ikB -rV-TfJi. aiMh -. w.m . ' ",0Vi' "l T -v." lSftti" l 'fj&i?? "" ' v;' r ' gwr5 '" - v ' n5W,w,Wfc8TOw r m ''i'-r- w Stt vir $. w ll sr. & iSr B" ia r r Iw m p n I Iff BV I ISi kj !& i " &fc Pv 2 .-v MU INTELLIGENCER. t-t . i ; TWWim tVlKT HVKWIW IN THE TEAR V (Amdayi Jkeipfid) v mmuii HismBk INTELLIGENCER. BUILDING; a. W. Conn Cania 84VAM, l.AaautrM. ;T4- UAlLtTm OtnU a Week. ?m Dellari a Jrrarer.fViyVnffaJtfenA. JHulape Y. ADVXRTHnMKNTBframTtnte Ifty Vtnti ml. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, Might Paget.) PtmtMHiD Every Wednesday Merninq, XVe Dellari a Tiiar n Advanet. OOBRBaPOtTDSKCKietUiUd from tvtrypci I V Miifai ami eeuntry. Cbrrt;endrnt are re re jviJJJXiteitrlM legibly and en one tide eMe papir only; and te eign their namei, net for publication, but in proof of geed faith. Alt anonymeut UUeri will 6 eentigned te tht imile btukeL 4L, (drill alt Letitri and Telegram le THE INTELLIGENCER, LABGARTIRil'A. EI)c .Cawaetcr intelligencer. I.ANCA8TXU, MAltCII 13, 1886 'et Se Happy. Messrs. Kemble, Elkius and Widener, the Philadelphia gentlemen who were am bitious te run all the street railways iti Xew Yerk as well as Philadelphia, are net se happy new as they were a few weeks age when they lieught the franchise from Mr. Sharp, which had been bought by him from the New Yerk aldermen. Mr. Sharp's corrupt performances did net trouble them at all. In fact they thought Mr. Sharp a very bad man, and they de clared their purpose te recover from him all the moneys of which he robbed the company, of whose stock they bought a controlling interest. As they presented the matter, they innocently bought a lail lail read from Mr. Sharp which they then found had been fraudulently burthened with the heavy debt it carried. Conss Censs quently it was their duty te recover back this sum from Mr. Sharp and make him pay the debt that they assumed when they made the purchase. It was a very pleasant prospect that tliese gen tlemen pictured te themselves. They would obtain a franchise g6t by fraud, of which they were innocent, and at the same time pay a great deal less for it than they agreed te pay. But a fly has dropped in. The Xew V01 k legislature proposes te revoke the fraudu lently obtained charter. This will crucify the innocents abroad from Philadel phia, when, as they leek at it, only the evil Sharp and tiie bad alderman should suffer. Mr. "Widener declares that it is a very serious thine in a state te repudiate its premises even when they are fraudu lently ebtaineJ. lie thinks it would be a great political mistake te cancel the Hnxttl way charter,even if the corperators did net de what the law required of them and did de what it;; .statutes condemn as criminal. Mr. Widener is an expert in politics, of the Philadelphia kind. Se is Mr. Kembie ; they have both latterly retired te the richer pastures of commercial sjeculatien. But their views as te the honor of a statn and the degree te which it may be imposed iien by the citizen are such new as they have- lieen went always te maintain and practice en. Mr. Kembie is the person known as ".Addi tion, Division and Silence" Kembie. lie seems te be still the same Kembie. Mr. Widener does the talking for the firm, aud has managed te let us all knew just what its thoughts and alms have been. The pio pie ject has been te buy the Broadway charter from any one who get it by hook or bycioek and te held en te it llueiigh any amountefleg.il proceedings biuught fei their ouster; knowing that in the years through which the litigation would be pro pre longed they could have then recovered all the concern would cestjand, that being in possession, they would always have the best chance le stay in if they wanted te. But the summary process of kick ing them out by revoking their charter did net seem te them as among the pesii. bilities, and it is very natural that in their disgust they should think it a great politi cal mistake upon the part of the New Yeik legislature and a high crime against the hanctity of public faith. Codifying the Law or I'empeteiie). The law of Pennsylvania regulating the competency of witnesses is involved in some obscurity and some contradictions as it stands at present, se made by the statutes and decisions. While a man or a woman indicted for a crime can testify in his or her own behalf, the wife or husband of a defendant cannot testify for the de fense. When the bars were thiewn down for all defendants te testify, every leasen for the invalidity of a wife'.s or husband's testimony failed ; but because the statute did net expressly remove the disability the courts have continued it.invelving the law in an absurd contradiction. It la still doubtful whether oue jointly indicted with another can testify in the hitter's favor if the trials are separate ; and hew far an ac cessory, indicted separately from, or jointly with, his principal is affected by the recent fctatutes regulating the compe tency of witnesses. Judge McPherson, of Lebanon, w he is a close student and industrious jurist, alive te the present inconsistencies and obscuii ebscuii ties of the law, appeals te the profession in the state te co-operate In seeming the drafting and passage of a comprehensive act, applying te the competency of wit nesses in ending and undertcriuined civil and criminal proceedings aud these here after instituted, and the repeal of all ether and Inconsistent statutes. He publishes his own idea of such an act In the CfaimV JttpetU,mi invites criticism, discissien and suggestions of amendment of it. The Bubject Is ene that should engage the earnest attention of jurists and which con cen cems the w hole body of citizens of the com. menwealth. Judge Greeii has said from the supreme bench that " a new, a mere comprehensive, and a meie careful and accurate expression ej legislative intent upon the whole subject of the competency of witnesses than we yet have is much te be desired." If it is left te the legislature te make it without deliberate and well ', digested direction It will either Le badly done or net done at all. , B8ldes ether features of his proposed ftewgv kjmI codification of the law, Judge THE McPherson thinks that if icisens under sentence for felonies nre te be disqualified te testify, these sentenced for the misde meanors of forgery, bribery and embezzle ment should likewise be incompetent, as their moral guilt is as great us a felony like larceny. Atthcsamotime he lccegnlzcs it as mere in the line of modern tendency te take away entirely this incempetency, except in the conspicuous misdemeanors of p;rjitiy and subornation, and only lcae the fact of present conviction te affect the credibility of the witness. "This is new the sole effect of a past cenv lctlen, except in the case of iei jury, and (here does net seem te be, in theory or practice, any real difference in quality between tliotesti tlietesti tliotesti meny of a felon still in jail and the testi mony of a felon just out of jail.' In civil cases there lias been an incieas. iug tendency te pennit interest tn affect only the credibility and net theceniptteuc.x of a witness; and jet the law as it new stands requires the old dtsqualitlc.iUeu te le enforced wheuevei a suit is brought or defended by persons acting 111 certain rei rei resentative cn'Mcities, or whenever the assigner of the tiling or centiait in ait ion is dead or lunatic. These aud ether apparent detiriencies of the present law pointed out 1 Judge Mc Pherson, with the remedies siigscitetl or better ones invited, entitle the whole sub ject te careful study and prompt legisla tive attention, and his own etlerts te make clear and simple the law new ekseured and contradictory merit piais and co operation. The New Seuth. A siieci.il centi 'button te the Ii 1.1.1 i i e i:-c 1:11 of te-day, reviewing the Held of American literature, maish.ils the - Mlum productions of the Ninth in a spirit of generous but comprehensive criticism. It will readily be seen that within a space of time briefer than one generation of men, the renaissance of literature 111 the states of late Confederacy has ln-en mere re markable than the material dev elepment of its worn aud wasted fluids or the new music of loom and spindle, trip hammer and steam whistle. The galaxy of Southern writers of te-dav is indeed a very brilliant one. and while Longfellow's lyre is tuueles and llryant's harp is shattered, Helmes and Whittier are in the late autumn of life, the coming men and women in the lealm of imaginative lit erature seem te be in unusual number from the south. Though they are jiervaded by no provincial spiritjheperuh.iily Southern spirit of their prose and v erse is unmistak able, and in a sceie of years the literary de velopment of the Ninth has been mere dis tinct than that of half a century 111 the great and growing West. The removal of the incubus of slaveiy undoubtedly is te be ciedited in some measure with this new literaiy life ; it may be that the wieck and nun of war itself have largely inspired it, for Father Ryan says a land without ruins is a land without memories ; certain it is that the Seuth h;is done mere for American literature since the war than in a hundred years before. Ili:iiisi the labor clouds the sun of regard for the law Hstlll -OiIhIiik. C. F. Sontae moralizes In ttiw Hrf.irmeil Church Mcncngcr evur I'reMilpnt CIyo CIye land's attendance at and behavior in the sanctuary of religious worship. Frem Itev. Dr. Sunderland, who is pastor of the con gregation of which the president la a mem ber, though net a ceinin lining Presbyterian he learns that Cleveland attends worship pretty regularly, Is punetiial, MW reverently, attentively anil is altecetber the kind of a iiiana pre.-ichcr llkis toM'e in ids audience. hiMi-Aliiv ler Ireland in its present t-trevs is only a recognition el U10-.0 principle en which the Declaration el Independence was founded. A vi:n large ertlnn of the supplemen tary leaf of te-day'a extra edition of the I.. TKi.raeu.M-r.ii is taken up by the advertise ment of enu el our mast enterprising and wldu avsake buiness and manulai Hiring linns; but the liteiary, liisUjrie.il and news departments el this Ksue levj no illicit st or flavor because they are cinded by tl at ether feature of 11 lte modern new siuixir, the advertising page. 'I Ite history and illustrations el our various county" court heuses: Hlld the skit' h el one el the leaders of the present bar, with a review ufiliu legal profession in luie-vstur county; the ery comprehonslvo literary sket li I.rtlie notable work el the New Youth in American lltera lltera ture j an account of the handsome linproiu linpreiu meiiU making In .St. .Mary's Catholic church mid another contribution te the liisteric.il sories of capital crimes and eecutlenn in Lancaster county, aruleatu 1 os el ttiis num. ber, Hiipnlemented by the usual variety of current news and comment, of wit and humor, poetry and belleslwters ami all the characteristics el a tlrst-Wass pqer. The several notable mltclix-oiie a graphic t.de in verse crowded ever until net week, will enrich the Mipplemuit of .Match .11. MakouneteofiL 1 1 has been developed that a w erk alderuun may be a "fen. 0" , which el course includes the gateway through whlUi irjiul cnterK. riicotperbtnl cotton ami bieadstulls for February show sumo odd rosulet as com pared with the same month .,1 i,,, 'r10 total cotton OMmrtatinn of K i.r ,. i.l-. amounted te ll,nl,.(:,i ; for IVbruary Isn.U iiml-iiuu rw.-ui.ues. iins was a very neat Increase, iltit a dillercnt state el things is notlceable in Lieadstulls exjMjrtati..n. Cor February ISsO It amounted te J1J7I7.J1J, while for the Hame period of this year it I ell back te 510,101,101. llc,e is .iiutea decrease, which may be attributed te a hsser home production, .1 larger home consumption, or lielh, its the reader's fancy directs. IU.V. .Ions MlI.l.KM, W( u-liine Ils a little tee mellow in his Calvinism ler the I'reHbitci Ian assemblies, wrlUs te the tittle pendent about a visit he om-e imid le Card! mil McCloskey, of some interesting relations with Catholic prelates that followed it aud of his changed views as te what Catholics think of Protestants, "lleavin wide," as Mr Miller avows himself le be from Heme,' he aavv in the Catholic cardinal the same ' liglit and woetnes.s"thatBhono out from the old Presbyterian Halnt, Hev. Dr. Alexander, aud he thus records his jierHeiml observations of thoheadeftholtoman church in America; " I nevnr knmr h hhim -n i... . that was grand Hbeut him, se centnt in his Idea of work, se gracious in ll his speeches of ether workers, whether Catholic or net. und se borne dew n with regr.it that the fall- iiiKtuuuaiiiu 1.1 uis Health kept him lrem llllHlllllL' fin mill ..., 1.1..,..' '"" -. .jjiik mailer 1110 ureal "xxmipllshtneuu or his elllea it is a !, .Ti V? '" "'""""""iniu in comesud- tt.M.WiUei?rjp ll0H?r" ""'" CViiho CViihe S; "ud U se gentle In u IIiiIh, and uLx'Sr ' ' "Ty-Plen. He wade, upon the- Mme vllt, aeriu.,iii. tI AWhuep Cer.igan, ' vv'iilch" e as Blnce oemirmea and Uevelei.ed ami in the coure or which he admits te receiv entirely new light uil," u,tBd ,ues ion e whether, freu, . Caihell" Tltt Zl esuntsose fctcrUai ,lfu ,F .Ji "J the archbishop his evvnHtat,ls, wl h Ta view of getting m, opinion Iren, him. The Vrl byterlan Uivlne Bald s " I am infinitely removed rreni the rltni hUe emphasi oritemo. I a,,,1,"? JVe?1: HvcrBmenUriantotheoxteut et CmIvIu" 1 RtS LANCASTER DAILY Hev e In the Fuclutrlst no mera than In prayer, aud In pray or no othcrwbe than In the church, aiui in the church no mere than In any vvUely appointed mid Oellultelv coin'. 111 muled instrument et the world's salvation. 1 beliove If man does anything isiuiiuaudrsl there is a reward, and that a special oue Inci dent te the eem maud, and, with thoe .wing ll.iu extreme's 1, an old man, consider It te lie certain that I will never loceuclle myself te the Mjicrcign peutill. e, ler Insight into your creed, the point l vvWi te Retlle K What, lu the opinion of your church, will become of me when 1 cometo die '" And then Hev. Milter records the answer of the iirohblshe, who, lifting up both Ids hands wld : " It is an amazement te 1110 that Protestants should concelve such a iiuetlen. Tliere is no church se quick as ours le teach that, in outward things, what a man Is iiotcetwlous of as necessary cannot be a ground of death, or even a subject of transgression. It is n shame, alter all our cxpllcltncs, te doubt that believing as you brought up by your venerable church in the thought that your t'retesUnt rule Is binding, and all your out ward things right and by the appointment or the Master-simply held en te that convic tion, we knew Unit j en stiller les-s, ns net having the adv. iiiUges of what Is fuller and mere scriptural, but, if you beliove aud re j cut, you w III be Just as certain te be saved as 1 or any ether of a mere prescribed profes sion. "II I were te guess why von ask such (iiiei". tlens, it would lie this; that we tell our poo peo poe plo that they will be leit, and si de you tell yours. 1 1110.111 that, if a lunn has loin bred a Catholic, and knows his duty, vnd admits the obligation 01 the mass and our sacraments generally, aud lives m a condition of neglect he will perish ; and precisely this you would declare in respect te the observaiico of the SibbatliBtui any duty et thoilesettboroughlv coulessed and vet wilfully torberuo anil trampled." In further elucidation of his meaning at the cenv ersatien new rivalled by Hev. Mil ler, the archbishop neiv calls te his notice these authorities en the same Interesting sub ject : Cardinal Manning says : "The doctrine that 'out of the Chm eh fieri- i, no ,ti nfu.ti,' is te be interpreted both by dogmatic and by moral theology. As a dogma, theologians teach that many tsjieng te the church w he are out et its visible unity : as a moral truth, that te be out of the church is no or-enal iti, except te thoe vv he stu lu being out or iu That is, they w ill be lest, net tjeeause they nre qeeijrnphxi ullif out of it, but bo be bo ciuselhoy urecu'i'iv out of it. Thev are in.-H(;"iMy out of it who are and have al ways been either physically or morally un able te soe their obligation te submit te it," eti. ("Fuglaud aud Christendom," p. 01. ) Cardinal Newman writes In .1 similar "onse : "As regards England, vast multi tudes nre In u state of invincible ignorance. . . . New whlle they se think, they am bound te act accordingly. . . Ner does it sutlice. 111 order te threw them out or this irieipnnsiMe state, and te make them guilty or their Ignorance, that there are means actually in their ismeref getting rid of it," etc. ("Anglican Dlfhculties," p.JOU,) A little book called " Catholic Helier," pub lished by Henziger Hrethers, says : "Catho lics de nor beliove that Protestants vvheare blamelessly ignorant are excluded from Heaven provided they believe in l.evl ami lus Seu, our redeemer, and repent, if thev hav 0 ever olleitded him by sin." In Louisiana they hang wicked pellti, clans; II the same procedure was beguu lu these part, tliere would net be enough scaf. relds te go around. Thai 111.nC1.KVEi.vM) smiles as he cjhJ templates the stubborn school-boy attitude el the Senate; ler he knows that he is mister or the situation. PERSONALS. Am liiiiMiep C'uine.Ns was a grocer's clerk in New Urle.m- thirty years age. Tub -Mas. II vncei k fund in New-Yerk yesterday received fJ,'.'U0, making the total f-10k. Jkpi unsev Davis has accepted an invita tion te lecture in Montgomery, Alabama, in behalf el the monument ler the Confederate dead. K-Sunmi: Dvviiise.n, the fugitive from New Yerk, has turned up in Havana, which place Is fairly rivalling Montreal as the home of the American whediems it necessaiv te llee lrem his old haunts. Fiur. Cninr M.viiunv was killed 111 Now New Now "terkon Friday nlternoen while returning from a tire. An engine ran into his buggy, threw ing him under the vv heels or the engine and crushing his shoulder se that he died in a short time. He.n. H. IS. HrviiiLi.i, 11 well-known lawyer and journalist, diid TI1ursd.1v night at his old home in Indian Orchard, "Wayne county. He was a sLite senator ,In l-sl, and atterwards became a well-known new simper man in Wilkesbarre. Hebkiit Menuis, a deergli murderer, ha been sentenced le be banged en April 1G. When the Judge sentenced him he laughed, aud te the sherill he 'aid : " Send me plenty te tat, se that I will be heavy enough te break my neck when I fall." Hi.miv Wviiu Hri:rm:n says of CIov CIev laud : " 1 have net altered mv opinion of Mr. Cleveland, and his jjellcy still has as many attractions for 1110 In its actual work Int. ..m as it did when it lureshidewed it lu letters aud ether cemmiinlcatinns belere his Inagur Inagur atien. He is right in the ntand he has taken against the Senate. The result el the present discussion will be te settle satisfactorily and delinltely the question as te the disposition of pipers rccelvul by the executive touching llie removal ol'edlio-holders." A 3ir.MUDtST VUSFBKESVF. VleetliiK in llarrMiurg of Hit, (Vutral I'enu Mltanla Olllrl.iU nl Hist Church. The second day's session el the Central Pennsylvania conference of the Methodist Fpiscepal church in Harrishurg opened Fri day morning with a sermon by Kev. Jamis II. JlcCerd, of Hanover. Presiding Flder Smyser, of the Danvllle district, presented his reHrt, showing a Methodist constituency or '17,000 in a lopula lepula lopula tlen 150,(K0. The missionary collection w.w fiajoe, an increase el fj,700. Kiecial gilts by C. . Weed 1 11, Mrs. C. (,. Jacksen and Mr. Heaver te lcuoveleut objects were noted. Twe new- churches have been built, many re laira maile and a great deal or church debt paid ; l,J.!0 conversions have mcurred. In the lour years et Hhler hiuyser's administra tion ilev en cliunhes and seven parsonages hav 0 leen erected, costing flu7,(HHi. The record of supernumerary preachers was revised, and, alter each man's name had been called and his character had been approved, the following list was entered: Hev-H. William Henry Stephens, Hugh Linn. W. O. lleeh, J. II. H. Clarke, Franklin liear hard, C. W. .Marshall, J. W. I.eckie, Jehn Moerohead, C. . Hurley. J. F. Craig, J. W. Olewlne, J. 1L Akers, J. A. Kess, L. A. Hudlslll, JJ. A. Thompson Mitchell, D. J), Jehn Stiun, U (i. Heck, W. M. Memmlnger, Daniel Hartmau, W. A. McKee, J. V. i:iy, T. O. Clee,s, Willlain G. Wynn, J. V. Pen Pen nlngten, I. S. Crene, Jehn L I.Ieyd. The following who had been en the super numerary list ler Heme time were entered as eiloclive preachers: ready for the pastorate again : Hevs. J. W. Felglit, D. 1). -McCloskey, A. I). Mi Claskey. The 8iiKiiniinunUl preach, ors hs fellows were registered as such : Uevs, Theuuis Tanyhlll, Oeorge Horkstresscr, II. (i. Dill, Oliver Fge, J. A. Melllck, A. M. lCes ter, William Schriber, K. I-. Crevor, J. P. Hebb, Themas (irecnlv, W. h. Hiiotuvveod, Alem Helttaln, . il. Kelly. H. H. Crever, I). Hlshep Hew-man was present during the session, aud waswarmlygreeted by his many irluids. Presiding ilfder Hlepliens, et tlie Willlamspert district, reported 1,1.00 conver cenver conver Mlens and missionary collections amounting te WW, an increase el flboe. Hev en new churches have bicu dodieated during the year. The anniversary or the Church Intension society was held Htfirace and HldgoAvenue churches. Addrtses were nmde by Itev. II. Illnkle, Kev. A. J. KynettandDr. JamtB .Merrow. .11.vr.cn. A Hen ceuehantan the nvld of grar, White, nsllcss clouds which the bold winds fmy. Dark neetein sklc. eiigulfed hIIIikuM, l'tdoBUOHilrepbiuta in the at 111 in own meld, A Idutef giien in the luui'l ieitc. A robin's seuk from the linden dieri, The wlmlflewcr learning IWilulnty hlutb, The brook 1 cleaned from its ley hiuli, A Murmur tone lu the e.i unci hay, Aud JlMres April en her way. Oierlnnd Monthly, Who glvc te whom hath naught been given, His Bltt lu mid, though small Indeed As U the urasK blade's wind-blown aced, I luruv cu rurth nd rich hi Ueuyen. -WhttUtr, INTELLIGENCE!, SATUKDAY, MARCH 13, 1880. CniiklliiR en 1'lrnOaml. Xen v,nk Letter te rhltadi'lphla'l line My run Rings Is man or character and sisl sisl tien up in the iuteriei id New Yerk. He has banks ami is generally a man el allairs. lie Is a Stalwatt and also a warm friend or Mr. Cenk ling. He has been down here visiting the lawyer und statesman he admires and UlkMiureservislly or his Interview with the ex senator. ".Mr. Ceiikliug," says Mr. Hangs, takes the ground thai, In the present dlllerences between the president und the Senate, the legislative Insly will gei ueicaicu. .Mr. leukllug ilix lares tint Mr. Cleveland is a man el Iren will and grc.itdctcrmln itlen lu tact, u second Andrew Jvcksen in coinage. He thinks," se Mr. lungs mvs, "that net onlvtlie Senate, but the country lias underrated Mr. Cleveland's strength or character and Intellect." Mr. Hangs ropertM Mr. Ceukling assaying that in his Judgment the Senate cannot maintain its iHisitieti and must eveutuallv yield or be involved In a constant contreversv with the executive durlug the balance or; hi adminis tration. ( eusiderlng the relations or Hie two men, this Is regauled 11s authentic testimeuv as te Mr. Ceuklliig's position iijuin the inter esting ipiestleu new etuliug Uaween the leglslatlve and executive branches or the government. Vimple lliiiikltm spreihes. Washington Cem of .S . Herald. Having spent nearly nil el Snturd.u in the congressional g-dlery 1 vias surprised te read In the I!r en! en Su111l.1v that a member from Maryland "addressed the Heuse, and his remarks were teserved ter revision." In te-day's Issue of the same v eracieus and seu seu satieniil publication 1 mid nearly two pages of this sjH'ech that never was delivered (it theelllci.il records and memories of inaiiv members are credible), interspersed liber ally wltli the word "Applause." It Is .111 excellent address and has many re.il merits that are completely eclipsed by the fict tint it is n butikuuiMHHvh or the most objectionable ch trader, delivered by mail Instead or by word el mouth. It Is tltne te put en the brakes and deck this utipleisaut business Tins is net nil I knew en Uus subject. Only a lew days age 1 was In one el the. committee, rooms und si the manuscript of 11 speech about te be delivered, all In the congressman's li uul writing, through which the bracketed word "applause" was liberally sprinkled, much thou the life of .1 composi tor in the government printing ollice has seemed ene of the most humorous imaginable. The less of selt-resiei.t Is the bunkum congressman's, net the printer's. A.IK.W.MJ.S .I.VII MAITl:.AVF COST IK Hip lliltlj I lie l.iiira.ler County Ceiivlrls nl ttie Kistern iViiltrntl,ir Tlie county i-omiiitssieiiers te-ilay receivisl rrem the tnspocters or the Fasteru peulten tnryabill for the miintenauce of the cou ceu vn tssent te that Institution from this county, together with the amounts earned by the eeuvlits. Frem the statement It appears that tlieie are thirty-nve prisoners ceu fined thorn lrem this county, et which twenty did net earn anything. In the list of twenty are Fr.mklerd, Hurzard and the gang who were sent te that institution in December and who did net have an opportunity te earn any thing. Tlie cost te the county ter the mniii mniii tenance of prisoners ler a year is fJ.T.Tv). Tlie fellow mg statement Mnvs the amount earned bv the rem lining iiltoen cenv it ts Fowls sewers, J-Km);M. F. Hildebrand, si 16 ; Jere Diiugan, f li !l ; Charles l.un, JfltiOl ; ieorge Fekel, ?lu.s ; llenrv Yeung, Ji.10 ; Ch.ules li 'layler, fTli;" Charles Wise, JJkIe; Herman Helllnger, $l.M ; Jehn Welsh, rU I. "e , Oeorge Miller, SiM ; Fowls Parker, J.U ij . (.eorge Smith, te; Henry 1 isher, Me .is , Willi im I.msdale, ?ll.-s The tehil amount 1 hargeil te the ceitntv ler the maintenance of our prisoners lsjl, IAJ.75 and the credits for work dene by the con victs is fel9.Hi'., making the total cost te the county rer the tiiainUiineuce or the thirty thirty llve convicts during lsse, ?7s.t;e. Te this must be added fs. given te two or the con vict", whose term expired, Ter clothes. Kniey Ihepri-tnl smllliur hour, And put 11 out of fortune 8 pem r Ilryilcit. Vr Hull 1. H.iby syrup conquers mile at once, it is -ate and sure. Ti tt I'llci'enly ! ccnn Ur Hull's Iialttmeru J'Uls ulnajs relieve and cure hcadiclm, whether II comes Inun Indices Hener norveu"iiss. ltu thi.111. l'rtce i'nents. Ii s Ilerje Towder is without ft piei for did U uipcr, lesj or appititnuiiil gent ml debility DM! trill of st. .Iniebs Oil ler rheuuiitl4m ml convince von 01 marvelous peii era. SonielhliignewU Ua. IlAsus'Ieelliin Letien te bathe b.iblcs gums. It rellcv es all pain and Is harmless. Price, 25 cenu I'arents rtMiiemher liu II 1 mi's Coush iiml Croup Mediilne relieves lnilainnutien of the threut and tubesef the lungi and cures teiifh and cieup Or. Hind's medicines for sate at Cecman's drug store, la; and lJ-i V (Jueen street Price, H cents ml 1 mil Aw jtur.niieus. nu.ifiiex'.s skuici:s will m; L held in the fotlewfui? t.hlllt.hr's nn sunil .. n the morning at luse, in the ri iilnir at ; . Sunday m'Iioe! at 1 15 a V hell the hour Is Ullleu nt It issptilally nutid Christ :utukkan (Jurri 11- VV e.L kin? mIii i1 t. I. tied, inster. ServUs's at lit ) u. m ami ii.ip in. nuuiil stniHilal J p lu. t'Nies in.TUJL Klder I Price, pastor Plcaihiiig at ItlJe h. Ill, unit 7 IV p m. sub bath school at l 15 p lu diss mictiii' at t.K) p in. I'KKsnv-TKniAN Mbmehial LatRi ii, south (Juenn street, l'lc.iiliing iille Je a in and at 7 lip in I v the pni.ter Hpcclal services ever i veiling of Monday, Wednesday and S.ibbith, until Kastcr. biiuduy i-choel at l It n ui. Allure el come. liRACK l.rriiKRAK Cerner of North Omen Hnil .liimesHtn et. Kcv C hlvln Heiipl, pisier Services at 1U3U a. m. and 7 IS p m. Sunday school at 2 p in. Phkhiivteiuas Pienililiig in the morning by the pastor, Itev. Jus. V. Vlitchill.l) H, Ne cicnlnu sen HO ST I. ikk a ItEreRMtn Marietta Avenue, liev Win. y l.tchlltcr, iuter Dlvlnescrvlccut HMO a in and 7 13 p in. sumlaj siluxil nt J p in. Kv axiielii al Urst Chun h, (Ui nnani, North Water street, Itev IsMac llcs, pastor I'riuch ing at li) J)a. in lly Titus Hess. late of CreasHcli, and at 7 lVp. in. by itev. h. llntz, leruin pastor butiday schmjl at -p m. hT aiEiiiEs'a (Klp ) Liirniu iolleek CnArEL Itlvlne hervfeesat 10 JO a m beimen by l'ref 'I (i Apple, IM. " PlRMT ItKrORHEU ClIDRcii Kev J. .VI 'lltzel, I. II , pastor, hi rvlces te inerum at 10 30 a in. und 715p m. Hunday school lit 1 IV p in. her inen In the evening liy Itev K. K Illgbee, l).l bi Jehn's I.ctiiekvs Kev. "-jlvainis "tiul. pastor. Preaching in the iiieriilng mid i venlng bv the pastor, suniluy schiKjl ut 1 IV Culwnld MlhHleu school at ii. m sjta irte. All are Invited. UMTKD IlRKTIIIlKI IK CHRIST (CeVKVA NT) V f ht Oranee street, ImtHeeii ilulbcrrv audi harlotte stnets, (fennerlv kuenn as hah ml Itev .1 II Ir'unk, puter. Jlernlng subject "'iLe 1'iitei and hU I'cojile " Kvnnliig-"A Piepnet'i, lie lelsm " Sunday school at 1 IS p in St. Paul's ItKreKMEU. Itev ,1. li, shiiumlcer, 1) I) pastor, ."ervlces at lu jn a. ui. and 7 IS p. in bundnv school at 1 13 p in. Olivet UArTlST Cnriicii Y. M c A. Itoeinn. liev. il. i raj ne, pastor PrciLhlng at le-30 a. in and" IV p. in. Sunday school ut I IS p. in St Paul's il K C'liURin Itev. Geerge Caul, A. Jt pastor .Sunday school at 1.13 p. in. ; preach ing ut lu JO and 7 Je p. in. West JIibsiem SI. h. Chiijiel, coiner Charlette and l.emen sticets. Kcv w'. it Asprll, pastor. Punching 10-JOn in. and 7 13 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday school ut 1 n p. ui. Pnij or liic-etlng en Wednesday eveulujx, Mekayias J. Max Hulk, pastor 10U a. in, Litany and sermon : a p in .Sunday school ; 7 15 p. in., sermon by Ilcv. W ,1 Celeman, tccru tary .National Ituferui Association en "Christ the ltulerer .N-iillen," 'IitiKiTr Lutheran. Services te innnevv morn Ing, afterniKin and evening, at the iisiuct heui, (eiiducted by the pister, itev. Charles L fry Slid week Lenten services en Slemlayand Prl day evenings at J o'clock, uud Wednesday evo eve nlng ut 7 u. A special meeting of the Ijidies' Auxiliary V.SI.i A.. lll be held en Monday even in.' Jlurcli 15. iU7o'cleck. fa' i'lRST-VI. H. Cilc-licil-Itev. J T. Fatihell, lias ter. lutjea. iu., Hevluwer Paatenite 7 15pm, Parting Words; 1 a p in Sunday school. Pniyeruicetlng en Wednesday evening ut 7 30. 'Ihe Women's Tcinpuruncu Union will incut te-morrow afternoon ut a nuarter past i o'clock. In the African M.K church, en Ka.t btrawberry street. On Tuesday aflcrnenn ut3 o'tleck, the Union will mcetut Se. UI -North Prlnce street. WATVIltSK, SO. -lyATCHFS, CLOCKS, Ac. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, CHKAP reitCAbll l.iucasler VVutches ut Ihn lamest Pi Ices ev el elfuicd i being n stockholder enables me te sell these watches se cluuip. hlgln, iiltlmiu und oilier watches en sale, bpeitai Ics.Operulasses Ac. Ucpalriugoriheuljovo named urticlcs will Sicelvuiuy pirsuuul uttentieu. -Ve. 1MX North ijiieen St. .'opposite City letcl. (.Near Priut'ii It. ll Depot 1 WAm nt lur AUHOltA W Al Clf. GTOUAOK O aud , COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, UANIKL MAYKU aees-iya vye.v CbMtaat itreeU XK V A 11 VKK Tl 1KMKXT& j iicaij1)wi:i.i,a co. I. li. CALDWELL & CO. THK ri.Kcieis (!KMS The Diamond. The Ruby, The Sapphire, The Emerald. " Comprise such minerals ns combine either vivid or sett nuil nRreeuble colors, with iv Iiltth degree of lustre.ns well iva hard nees." SOMK SKSILFIIECIOI'S (JKMS. The Aquamariue, The Tourmaline, The Cat's Eye, The Jacinth, The Peridot, The Spinel, The Beryl, The Opal. " Theee possess the same characteristics ns the precious Gems lu ii less desroe, and occur often poml peml transparent or trims, lucent, ivnd in larger fonule's musses. I)(I2 CHESTNUT ST. Q.K HAl.Ls lui luidVt,W,A.,mi NEW CATALOGUE -AND- NEW PRICES. iMitl of dHxN Imm uiii Mciihiitt Ialleiinf !. -imrttuunt ; one oituetifti -Ip rtt nlieut Jl i r low tleu u an f.. line ut ril cut down tiem Ht V, II ami t-,, A full lint' el uvular .z':. ull wool, for Kv. Ne stock in the citv for quftllty, price anl inaiittml' Hke ours ioe eui Lvttat $J) bpriiiR Ovt rs.ick ) llie Custom Mttle "ulu ut Halt arc going iry lapul'y tome U'lt And of ttau Unss ltusltnrtaud fcer Ii Cults eiut) still remain 1ht Hiilf I'rltw Chlldrvn p i lethluc U liiurh reducinl vl lit jeu kiien heu tt n gene ( rinit at tbli n rltlNKO llie lllj? V.e ' faults ut i. in lull -azed The Kmu I'.uitut 75 coats And the Shirt UaUUat.rtcenta , full Mzes Thebntrlet Undernear the te tent enr-i aif gene. We Iiave nnother let of a flnei tuallty nt 75 cents. lhe W'amsuttrt bhlits nt 7) cenU the muill lze geno the large slzcji .ire at same irlce. We tukii another and higher grade and make the price 75 cents , veiy Mze. Mneu lellaru the half a dozen for 25 cent one? w can gte all di?cs. Cheviot and Tercale Shlrtfl at Half Trice At lliee sort of pilce-, whether a man Ii nun h or little, whttlier h" works eight et clgh t en hours a day, h g'tn the purchnslng jwwir et hU dell ir doubled or nlu.i4t se, if he mtue te Unk Hall nevs, WANAMAKER&BROWN, OAK HALL, Southeast Cerner Sixth ami Market, I'JIll.ADELlMIIA. Netk We hav en - wild a wurd about thy mwit stock el Trousers mid Suits tint tit In ntjust the rlRht pini'4 and am at the rich! jilai . V ou can luve jour clioite cltlicr In VV Intrr, Me dium or b print,' or Suiinmer vv rights. You're ut !ichiVii irti-re when jou're at SUth and Murkit stret'ts, ler iletbtiig. VAItttlAUKH. CTANbAHO I'AKKlAtli: WOItlv. Edw. Edgerley, CAEEIA&E BUILDER Market Streot, Rear of Poatefllco, Lunuaster, Pa. My stetk ceiiiprLtcH a larKO varii'tj" et llie Iitesl htv In IIiikkIe", riiu tens, Currl iii. Mar kct and Hmlni'ss IVuijens, vvlikli I etTur ut lliu very Ien est tlgiirvs and en tlie most leti.iuniible terms. I call spiilul atti'iitlen ten fw of my en n dii dii dii ulKiii.onuer vldihis tnu hlluKUI.hi CLOsKl) I'll!-IC1A.N- tOL'I'K, vihlih U iln Iduilly the ne.ili'st, lightest and meat comiilete l'hyli.lan'ii Carrlnge In tlir leuntry. 1'urnens wishing te buy a hchmI, honest and BiilntantUl ttrtlilii, Hheuld bear In mind that they taku no risk In Imvliin my work. Kvery Caulaen turneil out In eiKhti!n je.in a geed one that U the kind of ttuaninteu I have te offer the public All work telly viiirrantcd. l'lrase give men mil UKl'AIISI.NU l'KOMl'II.V ATTENDKll 'I O One Bel of work mun eapiUilly euipleji'd lui thattmrpese, F hl.N.N A liHUNKMAN. HEADQUARTERS -l-OH BABY CARRIAGES Prices Away Down. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Flinn&Brenemaii 152 X0KT1I QUEEX ST., LANCAbTKK. l'A R OTK IM MAKING OABINBT PHOTOGRAPHS AT tfXO A DOI11T, AT NO. 103 NUUTU QUEKN BTBKKT, luUUd i.mcaiur, r. mir y-Ai.i, PAPFit if.paht.mi:nt. HAGER& BROTHER. Will Ptiper KuU Hiieh el' choice I'attertia in all KMule0 of Pnper Hatmlns und OellitiK DocenitloiiB. New Brown anil Whlte Ulanke, Plata, Satlne, Waahable Oakn, Silk Finlalied QoeiIh, ote. In iidditlen te eompleto nBeorttnenta or Staple aoeda, we ure olTeriiiK a upeelai line or Kine Panore, In Froace and Stonell olTecte-iu Qronnded Papera and Uronaea , aleo nand Prints, Boaten Felta, aud a varlety or Noveltios in Ueavy Propwed Papem, WncniBta Walten, ote Frlozea and Doceratlona oapeotally attruotive. Particular attontlen slven te Doceratlvo Werk, IticludiiiK TlntliiK or Cornices, Contre Ploeoa, ote. All work promptly dene by Flrst-Olaes Paper IlatiKore, conipetont te oxo exo oxe cuto all olaeaeB or Werk. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. ti:xt hook te thi: cemiT lieuhii FAHNESTOCK'S. New Open Large Stock of Sheetings. MllllT.NlJH AM. 1MM.OVV CASK MUSI I.N? In all IK.mbl Vlak.is AU... 1 H h INliS A.M. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOH TO THB COURT e .Mll'ETh 1 HOM A I'd ION. METZGER & 1IAVK.SOVV Ol'KM.DA I.AHUK INGRAIN, RAG, HALL IIOII.IIT AT AUCTION r OIL t AHII CAUI'KIS, tAUI'hls t A It I' fcl- lAUI'l.Ts I VltrKTh C VHl'Krs It 10 Lt'llU. at UljCci.tjl. al -sj I enN nt m I fills. Hi 10 C.-llt.. uttjj tl-llts. Fleer, Stair and Table Oil Cleths, Cheap. Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere. 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. W Uetwwm the Coeiier Heuse and Serrel llorse llotel. 1.1FK 1XSUHAXCF. VUSlFAfir. T IKE 1NSUKANCK COMPANY, WHEN SOLICITED TO INSURE REMEMUEIi THAT ie Mutual Lifts liisiiraniis OeiiiKiny of" New Yerk RICHARD A. McOURDY, PRESIDENT, In entlllud te jour t .'srcoiisld.-ratien. hIiice It IhiUIs th FOItt: lO.S T iilntii anienx lhe l.lln In- riixru:! $xis!?mi 8,,i,t",,r -- '- i.t... xr .,, u CASH ASSETS, .hesV'lnilVr!,' ,U ""Ktr """" lt"""8 ""'""K U lKffiSrSl:l,', U"y ,MU "' "" l""ata- ,u nal" " "M'-ii-'. te lie. ,,H It nrltiNtIiuliiipri-iit andiiiestcniiiiiH-hriislvtirniiiiiir InsMmiir.i Diulnut rvi'r lunucd and the only ene llm tarnlihva AH&UI.VTK IXSVKASCK FIMU TUK HtHtltUO. KOIt rUll'lllhi: IM-DltifATfO.V Al'l'I.V. TO Rebert Helmes, District Agent, 230 N. btb STREET, READING, Or 00 N. DUKE STREET, LANCASTER. JIATM, VAF.1, .IV. TJKAUTIl'TI, ! NKWI ATl'HACTIVi:! All tlie .Novelties nf the Season ler VOU.NU JIKN A biitcliilty inade olalltliel.oailliiSiiliil Htjlt-H In STIFF AND SOFT HATS ! . J:xTu. 1U(i,"T .W'KIUHT STIFF IIA1H, the production of VVILCO A CO , tlie Lnuleu et IIOHtnn. linl) 11I.1C11 1 111 tlie. tlly thuycin he had (Quality nnsiirpiiHhedand KtyU-HtliaiinvvcHt. Aj.fc '.r.JI1!'. .f!.u ALO'N "AT," nil rntlle iibw thliii; for jeunn ini'ii. A full linn of l'l.AIN AMI AJIISII II AIM, 0111 cm 11 niiikv, nt iirliOK lower than nvrr. ChllUrun'N Snilnir floods. In ne andar. tljticdfblgn?, at Levvist ITKcs. CI.01II HATS JTOTt 11K.V OU HOKS.Jic, Sic ,75c. and 1 U). Robes, Fur GIOYes, Seal Caps and Far Trimmings, W. D. STAUFFER Si CO., Neg. 31 nml 33 North queen St., Limi-iister, Pa. IIUVBF.FUHXIHUIXU UUUDH. S! IIIRK'B OARPET HALL. CARPETS ! KKOl'KfUNU Ur SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new pieparcd te show thu trade the JJirgeet and Ileat 8etcttd I.Ihh of CanmU Ter . hlWU'dln thi city.' W1I.TONB, VK1.VKT8. all the Trading Maic.,Vc.f I 011Y PANUTAl"tt8ruV HIIUHSKLB. TllllfcK.l'I.Y, AllVenl and Cotten Chain K I ItX HUl'hUH inil ill miallilifi ej IN. OUAINCAltl'Kl, HAMASKand VKNKTIA.N UAKl'Kl'S. It.Ul ana 'eiIAIN cTKl'fcTSef eiYr own uiaiiu(iictiirea8liui.lftllty. Smiclal Atlonllen paid te the Mannfacture of CUSTOM CAlll'KTk Alies rull UneoterXfJUlfllS. AuOS, WI.Nl)OtsilAl)KS,COVKulET8?A&;: AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Oer. West King and Water St., Lancaster, Fn. (mkiiiv. Deptrrtniejit HOUSE, LANCASTER, PENN'A. HAUGHMAN AMI II AMIsOMb V AUIK1 V OK AND STAIR CARPETS, AMI! O UK SOI I) tllK A V t Olt t ASH. I I VIU'KTS t Altl'KIS I t Altfhls I i AKI'KTS I Altl'KIS j LAItl'KTS l IV O'llU at J5 CiMits. t ( ruin at "i Irnls. at TV I tMili. atKi Cl'ilU. $108,908,967. CARPETS ! Ib2ma4w