zttme?. 'i&mp L- 1i' JSS''V7tfZWr a. bQ-' & t- m tV Kt Eft &c sr.. HPK"WW ',S?.. v".''- ' prrv J"V hcqi ;tvtY EVtNINa IN THtYCAM Mr.ffffmiMAK' A HENSHU INOKR BDILDINO, Coner Centre Squat, i lWH. Fivt Deium A YtA, m Firrr CiT ftrrw Fan. iNWTI FDM Tt TO Firrr CUT! Um. .ftr ;ji lAx&jjuiurcinuEiA, (EtQHT PAOCS.) vry Wednesday Morning, Twe Deuam Via Asvmci. M?. NCC SouciTie rru my hmt of thi 9tn tM MTT COMttPOflMtT M MftuiltIB TO WlTI t DM Of TMt K OM.T I MO TO TMi MT 0 MtMCATMM, tuT I PMP Ct 0000 fWTW. Alt UTTM WIU. M e0h4 TO TNfl WWTt aikKT, all Letters and Telegrams te tr's, THE INTELLiaENOER, Lancaster, Pa ,JT. btS ?. I1E iWitv4 Mm . m it . . r r innfnercr iinir ihqciuct. bJftja-" a LANCASTER, Al'ItlL 7. 1686. Spiteful Meanness. Certain newspapers that have become fd eted for their unscrupuleu.jri- feach- ynm """ r-JaVe for some days been .W!5m antnrt fhnfc Kivrefjirv Man- ""-; fajiH m.v.'w... ....... .-..v.v- ,. tSslni'j Illness followed a dispute with Mr. fels'CleveUind, which put the two gentlemen kftpen bad terms, and would have causea trie S'MBentarv,a retirement from the cabinet K'UMOD net uecu huivkcu uunii- n "no t1.2 L 1 lI.1. ...... 1. .'nn 5sy tirmul in iwmhnrat.lnn nf this sterv that the $& president had gene en a ducking trip for a day after tne secretary nau ueen seizea and had thus Bhewn a great disregard for htm. This tale has been copied without comment into certain newspapers ihat did net have the ceurage te orig inate it or te endorse it editorially : i-, and the Republican press ha3 naturally I iH published it as something reflecting uixn I the administration. If the statements made are true, their publication would be quite proper ;if they; are untrue, it is net easy te use language tee severe in their denunciation. They were net statements : that, if false, could have been innocently made ; because it has been well known that the president and Secretary Manning have been close and confidential friends and that Mr. Manning was his especial selection for the cabinet and in it has been the nearest te him of its members. A story that they had quarrelled therefore WS one that would have put a decent journal en its guard te inquire into its truth beferd its publication. New this story is declared te be a lie out of the whele cloth, and te be utterly with out foundation in anything that has occurred letween the president and 'the secretary. The president went en 'the ducking excursion at the desire of Mr. Manning's family, who did net want him te lese the relaxation he needed through observance of unnecessary outward form. It is declared ,by these who knew, thattheie basbeennebrckinthe cordial feeling of the president toward the secretary, nor any lack of feeling for him in his condition. Upen this statement we are surely of opin ion that these who started the contrary story, and these who have given it currency, have marked in a most unmistakeable way their deep malignity and meanness. Weepers and Wallers. Ne self-respecting man of Intelligence and experience can leek with any ether feelings than of contempt upon the strug gles which Republican office-holders make te keep themselves in place. Fer twenty four years their party had entire control of the official patronage of the country. They used and abused it without shame or remorse. The fact that any man or woman was a Democrat, or of Democratic affilia affilia teon1', was enough te exclude him or her from participation in administering the government ; and ninety-nine per cent, of persons appointed te office get their places because they were Republicans, or of Re publican affiliations. This powerful or ganization of office-holders was used nnd abased te keep Its party in power. They took the chances and dared the fate of war In every campaign. When the turn of events came In 18SI, the country had adopted, if it had net as sented te and accepted with geed will, the iCivll service reform law. It was purposely framed by its friends and advocates se as te net interfere with removals. Mr. Curtis and ether exponents of the system never presumed te challenge the executive's right te remove anybody and everybody. In that the new plan was like the old. Net a Republican office-holder was protected in his place by the civil service law net one. Every one of them was and is removable nt the presi dent's will, from assistant cabinet officers down te tide waiters en the wharf. The civil service rules only regulate the manner of selecting their successors; they them selves held their places by the favor and indulgence of a party and administration Which they tried their best te keep out. And yet about nine out of ten of these fellows whine and weep, lament and pre test, kick and curse when they are politely asked te go after being given a year or mere te stay, as if they had some divine right te the offices. The number of Re publican officeholders who have resigned k almost Infinitesimal; in the various de partments about nine-tenths of them are holding en like grim death. Every time one is dispensed with his lamentations fill the air and the columns of the Republican newspapers. The Democrats have the beads of the custom-heusn nmi t)m t.. . -W-- . - -MW -powemce in rmiadelphla, and f the institutions are still packed yet with ,' Kepublican subordinates t, nauuu bmw .mi. uuillij uiu no UOUbt tlT- vif te gradually get a fair representation et their own party and men of their own - cbotee into the service ; at the present rate It would take years for the Democrats te fcv a&ythlng like a due proportion of the fhMW. Nevertheless, every time u change h 04 the subject of it demands te knew why, and rushes te the newspapers and the flhril mtvIes associations with his bewail lags, J It is ceateesptible. Teeple with no atswastf-respect deserve te be kicked out 4C HMpuMJe sereee. Atuteugti tue rules preeeriee mat tne of any deparuasat shall have four 1 9f Mesons sx&ausedfresa wsMhte 1-tmmt qnpeintee, the rnltadslphia elyil I swgAglAn WungUefna thmk PflHaiTi VircSSTWWvZF'' ,. .' ftj eU'. '. .' ' ' THE ter Cadwaladcr lias exercised his discretion nnd passed ever n higher for a lower grade ; and although a special treasury agent, ni pelntcd by Secretary 13rlstev, recom recem mended that the class of night inspectors be abolished p.3 useless, because the only duty performed by them was that of night wntchincn, nnd Mr. Cedwnladcr in carjlng out this recommendation gets a man for 900 te de work for which .formerly 1,093 was paid, the association again com plains. It is this sort of thing that brings the civil service reformers into ridicule and rcakei a great many people think theynre dunces, or of that class who strain at gnats and swallow herds of camels. The Man With the Strike. Mr. Jay Gould does net seem te be a fa vorite of fortune just new. He cannot get stocks te go down te suit him, and he 1ms a strike, all his own, en his hands which he cannot get rid of new in any comfortable way. He says it does net amount te any thing, and that the Knights of Laber nre of no account nt nil. This isa striking ex hibition of that well known human propen sity known as "whistling te keep the coin age tip." It is a style of occupation which is quite customary te Mr. Gould. He is a notable coward in clese quarters and a stout talker at a distance from the field of action. It has new ceme te pass that Mr. Chjyjd, I and the Knights or J.aUar, KMhjan accommendat25;-?fji,hout a surrender of one '31 ine ether. It is a vital question te the order, as it must demonstrate its strength if It hopes for itality. It is net of se much consequence te Mr. Gould, who is only after money and is went te take any twist and turn that will reach it, without regard te the amount of dirt te be eaten te get there. "When it suits his purposes te reach an accommodation with his empleyes he will readily yield te them. If they exhibit the staying power that we have no doubt they have, Mr. Gould will try te get his house in order for a rise in stocks, and then will take Martin Irons te his embrace. The Medical KcgMry Law. "We de net think it is possible that the facts in the case of Dr. Lue fined bv Judge Mcl'liersen, of Lebanon, for prac- ticing medicine' without beiug registered in that county can be as they are stated by our esteemed contemporary, the Head ing Eagle. According te this account Dr. Ege is a regular practitioner, legularly registered in Berks county, and lias been punished for practicing across the inter-county line, net ha ing also registered in Lebanon. The medical registration act, bad as it is, never contemplated such an outrage and will admit of no such monstrous miscon struction. It plainly says the practitioner shall register his diploma witlier get his certificate from the prothenotary of the county in which he " resides or sojourns ;" and it declares that nothing In the act shall be se construed as te prevent a physician legally qualified in any ether state from practicing in this commonwealth. Te decide under these circumstances that a Philadelphia physician, duly registered there, is subject te criminal punishment if he practices in Lancaster without register ing here ; or te say that a Lancaster physi cian shall net pmctice in ail theceunties of the state unless registered in all of them, is te say an absurdity ; and we de net be lieve Judge McPhcrsen's court has done this. Ter his court generally knows itself. Tm: memorial of the Mermen women which Senater Illnlr, of New Hampshire, lias presented In the .Senate Is a document Ue Ue inamHnRtlje sober and serious consideration of the public Statements are tliercln made cencerning the conduct of deputy I'nited States marshals which appeal te right-think-In? uien In a very forcible way. Mermen women ought net te be insulted with im punity by Hceundrcla who are commissioned te execute warrants and serve subptcnaa. I f the statements contained In the Mermen women's memorial te the president and Con gress can be substantiated byswern evidence, the department of Justice must net neglect the duty it ewes te decency, no les than te geed Kevern merit, te bring the ruffians who are accused te summary punishment The facts are stated w ith a minuteness and cir cumstantiality Of detail that raise a strong presumption of the accuracy of thonarratlves. The following are some of the outrages of which complaint is justly made: "On January 11, 18S0, eaily In the morning, five deputy marshals appeared at the residencu or Win. Uranf, American l'"erk, forced the lrent deer open, and, while the Inmates were still In bed, made their way up stairs te their sleeping apartments. There they were met by ene or the daughters of William Grant, who was aroused by the Intrusion, and, desplte her protestations, without giving tlme for the object of their search te get up and dress blinselr, made their way Inte his bed room, ilndinghlm still In bed and his wile en thiliabdle In the act of dressing herself." ' February 23, ISSil, at about 11 o'clock at night, twedeputy marshals vislted the house et Solemon Edwards, about seven miles from Kagle Keck, Idaho, and arrested Mrs. lid wards, his legal wife, alter alie had retired te bed, and required her te accompany thetn Immediately te Kagle Heck. Knew Ing bouio beuio bouie thing cf the character ofeue of the deputies, treui his having vislted the heuse betere, while he indulged In a great deal erdrinklug, preranlty, and abuse, she feared te accompany them without seme pro tection, and requested a neighbor te go along en horseback while she rode In the buggy with the two deputies. On the wsy the buggy breke down and she, with an lufant In her arms. Was compelled te walk the rest of the distance between two and three miles. They could have no reason for HUbpa'iialng her in the night, and compell ing her te accompany thorn nt such an un timely hour, oxcept a itendlsh malice or u determination te heap all the Indignities pos. siule upon her, because she was a Mermen woman, ler she never attempted te evade the serving of the warrant, and was perfectly willing te report berself at Kagle Heck the next day. fahe was taken toSaltl.ake t'lty te testily against her husband." Mrs. Kasten aud Miss Merris, of Groeu. vllle, near Heaver, Utah, narrate the most abusive, and indecent conduct of deputy marshals, forcing their way into ladle' bed rooms aud behaving outraueeusi v. The objects of these searches ene would nat urally think were very dangerous characters whehad been guilty or great crimes murder, Hrsen or counterfeiting. On the contrary, they are only suspected of having committed misdemeanors, the maximum punishment for which was a line el f300 aud six months Imprisonment. The ostenslblo purpese of the onfercouient or the Kdmunds' law is te correct publle morals in Utah by breaking up the practice of plural marriages by the Mor mons. J f this Is the way federal officials hab itually conduct themselves their morality would probably.be Improved by a residence In a reformatory iustitut!on,where hard labor and separate confinement are features or dis cipline rigidly enforced. Hew houses can be broken into and wit nesaes arrested who have net been subpamaed l,d- Qeurt" ll,at It sc' out eut out wgesentboporsonaUlbortyot the cltlzen- SS?."BCU.. n!rul0 efflwrs into the 2SS?h WBM..te ta Ien-tructed. They wenld net be attempted in. thl. state. If they were, shotguns would be likely te vln dlcate constitutional rlghU. y V,n Nkw Jkbse v legislators get 5500 a nea4ien and they want Jl.OOOt whlcg would be well enough It doubling the aaUry did net deu. We the inefficiency of the individual state. I flBafi. LANCABTEB PAIIjY Ne tnore Rlgantle monopoly ever reared 1 its bead in this country than the Standard I Oil company. Of the 11,000,000 barrels or oil I T exported from the United States In 1SS5, the Standard company exported fully 10,000,000 barrels. Net content with having thoroughly sutxlued the domestic nnd foreign markets of this country, this monopoly, like Alex ander, sighs for fresh worlds te conquer. The great Kiissian firm of the Nebel com pany, controlled by the Nebel brothers, is wild te be In clese financial quarters, with large numbers of outstanding bends, en w lilch the Interest has net been paid. The Echeme of the Standard is said te be te guar antee this Interest, and In return te be given control of the business In Hussla te absorb the Nebcls, in fact te shut up Hussian stills as It has these along the Clereland and Pitts burg railroad in Cleveland. We he no everweaulng leve for Ktissli, but it is te le hoped that this cruel fate Is net In stele for her. Thkuk are some wlse men In the Chester gas company. They de net propeso te lit the electric light poeplo drive them entlrely out of the field and ha e reduced their rate Irem ?i te 51.70 per 1,000 cubic feet. More over they are w llllng te let the city have the gasatfl.W if 250,000 feet is burned. Here Is an example for Imitation by the Lancaster Gaslight and Fuel company. PERSONAL. " Buckshot " TensTKn's last words were " no home rule." Jehn 1). Obkria, of Illinois, and Charles Lyman, of Connecticut, has been renllrm-.l civil service cetAy; ii&?iiY Vit.i.Aim. new In (iermanv. In tends te return te this country very een and embark In active railroad operations. Dit. Qiinlw, an Irish physician, advo cates the use el chlorlde of zinc In the com position or ball dresses es a preveuthe of fire. Hkv. J. Max Hark has an article in the -lmfet'fr Jlevtete ler April en ''The Hlte of Illoed-Covenantingand the Doctrine of A tone tene tone ment" Re. Sam Jenks the evangelist, who has been trying te purify Chicago, will be In llal llal llal tlmore the first Sunday In May, te remain n month or mere. Pbokksser Anne, of the signal ervlce, says that the day i net distant when any citizen can demand his special weather tele gram pieclsely as he can new send a letter by the mall. Mn. CiiAni.Ks HrssKt.t., M. P., for the first Hemau Catholic who has occupied the office of attorney general of Knglaud slnce the Reformation. He Is an Irishman, born in Mewry In lbKl, and was educated in Trinity college. MRs.Coet.tmis, of Bosten, who was con victed of having conspired with n hotel keeper named Mellen, et Baltimore, te kill the young wife of his son, has been sentenced te three j ears imprisonment. Meanwhile Mr. Mellen, the chief conspirator, breathes the air of freedom in Mexico. " The moon of Mahomet arose, and It shall set." says shelly : but if you will tit a bottle et Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup in seme handy place will have a quick cure ler croup, ceushs and colds. The eighth wonder of the world. A benighted man llmplnc with rheumatism who had never heard of Sal atlen Oil. l'tlcc 5 cents a bettle. That most distracting trouble, lumbago. effectually removed by M. Jacobs Oil. De Net He Dertlvel. Hypocrisy Is the compliment vice pays te vir tue Imitation Is the compliment faUnrn pays te success. The name net the character of llcnsen's Capclne l'lasters Is lmltited bynn bynn scrupuleus parties, he make nnd try te sell plasters variously called " Cnp9lctn." " Capsi cum," "Capslclne," "Capucln' plasters, with the manifest Intention te deceive Se cunningly nnd boldly Is this done that careless peeple nre doubtless sometimes beguiled into buying snch articles in place of the genuine Happily the number who fellow this vocation decreases every jear through the refusal et reputable dealers te handle the Imitation geed, mean while be cautious. In the middle of the genuine Is cut or porenscd the word " Capclne," and en the lace cloth Is the "Three Seals" fadetuurk. Ask for llcnsen's then examine. One llensen's Is w erth a dozen of anr ether kind. apl-lmaM.WAS There Is Nothing Surprising In the fact thst llonsen's Capclne l'lasters are widely Imitated ; that cheap and worthless plas ters with names of slmUar sound, and similar appearance In type, are freely offered for sale. Articles et (,'reat and original merit always hu e te compete with trashy Imitations. Ilut n they become known they d:e out through deserved neglect. Meant'me we warn the public against thuse-called " Capsicum," " capslcln." " capu tin " and "Capslclne 'plasters, whether" Hen Hen ten's," " ilurten'a " or otherwise; Tl ey ha ve no medicinal orcuratlve virtues vhitever, and are made te sell en the reputation of ISensen'a When purchasing ask for Hensen's, deal t Ith respectable druggists only, and seu cannot be deceived. The genuine has the ''Three Sea's " trademark en the cloth and the word Cap clne " cut tn the centre. uprt M,W,SA w Hl'EVIAL ttUTlVr.M. Curious te think that desks and chairs kill peo ple, but they de. Taken In large quantities office lurnlture U fatal as ycUew lever. We lt und write ourselves away Sedentary habtu produce constipation ; that begets djspepsla; rhcumatUmand kidney trenble fellow In their train and death ends the chapter. Yen whose lives passed ever desks and tn the confined air of otlke Bought te keep Dr. Kennedy's "a "a "a Torlte liemedy "ulwajs en hand for the stomach and brain . marlO-lmeedAw " "pent fifty Dollars In doctoring for rheumatism bofero I tried Thomai' Kcleclrie Oil. Used a SO cent bottle of this medicine und get out In one week, for bums nnd pralns It Is excellent," Jas. Dur ham, Kast Pembroke, N. . Fer sale by II. U Cochran, druggist, 137 and IS) North Queen street, Lancaster. Honesty the llest 1'ellry. In advertising a medlclne it Is best te be hon est; te decelve one will never de; the people won't stand It. Let the truth be known that Jiurdeck Jlloed Jl inert cure screfulu, and all eruptions of the skin. This medicine Is sold eveiywhere by druggists. Fer gale by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 1S7 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. A tVenl of Caution. Itallreud men, mechanics, commercial travel crs, base ballUts, tanners, aud ethers w he labor out of doers, are peculiarly Hable te accident and Injur- Tliemat' J-Jetectrie Oil for bruises, burns, bites and sprains, is one of the finest ap plications yet devised. Fer sale by H. U. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and IS) North Queen street. I.ancaster. t'an't ay llneugh. ,,','. cannot speak tee highly of ZfurdecJ. Meed llMert they have been a blessing te me. Cured me or biliousness and dyspep.la from which I had buffered ter years." Mr. J. Marsh, Hank of Terente, Ont. Forsalehyll ii. Cochran. drug gist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster. Thunder It Down tlie Ages, That for lameness, for rheumatism, for aches for pains, and for sprains I)r Themat' Ecltctric Oil is a positive und reliable remedy. " Dr Themas' Kclcctlle Oil" can be purchased of any ?5lglJi,t J'0!!0 h? " " Cochran, druggist, U7 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster All Admire Handsome race. A pure, clear akin will make any face hand some Manifestly anything which strengthens and enriches the bleed will directly affect lhe pear when Jluritcck JtloeU Jhttcrt are employed. They are a egetable remedy of lnestlm.bin nuiu miDlill. 4ll mu luuil. UI IQU BEin OlSlln valu . .a, '.or sale by ii. 11 Cochran, druggist, 137 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. and iieusr.FVKXiHiusii avvv.i. JUST 11EOEIVKD A I. A ltd K LOT OF HOBNAIL GLOBES Which we will sell at2 ctt. eacn. Beven Dtnerent Celers. CltYSTAL.OLlVK. AMKTIUhT. CANAilY, iii.r.e.n HLUK. AIUl A1I1IKH, THKFl.NKSTLOTOr Glebes, Lamps and Chandeliers IN LANCA8TEU. lnTtteum?kttela"OMKLAUl'8r0thebC,tLan,p CALL AND SKK AT JOEO. SOHAOT & SOU, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANUASTKU. l'A. I NOW OCCUPY THK SHOP IN THE J"?.".?0.'1" NOIITH QUKKN 8TBKKT, for. mcrly It, Jluchiniiier's, would kindly solicit the tniVi..i .-;.i J " niers, scissors, knives, 4c, repaired, a postal will receive premptm tent Oil. .-"" wi t.ive op IWB' ruisu'K keenii?, . - x -n INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, APKIL 7, MKOIOAL. mm) euTi At this cnen nearly every ene need te ue some von ei ionic, uiun enters lnie nuuev ry pnysti physician's pretcrlptlen for thoe who need building up. Physician nnd Druggists KcTeminr ml BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! AS THE BEST TONIC. Fer WraknpiNlLa9altnilpBLack of KnorRy.Ete., ii iiA.iuniiAu. mm ii me euiyiniuiuHii t i: ltloed. Invigorates the Svstcin, ltesteres Appe tite. Aids Dicestlen. It docs net blacken or In jure the teeth, cause hnadarhe 6r produce con- stlpnUen s ether medicines de, PR. u. 11. ltSKLV. n lending phylclsn et Sprlnglleld, Ohie, says llrewn a iron inner Isa thoroughly geed medicine. 1 ue It in my s n imireugmy poe lractlce, and nnd iirni-iu-i', mm mm iiw acucn excels nuenner fcinnsel Iren. In weakness, or a le condition of the system, llrewn's Iren Hitters is usually a positive neceslty. It Is all that is claimed for It. Dr. W . N. WATas, 1219 Thirty-second Mreet, Ueorgetewn, D C., says " llnmn's Iren Mi ters Is the Tonic of the age Nothing better. It creates appetite, gives strength and Improve digestion." The Henulne has Trade Mark and crossed red lines en wrapper. Take no ether. Made only bv nnew.v CHEMICAL CO.. (I) Halttuiere, Md YLH'S CHKKUY 1T.CTOHAL ( IT SAVED MY LIFE Is n common expression, often hesid from these who ha0 realized, by personal use, the cunitlve powers et Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "I cannot sav enough in pralse et Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, believing as 1 de that, but for Its use, 1 should long since have died from lung troubles. K. Urngden, Palestine, Tex. About six months age 1 had a severe hemer rhageef the lungs, brought en by a dlstretslng Cough, which deprived me of sleep and rest. 1 had used various cough balsavnu and expecto rants without obtaining relief. A frtnd ad Msed tne te try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 did se, nnd am happy te say thst It helped me at once. Hy continued use this medlclne cured my cengn, and I am satisfied, s-ived my ltfe. Mrs. E. Leburn, is Second street, Lewell, Mass. I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for ever a year, and sincerely believe 1 should have been In my grave, had It net been ler this medicine. It has cured me eta dangerous nffecilen of the lungs, for which 1 had almost despaired of ever rinding a remedy. D. A. McMullen, Windser, l'revence of Ontario. AVer's Cherrv Pectoral ssved mv lltn. Twe ears age 1 took a very severe cold, which set tled en my lungs. 1 consulted physicians uud took the remedies they prescribed, but railed te obtain relief until I bcgn using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Twe betUc. of this medicine completely- restored hit hwlth. l.ltzle M. Aden, West Lancaster, Ohie. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Prepared hy Dr. J. C. Ayer A Ce, Lewell, Mass. Sold by all druggists. Price, It: six bet ties. If.'.. apri3,t,5.6,7,s HOP I'LASTKHS. A FAMOt'S STItKNOTHENKlt. Housewives, shop girls ami saleswomen all suffer mere or les from Weak Hack and side ache. Nothing affords such Instant relief as a HOI l'LASTEH applied ever affected part, l'atns and aches of all kinds are driven out and the parts made ever and strengthened. Ask for allul l'LASTEUmade from llurgundy Pitch. Canada Halsam nndahe virtues of Ires in liens. S-elu everywhere. 25c., 5 ter s MO. Send te HOP I'LASTKlt COMPANY. Bosten, for circular. DO HE SENSIBLE. The HOP 1'LAsTEIt does mero geed In one-quarter the time than uny balm or lotion and Is mere cleanly te no. A fresh and sweet porous plaster which acts immediately when applied te seat of trenble. Kbeumatlsm, eu ralgta, Sldeache, Lame Hack, Crick, Sciatica, Sere Mnscles. hidney Affections, Weak Lungs or Lecal Pains cannot exist long when one of these plasters Is applied, llemember, i lrtues of fresh Heps, llurgundy Pitch and (iums com bined. Sold everywhere. 2Sc , 5 for ll.ui. Pre prieters, nur l i,. ASTKII COMPANY, Hosten, Mass. W) HOI' PLASTKKS CTKE QC1CKESTI WHY? liccause composed of medical qualities that are known te possess great power In relieving pain curing disease and wonder fully weak and worn out parts. Fre.h Heps, llurgundy Pitch and Gums combined tn a freh, clean andsweet porous plnster. Always ready te apply te sudden pain, nches, strains, cramps, stitches, crick, swollen Joints or muscle', or sereness In any part. 23c, 5 for II ee, every where. HOI' l'LASTKK COMPANY, Hosten, Mass. (S) CLUTIIIffU. w ILL1AMSON A FOSTER. Williamson & Eester's BOOTS & SHOES -FOU- Ladies' and Qents' Wear and Fit, EQUAL TO CUSTOM WO Ith. HI r COST L1H. Wiiliamseii & Eester's GENTS', BOY'S & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Wear and Fit Equal le Custom Made, BUT COST LESS. "Williamson & Eester's HATS & CAPS a UK- New and Popular Styles, -OF KISKST QUALITY. LOU'KST IN .'KICK. Williamson & Eester's Neckwear. Uiiderwear, PERCALE SHIRTS. FLANNEL, SHIRTS AND HOSIERY. -AUK- J1K9TQUALITI. LOWKST IN PltlCE. llllll IIISIHI (S 1 32,34, 36 & 38 East King St., LANCASTKH. FA. llT'll Fester fl ' i 4 ' ;' WATCH MB, V , CALDWKLL VO. , l'lllI.AOnLVIUA. J.1 'the rerelnn the llinilnu The Crsrtna . 'I he Kan and Diamond. 'lhe DltunomVKebtinll. 'the Strawberry - t"A' liieiul and Kan. The Patterns. 'the Anttiiue ' Heman Punch (Hastes Chnmpsgne " Lemonade " fcherry " CHtel L'enlUl " Heck " Pert " Klnger Hen Is Tumbler, tletilets In Richly Cut Crystal. Lamps CandrUttcki Candelabrum Urcr.hr I'llcher Sugar lien la Wnter I'ltchers Carafes Olive IMthe. Fer Bridal Gifts. J. E. Caldwell & Ce. 902 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. vyATCHhM, CLOCKS, Af. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, CltKAP reltCASM. Lancaster HtchM at the Lewest Price ever etrertnl : belnjj a stockholder enable-me te sell tbee vratchet se cheap. F.lgtn, Waltham nnd ether watches en ale. spectacle'., Operalllasne-, Ac. ltepalrlnf;o(theabee named articles wtll receive my personal attention. LOU 13 WKHKIt. Ne. 159X North Queen St., opposite City Hetel. (Near Penn'tt It. It. Depot.) -ARCnt ter AUKOIIA WATCH. CLUTHItitl. M YKK9 A KATHVON. THESPRINGOF1886 Is upon us We are net behind, either, with our Stock et CLOTHING rillt THE SBASON. The best care and taste lias been nsed In pre- ptrlng It for the trade, and se far chsiu been well rewarded. MEfl'S SUITS lu many btyles and Qaalltles, nnd nt prices down le bottom. JIKN'3 SPB1NO 0 EUCOATS In all the liest Styles, ranging; in prices from !.ee te I15 0U. The Youths' and Beys' Department Has been well cared for, and all of thelU!9tand Toughest Materials can be found. A l'AIIt Or PANTALOONS Are a very necessary tltlnir this time or year, nnd our assortment Is large enough te suit anybody's taste. Don't be afraid of High Prices. no man imiices hkuk i if you don't wnnt the Finest Clothing, we have All the cheaper tirade ; and better value can be had here for a small amount In vested than anywhere clse. This Is a strong statement, tint we knew lt'a right. LEADING CLOTHIKUS, 13 BAST KINO STREET, LAN CAST KB. PA. NO. H 1RSH A HUOTHKK HAVE YOU Heard the News ? IIIUSII A I1KO. are offering a full line of NEW SPRING GOODS! at such ridiculously low prices, that It Is a prob lem te all hew they de 1L Manutacttulngall their own goods, they have the Inside track, und are bound te held 1L New Is yourepportnnlty fera GOOD INVESTMENT NOTE A FEW OF THKIIt l'UICKS Men'a Suits, 84,00, 85.0O 88.00 te 810. Men'a Suits, 810 te 820. SprlngOverceata, $6.00and upwards. THEIR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT U new stocked with a complete Ilneefthe latest SPRING PATTERNS both In novelties ami staples, 4-C0MK KAKL1 FOB A (1O0U CHOIC'K. One-Price Clothing Heuso, COUNXU NOHTH QUKKN STUKKT AND CKNTKK 8QUAUK. '' fe 'T'-' ".L1' BWfT3iV-V MYERS & RATION, HIRSH (fe BROTHER'S QORN REMOVE a YICTORU CORN REMOYEB. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a snort tlme, the most ebdurate corns, hard or soft, without pain. Sold by Uee. W. Hull, Chas. A. Lecher, Jehn H. Kaurfuian, Dr. Win. Werm, ley, And. u, trrey, Chas. J, Bhulmyer, and nt lUtCHT'OLD'S DKUU BTOKK, aecw-lya me, m. WMt or- flt, 1880. DMT H Aer.n a imeTUKit. D RESS GOODS. .Sew French salines, New American batlnes, llenrretlee Nuns Veiling, Knullahaiid Fmnch rierges, Clntrrette Cleth, Weel lUtltte, French Comhtnatlens, KnalNh Combination, American Combinations, New Shawls I 1ILACK OASI1MKI1K SHAWLS. SCOTCH AND PKltSlAN SHAWLS. l.IDlIT CASH MKKK SHAWLS. KMIIUOlDKltKO CASIIMKHK .-CAlirs. N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUHR. FAHNESTOCK'S. New Open Large Stock of Sheetings. SHIKTl.vns AN'I) PILLOWCASE MUSLINS In all Desirable Makes. Alse.TlCKlNOS AND FEATHKllSTO FILL; all at our Usual low Prices. Alse COUNTEItl'A.NKS AND QUILTS IN QUANTITIES. Prices Lewor than Ever. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS. We are new receiving daily New Additions te enr already Extensive Stock, and shall continue te add dally throughout the coming season bargains of one kind or another. 'KVK11Y DAY lllUNUS SOMKrillNU NKW." AT FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT Q.VRPETS FROM AUCTION. METZGER & HAVE NOW OI'ENED A I.AKUK INGRAIN, RAG, HALL HOUC.HTAT AUCTION FOU CASH CAIll'KTS. CAHPKTS.. CAUPK.TS. CAHl'KTS CAKPKTS. CAUPETS. ....at 10 Cents. ....atlKCenU. ...at 3) Cents. ... at 31 Cents. ..alto Cents. .. at 13 CenU. Fleer, Stair and Table Oil Cleths, Cheap. letzger & Haugliniaii's Cheap Stere. 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel iiovar.FVKSiHitise oeuns. WM. A. KIRFFRIL A New Firm 1 (AT AN OLI1 STAND.) NO. 40 EAST KING STREET, (Opposlte the Court Heuse.) A Complete Line of Heusefurnishing -Goods I Steves ! Steves ! We are agents for the FUl.I.KU.t WAIlllKN CO.'SXTrey, N. V,)STOVKSand UANOKS, Info rler te none Tn the market. The "Sl'LKNHlD HKATEH " has proven ers, and Is gunrnntecU te give mere jamricfforten the " WAKHK.N " and DIAMOND " Itangca are uaranieeu 10 give mere truitjticuonen DIAMOND " Itangca are full stnclc of Heaters, Cook Steves and Itanges of ok Steves and Kanccs of attention te our selection of SUM M KU COOK stfcl contains the Lett, the tafett. aud met rronemfca! nn"erel te the nubile. Alie Cooking Utensils of Iren, Copper, Tin and Urnnlte Ware, and keep en hand a full assort ment of the latest Improved conveniences which make the Unties of housekeeping a pleasant pas tlme. Articles et Tin, Copper or Sheet Iren, of special designs or patterns, made tn order en short notlce, KcpMrlng promptly and neatly done. Special attention given le PI.UMlilNO, (IAS FITTING anilhTKAM HKATINU, TIN HOOFING and Sl'OUTINU. and a stock of the latest Improved tins Mxturcs, Washs Stands, ltath-Tubs, Water Cletets, and all pertaining te the business, constantly en hand. KIEFFER NO. 40 EAST KINQ STREET, LITE lXSVRANVB VUStVANT. IFE INSURANCE COMPANY. WHEN SOLICITED TO The Mutual Life Iiisurance Cejnpany of New Yerk RIOHARD A. McODRDY, PRESIDENT, Is entitled te your yf.Vrconslderatlon, slnce It holds the FOllEMOHT place among the Life In surance Institutions of the world, and eirera superior advantages In all the features of business to gether with unequalled financial security. CASH ASSETS, It Is alie the Oil KA VEST Company In which thucostef Insurunce belnwthatf tni auv()ineriiiupuuy. . It has A'O HTOCKHOLVEllHXe claim any is less than that of any ether Company 1. wri.ea .l.n a mnTml inn miut pnmn1 the only one that furnishes AltSOLUTK IXXUltAXVK FllOit THE WOltl) UO, Oll FUUTHKU INrOUMATlON Al'l'LY TO Rebert Helmes, District Agent, 230 N. 5th STREET. READINQ. Or 00 N. DUKE STREET, LANCASTER. JlUVBKrVttlfJBUINH UOUVS. s HIKK'H OARl'KT UAI.Ii. CARPETS ! UKOFKN1NO Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new nrenared tn show the trade the Largest and Hest Selected Line of Carnets ever ex. hlbltedln this city. WILTONS, VKLVKT8, H11U8SKLH, TllltKK-1'LY, AU-Weel and Cotten unatn uui ftiei unMAaivwiM ,j...&itAii own manufacture a smiclality. Bpeclal Attention nald te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CAHl'KTS, AUearull Lire oft OILCLOTHS. UUUH, WINDOW BHADK3. CO VKULKT8. Aa..i SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King ud MUUnt, -'WSS.VS NOVELTICSIN Spring Wraps I 1IKUUAHK VKI.VKT WUAI'S. OTTOMAN SILK WltAl'S. IIOUCLK Ot.OTIt JAUKKTS. JKK"iKS, JKKSKVS. Colored and ItHek Crepe Cleths, llreche nnd ottoman Ulnghams, Satin Iterber. Ilrocaue Cashmere-, KiiKltshChretets, Nevel Combtnatlens. HAGER & BRO., Ne. 25 West King Street, LANCASTER, PA. HOUSE. LANCASTER, PENN'A HAUGHMAN AND HANDSOME VAUIKTY OF AND STAIR CARPETS, AND TO 1IK SOLD CHEAP FOlt CASH. CAItPKTS. CAHl'KTS. CAHl'KTS. CAItPKTS, CAHl'KTS. CAHl'KTS, ...at IS ., ata ...alM ...atM ,..al7S . . .at W Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents, Cents. Cents. Uerse Hetel AM) US C. HF.llK. A 'ITtiXriUX 110 VSEKEEVmtS t New Goods I - New Prices I Itself te be the choice of all economical housekeep- ifttruei inan any neaier in use. tettuel admitted The mcrlta of admitted hy all who knew them We have also a various si various style es and prices, and have given careful STOVKS, heth for Ceal Oil and Uaielme, se that our & HERR, LANCASTER, PENN'A. nmr23 linilAw m8URE REMEMBER THAT $108,08,907. te Insure ; Its larger dlvldend returns reducing part of the profits. Its ratio et expenses te receipts irehcnslve form of Insurance Centrnct ever issued, and CARPETS ! all the Trading Makes of UOIJY ANDTArKSTUV Chain KITUABUPKU9, and all I qualities or IN. CAHI'KTrtef our bAnraie, uau ana VilAin AT Wtr Bte., Laneaattr, Fa. 5 1 i V V JrWha? ..Vl!."-i jyl- J t iterfliiyS