wgr"r ,r $mn- vmtw. .lA l u ',"' K' m tavhabtipr nATT.V TKmCTXmiftKOER. TttESDAY. MAIWIT 2 Ififtft. SlSt '' ' .. i. . .-.i. . .1.... .1.1 ...,. -. ,,, .. . IS ! . - ." gKDKQL BVWV tVBMM M THI MAM M M. Vwn '-wf.?: rituaiNOER uildine; S, Wi OtHTM CMtll HBAs ,31 W- 1 ,.. JHHjri frTtnf rvm amtt HHvMIW WiH mtSmemSSStt i&- INTELLIGENCER, (XvM .snBf ) CVtRV WlDNMDAY MORNINJ, 4 JMtartrMrndan S rjjijiwrnfrnrrrrirtnHrifri r wstvpm t TliriT-r "' teptMV an. I en en tidt of tt Mr ! and te n (Wr imimj, no! or T " " kit te nrOA Of OOOd fOUA. .AU r.T. V i ' "A ... j .. a a tamf HRiriinHBfCVMiV111" - ' 4w M It XXttTf end TeUgrantta 'W" THE INTELLIGENCER, s ' LAIIOABTM.FA. ljt)e anca0tcr 3ntclltgencer. ,& " r fcAWOAaTBB. MARCH 23. US. gl Tke Opposing Organizations. CThe governors of Missouri and Kansas .HpftjBr M) UftVB 4.1I1CV4 iu Viiv.i ww. -w brine into asrreement the representatives of IvtlAXulghUef Laber and Vice President tUexie of the Missouri i'aciiic raureau, i j iu MHnnjiUtrin nf nfttlpmpnt of the '""tnasfer which the govemoia obtained from iZ'itr. TTnTin. and which thev seem te liave .. . . 1 ------ ... jr eensldered te be fair, has been rejectea. ?? m rwiiftnn tnltpn bv the executive "i.. . A si,. trr.!Ma no nvliihltM? Ill L,.-MolutIens which they have adopted at St. i'XeuIs, appears te be that the organization h?" tatmr u nppn.ssfl.rv for its nrotectien be- ause there has been a prier organization of t,W large corporations and employers against It; S- Z ..... .f i.i t.- . 7 mu as this tact seems unquesuenauie, iue f.& t ftl.. !. 1-Vn.lt.H tntolraafe la '"twj fairly Justified.!. The position further hall be received and treated with by the representatives of the employing corpora- Vttnma BAema ti fnllmv na n nn.tnnl POnSC1 ss-""t ":- - - - -"-- -, sf.quence or sucn organization. 11 wer.- !"" BWD DCtiU lu u urgduutnj w in iwiivhi m tbey need te speak through tneir j organizations te make them properly euec- 'f tlve; and as the representatives really represent the men for whom they assume A., a-.xu.lr 4hiA n.lfl eAam 4 lia nn rrAVl j- Ml Dwaiw IUC1D HUUiu etxm iv tw "" buv" l,fr ... ml iv tmv elinnlil nnf. Iia trpntwl with ",jby these who desire te employ the laborers. xne wneie question uinges upon iue pre- f priety of the organizfttien of labor. Of :;,y course luia la uiaagltc.iuiu iu uid vun'mjci '''-, liapaiiiw It. rrlvnq Mm iinltnt lalnirprs n h power which they de net have singly, and SJJjyhich may be used te compel and control the employer. If, however, it is true that employers compel and control labor, by combination, a like privilege cannot be refused te the workmen. It doubtless would be better if there was no such compulsion and control attempted en either side, but that is a position of affairs which we de net new find. The situation then presents the employ en and the employed organized and combined each in their own interest. As we leek at it, the real interest of each is the interest of both, and if this is "recognized by the representatives of each aide there should be no prolonged disagree ment between them. If the Knights of Laber are wisely led te demand only what they should have, they may pree p. te be a settling and steadying lament in the labor situation. But where great power resides great abuse of it is te Tee feared; and just as the employers hare abused their power, the em em peoyes may misuse that which they fef bow have attained by their com- Binaiien. xuey may aiciaie 100 , much. They may net be content when labor is given all that it fairly earns. They may Interfere with the employer's absolute right te select his labor te his own pleasement. On the ether hand they may ' guarantee his labor te him upon fair terms land1 relieve him from apprehensions of ' sodden and unwarranted demands. It should be worth a great deal f?M tne employing class te be assured of its $., labor for a fixed nerind; as the Pittsbun Iren masters are assured of it. for itS" instance, for a year ahead. Ami it m 1' .i. ...1 .t., ...... way ue mill. nucu uiiugs eciue down, and the organizations of labor and capital arc accommodated te each ether, with a full appreciation of the benefit of harmonious working between them, the prOrk of the labor unions may prove te be beneficial rather than otherwise te the 1 country's industrial interests. the city clergy kept the city pulplu and1 the country preachers were barred out all tie time from the giwner paMrniv-, A change was compelled, and Philadelphia .was quartered, with rural sections at tache te'" each portion. It might be well for the bishop te change off the three and four hundred dollar men with these who are went te draw as many thousands. If the presiding elders and the eloquent pul pit orators who adorn liread and Arch, Green street and Spring Garden were as signed te a few years of rough ceuntiy reads and cold churches, peer parishioners and scant nay. there would be mere sym pathy in the annual conference ter tne equalization of salaries and less incredulity at the revelations of the hardships endured by some of the ministry. m m Setting It Straight. The supreme court of the United States again remlndsthoceuntrythatoccaslonally It may be depended upon te keep in view the Just rights of the states and tue limita tion upon the powers of the general govern ment. These intimations nre net se fre quent as would be salutary for our federal system and creditable te the supreme judi catory. "When they come they should be hailed with satisfaction and should be given their proper significance for public Instruction and the correction of fulse ideas. Mackin and Gallagher, the Chicago baleot-box stuffers and return tinkers, were no doubt a pair of graceless scamps. They left Pennsylvania with 111 reputations, and they developed their character amid con genial associations in Chicago. They translated thither methods long in vegue in Philadelphia, which have kept for that city the banner of Itepublicanism ; and tbey never did werse than the practices which seated Hayes, with the cordial assent and hearty protection of Garfield, Sherman. Stouchten.Evarts.Edmundsandtheltepu- blican leaders generally. Hut, granted that Mackin and Gallagher were rogues, they ought te have had the rogue's privi lege of being tried by law. This was net granted them. They violated a state law and were tried for it in a United States court, where the prosecution I'eemed it easier te convict, having all the machinery in its hands. The late Emery A. Sterrs made an able argument against the juris diction; it was noticed in these columns at the time and seemed te be impregnable. One point alone the supreme court consid ered sufficient te upset the proceeds. These men had been tried without presentment of a grand jury, as the federal constitu censtitu constitu tien directs in all prosecutions for Infamous crimes. Had the court had occasion te g deeper it would have found ether fatal defects, no doubt. The whole theory of the prosecu tion was fale. The offense lay in frauds against an election for state senator; and the United States authorities assumed cog nizance of it because at the Eame election candidates for Ceugres3 were voted for; though it was admitted that the frauds had no 1 elation whatever te these. Upen this pretest the men were tried and con victed in a federal court. Such a perver sion of law, if established, would be very dangerous. The tendency has been long in that evil direction ; it has gene entirely tee far ; the recall by the supreme court is healthful and comes none tee seen. Mackin gains little by the decision. There need be no sympathy wasted en him. lie is doing well enough in state's prison ; where we are glad te see all Democratic thieves. Uut his case has been the Instru ment of a sound judicial interpretation and constitutional construction. That is a gecd thing. Mr. rnA.su Hunn hlincll eta te rest tbe Idle rumors that Ms derent before Uie Heuse elwttens committee was due te his views re- ppctlnR the tnriffnnil Ireo trade, uy tne staio staie staio ment that Mr. Martin, or Alabama, who sup ported him warmly, Is a pronounced protec tionist, while Mr. Urera, of New Jersoy, who bIw supported hltn, is understood te be nt least n jten lslennl protectionist. Tin: IIouse chaplain at Washington prays for deliverance from the pevs er of robbers and gamblers. He might liave added con gresslenal funerals te his list. Nr.w Yerk aldermen may new bedrhen into a mero honest buslnefw. Ooverner Hill has slcned the Canter bill providing that railroad companies which ebtntu franchises shall glve the city a Just compensation, In stead or, as In the pat, buying up n sufficient number of aldenuanle votes te pass the grant ever a losslble veto and cheating the city. MXVIVAU NKtimNO KKNKWr.D peculiar te their sei, should try SIT n M EN W strength, or stinerlnc from Innnnltlrs T vxr uoena. ins xr.w cash stem:, BROWN'S IRON BITTERS! OiipoMte lh Koysteno Heuso umt Nortfecm JkUlK, Xes. 247 & 249 North Queen Street Housekeeping Dry Goods. Sheetings ami Mtmlln In all width, lickings, ChrcK, Inlile l.lncns, Towels, Napkins, limt SprriuK Counterpanes, Seersuckers, Cheviots, Cot lonailes, Jeans. 1'II!IC1ANS and imutuusis M K.N I) IT. r.Kunt PEBSONAL. Wallach Itess feels strong and wants Ite row Teemer, II inlan, or any ether man, for the cbauipleushlp- Mrs., Paul True, aged P5, of rittsfleld.N. 1!., la down with the whooping-cough, but expects te be about her work again seen. Jehn O. WntTTiKtt, In a recent letter, ssld : " The long hard w Inter has left me ery poorly tu health. I dread te touch pen and paper." James Parton made a plea ler a uews uews uews paporwltheut advertisements. He is In dally receipt of forty-se en copies of Tht Congrts Cengrts Congrts sienal Recerd. Paul I.ckckk, an official In the depart ment of public works, of Prussia, Is travel ing through the states te obcrve our system 8el mines, etc. CnAnLEt Dudley WAnsr.n In the April Harptr appeals te women te give up the bric-a-brae craze, Bnd return te the old sim plicities of housekeeping. CArr. Chas. Kine, who wrete "The f1.1..l. nii.lifii. II la )wnt In VtllKllul, another novel lu which he will ceutlnue the characters el his first. Dn. H avwabd, w he recently died in Way lind, Mass., directed that this epitaph be put upon his jjravestone j and it will be done : "Here lies the body of Jehn McLean Hay ward, a man who never voted. Ot such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Dn. J. II. Kane, a leading practitioner e Wilmington, Del., a brother of Dr. Kane, of Arctic lame, audwith him a participant In the North Pole expedition, has died at Sum mit, N. J., "here he was en a visit te hit daui;bter. Deceased was n brether-ln law of Secretary IUyard. M. Ferdinand iic Lr.ssErs tells a re porter that In 1S59 he "will charter a steamer, take his whole family, and passing through the Panama c.nalTeturn te France by way of the Suez canal."' It will take a steam txat te carry his whole family. He has children of all sizes. AS THE BESTTONIC. This medtclnB combines Iren with jiure vege taWe tonics, and l ltnnitixliln for Diseases pecu liar te Women, nnd all whelcail seeciitnrymes. It tnriches and rarities the lllei!, Mlmulates the Appetite, Strengthens the MuscU-4 uud Npn-ln fret- thnt-tmahlv lnvlffnnitcs. Clears the complexion, and uutVes the lVln smceth. . . . It dees net blacken the teeth, cause headache, or produce constipation alt clhtr Iren mull clnrl ffe. Ms. Et.iz.iETn lUine, ; rarncll Ave., Mllwau kee, Wis, ys. under date of Dec SO, 1S-1 " I have used Urewu's Iren Hitters, ami It his bean mera than a doctor te me, havlnir cured me et the weakness Indies have lullle. Alse emed meet Liver Complaint, and new my complexion Is clear and eoeu. lias also been beneaclal te SIR9. Lecisa C I'BkapOS, East Lockport, N. , as " 1 have suffered untold misery from tv msle Complaints, and could obtain relief from nethtnK except llrewn's lien Hitters The genuine has lrada Mark and crossed red lines en wrapper. Tnke no ether. Made only by llllOWX CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. (J) mana-IjdAtr In Vnllnns Hm ftlftnk ts dallV .....-...-.. v. . --- --.- -f . . . ...... lleslen-, ile es, uents' aim i.uies- Increaseil with New Heeds lleslen-, le es, tfents' and Ladies' HumlLrrtilAr. f-nflnra and Clllfs. HeiltS. LS' dies' and Children's ITnderwenr, the ltarttw Corset and one of the In st makes et Corsets in the city at 50c., aud n K'HmI corset nt XV. l'leese call and examine eoeds before piircheslnfi elso else wticre. as the stock Is being dally Increased with new goods for spring, Thelioeksof the late tlnn e( llewers A tlerst rnwlthinelorcellictlon. All persons Indebted please can ana iuhke payment a'uij u nttr uvann. H AOEIt A imOTHKK. CLOTHING!" - CLOTHING I y n revru1 Spring Woolens. Suitings, Treuserings and Spring Overceatings. jii;i;rAMtj:r. TEW OOODS! T5AKUA1NS 1 11AHOAINH I bosteinTstore I A decision of the supreme, court recently made Is uotable In its defense of tbe position that poverty Is no bar te the occupancy of a fiduciary relation. The brothers, namtd Geerge W. and Daniel M. Levan, were rHal claimants before the register of wills el Berks county, for letters of administration upon the $8,000 estate of their father, Gideon Levan. It was alleged against Geerge, the elder brother, that be was insolvent, be cause he owned ue property exceeding $300 in value. He was earning, heneer, ever ftOaweeK, and didn't oweoverflOO. Upen consideration the register granted the letters te Geerge. His brother appealed te the or phans' court, which revoked the letteraand grauted them te Daniel. The case was then taken te the supreme court, and that tri bunal has reversed the Berks county court and reinstated the letters granted te Geerge W. Levan, holding' that mere novel ty could net disqualify a man from serving as admin admin trater, uud that the selection of either was at the discretion of the register. m As Commissioner Wright Bays, a million men out of employment means a less te the consumptive iewer of the country of at least f 1,000,000 per day, or a crippllug of the trade of the country of ever 300,000,000 per year. Yet he estimates that there were 003,830 unemployed workmen in the United States duriug 18i0. It Is little wonder that the new of strikes occupies every day larger ipace in the nowpapers. lleferm Is Xecrssnrj. The death roll In this Congress premises te ba a costly thing for the nation. The ordi nary expense of a congressional funeral is about $2,000, but wheu the body Is taken a long distance accompanied by committees the expense Is much greater. When Repre sentative Rankin died committees went te Wisconsin and the expense of that funeral was ever $3,000. The expense of Senater MUler's fuueral, committees having gene te the Pacific coast, it it estimated will reach 110,000. Othercemmltteia have gene te New Orleans with the body of Representative Hahn, Rnd the expense of that funeral Is estimated at $5,000. In addition there is a day devctcd te eulogies of each deceased member and a book containing the eulogies Is also prlntedlu each case. Tne cost of this lioek with the ordinary number of copies Is $4,000, as stated In the report or the public prluter. Three representatives, Kllwoed, llankiu and Hahn, and one senator have died se far, making a cost et E 10,000 for print ing eulegies outside of the Congressional Jiccerd. In addition the eulogies delivered en "Vice President Hendricks, of which 31,000 copies have been ordered, will cost $11,000. The account then stands as follews: Four funerals $20,000 ; printing eulogies, $27,000; eulogies In Congressional Jlecerd, $1,000; total, $43,000. In addition the adjournments out of respect, aud days devoted te eulogies make a less of eight days' time. It costs $10,000 a day te pay the expenses of Congress. Ifallthisls added together the need of re form In this direction becomes self-evident. X ASTRIGH'S Palace of Fashion. SO. lKASf K1NC1 STIIEK1 NEW SWISS EMBROIDERIES. Wecall jour Attention te the Immense Large Meek of Swiss and Cambric Embroideries We have received this week, and their rernirk ably LOW PRICES. Swiss tfleuncings, 1V4 yards wide, Jc, l 00 11.54 te KM a yarn. Colertd Embroidered skirt, lng and Yoking te Match, bwlsi Yoking te match the flouncing NEW LACES. liarealns In Beige Oriental Laces atlSc,2ec andsta. a yard. Oriental rleunc)n6s at 11(0, t.25. I1S0 and tl.TSayard. MEW DRESS BUTTONS. Just liecclved. One Case ALL-WOOL CAMEL'S HAIK SU1TISU, u-tiifti mn km sellinv at 2.V. twr arri j worth Slice 1-adles, this Is a bargsln w hlch j en should net net Tall te fee. W e are offering the best alue te be found anywhere, In 1II.ACK SILK, I1LACK OASIIMKUE, CO I OUKl CAMIMEUK, sl'OMiKD cloths tSomethlng New,) EL ET3. SATINS TAHLK LINENS, TOWKLINOS, MUSLINS.SltKETlNOS, BU111T1NUS, Ac We have yet a few Choice l'atternt In Summer Silks at 35c. per yard. Net sold any where at less than s:wc. We nre tnnklns special effort en stock untight from Messrs llewers A Hurst, as we are determined te close said stock by April 1. 4VUOSTON 8T01tK.fl STAMM, BROS. & CO., (1'ermerly of the New Yerk Stere.) Neb. SO & 20 North Queen St. LANCASTER, I'A. Jnl21ydAw Our nfwortment of Stnmlnrd nnd Nove! Styles of COATINGS, BUrTINQB nnd TROUSEIUNQS, for MEN nnd BOYB' SPRING. WEAR, nre new oom eom oem ploto nnd ready for inspection. READY-MADE CLOTHING In Buslueea Suits, Dropti Sulta, Heys' Bulta nnd Ohlldren'a Suits. Winter Btoek nt Very Lew Prloea. Bntnnoe of Spring Overcoats. Furnishing Goods. -Jehns, e iv u:il OKO. F. KAT1IVON. KEATS ON CATS. Ona of the treasures of the W. E. Benjamin collection of autographs scen te be sold U a son net by Keats, "le Mrs. Uoynelds' Cat," In the Iieet's own handwriting, which. It Is believed, has never been published The date ls",Tanr. 16 1913 " It Is marked 401n the catalogue. Here ltis- Cat I Who hast past thy Grand Climacteric, Hew many mice and Hats hast In thy days Destrey'd? Hew many tidbits stolen 7 Uaze With these bright languid segments green, and prick These velvet ears but prythee de net stick Thy latent talons In me and upraise Thy gentle mew and tell me all thy frays Of Klshsnd Mice and Hats and tender chirk, Nay leek net down, nor lick thy dainty wrists for all the weezy Asthma and for all Thy tall tip 1. nlckrd off, ahd though the fists Of many a Maid haat given theemanya maul. Still U that fares Belt as when the lists In youth tbeu entcred'st en glass bottled wall. Dress slie, 10c. a dozen. Extra large, ?3c. a dozen. Large Presi site, lie. An Immonse Line et CAKPETS ! Bedy llniiieli, Tapestry llnisssels, All-Weel Three-Ply. All-Weel Kxtra Sillier lngrulns. Cotten Chain Extra super Ingram. Ingrains, S3c, S7Sc, 40c, sJc., Nic.. Me. Damak and enetlan Hall and Htatr Carpet, Heme-made Hag and Chain Carpet. Linoleum and Reor Oil Cleth. Paper Llnlnc Stair Pads and Stall Heds. DADO SHADES. S11AIUM1 CLOTH AND HOLLAND. Sl'HlMl AND COKH KlATl'KES. AURORA CARPET SWEEPER. All Kinds of HOUSEKEEPI.Vd DUY GOODS at Lewest I'rtcej. JOHH S. GIYLER & CO., Ne. 25 East King Streot, LiKCUBTBR. I'A. Lntest New Slmpea in E. Ss W. OOLLAUS nud OUFPS. NEOKWEAR. Lnundrled nnd Unlnuudrled SHIRTS, dre , SiO, Noeltioa In G RKAT HAROA1NS. (IUAND Ol'EMNO OK ThathlKlly recommended remedy, Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, l free Irem opium. Price 23 cents. ikxik Keepers unci oieers wne leaa seaentary d use Dr. Hull's Uiltlmoie l'llls, the Price lives bbeul great precntlve aijalnst constipation. Day's Herse Powder promotes the irrewth of stunted pigs, and preveuu the hog cheleia. HiNANA peel fall en sidewalk people laugh St. Jacobs Oil heals pain. .t"- Taken by Surprise. There was a great outcry of surprise in tbs Methodist conference at its sessions in Philadelphia en Monday, because some of the members told of Methodist preachers ;Who had te live nnd support families en Vi;300 a year, In this ileurishhic recien of the .Ujieauntry. Te have heard the expressions "!.tAj ,m,a nT ilmllif nml .1 nn I..1 ...1 1 1. ...1. 1 1. ; "' 'S. DUtJl0CI Wi. UUUVb tUU UCUtUl IHl miiCU m, Cvw declaration is reported te have been k free tea, one migiic nave supposed the Ij. .'. author of it was disclosing some startling A; imci, miuerw uuKnewn aim uususpecieu, XSIslsrs and brethren shouted " shame " Sand incredulity as one of their number told Tgke'w much less was allowed per capita te tfcM mbers of the family of one of their meciateH than for the support of the state'a 7 Wards, in the soldiers' orphans schools. C Can it be possible that the better fed and ere prosperous Methodist clergy of the ,:rba churches, who have never ridden the rural circuits nor filled the 1300 and $100 targes, have been igueraut all the while f the condition of their brethren ? It was tHU Mid in the conference that the beast fit" raising a million a year for missions was M MBpty one if the money was net wisely afpited where it was most needed aud would de the most geed. There is some- trikingiy at variance with the old idea of Methodism in the between the pay of the preachers ia'Ute Mm conference. It is true it a coed deal of difference in their 1jltjr, tee; and in the ministry, as every- aue. in uett Drains win command ; par ; but bow in the three or four I jnaa te develop amid the bard l w www ue la placed and kept t few yean age the Methodist conference Klsewuciu: will be found a clear state ment of the necessity et reform la congres cengres congres eieusl funerals. It lias beeu found that four funerals of the three representaties and one senator w he have died felnce the begin ning of the sosilen, entailed an cxpendlture of 20,000, and the cost of eulegies, etc., thus far Iihve been ?20,000 mere. "When it Is Ltken Inte consideration that It costs $10,000 a day te run Ceugres-s, and that a day is de voted te eulogies of each deceased member, It can be sctn ai jdce w by reform is very nec essary. Aud It Is te bring about this need ful ohange that a bill y,wt introduced last week in the Heuko of Keprusoutatives te abolish the praclice of sending committees of mombers of the two houses of Congress out side of the OUtrlct or Columbia te accom pany the remains of a member of that house te his place of burial. There Is much te be Haul lu Its faer. Mauy publie men in Washington aie filled vith dreud at the thought of dying at the capital. The wife of a Republican senator said that her tiusbaud had been quite ill ence since his term iu the Senate began, and had then said te her : "if I die, you and the children take me home, but don't let them send any committee aleug." She uald she felt the sauie way about it. HVKVIAI, SOT1VBH. There Muit be an Open ltead between the feed we eat and the Biibstance of which our bodies lire composed. If the read is clogged or cloned v.u htcken, faint and die This read is made up of the organs of digestion and assimila tion. Oflhesu the stemaeh and liver are chief Most people have inure or lees experience or the horrors ei constipation. l'reent It, and all Its d'urtul evqueuctts by uslii Hr. Kennedy's ' fa vorite Kcuiedy." It Is the Urat step that coats. mariO-lmeeuAw A t'ellceiuun 1 1 raced Up, D. P Cellins, member of police, Seventh ward, Heading, Pa., talks this way i "Suffered severely from rln-umatlsm j nothing did me any uoed till 1 tried Themat' t'cUetrla Oil. It Is a pleasure te recommend It,' 1'er sale by II. Jl. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1SU North Queen street, Lan caster. These are the lauduble puroses of a new party forming lu Dauphin ceuuty, te save the county from being stolen by the ring : First, te maintain the purity of the ballet ; second, te eecure the nomination and elec tien of b better class of candidates for elllce ; third, te presecute and bring te punishment these who have been guilty of election frauds, uial-aUmluUtratlen of elllce, or mis appropriation of public luuds ; fourth, le prevent ohjectieuaulo legislation, and aid lu PrMurlug.uch as the public wellaredeiuand-; nilb, te advocate and promote u pnblluHui pnblluHui Vlce based upon character and capacity only. There teems te be equal need el au associa tion aiming at these purposes iu Lancaster, Whd will epeu the ball ? PncsiDnsT Dupe w,ef the New Yerk Cen trat railroad, a corporation that employs about 0,000 men, Is quoted as laying that he believed the best Interests of both capital and labor were served by strong organization en both sides. This admission from a railroad president will cause delight lu the rank of labor. Why He Downfall, True, yen areln a miserable condltlen-von are weak, paluund nervous, leu cannot sleep at nljtht, nor enjoy your waking hours 1 1 et, why loe heart T iet at the druggist's a bottle et Ilurdeck lltoeii Bittcrt, They will you te health and peace of mind, i or wde by II. U. Cochrun, druggist, 1S7 und 139 North Queen street, Lan caster. It A PI D TKANS1T. The latest and best form of rapid transit Is for a person troubled with u sick heuducha te take a dose of Dr. Lcaliu's Special Prescription und what a rapid transit train the allllctleu takes fur lt departure. 6te advertlaeuient in another celumu. dcclyd(l) Speaks Itlght Up. "Have tried IVlomei' Kcleetrlc Oil for crenp and cold,), and tied it the best remedy 1 hure ever used lit my family." Wm. Kay, S10 Ply mouth Ave., Uuilale, N. T. Fer bale by II. U, Cochran, drugglat, 137 and ISJ North Queen strict, Lancaster. Sirs. Langlry. And ether famous women have wen a reputa tion for laclal beuuty. A Una complexion makes one handsome, even though thu face is net of perfect mould Jlurdeck Jltend Hitlers act rtl lectly upon thu circulation, uud e give the skin a clearness and Muoethnesa otherwise unuttuln able, tur sale by II. II. Cochran, drugetat. 137 and 13J North Queun strtet, Laucaster. De It Willi l'leaaitre, Wanglei llies., dregglsts. of Waterloo, Iowa, wiitui .. We can with pleasuie say that Jhemat' Kclectrle Oil gives thu bt'tt satisfaction of any llulmnnt we sell. her)bedy who buys will luive no ether. Thia remedy is a certain euro ferull uchis, sprains, and pains. x"or sale by II II. Cochran, druggl.t, 137 uud 18) North Queen street, Ijincuater, Children's Embroidered and Lice Cellars Frem 10c. apiece te ll.W Elegant Colored Embroidered Cellars at lie, QOc. aud .Se. tine Oriental Lace Cellars at "V, 37c. and tee. UreatBargalns In Black Silk Spanish Fichus, Extra large and heavy, at tl.&aplcca. NEWKID GLOVES. Four-Ilutten, undressed, at COc. a pair rivc-butteu, scalloped top, at 7.V. A Large and Complete Stock or NEW BLACK AND COLORED SILK CHENILLE PRINCES, at prices that will astonish anybody. Me have also opened this week a large line of Stamped Linen Goods, Deylle9, Splashers. Tewels.Tidlea, Buffet Cevers, stand Cevers, etc Elegant Stamped Linen Tidies, Tewsls and Splashers, trlnged, iili'c. hxtra fine Large White Satin Damsik Towels at Mc. apiece. New Spriiig Hats and Flowers. We beg leave te announce that we com menced trimming Spring Huts last week, and that we have epuned our Hist three large in voices of NEW KLOWJiltS, and are ready ler EarlySprlng Millinery. MOur store is open tills o'clock everyeven- ISUUKB. J5L-ANK BOOKS. Jehn Baer's Sens Invite examination of their BLANK BOOKS! In Various Grades et DAY BOOKS, JOUUNALS, LKDQEHS, CAS1I BOOKS, COPV1NG BOOKS A PUESSES. INVOICE BOOKS, TIME BOOKS, MEMOBANDOMS, PASSBOOKS, I'KTTV ACCOUNT BOOKS, Ac , AT TH SIGN OFTHE BOOK, 16 and 17 North Queen Streot. NEW SPRIM GOODS! WATT A SHAND have opened during the pest wrek upwards of One Hundred Ca.ies of New and Desirable (,oed, bought specially for this stasen's trade. SPECIAL DRIVES. Twenty-four Inch 31 UAH SILKS, New bbadei only 15c. a yard. Twenty-two Inch COL01SKD DItESS SILKS, 7Sc. ajard. Ileal alue, II W. Twentv-twe Inch BLACK (IKOS (iKAl.N SILKS, 73c per yard. Special Values in BLACK DUhsS SILKS from Gec. te f i50 per yard. Anothercaeof our fimens CAMEL'S HAIR CANVAS! SUITINOS, Spring bhades, UK. ier j aid. HOMESPUN SUITINGS, .' Inches wlde,s;c. jrer jnrd. Kertv-flre Inch BLACK AND COLOKKD CASUMEUES, Sue. peryard. Heal value, Cic. Our Forty inch All-Weel Black Cashmeres at 3c. peryurd, has no equal. Kerty Inch All-Weel Debege, Grays and Browns, only 37X peryard. NOVELTIES IN DKESS GOODS. Brocaded Velvets, Fancy Striped Vehcts. Ladles' Wraps, Scarfs and Fancy Jersey Jackets, Tue Hundred Pieces Elegant Designs French and American Satinet AT THE New Yerk Stere. Nes. O, 8 & 10 East Kins St. xr-Opcn evenings until 8 p.m. Eaturdays, 10 p.m. J. B. MARTIN A CO. Upnelstery Department. A Clergymuu's Testlnieuy, W. E, GHTerd, pastor M. E. church, llethwell. Out., was for t e years a sutrjrer wlih Dj spepsla In Its worst form, until as he Mutes "illu beeume mi actual burden," Three bottles uf JJurileck JIloeU Jlliiers cured tlui, und he tells us lu u re lent letter that be considers it tiuibeat family' medicine new before the country ter dyspepkla uud liver complaint. Fersuluby II. II. cechrun, druggltt, 137 uud L"J North gueen street. Luuca. ter. JUST AS GOOD, Don't allow tuyene te uiake you bclleve any ether remedy It Just as geed for elckhoudacbe as l)r, Lealle, Special Prescription, font Is net true. '1 hit l thu only remedy In the world that eh" 6TntSS. tt0 auwi" au4 ,UlT,U rvKMirauB. S-' T.S 1 We Invite you te rail if you trj In need of FURNITUR.E OF ANV KIND. We will de the best te please yen. Itemcmhcr our stock is cempleta und we will give you special inducements for the next 30 da a, HOFFMEIER'S Furniture Warerooms, SO EAST KING BTftEET. rpniS PAPER 18 PRINTED WITH INK Manufactured by J. K.WBIOHT&CO., msrWya Wtb ana Hare 8ti riaiaaeipiiU, r. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. VTEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S. New Open Large Stock of Sheetings. SHIUTIVO AND PILLOW CASE MUSLINS In all Deslrnble Hsim. AIe,TICKINOi AN1 FEATHEKSTO ILLi all at our Usual Lew Price. Alte COUNTKItl'A.NhS AND O.UILT8 IN QUANTITIES. 1'rlcM Lewer than Ever. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS. We are new receiving dslly New Additions te our already Extensive Stock, and shall continue te add dally throughout the coming season bargains or one kind or another. h EHY DA UIUNGS SOMKrHlNG;NKW." AT FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. LANCASTER. PENN'A. OAHUAINS IN SILKS. METZGER & HAUGHMAN HAVKIHAKU.UNS IN BLACK SILKS. C0L0PJBD SILKS. Ladles' Drcaa ClethB, Black Casbmorea, Colerod Silks, and Caehmercfl, Black Broeado BL5CK BROCADE SILK VELVETS, roil wjur.s; aj.j. at i.nw prices, at METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 Weat King St., botween Coepor Houae and Berrol Horue Hetol. I.1FR lXHVHAXCK WitfAHV. T IKE INSURANCE COMPANY. We are offering a choice line of Lace Nottingham Curtains, in newest effects. Large line of Madras Cur tains In Geld, Colored or Ecru Grounds, making the handsomest curtain you can get for summer use. .Furniture Coverings in Turcemen, Uamies, Haw and Spun Silks, Petit I'eints.etc. Tur Tur nttiue covered by expert upholsterers at very low rates. If you have an old set of Furniture let us give you an esti mate en recovering it. Yeu have no idea nt hew little expense you can have a handsorae new covering put en, new springs, and weed work reflnlshetl, turning the whole set out as geed as new. Slip Cevers for Furni ture cut and made at low rate. Full line of ruralture Linens. Curtain 1'ele', any woe.l, 20c., complete. New Carpets arriving every day. Standard makes nt lowest pessible prices. "We are told every day that we have the largest line of Carpets In Lancaster. Come and see for yourself. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. West King & Trince Sts., (Opposite Stovens Heuse) LANCASTKlt, l'A WHEM SOLICITED TO IN8UHE REUKMDF.R THAT The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New Yerk RICHARD A. McOURDY, PRESIDENT, U entitled te yenr "srconsiaeratlen, tlnce It heldt the 'Oi'.V0srpIace among the Mfe In. aurunce insulations 01 me worm, ana ener superior aa vantage! in au tne leaturei ei uusme te gether with une'iuallcd financial eenrtty. CASH ASSETS, $108,08,967. It U al the CIIEA PEST Gemvmy in which te Insure j IU larger dividend return! reducing LC m It writes the simplest nnd meat comprehnnslve form of Insurance Contract the only one tht furnlsne AUbOLVTE JXHUKAXVE FPOil THE WORD OO. the coat of lnsnrunce below that Oi Is less than that of any ether Company anv ether Cemminv. It has -VO HTOCKUOLIiEUH te claim any ran of the profits. ratio el expenses te rectlpts ever issued, and roil I'UKTJIKU INfOKMATlON Al'l'I.V It) Rebert Helmes, District Agent, 230 N. 6th STREET, READING. Or 60 N. DUKE STREET, LANCASTER. OPENINO OK THE OANALS. THE Susquehanna and Tide WaUr CansJa wUl Opera nn April J, 180, 1) V. HIIUUK. B It ATS, CAPS, JtV. KAUTirULl NEW I ATTRACTIVE! All the Novcltlei of the Season for OUNU SIKN. A Specialty made el all the .Leading Spring Styles In STIFF AND SOFT HATS ! KXTKA MUIIT WEIGHT 8T1FF HATS, the production of WILCOX A CO , the Leaders of Hosten. Only place In the city tbycnn be had. Quality unsurpassed and stylesthe newest. Ask ter the "TO-KALON HAT," an entile new thing rer young men. A full line of I'LAIN ANl AM1SH HATS, enr own make, at prices lower than ever. Children's Spring Ooeds, in new and ai ai tlstle designs, at Lewest Trices. CLOTH II ATS JTOK MKN OB 1IOKS, Sic., Wc., 75c. and II 00. Robes, Far Gloves, Seal Gaps and Fer Trimmings, Held new regardless of cost. A Special Hargaln in all these goedi". Highest cash fursi Hest Skunk, fl.. Hest Muskrat, 15c. WTKLK1-11UMK L'OKhlcCTIO.S. ca paid for raw W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Nes. 31 anil 33 North Queen St., Lancaster, Tu. ueuaxrvMNiauixa heeds. S! HIHK'H OAKPET HAIiI CARPETS ! CARPETS ! UEOFKNINQ OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new hlblted in this UKUSSfcLS, Til (1HAIN OAUl'K own manufacture a ipeclalltv. Special Attention paid te the Mannfaeture of CUSTOM CAitrKTS. Aiseas uu i,ui et ui b ubuiue, au ue, ninuun euAUttc.LiUVKULKTS.Ac..; AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. r tebataiuuw A' da'sisfeafae. aatejvAffSJ JW K-j ws'iifci.Jfeei!? ShA.ia- jY'HauetJJiJJii tM&'&ia; fftfeAfti. -Jt.. . 1M.&.''..) n ) r uurirr 8uprlnUaaent