T,- rj 'r Wy St -.." THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER. THURSDAY. MARCH 4. 188G. ,- s "lit rs ' &&. ?g 'iij ' 8fr ' Kt 0 rpr m viv X U& J?-it I. r , 1 ft frft'. PT &- 6 ft rj ii Of S " - w Ki. '? ca ! . s i, iJi-.. v. rflff08ID TO A CHANGE. r rxBTmrnrmv auaihbi jgZsjMtnrAX r ttmt. . . - ifHWtlttlWfwmte Cwadl-AWwk- It , A nacwmt1lMM7 ABlw--SsJj. JW WWMit ). Xwi te Tvtlf LtT" Uteln artist AfcelW jNQltf Corretpendwic of h lamttetncM. I1- CetCMIA, Uwek . The empleyes of the wawylTMU nilrmi are unanimous In tbeir ffMU W MM prepca com go wumew -:'flS'-Uii'w bWRing at the corner or :VMas Mtt BrMge streets, te the corner or r sFWUimkI Cherry streets. They claim that Ibis pkM Is one et the most Important points ,! tM borough te be provided with light At (Ms place all pedestrians and vehicle must ,'eea the railroad te enter the bridge ever the 'tSMqaefaeMM river. If the light Is taken - eway there will be no Illumination en Frent street meerer than locust, and that la two ',, squares away ; and owing te a bend In the 'it street could net aim as v llnht te this Impert ?4 place. The dispatcher 'a office and round rir' keme or the Pennsylvania railroad U at this ;.L. l:- place and If the light be talrtn away, the men TA -v would be compelled te go te and Irem their i 'rework In almost total darkness during the j mitfhfc. TfiHMmnlnrHnfthR ntlrmd traiiew & beey Id getting up a petition against the re " Inoval te present te the borough council at their meeting en next Tuesday evening. ringer cm en. Yesterday afternoon at the Pennsylvania round house Frank O'Dennelt, an em em peoye of that place, was engaged with an other workman, In making some repairs te an engine, lie was holding a bar of iron, While the ether was using a heavy sledge hammer. By some mlsstreke the workman BBleaed the bar and O'Donnell received the force of the blew en his Index finger of his Tight hand. The bone at the second Joint was Intlrely cut through, and ;tbe linger was amputated at that place. The iuj ury re recelved is a very painful one. In Police Circle. Fer several davi past a man has been scen entering houses In dlilerentpaitaofthetewn, constantly begging for something te eat or for wearing apparel. In seuie places he received money and then proceeded te get en a drunk and become disorderly. lie was arrested by Officer Gilbert last night and placed In the lockup. This morning Hquire E vans gave him a hearing when he gave his name as Edward Gatlney. lie was sent te jail for twenty days. Birthday Party. Wednesday, March 3d, being theHtli birth day or Mr. Hiram Wilsen, the well-known hardware merchant of Columbia, a surprise party was gotten up for htm at his residence, corner Second and Locust streets. Thirty two of bis gentlemen rrleuds assembled at his home and completely surprised Mr. Wil Wil eon. The time was spent in a most pleasant manner, and an excellent banquet prepaied for the occasion was enjoyed by all. Town Nete. A very large audience assembled in the opera house last night te see K. F. Kendall and company In " A Fair or Kids." The performance pleased the entire audience. The regular monthly meeting of the Shaw nee fire company will be held this evening at tbeir engine house. On Friday ovenlogtuo Columbia lire company will held their regu lar monthly meeting. The funeral et the late Morgan Italin took place en Wednesday afternoon. Interment was made in Wrlgbtsville. Gen. Welsh Pest, "numbering 40 men, turned out te the last sad rites of their late comrade. The Metropolitan rink will be opened en Friday evening under the management of Messrs. Strlckieraud Sele of Lancaster. TUe night will be called "Lancaster night" and various attractions will be offered en that occasen. Miss Ella Stetson will give exhibi tion or fancy skating. The Lancaster band will furnish rausle for the occasion. I. It. It. engine Ne. 927, running en the Columbia and Pert Deposit railroad, Is new undergoing cry general repairs In the home shops. The engine will be put In first-class order und will be able te run en lis usual trips In about ene week. Melntyre and Heath's minstrels will op. pear in the opera house en Tuesday ev ening, March Otb, under the management Crowthers and Wlllets. The show appeared In Lancas ter en last Tuesday evening, and delighted the audience. Fer the past several weeks the Cerdelia furnace has been Idle owing te an accident at that place. The damage has been repaired, and the furnace was lit en Tuesday and the blast put en yesterday. The iurnace will sew run steadily in the making of jIk Iren. A pleasant time was bad at the Marietta rink last night A party of eighteen persons from Columbia were prtibent A. l'ISK TJSA. The Plsaiant Emcrtatuinent Given at Ormce Lutheran CLiurch. The pink tea given In tbe lecture-room of Grace Lutheran church, was a grand success, both In appearance, in patronage, and financially. The room la a very pielty one, having recently been repainted, papered and furnished. The central seats were remeved and their places were supplied by eight or ten tables, handsomely equipped with pink trimmings, cut glass aud silver cutlery. The menu cards were handsomely printed en pink card beards, edged with pink fringe. Tut, were festoons et pink eauze ull around the room, very prettily arranged j thtrtyer furty pink shades covered the gas Jets, and indeed everything In the room bore the tint of the pink including the ladies dresses and their smiling fates. The menu was full aud well selected, Including tea, cellVc, cold turkey, usuj. oamiega culpa, uiscuiis, eysiera in alt styles, chicken salad, Ice cream und u dozen ether geed things. The attendance w as ery large and all enjoyed ttiemselv, The tea will be repsated te-night Trial at Samuel Jehnsen. In the trial at Media of Samuel Jehnsen for the murder of Jehn Sharpies", the widow of the deceased was asked te leek upon the prisoner. Upen the prisoner's standing up before her she said his general appearance bore a striking resemblance te the unknown man, his voice was similar, his com cem com plexlen much the same; his teeth, how ever, seemed net quite se prominent nor did he appear quite se tall as the visitor en the Sunday evening et the murder. Te a direct question she said she was net positive that he was the man. Jane Pratt her sister, who was In the heuse at the time and aroused neighbor MIckle, Mrs. Sharpless testimony, as did also Ljdla Reynolds, who receguized Jehnsen's elce as much the same as that of the Sunday nlcht visitor. ' " Daniel Livingstone, one of the keepers of Meyamensing prison, recognized tun coat produced as similar te the ene given him when released from jail November U Charles Stevens teatiiled te Jehnsen coming te his beuse at one o'clock the morning alter the murder. There was ether corroborative testimony. Tlie i-Landlord' Trouble. Jehn A. Drake, late one of the proprietors of the Grape hotel, Is still locked up, and his troubles seem te increase instead of diminish. Yesterday afternoon two suits charging him 7.7 ... " ""smer alleges mat make committed the efleiiM when he testllled In a recent civil suit against htm Tula morning J. M. Keipsr, furniture deader, brought st against Stake ler false pretense. Jlr. Helper .tales that defendant premised him dozen of times te pay rer fur. allure purchased from him, and telav Drake denied that he knew who Mr. Helper Tae Slate Tie Councillor Tailing nre. State Vice Councillor Jehn O. Montanye, of Kaateu, of the Junier Order American Mechanics of Pennsylvania, arrived In tills city this morning from Manheliu, where he had been visiting the council located there last night JI will vjait Coneatega Council Ne. 22, this evening and Empire Ne. 120 te-morrow Might Be has made the Cbener house his nlace nf v,, stepping, and will be pleased te have all the ', ' member of the order call en him, as he Is v awsireus te become mere fully acquainted ttM heretofore with the members in this . vtetttlty. , , faatlen Day. ' The aldermen' tffljes are crowded te-day lsy UMir quarterly papers sworn te and for- I SlUd te th Dauaien ofllireradudfnatlnn. I W bat la doing en In Court. There will be no cases ready for trial In quarter sessions court until the Ilrlekervllte church case gees te the Jury, as counsel en gaged In It are also In quarter sessions court Ne criminal cases were taken up this morn ing and the Dtlckervllle case went en up stairs. 8. H. Reynolds closed ler the defcne this morning and D. G. Eshelman then began the last speech for the ptalntlfK He spoke until court adjourned and resumed this afternoon. The case will go te the Jury this evening. , This afternoon the cases of Winfleld S. Hayes, charged witli horse stealing and fal'e pretense, were continued at the Instnncoef the defendant Cheater County' Capital Net Cnrloe, Hut Slew Frem the West Chester Village Becerd. Lancaster grows mere curious dally. A writer In the JRraimiter wauls te knew who owns that city's lire engines. We would hasten te relieve bis anxiety as far as West Chester Is concerned by sa.v Ing we don't ew n them. West Chester has a first-class llre de partment of her own. Sir. Itbead Saw the Star. During the storm of Wednesday night the reef of a dwelling en Jacob KlieauV place, near Feglesville, Berks county, was blown off. Mrs. Rhenda awoke about 3 o'clock In the morning fueling very cold, and could net first understand why tbe stars show above. Shoawekeherhusbaud ; she seen ascertained what was wrong. The t'r-tldent' Frank Attitude. Frem the Philadelphia Ledger. ir the presiden t had been mere of a politician than he Is, he probably would net have sent bis message te tbe Senate defining clearly his position In the matter of removals, but the majority of the people are no raore politicians than the president and they will be 'v erj likely te enjoy bis frank talk and determined attitude. Anether Advance In Wag? In ItcAdlug. The stove meulders at the Mount 1'cnn steve works, Raiding, have been notified that their wages would be advanced. The amount of the increase is ten percent. A number of ether Heading establishments nre preparing te announce an Increase In the wages of their hands. Abu llutiaril an Artltt. At a fair of a castle of the Knights el the Gelden Eagle, In Philadelphia, among the articles en exhibition is a set of easels made by Abe Buzzard, the Welsh moun tain outlaw, whlle confined in the Kvstcru penitentiary. Correction. In Monday's paper It was stated that Wil liam Sa ler had been committed te prison for disorderly conduct The "h" should have been a "T," as It was William Tayler who weuteut Tbry Hare e Choice. The bums de net care a bit what lights the city adept, for they spend their nights In the station houe. Twenty of them were there last night and were geno this morning. A PlillosepbrrTriifl te III Prepbc cy Frem the Harriibarg Independent. The ground-hog sleeps en, undisturbed by the howling of tornados or touches of deep driven frosts. A nig Pain. t Tem the Mount Jey Star. On last Saturday afternoon the stock and Implements et Daniel bhenk, near Garber's mill, were sold by Capt L. P. Gallagher, auctioneer, the sales aggregating mere than 51, 10TC Appointed etary Public. F. P. D. Miller has been reappointed n notary public hy Governer Pattlsen, and his commission awaits him nt the recorder's office. Tcrrl tlreV IiucHitf r Directory. Other "lencerns" seem badly solicitous re gardlnit the fate of ihe " Wilmington cnnLprn.' finis Bres.' Lancaster Directory wilt lie ready for delivery Mnj m.undthe only ' block "will be the block hj sum which will be u nature nf Ferris Droit book Thtj Mateuiuit l final and positive, and nnyiblug te Ibecentiury li simp y tiilsu. Ttlepiieii Cennectiun. Henry Short, groceries and prevision", .Se 2i East Frederick street, bas been connected with tbe teltpbenc exchange. Amuiementf. Mind Tem Coming. Illlud lern, the musical wonder of the present ctntury, who nas do de lighted hundreds of thousands of people In his time, win appear In l-ulten opera hotine en Mon day evening next In one of his entertainments. He Is a remarkable man, and poeplo who have never been him should go Tht FtmaU Company Te-Xight Although there are several places of amusement In this elfy Jut new, th bet attraction offered te night is the Ida tldden burlesque and specialty orga nization The company Is large and strong, and Includes many pietty girls und geed comedians The people ure net of the kind that have never been heard of bctere, but they are ull known and tbomaierll havebttnheie before. Lastnlght the company appeared In liarrlsburg, und the Patriot of this mernlngsav t ' The Ida idddens burlesque company had afulr house last night nndgivean cxc-llt-nt enteit&tnment. Iho va rious specialties were all well rendered, llarrv Censtautlue. is almost equal te Ulxcy, and In I.urllne. tbu.SoladQueen inukesa hit thht will tell te his advantuge ed West and heating and iancs are greau Miss Mddens was charm lug a usual, and 1-ou fcandferdand the Harriett Meters made a greut hit In the selections from tho'Mlkude'" A Dig AUillmeeer Wardt The chart for the ile of lei-rvid waU te the performance el r rederick Warde te-morrow night, was epened by Managet Yeckur jesterday morning. Uy evening every seat had been taken In the psi -quelte, and but a couple rows remained In the circle. The audience will be ene of the largest seen here this eca-en. Mr. Warde will play "Damen und Pythias," and blsBuppert Includes Miss Mittens VV lllett and a strong company. Lancasttlans all kne that Mr. Walde Is an ex cellent actor aud uev er fulls te pleasu. UK J 7 111,. ItissE-ln this cIy.eirTneain.t. 1'htlipJ. USse, In the 7etb J eai of bis age. The relatives and friends of the family ate ro re spectftilly Invited te attend the tunentl, Hern the restdence of his son, Se 233 heulh Queen street, en Friday afternoon at S o'clock. Inter tneiitat Woedwaid Hill cemetery. lnJ2td fccnKiD -In this city, en the 2d Inst. Albert, son of JranelsandMurj' beheld, lntbuUthvear of bis age. 1 he relatives and friends or the family ait) re spectfully invited te attend the funeral, from bis parents' residence, he 451 High street, en "I"") """"i "i os ucieck. interment ht Jeseph's cemetery m3 2td Uridib -March 2 1SXJ. In West lleinpfleid township, Jacob M. t. rider, aged 74 vuars, u mouths und 2-J dayD. The relatives and friends of the family arare. epectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from bis lata residence, en the I.anca.terund. Marietta turnpike, en t riday morning at lOo'eleck bl.OLrrey-Februi.ry27 I5tc.ln this city, Al berta K .eldest datighteref Jehn I), und Amanda bluglkbm, aged 9 euis and 22 days. She has panned from rarthnway. Ha', hastened en te ht av cnly glory Armed by faith and winged b praj 'r. Heaven's et rual daj befeie In i, Iler earthly mission new is ended, b If tly passed her pilgrim day s, Hepe has ehunged as Oud demanded, l alth te bight and prayer te praise. Ihe relatives and ttiunds of the laiully, are ini.nuiij iuviieuiu uiienutnu inneral from her parents' residence, He. .27 North Mary Btreet, en Saturday ufternoen at 2 o'clock. Jn. termentat Lancaster cemetery, fcervlces at the West Mission M. K, church, corner of Charlette end I.euien streets. 3lAUKJ!Ti. Near Verbr frtMln. m ,. Nsw leRK, March! -Fleur dulj Ann grades rine, 12 Wit 40i BuiwrflKS. 'J KB S0 Common te lair extra Ohie, I-V.fl3 7J. Kl5ei te wVJJ? ??tni w .t?. ' 6 41 1 rouiineu extra .iT! lM'-J. 1 ed. state en apet, l; he 2 Uei. 5&cJpri..v:e,: Ma?cr,c,llArlr.',iDh' '- N NeeV&.' 8t0' 43C'- K PO' l UyBduIlt VVesVurn.Kirace, Bnt0 M.. June" W.ttrtb- W " ' Apt f I 'y. 13 31 : Mel'ajes dull t boiling stock at xr fnr in teU Forte Ulce. SIOlSe al 8W: wr w Tarpenltne strung at SSke. Heyfn dull (strained te geed, X mxai ant Fetreleunt dull Ueflucd, 8W1). vi'l mi mi Wee dull i Carolina end lejulslana at svje Antral" ainll lint nnrniiMiK. . n. m 1 allow steady j prime city. tUc. JtatWrOulli Western ilnllauen Creamery fancy SeQSCc t state, l?332e K-tstern Creamery Sfi3Je. chcese dull t Ohie Flat, choice "CXe i State, Be. Kggs lower t Bute, ISHCttf'Vt Western. lSXc liar Chetce grades nnlet t Ne. 1, tnwftc. rrelghta nominal t grain te Llverpoe', Sp. Coffee dnllt Spot Uie at S,"lfj,c fair car f oej, tXu -. ChlraHre frodnce Market Catoaeo. March 1, 9 te p.m Market opened. Wheat March, ste April, fO.e ; May, SIV 1 J tine, HoWe Cern .March, M'.c. ; April. Sn.e ; May, 0ct J tine, 4Pc. Oats-.VIarch, -)e t April. 271JC t Ma v, 3.s,C-Sc. lVrtc March, 10 jHi May, smut June !0f0 lird-March,5S7L! April, VMj May, tSPVJ June, te (A. ik.u .Mar.,r"7S; nay, 40 CLOStKO. Wheat March, 7a;c ; May, S4We., June, S Vje. Cern March, 87e i April, SJHci May, 4eO )C.,Jlllli', 4llC. tint March, CPet May, S2?,c fork March. 110 10 j April, 110 U.S. Way. 110 271 June. flOMX. Lud-Marcb,ji0; April, t-1 M;May, W CO June. t6 tUtiUTK Short litbs Match, IS JO; April, VJJiKi Mar, M S7H: June, 5 40. rhlbvtlalphta rrodera Markat. rniLACiLrnia, March 4 Fleur market steady. !"alis et KU barrels, Jimn bakers altl VOMOt I'etina. family at HQi 25; Western att 3:HQi ; l'atente, f3 wflftbO l()n flour dull RtM 45fi3M 1 p. in , call vv heat March, 91c April, 9.ifc ; May.lWiic ! Junn,4V.ci. com March, 47VJci April, May, June, 47e. Oats tifta March t 4ue. April, May, June drain and Prevision. Furntshcd by S, K. Tnndt Ilreker, Chtcaga March 4,1 o'clock p m Wheat Cern, Oats. Ferk. Lard. March 87 .... April . f May H n S.tlOSJK 6 WX June ffti 40 , .. 10 te 8 00 August ... b7i Wi Itccelpts. Car Let. Winter Wheat 6 Spring Wheat 31 Cern 2U Ott Itye S lUrley CO Oil City Crude Oil T Head, liecelpts Hogs 11HVO Closing Prices 2 o'clock p. u.. V heat. Cem. O its. Perk. I jvrd March 79-Ji 87 2a le le iw April JTiJ . 10 1?K S9V May -"4j; 40 !rrjie'j7 6 e) June W 4) ....1027S 6 07V July 67'i .... Oil City Crude OH '.9 I.IieSteca rnse. CatCAQO, March 1 Cattle Receipts, t.$00 hesd shipments, ie bead t market steady, closing strengt chipping steerj. tee te 100 "is, $3 90(J 100; steckera and feeders, !util 0 : rows, bulls aud mixed. $1 75Q3 eOj bulk, $1 754J323; through le-vins, $llMt4 4D Hogs lieceipts, 13,ue head; shipments, P.OUO head: market strong and steady s rough and intxed, (3 sjgtiv; packing and ship plug, 4 .13150, light, J3 7UtJI20, skips, $3.tea "sbeep-itccelpte, 5,100head; shipments, l.sie htal. marktt slow.lener, natlvis, M35 73 Western, 125004 u), Texans, JteeQLOO. J.ambs, siuuOSSOVUuts. Kabt t.iBKRTT Cattle receipts, 4Vi head shipment", t7; mirket tlrm ; prime, 14 Ml 6ju! fair te geed, $4 2JC5 00; common, WSCQ 4 t 27 cars shipped te New terk Hes receipts, iCW; shipments, 2.70J; market slew ; Philadelphia, II coat 71 1 tork terk ers. ft .Vftltt; skips. 7gt; 1 car snipped te New lerk. Sheep receipts, l.sej head! shipments. 1400 head t market and prices slew ; prime, ft 7HJ3 0; fall te geed. It 7SQ5 W; common, f 1 MhjjI 2V , Lambs. f3 60gG 75. Sfw Turn stocks. Nsw Yetur, March 4 Wall street 10 p. m. Meney easy at 2 percent, lerelgn exchange quiet, firm at U fcXm SO ; Governments Arm ; Currency 6's, H2CJi bid; 4'a coups. 1127 bid : 4f s 11121; bid. The stock market opened slightly lower for the active ll't than at the closing of yesterday, and the trading In the leadlngstecks during the morning was comparatively light The special ties en the usually Inactive stocks, hewever, were buoyant and strong and under the lead of St. Paul A Duluth, the prlcis of that classef speculations advanced 'f te 2i per cent Te wards midday the whole market weakened under a sharp selling of the coaljteck and vv ct crn Union The former were sold en rumors that Mr. Uewen, of the Heading railroad, had formally declared thatheweuld have nothing te de w lib the Drexcl-Margan syndicate. Western Onion was sold en the levlval el reports that the company would surely pass the next divi dend At the time et writing prices at 'f telVJ percent lower Stock Markets Quotations by Keed, Mel) rami Jt Ce, bankers, i.ancas er, i'a. mw 70BK LIST. 11 1 M. Canada l'acldc UIV C C C. I Cel Ceal Central I'aeltlc. Canada Southern 41 Chi , St L. A Pgh OunverA Uletlrande Del., LaclJ.A Western nij, Krle i-vj Krleid , New Jursey Central ftf-v K A T 2U(-? Leu. AN 41K Luke Shere 83ii Michigan Central Missouri Pacific Northern 1'aclHc N.I' I'ret m N. W Krix 13 m 3 r.M. ii")i 23V. 1MK 8S 872 llew ta le 10CW 51V A !i 1SU 69J. 4H' M)i IPS llfi 1 51K New ierk Central l(Si Ohie Central Omaha , Oregon Trans Onlarie.t Western Faclflc Mall uocbesler A Pittsburg St. Paul ". Texas Pacific Union l'acldc Wabash Common Wahaah I'reterre'd Western Union Telegraph., West shore J-HILADKLrUIA LIST. Lehlgb Valley H..NVV APhlla Pennsylvania Heading Lunlgb Navigation Hestouvllle FhlladelplilaA Krie Northern Cent People'a l'assenuer H'd'g Oen'lsM'tg's 6s en r. ift. se: mi isv. 71 7C 59 59 6. te Uti 5i? 59 3 II 5IK 40 454 v,yt TV vy, Lecal stock ana llends. Heperted by J, B. Leng. Par Last , . value, sale, Lancaster 6 per cont.isse ke no ' u lata, loe no " " Scheel lean lte ids " 4 " In ler 20 years 100 102 " 4 in ft or J0 years, lue 10J.2S ... v i ., 1. In 10 or J0 cars, letl 1U5 Manhilm iioreagh lean loe 102 iAK STOCKS. First National Hank..,. joe Suj Fanners' National Hunk 6n lis Fulton National Hank . n.i n.i Xaneaster County National Hank .... 60 HV Columbia National Hank Ien lu Christiana National Hank loe lis Vtihmlu Vntlnn.l I, j w. . ... 7. lilllu.i.llllja4 wall, (l , Jig, Jt First Natlemil Hunk, Columbia loe I'jtU) Imt National Hank, Htrasbnrg km 13a First National Hank, Marietta.. lue ae First National Hank, MUJey loe ijq.10 Lltltx National Hank ...".".... 1M lwie Manhelm National Henk jne lei' Union National Hank, Mount Jey.... W 68 New llelluiul National Hank loe lsaie Gap National Uink ion net 8 uurryvtlle National Hank loe no Ilzabethtewu National bank. 100 H0 Northern Hunk stock. nu j TCatlriKK BTOCX. Hlg Spring 4 Heaver Valley 7fie lirldgepeit A llorneshee ijw iiu Columbia Chestnut Hill 2u 40 Columbia A Washington au 24U5 Conesteuu A lllg Spring a 20 Columbia A Marietta , 25 go Mujtewn A hllzabethtewn e 41) LencasterA hphruui , jjs 44 Lancuater A Willow Street 2S 4100 BtnisburgA Millport a ai Muriettu Maytewu s-i en alurivtu A Mount Jey a 3550 MEW JLUrjSUriHKSti-MlH. TJAIUCEIfa HAIR BALSAM the popular favorite for dressing the hair, He storing color when gray end preventing Dand ruff, It demises the sculp, steps the hail falling, and isstire topleuse. "' 5w. aud 1 sizes at Druggists. iiiJ-lmM,lh4w JJAIlKint'S TONIC. Attend te it New. Many Buffering people drag themselves abent with idling kiieugth, teeiiag that they are stcudllv kinking Inte the grave, when by using l'arker's.'lonle they would llnduetire commenc ing with tbe flint dose, und v ltnllly und streuuth suiely coming back te them ' lumul year old ; hav e been sick nearly all my life, aud ought te knew uemuthlng about inedlitite by this time. I hove used Parker's 'lonlelreely for mero than u'jeur, und consider itthubestiemedy I have ever known. In fact. 1 new Und no ether medicine necessary. Fer weakness, debility, rheumatism, und that dls. tresslug ull geiiuiie.s und pala ireiu which I sutlereil te long. It haa no equal. Idonetseo hew uu) one 011 ulfeid te de without se valuable u inedltliie.'-MK Harris N. UR.vas.cer. Kast and Frent ttn eta, Providence, It. 1, PARKER'S TONIO. s , ll'rePa'l by UlcoxACe..N.Y.l Sold Vy all Jlruggl.t in largebettlea at One Iullar. uiarilmMftlh ,K ir ADVKK TlSKilKXTK "DARING POWDKK, ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS powdernevor varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesemoness. Mere ico ice ico nemlcol than the erdtnsry kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude- et low test short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Beld only in cam. Hetal IIaxike PowdxrCe., 106 Wall Street New erlc mar-"lv dA w F OK KENT NICK TWO-STORY HU1C1C Dwelling Ueue. Ne MOLat Orance street. martttd Illltsll ,t into. PUBLI3 SALMON TrnsnAY, MAHC1I 9, isse, will be sold at the l.cepsrd Hetel, a two-story btlck dwelling, rent'vlulng ball and nve rooms, sltnated Ne Wi Heaver street, "ale te commence at 7 o'clock conditions made known by 11 II m IIMI. llkSRTbncBSBT, Auctioneer mIStd "V-OTIC11 ' -L The undersigned Ins become the proprle preprle proprle terof the "Wrap Hetel," In the city of Lancas ter, Pa, and he will hereafter conduct and con tinue the business He Inv lies u continuance of Its former patronage. JOHN MlLLF.lt. tl.ate or Huntingdon, I'a.) Lxsjcastsb, Pa., March i, U. ml -Std KVAN'S FI.OUK. LEVAN'S FLOUR Always Uniform and Reliable. TJ-E HA E IT. COME AND SKH. ?Y Cvery taste gratified, the best goods , by far the lowest prices . thi se are facts, our goods and prices prove them Pure 1 e is, best Coffees, and line tirecerlesatcL VKKh -, S3 VV est King street, Lanca-ter, Pa Clarke's Combination Coffee. 23c per pound it Is giving splendid satisfaction. Try it. It U delicious. We will present te every purchaser of ene pound of Clarke's Combination Ceffee.a bottle of cologne (Free of Charge) -vreTicE is iiintunY tin ex that JL the partnership lalelv existing between Thes. Humphrevllle and William A helffer. under the firm nameef HumphrHVlIln A Kelffer, was en this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due te said prtnerblp will be re celved by bald Thern is Humphrevllle. and all debts owing by them will bu presented te him for payment THOVl VS 111. MPHP.EV ILl.K. WILLIAM A KE1HLH. I.ArasTXIt, 1: el). 22, lSs The undersigned, hiving entered Inte a co ce partnership In the Plumbing, 1 Inning t, is Ht tlngand Heuse nmlshlng lluslness, und?rthe rlrm name of Kelffer A llerr, resrartfullj so licit the patronage of the friends 1 f the old Arm and the public generally, at the old store. Ne 40 East King street. WILLI vM KF.IFIF.lt, mar23td ALDUS C HEItll pUBLICSALE OF DIVIDEND I'AYl NO STOCKS AND BONDS, Os Mesdat, Marcu stu, Is-.. The undersigned will seil at public sale, at the Cooper Heuse, W est King street, Lancaster, Pa., for thee state nf Fannj M hbcrlee,deceaed IS ."-bans of tarmtrs National Hank Meck, and tw e 7 per cent llends or JH10 each of Quarry vllle K It. H ' Alse, torether artles t 10 Shares of rai-mem National Hank Stock 23 Sliares of t ulten National Bank Meck 10 Shares of Hrst National Hank stock lOfharesJef Manhelm National Prink Stock JO Shares of Lancaster A Lltltr Turnpike -took. ii Shires of Lancaster A IrultviUe lumplkj Stock. ' 10 Shares et Lancaster A Marietta Turnpike Stock. S-tle te commence at 2 o'clock p in Terms Cash, payable en April 1st JACOB LONG. Ilreker Sam Matt Fhidv, Auctioneer ml-M,lhAw e AK HALT,. Always Best ! Always Ready ! Wu re net done with winter sel one bright day don't make spring. Mostly the special trade of this between set sons time turns te Pantaloons, te pl-ce out the winter clothing with t some of It, te Overcoats and suits, that'll serve bravely for next fall , all through It, thrlulncss rules the spending of clothing money. The Oak Hall prices meet thlj thought of buy ers te tbe utme.t : t:M 13 l, J.I5U, 71. JllA). 1 1 51, V Oj up te 110 CO , evnr price representing a quullty net te be equaled elsewhere. Meanwhile, the preparations for the Immense dlspluyef Oik Hall spring Cletblngnst tu lend Iness j when the uiietuailng weather steadies, aud you come, we 11 show ou WANAMAKER& BROWN, OAK HALL, Southeast Cerner Sixth anil Market, PHILADELPHIA. N' OltnF.CK A MI LEY. THIRD GREAT SPRING CARRIAGE SALE. -AT- NORBECK & MILEY'S, COItNKU OF DUKE AND VINK STItKETS, LANCASTER, I'A, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1886. 10 A. M fc 2 P. M. sWTF.UMS-NlNKTY DAY MlTt, Sl hit Ch.NT. O F FOH CASH aitEATF.STOFSALKsT" UltKATKsl IN NtlMUKKS, Fl.SKSriNFlNISl!:UKATt3TIN'A,l,t'n' ALL 8TYLF.S AND ClfADF.S. ALSO, A FiJW BLE1QHS. t Irst-Clais Vhlcleat Ijiv lrfa is nt,Ani.). Ing, but we de It, and as proof, wh tufer te any buyur ut former sales. Over COO Jobs seldut former soles aud net ftfweith of unalr. Our sales lu Lancaster city and ceuntj Jii the last few years are larger than any two retail lacto lacte rles la the city or county. We muuufvturu mere than any three laeterles In ubevejr.en. tlenrd district. ThU Is no paper tulle, but a liter A publle inspection Is Invited te cxa?.iiie weHx 1'ieturua bargain. Don't listen te abusive, teal mis uud lying rompetlteis, but attend and see foryeuraelf. aIeMONDA.,NAKOII .'.lsse.at 10 u in. aud i p.m. TKltMS-Nluety days, with approved seen rlty t six percent err ler cas'i. ,. ... ,. sOUBKCKAMl.uKV, Proprietors II. F. Hew , Auctleuet r. CAIlp We knew some of our compgtlters have abused our repututlen en account of held lug ale uud reducing the price el u Hn-t class Jeb, but we challenge them ugalu, a before, te produce at niuchflrst-clasa stock, or construct a uiicr vcuiciu ui anysijiu. vv 0 mean Business, I and these It cencurus van have tlsfacileu by I calling ea or ddreslng Nerbtck A ililey. ' JKtr AnrxttTiaxxxsra. Vf IU I.KON VON OSHKO HASOl'ENT.n ilertnaii a'nli DiLlh? l,,rap,',l Instruction In the innmi.?ii..r"nSh '""Ruagc., and desires a ndT,m7rSn ir .Wa cnu11 shewlsh te take advimtage or this opiertun ty. Apply at his 'Jei'ftlw.v J,-iyiAST KINO siUf.KT. luatiilwd Above Lecher'a Drug store. THE riNKST, CHElUtY, ItlsACK. berry, (linger nnd Mtninel lirandlns nt W rents a quart. Our 7i cents a quart Itye Whisky Is line ntiu cheap. llOll It Klt'S l.lgllOKSTOHK, Ne. 12 Centre Square, Lancaster, i'a. aprW-lydll L.AY1XO CAKDS A VI 1,1, LINK OV l.uchre, Cnsslne nnd (lalgel Cards, from ft rents te Stents Ijirgest stock In thnrltv.at , MAKKl.EA'S"AKl.I.OVV FIION1Y' ( t emicrly Ilaitman'.) 21 North ejueen M. HUIUil.Y'S.SAUIIETl'0Vl)EKS-I)Et7 leate nnd Imgrnnt rxlern. Heliotrope. Vio let, West l.nd, tninglpaunl nnd W hlte Ile.e. I or nle at ill hi, Li 'S DKUO STOKK, Ne 21 West King street rnoiucce Cl'TTlNOS, SCMIAI'S, SI IT X 1X09 AND 1-ACKhllS' WAS1F., Dry end Clean, bought for c ish .1.9. MOL1N", .. , Ne 273 Pearl Mreet, New erk. Kelerence ttvd sehulte, Ne.2IJ Pearl at rev I, New erk. febl71vd C1IECKEK NAINSOOKS l'KOM 8 CTS. a vard up, and Hamburg Kdglngs ften2c. a j ard up, mv in great variety at fte North End Dry Goods Store. J. W. HYItXK, Ne. S22 North Queen street. nevs-lyd ANDSTILIj A rrnTHEH heductien! I will make te your order nn elegant Eng lish Mir Heaver Overcoat, nlrely trimmed and tieganti) made, for f-tt; price iH-fore January 1st trem 3S te HO. A first clai-s llusrtne.ss Suit for tin, Avery line Worsted Dress Suit ferMn former price, fie te IA. A perfect ntguarau' teed Call and see the bargains AT itOSKNSTKIN'S Fine Tailoring Estnbllsliment, Ne. 87 North Queea street, Lancaster, I'a. m:i-cmdu rNl)r..STlUTTlllLE OKAIN1NO. VOCKAtKINO, NO l'EKLINtl, NO BLISTKH. 1NO. We have nsvstomer graining i.kw weed that must. In the near luturv, take the place or the old system en all new work, lu merits being as rollews Total abolition et a palnttd ground work, speed and cleanliness in working It, beauty and transparency et finish, smoothness nnd durability, and the capability of receiving as high finish as hard weed by thosameineth eds lhls process is the nearest approach te natural weed that has yet been discovered. Call aud see samples Ol THIIIE A SOS sole Agents for Lancaster County Heuso Painting and e. raining Emporium, corner of Chestnut nnd Nev In streets We hive also about Twenty Slate Mantles, which must be sold within the next ten dav s, cheap for cash, en account of mev Ing, mar3-3md TOR SJJLX UH JUSXT. FOK KENT I'llOM Al'KII. 1, THAT DI slrable Stere Heom, Ne ltl Contre Square, has becu used fernclf.it store fervears Applv te tltelll.K VV reMLINSOS, mar3-tfd SherifTs Oltlce. T7IOR KENT. X! Store ltoem nnd Dwelling Ne 2i: North (Jieeu street, opposite Kej stone Heuse, and oe- cnplcdby Jehn llortlngasallquer stere Apply te PHI LI tf LLUZKLTKIt, JauJe-tfd North Oueen strceL FOK SALE CUEAl. One Lancaster Cabinet Organ, cost $123, will sell at a bargain Call en or address, Ne. '.37 North Cherry alley, Lancaster, Fa. &u tfd EOR SALE OR KENT AN ESTAK LISHED COU.N Kit OKOCEItr and DVV El. I.tSO, wLh modern conveniences Apply at 522 West Chcatnut street, or f.U tJist erange streit. 1771wif OK KENT. " shoplnresref Ne 37 West Chestnut street, used as a cigar box f ictery, and a shop en ill min street, between Seuth Queen and Prince streetH lately used as a carriage lactery. Alsea dnelllng aud store room new occupied by A. .v. iiuuicy as a urug store. est ninff street. Apply al the Iia-llrt lNTELLIGENCEll OFFICE FOK KENT. i rem April 1st, the East King Street lies tauratit and Dining Uneins. The best In town 1 IS) feet deep: geed front, back and sldelleht May be extended te ISi feet If desired ler further particulars call nt .Se 2t, EAST KING STIlhKT. Ijncater, Pa pOK KENT. STOUR ItOOM Ne KVi ALSO Ne X. Hath roema may be thrown Inte ene If desired, making one et the largest and best lighted looms in the citv t or particulars call at Se. X EAST KINO SIHaF.T. Lancaster, Pa B ,1011 KENT. I lrst class Dalrv Farm. Jl acres, sltnatn two miles from Lancaster rlty Hasemen., corner Centre Square and North Queen strei t, suitable fern barbershop Hrick Dwellings, 220 Just Milten strict, and 2M Church street, bale and Exchange Stables en West Orange street, near Water. Several Frame Houses en Jehn street, Janll-tfd 1I1KSU A UIIOTHEH3 pKIVATE SALE. I will have a car lead el First-Class Ohie Nerman Horses, AT TUX MXBRIHsC becsk, NO. 115 NORTH riilNCK STREE'l, by Monday, which I will dispene of at private sale. New let of flrst-ilasa liersts drivers, workers and he ayydratt, mostly trem Canada, every week, and alwuvs rer sale feblMjdAw OEOltaEOn03SMAX. PUBLIC SALEOFVALUA11LE KL'AL Estate. On WEDNESDAY, MAIICI1 10. Is!, will be sold at the Leepard Hetel, In the city et Lancaster, all thst ceriatn one-story Frame DWELLIM, HOUsE. Ne. 320, with let or piece, of ground attached, altuated en the west side of south Queen street, containing en said street 18 feet 2 Inches, mere or less, und extending In depth westward te Heaver street 2V) feet, mere erless There Is upon the premises awcllef nevir falling water, grapevines, trull tiees, etc. bale te commence at , o'clock, wbeu terms w 111 bu made known by O. F. MF.TGEIl. Executer of Jacob Uretr. deceased. 11 SurBEirr, Auctioneer. JJO.Tu.IbAF WALT, fAfMU. "VyALL PAPER, Ae. NEW SPRING STYLES is WALL PAPER -AND- Window Shades. 7-Speclal I'rlccs ler Wall Paper and Window Shades this week only. Have your work dnne new Alfred' Sieber, NO. 134 NORTH QUBHN ST., LAXCASlKIt, PA. T ACE CURTAINS. HAUt.AI.SS IS Lace Curtains We hive sold a geed many of eurends or l.nre Curtains, but theie are some nice patterns left, hollow Ing Is a list Pair Cream Celer, f I A a , . .. w IX ' $175 4 " S2IIO Pair ..Were $1.75 11.25 I2.M (.100 U.JO XU) I3U) IV 1 00 ft.ne 1101 175 t.'M S.1UI tfloe were Were Were Were Were . ...Were Were , Were , Were . ...Were Were , Were Were .. ..Were ...Were 3 " " 3 " riM t " JKO 3 " U1 g " 1125 3 " " 5.0U 1 Pair White Curt's, W 3 l) a " " 11.75 n me 3 jine st-Curtalu Pell. Chalns.etc. WlndewSbadca, .10 cents up. Wall l'nf ers constantly coming In, PHARE8W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, I'A. N-JTIT ADrXHTlSKMSHTa jgKAUTirui.i nevVattkactivk ! ' ' " All the Novelties bf tbe Season for OUNO MKN. A Specialty made nf all the Leading Spring Blylea in STIFF AND SOFT HATS ! lloteT,OnlViVlaiy,lH.,iT..',,,''K "ATS. the production of WII.COV A CO . the Leaders et Robes, Far GleYes, Seal Caps and Fer TrimniiDgs, W. D. STAUFFER & CO., N'Q3. 31 anil 33 North AMUfiKSTKNTA. ge'lJIALI MUSICAL 1 llKAUTHTLl THE PINK TEA, Grace Ohtireh, Queen end Jamea Sts. APM1TTANCK AN I) fcl'PPKK. S3i. MAHCI1 3d and till. ml ltd jTAM'ASTKK NIGHT. GRAND EXCURSION TO THK COLUMBIA RINK. .iS,,..fl.al arrsngements have been insde wllh tliel.H. 1. Ce. ler the Issuing of excursion tickets and the running of a special excursion tenud Irem Columblaen FUID.U KtKMMl.MAUCH B. ISM. Thealtnictioniattherlnk will be an eihlbl lien by Mts.s,I,L,ASrhT3O.S,Uie most gracv (!'! JSS? kt,r In America, and a ON K. MILK It VCK. between I-d Trever and Jeseph hltne. Martin's Hill H1SK HANI) will necempanv the party and furnish the musle at the Kink. FAKK J OK KOUMl TKIP, 50c. Persons who will acfempanr the party will leave their names with C U "Strlckier.iit tbe AremiiKT nruce. en or before Friday morning '.'r'urn train will arrive In Lancaster about midnight. STjCKLKK A SOLK, Manager! pi'LTONOPEKA 1IOVSE. MONDAY, MARCH Oth, 1880. I he wonderful Negro I'.ej Pianist, BLIND TOM! THK Musical Phenomenon of the Age, Konewnrd throughout the world as THE GREATEST XATl'R.L PIANIST Ll IXQ. Tbe exhibition el whtwe marvelous gift has gained him world wldii celebrity, and has both astonished nnd delighted Hie greatest master! of mnsle, w 111 appear as above for Positively One Night Only! ADM1SMOS Kl.st.KV hi) SLAls 3iandiCKSH 7VCKM8 eatsjecnred at Opera Heuso Ofllce. inJfltd pi'LTON OI'KRA IIOL'SIi 11ILUSDAV LVEM.SC, MAH0H I An Kiqutsltely Fernet and Jievel Event IDA SIDDONS Ana Her Peerless Earteqns Optra ExtravagiBii. Under the Management or Peter Iflreand T W. V llllains A llesehtnl (.anlen el Girls In a lleanttrul swinging Klrst Part. All tbe V i rj I-atest Musical Oems, Popular Comic and Topical Songs. A a reup of original Comedians. Dazzling Array of Seveltles by "-elected Artists of Meri l. Light Da.hlng ljid Drum Majers len Ladles lri-rtltle.''OiiK Dance. Light Ladles In Cem bat Drill Magultlcent Production of the Spec tacularnml hensjilenal Ilurlesquc, "I'KINCE FAlTHtLL. Iho full strength of ldv Slddens Company In the cast lleautlful and Appropriate Costumes. iH.ht-,nB...A.r,,,er nc!. F.nulpments. Superb Marches, 1'lcturese.ue Oreuptngs. In all aeon aeen quering host of nev c Hies, ADMISSIOS ItFSLKVKO HLA1S 2i,MJt7SCE.STs.. . 75CKSTS. m2 3td i ersale at Open Heuse JjU'LTON OI'EKA HOCSK. FRIDAY EVBN'Q, MARCH G, 1880. THE EMINENT TltVOKDIAN, FREDERICK WARDE, As Damen, In Ilinlm's Sterling Tragedy, DAM01T MD PTTHAS, ML FFOKTED 111 Henry Avelinp;, MIbs Mittens Wlllett, inentVf KeT.rc! ffiftRSZ """ "'e 'MRnae CAST IJAJION . . . F11KDKK1CK WAItDK. F'hlas . llKSBVArausa l.hm1,'.',1"' . s c Utiliejs. J,?,ll1!'t,, Jehn K. Ktuisp. "lV V. J JohSbten. J:""111"" T. K. (.AMUCK. Damocles .Obe A. Watsev. if. tBieJ.,?,,?r CHA8. II. ClIAllTKKS. ai Senater .. .. J. f. I'aivkb. f,1,,8'1"1'"'' M.AtrDaEwa. Calanthe . Mi.s Mittens Willktt. Henulen Miss Sara Maxti'nsv. IIebt. O. HrbSef F. M. llALLsR ...Manager. ....Treasurer, ADMISSION MAS5CENTS. Kescrved Seats, 25 Cents Eitra. Chart open Wednesday. Marrh 3. marlStd. M ASQUEKADE HALL. Grand Masquerade Ball OF THE Lancaster Msennercher ! ' AT THEIU HALL, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 8. Tickets for non members, te admit gentleman and ene lady, tl te. Additional lady ticket, 50c. Mr. C. Llller, Ne.Si? North Qnuen strcet, haa been engaged as reslumer, and sulta can be en gaged In advance or be had at .the hall ihe night of the ball. " Ne ladv admlitni nniBd n,..r.ttnn.iiftii inn gentleman. Arrival of Prince Carnival In his novel cralt ut i e clock sharp. Tickets te be had of the fellow leg commlttee of arrangement only Messrs HcnryWelf.il. bchmllt, F. Hoelcl, If C. Demutb, Jr., I. Carpen tr, ;. Vater, ll.Ucrbart. icb.Tbtd uitr euuuh. vrusT in: hOLD. Don't forget I tie closing aaloalthe BOSTON STORE! We have a great many goods et tbe stock which we bought trem Messrs. JJowers A Hunt, which we are helling regardless of cost, te make room for Spring btecic, which we are receiving everyday. W hen we say regardless of cost we mean Just what we say, as a v Islt le our stere will ten. 1IIIMI i Ul We nre making special ellorten Ladles', Oent's id Children's (fnderwiar. bilk Cashmeres, lOths. Velvets. Satins, llrwlnrv ennsl. Ilasil and Cleth kerchiefs, Uibbeus, Luces, Embroideries, etc. Gent's Furnishing Goods a Specialty, W1J03TON 8T0ItE.-K STAMM, BROS. & CO.. (Fennerly of the New Yerk Store.) Nes. 20 & 28 North Queen St. LANCASTF.lt, I'A. Janl21ydAw fTllIE YELLOW KJtONT" K1VK-OENT atthetTn KM.'t "ula"" "" 'Mn MAltKLEl'd" YELLOW FltONT," (Formerly mrtmau',) j4 j(eru, (iBWn fiu Queen St., Lancaster. l. imt ueuii.i. N EV A KHIVA I SPRING GOODS AT Nes. 247 & 249 North Jucen Street, Opposlte the Kojsteno Heuso and Northern Hank. Diagonal Dress Ooeds In New Spring Bbides Cashmeres In New spring Miiulcs, laney Heme Spun Ditss Heeds In New Shades. 5-1 Armours, efegant and very cheap. New Sittrena, New lenlarils Seersnckrrs Percales, chlntre, Striped and Corded Piques, Nnlusoeks, Kle gant Llnoef Hambitrgs and lnsertlngs. lllack and V hlte btuietab laces Ks urlnl and Kgjp tlan Lares, all choice and v try cheap. And all goods in stock will be sold ut lowest mat ket prices. Please call nnd examine before pur chasing. The books of the late llrm of Powers Jt Hurst are with me for collection. All persons knen Ing themselves Indebted, please call and make set tlement, ftbs-ljd W It iteirKIPs. el OUN H. OIVLEK. (1EO. 1 K VI'HVON. CARPETS ! lledy Jliussels, Tapestry llnusscls, Alt-Weel 1 hree-Plj . Alt Weel Extra Super Ingrains, Cotten Chain Extra Super Ingrains. Ingrains, 2-Vj., S7Kc 40c , 3e , Vc. rA Dnmask and Venetian llali and Stair Carpet Heme-made Kagnnd Chain Carpet. Liueleum and Fleer Oil Oleth. Paper Lining Slalr Pads and Stair Iteds 0l( SHADES, SHAD1NU (LOTH AND HOLLAND. Sl-niN'O ANDCOHD tlXTiritht AURORA CARPET SWEEPER. Alt Kinds or HOIJSF.KKKPIMS DHV HOODS U I. en est Price; JOHN S. GIYLER & CO, Ne. 25 Ea&t King Streot, Lakoastie. Pa. G MEAT HAKOAINS. New Spring Goods VT 'I UK New Yerk Stere. (ameli Hair Suitings, W oel Canvass Suitings, Camel Hair Canvas, ,..,. u . NcwSptlngTrlreIs, Crinkle Seersuckem, Plaid and Strljied Seersuckers, Satlncs, (.ingbams. Percales. NEW SPRING HOSIERY. SPECIAL ll.lice VINS. CHlLDItENSIllllllED IlOSh, 10c, 12Je.,nc a l'ulr. MISSES' ItlllltED HOSK. llegular Made, While ect, c and Ste a pair. LADIES' HALIIItlOOAN HOSE, Full Keguljr Made, 17c. a pair. LADIF.1' HOSE, Helld Celers, Ktgulir -Made, SOc. a pair. Pl.VSrillPED HOSE.Spllt I j el, JOc. a pail. LADIES' IILACK AN I) COLOItED HOSE, hlte t net, c. a patr. CIIECKKItED.SIKIPED AND FANCY HOSF, c..S3c, 27X0. end J0e upalr WATT & SHAN D, Nes. 6, 8 & 10 Beat Kinr Street, LANCASTKK, PA B. MAKTIN A t'O, satubda. feb,s;,ijm. A large let of lledy llrussrU came In this mernlng-a line of goods w e hav e been leek. Ing ter for seme time, and they are w lthnul exception the cheapest line ever offered W e have the exclusive right of them here, and can recommend them In every respect Seven patterns here alread, mero te fellow. Present price (te Introduce thorn), 90 and Me. They will bell In less than two weeks, anil correspond favorably with any Uedy Urns eM at II 25 In the market. Tapestry Ilrnssels-all the prominent makes for the prcssnt, a special offering of new pattems-Stlntaen's, 11001018, Smttb Extras-all ten wire Tapestries nnd best finality made, at Wet fits the regular price for these goods, and the price we Intended te Kell thorn at, but ;the Hedy Ilrussela that we are new offering at 90c. and 9.' pnta anetm te selling Tapestries (no matter hew geed), nt 11. Several patterns Tapestry lirusseU Carpets at 35c. Leta of them at SOc. Pur chase, your Carpets new; j en get abetter selection. Prices are lower, and we have plenty of time te make them up Ingrain Carpets, choice patterns, in Extra Super, Cotten, Cotten and Weel, and Venetian Carpets, New Colorings, New Pat terns. Furniture, recovered by expert uphel helstcrera; perfect work guaranteed nt much less than usual rates Large llnoei Furniture Coverings, (limps, Uaw Silks, Fringes, Plushes, ftc, te select from. Fet comparatively little money v en can bat eun old sett of furniture recev ertd, the wood work rcflnlshcd, and the whole set leek us well en new. In recovering furniture no will make nn extra chsrge for ruftnlshluK and gluing. Oil Shades, sprlngMitutes.lull two yards long, all colors, inade up, ready te hang, lur We. All widths of shading and Fixtures Large line of Dade Shades. Large line el New Papers for the Spring Trade. We are doing a large business In the Oeld Papers at lie., isc. and 20c., customers Haying they nre as geed as papers sold else were ut 40e. and Boe They are, tee. Of course, te sell at these prices, we have te buy large quantities of them-a solid carload fromenu manufaotureralene. Just think of that quantity in ene purchase t Enough Wall Paper te cover every room in Lancas ter. Other papers at oe. te iec. AH our geld papers guaiantced net te tarnish or discolor Lxpert Paper-lungers furnished. J. B. Martin t Ce., Cor. West King & Prince SIp., IMNCAttEB, I'A. X X