WK5 tn" &" V fl? , . THB LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY. MAHCH 1G.188G. fP&J$ll&!9ff3fitK$& m $ft if 3r A a& r. &A $$" w a La2. mk m R5TS- Kf, sa S3, ajRriri K m kwr- $ T th. v rfci" , "''-- J SAW1I FROM HOME. f??i b-tfi malbbk bbbmtb bib mrn AJtBJtWO BMALL CBSLDUBX. iWif-- CehmM Married Man .Vhal I tg Ob la reUM CIk1-Ww f MMI IMbI -Mat Hskt-It TlsiWeei Abert Mia Blr I". jR,- 5.iA3 n-iaiuM of matuesxciK. ftet.mtaiA. Mareh Ml-Oh last Saturday .wm w.rr- SiMai employed aa meulder f.v tt fh KiaBtaT werka9ft town b,ndec" ;- kwrnwaftaed two mall children. Fer BjMa nsM paa mium wh uwkwuuiubiv ' M ttaiUy- On Saturday night be bearded a . ' sssssahi tealn. telling aeme et his companions D aaray tha news of his departure tebla - ajMra-4 that he was going te Chicago. Ilia Vtelwae net told of the occurrence until - ffjaMday eTentng and then Balden was beyond MaaaK .y la FaHea Circles. -'itpswn and Hannth Burrells and Emma , Arehey, all colored resldrnts of Columbia, ajet en a general drunk curing Atenuay. jS8qulre Yeuntt sent tbe Burrells te Jatl Set I ielrry-UYO days and Emma Archey ferflfteen ' :i7Avm. Tha latter managed te escape from 'Officer Wittlck Just as the train for Lancav i&te was leaTlnjr the station. The officer W could net go after her and Officer Hardnele Mant in pursuit, finding the woman hiding ISta a frehrht car. She wan taken te the lockup -rT te remain until Officer Wlttlck returns. Tiv- Alex. MeManus and Beni. Velt hsd a free ;iV-light en Monday atternoen in Lawrence h street. Velt get the better or ileManus and 'Pf"'ifnhnluhhrhrrvrl. Later in the dav be Vina met by McManus en Locust street, who was armed with a revolver, 'lnreats were made against Veil's Ule wlie sought refuge in tha Columbia National bank. After waiting for some time McManus left the place. A elt has entered suit against McManus at Squire Frank's for assault and battery and surety of tbe peace, and a warrant has heen Issued for bis arrest. Maggie Buck and Sarah anKess, colored, had some difficulty which ended in Maggie suing Sarah ter assault and battery at the office of Squire Frank ; at the hearing, yes terday afternoon, the evldence was se com plicated that the case was discharged. Andrew Flecklnsteln and Jehn V. Heller had some trouble which resulted in a suit at Squire Frank's. The case was settled by tbe payment of the costs. Beat Kstate News. C. C. Eauflmau, attorney for Jehn W. Swartz, sold a two-story brick dwelling houe en Eighth street, between Locust and Wal nut, for 51,175, te Jehn Wonder. Werk was commenced thin morning en the cellars et a house en North Third street, be tween Chestnut and Poplar, te be built for Jehn TL Krftlder na a residence, and for a S 1aTA hill Iri 11 tr In 4 tin .no. anil rt f ha rtfnrtartt Intended for a cigar box factory for Mr. Erelder. William H.Gilbert is making arrangements for tbe erection of a large house at Fourth and Union streets, l'art of the building will be used as a store loom. Town Uetet.' Last night in the opera house the Walte comedy company opened a week's engage ment in " Shadows of n Life " before a fair audleuce. The company appeared te geed advantage, and the orchestra work was fine. Te-night " Carrots, a Waif," will be presented. yesterday alternoen tbe pay-car of the Pennsylvania railroad was in town paying the empleyes for the preceding month. A track has been laid at the coal chutes from tbe river te the I'emisj'vanla river track, te be used by Adam Kedeuhauser in leading cars with sand. F. C. Hardy, telegraph operator at the Beading fc Columbia railroad statleu, is oft duty en account of sickness A freight car stadlng In the east yard en the tracks near tbe stock yard of the l'enn svlvaula railroad started from its place In some manner, running down the track strik ing tbe tank or an engine. Tbe car was tnrewn Iren. tbe track but was easily re placed. Fred. Bucher, an ex-pupil of the Columbia high school, is learrtnw the drug business at Dr. C. F. Market's drug store, baving started in this morning. Much interest is being manifested in the St l'atnck's meeting in the Lancaster court neuseauu many Columbians will attend, A MISSINO SSOO HOXI) Tarns Cp Iletweeu Tite 1'ieces of Sliest Iren Considered as ItubbUh. On March 2, as was noted in the I.vti;lli dEKCEn at the time, Philip J. Bisso died in the 70th year et his age. He was an old man who had spent his lifetime In Lancaster, and had accumulated quite a goodly sum et money. He had many queer fancies, one of them belug that banks were net safe depositories for money, and that burial of treasure in the earth was far preferable. When the old gentleman dled It was believed that some funds would be found in very quaint places. In ascertaining tbe personal property of the deceased it was noticed that a fMO four per cent government bend was missing, and none could give any theory for Its absence. Jehn A. Ceyle, esq., attorney for Michael Haberbusn, tbe executer et tbe estate, had advised that the heirs divide the personal property among themselves, as there were no creditors. In the division there fell te Victer Klsse, a son, the tinsmith tools or his father aud with tbem a let of sheet iron, old tin, etc. Bummaglng ever bis possessions a few days age, Mr. Klsse noticed two rectangular pieces of sheet iron atlckiuc together, being attached by the bent ends of each. Prying them apart,' he was amazed te find the missing f500 bend. He promptly turned It ever te the executer as a part of the funds of the estate. Had there been a Bale of the personal effects of the deceased, and the sheet-Iren sold te a stranger it is doubtful if tbe family would aver have beard of the missing bend. And it is probable that Its possessor, had he told of It, would net have been willing te part with bis treasure treye without seme mooted consideration. Arrested Upen Ills Ittturn. Ralph Andersen has been committed te answer at a hearing befere Alderman Dteii, the charge of embezzlement, preferred by Frederick WHhelm. Andersen werked for Wllheim for some tlme last sumincrand It is alleged that he collected money belonging te his employer, which he failed te turn ever. Andersen tias been away from this city for some time and was taken into custody upon his return. The Irish Meeting en St. I'atrlck's Nlebt. All the signs iudlcate that there will be a large attendance at the court heuse meeting te-morrow (St. Patrick's) night in aid of Par. nell and the Irish cause. Special arrange ments have been inade ler seating accomo accemo accome dations for ladles, who will attend In larce numbers. Mr. B. J. McOrann will preside at the meeting. A taree Funeral. The funeral of Philip A. Klaus took place from his residence, Ne. 321 Lew street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and was largely at tended. The Knights of Pvthlas, Improved 9e ?' Ked J,eD nil tber societies of ..i7 UCT72?"U was 8 member, attended lu iffir .rbe teterraeut was made in Wood Weed 11111 cemetery. ,,a iC. ", .7.r' "J?a APP'ered. r. , ,n, i1 u' "Ultenheirer, tax collector of Columbia borough, was presented te the court this afternoon ter approval. The bend is in the sum er75,000 and thn unrotie. rBac&Slf ,V''raUk B a7SS RT. llrlster Must Vacate the I'arui.,... KV. Dr. BrHter, the inelcted clergyman -i ordered out of the Methedikt trin.L .. ;- neon en Monday, and given forty-eight hours 'V te vacate tbe premises. If net out then he M miuvv put uuu gteaewall Jacksen's Charrer Deid. Stonewall Jackann'n ntri rhtnu. .it.i . ,ff tt Confederate Soldiers' Heme, ltlchmend, ',2 'Va., en Monday morning of old age, it Is -,..-., r.t- - . m ". " .-- ' jnwuijen vi we governor et me;iieme te .itiiuhi wsuein yuv uunw nuu te nave ; Ibteakln ataffed and skeleton mounted. - f . Feruusneut Cerilllcat Committee,' In the reporbef the examination held en flatarday by tbe committee en permanent XitlHiits, tbe name of one member of the Hue, G. 8. McComb. of East Herap iafcL 'WMemitted. Mm. Ell U Weaver JmM JMTt mAXUL. Weaver. The Cllosephlc. The regular fortnightly meeting of the CM CM CM osephlo society this week will be held at the residence, of A. J. Stelnman, esq. The paper, en "American Jurisprudence," will be read by J. W. B. Bailsman, esq. On Year Old. The colored ledgo of Odd Fellows of this city is a year old te-day, and this evenlng the members will have an entertainment aud ball in Roberts' hall. Quite a number of KtnntrA mint-mi nennle are already in town and ethers are expected this evening. tosses raid. Te-day II. K. Hreneman paid te the persons who si ere Insured In companies represented by him tbe amounts of losses sustained by them In the Kepler Are. Mr. Shan't Mill. The fact that tha bid of Sir. V. 11. thaw, of the Xdlten company, was In the possession of the Lancaster Gaslight and Fuel company was men tioned yesterday, and the question was asked ns te why tt was there. The answer is, that It st as there ter the purpose of showing It te council men and pointing out that the offer or a ferf.lt for every light net burning was binding only as te Mr. Shaw's second proposal and net te tbe nnl,u'lchisriQt the fact. Woare authorized te say, by Mr. 1. 11. Shaw blmseir, who arrived here this afternoon, that the forfeit applltt te the firtt at tIJ at te the tecend propetal, and that If he bad thought there could be an.v resslble doubt of this he would have incorporated a re ference te ttlh the first as well as In the second part, a proceeding te which he had nerer been accustomed and which be never for n moment deemed nccesary, as the forfeit In all such In struments of writing is embodied In the last clause, covering, of course, all that precedes It It inuseinenta. "" The Troubadeun Te-night. -The famous Sals- bnry Troubadours nre known all ever tblscoun tblsceun try, and are popular everywhere. This evening they appear In tbe opera beuse In a new piece, entitled " Tem. Dick and Harry." Kneugh seats have already been sold te insure them a big house, and they will havelt. Kveryeneilelrtng te enjoy themselves should see funny Nate Salsbury and the charming Xellle Mcllenry. JJ EAT US. Utksllt. In this city, en tbe 1.1th Inst,. Mantle May, daughter et Milten and Annie liyerlry, aged 3 years. Frem earthly sorrow nnd from pain, iM'tir jiaririti ideu an irw. Hut we shall lire te meet again Te part no iwore from thee. The relatives and friends of the family arc re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral from her parents' residence. Se Hi Serlh Mary street, en Wednesday afternSen at 2 o'clock. Inter Inter ment at Woodward Hill cemetery. Std IlAMitTOX. In this city, en the lMh Inst , WII son Hamilton, In the CM year or his age. His relatives and friends ; also the members of tbe different Ledges of Odd Fcllewa, ure re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from bis late residence, Ne. I Locust street, en to morrow (Wednesday) afternoon. Funeral ser vices at St. James church at Be clock-. Interuieut In Woodward Hill cemetery. , - - McLxrenttx. On the llth lnst.. aMJlllerville, Lancaster county, 1'a, Pjiulck -M6Lnughlln, In tbe Tilth ear of hls,.gv. ThatclaUvCsand frlendsef the family, alseSt. Bernard's society, are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral from tbe residence of bis son sen tn law, William Wcsttiian, at DUlcrvllle, en Wcdnesd ly morning, funeral te leave the house at 9 o'clock, te proceed te St. Mary's church Itcqulum mass at 10 o'clock. Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. 2i KLtViKXR. In this city, en the 15th lnt., Mary It. Kltmaker, widow of Hen. Ames tllmaker, In the S7th jearel hcr.Hge. The relatives and frlendsef tbe family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral from her late residence, .Ne. 207 tast King street, en 1 hnrsday alternoen, the 13th Inst., at ! o'clock. lntrrmcntln&t..Tumea' churchyard. Ke fleweis. 2t Amur March 18, Willie N., Infant son of Ernest C and Alice L. Aiuer. Intennent prlvate ml$-2t ZIAUKF.TS. Philadelphia t'rmlace Atarkei. I'BILADBLT'niA.MatchlR. Fleur market quiet ; Sales of l.ftO barrels. Minn, baiters at it 2?ft3 CO! 1'euna. tumlly at tlftt 2S; Wesleni at It 37SI; i axenis. -t hu3 mi. ltye Heur steady atM 5JS60. 1 p. m call Wheat March, 95Xc April, 93KO ; Mjy,0liC ; Jun. !f. Cern farch,tr.c ; 48: April : 47c, May, .1 une, Outa li4.;c Marcn, April ; 40?c May and June New YnrK I'roeuro Market. Naw tena, March 18 Fleur dull j Ann grades Fine. 13 K!t3 t. Sunerflnn. K SJflJ 60 i Common te mir extra Ohie, t.'!3S(Jt(.; -ed te cnoiceexira nesiern, ti i - iu i coiniueu extra Minn., II 33473 73 i Kxtnt.Ne 2, 1) 3ea3 7). Wheat Se. 1 ' ed. statn en spot, wcj Se.t lteil, state, en spot, asjc i Ne 1 White, state.OJc, Ne 2 Ited, Winter, April, Srtc t May, l34'c Cern Ne. 2 niixeii. cusb, 4Sc. Ne. 2 Mixed, March, 4-Jfc ; April, iSHet June, 47c. Oats Ne. 1 White, state. 4(0 ; Ne. 2 de. 41c Ne. 1 Mlied. April, STJic Kye dull ; Western, Bitc z Slate, 65flfi7Kc. Uarley nominal; unirruded Canada, Xtiftit;. Ferk dull) Mens, 10 (Ofer old; 511811 M for new. Lard March, t'l 30; April, ft 20 ; May, 23; June, Mie. Moleoses dull ; belllnR Meck at.l'Wc for M test. 1'orte lllce, 21(t"c. Turpentine dull at ?a UeHln quiet : strained te (feed, II uTiQl 10 Petroleum dull ; Hetlned, 7Je. Klce steady; Carolina and Louisiana at 3K9 6c Sugar dull but unchaneed ; Keflned cutleaf, 6;e; gniuulattid, 0 a-lfcc: talr te Keed retluury, 6Ji07Hl: Confections ' A,"t! WCc Tallew steady ; prime city, ()c nutter Unit i West.irn IinUntlnn Cn-Jimery fancy 2ffl31c : statu, &.'Wc ; Eastern Creamery 32310. Cheese dull; Ohie Flat, choice TOW; LOtree quiet ; falroareeej at s,3ifiS';e. Freights nominal. Gblcisee trefiucv market. Ckioieo, March in 9 SO p. m. Market opened. Wheat-Marcb,Slifu; April, 840; May, c4c; June, Kc Cern March, SCc. ; April. S5c ; May, .19s .e: June, lOHc. Oats Maich, 29e ; April, 27Vic ; May. SI'rc. 1'nrk March, 7i I May, fJ 7!H; June. Luid-March, tfl W ; April, K 02i ; May, $.5 KV ; June, 0 e;)j. Klbs-Mar., 1517 : May, W 17K t June,n2J CLOtllMU, Wheat March, bOJ4c; April, 60?ic ; May, MJic. . June, bCUc. " " Cern March, Sfic , Aptll, 3flWf38t'c , May, i'jrXei Jnnu.tl.Jic. outs-March. ssJie; April, 2SKc; May, 31JJ 3J?,e; June.32Vie. " Ferk-March, tt 75; April, fc)77X; 'y. (( 87 ; June. 9lf. I.ard Match, W; April, $W4; May, I5 9.-.35 97K- J tine, K iflV. " "hertltlbs-SIarcb, ti .'!; April, IS I), May, VS27; June,$33iK. Oram nnit l'roiisiens, FurnUhed by S. K. Vundt, ISrekur, Chlcaga March 1C. 1 o'clock n. in. Wheut, Cern. Oats. Ferk. Lard, March 79,'J April May X J u no H?2 August 67JJ Winter Wheat Spring Wheut Cern Otta Kye Hurley OH City Crude Oil :v 3X 31J 9 bl I. IK) tl 05 B I7K Kccelptg. Car Lote. ... ... m ... 730 ... ici Head. Uucelpts Hebs., Closing Prices 2 o'clock p. u.. n bent. Cern. Oau. Ferk. I.ard March ,...tu 3l si U 75 6 97K 5 97 605 April May .. SI'.' June rc7 July tfTVi Oil City Crude Oil 8.77K 995 Sj1 S1JJ "X Philadelphia Cattle Market. FnttADEtruiA, March 1J Ilcef cattle, receipts week w ere lleevt-a 2,J; fcheep, 7,); llexs, 6,ea. Previous wttk-l!eec, 2,1.0: Sheen. 7,0(0 ; Heks, S.SU). " Href emtie were in peer request and prices declined c en all tirades except extra, Hbtcb veitienly Xe leKtr Lxtras, ftKQKe t geed, H9v40i medium, 3X6!i". comtneu '.'KUJku. rheep geed stock was flrm, Mlilla common was neglected even at u dc.-Huu t Wc hum, bViOtJi I Keed, Ue j medium, imliic; com-meti,2iQIKc- Lamb Keed stock was firm wblle common was neglected even at a decline et Kc.We quote atSxe7K. liens wereactivu and firm at CXWJe fur West, ern and CO'Jc ler country. Lire Stock Markets. CHtclae -Cattle Uecelnta, 7,CC0 head; (hip. menu. 2,109 hedi market quiet and 10c loner SlPl ." ," et U.V) te 1.4U) s, alt! 75fl V.Jm1. iifUP H"a fwdern. U Wl SOt cewi, ttnSaiUa'fts." Uult u m3 ,M s til,-'!,ni'l'nu' "uw l shipments. C.ttw ( !iS.T'iSSlnrtW.ehrLre.u''u and mixed. fJ 8 CH 10 lOket'Vatashewer11.'? East Libsbtt CatUe recclpu. 1 esl licad i shipments, 1,190 j murket tlewt & J lu! fair te geed, tl 2H5 W i conTmeT'la's 4 I Wears shlpi,edle New i-erk. ' ' u ileKs receipts, 6.7U0; shipments, eoej. maiketslew; Fbllaaelphlaa, tl hxti 7U', i'iiJ SJwVeral ' Ml"' ' OUtic' w CM u'PId te BtMp-recelpU, 7.W0 hesdj shipments, WX head I matket aud nrlces slew prime, -inShli rait Inirnnd. SI it. 7505 DO I common, JMXil2: Lamb. 3 60fl 75. B ,ir Yerk Mecas. Niw Yeax, March 18. Walt street, t JO p. m. m. Meney at t per cent. Foreign exchange quiet at tt tSOt Wt Governments strong Currency 6', IU7 bid; 's coups. IWT bid X"' H2J bid. The stock market opened Irregular with the ceul shares strong and remainder of list weak and S te J per cent, below last night's figures. About 10-30 a selling of Heading stock was com menccd, and In the hour and a halt te neon It was quite freely unleaded en some unknown rause. The selling of this stock weakened the entire list, and by W o'clock prices wcre down M te Hi per cent. During the hour te 1 e clock the market strengthened somewhat. Stock Market. Quotations by Ueefl, McOrann A Ce., bankers, utnrasirr, i-b. ., . ,,w SIV TOII LIST, ll, , .-- S r.v. IVl ftil n ! Canada Tactile C C. C. 1.... Cel. Ceal Central Pacific- Canada Southern Chi., 8t I-A Pen , Denver lUeilrande. Det., LacK.A Western., Erie. ...... ... KrlOld New Jersey Central... K T I.eu. X S ljikoShem iitchlean Central Mi. mi; A 41t 1MH jj" 31J4 . ai ' tni ". iur ?H f.i? slissmitl l'acltlr,.. Northern 1'aclflc. N. V. Tret l"?i , 'XH :; 107JI N. W New Yerk Central Ohie Central Omaha Orcxen Trans Ontario Wiwtcrn I'oclfie Mall Uechestcr A l'ituburg St. I'anl ....... Te... l-ni-lrti-. ...... w W; , 1N- JH 101 .tl si?i M 1 S. 1. Union ractnc Wabash Common 11 ll'i iSH M wabash rtwlenva , Western Union Telegraph. West Shere w 64, M 13'i , ay, less : : .li. , M rillLADELrHIl LIST. LehlRh Valley R, N. Y.A Fhlla... feunsytvanta Heading Lehigh Navigation.... Hoslenvllle.... Philadelphia A Erie... Northern Cent People's Passeneer.... U'd'g Gen'ls M'tg's C.. OU...J 42 pej: :& lttUi Lernl mocks ana Itends. Be,-erted by J, B. l.eng. Far l-aat value, sale. Lancaster 8 per cent., ISO 100 no 8 " ism. loe 120 " 4 " Scheel lean loe H 4 " In ler 20 years 100 102 " 4 " In 5 or 20 years, loe len.25 " 4 " Inl0er9)years. 100 105 Manhtilm lloreugh lean KM 102 BASS STOCKS, First National Hank 100 Cu'. Farmers' Nattenid ltink ' 115 Fulton National lljnk . It") ltsj Lancaster County -VaUeaai Bank .... SO 115 Columbia National Hank leu 110 Cht1tanfi National B-tnlc 100 115 -KTihnita National Uank I'M l.'U First National iunR,coiuineia ttu i.. First National Rink, stnubnrg 100 IX) First National lttnk. Marietta.. 1(0 AM First National Hank, ML Jey 100 ISO.lli Lltltz National Uiutk 100 159.20 SJjnhi-lm National Rink 10U lfO Union National Hank, Mount Jey.... 50 M New Helland .National Bank 100 130.50 Gap National Hank 100 110 Quarryvllle National Hank 100 110 tllzabethtewn National bank. 100 110 Neithern Hank stock loe 130 TCRHrtKS BTOCiS. Big Spring Heaver Valley 25 7.M Hrldgepert A llerscshcm 1SX 21.50 Celumblii A Chestnut Hill 20 40 Columbia A Washington 2u 24.05 Conesleca A Big Spring 25 20 Columbia A Marietta 25 30 Maytown A Kllzabethtewu 25 40 Lancaster A Kpbrata 25 44 Lancaster A Willow Street 25 4d.oe Stnwburg A Millport 25 22 Marietta A Maytown 25 CO Marietta A Mount Jey 25 SS50 Lane, KlUabethtewn A Mlddletewn. 100 70 Lam-wter A Frultvllle 60 H Itncnster A Lttius 25 75 Kast llrandywlne A Waynesburg 60 .25 Lancaster A Wllllamstewn... 25 107.50 Lancaster. Maner 60 146 Lancaster A Manhelm 25 S)M Lancaster A Marietta 25 S3 Lancaster A New Helland 100 HJ.G5 MiaCSLUkMKOCS BTOCKB. guarryvlileU.lt 60 1.13 MlllfisvUln street Car fci Pu Inquiring Printing Company 60 62 liasllght and Fuel Company 25 2S Stevens Heuse (Bends) luu In) Columbia I, as Company 25 2S Columbia Water Company 10 10 Susquehanna Iren Company lce 2H5.25 Marietta Hellew. ware loe 210 Stevens Heuse 60 110 MUltirnvllle Nermal Scheel 25 18.05 Northern Market 60 S2 Kaxtern Market 60 xi Westeni Market : M 51 Ijtncastur City Street Hallway Ce..... 50 38 Uas Company llendi 1(0 1 0.1 Columbia Horeuuh Bends 1( 101 LanustcrA Susquehanna IS") 3CU Lancaster A New Danville 25 11 Household Market TrtseAV, March 16. DA.IKT. Creamery Butter 35e Butter V & 2ie-..'e Cup Cheese, two cups 6c Cottage Cheese, two pieces 6e Dulcn Cheose fl lump 84210c recxTar, Turkeys V plece (llvc)N 1102.25 " " (cleaned) flijl.75 Chickens V pair (live) ujitsec " V piece (cleaned) 3540a Spring Chickens V pair 6075e lMgeens fliulr, 2&30c Ducks V plece (cleaned) iott'ec (leese plece I1Q1.25 MI8CSLLASZ0CB, Apple ButterV qt e KgKSdez 1JQIIC Heney V Br sua Lard f) ft. 89c Dry Beef, chipped 40c Ham, whole 13314c Sausage 12c Pudding loc Ham, sliced 22c rsuiTs. Apples V Kpk lea20c Bananas ldez 2'jic CoceuuulH, ech tJl2e Currants ft (dried) loc Dried Apples y qt loe Dried Peaches Tfi qt 120 Prunes y StJHVj Lemens W dez 20c Oranges rldez 40c l'lneapples VI piece liS25c Urupen y ft, .leSlSC Cranberries, pr. qt letj Uc VBMKTABLK. Gtbbage V head 3Se Beets y bh 6010c Potatoes Xpk 10$16c r bushel 40U50C Beans (Lima) V qt 160 CarretsM bunch j. fe Head balad 6c Onions V bunch 6e Bbubarb pr bh 5e Caulltlenvr, pr. hd 250 3ec Sweet Potatoes V K Pk 1OU200 Soup Beans Vql no SplnachKnk 10015c Salslly V bunch tftiec Turnips K Pk. I0S120 l'cjiiwrs V dez tQiSe ISH. Halibut V Jb 1541200 Cattish yt, Tttse Herring V dez ise Fresh Mackeral l ft, 130 ClauisperltM $1 Sea Bass jee Bluet Ub ioe Sturgeon jeq eaim. JJ heat 9OC06O 0-l 420 corn 6UQ6LC "ye 65e Hay pur ten fl6ffll5 Cleveneed t.flM Timethy riWa2.25 HerdUrusa il-jj Orchard Uruss iie Mixed Lawn Orassea $4.00 Fleur V bbl KO500 Onions V f pk .V...ec Hadlshea pr bunch 6c lemaUMut prKl'k , 10Q15C Cucumber. V dez 10c Bqua-hes each 3431c Lgg Plunta plece , 6c Cent Y dozen, , luQl&c nucif AnrxuTitmatEfiTa. FOR RENT. Twe IJi-stery Houses, Nes. tlO and tl! Maner street. Apply at liil6-lwd Ne. 2e WF.ST K1NH STKKET, STURAOtt aiid COMMISSION WAREHOU3B, DANIEL MAVKU dart-lvd is west Chestnut street. ATTENTION I - .MONTEREY LODGE. Ne. 242. l.O.O. F., snli meet at their hall en te morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, for the pur pose et unending tbe funeral of Brether Wilsen Hamilton, et Delaware Ledxe, Ne. 1, of Wil mington, Del, Members or Lancaster and Hebel LedgCK, and tbe order In general, are In vited te attend. Jly order et N. W. WINGEK,.0. Attest L. Katuves, SiCy, ltd ESTATE OF CHRISTIAN RINE, LATE of Lancaster city, l'a., deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te Mary Ellen nine, all persons Indebted thereto uru requested le make lmaiealste pav ment, una tboe having Claims or demands against the wins, win present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, at He. It Last King street, Lancaster. JOHN K. UATIIFON, 1 ir,A0Sl for ""fy Kiun Hlns, Exeeutrti. jrxir ADrxnTisKiiKSTii. AK1NU POWDKK. ROYAL BAKING POWDER, Absolutely Pure. s TntS powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesemouess. More eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be aeld In competition with the multitude, et low test, short weight, alum or phosphate pewders. BelJ only in cant. llev.L Uxatse 1'ewdkk Ca, 106 Wall Street. New Yerk. may27-lvdAw "CTOR SALE F1P.ST-CLASS OYSTKR JC nnd lce Cnam Saleen ; geed location ; poed reason given for selling erflce. Apply at this mt3ui vn rOTlCE. ll t . n . -n f..Al. Iff t,u 1 give notice te alt persons concerned net te give, trust te my son, Jeseph A. Itredel, Jr , as 1 will net pav any debt contracted by him what ever. '(UdM JOstFHBUKDKL.eR. R. A. W. SOVEitr.EN'S MEDICINE, lata of tbe Lancaster Kink, for sale only at KAl'r I MAN'S liKl'U STOKE, Ne. M North OneenMrcet. Lancaster. Pa.. tnlMUUl ( t tve doers north of Posteincu ) FOR RENT. Frem April 1, IS.-.-,, the basement of tbe Western Market Heuse Apply at mS-MAFlfd 635 KST OHANOKSTHEKT. -ravnuc sale. en THURSDAY. 1. MAUCH IS. lie, at Ne. 130 Seuth Duke street, Lancaster, Pa., bedsteads, tables, sink, beater, carpet!, chairs, and a general assortment of household and kitchen furniture Sale all o'clock. OF.OmiK HUNT Kit, mi3 2td Auctioneer. -t7istate7ef T3rTjeiTn i atleeT all Jr., deceased. All persons having claims egaln.t the lata Dr Jehn L. Atlee, Jr, deceased, are requested te send them te tbe undersigned, by mall, before April 1, l'Wi. WM.ACt, ATLLE, mlfl-3td 112 Kest King street. PUBLIC HALE. On SATL'HD.W MOUSING, M .VUUI 20, lv;, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at the Bearding and Livery Stable or DH. . I C SIIAL'B, Ne. 12 West King street (formerly Cress Keys hotel), a geed horse a Ne. 1 roadster buggy, whips, harness and blankets, marl5-5t I71STATE OF MRS. H. ii lata of Lancaster C . S. HO.MBERGER, ters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all fiersens Indebted thereto fire requested te make tnmedlatc payment, and theso having claims or demand against the same, will present thorn without delay for settlement tothe under signed, residing tn CelIegellle, Montgomery county. Fa. 1)11. J. II srueMIiKltrjuh, febl 6teawM Kxecuter. M YERS & RATHVON. THESPRINGOFi886 la npeu in. 0 are net behind, either, wttb our Stock of CLOTHING FOB TIIK SKAiON. The best care and taste has been med in pre paring It for the trade, atide far we hsve been well tenarded. MEjN'S SUITS lu many Styles and Qualities, and al prices down te bottom. MEN'3 Sl'MNU OVKHCOATt lu all the Hc9t Styles, ranging In prices from tUOO te I15.0D. The Youths' and Beys' Department Has been well cared for, and all of tbe Best and Toughest Materials cau be found A PAIUOF PANTALOONS Are a very necessary thing this time of year, and our assortment U larg enough te suit anybody's taste. Don't be afiald of High Prices. NO HIGH PH1LESHEHK' If you don't want the Finest Clothing, we Lave Alt the Cheaper tirades ; and better value can be had here for a small amount In. vested than any where else. This Is a strong statement, but we knew It's right. I.LADINO CLOTII1KUS, NO. 13 BAST KtNO STREET, LANCASTKll. FA. e AK UAI.I., NO DULL TIMES -AT- OAK HALL! 'Ibe people have teund It's a short read tn the old favorite corner cf Sixth" und Market, where they have been se Justly served these many years. We're sweeping along briskly Inte the Spring trade wttb scarcely a step. You'd hardly knew whereto say winter business was leaving off. And It's no wonder, when we have such a cata logue of goedsand prices (together with tbe new goods for Spring) as you'll nnd In this day's offering. ' The prices that are made en Clothing that we might have tn carry Inte another season attract and astonish great crowds of customers. And In Beys' Clothing they have cut tbe prices Just about In half. Fer Instance Heys' Suits that are reliable In every particu lar, at $3 and 13.50. And the Biggest Heys' Suit don't cost ever And an everyday pair of Knee Pauls for ll.CO. And a Muslin Shirt Watst ler 35 cents. Tbe Men's Clothing Is a tight te see. A complete line of All Weel Spring Overcoats atMW. Customers bavebecn coming In from all parts or tbe city and orders by mall ler the Spring Overcoats made from tbe ends of our Merchant Tailoring department. Ne wonder n ben from M te 110 run be saved en uceat. Ne use paying merchant tailor prices, 120 10 t-10, when oil can get suited here for Hall the Meney from the very same line of goods. The Custom-Made Half-Price Suits Just 61 of tbetu en hand. Any ene who can get fitted out of this stock keeps half the right price of bis suit te spend ler something else. Wamtutta Muslin Shirts, Bcurlet Underwear, Canten flannel Drawers 1 Linen Cellars' lust Half Price, ' WAN AM AKER& BROWN, OAK HALL, Southeast Cerner Sixth and Market, MYERS d RATHFON, FUILADKLFiiA. HXW AnrXBTIBBKXXTa. Huiii.irvs mive hterk wimj hk removed te Ne, 0e WEST KINO STItF.KT, nirectly oppeslto the Cooper Heuse, en or about Apm 1st. UK K1NKST, C1IKRKY, BLACK berry, UlttRer and Kltnmel llrandles at N) rents a quart. Our 75 coma a quart Itye Whisky Is flneaua cheap. UOltltKK'S LIQUOItSTOKK, Ne. 22 Centre Squam, Lancaster, Fa, aprtMydll I'RINO OVKIUU1ATH TO ORDKR. If von want An Klfnnt Kiirlnir ItTerpnal. of Knllsh Melten Or Corkscrew Worsted, In all shades, made te enr Older, sllkdlned through out, for ta.ei call at ItOSKNSTKlN'S 1 1 no tailoring Parlors, Ne. S7 North Uiiwn stnet, iAticaster, l'a. 4WFU11 Ltuenr spring and Summer Suitings new lu sleck. m24mdU TUST OI'BNKl), AT TI1K North Eud Dry Goods Sleie. A LOT OF BOOrtFOLD GINGHAMS, In limnnants, at cents a yard t worth 12c. Alse New sheens, liress Ginghams and Seersuckers. J W. IIYIINK, nevi-lj d Ne. 2J North (Jueen street. B CCllMILIiKR'S. OnlV a llttle wbllnlentrnrran von seenmdA. elded barcalns In (Inns, Cutlery, ltcvelvers. Uazers, Scissors, Machinists Toels, Ac. We offer special birfralns in Units andOun Goods until lholMltlnst.,tnclesfl out ottrentlro stock before April 1.. Inside and Outside Shew Cases for sale cheap. IIUCHMILLEU'9, Ne. 132 North Qucent St., Lancaster. air All poeds left for repairs must be called for by March 20. mart-Swd TF YOl' AVANT A Flne Qrade of Fleur Pay a llttle mere than you would for an erdl nary Heur, and ask your grocer for tbe NIAGARA FALLS FLOUR, Made of the best Minnesota Wheat. II has no equal In the market. T EAR AND COFFEES. A en need some geed Tea and CotTee, don't A en 1 011 don't ant tn be cheated, de 011 Yeu want your money's worth, don't Yeu ' Yeu had better call en Clarke, hadn't 1 en" Yeu should sec hts low prices. It will pay Yeu. Yeu 111 find his price te.filt ten. Yeu should read and act as n 0 ndvlse en . lluv your Teas and Ce!Ies, Ac, of Clarke, S3 WLsT hlNU STHKET, nndsavo2rtpercenL E AST END YARD. 0.J.SWARR&00. COAL. - KINDLING WOOD. Ofllce- Ne. 20 CKNTHK sqiTAKK. Beth yard ud ofllce connected M lth Telephen Kichange. apria-lydMAF.H SPECIAL LENTEN fiOODS. Best selected cednsh, large fat. Juicy inact. are), smoked halibut, canned salmon, neu crop olives, finest table oil, salad dressing, musttrd and pickles, bananas, oranges and apples. Try our tine selected old Oev. Java, Mecha and Im perial ltle Cedecs, they spent for themselves, very uoed at 120. Bargains. 3 and 4 B of Hlce ier -ic ; e n, goeu prunes, zc : ciegani ngni Syrup, te. per quart , canned corn, sc: 10 fc Kit latmackerel, 60c. Please call or send your erders. O IN). W1ANT, aug-AVlyd Ne. 113 West King Street. - pENNERCHOR HALL. U.t: V'KK. CornmenclnR Monday, March 15, 1000. A COUBSEOF ILLUSTRATED HEALTH LECTURES, FOU THE PEOPLE, BY DU. W. 11. HALE, Editor of Jleurth rimi Heme, ASD DU. U II FONN EH. of Jeffersen Medical Cel lege, Philadelphia. Thesolecturesero embellished with ever l,0u) et the most beautiful Illustrations, all taken from life; the Illustrations cover 2S0.OM feet of canvass. The screen en which the illustrations are exhibited Is twenty-five feet square, and Is Illuminated with the most rewerfulOxy Hydro Hydre Hydro Cvben Llme-I.lgbl Mercepllcau nnd Micro scope In the world. This wonderful light Is the sole Invention of Dr. Hale. Admission 10 cents. Deers open at 7 30 p. 111. Lcctuies begin at 6 sharp. N. B. Owing te the lectures being delivered In a darkened hall no ene will be admitted after s-15. marl3-tfd w ILL1A.MSON A FOSTER. Lew Priced ! -BLT EXCELLENT. A Gent's Dress Shee, $2.50. In Balmorals or Butten (.alters with plain or Capped 'Iees. It Is a geed, honest Shoe ler tbe price Don't fall te see It when looking for a Moderate Priced Dress Mioe Plew Stees, el.25. Army Brogaes, $1.25. UlaNOK 10UK OVERCOAT JOB ONE Or Medium Weight. NEW HFBISfl FASHIONS, 0CO. S 60. 1S. CHILDREN'S KILT SKIRTS, One and Twe yiccn, from 12.50 tetO.V). Odd Pants for Children, 50e , 75c. and Sl.OO. TRUtfKS AND VALISES. Silk Neckwear, 23i Silk Neckwear, 50e. An unexcelled assortment of new patterns In Tecks, FutTs, String Claudent and Feur-ln-Hand, NcwHprlng Patterns In PERCALE SHIRTS, COe. and 70c Twe Cellars and a pair of Cuffs w lth each Shirt. E. & W, Crown Brand. NKWSTVLES C0LLAHS AND CUFFd CarJigani and Oatrnseys, 50e,, 75c. ami $1.00, PANT-FITTIN'O OVKKALLS, oec, and Sc. NEW SHAPE STIFF HATS FOR VODNfi CENTS, One that la sunt te take. Price, f J.ui. DUNLAFS New Yerk Fashion 1'er Spring, -1N- F1NE SILK AND STIFF FELT HATS. This Is the only store In Lancaster where genuine Dunlap HaU can le bought. We are Sele A genu for Dunlap Hats. Brewl-Ilrlm Teamstet'fl Huts, 75c. jWStercs Open Every KTcnlne."W Williamson d Fester, 32, 34, 36 & 38 East King St., Lancaster. rA. MXHr ADVKRTIHKUKXTB, TIT ANTK1I,- AT THIS OKK10K A 'I Weekly ISTKtti and November 25, IssJ. h 4, K mil tfd 01 Q A R E T T K R K 1 M B A I. li'8 . StralBht cut In satin packs, and all the leadln B nmnus et uwtaruues, ai mahki.kv'm nmttiiu' r lift ST." (Formerly llartman's.) 2t North guoen St. JN AM) OK IRELAND. Under the Auspices or LANCASTER BRANCH, Ne. 694, Irih Nilleul Lpis of Atasric, A Mass Meeting of these of Lancaster City and County Interested In the Irish cattse and In sustaining Fnrnell In his efforts le procure Heme Utile for Ireland (by constitutional agitation, and net by dynamite) III be held at the Court Heuse at Lancaster, en WF.DNKSltAY.MAHCH lilh (St. Patrick's Day), at S o'clock p. m. Addresses will be delivered en tha Irish cause by K. K. M AM IN and W. U HKNBKL, Ksqs., te be followed by the ejienlng of subscriptions le the l'arnell Fund. A special return train HI leave Lancaster at 11 o'clock p. m. for Columbia and Marietta. Ample accommodations will be provided for ladles. nuiedtml7Altw H 1RS11 .VBROTHKR HAVE NOW IN STOCK -TIIK- FINEST LINE OF- SUITINGS, PANTALOONINGS AND Spring Overceatings h LU SKKN IX LA.NCASTF.lt, Fromsie towse. AN KAHI.Y INHPF.CTION" IS KTF..SlKH TO ALL. -ALL TlIK- LATEST NOVELTIES Plaids, Checks and Hairlines. A FKIH Kl'T FI'I HI) AKA.NTEtl) OK MOM EY ItEFllMDKH One-Price Clothing Heuse, OOBNKU NOUTHUUKKN STKKKT ANI CKNTKK SUUAUK. OPEN EVERY EVENING. N jkw noens. SPRING, 1886. EXTRAORDINARY -AND- GREAT PMP1R1TI0NS AUK NOW HKIN( MAKK AT ASTRIGH'S Palace of Fashion K)lt 1HK COMING SPRING TRADE! We tire dally receiving large leta of geed, and are already Hbewlng a most complete as Bortment In every department, '1 eday we have received ene ca.su of NEW BUTTONS AND OLASPS comprising all thn Newest Designs In all the Leading Spring Celers. Small and Large te match. New Dress Muttons at 10c., 15c and Kc. a dozen. New Ceat Huttens, In llluck and Colored, 40c. te Mc. dezen. Thn" Mikade "Hutten, small, Ka: large, 60c. a dozen. New clasps at 10c., 12c ,15c, He. and 25c, Fine Clasps at 37a, 60c. and tc. A large stock of Pearl Muttons, line quality, clear white, at Be. nnd 10c. a dozen. Kztra flne quality. 12c, lie. and lRc Kztra heavy Pearl, lie. and 15e. Pearl Mall Muttons, fancy cut, at 25c. a dozen. NEW CHENILLE FRINGES. Special Harzaln In Coleied Chenille Fringe, with Cut bugle Dreps, at &ec.a yard. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. Twenty-live pieces of Heavy-Kdged Oriental Lace, nlne Inches wide, c. a yard. Orlentul Flouncing, 17 Inches wide, at 60c. a 5 oriental Skirting, full lengtb, tl.eu a yard. Klegant quality, l.Ma yatd. oriental Net, 75c a yard. ESCURIAL NETTING, Spanish Netting, NEW VEILING, New Ruchings. SCRIM Fer LACK CUll PAINS, and LACE TO MATCH. KEW FLUSH OltSAMEKTfi Fer Fancy Werk. FASCYSILJC VllEKILLE FJIIXQES, In llrlgbt Celers, for Fancy Werk, 75c, 11, 11.25 and 1 1.50 a yard. We Invite everyone te call and see our line of goods and examine our prices, 4et Our store is open till 9 o'clock every craning. mUSH & BROTHER, KK W A H VKlt TJSKilKXrtt. Q.OOI) WORK UIIKA1'. WK MAKK A Hl'KClALTY OF rHlNTINO Tobacco Buyers' Oontraet Beeks, Roeolpt Heeka, Re Re Re oelvliifr Beeks, Sntuple Tagn, -AND- STRING TAGS FOR BAILING. Call ANDSKKODU SAMPLF.S AND ORT Flllt'Kt. WK AUK NOW PUKPAItKD TO Pertorate All Klmlfl or Hlnnk Iloekt. Such as Checks, Notes. Contract Heeks, Ac. same as twstage stamps, se that they can be readily separated. lebSMfd L. OANHMAN A RRO. Commencement! CUSTOM DKPAHTMKNTOFL. fJANSMAN Jk 1IKO. SOIV.IlKAlir. Newest Siirint; anil Siinuner FarlP Fer High and .Medium Urudn Merchant Tailoring At I-ewct Pliers. SI ITS TO OUDP.lt (AllWoel; at $t!.l KI.KOA.NT AI.IWOOLut 116.(0. KKOLISI1 WOUSTKI1 PLAtK St'lT.H atlH CO FINE l.MI'OltTr.11 COKkSCKKW SUITS l t.V(l). PANTS TOOltllKIl (All-Weel) at J10.. ft te, tf 00, tU". 7.W). MM, FJ ttt AN MAN IN NKKDOF Custom lade Clothing Will be astonished at Ibe prices marked In plain Ogurt-s tn our NerthwcM Window Onelltiu drcd Ulirerpnl Fattenu, nil or 1h Nun est Mal.cs te c lect from. Call early, convince youreelf, get ixisted and compare quality and prices. Alse workmanship with ether houses, our labor Is our preilt. L. GANSMAN & BR0 MANUFACIUUKIPJOF MEN'S BOVS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST , Hlght en theSeutbwcit Cemer Omnge Mreet, LA.VCASTF.K, PA Net cennected with any etbnr Clothing Heuse In the city. run hjllk oil iiii.vr. TJIOIt KKNT NIOi: TWO-STOUY llHU'K JC DwrlUnK Heuse, Ne.M0Ka.t Omncoatrrel. tuar-tttd HlltiiHalllte. -C10K KENT KKOM Al'lUl.l, THAT I) i: n ltoem. Ne. 14 Centre truuare. JC ittrable Stere ltoem, Ne. has been ued forncl(tarteni for vcarn. pply te lif.eiaii-: .iijii.i.?u.. mart-tfd Kherlira Ottlce. TTIOIlSALKUUKAl'. JC One iJtncaalcr Cablnet llrgan, cost 112 will neil al a bursal n. Call en or address, Ne. !BJ North CheiTy alley, Ijtncajter, Pa. dittfd TOltBK0OM"I'Oli KKNT. Ne V)$, ale Mi. Ms both meiM limy I thrown Inte ene II desired, making nnoet thit lartrnst and bestllnhteil rooms In thn city. Fer particulars call at Ne. 31 F.A5T MMI SI ItF.F.T, lncastcr. Pa. FOU KKNT. TWO VEKY HKSIKAHU: nximt en first fleer sultnble for a Docter or Hcnllst , nlae two rooms en accend atery Apply at inltld NO 1S6 .SOUTH UUKF. STKEF.T. TTIOK KENT. JC A Tobacco Warcbnusn with Penn'a It. It. Siding. Capacity for nun-lug s,u cases. April' ai inn marlO-tfd 1NTELLIOF.NCEU OFFICK. XNSUKANOK OKI'IC'i: HKMOVKI). Tbe Insurnnre and Ileal KstnteOIUce of.ler. mUh Itlbt lias been rrmnred te NO. SIX SOU1 II DUKK HTI1K.KT. Telephone connection. .IKUKMIAH ItlFK, ntarll-lmdlt Ne. KH . Duke St. TTIOK RENT. JC Shep tn rear of Ne 37 WenCbeatnntnlreut, nsed as a clgar.bex factor' and a shop en Mir.lln atreet, between Seuth tjueen aud Princa streets, lately used as a rnrrtftKO factory. Alte a dwelling and atom room new occupied by A. A. llubley as a drug store, wen mngnreci. Apply at the ns-trc Ud l.NTKLLlOF.NCEIt OFFICK. TJIOR RENT. JC First-class Dairy Farm, W acres, sltuate two miles from Lancaster city. Masement, corner Centre Square and North Queen street, suitable for a barber shop. Mrick Dwellings, ZM Kml Fulton street, and 285 Church street. Sale and Kichange Stables en Wast Orange street, near Water. Several Frame Houses en Jehn street. Janlltfd 1111111 A MUOTHF.KS. PUBLIC HAIiK. OnTHUltSDAY.MAUCHlsf, 18l,ttt Ne. Jit Kest Orange Ptreet, a valuable let of Household Furniture, nearly new. Parler Sulte (broeado upholstered), Mni9sels rarpet,, Tennessee Mar Mar Mar bloTep Table, Parler (drop light) Lamp, Hall and Stair Carpet and Iteds, Hat nack, stained tjlaasllall Lamp. Dining-room, Library and Md room Carpets, walnut Dining-room Hulle, Kx tension Tablet, Chairs, Sideboard, Pier Table and Mantel Mirror, Child's Carriage (rattan). Cur tains and Cornices, Cerner Cleck, Wordrebo, two complete Walnut Mcdroem Suites, Toilet Light, Medroem Kefrlgerater, Walnut Moekcase, Walnnt Hair-cloth Sidle, Clawfoet Table, Cane Mecker, one Self Feeder and one Oil Steve, Cab inet Sewing Macblne, ene F.ngllsh Facile llycl cle, nearly new, ene elght-tune Musle Met, te getber with many ether articles net mentioned, rtule te commence at 1 o'clock p. m when terms will be made known by tiKO. E. FAHNKSTOCK. II, RnCBERT, Auct. II. L. FaiaKT, Clerk. marl5 3t AMDBKMXSTS. F UI1'ON OI'KRA IIOUHh- TUESDAY KVKNINO, MAHOII lfi,. Xiid. The Orcutest Fttn-Makers Extant. SALSBURY'S TROUBADOURS, Including lb Always Popular Favorites, NELLIE McHENRY, NATE SALSBURY, In Edward K. Kidder's Latest Peal or Laughter, Called TOM, DICK & HARRY. A Pletless Peculiarity, In Three Acts. LAUOHI WHY YOU CAN'T HELP IT t ADMISSION 33, Wand 75 Cts. KESEUVKD SEATS "fi1; Meserved Seats ter sale at Opera Heuso. mli II TK-OPENINa. YOUNGEST AND BEST. RE-OPENING Lancaster Rink I RKTCRN or THl riVORITH, THE MIDGETS, Wednesday nnii Thursday Evenings, MARCH V AXI) is, se. EDNA AND ETHEL TAUEU, theYeungeU Skaters In tbe Profession, aged sir and eight years. The children with whom tbe skaHng world Is delighted, and te whom the Union Hardware company presented ENGRAVED GOLDEN SKATES. Deuble and Single Skating. J9-KUNA as YUM YUM, In Mikade Dress, Skates en a pair of lltUe wagons, ADMISSION., 10CEKT.m , v v Tn