Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 06, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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A Miwnlar .Miss C'nrrlrs n Twe llmlirl Hck
ul Cern te llie Tup r n ,Miiiiiitln
AnellK-r llliks lltr l.lln In mttr Hit
tlerti A l't C'nlf hlniiRidrrrd
snillrrlliR ill n Ifliuiln Hpy.
Whlle my command wns lying "ear Kelly's
I'erry (.11 tlm Tonucsseo rlter, below OlinlUi OlinlUi OlinlUi
noegt, In December IdiXl, I iimile sovernl
nimble evor the mountains In (lint vicinity
In mm it'll or wild liirke.ts and deer. On tlie
top or tlm iiieiitilnlti net tnr rieni our camp
tumu llttle larnmtt nod and occupied by 11
widow feily-it te or lllty yonriief ugoundlier
buxom daughter. Te reach (heir leg cottnge
en II111 iiieiitiliilii otet wiii no easy nuilter nuilter
The path was tnrtueiis mid steep, and In
several places diiugireiis, winding along tlm
odges el precipice where a niliilep would
hate sonleuo hoidleng dot 11 te death liuti liuti liuti
iliodseflnot helnw. Accompanied by Heme
ethers, I I'llmbud tlm path 0110 iiUorneon mid
tin illv reached tlm top. We were hospitably
entertained, tlie family preparing us adlnner
or slewed chicken, corn cakes mid siicliother
dollcacte us tlmy possessed.
In conversation with the family 1 asked
hem In tlm world they get thelr previsions
up te their mountain home, Tlmy told 1110
they almost dally went up itnd down tlie
mountain pith 1 had fllhumd nil hourertwo
before, nml they did net regard the tnik as
olther tery dilllcult or dnngoreiis. When I
tentured te oipres n doubt alxmt their
ability (ndesn, they nil laughed, nud 0110 or
thmu, 11 stripping damsel of 18,sihl shoeoutd
net only climb tlm path, but could carry a
two-bushel big of corn from the bottom te the
toiient, ullheutdllllciilty.
1 nt onceullored te gnu her a bag of 00m If
she would perform the task.
"All right," nald she ; "I'll be nt the bise
of the mountain tomeirnw nt sunrise, If
you'll premise te hat e the corn thore."
1 premised, and chatted with the family
till inter sundown, my comrades In the mean mean
tlme hating hilt 11. n
I was se trod nt the teiy thought of do de do
sceiidlngthat ilHtigeieus meiintalu path In
thedusk eftlm iiteuliig. I didn't attempt
It, but took 11 roiimlalieut trail that led te tlm
I) ise el tlm mountain mime two or three miles
(1 1st nit, r.ven this trail was a bad 0110, and
ns darkness et ertoek 1110 I mom than ence
lest It, but could net go tar Inte the thicket
011 either Hide without meeting obstacles Hint
protenled my lurther progress and Induced
1110 te caiefnlly retrace my steps te the trail.
It w a 11 weary nod cheerless walk, down,
down, down, with brambles nml bushes
brushing against mu at every few steps, no
matter hew carefully licit my may along
the trad. It was mill the mountains were
Infested with bush vuckers,anil as this thought
Htruck me I could hate kicked myself ler
remaining se long with tlie mountaineers, or
ler even climbing the mountain nt all. Nod Ned
deftly I heard the short, sharp barking el a
deg that et iileutly h id heard me approach
ing, nud took Ibis means of giving alarm.
Thenlarm was taken lip by ether dogs, and
then I tv Nicd I had riskisl breaking my
neck by going down the precipitous path I
Jm1.isi iiiided. Hut it was tee into te retreat ;
1 was half way down the iiieiintaiu, and the
dogs in trout el 1110 vvere perhaps no mnre
ilungereiis than theso 1 would meet nt tlm
heuse whom I had stepped If I ventured te
return. He I drew my revolver nml met ml
forward. I came out into a little cloir cleir
lug net half an nere ill oxtent In which
I could dimly kce tlm outline et n cabin. 1
I1.11I no oner entered the clearing than hall
II deeu dogs, harking furiously, cauiotKiimd cauietKiimd
Ing low lids me. I could net nee them until
they were close upon me. I 11 red and crip
pled one et them, mid tlm whole pick ran
yelplng bick te thecabin.
1 filled "litlioe" three or lour llme.
when I was neswired by a grull "halloo"
from thecabin as tlie owner raised the win
dow. " I' ill oil jour deg," slid I.
" Whoare jeu, and what de jeu want?" the answer.
" I'm a soldier, and want te get te the feet
e the mountain. Call oil our dogs, or I'll
sheet tliein," was my reply.
The lilies were called oil and tlie moun
taineer In answer te ipic3tlens gite 1110 some
rather ob-. ure directions as hew te get te tlm
footed the mountain. On I trudged in tlm
dirk tlireugli briars ami brambles, mid ever
rocks irid inose stone, losing the trail oeci eeci
Hinnnlly, but continuing te go down, down,
down. I last gladdened by the sight
of tlie Tennessee river, anil alter a walk
along Its buiks for some distance reached
my tump,
rm. hi m 1 i.tu vi tin or Tin: vim vtun.
Next morning almost the llrst person I met
n' tlie feet of the memitalu wivs the miideu
tvlie h id busted of her ability te carry a two
bushel hi k of corn up the Hteep pith that 1
li ul feared te descend empty handed the pre
ceding evening. Shu w ns net n lari,e woman
net much above tlie medium height but
like l.ulv J.1110 in Patience, hIie was "111.1s
Hite." Without being positively pretty, she
hail nil Interesting lace, dark )in7el eys, a
well formed mouth, nriiddy,hcalthy
complexion, and a head covered with a thick
crop of dark hair. There vvss nothing swan
like about her neck, and jet It did net seem
te be unduly developed or out of proportion
with her breid shoulders nml deep chest,
Sim w ere 110 stays or corset or bustle or any
ether kind of fashionable nppllance te Im
prove or spoil her shane. She was none of
your wasp-walsted nialdens, and yet con
trasted tvitli her swelling hips and masslte
chest her girth was net tee large te be in geed
priMirtien. She was plainly diesscd, her
skill being short enough te show n loot that
had net or been misshaped by attempting te
cram It into .1 shoe tee small for It. Mm did
net wear a uumlier one hIioe mero likely It
was a six or elirht and yet it was Hhapely,
and well-tltttd 10 the sinewy ankle and
Hwelllng calf, tlm outline of which could be
seen above It, Iler hands w oreHtin-brovvned
and her nrins hung gracefully by her Hide as
Him steed there elect but net still confident
but lint unduly Ijpld, tlm Impersonation of a
mountain mild with n back bone, watting
ler tlm hick et corn I bad premised hit. 1
gate It her of course, and after a plcwMiit
chat In the course of which 1 suggested that
hIih uiiuhtget the corn tollietopot the moun
tain If eirrled ihe e by llie half-peck, she
Hliuuldereil the hack and marched nil under
the lead as hrlxkly nml steadily an though hIie
scarcely foil Its ttt Ight. Tailoring the moun
tain pith Him ns ended with steady step until
Him reached iiileu height, when, throwing
the flick Irnni her shoulder upon a rock by
tlie wit) hide, hIie sit down te rest. 1 kl'.sed
my hand te her, and In acknowledging the
salute, hhe (minted up the mountain, nml
nfteru short breathing hpell Hhoulderod the
heavy sack and seen disappeared Irem view
behind oneof 'he Jutting knobsnmengivhicli
the pathway zigzagged. I had fully liitended
te climb the mountain that day and see the
young Amien, but circumstances protented.
"i never saw her mero bull hate no doubt
hIie accomplished her holf-lmpesed task, and
chuckled at the great bargain hIie had made
In securing se valuable a prlze en such easy
a nm'winNT kind ei a iinti..
Whlle en 11 ft raging tour among the farms
la Northern Alabama, 1 stepped at n lurin lurin
heuse, ttliore I met an old man, an old
woman nml 11 tall, slim girl, with rather thin
loatures and Hashing black eyes. Without
paying much attention te the family, 1 went
te the little bam near by unit took an Inven
tory of its scanty contents. The corn-crib
was empty; thore was a siiull sla-k of hay
and a lew bundles of iiuhusked corn, at
which n cow, with a crumpled horn, was
The girl watched my otery movement,
and seemed teiegard 1110 its an Impertinent
inoddler. In a shnit time she approached
and said :
" Ityouare looking ler corn ten won't get
any bore. My brothers hate been la the
army for two j ears past, and tlie only eres
grown en this place within that llliie I hate
Ph-nled and gathered with my own hands,
ihey have been but Kxir orejw vegetables,
roots and corn scarcely enough te koep us
from starving, nnd new we hate little left, 119
you may soe."
I agreed with her that tlm homestead did
notapiarte be In the best condition, and
Ironically suggested that it would perhnps
have prosentid a botter appearance jr her
brothers had staid nt home like geed lieys
nnd attended te the (arm Instead el joining
the rebel army.
" My brothers nre net robots ; tlmy are
Just as patriotic, us jeu or nny ether Yiinkoe
soldier. They nre Just as geed Union men
us you, and did all they could te prevent so se so
resslon : but as Hint was Impossible, and war
followed, and the Seuth was Invaded and
devastates), they did just what you would
have dene had jeu been here the v steed by
their country nnd roslsted the Yankee in.
yader ; and they did right."
Well, tlie Yankee Inyader in marching
rigid nteng, and he Inlends going nhead till
he gets nil the states back into tlie Union,
Just new tlie Yimkce Intaderncedf corn and
hay nnd I mn trying te Ibid 1L"
At tills moment 0110 of my ulilipilleiis
vvagen-niastnrs was discovered tugging nt
the deer of n small shed that ndjeluad the
house. Ile had lietBiicceeded In breaking tlie
leek, but had forced tlm deer far enough
epen te oep In nml discover the contents.
An seen as the girl saw him she sprang to
wards him rapidly, nnd with Hashing oyes
nnd angry gosture said :
" Don't yen dnre te epen Hint
deer I"
" Iileiitennnt, thore's n whole let or rern
In thore, nnd I bellove tlm cellar's full nnd
maybe the garret. Let's search the house."
" (let nwny Irem that deer," said the girl
te tlie wngon-masler. " Search tlm house, If
you want te, from cellar te garret, but koep
away from this crib ( It contains only a low
bimholsercoru, and that Is all my peer pa
rents hate te llte 011, nml when Its gene,
(led knows what will become or them. It
shall net be stelen rrem thorn ; I will defend
It with my HI", nud net 1111 ear shall be taken
oteept ever luy ilead body."
" Yeu forget yourself, miss j you nre but a
slight girl, whlle we nre a company el armed
men. ou weuiu net risK your 1110 ui sucu
odds In saven low bushels of corn 7"
" I would risk my llte te sitemy father
nnd metlier from starvation ; nnd I will leso
my lire right hore before n blishel or that
corn shall be taken from thorn," nnd she
planted her btck ileliautly against the deer,
as though she should say':
" Come one, ceme all t this rock dial 1 11
Krinii Us li rm base as seen as I."
The big wagon-master looked admiringly
nt tlie girl nml deprccntlugly nt me, nnd giv
ing his bend n peculiar jerk, he said : " I
reckon we might ns well move en with the
train. This 'ere corn nln't et no ncceunt no
hew ; we'll llnd better and mero of It net far
1 nodded assent, nnd asked the girl her
" Inne Tanner," was the answer.
"Uoed-hyo ; we'll fornge further te the
front, nud If we succeed in tilling our wagons
we will net disturb jeu ; lr net, we will ro re
turii and Inspect the contents el that llttle
crib," and I rode oil with as severe an ex
pression as I could assume.
HI I'I'IMI Willi thi:mi'i iikiii.i..
A tew mlles te the Trout we lilted our
wagons, and the train returned tecttnp by a
nearer and botter read ; but feeling an Inter
est in the spunky Miss Tanner, 1 returned
fin the Inrrleailed corn-crib.
Miss Tanner smilingly met me at the
" I knew you would ceme back," she
" Yes, Ptocemo for the corn."
"Oh, no, you haven't; but you shall
nevertheless have a htttt of It. I Imte um
pired some corn-meal, 11ml Inn llttle whlle
we will have seme het; cakes baked, nml
oiiie bacon fried, mid these, with n cup of
milk nnd a fvv trllles from tlie cellar, will
make a supper botter than we usually have,
nnd llmrolero geed enough for Yankoe In
tader," elm said with mock sarcasm. " New,
go In and bilk with pipa till supper Is reidy ,
he was a soldler himself long nge."
ts old sei.mrii ami rei.nuiAN.
In conversation with the old gentleman, 1
burned that he had leeii a soldier In the war
of 1HI2, mid nlse in the Mexican war, had
teted for Madisen, Menree mid .laeksen and
then swung oil te Harrison in IS 10, te t'l.iy
in Isll. ami te old Zach in lsls, returning te
tlm IleiiKH'ralii' party in ISM and toting ler
"I'ierceand King," the latter being, In his
fHtiuintieii, Alabama's greatest statesman. In
Isiii he teted ler " Muck and Itreck," nud in
Imj) for the " l.itlle (llant " el Illinois. e
had opposed secession w Uh all his might, ns
did thoenlire population, almost, of Northern
A latum i, but disunion came, and -and the
bejs -well tlmy 'listed, like nit the ethers, In
tlie 'onfederato arm j
Hj this time supper was raid j-, audi rel
ished it. During my stij- I tried tocentinco
Miss Tinner that It wns'iuy jnirpose te call
again and coulisc.ite her com. Itut she knew
" I was terribly frightened at llrst," sdd
she, " when 1 saw that big rollew trjlng te
break the deer ejeii ; but after I hid made
iiij' llttle speech, 1 saw tears In that big fel
low's eyes, and you didn't leek half assetere
as jeu thought you wero looking. I knew
my corn was S.1I0 as far as you two wero con
cerned. Itut, eh, I don't knew who may
ceme next; I wish this war was ever and
we could be friends instead of onaiiiies."
"Se de I," ami I rede oil.
new 1 ruiKiiTesvM t. imii:ti wevian's
n,r vi.i.
On tlm 17th of July, I sill, when our rog reg
iiiient was Ij-Ing at Camp Scrlbner, near
Cewiin, Ten 11., I was detailed te tnke coin cein
m mil of M men as guard te n lor.ige train.
We man-hed, perhaps, lour mlles along the
iiasoef the mountain te a place named Will
iam's Cete. Here we leaded the wagons (16
In number) with sboaf-wheit belenging ten
tanner who was "sorting his ceuntrj-" In
the rebel army. His wile was In charge of
the home mid farm. She was a bright, Intel
ligent mid tery prettj- llttle woman, and she
had clustered around her threo or four
terj pretly little children. She bere with
becoming patience the less et her stacks et
w, and s ivv the teamsters and the guard
capture dozens of her chickens and I don't
knew hew many young pigs, and though
her heart waa aching, she smiled through hei
tears mid nsked me w hether 1 could net site
what romalned of her property. 1 told her
that I was net in charge el the train, but
only commanded tlie guard thai was te pre
teel it if attacked ; 1 would soe that no
further depredations wero committed by the
guard, an t would speak te tlm olllcer in
charge of tlm train and de all I ceujd te
induce him te prevent Individual foraging.
The llttle woman gushed with gratitude,
thanked 1110 a thousand times for iiij geed
ollices, and begged 1110 te stay until tlie train
moved oil. Thore w.vs a pet calf running in
the moadetv with horns lust budding Irem
its pretty head, nud it had such large, mild,
Innocent eyes, and ttwnsthe only playmate
the dear children had lelt, except pair or
dm ks, with green heads, that wero quack
ing 011 the margin eTa llttle streim that ran
down the "cete." It I could only sate the
calf and ducks for the children I would win
their mother's oternal gratitude ; nnd when
her husband came home, which she hoped
would 1)0 terj- seen, she would tell film hew
kindly 1 had dealt with her and her llttle
My heart was touched bj- the earnest ap
1 '.d of the llttle woman, whose smiles and
tears and hopes and tears chased well ether
oter her prettj' face in rapid succession ; ami
I resolved te save the ail! at all ha. lrils.
The train moved oil with tlm olllcer 111
charge nt the head or tlm line, nud I had a
portion of the guard thrown lerward under
command of a sergeant, 1 bat lug taken the
responsibility te bring up the reir guard.
I'tery soldler had lelt the (arm beteiu 1
left, and the calf and ducks werestill there.
I theucht I had ilenn an act of Christian
kindness, ami I knew the llttle woman
thought se, tee. 1 had scarcelj- get out of
the premises, hew oter, before I found a
squad of my rear guard engaged in a desper
ate battle with a httoefboos. The hite had
been overturned nnd the rascals w ere steal
ing the botiey, but dearly wero they paying
Ter It. The bees darted at thelr eyes, thelr
nases, tbelr mouths, thelr hands-lndeed,
limy swarineii all ever them nnd dually
drote them oil. 1 was right glad et it. I
admired the liees for se spunkily dolendlng
their sweets, until one or theni darted atine
nud Jabbed me in the hand. I erdered the
men te nt ence hurry forward, nml 1 did the
AT DOt'lll.K (illicit.
In an hour or se we reached camp, nnd
w htn 1 placed my guard In line I had no
dilllculty In distinguishing the gang that
had robbed, or attempted te rob, the bee
hive. I'.very man ortheni had bunged ojes
and lips nud cars and noses and hands. 1
rojelcod ever their wounds almost ns much
as 1 did evor hating saved te the pretty
Southern woman her pet calf nnd ducks.
Hut what was my sorrow and Indignation
te learn, nil hour or two Inter, that the boo bee
lighters, after hating been driven fieni tlm
iiive, instead 01 at ence rejoining the com
mand ns I had orderod them, had returned
te tlm meadow, captured the pet call and
greoii'lieadod ducks, can led them le camp,
slaughtered them, cooked theni, and had tlm
audacity te ask me whether 1 would hate
roast duek or slew oil teal. 1 took teal.
Stb NIOIIV (IP A lilMAI.Ii M't.
1 wasrldlngthreugh Atlantaln September,
ISdl, taking 11 tlnw or the ruin that had been
made by the torrible siege It had sustained
for a month or mere. Seelng seme soldiers
queue Iiiug thelr thirst at 11 pump that steed
In an enclosed j-ard, ndjelniiiga frame house,
I dismounted te get n draft el water from the
calabash fiem which tlie men ttcriHliliiking.
As 1 did son woman oame out or the front
deer of the heiiM) ind ollered 1110 a cup Irem
tylilch te drink. Hating quenched my
tlilret, X returnedlliocup,andleoklnglnt()tho
house I saw two little children lying en nil
lows en the deer. I asked the woman 11
they were sick, and she said thet-beth had
scarlet foier or a serious type, unci she did
net knew what would bocemo et them, as
ahe would liave te remove tliein front At
lanta tlie following day, in nccordance with
(Inn. Hherman's orderc,
The reader will remember that nftnr At
lanta was captured, (Ien. HI. 01 man Issued
orders thatnll families, the tnale representa
tives of which wero in the Confederate sor ser sor
tlce, should lento tlm city J that Omi. Heed
nnd the mnyer of Atlanta protested against
the order us barbarous, but submitted te the
inovttable, mid that a truce was agreed upon
between the opposing commanders, wherein
It was stipulated thatadotnehment of federal
troops should escort the expelled families te
thiMewn of Heugh mid Heady, seme mlles
south, nud there turn llmiii oter te n do de do
tnetimeiit of Confederate troops.
This tnu e was about expiring at the time
I met the Southern metlier and her sick chil
dren. "II I could but seu (leu. Sherman," said
she, ' 1 .1111 hiire I would net hate te lotto
my home with inv children almost djlng."
"(Ien. Sherman's order is no doubt 11 tery
lireHir one," I wild, "but he did lift me in
that it should operate te the detrlmentef sick
nud djlng women nud children. Make
known te him jour and their condition, nnd
I think you can remain hern nnd hate pro pre
por protection."
"Ne, no," ha Id shej "I liate exhausted
otery oirert te sce (len. Sherinau, mid I have
been ropulsed by guards nud orderlles nnd
ndutatiis, mid I don't knew hew many
ofllcers of various grades. 1 nut n t'lilen
woman, nnd hate done much perilous nor ner nor
vlce for the Union ctuse. I carry in my
besom new a loeket containing 11 portrait
which If I could show (ion. Sherman would
boa passport te his favor. Ne, the portrait
Is net my husband's ; it Is or 0110 et (Jen.
Sherman's spies, te whom I liate, lliue nnd
again, given valuable Information. I was in
Atlanta from thocemmeiicomont te the end
of the torrible solge and had many opportu
nities of sending valuable Information te
Shermnu. Thogeneral does net of course
knew 1110, but he knows this picture, and
could I hut sce him, I am sum I would net
be banlshed rrnm my home."
I tried te Inducn the peer woman te be be be
lloeo that it would net bone tery dilllcult te
get an interview with (ion. Slierinm, lr she
would geulsiut It in the right way, nnd even
tnlunteered iiij services te assist" her. Hut
she shook her head; said It wns no use;
overytliing had Win done that could lie done
nnd thore was nothing for her te de but leave
the town.
I asked her tvliore she proposed te go. She
said le Athens, Oa. I told her It would le
lellv te go there, lorlhe Colen troops Aeuld
be thore almost as seen as she, and then pro
bably she would hate te go somewhere olne.
I advised her toge North nt ence, tvhore ir
she was as geed n I nlen woman ns she said
she was, she would be warmly itolcemod,
nml even Ifshe were net she would hate
reed and medicine, shelter ler herseir and
sick children, nnd wouldn't be disturbed by
the clang efarms ami tlm d mgers of such a
slcgoasshe had been subjected te In At
lanta. "I liate considered nil these things," said
she ; "mid yet I am going te my old home at
Athens ; I will meet my mother there, and
pesslblj- inv brethers. 1 knew tery well
that ( ien. Sherm m's army tv HI net stophero.
It will go te Athens nnd everywhere eUe
In the state tilt tlie Confederates are driven
lit cry new and llieu as she talked she ad
justed the pillows or her sick children,
smoothed b.e k thelr golden tresses, mois
tened their nrt hed llps.fanned their letered
brews, nnd with motherly tenderness tried
te sooth them te sleep, or assuage the pdu
with which their little l-edlcs were racked.
I hid tlm geed woman goed-bj-o, and
rode straight te (ion. Sherman's head
quarters, te sce If something could net Is)
dene ler her nnd her sick children. The
general was absent en imiertaut business.
Towards evening I called ngain, with like
result, (ien. Sheriu ill had much mero I111
isirtsnt matters te attend te than te leek
aflera woman and her sick children ; but I
was Iree-footed just then and earlj tlie bil
lowing morning I rede up te the house where
I had lilt them. The doers ami windows
wero vt ide epen. Tlie house was dosertod.
The mother and the sick children and the
household goods werogeno. Thej- had been
t iken like thousands el ethers no doubt te
Heugh mid Headj-, in a jolting government
wagon, te be there doliveied te the tender
mercies et tlm Cen lederates, mid perhaps be
sent by them te tln.ii old 1. 01110 at Athens
perhaps net 1
As I mused ever their probible I went
te the pump nnd drew nod my sorrow in a
drink of water from tlie calabish that was
dangling beside it
Maiij" j ears 11.1t e pissed slnce these ovents
occurred, and 1 hate never heard 11 word
from the muscular mountaineer who shout sheut
dered the two bushel sack et corn; nor or
spunky Jeiiiile'launc who was willing te
loe her llie te site her old pirents ; nor et
theseeesh planter's prettv wife whose "calf"
I talnlj- tried te site ; nor el the femalespj'
or her sick children.
A Kfin.trkalile Wiiiuiii
Ne rem de ligure in l'rencti history stands
nut bolder orniero distinct than Madame de
Mnintenen. she wns liern In u prison. When
f years old and en a vnjagoteMartitiiquosho
sickened into apparent death, and was about
te be buried In the sea, when her mother in
sisted 011 ence mero seeing her child. It was
letind that the heart's action had net stepped,
nnd she wns sited Irem the deep. At 17 she
married l'aul Scarien, the burlosiiue writer ;
at Ids death she toeki'hiirgo or the illet;ltl illet;ltl illet;ltl
iiiatochlldienor"l,oiiis l J became iTis
misti ess, was raised te n Marqitisnte ; wns
with the queen when that much neglected
woman died ; married the king, lnundedthe
famous Institution or St. Cj-r ahomerorioor
girls and died in the odor or sanctity when
SI j'earseld. She was undoubtedly n worldly
wise woman, with an oter-prudent nature,
dominated by long-he ided selfishness, punc
tilious about "her salvation just as she would
hate been about properly Intestlng her
luoney; without sensibility of pissieu, hating
oterj thing Hint could ois)e her te con tempt,
mid, in tact, revolt ing te make the lKst el
both worlds.
Mt llttle llerentlm ,
I lereiue, iny Klen ulliip
hulitle. artless lltlli) lilrj,
tt hen I told lur that 1 loved hei
riiriH'ilnnnieliei luUlit bliioetei.
stayed these stps se light and ulrj,
'1 iirneil nnd loeKt it me In the tare
tt Uh smirch and swiet -i grace
'lh it I reubl net but hive loved lifl
Wfie It enlj fei Hut leek.
Ilelli my h mils In heix klu- lenl,,
tsklng" tt lit I loved hei '
'i lien I us kul inj-i II the qui -Hen,
tt euderhig nt the xlrauge suggestion
booking hi hei uuilclili'sj i-yes,
lilt tiling llslla's skies
In tht-lr iinre ilcplhs and splendor
-Sillily 11101 lid ceultl net gize
On them, Irellng net the Uliue
Ol their bf 11 my, pure jet Unde
As the limlilief Arab)
reuitinil trinibct'iiileiilly ,
silll it whs net lei her eye-,
'1 heugh they were brlirtdei thin tin Idlest
I'rt cleus gems that mortals pi1 ,-,
I .a bl In ciukets ikh unit nucst.
Knew lug eul) I hit I loved hei,
htlll 1 nkt d me, tt h) I lev 1 il In r '
i hen I slieked bei gelden,
That stleve loievertoi Ulpse,
III lliiireiirl Invvetun carussis,
Her most pile nnd spliltiul blew,
Audi ptcstM'd herswtsiteht lips,
Drnniilnglii kisses hoi iicceuls low
(Hees tlie Hay bee leve the 11C1 tin
'J hut Clowns each little star icilcc ter.
Tansies nnd rmgct-ine neis,
Thronging the gntsay meadow plots ')
And I heard her thrilling voice,
(Joining fiem lote'sseitestlliionc,
softly tvhliipt-ilng " Jly own '"
(Such In lote's monopoly ')
And it made my soul rejoin-,
tt Ithajey iiniitterablc,
tt litudlmised, Inline isiiratile.
Still I fashioned no leply,
Knewing only" 'lhai 1 loved hei,"
A hile In dubious rev erln
1 mused, and win 11 I looked ngulu
A Iciir wiisgllslenbig In hiriije,
' (), tell me iid(kl) tell 1110 why
Veu leve 1110 1" And I would linvn fain
blmpi d Heme leasen why 1 let id her,
Hut 1 could net ! sol slid
" 1 knew net hew It eidil he se
Th it I let 1 d nud did net knew
tVbereleie, but-'lwas ev en te '
1 hen a Jey Learned In her ,
And brarma In close einbraci
Wound nreimd me, nnd hure)cs,
Twin miners of most iizmesklis,
t lashed w 01 Ids el n-ndeiuis te mini.,
And her silver) voice dlvbiu
Win tiled forth her secret thought ,
"New I knew Hail thou dost love 1110,
And 1 only linked topretntheo
True lote Iiimu hidden snurte.
And thou ciuld'it net feel Its feiru
And Its 'leptli, U thou dost knew
Ite ueus w by thou levest me te "
I.ev lug evor, thus 1 let cd her,
Never knowing why I lever hei,
Only knowing that " I loved her I"
Jehn Jlarmar AthUlt-
The communion sort ice el Janunrj' was
Just oter In the church nt Sugar Hellew, nnd
poeplo wero waiting for Mr. l'arkes te gite
out the hymn, but he did net give It out; he
laid Ids book down en the tnble, nnd looked
about en Ids church,
He was 11 man of simplicity nnd slncerltj',
lully In earnest te de Ids Lord's work, nnd de
it with nil his might, hut he did sometimes
foci dlscouraged. Ills congregation wns a
mlxture of farmers mid mechanics, for Sugar
Hellew wns cut In two by Sugar brook, a
brawling, noisy stream that turtied the
wheel or many a mill nud m.miifacterj , j et 011
the hills around it there wns still a scattered
population eating thelr bread In the Hill Kr
(option of the primeval cm se. He he had te
contend with llie keen brain nml skeptical
comment or the men who piqued ihemelvcs
011 pewer te liammernt theological problems
as well nshet Iren, with the Jealousy nnd ro re ro
pulslen nnd bitter Icellng Hint lias bred the
communistic hordes abroad and nt home ;
whlle perhaps he had n still hanler task te
awaken the sluggish souls or theso who used
their days te struggle with barren blllslde
and rocky pasture for mere feed and cloth
ing, nnd thelr nights te sleep the dull si cop
of plij steal latlgiie and mental t acuity.
It seemed sometimes te Mr. l'arkes that
nothing but the trump or (labrlel could
arouse his people Irem their sins nnd make
them bellove en tlie Lord and fellow His
toetstetis. Te-daj' no a long tlme before
te-day he had mused nud prajed till an Idea
took shape lu his thought, and new he was
te put It In practlce ; yet he felt pccullarlj'
responsible and solemnlzod as he looked
about him and foreboded the success of Ids
oxperlmont. Then there llashed across him,
as words or Scripture will come back te the
habitual Hlblo-reader, the neble utterance or
Gamaliel concerning Peter and his brethren
when thej' steed borero the council : " lr
this counsel or this work he or men, it will
ceme le naught ; butir It be of (led, ye can
not oterthrow IL" Se with a sense or
strength the nilnister spoke.
"My dear friend," he said, "yju all
knew, though I did net gitenny nntlce te
that elicit, that this week is the Week of
I'raj'cr. I liate 11 mind te ask you te make
It for this ence a week of practlce instead. I
think we may disceter seme things, some of
the things el (led, lu this manner, that a suc
cession of prayer-meetlngs would net per
haps se thoroughly reveal tens. New when
I saj' this I don't mean te hate j-eu go home
and vaguely endeavor te walk straight In the
old way ; I want you te take 'topics,' as they
are called, for the prayer-meeting, l'er in
stance, Monday Is prajer for the temperance
work. Try nit that day te be temporate In
speech, lu act, In ludulgonce of any kind
that Is hurtful te you. 'Iho next day Is ler
Sunday schools ; go and visit jour scholars,
such el you ns are teachers, nud try te feel
that they bate lit fiii: souls te fat a Wednes-
daj Is a day for fellowship meeting ; we nre
cerdlallj' invited te attend a union meeting
of this sort at Hintam. Few of us can go
twentjMlve miles te be with our brethren
there; let us sjend that day lu cultivating
our brethren here ; let us go nnd see these
who have been cold te us ler seme reason,
heal up our breathes of Inendshlp, eenress
our shortcomings 0110 te another, and act as
H, In our Master's words, 'all jearebreth-
" Tlmrsdny Is the day te pnij ler tlie ram
lly rotation ; let lis eacli try te be te our ram ram
illes 011 that day lu our ineasure what the
Lord Is te lllsiamily, the church, remom remem
berng the words, ' I'athers, provoke net
your children te anger' ; 'Husbands, lote
tour tt It os, nud be net hitterHg.iinst them.'
These nre tlm texts rnrely commented upon,
I have noticed, in our conlerence meetings ;
we nie mero apttesiKMk of the obedlonco
due Irem children, nud tlm submission nud
meekness our wives ovte us, forgetting that
duties are nlw.ij s reciprocal.
" 1'riday the church Is te be prajed for.
Let us then each ler himself trj- le act that
day, Just as we think Clnist our great Hx
einplar, would hate acted lu our places, us try te proto te ourseltes mid the
world about us that we hate net taken upon
us Ills n.ime lightly or in tain. Saturday is
prayer-daj- for the heathen and foreign mis
sions Brethren, you knew and I knew
that thore nre heathen at our doers here ; let
every 0110 el you who will, take that day te
preach the gosjiel te some one who does net
near It an j-vv here else. I'erliaps jeu will
llnd work th d je knew net el Ijung in veur
midst. And let us all en Saturday evening
meet hcie ngaiti anil choeso seme 0110 brother
te rotate his experience of tlie week. Yeu
tt he nre willing te trj' till' method, please te
rise "
Htorj-bedy rose except old Ames Tucker,
who net er stirred, though his wlte pulled at
htm and whispered te him lmplerlnglt. He
only shook his grilled head and sat immov
able. " Let us sing the doxology," said Mr.
l'arkes ; mid It was sung with full lorter.
The new idea had routed the church lully ;
it was something fixed .mil positive te de ;
it was the lever-point Archimedes longed
for, and eatli roll readj- and strong te mete
a world.
Saturday nightthechurcli assembled again.
The cheerlul eagerness was geno Irem thelr
faces; thej' looked downcast, troubled,
wearj, as the pister expected. When the
box ler ballets was pissed about, each 0110
tore n bit el piper from the sheet placed lu
the hymu-lioeks for that purpese nud wrote
mi it a 11.11110. The pister said, alter he had
counted them :
" Deacen Lmmeiis, the let has fallen en
" I'm sorry for 't," said the deacon, rising
up and taking oil his oterceat. "I ha'n't
get the best of tecerds, Mr. l'arkes, new 1
tell ye."
"That Isn't what we want," said Mr.
l'arkes. " We want te knew the whnle e.x e.x e.x
lHirienoe of seme one among us, and woknetv
you will net tell us elliier mero or less than
w hat j'eu did experience."
Deacon Kmmens was a short, thick-set
man, with a shrewd, kludlj face and gray
hair, who kept the tillage store, ami had a
well-earned reputation ler honest)-.
" Well, brethren," said he, " 1 dene whv
1 shouldn't tell It. I am prelty well
ashamed ermj-seir, no doubt, but I ought te
be, and maybe I shall profit bv what I've
round out theso six days bick. I'll tell ten
Justus It ceme. Monday I looked about me
10 begin vv Uh. I am amazing fend et ceftee,
and it a'n't geed for me, the doctor saj s It
a'n't ; but dear me, II dees set a mail up
geed, cold mornings, te hate a cup or het,
tivvett, tastj' drink, and I haven't had the
grit te reluse 1 1 knew 11 made me what
lelks call nervous, and I call cress bofero
night come ; mid I knew it fetched en spells
et low spirits tv lien our folks couldn't get a
word out of me net 11 geed one, nnyttav:
se 1 thought I'd try en tlm'. 10 begin with.
I tell j'eu it ceme hard ' I hankered niter
that drink or collee dreadful 1 seemed ns
though 1 couldn't eat mj breakfast w itheut It.
I led te pity a man that loves liquor more'ii I
ever did in my llie before; but 1 Itel sure
they can step If they try, ler 1'te stepped,
and I'm a gein' tesLij- stepped.
" Well, ceme te dinner, there was anether
light. I de set bj' pie the most et anything.
I was leu lied up en pie, ns jeu may saj".
Our lelks always had It three times 11 day,
and the doctor he's been talklii' and talkln'
te 1110 alsiiit eatln' pie. 1 line tlm dyspepsj'
like eterj thing, nnd It makes me useless by
sih-IIs, nud eurellable us n tt oather-ceck. An'
Docter Drake he sajs thore won't nothing
help 1110 but te diet. 1 was read In' the lllble
that morning while 1 was waiting ler break
last, rer't was Menda.v, and wife was kind or
setback with waslilu' nud till, nnd I ceme
ncrest that part ttliore it saj s that the bodies
or Christians aiotemplos or the Hely (JhesL
Well, thinks I, we'd ought totakeciro ot'em
irtbej be, nnd see that they're kop' cleaunnd
pleasant, like the church ; and nobody can
be clean nor pleasaut Hint has dyspepsj'.
Hut, come te pie, 1 lelt as though 1 couldn't !
mid, le je, 1 didn't 1 I eet a plcce right
against in)' conscience; faclu' what 1 knew
I ought te de, I went and done what 1 ought
net te. 1 tell ye inj' conscience made music
of 1110 consider' lile, mid 1 said 1 wouldn't
never sneer nt it drink in' man no mero when
lie slipped up. I'd Itel ter him, nud help
him, ler 1 see just hew it was. Se that daj''s
practlce git" out, nut it learnt me a goon iumi
mero it 1 knew neiore.
" 1 started out next day te leek up my
Hlble-chiss. Thej-lintcii't 1 eally tended up
te Sunday Scheel us thej- ought te, u'eug
back, but I was busy, here and there, mid
tliara didn't seem te beared c bance te get
te it. Well, 'tweuld lake tlm evening te tell
it nil, but I found 0110 real sick, been 11-bed
for three weeks, and tt as se ghul te see me
that 1 tell fair ashamed. Seemed us t eugli
1 heerd the Lord ler tlie llrst tlme sij-Iu' ;
'Inasmuch as je did it net te 0110 el the
least of these, ye did it net te nie. Then an
other man's old mother says te me before lie
ceme lu Irem the shed, says she : 'He's been
n-sayin' Hint it lelks practised what thej
preached j-eti'd ha' come round te leek him
up arore new, but lie reckoned you kinder
looked down en mill-hands. I'm awul glad
you come.' Hretherlng, se was I 1 tell
j'eu, that day's work done 1110 geed, 1 get a
peer opinion el Jeslab Kmmens, new 1 tell
ye, but I learned mere a bout the Lord's wis
dem than a month of Hundavs ever shetted
A smile he' could net ropress passed oter
Mr. l'arkes' oarnest face The deacon ha4
rorgeltcn all oxternal Issues lu coming se
closeln the heart id things ; but the smlle
passed as lie said ;
" Hrether Kmmeiis, de jeu remember
w hat the Master said : ' lr nny mm Will de
His will, he shall knew of tlm doctrine,
whether it be onied, or whether I speak et
"Well, It's se," nnswered tlm deacon;
"It's se right nleng. Why, 1 uoter thought
se much of my lllble-class nor took nosed'
Int'rtst in '0111 ns I de te daj- net slnce 1 be
gun te te.tch. I b'llute they'll ceme mero
icg'larnew, tee.
"New ceme Tellewshlp dij. I thought
that would be nil plain Mallln ; seomed as
though I'd get warmed up till 1 lull pleas in t
towards! oterybedv sol went around seeln'
folks that wivsnelghbeis, nnd 'twas'; but
when I ceme home at neon spell, I'lnlurv
says, ntys shn : ' Square Tucker's blnek hull
Is Inte tli' erchari.1 11 learin nreund, nud be's
knocked two lengths e' fence down 1l.1t 1'
Well, the old Adam rlz up then, you'd botter
b'llete. That black bull had been a hreakln'
Inte my lets oter slnce we get In th' nftor nfter
iiintli, and It's Square Tucker's lence, nnd he
won't make It bull-strong ni he'd ouuhter,
and that orchard was aj-eiing 0110 jest cemln'
te bear, and all the new weed crisp 11s crnck-
Hn's with rresL You'd belter b'llote 1
didn't have much Idler feeliii' with Ames
Tucker. 1 Jest put evor te ids heuse and
spnke pretty free te him, when he looked up
nnd sajs, sijshe : rollewsoip-mu tin' day,
a'n't it, deacon?' I'd ruther he'd ha' slap) oil
my face. I roll ns though I should like le
slip behind the deer. J sce pretty distinct
what sort or life I'd been lltln' nil the
years I'd been a professor, when I couldn't
held en te my tengue and temper 0110
day I"
" Hroth-e-ron," interrupted n slew, harsh
telec, somewhat broken with emotion, " VII
tell the rest en 'I. Jesiah Kmniens ceme
around like a man an' a Christian right thore.
He asked me for te forglte him mid net te
think 't was tlie rault or his religion, becaue
't washls'ii and netliln' else. I think mero et
him te-day than I ever dene bolere. I was
onethat wouldn't say I'd practise with the
rest or je. I thought 't wns everlastin' non
sense. I'd ruther go te forty nlne prnjer
meetlns than work nt belli' geed n week. I
b'ltetemy hepe his been ene or them that
perlsh ; It ha'n't worked, mid I leatelt be
hind te day. 1 mean te begin honest, nnd It
was seeln' ene honest Christian man fetched
1110 round te 't,"
Ames Tucker sal down and burled his
grizzled head In his rough hands.
" Uless Hie Lord" sdd the qu.iteilng
tenes el n still elder man from a Tar ternei of
the heuse, and many n glistening eje gate
silent respense.
" (Se en, Hrether Kmtiiens," snid the niln niln
iseor. Well, when next daj ceme t get up le
mnke the lire, and myboyJeo had forget
the klndlins. I'd openod my mouth te gite
him Jesse, when It ceme ever 1110 siiddln
that this was the da) of pr.ij-er ler tlm fam
ily relation. I thought 1 wouldn't siy
nethln'. I Jest fetched In the klndlins my
self, and when the llre burnt up geed I
called wife.
" ' Dear 1110 I' says she. ' I'te get such n
headache, 'Slab, but I'll ceme In n mluiilt.' I
didn't mind that, for women nre nlvvajs
bavin' nches, and 1 wnsjet a gelu' te sav se,
when 1 remembered the tex' aljeiit net beiti'
bitterngalnst 'em, se I sajs : ' Phllury, jeu
laj-a-bed. I expett Kniiiij- and me cm gel
the tittles te-daj-.' I declare, Mm turned
oter and gite me such u leek ; whj', it
struck right in. 'lhore was my wile, that
had worked for an' walled en 1110 twenty-odd
j ear, 'most scar't because I spoke kind or
teelin' te her. I went out and Ictched lu ihe
pdle' water she'd nltvajs d rawed herstlt,
nnd then 1 mllKed the cow. When 1 ceme
III I'hdurj-wns up fryin' the pointers, and
tears n shiiiin' en her whlle face. She uidii't
say nethiii', she's kinder still, but she hadn't
no med te. I lelt 11 lectie meaner'n I did
tlie day befere. Hut't tvan't nethln' te my
condition when I was gein', towards night,
down tlie sullar sLdrs ler seme apples se's
tlie children could hat e a roast, nml 1 heerd
Jee up in the kitchen say te I. tinny : '1 de
b'llote, Km, pa's geiur te die.' ' Why.
Jeslar r.inniens, bow jeu Lilk 1' 'Well, I
de; he's se eterlastlti' pleasant nn' geid-na
tored I can't but think lie's struck tv ith
" 1 tell j'O, brethren, I set right down en
them sullar stairs and cried. I u, reelj-.
Soeincd ns though tlm Lord had turned and
looked nt me jest as He did nt 1'eter. Whj,
there was my own children noverseo me net
real fitlicrly and pretty in nil their lives, I'd
growled nnd scolded and prajed nt '0111, and
tried te retell 'em up jest as the twig is bent
the tree's inclined, je knew, but I hadn't
net or thought that they'd get right nnd rtu rtu
sen te oect I'd de my part as well ns thej
thelr'n. Seemed ns though 1 was liudlii' out
mero about Jesiah Kinniens' Khorlceniiu's
than was real agieeable.
"Come around I'rldij' I get hick te the
store. I'd kind e' left it te the bej s tlie earl v
part or tlm week, mid things was a llttle
cuterln', but I did have sense net te tear
round and 11 se sharp words se much as com
mon. I began te think 't wns gettin' eisy te
practise alter tlte dajs, when In ceme Jfulge
llernck's wife after seme curt'm calico. I
had a hau'some piece, nil done oil w 1th roses
an' things, but there was a rault in the
weatlu' oterj'iiow and theiiathin streik.
She didn't notice it, but she was pleased
with the figures en 't, mid she snii she'd
take the whole piece. Weil, jest as I was
wrappin' In up, what Mr. l'arkes here said
about try-In' te act jest as the Lord would lu
our place, ceme acrest me. Whv, 1 turned
as red as 11 beet, 1 knew J did. It made mu
all of a tremble. There was I, adoer-keeper
in 1110 loins 01 my iieu, as utvin sav's, reany
cheatln', nnd clicatln' n woman. "I tell jn,
brethren, I was all era sweaL 'Mls'Iler
rlck,' sajs I, ' I don't b'llote jou'te looked
real clese nt this goods ; 't nln't thoieugh
wove,' saj's 1. Se she didn't take It ; but
what letched 1110 was te think hew many
times I'd dene stcli mean, ourellablo llttle
things te turn n penny, and all the time
sayiu' and prayin' tliat I wanted te be like
ChrlsL 1 kop' a-trlppen et mysell up all
daj-jest lu the erdlnarj' business, and 1 was
n peg lnwer down when night ceme than I
was n Thursday. I'd ruther, ns lar as the
hard work Is concerned, lay a inile et rour reur rour
fnet stone wall than undertake te de a man's
llvin' Christian duty ler tvvelte werkln'
hours ; nnd the belt of th it is, it's because I
ain't used te it, and I ought te be.
" Se this niernin' came nreund, and 1 lelt a
mite mero cherk. 'T was misslesarj morn mern
lu', and seemed as lr't was a bight easier te
preach than te pracllse. I thought I'd begin
te old Mis' Vedder's. Se I put a Testament
in in)' pocket and knocked te her deer. Sjjs
I, ' (oed-mornlii', ma'am,' .mil then " I
stepped. Words seemed te hang somehow.
1 didn't want te pep right out that I'd ceme
evor and try 'n cdnteii her lelks. I hemmed
and swallowed a little, and llu'lly I h.iiil,
says 1 : " We don't see jeu te meelin very
Irequent, Mis' Veddor.'
"'Ne, jeu don't,' ses she, as quit k ns a
wink. ' 1 stay at home and mind my bust
" ' Well, we should like te lmv ten teme
along with us nud de j-e geed,' sajs I, soil el
" ' Loek a here, Doicen !' she snapped,
'I've lived along side el you lilieeu vtar,
and j'eu kuetted I never went te ineetiii' :
we a'n't 11 pious let, am) you knotted It ;
wo're ixiorer '11 deith and uglier 'n sin. Jim
he drinkHiiiul swears, nud Maltiuj- dene her
letters. She knows a heap hIie hadn't ought
te besides. New what nre j'eu a cemln' here
te day ter, I'd like te IrcstrR-, nnd talkln' se
glib about moetin' ? de le meetiu' ! I'll go
or ceme lest ns I darn nleise, ler nil veu.
;setv get out e tins r tt nj", sue ceme nt 1110
with n broom-stick. Thore wasn't 116 need
011 't ; what shn said wns enough. I hadn't
uoter asked her nor lier'11 te se much us
think or goodness before. Theu I went 10
another place jest like Hint I won't call no
mero names; and sure enough thore was
ten children In rags, the hull en 'em, and Iho
man halt drunk. He git 'it te 1110, tee ; nnd
1 don't wonder. I'd never lilted a hand M
sorte nor sate 'em bolore in all these years.
I'd said cousldtr'ble about the heathen in
foreigu inirts, mid gite seme little mr te con
tort '0111, mid I had looked right oter the
bends el 1 bem Hint was nexldoei. Seemed
us if 1 could hear Him siy : 'These ought
j'e te hate done, and net hate lelt the ether
undone.' couldn't taioaiiethor soul te-day,
brethren. I ceme liume, nud here 1 he. I'te
been searched through nud through nud
teiiuil wantin'. (ied be iiiurullul le mu .1
sinner I"
He dropped Inte his seat nud bowed his
head ; and many another bent tee. It was
plain Hint the deaten's exiwriuucn wasnet the
only ene umnng the biethien. Mr. l'arkes
rose and prated ns 110 nan never prayed no ne no
fero ; the week et practlce had tired hlshcnit
tee. And It began a iiieinoruble jear ler the
chtirchlii Sugar Hellew ; net a year of e e e
olteiueut or enthusiasm, but ene when they
heard thelr Lord hjj lug, us te Israel el old
" (!e forward," and thet- obeyed Ills tolce.
The huudav school nourished the church
sertlces wero Hilly attended, otery geed
thing was helped en Its way and peace
reigned In their homes and hearts, iuior iuier
feet, perhaps, us new growths lire, but still
nil oliaheot of the peace past understanding.
And another year they will keep another
week of practice, by common consent.
Ilenrrlbeil In 11 Cetiimititn by Onn of the Heys
tl lie U In the I null 1 11 lien.
The children's Heme Is a large lieusu tt
was built roi'iwer children that liaten't nny
father or methT or theso that are peer and
liaten't nny home. Thore are 81 bejsnnd f2
girls llte In Iho home. Itiinsn great many
moms. It has" sleeping rooms. Thore are
two plnj' rooms, ene ler the bej-s and mm for
theglrl", mid we baton room they call It the
Laundry ; It has two machines te make tlm
clothes go nietiud ; that is what makes the
clothes clean, l'ourbejs turn the machines
at 0110 time, 1 sett turns n halt hour. There
is n llttle room lu the boys piny room, ttliore
Mrs. Jennie does the patching. Who Is busy
Irem morning till night We have n wnsh
loom te wash our bices nnd comb our hair.
There nre 1 big stetes In our house they
giten great deal el henL Down in the cellar
thore is a great big lurnnce ; the heat gees
nil through the heuse. Thore Is nle 11 coal
cellar u coal oil cellar nnd 11 potnte cellar. We
hate mi eating room unit n kitchen nud 11
bread pantry nnd n dish pantrt'. Some men
built n tire ecaH) around the home se lr
thore should hnppen te Ixi n llre the children
could get nut in silely without being burned.
We baton big school room te learn hew te
read, write, mid spoil. We study Arltluno Arltlune
tic, llnegrnphj' and we de long division, Mill Mill
tlpllc.itleu and subtraction. We have an
organ in our school room. Our playground
Is pretty big ; the boys play bone in sum
mer In the shed. They play bill and hide
mid seek In summer. In summer we put
up the swings ; there is n gymnasium en our
playground. Te put the sw lugs up the boys
gulUu up high and Jump oil or the swings
te soe hew lar they can jump, seme can
Jump a big ilistmce. We have 11 shed dett n
en our playground it was built there te go In
when it rains.
Tlie boys and girls have Icarned pieces for
tlie entertainment. We have a big law n lull
of fruit trees peaches and apples cherrlc
grapes, and plums, nnd icars, When sum sum
mer comes our grass gets grtcn and grows
up big; ills cut down with tlm lawn mower
Our lawn leeks) cry pretty In the summer.
We hate n llttle room In the home tvhore we
keep the Sunday clothe', It Is called the ward
robe. Ill our wash room there are four feet
tubs; In summer we wash our leet lu them
when we run bare footed. Down below our
heuse we hate a big garden te ralse all kinds
ertegctables and down below is n spring
hou'e te keep the milk nnd bulter cool. And
there Is n bam ; it lias 3 cows in iL Seme
men put a pole up and put a llre alarm box
en IL Our box is Ne. 71 lr thore should
happen te be a llre the llre men and the
horses with the engine would be here In n
hurry se as te sate eteryone in the house.
II a llre would break It would cause great ox ex
citement, every bedj In the heuse would be
Around near the trout deer there Is a llttle
room that the llttle children go and learn
hew tosew ; seme kiutergartner tilings such
as cows and sheep and lambs. Miss Cole
teacheH them te sing and march around.
Miss Cole llrst te iches the ihildteu te write
nnd sjsill nnd read then they ceme out In the
big riMjm nml learn about geegrapbj-, Arith
metic mid Spoiling, nud maybe they will get
up In the fourth reader it tliey trj Next te
the parlor Is. 1 sitting room, ttliore tlie sow sew
ing is done. Miss Kidlie Hrt in makes the
clothes nud there she lias a sewing Machine
te sew them tv ith. She Is kept buj" ns a bee
from morning till night. The sitting room
is n comfortable place, in the evening the
ladies take n seat in there and read the news.
Next te the sitting room is a llttle room for
the sick. Miss Susan nttends te sick nud she
Is kept busy Irem morning till nlghL She
gets their dlnnei and supper and breakfast
ler them, I don't knew what the children
would de II Mi-s Susan would go away Irem
the Heme ; they would siy 1 want Miss
Our home is four stories high nnd there Is
n Veranda nreund IL Down in the lieys
playroom the bejs hate made n house.
I'hey Inte two boxei with mossinsldeor
them ; the) hate china eggs that thej' get en
caster ; they take the mess nud mike 11 nest
ami put the eggs lu the nest; then put llttle
china rabbits .Hound the eggs ; they liate 11
llttle wooden menagerle ; it has animals In
but they are net alite ; we have tin horses
mid a llttle lit cry stable nnd steam beats nnd
n llttle wooden deg ; theysaj- it koeps watcli
et or the heuse at night.
Tlie girls try te keep thelr heuse as geed as
our, but they can't ; the bejs get ahead or
them. Seme of the bejs made bow Hand ar
row sand sheet at a mark te see hew geed
thej- can shoeL There ure ene or two et the
Imijs that cm sheet .1 geed mark. In the
Hummer the bejs make llttle gardens and
pretend thej' are I iriners. Some of the chil
dren like It at His home; itisn nice placa
lei peer ihilditn. Some wish that thej thej
were In tlie ceuntrj- or some place se they
wouldn't be here but ler my part 1 think it
w ill be best te stay nt our comfortable home
till seme ene lame te Like us away.
W1n.11; Hallawav.
-1 .siiiMih'.s uruitr.
Ilevr 11 tniiiig Itnettdirk Struck nn Idea en
ruiitit nml the Kefciilu of It.
Fiem the Pittsburg Dispatch.
Down In the lebbj- et the MonengnheU
house, thoie maj' be found ntchance times, a
slender built little lad, Willi light hair, and a
keen expressive lilue ej-e 11 bej' et net mero
than II or l'i j-ears of age, plying the vocation
of a bootblack. Just n few duj's nge, Mr.
Themas H. Atterburj-, the well-known glass
manufacturer, passed through the lobby, and
had his beets blacked by the urchin men men men
tioued, and whlle he was "shining 'em up,"
thogeulloman lull into conversation with the
shiner. " I'm net gein' te shlne shoes erj'
long. 1'aC. Is, I'm tired et it, and am gein'
te lit eon 111 v money."
" Why, Imw much hate you get?" queried
the gentlomen.
" I've get just $2000," replied the boy.
The amount being se large, and thoclrcum theclrcum
stance se peculiar, Mr. Atterbury Inquired
hew he came te possess such a large sum of
" It's .1 kind el'a long sterj-," said the boy,
as he plied the brush tigoreiislj, "but I'll
tell you it. ousee the lirst thing I ever
knew when I was llttle wns that 1 weke up
one meining, nud ever) thing was green
around me. That was when I was teund
in the Alleghenj' park, and I guess
1 was two jears old. I was taken
le the Allegheny mayer'H otllce, nnd thou
a woman named " Mrs. Armstrong
adopted 1110 nml raised me. t've ueen
,1 bootblack slnce 1 was quite jeuug, mid my
name is Jimmy Cestello. Well, 0110 day last
summer I was down en the wharr bore, and
1 see seme men pumping the water outel a
barge. 1 thought it took them nu awful long
time te pump that water nut, mid I get te
thinking. Hy nnd bv I theucht I teuld
make a pump, nud I drew nut en 11
what I thought. I tell jeu, mister, when 1
looked nt It I shivered, nml the mero I
looked the mero I shlvored, sis I knew 1
teuld pump out that water better thin these
men could.
" I saved up mj' innnej-, nnd 1 llrst gees te
a tinner en Wylle avenue, named Schaeler,
and 1 gets him te make 1110 n long, round,
uir-tlght tin, just like a big tomato can. I
iliu't tell him what I wants it ter, but gees
te another tinner nnd gets him te make me a
eouple et tin pipes."
"What did jeu go te llie foeend tinner
" Wh), veu see, I was afraid he might llnd
out what 1 was a doing. When I get theso
nines 1 get some mere, nnd then, ene nlsht
when the folks ut home gees te bed, I just
put them pipes and things together, ami I
emptied a tub of water with it In ene minute,
nud I tell jeu that made me shiver uieru'n
11 did wiieu 1 uratteu u out en 1110 stone.
Then I went mi t;et an nx, nud I chopped up
that tltere pump into little bits, because 1
didn't vv nut anyone else In knew what I was
adeliif;. 1 item en saving up my money,
and when I thought 1 had cueuuh I told a
man liatiie lleilly, whose beets 1 used te
shine, that I wanted him tnitet 1110 a patent
' Why,' sat she te 1110, It tv ill cost money.'
1 lust told him 1 had it, 1111' I nave him fl-I
mi' he iiet 1110 11 patent. I tell you it was 11
untidy pretty thliiKi till" " Kr"-lt reJ tel '
luetly ribbons en 11, 1111' Ihtn I Inetvs 1 was)
nil riKht.
"O110 day, net n i-reat tvhlle nge, n man
c.mie up te our heuse 011 rilteeutli stroet, an'
lie wanted te sce 1110, an' when he iK'Kntl
talkln' about my pump 1 knotted 1tl1.1t he
was niter. Veu sw, when 1 get iny patent
Ihey had te liate UKtiardeeii appointed for
me, 1111 Mr. Itellly wns the man. Well, this
man as was talking te me nsked 1110 what I
would take ler that patent, an' 1 Just thought
rie, 1 KMl would lm 11 geed price, and I told
him se. Unsaid lie would gite 1110 fi'i.lXKl,
but I ustgotliiuiupterjs,uoa Ills name
Is It. Mercheud, anil he told me he was fiem
Washington. That's juittvhv I'm going te
(piitKlilnnig, as 1 ttlll get fcWk) every year.
1 knew that seme el tlie niiinev Is down
in thai bank with Iho big liens in front of
"Won't you make a drawing for me of
your pump" usked the gentleman.
Thu lad was furulshfcd with iicncll and
papar, and made the drawing, displaying a
wonderful mechanical knowledge. The gen
tleman Wen asked feMtie dale of the jwUnt,
anil proceeded le make an lniosllRallett, m
nscertalned Hint a patent Ter a pump mSSti
combines the vacuum mid svpheu prlactteSI
had been granted en Notembor 17 of 35
tinat t'liiis Unnl. I. II... .1 m 1 .. . i" i .'
..... v.. .,y ,i, Biery ui a uoetuinoK'
beginning In the Intenltve world.
Eeiiirtlilnit new It Hn.lUiiii'a TerHiIng tevtlrmt
te bathe babies rhiih. it reltet vn all pibi and U '
harmless. I'llce, Clcentis ',
I'nrenls 11 member tin. IUme, Ceiinh nm!,'
uiuiiii .iriiKiiiti ii'ucics iiiiianiiiniien or tlie', nud tiibcaef the lungs nnd uirei ceiiuhi
uirei cough.
and croup, rilce, 11 cents.
ml jp
An llitrnter's Aililie.
tlenrge slot nnen when nilvtsliig young un
imw te utt en tumid finish by saving " linn
!'.l!!l1cd nml wirUi d borero git big the llidildng
touches t his locomotive. In us many iUvS
Mi ,'" .".'V ."" " ",0 "e or III'. I'letTs!"
"(InMi-ii Medical lil.eevury," have n pel lenrsva
l.Vril,'r,.,m.rm,ml theiuseltes en the high
. iT ,.. 1 . '""h-l.lver oempl'ilnta, Impiini hlmsl.
11. i',JriL".".,:!.,,'"'1,'"',UIHl mimy ethi-is Meld tit
lis healing InitiK-iiiistietcrtoretiini Alldrng.
BN"- mW,8Aw
rii)iUii iintn r.iiiini out
That n contaminating ami foreign cletnentlii
the bleed, dct elnpcil by liutlgestl,,,,, , Hl0 rar(t
of llieuiiiatUni 'I I1I1 nc tiles upon UietvnsMlvu
sub ciitnnreiis cot erlng nttliu u.u.clcs nml Hgn
incuts orthejnlnts, nutting cmistnnt nnd shift
ing pain, nnd aggregating ns a calcaieeiu,
chalkey deposit which produces stlUnem and
distortion of tliejnliils. .Se ract, which expert
cncalmsdcineiHtruteil In rrgaril te UoMettcr's
Stomach llltlcts, has stiimger cvldcnce le sup
port tlinti tbts. namely, tint this medicine of
coinptplicnslve uses thecks the forinlilable nnd
ntiocleui ilUeacc, nor Is It less positively cslitb
llslic-d that Ills prrfemble te the poljena often
used te nrrcul II, slnce Iho meOlclne contains
only palmar) Ingredients. H Is ntsenslgnnl
remedy for inalailnl rctcrs,coiiiUpitlen,d)i.
pepdn, kidney inii lilnililsr nllment;, debility
unit ether dlsei ders. 800 tint yen get tlie Ktti.
"ne inarM-
Mn I II .Soxes, Cashier or the First National
Hank, or Sing Sing, N Y . suITaicd nrrntlv from
Cestlvcncss nnd Dyspepsia, due te overwork
nnd want of regular cxcrcle. Arierwastlng
much tlme nnd money In sceklng n tcmeily, lm
begnn taking the old lelinbte llnindreth's 1'llln,
twoevery night for three weeks, lie new has 11
geed appetite nnd capital dlgnstlen, nnd will nn
sner nny written orpcrennl liiqulry iiigardlng
hliremarkablecurc. marilwd
There Aran I mv DriigRlsts
whecare te make a large profit en n worthless
article, than te watt for the prosperity that ulll
matcly resulls bem honest dealing, Ti(e nre
the men who, when asked for a benseu's Can
cliin 1'lnsler, will recommend seme ( heap ami
trashy siibstltute or linltntlnn, siylng It Is "just
asgoed " sometimes they will de up nnd sell
the miserable Imitation without remark, allow
lug the customer te suppose he has ltensenV,
If tee valueless plaster Is it-tuuicd, Chunp Jehn
will say he tins mnile n lnlstnku : If net, he has
done a KO(t stroke or business. Iho iliilillnure
cautioned ngnlnst Jehn nnd alt his Hlr. lluyel
rospectnble druggists only. 'Iho genuine Men
son's plaster hi the " '1 hive Seals " trade mark
nnd ihe vv erd " Liipclne " cut In the cent.
The S-iine limn 111 ,N dure.
Jinny vain attempts ntutnnde te 1epc.1l llie rn rn
mirknhle success of Henseu's Cipclnn Plaster.
This splendid leinvdy Is knew 11, sold and uttd
et eryvv here, and lis piempt nttlnii nud uiirl
vailed curative powers have wen for It hosts of
friends. Imitation bite sprung up under sim
ilar sounding 11 iuiics, such 11" Cnpsltlii,"" L'nn
slciim," t te , intended te deceive the cariilns
nnd u 11 win y. These nrtltlc peshes iionenfthn
virtues of the geniilne. Tlieu-fere we hope tin)
poeplo will assist us te pi meet what iirontnitre
their lnleiests nnd ours Askforllcnseit's Plas
ter nnd oxninlne whit Is given yen, mid make
sure th ittheweid'-tapcbm ' Is cut In the mid.
die of the plaster lltselt, nml tliu" UueeScnls"
tRidenuirk Isen the fire clitllt. Any rermt ihle
keaier will show )e" hee safeguards without
hesitation. If) 011 rnnuet remember the, name
Ilenson's Ca,n Ine I'l.istcr cut this p irngniph
from the pniMr. murl-M,W,rini
HfhlllAl, MOTIVES,
Wb slinuld Itnve lletler I'rvnrlitiig 11
nrencliers were till sound nnd hc.-dlhv men.
in in iy 11 ivii nun inn ujsiH-psri, (mil 11 urn mm
negcisiasa tlHoteglnn. A MetiieilM mliiLsKr,
of ilnrtfenl. Conn., writes tint Dr. Kennedy's
" Fin erltu Itemed)- " cured I1I111 el cluonle liver
dlst-i-iandbidl! stlen. Ills brethren et all dc
immlnatleiis nie respectfully Invited te netn
the tact, blck prcai hers 1110 In peer condition
te proclaim the gospel new a. bound bodies nre
wanted. J inll-Imd&w
A Jteiiiarl(.tlleCIoed Man
Is nn who attends te the com fort of ills family
nnd will net let his little ours suffer wltliairic wltliairic
tlen of the Tin oil and l.ungx, vvheivby I tit Ir
lit en may be emlangeicd, tint who slienl.t atntl
times git e them lh it set eleign remedy, Kemp's
lluls.un. l'rlce te tents nnd l. Trial tize free. by II. U. Cochran, clmggUt, 137 North
Queenstrtet. (I)
Sim.OU'5 C'OIM.II and Ceiisumptlnn euro Is
sold by us enn gunniiitea. It cures Consump
tion. Korsale b) II. i: Cochran, DniggUI, Nn.
IX) North (jutcn sticct.
An l'nd te II0110 bcrnplng.
Kdward Shepherd, of HarrHbiirg, HI, says!
"I bit lug received se much liencllttreiii Klctule
Ililteis, 1 fed It my duty telet siitleriiig human
ity knew It, Hate hndn running sero 011 mv
lu4 for eight years; my doctors told 1110 I would
have te hat e the bone scraped or leg amputated.
1 used. Instead, thice bottles of Electric Hitlers
nnd unveil boxes lluckluu's Arnltu Salve, mid
my leg Is new sound nnd well." hlectrle llltteis
uru sold ut titty cents 11 liettlv, nnd Hiicklcn's
Arnica balve at ilcts. pei box by It. II. Cochran,
Druggist, 13" nnd 1A) North CJuten .Slrrs-t. ban.
castei, I'll. TTlisJ(SJ "
Wlbb 10U bUrKKi: with I)yiwti5ii nmt
).lterC'nmplalnl7 Shlleh's t itillzei Is ginran
teed te cum ) en. Fer snle by 11. II. Cochran,
Druggist, -Ne. 1J7 North ejiiceu sticut.
A Startling Jtlsceirty.
Mr. Win, Jehnsen, et Huren Hale, writes lint
his vrtfe had been troubled vrlthiiciile llinnchltt
ler m my j cm , nnd that nil ream-dies tried gnve
no purmiinent teller, until he piecured u buttle
of Dr. Kiiig'i Svw Discover)" ler Consumption,
Coughs, nnd Colds, which had mnglcnl ellect.
and piecured apenn incut cine. Itlsgiiar.intt-i'il
tocuie nil Diseases of Tlueat, llren
chlal Tubes. Trial llettles Frce nt Cochran's
Ding Mere, 137 nud I'm North Cjueru Street, loin lein
casttr, l'a. lairgosletl.lio. TTh,x!s(S)
Fer lame b 10k, sldoer chest, use bhlleh's l'ot l'et l'ot
eiis Plaster, l'rlce St cents Fer sale by II. 11.
Cochran, Druggldt, North (Jneeu slttct.
Tlie Sl)tery Soiled.
It has alvrnys been nmloi-steod that tonaunip tenaunip tonaunip
tlenvvus Incuralile, but It has recently been Kemp's Ililsaiu for the Tbvenl
and bungs is git ingmore relief th 111 nny known
lemcdy. It is euuraiiteed te rellevrt unit cure
Asthma, bronchitis and Coughs. Call Qil II, H,
Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 .North Queen street,
nnd get n trial bottle lrce of cost. I-aigu l.eM
cents and Jl. (I)
SIUI.OIl'3 CUItK will immrdlatrly rcllote
Croup, Whooping tough nnd bronchitis. Fer
sale by 11. il. lethmn, HruggUt, -Ne. 1J7 North
Queen sticct.
Thegrcatest discovery or the ninelceiithccn
tur)'lt'r. I.eslie's Spctlal Hresctlptlen terjlclc
heudathe, w hich is the dlscet cr)' of nn eminent
physician and used by him for ever tltlity years
befere giving It te the public, nnd It stands to
rt iy without n rival. Head adveittsninent In
another column.
frnurLrniiE-herMnrn thre it. the best lnedlchte .
I Hale's Heney of lloreliouml and Tar. 1'lUe's
'loelhacho Plops cuielii one litliiiite.
Sill LOU'S VlTAI.17.Klt Is whit you mt-il ter
Constipation, lavss of Appetite, lifelines, nnd
nil symptoms of Dvspepsla. l'rltnv10 unit "J
cents pur bottle. Fer silo liy II. It. Cochran,
Druggist, Ne. lJtl North Queen street.
Nerveas llebllttsted Men
Yeu are allowed n fret trial 0 thirty dnv et Umfv '.
uaoef Dr. Dye's Colebrated Vel tide ilelt wHHia
Kloctrle Hnspensery Appllnnces, ler me spwiay
relief and pernunontciiieotisorvous ijiiuuiijr.
lossei vimuiy UIIU JumiulMm, mm mi j.uuiim,,
ivt.ii.i.i. e.n rr-iniintr nthnr .llAniisn.. C.etai
iilote reatoratien te litalih. vigor nnd manhood & ;
Kuarnnteed. Ne risk Is Inctured. llltutrattsl 4
fiamphlet, with full Information, tennj, et&.VI
luanoairt-e uy nuuicD5wH "tis. jv.v., wiwj.
"cilOUl'.WHOOPINHCOUOIl nnd Brenehlti ty
Immediately relict id by bhlleh sCuru. FnrsaW
ly 11. u. cecnruii, iiuggim, nv.iMsuiiuiinuvM,-
I'aln and Dread attend the, 11 0 of most ca-i
tnrrh romceioi, i.iqniu aim mum ti ,,
tabu Is sare, pleasant, easily applied with OB ,
linger, and 11 sure cure. It cleanses the uaissl.'',
liassuges nud heals the Inflamed mcinbmne glf.i
lug roller from the llrsl application, am, - j
rwasngroatsuilererliimi catarrh. MjrittM-lS .
trilswcre aeusitltote duslt nt iluint llteW"0), '
wetuu run, iinu 111 uih a imhw .,-j ";, ---s ,
1 iiki-il Kly's cicam Halm. TimIhv 1 am ij llvin ;
witness el Us eltlcacy ruler ":, ii,i
ltluvcu, N. V. m -s""""
.. . m . i.i ., 1, i-i, tin .et. utui ur-t' lirmlh
securt-d.liysIilleh'HCaliirrU Keuicdy. Vj'ffsT
ivnsiti itui-i'ii'i in-v. - r.1' -r.'-jr'
1, Dnigglsl, Ne. l Kertu cjuryn ""
mi..r iiichui imriiKitHff
illU IUHWI .. -.- r .
Are you disturbed at nipni nnu "?;"
st by n sick child fciV8nJuStltMl
.. erurIallnu twill Of ailttlng UMltBl, I
l5eat!naFta,MH'M ,'J
t..k Afu(n.llnir I Mill Ol
llttle Vurr "re? Imn7tsllatly-flt' uiwwjl
iUi tJ , .nIuM. atwul tt. T wre U ,
..Teil er "oil earth who has nvrr uscsj it, rH 1
SemSu yem at ence that It wilt nMUhitej
n2KJR,V.iS ti ns.,'1 'KssI -inii
IeUb tasle. and U tha prcatlntlen id n 1
snlduvurvnhtiie. MtPntJS WHM
cuivslbyBhlleU'sCure. Ve rfc'JJL,i
ssle by II. . Cochrun. Druwt. . IB 1
Queeu itret.