H ".,i-r j"iT,'ir 'bV - '' u ,fj;i;. v -nfi f. ;7vviv vU . US'' TOE ULKOASTKR DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TPBBPAY, MABOH 16, 1886. ft '). -v V X OU, If All I KSOWHI It I had thought e toen she would bsva died, Ha mid, I had been tenderer In my speech, I had a moment lingered at her side, And held her, ere she passed beyond my reach, IT I had thought n toen she would have died. That day she looked up with her startltd ryes, I.Ue seme hur. creature, whero the weed are deep I Willi klwe 1 had ttllted llieee breaking sighs Willi klsss rimed tlwse eyelids Inte sleep, '1 bat day he looked tip with her startled eyes. Oh, hnd 1 known sha would have died e seen, I.ote had net wasted en a barren land Leve, like tliose rlvera under torrid neon, l.ett en the duett, poured out en the sand Oh, had I known 'he would have died te aoen, Anen. HBHAIOB rllll.KTVn BAirYKIt. Huw : Itepald Ilia llretlier On On Dellar He Lent Illlil. Wnslilnglun Letter te the Cleveland t.eader A ft lentl of Senater Hawyer tell nil Inel. limit f hla genermlly te lit lirotlier n year or two age, ami the neat May In which he gars 1) tin a prrwent, making It apjwar a Uebt. Senalnr Hawyer bimlly known what lie H worth, Have that lili plle runs pretly high up In Iho million. Ilia fatlier wm a liard-werk lug man, kept n blacksniltli'n shop, nnd at the saine tluie did a number el ethor thing, iiiakliig a coinfertablo llttle income, I'hl I'hl letita Sawyer wa Ixirn In Yorinent, but whnn lie wa Htlll n baby bin fAlher moeil le IZamex county, N. Y. Wlion.lie was 17 yeam old I'hlletui bought hla tlnie or hla Mtlier until he wm SI, pey'"K lllm 100 fur It. Ilia okler brother luaned him the inentiy rerllilH, and he atrtick out for himself. He engaged in various klnda or work, among which wan lumbering, and when liewni 111 yeara old lie paid back his hundred ileltais, and had atrunsect a llttle evor 12,000 mere He than concluded te go AVekL In the ine-ntlme he bad been mar ried and had n child or two. On hla way te Wisconsin he atonped at hla brother' and upon bin nklng hi in hew murli inoneyho had, he ainwored thnt he had f'AOOO in a belt around bin waist and under hla Milrt, and he had been paying out a geed deal, but he thought he hnd Mill about 200 In bla pocket. Count It," Haiti his brother. Sawyer counted It, and figured up jmt f 190. Hereupon hla brether handed him n dollar, telling him that that would make up hla fcJ.200, and that he would knew just hew much he started away wllh. Sawyer took It, anil the next day went en te Wisconsin. He bought a larin therennd In tlinoget Inte the lumber htiilnrs bocnine wealthy, and new has lKn for yenrsln Iho United States Sonate. In the menntlme hlselder brother staid In New Yerk and l tended te bis farm. He atlll Hvem there, nnd has a farm worth about 10,00(1. He It ene el the rospectod cltlrem or his county, and his nole Is as geed aa geld any day. Sawyer comes out te visit film every year or two, and thinks n great ileal of him. Twe years age he asked him hew he was situated llnancially, and, after much pressing, found that, though thore was no tuorlgage en the farm, he owed two netes amounting, with Internal, te about fl, 100, anil that he was troubled by the fact that he was troubled by the fact that he could net Kit enough ahead eery jear te pay mero than the lutereat en thorn. Senater Sawyer saltl nothing, but the next morning, en the pretext of wanting te (ten seme old friends, he slipped away from his brother's house and bought his notes. That night he asked lila brother, In the ceurse of their oveulng chut, whether he had any ether dubU whateer. His brether replied thnt he was owing about (100 In debts here and there. Senater Sawyer hereupon took out tlie two notes, amounting te Jl.leu, and placing (100 en the top of thorn, he hanil ed the pile te his brothers, telling him that would make him even with the world, and lie then continued : " Yeu noed net ieei backward nlwut taking this, because It is merely the payment or n Uebt. When I went West j'eit gave me a dollar, never ex pecting te get It back. I censidered that dol lar aa a lean, as an Investment, as a part or my capital. As far as I can ostlmate new, eaWi oneol tbefiSOO which 1 carried away with mohasHwelledlute(l,2i)0, and In glvlt g you thisdJiiO I am only giving you your share or the profit." "I asked Senater Sawyer," Raid this gentleman, "what his brother said when he did this, and he re plied: He did net knew what te make of itntllrst, but he finally took the money and the iiotes, saying he wished he bad invested tl.WHi instead of ?!.' " IK WAaUWUTOX auClBTY. The Herse lMlter DUcaurses en a Kecent Cap ital sensation, Mnrr.y"ln Pittsburg Dispatch. Yeu will make u great mistake, dear reader, if you bolleo half what lias been printed about tiie social aheclc alteged te have been occasioned by tbe recitation by a New erk lady of "'Ostler Jee." Let me tell you, confidentially, thnt the greater iart or the shock was contained In the newspaperF, Knewing the toughness or the moral epider mic et our dwell society I have bveu making iuiilries Inte the merits or thla particular klie.il:. And I line round cut all about IL Thowlielo aheck was ninntirartured by a ileren old maids or fashion who run Wa-sli-ingten soiMety, and tlioaeclety correspoudont and kociety newsiuperH. Airs. J.l'otter llrew n, le premise, Is a very handaome woman. Net enlv Is slie handsome, hiitKhe ewiOMse In loU'ecttml charms, grace or conversation and a tnarvolleuH tact, rarely combined In the saine )erseii, and that porseu a hand hand hand seme woman. New, Mrs. lirewn was the rnge in New Yerk, and tha New Yorkers liere linported her for a particular purpose. These New Yorkers lerm n "sect," nnd, being cemparathely new, tbey have been, with all their wealth, running "up grade" from the start. The old " iiim back" (excuse my social atyle or Uoscriptleii) have also had a pretty tough tlme te bold their own agaluBt tbe new comers. The social leaders el the old regime dle about as bard aa the political leaders of the former era. Sirs. Secretary Whitney's champagne and terrapin have fairly mewed thorn down, but they still have their grip en the newspapers and the army and navy elite Well after the sad Inroads efshampagny water and diamond-back, these old cats who have had lentr immsossIeu of the social beck fence couldn't stand Mrs. James II. Y. Petier Urown.They caucused among the splkes and broken glass, and resolved unanimously that they would net stand IL Theu they went purr ing about the fashionable jailers, aa sleek and seu and furry as ir their el vet paws con coaled no keeu nails lying in wait Ter Mrs. J, Petter Smith Urewn. The New Yerk set are patron lz d by Mrs. Whitney, and Mrs. Whitney is blessed with diamonds and diamond-backs. (That Is about all, for I heard a real lady of the old mossback set, who had been te eat up Mrs. Whitney's ter rapin, declare that slie, Mrs. W., Is as homely as a mud fonce.) Wheu the coming of Mrs. J. I. 11. was heralded, she was at once set down as the newect wrinkle or Mrs. Whitney. She proved a great card. Kery duue and all the colonels and Judges and etllcials or the new etliclal world tumbled ever each ether te bask In the sunshine or Mrs. W's. Mrs. J. Petter Urewn. The old cabt were se mad they could have scratched her oil their lists, irtbey dared, but a they didn't dare they went out en the back lence and scratched each ether. Hut Mrs. W. and her set wanted the earth. They were notaatlslled with what was en IL They hired a ball and trotted out Mrs. J. V. II. te the general public. Finally the cllmx came with "'Ostler Joe." The old cats were Just "laying for" that They knew Mrs. .1. r. 1J. would never rest until she had fired "'Ostler Jee" Inte a suffering public, and they set the trap which caught peer Mrs. J. retter Itrewn. She Jell In It and well you knew the rest Mr. J. I, li. baa Jumped tbe town, and the New Yerk set has new get a set back. m sn a- Ker cel ds, fevers and Inflammatory attacks, as w ell as ter cholera merbus, dlarrhica, dysentery or bloedy-tlux, celle ler cramps lu stomach, use Dr. Plena's Ki tract et Smart-Weed, composed nf best Urupe llrandy, Smart-Weed or Water Pepper. Jamaica (linger and Campher Water. mli.Tu.rAw Day's Herse Powder Increases the natura tendency of swlne te take en flesh ; It U the best in use. ur.uuiii nsby Syrup Is always tare and re- liable and neter duannnliit-.. una it a iruu, Delays aia dangerous. Save tluiu and trouble by taking Dr. Hull's Uultlmnre Pills before cos ces tlveness becomes constipation. They are purely vegetable. A recau Is dangeiens i Ked Star Cough Cuic at once removes It. Ne narcotics, a J . V. Metmis, cashlurel the Ulrard Heuse, Phil adelphia, Pa., writes, November 27, lgsi 1 for the past twelve years 1 have b'ecn a sufferer with what Is known te the medical profession as lumbago. Having been recommended, about flve yaurs age, te try Allcock's Pereus Plasters, I did 10, and was mere than astonished at the result, 1 found almost instant relief en their "application. I wear ene constantly new, and would net be without .tbem, I consider them iBTalUabli.'f martHw Net Rrrnptetna, BetTha UUmm, It would neem te be a trnth appreciable by all, and eapcclally by prurcsser of the healing art, that te remove the dlieaie, net te allevlatalta syrnptetna, should b tha ehlef aim or medlca tlen. let In bow many Inatancci de we sea thla truth admitted In theory, Ignored In prae Ilea. Tha reason that llesteltcr'a Stomach HIU ters la successful In semanycaies, with which remedies prevleuily tried were Inadeiiuata te cope, I attributable te the fact that It Is a medi cine which reaches and removes the causes of the various maladlea te which It la adapted. In digestion, feverand ague, liver complaint, gout, rheumatism, dlanrder nf the ltewc.1i, urinary af. fectlena and Other tnaladlea are net palliated merely, but rooted nut by It. It gees te tha fountain head. It li really, net nominally, a radical remedy, and It endows the yalem wllh nn amennt nf vigor which Is best protection agnlnat disease. marl 10 HVJtVlAL MVT1VBM, Curious te think that desks and chairs kill peo ple, but they de. Taken In large qnantftlea ofrice furniture la fatal as yellow fever. Weill and wrlte earselves away, Uodentary habits preduce constipation t that begets dxpepslai rheuinatlani anil kldnay treuhls fellow In their trntn and deith ends the chapter. en whom lives passed overdeaka and In the con lined air of onice sought te keep Dr. Kunnedy'a ITa ITa ITa vorlte Keinedy "always en band for the stomach and brain marlO-lmoed&w KidmyCemplaixts wllh which se manysuf. fer which neglected, means an untimely grave Is peiltlvcly cured by the timely use of Dan delion Hitters. Why hctltate U( grasp the op portunity, whlle It Is yet te receive the Iwneflt of this wonderful remedy. Price tuie, by all dnigglsta. feb8-3mTu,Th,8 I'aln nnd Dread attend the use of most ca tarrh remedlus. Liquids and annfTa are un pleasant as welt as dangerous. Kly'a Cream lift I in Is safe, pleasant, easily applied with tha finger, and n aura cure. It cleanses tha nasal passaRcs and heals tha Inflamed membrane giv ing relief from the first application, bee I was a great aulferer from catarrh. My nos trils were sensitive te duati at limes the bleed would run, nnd at times I could hardly breathe. I used Kly'a Cream Hal in, Te-day I am a living wltneM et Its elllcacy Peter llruce, farmer, Ithaca, N. Y. nit 'jwdeedJtw reit DYSPEPSIA and I.lver Complaint, you have a printed guunintoen every bottle of Bhl- leh's ftaltzer 11 nover fulls toiure, Ker sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne, 137 -North Queen UUVW Nervous Debilitated Men Yeu are allowed a ret Mai of ihirtv dayt of tha use or Dr. I lye's Celebrated Vellala liult with Kloctrle 8nensery Appliance!, ter the speedy rellefand permanent euro of Nervous Debility, less of Mutiny and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse, for many ether dlseasee. Com Cem Com plete restoration le health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ne risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with full Information, terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Voltaic Belt Ce., Mar shall. Mich. AUK YOU MADE miserable by Indlgentlen, Conitlnatlen, Illritnem, I.esi et Appetite, Yel low Skin I Shlleh'a Vltallzer Is a positive cure. Ker sain by II. It. Cechrau, Druggist, Ne. M7 North (Juecn street. Never fllve Up. If yen are aurrertng wllh low and depressed spirits, lni nf nppllt, general debility, dis ordered bleed, wenlc constitution, headache, or any utxease or a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Klectrlc llltteis. Yeu will be surprised te ee the rapid Improvement that will fellow i you will be Inspired with new life fellow t you will be Instilred with new llfut strength and activity will return ; pain and misery will cease, and henceforth von will rn- jnlce In the urnWe of Electric Hitters. Held at fifty cents a bnttle at Cochran, the Druggist, 137 id 171 North (jueeu street, Lancaster, l'u. (6) TThJts Sl.KKPLKHS NIOIIT.1, mad miserable by that terrible cough. Hhllnh'sCuralsthe remedy foryeu. rorsaleby II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. IUmeiiek liver Mllcts are net Intended as a purgative pill, but by their gentle action stim ulate the liver, removing all torpidity and re storing the same te healthy action. Price, 2S Cents. By all druggists. ieb$-3mTn,ThS " HACKMKTACK "a lasting and migrant per fume. Price ttand 60 cents. Ker sale by 11.11. Cochran, DruggtsLNe. 137 North (Juecn street. The Iinpeudlng Danger. Ihe recent stat titles of the number of deaths shew-thnt a large majority dle with Consump tion. This dlsease may commence with an up parently harmless cough which cin b cured In stantly by Kemp's llalsam for thelhruatand Lungs, which Is guaranteed te cure and relieve nil cne. Price m cents and II. 7Vfl (ie ret for sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, Nn. 137 North queen street. ixi-lwdAllw Sllll.Oirs CATAHItlt UKMKDV-a positive cure for Catarrh, Dlpthnrla, and Canker Meuth, ler sale by 11. II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North ijucen street. A Oreat Discovery. Mr. Wm. Thoinas.ef Newton, la., says- "My wife has been seriously nffectea w Una cough for twenty ft e years, and this spring mere severely than mcr before. Hhn had used many reinedin without relief, and being urged te try Dr. king's Nuw Dleeery, did se, with most gratlf) lug re sults. 'I he llrst bottle relieved her ery much, and the second bottle, has absolutely cured her. She has net hnd se geed health for thirty ) ears." lrlal bottles Kree at Cochran's Drug blore, 137 and lTiNerth Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. Large slcall.uu. TTnAS(b) A Very Narrow Ksntp. "Yes, 1 had a very narrow escape," nald a premt uent citizen te a friend. "I was confined te my bed for n j ear and my friends gau me up forn.censuiiiptlo'a irnne, until I began using hemp's llalsnm for the Ihrent and Lungs, and here 1 uin, sound and hearty." l'rlce .'k and 1. r or vale by II. 11, Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1 J7, North Queen street, Lancaster. W1IY WILL OU cough w ben Hhlleh's Cure will gle Immediate relluT ime Immediate rellut. l'rlce le cts.Wcts and II, ter sale by II. It. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1J7 North llueen street, Uackleu's Anile Salve. The Heat Salve In the world for Cuts, Urnlsei, Seres, Ulcers, Halt ltheum, revur Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Contains, Hums and all Skin Kropllens, pesltUely cures Piles, or no pay re- autred. It la guaranteed te give perfect satlsfoe satlsfee satlsfoe en, or menuy refunded. Price 24 cents per box. reraaieby Cochran, the Druggist, 1ST and 139 North Uucen street, Lancaaler, aster, ra. r 1 nasm TIIK 11KV. (1KO. 11. T1IAYK11, of llourben Ind , sajs : Iteth myself and wife ewe our lives teUIllLOll'SCONSIJMPTIONCUKK." Forsale by II . II. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. Veur-Flfths. Of our American people are a filleted with sick ueuuucua in miner us nervous, unions or coir f;estle feruis, caused by Irregular habits, high Ivlnir. etc.. nnd no reuiedv has eer ennauered It until Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription a dls. cohered, (live It a tilal. Sue advertisement lu another column (3) SillLOU'&VlTALl.KItliwhat you need for constipation, j.ess or Appetite, uizztness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, cents nor bottle. Fer sale 1 l'rlce 10 and 73 or sale by II. It. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. ll North Queen street, rVBniTVBK. E XTKA lNDUCEMr.NTS rOK- THIRTY DAYS -AT HOFFMEIER'S, IN ALL HINDI (IK riVK, COMMON MhDILM AND FURNITURE. T At the Old Stand.-t EAST KINO BTRBHT. 20. 20. MAOniMMMT. Ty-AUU1NKKY,40. re STEAM HEATING Latest and Most Improve ENGINES TnetieB, Portable or Stationary. New or Second Hand BOILERS, WATER TANKS, 8EPAKATOHS. MAcmaa or Utii weu ineh at done and kept In Machine Ubepa. OAU os OR ADDIiaa, Ezra F. Landis, WORK8-B37 NORTH CHEHKY 8THKT, l.iaeiaTaa, Pi. n7-lld CAlJi AT U'lOHK RKIOAUT'S OliO WINK LIATON'S EXTRACT OP BBHP. IIXI8T IK TBI WORLD, Katabllibed, 178i H.E.8UYMAKER.ABT., IVMIfHU Ne. 39 Jtut King SWeet, MMDlOAf H OI'lTiAHTKltH IlcmoTe pains andnrrness quickly, Cem- pounded from fresh Heps, llurgundy 1" Canada llalsam, tbey ant, as thousands i i fresh linns, lliirrundv I'll tcband n. thev are. as tiieii sands of rteeple testify, the best and strongest porous plaster ever made. Alwava seethes and strengthens "' mill (UTIl inirMI. iMCKRCUn, w..mv , Urlclr, Kidney Diseases, lthenmatlsm. Sharp Pains, Bere Chest, Hldeache and all pains, local or deep sealed, are speedily cured, A trial will demonstrate their worth Held, by, dnigglsts. nrinuca, On, 11 for f. Oil 11(11' PLA1TKU.COM V. r.y.-s i, llmtnn. Mass, (I3J NO DOUIIT AIlOUT IT. The strongest and best peurnus plaster aver known. The HOP PLAVlKIt Is highly medicated for the Instant cum (it pains and aches andthnstrengllienlugef weak pars. Pre- Eared from fresh Ingredients, burgundy Pilch, anada llalsam nnd the entire medical qualities of Heps, If you am troubled wllh local or deep seated pain, severe wrenches, backache, Hheu- innusin, muenes, nnre cneat or soreness ei nny naturu,uppty enn of these plasters and note Its lnaitln ueei. ah urug stores, x&e., a rersi uu. HOP l'LASTKIt CO., Jlosten, Mass, t"l Aehuat sucenss. YOU WILL HAY SO. What Is the use nf suffering with llacksclie. Sciatica, lthenmatlsm, Bldcache, Crick, Kidney Troubles, Sere Chest, or soreness In any pari, when a HOP PLAHTKIl will give Instant relief, Apply enn directly ever seat el pain and note Its seething, stimulating and strengthening effect. Virtues el linns, Canada llalsam and burgundy Pitch combined. Hosts of peeple use and rec ommend them. Held everywhere. &V, 6 for I.et. Mailed for price. HOP PLAHlfc.lt COM l'ANT, lleslnn, Mass. (!.',) QORN IlKMOVKK. VICTORIA COItN IIEM0VEK. Warranted te eradlcate completely and In a abort time, the most ondurate corns, hard or son, without pain. Held by Uce. W. Hull, Chas. A. Lechor, Jehn It. Kauffiuan, Dr. Win. Worm Werm ley, and at LIKCHTOLD'S DUUO STORK, declMyd Ne. 401 West Orange.Bt, G KAY'S Sl'KOIFItl MKDIU1NE. The Ureal Kngltshllemedy. An unfailing euro for Impeumcy and all Diseases that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Hack, Dimness or Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Premature Urave, full particulars in our pamphlet, which we de sire te send f rae by mall te u very ene. This Bpe cine medicine la sold by all druggtsta at 11 per nackage, or six packages for in, or will be sunt free by maU en receipt of tha tm ney, by ad dressing the agent, II. Jl. COCHRAN, Druggist, Sela Agent, Nea. 137 and 1S8 North Que:, atroet, Lancaster, On account et counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper i the only genuine. TIIK UUAY UKDlClNK CO., Buffalo, N. Y. c ukr auAHANTnnn. RUPTURE. Cura guaranteed by Die ,1. li. MAYKIl. Kasoatencn: no operation or delay from busi ness testis! by hundredsef cures. Main elhce, MI AKU1I IT., 1'UII.A. bend for Circular. fAt-lydAw AITEU AIJ.OTUEIWFAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, KJNOUTH riKTKENTU 8TUKKT, (Ilelew Cal- Inwhlll Street, Phtladulpbia.j MKAKS' KXPKKIKNCK. Ouarantecdtecure the aftllcted and unfortunate with Purely Vege table Medicines. Heek en special diseases free send for It. Advice free and strictly confiden tial, emce hours, 11 a. in. te 2 p. in., 7 p. m. te 10 p.m. Treatment by Mall. lal-lyd&w c ATA HUH IIAY-Kr.Vr.lt. ELY'S CREAM BALM IS WORTH $1,000 TO J .VI" J-UV, n'OATAX Oil OUT 1. 1), SUKKKK1NO KIIOM CATARRH. A. K. NKWM N, Urallng, Mich. A ptrtlcle Is upplled te each nostril and I axreuihle te u. l'rlce M cents by mall or at druggists. Send for circular. LLY 11KOTI1KUS, Druggists, Owege, N. Y. lulyllyeedAlvw it. dai.si:n. " ' Ot'KIOKS AND DltUCI 8TOKK, IO.V.Jth St., Phllad'ii. Keglstered Physician nnd (innluate .lefTersen College, gunrantes te cum alt llloed, Skin and Nervous DNe ises; also Prl ate Diseases of cither sex, with purely cgetnble remedies Dlt. DALHK.VS fiOLDKN l'KIllOIHC l'l I.LS nre Safe, C rluln ami Kifectual, tl box. .Hcnd tercircuiar lauM.NTU sr riniudciphla. Ireatmcnt bj Mall. i'-.-.iirii til- SAKK, HUHB AND HPKKDY CURB. UurrURS, VAnmecaLs and Sr-aunL Dteaitn, Why be humbug ueuud bv nuacks. can and In Dr. Wright the only llsau- las 1'utbicias In Philadelphia who makes a specialty of the aliove diseases and ccris tbem T CcnssnuiRAMTxaD. Auvica rRsx.dny anduven lag. Strengers can be treated and return home t5e same day. Oltlcus private. UU. W. 11. WUIUHT, Ne. 241 North Ninth street, abeve ltace, P. O. Ilex 673. Philadelphia. lanil-lvdAw Ur.AHHIVAItr. H IOH it MAHT1N, BH1N A HALL A Few Facts. Ileusekeeiicra in selecting wates for your tables, etc., especially these just buying new eiittlts, it is impertaut that you select the beat Intheiuaiket. Hew einbariTtssint; te a lady, especially If slie has table pride, and what lady should net have, te Und that her ware la all full et small cracks, ami that grease has penetrated and raade It leek black and ugly. A cause and a remedy. All seml seml percelaln or granite ware in Its biscuit state Is poieus. It la then ceveird with natural or artificial glass te prevent Its penetration by liquids. This is termed glazing. The glaze must vary as it must fuse or melt according te the ware upon which it is placed. It must also dilate orcentractin pro portion te the biscuit or else it will crack or crae and produce the abeve result. Unequal or insuillcientilriiigerburif ing mayjand will sometimes preduce the same results. Yeu may, and will no doubt ask, " Hew then can you tell whether you are getting a geed niticle?" Simply and only by buying theso makes which experience has taught dealerste recom mend as the best and take their guar antee. .Such makes you can ilnd and such guarantee you can get by calling at 15 EAST KING STREET, bANUASTKlt. PA. WATOU&H, SV.' HTATCUKH, C LOOKS, Ac. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, (,'iikap reit cash. Lancaster Watchea at the Lewest Prices ever etrered i being a stockholder enables me te gull these watches se cheap, klgln, Waltliam and ether watches en sale. Spectacles, Opera Masses, Ac Repairing of the aboe named arttclss III receive ray personal attention. ., ..,., .... LOU18 WEUKU. Ne. 15X North (JueeuHt., opposite city lintel. (Near Pemi'a It. it. Depet.i sTAcentlerAUHOltA WATCU. TRY "THK LATEST "NEW I1RAND Cigar, all the go. Healers all buy them by the bei or l.iiuu, at ' JUAUKLKVS "YKLLOWs-ltONT." (formerly Uantean's,) n N,erth Queen su WMl xnt aaeDB, TfiVKiiy nAY'aoMicTiiiNe'N'KvV AT Ner. 247 & 340 North Qaeea Street, Oppoiille the Keystone llotise and Northern bank. New Dress Goods. New Cashmeres, Hemespuns. New Armnrss, Tricots, PIslds. New aateens, reulards, Chintzes. New Percales, Seersuckers, (ilnghams. New Corded 1'ee.neas, Plaid Nainsoeks. New Mcterta Latins, lUmburf s, Insertlngs. Dent's Whlle Shirts, dents Cellars and Culls. A full Line nt Notions and many ether goods which we will dally add te stock and sold at lowest market prices 1'len.secsJl and examine goods befere purchasing. The books of the lata firm of Mowers & llerst are with me for collection. All persons knowing themselves Indebted, plnasu call and make set tlement, febS-lyd W. II. IIOWKHS. OAKOAINH I llAKUAINH I BOSTONSTORE i lust Itecelved, Una Case AI.I.-U'OOI, CAMKIS HAIIt SUIT1NO, Which we are selling at 2Sc.er yard; worth S7Kc. I.ndles, this Is a bargain whlchyousheuld net net fall te soe. We are offering the .best value te be found nnywherc, In JII.ACK KII.K, Ill.ACK CAHIIMKKK, COI.OKED CA8HMKHK, SPONtlKD OI.OTII8 (Something New,) VKI.VKTS.8ATI.SH, TA1II.K MNKNS, TOWKUSaS, MUSLINS, S1IKKT1NGH, SHIKTINQS, Ac. We havn yet a few Cbolee Patterns In Summer Silks at 33c. per yard. Net sold any whero at less than S7Kc We are making special effort en stock bought from Messrs, itewcrs A Hurst, as we are determined te close said stock by April 1. "BOSTON STOKE.-W STAMM, BROS. & CO., (lTermcrly of the New Tork Stere.) Nea. 20 & 28 North Queen St. LANCABTEit, PA. JanlSlydAw JOIINH. GIVLKIt. QKO. F. KATHVON. CARPETS ! Hedy llrussels, Tanestrv llrusssels, All-Wel Three-i'iy, All-Weel Extra Hujier Ingrains, Cotten Chlla I-.xtniHnper Ingrnlns. Ingrains, Sc., 37Kc 40a., 45c, 50c.. COc. Damask and Venetian Hall and Stair Carpet. Heme-mado Hag and Chain Carpet. Linoleum and Reor Oil Cleth. Paper Lining Stair Pads and Stall lteds. DADO SHADES, HHADINU HOLLAND. CLOTH AND SPItl.NU AND COltD riXTUIlKS. AURORA CARPET SWEEPER. All Kinds or HOUSEKEEPING IlllY GOODS at Lew est Prices. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., Ne. 25 East Ktug Street, LmeiBTin. Pa. G ItKAT ItAHOAINS. DRE888ILK8. WATT & SHAN D. Alwnyn en the Lookout for Hat-gains, offer to day Extraordinary Value In COLOKKD DllESS Sll.K9.Si Inches In width, "c a yard ; regular price, Jl.oe. COLOItED DltKSS SILKS, 4Jc.a yard. STUll'ED SUMMEIt SrtLKS, 3;c. a yard. III.ACK DltKSS bll.KS, 21 Inches wlde.atllW andll.Jayam. M3- These goods are Warranted te give tsttt tsttt actien. BLACK DRESS SILKS At COc , 75c., 87Kc a yard. COLORED SURAH SILKS, In All the .Sew Shades, at 87$; Cents a Yard I1HOUADKD SILKS, I1KOCADKD KI.VKTS, 1IHOUADED EL KTEKNS, In PopubirCelors, at Lew Piices. An Iminrn'd Aesortinent et NEW DitESS MUTTONS. .S'r.W 11UA1DS, MOSS TIIIMMINOS, CIIKSII I.E ritlNHKS. New Yerk Stere. Nea. O, 8 & 10 East King St. J." MAKTI.N CO. Spring Dress Goods ! N e are receiving e eiT In Dress rubrics lu day Spring Novelties Black and Colored Silks ! hpeclal lUrgalnsnte-hnnntu Rvery Grade, le Pieces (111 I S K I '3 Warranted BLACK SILK Attl.OOnyard , worth l 1 BLACK SILKS AtS.k-1ip.,7:.e,l(i, H.W, fl in, 11.71, and J.00 Colored Dress Silks ! In ult tlie .Newest Hprlnc Shades at ii (,'enU a itrd. SURAF SILKS In New .Sbiides at iV. a Yard. Te arrive next week, the prettiest line or SUM. MKIt SILKS eershn In tills rlty at prices te suit nil. A LAKU-INVOIUKOI" French and American Satins, About tlflrt dlfleient patterns te select from. One let American isatlus, dark ground, neat and lurge patterns, at 10c u yard i worth 15e Cor. West Kins & Prince mH (Opposlte Stevens Heme) LANOASTKIt, I'A' TOHACCO CUTTINQH, SCRAPS, SIFT INUS AND PACKlillS' WABTK. bry and Clean, bought for cash. J.H. MOLINS, Ne. 2711 Pearl Street. New Yerk. Kelerenre-t'red. Schutle, Ne. 213 Pearl street. New eric. UblMyd J. B. Martin & Ce., CLOTMIWm. OOROER ft HUTTON. VHAT? THE FIRST OF MARCH, The Beginning of Joyeu3 Spring When all nature robes Itself In gay att'tt And this reminds in that NOW IS THE TIMB TO BUY Spring Orerceats, Spring Snlts, Spring Untlerwear, -AND THAT- BUEGER&SUTTOFS Is the Place te Buy. Our Spring Stock of Overceata and Snlta for Men, Youths and Heys are new ready for Inspec tion . Call and aee w hat wn offer and get prices, our prices never w ere aa low and quality never better. BURGER & SUTTON, MANUlfACTUINU CLOTHlEllS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTKK. PA. sp E01AL. ANNOUNCEMENT. Special Announcement ! During tha month or V EllltUAllY I will make a reduction of ) te 05 per cent, from the regular price en all HEAVY WEIGHT Suiting and Overceating. This It done te turn ateck Inte ready cash and give employment te my hands. MEDIUM WEIGHT Suiting for Early Spring Wear, -AND- SPRING OVERCOATING Will be made up at Greatly Reduced Prices. WS&mple Cards of the Latest spring Impor tation new ready. H. GERHART Ne. 43 North Queen Street. WOrresrri thk Poererricx. OAHRZAUZ3. H EADQI'AKTHKH FOH "DEST ABY CARRIAGES. LATEST STYLES. LARGEST STOOK, LOWEST PRICES. 3?M SK FO ;.' C. 1 T. I LOG VE. W. D. Sprecher &: Sen, NO. 31 EAST KINO STREET, l.ANCASTEIt, PA. feblS-tmd QTANDARO CAKK1AUK WORK. Edw. Edgerley, CAREIA&E BUILDER Market Street, Rear of Poatefflco, Lancaster, Pa. My stock comprises large variety of the anens. Carrtaaes. Mar- Latest Style liugglu-, Fhanens, ket and llnslness Wagons, whlc tlnslness Wagons, which 1 offer at the very lowest figure and enlhe most reasonable I call special attention te a few of my own do de do atgns.eneor which Is the KDUKULKYCLOSKD FdlSlCIAN C'OUPK, which Is decidedly the neatest, lightest and meat complete Physician's Carriage In the country. Parson wishing te buy a geed, honest and nbstantlal article, should bear In mind that they take no risk In buying my work. Kvery Carriage turned out In eighteen year a geed ene that Is the kind of guarantee I ha e toeffer the public. All work tully warranted. Please give me a call UKPAlillNQ PHOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One get of workmen especially employed for that purpose. F LINN & BKENEMAN. HEADQUARTERS -VOB- 1MY Prices Away Down. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Elinn&Breiiemaii 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANOASTKIt, PA MR LEON VON OSSKO-IS NOW OR. iranlzlnsrevenlmrclasset for the I ns true tlen In the French and Uerman lanrnages, te accommodate ladles and gentlemen whose time Is taken up during the day. N0.7K EAST KINQ BTKKKT, WMU-iwd Above -echtr's Drug Stere, ARM gOMETHlNCI NEWT ENVELOPES DT8PNSID -KT D. W. Clef's Patent Combined Mr Jn 'J! .? ? s1.?1.!!!?0 1? e1 CtnaWnaa jutUMLMi venlance ebtalnad. Tl.r"ilK:T J"". '"yL" r' !""!,s'm""75rrspenue!icf, uyiiausn, aconemyis Mwnm "markid i " eJi.lfm,r"tlnea' lt waur-marke i.t,5fitIAVfc,u".,,wlu"I?,,pe,,.Uwy,ut0' a aeparikte anye op. On lha lattarHMtt. Is preserved the postmarks, which are legal evidence et mailing and dallvery, Ily turning vavRM? clwlng nap it is readily copied en Ltter.Frs, also naed en Type-Wrlti" "rmn """? 'KCI A L. lla us will aavaln peitaga tha wi 1880. N1W LiTTaa-eiiarr. Net Sizes. Wben Folded a an Knvelepe. Inches. inenes. w 7 x 5H 7 5 lfh u Jxle xH Mil 6 X 8 OHX 9 ! Ill TflO$e fnarkeil 1m arm Mnetltnl , nrtnni tt TOORDIR ar Ne. . ' 1 ' ti " v,i " k ' 7i " 'SKI. mCJi. " sQi. gxMi m x a 3 x a 4!i x 5)2 VZ x 7Vj pa ? j i ea. k anil m also ready ruled as Memorandum at una prices. -r.M Of. su ana & also read v rula.1 a. HtAtAmtintA Nes.414, 4K. IJf and V,i also ready ruled aa Hill Ne. A readvmade KerArtnt. lnr m.M.i. tlMper M. Xe. Tyi also ready ruled M-e'er Mpe Whi resnendence. " SiSSSi Jne?t quality of Manilla Writing Taner at toy, per cent, leas than abeve price. ' r Hade of an nlemint n unlit v. hiirhitr raif,nlsM.A wiin. iMn. .. oil ...... .. . ! .. .. ...a . tirlee. O J .w.w ,, .....,B liv nv- yJ3k VtU. IHUIS VUKI1 MUOTSI Timolel? efflcenVe'0pCi' LOtlr Ueaa, Nete 1It"ld, B1" Ueia'' 8Ut01nen" 'c- de"8 " ,;- ENDORSED m THE U5ITED .v-. .. posTerncK D. W. CLEQO. Dear Sir I have examined prove a convenience te the public. It Is the best ery respecitnuy, arKKMEMllKlt-Clegg'a Combined Letter-Sheet vtlepe. tale by iwcira auipiea ione eacii size) sent STEINMAN AGENTS FOH INTELLIQENOER BUILDING-. CLOOKB AtfO JJ Z. RUOADS, JEWELEK. JEWELRY In calllntT attention te ear offerings In thla line, the publie are invited te W a OlOSe and Critical exn.minn.tInn of this trnnAn sshlrtVi nrn Vinllntrn rtrn sm fWlrlw " ' claim are of a standard equal te any ever offered in the largest cities of ear land, and we ask comparison of prices, knowing that ours are lower for the fine goods offered than the ruling of prices elsewhere. Our Stock of Unset Diamonds is large, and we will make up from these any style of work desired. ' All the Newest Patterns of Ladies' Wear always tsu Stoek, and Birth or Menth Stones of the whole calender ummuuu, nupy, suneraia, eappaire, xepaz, upai ana i-eari always en nana, and set te order. Oil Paintings, Marble and Bronze Statuary, and Mualeal Bexes, always cheerfully shown by our attendants. Everybedy is Invited te call and be shown through our Btoek. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO, 4 WEST KINQ STREET. LANOASTEE, PA. CARBIAQK JTORHECK & MILEY. THIRD GREAT SPRING CARRIAGE SALE At Norbeck & Miley's, CORNER OP DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCASTER, PBNN'A., Monday, March 22, 18S6.10 A: M. and 2 F. M, -TKUMS-NI.KTV DAY NOTK : OIlKATKSTOrsALKS, OKKATKST IN NUMBERS, GKKATEST IN VAKIKTV ri.Ti3ii, aw, aiiLca Ann uiiAuts. ai.su, a r r.w ai.r.mus. hirst Class Vehicle at Lew Price Is astonishing-, but we delt.and as proof, we refer te ny bnyr at lenner sales. Orer 600 Jobs geld at former sales and net iie worth of repair. Our salon In Lan- castar city and -county in the last few years am larger than any two retail factories In tha city or county. We manufacture mere than any three factories In ubeve mentioned district. Thl fa no paper talk, but a fact. A public Inspection Is MABCU.1&, atlOa m. and 3 p.m. TEKMS cvuu perannum en jercasa. P.lin lr l.n.1. n.K ft A..M AAK...A.I.AK. lns Bales and reducing the prlce et a Aral-class produce as much first-class ateck, or construct a MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! Philip Doersenfs Old 126 and 128 EAST KINO- STREET, (NKAHLY OPPOSITE TUB LEOPAKD HOTEL), LANCA9TKH, PA. Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. l'UICKS TO SUIT TUKTIM-3. uuuuiDOj ru-iun uueiu-iqd niiuue, mnnaui nnuune, And Vehlelaa of Erery Description Built Promptly te Order. v A full I.lne nf Vehicles In StncV. nransred esnerlallv fnrthe Snrlnir Trade. A Larue and VartasViv,' Assortment of SECOND-HAND W011H ON HAND which will be sold at MOST ItEASONABUVl;-. , PUICKS. Pi-TTPITriTr ArrtTPVTmrnV TiTfl Tfl RPPilllTKn -S -...w... ,w , t -Olve ih a call and exaintne the work, TUK l'l.ACK Philip Doersom's Old NOS. 126 and 128 COAL. J H.MARTIN, WOOLXSALI AMD RITltt DHLS! IN All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. -ViHD: Ne. VO North Water and Prince Streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. nl-lyd DAUMQARDNKUS JEFFKKIKS GOAL DEALERS. Orries : Ne. la North Queen street, and Me. Set North Prince street. Yards: North Prince street, near Heading Depot. LANCASTER, PA. auglS-ttd c OAU M. V. B. COHO. Ne. S30 NORTH WATKH ST.. Lancaster, Wholesale and lietatl Dealer lu Pa, LUMBER AND COAL. connection with the Telep Yard and Offlcu I NO. W STUKKT hone Kxchange. MOUTU WATKU feb-a ivd XOTIOHB. G RAND DISFIiAY OF NECKTIES. U0 TO KlllSMAN'S, CAMEL'S HAIR UNDHRWHAR, UO TO KKISUAN'a. 1JK)R LATEST STYLES 13 COLLAUS AND CUriTS, UO TO,KHlaUAN'S. IHKAPEST AND BEST SCARLET UNDERWEAR AT ERISMAN'S. NO. 17 YYK3T KINQ ST., ANCAST-. YOU NEED NOTHINQ ELSE.-DO you want an external remedy for ordinary ailment 1 Use llensen'a Capclne Plasters. He. -pOTK IB MAKING OABm-X PHOTOORAraU A HN A 1 AT MO. IH MOMTM iUBH UtHMT. lUtWM rfrHiiVvtATwV'K, O WITH AND MONEYS AVID U8INO Letter Sbeet tai lute p if iXi . . . tna Knvatepsi avar Invantad. tut eaa k '4 nm F " B,l, of Ter nM Q"'" J" wrlltef i PRIOB LIST. ISM. jfi rait a. xx Single Bhcete. l.oreln almx. V9l.-.'S ' XT Deuble mwrnwrnm" il.noe ta a box. Mnl. iRft KCTT Commercial Nete' Small Letter, i n , M W S.M 7.M .7 Xl .IB me eca rscsn isuin. Packet Pest. 9t tm X'Si t.-n 5.NI am 2 4l S.0A 3C0 f&r3 Clegg'a Nole, Large Letter, Kx. lrge Letter, lioaten, New Yerk, Philadelphia, asningien. tn lnrH nf tnmttti fAnmnnrl,M.. r '' j...,. -. -. ,- , .v. . ,.v.....v.. . Kt. a.mMnH.d r r.. llaadaataamn tirlee.. '-' ami. .. B.isAAsf mA rAi...k.HH.k.f 41 rWi CM aama nAe""" "" '"' "'"""" ,'" " S . " " """' """'' ini.u ninin. rip iiini mr iifiainMaa iw ratttiiw mam.. ." a . . T.i STATES OOTEUXMEST. 1 '..V, DEPAHTMKNT. VTAtaixaTOx, D. C, March IMS. your Combination letter-sheets, and have no doubt that they -will ' lc. It Is the best device et the kind that has come te my uellce. device of the kind that has come te m FKANK HATTO.N, Postmaster Oenaral. and Knvolepe retails at same price as an Kit. reitpaia en receipt of 10 cents. Printed and ret & HENSEL, LANCASTER, LANCASTER, PENN'A. WATCHZa. """ AND ART ! can be had promptly. The Gems r? WOBUa. THIRD GREAT six PKU ck.nt. err reit casii.-w riNKST ik Invited te examine work. Procure a bargain. Don't r , Ninety days, with approved security! six par-.";' 11. . newa, Auciioneer. tyc V A HA .1...SA.. H. H A... . . AH n A AAAH nA . , jB . .Xi Jeb, but we challenge them again, aa before, te p finer vehicle of any style. Wn mean buslutvts, and , HONEST PRICES ! Reliable Garriage Werksj A 1 Material, and That Only, Dsifj ALL WOI'.SI GUAKANTKKD. whether you purchase or net UUK'l flitUtWK'-fjl ...... ..nH..K. . Reliable Carriage Works, EAST KING STREET. m-lydw BOO KB. TJbANK BOOKS. Jehn Baer's Sens Invite examination of their BLANK BOOKS! In Various UrndM el DAY UOOKS.JOUUKAI.S, tut linu uwvna a a.w. INVOICE UOOKS, TIMK HOOKS, MKMOKANUUM8. PASSBOOKS, PJCTTY ACCOUNT 1100K, Ha-, AT TB SIGN OF THE BOOK? 16 and 17 North Qusea WOttkj HevaMtrvMKUUinu uuudm. JUST RECEIVED ALAUQKLOTOr HOBNAIL GLOBED Which we wilt sell at a cts. each. Seven Clnerent Celers. i3 CHYSTALOL.VK ,AN tr? AiA. i THK NNST LOT Qf?isk Qlebei. Lamp m IN tANCAiWB, v1 The SUKaaU UOMf hAHt tr. tke aJ Iniaeis - , s CALL AND SK AT .-',, JOHIP. SOHIHI & 84 SOUTH QUMBf IT,, LAJ(CAT.r. ' 'ti,! Tt w. w 3 .1 &. m 5k "''ft ', 5X1 .Ja .va ' -v ' v, 'M v r -Mi K' r-fti m ?rtH A3 i& 5i m &! m -XJ m Prr. m HI " 3. - fl ' VI .it fi' ft J