ITJLBIF T j- "'llt1Illlla HMU gj A Wi-'JA" w -w;7 -V w "-sap J,;; rtJVSTfl fT;i'i Aifly, V(V -ft T l ' i t, ' J1v y- . . fr'tZ&rr -' THIS LANCASTER DAtLY INTBIiMGKNOBR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1880. Vf m i,.3t 5MtP K, 3Sf (&1V I! V m m Si. if bi-Ti PR fc.TI Ml, ir&. A 3 6t- ftUnctr. WHY KvtfWW IN THCYEAH ' (waMTt'enwrw) tmOOCAM JiKEHSM w, i , AQXNOER BUILDINCr, n. CenMr Oestr flqwur. UtMMUr, P. HJ iVm, riYtOetumYr erimCiTA PMTMt PMt. :NT Turn TM te Tirrr Cms Lin, ,T INTELLIGENCER, Sf " (EWHT PAQtS.) Bverr Wednesday Morning, TWO ItelUM YlAX IN AOVARCI. iDENCE BouciTte ff.j ivtur rRT or tki f?StltM COWTtT. COMrOKMTt AM M0UftT! TO lTt ttMHt MMM t:M or TmC Fma 6M.T TO tiM Tff 11 . .'WH HOT rwt fwuctie, vt meet e boob ." "--f .if MOOTMVI UTTt Witt H CONtMNtt TO Ti ITI lMt, JUMrvsa nil Letter and Telegrams te THE INTELLIGENCER, $, Lancaster, Te. JMlyt fmuaste Intelligencer. AANOABTKU. MAUCll SI, 1886. ;-f6"' 'Vv An Examnle Fer Imitntleii. There is an earnest lessen taiiBiit In the &V$f..lfe, tee seen ended, of young Frederick sJtjf. Klages, of Pittsburg, which all may Epi jpreflt by, and in particular the young men At .1 11 r l.!- 1I.ll.w1 nHnrlnnt. V AV " UICJI lllllllCU U41V, t.u- " ,ties for attaining success. Air. Jviages una s "aica in ineiuiiiierier el yeimi, dciiijj uhij JUf twenty-seven, tneugu in ins unei spun ue & had wen reputation as one of tlie noted en- tomelogists of the ceuntly. He achieved p this distinction while pursuing his calling ! as a carpenter, seizing upon odd moments of his time te increase his entomological lore. Extra hours of work and frugal habits enabled hlui te accumulate a valua ble library and enough money te take occa sional trips which resulted in adding te his collection many rare specimens of insects, beetles and butterlles. He came into con tact with Professer Smith, of the National Museum at AVashingten,and all the promi nent entomologists et the land, these sa vants holding him in the highest esteem. His insatiable ardor iiHii3 work of collec tion, led him te an excessive exposure in a Southern miasmatic swamp, and death closed his bright career. These facts are recited In detail te show what possibilities are within the grasp of the young men of the time, if they have but the ability and desire te utilize them. There is room for young men like Klages Sn every walk in life. They brighten and vivify everything they touch, and the world is better for their having lived in it. Tbey point the way te thousands of aim less youths hew a little well-directed labor will bring in a large return of usefulness. In fine, they explain that problem, easy te the cheerful worker, why life is worth Congressional Fiihllc-I'aihlle. The ieoiile of the country have been wearily waiting for four months for Con gress te de something te justify its assem bling. As yet it has been barren of results; though thcie are many signs that there is a league forming for a final descent upon the treasury in tlie form of the schemes te take fifteen or twenty million dollars from the treasury for rivers and harbeis and seventy or eighty millions mere for the dis tributive plunder of thelJlair educational bill. It may be true that tlie less legislation we have from Congress the better; no new laws are better than bad enas; aud since Con gress shows neither disposition nerca pacify te deal with the great subjects of tariff revision and silver coinage, it may be that Its time cannot be mere harmlessly em ployed than with such debate as occurred in the two Houses yesterday. It is submitted,- however, that fiddle faddle of this sort, tee frequent in our halls of legislation, is calculated te bring Con gress into disrepute and create a wide spread popular disgust and distrust. In the Heuse, for instance, Henk, of Tennessee, gels up and berates the admin istration and the turning out of a let of cross-reads postmasters down in Ids state and the turning in of a let of ethers, as cribing it te the iutliience of " a man vthe had paid himself a salary out of the child ren's school fund for two years after he wenteut of office." Then ensues a wrangle like this : Mr. McMilliu Te whom does the gentle man refer T Mr. Houk Yeu knew just as ivell as any body else en earth ; I have the record, if you come round jprlvately. Mr. MeMiilin I Insist that when a man gees te assassinate n character and this is unmitigated assassination he should have the boldness te de it like a man. Mr. Houk I have the boldness te tell you privately, or te meet it in any ethor way. Mr. IdcMIUin Ne man ought te attempt te de tbat indirectly which he lias net the boldness te de directly. I undertake te say tbat the man he Is attempting te reach Is the equal or any man ue can oeasi or, ami i win net, under the rules of the Heuse, say hew far no Is the superior or this individual (Mr. Houk) in all that constitutes manhood. Mr. Houk suggested that thore wero plenty of men en Pennsylvania avenue who were the superiors of his colleaguo. Mr. McMlllin would express the opinion if it were par. llamenlary that there were lien in tlie peni tentiary who were the superiors of ids col league ; and Mr. Houk had no doubt his colleague's superiors had been lianged in prisons. Over in the Senate tlie ether day Legan was understood te say that Hale's oppesi- tien te his army Increase bill was inspiied by the opposition of "ethers." As Hale is held te be "Hlaine'a bub," even body r'i ,tt74. ,"wB"1' .nvgau i,uuiiviii ui, ins uiu cei- r? w&Kue, and the newspapers echoed the sits '. Melons and voiced the whisnerinfrs of the ft Senate chamber. Yesterday Teller get the fleer, and after proceeding te maul Legan for always displaying his military lecerd i': and prowess, be touched him nn for his f. language about the combination of sena- a , ters anu etners against his bill. Then , they get Inte a long controversy ever t what Legau said, ever what the Recerd said he said aud what it failed ? -ft,te,sayhe8ald. Thus it went en for some Uffle, And of this sort is a great deal of T ' We proceedings m Congress. It never ., ." "y better tllf ordinary legislature is XfWene. Alost men who are sent te these , vd'.JMWinblages seem te lese their heads when vtbwget upon their feet. They forget C.wbat tley are sent for. The public mind Md busineM are kept in constant unrest toeaase of the deubta us te what Congress wtN e. There is a great pile of combust!. Nt material en hand all the time waiting Iwr kwm feel te drop the match ; and every ' m two there is mere or less of a cenlla; M ucu turmoil until It Is extin- Tl 'w seal, tlncete men who gote Cenre-u with a practical, direct purpose and conscientiously seek te serve it, me worn out, and many of them, like Mr. Hewitt, are getting disgusted. It is no wonder. Thotieeplearo, tee. Thk red light that l'lagnian l'ewderly waved te the strikers hai again been sub stituted by ene of green lme. Hum: la nllttle atrike Hern that strikers alieuld pender. Tlie railroad troubles of the Southwest have se aflected tlie supply of dreweU beef sent le I'hlladelpliln that the prlce tins been raloed from ?1 te JI.60 per 100 pounds. TiiKliope has becn expressed slnceSnm Jones fpilt chewing that he may eventually quit preaching. Tin: Hell telephene company M a big monopoly. As appears by Its annual report for ISS. thore was an Increase In the number el sulwerlbers te licensed exchanges or '2,W8, aud eM,4GG in the number of telephones in use. The various exchanges controlled by the company have 100,ftW miles of wire en poles, 10,010 mlles en buildings, nud 1,42$ miles underground. The wires underground are thus distributed : Washington, 1W! miles; Chicago, 71,0 New Yerk, (IS! ; Pittsburg, 01 1; Jlosten, 2S9; Itroeklyn, 131; Haltlinere, 11, and Milwaukee, 1. Tliore are tUl etra ter ritorial lines, with I2,liil miles el wire. Tlie instruments new In the hands of licenses, under rental, number ,V.0,0la The gross earnings of tlie company for ISS'i were $2,7Gr,SSI.03, aud the net earnings, $1,710, 1P&4S. The dividends mid amounted te $I,t52,23C, and the company's surplus en January 1 was $I,'JOI,120.0I. The report tin bluslilngly closes with an argument in favor efn complcte tolepheno inoneioly, lused upon the assumption that absolute jxisscssliin et the Held would enable the company te render belter service than would be possible with a mttulier of competing cencerns. Tlie crust et absurdity In this statement is thick and tough enough ler bearding liniisniie. A NVMiinn of senators erplaln their votes fersltly measures by declarhig their contl centl contl denee that thest would never te heard el In tlie Heuse. Thee senators should dle or resign. lMi'OHTATlON of alien musicians Is seen te receive n legal lest in the I'nited States circuit court nt Philadelphia. A bill in equity has liecn tiled by the Philadelphia Musical association, comprising nearly GOO musicians el that city, against William 11 rami, or Phila delphia, te enjoin him Irem prepaying the passagoel or contracting te import te this country certain alien musicians intended te perform at ltulgew ay Park for the season of IfcM. The bill set out that the Musical asso ciation was an orgnuied body, duly chart ered, having for its purpose the uniting of the musical profession In that city aud the protection nud belter regulation of its mem bers, lly act of Congress of February IKtb, lSS'i, it was alleged, it was made unlawful for any person te prepay the transportation of or in any way te assist aliens or foreigners te the I "nlted States. It was also made un lawful tocentract with or for the services of aliens previous te their importation. The impressaries who engage foreign opera com panies will need te keep their eyes en this case. TERSONAL. Aitcmusiier t'neKi; is considering a short tour in the I'liltcd States. Mn., since entering the Whlte Ueiise,lias gained forty-two pounds In weight. Hamilton Disston is spoken of for the Republican nomination of mayor of Phila delphia. P. S. UoeTiniv, n prominent hotel man connected with the (llrard heuse, Philadel phia, is dead from consumption. PncsniKNTOnnvv, of France, lias signed a decree raising the fund for the teller of the peer te 7,600,1100, making it larger than ever before. Ruv. V.. T. DAsiur.r.r, a prominent clor cler gymau et the listen diecese of the Kpisco Kpisce pat church, died Tuesday at HU Michael's, Md., aged 01 years. Sknateus Hut kaxii Oai.i. have tried te persuade Senater Jones, et Flerida, te come back te Washington ; but he answers that he is net at their beck and call. I'nnsiiiKNT I'eiiTitn, et Vale, 1ms writ ten an article of ndvlce te " iteys en Kn Kn Kn teringColIege" which will be published In a lorthcemlng number or The Xmith'x f'owi f'ewi JlrllltOM. Sknitek Faiu is new in correspondence with his leriner wife, from whom he was recently divorced, and the reunion of this separated family is thought te I only a question of time, OAittiiN.M. Mc('i.esi;n's red hat is hung far up under the grooving of the apse In the Oatliolle catbredrat, New Yerk. Cardinal Wiseman's Is similarly suspended in nir in SL Mary'H church, Moerlields, Londen. CoiieMin I'ewuus, of PhiladelphIa,ha.s for mally anueunced hlmxelr as candidate for state senator in tlie Klghtli senatorial district te succeed Senater Hughes, who expects te go te Congress as n successor te Congress man Harmer. IlK.vnr II., inventor of the famous tent that liears ids name, will press his claim against the government in the court of claims. Sibley, after making the contract w Itli the government In ISsI, joined the Con federate forces and thereby lest the money he would liaie realised irem his contract. The amount Iniel veil is about flt,0(H Sknateu lint K opjieses Trenlielm'H con cen ilriuatinu for controller of tl0 currency, net upon the personal uniltness et Mr. Trenhelm but because he is the represontathe et finan cial liewseiijKwtsl te thime of the Sniithern and Western iioeple. The new comptroller favors the national banking system and the susnsinii of the colnage of the siller dol lar. llROKKH AlUlISOVClMMACK's bride, WllO was Miss Hildreth, will net see heriaitli birthday till the 1M or next July. She Is a goldnn-haired blonde, with dark brown eyes, and exquisite facennd figure, her expression the most guileless In tlie world. Hhe has been educated by the haiiie nuns who educa ted lier mother fu the (ioergetoivn convent, and is of quiet, studious habits. "Out Uiaiiiiir." 1 1 i:.r.T, as "tlie boys" call the new California senator, is said te boa rough diamond. He chews toliaece, Hiiears like a pirate, murders the queen's KnglUh, and when the "ruby" liens which it does erv frequently " raises tlie devil en his watch." as thosiilers snv. Ilennl-nr liml any political nsplrntlens until his wife rerced him into 1U She wanted political importance and social position. An Iml.llilc liurlc lleat. Lew Casady, or Seuth I'.end, Ind., has in vented an inilsibieduck leat which is said te be n hiiccuss. Jle took an ordinary llat llat llat bottem liait, cut theatrics, from tlie tiew back one-thlrdof tlie length, down te the water line, colored this part ever and made It air tight, and then placed at the rear end or tills compartment a mirror twenty-elght Inches high, and as wide as the beat, llehlnd tills mirror he had the two-thirds or the beat In which te paririle and sheet. He proved by a trial that he could pail dle tills beat straight up te a lleck of ducks, watching them through a peep liole In the mirror. When they looked toward the licit all tliey saw was their own reflection In the glass, Wlien within easy shot the hunter dropped the mirror by loosening a catch and get two sliets, ene at the ducks en the water and one as they rese. THK l'IKK UKANK-A LA MIKADO There's a well known old eilender that nil our readers knew. we'ie get htm en thellst uo'veget hlmen the list; lie's the crank who thinks he known It all, und te the tires Mill go, We've Ret him en the list -me'vc get 1,1m en thullnti He ttniu around with open mouth as If he were the Chief, And the way he gives the orders Is almost be- yenatx'iier; HeglTra tharremtn Ills tf they don't de the thing "Jim te ""'geiuSlw' c"aura"r.'l ''' tehltn ""S Sl.1a."Ba h,na,!".' .obl.ters lr,''oi5r,',i''mi'rt,'e,'"a,'i(,tirik HU wru"Crbl0 n,ll"aoce ,ro'nhlankUtehW We've get him en the !lt-ferhe ni-ver would be uilseed. Mere Abent roer 'Ottlfr Jee. Washington Cerr. te the l'ii)S Apropos of Kenate luneh iwrtles, at ene glven by Senater Hale, In his commlttce room, and matrenlred liy Mrs. Hale, the week following Mrs. Petter's declamation of "0tler Joe" at Mrs. Whitney's, tills lady, who was the special guest et the occasion, was moved by tlie mighty spirit or histrionic art within nor soul, te repeat that ollerl. The ether ladles present frowned down the attempt, Mr. Hale, Ills said, going se far as te say in nn emphatic aslde te her husband. "If yen let that woman rehearse that piece net only 1, luit every ether lml v here will leave the room." Miss Cle eland, who was present the proxleus l r!daye enlng bvn premise given te Mrs. Whitney weeks boiero, frankly and kindly expressed her disapproUUien of the poem chosen by Mrs. Putter te that lady herself nt the conclusion of the exercises. Hhe pointed out te her its mjiwklslinossef sentiment, its evll lessen net et forgiveness through remittance, but of unmanly devotion ten woman who had forfeited oery right nud lelated every claim that could bind a noble heart te her. Net least of all slie condemned its lack or literary merit. Mrs. Petter wasapparently touched toactulescence In tills terdlcl se conscientiously then. On the Sunday nnorneou following, when the Aenerable (ieorge ltaucreft, Daniel Dougherty and several ether gentlemcn was calling nt Mrs. Whitney's, Mr. Dougherty, by request, repeated the poem Just as she had given it, for Mr. lluicrelt's Judgment en its merits. At the clesu, he said, in his slew, crate way, "1 think It would much letter have been emitted." It was after all this that the lady is said, en geed authority, te hne consented te re)e;it it at the capltel lunch party above described. Her enthusi asm In this dramatic craze amounts te In In lntuatien. Strange te the language. Senater Chaee, the Quaker gentleman from KIkxIe Island, was sworn in during Mr. Voerhecs' alisonee and he had net met the new senator. A few days after tlie beginning of the session the Tall Sycamore indulged luone et his pro)ensltles te speak, and the manner and material of the address pleased the new comer greatly. He approached Voerhecs and said : " I thank thee, friend Daniel, for that speech theehnsjnst made." Senater Voorhees glared at tlie speaker a moment anil asked : ' lie nre you, any how ? If they've appointed a ljualiter door keeper li 1 will be le jwy. senator I'nace ions nils occasionally umi- self, Tlie two men are the best or friends new l.lfiiellii (Inllit hihI Cllelaiitl, President Arthur's last elllcial act was the nomination et (Icueral fl rant en tlie retired listef theiiriny. Twe days later, Mr. Kebcrt Lincoln, son of Abraham Lincoln, still secretary of war, because no oilier has been apieiuted, asked the new president, Mr. Orever Cleveland, that he might sign the commission which placed tlie general en tlie list, "My father signed the commission of flen flen eral (irant te the army of the Potomac, ami 1 should esteem It a privilege te be allow oil te sign It." He recolvedthocurtauswor: "My secretary of war Is te be Mr. Lndicett, and I snprSose he would like te sign it." AN AVltll. IIAV. Oh, we went picking ilalfedil My little love and II A hlue-Mrd t ing uKin the fonce : hlte clenili were riding high, On aminy April morning, With soft w lml) lilewlni; liy. Oh, w e n cut out te count the tar, My little love and 1 ! "O Mamma, see, the dairedils Are blowing In the sky " On a cool, sweet April evcnlne, M hen shadow hovered ulgh. Sttrn M Chatfitht in hi. Nicholas. It Is a blind confidence te ume veurelf In- capahloef mt'takn. It Is Indeed n serious hlun- iler te refuse te take l)r, Hull's Cough Synip when you even suipect you have taken cel nu. i-neu'cenis. What ii grind, great country thl Is with Its vat territory. Its hlg rivers, its pretty women, and Its Venl Vldi Vlci euro Salvation Oil. Twenty IHe eents wtll buy a holtle of Ked Star Cough Cure. It never falls te cure. The Sunn Human N'ature. Many vain attempts are made te repeat I he l o e o murkahle success of liensen's Capclne Plaster. This yplcndid remedy ii known, sold and lined overywhene, and Its prompt action and unri valled curative powers hae wen for it hosts of friends. Imitations hale sprung tip under slm slm llarseumllng names, nuchas" Un estein," " Cap sicum," etc., Intended te deceive the careless, and unwary. 'I hose articles possess none of the virtues of the genulne. Tlieirferu we hepu the people will asiUt its te protect w hat ai eat once ihelr Interests and ours. Auk for Ifensen's l'las ter and examine hat is given you, and nuike sun) that tlie word "Capclne" Is cut in the mill. dle of the plaster lltst-lf, and the "lhrce Seals " trademark Is en the face cloth. Any roputahle ke.iier 1II show yen these safeguanls w Ithnut hesitation, lfyeu cannot remember the name lien-en's Capclne 1'l.ister cut this psragrap from the pajM-r. tnarl-M.W.Stn Vim Ifnvsit l'erfeel Itlght, when 3eu demand a Uonsen's Capclne l'laslcr el a druggist, te expect te receive ene. Vet theie are, we regrel te say.a fewdrugglstsef the Cheap Jehn luriet) who will try Inpeniiiiide en ie accept some weriaiesi siHmume witna similar sounding name, such as "Capucln, " Capslclne," etc., prettied some- times with tne name " liurten or lienten Chean.lehn wtll von ene of these wn-tchisl Imi fattens for halt the price of the genuine, as he can well afford tode, Its real velue lielng nothing, and it costs lint little mere, llensea'sare the only poieus plasters that can be depended upon toenre eicry ailment subject te external treat merit. They are prompt, sure und thorough. Protect yourself against tier cptlen by lmylng of reliable druglstx only. The genuine liears the "Three heals" trademark and has the word Capcino "cut In the centre. mMMWSlwd muticks. There Must tie n Open Itead between the feed we cut and the suhstaucu of which our Ixtdles lire composed. If thermit is clogged or closed we sicken, t.ilnt and die. This read Is made npef tbeorgansef dtgestlenaml assimila tion, uf these the stomach and 111 er nre chief. Jlest people h ivii mere or less ex perlence of the horrors nt constipation. Prevent It, und nil Its fearful sequences by ulng Dr. Kennedy's "Ka "Ka verile itemed-." It Is the nrst step th it costs, marie-l mecslA w nallaut liescufs. Ibeie can he something hcrule in a medicine us well as In tudtihtuais. llurileck Jlloett lilt ttrt haveeitected many a gallant rescue among the suffering sick. Thousands haveescaped the miseries el dyspepsia and nervous debility through the use of this wonderful medlclne. It is i iiiuitlcally the best stomach uud bleed tonic In the world, for sale by II. II. Cochrun, drug gist, 137 und 1X1 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Newspaper IMlter. O M llolcembo, of llloeuivllle. Ohie, rises te explain "llud that terrlbledfseaie catarrh, for twenty years ; reuld scarcely taste or siiihII, anil hearing was falling. Themm'Jielretrie Oil cured me. These are racts voluntarily given against a former prejudice el patent medicine." Kersule by 11. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13SJ North (jueen stnet, huueuster. Called te I'reacli. We feel called upon le preach a few gospel facts facts that are worth knowing. We want everybody te enley all that Is os9lhleln this world. We want all theso who are sintering from rheumatism, neuralgia, and all ache", sprains and pains te knew that TIiemiu' Jielec trie vll Is an unfailing and splendid cure. Ker ale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13a North Queen street, Lancaster. Keii a cough or sere threat, the best medicine is Hale's Heney of Horebeiiud and Tar. l'lke's Toothache Dreps cure in one minute. inJJ-lwdeed&w I'rrilll CleieUlld, Ohie, Conies a letter signed T.lVnlker.saylng "About six months age cemmenied taking Jlurdeek Jlloea jlltttrM ler protracted case of lumbago and general debility, and new mil pleased te state have recovered my appetite and wonted Htienglh. Keel bitter altogether." Kersile bi ll. II. Cochrun, druggist, 137 and LTiNeith Queen Nut it Case. Net a case of iheiimatlsin, net a (ase of neu rulgta, net u case nt lsmuness, net u rase nt puln or sprain-net one-has failed te go when at tacked by 7hii.ku' Etlcttrle Oil. Ker ssle hv 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 und 13J North Queen street, Lancaster. " tVhst Can't lie Cured Must He Kndareil." This old adage does net signify that we inut suffer the miseries of dyspepsia, when u medi cine with the curative pieiertles of Jlurdeek Jltoeil Jliurrt is available. It Is ene of the most Hiihstantlsl and rellnblu remedies sold te-day Ker sale by II. II. Cecluan, druggist, 137 uud IX) Neith Queen street, Luncaler, rtvai'SiTie, nervous jieeple. "nut Celdeu's Liquid beef 'ionic will euro, of sorts." uuld Ik-ef Tonic will euro. Aik t,,r Uelilen't. Of drugglstn. uiMwdiuiOAw T OOK AT THIS I ANH J'UOrlT IIVITI Singlnend Uouhle Kntry l!oek-Kpi)lng, Cem. lnerclil Aillhmetle, Jlusiness I Orreipendeni e, 1'iuetlcul I'eiiimtiishlp, Drawing JUisiucssDocu JUisiucssDecu metits, all for a te ucutlen, lit tuu LA-NCASTKItCOUMKKClAL COLLEdK. AUdrcss, H. c. WKIPLKU, Ne. 10X Kast King BUceL HKltlOAU -jmen Tin: lii.oeD. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! CniiiMitlntT. Iren nml I'lire cgotnlle Tonics, quickly nmt ceniplctclv Clrnnes nml Knilclics Ihn llliHHl. (iiilrkciK tfie action of tlm t.Hcrnml Milncj'e. Clears the L'oiiiplexlon, makes the skin Smeeth. It ilwa net Injure the teeth, rac hcnilseheorpredncecoiutliiatlon AI.I.OHIKK MKDlL'l.NK.s HO. rhjslcl ins anil Druggists Kvorywhere Iteroin Iterein liiuiul It. DB.N.S,, of Marlen, lnss.,sivs "1 recommend liienn's Iren Hitters nnalimbte tonle for enrlrhlnn the liloeil, ami removing nil uyspriuic syiniuems. li nees nei nun me Dh. K. t. DcLtKtL, 1ieviuUI-, I ml., says : " 1 hale presenile,! llmwn's'iren Hitters In ciiese( nnu'inla iiiHlbhiiHt dUeAtes, nle Hhen n tonic was nmsleil, nml It has proved thoroughly salts factory." Ms. W M. ltTBNj. Ne. 5081. Mar- street. Ne Or- lenns, jh , 1HJ llronn'e'lixm I'.ltiers relleveil me In sense of IiIikhI poisoning nml I heartily recouuuenil It te theso neeitliut a liUsslpuil tier." The genulnn his Trade Mark nml crossed red lines en nipper. Taku no ether. Made only by llltOW.N IIIKMICAI, CO., (C) ltaltlmere. Mil. HOP l'LASTKKS Kill pain, poelbo ami stimulate the tlretl muscles, anil wonderfully MreaiKthcn Meak patts. Alt the Miliiahle niedlcinat vlitues of tifsh liens, combined with lluriTunily ritehauit L'nnnila lViiam. Applied te llackaclie, Selnllcn, Uhcumattm, Crick. St Itches, blilrache, lililney AiTrctlens, Xera Otiet, or any of tbevurtnus mills anil Heakiicsgcspe common, Instant relief Is elven. Cures Dvncn-kwind Liver l'reubles wiuieui mienuu nosing sold oicrvwhere. iV,, 5ferll.ui. .Mailed ler price CO., Ilosten, Jlass. HOI' l'l.ASTKll (i) "Tf OP I'LASTLltS. X L. ssc c:ieh, 5 for f l.i, any drug store. HOP li'ietai,i nre lt' virtues of Heps, combine and Cauad i ltalsam. Mi I'LASTKUs are pnip.irisl from the complete isiwun iinrgunuv I'ttcn ntxTlorte all etliersls- caue they net Instantly and euro speedily. If yoiiareirouoicii wiinany Kinu ei soreness ap ltlv ene of these vdusteis and exoerlence their seething, stimulating and strengthening cttcct. A wonderful euro for pain in the small or the hack. iV., 5 for (I no eiery where. HOP PLA TKIlCOMi'ANi, ilosten. sent ty mail if de sired, (i) HOP PI.ASTKUS. A KAMOl STIIKNOTHKNKU. Iloiise wties, shop girls nntl saleswomen nil suffer mere or less from Weak Kick and Side ache. Nothing affords such Instant relief as e HOI' PLAhTKIt applied eier affected p-irt Pains and nches of alt kinds are drli en out and the parts made ever and strengthened. Ask ter nllel'1'I.AsTKllinaile from llurgundy Pitch, Camel l lalum and tne virtues of fresh Heps. Sold evervw here, ev , 5 for (I te. Sendtelliir 1'LAS.TEltCOMrANV. lu.ien. for circular. 6 JCST ItKCF.IVni) A.NOTlir.K laiuji: STOCK or Dr. Severeer's Medicine. late of the Lancaster Itlnk, acd for sale only at KAUKl'M N'S IMtl'tJ STOllK, Ne. TsJ North Queen Street, fjinc-ister, Klve Deers North of the l'ostertlce. iu3" ltd tii.AHHHAiir:. H IOH .t MARTIN. GHMi L A Few Facts. Ileusekeeiiers iu selecting wares for your tables, etc., especially these just buying new outfits, ilia Imixirtant that you select the best in the market. Hew embarnvaing tealittly,(speci:iIly if she has table pride, and what lady should net have, te find that her ware is all full of small cracks, and that grease has iienetrated and made it leek black and ugly. A cause and ,t remedy. All senn senn percelain or granite ware in its biscuit state is porous. It is then covered itli natural or artificial glass te prpvent its penetration by liquids. This is termed glazing. Tlie glaze must vary as it must fuse or melt accenling te the ware upon which it is placed. It must also dilate orcentractin pie pio pio portien te the biscuit or else it will crack or cn70 and produce the abeve result. Unequal or insuflicientfiringorburn insuflicientfiringerburn ing may and will sometimes produce the same results. Ven may, and will no doubt ask, " Hew then can you tell whether you are getting a geed aiticleV" Simply and only by buying these makes which experience has taught dealers te recom mend as the l?st and take their guar antee. Such makes you can find and such guarantee you can get by calling at iMnrtiii, 15 EAST KING STREET, I.ANCASTKU. I'A. VAKKMAUKH. TTfEADQUARTKllS FOR BEST ABY CARRIAGES. LATEST STYLES, LARGEST STOOK, LOWEST PRICES. WASK VOU CATALOGUE. W. D. Sprecher & Sen, HO. 01 EAST KING STREET, 1.ANCA8TEH, I'A feblD-Iuul s PANDAR!) OARIUAOR WORK, Edw. Edgerley, CARBIAGE BUIIBEE Market Btroet, Rear of Poeteffloo, Lancaster, Vn. My stock comprises a large variety of the Latest Style Haggles, l'hietens, Carriages, Mar ket and luistncsa Wugens, which I otter ut the very lowest figures anil en the most misonable terms. 1 call special attention ten few of my. own div signs, one or whlclils the KDUKItl.K V CI.O8K0 I'tUnHjIAN COUI'K. which Is decidedly tbu nealest.llghlestand most comnlete i'liysklan'a Carriage In the country. Persons wishing Ui buy n goe.1, honest and iiibsUinttal article, should liear tu nil ml that they take no risk In buying my work. Kvery Carnagu turned out In eighteen years a geed one that la the kind orguarautce 1 have toetlcr theptihllc. AH work lully warranted, l'loase give me a call. UKl'AlltINU l'UOMl'Tl,V ATTKNOKO TO. One let of workmen especially employed ler put purpose, WATCmtB, c J UUMjUWKMjifcCO. " l'HII.ADKU'HIA. THE MARQUETERIE. One of "the nowest do de signs shown in Geld Jewelry is the Marque- torie, produced by set ting diamond shaped pieces of Geld and Plati num in curiously formed figures en a ground work of Geld, produc preduc an effect similar te Mo saic. E, 9O2 CHESTNUT ST., ' ili & I'HILADKUMIIA. iniV1md.M,V,8A3inw Tir.VTt'UE.S, CLOCKS, Ac. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, iiK.vr FencAs.11. lincastcr M atche at the Lewest Price-t ever ettered : lielng 11 stockholder enahlc me te sell thee watches se cheap. Klgln, Maltham and oilier watches en sale. !pecUicles, OpiT.ililasM,, Ac. ltejvilrtng of the above named articles Hill receive mi personal attention. l.Ot'19 WKIIKK. .Ne. 1SX North tjticen St., opposite city Hetel. (Near l'enii 11 It. It. Deimt ) -.genl for AL'KOUA IVA1C1I. 11 Kr ue 01.1. rplir. NKW CASH STOKK. NEW CASH STORE. Nes. 247 & 24.l North queen Street. Opposite the Keystone llense and .Northern Hank. GOOD BLACK SILKS, Geed Black Cashmeres, TKICOT AM) llOMKsrt.N hi 1T1NIIS. 1IIK IIOHTKKKI'OKSKT. CAUOI.1N KCOI1SKT All Klegant Corset 11. M centH, and a Heed Corset at 21 CenH. And all ether geed at I.ew l'ric-. l'leae give in a call before purcluulng fchvlj-.l l. it. ItOH EltS. G l'.KAT liAUOAINS. (illA.NIl UI'KMNIi Or NEW SPRING GOODS! TT A Hit AMI lutve eiwneil during the put week upward or One Hundred Case of Sew and Heslrahlalloed, neught specially ler thl season's trade. SPECIAL DRIVES. Tweiity-feiirinchSlJKAIISll.K.i, .New Shade enlyljc. a yard. Twenty-two Inch IOI.OUKO HUE.1S S1I.KS, 75c. n yard. Ileal value, II 11. Twentv-twe Inch ill.ACh UUOS UUA1.N hll.hs, T.V. per yard. Special Value In lll.ACK 11ISKSS ail.KS from Mc. te ti.'rt per yard. Anolhercaenl enr fimeiis ( AMK.l.'S llAlli A.NA bUlTt.NtW, Mirlng bhade. .Vic. per anl. IIOMKSl'U.N SUITING", li Inche wldc,.)7Xc. per yard. Forty flve Inch lihACh AMI COI.OUKO CASIIJIKKES, 50c per yard. Ileal value, Uc. Our 1'erty Inch All Weel ISI.ick C.uhmereaat 3Hc. per yurd, ha no enual. l-erty Inch All-Weel Dehege, dray and lirewn, only 37X jer yard. NOVKI.TIK3 IN IIUK.4H (iOODS. llrecaded elietc, Kancy fatrljied Velvet. l.-ldles' nt). Scarf unit Kancy Jersey Jackets. Te Hundred 1'lece Klegant I)elgn Kreiich and American Saline AT Til K New Yerk Stere. Nes. O, 8 & 10 Enat King St. WOpcn evening until 3 p.m. Faturdays, 10 p. in. J. 1!. MAHTIN A CO. De yen intend moving this Spring ? If se, vie have ;i few weids for you that can't lit'lp but interest you. We are in a posi pesi posi tien te take tlie most tioublesemo part of niovIiiKelT jour hitnila. Tliat is, your car-IK-Us. We will take charge of your Carpets, taku llietn up (our men are ciperienced and knew liew te handle fnrnituie very few de) have thern cleaned by tlie new process (Utncaster Steam Cant Cleaning Weiks) tlioenly way te havetliem cleaned ; li.ind beating ruins them and don't clean them half. Hates for carjiet cleaning re duced tills season. After they are cleaned tie will alter and fit them for your new home,and lay them promptly. All this-at low ce3t and no trouble te you. Ifcusto Ifcuste mers generally knew at hew little expeuse this can lie done, they would net umlertake it themselves. We can de this promptly for j 011, as we are prepared for pushing weik through. We have W empleyes, who are connected with this branch of our business. Twelve cairet sewers or layers, or rather carpet uphelstereis, and four are connected with tlie carpet cleaning works. In our Carpet Department we have by far tlie largest line of carets of all grades ever hliewn In this city, and nt very low prices. Tlie Special Saloef Wall P.ipers spoke of last week is still going en. If you want any paper hanging done give us a call-at least. Window Shades, Oil Shading (net com mon gltred Helland asisgenerally told), two yards long, spring fixttites, ready te hang, 10c; seme with cord fixttites, ii'5;Hc. lUUlll w uuu Cor. West King & Trlnce Stsf (Opposite 8t0Teu Heuse.) LAKOASTJCB, PA. .1 Martin Ss flu u J III PUT H 'AM Kit A 11UOT1IKU. CLOTHING ! Spring Woolens, Suitings, Treuserings and Spring Overceatings. Our nsaortment of Standard nnd Nevol 8tylea or COATINGS, SUITINGS nntl TROUSEUINOS, Ter MEN and ROYS' SPRING WEAR, are new com cem com pleto and ready for Inspection. READY-MADE CLOTHING In Bushman Suite, Dress Suits, Beyfl' Wlnter Stock nt Spring Overcoats. Lntest New SlinpeB In B. & w. COLLARS nnd CUFFS. NECKWEAR. Lmmdried nnd Unlnundrled SHIRTS, &c, cVe. HAGER & Ne. 25 West King NK KXT l)(X)lt TO Till: t'OUKT llOUNIi FAHNESTOCK'S. New Open Large Stock of Sheetings. SlIlltTINtiS AMI I'll, I.OW CASK MUSLINS In ill l)elruhln Make. AUe.TICKINUI AND rKATIIKItSTO I- II. 1. 1 all at our Umiil Lew I'rlie. AIe COUNT Kit PAN KS ANI OUll.TS IN yUAM'll'lKS. Prlret Irfmerlhan Kvur. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS. We are new receiving dally Netr Addition te our already Kxtennlve Steelc, and shall continue te add dtly throughout the coming oaen leirirtln of one kind or another. " K KltV l. lSltlNUS SOMKrill.Nll.NKW." FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT QAM'KTS 1-HOM Al'lTION. METZGER & HAUGHMAN IIAVK.SOW01'K.NKl)Al.AU(IKA.NIIIANl)liOMKAUIKTVOK INGRAIN, RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, liOUt.lIT AT AUCTION 1 OK CASH CAKPK'ii, . CAltl'hTS... CAItl'KTS... CAIIPKTS. . CAIll'K'ltl. . CAIJPKTi. . at 10 Cent. . ...ittliKCent. Ill'-M Cents. ut:m Cent. at 40 Cent. . . . .nt U CenU. Fleer, Stair and Table Oil Cleths, Cheap. Metzger & Hauglimaii's Cheap Stere. 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. Kr lletween the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. jieVHEruitxitiiiixii nuuim. IITM. A. KII'.KKKK. A New Firm I A TTEX TlOX IK) USEKEEl'EliS ! New Goods I (AT AN OLD STAND.) NO. 40 EAST (oppesito me A Complete Line of Heusefurnishing Goods ! Steves ! Steves ! V e are agents for the r I LLLK A WAItltKN CO.'STt'O'y. .N. 1 .) STO KS ami It ANU KS, info rier te nenejn the market. The "Sl'LKNllID II KATKIt "lui3 proven Itxelf tohe thochelco of all economical housekeep er, and I trimninteed te Rive inore tiitUaetien en letiurl than any heater In line. The merlin of the" WAKKKN "and " DIAMOND " Kange. are admitted hy alt he knew them. Wehivealnea tiiltHtecIc or Heater., 1 ml Steve and Uani;eer varleun Htyle nnd prices, nnd liavetjlven careful attention teniimelcctlnn efSUMMKIt COOK .ST() KS, heth for Clxif Oil ami (Itiielint, K thai our stock cenhiln thnfcci, the iiifeit, and inet rconemfeal ntfered te the public ANoleoklm; Uleiull of Iren, Copper, Tin and Umnlte Ware. and keep en hand n full nert. nient of the latest Improved com eulenccs which uiuke the duties of hoincUeepInc 11 pleaiani imtlnia Articles el Tin, Copper or .Sheet Iren, of special denlgns or patient, made te enler en short notice, HeiiBlrini; promptly and neatly done. Special attention Klven te I'l.UMIIINO.'tlAS K1TT1NO ndhri:.M IIKAt1n(I,TIN UO)l''INtinniIroUTlMI,andasteck of the latent Improved ! 1-Utnre, Wa.ln siunil. liilh-Tuh, M ater CleeU, nnd ail Hrtalnlnt; te the hulne, cnntniitly en hand. KIEFFER& HERR, NO. 'lO KAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. J.IFlt JN.HVUASan VOMVAXY. IKK 1NHUKANOK COSII'ANY. WHKN SOLICITED TO Tiic Mutual Life Insuranec Gempany of New Yerk RICHARD A. McOURDY, PRESIDENT, Is entitled te your VMTcniislilnratlnn. slnce It held the FOHKMOSTuiacn iiiiiehr the Life In. Hiirance Imitltutien of the world, and etrm-s superior advantai;es In all the features of limine to gether with uueiiiiiilfed financial security. CASH ASSETS, Itlnlothe C'MMy.-.S'T Company In which tolnsure; its larger dividend returns rrducInK ,taUta,! '? SlviWIeZliiS toXlSSSiin'Sf'fte Pronte itle et expenses te celpls the only one that fiiniUhcs AIIHOUVTK iMIUKAAVK PUUil Jllh II OhO (10. KOIt fUUTIIKIllNrOUMATIOM Al'l'LY TO Rebert Helmes, District Agent, 330 N. 6th STREET, READING, Or 00 N. DUKE STREET, LANCASTER. HOUHKVUUNIHUINU UUODH. - . S' HIKK'H OAlll'KT HAIil- CARPETS ! CARPETS ! MBOPKNINU Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the l-arcest and Ilest Selected Line el Carpets ever ex, blhltedln thlscliy. WII.TONH. VKLVKTH, all the Tredlnpf Makes of jlODY ANDTAl'KaTKV llltUSHKLS.THUKK-rLV, All-Weel and Cotten Chain KITUA HUI'KIIS, and all qualities ei IN. aUAlNOAUl'lCTS.HAMAHIlana VKNKTIAW CAItl'KTS. KAO and CHAIN OAKl'KTrtef our own manufacture a etieclallty. Hpeclal Attention paid te the Manutactureef CUHTOM OAUl'KTll, Alsearull Llneef OlI.OLOl'IIS. IlllUH, WlNDOWHHAIIa'H.COVKULKTH, Ac; AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sta., Lancaster, Pit. UOVM. CLOTHING ! Suits nnd Ohlldren'n Bttlbi. Very Lew Prlcea. Bnlnnoe of Furnishing Goods. Noveltloa In BROTHER, St., Lancaster, Pa. HOUSE, LANCASTER, PENN'A AM) TO UK SOLD CIIKA1" 1'OltCASII. CAItl'KTS. , CAItl'KTS. UAltl'KTS. , CAItl'KTS. CAKPKTS. UAItrKTO. .... allJ Cent. . ST Cent. nltu CentH at M Cent ut "Ti Cent. .... ntNl CeiiM. ALDUS V. Iir.Klt. New Prices I KING STREET court neiiKO.) luurSllmdAw INSURE REMEMBER THAT $108,08,967. ' r ' teb-a,(Jw li1 ..t O'' ksfidt f it .fet-v iri&, "1