iKjm vm&.T'Z HP" r ,'. ' S'aXWJ. c ' r - THE liANOABTER DAILY INTEIiUCGENOER, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7. 1880. yi lm P r AT COLUMBIA. ItAU MAHttBH 1H WHICH IT '( WAB CAVBKV. i eraw of Thr Mn Themielv I MHlla-Cemptalnlnr That Sh Was (Mfetel Mtlcloe.l-Flitr linn. -', Mam In rHc ClrrlM. SP r Carresnendenca of 1 rr.tin cn. BMtftA, April 7.-Knlne Ne, 212, Uta feed, of the Pennsylvania mil- IMMHllf Irem tbe east te the west twmmrBcut miring yomeraay aitor aiter v Am ttm ear neared Locust street the Me ei tee forward truck or tlie '..Mr dropped from Its position the wheel and for some distance c Moved along the rail by the h At the Locust street crossing this the brake struck the planks and this I the fourth and fifth cars te be thrown I the tracks, On one of these cars Daniel r. Jeaenh Toemov and Jehn Keller. brakemen of tbe crew, were standing Ml thfl aecldent occurred. The men were Mlled te inmn from tliecar. which they 4M with aafetv. The trucks of the cars were hoyedabeutlnalldlrectlonsondthocarswero tevated In the air. Twe carriages were en AM of the can. but thev did net receive any Umagt The Columbia wreck crew were alMT Inte aervice, and within ene hour had tt wreek cleared away. The cars were net timet nil In any manner by being in the Wreek. The accident was witnessed by a bm namber of persons, and in the neigh. 'bonieod many people witnessed the wreck being cleared away. .'tit In l'ellre Clrt lea. "BenJ. Kandalls and Dan'l Kice, two colored n of town, vrere en n drunk yesterday afternoon and started te fight in a saloon en ATTBlen street. Thev llien went into the street Mil Indulged in a regular free fight Ollicc r ..iaraneie arrested ieiu iue iwu iw ucuis fVt 'rlrnnlr and rilsnrrlerlv. nlaclnir them in the f tejslecknp until this morning, when they had a tr hearing at the oflleo of Squlre Frank. Ily r'.UiepaymeniOICOSUi women weruuisciiar(;eu. J&- Four ledgers occupied the borough lockup charged. Complaining of An Involuntary Kath. . Mrs. Sarah Banders was ualklngever Fifth street a few davs ace. while tne Shawnee Iff .Fire company was trying their" engine. A t' nraua 01 waier wan ueiuK uuuwu u um i?jtreet and as she passed she received the full beBtat of it Having the opinion Hint the Tt,1"nrter was thrown en her Intentionally Mrs. rteSandera entered suit against Jacob Wclscr, iK,whe had the branch pipe, at thoeillco ei tSBquire Yeung. Last evening 'Weiser was ? given a hearing, when he claimed that the VSt1 stream was se heavy that he was unable te g eia the branch pipe and tue water was b-, thrown accidentally. The case was pest- liffij Finger Hurt. Jehn Ratslnger, n boy employed at the Stere of Ames Uartch, cerner Teurth and Locust streets, was engaged at n spice mill In grlndlngsome article liogetthe third tin- tA1 r,f Ihn lnft harwl Iwtltvftntt tliA nOfra wlilph &" resulted In the nail being tern ett and the JJB- linger otherwlse bruised. Aim juiur tirj n,,(, ,, The Busquehanna river has again risen rw lt(t, atirl tfa Ittnt-u nt fnltit.ilitn n.a tSpi overfleoded. The water had subsided a few tiSi days age, nut the law rains caused it te get as K.V.A blub as It was rermerl v. Tlie w liarves HleriL- 4- ii."r " . "-i-."i . ..r urn Tivvr suurw aru cuiujuuiejy rijvuren vmi 'Water, and they will be somewhat damaged '1)T being washed out The ice houses alone the shore are almost surrounded, but it U net expected that anything serious will occur. t, Tenn Nulet. Commencing en Jlenday, April 12, lxulse Arnet and company will appear in the opera house ter an engagement of one week. This actress was hore for three nights last fall, and completely captivated the audiences by the excellent manner In which the dltlerent . plays were presented. Popular prices will prevail. Harry Honsen left town this morning for a pleasure trip te Flerida. . The fluet of the Ceuiuiula engine- were In need of repair and they haterecched attention and put in first-class order. "Very few larmers were ut market yester day, and they took advantage of the scarcity of butter by advancing the price te forty cents per pound. The usual prlce is about thirty cents, but when the farmers saw that the peonle wanted the article the prlce was at once raised according te the deraand. xne mnerai ei tne tate wamuet li. uialr uialr bern took place in Columbia this morning upon the arrival of the train from Philadel phia, Interment was made at Mount iictbel cemetery. Mr. L. Philip Motzger l en a visit of three weeks te Cincinnati, IndlanpelU and points of Interest in the West The Columbia rolling mill has secured a large supply of coal, and in case of any trou ble among the miners will net be compelled te shut down. The following eJUccrs were installed at a meeting of Cblquesalung. tribe, lest even ing: Prophet, Jehn II. Kllne ; pnehem, II. M. Sample; senior sagamere, William A. Glosaer ; Junier sagamere, l C. Scbure ; chlet of records, Emanuel Newcomer ; atsis tant chief of records, H. F. Clair; koepor of wampum, V, J. Jl.iker. 1'JtBTTX MBS. CLAUSEN UVSE. 8h Walk. Out Willi Iter bl.ler anil Nerrr Come IUck Feul l'lay Ilardlf hu.pecteil Charles Clausen, son of the millionaire brewer and ex-alderman, spent all day Tues day looking in New Yerk, llroeklyn, and ' Jersey City for his wife, who disappeared from his house en Monday. Yeung Clausen is a partner of T. V. Keeley, dealer in disin fectants at 111 East Fourteenth htrcet, Xew Yerk. In June last the newspapers printed the announcement et his marriage teMbs Minnie Gray, who, he nays, is the daughter of a retired shipbuilder of Montreal. -Miss O ray 'a Bister llella, and her ceuhln, also named Bella, have recently lived with her in the first flat at 321 Hast Ktrhty-feurth street Mrs. Clausen and her slster Hell i dressed themselves en Monday afternoon and w ent out, leaving their cousin In clmrge of the house. The cousin thought they bad gene out te de seme shopping, and expected them back te dinner. Clausen inquired for ills wife when he came In in the evening, but did net worry until it get te be very late. They had bad no quarrel, hesayn, and his wife was lu geed spirits when he haw her In the morning, llesupposed that his wife and sister bad been presented from coming home by the train and had stepped witii Iter lrlends. Tuesday morning he began a search for her. Nene of her friends lu New Tferk or Brooklyn would admit that they had seen Mrs. Clausen or her slster, and then Clausen notified the police and bad a generui alarm describing her sent out, mentioning that she were diamond earrings, a diamond breastpin and a diamond ring. Clausen did net se te the pollce central olUeo himself. lm sent Stephen Brant a young plumber, of C5 Kaat Eighty-sixth street, witb her description. The police were net asked te leek ler Miss Gray. i A Mew ItaJlreaU for Clearfield Countr. L$ f Workmen are new lu Huntingdon en their 'Min nasningien, v. v., te lleut7daIe, Clearfield county, with horses, carts and tools x lead miking. They have driven over ever ?f "Mandare followed by ether laree canes .XL Mf U10 aTJimA rlMHn.iU. mi. i 'J!"2i0.Lm.m,iBoen.Uyrrem the Seuth. They A "nK between Ueutzdala and rnin fc,- .i, rh nnsylvania railroad company, which Is te S"A b completed during tbe ceialnB summer ly and wufatTenl a new outlet by wavefHhJ VsBtU'tf Gap or Cressen for Cle.JaeflrL8,11''6' V" ST-.- A Very Wet Cellar. Tl cellar under Bprecber A: Sen's seed d Implement store, East King street which baretolere been perfectly dry, was this aaflng half-lull of water and still rising. VtMoaWMertbe leak has net yet been ascer aaiBMl. but Best's Union engine has been no ne tmtmi te pump out the cellar. It is supposed M Jme heavy rains have burst tbe East Ma aaraetaewer at that point, but this is Jat jaeMvaijr known. Wairad arise. Wa-;. Hikyf amated en complaint of Betum for fereibw aetry and as battary, waived a baarlng before Finkerten aad Mtered bail te an- aeurL The (reuble appears te be wm a tanaat M Hiakay'a house. wanieu to.eac Mat out, ana uiary luetMd or kleklng ar tkrowfeg out aba Aur .4 r.ANCJKTXK Miirarnrr. Teminr Mark, tle Hern, Wlm H " (irren .Since lJtiirel. AVe te-day present a very geed picture of Temmy Mack, Ijim-nster's well-known min strel and comedian. Mr. Mack's real iinme is MeLaugblln, and he is a native of this city. He early developed a taste ter the stage and In lSTrt he and Andrew- Feley, under the names of Feley A Mack, formed a partnership. They worked together for their own amusement and that ei the r friends, and first appeared in public at a home entertainment for the benefit of the soup fund. They afterwards appeared !. n IfuMl ,.tat. t a till imnnf in nnmeruu"" " " m..v.. " - their llrst engagements w as made at V ranke s Winter Garden. They appeared In songs and ilancc, clogs and neat Irish business, and scored a hit Afterwards the pair sept rated, Felev leaving tills part or the country. Mr. Mack made a short tour through the coal regions with a troupe which started Irem Beading, and were Known as Bryant's inlnstreK He afterwards doubled up wllh Johnny Mack, or Wilmington, and the two appeared in the principal arlety theatres of the West as "The Macks." After their sep aration Tem retired from the stige for several years, lxing engaged in ether bu-lness. In 1&2 he letiied HI Henry's mlnstreK re maining w ith him till June, 1S5. Mr. Mack was ene of the leading comedians with this cnmpany.and w hen hoclesed w Ith them occu pied an outside end chair. He also appeared in the clog and sang. Fer a considerable time, while with Henry, Mack was a member el the Muldoon Quartette, composed besides hlmseir nt Green, Harris and another man named Mack. In ttie summer seaseu, w idle tue minsireis laiu en, we illr""' numc. by thenielves, and In ISsJ and IsSi they played in the variety theatrcs of the West Mack closed with the quartette at Miner s theatre, 2ew Yerk, In August, IsSI. His place was taken by Dick Harris, formerly of the Virginia Trie. Alter leaItg III Henry last June Mr. Mack went te Napeleon, Ohie, where be eiK'tied a billiard room. Seme months age he came te this city eud is non proprietor of the billiard room unilei the City hotel. Mr. Mack was ene of the men who went te Brazil en the famens Cellins expedition someyearsage. After being geno almost a year and enduring all kinds of hardships, he was glad te reach home, alie, which he did after a crtat deal of "hustling." Mr. Mack Is a clever comedian and can work In almost any line of his business. He will .. 1. n I.I.. nnMA - ha a linfnrA n 1 .n n nat .ill- J1IUKU UH HJ I'ilittUlO truiuiu n .ih--k .- Ulonce.the lir-t for wme time, en Friday ee- Late IhU Afternoon Mr. Alack recelvpil a Jlnnnlnti rrAin III llenrv (it 1'iilmur Mil 6a asking him te Jein bis minstrels at once it will loave Lancaster en Monday te Jein the sliew. Wind I'p.etsnn Ohie KUer Steamer. The small fteamer Mountain Bey, of the Onensbore, Hewsville A Canelten Packet company, capsized at Onensbore, Ky., at l o'clock Tuesday nltonieou en hordewn trip. The wind was blew ing lelently, and she went te the Kentucky Miore uboie the whari lioatwliere feveral persons lumped ashore. Anntleinpt was made todrepher iIehii tothe wnarr tieai wnen ue caisi7eii. ine eaeui separated from the hull atid lleated down Iho river. Thore were almut twenty peeple Blieard, but all were saved by ersens lu skltrs ex cept Frank Abshur, watchman, of Canelten ; William Statelar, barkeeper, of Columbus, Ind., and an unknown negre. Captain Sum uel James is in a critical condition. Ittllrtl ly a Drunken Ifununnd. (ieorge Bay, residing at Handy Hill, about six miles from Oil City, went home Monday night In nn Intoxicated condition. Shortly after entering his home neighbors lieird a woman i-creamlng, and ongoing te the heuse found Mrs. Bay in a dying condition en the lloer. Her only words were: "He 1ms killed me at last," and seen atter ulie was dead. They had been married aleut a year. Bay denies having used violence. He has Iteen errested. Swearing In the Ceat Itecleu.. Underan net of the Pennsylvania aswuibly of J7&I n Luzorne county Justice of .the poace the etlier day lined n profane Pole -10 cents apiece ler twenty-six oaths and In default of the sum total of $10 40scntonced the swearer ti twenty-six da sat hard labor lu jail en a diet of bread and water, as the old act per mitted. But an nppeal and refereuce te u laterlavvei 10) showed that common swear ing camocenslderahly cheaperayd the pro pre pro fiue I'ole was released from custody. A Ili-arlleit. Ceuuiry "Ged help the stranger that is taken sick there," writes an officer of the Cnlted .Stales steamship Galena, speaking of Asplnvvall. ' It is net uncommon for peeple te lie dew n lu the street and die in bread daylight, and when dying receive no eiler ei" nsslstance, even in answer te an appeal ler a drink el water. The peeple appear te be heartless, as if their familiarity with death had made thorn callous." Change of IliultK-.. C. A. lleece, tobacco dealer, Is about te ro re ro tlre from that business, and re-enter the beet Bud shoe trade In which he was extensively engaged in this city several years age. He lias rented the Mere room Ne. is North Qucen street, which he is having newly painted and papered and otherwNe reno vated. Faulkner Thren. Illhbj Tnlce. The catch-as-cutch can wrestling match, best two in three, between James Faulkner and Edwin Blbby, at the Peeple' theatre, Cincinnati, Monday night, was an interesting one. The contest was ter $200 a side, and sixty per cent of tlie boue receipt te the winner and ierty per cent te the leser. Beth men were in geed condition. Blbby wen Hi" llrst tall In U minutes. In the second ami third bouts Faulkner wen In Uland 'JH min utes. Te llenieinlier (iraut'ii Tomb. The docerallou et General Grant'n tomb at Blverslde Park, New Yerk, en Memerial Day, premises te assume the proportions of a national allulr, as representatives et Grand Army Pasts will be present from seveud states. Senater Legan lias been selected as orator for the occasion. Held en Tne Charge.. Bofero Alderinau Been, Patrick Burns has been held te answer the charges el malicious mischief and forcible entry. Geerge Khlllucr, residing atl Prince and Lemen streets, al leges that Burns came te his heuse and after smashing a deer In crawled into the heuse through a window. A IlUke Caae lu Canada. Ottawa, Ont, society is shocked evor the announcement that tlie Senate will seen hear a petition of Mr. Currier, private secretary te hU wiiS1 M?,r a', """J". fr divorce from ? M'nJ'.M01''" en, minister or ml lltu, being made cc-resjieiident. VA1IKSCKI.N AKT. LIAVM. Nature, tbe grcatctt painter, Tireunht thcu rrem early April tilt November lretl Although her work was Cene lih silent ease Think what a space these fennj and colors' cost MAK. Mature takes twenty years te mould a iulu Inte the goodliest, mint transcendant catt ; And grudgen thou the tell thy paltry span, When soul like marble will the eh eutl&it t ', tTrem Lipptncett't Megatint. A QUBBM AMOXU JtOSKS. II no April I'.tlilbltlen of Ilia New Yerk Hor ticultural SeclflT. A great rose, almost as large as a sun flower, and the largest rose evor grown, held tlie plare of lioner at the April show-of the New Yerk Horticultural society at Nllssen hall en Tuesday. Us name Is Her Majesty. In color It is n pale, blush pink, something llke tlie tieaiitlful Bareness de Kethschild roe, and llke It In net being fr.igrint but tIceashrge. It was slienn by Jehn N. Mav, of Summit N. J., who raised it It Is certainly a most beautiful tleer, and enslly distanced In this respect any one of the thniis.mds of riwes. orchids, umsles. (irna tlens, oretlier arletles of llewers tint lilted the mativ tables In the hall. Te add te the novelty It was shenu In a vase, ranging In color irem a pinkish white te a bluish rose, which was dubbed "the peachblew vase." Many who had no Idea what the original "peaehblew as" et Mrs. Morgan's collection looked llke admired the rose and then remarked with disgust: "Is It posslble that anv one would pay $18,000 Ter a vae like that" " Why, the rose alene is worth a whole room full of such vases I" But the peachblew ae of the flower show was as dltlerent from that of the Mergsn collection as " Her Majesty " was different Irem any ree In the great show. And thore wasn't any element of doubt as te the fact that the great rose, which measured full six inches In diameter, was exactly what It was represent ed te be. It is a man el of both floriculture and rese culture, and its originator has reason te le proud of the careful work which result ed lu its perfection. De.perale Man In a ILsrn. A craiy man lias been raising qulte an ex citement en the farm of Jehn I.sndis, at Ore Ore ille. The man formerly worked for Mr. Ijindis, but was discharged. He be came insane recently and came back te the firm. Yesterday he went te the barn, from which he positively refuses te move. He Is armed with a sharp axe and thieatens te kill these who interlere w-ith him. Olllcers w ill probably be sent out from this city te take the m'au te the insane asjluin. l lull eir. At Augusta, yesterdny, the home team de ieated the Chicago Blues by 11 te 3; at St LeuK the League club was victorious ever the Browns by 2 te 1. Tlie latter game U sHiu 10 nave eeen very nne. Tim Keefe slgnfsl with New erk vester day, but Mickey Welsh still holds oil." AltllOll 1111, A fit 1 1. 15. Hut rising trem thp dust or buiy streets These ferett children f-ladden many heart j As some old friend thctr welcome presence greets The tell worn soul, and ftesber Itle imparl Their shade U doubly grateful when It He Abeve the glare which sttfllng walls threw back, Through tiutverlng leaves we see the soft blue sklu.. Then happier tread the dull, unvaried truck Cenuected AVlth the Telephone Everts A Overdcer.plambeu and gas Utters, comer Kast King and Jltddle streets, have been connected w Ith the telephone exchange Atuu.eiuentA. Temmy Muek't Mimlrtli On t lfday evening next Lancter people 111 have an opportunity of ctlng the best minstrel and specialty show ever giv en in thl city by local i-cople. A very bright and original pregramme has been pre pared by Mr Mack, and the company have been bu-iy rehearsing a great deal of the time. Thirty people w 111 be put en in the nrst part, and the singing is expected te be the great feature, in the olio a number of new acts will be given. At neon of the day of the show a street parade wits a full bras band will be given. " 77ir Jlajah." Te-morrow evening "The Uajah " will be played at the opera houe by a strong Madlons.e,u.rocompany, which Includes J . . t-nv tile, K. I.. Walten, Jlies Ulllle Deave. Kthel llranden and ethers. The troupe t highly spoken et, especially by the newspipers of New erk city, and there 1 no doubt that the attrac tion Is a line one. Jlate Jlallen Slatrs. Thl evenlng a new-attraction Is offered at the Lancaster skating rink. It wilt be a game of bae ball en roller skates between two nines calling thcmelves the " Mikade" and "Little Tycoons Agreatdeal of fun 1 expected. DKATltS. Uvv February 21, is-', at llanovcrten, Ohie, Jeseph 11. ltay, son of Henry "'. and -Miry Itay (nee Tewncend) formerly of Gap, .ancaater count), ra,ngrd4Jear3, 1 month and 9 days. WeLr-In this city, nn the 6th Inst, Philip Weir, in the 17tb year of hi age The relative and friends of the family; also Ited Jacket Tribe, Ne. II, I. e. It M , Teutonia Ledge, Ne 103. Iv. of l' Uee. J Thema9 1'est Ne. si. (J. A. It, and ethers of the respective uecieties of w nlch he was amembcr, are respect fully Invited te attend the funeral, from his late residence, Ne. IS West King street, en Ihurs day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Zion cemetery. ltd VixTi!a.-tn thl city, en the 5th lnst, Clar ence Cyrus, son of Cyrus and Christiana Win ter, aged 2 j ears and 11 days. The relatives and friends of the family are re quested te attend the funeral from his parents' residence. Ne. 131 Derw art strict, en Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. frl Lose-At Mount .Icj, April e. ( harlettte Leng, widow of the late Jmeb It Leng, In the ,Mh ) ear et her age. Funeral sth Inst , 2 o'clock p m. w 31AUKKTS. riillailelphla Produce Blarket PniLiDKLPHu, April 7.-Heur market dull : Hales of !0 barrels, Minn, bakers nt tlivatirt- I'niina. tamlly at HRl 25 ; Western at 1 2.WJ 4 '.) : Patents, tv 05 n Uje Heur steady atfl 41Q3 Se. 1 p. m., call Wheat April, lc : May. 92;e ; J un. Oitn ; J uly. 'Jlic. ' ' , l',"!A"',l 45Ki ii&y 'Wic Jane and July, 4M. Oats April, 3&ic- Maj and June JJc:July N'nrrX'nrlr I'mdnjiA l..b. Mk leti, April 7.-Fleur anil and In the buyers' favor; no, $!20j0; Hnir!ln1l'2 6IJ); Common te i-oed Kxtra Ueiiern, H'-i Wheat Ne. I i:ed etate en Ppet, tl01:Ne.a Itetl.Slc. Ne. 1 White, state, Me: Ne. 4 Ked. ycUT!y.5'0' " Keu' Winter. June: corn Ne! 'j'Mlxe.l, cash, 15Kc; June, Ifij'r. Oats-Ne. 1 hltu State, 43c , Ne. 3. 4rtc ltyedull. Harlcy nominal. Perk dull ; Old Mes, fJ.Vl Lard-May, f) S7, June, M 31. Ilelasses dull, but Unn ; New Orleans minted from 19e for w test boiling stock. Turpentine dull at tic. It'wfn linn; strained te geed, II 07 ""jer linn; Weatern Imitation Creamery, i,hees dull : W estern, afJIOc Kgssflrm: State, l.jjc; Western, UJ.aile. Su(ar flnnj : Uenned cuUeat, 6 v-ltrtce ; granulated, '3-lGe. '"wfc"! Tallew dull i prtine city, 4Kc. Freichts dull ; grain te Londen, 3Vc Putreluumdutl i refined In eniu,sVc celTee quiet ; futr cargoes ut UJic. Klcediill; ranges from Sac, drain and I'rerUlntia Furnished by 8. K, y unat, Kretur, Chicago. inii ,i ucieck p. m. Cern, Oau. Tork, LarO. 9ILT Wheat April , May June July August , Hupteuibcr... i) lit 'i 2K 5-J7K Se 9 M & , ui CJ b 15 ::: Kecelpu. Car Leu. .... K 47 .... 3.VJ .... i.'l HI 43 Winter Wheat.. Spring Wheat.., Cern Oats Hye , llarley Oil City CrudeOll 72K Head. , 19.IU) Ueeelpta Hogs.. Closing Prices 2 o'clock n. II:. April May June July August . September. Oil City Crude Oil Perk. Lard b l) 6.05 A 10 ..73 .. uLni. .iiii. imm S3 II 3U 4U ...77 .7-JJ2 .'.'.mi 37 VX OLratsB, M belt April, 730 ; May, 77);e ; June, Cern Apill, S3e May, STXe; June, 37et July, 3KXc ' Julyta3ejcl,rt, 21"i 'ay' 5aJiC' JUn8' ""H0,1 w'iVSaiJK " ' May' ,9 mW 0' JUne' W&mtifak , Jne. 4ui1y,K-11,''S,1,Wttr' W37X'June' iili' Hew Tern Stocks. Nbw Ye. April 7.-WM1 street. 1:30 p. in.-. Meney at ax per cent. Iferelgu uxchange Una at fitf4i; GeTernmenu were flrrnl Ubleaee Market, l.'moieo, April 7, 930 a. m. Market enenKii Whnat-Mny. 7"K0 June. SU"fe; July. JnS-Cern-Muy, STkes June, sfWa; July.sXe naU-May.-ift-We i Jiine.jjlc, ' y" Perk April, '6e j May, rU) ; June, Dintj. Lard-Stay, Mf7k; June, Jrt WW. ' """ Klbk-aluy, 15 Kl June, 11 47. Currency , tin tl1 1 ' court. HWli .bid t tbe stock market opened strong en a lltnltril buj tng, prls graduall j- nilvanclng throughout the morning. Iho hlghct flgiirrs were goner ally touched at midday, when they shoved ail ranrci ranging from ( te 1V( per cent. AflcrlJ o'clock there was some selling, causing a irer Hen, but Ifce market Is new stead) . Sterk Market. (Juotatlens by lltntl, Mcdrnun .1 Ce , hankers. ijncaier, in. w TURK LIST Canada l'aclttc U C. C. t Cel. Ceal , Central ractne.......... Canada Seulbent , Chi.. t UA IV U. , Denver A KloUrande, Del., IjvcU.A Western. Rrle 11 .. 12 m. 3 r.v .... .... .. ii; si .VilJ li'.tj , ; s 4vs StsCJ : s!!l i'"'i-i , . 107 . mi'; Ml,' 3; u 'l '. sS Ml. laiv, IS NS II'. IIV. "i lit ' le.'j; lJ.il, tvv. Krlnid New Jerwy Central , K. A T Leu. A X take Shere. Michigan Central Minitrt 1'aclllc Northern l'aclflc N. r. I'ret N. vv New erkCuulral , Ohie Central Otnsha Otvsen trans Onlatie.t Western. ractBc Stall , Rochester A rtiubnrg..,.. St. l'aiil Texas l'aclflc , It la'ilj 25 107'J lu.'H I M ll' 41 union l'acinc Wabash Common Wabash .'referred Western Union 'lelegraph. West Shere rmLAtLrniA list. Lehigh Valley It. .. V. A l'hlls , 57 .3 sts s 51 1'ennsylvanta M, MV, 15 7-lt Ml. .L.MIII)(... ........ . .... 1. .1-iH lxihlgta Navigation M Uestonvllle 1'hlladelphla A Krle Northern Cent People's l'asenuer lt'd'g Uen'ls M'tg's Cs '. OH Ti 40 Leral Mecks ani) He nils. Ueperted by J, It. lxng Par I -ist value, s Ue. Lancaster 6 pur cent, l1? lui ue " fa ' 1SKS. HO 13 " 4 " Scheel lean lm ltfl " 1 " lu ler 20 years UU IW " 4 ' InSerJi vears. lui lut.25 " 4 ' lul0erJDears. h 1.6 Manhelm ltoreugh lean liU KM RAKK STOCKS. rirst National Hanfc..... pu 2i Fanners' National Hank .M 113 Fulton National Hank PO 1st lAncaster County National Hank .... 50 11510 Columbia National lUnk lm no Christiana National Hank 100 115 Kphrata National Hank HO 111 First National Hank.Celumbls 110 15 First National Rink, stnwburg 1(U IS) First National Hank, Marietta 1(0 artist First National Hank, Mt Jey loe 15t. Lltltz National Ilvnk In) 1M. Manhelra National Ilvnk lm mi Union National llink, .Mount Jey ... M f.s New Helland National Hank he U. v Gap National Hank lul no Qnarryvllle National Hank lul He Kllzabethtewn National bank lul no Northern Hank stock. lm 135 -Vlf ADVEJiTISEMKyTA "DAKINQ POWDER ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS pewdemevcrvarles. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesernene. itere ee nemlcalthnn the ordinary kinds, and cannot lie sold In competition with the multitude e! low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bald only in cam. UeriL IIakihe PewDKaCa, 106 Wall Street New Yerk. mav27.1vdAw WANTIM). A WOMAN A N TS hitnatlen as cook in a hotel or In a private family. Alse, a young girl as dining room girl Inquire at ltd Ne.227CHL'KCll "TKEhT WANTr.D A UOOI) GIRL KOUcJi-7. eral llonsenerk, with reference Geth: wages w 111 be given. Call at If NO 632NOKTH 1)1 KKSTIIEKT AA. BB. Use Xanhelm Heller Fleur. The Original. The Itcst rnj-2-lvM,Was It estT a sifnTiiiTRD due with light je.lew legs and face, black en the back and with very short tall. A liberal reward will be paid te any person who w HI return him te the subscriber at Ne. 2 Cotten Mill. ap7-2ld S.S.M'ENCKB. THE " YELLOW 1'RONT" CLEAR Filled Havana 5 cent Cigar 1 tlie great favorlte and most reliable Nickel Cigar In the market, Try them, at MAltKLEi'S (Formerly ilartreaii's) "lellew- front," Ne. 21 North (jueen Mrtet GA. It, ATrENTIOX ' fbe Comrades el tiee. 11 Themas Pest, SI, (i. A. It., are requested te meet at their Pest Hoemon te-morrow (Thursday) afternoon, April eth, at IK o'clock. In full uniform, te attend the funeral of our late comrade, Philip Wolf Com rades et Pest 405 arealse Invited. .. , A. V. Ill HST. Commander. C II Fasnacht, Adjntnnt. ltd SEALED PROPOSALS rrt'OLLECV Hen of State and County Taxes of Kastand Westward of Lancaster city for isss,wlll be received at County Commissioners' Oillce until 12 o'clock neon, 510NHA1 , Aelttl. I, lstf. Theapielntment ler the entire city will net tie given te ene person j or te In e persons, one of w horn will deputize the ether te de bis work. 11V OKIJEH OF Til E HO KI. Attest Fham (Iriest. Clerk a7-dtd fUST RECEIVED a nr.nK iBvoiczer RARE, USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL PHESEXTS In Majolica China, Crockery, Glassware, etc., alt te be given aw ay. Every sensible heuekeen r requiring Ture Teas and CerTecs In condition neat, every time should call for CLAUKfc'9 TEA AVI) COFFEE, m2C-lydAw At Ne. Si West King Street. A MEETING OK LANCASTEU HKAN't'li, Ne. C9I, Irish Ni.tiennl League of America Will be held In tbe second fleer of the Opera Heuso Hulldlng, en WEI)NE3I)A EVENING nt s o'clock. All unpaid subscriptions te the Parnell fund must be paid by that time, a the inoney will be forwarded te Its destination. All persons, inalunndfemale,de9lrlngtoJeln will be present The by-laws permit thoe at a distance te become members by forwarding their written request nnd 11.(0. aS-Jtd XjRlVATE SALE. 1 will have a car lead of First-Glass Ohie Nerman Horses, AT THK XIRKWAC UOCBK. NO, 115 NOIITH 1'BINCE STUKET, by Monday, which 1 will dlspose of at ltrivat sale New let or tint-class Horses-driver workers nnd heavy draft, mostly from Canada every week, and always for sale. ,,,, ... UKOKUK GKOSSMAN. fulilO lydiw JJOTE 18 MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT3.()OA dozes. . A.S.?- m NOKTH QUEEf STItEKr, JanlU-tfd Lancaster, l!a QEORGK ERNHT.Jfci " Oarpenter, Contractor & Builder, NO. 539 WEST KINO STUEET. tentie,a?rk rcelTM mT Prompt and personal at. ticlUa1n'flan0'0bblnif.a,tenaea te t Short no ne it,CUa.Turnh0ea.a:,0 te- ""X" QTORAGK AMD COMMISSION WAREHOUSE. decO-lyd Ne. 16 West chestnut etifeet. .VAMP A D Villi T1SKMKXTS. 10N'Tl'All,TONOTlUKTlU:tlAN(li: 1 In location of lUTIILKVS UllltU STOItK. ?.'."iV'w ,nu'bTls .1(1. nve dcsirs wrst of the Old Stand en (w Te ,ean -n .an- -jV7V rJ fV caster property, In sums te suit, at the lowest current rati-s. .1 II litJFFIN, mir.v. IhhII!) 4Y Walnut at , Philadelphia Ariieu'i: l.orei .s.miki:u's ahtu lie. Clitaretle Helders, 'lobacce Pouches, Plpe, etc, In (jieat vntli tv.justn'celved at MAhLF.WS Formerly llnrtman's) " ellew trout," Ne. 21 North Queen Mreet. Yji'AYiNtri'AunjTAT ts in, . "lts-Tpnii a. deck. Une tillt V.dge Plavtui; Lart,'Uc. per deck. tikMt'lU'SOKIAIt STOUK. JeblJ W AStM Ne. HI t.ivst king SHvel rpilY OIR km: WHISKY. a KAKS (II l Pkll yi'AUT 75 OEMS, AT ItOIIUKK'Sl.lQUOIt STOHK, Ne !! Centre Square, l.aurnster. Pa. aptCMjdll rplIE ONLY CLEAR 11A ANA I'lLLlJR X C 10 A It In the city for c. Meerschaum Cigar and Clgaretle Helders for 10c. ...0 HKMl'lirscnjAUSIeitK. tebll VV .ftfd Ne. IK East Mug hlreet. -ptSl'RANCE Ol'lICE REMOVED. The Insurance and Ileal Eatateemce of .lere mlsh Itlfe lias lteen removed te NO. JWVSOL' Til liUhESTUEET. telephone connection. , JEUEMIAH HIFK, jnarll Hnd It Ne. 3-.'K s. Duke St. TESTATE OK JOHN ZlMMl'Hii.lAN J-J lateef the city oil jmcaster, deceased. Let ters tctamentnr) en said etatn having been granted te the undersigned, nil person In debted thereto are requested te lnake Iinme dlate pav-ment, and thoe having claims or de mands against the ssme will pitsent them w ltheut delay ter settlement te the undersigned, residing In Manhetui tow nshlp I MAM F.L P. hELLKIl, Executer. 11.11 Swaru, Attorney. ll(!tdu -TESTATE OV MARY ANNKILLIANJ XU widow, late of ljiueaterclty,deceael. Let ters testamentary en salt! etate having been granted te the unders1i?ntd.nii r,tt-snnsiniiAtifii thereto are requesied te make Immediate piy inent, and theso having claims or dcmamln aK-vlnt the estate of the decedent, w 111 make the ssme knew n te him w ltheut delav SAMUEL F KKlSMAN. Kvccuter II C hliKADT, Attorney r.'ltdeau T i:VANrs"KLOrR. LEYAN'S FLOUR Always Uniform and Reliable J ANCASTER RINK. BASEBALL ON SKATES. Lancaster Rink I WEDXFSDA V EVEXjyu. Mikade vs. Little Tycoon. mat tftl AN rNI'ARALLELEO BARGAIN, "lttsnnlll wind that blows notiedyany geed " The recent failure el a noted French, Worsted ilanufactnrer enable ns te offer you 1,(10 yard French Worsted, for Pantaleon, at a torrlble slaughter The geed are strictly all pure worsted, et elrgant weight, and exactly worth $1001 te ftJHi 1 will maknthem upln first cla-s style, perfect fitting, at the erylew price of only temper pair Call nnd leave your innisure befem the choicest rattenis are all se lected. HOShNSTEIVS Une Tailoring, Ne J7 North Queen street, Uincaster, Pa -Nutb I employ none but practical Panta Panta eoon Makers. Ol'IUSti OPENING AT H. GKH ij HAItT'S FINE TAILORING. 'I I.n Largest and most cnmpletti Assortment of f INK V( OOLLENs ferthe Spring Tiadetn b teund In the City of IjincnsUr. A Choice Line of hprtng Overceatings and Pantaloenlngs In all the I-aiest Patterns Prices Lew, Hest V erkmanshlp, and all goods W arrantcd as represented. H.GERHART, NO 13 NOKTII QUI K.V STKKKT. 'Opposite the l'ostelllcc, mar271idll T50SE ItROS. A HARTMAN. HEABQTJAETERS -FOIt- UMBR.E-LL5S, PARASOLS, CANC-S. 'HIE ilANlf ACTUUEKS, Rese Bres. & Hartman, 14 EAST KING ST. npHJind JOHN .S. (II VLint OKO. K. RATHVON. OUR PRICES ARE ALL CASH $50,000 WOllTll OK CLOTHS. - CASSIMERES. SUITINGS. -AM SPRING OVERCOATINGS. lilt. OOODS. OAHl'KllNf.s, AC MUST HE SOLO WITHIN NINKT1 DAS FOK CASH. W e w 111 sell any goods In our Merchant Tailor ing Iiepartmentdy the yard ermadeup te order at greatly reduced prices, te sell them quick. It will pay any one wanting Clothing te buy Irem us new. JOHN S. GIYLER & CO., Ne. 25 East Sine St root, I.AKOAHTVR. I'A. AaiUBBXMHTB. TflULTON OPERA HOUHh. Thurediiy EveuingT April 8, 1880. First Production In this city by the Fumeu MADLSON 8QHAUE 'I IIKATHK COMPANY Of the (ircntest or Mndlen Stj nai Theatre Comedy huucsx s, uuillled "THE RAJAH." Alter a run lu New Yerk of evor 2M Consecu tive Nights Te be produced here wllh the OltlOlNAI. CAST, OltMllNAl, MCKNKUY, OHKUNAl, MUbIC, A v. ADMISSION 75, SOunnjICKNTS. Hale of Heats at Opera Heuso Olllce. apr3Md XVJtMMTVHE. TTOPKMnUBU'H. Did you say you ate In need of FURNITURE, If se, be aure and call en us. and we villi de our I est te plcaae you. fi. K. PtOFFMEIDR, 26 East King Street. fUHattm vmmkht. T7K)R RENT N1UE TWCWiTOllV MUCK .... JVT. ."ni ,,e,'. Sa Ja Ent Ornugeitrret Jiinrttld II1KSII& lllte. FOR RENT A IIAKEIIOIIHE, NO. Ill L.ri, V"",n8,en ,re,,t Apply telliur- Myers ParMlniise. tnttd fiecil) HrARLl: J'eit rent. 5 iiA. "V. "'alile and Shettdtng.sttiiateil nt mvkiK .!.V.I"V.,!, "tr''t. Apply te ll.KK Ml Kits at Park Ilnne. ' msriUM IjlOR RENT. ' .-.. A tobacco Wnrohnn.e with 1'enn'a It. It. eHiiuK btipnciiy itr suiting akieast-s. Annie ntthii marlO tfd lNTKt.LIUKNCKU OFFICE. poll RRNT. Anestabllthed Wroeery Stand vilth dwelling attached In southern part nt tlie city. Possession April 1st. Apply at Ne. 13S EAST Kl.VU STKKKT. JJIOR RENT. 3 Shep In rear or Ne 8 West Chestnut street, ned u a cigar box factory, nnd a shop en Ml tlllu street, between Seuth (juoen and Prince stn-ets, lately ued a a carriage factory. Alse a dwelling and stoieroom new occupied by A. A llublcy as a drug store, West hlng street Apply at the IlVlfd INTELHOENCKlt OFFICE. llAUOHAUr.. F IRE' KIUI.lt KIRK!' WATI'.U VNATKIl" WAIEII!!' Grreat Bargains -u- KEPLER'S. $40,000 WORTH HARDWARE -TO HE SOLD IN THE NET FEW MONTHS, 1() MAKE , IIOOM rOK A NEW STOCK. UKKAl EXCITEMENT Af KEPLER'S. SHI I TIIKY (l)ME' NOW 11 H Steves ! Steves ! All Want toTake Advantagenr this GREAT SALE, And are already anticipating their wants fei neil winter. Special Inducements and Bargains Mechanics, Builders, Farmers, And all ethers who wlih te get the VVOItl II OF 'I II El It SlONKl. Loek for yeitrstilves be fore getng elsewhere, nnd be convinced. (111EAT AItlKT1 OF THE 11K8T Steves, Ranges, Heaters, FURNACES, ANll- HODSE FURNISHING GOODS. ALL WH.l. HE hOI.I). A NEW SIX-HORSE I'OltTAIILK SI'ltl.VUriKI.H HIUESHINll ENdlNE will be sold very low. Call and ) It. Iren and Blacksmith's Supplies BELOW COST. A. C. KEPLER. inarlMimlW.ii&vv CUAU jy It. MA.KTIN, WIIOLUULl AND KCTAIh MAUI IN All Kinds of Lumber and Geal: -YABn- Ne. (3) North Water and l'rlnce Streets, abeve Lemen, I.ancaster. n3-lyd OAU.MOAUDNKHS A JKKKKItlKM. COAL DEALERS. Or7ic s Ne. IS) North t)iiccn street, and Ne. K North l'rlnce street. Yahis: North l'rlnce street, near Heading Depot. I.ANCAHTEIt, I'A. auglS-tld c OAU M. V. B. COHO. Ne. 330 NOIITH WATEH BT., Incaster, I'a., Wholesale and He tall Dealer in LUMBER AD COAL. Connection with the Telephone Exchange. Yard and Olllce : NO. SW NOUTII VVATKB HTUKK.T febW-lvd gAHT KNI) YA11I). 0.J.SWMR&00. GOAL. - KINDLING WOOD. Ontce! Ne.50 OKNTKK 8QUA11K. lleth yard nd oltlce oennootod with Telephone Exchange. aiirlJ-lydMAF.lt WINKS Attn IAQUOKB. mUK OKLKBHATED " BOUQUET" ANI) " OLD ANCH0H" PURE RYE WHISKIES Are rich lu flavor, soft and pleasant te the taste. l'tnicln Quality, are excellent stimulants, and they stand without a rival In the market. Beld at all tbe leading Hotels and by Druggist. Ask ferlt. IIUMl'HUEYA MAItYlN, Bole Proprietors, laulSCmd 401 N. 3d St., I'hlladelDbla, l'. M AD1C1KA ANIJ 8IIEHKY WINR8 AT Mgart's Old Wj.m Stere H. C SLAYMAKER, AQENT, lUUbllsheanfi. No.Z)KiTKmeSTRor. tnbl7-U0 T HIS TATER IS PRINTED WITH INK Manufactured by J. K. WRIGHT 6c CO., marlHyd 28th ana Hare SU PhUadelplmi, I'a. jfif.M.vritr. T AIUKS' I'NDERWKAR Al- s Palace of Fashion, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCAHTRIt, 1' V. TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1886, WE WILL INAIJOIIUATK A SI'KIUI. LADIES MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AT WA DOWN I'ltlCKS. 'lhesn are mostly New (loeds, madn upspe rlslly for this site, nnd will lm sold at exactly what they rnst. v mention the prices of our leading styles of CHEMISE HMIIT1, NHIllTdUVVNa AM 1'ANTLKTrt. In nnler te prove te yen that tbe goods are really n grist deal chfajsT than they hsve ever been siien ler In this cllj CHEMISE. Ofgcetl inusllunml well made, but plain, !.V. Tucked veke, islged with line linen Torchon lace, O.S I.Y sic. Eicollent muslin, well made, wllh corded band, ON I.Y c. Ihree rowsefneislleuork Inserting lib tuck IngbetKrien anil edged with nnu talnbllc lilt Hlng. ONLY 41c three row unf htnitsemn needlework Inserting, trimmed with needlework edging, O.M.I an. oke of all-ever embroidery, trimmed wllh flue needlewntk rdglug, O.N . iftc Flnu tucked besom, wlde needle work edge en each side, neck and sleeve trimmed with film ncedlew erk edging, ON IA 75c IkMomef hsndsemn all-evor embroidery, wtlh tine wlde needlework rutlle. OMA II (0 A Let of FINK CHEMISE, fnrmrrly tlVlsnd 1175 at ONE HOLLaK. SKIRTS. Bli Inch ru tile, lour tucks, geed inusltu, ONI.v NV. Necillowerk rullle and tucking, OM.V. U.c. Twe rows of milling, w tlh tucking evor encn, UN 1. 1 PA!. Elegant wlde embroidery nillle and tucks, ONLY 75c Nine Inch w tdn emtirelderv ritltle, lour nannw nnd one wlde tuck, atO.SE ilel.l.Alt Twelve Inch euibreldcry rullle, two rows et rive tucks each, ON l. II 'i NIGHTGOWNS Trimmed with needlework edge, ONLY 50c llosem, neck and s'eeves trimmed wlthruf Illng, two rows of Inserting, two rows et four tucks each en eaih side, ON l. 75c. Tbroe rows of needlework Inserting, tour rows of four tucks each. Hiiro msset ilnnlii sorting, besom, neck and sleeves ttluiiued with ucidluwerk edging, ONl Wc. Throernwsof llni nreitlcwerk Inserting, four rowset six line tucks each. Hue needlework edg lug en besOm, neck and sleeves, O.N I.Y We One Special Let trtinineit with nisdlewerk In serting all the way down, edged with neclle neclle neclle worken both sides, tsisem of Insertlngaud two rowsef tucking en each side, edglngand tuck ing en sleeves, ON I.Y II JT. PANTLETS. Wllh nulling, two bands slid shirring be tween, ONLY itfc The same style, wllh feurbands.al'JW. Une Needlework nillle nnd ten tucks, ONI, Coe. Twe rntlles of flne neodlework and three tucks ever each, ON I.Y 7 Kutlle of real Torchon lure. 2W Inches wide, two rows of II ve tucks earn. only 7jC. Hnflle of rral Linen Medici lace, 4k; Inch wide and nve wide tuck, only ONE DeLLAIt. Extra tine needlework rullle, two rows or nve lucks each, two rowsef tlne needlework Iniert ing, '.'H Inch wlde bias tucking ONLY 1 S5. W'e extend an Invitation te all te come and see our NEW MILLINERY. i- l'Altl.Ollen Bccend Meer. UHUOF.ltlr.il. SI'KC'IAIj LENTEN (lOOl)S. Hest elected cisllUh, large fat. Juicy mack erel, smoked halibnt, canmd nilmen, new crop olives, Itnrst table oil, salad dressing, mustard and pickles, bananas, oranges and apples. 'I ry our nne selected old (iev. .lava, Meeha and lm perlal Itle Coffees, they speak for themselves, very geed atl JKc. Hargalus, 3 mid i & of It ten for -c.-, 5 Ei getst prunes, 2.V , elegant light syrup, he pnr quart j canned corn, .; 10 IN kit lalmackeruLSnc. l'lcaflcallerend jonrnnlers (1EO. w'lANT, angX-lyd Ne. 113 West King Btreiiu e HEAP 1'AMIliY OK00E11Y. ".u net In ml. jim tat te int." A new nnd selected assortment oflteston. Oat meal, Monitor, (linger, 1'rt'ttul, Hluii 1'etnt Oyster, Family and Water Crackers, Beds, Coffee, Tea, Nic-Nacs, lOlnen, lady's Fingers, Mldgnts, KU)e Nuts. Cecen, l'eiiu, anlllir, nnd Milk Ills culls: Crystal, urabam nnd (iinger Wafer., AlaealargflquantllynrFlnnBMOKEllSALMON, Halibut, llenelcss C'edflsh, ltusslan Hal dines, Kxtra Ne. 1 Mackerel, Finn Mackerel 3 for Be., Beused Mackerel, Balmon, I.nbstnrs, and lteyer's Oysters, Helland, l'ertlnnd ami Bcelch llerilng and llleuters. Tbe Beat Ohoeaoa in tbe Olty. C'elvln's l'nre Yerk County lluckwheat,and a full Hneel treah (Ireterlesnt CHARLES MAONAY'S Choice Family Grocery and Cheese Kmperiaa, IBand 117 NOIITH (JUEEN STltEET, f.aiirastur, I'a. Uoeds dellvered free te all parts et ihn city and environs, 'lelephnnu Connection. inJiml 7t BUKHK'a LENTEN GOODS I Fine Hleater Mackerel, large and at f (lenrge's Hank llenelcss cedttsh. Smoked Balmon, Bineked Halibut, Bugar-C'urcd ilerrlng, l'laln Cnrtd Her ring, only lie. a dozen ; tliu Hnpgoed llnind French Balmon, lie. a can, or t2(u perdezan i Bplced Balmon In 2 If. cans ; Fresh Lebster, lum bar Bcbrttnps ! Fresh Canned 111 mi Fish, only 10c. a can ; resh Canned Mackerel, Ue.i Soused Mackerel, American and Imported bardlnes Sardines In Mustard, Deviled Crabs (w lib she II). CHEESE I CHEESE I Cholce Illch Mild Cream Cheese. I'lnenpple CbeBn (picnic size), Dutch Head Cheese (very line), Bapsage, Yeung American and Neulchatel. FARINACEOUS OOODS I Oatmeal, Avena or Itellcd Oats, Cracked Wheat, Farina, Oraniilated Cornmeal, Tapioca, flage. Macaroni, Vermicelli, etc. HI ft-l 11 EUUB, twodezon for S3 cents, ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KINO STREET. LANCASTEU. I'A. Telenhone Connections. II OO KB. B iANK KOOKH. Jehn Baer's Sens Invite examination of their BLANK BOOKS! In Various Grades el DAY 11(10 KB, JOUKNALB, LEDUEUS, CASH HOOKS, COl'YINU HOOKS A IMCK33K8. IN VOICE HOOKS, TIMK HOOKS, MKM0HANIIUM8, 1'ASSHOOKB, l'KTTY ACCOUNT 1IOOKH, Ae, iT TUK SIGN OFTHE BOOK, AST! IS and 17 North Queen Street. ANOASTEH HUSINESH COLLEOE Open day and evening until July. Yeung men who intend starting In business can de lie better than take a course at the LANCASTER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Bend for list of Graduates and consult them as te the requirements of the ceursa. Tluje re quired te complete the course trem 3 te e months. Address, U.C.WKIDLEIt, Principal, We. UX Jbut Kins Street. t .-., ei'.u' i iiiAi5s& . . .,. -, - IlllfetlJfeife. t,!. iS JH',' .