lfi W4&'"?"- ?rvj5$ tW . .?'i AT "iJ Kftr-u THE LANCASTER DAILY INTBLLIGBNOBR, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 188G. K FRUIT LIST FPU 188G. Frem the Oeroinntewn Telegraph. Our reguliirlv published lint In always titore or Iem (nightly rliaiiROil, for numdent rtmaens, olther In taking from or aildlnR te It i lull In regaril le the Hat a wliole we can aoe no liint R ret i ml n for (llaturliltiK Hi though we de net hoaltate te de no wlionevor tliore are new llilng alrengly recommenced te ua anil MiRtnlnctl liy llielxwl authority. Indeed, we de net bee hew It can U linproved for thh Koctlen el the country, or m n general lint for all the Mltlille Htatftn Anil this In the opinion of n number of fnilt-rnlseni whnhave criticised It, or from whom we have heard. Heme of PRi'ti of the souuate nnlerllenii may net de well upon Olie premises that will UC UC cced Hilmlrnlily en another, oten If aniitrntel by only n rIiirIe farm or a llne-lenre. Hence, each grower mint find out ferhtmaelf the particular nppleM, pear, Ac, especially adapted te hi anil and location. Thlicnn be ehsIIj' dene by Inquiries; of thorn who within n rpaxennlila circuit are mircewiftil fruit grower nml wlioaeaolt Is aomewlml similar te his own. According te our present proferenco, wa hIiduUI aelect the following for our own ptautliig. nearly all of which we have grown mere Or lens auoeoHSfully : ntanhaiuj rKxns. 1. Olllard; a Doyenno d'Etej 3. Early Catharines I. llloedgood: 5. Hummer Jull Jull Jull otine; Ik Tyson j 7.1trandywlnet 8. Hartlett: ll Helle Lucrative: 10. Manning Elizabeth ; II. Hoekel: la Howellj 13. Anleu; 11. Shelden; IB. Lawrence: in. UeadlngjlT. ICIntrur. ,. , Fur thew who may deslre a small number, we aheiild Helect: I. Olllard; 2. Knily Catharine: 3. ItloedRnnd ; 4. Ty son : H llarl lett; i!. Helle Lucrative; 7, Henkel : 8. Meckel; I). Lawroncej 10. Hewling; 11. K Idler. Tliey rlpen In nbouUhe erder they are arranged, except as te thrce Utter. Law. roneo, which begins le ripen, or can b mnde te ripen, early In Nnvomber, will keep until April with care, it being the only winter ear which with us koepa beyend February. In the abe e Hal, from Na I te 8 are sum mer varletlcs ; lrem t te 14 autumn (early ami late ;) and IS, 10 and 17 winter, thus af fording a sulllclontnumber for each of the jmrleda of the lRt known sorts for this re gion. It will be seen that we have added te our llntef standard pears the llenkel. It Is orrect In form, atove medium slre, an early and profime bearer, and geed In iiiailty. Ohie Introduceil it will net be abandoned. IIWAIIP I'BAItx. 1. SU Michael d'ArchangOi 2. Hartlett;3. Conilce; I. Dleli 0. Tyseu : C. Holle Lucra tive: 7. Ijjwrence; a Oil: U, LouIhe llenne; la lles.-; II. llouHseck; lidleut Morceaii. We have dropped the lleatlexer as net llng generally sulllciently productive. AI'I'I.KS. I. Maldeu'x lllush i a llaldwlu; X Hinokelieuiw ; 4. Northern Hpyi fi. Hmlth's I'liler; 0. l'allawaterj 7. Cernell's Fancy; 8. Red Astrerhan ; ft Wagener; 10. l'orter ; 11. (iravetiHteln : la Tempkln'H King; 13. llexbury HiisseL 1'KACIIK.t. J. Crawford's Italy : a Hale's 1-taly; X Troth's Karlv: I. Old Mlxen; 5. Crawford's l.ate; 6. Want's IjiIe; 7. Hilleck's Late; 8. Admlrable, Late. IJUI.NI'K. There are net oral varieties of the quince, te wit: Orange, Champien, Ilea's Mammoth and half a dozen ethors ; but we can safely rocom recom rocem inonil only the Orange ltlsthoeno almost universally grown ler market, and Is all that any ene can desire. We have uniformly raised splendid crops of It, en.ri:s 1. Telegraph ; a Concord ; X Hartferd ; 4. Clinten; &. Salem; a Hegers' Ne. 32; 7. Ilrlghten ; 8. l'rentlss ; ft l'ockllngten ; 10 ('reveling. The I'rentirts Is, se far, the best of all while & rapes. The l'ockllngten and Ilrlghten the est out-deer varloties. Clinten Is expressly for wine. Fer n fower varieties ter family use we should select the five last named In the list, It will Isjsten that we have restered the ("reveling. It Is tee geed a grape te be ignored. CIIKKItlKS. 1. May Illgarreau; 2. Helle de Chelsy; X Illack Tartarian; 4. lllack ltajle; 5. Illuck Hawk ; 0. Klten ; 7. Downer'aI.atu;K. Karly llichmend : P. Karly I'urploUuigne; 10. Dei. Itlecdlng Heart The ripoulngertholist will ramtefrem the earliest te the latest, thus carrying one through the whele cherry season. Ne ene imii go amiss In adopting this list, as It cm cm net be surpasaed. IIASI'IIKIIUIKS. 1. llornet; 2. Ilerstine; 3. llrandywlne; I. Cuthbert. The " Cuthbert," a new variety, possesses all Iho evldonceef belng a raspberry of do de elded merit It Is or geed sUe, excollent nualitv. the caue n streui: urewer. abundant liearer and perfectly hardy without protec tion, though we have always contended that notwithstanding hew hardy a variety may Ixi, it is mero productlve and the fruit of lluer slre by being pruned in the Tall and laid down ami cevered through the winter. KTKAWHEIiniKS. 1. Captain Jack; 2. Helli Heyden; X Hharplens ; 4. James Vlck. New kinds of strnwberries are constantly appearing, and we could nanie half a dozen but thus far we knew of no Improvement en the foregoing, which. It will be seen, in cludes the "James Vlck," a variety of a sin sin gle plant which was found beslde an old bam near Hedalla, Ma, by Judge Hamuel Miller, who, in asomewhat slmllir way, dis covered a slngle plant of the famous straw berry, " Captain Jack," and from a slngle ene enough has been propagated te supply all the great demands for them. These are geed enough until better turn up, which we shall net le slew In announcing. CUmtANTH. 1. lied Dutch; 2. Red Cherry; X Hed Versailles; I. White (Irape; fi. Illack Na ples. noesr.nuuiiiKs. 1. Houghten ; 2. Downing. These are the two best goesoborrios grown In this country for general use, selaras we knew. They bear oveiy year heavy crops, are froe from mildew, are el excellent quality, and are large enough for all practi cal purposes. ULAOKIIUniUKS. 1. New Kechelle; 2, Missouri Cluster; X Wilsen's Italy ; 4. Hnyder. It is better that these who Intend te culti vate fruit and have tomakepurchases,should take this list with them te the nursery, and adhere te It as far as possible, except In spe cial cases In which thelr own Individual . wishes may be better satisfied. In selecting fruit troes. or any ethors, be careful te cheese theso with smooth, healthy looking bark, have ontlrely shed their leaves, and have plenty or small flbreus roots. Trees en which the leaves remain after frost sets In, and stick te the brauches In the spring, may be regarded as net healthy, and In some way lacking stamina. A l'r Net te lis Ashamed or. Krem the AltoenaTlmoa. The Lancaster Intelmeiincku felicitates Itselt en the fact that Saturday's lssue of that patxtr is ene net te be ashamed el. It would bother a Philadelphia lawyer, te say nothing of the rest or mankind, te find any lssue of the lNTKM.iailNCKU which as a whele Its able editors have any reason te be ashamed or. Why, then, particularize? m IN MEMOIUAM. OXOtlUE II. M't'LKIXAN, Anether neble soul from us has geno Uoyendourstonnandatrirej , The strenuous battle dene, the victory wen. Inte a larger life. Ours Is the less, the aching void, the pain, Who stay behind him here ; Ills Is the vast reward, the place, the gain, Heycnd this mortal sphere A grand, pure life he lived; nothing of mean ur low no ineugni or aid. In his large nature, epen and serene, Ne envious thought he hid. Duty his captain was, through life's stem fight; Its sole command be knew. Neught for himself he craved, but all for Itlght ; A soldier brave and true. Amid detraction and cold pntUe and blame, Silent be held his way, Hccure that J ustlce, slew howu'er it came, At last Its word would say. He it then, brave soldier! Heat In peace, dear friend, This world's reward Is neught Theu bast Ued's password I Faithful te the end In word and act and thought, ,,!. -W.W.Hterv, Netk. Ile utinplclnn of nnrnens whoreconv nnnil iinvnltiA, BHIillA HI 'lllat. II ITnnrt." Iltlll tnend liny ether artlcle ni 'Just at Koe(1,"nnil take nothing elaebiit lr. Hull's Cough Syrup. A party paid ten dollars for a lienra at an auc tien sale. The home was; lame and hmlsrdall evsr. A bottlnerHalvatlnn Otl.cestlngtA rents, was med i be Is new valued at two hundred dol lars, Oca Mary Ann was cured of ceiikIi by lied Star Cough Cure. Only aquarlar. .Ne opiates. Something new I l)a.lUiiraTecthhiK lotion te hatha bablrsKUins. It relieves all paluand Is harmless. Price. SS cents. Parents remember Ha. IIasd's Cough mid Croup Medicine relieves Inflammation et the threat and tubes of the Itincs and cures rough and croup. I'llce, llccntn. niMimlAw Venr friends Will Never Tell Yen, lint perhaps somebody, who Isn't your friend, will, that ynnrnrrsence Is rendered offensive ' the foul, fetid smell or your breath, Kvery word you utter though It he the very echo of wisdom and poetry, disgusts your hoarers, and your laugh Is productlve or anything but mirth te them. It Is a duty you oe, net only te your yeur seir, hut le society te remove this ciiiise of offense. Ir. Hsge's Catarrh llomedy will heat the diseased mucous memhrnne, will bring re lief te yourself and ethors. De net besllate te empleylt. marS-M.ThAw m .1. V. HloRBis.caHhlerof theUlrard Heuse, I'hli ndelphla, l'a., wiltes, November S7, 18SI! "Kir the past twelve years I !no been a sufferer with what Is known te the medlcid profession a.s lumbago. Having been recommended, about llve years age, te try Allcock's l'oreus Plasters, 1 did se, and was mero than astonished at the reiult. I round almost Instant rollef enthulr application. 1 wear ene constantly new, and would net be without them. 1 consider them Invaluable." nmrl'Mw Physicians Haw found Oat That a centamlsatlng and foreign element In the bleed, developed by Indigestion, la the cause or rheumatism. This settles upon the sensitive sub-cutaneeus covering of tbu muscles and llga incuts or the Joints, causing constant and shin ing pain, and aggregating as a calcaieniis, chalkey deposit which produces stillness and distortion of the Joints. Ne fuel, which oxporl exporl oxperl coco has demonstrated In regard te llestf tier's Htemach Hitters, has stronger evidence te sup port titan this, namely, that this medicine or cemprehenstxe uses checks the formidable and stiocleus disease, nor Is It less positively estab llshed that It Is prcforahle te the poisons often used te arrest It, slnce the medicine contains only salutary Ingredients. It Is also a signal remedy fur malarial rotors, constipation dya pepsls, kidney and bladder aliments, dehtllty and ether dl'orders. Sce that you get the gen uine mart-12 BVKVIAL NOTICES. Curious te tlilnk that desks and chairs LIU pee pie, hut they de. Taken In large tu.intlt!ca omce furniture Is ratal as yellew fever. We sit and write onrselvcs away. Sedentary habits preduce constipation; that begets dspcpsla, rheuiimtlsin ami kidney trnnlile rollew In Hull train and death ends the chapter. Yeu whoe lives tiasscd ever desks and In the cim lined air of ofllce snuglil te keep Dr. Kennedy's " fa vorite Itcmcdy "always cm hand ler the stemnrh and liraln uiarlO-lmeedAw A Keinarkatile (IimhI Alan Is he who attends te the comfort or his family and will net let his little ones suffer ulthnnYu tldii of the Threat and l.ungs, whereliy their llM'smnv le endangered, Uul who should at all limes give them I ha I anveielgn remedy, Kemp's llalsam. Prlre M cents and II. IVlai tiieJrce. Fer wile by II. IS. Cochran, druggist, 137 .North (jueen street. (I) RIIII.OU'S COUdll and Consumption Cure Is sold by us en a guamntee. U cures Consump tion, rorsale by ll.lt. Cochran, DruggWt, Ne. 1XJ North Queen street. Wll.l. YOU HUirrKIl with Ityspepshi and Mver Complaint T Hhlleh's Vital l7.cr Is guaran teed locum you. Ker silo by II. It. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1J7 North (jneen street. rorhime back, side or chest, use Shllch's Por Per ous Planter. Price is cents, rer sain by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 1JU North Queen sticet. The Mystery Kelred. It has always been understood that conauuip cenauuip conauuip tlen as tncunilile, but It has recently been discovered that Kemp's llalsam for the Threat and bungs Is glvlngmere relief than any known minedy It Is niiamnteed le relieve and cum Asthma, llrenchltls and Cenghs. Ciillenll.lt. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 North Queen street, andgctiilrhilbottlefrioor cost. Jjirgc elsutKi cents and f 1. (I) CATAllllll ClMtKH. health and sweet breath secured, by Mhlleh's Catarrh liemedy. Prlce M) cents. Naal Injector Iree. Ker sole by II. It. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. lUNeith Queen struct. THAT IIACKINO COUdll can be se Quickly cured by Shlleh's Cure. We guarantee It. Per aile by II, It. Cechnm, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. liuBVCOMrLAisTS with which se many Buf fer which neglected, means an untimely grave Is positively cured by the timely use or Dan delion Hitters. Why hesitate te grasp the op portunity, hlle It Is yet te receive the bencllt or this wonderful remedy. Prlce $UO. by all druggists. rcba-3mTu,Th,8 SUII.OIl'S CCKK will Immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and llrenchltls. Ker sale by II. 11. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 North Queen street. Pain and I) rem I attend the use or most ca tarrh remedies. Liquids and snuffs are tin rileasaut, as well as dangerous. Kly's Cream Inlm Is safe, pleasant, easily applied with the nnger, aim u sure cure, u cihhusu-, uiu iiukui passages and heals Iho Intlumed membrane giv ing relief from the first application, hue I was a great sufferer lrem catarrh. Sly nos trils were sensitive te dusts at times the bleed would run, aud at times 1 could baldly breathe. 1 used Kly's Cream Halm. Te-day I am n living witness nt Its etltcacy Puter llruce, farmer, Ithaca, N. X. ml'Jwdeed.tw Coleks's Liquid Heur Tonic Is endorsed by physicians. Alk or Celilcn'i; lake no ether. Of Druggists. ms-lwdoedAw CKOUP, WHOOPINO COUUH and llrenchltls Immediately relieved by bhlleh s (,'uru. (or sale by II. U. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. WJ -North Queen Blmut. Aiimomtien! Cute )nur cough thoreiu'hly with Hale's Heney or llnralieund and Tar. Pike's Toethachu Dreps curulu one minute. ml-SwdefKlAw AGKKAT D1SCOVKUY. The greatest discovery or the nineteenth cen tury Is Dr. Islle's Mneclal Prescrlntlnii for sick headache, w l.lch ts the discovery of nu emlneut physician and used by him for ever thirty years before giving it te the public, and It stands to day without a rival. Head udveitliement In another column. Nervous Debilitated Men Yeu aroallewod a fret trial of thirty dViyi of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic llelt with Klectrlc Suspensery Appliances, for the speedy roller and permanent euro or Nervous Debtllty. less of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse, rer many ether dlseases. Com plete restoration te health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ne risk la Incurred, lllustrated pamphlet, with full Information, terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Voltaic Jtelt Ce., Mar shall, Mich. IUsdilien llver pellets are net Intended as a pnrgattve pill, but by their gentle action stim ulate the liver, lemevlng nil torpidity and re storing the same te healthy action, Prlce, 23 cents. Hy all druggists. fubs.3mTn,ThS Haeklen's Arnica Halve, The Best 8alve In the world rer Cuts, Uralses, Seres, Ulcers, ralt Hheum, Fever Seres, Tctbjr. Chapped Hands, chtlbalns. Hums and all Skin JCruptlens, positively cures Plies, or nepay re quired. It Is guaraulued toglvoperfectsatlsfac teglvoperfectsatlsfac toglveperfectsatlsfac tlon, or money refunded. Price SS cents per box. for sale bv Cochran, the Druggist, 1.17 and 139 tster.Pa, TTbAS(i) North Queeu street, l-anotwter, An P.nd te Hene Scrap! ne. Kdward Bhepherd, or Hariisburg, 111 , gays t "Havlug reeelved se mnchbeuelltfreui Klectrlc Hitters, 1 foci It my duty te let suffering human ity knew It. Have had a running sere en my lex for eight years; my doctors told me I would have te have the bone scraped or leg amputated. 1 lined, Instead, three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven boxes Huckleu's Arnica Halve, and my leg Is new sound aud well." Kleclrle llltteis am sold at fifty cents a lietlle, and lliicklcn's Arnica Halve at eta. per box by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and IS) North Queen Street, I.anl caster, Pu. TThAS(5) " A BUrUlng Discovery. Mr. Win, Jehnsen, el Huren Duk., wrltca that his wlfu had been troubled wltbucute llrenchltls ter many years, and thai all leinedlea tried gave no permanent relief, until he procured a bettle or Dr. Klng'i New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, which had magical elleel, and procured npermanentriire. Ills guaranteed te euro all Diseases or Threat, l.ungs, or Uren chlal Tubes. Trial Het ties 'iee at Cochran's Drug Stere, IS7 and 1SI North Queen Street, Lan caster, Pa. Large size ii.ua. TTh&se) TVXNITVltE, H0F OFFMEIER'S, CHAMBER. SUITS ! I.AIU1EST STOCK, J.ATK8T NTYT.KS, I.OWXSV V1UCKS, At HOFFMEIER'S, NO. 20 KAST KINU BTHKKT. ?"RepalriDK carefully and promptly made.-V MKOIOAU YOU CAN'T 11KAT T1IKM, ' HOP PLASTERS. Itecanse pesaessed of rreeh and active medlcl nal agents rer the cure or pain and disease, A wonderful strengthening porous plaster, made from Heps, burgundy Pitch ana Canada JlaU sain. Apply one te Haekache, Crtek, Kidney Troubles, tTtltrhes, Sciatica, Kheumatlsm, Sere Chest or pain In any part. Acts Instantly always soethcs-siulew nervousness ready te SSVW' ,,,",,B, iiWll&lZ'aM Proprietors, Bosten, Masa. nevlllyd 11 or i'IjAhtriih. HOW IS YOU II HACK? What Is the use or suffering with Haekache, Pain In the Hide or lllp, Hrlatlra, Itheumatllsm, Kidney Ulscuses, Crick, Stitches. Swollen and Tried Muscles, Chest and Lung Troubles, or any snrlefp'ilu or seieni'ss, either locater deep, seated, when a Hep Plaster will give Instant re lief T Prepared fiem Iliirguiidy Pitch, Canada Halsum and the imtn killing virtues el Heps, The best strengthening plaster ever known. Thousands sayse. Held by all dealers. Mailed en receipt or price, Km , rt for 11.00. (1) HOP PI.ASTKH CO., Hosten, Maas. HOI' riiASTKltS. DON'T UK 8WINDI.KD Hybiiylngsemethlng you knew nothing about. We guarantee the HOP PHASTKU the beat ever known. The virtues or fresh Heps, Burgundy Pitch and Canada llalsam combined, make this plaster highly medicinal and active rer the cum or pains, aches, soreness, cramps, stitches, crick and local weakness. Drives out pain smoothes the parts and strengthens. Sold by druggtsts and dealers, r.c, 6 rer 11.00. HOP PI.AHTKK COMPANY, Hosten, Mass. Mailed forprlce. (3) A FTKIt ALI, OTMEItf FAIL, CONHUIT DR. LOBB, jaNOKTII KirTRENTII HTHEBT, (llelew Cal- lewhlll Street, Philadelphia.) 20 YKAUS' KXl'LUIENCK. Hiiarantcedteeure the altllrted and unrertiinate with Purely Vege table Medicines. Heek en special dlseases free ; send for IL Advlcofrce and strictly confiden tial, omce hours, II n. in. te 2 p. in., 7 p. m. te 10 p. in. Treatment by Mall. lnl-lydAw niVK Lechcr's Renowned Cough Syrup OA': TIITA1., AND YOU WILL NKVKK UK WITHOUT IT IN iOUIt 1IUU8K. It will Uellevn the Worst Cose or Coughing by only taking one dose. We (luaraiitue It teglvu you Satisfaction, or money Kerunded. THYlTAXn UK COSVlNCKli. Prlce, Si and Wicents per llotlle. Manntoctured by CHAS. A. J.OCHKU, Druggist, Ne. V East King street. ZIORN KKMOVElt. VICTORIA CORN REMOVER. Warranted te eradicate completely and In a short time, the most obdurate corns, hard or sort, without pain. Sold by (lee. W. Hull, Chas. A. Loeher, Jehn H. Kauffman, Dr. Win, Worm Werm ley, and at HKCIITOl.D'S llltire STOKK, dcclWyd Ne. 401 West Orange.SU GKAY'H HFKOIKIO MKD1C1NK. The (I rent Kngllsh ltemedy. An unfailing enre rer lmpetency and all Diseases that fellow less of Memery, universal Lassitude, Pain In the Hack, Dimness or Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Premature Urave, Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we dc dc stre te send froe by mall te every one. This Spe cific medicine Is sold by all druggists at It per package, or six packages rer l or will be sent froe by mall en receipt of the mi uey, by ad. dressing the agent, 11. H. COCHttAN, Drugglt.iole Agent, Nes. 137 and 13J North Que:, street, Lancaster, Pa. On account et counterfoils, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper : Uie only genuine. T1IK. OltAY MKIJICINK CO., Uuffale. N. Y. e ATA KIIII-IIA Y-FEV EH. ELY'S CREAM BALM IS WORTH $1,000 re asy mas, we. r as en vim. n, HUKPHKINO KltOM CATARRH. A. K. NHWM AN, O ruling, Mich. A particle Is applied te each unatill and 1 agreeuble te use. l'rlcn -V) cunts by mall er at druggists. Send rer circular. ELY HIIOTHKUS, DrucglsU, Owcge, N. Y. lulyiJlyeedAlvw SAKE, HOllE AND SPEEDY CORE. llDi-rur.i, Varioeubi.ii and Si-acuL Disbabss, Why be humbugged by quarks, when you can and In Dr. Wright the only llsou llseu lab Phvsiciax In Philadelphia who makes a specialty or the above diseases and uurks thorn t CineMflUAKAMTSED. Advics raxs.day and even ing, strangers can be treated and return home the same day. Olhces private. Dlt. W. II. WllIGHT, Ne. Ill North Ninth street, above Koce, P. O. Hex 671 Phil adelphls, lanit-lydAw ajtecEBiea. HHUl (IK.VDE C0l-TEI. Pine Jala und Arabian Mecha, rich, fra grant and full bodied. Our Java Mended Coilee is a success at i'i cents er pound. Finest Plan tation Kle only Ski ; very geed Hlo at I.V., and a Coffee for evnrytwdy at UJc, ier pound. er)' popular. All that tiy llcoine again. Our sales are Increasing dally Please send us a trial order. OEO. WIANT, aug-JO-lvd Ne. 113 West KIngSlreeu c HEAP I'AMII.Y OHOCEKY. " f.fir nnf te rat. liui nil iedic." Anew and selccted assortment of Hosten, Oat meal, Monitor, (linger, 1'tetr.el, lllue Point oyster, Kuiiillynnd Water Crackers, Seda, Coffpe, Tea, Nlc-Nucs, 1-euinn, Ludy's Kingers, Midgets, KIlleNuts. Coce.1, Penn, Vanilla, und Milk Ills cults: Crystal, Uraliam and (itnger Wafers, Alse a large quantltyef t'lneSMOKKDSAI.MON, Halibut, Heuelcss t'edltsh, Itusslan Hal dines, Kvtra Ne. 1 Mackerel, Kine Mackerel 3 for 5c , Soused Mackerel, Salmen, Lobsters, nnd lleyers Oysters, Helland, Portland ami Scotch Herring and llleutcrs. The Beat Ohoesoa in the City. Celvln's Pure Yerk County buckwheat, and a mil line or Fiesh Grecerlesat CHARLES MAONAY'S (heice Family Grocery and Cbetse Emporium, 111 and 1I7NOKTII QUKHNhTKEKT, Lancaster, Pa. Oneds dellvered Iree te all parts nt the city uud environs. Telephone Connection. II timid , T BUKSK'H. APPLES ! APPLES ! ThoApple Depot. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Apples by Iho (Uriel, by the llushel, by the Peck or Hall-Perk. Dried Peaches, I pounds ferKc. Dried Apples, 4 pounds ter 2.1c. New Turkish Pi lines, 4 pounds rer 23e. Valencia ICaUtns, 4 pounds fer2.V. Smoked Halibut, 2 pounds for '.?(. Smoked Herring, 15c. per Dezen. Just received a rreflh let el SCIIt'MACIIRlt'3 AKItON OATMhAL, AVK.NA, FAItlNA and UUANIII.ATHDCOHNMKAL. A lull line of all kinds nt (iiocetlcs. BURSKS, NO. 17 &AST KL1NG STREE3T. LANCA8TKU, PA. JLANK HOOKS. Jehn Baer's Sens Invite examination of their BLANK BOOKS! In atleualJ rudts el DAY 1100 KS, JOUKNA1.S, l.KDtiKKI, CASH I100K8, COPYING HOOKS . PHKSSK3. IN VOICK HOOKS, TIMK HOOKS, MKMOIIAXDUMS, PASSHOIIKS, PKTTY ACCOUNT 1IOOKH, .te , AT Till SIGN OFTHE BOOK, 15 and 17 North Queen. Streot. alOIlACCO CU'ITINOH, S0RAP8, Sil' . ING8 AND PACKEUS WASTE, Dry anl Clean, bought for cash, .1.8. JIOLINH, Ne. ITS Pearl Street. New Yerk. Helprence i'red. Bchutte, Ne. 213 Pearl street. New Yerk, joen-lyd CAMMIAUKB. TJAIiy CARRIAaEH. ' HKADIJUAIITKIIS roll BABY CARRjAGES. LATEST STYLES, LARGEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES. W. D. Sprecher 8c Sen, NO. Ol BAST KINO STREET, LA.NCASTKII, PA. feliltl 2md OTANDAUD OAltUIAdE WORK. Edw. Edgerley. CAREIAGE BUHDBE Market Btreet, Hear of Postefflco, Lanoaater, Fa. My stock comprises n large variety or the Latest Style Unggles, Phwtens, Carriages, Mar. ketand Huslness Wagons, which I offer at the very lowest figures and en the most reasonable terms. 1 call special attention te a row or my own do de signs, one or which Is the KDGKUI.KYCLOSKD PHYSICIAN COUPK, which Is decidedly the neatest, lightest and meat complete Physician's Carriage In the country. Persena wishing te buy a geed, honest nnd substantial article, should bear In mind that they take no risk In buying my work. Kvery Carriage turned nut In utghtenn years a geed ene that Is the kind or guarantee I have te offer the public. All work lully warranted. Please give me a call. KKPAIIIINO PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especUlly employed ter that purpose. F I.INN A IHir.NF.MAN. HEADQUARTERS -reu IMY CARRIAGES Prices Away Down. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Flinn&Brenemaii 152 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTKIt, PA Ul.AHSWAUH. XTIOH A MA11TIN. GHKUP A Few Facts. Housekeepers in selecting vares for your tables, etc., especially these just buying new outfits, it is important that you select the best in the market. Hew einbarrassing te a lady, especially if she has table priilc, and what lady should net have, te find that her ware is all full of small cracks, and that grease has penetrated nnd made it leek black and ugly. A cause and a remedy. All semi porcelain or granite ware in its biscuit state is poietis. It is then covered with natural or artificial glass te prevent its penetration by liquids. This is termed gla7ing. The glare must vary as it must fuse or melt according te the ware upon which it is placed. It must also dilate or contract! n pro portion te the biscuit or else it will crack or crae and produce the above result. Unequal or insutllcient firing or burn ing mayfand will sometimes produce the same results. Yeu may, and will no doubt ask, " Hew then can you tell whether you are getting a geed niticle'r"' Simply nnd only by buying theso makes which experience has taught dealers te recom mend as the best and take their guar antee. Such makes you can find nnd such guarantee you can get by calling at 15 EAST KING STREET, HANCABTKH, PA. JJKr UVUD9. A JOlll.OTOK LADIES' LINEN OOLLAItS At 5 Cents apiece, A New Het of CIUNIil.KD HKKI(8U('KKKS In Klegaul Shades AT Tim North End Dry Goedg Stere. J. v. hviink. neyS 1yd Ne. 322 North Oueen street. T AN0A8TEH8TKAM IiAUNDRV, Ne. WO NOKT1I AKUII ALI.KV. Ooeda collected and dollyered free of rharve, ueiiara, sc.i uuna. 40. pairj ShlrU, lee., etc. Telephone conuectleu. , me., etc d-Jjiiurt Tyj-AOKIUA AND HUERKY WINKS -AT- Mgart's Old Wine Stere H. E 8UYMAKER, AQENT, KeUblUhed 17 5, Na 20 east Kiie Bnunrr. feblJUU CLVTHinO. TyrYKKH A RATUVON, OVERCOATS. OVKKCOATS AUKHTII.I.HKI.I.INO I NOT AS rAST, or COCHHK, AS 1!K.. reitti CHHISTMAS, HUT TDK STOCK 19 BTII.I. LKSSKN1NO. TDK PK1CKS AUK DOWN, THAT ACCOUNTS l'Olt THRHKI.I.INOOP THKM. WK CAN'T HKI.LTIIKM AT A t'lPTY PKlt CKNT. IlKDUCTION, HUT WK THINK TIIKY AUE CIIKAPKIt THAN HOMK THAT HAVE IIEKN KKDUCKD THAT MUCH. AT LEAST, WK AUK NOT APHA1D Or COMPAlttSON. WK OENKUALLY COMB OUT HIOHT ON COMPAH1SON. WK DON'T WANT TUK COATS, HUT WEDOWANTTHKSPACK TIIKY OC CUPY, ANDWK'HKOOINOTOIIKUID OP THKM, EVEN IK WK DO SACUt PICK TUK PHOriTS. ir YOU HAVE NOT LOOKED AT OUK BTOCK DO 80 AT ONCE, AND YOU'LL I'ltOriTlIT IT. d MANUPACTUK1NO CLOTHIKUS, NO. 12 HAST KING STREET, LANCASTEU, FA. arOpcn en Saturday Night until 10 o'clock. SPK (JIAIj ANNOUNCEMENT. Special Announcement 1 During the month or r KBKUAltY I will make a rraliictlen of !e te SS per rent, from the remilur price en all HEAVY WEIGHT Suiting and Overceating. Thl4 is dene te turn atepic Inte ready cash and Ktve employment te my hands. MEDIUM WEIGHT Suting for Early Spring Wear, A.N D- SPRING OVERCOATING Will he made up at Greatly Reduced Prices. WSatniile Carda of the I.ateat Spring Impor tation new ready. H. GERHART Ne. 43 North (Jneen Street. WOrreaiTK Tni 1'eaTOTHcn. B UHQKU A SUTTON. WHAT? Till! FIRST OF MARCH, Thf Beginning of Joyous Spring When all nature rehes itielfln gay attlre I And thUreiiiliuli 119 that NOW 13 THE TIME TO BUY Spring Overcoats, Spring Suits, Spring Underwear, AND THAT- BUEGER&S1JTT0FS Is the Place te Buy. Our Spring Stock of Overcoat'! andSnltafer Men, euthi and Heys are new ready ler Infec tion. Call and see w bat e otrer and get price. Our jirlcei never were ua low and quality never hotter BURGER I SUTTON, MANUrACTUlNO CI.OT1UKKS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTKU. PA. GANSMAN A BBO. Prices te Suit the Times. READY-MADE Pants and Children's Suits AUKTIIK MOUTIN 11KMAND ATT1IIS TISIK Of VKAIt. WohareniannfActiirea n hirse nnd super In line of the same and are Helllni; thein at K. TltKMKLOW 1'ltICKS. (lOOI) l'ANTS at 7Sc. and Me. HKTTKIl l'ANTS attl.enand I1AV WOOLKN I'ANTH tit $1.75 and - . ALUWOOL l'ANTS nti.23and J.fO. "INK CAbSIMKUK l'VNTS at H.tOand IXM. CHILDREN'S SUITS, All Our Own Manufnctiire. ClULDHEN'a 8U1TH at 1.-J, V.M, $i 50, 00, mi, ft no, up te ts U). JWl'lenty of Styles te select from, finality of the bestet make, nail l'rlrea the Lewcul, L. GANSMAN & BRO., MANUrACTUURUSOr MOTS BOYS' AND CIHLDllEN'S CLOTHISG, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Itlght en the Bonthwest Cerner DrangA Street, LANUASTKlt, l'A. T Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse in the city. CIALL AT -.. HTOIIK KlUOARTH OLD WINK LIBTON'S EXTRACT OP BEEP. flHMT IH TH WOKLD, KUblljbe.i,17&'5. H.E.SUYMAKER.AQT., lebU-tfd Ne. xutn;init Btreat. MYERS RiTHFON cLecKa Attn yf ffy RUOADS, JEWJJIiElt. JEWELRY In calling attention te our offeringu In tbla 1 Ine, the publle are nwltad te a oleao and critical examination or the goods whleh we bollevo we can fairly plalm are of a standard equal te any evor etTered In the largest oltles or our land, and we ask comparison of prlees. knowing that ours nre lower for the line goods oQerod than the ruling of prices olsewhoro. Our Stock of Unset Diamonds Islarge, nnd we will make up from them any style of work doeired. A the Newest Patterns of Ladies' Wear always in Stoek, aud Birth or Menth Stones or the whele calonder ean be had promptly. The Ooma Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Bapphlre. Topaz, Opal and Pearl always en hand, and set te erder. Oil Paintings, Marble and Bronze Statuary, and Musical Bexes, always cheerfully Bhewnby our attendants. Everybedy is invited te call and be shown through our stoek. H. Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, NO. 4 WEST KING STREET. CAKRIAflB vrORBEUK A milky. THIRD GREAT THIRD GREAT SPRING CARRIAGE SALE At Norbeck & Miley's, CORNER OP DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCASTER, PENN A., Monday, March 22, 18SG.10 A; M. and 2 P. M, AaTTEUMS-Xl.VETY DAY NOTK ; 8IX l'KIl CKNT. QYV KOIl CASH.T aitEATKSTOrSAI.KS, UUKATRST IN NOMIIKItS, OUKATE9T IN VAIIIKTV. FINEST IN FINISH, ALL STYLES AND OUADK3. ALSO, A FEWSLE10IIS, First Clai9 Vehicle at Lew Frlcea UaMenUhlng, but we dolt, and aaprnet, we refer toanyhnyer at fonner sales. Over bOijnbs oeld at former nalei and net t20 worth of repair. Our ralealeLun. ca9ter city and county In the lait few yean nre larger than any two retail lactertei In thecltv orceunty. e tnanufucture mero than any three tacterlea In abeve mentioned district. This U no paper talk, hntnfact. A pnbllc Inspection U Invited te examine work, rrocureabariraln. Don't, '"ten toahnalve.Jealeni and lying competitors, but attend and pee foryenreolf. SaleMONDAY, iMAHCII?:,lb3C,nil0a m.and2 p.m. TJSltMS Ninety days, with approved ecurllyi alx per cenJT.nn.,.,."mc"fnrcft,ll - It. F.Kewk, Auctioneer. LAUD He knew seme of our competitor have almcd our reputation en account of hold held lnRRalca and reducing the prlce et n llrat-claii lob, hut we challonne them again, na hefore, te produce m much flrst-clasa stock, or cenatmel a finer vehicle of any style. We mean hiislnesa, and ...wu ... vuuk.,,-, v.,,, ,iu,u ni,-.ju;uuii uj- vaiiini; A MOTTO THAT ALWAYS WJN8. HONEST WORK ! Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, 126 and 128 EAST KING STREET, (N'KAUI.Y Ol'I'OSITE THE LEOl'AUD HOTEL), LANCASTEU, 1'A. Nene But FirsKIass Mechanics Employed. A 1 Material, and That Only, Used. I'ltlCESTOSl'ITTIIETlME". ALL WOHK QUAHANTKKD. BUGGIES, PHOTONS, BUSINESS WAGONS, MARKET WAGONS, AndVohleloa of Every Description Built Promptly te Order. A Full Line or Vehlclei In Stock, prepared eapcrlallvfnrthe Spring Trade. A Large and Yarled Assortment of SECOND-HAND WOltK ON HAND which will 1)0 sold at MOST ItKASONAIILK l'HICKS. PARTICULAR ATTENTION' PAID TO REPAIRING. Jflvn 119 a call nnd oxatnlne the werJr. whether you mrrlwe nrnnt. UONfTF01U1KT Philip Doersom's Old Reliable Carriage Works, NOS. 126 and 128 WATS. l'AVKH. A I.FKKl) Sir.HEH. LOWEST CASH PRICES KOIt ALL PAPER -AND- WINDOW SHADES is the cm. Large Sterk or Cheap Gill Papers Xet Week. ALFRED SIEBER, KO. 134 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTKU, l'A. w IN HOW SHADKS. WK SHOW One Hundred Different Styles OK Dade Window Shades. The patterns nre very pretty and prices low : tOe.,lKc. 75c , S7X0 . $!. !-' nplece Odds nnd Kuda accumulate ull the tiine; these v.c close out way below regular price. PLAIN SHADE OLOTH, Frem onetotwoyardawide.aultedtoall kinds of Window a. A poed abade.aprlng roller, ready tehanp, any color, 50 cents apiece. SCOTCH HOLLANDS, fixture."), Ac. W Meaaurea taken and all klnda of Shade Werk dene promptly. NEW WALL PAPER Constantly airlvlng. Have your work done new, bofero the rush commences. LACK CUIITAINS AT LOW 1'ltICKS. PHARE8W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTKU. l'A. MAOUIlfXHY. fTACHINEHY.Ae. re STEAM HEATING Latest and Most linproved KNGiNES-TrMlieD, I'eriablt or SUtienary. New or Second-Hand BOILERS, WATER TANKS, SEPARATORS. Machinx or ItBriiR Wenit guch as done and kept In Muchlne Sheps. OALL ON OR ADDSUa, Ezra F. Landis, I WORK3--e37 NORTH CHERRY STREET, LAXOASTIO, PA. n7lfd WATVUKB, tt- w 'ATCIIKM, CLOCKS, AT. WATCHES, CLO0K.S, JEWELRY, CHEAP FOUCASII. LitiicailrrWnlches at the Lewest Prices ever ellercdt being a stockholder enablei me te sell these watcher ae cheap. Llgln, Waltbam and ether watches en sale. Spectacles, Opera (llaasea, Ac. llopalrlnijef the abeve named articles will receive my pergenal attention Ne. WH North Qul.i Bt.,onpeslte City llelel, (Near Penn'alt. II. Depot,) -ABCntferAUUOUA WATCH. 3.K0IU1E EHNBT, JR., Carpenter, Contractor & Builder, NO. KB WEST KINO 3TUKKT. All work receives my prompt and poraenol at at ten tlen. All kinds of Jobbing attended te at short no- ia n nn miiinnKiiifl terms. Airawinav rlnrs an e-lyd JUUmalet turnUhed. WATcnma, Wivrryvvvw - AND ART I LANCASTER, PA. WURU8. en ui uuureBniiiK nnruecK a fliiiey. ifyae HONEST PRICES ! EAST KING STREET. 127-lydiw rKArxLEira evidm LANOA8TKR AND MlIiL-KKSVlIjTjK K. K TIMK ITABl.lt. Can leave Lancaster for MUlersTllle at 7:00. 9:00 and 11:30 a. m., and 2-fV, (a, 6 00 and B JO p. in, Canileaye Mllleraville for Lancaster at 60u, 8:00 and lOrtO a. m., and 1:00, 3 OH, 5:00 and 7:00 a.;ra RKADINO A COLUMBIA RAIIiROAD ANDIIUANCIIKS, AND LKUANONAND LANCASTKU JOINT LINK U. 11. On and after SUNDAY, NOVEMUKIl 8lh ,635 T11A1NS LKAVK UEADl.NO Fer Columbia and Lancaster at 7.15 a. m., 12.00 neon and 0.10 p. m. Fer Ouarryrllle nt 7.15 a. m. and 6.10 p. m. Fer Chlcklea at 7.15 a. m. and 6.10 p. ru. TUAINS LKAVK COLUM1IIA Fer Heading at 7.30 a. in ., 12.3.1 and 3.10 p. m. Fer Lebanon nt 12 .33 and 3.40 p. m. TUAINS LKAVK QfJAItllYVILLK Fer Lancaster at 6.25 and 7.15 a. in. and 2.35 p. Fer (leading nt 0.11 a. m. and 2.33 p. in. Fer Lebanon at -X p. m. - LKAVK KINO STKKKT (fJincaater.) Fer UeadlnR at 7.30 a. m., 12.40 and 3.40 p. m. Fer Lebanon at C.40 a. ru., 12.40 and fi.u) p. ni. Fer Quarry vllle at 9.25 a. m., 4.40 and 8.20 p. m. LKAVK PIUNCK.8TKKKT (Ijincaster.) Fer Keadlng at 7.40 a. m., l'iWand 8.50 p. in. Fer Lebanon at U.47 a. in., 1150 and B.08 p. in. c or Quarryvllle at 9.12 a. in., 4.3D and 8.119 p. m TUAINS LKAVK LK1IANON. Fer Lancaster at 7:20 a. in., VIM and 7:30 p. in. t or Quarryvllle at 7:20 a. in. SUNDAY TILIN TUAINS LKAVK READINll Fer Lancaster at 7.20 a. m. and 4.00 p. in. Fer Quarryvllle at 4.00 p. in. TUAINS LKAVK QUAUUYVILLK Fer Lancaster, Lebanon and Ueadlngnt 7.10 a.m TUAINS LKAVK K1NQ BT. ( Lancaster.) Fer Heading and Lebanon at 8.08 a. ul. and SM p.m. Fer Quarryvllle at 5:50 p. m. TUAINS LKAVK l'UINCE ST. ILancnster,) Fer Heading and Lebanon and 8.16 a. tu. and 4.M p.m. TUAINS LEAVE LEBANON. Fer Lancaster at 7:43 a. m. and 3:13 p. in. z ur Ouarryvtlle at 3:45 p. in. Fer LOinoitleu at Columbia, Marietta Junc tion, Lancaster Junction, Manhelm, lteadlng and Lebanon, see time tables at all stations. A. M. WILSON, Superintendent, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 8CHED ULK. Trains lbive Lameabtkr and loave and arrive at l'hlladelphla as fellows t Lettvu WESTWARD. facltle Kxpresst... News Kxprcsat WAV Passencer... Philadelphia. lir.-up. in. 4:30 a. m. 4.:t0a. in. 7.-00 a 111. Mail tmln via Mt. Jey, no. Alan xrainr Niagara Kxpresa Hanover Accetu Fast Liner.... Frederick Accem.,.. Lancaster Accem ... . Harrlsburg Accem.. Columbia Accem.... llarrUbun? Kxnress. via Columbia 10 a. ni. via Columbia 11:50a.m. via Columbia Via ML Jey, 2.15 p, 111. 4 10 p. 111. 6:10 p 111. 8:Mp.m. 10-05 p. nu Leave Cblcaire and Cln. Ki..) western txpresii.... KA8TWAHD. I'hlla. Kxpresst Fast Llncf Harrlsbnri; Kxpresa,. Lancaster Accem ur.. Columbia Accem Heashore Express Johnstown Accem.... Sunday Mall Dav Kxpresst Lancaster, 2:43 a. in. G 05 a, 111. 8:10 a.m. 8:55 a. m, K-flO iu 111. 12 5S p. Ill, 2 05 p.m. 4-00 11 HI. 4:45 n. m. HarrlshurR Accem C:43 p. in, p. I tler Thn Tjtnfnatpr Arrninmndiitlnn leaves lfarritf- burg at 8:10 p. in. and arrlyes at I Jincaater at IfcSS The Marietta AccommedaUon leaves Celittn t. leaves Columbia at 11:45 a. in. and 2:45 p. uu reaching Marietta at 12.01 and 2A Lfnif, V Marlettu at 3.03 p. ni. and arrives at Celnmbuvat-, -i, 3-3" t alae, leaves at 8:33and arrives at 8:50. - jfi The Yerk Accommodation leavea Marietta BtJ 3r 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8.00 ceunectlngSJ' with HarrlaburB Express at 8:10u. m. -JMJ The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect, jbje lng at Lancaster with Ftat Line. wat, t2;10 WP n. m., will run through te Frederick. 4 Th. vmfiAriek Accoinmed&Uan. e&at. learea) y n , ,.(.. ... , A.,, a., 1 1 ruanad f aMAIl.tii, .1 H QJl " ."': .Ti."-.r7.Li :'-.:' . .j - tUl!llUUUh l W,WWMMtW . .- f p. m. i" Hanover Accommodation, wert, connecting at ir Lancaster with Niagara Express at 9:50 a. iai will run t&reusn te liauover, eauy, excepv eau day. . ....-... ?, Fast Llna. west, en Bnnday. when flagf,.' wllUtenat Downlnetewn, Ccatesvllle, Parke- m. . burg, ML Jev. KUzabethlewn ane m""u;";,V J 1 1 no eni) trains wuicn run uuuy. vn ""mi'a na Mell Iraln wi.l M.na I.V tfllvnl ITnllimbU- T 3 Uie Mall train west rnna hy way of Columbia. KOTIOKM. G UAND DISI-LAY OP NECKTIES.' -.Tf OO TO KBiaMA. . i FH Srfjr asa&?; an TO K klBll AMI BO TO KklSMAHf, .... r mwfcrr'afrYfE8 . ' 'T -UIKAWC3T AND BKBT , Kt &l SCARLET imDOWiAlkV AT CDIQtJAKl'ft. N0,nWMXKlSQT, Vfa, H 2 j' .'-,. ' VZ.'S -1 m M r r 1 X "' 'A1 ?li