". "" 'PCTresfrraPjP"?! ki: re? ::. THE IiAKCABTEB DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, APRIL C. 1886. -'. &1 ' ?l v SW .tit. 3 fcW, !' '- w w Sk 7fa. 7 We E" Hf C, RTF. YOUNG. iwrjIM JtFrmiKTMMWT IX '90VMBtM. OTr Ik SIe- lh SartsMUa Arasy Nar- mw IMH re" BnralBf . r Carmpendence of iKTittiuascxt. Columbia, April ft The contest that hna inwt mi Hi ueiumuia ier me pan aev- iM . far Um auceeaaer te Mr. Harry mmiw, m paMauater of enr town, has at nr -wjmmm wee, ana urn appointment una r nnnnuirjiu. iaarm x. iuuuk, h -jjmmmm in Monday intkllieknckr. ff'. L (?! ig J zk VMM rt BT6 applicant for the position. Mean. Ckaa F. Yeung, Geerge Crane, H. C. Ywag, U. 8. GrayblU and Jacob Snyder. ft aewa of the Tenng appelntmentapread , MfMly erer the bnalneaa portion of the , .; wwa. tm appointment baa been received ;;w1tti m Herat aatiafactlen, although some ; obJeeHeaa can be beard; but tbeae come 3-ftuetpally from tboae who have always 'tbeeei opposed te the miceeesful applicant j Mr. Yeung U about thlrty-flvoyearsof age ;Ktm& h engaged In the insurance business. w He Ma prominent politician or the Vlrst ,ward, baa aerred as assessor and is new the S aaecratlc county committeeman of this Vr. . 'Jf Ce. C Appointment. ,'i".V, At a regular drill of Company C, held in -Htka araaery last evening, the following ap . ' BOtaUaenti were made te the different pest- idUeas, caused by the old Incumbents being M advanced te higher efflccs. Orderly sergeant, x' 'William Anern; llitu sergeant ana quarter- r r .. WMlar Harrr A. TtAnnett enrrttl-ala. T. a. E'iA Brown, A. B. Fex and Jehn 1L Keeaey. Iff? .V1" an.A MataatliM A Maw niaxli4f. AUW eaaavavwivaa miu Ever since Uie ad vent of the Salvation Army la Columbia there have been a number el 3. yB8K n,en wne w lee meetings te VriL- snake a disturbance. On last Saturday even- - ft fax two of these young men were very dlser- ;;( ' 'alarlv in their conduct and were cemplalnetl nM aajainst by the Salvation people r.t Squlre Hi' Franks. On Monday afternoon a hearing was (,U- ,c given te one of the persons and he was placed 'S:iQ- under Dan ier ciuu penning a settlement db- A IWBQU WO UVBUUU JWUJIO 1U1U IUU UlSlUil- it - a-m A 4La mmaa41h fYKk ASAV vnnnfl n n failed te pnt In his appearance. Narrow Ktcape Frem Darning. , Elmer G. Beecham, an employ e of the Pennsylvania round house, was working under an engine at that place en Monday day afternoon, when his clothing caught fire by coming in contact with a lighted torch. Tee back of bis clothing was seen rapidly burning, but was put out with the assistance of a fellow empleye. Town Notts, Messrs. Bachman & Ferrey, sold one of tea houses lately erected at Eighth and Wal ant streets, te Adam Hartman. Engine "Susquehanna," of the Heading A Columbia railroad, has been in the shops for repairs for several weeks past. The en gine bas been thoroughly overhauled and put In first-class order, and commenced mak ing its usual trips yesterday. The new frogs at the crossing of the Reading A Columbia and Pennsylvania railroads will be placed in position en next Sunday, when the ruunlDg of trains will net Interfere in the work. Five out of the six beuses new being erected by Mr. A. G. Guiles, at the corner of Second and Lawrence streets, have already found tenants. The demand for houses is yery brisk In Columbia. Tbe regular monthly meeting of the Vigilant llre company will be held In the engine house this evening. The following officers were installed last evening at the regular meeting of Susque hanna Ledge, Ne, 80, of Odd Fellows : Neble Sand, Frank Steeker; vice grand, F. It; usser; secretary, K. J. M. Little ; assistant secretary, Jehn A. Menk ; treasurer, Samuel M. Stape. The newdynamelntended for tbe commer cial circuit of the Klectric Light company has been adjusted and last ovenlng was put in operation en the store line, Mr. Jehn Wilsen has arrived home after a week's visit te FhU'nlxvlUe. XttB XKW MAY OB. Fair Words from the iteiinbllran Newspapers el the city. Frem the .New Era. In bis allusions te our financial affairs, the water and seweraige, the police, streets, light ing ana the fire department questions, Ills views are sound and suggestive, and If they shall be kept steadily in view and their efficiency studied, we have reason te hope tbe best Interests of our people will be con sidered and tbe continued prosperity or the city be assured. If the new mayor holds te the opinions already quoted, be will have the hearty sup- Srt of tbe New Era, but this paper reserves e right te criticise and condemn any action en his part which it believes are contrary te tbe principles new laid down bv him. In the tact that politically the views of the mayor and councils ere different, we bave a guaran tee that hasty and ill advised action en the part of these co-ordinate factors in our muni cipal government will be beld In check and the best interests of the city be considered. Ability, Honesty anil Independence, from the Kiamlner. Mr. Morten has ability, honesty and will power, lie calls a spade a spade and means what be says. Se the premises he makes In bis Inaugural address and the vlews he en tertains, we leel confident he will endeavor te carry out whether be will be successful or net Is another question. Se far at tbe man and net his politics Is concerned, we believe lie will be as popular a mayor as we have ever had. Letters Oranted, Tbe following letters were granted by tbe register of wills, for the week ending Tues day, April 0 : Tjsstamentahy James Allen Brown, de ceased, late of the city el Lancaster j Mary E. Urewn, city, executrix. Mary A. Ilautcb, deceased, la'.e of Lancas ter city j Ida Virginia Ilantch, city, execu- Jehn C. Hyer, doceased, late of Strasburg township j Catharine Agnes liver, Strasbunr, sxecutrlx. Solemon Geed, deceased, late of Adams town borough j Isabella Geed, Adamstown, executrix. Administration Susanna llarinann, deceased, late et West Lampeter township ; Jehn M. Harmann, l'equea, administrator. MaryResh, deceased, late of Leacock town ship i HeUieGrilbortzer,Loaoock,admlnlstra HeUieGrilbertzer,Loaoock,admlnlstra HeUieGrilbortzer,Leaoock,admlnlstra Jrix, ' Isaac K. Newcomer, deceased, late of Maner township ; Jacob K. Newcomer, Maner, ad ministrator. Fred. Deerstler, deceased, late el Maner township j David C KamTnian, Maner, ad ministrator. Kate O'Brien, deceased, late of Lancaster city ; Thea. O'Brien, city, administrator. A flrmncl SnivMi telL m. j ... .. Bfl" iuureuay evening, (April i, Domgapieas Demgapieas S. Wx aU one. a laree laudlenca irreeted tlm pninr. iUlnanent in the fj S"""" iu me udk ureve hcuoei, Kast p HampueM township, and were fully satisfied ." Huuiy auu quality ei tue exer SHJjyiJT111, The applause was heartily lnn?S,l.!S.cliei,'llyrecelved' About ene vS$?L' 39J!receeds have been in! ChinTrJS.' Si?Dfl?, English edition of ieaeSubraS,.CyCl0pdU for 'V .HeTrd0Wrlt0m,bMUi corpus. Judge Livingston this afternoon partlallv heard tbe application of Mrs. Kate E. Uart man for tbe custody or her child, new with Mr. and Mrs. Hartman, the grand narentj.t ! Ohild. On account et the aKencte "! im miucwcs tun wearing ra oeu. , tiamed until next Saturday afternoon at 2 .'tack. . , , 5 ' 8Mlt te u Hospital. '',. .Was, H. Parker, a colored man living at Oaiwala,waa aaat te theceunty hospital from taktllen aeuaa yesterday afternoon. He aasMutad, aaW he bad but a lew days te MMTiw mated te Da sent te that InsUtu- Taaaa Stelen. tfcajr aewa, Maaada blgb, ailrer raeunted aaa trewing baggy, were afeiaa at i aa .AaHiraay Bigtn, vum of naatrad a Uiaaram te ba cm. I aw taa atnlm liim F ai aavassw ippsaswsa'sss srsfrsafssBvv Mia or Heraca, Bamnel Hess sold at publle Mte for Daniel liegm, en MenUay, SO liend of Canada hornet at au average price ei 7232 per head. One cut of the let brought WOO. Attach!. The ftheritT ;en Monday evening attached two ears leaded vrllh eat, atManheim, as the property or Mitchell A- Nash, of Chicago The attachment was Issued by Kby A Retst. A lUppr Turnkey. Station Heuse Keeper I'ente Is happy. The cause Is a young son born this morning. He will liochrlstenod Win. A. Morien, in honor of the new mayor. BKINirStt'S MKW. sreittf. Opening of lrs and Commodious Furniture Reems en Seuth Uun Street. Walter A. Itetnltah has taken the large and commodious furniture rooms In Schaum's new building, opposite the Fountain Inn, Seuth queen street, and fitted them up InaMjleet unsurpassed elefrnnee. The building Itself Is one of the finest tn the city, being 32 feet front, 120 feet deep, and, In. eluding the basement, five stories nigh, and each story comprises but a single room, extending from the front te thorearef the building, and every room Is lighted In n manner superior te almost any ether structure In the city. Mr. Itelnltslt has departed from the usual plan el decorating his Immense show lnde, by making ene of them represent a sleeping npirt mentfurntshed In the meet excellent way, eon tAlnlng a full set of solid walnut furniture. In. eluding bedsteads, dressing bureau, chairs, mat tressec, bedding, hand-made eevarlet, queens ware, fancy and pet fumed bottle, and exery nrtlele needed In n fully furnished chamber. The ether show window U fitted up te repre sent a dining roeru. the solid cherry extension table being set with all the dishes, cutlery and 'table linen necessary for a flrst-class banquet. The sideboard of beautiful pattern, the walnut chairs and ether iurnlture are all In keeping, and all el the finest workmanship. The first fleer of the building Is fiTcd with chambcrsults, lnallwoeds.lncludlngmahogany, rosewood, cherry, walnut, ash, oak, and ethers t and are of Infinite design. There are besides In this room, a great variety of easy chairs. In rattan, enne, wlllewand ether makes, and all are se arranged that the visitor can see at a glance Just hew any particular suit 111 Ieek In his or her chamber. The second-Meer Is largely devoted te the fin est makes of parlor fnrnlture, upholstered In such great diversity of styles that e en the con neisseur Is un able te decide tblchet tbe many styles Is most beautiful. This room contains also a great variety of sideboards, cabinets, bookcases, hat racks, extension and fancy ta bles, fancy chairs and scores of ether pretty things that go te make up the details el a fully furnished house ; and nearly all of these geed are of home manufacture and every piece guar anteed te be as represented. The third fleer Is devoted te the display of goods of medium quality chamber suites of all popular patterns and colors, chairs, sofas. lounges, upholstered In hair, plush, crctonne nnd a dozen ethor styles ; sideboards, tables of ail kinds, kttchen sinks, camp steels, Ac, Ac The fourth fleer is the stock room, and con tains a great supply of surplus goods and dupll cates el articles en the ether Meers. The basement room, which Is as large as any et the ethers, Is ued as a receiving room, and contains as large a stock et goods. Here It Is that they arc set np and put In condition te ex hibit te customers or the public In all ether rooms. A specialty In Mr. Helnltsh's establishment Is the sectional spring mattress, et which he is the cxclusle owner In this part of the state. Itis claimed te be the easiest, softest and most sprln g mattress made. Mr. 11, also carries the largest line of rattan and fancy chairs, screens, easels and pedestals In this city ; nnd it Is sale te say there is net In the state a mere beautiful suite et furniture rooms nor outside of Philadelphia, an establishment that contains a larger or better selected stock nl furniture. Amusements. "A Hag ttubi." This evening this comedy will be Klvtn at the opera house, and tbe Indications are that there will be a large audience. Mr. Crn van plays Old Upert, and Marlen Elmere Is IVnui. New scenery Is Introduced and plenty ofexcellent music. " 77ie Jlajah." On Thursday evening "The Kajah,"wlll he presented at the opera house. This Is a fine play, and the Albany lr u says et the company Mr. .1. O. Savllle took the leading role and gave an excellent account of himself. Miss UUlle Deavcs, as " Gladys," U fa miliar te Albanians, having played the same In the original company. She Is one of these beautiful nnd graceful young women who seem te adorn every costume, nnd yet who has se much nblllty.as te render her pleaslngulde from these charms. Miss Kthrl liranden was both cleverand captivating as " Kmllla." and Mr. Charles . Stokes geed as ".Cragln " The Kempa Concert. The V. M. C. A. Ladies' Auxiliary have made arrangements with the famous Kempa family for ene or their grand concerts, te be given in the Court Heuse, en Friday evening, A prll 9. These who heard them in Grace Lutheran church a few weeks age, speak el them In the highest tonus. Connected With the Telephone. Jeseph 1. Klchards.Ne. C03 North Duke alreet, Is connected w 1th the telephene exchange. MAllKTAil KX. Wallick Crist. At St. Jehn's Lutherau par senage, en Thurslay, April 1st. by the lty Sylvanus Stall, Mr. Jubcz It. Welllck and JI'hs Serena Crist, both of Mlllersvllle. ltdiw" Peltt Crist At, St. Jehn's Lutheran pnrann pnrann age.en Sunday, AprtMth, by the llev. b nanus stall, Mr. . 11. . Kelty, of l.lckdale, Lebanon county, l'e., and Miss An Me 11. Crist, of Millers vllle ltdAw IiKATtlH. II aimer. In this city, en the Ith InsL, ilenja mln llalmer. The relative.! nnd friends are respectfully In vited teattend thb funeral, from the Lancaster County Hospital, en Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. Te proceed te the Old Mennnnlte meet ing house, Strasbiirg, w here services will be held at lo-ae e clock. eS-Itd' IIabr In this city, en the 3d Inst., Simen F. Ilarr, in the Md yenr of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited te attend the funeral, from his late residence. Ne. 37 North Mulberry street, en Wednesday morning nt 10 o'clock. Inter ment at Shrclner's cemetery, l'le.ose emit flowers. apS-Std limit-In this city, en the 1th Inst., Uesanna Ileyle.ln the 70th yearef herage. 'lhe relatives and friends or the family are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral from her late residence, Ne. 3H Iteuver street, en Wednesday inornleg at SK o'clock. Mass at St, Mary's church. Interment a. St. Mary's cemo ceme tery. a5-2td WiMTSR.-In this city, en lhe Sth Inst., filar filar ence Cyrus, son of Cyrus and Christiana Win ter, uged ! years and 11 days. The relatives and friends of the family are re quested te attend the funeral from his parents' restdonce, Ne. 131 Derwart street, en ThUMday morning at 9 o'clock, Hf-it aiAunnTs. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHH.ASHt.rHU, April n. Fleur market weak ; Sales of 1,400 barrels, Minn, bakers at II U3I te: F"n?r faintly at URt 10 i Western at II 2SQ 4 73; Patents. 5liQj 40. Itye flour steady ntM 153 30. VP.-..m.-i ,Sin-w.hratr,A.i,r"' 'K0i May, '' t " MIW !'! ( U UIV iMU Cern April, 15e j May, 4'JV c . June and iiuts-ipril, t'jjje j May and June saj 89c. July New Yerk I'rednce Market, Nxw Yerk, April e. Fleur aull und In the buyers' favert riiie, llsnaifO; SuperlliiB. 11 QJ.W; Common te i-oed Kxtra Western, I3i. .. Wheat Ne. 1 lied Btute en Spot, lul:.u,3 Ued,(r2e: Ne. 1 White, state. le; Ne. 2 lied. Wer, May, u.e Ne. t Utd, Winter, June; Cern Ne. 2 Mixed, cash, 43Vet June. 4fc. Oats-Ne. -l Slixed, Aprlf, vKe. ' ' ltyedull. Hurley nominal. Perk dull j Old Mess, 13 3001000. Lard May, ft! &M June, iu in. Molasses quiet; New Olleans quoted Irem 20 !6e i IsKQIOu ter (.0 test. Turpentine firm at We. Ucwln quiet: strained Al 10. geed, II 07K Mutter dnll Western Imitation 20017c Creamery, Cheese dull t Western, 8fHUc Jiggsflrin: Btate, 1 He; Western, I2Kc. Arir:fii.1e"Bn",,l cu,lett, '"ei Ktlf.K!,..qu,,e5', 8ra,at Louden, 8'ic ttlcwsteady ruge Irem iUhHc XJve KtArbr H.,k.i. SK'S.-cClrSr.'s;!:.,ii shin. IRjjaSg&am shipping uegs ueccipts, 22.000 head market ieueraiiv .tSTrfv rpmentJ' ".(in, mixed, t39u04 rs i w, ..tvu.iJM,, ,wi unui i sninments. Fea market atrengi natives, 38tf Teians! i 7& a fMMTT CatUe receipt. W beadt Upmenu. 67l market lair ut last weSF, rmtt taipiaenu te Mew Yerk, l carloads. shipments, S.JP0 market nctUci rhllaflelphlss. II 80S ! rbllaaeipniu, iik3 tint. em, H 4il no t sklpant IUOQI35; shipments te Vnv Ynrk. II rArlmiils. Sheep receipts, ,r) head; shipments, S,SO0j market nctlve and ereltedt rrtces 15c te K). higher than last week's closing figures. Hew Yerk Mecsu. Kw Terx, April 6, Wall street, 1:80 x. m. Meney at "H per cent, foreign exchange quiet nl HJ.S t Governments were firm; Currency 6's, I1K-, lildt 4's coups. Iisibldt IK'S IU2K 1II The stock market opened weak nnd , te't ler cent, lower than It closed last night en some scllllng by the mere timed heldeM. The bulls seen came te the support of the market, nnd by bidding up the coal shares nnd Lake Shere suc ceeded In strengthening the list all around. At midday the prices had advanced V; te UJ per cent, from the bottom figures. Since neon there has been n fractional reaction In Lackawanna, but the rest of the list Is firm. Stack Markets. Diiotatlens by Koed, JlcQrann A Ce., bankers, LunrAster. l'ft. H1W TURK LIST. II Canada Pacific. ' O. C. C. 1 Cel. Coel Wi Central l'aclfle. Canada Beut hern i:hl.. St. L. A l'eh. Denver Uleurnnde Iel., Lack. A Western....... Xrle ........ KrieW New Jersey Central ,. K. A T Leu. A N Uiko Shere Michigan Central Minnrl Pacific Northern Pacific N. 1. l'rel N. W Mew Yerk Central Ohie Central Omaha................ Oregon Trans Ontario Western raclfle Mali , Hechester A i'lttsburg , St, l'aul , Texas l'aclfle Union Tactile Wabash Common Wabash l'reierred Western Union Telegraph. Weal Shere rHILADXLrHIA LIST. Lehigh Valley a. -N. V. A I'hlla Pennsylvania Heading. Lehigh Navigation Ilestonvtlle Philadelphia A Erie.... Northern Cent Peenle's Fassenser U'd'g Uen'ls M'tg's fa..., en .?. M tj T,ecal Mecks ana Henda. Beperted by J, U. Leng Par Ijut value, sale. Lancaster 8 per cent., lft 1) 110 120 " 6 laa. loe " 4 - Scheel lean HO 4 In 1 or 20 years loe " 4 " In5or20years.ne " 4 " Inl0or20years. 10U Manhelm lloreugh lean loe BASK STOCKS, rirst National Bank lil Farmers' National Bank 3.1 Fulton National ISank 100 Lanc:ister County National Hank .... 30 Columbia National ISank ion Christiana National Hank 100 Kphrata National Bank loe First National Bank, Columbia 100 First National Bank, ftresburg 100 First National Bank, Marietta 110 First National Bank, ML Jey 100 LlUtz National Benk 100 Manhelm National Benk 100 Union National Bank, Mount Jey.... 30 New Helland National Bunk 100 Gap National Bank u Saarryvllle National Bank 100 llxabethtnwn National bank. loe Northern Bank stock ion 105 lOi 103.23 105 102 203 113 191 11310 140 113 130 133 139 203.30 130. 139. lee M 1SS.50 110 HO; 110 133 TtmNriKB STOCKS. Big Spring ft Beaver Valley 23 hridgepert ft Horseshoe uw Columbia ft Chestnut HU1 20 Columbia ft Washington 2u Concstega ft Big Spring 2S Columbia ft Marietta 23 May town ft Kllzabethtewn 23 Lancaster ft Kphrata 23 Lancaster ft H Ulew Street 25 Strasburgft Millport a Marietta ft Maytown 23 Marietta ft Mount Jey 23 Lane, Kllzabethtewn ft Mlddlolewn. HO Lancaster FruttvUle 60 7.00 24.30 40 24.05 20 29 40 ft 44.ee 22 CO 33.60 70 M 75 mncasiera luiiz 23 Kest Brandywlne Waynesbnrg .... 50 Lancaster Wllllamstewn 23 Lancaster Maner 30 Lancaster ft Manhelm 23 Lancaster Marietta 25 Lancaster New Helland lm HISCBLLAKEOUB STOCKS. Qnarryvlile U. It us Mlllersvllle Street Car 30 Inquiring Printing Company 50 Gaslight und Fuel Company 23 Stevens Heuse (Bends) itn Columbia Gas Company si Columbia Water Company 10 Susquehanna Iren Company 110 Marietta Hellew-ware lui Stevens Heuse 511 Mlllersvllle Nermal Scheel 23 Northern Market 50 Kastern Market 30 Western Market 50 iAnraster City Street ILillwHy Ce..... 60 Gas Company Bends ite Columbia Boreuuh Bends loe Lancaster Susquehanna. Sua Lancaster ft New DenvUle 25 Quarryvllle It. K.. 7H's leu heading ft Columbia tLK.,ti's HO .25 107.30 149 SIM 29 (2 1.13 ID 52 100 23 10 203.25 210 110 19.03 81 CD 51 30 103 101 310 11 111.73 10 Uouseneld Slarket. SniRDAT, April 3. DAIRV. Creamery Uiitter sne winery JoQi'Je Cup Cheese, two cups 5e Cottage Cheese, twepleces 5a uutcn cneese y lump 6010c roexTRV. Turkeys y piece (llvc)N 1102.25 . .." . ". (cleuned) HOl.75 emevens y psir(iive) jumm " V Piece (cleaned) SSuiOc Spring Chickens y pair 60073c Pigeons V pair. 23tec Ducks VI piece (cleaned) 4fW; Ueese v piece H01.25 UISCKLLAMKUCS. Apple ButterV) qt 23c XgKsHdez K'eiSe 1,",,J'?!. 3ue Lard M ft 609c ' ucrt, villflJOll , .....4UQ Ham, whole. llfjlle nauage jj i-uuuing 10c llam, sliced 22c FRC1TB. Apples V KPk KXMOe ilananas fldez , 23J0e Cocennuts, each HjlJe L,uiiHiiui r m (uneuj, ..,.., ..IOC Dried Apples y qt 100 Dried Peaches fl qt 12c Prunes i Ik bQloe Lemens V dez 20c Oranges ydez 400 Pineapples t plece 12fl23e Grapes V) B, 10I3c Cranberries, pr. qt 10Q12C . . VROSTABIK8. Siff.I h8aa -.-?ff!e amwu, T uu ... ....DtslUC Potatoes VI Kpk l(13e w bushel 400500 AMTOIIB Il.tUIUf ff ,V 10C Carrots V) bunch go Head Salad 5c Onions V1 bunch 60 Ithubarb pr bb, 30 Cuulifiawer, pr. hd 25BS0C Sweet .Potatoes V X P letjita Soup ih-ansflqt 120 gP'nachKPk..... lefflisc Sidslly t bunch hl0e Turnips K pk logiie Pepiwrs V dez 6QIS0 risn. Halibut fl tt... liaaoe Catfish V ilk !.."!...""":".".;i3e Herring VI dez 15a Fresh Muck oral y B 130 Clams per loe , 41 sea Bass ia,, UlueFlsh ioe Sturgeon... , IOe . eaAia. Wheat 90Qe Oats 42a Cern 60QVj "' Bie Huyporten I13ai5 Cleverseed ,,, tun Timethy U2 25 Herd Grass 11,25 Orchard Urass 2.u) Mixed Lawn Grasses 4.oe FleurVl bbl nose r Htl WAU rUHTlHKMtSNTH. " "lyANTKD A SITUATION TO DO T General Housework-. Apply at H .NQ.737MANOH STKKKT. "NSUUANOK OFKIOK ltFMOVKI). 'f1ie.,,.l5s,iran.ce aml ,tcal Kstate emce of Jere- Rnic I ht Jt,Jcn.?rmevert te we' SOUTH HUKh S1KUKT. Telephone connection. , ,.. JKKKMIAH ItlFK. gmarlllmdU Ne. 32K S. Duku &u FltKSH COWS AND SI'ItlNOKIUS WANTKD. Fanners having Fresh Cows and Springers Ter sale will lote their names and number or cows at lhe Farmers' II0U1L and 1 will call and see them. Cash en delivery. "PrH J.llltUUAK Kit. WANTED. AT BUYN MAWB BY A small adult family, permanent, a geed Protestant American country girl ; one ever 23 years of uge ; general housework : geed cook, wash and Irener; IJ per wevkpald. Write for particulars te MltS. K , 1". O , Bex 27. Bryn MawT, Montgomery County, Pa. apl StdThFftM T ANOASTEB HIN1C BASEBALL ON SKATES. Lancaster Rink I WEDN8DA1' MVEXINU. Mikade vb. Little IVoeon. msi-tm lffuramrfllitta. S.MC t . 11 s 3 r.w !: a- ::: f$i SI 23 ls.u is-of iai l &S 'i ;S K s7vt ", 4 1 4J 27jJ 27 27 (OS si Pi m 101 101!.', lOJ'i :i K 2iw H4i 1J' l(vJ 101t I0l2 101 HH 38i SjJ 25 2S 27, H IS H M 3li 53W W'S W SWit lis uh ii 4JJ 4SU -Ji 17VJ 17j vl ltrj; 102ji lwj 37 37 57 U2i 3T.li B3t? 12 3-lB 12 1-ltf 12 . 31 31 31 31V XKW ADrRRTlSKMKXrS. OAK1NO POWDKK." ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS pewdernevervarles. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomoness. Mera eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold tn competition with the multitude et low test, short weight, alum or phesphate powders. Beld only in cam. Kotal Hakims PewDia Ce., 106 Wall street. New Yerk. mav27-lvdw A CHOICE LOT OK SMOKER'S AHT1 cles, Clgarctte Helders, Tobacco Pouches, Pipes, etc., In great variety, just received at JlAKLKY'S (Formerly Hartman's) " Tellow rent," Ne. 21 North Uneen stnt-t. w ANTED AT ONCli TWO AV0OD Sawver". nscl te cuttlnir Hlckerv Kim Strips. WOOHllUHNSAK KN WIIKKL CO., Itu AUII 31. Ill JUI19, Otter -'t., Belew Frent St , i'hlla. apSJitd oenn nnn te lean ON LAN- JJ JfJKJJ caster property, In sums 10 suit, nt me lowest curremruies. .1. 11. uurrlN, mart! lmdl!) IV Walnut st , Philadelphia AA. BB. Use Munhuiin lteller Fleur. The Original, m y2-lvM,AVAS It The Hest. Dr IT TO-DAY. CCUE THAT HOU- rlble cold with Bensen's Canclne Plasters. They will help you nt once. len t wait. 23c. WE, THE I'NDEKSIOHEI), iiAVE this day been nppeintcd agents for the I)KLWAKK MUriTAL F1KG IN-l'llANt'K COMPANY, of Philadelphia, formerly repre sented by Mr. Zimmerman. Policies requiring changes will be attended te by cnilln-at our erHce, corner West King and Prlnce streets, aprllwdlt elIENK A BAUsMAN. DON'T KAIhTONOTICETUKCHANtTi: In location of Ill'llLEV 1 DKUG STOKK. The new number Is 30, five doers west of the Old Stand. RE M O V A L THE I'NDEKSUINED Wholesale and Hetail dealer In frock. Fish, Oysters, Ac , having removed te 113 KAST KINO STKEET (Kllllngers old stand), re spectfully solicits a continuance of the patron age heretofore e liberally bestowed ap3-lwd WILLIAM BO S. I NOW OCCUPY THE SHOP IN THE rearetlM NOIITH QUKEN STIIKKT, for fer merly 11. BnchtnUler's, would kindly solicit the TtairuuHgn 01 an wisning guns, razors, setssen, knive. Ac . repaired. A postal will receUe ive. Ac . repaired. A postal prtinpi atieuiien. aivT-lwd FIIED'K KOI.NK,. EVAN'S 1'LOCK. LEVAN'S FLOUR Always Uniform and Reliable AMEETINO OP LANCASTElt BItANC 11, Ne. C9I, Trlsh National league or Anieriea Will be held In the second fleer of the Opera Heuse Building, en WKDNESDAt EVENING at 8 o'clock. All unpaid subscriptions te the Parncll fund must -sj paid by that lime, as the money will be forwarded te Its destination. All persons, male and female, desiring te Jein will be present. The by-laws permit thee at a dlstnnce te become members by lernardtng their written request and f l.oe. aMtd ASSIGNED ESTATE OF CHARLlS Peters and wife, of Lancaster city, Lan caster county. Charles peters and wife, of Lan caster city, having by deed et velnntnry assign ment, dated the first day et .March, 1n;.u.s signed und t'nnsferred all their estate and etrects te the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors of the said Charles Peter, he there fore gives notice te all persons Indebted te said assigner, te make payment te the undersigned without delay, and the-w having claims te pre sent them te DANIEL SING, Assignee. ... .. .. Lancaster, Pa. W. II. Kelakp, Attorney. mSMtdTu LANCASTElt BUSINESS COM.EOE Open day and evening until July. Yeung lurii HuuiuiciiuBiuiLiu); 111 iju,ih'3S l can de no belter tnan take a course at the LANCASTER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Send for list of Graduates and consult them as te the requirement of the eourse. Time in quired Incomplete the course Irem 3 te r. months. Address, II. C. WEIIILEK, Principal, Ne. 10K East KlngStrteL AN UNPARALLELED HAHOA1N. "It Is an 111 wind that blows nol.edyany geed." The recent failure et a noted t rench Worsted Jlanuractnrer enables us toenVryou l.oie yards French Worsted, for Pantaloons, nt a terrible slaughter. The goods aie strictly all pure worsted, et elegant weight, anil exactly worth lIO.oe te I12.U). I will make them up in first class style, perfect fitting, at the very low price of only Kuepcr pair. Cull and leaveyeur measure befern tfie choicest patterns are all se lected. BOSENSTEIN'S Una Tailoring, Ne 37 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. MtNetk. I employ none but practical Panta Panta eoon Makers. SPUING IlAltT'S. OPENING AT II. OEK- FINE TAILORING. The largest and most Complete Assortment of FINE WOOLLENS for the Spring 'iiadete be found In the City of Lancaster. A Choice Line of Spring Overceatings and Pantaloenlngs In all the Latest Patterns. Prices Lew, Bi-st Workmanship, and all goods Warranted as represented. H.GERHART, NO. XOKTII QUEN STKEF.T "Opposlte the l'osteitlcc, mar27 lydlt piULTON OPERA HOUSE. YOU NEVEU LAUGHED BKFOKE' TUESDAY NIQHT, APRIL O, 1880. SECOND YKAU OF THE OUEATEST COM EDY SUCCESS, A RAG BABY. UY Mil. CIIAS. II. HOYT. (Authoret "A Hunch of Keys," Tin Soldler." Etc.) ' A COMPLETE COMPAN Y OF AUTISTS, (Acting and Musical.) Undar the Managementnf Mr. Eugene Tomp kins (also Manager of the Bosten 'lheutrn.) A PLAY AND PLAYEHS-GKAll IT QUICK. PU1CES 75.60ft25CENTJ. Sale ergeats new at Opera Heuse Oltlcu, apri-lt COURT PROCLAMATION, Whereas, the Honorable Jehn 11. Living ston, President, and Ilonerablo David Put Put tersen. Additional Law J ndge of tbe Courts of Common Pleas In and for the county of Lancas. M c, and Asslstuut Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer nnd General Jail Delivery und Quurtcr Sessions of the Peace In nnd for the county of Lancaster, have Issued their precept, te me directed, re quiring me among ether things In make public proclamation throughout my bailiwick, that n Delivery, also a Court or General Quaiter fies slnns of the Peace and Jail Deliver)', will com. mence In the Cem t Hense, in the city of Lancas. ..iMiiiu, s.i- nnu 4 viiiiiurr uuu u tieuenil .lull ter, In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ON THE THIItn MONDAY IN APHIL. ( the 19th ), 181, ' In pursuance of which precept publle notice Is hereby given te the Mayer ana Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, In the said county, and all the Justices or the Peace, the Corener und Con stables of the said City aud County of Lancas ter, that tliey be then and there In their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and ex aminations, and inquisitions, and their own re membrances, te de these things which te their elllces appertain tn their behalf te be done 1 and also all these who will prosecute iigalust the prisoners who are, or then shall be. In the Jail et of tbe said County of Lancaster, are te be then and there te prosecute against them a shall be Just Dated at Lancaster, the leth day or March. J8B. M OKO. W.TOMLINSON. ' m3-UM!tw Sheriff. NX VAD rXK TJSKitKXTS. SI OOO "EWAKl)! von ANY ?.VfV..CMOCf Khler Troubles, Nerv- ?eiu uy umggisin, no cents. HKltil MU-iiui ii ... a. . a Itisn IHIISI III (111 res.. Circulars free. iimrXHimeedftw J OWKSTHKNTIN l.ANCASTKK-ONK -A-l store with toshewwlndows,sbelred. two counters and room nil readv, situated In the west end) rent ene hundred anil twenty-llve dnllais Ihls etllci .I-,., t, ,mii. iiiiiuin-n tuuiarsensn. Apnlyal i-ossi-sjien can be nail at once. mtistd Tin OCR RYK WHISKY. B YKAUS OLD. l'KIl UL'AIIT 75 CK.VIS, AT UOHKKU'SLIUUOH STOKE, . v, . N..-. iX Centra Square, Lancaster, Pa aptvMydlt OFFICES FOR RENT-TIIE DO'TRLK ., . emi'",r,'erlyAldern.ntiUi ,, ,,e..Uii,t fleer, and the Deuble Office (rertnerty Mr. Slay, makers) en second Meer of Grant Halt, North Huke street. All first-class nnd nnt reasonable, AV,p1 1 . . . . MA"M AN A 1IUKNS, Ileal Kstate and Insurance Agents, Ne. 10 W. Orange street. " apl-lwd H1 RSII A HROTHEU HAVE YOU Heard the News ? lllltsil A llltt). arentrcrlngafull line of NEW SPRING GOODS! F," ?,'!lc."le,1?Ly lmT l,r,M"'' Ulat It l a prob preb lii,1.? m ,,ew ,?PJ" .a " ManulactmliiBBll New Is yourepimrtunlty for a GOOD INVESTMENT NOTK A 'KV OrlllKli: 1'UItKS Men's Sulta, 84,00, 8C.0O 80.OO te 810. Men's Suits, 810 te 830. Spring Ovorcerits, 86.00nntl upwards. THEIR MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is new stocked with n complete line of the latest SPRING PATTERNS both tn novelties und staples -COME KAUId lOUAl.OODUIOH K. One-rrice Clothing Heuse, t'OUNltlt NOUTH ClUKKN STIiKKT AND CKNTUK HQUAUK J Al)Ii:S' CNDERWEAK -AT ASTRIGH'S Palace of Fashion, 13 BAST KING STREET, I.ANCASTKK, PA. TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1886, M K HIM. INAUOUIIATE SAI.KOK A SI'KCIAl-l LADIES MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AT1VA1 DOWN I'HICEM. These are mostly New Qoeds, made urt spe cially for this sale, and will be sold at exactly what they cost. We mention the prices of our leading styles or CHEM1SK SKI UTS. NIHIITGOWNS AND I'ANTLKTB. In order te prove te yen that the Reeds are really a great deal cheaper than tbey have ever been seen for In this city. CHEMISE. Of geed miislliiand well made, bat plain, I5c. Tucked yoke, edged with flnollaen Torchon lace, ONLY SSr. Excellent mutlln, well iiiaile, with corded band, ONLY 33c. Three rows of needlework Inwrtlngwltb tuck ing between and edged with fine cambric mf. tllug, ONI.Y4IC. Three rows of handsome needlework Inserting, trimmed w 1th neodluwerk edging, ONLY SO. Yeke of all-ever embroidery, trimmed with fine needlework edfjlng, ONLY bOc. Kine tucked besom, wlde needle work edge en cacbslde, neck and sleeve trimmed with fine needlework edging, ONLY "5c. llosem of handsome all-ever embroidery, with fine wlde needlework reftle, ONLY tl.V0. Alxitef FINK CIIKM18K, formerly ilM and llTSatONEDOLLalt. SKIRTS. Six Inch rnllle, four tucks, geed muslin, ONLY 50c. Needlework rutlle und tucking, ONLY Sc. Twe rows of milling, with tucking ever each, ONLY G2c Elegant wlde embieldcry mfile and tucks, ONLY 73c. Nine Inch wlde embroider' rnllle, four aanew and one wlde tuck, nt ONE it'JLl.AU. Twclve Inch embroidery rutlle, two rows et five tucks each, ONLY s.1,'3. NIGHTGOWNS Trimmed with needlotterk edge, ONLY 50c. UoMem, neck and sleeves trimmed with ruf fling, two rows or Inserting, two rows or four tucks euch en each vldu, ON 1.1 75c, Threo rows of needlewerk Inserting, four rows of four tucks each, three rowsel line ln sorting, bo-ietn, neck nnd sleeves trimmed with needlework edging, ON LY 83c. Tliree rows of fine needlework Inserting, four re set six line tucks each, fine needlewerk cdg. lng en besom, neck and slueves, ON LY UOc. (inn Hiwrini i.nt trimmed with needlework In serting ail the way down, edged wllh needle work en both sides, besom of inserting and two rows of tucking en each side, edging and luck, lng en sleeves, ONLY f 1-37. PANTLETS. With ruffling, two bands and shirring be. tween.ONLYKftc. The same style, with feurbands,at29c. rine Needlewerk ruille and ten tucks, ONLY COC Twe rulltes of line needlework and three tucks ever each, ON I. V 71c. Huflle of real Torchon lace. S Inches wide, two rows of five tucks each, only 7lc. Kuftla or real Linen Medici Uce, ii Inches wide and five wide tucks, only O.NK DOLLAK. Extra Une needlework ruille, two rows of live tucks each, tworensof fine needleweik Insert ing, 2X inch wide bias tucking. ON LY 11 23. We extend an Invitation te all te come and see our NEW MILLINERY. FAKLOK en .Second fleer. HIRSH (fe BROTHER'S XmW AnrXHTIBKMKSTtl Gu VNI) OPENING. GRAND -OF- HEINITSH'S FURNITURE DEPOT, Nes. 27 and 29 Seuth Queen Street. Tills Week, lleginiilng en TUESDAY, APRIL Cth. The Largest and Finest Display Sleck of New and Desirable Heeds In the City. WALTER A. MX W Alt rXHTtUKMKXTB. UAI.U e AK COME AID SEE ! 1. Absolutely five times the stock te select from that ran be seen In any place Iu this city, 2. The nbselnte confidence buyers have In what we have te sell. 3. The cry low prices. . The reliability of our workmanship. ft. The geneteus, liberal treatment they are sure te meets e. Tbeabove Is what makes our great business. WANAMAKER & MOWN, OAK HALL, Southeast Cerner Sixth ant Market, I'HlLADKLl'llIA. ESTATR OK JOHN .IMMKRMAN, lateef thecltyel Lancaster. deceased. Let ters of administration en said estate having been Stunted te the undersigned, nil persons In. ebted thereto are requested te make Imme diate payment, and these having claims or de. mands against the same will present them without delay tersettlement te the undersigned, residing In Manhclui tevt nshln KMANUKL I'. KEl.LKIl, Executer. II. II Swahr, Attorney. nACtdfu WTANTRD. A CHAMHKRMAIIi Al' IT lily at the Fountain inn. Seuth Queen street. ltd' -jrsTRi:ci:ivr.i A LARUE IKVOtCKOr lUIl?; USEFUL AND OUN'AMENTAL PRESENTS In Jlajellca China, Crockery, tllesswarc, etc., all te be given awu. Every sensible houekeei-r requiring I'lire Teas and CelTees In condltleu neat, every time should cell for L'LAItKICSTKA AND COKrEE, inM-lydA w At Ne. 3j West King Streeu W" .I.IAMSOK A KOSTKR. Williamson & Pester's BOOTS & SHOES -ir 0 it- Ladies' and Gents' Wear and Fit, EQUAL TO CUSTOM WOUK HUT COST LESS. Williamson & Pester's GENTS', BOY'S & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Wear and Fit Equal te Custom Made, HUT COST T.E.SS. Williamson & Pester's HATS&CAPS -AUK- New and Popular Styles, -OI- riNEST QUALITY IJW'KHT IN 1'IIIUE. Williamson & Pester's Neckwear. Underwear, PERCALE SHIRTS. FLANNEL, SHIRTS AND HOSIERY, ( -AltK- IIKST QUALITY. LOWEST IN fKICB, iiiiaiiisen E Mr. 32,34, 36 S 38 East King St., LANOASTEH. I'A. WATCHM3, SO. TyATCHKH, OLOOKB Ae. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JKWfiLRY, CI1EA1' reitc'Asii. Lancaster Watches at the Lewest Prices ever otfered: being a stockholder enables me te sell these watches se cheap. Elgin, Waltham ana ethor watches en sale. bpectacles.OneraUlasses. c. Uepalrlngef theabove named articles will recelreiny personal attention. LOU IB V7BEB, Ne. 1WX Werth Queen BL, opposite city Hetel. (Near l'enn'a K. R. Depot) .WAgentfer AUKOKA WATCH. ' OPENING HEIIMITSH. l.iJIIyd XOM MAI.M UM UK IT. T7IOH RKNT NIOUTWO-HTORY IIR1CK jl.' iiwe lllllg Heuse. N.aiilKtllrMnirnlnitt. martttd IllllSil A HKO. TJIOIt J3 W RK.NT-A RAKi: MOUHK. NO. Ill 'ashlnateu street. Annlv tellarrv Mveim t'ark Heuse. uiXlltd G oe 8TAiuarieR rknt! A tioed stable and Rheddlng, situated nt Ne 111 Washington street. Apply te IIAltltV MYKtt-S, at l'urk Heuse. uinnij-iiti DAVID M, for runt. MAYKR'H I.IMKK1I.NH Apply te II. M. MAYEIt. Itnhrenitewn. O. UOOI'Ell, lllnl In Hand mavtM TOR RKNT. XI A Tobacco Warehouse with l'enn'a It. It. iMdlnir Capacity forsterlug 3,(si cases. Apply at the marietfd 1NTELI.1UKNCKU OFK1CE. FOR Htel HAIji: tlHKAl' a walnut lore Counter. 21 feet lenir i also a short Common Counter, lniiulie of .1 It. lefSSKL. iiltfJtil IU North Queen t. F )R RKNT. Anestabllsheimrm'en' Maud with d oiling attnchiMl In southern part of the city I'onsessiou April isi. Appiy in Ne. r.je & ji 1 1. Ml STKKKT. TJIOR RKNT. -E Shep In renref Ne ST WestChestnutstreet, used as b cigar-box factor)', and n shop en Mimin street, between Heulh Queen and I'lince stnets, lately used as n cnrrlage Isctery. Alsea dwelling and storeroom new occupied by A. A. llubley as a drug store, West King street. Apply at the UVlfd INTELLIOKNCKIl OKIIOK. AMVaKMXXTH. TUIiTONOl'KRA IIOUHh. Thursday ErenlngT April 8, 188(5. rtrst rrodtictlen In this city by the Famous MAII1HON 8QUAKK T1IKATKK COMl'ANV Of the (ircalest of lladlsnn Piiuarn Theatre Comedy Succesi.es, entitled "THE RAJAH." Alter a run In New Yerk of ever 2TO Censecu. lUe Nights. Te tie produced heru with the OUUI1NAL CAST. OIIKUNAI. ("(.KNKItV. OUK1INAL MUSIC, .r. ADMISSION .'OandMCKNTM. .H41I0 of Seats at Opera Heuse Ottlcc. uprSJtil Jl AltlJH AUK. F IRK! l'lRI'.II KlitKlt WATKR WATKUI! WATEItl't Great Bargains AT- KEPLER'S. $40,000 WORTH -OK HARDWARE -TO HE SOLD IN THE NK.VT KEW HOO.M HONTIIM KlU 10 MAICK A NEW STOCK. (IRKAT EXCITEMENT AT KEPLER'S. sriLLTHEV COME! NOW IT 1.1 Steves ! Steves ! All Want te Take Advantage of this GREAT SALE, And are already anticipating tbelr wants fet next winter. Special Inducements and Bargains -reit- Mechanics, Builders, Farmers, And all ethers who wish te get tbe WORTH or TIIKIU MONEY. l.oefc Jer yeurselves be tore going elsewhere, and beconvtneed. UUKAT VABIKTY OK THE IIKST Steves, Eanges, Heaters, FURNACES, ' -AND- HODSE PDRNISHINQ GOODS. ALL WILL IIK SOLI), A NEW SIX-HORSE I'OltTAUI.K St'UlNOriELI) 'I llltKSUIN'll KNU1NK will be sold very low. full aiidic II. Iren and Blacksmith's Supplies BELOW COST. A.C.KEPLER. inarl3-3mdW,Aw pUILADELPHIA " SHOW CASE WORKS Any shape or style made te order and guaran. teed te be rlrst-class. Estimates ter any sire or form solicited. Cases carefully packed and hipped te all parts or the seuntry. A Urge stock and great variety te select Irem. All rrunch glass. All panel bottoms. At low prices. The beat U the cheapest. I'lease call and ex amine. Ill H, li'OUKTll STKKKT, BMrtMrnaTeAB I'taiaMphta, l'e. A I ; '.rs r,J t"Sw "rvt, Vt-uSiitat.- , m