'!fl - a- r w -atv, INTXLLIGiNOER; WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1980. ' - 3iTl THE LANCASTER DAILY AMh' Zl) 1 I b u ' THE HEARTLESS CONDUCTOR. In lit account of a trip wealward creM tlie Allegheny In the current number et (he New Yerk niiirmeVMi, J,iln Miller tell Hill pulliellc Mnry I One lr, " " '' wlr" ww"y rreatmt K"1 ,nper'' m ",0 cr '" w,, I rliniirtHl te he traveling. I lorjrel te cull Attention te Urn fact Hint Itureitn tweiity-tlve renU te Uke a deg In ihe train t ami even then you are oenipelloil te R( Inte tlie baggage w HI l,in ,leK ml remain there. I de net My tlit Hit l why you often wee the Virginia cayaller Hilling holt upright unit tUUng alnngslile e( the rani with all liM latthriit train of leg following ; but It In te be admitted that It would 'mt til tit a heap or money And trouble let ratel en the eara with lilsilegH. At nnn of Iho new lltlle re. mining vil lage In the high, cloudy mountain, far en tlie westward Hide of the Wlilla Hullinr .Spring's two timid And luimbly-elail iee iiln cllmlwd heavily In tlie car And Rat down In meek ullenoe, elewe tegether. They tieth liail heavy bunions. It wan snowing out aide. He tlie little burdens were well cev erixl. l'retly moth, m the car drew out and begun In rumble en down I e want the blue urns region, we heard a baby Iwaln te cry. "AlilTwIimr This ejaculation came from an old lady In RtameH te my loll. And alie began te rock lieracirn iriouktngiiemo llttle crailte that long, long age ha rounded Inte a celli n. l'oeplo gel llriil even of the meat majeatle aconery en earth. Our necka have been broken looking i te the cara coming dewij out of the cletnia, the caavailea, tbe wendtrlul crag ami peaks, and new we wanted te aoe h bit of level, lowly humanity. We had It here and nreiwned te enjey Itrer a change. A big, fat genlleman with a fan, although It wat new anewlng hard, aroae And waddled down the alMe ami back te get n geed leek at the twin. The old lady atopped rocking her rraille or long age, and, leaning ever te a neighbor, Haiti aomethlng about men lielng geed ntiwi II they "only wero a mind te." IVetty koen Ihore mam Atiother cry. Then the little (Uiruiau woman get up anil walked the aisle two or three time with her tby, whllothe man, a timid, medcit, llttle (ler. man, took the liiilile neat and mimed Iiln charge closely with hla bend held down ever It. We all began te be afraid that thla one would cry alie. He the geed old lady In Klansea roie up and went te the man and ottered te take It. The big. lat man looked en approvingly, and actually fanned lilnmell in his excitement and delight at thla unsel fish act of the old lady In glasaea aa alie atoed thore burere the mute and meek llttle Ueruian father with outreaehrsl arma for the Infant " Xtin t iiein '" IloaheoklitM head dns dns peratuly, did tlm atraugu llttle man from ntrange luiide ; and the wlfe came up, all anxiety, and aat down by his aide and rovered up her Irthy also, Juit a he had hla merxl iiv. 'Ihore waa terror and tear In the plaintive little Herman' volce an he apeke, and de clined the kind lady oller. And we ail felt wirry for him. True, none or u kuew what hit trouble win Hut we wero sorry rer him all the aame, and he had our reHpeci nud ad miration entlrely. "Spect If alck," Mid the old man te the old lady. And he leund hlnvwll apelngl. Ing rer apeaklng te aatrauger. Yet we all knew that en the bridge or Berrow and the bridge or Hlghi thore are no xtranger. II 'Hpect It' pretty nick," tald the old man, in If tomakecoruln ha wa heard. The old lady tore out a handkerchier from under her, with great ellert, and, pintlilnK her glanixm far back, alie wleI her eyi, and catching the sympathetic tene or tlieelil man, anxwertHl: Hick I Hirkt If dead 1 11' plum, clean dead, 1 tell i en!" or ceiinw, all heard her, all wero very sorry. The young couple hoeiiimI very lioueht and very humblq; ami also very )oer. The gee. I old stout gentleman took out a handkerchluralRe, and I began te leek out or the window ; ter thoanew or ctndorser ga or aomethlng or the aert was hurting my eyes abIL And then the conductor came along with hi llrr-Home and rcallMie iimicli 1 punch I punch 1 I de net like tlie click I click ! click I oflhe punch I punch I punch 1 Any man who had dared draw that thing en a man in the early days of California had died with hi beet en horero he could punch a alngle ticket. The conductor took the two ticket. Click I click 1 Then he atopjied right In his Hack and began te leek right down en the Nllcul and humhle Unit (fermalins he tnwered hi head lofero him. The llttle wile llfted up a corner of her llttle baby' Knew.nhltOHklrt nud applied it te the corner or her eye. .Ne ene Hpeke. The eeiidurUir did uel even lift n linger or Hay or de ene Hlngle tiling. Yet I tell my liloeii boiling, and I wanted te nprlng te my li-et and knock him down right In his track. He h.ul his ticket. What mero did he wantT Yet there tin btoed ataring Mtralght and hard for a roll hair inlnute. It Mourned te me a full hair hour. The old man was fanning himself furiously, I had te fairly blte my lip HoustenotHpoak. Hut 1 knew the old lady would net stand it long; nor did alie. "Il'adendt It' It' dead, yen knew!" "1h 117 Well then, why don't he put it In aceftln." Was ever audi a heartless villain conduo cenduo condue tor en a railroad T The old man was en his feet, and hi two lists were in the air in a aocend. It Heemed us ir the old lady would faint in her Indigna tion. Hut I, an old traveler, calmly pro pre jurud te tight, And began te wonder In what rt.oftlie train wa packed the trunk that conlsiiieil my plxtel. Tlie llttle wUa had gathered up both hand full or the white linen Imby dres, and we wiping her eye and nebbing bitterly. Hut the IliileCermnii only lowered hi heed a lltlle lower, lie disdained te weep ; erhaps ju his day he had leen a ttoldier 1 It', it' dead, I ay I and, and, and it's none or your luminous!" ThUwasn wild cry that came from the angry lip or the old ludyjnnd the Rplec- IK! ami rtu-iuceti ami nxi-iimeu uiu uiuu Hiulled a vast red Hinile et cordial Indorse Inderse ment or eery word alie hail hurled at that cold, delllierate and merclles roudiic reudiic roudiic ter. "Twenty llve cent: and take it into tlie baugHKOcar, I tell you." Thl was tlie language or the conductor. Thcaowere his exact word. 1 took particu lar netice or exactly wliat he said and bow he KHid It ; rer 1 wa determined that be bheuld net no go unpunished. "Twenty-ilvecentaand the bagguge cart De you hear?" cried the conductor, even mere discourteously than before. And with this the conductor actually roechod hi long arm across and caught at tho;precleus bunion In the meek and patient tierman's paternal lap. The old man was about te spring forward. The old lady wa about te faint ; when sud denly tlie conductor gave a Jerk, when out Jumped a Jelly, geed-natured deg ; a big one loe, and he went up the aisle, wagging bis tall and opening his red mouth geed naturedly as irtie would like te laugh at the whole or us. What Old Frit " Haiti. It irns an aiiUerlniii et Frederick the (Iruat tlmf VKcunreillvlne ttitiurs." , An ;inUliiiitett Hut 19 that Dr. I'lerco'a'Mlelden Medical !! i nvcry " Is thn inet powerful liver vlbillaer ex. Hint, ami liy Itn clmruclorUlle and searching uillen wilt cure dyi)eplo.Ureiwy. Mdney Jls cuMi, alck-hcailaclie, and ether maladle wblcli, lieiiulur opinion te tlm miitniry netwlthstand. Ihk. are directly traeealile U a diseased condi tion of the liver, by which all Itaweiltaaniirt lleroftlielileiMlls made Incomplete. AllffriiB i'lala. ,aw Day's herse pa nwiier is a. sure preventive or hog cholera, and cures cough and measles. Te iiiolhers.-Hheuld the baby be suirerlng r. . .. ii. .ii. iiili.Hiipiin.l mi I'M 'A, wlin rene use lir. uu a mu wji-1- - w..v-. '"iVlgnnrn the warnings of approaching bilious iitteetren Is Imillmrdy.sDr Hull's llultluiore I Ills should he taken ut once as the best preventive. A w xlqeiie guest In winter j the new remedial sgent Itcd Star Cough Cure, Ne Boeu That Selene Has Ceuferred Has been fraught with greater blessings than that which has accrued te the Inhabitants et malarial ridden portions or the United States and the Tropic from the use of Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers. The experience of many years bus but toeclcarly demonstrated tholnefllclency of (iiilulueiiud ether drugs te elfectusllv com bat the progress or Intermittent, cengesUve and bilious remittent fevers, while en the ether hand, It has been no less clearly shown that the use of the Hitters, a medicine congenial te the frailest constitution, and derlved from purely botanic sources, afford a reliable safeguard agalnatmalarlal disease, and arrest It when da. veleped. Fer disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, rer general debility and renal In activity, It is also a meat efficient remedy, Ap petite and Bleep are Improved by it. It expels rheumatic humors from lh bleed, and enriches a circulation Itnpeveriined by mal-MftlmtlaUen. mltUM He. JAUca T. cJmjck, Trey, Vf. Vlmlrili, write I 1 nave neon a areai luiiorariremuyi- perwla Vlndai for a number et year and tried many if medicine, but none save tnethnretlnf t experienced from uilng "lir, l'eUeld'sllrr- (oinetlilngnewla Da. lUxii'aTectldnn Letien te bathe babies gums. It relieves all pain and I ImnnleM. 1'rlce, 89 cent. VarenM remember Da. Hane'h Cough and Croup Medlclnn relleves Inflauimatlnn or the threat and lubes of the lungs and cures ceurIi and croup. Dr. Hand's medicines for ale at L'ecnran's drug atore, 137 and IT) N, tfiieeu street. Trice, US cent. ml lindAw Jen II, Klttti., of VVcstflelii, UiaiitAiiqua Ce., N. Y.. writes May 20, Hn.l, that he was surfer Ingwlth Kheuniatle Fever, and had Count I pil lion no bad that many time he went twelve days without an evacuation, Ulven up by phy sicians, he as a last renert tonic Ilmndreth' I'llls, two every nbtlit rer seven weeks. New lit Is an entirely well man, and never uses any ether medicine rer lilmaeir or family, tin will answer any Inquiries. m Tha Ram Unman Nature. Many vain attempts am made te repeat the re markable ancteti of llensen's Cspclne l'laster, This splendid reinsdy l known, sold and used everywiiore. ana us irumiv kuuh hmu uuii- valled curative powers have wen for It host of fiiends. Imitations have sprung up under slin- liar sounding nanien Intim " ntn.. Illtnllue r. Hiwuaa- iHinic,n. t.i a, micu as " uasicin," " i;ap. Intruded te deceive the careless and unwary, Thene articles possess none of the virtues of the genuine. Therefore; we hope the peeple will assist ns te protect what are at once sinucfl 's l'liu.. Ihetr Interests and ours. Ask for Uonnetr terand examine what Is given yen, and make sure Hint the word " Ca peine " Is out In the mid dle of the plastertlUeir, and the "Three Heals" trademark Is en the face cloth. Any reputable keaier wtll show you these safeguards without hesitation. If you cannot remeinbar the name Iiotiseu's Cspclne l'laster cut this psrasrap from the pnpur. iniirl-M,W,8m lUspsctahle Uruggltu fiAvnr ilnt-Alvn tlm llllblle. but boware Of the Cheap Jehn dniKKlts who elivr you a plaster culled " Capsleuin," " Capslctn," " Capuctn " or and telt you It Is aubstautlally the Miulne llensen's Canclne I'lustur. fir even better. They ask toss for the Imitation, rurlLriMts less i but as a remedial airent it Isab- ftiuutely worthless. The reiiuuitlen or llensen's as the only plaster pesscssfnt; actnal and hlKh curatlvoaualltlesls tha result of many jeurs' expeniuentandhoneratiledealliifrson the part of the proprietors i and S.(J phyilclans, plmr tnaclsts and driigKlsta endorse It as the best ever made. Protect yourself sgwlnst deception by buying of reputable dealers only, and avoid mistakes liy 1 Minimal examination. 11 Minimal examination, lhoeentilno 1 1 ren Meals " tnidemark. and In Iho lias the " Tlireu Meals centre Is cut Iho word " C'apclnn." mTMwd Hl-KOIAI. NOTICES. Curious te think thst desks and chairs kill peo ple, but they de. Taken In larve quantities orrlre furniture is fatal as yellow fever. We sit and write onrselves awny. Bodentsry habits prolucneonatlatlim! that begets d)fpvp"la; rheiimntlsmanit kidney trouble fellow In their train and death ends (lie chapter. Yen whose lives passed overdesks and In the confined nlr of nnlce sought te keep Dr. Kennedy's Fa nrltu Iteinculy "always en hund for the stomach and brain. iuarl(Mmoed.tw Hlllt.OiracOUUIInud Consumption Cure U sold by us en a Runninlee. It cures Consump tion. Fersatn by II. 11. Cochran, Drugging Ne. IS) North y u eon atreet. Nervous UsbtllUtted Men Yeu are allowed n fretlrlnl of IMrtudavt el nsoef Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Helt the with Klectrte Hospennery Appliances, for the speedy reneiana permanent euro ei nervous iietmiiy. less of VtUllty and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse, ler many ether diseases. Cem plete restoration te health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ne risk it Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with full Information, terms, etc, mailed Inte by addressing Voltaic belt Ce., Mar shall. Mich. Hew my threat hurts' Then why don't you use Hale's HoueyotHorohoundand Tir Pike's Toelhachu Dreps cure In one mlntitn. lii."J-lwdcedAw Wll.l. 0 HUFFKIt with Dyspepsia and I.lverCeuiplnliitT Hhlleh'a Vltallur Isgimrau' teed tocule you. rer sale by II. It. Cochran Cechran Dmggtst, He. 137 North (Juecn strict. I was troubled with chronic catarrh and gnth erliiL' In thn hesd.xas very ileal at times, had discharge from my ars. and na unable te breathe through tny nose, llefore the second bettls of hly'a Cream llalm was oxhansted I was cured, unil te-diiy enjoy sound health. C. !, Cor bln.tcl Chestnut BL, Field Manager l'hlladel phla t'ub. lleu-e, I'e. I am en my second bottleot Kly's Cream Halm, lielng a sufferer from catarrh Mnce I w as achlld, hut with this medicine I urn being cured. Win. I Dayton, liroeklyn. ml3-2dced.tw Fer lame back, side or chest, use Bhllch's for fer for ens Plaster. Price cents, ier sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. IX) North fjueen ntlcet. llnekleu's Arnica Balra. The Hest Salve In the world for Cuts, llrutset, Snres, Ulcers, Halt Kheuin, Fever Beres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllbalns, Hums and all Skin Eruptions, positively cures I'lles.ornepay re- aulred. it Is guaranteed loglveiHil fuctiHllafac fuctiHllafac en, or money rufuuded, i'rlie - cents per box. Forsaleby Cochran, the Druggist, 1S7 and IS) North Uueeu street, Lancaster, I'a. T'lhAS(i) CATAUIUICUHKD. healtli and sweet lireath secured, by MiUeh's Cutarrh Iteinedy. 1'rlce hi cents. Nai.nl lnliter Irte. Fer aiile by 11.11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1X North (Jucen stnwt. A lletnarkahle Ksraps. Mrs, Mary A. Dnllev. of Tunkhannock. I'a, was Bill itted fernix vei fernix ycnrswIlliAsthumaud llreu chills, during which time the best plijslclnns oeiuu give ihi renei. net me mum iienpuiix-ii in, until In last OclelMir she procured u llottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, vilien liumedlate re lief wus felt, niul by centliiulnglts use fur a short tl me ihe wii.i cninplotely curud, gaining In flesh U) pounds ln a few meutlis. Free Trial Unities of this certain cure nl all Threat and l.ung Diseases at Cechr-iu's Drug store. 117 and 1 a North Cjiioen street, Lancaster, I'a. l.arge Dettles ll.u). (I) THAT HACKlNilCUUIlII can be se quickly cured by Hhtlnh's Cure. We guarantee lu Fer sale by II. II, Cechnui, Druggist, Ne. 137 North (jiieen street. Cautlun. We would ranllnn Iho Public te bownre of Dealers nlturlug Kemp's llaltam at less than the regular 1'rlce, M cents and f I, as oftentimes Imi tations or In ferlnriirllclesnre sold as the gen nine In order te enable them te sell cheaply. 11.11. Cechnui, druggist. Ne. 137 North Cjucen street Is our agent ler i, Lancaster. Sample bottle gien te yeuree. nimul.tw Tliesa are Solid Farts. Iho best bleed purifier and system regulator ever piaeeu vitniu me n'acn ei suiienn, IK till muiiity, truly Is Klectrle Hitters. Inactivity of the l.lver, mi Weak KUlnevs, or any disease of the urinary r.-a. .(iituiinitunn. UHillimiVi ..f lis, I (.,. !, organs, or who ever requires an appetizer, tonle ur lllliil Hiiiiiuiniii, will niwu) a linn nii'Liiir ,. li ters the beslntid only certain euro known. They act surely unit quickly, every buttle guaranteed te givu enllru satlsfuctleu or money refunded. Held at fifty cents n bottle by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 111 North Queen street, Utn Utn cesier, I'a. (1) Celiikn's Liquid Hoef Tenia wtll cure Indiges tion, and porpetuato bodily vigor. 1ikr no ether. Of druggists. in.',! Iwdeed&w Frem the Allenlewu DrMecrut. District At torney Wright was taken with a e ere ntUick of lheumatlsin, but a few doses of Uross'lthou Uress'lthou Uross'ltheu inatle Kemedy fetched him nut all right. This remedy Is recemmended ler rheuinatlaiii only, Is taken Internally, and In nine cases out of leu will ctTectu permanent cure. I'rlce fl.nabyall drugglsU. febS3mM,W,F SHILOH'S CUItK will Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and llninrhltls. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, Diugglst, Ne. 137 North (jiieen street. 8KIN DISF.A.SKS.-"HWAYNK'a OINTMKNT.' " auMitint'i Ointment" cures Tetter, Salt uMiemn, Itlngwerui, Seres, l'lmples, Kcieinn.aU lleby Kruplleits. no mtuttr Aew otuffneis or lern? lUtnding. lanaf-MWFAw MOTH KUS I MOl'HKUSII MOTHKItS 111 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by u sick child sulierlug and crying with the exeruclattng pain or cult lug teeth t It no, fe at once and get u bottle of Mrs. WI.N8I.OWd OOTHINU SYllUP. It will relieve the peer HtUu sulferer Hnmedliitely depend uiwn It) there Is ue inlsluke about IU Thore Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will nni lull vim at nmfl that It will reirulate the bowels, and give rest te the lnother, and relief and health te (he child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly sate te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription or one of the eldest and best female physicians In the United BtaUs. Sold every whero. 2S coots a bettle m.ty31-lydM,W,SAw Ha Habblkh's W enu Syrup. The only worm medicine guaranteed te expel Vierms If any ox ex 1st, Price 2.1 cents, liy all druggists. ltW3ni.M,W,F Tha Excitement Nnt liver. Tbe rush at II. II. Cochran, druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street, still continues en account of persons afflicted wllh Cough, Colds, Asthma, Urenchttls and Consumption, te precure a bettle of Kemp's balsam for the Threat and Lungs, which Is sold mi a guarantee andlsgtvlugentlru satisfaction. It Is a standard family remedy. Price W cents andt. Trial titrrtt. eli-lwdiw IIUOWN'8 I1UUSEH0LU I'ANACEA. Is the niosteffectlve l'aln Destroyer In the world. Will most nuiely quicken the bleed whether taken luterually ess-anplled exttinially, and thereby mera certainly KKl.lhVK l'A IN, whether chronte or acute, than any ether patu alleviator, and It Is warranted double tbe strength or any similar preparation. It cures tmlu in the Side, liatk or llowels, Sere Threat, Uheumatlsm, Toelbachii and ALL ACHES, and Is The Great Uellever or I'M 11. UUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD I'ANACEA "should be lu every family. Ateaspoenfulotlhel'anacea In a tumbler 01 lux water sweetened, If pro faned, taken at pedUme, WUI UUEAE UV A COLD, entaa betue, ml-lydM,W,Hw MMD1CA& e UTIOUKA. llKMKDIKH. PSORJISIS. And All Itehlnu and Healy Skin nnd Bealp DIborbeb Oured by Outleurrt. -niDHIAHIH, Kcrenia, Tetter. Illngwerni, r Lichen, 1'rurltus, rtcald Head, Milk Crust, DandrntT, Harbers', llakers', tlrocera and Wash erwoman's Itch, and every species of Itching, burning, Scaly, I'lmely Iluinorsef the Skin and Scalp, with Les of Ilnlr, are posltlvely cured by CiiTtti'Bi, the great Skin Cure, and firm ). Beat, nu extiiilslln skin Heautlfter, exter nally, and CiiTituaa Kset.vxsT. the new Hlrssl I'lirfder, lulematly, when physicians and all ether leiuedles bill, I'Mllll AHIH, OH HUAI.V SKIN. I,.lolin.f.Cue, l. II, H having pracOsed den. tlsliyldthls county for thlrly-rlve yeais and being well known le thousands hereabouts with a view te helpauy who are mulcted lis 1 have been ler the past twelve years, testify that the L'rrircaA Kkmkeiies cured me of Psoria sis, erScaly Scalp, In eight days, alter the doc tors with whom 1 hud consulted gave me no Latporunceurngonietil. JOIIN.t. CASK, D. D.8. Nswtek, N, ,1, DlHTltKSSlNO KltUl'TlON. Your Cctk t'R KrMKUiK pcrlenned a wonder ful cure last summer en ene of our customers, an old gentleman el seventy years of age, who sulToret with a ruarfully distressing eruption en his head nnd face, and who had trledn.ll reinc reinc dlea and doctors te no purpose. .1. F.SMITIIACO, Tixahkawa, Ann. MOItK WONDKUFULYKT. II. K. Carpenter, Hendersen, N, V., cured of rserhisls or Ij'presy, of t only ears' standing. by CtrritciiA lUxsuixs. Thn most wonderful cure en record. A dustpanfiil efscales foil from him dally. Physicians and his friends thought neinnstuie, mini swnm le bPrnren justitoei the once and Hendersen's most prominent clt- Iieiis. ' 3FOIl NOTHISU. Win. (lenlnn,7 Arlington Ave., Charleston n, Mess, writes t " Ha Ing paid about f-ei te llrrt. class doctors le ctirn my baby without success, 1 tried the (,'irrfctRA Itruxmcs, which remplulely cured, after using three packages." CUTICUUA UKMKDIKS Are sold by all drugglsU. I'rlce: Ctrncnn ffi 80 cents; 11ksui.vxst, llui! Seap, 23 cents, l're J'sred by the I'ettkk Dmn ake Chemical Ce., losten. Bend fur Hew te Cure Skin Diseases." DC A t ITIFY the Complexion and bkln by l-raWiiingtheCUTfcuBA Beai catarrh: TI1K Oreat llalsamle Distillation of Wltcb Harel, American 1'lne, Canada r Ir, Mart geld. Clever Illnseius,etr,rallndSaiifnnt's Itiull nil Cure, for the liiunrdlute relief nnd perma mint euro of even- fenn of Catarrh, from a simple Celd In the Head te Less of Smell, Tastu and Healing, Cough and Catarrhal Consumption. Complete treatment, consisting of ene bettle Cadlwtl Cure, ene box Catarrhal Snlv cut nnd one Improved Inhaler, ln one package, may new be bad of all Druggists for f Leu, Ask ferSArKU' ItADIOALCt'llS, Complete Treatment With Inhaler, $1.00 "The only absolute specific we knew of." Metl. 7Vir. 1 he best we have found ln a life tlme of snirerlng." Uti. Dr. Wiguim. Jloiten. "A tier a long slruggle w Ith Catarrh the Kadi cal CtiRa has ceniuercd.".Vei'. .V. H". Jonrer, l.erltt,UTOh, 1S " 1 have net found a esse that It did net rvllove atonce." anircn7.cr, .Vmi Chester, Mail. Tetter Drug nnd Chemical Ce., Itestnu. " I MUST (JIVK UP, 1 cannot benr-thls jinln, It arnn all oer, and nothing 1 try does me any gneil " llnckiiche w eakness, Utorineiialns, Sore ness, Hacking Cough, Pleurisy and Chest iialns cured by that new, original nnd elegant niitldote te ptln and lufiiimuuitlen the CuricnaA Ati 1'aik I'lastkr. Ksieclally adapted te ladles by reason of Its dellcute odor and gentle medicinal action. At Druggists. -i'.: five for II en. .Mailed frt by I'ertxR Dacu Chemical Ce., Hosten. Ml lmilH.SAw GK KATKMXHt OKIilPK. INDOIUilO BT THI WORLD. DR. PETZOLD'S 6ERMAN BITTERS I THIS GREAT EUXER OP IJFK Is a double Distillation of ever twenty different kinds of the best Herman Herbs, this being the only true and nllshle process by which the en tire Great Medlc-.il Virtues and Curative Proper ties of the Herbs can be produced. We are con- nucnt mat mis i great Hi niiim Tonle will be found the most ii r. a TH-U1V1.M1 ever nlureO befere the public 4a u HKLIA11I.KAND l'LKASANT INV1C10UANT, It Is absolutely without n rival, and affords Imbtamt ltsuirr, and u rEKFscTCCREguarauteed In nil ceses or Dyspepsia, Less of Appetite, Nervousness, Weakness, Cramps, Dtsentery Cholera Merbn. NuiiHea, Dlarrhiea, Asthma, Sick btntmich. lllilleiisuess, Ague and Fever an ether Malarial Dlsoenos. This II rout Medicine Fer Sale lCverywbore. L. PETZOLD & CO., Prep's., ItALTlMOUK Ml). apr.-SWASlydAw. H Ol' l'liASTKUS. DON'T UU MVl.NDLKI) liy bill Ing something vnu knew nethlni-nbnut. Weguaruutee the HOP I'l.ASl'KU the beslever known. Iho virtues of fresh Heps, lliirguudy Pitch and Laniula llilsnm combined, make this plaster highly medicinal and actl u for the euro et pains, aches, soreness, cramps, stitches, crick aim iiicai weiiKiies. iirives out laiu smoeinos the nrts and strengthen, and dealers. 2te.. ft for il in Sold liv ilriii-eNlfl unil dealers. Ste., ft fur II (. HOP Pl.ASTh.lt COMl'AN'Y.Uosten, Muss. Mailed ler price, (3) HOI' I'LAHTKHS Kill pain, seethe and stimulate thn tired muscle, and wonderfully strengthen neak parts. All the valuable medicinal viilues of fresh Heps, combined with lliirguudy Pitch and Canada llulsaiii. Applied te llacknche. Sciatica, llheiimalliin, Crick, stitches, Sldenche, Kidney Altccttens, Sum Chest, or any or the various pains and weakm-sies se common, Instant lellef Is given. Cures Dyspepsia and l.lver 1'reublrs witneui. iniernai aesing. miiu eveiywnere. 'ic., aiersi.isj. tunica iei price, nor I'l, & AST Kit CO, Hosten, Mass, () HOI' lTiASTKIW C'l'Ki: QU1CKKHTI WIIYT, Hecanse compestd of medical qualities that art) known te possess great power In relieving pain curing dleuu nud wondet wendet lully we, ik nnd worn out parts. Fresh Heps, burgundy Pitch and Uiuns combined ln a frrnh, lean andsneet porous plaster. Always ready tu apply te sudden patn, aches, strains, cramps, stllohes, crick, swollen Joints or muscles, or soreness lu miv part, iic,.'! for tl.oe, every overy every whele. HOP I'LASTblt COMPANY. Hosten, Mass. (9) Al'TKK AMiOTlIKIW KAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, Sii NOIITII r IFTF.KNTII 8TKKKT. (lielew Cn. luwhlll btieet, Philadelphia.) 31 YK A US' KXl'EUIKNCK. (iuarantoedterure theatlllclednud unfortunate with Purely Vege table Medicines. I loe I: en special diseases fiee ; sendferlt. Advlcu tree nnd stricUy confiden tial. Ornce hours, II u. in, te 1 p. in , 7 p. m. te It) p. in. Treatment by -Mull. ml.lyil.tw ZIOHN ItKMOVKIt. VICTORIA CORN KEXOVKK. Warranted te eradlcnte completely and in n short time, the most ulidiii-ilii coins, luid or soft, without p tin. Sold by 111 e U . Hull, (.has. A. Loeher, Jehn It. Kuiiiruiaii, Dr. Win. Mone ley, and at UKCHTOLD'S DHUO STOICK, decia-lyd Ne. tot Vt est Orangu .St. DIt. DAUSKX, Ot'FICKS AND DUUtl STOKK. l.VUN.tilli St., Phllad'j., IteRtstered l'hyslclau and (Iruduatn .letrersen CeIIckv, Ktiaraiitees te cum all llloed, S'ttu and Nervous Diseases; also Private Diseases of either sex, with purely veirutable li'iuedles. DIt. DALSKN'S UOLDKNPKltlODlU PILLS am Sate, Certain and KnYclual. li box. bend for circular. I5cu N. Hl'lt ST., Philadelphia. Treatment by Mall. I.-lyd e uiu: euarantkei). RUPTURE. Cilia gimranteed by DIt, .1, 11. UAl Kit. Kose at once j no operation or delay from lniuU ness 1 ti'Sleit liy liniulieilsef cures. Muln nfllce, Sll AllCIl ST., I'HII.A. beuil ter Circular. ni-lyilftvr PUItNtTUItr. ITF.S I N h Invite you te call II you ure in noeil 01 FURNITURE OK ANV KIND. We will de thn best In Dloase veu. Itenu'tiiber our stork Is complete and n wtll gtru ym special InUiirenirnts for the next 3u daj s. HOFFMEIER'S Furniture Warerooms, 30 EAST KINQ 8TUKKT. mhAMWAM. TTIOH A MARTIN. I W I nl wk l.i il 1 I UJiliiM JliLLi A Few Facts. IfntisckrciHTs in Bflectliifi; wares for your tallies, etc., csiwclally lliese just Inlying new eutliLs, His imiertaiit thai you select the best in the market. Hew embarrassing te a lady, especially if she liastablopride, nnd what lady should net have, te find that her ware la all full of small cracks, and that grease has penetrated arid made It leek black and ugly. A cause and a remedy. All semi porcelain or granite ware in its biscuit state is ikheus. It is then covered with natural or artificial glass te prevent its penetration by liquids. This Is termed glazlntr. Tlie glaze must vary as it must fuse or melt according le the ware upon which it is placed. It must also dilate orcentractin pro portion te the biscuit or else it will crack or crave and preduce the alxrvcT result. Unequal or insufficient firing orburn erburn ing may and will sometimes produce the same results. Yeu may, and will no doubt ask, " Hew then can you tell whether you are getting a geed article V" Simply and only by buying these makes which experience has taught dealers te recom mend as the liesl and take their guar antee. .Such makes you can find and such guarantee you can get by calling at n i n ir .i 10WM1I 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTKK, VA. WALL rAPMM. piIA HKH W. FHY. Lace Curtains! We have the choicest and newest styles or Lace Curtains or uny season heretofore, and prices tower than they ever were, as fellows : tc, 7Sc.. i ua, it a, uXK, t, i"s, riue, tin, riJe. ri:5. wi. wio.tiue, 5.oe a pafr ,u,. Unc two and three patriots very low te close out. Lace bv the vard. 10c. inc.. 23c. Sltfe.. STle. Jiiese have been cut down about cne third 1 tin price. Lambrequins, Pillow Shams, &c. I'OI.KS ln Walnut, Ash, Kbeny, Cherry llruss and Trimmed, a'ic., Wc. 71c., Il.wi. llrass Chains, Drapery I'lns, Heeks, Hanus, etc. WINHOW SHADES IN OREAT VAMOT. -llnre your Pajier Hanging done new.-ta PHARE8"W. FRY, NO. 67 KORTH QUBBN ST., LANCASTKK, PA. A I.KIUUl HIKIIKIL reit HAltOAINS IN WALL PAPER, Window Shades AN'D- LACE CURTAINS CU TO THK ART WALL PAPER STORE. ALFRED SIEBER, (Kermerlywllh l'.W.yrj'.) NO. 134 NORTH QUBBN ST., LANCASTKK, PA. VAKHIAUKB. ADQUARTE11H FOR BEST ABY H1 CARRIAGES. LATEST STYLES, LARGEST STOOK, LOWEST PRIDES. WZ-ASK F01! CATAUHIVK. W. D.Sprecher& Sen, NO. 31 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTKK, PA. fubtl-imd QTANDAKD CAKIUAOK WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CAEEIAGB BUILDER Market Streot, Rear of PosteCQoe, Lanonater, Fa. My stock comprises a large variety or the Latent style iluggles, 1'uiuteus, Currlttges, Mar ket and lluslnuss Wagons, which 1 efler at the very lowest figures und en thu most reasonable tonus. 1 cell special attention te a few or my own div ulcus, cue or which Is thu KDU EULEV CLOSED I'lllSICIAN COUl'E. which Is decidedly the icaiei,iiguiasianii most complete riiyaician's Carriage lu the country, Persons wishing te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, should bear In mliiil that they take no risk lu buying iny weik. Every Carriage turned out lu eighteen years a geed ime that Is the kind or guarantee 1 na e toeder tbe public. All work tully warranted. I'lease give me a call. ItEl'AlUINtl 1'llOMl'TLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen espieUlly employed ter that purpose. e LOSING OUT WiNTKK (IOODH At verv reduced nrtees. at 11KC1I rm.liM Cheap Cash Stere, te make room ler a fresb sup ply of Spring Goods, consisting et Ladles' and (lent' I iirulshlng Gecsts. t'lease call und se cure bargains AT HECI1TOLIV8, Ne. 32 North Queen Street, 4-Slgn of the lllg stecklug. i. 8. Choice building stone and Sharp Sand ler sale. CTORAUF. AMD COMMISSION WAREHOUSE. DANIEL MAYKlt, decS-lyd Ne. 10 West Cbestnut Street. CtOTHlKH. IUROKR A HUTTOwT Spring Opening -AT BTOGEB&SUTTOFS We ere prepared te show our patrons and the public one of the finest stocks or CLOTHING! KverHeen In Hill CIIJ-. Call and sen our Goods for Custom Werk; They are particularly attractive. 4VWe Riiarantoe a satisfactory fit In nil cases. Ne trouble le show goods. BURGER & SUTTON, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTKK. I'A. s I'KOIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Special Annenncement ! During tha month or rKllUUAKY I will make a reduction et Bi te 25 per cent, from the regular price en all HEAVY WEIGHT Suiting and Overceating. This Is done te turn stock Inte ready cash and give employment te my hands. MEDIUM WEIGHT Sitting for Early Spring Wear, -AND- SPRING OVERCOATING Will be mafle up at Greatly Reduced Prices. WSample Cards et the Latest Sprint; Impor tation new ready. H. GERHART Ne. 43 North Qneen Street JVOrresiTX th roa-revnom. L. OANSMAN BRO. Commencement! CUSTOM DEl'AltTMKNTOr I.. GANillA.S A liUO.NOlV;KKAUY. Newest Sprint; antl Suniiner Fabrics rer High and Meitlum Gniil, Merchant Tailoring At Lewest Trices, SL'ITS TO OKUKU (All-WoeI) at $12.0", KI.KUANT ALL-WOOL at I10.IW. KNUI.lSH WOE8TED 1'I.AID SUITS at IIS CO. KINK lMl'OttTED COKKSCUKW SUITS at I J) ui. I'ANTS TOOllDKIt (All-Weel) at Him, I.C0, $s.a, ; u, 7.ui, t-ut), t'l.w. ANY MAN IN NEED OK Custom Made Clothing Will be atenlbd at the prlreg marked In plain flKurtti ln our Northwest Window, OnRllun Ui ill liinnmnt l'utturns, nllerthe Newest Mukei te select from. Call earlv. convlnce vonraeir. cot posted and couipare qnaiiiy anu prictif. --.. . i ..-j- -. .- Alse workmanship with ether houses. Our labor Is our prent. L. GANSHAN & BRO., MANUrACTUUEItSOr MEN'S BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., slight en tbe Southwest Cerner Orange Street, LANCASTElt, l'A. T Net c6nnected with any ether Clothing I iiouse in tn city. MY fKRH ft RATUVON. THESPRINGOF1886 Isuien us. We are net behind, cither, with our Stock or CLOTHING FOB THE SEASON. The best care and taste has been nsi d tn pre paring It for the trade, and se far w e have been well rewarded, MEN'S SUITS In many Styles and Qualities, and at prices down te bottom. MEN'S Sl'BlNG OVEBCOATS In all the Hest Styles, ranging in prices trem 0.uu te f 15.nu, 'i lie Youths' and Beys' Department Has been well cared for, nnd all or the llcst and 'toughest Mateilals can be round. A l'AIll Or I'ANTALOONft Are a very necessary thing this tlinoelyear, 11 nil our assortment Is large enough te suit anybody's tastu. Don't be afraid nl High I'l ices. NO HIGH l'KICrOSHKUKI If you don't want the Finest Clothing, we have All the Cheaper tirades ; and belter value can be had here ler u small amount In vested than any where else. This Is a 9treng statement, but we knew ll'ri rig lit. l.KADINU 4JI,01'H1KUS, HO. la HABT KINO BTRQBT, LANOATEB. I'A. CALL AT S'lOKK KEKJART'H OLD WINK MYERS d R1THF0N, LISTON'B EXTRACT OP BEEP. rtMIST IN TBI 'WORLD. KlUbllshf d, 17. h.e;8uymaker,aqt., Iebl7-tfd Na 23 East King Btreat. ' frM WM. A. KIKVKKK. ATTENTION HOVSEKXF.PXHS New Goedi ! (AT AN OLI STAND.) A New Firm I NO. 40 EAST KINO STREET, (Unnnalle the L'enrt llonse.l ' A Complete Line of Heuieftirnishing Goedi 1 Stevei ! We are agents rer the Flll.LKK A WARKKN Thn MMI.KNDIII HKATEIt hunmtAn H.lr crs, and Is guarantee)! te g ve mere taiiiaciian en the w AHKKN nnd I " 1)1 AMONU K.nf os are inn sieck pi iicaters, ;oe eievej arm iianges or various styles and prices, and have given ear ntlentlen te enr selection or SUMMKK COOK BTOVKN, both ler ttoel Oil and Ua tot mt, se that sieck contains inoecir.ino tnrr, ana mnsi rconenilcni orTered te the nubile. A . Alse Cooking Utensils of Iren, Copper, Tin and Oranlle Ware.nnd keep en hand a mil assert. mentor the latest improved conveniences which make the duties et housekeeping a pleasant JituilllllU JPri- Articles or Tin, Copper or Sheet Iren, of spcclnl flclgn or pulten., ranrte te order enutwi; lli,iialrlnMimllw aHfl MAallif MlMln Uiuialal stlnHtln. ..I a m askaaaaf a a. BSiaMsitsi, as i'hisiiik immi uiy nil. Mwrttit I'lniiBi niKMIllUII III Villi II I'l ill m III Nit Iff All II frill ' t and at KAMIiKAtInU. TIN KOIlriNtl nmf Bt'OUTINtl. ami a stock e it,. 1.1..1 i.VmvU Z( natures, Washs Htands, llath-Tuhs, ater Closets, KIEFFER NO. 40 EAST KINO STREET, CLOCKS Aim TX 'A RHOADS, JEWELER, JEWELRY In ealllngr attention te our offerings ln this line, the public are Invited eO a oleso and critical examination or the noeds which we believe we eaa fairly tw claim are of a standard equal te any 6Tar ettered lnthe largest cities of our 'S land, and we ask comparison of prices), knowing that ours are lower ter the; One goods ettered than the ruling of prieei elsewhere. yl Our Stock efUnset Diamonds Is any style of work desired. All the Newest Patterns of Ladles' Wear always ln Stoek, and Btrlk' or Menth Btonea of the whole calender can be had nremrjtlv. Tha Ctema Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Opal and Pearl always en hand, ' and set te order. OH Paintings, Marble and Bronze Statuary, and Muateal ;s Bexes, always cheerfully shown by our can ana de nnewn tnreugn our stoex, H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO. 4 WEST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. OAJtaiAOM MOTTO TIIAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES ! Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works. 126 and 128 EAST (NEAltl.Y OPl'OSlTK THE LKOl'AHI) 1IOTKL), LAMCASTEIt, PA. Nene Bat First-Class Mechanics Employed. riUCKSTOSUITTUKTIMKS. AMi WOIIK UUAIIANTKKU. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, And Vehieles of Every Description Built Promptly te Order. A Knll l.tnn nr Vehicles In Stock, nrennrcd osneclnll V for the Snrtne Trnfle. A l.nrire and Varied Assortment or SECOND-HAND WOKE ON HAND PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. SVOImi us a rail and nTAinlnn the work, whother yen pnrchnse or net. DON'T rOKU T TllK l'LACK Philip Doersom's Old NOS. 126 and 128 OBOCKMlXa. SPKCIAIi LENTEN GOODH. Uest selected cedlltb, large rat, J nicy mack erel, smoked halibut, canned salmon, new crop olives, flnrst table oil, salad dressing, mustard and plckleg, bananas, oranges and apples. Try ournne selected old (iev. Java, Mecha and Im perial Itle Coffees, they speak for thomsclveH, ery geed at 12K". ltarsalns, s and tu el Bleu for 2Sc; 5 S, geed prunes, 25c.; elegant light byrnp, 8c per quarts canned corn, se.j 10 ft ait lut wackorei, GOc I'lcase call or send your onion. 1 w)a-. aAv rv auKX-lyd Ne. 113 West King Street. c II KA1 l'AMILY GUOCEKY. ".tie net te eat. ma eat tome." A new and selected assortment or llosten, Oat ineal. Monitor, Ginger, l'retzel, Ulue I'etnt Oyster, Kamlly and Water Crackers, Seda. Coffee, Tea, Nlc-Nacs, Lonien, Lady's r Ingers, Mldgets, ltine-NuU. Cocert, l'enn. Vanilla, and Milk Ills cults: Crrstul, Ornhain and dinger Wafers. AlioalargequantltyerrinoSMOKEDSALMON, Halibut, Jlenelcss Codfish, ltusslan Sal dines, Extra Ne. 1 Mackerel, Fine Mackerel 3 rer Se., beused Mackerel, Salmen, Lobsters, and lloyer's oysters, Helland, l'ertland anil Scotch Herrlng and llleaters. The Beat Oboesoa ln the Olty. Celvln'a rure Yerk County Huckwheat, and a mil linoei rresn urecunesui. CHARLES MAONAY'S Choice Family Grocery i&d Cheese Emporium, 145 and H7 NOUTH QUKEN STltEET, Lancaster, I'a. Goods delivered free te all parts et the city and environs. Tolepbeno Connection, liquid AT BURSK'a LENTEN GOODS I Fine lileatrr Markerel, largeand rat 1 Geerge s Hank Ueneless cedtlsh. Smoked Salmen, Smoked Halibut, sugar-Cured ilerrlng. l'laln Cured Her ring, only 15c. a dozen ; the Hapgood llrand French Salmen, 18c a can, or K (u par dozen Spiced Salmen In 2-11. cans 1 rresh Lebster, Dun bur scbrlmps ; Fresh Canned lllue rib, only loe. a can ; Fresh Canned Mackerel, 12c.; Soused Mackerel, American and Imported Sardines Sardines 111 mustara. Ae ucu uruus iwuusuejij. GHHESEI CHEESE I Choice lllch Mild Cream Cheese. Pineapple Cheese (picnic size), Dutch Head Cheese (very tine), Sapsuge, VoungAuiurlcanandNeutchaUsl. FARINACEOUS GOODS I Oatmeal, Aena or ltellcd Oats, Cracked Wheat, Farina, Granulated Cernmcal, Tapioca, Sage, Macaroni, Vermicelli, etc FKESH EGUS, two dozen for 25 cents, AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KJNQ STREET. LANUASTEU. l'A. Telenhone Connections MACMNmXktr. TyrAUUINKRY.ive. ran STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improved ENOINES-TraetieD, Perhb! or Stationary. Newnr Second-Hand nOILERS, WATER TANKS, BKPARATORB. Uaebihi nr BsrAtn Wen such aa done and kept lu Machlne Sheps. Oitl ON OR ADDEBaa, Ezra F. Landis, WORK3-K17 NORTH CHERRY BTRBET, LAWOABTia, l'A. n7-tfd UKAiNlliO,&a. rNDKhTRUUTIULn ORAJN1NO. -,v ... . ,i.ivfi K't Mvirl.l V(I. Nl) HMrtTtCIt INU. Webave aaystpmef gralnlnff kw iwoeo that must, in me nrur imui", "". "" " " old system en alt new work, its merits lielng as follews: Total 1 abolition 01 a painted ground, work, speed and cleanliness In working It, beamy and transparency el duLsh, smoothness and durability, and thn capability el receiving us high finish as hard weed by the same meth ods. This process Is tha nearest approach te natural weed that has yet been discovered. Call and see samples. (IUT1IK1E A SON, Sole Aftenta ler Lancaster County. II 011 se l'alntlugand U raining Emporium, corner orcheatuutaud Nevln Streets. We have also about Twenty Slate Mantles, which must be sold within the next ten days, cheap rer cash, en account el mevlug. uiur3-3md TOTK 18 MAKINU CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT S.OO a. uez. AT NO. 104 MOBTH QUEEN 8TBEET. JanlS-ttd LancMUr.l'a sf, is stsVH,.,stAVitiWVSvsJnk-sis AtiDUS.U. New Meeet CO.'flTTrey, N. V.)8T0VESand KAHWM, tU , Kn !. AhnlM rtf all .m.am1i k., li futl than any heater In use. tha m admitted by all who Knew them. We havs and nil pertaining te the business, ceHStaMlf;'; & HERR. Jil l I1ANOA8THR, PHOT A-' J marjBimJw WATCH BB. - - - JkjJrsyvwS '& f, 1 AND ART I i tfeS large, and we will make up from thee attendants, Everybody Is Invited te WOR11H. KING STREET. A 1 Material, and That Only, Usei which will be sold at MOST 1CEASUNA1II.K .. Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KING STREET. 127-irdJkw XMATMLMmVM UVJDM, i,iZ -,iyss,' X AN CASTER AND MILIiKKSVIMiK 4g . AJt K. K. TIME 1TAUI.E. Cars leave Lancaster for Mlllenvllla at JfllM! J-.OO and me a. m., and ive, iM, s-oe and 8 JO p. n. ..'-' Car leave Mlllersvllle for Lancaster at ).,. :;' ' u and 100 a. m., and 1:00, sm, &M and 1M a. m ' ,-3 R KADING ft COLUMBIA RAILROAD gf ANU BRANCHES, ANU LEBANON AND ,,. LANCASTElt JOINT LINK U. B. On and after SUNDAY. NOVEMBEIt 8.1B:iiSfll THAIN8 LEAVE UEADINO :.4' Fer Colombia and Lancaster at 7.1a.m.,lz.08 neon and fl.10 p. m. 1 Fer Qnarryvllle at 7.15 a. m. and 6.10 p. m. Fer Chlckles at 7.15 a. m. and 0.10 p. nu TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBIA Fer Beading at 7.30 a. m ., 11S5 and 8.40 p. m. Fer Lebanon at 12.35 and 3.40 p. m. TBAIN3 LEAVE QUAUUYVILLE Fer Lancaster at a 25 and 7.15 a. m. and 2.33 p. Fer Reading at 0.25 a. m. and 2.35 p. 111. Fer Lebanon at 2 J5 p. m. LEAVE KING STUEETdJtncaster.) Fer Ueadtng at 7.30 a. m., 12.40 and 3.40 p. in. Fer Lebanon at 0.40 a. m., 12.40 and 3.00 . in. Fer Quarryvllle at 0.23 a. m., 4.40 and 8.20 p. m. LEAVE miNCE 8TUEET (iAncaatnr,), Fer Heading at 7,40 a. m., tM and SM p. in. Fer Lebanon at 0.47 a. in., 12.50 and ft 03 p. tn. or Ou&rrvvtlln at 912 a. m.. 4JU and H.ua . m TKAIN8 LEAVE LEUANON. Sv-ifJ Fer Lancaster at 7:20 a. m., 12:30 and 7'JW p. re. Fer Quarryvllle at 7:20 a. m. SUNDAY TRArNS. TRAINS LEAVE BEADING Fer Lancaster at 7.20 a. m. and 4.00 p. tn. Fer Quarryvllle at 4.00 p. m. TBAINS LEAVE QUABKYVILLE Fer Lancaster, Lebanon and Beading at 7.10 a, TBAINS LEAVE KING 8T. ( Lancaster.) Fer Beading and Lebanon at 8.08a.m.anat,f",jS.: e.m. J?' FortJuarryvllleatSJOp.m. $Q TBAINS LEAVE FBINCK BT. (Lancaster.I & ! Fer Beading and Lebanon and 8.18 a. te. and t,H iS m p. m. i?4r VJ TBAINS LEAVE LEBANON, J.Vl Fer Lancaster at 7:s a. ra. and 3.15 p. uu B,si: Fer conneetion at Columbia. Marietta Jufc ,'; . , tten, Lancaster Junction, Uanhelm, KeadlM ' ; and Lebanon, see time tables at all stations. - , A. M. WILSON. Hupertnts4taat, i OENN8YLVANIA RAILROAD 8CHKD-S j A. ULE. Trains lav LACASTa and. Ma v ? and arrive at I'hlladelphU a fellows t ,-; - Leaye Leave '?.' WE8TWABD. l'actne Expressl.... News Express! Wav Passenger.... I'btladelphla. Laneaatar.f iirai p. m. 4-30 a. m. 4:30 a. m. 7 Ma m. laDSWm.Va-B-25a. Bu -li 8 30 a.m. Jfr S3la.au -v;, Mall train via Mt. Jey, Ne. 2 Mall Train t Niagara Express....... Hanover Accein Fast Llnef Frederick Accem Lancaster Accem Harrtsburg Accein.... Columbia Accem Harrtsburg Express... Chicago and Ctn. Kr.. Western Express! EA8TWAHD. l'hlla. Express! Fast Line) Harrtsburg Express... Lancaster Accem ar... Columbia Accem Seashore Express.,,.., J obnstewn Accem. . . . , via Columbia 7:40 a.m. via Columbia 11:30 a.m. via Columbia vluMU Jey.. K9UI 9-JSl 11a.m. ta a BP..f X 2:0011. 2.10 p. m,V-' kmi p. a. jvi B5Mp.m.V 7 je p. m.r 7:40 D. aa. ' & 'iap.iii. 4:40 p.m. B-tOp III. 8 JO p. m. 10-os p. in. Leave Lancaster, 2 43 a. in. 63 a. m. 8:10 a.m. 8 33 a. III. 0 00 a.m. 12:Mp.tn. 2-03 p. in. le-ap, n. " Arrive at 4, rmia. -8a,. vT r0.-2aa.ta. v" 11:43 a. m.'g. &13pUI. v B-OOp.ss.f 5 43D.aa.. Sunday Mall 4;nepm, uay cxprcast -up,m. Il&rrlsliuis? Accnm 1 u43u.in. 9-45 p. .ife. 9-45JI. , xae XAncaster Accommeuation iwrn nws .. "- -". .- . 1 -. - ' :..a: .. ' -. i--' burg at 8.10 p. in. aud arrives at Lancaster a was ,. , p. m. ,..' The Marietta Accommodation leave Celwsv' hla Htfl-Ul a. m. and maehiM Marietta at JO. AlMk ! leaves Columbia at 11:43 a. tu. and 2. tap. m reaching MarlettA at icti ana km. ftinHAfiuAt.ssiAn.in. &nd arrives at Cela: s-ni .Ian inavn, i h M and arrives at IhSO.. The Yerk Accommodation leaves Mariettas 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8 00 coniwetta with Harrtsburg Express at 8.10 a. in. j The Frederick Accommodation, wea4MMMfe ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, Mttt D.'n.. will run through te Frederick. - . -The Frederick Accommodation, Mat. I TM Columbia at 1:2S and reacheaLaueaaterMMl Hanover Accommodation, west, ecmnectlaf i Lancaster with Nteuara Kxpresa at B-3tt a. aa, wUl run through te Hanover, dally, except thus Oay. w V" Ls5 Fast Lima, west, en Snnflay, whan XasOM will step at Downlngtewn, Ceatesvllle. FaTW burir. MUJev, Ellrubethnwu and Mlddletewa. trbeenl) trains which run dally. On Muasaaf the Mall train wast rani bv way e Columbia, f MOTIOJIX G HAND DlSl'LA-y Of I I NECKTIES. UO TO EKISMAK'V t. .( " .4 i. OAUBL'S HAHt UHCI tlOTO -mmtt I 1 II.'U'I1 MTVI.HH fs 41' JS""WBaJ I'll' alllKAfKHTANDBHHT ' "'VJVi scAiuir uNiwEinsi AT ER1SMAN3. NO.nWESTJtlNUST- O') r- ' , - ' ; THOR ALL NERVOUH Tl 11 "Benseu'a Caeclaa flacter sciatica." CeagtWAinan Waialass. 1 sin. m. t b ,-S-S wva f J.1 , Aii Si yfa '$ -V 4'i, in $. '&?; Yii m fix t: KX 73 n HL fz. -A k ,: didM sL- wSOMuBmSBSimi'S mgiwi