t"irfcwTr,-rE-7Hsrj.. - ' V." JiT3F"B'T'W 3TT"rWS ?U ri--i '-' .r -.-, v- vji 7iyv V TTS cr h T- J T."- , -y &-'.-' THE XiANOASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 18S0. SB , ' 0 "" ' l0 r I. M m J . K WHEN HPR1NO BEGAN. Whlle reaming In the weed en, day, 1 nskcd the question, half In pur. " W he can tell when Spring began t Mralghtway the answer rnrae. " car, 1 Ana llebln Bedb-eat cooked bU wad " All right I Thun prajr proceed," I a. "I mii I," aald be, ''express atirprlse i hat nnyena with two geed eye s, Orevcnonethould fall te see nprlnx's coming mm' depend en me. W hen I come, them will cpme thu Sprit), And that's the gist of the whole ttiliiK " "llo.hel lle.hel Well, 1 declare)" A Squirrel chuckled, high In air. That U toedroll thai you ahenld brlni Instead of being brought by, Dpi Ing, I huiln't meant te beatt, but new The cause of truth will net allow My silence) se I'll merely lata '1 hat Hprlng for me must eJiiji w alt 1 ha thing admit net of A doubt t Spring can't begin till I coma out," ' w ell, bless my stars I t or pnre conceit," llegan the llroelt, "you two de beat All 1 have heatd. Aa If 't where true Spring never came at all tilt you Weru horn, and can't come when you're dead : I'm sorry, lr, you're been misled, lint lean act you right 1 knew Spring come when I begin te Hew, Wlir n my Ira miilU, and net till then, spring dares te venture forth again." "Whew I" sneered tlm llreere, In high dlidaln, " Yeu'rn wrong aa they are, It It plain. Wlien I lint came, net long age, I found you naught but Icoundtnew. Twaa my warm breath, you thankleta thing, That broke yenr bandt and brought the Spring. The lleblna and the Sfjulrrela all Come only whan they hear me call. In riot, 1 may assert with truth 1 am the Spring Itteir, In teeth. Spring' here because I'm here, and when 1 leave, you'll have no Spring again." Frem (A HI. A'ieAelai. FACTS tOK TUB BAMMtBM. Newa ana Motet or Interest and sain te Husbandmen. Frem the Ucrmantewn Telegraph. A rat-proof corn-bin may be made by lin ing tlie InMde of nn ordinary blu wllli Na i wire. A geed lessen te Ux la the mind of chil dren la that all ilowem, evon the uleat com cem com iiieti euee, are beautlfui. It haatioeii determined that 8,100 pounds or corn product, Including grain, cobs, and talks, la equal in untrllhe value te 0,0 111 pound el bar. They liuougeoo larm In Masxschusetta of aluy acrea, vvbere gees and duck are fat tcned for market. .Sema 20,000 geallnga are batched each year and grown Inte geese te be eaten. C'nttlii have four stomachs ; the barnyard fowl two, the crop and gizzard. Gravel acta In ploce of teeth In .fenlx. This serve tn help grind down the feed In the gizzard. Keep tbvui supplied. The abaxper the gravel llin better. The celebrated botanist De Candelle net tbe age or the elm at 535 years. The age or souie alm hate lieen aet down at COO te 700 yrara, that or an ollve trce at 700, that of a plane troe at 73), et a cedar at 800, of an oak at 1,000, or a yew at ",rW), and of a baobab tice at 6,000. - Ifyoubave let your work beraea unfor tunately get thin during the winter lese no no tline tu feeding up. The full strength of tbe aulmnU will he required in plowing and tending tlinn. It is tioer economy te atlnt animal tit-ri which ae much doiendA in ueccssfully prosecuting the labor or the farm. It Is lu tact, peer economy te let any farm animal get tiilu. Abandoning Sema Old Mede. Very many or the practice of farmer de scend from one generation te another, and are continued as abort of necenalty. It baa generally been considered almost a matter of neetmlty that cabbage, tomatoes and dome ether vegetables elieuld be transplanted in order te aerure the best result. The idea is being eradicated from tbe lulud byrettuIU coining from n difierent course Jrweph Harris, the veteran farmer, grows cabbage where the need was planted; that la, En planted the seed In rows and then thinned et t ius the plants were neoded, te set in ether plai-ea, leaving sjutuclent te grew In the rout and, aa a result, theae left In the rows headed mil as well aa mono that were transplanted. Tliun, by planting the aeed whero it Is lu tended Unit it ahetild grew, the annoyance and troubleef transplanting lasvelded, w hleli aeuietlmes Ixtcemes neceevuiry when the weather is dry and the operation becomes illlllcult. Keme of the carl lest, largeat and bout celery grown by Mr. HarrUlastyearwaH without transplanting, l'xpert cultivators nay that their earliest and best tomatoes come from nellgrewn plants front seed of Irult tiiat bad retted upon the ground. At the New Yeik agricultural experimental station, ex periments have been made in growing toma tema toma teo without transplanting. These plants that were grown eutirely in the open ground matured trull in twenty-live day earlier time than theae that were cared for in a het bed for two or threo months time. We have Invariably suoceodud better with plants growing where planted than with any that were transplanted, but our chief treuble has been In obtaining the rrult sufficiently early. Our experience has been that the plants slandlDg where planted were much mere Igoreus and tended te ae heavy lollage that Us tendency tn ripen seemeti te be de layed but, netwiihstandlngtlils condition, we prefer this course, and may yet discover some mint or practice that will hasten maturity. It is probable that transplanting vlll boa thing or the pest and that much labor will thus leiacd. "TUMSK VVT YUU UO." A CeusUble Who Woold Have Ne Feeling with Dr. Hrlster or lilt Friends. Anether exciting and by far the meat sen sational event in tbe celebrated Drliter cese took place Wednesday evening when Dr. iirister and a number of his friends were ejected from the Methodist parsonage at .Spring (Valley, N. Y. The parsonage was rented and jmid for by tbe members et the Methodist church and has been occupied by the jlrUters ever since he went te Spring Valley, Several weeks age when Bris ter's connection with the church ceased be was requested te mee out of the house. " Tills he has steadfastly refused te de, and en Monday evening a notice was served en hlm, giving hlm forty-eight hours te vacate. The time passed and be still remained in poeses peeses poeses alen, together with a number et bis friends who bad gene te the parsonage te see what could be done. Soen after 0 p. in. Constable Klsher and two aids followed by ever one hundred ether persons, entered the beuse anil commanded the occupants te leave at once. They declined te go, bnt were advised by Dr. llrlsler net te eiler auy roslstance If force was used. Tbe constable stepped up te Jehn C. Weed, one of Mr, llrlster's strongest Irlends, and told hlm te get out. Weed refused and dared tbe ellfccr te put hlm out, "All right," said the constable, " then out you go," and, seblng Weed by tbe neck, he threw blm out of the deer clear into the mid dle of the read. A half dozen ethers were treated in the same inanuer, upon their re fusal te vacate. Then it came te the ladles' turn. Although It required some force te get them .out they were net treated se rudely as the men. Dr. Iirister waited en the out side till all had been put out, and then, get ting between two of the women, be marched up the street te Weed's house, wbere be spent the night. Ne one in Spring Valley will rent blm a beuse and he Is dependent en the kindness of bis friends for shelter. Fer ce'ds. fevers and Inflamiuaterr attacks, aa well as ler cholera merbus, diarrheea, dysentery or bloedy-nux, colic for crump In ttemach. use Dr. Pierce's Extract of Hmarl-Weed, com I voted of best drape brandy, ttmart-Weed or Water t'vimnr. Jamaica dinner nnd Camnber Water. mlBTu.rAw St. Jacobs Oil Is net a cure-all, but It heals all pains and bruises. Fifty cent a bottle. Ne Uoeu That Science Uu Conferred Hat been fraught with greater blestlngt tbau that which hat accrued te the Inhabitants of malarial ridden portion of the United States and the Tropics from tbe use of Heatetter's Stomach Bitter. The experience of many year has but toeclearly demonstrated the Inefficiency of quinine and ether drugs te effectually com bat the progress of Intermittent, congestive and bilious remittent revert, whUe en the ether hand, it has been no less clearly tbewu that the use of the Bitters, a medicine congenial te the frailest constitution, and derived from purely botanle sources, afford a reliable safeguard against malarial disease, and arrest It when do de do vtleped. Fer disorders of the stomach, liver and bowel, for general debility and renal in activity, It Is also a most efficient remedy. Ap petite and sleep are Unproved by It, It expels rheumatic bumera from the bleed, and enriches a. circulation lmpoTOvUeed. by mal-aMknUatleu, mlvteW I waa meat ready te return a blew and would net brook at this tort et thing," ter i iniw; would ears all damage with BalvaUen Oil. r never "bnll-deae" a man, bnt If you inset ene with a bad sough yen may bnll-desa " hlm toad vantage wltblir, Hull's Cough Syrup. cent. MPMOtAZ KVTICKg. Cartons te think that detka and chairs kill peo ple, but tbey de. Taken In large quantities ofllce furniture Is fatal a yellow fever. Vteslt and write nuraelve away. Sedentary habits produce constipation) that begets d)tpcpta rbeumatlatn anil kidney tronble fellow In their train and death ends the chapter. ou whose lives passed ever desk and In thecenilm-d air of omen sought te keep Dr. Kennedy'! " ka ka ka vortle Kenirdy "always en hand for the ttemach and brain, tnarlo-lmeedAw -"- Marreaa OablUtetavl Msa Yeu are allowed afrt$ Mat of thirty dayi of tbj uttef r. Dye's Celobrated VelUla Ilelt with KlMtrloRaspensery Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent euro of Mervena. Debility, let et Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred trouble. Alan, for many ether disease. Com Cem plate restoration te health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ne risk I Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with full Information, Unna, etc., mailed free by addrestlng Vollale BeltUe., Jlar hall, Mich. AKK YUU MADR miserable by Indigestion, Cnnstlnatlen. Dizziness, Less of Appetite. Yel low Hkln T sblleh't Vttallzer Is a pesltlvn cum. rnf aalit liv II. IL Cnchran. lirtiiDtat. Niv 1 17 North Queen street. SI.KKl'T.KBS NKIIITS, made miserable by that terrible rough. Shllnli'i Cure Is the remedy ter you. rorsalehy H. IS. Cochran, Uruggttt, Nei 137 North I) u eon street. ItACKMKTAUK a lastlngand fragrantner. fume, l'rlce zi and 80 cents. Fer tale by Jf. II. Cochran, Druggltt, Ne. 137 North Queen street. The ImpendlAg Dauigsr. The recent statistics of the number of death show that a large majority die with Consump tion. Tills dlsuase may commence with an ap parcntly harmless cough which out be cured In stantly by Kemp's llalsam for the Threat and Lungs, which Is guarauteed te cure and relieve all cases. Price SI cents and 1. Trial tite rte Fer sale by II. II. Cochrae, druggist. Ne. 137 North queen ttroet. eO-lwdAltw Ne Hepe for the Imprisoned Miner. ITCHING riLKS." SYMPTOMS! MOISTUBEI Llks perspiration. Intense Itching, worse by scratching, mett at night, seems If pin-worm were crawling. " Hwaynt't Ointment "It a pleat- nf, rur ettr. ian-iwrw 8II1LOII-8 CATAUHII KKHKIIV- posltlve cure for Cntarrh, Dlntbnrla, and Canker Meuth, in. 137 Fer sale liv II. II. ueenrun, umggist, no, North (J men street. Krei the Allentown Democrat. District At torney Wright was taken with a severe attack or rheumatlsm, but a few dose of Gress' Bheu Bheu matle Itemedy felched htm out all right. This remedy is recommended for rheumatism only, Is taken Internally, and In nlne cases out of ten will effect a permanent cure. Price 11.00 by all druggists. feb!)3mM,V,r Hew nbsnrd te wheeze with a cough which Hale's Heney of Horebound and Tar. I'lke's Toothache Dreps euro In enu minute. mli-lwdeedAw I was troubled with chronic catarrh and gath ering In the bead, was very deal at times, hnd illscburges from my ears, and was unable tn brcatbe through my nose. Ilafera the second bottle of Ely's Cnam ltalm was exhnusled I whs cured, and le-day enjoy sound health. C. .1. Cep bin, US Chestnut Ht Field Manager t'hlladel plita I'ub. lletiite, I'm. I am en my second bottle of Kly's Cream llalm, being a sufferer rrnm catarrh since 1 was aclilld, hut with this mcdlclne 1 am being cured. Vt nu h. Dayton, llroeklyn. mlJ-2wdPedAw Cetnax'a Liquid lleef Tenlcl As a tonic In all cases of debility and weakness, cannot l surpassed. lulMwdeed&w A Very Narrow Kscape. had a very narrow ccape," said a les, 1 ft ten my bed fura jearnnd my mends gaveme up tern consumptive's grnve, unlll 1 tegnn using hemp's liulmim for tun Threat and Lungs, and ivn, unili x lM-gnn utiii Threat and Lungs, un here 1 am, sound and hi arty." Price &c. and II. ter sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 117, norm wneeu sireui, Lniicusiur. FOIl IISIR1'S1A and I.l er Complaint. you have n printed guantntee en every bottle of hbl hbl leh's Itallrer It necr tails te turn. Fer sale by II II, Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 -North Queen street. Da Hasslkii'h Werm hrup. The only worm mcdlclnuguamnleed tnexiiel norms If nnyex 1,1. Price a cents. Ily all druggWIs. febs-.1inM,W,F WHY WILL OU cough when Mhlleh's Cure will Kte Immediate relict. Price 10 cts .AOctH el. nnd tl. ter sulci by II. It. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1J7 North llueeu strreu THK ItKV. (IKO. ll.TIIAVKlt, of lleurlmn Ind ,sa)s " both nnielf and wire oeeur lives teHIUl.OII'3 tONHUMl'tlOSCUHK." nrsale by 11. II. COLhran, Druggist, .Ne. 137 .North Queen street. Feur-Ftniis. Of our American people are afflicted with sick headache In cither Its uennus, bilious or con gestte forms, caused by Irregular habits, high living, etc., and no renitdy has ecr cenquend It until Dr. Leslie's Hpcclall'rcserlptlnn was dis covered, (live It a trial, hee adertlscmunl In another column. (3) SHI I.OH'S V1TAL1.KU is what you med ler Constipation, Less of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, l'rlce 10 nnd 73 cent per bottle, ter sale by II. 11. Cochran, uruggisi, na. i u .-idhii ijucen sirueu SKIN D1SKA3KS.-"SWAYNK'8 OINTMENT.' "Swanne'i Ointment" cures Tetter, Bait Uhenin, King worm. Beres, I'lniplet, Kczema,all Itchy Eruptions, na matter Aeu etittinate or long tiuruline. lanii-MWFAw UHUOKHIB8. Sl'KCIATj l.KNTEN OOODS. Ilest selected codfish, large fat. Juicy mack erel, amnked halibut, canned salmon, nun crop elivet, tint it tuble oil, salad dressing, mustard and pickles, bananas, oranges and apples. Try our fine selected old flev. Java, Mecha and lm tiertal llle Coffees, tbey sneak for themselves. very noed at l.'Xc Unrgalns, snud t ft of nice for iic, 5 H. geed prunes, kc.; elegant light nvrun. c. nei quari ; cannea corn, cc; iu n kit lutumckerel,.vic, rieusu can ersena your (iruers. GEO. WI ANT, Ne. 113 West King Slreet. augX-lyd c 11KA1" FAMILY UUOUKHY. " .lie nef te eat. Jlut eat teltie." A new and selected assortment of Uosten, Oat meal, Monitor, Dinger, Pretzel, Ulna Point Oyster, Family and Water Crackers, beda. Coffee, Tea, Nle-Nacs, ljmen, lady's t lngers. Midgets, lime Nuts. Cocea, I'enu, Vanilla, and Milk Ills cults; Crystal, Uraham and (linger Wafers. AlsoalargequantltyofFIneSMOKKDaALMON, Halibut, ileueless Cedtlsh, ltusstan Hanllne,, Extra Ne. 1 Mackerel, Fine Mackerel 3 for be, Seused Mackerel, Halmen, Lebmers, and ltoyer Oysters, Helland, Portland and Scotch Herring and Uleuters, The Best Oheesea in the Olty. Celvln's l'n re Yerk County buckwheat, and a full line of I rush Groceries at OHABLES MAONAY'S Choice Family Grocery and Cbeest Emporiera, 1U and 117 NOUT1I QUKEN 8TKEET, Lancaster, l'a. Uoeds delivered free te all parts et the city and environs. Telephone Connection. 113-Smd BOOKS. OLANK HOOK8. Jehn Baer's Sens Invite examination of their BLANK BOOKS! In Various tirades et DAY HOOKS, JOUUNALS, LKDOKHS, CASH BOOKS, COPYINU BOOKS A PKES3ES. INVOICE BOOKS, TIME BOOKS, MEMORANDUMS, PASSBOOKS, PETTY ACCOUNT BOOKS, Ac , AT TU SIGN OFTHE BOOK, 15 and 17 North Queen Street. W1NXB AMD LlQVORa. rnllR CKLEBRATED "BOUQUET" AND "OLD ANCHOR" PURE RYE WHISKIES Are rich In flavor, teft and pleasant te the taste. Pubs in quality, are excellent stimuiauu they stand without a rival In the market. they stand witneni a rival in me tnarxet. at all the leading Hotels and by Druggists, font HUMPHREY UATiTIN. ouie i riipriuuirn, 401 N. Sd SL, Philadelphia, Pi lanlMmd M ADKIHA AND SHERHY WINKS -AT- Mgart's Old Wine Stere H. E 8LAYMAKER, AQENT, KtUblUheaiTB. Me. Kin Ka Brairr. ItbU-tfd MMBieAt. WAA, m.sijswme 4 r-. D, KENNEDY'S PAVOUITK )IKM- KtlT. Leeg Safferieg from Stene !i the Kidaeys. It It by nn'meant atrnngn that Dr. David Ken nedy, of Itondeut, N. 1., should have re ceived the following letter. Ily reading It you will tee In one minute why .lames Andrews wa thankful: Or. D. Kennedy HonJeut, N. 1". Dear Him Until within a recent date, I had for several year suffered greatly imin gravel, called by the doctor the Ilrlrk Dint Sediment. Fer abent a year past this sediment hat net passed off In the usnel qntntlty, but hnt accu mulated, causing tne untold pain. Having beard nl LB. IIAVl II KENNEDY'S K AVOI11TK IlKM KDY, I tried It, and after using about. one and one-half bottles 1 voided a stone from the blad der, of an nvnl shape, of 719 of an Inch long, and rough en Its surface. I send J en the largest Piece, that you may tee of what It It composed. Inceihen I have lilt no pain. 1 new consider myself cured, anil cannot express my thankful thankful nrstandgrntltudeinr se signal a dellvcrance from a terrible disease. ou have my consent te use this letter, should you wish Ui de se, ler thalienentofethersiifleruri). Yenr truly, .rAwcs Axiiaxns, Ne. 10 Marshal It , Ida Hill, Trey, N. Y. Dr. Kennedy' "Favorite Heinedy " Is esl dally offered as a trustworthy specific for the cureerifldney and LIvorL'emplalKts, Constipa tion, and sit disorders arising from un Impure state of the bleed. Te women who surfer from any of the Mi pe culiarly their sex "Favorite ttemedy " Is con stantly prevlngltselfun unfailing friend a real blessing. There Is no mera ngnnlrlng class of disease, nnd nenn mero ceitaln "net tu get well et Itself" than thedlsordersof the Kidneys and bladder. '1 he only medicine that does ulmrd speedy relief and pennanent cure of such affections Is Dr. David Kennedy's " Favorite Itemcdy,"ef Iton Iten Iton eout, N. Y. marl-cetUw HOI' l'LAHTtillR A FAMOUS 8TUEK0TIIKNr.it. Heuse wiles, shop girls and saleswomen all luffcr mero or les from Weak Back and Slde Slde ache. Nothing affords such Instant relief as a HOP 1'LAHTKIt applied ever affected pert, rains and aches of all kinds are driven out and the parts made operand strengthened. Ask for aHOl'I'LASTEItinnde from burgundy Pitch, Canada llalsam nndithe virtues of Iresb Heps, Sold everyn here. 2Sc., 8 for II 00. 8eud te HOP PLASTER COMPANY. Bosten, for circular. B DO IsK SHNHIIILK. The HOP l'LASThlt does mere geed In one-quarter the time than any balm or lotion and Is mere cleanly te use. A freh and sweet porous plaster which act Immediately when applied te seat of trouble. Itheumatlsm, Nail rulgla, Sldenche, Lame Hack, Crick, Sciatica, Seru Muscles, Kidney Affections, Weak Lungs or Lecal l'alns cannot exist long when one of these plasters Is applied, llemember, virtues of fresh Heps, Burgundy Pitch and Uiiins com bined. Beld everywhere. Me, 6 for tl.OO, Pro Pre Pro Srletors. HOP PLA8TKII COMPANY, Bosten, lass. (7) HOI" I'LASTKKH CUHK QUICKEST! WHY? Because composed of medical qualities that are known tn possess great, power in rclle Ins; pain curing dNease and wonder fully weak and worn out parts, fresh Heps, Burgundy l'ltch and Uuuis combined In a fresh, clean and sweet poreut plaster. Always ready te apply te sudden pain, aches, strains, cramps, stitches, crick, swollen Joints or muscles, or soreness In any part. i"ie,3 for ll.eu, every where. HOP l'LASTEIl COMPANY, Bosten, Mass. (8) G KAY'S BI'KOIKIO MUDUUNK. Tbe (J rout English llemedy. An unfailing cure for Impotency and all Diseases that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Lastttude, Pain tn the Back, Dlmnest of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether dlseaset that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Premature tlrave, Fnll particular In our pamphlet, which we de tire te send free by mall te every one. This Spe cine medicine It told by all druggists at II per package, or six packages for 1 or will busent tree uy mau ou recei ilpl of the nu ney, by ad. anuatnir the aeent. II. B. COCHRAN, Druggist, &!e Agent, Ne. 137 and 129 North Qnee tlreet, Lancaster, l'a, Onacconntef counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; tie only genuine THKUKAY ME I.'(i1f ,, u u t.r m.'.u... b. .j . Ilnffaln. N. Y. A VVRH ALL OTHKKS FAIL, CONHLLT DR. LOBB, 3WHtlll FIFTEENTH STREET. (Uclew Cal Cal lewhlll Street, Philadelphia.) 91 1 KAltS' EXPKUIENCE (iuaranteedtocnre the attllcted and unfortunate w Ith Purely ege table Medicines. Heek en special diseases tn u ; send for It. Advice free and strictly cenfiden tial, emcennurs, It n.in.iezp. m .jp.m.teiu p. iu. 'In'atment by.Mall. ini- 1-ljdAw e ATA KHil-Il A Y-l'KV V.H. ELY'S CREAM BALM IS WORTH S1.000 TO ASY MAS, WOMAS Oil VII II. I), SUHK.ltl.NU FUOM CATARRH. A. E. NhvVMAN, Uniting, Mich. A particle Is applied tn each nostril and I agreeable te use. Piice .V) cents by mailer at druggists, bend for circular. fcl.Y BKOlllKltJ, Druggists, Owcge, N. Y. lulr-Slyoed&lvw TSeKlTKKMbvJJK. " VICTOULV CORN HEH0VEK. Warranted te eradicate cempletely and In a short time, the most qbduratu corns, hard or teft, without pain, held by Uee. W. Hull, Chas. A. LcKher, Jehn U. Kauiluian, Dr. Wm. worm ley, and ut BEClirOLD'S DKUU STOKE. declO-lyd Ne. 401 est Orange St, Diu eaiji:n. OFFICES AND DltUK HTOKK, l.tOX.stb. fat., 1'hllnd'a.. lteetstered Physician and Ornduate Jeffersen College, guarantees te euro all Bleed, Skin and Nervous Diseases; also l'rlv ate DUcases of citber tex, with purely ogetable remedies Dlt. DAI.SE.VS UOLDE.V PEltlODIC PILLS are Safe, Certain nnd Etrectual. tl box. Send ferclrculnr. 1VO H. 8TH ST., Philadelphia. Treatment by Mall. rJT-U d WALL fAlJSU. Ll'Rr.I) KIKIIKR. " Mary StuarU"suId Allred Wright, "was a hit of a lifetime " We say the hit of the present time aru Ihcwe Nmi, Beautiful and AltraLllve WALL PAPERS SOLD BY ALFRED S1EBER, And another hit Is the low price asked for thuin. New Wall Paper constantly arming. Have your work dene at nuce before the rush commences. WINDOW SHADES. We are told that we can brat the town In Dade Window Shades, be we can lu quality and prices. Come and leek at them. Plain hhade cloth Ireni M te 7-Inches wide, for all klndsnf windows. Measures taken and shades hung promptly by Expert eikmen, LACE CUR PAIN DEPARTMENT. Saturday. March 90, 18Mb, we will open a I. Hee Curtain De partment with a fnll line of Lacolinedi. Come and tee lit aud get our .prices. Roiuemberthu name. ilfred"sieber, (Formerly wllh P.W. Fry.) NO. 134 NORTH QUEEN ST , LANCASTER, PA. IIIARKS W. KKY. Lace Curtains! We have the choicest and newest styles of Lace Curtains of any season heretelme, and prices lower thun they ever were, us fellows bee., 7V , l un, $1 as, l 37K. I.M, II 75, lioe, . , ti-M. H7.WW,JSi),lwi,5.W a pair up. Onu, tweand three patriots very low te close out. Lace by the yard, 10a , 0c., V3c.,3ltn., 7tc. These have been cut down about cue third in price. Lambrequins, Pillow Shams, &c. POLES In Walnut. Ash, Ebony, Cherry Brass and Trimmed, 3.V., hie. 7&e,l uu. Brass Chains, jirupery i me, iiiiems, iuiiui, eic. W1NB0W SHADES IN OREAT VARIETT. S-llave your 1'apcr Hanging done nnw.-t PHARE8 W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. Q.KOKQK KBNHT, JB.) Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, HO. W9 WEST KINU SPItEET. All work receives tny prompt and twrsenal at tention. A U kind of Jobbing attended te at short no- un mu un rtNMunsuiu lermi. Drawing and Kitltnaui tarnished, K7-iye.- piVKBY DAY SOMKTHINU NEW -AT- Nm. 347 k 249 North qMM Street, Opposite the Keyitene Heuse and Northern Bank. New Dress Goods. New Cashmeres, llemetpnnt. New Armnres, Tricots, Flslds. Nev Sateen, Fealardt, Chlntre. New Percale. Beertnckert, (llnghams. New Corded Psqneat, 1'lald Nainsoek. New Victeria Lawnt, Hambnrgt, lnserUngt. Oent's While Shirts, Qcnt Cellars and Cuffs. A Full Line of Notions and many ether geed which we will daily add tn stock nnd sold at lowest market prices Please call and examine goods lierere purchasing. Thn lioeks of the late nnn of Bewers Hurst are with me for collection. All persons knowing themselves Indebted, please call and make set tlement. fcbS-ljd W. B. IIOWRKS. TJAROA1NS I HAIUIAINS I BOSTONSTORE i Inst Itecelved, One Case A I, I. WOOL CAMEL'S HAIR SU1TINU, Which we are selling at 23c. per yard; worth S7kc. Ladles, this lsa bargain which yen should net net fall te see. We are offering the .best value te be found any where, In BLACK SILK, BLACK CASUMEKK, COLOKED CASHMEUE, sl'ONtiED CLOTHS (Something New,) VELVETS. SATINS, TABLE LINENS, TOWEL1.NOS, MUBL1NS, SHEETINGS, 8IIIUTINQS, Ac We have yet a few Choice Patterns In Summer Silks at 3.1c. per yard. Net sold anywhere at less than 37Kc. We are making special effort en stock bought from Messrs. Bewer A Hurst, a we are determined toclese said stock by April 1. WB03TON 8TOKE.-M STAMM, BROS, a CO., (Formerly of the New Yerk' Stere.) Nea. 20 Ac 28 North Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. JanlMydAw TOHN S. CJIVLKK. GEO. F. RATHVON. CAEPETS ! Bedy Brussels, pettry 11 ITiree-Ply, Brutssett, All-Weel Alt-Weel Extra Buptr Ingrain., Cotten Chain Extra super Ingrain. Ingrains, 2Sa, 37Kc "c., 4Jc, 80c., Wc. Damask and Venetian Hall and Stair Carpet. Heme made Rag and Chain Carpet. Linoleum and Eeer Oil Cleth. Paper Lining Stair Pads and Stall Reds. DADO SHADES, 8IIAD1NO CLOTH AND HOLLAND. bPlllNO AND CORD FIXTURES. AURORA CARPET SWEEPER. All Kinds of HOUSF.KEKPINU DRY HOODS at Lewest Prices. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., Ne. 25 East Kin? Etroet, LmeABTss, Pa. HltKAT HAKOAINS. DRESSSILKS. WATT &SH AND, Always en the Lookout for Bargains, offer te. day Extraordinary Value In COLORED DRESS SILKS, ?2 Inches In width, Tic. a yard ; regular price, $1.00. COLORED DRESS SILKS, 15c. a yard. S1RIPED SUMMER SILKS, 37Kc a jard. BLACK DRESS SILKS, 21 Inches wlde.attl.OO andil.-i'iayard. 3-Thee geed) are Warranted tn give satis- action, BLACK DRESS SILKS At sec , Tic., SJKc. a yard. COLORED SDRAH SILKS, Iu All the New Shadeo, at S'y,', Cents a Yard BROCADED SILKS, BROCADED ELVKTS, BROCADED ELETEK.N8, In Popular Celers, at Lew Prices, Assortment of NEW DRESS BUTTONS. An Immense NEW BRAIDS, MOS TRIMMINOI, CHENILLE FR1NOKS. New Yerk Stere. Nea. O. 8 8s 10 Bast King St. J."" MARTIN CO. Spring Dress Goods ! Wearerocelvlnireiery flsy Hprlns NnvellUs In Hrem I ilirlcs tu Black and Colored Silks ! tiperlal Hirgalns are shown In EreryHrarie. 10 Pieces U 1 .S El 8 Warranted BLACK silk At II 00 a yard ; worth 11.25. BLACK SILKS At Mic.fjic., 7V-.ll en, !., flirt, l,7 and l-'OO Colored Dress Silks! In nil the Newest Spring Shades at U Cent a t aril. u. SURAIi SILKS In New b hades at 83c. a ard. Te arrive next week, the nretlleil line nr SUM. MEltHlLKSversbewln this city at prices te suit all. Al.AKQKlNVOlCKOr' French and American Satins. About ;iej dIUerent patterns te select from. One let American Satins, dark Kreuud, ueat and larue patterns, at 10c. a yard s worth lie J. B. Martin d Ce,, for. West King & Prince Sts., (Opiwsile Sterens Heuse) LANCASTER, 1A- rpORACCO CUTTINaS, HORAPS, SltT X 1NOS AND PACKEhS' WASTE, Dry and Clean, bought for cash. .1.8. MOL1NS, Ne. 273 Pearl Staeet. New Yerk;. Kelcrence fred. Schutte, e. J Pearl treet, Mw Jfetk, feblMyd ettttAterm. B DRGEK ft BUTTON. -WHAT? THE FIRST OF MARCH, The Beginning of Joyous Spring When all nature robes Itself In gay attire I And this reminds us that NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUTT Spring 0'ercea.t Spring Snits, Spring Underwear, -AND THAT- BURGEE &SUTWS Is the Place te Buy. Onr Spring Sterk of overcoat and Suits for Men, Youth and Beys are new ready for Inspec tion, Call and see what we offer and get price. Our prices never were a low and quality never hotter. BURGER & SUTTON, MANUFACTU1NU CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTER, FA. s PEC1AL ANNOUNCEMENT. Special Announcement ! Unrtnr the month or FEBHUAUY I will make a reduction of te per cent, from the regular price en all HEAVY WEIGHT Suiting and Overceating. Thta Is done te turn stock Inte ready cash and gire employment te my hands. MEDIUM WEIGHT Suiting for Early Spring Wear, -AN 11- SPRING OVERCOATING Will he made up at Greatly Reduced Prices. Waauiple Cams of the Latest Spring Impor tation new ready. H. GERHART Ne. 43 North Qneen Street. WOrrearri th Posrerricm. L. (IANBMAN A BKO. Commencement! CUSIOM 1IEPAUTMENTOK I.. OANIA.S A llHO.NOV:ilEAIY. Newest Spring nntl Summer Fabrics or III2I1 and Medium tirade Merchant Tailoring At Lewest Prices. SIT ITS TO OKDKll (All-Weel) at 11200. EI, Ell ANT ALL-WOOL at 110.00. ENULIBH WOlWTEIl PLAID SUITS at (19 CO. KINK 1M POUTED COIIKSCKKW SUITS t tJIOI. PANTS TtlOUDEIl (All-Weel) at$.IOii, J I CO, $5.00, W0U, 7.00, $3X0, fl.00. ANY MAN IK NEED OK Custom Made Clothing Will be astonished at the prices marked In plain eKures In our Northwest Window. One Hun dred Dltterent Patterns, all of the Men est Makes te select from. Call early, convince yourself, get posted and compare quality and prices. Alse workmanship with ether houses. Our labor Is our profit. L. GANSMAN & BRO., MANUrACTUKEKBOr MEN'S BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Might en the Southwest Cerner Orange Street, LANUA8TEK, PA. W Net connected with any ether Clothing Ueuse In the city. M 1TEKS 4 RATHVON. THESPRINGOF1886 Is upon us. We are net behind, cither, with our Stock of CLOTHING rOKTUK SEASON. The best care and taste has been used In pre paring It for the trade, and se fur we ha e been well rewarded. MEM'S SUITS In many Styles and qualities, and at prlret down te bottom. MEN'3 SPUING OVKUCOATJi In all tbe llest Styles, ranging In prices fiein 0 00 te lS.ue. The Youths' and Beys' Department lias been well cared for, and all of the llest and leuguest Materials can no leuna. A PA I It Or PANTALOONS Are a very necessary thing this time of year, and our assortment Is large enough te suit anybody's tnste. Don't be afraid of High Prices, NOliUUl PUICKSUEHE! If you don't want the finest Clothing, we have All the Cheaper tirades ; aud better value ran be had here for a small amount In vested than anywhere else. This Is a strong statement, but w e knew It's right. LEAD1NU CLOTUIEllS, MU. 13 HA8T KINO 8TRHHT, LANCASTEU. PA. CALL AT S'lOUK REIOARTH OliO WINE LISTON'fl BXTRAOT OP BHBP. tlMEST IW Tl W01UV3, KiUhllihed, 1741. H. E. SLAYMAKER, A&T., labU-Ud Ne.EMElngfiUet. mm MTHFON A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WJNS. HONEST WORK ! Philip Doersenfs Old Reliable ferriage We 12Q and 128 MABTKINO BTRMKT, (NRAHLY OPPOSITE TBI LEOPARD HOTEL), LANCASTBR, PA, Nene But First-Class Mechanics Bapleyei. A 1 Materitl, and That Only. t-UICKS TO SUIT TIIRTIMBS. ALL WOKK (1UAKANXKKD. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS And Vehlelea of Bvery Daaorlptlen Butlt Promptly te Ordr. A Fnll Linn of Vehicle tn Stock, prepared Mpectallr for thn Sprln Trade. A Lam and Vattef 4 Assortment of 8ECONUHANU WOKK UN HAND which will lie seldatMOST KRAHONAIILi.A I'ltlCEl. PARTICUIAR ATTENTION (Uvn i a call nnd examine the work, Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Werts, NOS. 126 and 128 CLOOKM AND JT KHOADS, JKWELKIt. JEWELRY in eaiiintr attonwen w our enannvs in inra line, tne pubiie ara lnvittMX te f a close and critical examination of tbe troeda whleh we believe we ean fairly eiaim are 01 a eranaara equal wany ever enerea in ine largeex ernes or ear land, and we ask companion of prfees. knowing that ours are lower for the fine goods ettered than the ruling et prleee elsewhere. Our Stock of Unset Diamonds Is large, and we will make up from these any style of work desired. All the Newest Patterns of Ladles' Wear always In Stoek, and Birth or Menth Stones of the whole calender ean be had promptly. The Gems Diamond, Buby, Emerald, Sapphire. Topaz, Opal and Pearl always en hand, and set te order. Oil Paintings, Marble and Bronze Statuary, and Musical Bexes, always cheerfully shown by our attendants. Everybody Is invited te eall and be shown through our stock. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO. 4 WEST EIN0 STREET. LANCASTER, FA. aZAMBWAMK. riQH 4 MARTIN. CHINA HALL, A Few Facts- Housekeepers In selecting wares for your tables, etc., especially these just buying new outfits, it is important that you select the best in the market. Hew embarrassing te a lady, especially if she has table pride, and what lady should net have, te And that her ware is all full et small cracks, and tlrat grease has penetrated and made it leek black and ugly. A cause and a remedy. All semi porcelain or granite ware in its biscuit state is poieus. It is then covered with natural or artlflcial glass te prevent its penetration by liquids. This is termed glazing. The gla7e mast vary as it must fuse or melt according te the ware upon which it is placed. It must also dilate orcentractin pro portion te the biscuit or else it will crack or crae and produce the above result. Unequal or insufllclentflringorburn insufllclentflringerburn ing mayand will sometimes produce the same results. Yeu may, and will no doubt ask, " Hew then can you tell whether you are getting a geed article V" Simply and only by buying these makes which experience has taught dealers te recom mend as the lest and take their guar antee. Such makes you can find and such guarantee you can get by callingat 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTEU, PA. OAMHIAUKa. H KADQUAUTniW FOR "OEST ABY CAR m AGES. LATEST STYLES, LARGEST STOOK, LOWEST PRICES. WASK FOH VATALOnVE. W. D. Sprecher & Sen, NO. 31 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTEU, l'A, Iebl9-2nid QTANDARD CAKKIAUK WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CAEBIAGE BUILDER Market Street, Rear of Fosteffioo, Laneaster, Pa. My stock comprises a large variety of the Latest Style liuggtes, Pbaitens, Carrlttge. Mar ket and uuslness Wagons, which 1 offer at the very lowest flgures aud en the most reasonable terms. I call special attention te a few of tny own do de signs, oneef which Is the EDUEBLEYCLOSED ."HYSIOIAN COUPE, which is decidedly the neatest, lightest and most complete Physician' Carriage in the country. , . . 1'ernens wishing te buy a geed, honest and substantial article, heuld bear in mind that ihv tui no risk Inbuvlnirmy work. Every Carriage turned out In eighteen year a geed one-that 1 the kind of guarantee Tbave te offer the pnbllc. All work lully warranted. Pleaae "BtPAmNU PUOMPTLY ATTENDED T( One set of workmen especially employed ler that purpose. JTUMttlTUMK. E XTRA INDUCEMENTS FOB- THIRTY DAYS -AT- HiiWfitii, flOFFMEIER'S, iN ALL KINDS OF FINE, MEDIUM AND COMMON FURNITURE. MW At the Old SUnd.-W BAOT KIMQ MT1UWT. aa. i HONEST PRICES 1 & i WAGONS, MARKET WAGON, tr. i PAID TO REPAIRING. r v whether you purchn-ioernnt, UOH'TVOKd V EAST KING STREET. atLv. rn-lydAw m WATCBK8. -I AND ART I V i, " ; -M LANCASTER AND MIIiliERSVIIitrit B. B.-TIMK ITABLX. Car leave Lancaster for HIUeriTllle at 7:00 fcOO and 11:80 a, m., and 2.-0U, i-oe, e-oe and 8-JU p. m, tlflO And ln-flfl- Tn - mfl 1-VI S-en KAl.nS 9-JM' 1M L:r:""i m KtAuirm a. i;ui.umhia KAll.KUAli j$ AND IIKANCIIES. AND LKUANUN AND ST AnviAOA&uduixijiriis tt. u. On and after SUNDAY, NOVEMIIKlt 8th. 18M' TKAINS LEAVE UEAD1NO Ter Columbia and iAncaiter at 7.1 a. m., 1100 neon and (UO p. m. rer uuarryvllle at 7.15 a. m. and 8.10 p, m. rer Chlckles at 7.15 a. tn. and 0.10 p. m. TBAINS LEAVE COLUMBIA Ter Beading at 7 SO a. m ., 11S5 and S.0 p. m. rer Lebanon at 12.85 and 3.10 p. m. TBAINS LEAVE QUAUIIYVILLR rer Lancaster at fl.SS and 7.15 a. tn. and S.5J p. rer Heading at 6.25 a. in. and 2.35 p. in. rer Lebanon at 1 35 p. m. LEAVE KING STBEET (Lancaster.) rer Beading at 7.30 a. m., 12. te and A40 p. in. rer Lebanon at 6.40 a. tn., 1140 and. 00 p. m. rer Quarry ville at 9.25 a. m., 140 and B.aO p. m. LEAVE PBINCE.8TBEET (Lancaster,) rer Beading at 7.40 a. m, lueand iM p. m. rer Lebanon at 6.47 a. tn., HBO and 5.09 p. tn. 1 or (Juarryvllle at 0 12 a. rn- JM and 8.09 p. m TBAINS LEAVE LEBANON, rer Lancaster at 7.20 a. m., 12 M and 7 JO p. m. m us quarry vine Kb I.VJ n. III. SUNDAY TBAim. TBAINS LEAVE BEADING rer Lancaster at 7.20 a. m. and 4.00 p. m. rer QuarryvUle at 4.00 p. in. TBAINS LEAVE OUABBYVILLK rer Lancaster, Lebanon and Beadl ng at 7.10 a.m , 'Si iiuiineiiBAf Aniflu da. iiincnsiar,! v sgrwrwui ana jeDanea at o.ue a. m. ana svw ,: n.m. w rer QtiufwUIe at 5 50 n. m. 'iw TBAINS LEAVE rKINCE ST. (Lancaster,) $Si rer Beading and Lebanon and 8.18 a. m. and 4.01 f, v. m. ii:.: TRAINS T.KAVK T.ItltANnW. VK rer Laneasterat7 4.1a.m. &nas.4An tn. V rer Quarryvllle at 3 45 p. m. fe Vt WUIII.MUU VU1UUIUI, JWfkA(i,J tfuniF J lC7 Hen, I Jin caster Junction, Uantaelm. Kea&leff M A. M. WILSON. SapertnUnaMt. 'S-J THMNuvt.vNi piiT.nnnHnm,'n. ."e JL ULE. Trains uun Laeatk and leave and arrive at Philadelphia as fellow 1 Leave Leae WESTWABD. Pacific Express!. .,, New Express! Wav l'asaeneer.... Philadelphia, Lancaster. ii'jmp. ni. 4..T0a. 111. 4 30 a. ni. 7-00 a m. 1:33 a. m. tf-25a. ta. 6 JO a. ni. 8.31a. tu. 95 a. in. B-Aia,nu 9-J5 a. m. Mall train via II t. Jey. jie.siaii'An&inT Niagara Express...., Hanover Acceni..... rastLlne r rederlck Accem . . . Lancaster Accem . . , , llarrlsburg Aceein. Columbia Accem..., llarrtsbnnr Exnress via Celdmbla 7.40 a.m. via Columbia ll.via.rn. via Columbia uap. m 2:10 p. in, Kiep. in. tf , i vlaMt. Jey.. tsep-m. ,& 5 se p. m. VK x.iapin. 4 40 p. m.; 6 e p in, BftOp.in. 10-05 p. in. Leave ijup m. 7 40 11. m. r'Z9 Chicago and Cln. Ex..) 10:45 D. ni. -- rresiern express!" uciwa. m. ,wa, ArriTe at ; EA8TWABD. Phlla. Exprtst Fast Llnef llarrlsburg Express.. Lancaster Accem ar. Columbia Accem...., Seashore Express.... , Johnstown Accem... Sunday Mali Dav Kinross! Lancaster. 245 a.m. 6-05 a. in. 8.10 a. in. 8.55 a.m. -oea.m. 12Alp.m. 205 p.m. 4-00 p u, 4-45 O.U1. ..E!. .. gg sum. ff. lo-aea. m, id,. TlaMtJey r3' 11-saa.n. . . S.I5P.W, y?'S BMip. IU. ."I sup. m. 't,i n50n.m. 'J . llarrlsburg Accem e 45 p. in. vtau.m. Thn Ijtnm.lnr Amvmimndilttnn le&ve IfjSrHa. i JrH. burg at 8.10 p. m, and arrlyes at Lancaster at 9:11 M The Marietta Accommodation leave Colens' JI bla at 6 40 a. m. and reaches Marietta at 6.55. AlsOi leaves Columbia at U-45 a. m. and 2-45 p,"-. IWj reaching MarletU at lirOl and 5e. I'fave f1 Maneiui au.ua p. in. unu arrives nuiaiuu.i 1 , -tin . iIia Iaevai r1. A . And arrives At HJUL W The Yerk Accommodation leave Marietta at VdJ 7.10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8-00 cennacuntr - with Uarrlsburg Express at 8 10 a. m. , VV 1 irh. k-nulATlitk 11.nnmrulAtlnn.WMt.pJinflSSt. A lng at Lancaster with fast Line, west, at 2:10 fPf,; p. IU. will ruu iimnigu bu luuuiiv ryvj The Frederick Accommodation, east, leave if enlnmhk at 1M3 anil rft&phes Lancaster at llx js. p.ni: ... K itanever Accommeaauon, wear, connecting , ,., lncasier wiui niagara axpreiH v w .:'" VlA will run through te Hanover, dally, except Sua. v.;l elmv. "-" Fat Fast Llnsk west, en Sunday, when fl ! wUl top at Downlngtewn, ueatetvuija, r aras r bur inr. aiu juv. .iizauei.atvwu ni ,, tfheenl) trains which run dally, en auMay the Hall train wast runs bv way c a aiaii train wesi run ut wy ui uwuum, ' 1 COAL. Wj2 -O II. MARTIN, jgSJ WDOLUALB AKD MTAI1. VIAII III All Kinds of Lumber and OeaL WYad: Ne. 420 North Water and Frlne 3 Streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. "" y:j T3AUMQARDNERS JKFFERIE8. ijUAki kJEdlAUKi - .. . Ve. 14(1 Vnrtli rtnf.A11 tltYMlL SB Ha' ' 504 North rrlnce jtreet. .-.hita YiHm! Nnnh prince street, near Bea4U" .;'i33 Uenet- . . ,.., n ""A" LANCASTEU, VA. angU-tlt Jil ATIOAL. M. V. B. COHO, NO.SM NOBTU WATKB 8T , Laneaxter, lW$ Wholesale and Uelall Dealer la "T1F4 LUMBER AND COALs Connection with the Telephrne Kxckanaa, H Vehi u nrw a imiA strst aa . wv m:bs jroTxea. 5- 1 '"rrrsrsyv G KAMD DlHFIiAY OF NECKTIES. UO TO ERlHsl ANt. OAMBL'S HAIR UHOimWA ) OO TO BaWMAJM JH COLLAE9 AM gggqj. ma HBAFKSTANPfliit t & hcakut wiinu AT ERISMAN. jiaiTWJWT""- aa v. ,iAUiiuii iiuiu'iujir. MlltPinva.n ara.i.i u..-. aeea collected and AsaiMritl Cellars, SC.I Cu-fc,. 4 pir tfMlsf I I RMTl, 90. TtsavMM te 8TBEET feblMT -'3 v "n . 'Hi A m M sa S 0 th M VaJ m j 1 ' ,'.r n "i- ?,, m .jt - i jJ&xJ,. t e-3-j.j-,j