'' ..IT"..? '---. -irji5it?. v-ffvi a v-J'??3jrrisri'.?5'?S,',',,"'"i'' k ''''''.') V '"8M.itin! (" ' ,,,!'y?5!H! rarrs-fpr-' t -V T ,1 -VT -- " v. &.,; r jr -i -. -.v.1 ( THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENOEK, THUBSDAY, MAROIt 11, 188G. i ,yei rft 3, -Xp is ." bw: BVS RS fr IV i . ?f ?-. J?.' it- ;Y INTELLIGENCER. m ? M CVKMV CVEMM m THI Yls INIILLiaENOCK iUlLDINa Cj1 l w. CMlM.Wm r. BAtt,lTm 0mm m W-. JHUar 'mmTmmTmBMMSTBfHm Ttn ( Wir OnK 1 S ilM WtlKLY INTELLIGENCER, Wiaj AAjjrtt Cucm UnuftftAV Una Ml Nfl. v" ft Dftar a THar in jtrffOMM. -1 &. i iS'OOMMmWOirDKlTOSteiuueafrwmwrrrvpm ?, tfw mm m4 country. Cbrrjewint art r- 1 J tjNMMr " " te "" " be1,m'' net tr invrw wyiwir " . v "- ?t i pnunuwiuii. via in jr yw i- . 4MrM M JMtert and TtUgrttmtU THE INTELLIGENCER, LllCOlSTtt. FA. It)c Cmuaetct jJntclligcnccr. LANCASTER, MARCH 11. 1886. Start the Ball. Again we are In hearty accord with our esteemed contemporary, the -Atic Era, when, In recommending an association of citizens te be formed for the purpose of securing honest elections and punishing bribery, both at our primary and general elections, it says : " The buying and selW ing of voters and the falsification of re turns has made our primary elections mere than a farce, and like an ulcerous cancer this corruption has been steadily permeaU ing our general elections, especially In this city." " Until this deplorable state of affairs is changed for the better, any at- tempt te create a public sentiment in fiiver of a better class of candidates for repre sentative or office et trust is a waste of moral force. Geed men have been nomi nated who were defeated because they would net respond te the demands of the trading element, or were counted out te make place for the less scrupulous. This no well informed politician will attempt te deny ; even these who were engaged in the fraud admit it after they are safe from the penalty through the statute of limita tions." The way te de a thing is te deit. We believe with our contemporary, and have always maintained that the abuse and corruption at elections hereabouts began in the Republican primaries, but it has extended until it has become an " ulcerous cancer ; " and the re form of cutting it out by t a a radical operation is of far mere import ance than who shall held this office or that. It is true that no party is free from blame, and there is no occasion for recrimination as te relative individual responsibility. The se called "politicians" are charged with things done in which many who de net call themselves by that epithet have been implicated, and ever the results of which they have rejoiced. Let us turn our backs upon the past and face the responsibilities of the future. An association of citizens te step fraud and corruption at the primaries and general elections is imperatively needed ; it can te most excellent purpose turn its hand te many municipal reforms. Democrats as well as Republicans are interested In It, for the primaries make the county officers for us all. Let us have a non-partisan committee te start the work. New is the time te organ ize it; NOW. Clear as Mud. Our able and esteemed contemporary, the Examintr, makes a remarkably lucid state ment of the issue between the executive and the Senate. " The Senate has net un dertaken te call the president te account for the manner in which the executive dis cretion lias been exercised." But, en the ether hand, "if the president has simply re moved certain officials and appointed ethers because, for any reason within the exercise of his judgment as executive he has seen fit te de se, the Senate does nel call uien him forastatementef the reasons of his action." There seems te be an unqualified admission here that the president has an entire righ't in his discretion te remove officials "ferany reason within the exercise of hU judgment as executive." This granted, what busi ness has the Senate with papers addressed te the president en this subject ? If it is one that appeals te his discretion alone, what purpose can the Senate have with such documents except te get at "the reas ons of his action ?" If they de net and dare net call uoen him fur thr-an. wimt. f'4 proper public use can they muke of thepa- yw utuiiug upon mein i The Examiner says " if there nre any papers en file in the public offices relating te such removals and appointments the Senate claims the right te call for them, net, indeed, for the purpese of holding the president te accountability te itself for his acts, but in order that the Senate may have such information en the subject before it as the public offices may contain." As te the papers touching appointments, with which the Senate has te de, the president withholds none. They are prom etlv and cheerfully furnished. But if the Senate cannot and does net propose te held the president te accountability for removals, of What public Importance is it that tlmmpm. bM et that body have "information en the subject ?" Te gratify the curiosity of a let of old grannies V Kara Jehnsen's Cue. The chief of the Philadelphia detectives takes no stock in the story that somebody else than Sam Jehnsen killed the old fu, 'i merSbarpless; and he is reported as glv lag the grounds for his belief that Jehnsen $, nguuty, the failure of the defense te ac- 'cnu ler me prisoner's whereabouts en t.jj the night of the murder and their neglect ? ,te put him en the stand. It is a new doc- f, trine, ami one quite unknown te the law Writing defeadanta wltnesses.that their fail- I te testify shall be counted against them. f We can easily understand the reluctance . aCeouBielferaman surrounded with th i sVridMce that environed Jehnsen te put his it en the stand ; he may have been en- l is a felony that night, or his atter- mt way have apprehended that the com cem Mswealth would involve him in contra centra contra 4JUea Mat would hurt his case, or some rbertQQ&.xmoe, entirely consistent with Jehnsen's Innocence, may have directed his course. It is monstrous te infer his guilt from his silence. Equally vicious is the position that as Jehnwi cannot show where he washd mitsYhave been at the murder. It is evi dent that the detectives and Delaware county authorities want te hang somebody te relieve themselves ; and as seen as they get one man whose guilt was mere likely than that of anybody else's In sight they were satisfied te seek no further. Should the actual criminal turn up before Jehnsen Is hanged, they might consent te the expense of another trial. m m He Had Hctter Step Hewn. The se-called chief engineer of the Lancas- tcrflre department, likemany a better man, has cause te pray for dellvery from his friends and their bad advice which drives him into print te defend the indefensible. The JEramiiier thinks it is easier te criticise his performances than te improve upon them. Se de we. " The Ore extinguishers of editorial rooms are pretty te leek at but net worth a cent in actual practice." But it is the business of the chief engineer te direct the extinguishment of fires, and it is the right and duty of newspapers, of on lookers of and citizens te criticise him ; te praise him when he shows himself fit for his work and te rebuke him and supplant him when he shows himself incapable und unfit. Tliei'xtiHii'jicrsajsit "thinks that Mr. Vendersmith is quite as efficient as Mr. Hewell," which only proves that the Ex aminer does net knew anything about the subject. It professes te think " we c.innet settle their respective merits by imagining what Mr. Hewell would de if he had a chance"; but this is just exactly what we can de. It being certain, from experience, that Hewell would have done differently at the late fire from Veudersmith, that settles their respective merits. Ve have n chief engineer for the purpose of directing the department, and for pre venting and overcoming such difficulties as "firemen at supper, engines that de net seem fit te squirt water enough te wash a poodle, water plugs full of mud, and, as usual, a thousand advisers, badgered by frantic, half crazy men whose preierty is burning"; he is expected te de his best under the circumstances. The " thousand advisers" who looked at the late fire, nnd " the half crazy" men whose property was burning" as the JZraun'ner elegantly stjles Mr. Kepler and ethers knew exactly what te de. Vendersmith didn't , or if he knew he did net de it. Therefore lie is very properly criticised. The chief himself is his own worst wit ness when he resorts te the bad plan of publishing a list of the fires occurring un der his own and Hewell's administration te demonstrate their relative efficiency. If the chiefs were responsible for the origin of the fires this comparison would be relevant. As it is, it only shows that while Mr. Hewell had te deal with a series of difficult and dangerous coutlagratiens, Vendersmith's experience lias been with trilling blazes; and the first time he encountered a .serious situation he was utterly inadequate te it. T3in surplus of the Western t'nlen Tele graph company is reperted at ever li e mill lone. Yet It proposes te pay a dividend in scrip redeemable In capital stock of the com pany as seen as the latter shall receive per mission te Increase its capital. The Hter in tlilu corporation wilt neon exceed that in the Atlantic basin. Oi.KOMAnnARiNB has made its entering bew.iu the United State Senate. It will make the senatorial fur lly. Mil. IIlainu, In the second velume or his book, frankly frays : "Casting off all political dieguhesand per per senil pretense, the simple truth remains that the tenure of office act was enacted lest President Jehnsen should remove Republi can oflleehelders tee rapidl3-; and It was practically repealed lest President flrant should net re .novo Domecratlc ofllcehelders rapidlyeneugh. The rest of Blaine's party might as well abandon disguise and pretense and admit that they are trying te deny te Cleveland the powers they cenceded te Grant, Uayes, Oar field and Arthur. It will net de. Prominent members et the Ooneral Presbytery of Ireland luve declined te sign the pretest against the granting othemo rule. This question .has far outgrown all dliler. ences in creed. It is Ireland for the Irish. The great newsjapers of the country have long coinpeted with eue another in the excel lence of their almanacs, many et which are marvels of lnformitleu and typographical beauty. In this category is the almanac of the New Yerk WvrUl, which has something In it of Interest te every person ou this mun dane sphere who reads the English language and takes an Interest In anything. Indeed, It would seem almost Impossible te cendense within its ICO pages all the Information it contains. Krem the statistics of Alabama down te that of Wyoming territery, the pub llcatlen is filled with material for student, teacher, lawjer, preacher, merchant and me chanic Its statistics are extensive and seem carefully compiled. As a work of reference it will be invaluable; and will be another monument of that journalistic success which the 11'erW, above all ether newspapers, has achieved within the past few years. Judee Kwine, of Pittsburg, recently tried the suit of an oil broker te recover J5,000 en an oil deal. The defense resisted ou the ground that the deal was simply a gambling transaction and therefore illegal. The plainliir averred that the oil transaction was net a purchase en margins. In the charge Judge Ewlug said ir the Jury leund that the oil was net purchased en margins they should find for the platntiff, as the transaction then could have been legitimate and legal. The Jury se found. Had the oil betn bought en margins the -erdlct must have been for defendant. It takes, however, a braen cheek in a man who deals In margins te make this legal resistance te payment. He belongs te that rapacious class who want te eat their cake and keep it at eue and the sumo time. Tnc secretary of the treasury reports that the reduction of the public debtfer the period from July 1.1S77, te June30,lS3J, has excteded the requirements of the sinking fund by 312,G17,M1. This is the best of arguments for taxation reduction. Tub perspicuity as well as the frankness of Gen. Hancock in declaring that the tarltr was ' a loc! issue " receives fresh and ford, ble illustration as the discussions and protes tations befere the ways and means cominltleo continue. As the Philadelphia Ledger re marks, ' protection for what we produceln our section, but Ireetiade for what Is raised in the ether sections, are somewhat prevalent sentiments. Te Texas wool, and Louisiana sugar, and Virginia tobacco and Ireu ere, is new added the cry of the rice grewers of Seuth Carellua. TUes0 latter besieged the ways and means committee yesterday, Mr. Trenheltn frankly admitting thatwblle lie Is for free trade generally, hsW8nu protection ler Seuth Carolina and Georgia rice," Jy the same token Lancaster county WanU pro tection against Sumatra tobacco ; sud each is ier its own the country ever. Haltimeue's publie school suierlnten dent favors Introducing sewing In the gram mar schools of that city. Ne feminine ao ae ao cempliahineut is mere useful and graceful. It would te Interesting te loam fonater Coeler's lows or his scheme for n "State Iudustrlnl school" since the; Investigation el the condition el the soldiers' orphans schools. PKHSONALS. .1. C. Wm.ten has leen appointed jxt master at ML Kote, this county, vice Ale. Pagan, resigned. J.vKKSiiAnr, the New Yerk street rail way boss, Is going Inte prlvate life. A peni tentiary would be n better lodging place for him. hnwis S. Haiitmav has been drawn as a Jurer te serve ter the April terin of the united States circuit court, commencing Monday, April S. Okohee W. .lAcens, aged (H, et West Whiteland tenhls C'hesterceunty. died en Tuesday from the etlects of a paralytic stroke. Mr. Jncetw was a prominent citizen et Ches ter county, and was a director of the First National bank, West Chester. Kev. Calvin S. GKniiAim, of SL Stephon's ltefermed church, Reading, was named by the Uerks County Agricultural society as ene of the general cominlltee te arrange for the annual lair next fall. He declined In a card saying: "The use of inyname as member of this committee is altogether with out my knowledge and censenL The society has entirely tee much herse-raclne.lacer beet and gambling en exhibition at lU annual fairs te have as a member of its committee Kev. C. S. Uerhard." Mns. Maby SerniA ItAYAne, aged 82 years, died at her rttsidence tu Philadelphia en Tuesday. She was the widow of lien. Richard U". Bayard, of Delaware, who was a United States senator from 1S36 te 1837 and lrem 13(1 te ll. and charge d'aQalrs In llelglum from 1S50 te IS53. Her lather was Charles Carrell, son of Charles Carrell, of Can el ten, Mil., a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and her mother was Harriet Chew. Mrs. liayard lived abroad for seme time after the death of her husband, and, returning te Philadelphia, she led a quiet, retired life, her health being feeble. She was the mother of eight children, and survived six of them. Her remains will be removed te Wilmington ler interiuenL TltADPEUA rU.VV JIODT 11 CART). A Slave Who Attended the ' Commener' Ills Travels With Rev. Henry Want needier. James R. Kenney, of Rending, Inter viewed Jehn Parker, an aged colored mac who visited that city several days age. In his Btery printed In the llerahl, he relates that his father and mother were captured In Angela, Africa. They and ethers were landed at Jamestown, Vs., from slave ships about IkP, and were entirely uncivilized, and se peer as te net have even a name. Before the car broke out, he says: "I was at lleury Ward Reecher's home lu New New Yerk for a month, when I accompanied him te Englaud en his great lecture tour when he made his wonderful war speeches In de fense of the abolition of slavery in the United States. i;sat en the platform with him as the representative and victim of one of the greatest curses of our land. He lectured at Louden, ilnnchestcr, Derry and ether places. Thousands heard his inimitable eloquence, as he brought tears nnd smiles alternately te the faces el his auditors. Oh! he was a grand man. Hew I did listen te his great speeches until I was almost fast te my chair. We were abroad ten mouths." HE SEUVES TnADDKUl STEVENS. "Then 1 went te Washington and there be came Ixxly guard for that great and geed man, ThaddcusStevens. I carried him in and out of the Heuse and committee rooms, and was with him a great deal. He died August 12, 1S68. A great many colored persons went te his funeral. I was there. We all walked ahead, according te his last requesL "Alter his death I went down Seuth te see my old master. When I left him his plan tation was In geed order, his home beautiful and attracts e, and everything as gend ns pie; but eh! goodness me, when I returned m IsCS, ns 1 get near tliehouse everything was upside down, ragged and forlorn. Old master, who used te smeke elegant cigars en the piazza, was sitting out ou the weedy lawn en a rickety old chair, smoking a bad pipe, and wearlng an old palm-leaf haL As 1 get near him I knew he saw me, but he nerer let en. I took oil my hat and liewed te him, saying : 'Hew d'ye de, master?' He looked up with n frown. 'What's wantm', sir,' he demanded. 'Nethln', sir,' I said. 'I only came te see you all.' 'Xetblu',' s.iid he; 'that's easy geL de where you come from sir f and I went, f saw some of the family peep ing out of the windows at me, but no ene appured te speak te me. Then I went ever te Louden county, Va., and started a colored epphnn school. Air. Stevens had told me te go and squat there; that nobody owned the ground nnd I would net be disturbed. 1 had 25 scholars and get along with thorn very well. Artful If True. Frem the New Yerk Sun, " We are selling a geed many false bangs," said a halr-dresser. " Fer ladles?" Inquired the reporter. "Ne for young men. Bangsareall the rage new, and every young fellow must have one. many of them are bald, or their hair is tee thin en the forehead, se tbey call en us te help them. We make a bang that cannot be dis tinguished from the genuine article. It Is fastened en with wires, and when neatly combed leeks very nice. A bang should come about half an Inch short of the eyebrows, and should be evenly cuL It should never be worn with a full beard, as It contracts the face tee much. It Is most effective with a droop ing moustache." m i . - TAKINO IIAIIVS PICrUItK. l'tioTeunirnrn; 'Camjs? Four dollars. Six for this size. These w 111 please ynn best, I think. I'll be ready In u moment. And we'll tuke him In u wink. Urlng In baby v HI you held htra Slttlnixln eurlap,aud Ne? Ah I 1 see t Then we'll arrange him In this llttle high cbalr.-Se ! There, that's easy' Ueighe, fcatj. Going te take a Utile Title t Want te tee the pretty tttrdj 1' ( When I'm ready step one aide.") MAMVi. " -Vew, my Ilele, de net whljper j We must still as statues be. If we speak the baby '11 surely Turn his head and leek at no." rnoreuRArnrit. (" .Vew, geed nurse, pleair rulee him up A little there ')- Iltar Urdu 'ing ' (Llttle mere ) Where it the titrdj f (That's right.)' What thall nunev bring V (lry te clee bis mouth.)' Come ttrdv " (New hi head is up tee high, Kasy there t) CTilrp, chirp-hear birdy f Baby tee birdy by an'byt (1 hat's right-keep him se I Geed baby ' (9teady I)' Uaby wouldn't cry (New then I) Loek t bis I hzrz's dirdt I' Caught him, first time, 'en the My !' " Yes, It's geed. I knew you'll like It. I'll have proofs without delay, Can't he better, Finlahed t- Friday. Very much obliged. (Jeed day I" A. W.A'., tn HI. Xichelai. Persons of sedentary pursuits aie predisposed te constipation. Fer constipation there Is neth. ing se geed as Dr. null's Baltimore Fills, l'rlce vein. uriiitr should use Day's Heme 1'ewdar In the ull and spring erthuyesr for their horses and cows Continued en Ing Induced by colic makes any baby creau. Dr. Hull's iiaby Syrup relieves at HsNir AvacsTuals out again, bt. .lacebs oil c u u-d his rheuniatlnm. Flit) cents. srxviAL MUTivra. There MuU be an Open Knacl betneen the feet we eat nnd the substance of which our Undies in eo;npeod. If the, read l clKKed or clemHl we sicken, faint and ale. This lead Is VlJJ'fl'n'orKansef digestion ami assimila tion. Of thee the stomach and llvr nre elder Men penplu have mere or less evperlonce or the horrors el constipation. I'weutlt.and all Its fearful kniuencc a by imlng Dr. Kennedy's "Fa "Fa verltn llemeily " Ills the tlnrtstepthnt costs. umr,o-luieodw .-v... Hatlitaclleu Unlrersal. "In the past three months 1 have sold ene hun. dred and lx bottles of Themat' Xetectrie Oil Never saw a medicine In my life that gave sucli universal sutUrwtlen Cured an ulcerated threat for me in t wenty-feur hours s never failed te relieve my children of croup." C. It. Hull druggist, Omyvllle, III. Fer miUi by II. It. Coch Cech ran, druggist, W and 13U Neilh (juueti sticct, Luncaster. ' ' Seme Doubt Hie Ulble " And the motives or Its authors, but none who have used theui doubt the elllcucy of Jlurdeck Jlloed UUttr: Tlil splendid bleed tonie Is without u peer. Fer sale by II. jl Cochran, druggist, 13 aa isu North tueen street, Lan BHILOirsviTALUKlllswhat you needier Constipation, Lesor AprwlltVufiziness. and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, 'prtei l! .s n I cents per bottle. Fer sale by 11. 11 Cochran Pruggtst, Ne, IBS North Queen strest, iAKbna HVXCIAZ. KOTJOK3. Threw Anajr 9830. "Troubled with asthma forelaht years. Net qnlte two bottles of 77iemm' Kelettrlc Oil cured me completely, after spending ever JIV) w Itlieut the slightest bencnt.'' This It what Augut lrubncr, of Tyrene, Pa, says. Forsale br 11. 11. Cochran, druggist, 13; and IS) North gueen treet, Lancaster. Hew About the I)ee. Many people In'fore purchasing n medicine nntnmlly Inquire the nlre of the diMoamltlie strength et tt. In uIiib Jlunletk Steed liittert a teaspoonful for the llttle ones arid te ten. spoonfuls for ktewii folks nre all that U nrcet sary at ene time. This Magnificent medicine t net only economics! but yery plcsant te tlin taMe. for sale by 11. It. Cochran, diuggM, 137 and 139 North Queen street, tanruster. rreted IllR.llenelU. "lias magical pain killing nnd healing prep ertles. llalter n liny-eent bottle cured me el rhciiiimtlni nnd it cold that had settled In mr tuck reel as well ns lever illdln mylUe." Otte.l Deesbury. pre'p Helland Cltr Ne lint land. .Mich , peklng fur T&orei' .Vtrrtrte tMI Kcr sale by II. 11. Cochran, drugget, 137 and 13 North (Jneen street. Lancaster. " My Mether" Has been using Ilurdeek Jlloed Bdtert a a ll er remedy nnd rinds them very cfflcsclein " C has. L.Atnswerth, 41 Vance Bleck, IndlinapelK Ind. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, drugglst.l&andlS'.) North Uueen street Lancaster. rVM BALK OB XKXT. FOU KENT-KROM APRIL 1, THAT DK DK slrable Stere ltoem. Ne. 16 Centre Square, has been Used for acinar store for vears. Apply te OEOUOK W.TOSILIXSOV, marS-tfd SheritTs Orllce. TWR RENT. -E store ltoem and Dwelling Ne. 2(3 North Q-ieen street, opposite Keystone Heuse, and oc cupied by Jehn llertlnc as a llnuer store Annlv te . i z ...v.. ... .-........... I'liu.ir i,n.is.iti, i Kit, JauAVtfd North (Juecn street. TJIOHSALK CHEAP. S One Lancaster Cabinet Organ, cost fl, will sell at a bargain. Call en or address, Ne. 537 North Cherry alley, Lancaster, Fa. dit-tfd FOR SALE OR RENT AN ESTAR LI9HKD COHNKIt UUOl EltY and DWEL LINO, wlih modern conveniences. Apply at SM West Chestnut street, or 613 East Orange sirwi- I?flWU T7IOR RENT. -D Shep In rear or Ne S; West Chestnut street, nsed as a clgar-bex factory, and a shop en Mimin street, between Seuth Queen and l'rlnce streets, lately used as ft carriage factory. Alse a dwelling and storeroom new occupied by A. A. Hubley ns a drug store. West King street. Apply at the ntia INTELLIGENCE!! OFFICE. TTIOR RENT. 13 First-class Dairy Farm, t acres, sttnate two uillea from Lancaster city. Uasemcnt, comer Centre Sqnare and North Queen street, suitable for a barber shop. Brick Dwellings, ?je East Fulton street, and SS3 Church street. Sale and Kxchange Stables en West Orange street, near Water. Several Fiame Houses en Jehn street Janll-tfd HIliSH A IIItOTHEKS pUBLIC SALE OF ILLINOIS HORSES, On Mexdvv, March 15, lsB, will be sold at the MerrluiAC Stable a carload of Illinois Henes for Olven, Ilium A Ce Hrt class, heavy drntt and farm horses Sale te commence at 1 o'clock n in. Alse, en hand. Canada and Western Herse. which will be sold at all times at private ile. UKOItQK 0U03SMAN. feblMydAw LOS1NO SALE OP J. C. SPAETH'S CONFECTIONKUV, NO. li NOUTU QUEKN S1KEF.T. ritlVATE. As I am golngentofbuslness by March 15th, I am selling out my entire stockef Confections at and below cost Alse Machinery, Toels. Ice Cream Freezers, all sizes; Chilian are, silver Knives, Ferks, Spoons, Casters, Ac. Caterer's Outfit, Carpet", Furniture, Twe Large Pier (Jlasses, Upright French Walnut Case Piane, Cane-seated Chairs, Marble-Tep Tables, I'lsln Tables and Chairs, three Wagons, Carriage, 1'h.eten, Sleigh, ene geed Family Herse. te -Mules, Harness, Seda Fountain, Fire Proof Safe, Writing Dent, Candy Marbles, Cep per Pans, Clear 'ley Moulds, tgg Moulds, patent, and, In fact, everything te go te hnn keeping or te carry en a flrst-cLins bakery, con fectionery or popcorn factory, all In flm-class condition. AIe, about ene hundred bushels of corn at twenty-five cents a bushel. lebWCtd J.C. SI'AKTII VLVTHTffO. TylLLIAMSON A FOSTER. Yery Comfortable and Dorable ! WAUKENPHAST Fer Ladies ! This Hhefl has gained for Itself a deserved popularity as a comfortable Shoe for cyery-day wear. It Is an exact counterpart el the Gent's Waukcnphastwlth the ugliness taken out of It, but for a tell Dress Shoe there Is nothing te equal the LADIES' FRENCH KID TURNS, The beauty of uXurn Shee Is Its flexibility and for lull dress or purty purposes they are un equalled. We have Just received a fresh con signment of Fine French KldTurnsand Ladles' Waukenphasts. THE- Gent's Pull Dress Hats 11 TDK SILK HAT, And Yeung Gent's te be fashionable and popu pepu popu lartblsaeusen must wearu silt Hat We have new in stock the very latest shapes of DUXLAP'S FINE SILK HATS, AND T11E1K NEW SPRING SHAPES -IN STIFF FELT DERBY'S We are Sele Agents for DUNLAP'S HATS. NEW l'ATTEK.NH PERCALE SHIRTS With 2 Cellars and CnlTs, 60c , 7V . auclll.Ui. BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS, All Weel, tl.bO, 11.25 and 11.60. Fancy Flannel Shirts, All-Wee!, tl.re, 11.25 and fl.5n. MEDIUM-WEIGHT OYERCOATS ! Thslnrnjuit right for early Spring Wear. We have them in Corkscrews, Oxford Mixtures or Plain lllack Worsteds. Prices, fl en, j-i.tm, j'j.ne and Il2.ne. Dress Pantaloons, $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5. TRUNKS AND VALISES. WOn and after March 15th our stores will be open in thneenlng, Williamson & Fester, 32, 34, 36 & 88 East Kieg St, LANCASTKH, 1'A. JACOU SCHMITT, OUCJANLST OK ST. MAKY'tJ CHUltCH, Teacher et Organ, J'lane and Harmony, ltcsl deuce. Ne. S15 West Chestnut street tteler te Fref. Carl Therbahn. fs-lmd' MKD1VAL' p.VUKKU'M TONIC! " Attend te it New. Many .uttYrlng people drag themselves about with 'mine strength, reeling that tbev are tendll sinking Inte the gmve.when by using l'arket sTenlc they would flndnciirnrommenr Ing with the first doe, nnd Mlnlltvnnd strength surely coming Imrk te them 1 am 11 years old , lm e been sick nenrlv all my life, and ought te knew something about medlclne by this time, 1 hie used Parker's Ionic freely for mere thnnnjycar, nnd consider It the best remedy I htve ever known. In fact, 1 new Und no ether medlclne necessary. Fer weakness, debility, rheumatism, nnd that dls. tresslng all geneness and pain lrem which 1 suncrcd se long, It has necmisl. ldonetseo hew anyone csn nlTenl te de w It bout se vnlunble a medlclne. 'Mrs. Hattis N. liiiAVvs, cer Kast and Frent streets, Pnu ldence. It. 1. PARKER'S TONIO. Ii'rep'irvd by lllscev A Ce , N. Y.l Beld by all Druggists in HrgeWtlcsntOnn Dellar umrlluiMAIh p.UlKT.H'H HAIR BALSAM the popular faverite for dressing Iho bnlr, He storing color when gray nnd preventing Dand ruff. It cleanses thescnlp, steps the hair railing, and Is sure te please. 50e. and ft sizes at Druggist. nil-liuM.ThAw ltKV UUOltS. KJVKUY DAV SOMETUINO NEW AT Nes. 247 & 24t North Qacen Street, Opposite the Keystone Heuse and Nerthern llanb. New Dress Goods. New Cashmeres, Hemespuns. New Armitreg, Tricots, l'lalds. N Sateens, Foulards, I'U.i.a. V-...- K....1... u... t ' (Hnghsms. New Corded l'equeas. i inn -ikiiisiHik. .ev icieria Lnns, llamburgs, Insertlngs. Gent's White Shirts, Uent's Cellars nnd Cuffs. A Full Line et Notions and mnuv ethor goods which m will dslly add te stock nnd sold at lowest market prices, l'lrasecnll and examine goods before purchasing. The books of the lain firm of flowers A llnrst are with me for collection. All persons knowing theinselws Indebted, please call and make set tlement. febSlyd W II. HOW Kits. jt rrsT he selp. Don't forget the closing kiUc atlhe BOSTON STORE! We hsvn a great many goods til the stock which e bought from Messrs ltewers A Hurst, which we are selling regardless of ce.l, te make room for Spring hteck, which we nre rvcelWng v ery day. When we ay regardless of cost we mean Just what we say, as a Mitt te our store will ton--ince you. We are making siieclal ellorten ljidles', Uent's and Children's Underwear, bilk Cashmeres Cleths, Velvets, Satins, Hosiery. Corsets, Hand kerchiefs, Klbbens, Laces, Kmbrolderlos, etc. Gent's Furnishing Goods a Specialty, W150STO.N ST0KF..-S4 STAMM, BROS. & CO., (Formerly of the New Yerk Stere.) Nea. 20 & 20 North Queen St. LANCASTEll, l'A. Janlllyd.tw OHN S. OIVI.lHt. GEO. F. IIATHVON. CARPETS ! Kedy llrusels. Tapestry llrusssels, All-Weel 1 hrce-Vly. All Weel Kitm Super Ingrains, Cotten Chain Lxtra fcuper Ingrains. Inijralns, 25a, 37Hc, 40e., 43c , Vic. Wc Iiamssk and enctlan Hall and Stair CarpeL Heme-made Hag and chain Carpet. Linoleum and Eeer Oil Cleth. l'aper Lining Stnlr Pads and Stall Iteds. DADO S1IADKS. 8HADINQ CLOTH AND HOLLAND. SI'ltINd AND COUD FlXTHllKS. AURORA CARPET SWEEPER. All Kinds or llOOKKKKI'INd Dlt HOODS ill Lewest Price. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., Ne. 25 East King Htroet, Lakeabtis, I a. G KAT liAKflAIN'H. DRESS SILKS. WATT&SHAND, Always en the Lookout for liargalns, eiler te day Extraordinary Value In COLOUBD DIIKSS SILKS. ?2 Inches In width, jC a yard i regular price, JI.U). COLOKED DUF.8S SILKS, tie n yard. 8TitII'F.D SUStMKIt SILKS, 37c, a yard. HLACh IlllKSS SILKS, 21 inches wlde.atll.en and $1 Ma yard. - These goods are Warranted te give satis faction. BLACK DRESS SILKS At 60c , 75c., 87Kc. a yard. COLORED SURAH SILKS, In All the New Shades, at SIX'. Cents a lard HltOCADKI) SILKS, 1IUOCADF.D VKLVKTH, HltOCADKI) VKLVKTKKN8, In Popular Celers, at Lew Prices. An Immense Assortment et NKW DKUSS litJTTONS, NKW IiltAlDS, MOSS TUIJIMINO.S, CHKSILLK FltlNHKS New Yerk Stere. Nea. 0, 8 & lO East King St. COAT. T It. MAKTIN, WHOLISALI AMD RKTA1U DIALXI IN All Kinds of Lumber and Geal. -Vabd: Ne. 4M North Water and l'rlnce Streets, abeve Lemen, Lancaster. n3-lyd JAUMQAEDNERS & JEFFEUIES. COAL DEALERS. M?!2rtVitS".tSKh Q,";c', 'ree,.- nJ,.M! North l'rlnce street, near Heading LANOASTKIt, l'A. anglS-tld c OAU M. V. B. COHO, Ne. 330 NOKTII WATKK BT. Lancaster, i'a, Wholesale and Uutatl Dealer In LUMBER AND COAL. Connection with the Telephone Kxchange. Yard and Oftlce: NO. jcsl NOUTU WATKU 8TKKET. febM 1yd -ps.AHT END YAUD. O.J.SWAER&00. GOAL. KINDLING WOOD. Offlcet Ne.M CF.VTItK. RQUAUK. Itethyard and oftlee conueeted with Telimhoiie Kxchange. aprl3-lydMF.U ' TJOTK IB MAK1NU OABINBT PHOTOQRAPHB AT XOO A POXXW, AT NO. 106 NOBTU QUKKN BTUXXT. IkulKfa LnciUr. VL. dry "yyAMr I'Ai'KK DEl'AUTMIJNTr" HAGER & BROTHER. Will Paper Full lines of ohetoo PatteniB In fill gmdea or lnper Hangtns and Colling DcoeratlonB. New Brown and Whlte Blanks, Plata, Satins, Waahable Oaks, Silk FlnlBhed Goods, ote. In addition te completo aueortmenta of Staple Goods, we are ofTerlng a Bpeclal line of Flne Papere, in Proseo and Standi offeoto-ln Greunded Papers and Bronzea ; also Hand Prints, Bosten Felts, and a varlety of Noveltlos In Heavy PreeDed Papera, LlncniBta "Walten, ote. Frlozea and Doceratlona especially attraotlve. Particular attentien given te Doceratlvo Werk, ineludlng Tinting of Oornleoa, Oontre Ploeoa, ote. All work emptly doue by Flrst-Olasa Paper naugera, competcnt te exe- oute all olasseH of Werk. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. JTEXT DOOKTO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S. New Open Large Stock of Sheetings. 8,IIVI?hvA?.,i,.i1'1.VJ'C,,W t5iVbE MUSLINS In Ml lleslrable Makes. Alse.TICIUNdS AND TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS. We are new recelvlni dally Nesr Additions toenr already Kxtenstve Steclr. and shall contlnne te ...... ..I.,,) luiuiiHuiui. iu rmiiinp season unreins 01 one Kind or nnether, " fc KHY II A UlUNOS 80JlhriIlNlt:NKV." FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT C .UU'ETS KUO.M Al'tTlON. METZGER & HAUGKMAN II VV KNOWOPKNK1) A l.AROK AN1I HANDSOMK VAUIKTT Of INGRAIN, RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, UOUt.HT AT AUCTION 01t CASH AND TO UK SOU) CHKAP FOU CASH. CAUPKIS CAItl'KTS CAItl'KTs CAUl'KTS. ... CAUPKl'S CAHPKIS .at 10 Cents. .HtlJCenU. .aiai Cents, at 30 Cents, .at 40 Cents, .at Cents. Fleer, Stair and Table Oil Cleths, Cheap. Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere. 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. AW ISetsreen the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. j.irx IfHVKANVK oeaM.vr. T IKE INSURANCE COMPANY. WIIHN SOLICITED TO INSUIIK KEMEMHER THAT The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New Yerk RICHARD A. McODRDY, PRESIDENT, Is entitled te your fVW.STconslileratlen, since It holds the FORKMOSTplaen among the I.lfe In In siininre Institutions or the world, and offers superior ad vantages tn all the features of business to te gethcr with nni-qiiHlli'd financial s entity. CASH ASSETS, It is also the C7.M 'A'.V7'Ceuiiwiny In which te Insure; Its larger dividend lctnrns reducing Ihornalef Insurance l.elnw tlint ei any ether Cempnny. Ithas.VOWOC'AVOI.JA'VfiVteelalmaiiy jianef the profits. I Is ratio 01 expenses te receipts Is less than ihat of any ether Company It writes the simplest and most comprehensive form of Insurance contract ever Issued, and the only one that furnishes A IISOI. VTK ISSVHA .'(.' FltUM TIIK WUJll) lle. KOI! KUIlTIIKIt INrOUMATION Al'l'I.V 'IO Rebert Helmes, District Agent, 230 N. 6th STREET, READING, Or 00 N. DUKE STREET, LANCASTER. UATH, CAl'S, &0. jgEAUTlKUE fsKW ! ATTKACTIVE I All the Novelties or the Season for YOUNU MKN. A Specialty made el all the Leading Spring styles In STIFF AND SOFT HATS ! KXTHA I.1UIIT WKKIIIT HTU'K HATS, the production of WILCOX A CO., the Leaders of ilestnn. Only plnce In the city they can he had. ljuallty unsurpassed and styles the newest. Ask ler the ' TO-h ALON HAT," nn entlie new thing for yeunr; men, A lull line of PLAIN AND Robes, Fer Gloves, Seal Gaps and Fur Trimmings. Held new reirardless of cot. A bpr clal llargaln in all these Reeds. Illijhest cnshprlce paid for raw fursi llest Skunlc.ll.M. Hest lluskrat. 15c. 4rTKLKl'llONK CONNECTION. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., Ner. 31 mul 33 Nertli Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. uevaxrvmnaniKa uuevh. QHIRK'H OAUPICT UALT CARPETS! KSOI'JCNINQ Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Best Selected Line of Carpets ever ei, hlblted In this city. WILTONS. VKLVKTS. all the Trading Makes of BODY ANUTAPK8TKY 1IUUHSKLB.TI1UKC.fi. Y, AIL Weel and Cotten Chain KXTKA8UFKUS. and all qualities of IN. UUA1N CAUl'KTS, DAM ASIC and VCNKT1AN CAUl'KTS. UAU and CHAIN CAUl'KTS of our own manufacture a soot lullly. Special Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CAUl'KTK, Alie a rail 1.IUO et OILCLOTHS. KUUS. WlNUOWUAUltS.COVKULKTS, ACI AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. Weet King and WaUr Bta., Lancaater, Pa. 9 (eMS-lBMlAw avvtm, Depnrtnient HOUSE. LANCASTER, PBNN'A. OAItl'KTS. UAKPKTS. CAIlf KTS. CAUl'KTS CAIll'KI'H. CAltPKTS, . .. at 15 Cents AfSt Cents. at 31 Cents. at M Cents. . at 75 Cents. .. . at SA Cents. $108,908,967. CARPETS! -i "sfv I rr ' O r. ,!-