PWIwfifl r?W ". Knavhv'ia iSK "', THE LANOASTEK DAILY mTELLIENOEK, SATDBDAY, MAHOH 13, 1886, W1" DIM. O.NK oflheinoKt MKiillteant Mkiih r llie timet In llm literary world, N tlie fact Hint yuiiu.ui hardly pick up any of our llrt-liisi lnnia?.llHer literary Journal without luiet liK wllli mitnuthliiK r "thei Ireiti tlie jen or it Niiiltliani uutluir. Indeed itmeiiir llie vliteT attractien'', If net llm I'liltd, In our leading tiiKgarlnei foraevoriil e.un .ist, lm e been nerliiln, article Hinl HH)lry by vvrilern.llkn fable, ('ruddeck, .lout Cliiiniller t tttrr In, .Mtk Twain. .1. tlramler Matthew, Mnurice TfiomiMeii, Mouciiie II. Conway, Jehn listen t'oeko, Hid nny l.snler, Paul llajne, WillUtu llityne, t'atlmr llyati, Julin Tabli, tlporixe Alfred TemiM'iul, Mm. I'f.itl, MnrgiK't .1. IVriten, and a number of ethers, all Iniru at limit netilli of Masen A DIxeii'h Hue. Te use tlie laiiHiiaKHefMr, Klediiiah, in hit titilable work en 1'ectn el Amer let, roemily Issued In beautiful form from tlie ltlvoieldo Trent), All tills Is a Hiiro and happy algii that "tlie Kreal heai tef llie goueroim niul lonely Neutli, tee Ieiik restrained, of tlioSenlh eiH'ii ke pie illptl of roiii.ince, pleiicnce, gullunt :vplra :vplra lien, ntn-e iiime hits leiinil ipivcileii. tt enable, im te knew It, having br;uii nl hist te Kiiiipiclicud lti tt no (Mill." . In no elder Kphore el activity has thoie liceu no marked and coinpletn a renaissance In tho'Heuth nil ion tlie war nt in thntef Mora Mera Mora tiiie. What was It wreiiKht Iho change? Was It that llie Might or nlavery lias Ikieii removed, which tinlore li id I tinted Iho .Southern licit! t ami fancy ke deeply that Iho llpt of her iiiiise were dumb and her linger paraljed te touch llie golden harp? It Is irue In llie meteoric l'oe hIie buret lerth into wondrous wing. Hut alter nil It was net really tlie inuse or Iho Seuth that Hang in hlui, any moretlisii the iiiiise of tlie North. It was a atr.inga and allen voice, ntartllui; as a Hound wlurdly walled Inte our literature, -a wild, defiant wall, "from tlie night' Plutonian hliere." (.'tuning middenly and as (juickly mIIoiiceiI again, It only nerved te ciophasl;e tlie comiunitlve weakneKS and worthlennnessornll tlie ether Hengs of that l.iud, by nature meant te be Iho Mutinied, happicht and most tuneful en out heinl heinl tiliere. In all llie years lielnre thowar,whlle in tlie North our Bryants, IjtiiigfollevvH, Wlilttlera, and Lew ell,our I rv lugs, Coopers, Hawthorne, Tind llolines' gained tlie recog nition and resKs.t of tlie world ler American literature, llie .Seuth seemed content Willi Its Albert I'lken, I'ondleUm Coekanml William (lliuore yiiiims', and with nuch nterieaas Its Kennetlys could write, its "Marlen landM" and Augusta J. Uvaiift'. Sating l'oe, It produced in all tlie ntito-belluin era net ene writer worthy el being cempared eten with tlie least nfa dnzen or nscoie'ol ant horn that hate risen nlnin, and are eurli tilug our literature with miuie of Its purest and Holiest gems el beauty ami grace. .Se rapid mid vigorous lias been the devel opment of Southern literature within thelast ten j ears or mere, that If It koeps en at tlie ".iiiie rate, as it premises te de, the North will Ime te leek Miarply te her laurels lest they laiwen ler tlie brew of the yniitliliil, frrsh and beuyn'it "New Seuth" that Is no rapidly taking the plaie el the old. I ham; Jimt l-eon re reading hoiiie el Sidney Lanier's witching, magical, mele dieus verses they show new beautles forth with etery fresh perusal, and I am inore llrinly convinced ever llm "Twi light of the l'oets," In which Mr. Stediuan sajsweat present nre, Is aurely, perhaps mero svvlltly than vve think, drawing te a clone, l-"or t.iiilerwnN net an ovenlng butn morning ; his pure light and growing biilll.ince vvcre net of the eteutiig twilight, but harbingers el the coming dawn. It is true he wusextliiguisluHl etuu in his rising beauty. Hut the light that Illumined him, the pure npirlt of jxxitry he rcllectcd.cannet hate died with him. Itshone behind him, be neath the horizon as jet, and still shines. And that horizon, It is HlgniuV.tnt te unto, was net tlie Itern but Iho Southern. Ills Icllew eitix'ii, Jehn Tabb of Baltimore, apeku net for himself alene when he called alter him these, words, lull ofdeowr lueaning per per fhance thin he knew who uttered them : The ain bint blinding ilemn encuuoplt encuueplt '1 hlncitnliesaiiil iliecpark that kindles mine Upen Hi' cll Hjinie Iioheui we rt rllue, When with the wind the wate, taut! ly-wnlm. ilv. Anil tultt our souls tlie n'.nr wieulit nije teries Of llope the Hatrml oracles ilttlmi Sle.ellant nhe e thu t anlt el H.irkm s shim , Te jMiInt the path benighted te the -ktes. With the Miiie blue skies alsitti, the mihe froe soil Inme.Uli, and tlie satue vital spirit around, similar esperlences and Himllaralms and hopes still piesent as thoie that gave birth te Sidney I, tnler, who shall say their virtue is weakened or their pewur te proiluie another like him, another majliap even greater than he 7 Tin: Seuth has Khju particularly iinlnr iinlnr tunate In the less by death el two el her young pevta who were fullest of iromlse,aud gave every assurance or rising Inte the very front rank or American sctry. Tlie llrt vas Henry Tim red, who, like Sidney Lanier died when but thirty-eight years el age in 1117. Ileswined te Imi just pluming hlui.-eir ler a higher tllght than nny el his ceuntiy. iiieu had yet taken, though tlie nmoke of war had scarcely had llme te roll away and leave the sky clear, w hen he fell. The intimations era new Inspiration and power, nnd a fresh method, which bin "Cotten Iloll"allerd,Heem te have Im'eii taken up, and improved en, by Lanier. Hut neither was the latter pormitted te perfect ami complete his song ; though hew anything could be inore perlcc t than his "Hesurrectlen," "Tl0 Jacnuerie," ".Seng of the ChatUthoechle," "Ilovenge or Haiiiisb," "The Mocking llird, '"'Tampa Holiliis,'"'Tlie Stlrrti-Cup," "Sunrise," and a stere el ether gems, is hard te imagine, v What I prire most highly in lanler, how hew how ever, Is the demonstration idlerdcd by his lite and verse et the essential correctness of his fundamental theory that the poet's or. Bennllty, his own character, must be the true ground and basis of his peetry. Poetry is inore than mere artistic oxprehsiuu. It Is the artistic expression or the peet'a whole Belt. What he it must ever duteruiine the character and (itiallty of his Beng. This Is a doep truth we never needed te have omplia emplia Hired he much as new te guard against tlie ihuztliig ellecls or the Morrlses, HoettN, vvinburues and Wildes, nnd the ethor aMistlcs efart ter art'H sake. Over against these, utid also against the Walt Whitman school, nothing mero clear nnd true has ever been advanced than these words of Lanier which go te the very heart el the matter: "We have heard much," he says, "of 'the privileges el genius," of 'the right of the artist te Uve out his own oxlstence free from tlie conventionalities of society,' of 'the immorality of art,' and the like ; but 1 de pretest that the greater the nrtlst ami tlie mero proleundhis piety toward the fellow, man for whom he passionately vveiks, the readier will be his willingness te forego the privileges of genius, and te cage himself In the conventionalities, oveu us the mocking bird Is caged. The struggle against these will. I admit, be the greatest ; he will tool the bitterest Henso of tlielr usolessness lu re straining him from wrong-doing; but, never theless, ene consideration will drive him te enter the deer and get contentedly en Ills perch his fellow. mom These reach through the respoclable bars of use and went ; in his wild thickets of law lessness they would never hear him, or bear ing, would net listen. In truth, this is tlie aubllniostef wolf-denials and none but a very great artist can compass It ; te abandon the Hweet, green forest et liberty and live a whole llfu behind needless constraints, for the mero porfect service of IiIh fellow-man." What a pity, what a great less te the truest, highest art, that the volce which could ut ter such words should be silent new for ever I Tins Seuth lias another poet, however, t,tlll living, who in bis mero limited Hpliore sings vvithavolceasHwoetandanart.iscousuiiiinato as the natlve mecklug-blrd which is his near est neighbor. Llke Lanler, Cel. Paul Ham ilton Huyne fought gallantly In the Seuhlern army during the war. If 1 mistake net, he is even mero thoroughly appreciated by Ills countrymen than was Lanier. Thcre Is in deed no sweeter lyrlstln ourillerature te-day than Is l'aul Ilayne, and lew mero perlcct kennetteers. Uu Coiise Hill, near Amrimt.i. Oa., he llv e, in a llttle v Ine-clad cottage mero picturesque than comfortable, in delicate health, but perfect domestic bliss, u llie besom of his little family consisting or his rellned and cultured wire, full of feudest af fection aud warmth, and his gifted son, Wil liam Hamilton Ilayne, who hoeiiis te have lit berlted all his heroic father's poe t logon I us. Tills is only slnce the war. liorero the war Cel. Ilayne was rich and owned an elegant home in Charleston, S. C, Alter the war he found nil tuli swept away, liluuell pcuullcstf, In lit health, and abln te mnke but a Hcnnt living by coaseloss labor w lib his cii. Thcre Is Reiiiethluu nuble yet bsthelle lu the con tented, unniiirinurliiK exile of tills lellued lamlly from nil polite society, Irein every so cial locrentlon, Irein mero than iMsual Inter course with congenial luimand women. Yel iKirlmpslhnir less has Ikmiii the weild's gain. Cerntliily l'aul 1 lav no's most delightful work is that vvhluli hoeiiis most dliectly Insplied by the wild flowers, unit leinsl, and birds that nre his nearest nelghlxirs and must Intimate coii!unleus It breathes the sweet bre.lth of liaturo,records the threbbltigs el life's Inmost heart, as Hint of but few uthuishasilune. He recogulres le the full that "truths half drawn fiein nntiuti's liivnsl, 'I hre'ieilitldit Ij " nt form mid tone, lliitrlh what man at iiinslhilli unrinil Wlille hicOIng lilt own licnit alone i" and Ilnds comfort and Jey In seeing even In Iho midst of the wild Hceuery around lilm with true (kx'IIu Insight the grand truth thst " nilits ay hi'twlvthecv en and ns Htainls Natiiln In linrlaileless giiicp, Ktlll pointing te our r At tier's home, Ills glory en liorte)ntlo litei)." May he lung live, n neble llgure In our lltora lltera luri', loved nnd rovered by all who knew Mm, te Interpret In words or living beauty the deep truths nnd mysteries of nature nnd llfe for nil nil tee heedless world ! Wim.iam Hamiiie.v Hav Ni:, the worthy seu or his father, though scarce thirty years of age has already wen ler himself a national reputation by some oxiiilslte lyrics and occi ecci s enal verse he has contributed te our ni.iga ni.iga zhiesnud literary Journals. He has Father Ilynn, of Virginia, the ioet-prlosl whoe "Coniuerod Hanner" and "Sword of Loe " nre aiiieng llie most spirited war lyrics in our language, full or II re and Italhns, mid who be sides, with his fellow-priest .lehn 'labb, el Maryland, has produced hoiiie eminently strong and lieaulllul (skjuis en mero ticetul nubjects. lleth of these, If I mistake net, nre still In the pilinoef life, and have as vet with held th'.'lr Itest from the world. Among fe male km)Ih given us by the Seuth Mrs. Piatt, n Kfiitiicklau, nnd Margaret J. Preston, iKirn lu Virginia, have already donegood and last ing wer.c, and promliele de still Imtler in the luture. I'nr dellcite fancy, nrtlstle grace nud skill, lunch that they have written Is unsur passed by anything thelr sisters el the Neith have done. Miiivvav between tlie peels aud the prese writers uheni the New Seuth has produced, me several names almeit equally excellent and well-known lu both these departments. Thore Is, for Instance, that line scholar aud H'rfcct gentleman, James It, Uaudall, or er or liaMthe most graceful writer of the Southern piess.nllielt such tslltersa-s Henry Watterseu, Cel. Wm. T. Thompson, Henry W. llradv, L. A. Ilurke, Hvan Hewell,.!. M. Keating and J. W. Avery are also engaged tieu It. Says a Northern writer, "ltvveuld iMidlllicult te llnd n hall do?en Northern journalists who In Intellect, culture and special adaptation te the work, outrank" thoitwheni I hive Jut mentioned, te whom must also he added Joel Chandler Harris, en Cel. (.rally's editorial stall. Mr. Harris Is probably better known by name than nny of his colleagues. Aud w he does net knew him as "I'ncle Kemtis "" Though his lame rests chielly upon his collec tion et negre lolk-lero, in which department hels the greatest living aulhentv, aud has i-eiitribuUsl much that Is Invaluable, he is no less skillful as n writer of lktinn,.especlaUy sheit fkelche", lu w hlch he accurately delin eates local scenery, maimersaud cunteius,aiid the dialects of thu various classes of negrees nnd "KxiT whlte trash." He has a fine sense of humor, and Justly ranks as the greatest humorist In the Seuth. At the Mine time he stands doservodly high as an acute literary critic, aud hi his occasional poems displays great depth and purity of sentiment and a line touch In musical versification. Mu. II Minis Is still a young man, having Ikhiii Isirn in Africa In IMS; his missionary father early returned todcergia, where he was "educated nl the prlutur'scase." A recent visitor te his home descrlbes him as reserved almost le shyness, and continues thus : "The creator of ' I'ucle Hemus' is a most unex pected looking man ; hut a geed woman has condoned the lault, and in his pleasant home Harris Is writing out his wealth of wisdom concerning the legends and traditions ei the e slaves. He told me that 't'nele Keiuus' is a veritable character, the lav orite companion and Iriciid or his Isiyhoeil, and that these stories, which worn the delight of all the children for miles around, had been tractd Uxju his youthful memory in outlines se clear and deep he could net forget them IT he would. Learned men in lUiropeand Amer ica will gladly knew that in the mine he has been working with se much skill, there are treasures net vet brought te light, Ter which he vv 111 net delve In vain." Whoever has read the charming work et this ver satile author will billy agree with Mr. Wm. Ilayne when he says, "1 M'liclu Hemus' and the 'llttle Isiy' who lis tened se earnestly te Ids llicsidelaih.ics are destined te go down te iKjsterity together hind in hand." Mai uk r. q'lioMi'se.N is another poet, nov elist, evsayist, and general litterateur, whom the Seuth has a right te claim. Ter though burn in Indiana, nud since boeh alter the war living there lu Craw Terdsv ille as a pros perous lawyer, he spent all his childiiectl and youth in thu Seuth as the seu et an itin erant lliplist preacher, nud he re ight for the Seuth all through the war. It was In Flerida that Ids iHiotie tonienuiient was formed, and the ideas, feelings and material given which honew Is building into such evquisite poems ami skotches, many et which nre still dank and aromatic w lib the breath el swamp aud everglade, of "SiiUoHeott, sweet gum, sassafras Calamus and wain Kill", (.It tug up their pungeul smell. Drawn from milutc'a secret well-, (lii'uu spatlieset tliiidiHgiiu risit, Initial! turnip's tciutci ttiixil, Oegwoed, red bud, elder, iihIi. Snow y gleam and purple Hash, lltlMile thickets, dinky gieen, lbillhepaitridgn levels In." Si'l.Ai.lMi of 'Ihompsen's "Songs of Fair Wealher," Mr. I low ells recently sud, " The llrst of his poeins that 1 knew is ene of the best in this collection. It cime le me as edi tor of The Atlantic Monthly, Ien or twelve j ears age, and I remember sharing my pleas ure In i,ts freshness with that generous and gracious poet, who ii in all our hearts, but shall cress our thresholds no mere. We had it little question about a bird that was named In it-the sap-sucker, as It is called in llie West, but which Mr. Longfellow had never beard of, at least by that name ; aud I asked him IT lhad net better tuiii it into a blue bird. He thought that I might harm lessly make this changej but new 1 desire le restore tlie sap sucker te ins place in litera ture, with the humble acknowledgment, long delayed, that the poet was right aud the edi tor wrong." Tlie stanza or the peem te which Mr. Hew ells refers Is this : " 1 heard Iho woodpecker pecking, 'I hu sap sucker slnn; 1 tin ninl ami leukeil out of my nlndjw, And le, it was bprtng !" Mil Tiiemi'mi.v Is llrst of all a poet. This quality he retains In his prose skotches of natural scenery, bird-lire, and short storles and perhaps it is becnuse he cannot stilll stilll cteutiy rid himself of it in bis novels that these are se much less successful than his ether ellerts. Or Is It only boeauso the fresh and charming beauty el his peeius and sketches, for they are among the most irarlect ami exquisitely llnlslied et any that have been written In the whele language Is it that this has led m en te oxpect mero than nuyone has a right te expect et his novels ? If anyene should dUnute the claim of the Seuth te Maurice Thompson because el his Western birth, then by the same rule the Nerlh would have te give up Mark Twain, born and bred In Missouri; Geerge Alfred Townsend, native in Delavvare, and however ultra-northern in his political writings, breathing the warm and genial air of tlie Seuth in his poetry.somo of which is excellent; Mencure 1). Conway, born In Virginia ; J, Brainier Mattliews, in Louisiana, and a num ber of ethers almost as well known te literary laiiie, though commonly, aud 1 think cor rectly enough, credited te the North. Tiiniir. can be no doubt, however, with io ie io tcienceto that writer who a low years age se suddenly and brilliantly burst upon our lit erary firmament as fairly te have dazzled uh. Miss Mary N. Murlroe represents all the dis tinctive clements of the new Seuth ; and as "Charles Lgbert Craddock" has fairly taken by storm the very strongholds of the North, aud te-day has hall the publishers In the land at her leetl The height of ambition of our inagazlnes is te number her upon the list of contributors. While she richly deserves her popularity, I am nevertheless sorry for her. 1 nut very much afraid her art will sutler fruiii It. Indeed, unless 1 nut qtille wrong, her last story, "In the Clouds," new running through ihn AUfintic Munlhl;, nlready shows signs or a slightly Jaded Imagination, a llttle ilu II boss or ihe edge el her Invention, uu unconscious turning back en Itself or her fancy, mid using ewr ngiln of old material. Shels writing tin) much, win king te" hard! Hhrt iuhmIs te step a lew mouths te get her breath I I'er It would m n great pllv If this Irish, fixiibeniiil. strong, youiignevollst, who hitssoertsllywounplscoin the very front rank mil, as se ninny ethers havedone borero her, by ever-production. Mho has remark able uflls i let her net abuse them, and se lall Irein her enviably high position as suddenly s she resched ft. Te secure her place she needs le add te her iiudeiilably great orlgl erlgl nalltv, acciuacy or perception, ami grace of expression, also variety, breadth or low, nnd versatility. She is nearly erlect mistress el her lyre ns It new Is i lint she needs le add hoiiie meru strings bofein her fame ns a great nrtlst can lie ciidiirlngly established. I'VT.N as It Is, Iho Seuth has Juslcainote 1ki jireud of her ralr young daughter whose com bined couragp,grace,nnd strength have made her In a low years a worthy rival net only or her elder literary sisters el the North, but even or Iho iHMkM'vleraiis whose names aud works she lewd as a child. And mero Ibis. The Seuth ewes le.MIss Murlroe a debt of gratitude for having con veiled hoiiie ethor most waste and deseit regions Inte gardens or romance and llelds orplclurusque beauty. The light glinting Irein her magic )en has thrown n sheen of tmrple and geld evor the wild nnd rugged Tennessee mountains, and discovered a human heart, with loves and hates, passions, hopes, and aspirations Just like ours, lu the breast or even the reughest and most ignorant inhabitant of their "balds" aud their "coves." I'er though a word painter of absolutely peerless grace and power, with gilts el iolie description of na ture's various aseets, such as have lieen equalled by few It any III the Kngllsh lan guage, she Is net only this: hIie Is a creative nrtlst as well : a student or human character aud delineator or human lives lu nil their various moods and passion', or mete than or dinary skill. Abloom linn 1 consider "Chailes Kglsjit Craddock" as worthily holding the second place among Southern w rlters or fictien--the llrst being held by (.leorge W.Cabloer whom 1 wrote last week and need net nay any mero here. Neither of these two may jet be as ripe in their nrt as ene or tvv e or the greatest of our Northern authers: but II they continue grow ing in power as they have begun, their ma turity will bring rerlh Irult or a liner llaver lar than American letters have yet pro duced whether In the North or the Seuth. That a Held which has Ik-ou under cultivation but a low short years, as has the fleld of Southern literature, should already have such mi abundant yield, ami el such excellent the ,uw leading names I have men tioned indicate, is something which I regard as little short or marvelleus, and surely lull el brightest premise ler the luture. 1 might have mentioned jet ethers like the scholarly Irglnia eet, historian, an tiquarian, and novelist, Jehn Lstcu Coeke, and Mrs. Julia ('. Derr, well known te read ers el our best periodicals , Heward I'yle, el Delaware, whose net el "Within the Capes" has met with much favor; the Texan. Charles Heward Shltm, whose "Mining Camps" has received still mero praise ; or the authors or "Oblivion," or " Acrexs the Chasm," of "Arius the Libyan," each el whom dlsplavs decided and distinctive merits ; or I might have referied le the rise and oxcellont quality efsuih recent literary Journals as ' Dixie " and " The Southern Itlveuac," se sigulhcaut or a fresh and health ful stir lu the literary lire of the Seuth ; or even te the two latest additions te the list el Southern contributors te our maga7iues, the author of "A Brether te Dragons" lu this month's Ailtuitir, u lale as unrealistic, vet quaintly charming, nsirrrein llie pen of Sid ney or Raleigh himself, nnd the writer of " Jehn Tener's Lxperinient," lu the rv,i (iii 7 or the saine dale, both of whom, 1 bo be bo lieve, are new- " discoveries " of the editors el these two iuaga7ines respectively, and prumlie future results of the highest value ; indeed almost every month brings te light hoiiie fresh writer from the Southern Held, which scums te be fairly teeming with young spreutsnnd saplings crev ding up from it pinllhe soil ; but I have alie.uly (akeii uu I x much space, and I trust have said enough te show that a neU era his dawned upon the Sunny Seuth, and that from hencelerth our American llteralure will be net only of uny one Koctlen, but broadly and ti illy a national literature, compiehensivo and varied as thu American people itself. I m vs. Pleasant le the tastu and suiprlslnglv iilik In ivlluvliig i-miKl" ami 10I1I9 It is net at nit in null's cough 'svriipalwav s sue ceisli, Salvation Oil, llm giealet pitn-cure uueailli, is distant sl te effect n cine, wheie 11 Is nn-isf tilu ler t he m-if of t!si dteasu te hi leached by a liniment Price J5 cents a bottle. A laid sks what shall baby have ler ('hllt mu (Jive It tied Star CeiikIi cure. Mine Null Drlvis Out Anether," !n French nivttig tint Ilnds exemplification in the vi ay one dlc.irc villi siiledlltttu ltgclt rer anethei anil gravel one, In very many cases I.licr ler tin.iincti will MMiiiliiituiebhSHl ilUenlers, thieat nlbiienls, dWIn alb cllensand evuntiiidly, tH'cauieef liuieveiIsheil blend, con cen con umptlen Itself, unte'ii, tiiiletil, It li Healed In I's Inclpleiu.)-iiiuleail piegu ssby Di. I'luue's " Uelilen Mi'dlcnl DIinvery" vvlilch acts as a sneLlllcIn thLiealluicnls. ai cnuinlishliusn raniit cuii'bv lis iwivverliil alterative acllnn upon ihe great organs of the liedy. hvkuiai. yuTican. Curious le think Hi it desks and chairs kill pen pin, but they de. Taken In laige iU.uititles oltlie furniture Is fatal as jelleiv level. VV e Bit ami wille ourselves hwiiv. beilentaiy habits piiHliieiKeuiitlpattnii; that hegetx ilvspepsla lieumatUm mid kidney titiuble rollew In Ihrll tialii and death ends llie thaptei. Voiiviheui lives p.iteil ever desks unit lu Iho cimtliuil air of oftlce neught le keep llr Kennedy's " In. veillu Kcuuilv "alwajs en hand ler the stomach and timlii iiiiirlO-luusxlMv I'aln ami Dread attend the use or must lu larrh lemciltus Liquids anil siiuiIh am un pleasant as well as danifi'iiius hlv'st renin llnlmh) safe, pleasant, easily applied with the linger, unit a sure cine It cleanses tlmiinsal passages and heals the lullaiiicil lueiiihranu giv ing n lief Inim the tint application. .VK" 1 was a great suilcrvi Hum uilauh. Jlynes tills wen) Beiisttlve te dust, at times the bleed would run, ami at tlim s 1 could haitllv bienthe. I used tl's Uiiiiiii Hill in. Te-day lam a living witness nl lu illlcacy l'etei llruce, fanner, Ithaca, .S. V ml :ni1ied&w teLPES's Liquid lleef liinlu Is endmsed by physicians. Ak for LVMcni. rule no ether. UI l'iii ugglsts. liis-lwilceilAw If OH II11'KI'S V and Liver Complaint, ynu have a pitnUd guarmiteenn eveiy bottle of hid leh's V llallzer ft uevui hills leeuie. ter sale bv II II. Cuchruu, DiurkIsI, Ne. l37NeilhQucen stieel. AnviosiTlev ' Culu etu ieukIi lhiutui:h1y with Hale's Heney el lliuehuund and '1 m. Pile's Toothache Dreps cumin one minute. ml-switeedA.w Nervous Debilitated Mcu ou aie allowed a free trial of thU tyilnyi el the usoef Dr, Dvu's Oulibraud oltnle Hell vvlln hlectitohuspenseiy Appllantus, for the speedy relief aud pel maneul cm u of Nervous Debility, lesser Vitality and Muuhoed, and nil kindred troubles. Alse, for many ether dUeases. Com plete restoration le health, lt;er nud manhood guamntevd. Ne llsk ts Inclined. Illustrated pamphlet, with full Inlei million, terms, etc., malted free by addiesslng Voltaic Belt Ce., Mar shall, Mich. Khem the Alleutewn Democrat. DUtrltt At torney Wright was taVen with a seveie attack of iheumatUm, but a lew does of liiess' lthuu matlc Iteincdy futched him out all light. Ihls remedy Is recemuiended fei rhcuiuatlsm only, Is taken internally, and lu nine (.uses out of tin will clTect a permanent cute. Price fl.PObynll diugglstsl fcb3 3inM,W,S hinsKV CesiiLAiNrs- with which se nianysur fur which neglected, means an untimely grave is positively cured by the timely use of Dan delien Hitters, vv ny nesiiaie te grasp the op pertuntty, while It la jet te receive the benefit et this weuileilul remedy, l'llcu, by all diugglsts. fcbS-3mTu,Tli,S AUK 0U MADK lulnenihle by Indigestion, Censtlpallun, Dl7liiess, boss et Appetite, Yel low bklu J billion's Wlnllrer I a peiiltlve cine. Ker sale by 11. II. Coehinn, Diugglst, Ne. IJ7 North Queen u'leet. JIUOWN'3 HOUBhllOLD PANACEA. Is the most etrectlve I'aln Destioverlnlhenmld. Wtll most eillely quicken thu lilisul whether taken liileinully en. iinpllcil exlcrimlly, and Umreby mere ceitabily ItELlhVE PAIN, whether cbmnle or ucute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It ts win united double Uie strength of any slmlhii-pi epamtlen. It cures villain the tilde, llaeknr ilewels, Sore Threat, llueumallsm, Toi'lhache and ALL ACHES, and Is The Ureat Unilever of Pain. 'lHtOWN'SHOUBEHOLD PANACEA "should be tn every family. A tensptmntut of ihe Panacea In a tumhler el b t water (sweelnned. If pra fenert.) taken at (hmIHuii), will UltEAK 111' A COLD. SScunta a bottle. lnai.lyaM.W.ABw SLKEPLESa NiailTS. made inlsorable by that terrlhle cough. SlillolraCiue Is the remedy for you. i orsale by II. 1J, Cethruu, DuufiiUt. Ne. HVKUIAI, nUTIVKH. MIAOKMKTACK "alantlnBniid Irngranlnnr. liiinn. l'MiellnnilW cents, rernnhiby It. U. Vechrnn, DiiiRglaliNe. 137 Werth Queen lrcct. The tinprmlliiK DaiiKr. Tlmiticentslallntlrset the number of deaths nhew that a large majority dle with Coiisuinp Ceiisuinp Coiisuinp lien. 1 tils dlMii'D may ceimnniiin with in up nlnnlly by Kemp's Ilulsnin for tlie threat and paienilj iniriniesn coeku wiutn n in i" ten n i"' IjIiiik, wuicn is Kiiaiiiniteu uu all etses. I'rh .Vi cents and II. liianinlird lecme Htul rellnye il emits mid il. Trial lli Jrtr. for sale by II, II (Jeclnnn. itriiKKlst, Ne. 137 Netfh queen slleet. il-lW(lAltVT TllTbOlt'8 CATArtltll ItKMKDV-a positive euro fur CVtitrrli, Dlptlieiln, and Canker Meuth. Km nale by II. II Cochise, Drugglsl, Ne. 137 North qu een atiret, A VeryNsrrnw luiie. " l rs, 1 had a very narrow escape," snld a prominent citizen lea friend "I was lenrliied te my lied for a year and my fi lends gav nine up lura tensuiiipllvu's grave, until I began uslnir Kemp's ItalsHin for llie Ihieat and bungs, and here I am, seiiiul nml hearty." I'rlce ftne. and II, I'er nnle by II. II. Cfsslimn, Druggist, Ne. 137, North tpu en nlrciil, bmitaslcr. Never (live Up. lfyen nre nurreibig with bnv nml depressed spirits, less of appetite, geneial debility, ills (iidcis'd ht(M)il, weak riiiistltiitleu, lieadnclie, or nny dlsHise of a bilious inline, by all weans lilecille a bnlthi of Kleililc lllllnis. Yeu will hesuriill-i'it In sce the lapld liniiriiveineiit that will fellow; you will bebisplrtil with new llfei ntieugtli nml nctlvlty will return s pain nml inlnery will cree, and hencelerth ymt will re re Jelt e In the prnlm) of hlcctrfu llitlets, heldnt fifty ents n bottle ut UelIiihii. tin) Druitnlst. 137 and 1?J North Queen stieel, fjuiLaster, Pa. () WHY WILL OU couch when fihileh'n Cure will glve Imuicillntu rive Imuieil ate rellel I'rlce P) tts.Wicts mid II. I'nr ssle by 11. It. techisn, lirURRHi, Ne. 137 North lliiccn street. A Orrst Dlsretery. Mr Win 11ienm, of Newton, la., says' "My wtfe has been serleuslv nltccled wllha leiirIi for twenty flve vennt, and this spring mere severely thanevcrhefoie. Hhehud lined many ictneilles without relief, and being nrgedletry Dr. King's New Discovery, did no, with most gratifying in sults. Tim flislbellln relieved her very much, nnd the second botllelms absolutely ciiird her. Hhe has net had no geed health for thirty J earn." Trial Unities Kietint Cochran's Drug Mere, 137 nnd lKiNerlhtjiucnBtrcel, Lancaster, I'n. Large slze tl.. TTMSW) TUB KV.vTlitW. II. TIlAfKIl, of llourben lnd.,navs ' lleth mvHelrnnil wile oweeur lives teSllll.OII'S CONSl'MPTIONCritK." Korsale by II. 11. Cuchian, DriiKgist, Ne.U7 North tjuien street. Ilucklen's Arnlra Hslie. The llesiaalve In the world for Cuts, llruHcs, Seres, Ulturs, halt Khnuin, t ever Beres, Tetter, ChnpiH-d Hands, Chllhalus, llurna and all akin Eruptions, positively cures I' nepay ie qulreil. It Is guaranteed teglve pi'rfect'atlsfac pi'rfect'atlsfac tlen, or money relundcd. I'rlce 'a cents per box. Kersaleby Cochran, the Druggist, 137 and 139 North uucun street, Lancaster. I's, T 'I bAS(i) DAMiBijonllverpellctj.ate net fnlendednsa purgatlve pill, but li) their gentle action ntlm ulate the liver, iiiiievIiik all torpidity mid re storing Iho same le healthy action. Price. cents, llynlldiughlsts. iebS3inru,ThS I'eiir-Flllhs. Of our American people me attllcted with sick headache In either Its neivens, bilious or con gestive forms, caused by tricgular habits, high living, ele, and no icmedv has ever cennucied II until Dr Leslie s 'pedal l'rescilptlen was ill. ceveied ( bio advertisement In another column, (3) MOlllKKSl JlO ill K.ltS It MOTIIEItSttI Are you dlstuibed at nlirhtand brokenef jour rest by a nick child Buffering mid crying with the excruciating pain of cutting leetn t If no. go at ence and get a bottle of Mrs. WINHLOW'S BoerifLSO arltUI. It will relluve the peer llttle BUtrerer Immediately depend uimn tt; thore Is no mistake about It, There Is net a mother en earth who has ever usi'd It, who will net tell von ut once that II will regulate the bowels, and give real te thu mother, and relief anil nenitn te trie cnuu, operating iiku magic. It Is perfectly saie te no In alt canes, and pleannnt li) tun taste, ana is me prescription ei ohm ei tne eldest and best female physicians In the United States, bold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle tnayJl-lydM.W.SAw Sllll.OII'S Vll'ALl.KItls what you medfer Constipation, Less of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspipsln. l'rlm 10 and 75 cents per bottle, ter R.ilu by II. IS. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. ISJ North Queen stitet. Ot.AHHWAUK. H IOH A MAltTIN. GH1NA HA Li A Few Facts. HeuM.'kiiepcrs in selecting wmcifui jour lablea, etc., csis.-ct.illy tliose jtisl liiiyiiii; new outfits, it is imiKJiLitiL that )ou pclt-ct the best intlieiniiiket. Hew cmbairiussiiif; if she table pi nle, and what lady should net have, te i'uid her waieisall full of small cracks, and that Rre.ise lias iKMictratetl and m.ide it leek black and ugly. A cause and a tcinely. All scini scini petcelain or granite waie in its bibcuit stnte is poieus. It is then coveted Willi natural or artificial fiUss te prevent its penetration by liquids. This is termed glazing. The glae must vary as it must fuse or melt according te tlie ware upon which it is placed. It mu3t also dilate oreeiitrartin pto pte pto iMjitien te the biscuit or else it will crack or and produce tlie above result. Unequal or insufricientlliingorbiirii insufricientlliingerbiirii ing in.i)aud will sometimes piodiice tlie s.tme icsulls. Yeu may, and will no doubt ask, " Hew then can jeu loll whether jeti aie getting a geed aiticleV" .Simply and only by buviim these makes which e.xpeiience has taught ilealetstoiecoin ilealetsteiecoin ilealetstoiecein nieiid us tlie best and lake their guat iiulee. Such makes von can find and such giiar.iulte jeu can get by calling at iiifrtiii 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCASrKK, l'A. y ANUAKTKHhTHAM LAUNDKY, Nu.VIONOHlll AltUII Al.l.KV. (Joeils collected nud dellveieit ten of chaiu .112U. Cellins, "c: Culls, 4C. pair; bblils, lee., etc. 'lulephone connection, IdiiJmd -JkTADKIKA AMI SIIKKKY WINKS AT Reigart's Old Wine Stere H. E' SLAYMAKER, AQENT, Established 17 6 Ne. ii East Kinu 8trbiet. lehW-lfd c uiti: nuAHANTi;i:i). RUPTURE. Cu in Kuamutccd by DR J. II. M VYER. Ease ut imcu t noepemtloiior dilay fiein bust bust neus ; tested by huiidicdief cities. Miitn elllce, KJ1 ARCH hi'., 1'IIILA, bend for Ciieiilar. IJO-lydAw rNDEbTKUOTIHLE (IUA1NINU. N'OLRAtKLVa, NO PKKL1.SU, NO ULlbrER. LSU. Wehitvu usjsleiMnl itinliilni: new weuuthnt must, In the near Inline, take the place of tlie old s) stem en all new wink, Its merits bclnuas fellows Total i abolition et a pulntcd irrouud irreuud irrouud werk, speed and cleanliness lu vveiklni; It, beauty aud transparency et llnUIi, suioettuicbs and durability, and the capability of lecelvlnu' us high finish us hard weed by the samu meth lids. Ihls preciws Is the niurest approach In lialural woea thallut jet beun dlscevereil. Call and sen samples. (UJIIIItlK ,t HON, Helu Aiients fur Lancaster County, Heuso ratntlinfiiiiiltir.ilnliiuEuiperluui, corner of Chestnut and Nuvln Streets. We have also alieut Twenty blaluMantles, which must be sold within thu next ten days, cheap for cash, ju account olinevliiir. wurd-3uid JITYKKH A KATUVOW. " " OVERCOATS. UVKUCOATH AltK BULL 8KLMNU NOI' A8 KA8T, OK COUUHK, AB BE KJItK CIIUISIJIA8, HUT THE BrOCK la 8TILL LKH8ENIN0. THE PltlUEB AUK DOWN, THAT ACCOUNTS KOIl THKflKLLINUeV T1IKM. WE CAN'T 8KLLTHKM AT A rirTV l'Elt CENT. KEDUCT10N, HUT WE THINK THEY AUK CHEAPEN THAN SOME THAT HAVE 1IEEN HKDUC'KD THAT MUCH. ATLKAST.WE AltK NOT ArilAlU Or COMl'AKiaON. WK OKNEUALLY COMB OUT K10HT ON COMl'AIURON. WE DON'T WANT THE COATS, HUT WKDOWANTTIIESl'ACK THEY OC CUPY, AND WE'llEaOlNUTOUKUID OK THEil, EVEN IF WK DO 8ACIU riCKTHE PIIOKITS. ir YOU HAVE NOT LOOKED AT OUIt BTOCK DO HO AT ONCE, AND YOU'LL PltOlflT I1V IT. MANUKACIUUINU CLOTH1EUS, NO. 12 HAST KINO BTRBHT, LANCA8TKK. TA. -Open en Saturdnv Night until 10 o'clock. B UKOKK A SUTTON. WHAT? THE FIRST OF MARCH, The Beginning of Joyous Spring VV hen alt nature inbes Itself lu gay altlte ! And this leinlnds us that NOW IS THK TIME TO BUY Spring Ororceats, Spring Suits, Spring Underwear, AND THAT- BUMEB, & SUTTON'S Is the Place te Buy. Our fpiliiK Sleck of Ovciceats nnd Butts ler Men, Seuths and lloysare new leady torlnnpoc terlnnpoc torlnnpec Hen. CallandBee what weeHeraiul get prices. Our pi lies never w cie nslevy and ipuillty never beltLr mmm sutten, MANUKACTU1NU OLOTHIElia, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANUAUl'KU, I'A. L. OANSMAN & HKO. Prices te Suit the Times. HEADY-MADE Pants and Children's Suits Alth Till.. MOST IN DEMAND AT 1II1S 1IM1J OF 1 EAR. We have iiianulaetiired a larj;e and superle line or the stinu nnd are selling theiu al E. TRK.MK LOW PRICES. OOOH l'ANTSal"5c. and 10c. UETTER 1'A.NTS ntl no and !.. VV OOLEN l'ANTS at 11 75 and t! ( A LtVV (lilli I'ANTW nt K.25anil tl ! FINE CASSIM ERE PAN IS at fLiu'and J W. CHILDREN'S SUITS, All Our On il Manufacture. CHILDREN'S SUITS at $1.79, J 00, JAW, J W, t-lSO.JKiu, uptn MM. -l'Icnty of Slj lea te select Irein, iuallly of the best of make, and Prices the Luwert. L. GANSUAN & BRO., MAN UKAOTU REUS (ir MKN'S HOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Rlghteu thuheuthvveal Cernel Oiangu btieet, LANCASTER, I'A. - Net connected with any ether Clelhlug Heuse in the city. uuuvnums. Hum tiuAiii: cei'Ki:i. Fine .lav a and Arabian Mecha, llch, Ira giant and full bodied. Our Java llleuded Cntleu Is a success at SSienta per pound. Finest l'lan tutlnii Kle only VOe ; very tteial RIe at 15c., and a Coffee forcvervbedy at USc, per pound. Veiy popular. All that tiy llcoiue aEiilu. Our sates urn IncrcaidiiK dally, l'lcase uund us a trial elder. HKO. WIANT, auic30-lyd Ne. 113 Weal Hint Street, AT HUJiHK'H. DID U)U EVER HEAR HIE LIKE; nnnn Qnnn r.RANRPRRiPQ .itj ckxts a qrAitv. BEITLRONES J OUARTS KOR 25 CENTS. HONEY I HONEY! i 1 no comb Heney, lu two pound frames, at is icuts a pound t by the case of about 2A pounds, alls cents a pound. Four pounds of Heed Prunes, 25 cents. Four pounds of Geed Fetiches, 23 cents. Four pounds of tloed Dried Apples, ia cents, Ihirupouudsef Pared Peaches, 25 cents. r our peuuiis ei ivicv, ccms. Flve pounds of Rest Lump Starch, 23 cents. Klecnnt Light Sviun, ccnU a quart. Confectioners' AAA Pulvcilzcd Sugar. ATBURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINQ STREET. LANCASTER, PA. Telephone Connections LOOK OUT FOU KltAl'DH. HENSON'S Cupclnu Plasleisuie widely Imitated. Weld Capclnu cut in the Kenulne, He caiefirl 23e. C1AKK.HI1RK AND .SI'KKDYOUKK. MYERS A KM, O Rm-TURS, VARioeeaLH and Snout. Dibeabi, Why be huuibuitKed by quacks, when jeu can And lu Dr. Wrlkht the only Rioo Rieo Rioe lar 1'HvsieiAX In Philadelphia who makes a specially or the above diseases and ecaita them 1 Ci'ttaaeuARAXTmiD. Auviea RKS,duy ana even ing. Strungeni can be treated ana return home the tame day. Offices private. UK. W. II. WRIGHT, Ne. 241 North Ninth itruet, above Rue. P. O. Hei 673. PhUiUlelphU. aa-lyaw VLUCKB AftB TTTT . RUOADS, JEWBLKR. JEWELRY AND ART 1 In ealllug BttonUeu te our olTerlngu iu this line, the public are Invited te a clene and orltleal examination or the soeda which we bolleve we cab fairly claim nre of a standard equal te any evor offered In the largest altlea of our land, and we nek oemparlaon of prloee. knowing that ours nre tower for the Due goods oflerod than the ruling of prlces elsewbere. Our Stock of Unset Diamonds Is large, and we will nmke up fiemthete any style of work deslred. All the Noweet Patterns of Ladles' Wear always In Btoek, and Birth or Menth Btones of the whele oalendor ean be had promptly. TheOems Diamond, Ruby, Emeratd, Sapphire, Topaz, Opal and Pearl nlwaye en hand, and set te order. Oil Paintings, Marble and Bronze Statuary, and Musical Bexes, always choerfully shown by our attendants. Everybedy Is invited te eall and be shown through our stock. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO. 4 WEST KING STKEBT, LANOASIER, PA. VAKBtAUK WOKHB. VTOKIHX'K it MILKY. THIRD GREAT THIRD GREAT SPRING CARRIAGE SALE At Norbeck & Miley's, CORNER OE DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCASTER, PENN'A., Monday, March 22, 1S8C.-10 A; M. anil 2 P. M, -TKKMS-NLNETV DAY NOTK ; SIX l'KU CENT. OFF FOR CASlI.t 0KEATK.8T0rSALK, GREATEST IN NUMIIEU3, GREATEST IN VARIETY. FINEST IN FINISH, ALL STVLES AND URAUES. ALSO, A FEvVSLElUllS. Fliil Clhs Vehlcl al Iwr Prices In natenlahlnK, but we de II, and an, we rofarleany buyer at fermer sales. Over noujehs sold at former Hales nnd net tn worth of repair. Our sales In Lan caster city nnd county In thelast low years nre larger than any tvvnictalt factertea In the city orceunty. We inaniilacture mere than any three laclerles In abeve luontleued dUlilcU This fs no paper talk, but a fact. A public Inspection Is Invited te ciamlne work, rrocnretibaranln. Don't listen te abusive. Jealous nnd Ivlng competlleni, but attend and see Ter yourself. SaleSlONDAY, MARCH K.iwei, ntlOa m. and: p.m. TERMS Ninety days, with approved eccurltyt six per cent, per annum etr rer cash. H. F. Rewb, Auctioneer. CARll We knew snine of our competitors have abused ourreputallon en nccounlef held, tni; sales and reducing Ihopiice et a tlrst-ilnns Jeb, but we challaiiKti them iifrnln, ns liefore, te pieduce ns much llrst clans stock, or construct a liner vehicle of nny t In, We mean business, and (hove It concerns can have satisfaction by tailing en or addressing N in buck & Mlley. A MOiTO THAT ALWAYS WINS. HONEST WORK ! HONEST PRICES I Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Garriage Works, 126 and 128 BAST KING STREET, (NEARLY 01-reSlTE THE LKOl'ARH HOTEL), LANCASTER, I'A. Nene But First-Class Mechanics Employed. A 1 Material, and" TMJnJyjiJJsed PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BUGGIES, PMTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, Aud Vohlclea of Every Description Built Promptly te Order. A Full l.lnr nt Vehicles In Ktnck. nrennted es Aeitment el SECONDflANU WORK ON HAND vvhtch will l'KlCb!). rAHTICULAlt ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. -(.lve us a call and e.vamlne the work, whether you purchase or net. DON'T reiHJET TIIEI'LALL Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 VI.UTIUKU. H IllSIl it HKOTHKIL YOUR ATTENTION is heiehy dliecled te the PROCLAMATION which we this day lssue te you one and nil that new vie me receiving and showing te the public the i Incst Line el SUITINGS AND PANTALOON INGS VMilcli has ever been sicn in Ihecityel Lan. caster. WeBhallMAKE THEM TO ORDER In rirst Clasa btjle. Tilin and Make them lu a thor ther thor euKhly woikuinnllke manner, nud shall gtiarau tcu Unit Our Prices Are the Lewest Otany In this city "inalltleij belni? Bnamiilted uy us. OUR ASSORTMENT COMPRISES ALL '.THE LATEST NOVELTIES As well as Staple Uoed-i, and we cannot lall le please ev ci ynne. WE KNOW that It will bu TO YOUR INTER ESI' te call en us and lve us atrial. OUR RULE IS, ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST. SATISFACTION 0UAHAN1EED OR MONEV REFUNDED. MUSH fe BROTHER'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING AND dENTS' FURNISHING HOUSE, CORNER NORTHOUEEN STREET AND CENTRE SUUARE. S-Opcii every evening until 9 o'clock, hat uiday until ltiu clock. S1 IT.OIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Special Announcement I DurliiL- thu mouth of FEBRUARY I will make a reduction of 20 te 25 per cent, from the regular price en all HEAVY WEIGHT Suiting and Overceating. This Is done te turn stock Inte ready cash and give employment, te my nanus. MEDIUM WEIGHT Suiting for Early Spring Wear, -AND- SPRING OVERCOATING Will be made up at Greatly Reduced Prices. 4-Ratnple Cards et the Latest Bprlug Impor tation new ready. H.GERHART Ne. 43 North Queeu Street. OTOrreirra ia FcTonrie. WATVHM0. nv x vr-y-fvis.AisJi ' Ji forlheStiilnRTrailn. A l.nigu e and Varied no Bum ftuiuii Jit S0NA11LE EAST KING STREET. 127-lyilAw UUOKB. OLANK BOOKS. ' ' " Jehn Baer's Sens Invite examination el thdr BLANK BOOKS! In Various tltailcs et UAV HOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, CASH HOOKS, COPYING. JJ00K3 & l'RESSE8, INVOICE I100K8, TIME ROOKS, MEMORANDUMS, I'ASSROOKB, l'ETTY ACCOUNT ROOKS, fte , AT TDK SIGN OFTHE BOOK, 16 and 17 North Queen Btroet. iiuvHBtfuitumuiNU aoena, TUST HECElVi:i) A LARGE LOT OF HOBNAIL GLOBES Whlchwevv 111 soil ata els. each. Soren Olecrent Celers. AL. OLIVE, (JltKEN, 11LUE, Aud AMliKR. THEF1NKSTL0T0F Glebes, Lamps and Chandeliers IN LANCASTER. The SUN and HOME LAMP are the beat Lamp In the market. CALL AND SEE AT JOMP. SOHITDI & SOF, 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. T II. MA11T1N, WUOLKSALX AND llKTAlL DIALKR IN ": All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. S-Vaiie: Ne. 4 North Waler and Prince Streets, above Lemen, Lancaster. nj-lyd TAUMaAKDNi:ilS ifc JEFFEIIIES. GOAL DEALERS. Ornca : Ne. 129 North Queen Btroet, aud Ne. BC North Prince street. Yakim : Neilb. Prtuce stteet, uear Readlne Depot, LANCASTKR.PA. ,.. auglVtld TSeaiI M. V. B. COHO, iOKTII WATER ST.. Lancaat Wholesale and Ketall Dealer le Ne. 330 NORTH WATER ST.. Lancaster, Pjk,. Wholci,ale and RetaU Dealer le H LUMBER AfVD COAL. Connection with tbe Telephone xchanre. $ Vard and Office t E flu. J flVAill nAlMW'" STRKKT. feb-ijr4-,tfia E AST KND YA11D. O.J.SWAKR&00. rf GOAL. - KINDLING WOOD. Office I NO.20CKNTRK 8QUARK. BetkyM and ettlce connected with Telephone KxcJuwpt aprlJ-lydMJtr.U f - XOT1UKB. ii Q.IIAND UlSl'XiAY Of NECKTIES. UO TO JCHUJI pOK &$ y-jHBAPK8T AND BEST .",v 1 SCABIET UNDElWIi J AT ERISMAN! NO. II VTKST KINO ST.. fcAlMMWH J- 'm rt fl 1 &. y. j 1 n: W ZK-a ia r,'S',' .? M &?; HfttfcrJi i