.ii(wjiiv.i. v.u , itauimere, iu. tl) aiir.LiXKRr. N VAX SPR1NO tiOODS AT- ASIffl'S Palace of Fashion, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANLASTEll, PA THE TWO MOST ATTRACTIVE SHOW WINDOWS IN L.VNCASI' HT TIMA AUK AT Ne. 13 East King Street, AT- OSTRICH'S. One Filled with the Largest and Handsomest arietj of MILLINERY GOODS K ver seen In this i-ity, most artlstlcalls- arranged, making everybody s heart bound stlth joy, for It Is a sum and unfailing sign that SPRING 13 HERB 1 The weather Is fine, se take a walk, nnd leek at this mars el of beaut y. Ills something which haa never been seen In Lancaster before, and Is well worth the treuble of a wale. This week we exhibit some KLKHANTLY TUIMMF.H HAT'S A?n I ION NETS. FINK FI.OWKltS, FEATHKK AN1 POMPO.N'h. MILLINEIU SILKS ANU V EI. KTri. MIKADO HATT1S1MMINOS. CltKl'K LIS'sE LACKS AM) NET1INHS, SILK OKIKNTAL LACKS, tlOI.Il AMI MIMKK LACKS. UI.ACK SILK LACKS, mlirnl with Held. Silver or Copper, Hiid many ether New Trimmings : also all the NewSljles tn FANCY HEADS AND II AT OHN AM ENTS. All things most pleasing te leek ut, and se ues er ask anybody te buy. In ourether window we make c display et LACE GOODS. Nearly a llnndred .Stylcsef LACK COLLARS, Vi hlteand Fancy, from 10c. up te II M apiece, each Cellar with a plain large tleket tell lug Its price j also a nies: com plete assortment of ACE CAPS FOltCIIILDUEN OF AM, AUKS. Every ene of thoe marked with a juice ticket. ou cau make your selection befnru von enter the store, nnd you will nnd lliematl -cry cheap. JERSEYS. Ladles' and Children's .lerseys In Ulack and Colored, Children's All-Weel Jerseys, 73c , sic. and H0c. lJsaies' Jerseys from 00c. up All-Vsoel Jerseys, tine quality, Hlack aud Cel ered, II ut, All-Weel Jerseys, braided. II. ea. Fine Worsted Jerseys, vest finish, II f. Extra Fine Worsted Jerseys, plaited back, bound all around, cellars and sleeves with silk braid, only I1.5U. Hne Jerseys, trimmed with wide Hercules Hrald. A Complete Line of Kid (Moves in Black anil Colored", At the Lesse.,1 Prlres. Three Hntten, Colerod, at lie ; Four-Hutten, Colored, ut tee. ; Excellent Quality. COAT. T It. MAKTIN, WUOLErtiLU AMD BKTAIL DIALXI IN All Kinds of Lumber and Oeal. -Yard! Ne. 13) North Water and Prince Streets, above Lemen, Ijincaster. nJ-lyit OAU.MQAKDNKKS A JEKKKUIEH. COAL DEALERS. Omn t Ne. l?l North (jneen Btroet, and Ne. fil North Prlnce streeu Y ariik : North Prince street, nenr Heading Depot- LANCASTKK, PA auglS-ttd c OAU M. V. B. COHO. Ne.3.10 NOllTIl WATEIt ST., Lancaster. Pa.. Wholesale and Itetall Dealer Iu LUMBER AND COAL. Connection with the Telephone Kxrhange. Yard and Olllcu s NO. Ssi NOICTH WATKll STHKET febas-lvd XflAST KND YAKU. 0.J.SWAER&00. GOAL. - KINDLINQ WOOD. Olllr-e : Ne. t UENTUK HOUAUK. Ileth yanl nil ntUcoceiinootoil with Tulaiihnne KichaiiKU. aprrnyaMAr'.U WATCH K. MO. VyATOHKM, CLOCKS, Ac. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, cheap reu CASH. Lancaster Watches at Iho Lewest Prices ever offered i lining a stockholder enable in te tell theite watches go cheaii. Elgin, W'altliam anU ether watches en aalu. spectacles, OpuruUlasiMss, Ac llepulrlnKef thoalievo named article will recetTu my personal attention. LOUIS WEIIEK, Ne. 150X North Qucen 8l.,onpenltu City Hetel, (Near Penn'a It. It. Depot,) Agent ler AUKUUA WATCII. QTOKACIE AND COMMISSION WAREHOUSE. DANIEL MAYKH, flecj-lyd Ne. IS VYt Cbtnnt Street. DMT JJAOKK A lUtOTHKlt gfRING WOOLENS. Btnudard SuIUure, Nevol SultlllKB, Troueerlntffl, Sprlus- OvoreoatltiRa, Rondy-Mnde Olethlnsr, Bualneas Bulta, Dresa Bulta, Beys' Suits, HAGER & West QAKI'KTS FROM AUCTION. METZGER & HAVE. NOW OPF.NKD A LAUtlK INGRAIN, RAG, HALL 110UOIIT AT AUCTION tOIt CASH CAKFKTsi, CAKI'KTS. CAKPKTS. LAKPKTS. CAKPKTS CAKPKTS. at 10 Cents. at l.'KCenU. .nt'jsi Centa. at .hi Lents. . .. IUW Cents. atU5 Cents. Fleer, Stair and Table Oil Cleths, Cheap. Metzger & Hangman's Cheap Stere. 43 WEST KING ST., AW- Utivffoen the Cooper Itonse and Serrel Herse Hetel. N kxt neon te Tin: count heunr. -NEW OPENING OF- Black Cashmeres LUPIN'S CEI.KIIItATKD MAKE BLACK CASHMERES, AU Qualities, at 25 Per Cent. Less Than Ever Before. LTTPIFS CELEBRATED MAKE BLACK SHAWLS, Slngrle nnd Deublo, Heavy Welghta nnd Brilliant Blneka. R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT FURXITUHE. rKANI) OI'KNINU. GRAND HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, Nes. 27 and 29 Seuth Queen Street. This Week, llegimiiiii; en TUESDAY, APRIL Cth. Tlie Largest anil Finest Display Sleck of New and Desirable (Jowls in tlie City. WALTER A. WALL 1-At'KB. plIAKI-S SV. KKY. DKOP IN AND TAKE A LOOK AT Ollll WINDOW SHADES, 40c. and .r0c. Apiece. Spring Rellers, Ready te Hang. WtiltTlI tflc. AND75e. Dadoes, 50c. Werth, $ 1 . WALL PAPERS, FIVE CENTS APIECE UP. PHARE8W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANUASTEIt, PA. KT WAI-Ii PAl'KK HTOKK. UAKUAI.NB IN EVEItVTIIlNO. Wall Papers at Lewest Prices. I.AKOKST STOCK OF WINDOW SHADES AT LOWEST PRIDES. LAltll EST STOCK (IF DADO SHADES AT LOW KST Pit ICES. ALFRED SIEBER, The Leading Wall Paper Decorator and Win dow Diusser,at AHT WALL PAPJCKBTOItK. NO. 134 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA. kNft,v"w ? man that hung your Window Shade when slthlr. rrj'. llvineacall. ALl'JtIU SIEUKit. UOOlt. Ohlldreu'B Bulta, SprtnR Ovoreoata, Qeut'n Funilahlntr, E. it W. Oellara, E. Si W. OuITa, Koveltloa In Noekwortr, Boasennblo Undorwear, BROTHER, King Street, LANCASTER, PA. HAUGHMAN AND HANDSOME VAMKTY OF AND STAIR CARPETS, AND TO HE SOLD CHEAP FOK CASH. CAKPKTS. ... CAKI'KTS, .. CAKI'KTS, .. CAIIPKTS . CAKPKTS. CAKPKTS. .. 15 . . .at 'A M .. al7.1 ...nts Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. LANCASTER, PA. and Black Shawls. HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENN'A OPENING -OK- HEINITSH. mJI-lyd BOO KB. -ptASTi:K, ltefi. Easter Beeks, Easter Souvenirs, Easter Cards. A Larte AMOitinent of Easier Souvenirs and Cards, el the Latent Designs, nt .ew Prlces. WHOLESALE FOR SCHOOLS AT THE HOOKSTOIlEOr JOM BAER'S SONS, Nea. 16 and 17 North Queen Streot LANCASTKK, PA. VJHHHICLLAH, .10, R O.HP. HKO.S. A HAUTMAN. IEADQUAETERS -rett- UMBRELL5S, PARASOLS, CANES. THE HANlr'ACTUUKUS, Rese Bres. & Hartmae, 14 EAST KING ST. aplCuid TOTE IS MAKING- OABINBT PHOTOGRAPHS AT &M A II, Al' nu. iwi (IUS1H uusaii e'i JBUIVWU Lacater,Pi 1 m .i.2 ! kL-, A ..