5R.V jWf jrrr wrenr rv mi, 3"v raw v?Z . H- THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY MAKCH 24, 188G. . SB . ft. t ?rt.l ., wa ? ? FA Br. K&. " !9 mUGBKBI. t SVMV KVEWNS M Trtt t v?. Srf WniULIOINOIR tUILDINa; & nst?1.1 ten.- ,rv Mltf-lta am m Wh. Pi Dam m $, WM? WflKLY INTELLIGENCER, JiiijjM- fMMin.it Evkrv WcmetDAV Mmnin. ne iteUart a rer In iMM. is , K' V, af ft (MM and eewwrrv. ObrrenwndrnM or r "L (tftltetfleirrit lfMy and cmn hibtfAc S vJ UHHWIIIIIi VW ! J.FVW hvw ...v.. .. - - - - 1 -US t -t -.ilk .Jfl IHm aWl Ik AMUlMH fd fA ftKMf f w immrnt mn umert aw ntignmM THE INTELLIGENCER, LASOMTBB.P. r -.. uik jumcasrci Jimcmaciuex. ' : . LAN0A8TBB. MARCH St. I88C Mr Gewcn's Scheme. Mr. Gewen presents his preposition for the rehabilitation of Reading and it is a far giraplcr, wiser and mere generous proposi preposi tion than that of the syndicate which has been organized te restore Reading for its own profit. This is the essential difference in the two prepositions. The one proposes te use the whole Heading property for the benefit of its owners and creditors, while the ether proposes n deal with great preCt ia it te ether and outside people. Mr Mr Gewen's plan needs te have behind it capi talists who are ready te take a Heading four per cent, mortgage for a hundred mil liens at its value. And it is reasonable te suppose that these are te be had. There can be no doubt of the ability of the Read- 'faijr property te earn this interest upon this sum, and it would be a secure and profit able investment of capital. Mr. Gewen proposes two ether issues of securities, that will be subsequent incumbrances uien the property, te be given te these who now new bold the deferred obligations of the read. The stockholders are left in the position they new held. There is no assessment made, the failure te pay which will deprive the holder of the securities of hi property. Only these will be left out who refuse te accept the new security tendered. If these securities will be equal in value te these new held there will be no ene te lefuse te accept them. The new value given te the juniersecurities will beinthedecreased bur then that the preferred securities place upon the property. The reduction in the interest charge upon the general mortgage from six te four per cent, lets the junior securi ties into the daylight and gives them a, fair expectation that the interest premised them will be earned. This reduction can Only be made by offering cash te stock holders of the general mortgage bends who prefer it te a four per cent. bend. If the cash is offered them they will net take it, because the bend is better. ' If heweer, it is net ready for them they will refuse te exchange their six per cents, for four per cents. That Mr. Gewen will be able . te find capitalists te furnish him with all the money he needs upon the four per cent, security he has te offer thein, may readily be believed ; and if se. lie com cem mands the situation. m m New Yerk's Law Officers. They have a queer way of doing things in the police line in New Yerk. Inspector Byrnes, of the police corps, has just had the vice president of the beard of aldermen ar rested for receiving bribes, which offense the inspector says he induced him te con fess te him. The same inspector was a fewdays age charged, upon tlieaflidavit of one of the most respectable ladies of New Yerk, with having refused te arrest this same alderman, whom she charged witli having received and melted up her stolen silver plate. The vice president of the beard of aldermen was accused by her of keeping a " fence " for the receipt of stolen goods. Inspector Byrnes' detectives testified te this. Tiiere seems te be no doubt of it. Inspector Byrnes was his friend. Tery suddenly he becomes his confessor and his accuser. It is said that the vice chairman of the aldermen was presented, by the inspector, with his choice of being jailed as a " fence" or as a bribe-taker ; and he toelr the latter horn of the dilemma as the easiest, and te accommodate Byrnes, who wanted te exhibit his activity iu the latest accusation te cover up his inactivity as te the ether. The district attorney, who acted in the first charge as the friendly counsellerof the vice chairman of the aldermen and advised him te make restitution of the value of the lady's silver te save his reputation, is new hot-feet after the bribe-taking weakness of bis guardian friend. - And this is the same district attorney who has been se easy upon Grant and Ward's meney.making friends. The re doubtable Waruer, who after two years is declared te have taken a million and a half .,' , or se, te which he was net entitled, is net , ti ve iuuuu, nor jus money, ana no has iBever been near the jail, notwithstanding t$ uifl mg sieai. The Chaplain's Prayer. v Aiwuiupiainer me Heuse made a sen-f-11011 ln that by ty asking the Lord te '- .daliVAr tllA llln A frntr. nil I..A .1.- I y their money otherwise than by the honest ,1 and manly work et their brain nmliianrta :The Heuse ordered the prayer te be spread yyuu iui icxuiu. , It will de well te ponder uin IK tw. tbaps it will concludes Jtbas hitherto con. eluded, that, however great the blessing of the riddance its chaplain demanded, only Abe Lord, te whom it wan addressed, could grant bis prayer ; and the Lord has shown me great sign yet of moving te the work tawugh?he aid of Congress. But tliat we would be a happier people if great wealth mm pur aim arm it we would be con cen wHh tbe fair wages of industry, preba- Mr twt wfll .be disposed te deny. Sat whether, we 'can by our laws effec- 'fT"iy .cheek tbe greed for geld and tbe UMiiBctana vne incxenr wnicn lay ft. te some ia great masses, while jtae majority in penury, js a ques ts' great doubt; The thing cannot be Mi speedily if at all ; and unless NMeee te our aid, tbe pros- pect is dim for the millennial blta the chaplain prayed for. Tke Walr BUI Dying. 'Since the rude treatment that the Blair bSl'reeeived in a committee of the Heuse, .ttWaepe lias been cherished that it would seen receive decent interment. That such disposition of it would be a meit cheering sight te tbe country becomes mere and mere evident. Ixiulsiana, which the ad vocates of the bill pointed te as specially in need of its previsions, evidently wants none f it. The New Orleans 7Yni(-J?rniecrat, Which should be an authority en the ques tion, says: "There is a marked improve ment in the duration of the time in which the public schools are kept open 1M d;is newas against 101 dajsln 1SS3 and ninety two in 1892. We hope that with tbe aid of the legislature we will be able te make a better exhibit in the next report." This is the kc note te the situation. Let the aid necessary come under state auspices, nnd for every dollar of it expended there will lie ten times the jeturn as compared with the money flowing in frcm federal bounty. It Is te be hoped that nnsuch weitlier a this will drop ln en Arber tjy. m m FxnMER9 will read with Interest the asrl cultural statistics of Great Ilritaln for 1SS5 whicli have recently been Issued. They show a very serious decrease from the yield of 1SS4 in Bome of the most important reed products. The decrease In wheat is esti mated at 2,(28,211 bushels, in peas l,33ts!C3 bushels, In beans 2,610,7S3 bushels, ln pota toes W4,COT tens, in turnlps6,!K52,497 tone, and mangeld 67,869 teos, in Kn gland. In Iio land, en the ether hand, there has been an increase ever 1SS-1 amounting te 1OT,0I0 bush els of wheat, 135.3S0 tens of potatoes, 43,8."9 tens of turnips, and 00,253 tens of mangeld. Beth Knglaud and Ireland have shown an increase In the production of barley, amount ing te S,P3S,51! bushels In the former coun try and 4G3,l93 In the latter, rrem barley is made malt and from malt, ale, se that, though feed may be somewhat scarcer and conse quently dearer, there need be no dread of a lack of drink. GoKnxen lln.i., et New lerk, has ap pointed 11 ve women notaries te e 111 co, which causes him te rank, high as a bachelor execu tive. ANOTHKn millionaire comes te the United States Senate in the person of Geerge Hearst, appointed by Governer Stoneman, et Cali fornia, te the place made vacant by the death or Senater Miller. We are told that Mr. Hearst Is considered the most expert pros pector en the I'acinc coast, and bis judgment in regard te a mice has never yet been at fault ; that he is a very wealthy man, and among his real estate owns 40,000 acres of tbe tin est Unds ln tbe state. Ke may be all these, and yet be unqualified ter the posi tion en which he enters, nut it is unfair te prejudge the case against tbe new senator. It is only proper te say that something far mere than wealth ia required te make him shine in his new position. Senater Hearst is probably a man of strong character, for be has risen te his present place from being a laborer in the mines In 1S50. . m m TnK news that Jehn Bright favors the Gladstone scheme for Ireland is worth its weight in geld. There is te be a convention of the Ameri can Agriculture and Dairy association in Washington en April Cth, te go before the Heuse cemmittee en agriculture in behalf of the bill new before that committee te tax and place the manufacture and oale of imita tion butter under the supervision et the internal revenue bureau. Thess are doubt less the same peeple who want the constitu tion trampled ujen te prohibit the manufac ture of a geed fend product which is a great been te the joer. m mt m Evert day the strike nens becomes mero striking. Much has been said iu the paiwra recently of the "pcnthhlew" vase which was pur chased at the Morgan art sale in !sew Yerk for the collection et William T. Walters, In Baltimore. The Xew Yerk Tunes sets alleit a curious story regarding it This vase for which Mrs. Morgan raid the American Art association J 12,000, and which Is popu larly known as tbe "ufteon-theuxand-dollar ase," was purchased for the American Art association by Mr. Austin Itobertsen, in Pekln, fiem a dealer ln curies, who re ceUeil for it 250 Mexican sller dollars, a coin worth about 80 cents each in our money or $200 ln round numbera. It was sent im mediately te this country, nnd was sold te Mr. Morgan for f 12,000. The salesman who waited uikii her mistook the selling price marked en the ase, ?2,000, for $12,000, and told her the latter figure. A fter a llttle hesi tancy hue decided te buy the vase at that prlce, and it was set aside ter her. After she had gene tbtmak-sinau discetered the error he had made, and reported it te one of the members of the association. The gentleman te whom the story was told remarked In eirect : " Well, il Mrs. Morgan was willing te pay $12,000 for it, charge her that for it." This -variety or vae for which se much money was paid is nald te lit ve no partleular value ln China. The Philadelphia Evening Xcws will ad ad vance its prlce from one te two cents en Monday next. It is afe te say that a news paper that Is net worth two cents te Its pur chaser is worth netldng. PERSONAL. nrautMENTATiVK IlKwiTT.ef New Yerk, will net be a candidate ler re-election te Con gress. Cornelius Vandkruilt sails te-day in ther-msfer Liverpool. He will return In a month's time en the Servla. GovEnen Stoneman, or California, has appointed Geerge Hearst In Med States sena tor, vice Jehn r. Miller, deceased. Tatlow Jacksen has been appointed by the court of common pleas, or VAk county, receiver or the Ilechestw &. Pittsburg rail rail read ceminy's property in Pouusylva Peuusylva nia. ' Kx-Prfsidfnt Chester a. Arthur has resigned the chairmanship of the beard of the Grant lund association. Five hundred dollars lretn the Emperor of Japan was re ceived. Total, $120,118. Theodere N. Ely, of Alteena. Buporin Buperin tendent of motive power of the Ponuwlva Penuwlva nia railroad, and Miss Sje Wplrman, daughter of T. T. vVelrman, superintendent et the Pennsylvania canal company, were married In Harristiurg en Tuesday. Philip Zikiier and wife, el Heading, were married hlxly-threejears age en Tew. day anil are both elghty.feur years of nge. Tby enjoy poed health, only Hutlerlng wltb that feebleness Incident te old age. Mr Zlebcr was an actlve business man et Head ing for ever halt u century and lived there all his lifetime. Henry Streng, In the course of an artlcle In the Kerth American Jtrvltwtet March, combats the Idea that this country Is threat ened by the English system of landlerdism, showing by successive censuses that small estates are net in the course of consolidation into large estates. In Hliuels, out or 2&5.000 rarms, only 040 are of mere than 1,000 acres; in Michigan there are but 84, ami iu Kansas only 235. Mrs. Jehn W. Mackax's jewels at Wueen X icteria's drawing room en Tuesday were very gorgeous. Among the most con cen con picueuaofher adornments were n riviere 2L2, ind" Pe"dents or diamonds ami tSKsh.j, coronet of sapphires and dla TmuJIiI,1,'1 efpwrls. Nothing ccT?ewel,,,:Jfay ",. ulsJ' "f rare and costly jewels has been witnessed at anv court meT"lllerieln0rth8 Ewpress E"K! i I'rr.cut et Mind. Frem the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette Sometimes, In accosting a man whom you have already me the slipping 0r hU name from your memory may cause embarrass ment, but a little presence of mind will save you. Address him a general, and you ure all right ' Where ArathaCftttl. Frank WUkcsnn, In Harper' MskhiIqii ter April. Thcattlo-grewora who grare their benis en the northern range have kept the tact of their belng engaged In that business ee con stantly bofero the public that they have cre ated the Impression that the larger portion of the cattle In the country grare en the arid plains or in the llecky Mountain valleys nnd parks. This Is n mistake G lvcn a country wliore com thrltes, thore will be found cattle and hogs ln large num bers. All Intelligent agriculturists knew that the Mississippi valley is divided Inte great belts of land, each distinguished by seme marked peculiarity of soil and climate that determines the use te which it is devoted. The upper Mississippi valley Is wheat land; the lower upper, corn lind j the uper lower, cotton land ; and the lower, se-called sugar- livuu. it is into thaf corn can be raised in the wheat and in the cotton belt, and even In the sugar licit j but It Is net com as the West ern corn growers use the word. The corn belt proper includes Illinois Iowa, Mis. seurl, and Eastern Kansas and Nebraska. Portions of Ohie, Indiana. Kentucky, ami Tennessee properly Iwleug in this belt. Hut 1 use the first division ler convenience of I' I' lustratlen. Whcte corn grows te perfection there Is always plenty of loed for cattle. Mil Mil let will grew and yield bountiful crops throughout the region. The same is true of oils; and wheat, though net a sure crop In the corn belt, is extensively sewn. In 1ST0 there were 22,501,337 domestic horned cattle in the United States, ln 1SS0 the census shows that there were Xt,fKtl.6T0 rattle in the country an Increase of 12,430, 333 during tbe decade. Ot this Increase (, 022,ft3 wereln the five corn states of Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska. XVhen the last census was taken, mero than one-fourth of the cattle In the country were in luose states, in isju our production ei corn was l,TM,r.ii,t"(i bushels. The flvocern states produced 1,071,WV,3II bushels mero than haU the crop. It is plainly seen that where the land yields large crops of cerr, there the cattle naturally gravitate. In lb0 there were iu all that extensive area composed of Mentana, Wyoming, Colo Cole rado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washitigteu, 1.7MVJ&! cattle or 694,714 less than there were iu Illi nois, and but 351,974 mero than there was In the young state or Kansas. New Yerk, which is never spoken of as a cattle growing state, contained ln 170 2,300,03 cattle CI3, 820 mero than then grazed en the whole of the arid belt, the much -vaunted grazing grounds of the West. In my opinion the census or lfePO will show that there will be mere cat de in tbe three corn-growing states orllllneis. Iowa, and Missouri than in the entire plain region, excepting Texas, or course. And there w ill net be as much acute sutlering, nor as many miserable deaths from starvation and cold, in the tbree states as there will be among the cattle existing through the winter in a single county In the se-called cattle country, Iu IssO there were 3,1)91,102 cattle In Texas. The Texas cattlemen se thoroughly under stand their business, and the state is be well adapted te raising cattle, that nothing need be said of them or their lauds. All Texas cattle-growers realize that they must net overstock their range, new lully stocked. These at alt familiar w I ill Texas knew that aslengas grass grows and water runs that state can be relied upon te supply from 750, 000 te 1,000,000 cattle annually; cows can raise calves en the Texas ranges and live, aud the same is true of New Mexico and Arizona and portions of the Indian territory. lll.marrk and His Doner rem the Londen World Prince Bismarck is again indlsposed, it is said, and pleurisy is feared. That means weik for Prof, Schwenniger, the prince's doctor, hchwenninger is the Hecwe of Berlin. Munich was te him what Brighten was te our English rising medico, and Bis marck's eldest son was his discoverer. This gentleman, having had some sixty or seventy peuuds' welght taken off him, and having been brought out or the very back-teeth or death by following Dr. Schwennlger'sadvlce, suggested that bis rather should also become a patient. The chancellor was willing, but he could net go te Munich, and the doctor could net leave his practice there without a guul pre quo. The quid several hundred quid was teund by his appointment te a professorship iu Berlin, which he new holds, ln addition te ae enormous private practice. He sees Bismarck dally.bad breughthlm into nerfect health, and had se tamed the tiger that the former periodical explosions ln the Kelcbsratb had entirely ceased, and there bad been no change In the government since Schwennlgerhadcharge or the chancellor's digestion. Diet, net medicine, is what Prof. Schwenniger swears by. Nodrugs,ue min eral waters, no kur" of any kind. Eat of only one dish, no matter what that may be. Oysters, lobsters, beef, mutton eat your moderate till of that, but touch nothing else at a meal ; no v egetables, save perhaps a little Babul, no sweets, no savories, and de net touch one drop of liquid until half an hour, In Heme cases an hour, alter your meal is ended I There is the rnu: for these who like Chablis with their oysters, Maderla with their turtle, Marcebrunuer with their fish, and D. A G. 's Geld-Lack with their first en tree One dish only, and no drink until long after the meal Is ever. What does Lucullus what does hlr Henry Edwards, or the statue think et that? " A betterarllcle It Is Impossible te cat. 8jr 1 have tried thmn all and unhemiailiiicl pro pre pro neunco Dr Hull's toughSyrupsuperler te any." Tbe old Mery Trivial symptoms w era no. glided until rheumatism b-caine established whereas all the suffering could hive been pre veiittdhy the piumpt u-e of Salvation Oil. a ccnti. (.ibl in hammock rope breaks-bumps her head. fat. Jacob Oil cures It. BPeaiAt. MUTicr.n. There Slim be ,, open luiad between the feed we eat and the substance of which our bodies are composed. If the read is cleRged or closed w sicken, faint and Oln. This read is made up of tbe (irgansef digestion and assimila tion. LH theau the stomach and liver are chief Most people have mere or Us experience of the horrors or constitution. Prevent it, and all iu feurrul mqueiices by using Dr. Kennedy's"Fa- r'?,?""rW u u ib0 H"t step that cost.. marlO-lineed&w Depend Upen It. Mether Shlpten'a prophesies and Louisiana's elections are very uncertain thluirs, but Thorn Thern at Acleelrie Oil can be depended upon always. F."iil7c,?V? ,,n,1,taJn', efevery description rer sale by IL 11 Cochran. drueKist. 137 ana ie .North eVn street, Lancaster; KAF1D TUAXSIT. The latest and best form of rapid transit Is for a person troubled with a sick headache te take a dee of Ur. Leslie's Special l'rckcrlptlen and what a rapid transit train the affliction takes for Its departure, bee advertisement In another clu'- decSMjdfl) Threw Away Ills Crutihrs. "Suffered from rheumatism go badly had te use crutches, but threw them away after apply lug Thwa,' Kdfcirlc Oil te my limbs. lP,Tew feel better than I have for years " r. L. 0 Ibbs SOU hlk street, llutfale, A. V. I or sale by II 11 Cochran, drugKl"t, 1J7 and 139 Aerth Queen street, Lancaster. " OllOUI' VVIIOOI'ING COUGH and llrenchltls Immediately relieved by Shlleh s euro ter sale ty t. Cechr"' "rugiflst, We. 1X9 Aerth Queen De Nat Mai. lllltwllv de carefully In i purchasing medicine Many advertised remedies can work gr.at iniury-are worse- than none. Jtunletk lltoed JUttri are IYl?ly "ict mule preparation t the smallest cbild can take them 1 hey kill disease and euro Uie patient in a safe and kindly way. or lile n(,2lA .V041!"1"' dn,KSlt, W and 139 Aerth tjueen street, Lancaster. rfe Hepe Fer the Imprisoned Miners. 1TC1I1NO 1-ILK8.--H VMfTOMH I MOISTUBEI l.tkn rwsranlrnilnn lntnsA k.vi . scratching-, most at nigh seem. Tf pin wermS were crawling. wyiV Ch.UweU '"is VpliS in. FA lunivMWlTAw I Irst Hats IMdenre. "Often unable te attend business, helniriiib Ject te serious disorder of the kldnevs. Altera long si, Ke el slckuess tried "Uurdeck IlleSA hit ter and was relieved by half u betuV t' Mr it turner, nf ltechester. .V Ttakcs tbi naifti vvrlte 1 or sale by li. i). Cochran. druiSSit Ur and 1 North Queen street, UncastSJ. ' Hew Much Will De It f Hew inuchef Themat' Ecleclrte OU required te euro T Only u v try llttle A few dreni will cure any klnder an acha , and but a trlflfuIeVe Is needed for sprains and lameness. Itheuma. Usui Is net se readily utfectedian ounce and sometimes two ounces ale refiuhed. Ae medi cine, however. Is se sure te cum with the aama number of applications rersale by ll. li. Cech rau, druggist, 137 and 1JJ Aerth Oueen street. Lancaster. "Don't Hurry, Oeutleiuen," Said a man en his way te be hanged, "there'll be no fun till I get there." We say te tbe dyj. !,'"i.!""you"' et,rt debilitated, fien't hurry thoughtlessly ter some remedy of doubtful liierli, uncertain or rellr, Wben you can get at the druggists ler oue dollar Jlunfeck Ble&imt. KrSluiE,.'?.uV.cui'e "" cerulntebSniflt. Kersulebyil a. Cochran, drugBUt.W: and 11 Neith Queen street, Laneaiur " h JMCDlrML. A QUESTION AHOUT Brown's Iren Bitters AXSWEUED. The question has probably been asked thou sands of times. Hew can flre it's Iren Hitlers cure ever thing V Well, It doesn't. Hut It does euro any dlsease for which a reputable physi cian would prescribe lttO.V. l'hjslclans rtveg. nltelruuas tholK'tretemtlve nRent known te the profession, and Inquiry of any leading chemical firm will substantiate th assertion that there are mere preparations of Iren than or any ether substanee ued ln medicine this shows conclusively that Iren Is acknowledged te be the most important factor In nceelul medical practice It Is, however, a rt markatde fact, thai prier te the discovery of llllOVt A'S IHtiV lllT1'KKS no perfectly satisfactory com Mnat Ien had ever been f ou ml II KO W N 'S I UO S ii uira aees net injure the teetn, cause lmul. ache, or preduce constipation all ether iihhII etnesdn. IIUOWN'3 1UON HITTKUS cures In digestion, Jillleusness, Weakness, Dytepsia, Malaria, Chills and levers, llred rreliui!, Uen end Debility, fain In the side, ltack erl.lmbs. Headache and Neuralgia for all these ailments Iren Is prescMbed dally. HKOVVA'd IltOX HIT 1 Kits, however, does net cure In a minute. Like all ether thorough medicine. It acts slowly. When taken by men the tirst symj teni of lene fit Is renewed energy, the muscles then become nrmer, the dlgstten Improves, the bowels aie active. In Hvmen the elleet Is usually morn rapid and marked. Ihe eyes begin at once te brighten : the skin clears up ; health) color comes te Ihe cheeks) nervousness dlsap- iears ; functional durunirementa lecome regu ar, and If a nursing mother, abundant suste nance U supplied ler the child Itetneiubrr brown's Iren Hitters Is the OAI.V Iren medt cine that Is net Injurious. i'A),lfiminacliirij elifireeaiumsnif If. The iienulne has Trade Hark and crossed nil lines en wrapper. TAHKNO Olll Mi. i) umr.3-lilAw ani.hisr.RT. K TEW GOODS t ASTRIGH'S Palace of Fashion. .ne.h:kast kimj stkhh NEW SWISS EMBROIDERIES. We call your Attention te ths Immense ljirue stock el Swiss and Cambric Embroideries W e have received this week, and their remark ably LOW PRICES. Swiss Flouncing. H4 yanls wide, &5c, $1 en ll.a te rL50 a yara. Colored Kmhreldered Skirt, lng and Peking te Match. Swiss Yoking te match the flouncing NEW LACES. ltargalns in llelge Oriental l.acw atl5e,Iec and -. a yard. Oriental rleunclngs at II 00, l., fltn and 11.75 a jard JEW DRESS BUTTONS. Dress slie, 10c a dozen. Large lres9 size, lc. Extra large, He. a dozen. An Immense Llncet Children's Embroidered and Lace Cellars Frem 10c apiece te tl v Elegant Colored Embroidered Cellars at lie.. 20c. and :3c. Une Oriental Lace Cellars at c, 37c and ti)C, (treat ltargalns In Black Silk Spanish Fichus, hxtra larg and heaTy, at fl M apiece NEWKID GLOVES. Knur-llntten, undressed, at tOc a pair five button, scalloped top, at 7c. A Large and Complete stock of NEW BLACK AND COLORED SILK CHENILLE FKINGES, at price that will astonish anybody. Me have also opened this week a large line of Stamped Linen Goods. UeylleH.aplaihcM. Towels, TldleH, Iluffet Cevers, htand C'ev era, etc v Elegant Stamped Linen Tidies, Towels and Splashers, fringed, at 23c Extra irme Large hlte Satin Damask Towels at sec apiece New Spring Hats and Flowers. We beg leave te announce that we com me need trimming Spring Hats last week, and that we have epefled our flint three lame in voices i of JvEW KLOWKU9, and are ready ter EarlySprlng Millinery. 9-OurHtorelaopeii till 9 o'clock every even, ng VUUKH. T5LANK IIOOKH. Jehn Baer's Sens Invite examination of their BLANK BOOKS! In Various Gradea el DAY BOOKS, JOUItN ALS, LEDGERS, CASH UOOhS, COI'VINQ IJOOhS A ritESSES. INVOICE 1100K8, TIME nOOKS, MKMOKANDUUS, I'ASSIIOOKH, l'ETTY ACCOUNT HOOKS, Ae , AT TH3 SIGN OFTHE BOOK, IS and 17 North Queen Streot. WINKS AND LHJUOKH. rpUK OELEBIIATED ,,R0U(iUETM AND "OLD ANCHOR" PUBE BYE WUD3KIES Are rich ln flavor, soft and pleasant te the taste, remain quality, are excellent stimulants, and they stand without a rival In the market. Suld at ull the leading Hotels and by Druggists Ask ferlt. HUMrilUKYMAUTIN. " laulMmd 401 N. Sd St.rhlladelLhlal.'l'a. iTADEIRA AND 8HERKY WINES -AT- Hdgartfe Old Wine Stere H. E 8LAYMAKER, Aeent, KsUblUhed 17 B. NaB) Kist Kte Strsbt. Iebl7 tfO ANOASTEH 8TEAM LAUNDHY, Ne. S0 NOUTH AUCU ALLKV. J".1 S-"eSrei"n? allverel free of charge. CellUTi, ie.t C'uiTs. c, pair ShirU), lOe.. eta WJ.TCBMM, c.' J K OAI.nWKU.A CO." piiiiiAnKLViiiA. Tlie flneslciv.il Ions or the Medem chesil of rrcticli Art nre repivsentetl in tlie invoice or Hrenres just re- cchtM In thu second iinpei tat ion of selections made in l'aris by Mr. Housten, m.mj of which ure shown in America fei the lirst tltne mid are espppinllj adapted for 1'wlestnl Pieces. Marguerite, Femiramus, The Mountebank, The Tabeuret, The Arquebusier, The Stirrup Cup. The Subjects. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., 902 CHESTNUT ST., rHIIADKIiPUIA. -yy-ATCHKS, CLOCKS, Ac. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, CHEAl roil CASH Itncajter VV atchea at the Lewest Trices ever offered t being a stockholder enables me te sell thee watches se cheap. Elgin, VVallham and ether watehei en sale Spectacles, Opera illases, Ac. ltepalrlnfref tbeutiove named articles will receive my personal attention LOUIS WEIIhlt, e 15S North Queen 9t.,onpeslto City Hetel. (Near I'enn'a It It Depot,) -.KeiitferAUUOKA WATCH. llEr UUUItH. rpin: nkw cash stei'.i: Opposlte th Keystnne Ilouse and Northern .uank. Xes. 247 & 24!) Xertli Queen Street Housekeeping Dry Goods. Sheeting and Muslins In all widths, tickings, Checks, labln Linens, Towels, Napkins, lied Spreads, Counterpanes, Seersuckers, Cheviots, Cot tenades, Jeans. In Notions the stock 1 dally Increased with New (.cols Hosiery, illeves, l.ents' and I adles1 Handkerchiefs, Cellars and Cuffs, dents'. La dies' and children's I'nderwear, the llartree Cervet nnd ene of the best uiakei or Corsets ln the city at Mc , and a geed ceri t at -ilc. 1'lea.se callaudeTamlneKoeds before purchaslne else w here, as the stock Is belnr; dally Increased with ue goods for sprlnif. The books of thn late Arm of Mowers A Harst are with me for collection AH ra-nens Indebted pleae call nnd make payment, febJ-ljd w II. IIOtTEKS. B ARdAINS ! BARCAINS I BOSTONSTORE ! Just Itecelved, One Case ALIWOOL CAMEL'S HAIR SUIT1NH, Which we are selllnif at 2.1c. per vard ; worth 3?Kc. 1 Jidles. this is a bargain hlch youaheuld net net tall te see. vve are offering the best value te be found anywhere, ln 11I.ACK S1I.K. HI.ACk CASHMEltE. COI.OItEO CASlIJlEltK, hi-onekh CLOTHS Comethlng.Vew.l VtLVKTS, SATINS, "'"'"Bew,, TABLE LINEN'S, TOWEL1NGS, MOSLINS.SHEETINOS, SHIIIT1NQ3, Ac. VV e have yi t a few Cholce Patterns In Summer Silks et .15c. per j ard. Net sold anywhere at less than 37Kc. W e are making geclal rlert en stock bought from Messrs iinwers A Hurst, as we are determined toclese said stock by April 1, MT BOSTON STOKE.-, STAMM, BROS. & CO., (r'ormerly of the New Yerk Stere ) Nea. 20 3s 28 North Queen St. I.ANCASTEK, l'A. JanlilydAw JOHN a OIVLKK. OEO. K. RATH VON. CAEPETS ! Bedy llrusaels, Tapestry llnussels, All-Weel Three-I'ly. All-Weel Extrv Super Intrralns, Cotten Chain Extra Super Ingrains. Ingrains, lie , S7Kc. 0c , c . Vic . C0c. Damask und tenetlan Hall and Stair CurpeL llome-made Kag and Chain Carpet. Linoleum and Eeer Oil Cleth. l'aper Llnlne Slalr Tads und Stall H0.I3. DADO SHADES, SHADING CLOTH AND HOLLAND. SriUMJ AND COIID ElVrUKES AURORA CARPET SWEEPER. All Kinds of IIOUSEKKEI'INU DIIY 0001)8 at Lewist Trices. JOHN S. GiYLER & CO., Ne. 26 Bast King Streot, LDfOAnTEO, l'A. Q.ltnAT HAROAINH. (MIAMI Ol'ENINO (If EEW SPBIU& GOODS! HATT A SIIAND Inve opened duringthe nist week utinnrds of One Hundred Cas.?n of N ibw and Desirable tioeds, bought spiclallyler this season's tride. SPECIAL DRIVES. Twenty-reur Inch SUllAllblLhS, New Shades enlytec. ajurd. Twenty-twe Inch COLOICEI) DUESS SILKS 75e.ajard. Ileal value, II OU. '""oii.ne, lLKS&Lm&rll&.ULAeK ("t0S """" X1e,rCya1rd!"'AC'K ""W-M ftew . Anether case of our famous CAMEL'S 11 All! j"ard. 8U111NaH- l)r'" hhides, aicl per HOMKRIMtVHIMTI.r.u hi . .... per ard. "" w'ue.i1'. fA3HlfiiY0if,!lSh "LAC,. -A'V COLOHED CASIIMEKES.Bec. ptrjard, Itral value, tie. Our rertylnrh All Weel Black Cnshmereaat 3)Xe perjurd, hasuei'iual. Forty Inch All.Woel Debese, Grays and Hrowiu.enlyS7Xperyard. NOVELTIES IN DIIES3 GOODS. llrocaded VelveU, Kancy Strlicd Velvets. Ladies' Wraps, Scarfs and Fancy Jersey Jacktts. Twe Ilm,(lrnA l.fnna Vlnuflnl TlAeltvna Prnn.1i and American Salines -AT THE New Yerk Stere. Nes. 6, 8 & 10 East King Bt. JVOpen evenings until 8 p. m. Saturdays. 10 p m. ' rjpUIH I'AIMJK IS WUNTEDWlfiT INK Manufactured hy T V TrrntrttTSi . rr marlMyd seth nnd Hare St rhlladelphla, Pn. I nn QAUKU it imOTHKIt. CLOTHING! Spring Woolens. Suitings, Treuserings and Spring Overceatings. READY-MADE CLOTHING In Bualnesa Suits, Drena Butts, Beys' Suits nnd Children's Suits. Balrtnoe or Wlnter Stoek rtt Very Lew Irloea. Spring Overcoats. Furnishing Goods. w,tJ&te8t New Shapea ln E. A: W. COLLARS and CUFFS. Noveltlos In NECK WEAR, Laundrted and Unlaundrled SHIRTS, &e , &e. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. J-HXT BOOK TO THK COUKT HOUHK. FAHNESTOCK'S. New Open Large Stock of Sheetings. S,IVkItmkAI.,.,'1,.'IVW CiiVS? MUS,!'',? " " IKulrahl. Make. Al.e.llUhlNHS AND .KATHEUSIO VAILTNAViT,lVl.r,r K,5?LewA.Ir,Baillii;fcl",N" " TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS. We are e fecelvinB . laity New Additions te our already Kiten.lva Stock, and hU continue 10 add dally throughout the com np nomen harKutn of ene kind or anether. h Elt DA UlUNOS SOMKl'illNO.NlCH. ' FAHNESTOCK'S, tt NEXT DOOR TO THE OO0RT TJAKOAINS IN SILKS. METZGER & HAUGHMAN iiave;uaueins in BLACK SILKS. - COLORED SILKS. Ladies' Dress Cleths, Black Cashmeres, Colerod Cashmores, Blnck Broeado Silks, and BLHCK BROCADE SILK VELVETS, h'Oll irft.lf.S, A T.I. AT LOW J'llICKX, AT METZGER &HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King St., botweeu Goenor Houae and Serrol Herae Hetol. lArji HtnuRANCK aexi'Ascr. JH'E 1NSDKANCF. COMPANY. WHEN SOLICITED TO I lie Mutual Life Insurance Company of New Yerk RIOHARD A. McOURDY, PRESIDENT, mSXIS!1,1, -FWSrcen.ldenitlpn. Miica It held the VOKKMUSTrtlaca omeng the Ufe In geZ'ru'h'l.'n'e.'Xlid' ZSSR?22j$n tnvartm -' "' ' '"''" CASH ASSETS, ther.u'ureV ,u """ dh',dcna "i"" ' U leVXn O.M aniwtar efiplSy IW V"1 "' "'" Vr0U- ""0"' W" t0 e'P tho1eUyrehrt'?u?n?,hel,iT, rOU limillKIt INrOUMATlOS Al'l'I.l TO Rebert Helmes, District Agent, 230 N. 6th STREET, READING. Or 60 N. DUKE STREET, LANCASTER. 11ATA, JEAUTIKULI NHWI ATTHACTIVni All the Nnyeltlea of the Season ler i OUNO MEN. A Specialty made of all tbe Leading Spring Styles In STIFF AND SOFT HATS ! muten ift,il.,.I.'V,,T ,Wr;I0,1T 8T11K IIA'19, the production of W1LCOV A CO , the leaders of JS VI .. ..,l1,J'ia.ce.J.n 'hecUy they enn he had Quality unxurpa.-sid and Rtylisthenewent. Ak Aiifi? 1 ., iJiKA''0N HAT," an ontlie new thliiK ler jeunt? men. A full llnner 1'EAIN AM) J. .. . '' T8 our own make, at prlci-H lower than ever. Children' Spring Goods, in new and ar. l!illcdeIgns, at Lewest l'rlcei. CLOTH 1IAT3 JOItMKN OUllOKH.i'Kj.fec ,73c.and fl (i Robes, Fer Gloves, Seal Sold new regardless of coot. A Spf clil llarguln Itira! lletSkunlr,l.!lft. Ilest Muskrat. 13c. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., N03. 31 nml 33 North Queen St., Lancaster, Va. UOVHKVVHHIBHIHU HOODS. s HIUK'H OAKPET UALU CARPETS! BKoricNiNe or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Bte., Lancaster, Pa. - oei. CLOTHING ! HOUSE. LANCASTER, PBNN'A IHBURK REMEMBER THAT $108,08,967. OAfa, 0. Gaps and Far Trimmings, In all then goed4, lllabest canh - TELKrjlONK CONNECTION. ru paid for raw CARPETS! m &$ i V3