f?w v"--'-, -v,---. .-.- --- ' -'-- v- -',w-- -, - ' , ' "--v- ,- -wc f&r,'rTnmwmmm h t w Ut 1CKIN KKMRMBKR THB DAM OF Oil). Let Krln remember the day of old, Kro her falthlet s en betray'd her "When Malachl word the cellar of tela Which he wen from her proud Invader) When hetklng with standard of green unfurl'd l.ed the Red rench knights te dinger Ere ths emerald gem or tbe Western worm N as ct In tlie crown of a tlranger. On l.eugli Neagh's bankas lliallsherman strays, V hen tha clear cold eve's declining, He tec the round tewnr of oilier days In the wave benealh blm shining 1 Thin shall memory eneni In drsanti sublime, Catch a glimpse of the day that are ever. Thus, sighing, leek lb rough the waret of lime for tbe long-faded glerlea they corer I 77iemni Moert. HOW UK KHUVKHO VVT VOX, A Hibernian Jekar Who Oat the netter of the Congressional Wit. U N. MPgartceelii I'hlladelphla News. Hen. " Hiinnet " Cox, United Hlatea mini, ter at the court or thn Otteman empire, la a Hmirt man, but net a bit smarter than he credits lilmseir with being. Ilia only regret at leaving 111 congressional J lair let In New Yerk km causes! by the renr, which came te pass, tlmt he would be auccoedod In Cen great by that Inimitable Hibernian Jeker, Tien Campbell. He did alt In bin power, In tiulct way, te lieat the Honorable Timethy, but net belng en the ground his efforts were futile, anil Mr. Campbell new dally amusen the Heuse that Cox wan wet te set at will In a rear. " Tim " la net as erudlte aa Hamuel Sullivan, and that may be one of the cause or objection that the present minister had against him, but I heard net long age that lili main reason for disliking hint wm that he had made him the victim or a practical Jeke aevernl years age. At the time Mr. Cox wait a candidate for reelection In hla dlatrlct and ene day he received an Invitation te lecture before a 1'eIIbIi Hobrew society for thebonelUeronoot lta funds. Hoaccepted the Invitation and en the night announced Ter tlie locture he was called Ter by represen tallvpa of the society, who took him te the hall, which was at the top or a tenement house-In a narrow street en the East Hide, The room was very dimly lighted by hair a dozen caudles stuck here and there about the room. The audience numbered about a hundred and was composed wholly of men who wero heavy dark beards and kept thelr hats en theirheads. On being presented te his audlence Mr. Cox, In his usual felicitous manner, thanked the society Ter the compliment It had paid him In asking him te address it He hnd alwnys been, he said, a warm admirer of "the chosen people." When a student helearned te rnterence tlie wonderlul genitis of their great law-ghcr, Moses, As a literary man he regarded the "Hengs or Solemon" as the meat perfect composition or their kind In the world. Who could read David and net feel ennobled by his grand sentiments T Every reference of the eloquent speaker was grrctrd by Iho heartiest of band-clapping ami stamping or feet. He felt that he had every "te In the hull, but te clinch thorn he took earlv opportunity te annouuee: "Oon "Oen tlemen : It has ever been a source of pride te me that my pious parentis from whom 1 legi timately inherit my love of your race named me alter your great prophet T3atnuel." He expected that this would produce a marked elltct, but his most sangulne expectations weie exceeded. At a signal from a rabblnlcal-loeklng gen tleman who arose In tlie mlddle of the room, every man present get up and In rcaponse te the queiy, In a decided Mllealan brogue, "Who wan the greatest m'.u InAmerlky?" spelled out, after the manner or college stu dents, O-o-e-r-g-o W-a-s-li-l-n-g-t-e-n." Then all united In asonganddance "break," and then followed. In harmonious answer: "Hewux lurst In werr, rurst in pace and rant in the harts of his ceunlrymln." ln stantly every hat was pulled oil, and with thorn came the beards, and Mr. Cox found hlmseir In the presence or the "Timethy J. Campbell Irish Democratic Club." Te say tbat the distinguished orator was aurprlsed would hut faintly describe his condition. He wascempletely " knocked out." The "byes" reared and danced with delight At llrst Mr. Cox wai disposed te be angry, but when Tim began introducing the mem bers Uie ludlcreusncwi or tbe tiling became se apparent that he could net help Joining In the glee. It was: "MlatherCex, allow me te fresiiit le you my particular frlnd, Mlsther atrlck Murphysteln." "Let me call your attlnllen te Mlsther Dennis Kelleyhelmer." " A v eoerse yeh knew my old friend Barney Gradymelr," cU, etc. I'er ten minutes the Introductions and handshaking continued; then Mr. Cox said: "lien tlemen, thore Is no ene who likes a Jeke better Uian I. Tlie lest Joke 1 ever heard el is ene that fills the fcteinach. I proposed that you all go with ine and take something. All In favor of that motion WllIslKlllrythatRamebylsaylIlB,aye,, These et a contrary opinion will have no vete." Under this ruling, of ceurse, the motion was carried unanimously. Orator and audleme adjourned te a neighboring saloon, where Nam speedily made himself "stout" by ordering the "beat In the heuse and all you hat e el 7t J f you haven't get enough, send out and iret It" Many a bumper was drank that night le the nameaake of the prophet .Samuel, and though at the ensuing election Mr. Cox get every vete In the club he has uaver lerglveu the man from whom It took its name ler the Jeke he plajed upon him. A Bulgarian Amazen. Frem the Pall Mall Oaict'e. The Wlddln correspondent of the bt Peters burg ,Voiea sends te that newspaper the following acoeunt of a young Bulgarian girl who leek an active part In the late war against Hervia, distinguished herself at Sllvnltz and at I'Iretand received twocressesfor bravery. Previous te the outbreak or hostilities she Joined a company errallltla such companies were then forming in various iwrta of Bulgaria and accompanied It te the southern f rentier in the hope el thore meeting with the enemy. During seme time she managed te conceal her sex, ler her comrades took her te be a youth with an cflemlnate face, or which there were many such te be met with among the militia. Only the commander of her company knew her secret ; she was 'obliged te dlsclose it te lil m when tbe company set out upon Its inarch, and he appears te have loyally kept It te hlmseir. In all exercises, parades and reviews she took part Jointly with her maie comrades. At last when Servla declared war against Bulgaria, tlie heroine took part in the forced march into Hervia, fought in the battloer Hllvnilza, and Joined In the attack upon I'iret During the tight she did ail she could te encourage her comrades and they, in return, unanimously voted te her the company's medal for bravery. When, in eonsequenco of the war coming te an end, the militia wasdlspcrsed, she wenttoHephia, and was there pnsented te l'rince Alexan der, who awarded te her a second docelation for bravery. She thou turned te Wlddln, ier place or domlclle before the war. where ftie acts as servant te an old lady. She says teat should the Servians begin another war she will again fight against them, but In her woman's attire, ter It Is net worth whlle te change one's dress for such au enemy. In tbe cure of get ere coughs, weak lungs, aiilltinaef bleed, ana tbe euilv ataires of Cen- iumnMen, Dr. Fierce'a "Uelaen Medical 1I envrry " bes aatenlsbed the medical faculty. tiuiiu iicufvsuuMveresicuugus,ii'SireuKinens the system and puriflei the bleed, llr druggists. !IU7-W,ew It contains nothing Injurious, we mean Dr. Hull's llaby Sytupfer the little ones. l'rle cent. Keep the head cool, the feut warm and the bowel regular by the nje of Dr. Uull's Balti more rills, and you will never be troubled with Distemper is often fatal when hones can't get green feed. Day's Hene l'ewder Is a r reventlve. e) e a, Wht suffer with mumps t St. Jacobs Oil always cure them. Fifty cents a bottle. t J. J. Lakk, Messenger lioltlmere and Ohie Ex press, writes : 1 have been troubled with Dlar rbua for tbe past Ave yean, caused 1 belleve, by drinking se many different kinds of water between New Yerk aud Ohie Klver. 1 could get no roller until 1 tried "Dr. l'elzeld's Uenuun Hitters." I bave been using It for the last six mouths and have had net a return te my old trouble. Ne traveling man should be without tbU valuable medicine, f Net Symptom, Hut The Disease. It would seem te be a truth appreciable by all, and especially by professors of the healing art, that te remove the disease, net te alleviate 1U symptoms, should be the chief aim of medica tion. Yet In hew many Instances de we see this truth admitted In theory, Ignored In prac tice. Tbe reason that Hosteller's Stomach Hit ters is successful In se many cases, with which remedies previously tried were Inadequate te cope, U attrlbe table te the fact that It Is a medi cine which reaches and removes the cause of the various maladies te which It Is adapted. In. digestion, fererand ague, liver complaint, gout rheumatism, disorder of the bowel, urinary af fections and ether maladies are net palliated merely, but rooted out by it. It gees te the fountain head- It U really, net nominally, a radical remedy, and It endow the system with as amount of vhjef which te best protection WtBMMHW. arm XUJi J. P. Meaaia, oaahlerof the Ulrard Heme, I'hh I'hh adelphla, l'a., writes, Mevettber 17, ISM i rer the past twelve year 1 have been' a sufferer with what la known te the medical proleatlen as Inmlmge. Having been recommended, about live years age, te try AlleckV Poren Plaster, 1 did an, and was mere than astonished at the result, I found nlineat. Instant relief en their application, I wear one constantly tW, and wenld net Imi without them. 1 consider tbem Invaluable." marl2-lw Ht'KCIAL MOTtVKB. Curious te think tbatdesk and chairs kill peo ple, but lhnr de. Taken In latve nuuntltles nfllea furniture! fatal a yellow fever. Went and write ourselves away, Hedentary habit linniuce eunsii rheumatism an nstlpitflnn) that beget dyspepsia i and kidney trouble fellow In their eatb ends the chapter. Yen whose train and death nmla thn nhantxr. live paused ever desks and In the confined air ei pmce sought te keep Dr. Kennedy' " verlte Homed? "always en hand for the stomach and brain, mario-lnieedftw Pain and Dread attend tbe use or most ca tarrh remedies. Moulds and snuffs are un Rleasant as well aa dangerous. Kly's Cream aim Is safe, pleasant, easily applied with thn Anger, and a sure rum. It cleanses the nasal passage and benis the Inflamed. membrane giv ing relief from the nrsl application, bee. I was a great sufferer from catarrh. My nos trils were sensitive te dustt at times the hloed would run, and at times I could hardly breathe. 1 used Kly's Dream llalm. Te-day 1 am a living witness et Its eflleacy 1'eter llrnce, fanner, Ithaca, N, T. ml2wdeed&w nervous Debilitated Men Ten are allowed a frie trial of thirty deii et the nseef Or. Dye's Celebrated VoltaTe llelt with Klectrle Hatpensery Appliances, for thn speedy rollef and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, less of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse, for many ether disease. Cem. ptetA restoration te health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ne risk t Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet with foil Information, terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Voltale llelt Ce., Mar Mar ahall.Mleh. AUK YOU MAMS miserable by Indigestion, Cnnstlpntlen, Dlrztness, Ims of Appctlle, Vul Vul lew skin T Bhlleb's Vltnllzerls apoaltlvecura. Knr sale by it. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North (jucen slreet BI,KK1'I,K83 NIU1IT8, made mlsernble by that terrl bin cough. Bhllnh's enrels the remedy for veu. rorsaleby II. U.Cechran, DruggUt Ne, 137 North Queen street " HACK MKTACK " a lasting and fragrahtper. fuinn. l'rlce -23 and M cents. Vorsnie by If. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen slreet The Impending Danger. The recent statistics el tbe number of deaths show Unit a lnrKB majority diu with Consump tion, this dlsease may commence with an apt pillUMIiy IMlHMV'.n IXIUJfH WUlCU C1U IH1 CUHH1 111' J.ungs, which is Kuaranlted te euro and rcltnvu alletMcs. l'rlreni cents and II. Trial Ht fret Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist Ne. 137 North (Jnccn street ue-lwdAltw BlIILOIl'S OATAltltll UKJIKUV-fl pnslttre euro for Catarrh, Dlntherle, and Canker Meuth. 'or sale by II. It Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street Hew absurd te wheeze with a cough which Hale's Heney or Horebound and Tar. l'lke's Toethacho Dreps euro In one mlnute. lnis-twdoed&w Celrss's Liquid Ileef Tonic! As n tonic In all cumcs of debility and weakness, cannot be surpessid. nilVlwileedAw A Very Narrow Kscape. " Ves, I hud a very narrow escape," said a prominent citizen ten friend. "I was cenn nod te my lied for a year and lily friends gave me up loracenauiupuvo'semvo, unill I began usIiik Kemp's llalsain for tlHiTbrent and Lungs, and here I am, sound and hearty." l'rlce fine, und II. r or sale by II. It. Cecbrun, Druggist Ne. 1T7, nueu Imuran aicvui, ktiiniaier. MOlHKltai MOTHKItail MOTHKUSIII Are you disturbed at night and breken of your rest uy a sick cmid sununng and cryln the excmciatlnz naln of culllntr teeth t nu suuunng ana crying wiin It se. go at once and Ket a bett noeiuu ei airs, wiasmiw 8 BOOTH IMI si'llUl. It will rollevo the peer little sufferur Immediately depend upon It; thore Is no mlstake about It There Is net a motber en earth who has ever used it who will net tell you at once that It wUI regulate the bowels, and glve rest te the mother, aud relief and health te tbe child, operating like magic It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest aud best female physicians in the United States. Beld every where. 3S tents a bettle mayl-lydM,W,SAw roll DVHl'Kl'SlA. and I.lver Complaint, j ou havun printed guarantee en every bettle el Bill- lob's Mlallzer. It no vor fulls te cure. Fer sale by II. II, Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen svr treet SKIN D1SKASKS.-"8WAYNK'S OINTMENT.' "ttwayne't Ointment" cures Tetter, Salt Uheum. ltlngwnnn. Beres, l'linples, Kczema, all tlcby Kruptlens, no isUltr hev ebttlnate or long Handing. lanat-MWITAw Ne Hepe Fer the Imprisoned Miners. ITCHING l'lf.KS." 8 Ml'TOMS I MOISTUUEI Like perspiration, Intense Itching, werse by scratching, most at night seems ii t pln-i 'en were crawling. chenyne't Ointment "it a vleat. m. furs curs. lanxs-itwrAw DUOWN'S HOUSKHOLD l'ANACKA. Is tbe most effoctlvel'aln Destroyer In tbe world. Will u.Mt surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally eik-applled extcmnlly, and thereby mere certainly KEL1KVE 1'AIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It is warranted deuble the trengtn et any similar preparation. preni ue. lU It cures pain In tbe Blue, Buck or ltowels, Bere immu uui uumntlnm. Toethacha and A 1.1. ACIIKS. and Is Tbe Great Kellever or l'uln. "liltOWN'BHOUBKHOI.D l'ANACKA" should be Inovery family. Ateospeonfulottbe Panacea In a tuuiblur of hri water (sweetened, If pro pre pro lerrod, taken at oedtlme, will UltKAK Ul' A COLD. 25 cents a belUe. mSMydkt.W.ASw WHY WILL tOU cough when Bhllnh'sCure will glve Immedlale rellel. l'rlce 10 cm , M cts , and II, for sale by II. It. Cochran, Druggist, Ne, 137 North lluecu street THK 11KV. UKO. II. THA YI.lt, of liourben Ind .says: " lietb myself and wiroewoour lives te BlIILOIl'S LONBUMI'TIUVCUUK." Fer sale by It . II. Cochran, Druggist Ne. 137 North Queen street Four-Fifths. Of our American people are aflllcted with sick headncbe In cither lta nen ens, billens or con gestive forms, caused by Irregular habits, high living, eta, und no remidy has ever conquered It until Dr. Leslie's Special l'lvscrlptleu was (Un covered. Ulvalta trial. Boe adtertlseinent In another column. (3) BHILOH'SVlTALIZKltlswbat yen need ler Constipation, Less or Alipetlte, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, l'rlce 10 and 75 cents JHir bettle. Fer aale by II. II. Cochran, DmggUt, Ne. 1311 North Quean street auoeBUucs. SPKCIAIi lil'-NTKN OOOD.S. Ilcst selected codfish, large fut.Julcy mack erel, smoked halibut, canned salmon, nen crop olives, finest Utble oil, salad dressing, mustard and pickles, bananas, oranges and apples. '1 ry our flue selected old (lev. Java, Mecha and im perial Kin Coffees, they speulj ferthemseles, very geed at 12Ke. llargalus, 3 and 4 8, of Hlcu for 23c.; 9 . KHt prunes, 25c.; legunt light hyrup, Ce. per quart canned com, ic.; 10 It, kit fat mackerel, riOc. 1'lcose call or send your onlers. UKO. WI ANT, angUO-lyd Ne. 113 West King Street QlinAl" KAMHiY UIIOCEKY. ".lie net fn eat. Hut eat tetUe A new nnd selected assortment orileston, Oat meal. Monitor, Ginger, Pretzel, JIlnu Point Oyster, ramlly nnd WuterCrackera, Seda, Coffee, Tea, Nlc-Naes, Lemen, Lad t Inuers, Midgets! Ulite Nuts. Cocea, P01111, anllla, and Milk ills' en us; uesiai, uranain ana uinger Unfem. Alse a large quuntltynrr Ine SMOKED SALMON, Halibut, ileneless Codfish, HuNslan Buullnes, Extra Ne. 1 Mackerel, tine Mackerel 3 for Be, Soused Mackerel, Salmen, Lobsters, and lleyer's Oysters, Helland, Portland and Scotch Hening and lileulcrs. Tbe Best OhoeBoa in tbe Olty. Celvln's Pure Yerk County lluckwheat, and a full line of lresh Groceries at CHARLES MAONAY'S Choice Family Grocery and Cheese Emporium, US and 17 NOHTII QUEEN STltEET, Lancaster, Pa. Goods delivered free te all parts el the city and environs. Telephone Connection, ilJUrad , T BUKHK'a DIDYOUEVEltllEAUTHE L1KET GOOD, SOLID CRANBERRIES, AT 5 VENTS A QUART, ULTTKUONKS.S QUAKTS SOU M OEMS. HONEY I HONEY I ine Comb Heney, In two pound frames, at 13 cents a pound; by the cese of about 25 pounds, at IS cents a peu nd. four pounds of Geed Prunes, at cents. four pounds of Geed Peaches, 25 cents. s our pound of Geed Dried Apples, l cents. 'three pounds of Pared Peaches, is cents. pur pounds of nice. 23 cents. r Ive pound of Vest Lump Starch, 2S cents. Elegant Light Syrup, 8 cmU a quart. Confectioners' XX Pulvcrlred Sugar, AT BURSK'S, NO. 17 ISABT ilNO STREET. LANUABTEKVA. TulephoaeCennactloni, ' JjAJNUABTJBIV UAJLLiX !f QUTICUJtA IU5MEDIKS. PSOrWISIS. AndAUItoblBnct8ealy Bklta and Scalp DsHHH Cured by Outleura. Healn. with turn of Illr. urn tHMltlvelT en red iiiuiua. i:n,v. a ,.-, w ......,. i. ... . hyutrriecas, the great Hkln Cnre, and Cctti ctm Sear, an exqiilslte Hkln lleaullfler, exter nsJly, nnd Ciitui'sa Hasetv est. the new Hloed l'lirffler, Internally, when physician nnd all ether remedies fall. rsOIUASlH,Olt SCALY SKIN. I, Jehn .1. Case, D. D. S having practised den tlstrylnthts county for thlrtvBve year nnd lielng well known te thousand herpalmuu. wllhavlowte help any who are afflicted a I have lieen ter thn past twelve years, testify that the Cmci'in Hkmkdiks cured me of Psoria sis, or scaly Scalp, In eight days, after the doc ter with whom 1 had consulted gave me no laj ii or oncenraRemenl. JOHN J. CASK, D.D.8, Newton, N. J. DISTRESSING KUUI'TION. Your Ccticcra. ltKMXiitzs performed a wondor wendor wonder ful euro last siiiniuer en ene or our customers, nn old gentleman et seventy years of age, who suffered with n fnarfullydlstresslng eruption en his head and f tee, and who had tried all reme dies and doctors te no purpose. .1. r. SMITH ft CO. TixxaKAKA, Ark. MOItK WONDEltrUL YET. It. E. Carpenter, Hendersen, N. Y enredef Psoriasis or Leprosy, or twenty years' standing, by CtrribcnA himkdibs. The most wonderful cure en record. Adustpnnful of scales fell from him dally. Physician and bis friends thought heinnstdln. Cure sworn te before a justice of tha peace nnd Hendersen's most prominent cit izens, 0 FOlt NOTHING. Wm.Gnrden, 87 Arlington Ave., Cbarlcstnwn, Mass, writes: " Having paid about sarj te first class doctors te cure my baby without success, I tried the Ctrrici ra Ukmediks, which completely cured, after using three packages." CUTICUUA UKMKDIES Are sold by nil druggists, l'rlce j "CtrrietiEA, 60 cents I.kselvzxt, tl t j SOAr, 25 cents, l'ro l're pared by the 1'ettek Drce axd Chemical Ce , liosten. Send for Hew te Cure Skin Diseases." RP A I ITlKVthe Complexion and Skin by C CAU using the CifTicunA Seap. CATARRH. THE Great llalsamlc Distillation of Witch Hazel, American Fine, Canada Fir, Mart Mart geld, Clever Ulossoms,otctcallcdSanrord'sliadl Ulessoms,otctcallcdSanrord'sliadl Ulossems,otctcallcdSanrord'sliadl cal Cure, for the Immediate roller nnd perma nent euro of every form or Catarrh, from a simple Celd In the Heart te Less of Smell, Taste and Hearing, Cough aud Catarrhal Consumption. Complete treatment, consisting of ene bettle Cadlual Cure, ene box Catarrhal Solvent nnd ene Improved Inhaler, In ene package, may new be had of all Druggists for II. no. Ask forSAareRD's tlASIOAL Ccks, Complete Treatment With Inhaler, $1.00 "The only alwolnte specific we knew or." Afnf. llmei ' Tbe best w n have round In a lire time or suffering." Hex. Dr. Wigglnl, Jloilen. "After a long struggle with Catarrh the Radi cal Ccre has conqtierod."Jri'. or if. Menree, Iu-itbicruh, l'a. " 1 hat e net found a case that It did net relieve atouce." Andrew Lee, Man chester, Matt. Petter Drng and Cheiuleat Ce., Itoaten. ' 1 MUST GIVE UP, I cannot bearTthls pain. It achn all oer, nnd nothing I try does me any geed " llackache weakness, Uterfneimlns, Sore ness, Hacking Cough, Pleurisy and Chest pains cured by that new, original and elegunlaiitldnte te pain and Inflammation tbe Ccticcba Akti Pais Plaster. K-.pectally adapted te ladles by reason or ItsilellcnteCHler nnd gentle medicinal action. At Druggists, SSc.: flvofertlox Mailed frea by Pettkii liiit'u A Chemical Ce , llnsten. Ml lmdW.SAW G HKAT KM X IK OF LIKK. INDORSID BT TQI WORLD, DR. PETZOLD'S GERMAN BITTERS I THIS GREAT EUXER OF LIFE Is a double Distillation of ever twenty different kinds of tbe best German Herbs, this being the only true and rellabln process by which tbe en tire Great Medical Virtues nnd Curat 1 e Proper ties of the Herbs can be produced. We are con fident that this great German Tonle will be found the most HEALTH G1WNG ever placed bofero the public. As a HKLIAUl.KAND PLEASANT 1NVIGOHANT, It Is absolutely without a rival, and affords Imstamt HKLiKr, and a 1'snriCT Cuke guaranteed In all cases of Dspepstu. Less of Appetite, Nerveusneas, Weakness, Crumps, D)sentery Cholera Merbus, Nausea; Diarrheea, Asthma, Sick Stomach, lllllleusness, Ague und rover an etbei Malarial Discuses. This Great Medlclue t or Sale Everywhere. L. PETZOLD Ss CO., Prep's., UAI.T1MOUK Ml). apr. 8WASlyd4w. ZIOKN 11KMOVKK. YICT0RU CORN REM0TEK. Warranted te oradlrate completely and In a hert lime, the most obdurate corns, hard or sort, without pain. Held by Gee. W. Hull, Chas. A. l.ocher, Jehn It. hauirman, Dr. Vm. Worm Werm loy, and at HKCHTOLD'S DltUG STOUK, declS-lyd Ne. 401 WestOrange SL GKAT'8 81'KOIKIO MKDIUINE. The Great English Itemedy. An unfailing euro for Impoleucy and all Dlseoses that fellow Less of Memery, universal Lassitude, Pain In the Hack, Dlmnes of Vision, Prematura Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, full particulars In our pamphlet, which we de sire te send free by mall te overy one. This Spo Spe Spo dfle medicine Is sold by nil druggists at II per pactrege, or six packages for or wtlt be aunt free by troll en receipt of the m ney, by ad dressing the agent, U. II. COCU MAN, DrugglsSele Agent, Nes.lJ7 and 13 North Queeu street, Lancaster, Pa, On account et counterfoils, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper 1 the only genuine. THE GUAY MEDICINE CO . liuffale. N. Y. c Ulti: OUAHANTKKD. RUPTURE. Cure guaranteed by Dlt. J. II. MAYKIt. Ease at once ; no operation or delay from busi ness ; tested by hundrnl.ief cures. Main elUce, Ul AHClt ST., PHILA, bend for Circular. fJO-lyd&w ArTEK ALI.OTIIKKR FAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, KMNOItTH KirTEENTH STHEKT, (llelew Cal- lewhlll btreet, Philadelphia.) 20 YEAHS K.XPEI11ENCE. Guaranteed te cure the ullllcted nnd unfnrtunate with Purely Vege tablu Medicine. Heek 011 siH'Cial diseases freu ; send for It, AiUlcofree und strictly confiden tial. Office hours, 11 a. in. te 2 p. 111 , 7 p in. te 10 p. 111. Treatment by Mull. ml-ljdAw QATABHH- HAY-FKVKK. ELY'S CREAM BALM IS WORTH $1,000 TO ANY MAN, WOMAN OR OUILD, SUrFEUING ritOM CATARRH. A. E. NEWMAN, Grallna:. Mich. A particle Is applied te each nostril and I astruuable te uu. Prtce GO cent by mall er at drutritlsta. Send for circular. ELY UUOTUKUS, DrucgUts, Owego, N, Y. luly&lyeedftlvw It. DAUJKK. Uri'ICKS AND DltUG STOUE, 1 .HUN. nth St.. IMillnJ'n.. ItCKlstcred Physician and Graduate .lelfi-rsen t;eiieKe, iruaruuiees ie ci Nervous Diseases; also 1 CoIicke. Kiiurautecsteciiraall Hloed. Skin and Nervous lliseasus; also i'i Ivata DUeabOs of either ser, with purrly egetable remedies 1)11. UALSEN'S flULIIKN Phltllinlfl 1MI.1.S are Safe, Certain nnd Effectual, t! box. bend ferclrcular. 15up N. sril ST., i'hlladelphla. Treatment by Mall. T-T-lid SAFE, BUKK AND HWCKDY OORB. Uurreaa, VAUoeasia aud HrseuL Uibsasbs. Why be humbUKKedbv quack, when you can find In llr. Wrfyht the only llsau. lab Favsieiaa In fhlladelphU who makes a specUUty of the above disease and ecasa them t CtnusaDAuansD. Anviea vuslday and even lug. suKwuuit mm. uu ..wim, Mill nil return home the same day. Oinees private. ui H. W. U. WEIGHT. no. au North Ninth street, above Uaca. f.O. beitrn. anlyew . Ilnw UTV9 a.k..- . .1 j-uuautupnia. XTOV NEED NOTUINQ ELBE. DO von want an external nmsdvCnrnniia.m I aUmenut VeBensea'i Vsle riaswrs. m, ' TMORIABIH. Kczcme, 'jeuer, mngwerm, JT Lichen, rrurltu. Scald Head, Milk Crust, Dandruff, llarbers', Ilakera', Urocers and Wash erweman' Itch, and every speclea eMtchtna-. I HKfclHM M,.la. 1IIR..U llnrnhMAftlullltlnahll 'JLttXAULdLttlLNUBlS, Tl XilJJHEBUAX JMLAKUU. 17, mt moeBB. EJVEIIY DAY SOMETHING NKW -AT- Nm. 847 k 240 Nerth Qm Street, Opposite the Keystone Heuse and Northern Hank. New Dress Goods. New Cashmere, Hemespuns. New Armnres, Tricots, Plaids. New Sateens, foulards, Chlntxes. Nsw Percales, seersnekers, Ginghams. New Corded Peqneas, Plaid Nainsoeks. New Victeria Lawns, Hamburg, insertlsik. Qent's White Shirts, Gents Cellars and Cuffs, A Full Line et Notion and many ether feeds Whleh we will dally add te stock and sold at lowest market prices. Please call and examine goods before purchasing. The book of the late ft nn of Dewer A Harst are with me for collection. All person knowing themselves indebted, please call and make set Uement. rebs-iyd w. it. newEits. -DAKUAINH I HAKQAINH t BOSTONSTORE ! J nst Kecel ved, One Case ALL-WOOL CAMEL'S HAIR SUITING, Whleh we are selling at 25c. per yard i worth 37kc Ladles, this I a bargain which you should net net fall te see. We are offering the .best valne te lie found anywhere, In IILACK SILK, I1LACK CASHMERE, COLORED CASHMERE, sponged CLOTHS (Something New,) VELVETS, SAT1NB, TABLE LINENS, TOWKL1NUS, MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, SUIUTINBB, Ac We bave yet a few Choice Patterns In Summer Silk at Sic. per yard. Net told anywhere at leas than 37Xe. We are maklntr special effort en stock bought from Messrs. llewers ft Hurst, as we are determined te close said stock by April 1. JsTBOSTON BT0BE.-W STAMM, BROS, a CO., (formerly of the New Yerk Stere.) Nes. 98 Ac 38 Nertb Queen St. LANCASTER, PA. JanlMydftw JOUN8, (1IVLKK. GEO. V. RATUVON. CARPETS ! lledy llmssels, Tapestry llmtasels, All-Weel Three-Vly. All-Weel Extra Super Ingrain. Cotten Chain Extra Super Ingrains. Ingrains, 25c. J7Kc. 0c.. 13c, 60c. C0c. Damask and Venetian Hall and Stair Carpet. Heme-made Rag and Chain Carpet. Linoleum and Fleer Oil Cleth. Paper Lining Stair Pads and Stall Reds. DADO SHADES, SHADING HOLLAND. CLOTH AND SPRING AND CORD KIXTUUKS. AURORA CARPET SWEEPER. AU Kinds of HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS at Lewest Prices. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., Ne. 36 East Klnsr Street, I.K0AT. Pa. G RKAT BARGAINS. DRESS SILKS. WATT&SHAND, Always en the Lookout for Hargalns, offer to day Extraordinary Value In COLORED DRESS SILKS, M Inches In width, 75c a yard ; regular price, tl.oe. COLORED DRESS SILKS, 45c. a yard. STRIPED SUMMER SILKS, 37K& a jard. IILACK DRESS SILKS. SI Inches wide, at 11.00 andtl.25aard. nr These goods are Warranted te give satis- action. BLACK DRESS SILKS At Wc., 75c , 87Kc a yard. COLORED SURAH SILKS, In All tbe New Shades, at 87); fonts a Yard HHOCADED SILKS, liROCADKU VELVETS, 11ROCADED VELVETEENS, In Popular Celers, at Lew Prices, Assertment of An Immense NEW DRESS I1UTTONS, NEW IIRAIDS. MOS1 TRIMMINGS. CHEMLLK FRINGES, New Yerk Stere. Nea. 6, 8 ite IO East Kins Bt. J. B. MARTIN A CO. WoarereceUingercty day Spring Neyeltle In Dress rubrics In Black and Colored Silks I Special iiirgalns are shown In Every Grade. 10 l'lccesQUlNET'S Warranted BLACK SILK At 11.00 a yard; worth $1.25. BLACK SILKS AtMc.,noc.,73c.,ieo,si.,iN, tl.7i, and r.oe Colored Dress Silks 1 In all the Newest Spring Shades at U Cent a ard. SURAH SILKS In New Shades at tiSc. a Yard. Te arrive next w eek, the prettiest line or SUM. MER SILKS eershnw In this city at prises te aullalt. Al.AltUKlNVOlCEUl' French and American Satins. About 900 different patterns te aelect from. One let American Satins, dark ground, neat and large patterns, at loc. a yard ; w erth 15c, J. B. Martin k Ce., Cor. West King & Prince Sta., (Opposite Stevens Uense) LANOABTEU, l'A- TOUACCO CUTTINQB. B0RAP8. 8IFT 1NUS AND PAOKKKS' WASTKIlry and Clean, bought for cash, J. 8. HOLINS, Ne. 373 fearl street. New Yerk. Keierence-lTred. Schntte, He. W reart street, New yertr, vlMi4 Spring Dress Goods ! nOTMZM. -DUROKR ft BUTTOW. "WHAT? THE FIRST OF MARCH, Tke Btginning of Joyous Spring When all nature robes Itself In tray attire I And this remind us that MOW 18 THB TIM1 TO BUY Spriae; Orereettfl, Spring SnIU, SprlRg Underwear, -AN1 THAT- Bra&ER&SUTTOFS Is the Place te Buy. Onr spring Steck: of Orerceata and Suits for Men, Youths and Ueys are new ready for Inspec tion. CaU and see what we offer and set prices, enr prices nerer were as low and quality never better. BURGER I SUTTON, MANUrACTUINO CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. S1 PEOIAL announcement. Special Announcement ! During the month or r RMlUARY I will make a reduction or 20 te 25 per cent, from the regular price en all HEAVY WEIGHT Suiting and Overceating. This Is done te turn stock Inte ready cash and give empleyment te my hands. MEDIUM WEIGHT Suiting for Early Spring Wear, -AND- SPRING OVERCOATING Will be made np at Greatly Reduced Prices. M-Sample Cards of the Latest Spring Impor tation new ready. H. GERHART Ne. 43 North Queen Street. SWOrresiTi thx 1'osTerricx. w ILMAMSON FOSTER, Lew Priced I HUT EXCELLENT. A Gent's Dress Shee, $2.50. In llalmeral or llutten Gnlters with plain or Capped Tees. It Is a geed, honest Shee for tbe price. Don't rail te sw) It when looking for a Moderate I'rlced Dress Shee. Plew Shoes, $1.25. Army Brogans, $1.25. C1IANC1E YOUll OVERCOAT tOltOKK OK Medium Weight. NEW SPUING FASHIONS, SHI SO, SJSSO, 13. CHILDREN'S KILT SKIRTS, One and Twe Flece, from f ISO te S8.S0. Odd Pants for Children, 60e , 75c. and $1.00. TRUNKS AMD VALISES. Silk Neckwear, 25c. Silk Ntehcar, 50c. An unexcelled assortment or new Tecks, run's. String Claudcnt nm Hand. patterns In 'out In- New Spring Patterns in PERCALE SFIIRTS, 00c. and 75c Twe Cellars and a pair of Cuffs with each Shirt. E. & W, Crown Brand. NEW STYLES COLLARS AND CUFFS Cardigani and Gaernsejs, 50c, 75c. and $1.00. l'ANT-s'lTTINO OVKKALL3, SOcnnd 70c. NEW SHAPE STIFF HATS FOR YODKO GENTS, One that Is smv te take, l'rlce, tl CO. DUNLAP'S New Yerk Fashion i'er Spring. -INFIX! BILK AND .STIFF FELT BITS. This Is the enlv store In Lancaster where genuine Dunlap Hats can be ueukIiL We ate ole Agents for Dunlap Huts. Bread-Brim Teamster's Huts, 75c. WStereg open Every K cnlng.-nts Williamson d 32, 3i, 36 & 38 Bast King St., LANCASTElt. l'A. Q.EORUK EP.NST, JB., Carpenter Oorrtracter & Builder, NO. KB WEST .K 1NU STREET. All work twelves ajr prompt and personal at- IVUUUBi IIUUI . Uklndabf JnhMnr nndfal te ft! ihartllCV svj- TT V.T sF " r- - jm Fester, maZ&2SrmrTm- "Wm JLI9BU. 9AMUumm lsAWAWAA W -KTORBOK A MILEY. THIRD QRBAT SPRING P.nRRiflfJF Va A .a A w. s sr At I. At iMnrnee.ic CORNER OF DUK1 AMD VTMH mm a w s. ssa .n MOHBBTi flUlXH Xi, 1030. WTBHMS-N1NETV DAT NOTE C1HEATKST Or BALKS, GREATEST IK NUMHEHS, QltKaTEST IN VAKIKTY. FINMT llOSi rmisii, ALU eriiisa asu ussuss, auki, jv r ewhi.euuis. -, m First Class Vehicle at Lew Price I Astenlshlncr. but we dnlt.and unrmt. wnmlKr lm hM -' .- .r "-"." .v' u- .i z;i . iTr.i- "i t lenner sales, urer wi euw seiu at lomier muss easier cuy mna county in vne isi lew year are taraer innn any vworeuu lactnrlna I or county. We manufacture mere than any Uiree factories In nbove mentioned dlstrli neiwppriaia(untaraet. ApnuiiainspecuenisinTiietiuiexnuiinnwnrK. rrecnreabnriratn. IMsrur listen te abnslre, Jealous and lying competitor, but attend and son rnrynnnu-M. enln MONDAT. ' ' MAKCHH,ISM,atlea m.andi p.m. TKKM8 Ninety days, with nppmred securltyi sli ner; . cenL tier annum off for cash. II. i. ltnvr. Aiietinnarb AT. ( . . . ... lnir.Aln. and nwlnrltiff IhA nrlr.1 nt a flrallaa rn Knnir mmH m nnr mmnreiifin ::L".nL -rr -:". r-r r. :i "" .7 produce a much nrstlass stock, or oenstruct a ...... . . .v ....... v w....n MOTTO THAT AliWAYS WINa HONEST WORK 1 U1HU- Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, ' 126 and 128 EA8TKINQ STREET, (NEABLY OPPOSITE Till LEOPARD HOTEL), LANCASTElt, PA. Nena But Krst-Class Mechanics Employed. i 1 Material, and That Only, Used PEICE8 TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALLWOKK GUAKANTEKD. BUGGIES, PHJ&TONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGOKS, And Vohielea of Stvery Description Built Promptly te Order. A Full Line of Vehicles In Stock:, prepared especially for the Spring Trade. A Lartre nnd Varied Assortment et sccunu-iianu WOKK en HAND PltlCES. PARTICULAR ATTENTION Sw-Glve us a call and exmnlne the work, THE PLACE. Philip Doersom's Old NOS. 126 and 128 CLOCKS AtfJi XT R1I0AD3, JEWEIiElt. JEWELRY In ealllntr attention te our offerings in this line, the publle are invited te a olese and critical examination or the (reeds whleh we belleve we can fairly claim are of a standard eeual te any ever offered in the largest cities of our land, and we ask comparison of prices, knowing that ours are lewer for the fine goods offered than the ruling of prices elsewhere. Our Stock of Unset Diamonds is large, and we will make up fromttaeso any style of work desired. All the Newest Patterns of Ladiea' Wear always in Stoek, and Birth or Menth Stenes of the whole calender ean be had promptly. The Gems Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Opal and Pearl always en hand, and set te order. Oil Paintings, Marble and Bronze Statuary, and Musieal Bexes, always cheerfully shown by our attendants. Everybody la invited te eall and be shown through our stock. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO. 4 WEST KINQ STREET. LANCASTER, FA. QLA3BWAHB. H IUH ft MARTIN. GI A Few Facts. Housekeepers In selecting wares for your tables, etc., especially these just buying new eutflts, it is important that you select the best in the market, new embarrassing te a lady.especially if she has table pride, and what lady should net have, te And that her ware is all full of small cracks, and that grease has penetrated and made it leek black and ugly. A cause aud a remedy. All semi porcelain or granite ware in its biscuit state Is potetis. It Is then covered with natural or artificial glass te prevent Its penetration by liquids. This is termed gla7ing. The glaze must vary us It must fuse or melt according (e the ware upon which it is placed. It must also dilate or contract in pro portion te the biscuit or else it will crack or craze and produce the above result. Unequal or insufficient firing or burn ing mayfrtnd will sometimes preduce the same results. Yeu may, and will no doubt ask, " Hew then can you tell whether you are getting a geed article?" Simply nnd only by buyine theso makes which experience has taught dealers te recom mend as the best and take their guar antee. Such makes you can find and such guarantee you can get by calling at 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTEU, l'A. COAL. T II. MARTIN, wneLxsaLs ase BsniL diuji in AU Kinds of Lumber and Geal. arY.KD! Ne. 420 North Water and l'rlnce Streets, above Lemen, Lancaster, n3-lyd OAUMOARDNERS A JEFFERIES. GOAL DEALERS. Ornes t Ne. 129 North Queen street, and Ne. UH North Prince street. Yards : North l'rince street, near Ueadlng V"V0U LANCASTEU, l'A. ,.. auglt-tid rtOAL. M. V. B. COHU, Na330 NOUTIt WATEU ST . Lancaster, l'a., Wholesale and Uetall Dealer In LUMBER AND COAL. Connection with the Telephone Exchange. Yard and Office: NO. 330 NOUTII SVAlKU STUEET febJB-lva E AHT END YARD. 0. J. SWARR & 00. 1 GOAL. KINDLING WOOD. Office: Ne. 20 CENTRE BQUAUE. Beth yard nd emce connected with Telephone Exchauge. aprl3-lrdMF.ht OALL AT BTOBE REIQARTH OLD WINK IiISTON'8 BXTRAOT OF BMF. TUTKT IH TttW WOSXB, KsUbllshed, 178ft. tee-1 ana I H. E. SLAYMAKER Atrr., .IsWMswtL,. 4ws)ss,s IN A HALL MSMetDk ' ";y(, 'v' wr"ff irejMM, assess WVs'V,l'rs,yiVwa 1 a: KT , THIRD GREAT A lis V IUU( QHl-Urv te MiiAV.Q. ?"& BTRHETa, LsVHOABTBR, PBNlTAVfc ... . w tC ' , 1U A', fl. HRH I'. , C ?v BIX l'KH CENT. Ottr I'OR CAhlL- iy "" .:i. m.. z'L. m : " m "" ... nnuneiu wnrxaei repair, our sale . . . ...- . r-T"--.-- IaIi. lint, wn rhHltnni-n Ihnm .wain .. l-rrt. j$Lr nan mnmi niirinnniniinnnnawniiMifir kie..' bnt we rhallencn them strain, na luifnnt Ht&c Oner rehlcln or any sly le. Wn mean business, and.'V j, z "-. ...r-.w..r v..u. ..... ..D ...-v..W ........ ... fc.l n ..'.. J. HONEST PRICES ! which will be sold at host kkahenaulk PAID TO REPAIRING. whether yen purchase or net. DON'T rOIKi T Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KING STREET. 127-ljd.tw WATCHES. AND ART I TA.rMUiM'& uuutta. LANCASTER AND MILIiERSVIWE K. B. TIME ITABLE. Cars leave Lancaster for Millersvtlle at 7:00, Me and 11:S0 a. m., and tee. 4-00, e-oe and 8J0 p. no J Cars leave Mtllersvilla for l.ancaster at 6t. 30 and 10-00 a. in., and 1-00, S-oe, e oe and 7.00 a.,m READING ft COLUMBIA RAILROAD AND BRANCHES, AND LEBANON AND LANCASTEU JOINT LINK B. It. On and after SUNDAY. NOVKMHKIt 8th 18&V TUA1N8 LEAVE UEAU1NU Fer Columbia and Iincaster at 7.15 a. m., 1Z00 neon and 8.10 p.m. Fer Uuarry vUle at 7.15 a. m. and 8.10 p. m. Fer Chlckies at 7.15 a. m. and 0.10 p. in. TBAINS LEAVE COLUMBIA Fer Keadlna; at 7 SO a. in , 1XM and 8.40 p. m. Fer Lebanon at 12 35 and 3.40 p. rn. TUAINS LEAVE QUAUItYVILLE Fer Lancaster at 0.23 and 7 15 a. in. and 2.33 p. Fer (leading at 0.25 a. in. and 2.S3 p. m. Fer Lebanon at 2.33 p. rn. LEAVE KINQ ST11EET (Lancaster,) Fer Reading nt 7.30 a. rn., 12.40 and 3.40 p. m. Fer Lebanon at 8.40 a. in., 12.40 and 0.00 . in. Fer (jearry vllle at 9.23 a. m., 4.40 aniLS.20 p. m. LEAVE rBINCE.8TUKET (Lancaster.) Fer UeadlnK at 7.40 a. m., lueand 3.W p. in. Fer Lebanon at 0.47 a. m., 12.50 and 0 OS p. in. or Unarryvllle at 9 12 a. m.. 4.30 and 8 i'J p. m TUAINS LEAVE LEBANON. Fer Lancaster at 7 an a. m., 12 je and 7.3.) p. m, or Quarry vllle at 7.20 a. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. TUAINS LEAVE KEADINO Fer Lancastei at 7.20 a. m. and 4.00 p. rn. Fer Quarryvtlle at 4.00 p. m. TUAINS LEAVE QUAUUTVILLB Fer Lancaster, Lobanen-andUeadlnKat7.10a.nl TUAINS LEAVE KINQ ST. (tencaster.) FerUeadlng and Lebanon at S (M a. in. and 3.55 p.m. Fer Quarryvtlle at 6.50 p. m. TUAINS LEAVE 1'IUNCEBT. (Lanraster,) Fer Heading and Lebanon and 8.10 a. m. and 4 04 p.m. TUAINS LEAVE LEBANON. Fer Lancaster at 7.43 a. m. and 3 43 p. in. Fer QnarryvUle at 3 43 p. in. t ."- .i,.v IB Mttwyi el. This sV .y rer connection at ueiumDia, nuneua oune y Uen, Lancaster Junction, Msnhelui, lteadbis; .4"J!-1 KQU Mjmuiull. HUO Liuin U,U1U9 It. IVit HLA, 1U11S. A. M. WILSON, Supenntendeut. ' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCHED ULE. Truins Laws Lakcastkr and leave and arrive at I'hlladelphla as fellows : Leave Leule WESTWAHU. 1'actHe Expressf.... News Expressf 1'hlladelphla. Lancaster. ii-zup. in, 4 30 a. III. 4 30 a. Ul. 7-00 a ui. 13a a. in. ti-23 a. in. 6 se a. in. 9 31 a. m. 9Ma. 111. 0..vtn. m. 9J3 0. m. 2;(xp. m. 2 10 p. m. 2 w p. m, v 3 je p. nu 7 Je p. m. 7 te n. m. way raasenger- Mall train via ML Jey. NalHallTralnt Niagara Express....... Hanover Accein FastLlnef Frederick Accem Lancaster Accem Marrlsburg Accem.... Columbia Accem llarrlabunr Express... Chicago and Cin. Krt Western Express via Columbia 7.40 a.m. via Columbia ll.Wa.in. via Columbia via jut, Jey. z la p. Ul. 4 10 p. 111. 6 40 p Ul. 8M p. 111. 1005 p. 111. Leave Lancaster. 2t3a.ni. e-03 a. 111. 8-10 a. m. HAS a. ill. 9 00 a. 111. 12.58 p. in. 2 05 p.m. 4-ee n in. 4 43 p.m. B 43 l. m. lifts p. Ill, i;iua. m. Arrive at EASTV-KD. 1'hlla. 4 41a.m. 8-23 a. m. Phlla. Exprrssf. 'Fast Line llarrb-uuiv Express.. Lancaster Accem ar.. Columbia Accem 101 a. 111. via Ml Jey 1113 v ui. Seashore Express.., Johnstown Accein. SnndayUall Day Exnresst 3 up. in. 8-ue p. in. 3 43 p. UL. CM n. 111. . Uarrtsburg Accem.. 9-15 p. in. ane utneaster Accommetiauon jeavrs iiurn. -.,, burg at S 10 p. tn. and arrives at 1 .aucaslur at -5 .,( lar The Marietta Accommodation leaves Celum, 2, j bla at 6 40 a. m. and reaches Marietta at KM. Alse, m i reaching Marietta at 1A01 and 2J3. Ix-aveffWv U.AtimH n snitervifAl n tlt limit A tJ K S, tvi sitsirt Ianvus n Hi An A arrtmii At bW. r Z3ui't The Yerk AccommeOatlon leavc MarteUW'1. m t .! .iu at t 11 r nt rir n t H-fl nniinftlillns with Uarrlsburg Express at 8 10 a. m. r r The Frederick Accommodation, wesUeeaneet- ifift Ins at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at XM J?j p. in., will run through te rreaertcs:. -.jf '?- The Frederick Accommodation, east, leave 'fe Columbia at 12.23 and reaches Lancastur at Itm p.m. . . .. F llanever Acoemm6datton,vie8t, connecting a Lancaster with Magars. Express at 9-30 s-m., V : will run through te Hanover, dally, except Sua- day. Fast Lin, west, ea Sunday, when flagged, -'J' wUI step at Downlngtewn. Ceutiwvllie, f'aike- . burg, 111. Joy.juizarjeiniewn ana mawiuw.' t The enl j-trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train west runs by way of Columbia. 4' jroneJMb 'V 1 VT0-sMrw-wi1 G RAND DISPLAY OP I I NECKTIES. u UO TO EKIbMAN TT0" OAMKi'S HAIR TJMDsW sew WSZS&'.Pk P R LATEST STY1V VUbUAS mtwtt 1 imifiXAsT THEAi'MTAMJIsW " AT ERI3MW8. Ma WIsJT K.INU h MMW fftRY "THK LAT4OT3BjJM m X cigar. iHitftO'B? the box or 1. (J at .. ' . rjm-efim HWW1 :?JM 3iii ' m um Sjw J y.; . X.' ss ;, ttfTi .? . j W J y.1-1 K