$5W lT2?tU41ti2 ' . ..tet-vid... V " ''., 5 y vtVj i.yj l ' ir ' "ei,,"" '"!" srf 1&-; -t - M ii L AODUBDAT, AUGUST 29, 1885: PWMIHl. 1,:- BIRiHniiilHnHH -' utjHi ilm a.tew' -' i vwwvaFmmmmmam -r gw,; -1 vj'-.T ' ' -, V ', ct V r?,J"ri j' ftWlWIJK A-Tr,LriixjtmtMU iVf" FI Pii"'- mm M SbT'0', Wi2 ",-. m i nmA & $ tt&& mite R?fecFS!i KiWW. fiTc.-mjv- -. kiirA-"''. , If.ifcSK W. J, lev n: Wy '-' 'tK . 1 it rMfk tern mm men mi JLttaPKC2ISLSfS2S? kiJLriwa rewDXM. s& rtiQKtAnhvi eil8,mmMkax tmtlu wniliin. i.LtiLlu:iilriuti &M?&!ttA jyaU" WW." LftyJ . -. &r-j V una ottttie i.tm mMOHNHmIm m fittttibM? HrlnMl AibyMIU "TlH HWM raertfaMUb na nnblltthlns ' -- - r---t- -jj. Minxn.uB.Hn waiKB e - SfonCenwrtH? bright, yeBf idatlM OnarUrl Uvtete mono- W7 1!rt ettlM MMMt eeumry.) I HMMy ' WWHt ,ofite Ibatw te UlM r iW ptMMMt Mftti MiHled "Im M l ttMetti.n-5 wMeh b puU te "weajfMrw iMtUMnkltM etum "IMwlntoeMeM of Gwena Unnt" eOMr Mm of IhU axeellent mars- A Btery by JhIImi BMrtberaeA"Wfci iMiiNucwAinn" muw wvu, off iMHMtebte at Ute end. . - ji'ywilNaut1 MaatleC FMu dMelug scademr Hopmeb rrlter. MM'StWbiylkBptein' I MM 11, tB. All UM IMNtUMMMDMtlU. MfcatWMMMef NMftMWlU be Intro- HftnMiiilMtMti4M'KiveB te ftlcfmmee tepei Uwt," grxxfal ; , orttege. May una HauMn maiWMWieuqnsiie, erpr- M PMHM UMU",t a iui i-if''. j; & 4l OttHMn! ptetde keM ex6orle. te WU. MMUSMv 0 Wen iMiy, ' September M. IviktUekeW.aodtertwe teyierretara aaM. fiUalMTM f tur fKia tnetl at n ' .hiv iKHHBHn -. na nw BBMK. b.- MnAinia l ran iumw, , uiimwrm. bbsm. - eik M faMfeMlfalr. rrh -Htaie . 1 .),'l')tJ i , BJWIiwwrt tetn " miMtjiumd . ' 4ll fkM'tf R . I - - ... a. !" MA m. LMre, I.IUU at SAtr&re, ties. JaTe m-.s5abMni at 7:11., rare, ftUgS7A) AW"V ' A Harreet Heme ;ienne: will be nreached In flM. Btepbea'e K. Lutheran efeareh, corner Puke 'SaChieiiUet:ythertor;keT. K. Mela- v'4s. ionaerroW' mefstnr. The church will be UrJ kiajdeemety deeemted wl all klede of cereali, H'f"SHiiMad,vegetabte:'Iii-ura evening a child-' ww aawivat wiu e new. , Caeafi ezenraleB te'.'lMray Cave, Wednesday, MptettberM.' Kenn trip tkkct, geed for lire (aya,'1;.rre only 7.0, iaeindlng admlMlen Inte JlNeave. Train, learee King street nt:0b,m. ymta,!Sei LltlU, 6:H, and Jlanhelm, 7:13 'm. Mil rer luruwr partwvwrs see circulars. Jtean.,,Itairniead vrWeeemVi Four Oranp - i '-5s4j? i-'Wlate,Trt.teiOnMiernl, ' 'tpe. anperler advantages ref California as a ptaee of winter sojourn and the many flttrae- tleiU of theeleganl Hetel del Mente, Monterey -,.' ere beginning te be well appreciated In the East, r , N.'.";;Uianki te the enterprise of Messrs. Raymond A v Xi ,WhlteOBib, the excursion stansgere. This firm A ,'' '4'has completed arrangeraenta for four grand Sft;'( .trtpftotheFaolfleCoastthecomlngwlntor. The x ".L . tfM, ifli4wllt Iaava Unwiimtui, 1 4tiA ,nrnm1 t'lVifecember 10, the third January 11, und tlie f?ajT0rta February 11. The time of absence may j,ve gevernea by personal prorerence.nna may be if itf i xlended te a period of seven months or mere y ,-glf desired. rattles will return under personal Jetbertln April or Mayf and the tickets can also , Xbe seed independently of the party dates. The k: ;, 'magnlflccnt Hetel del Mente, will be the head- j1 iuartcrs of these who remain Xer a long period, TS-T.and beard coupons are furnished which may be j7"l'.used at fifteen ether hotels in California, Utah, :;,i"V-'-and Colerado. The homeward ronte will be . y-l:V' through Colerado, and some of the grandest rs-Hoeky Mountain scenery, and there will be a Mfsyft cnolce of routes offering many adranlagcs. r Fnll aescilntlve circuiftra niAv lin nlilAlnnfl nr II." F, Bhlelds, agent for Raymond's Vacation Excursions, 111 Seuth Ninth street (under the Continental Hetel), Philadelphia. ltd MAimiAQES. llRinsin STAurrxn, On Thursday evening, August 27. 1KU, nt Uracn Lutheran parsonage, by Rev. 0. Elvln lteupt Mr. James I), llrinscr, nnd Miss A. Emma Stauffer, nil of this city. ltd vsAina. Mvxns. In this city, en the 2Sth Inst, Cathn line, relict el the late Jeseph Myers, In thu Gist year of herngc. The iclntlvcs and friends of the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from (her late residence. Ne. 731 North Ouifcn . ;; rj.i:.iKin,'i,en jaenuay niicrnoen aizociecx. inter j fj,ilpsentat'jroedward Hill cemetery. st 'te TS,Tlitirir tfnfrrliriniiT lt lin J4lhvim,iir f.li i v ..snjjisssia"1 - - -" k UIrUl.llIH.V.w. S1 The relatives and friends el lliu luuiW'JW' . 'Ct , ,.nMTnilv invited te attend the funeral ..5 s.,f, AAM ,amaam n ft n'iilnnlr. 4rnm Titn latfl residenee Ne. 110 Seuth Queen street IVSSSi itrmu-ln this cltv. en the SSth inst, Will- Hii i' ii i nn of William and Suuna lluch- 'fV4Aer, in the second yiiarnrnnnrn i in .K5TT-3lea le attena tne liinenu, irem afViMt his parents, Ne-4,3 1 iK nnlai! ixttacapial. Sr4ruKtCiy. It ST. .A nn loot I. iklaii.. . Xeudlg. widow of the Inte Ocorge Kcndlg, In the . visiyearei ner age. ' .$ The relatives and friends of the family nre 10 fspeetfully invited te attend the funeral from tier late resldence.He. 152 Seuth Christian street W- Sen Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the house, i , 'und at 3 JO at St Paul's M. E. Church. Inter .mam Wu.Im. mil nM..n.. uiQUHh nwunmuumvivuiuivii f . .. en ma' In ,1.1. l... I.!.... c. fc.li iifiu. auki i itiii. ill line luji iinn. I3U9UI1, . wnlew Of the late Jehn Llnd, In the 7th ycur V c ntt-;. be relatives nnd frlends of the family are fitfully Invited le uttend the funeral, from i-csldcnce of her son, Ne. 113 Seuth Duke et.enTuesaur afternoon at 2 o'clock. In- erment at Lancaster cemetery. Watsew. At Denetral Mills, en Wedne.Kiliiv morning, August at, II. Wutson.seu of lllrniii und Chuilotte It. llerr, aged 21 uurs and 2 months. ltd&w I'OZITICAL. Uemecratlc State Ticket State Trcaturcr. CON'RAU U. UAV, PhUadclphln. COUHTT TICKET. Jieeerder. JONAS Z. STAUFFEB, East Eail. Comity Solicitor. JOHN E. MALONE, City. .Triton Intpecten. GEO. II. GONDER, SUesburg Borough. C. O. AMMON, Ephrata. Director) of Peer. C 11. RENNINUER (2 years), Ureckneck. B, a. REIST (3 years), East UempHeld. JOHN STEWART (3 years), East Hempfleld. Jury Commlitiener. K. C. UILLER, Earl. MAMKXTB. jv.m 1IAl 1 I.I1.J.I.,. -.. u..w.. D3 TiJi . W-T -.,-wV-Mir, An.w 4H 1ll-nn wnalnfelwA A ,wrBdatl5lJ.80per txin. WWS!.i'irieiir waa quiet, but Ann. ! iSSSi'fiUBllvBt.ll.'ai; Western de. at 4 '2E4B51-2U. nnii f vYi?;Mi&-Mjwj-. ntBRdiKRn .:;i'.V7;AJiye aeur moved slowly etsj wqs $ .v..-2r". "-" . . . . per Uii tsurel. as tonuelitv. i.i..r;r j zzr- - -"T..-. ... , y euu was wuniea at run price. Small Bales of if?A5tJ- WlnlAi- ltrirn snnl nt. Sl.'uaiS fiO TM-r tnn 3?i1 T-,n mill Whiint af&rt Atlrr mill fVt fl..n . XiK toeJ, V- A- Ml M- " - 1VII,, ,-, ' .uern one. iug., eepi.nnu vcu; ijfte. .Nev. Oats ilKc. Aus-. i 32e ler Sept iind Oct; ,3HoNev. Mew Yerk Produce Market iJ,. w vi-r, ,w - " j.v-ufc, auri , iiwuivminimm - ft?&Fiue,.30J Ml Superflue, 3 13&J4S: i ivJjl ,MlnDOiOtaT3e(W. Southern fleurdull: isi?W;iMm te iroedextni. S3 6504 IS. Hoax, Aug. 29. Ileurdullnndhcnvy : sxirn com- ?-l'J.t'ri-rtt,i..-P'i, -.A mT.. e ....... I giy, TTSWWill' 'W. a AQU, T7tUM, viiu, Vic; VCtO- 'C. cbvSiNa 'Mlxed,Aug.,5IHei Bcpt, 51J.e 'Oet.UKei Nev, sic. Jul... ei-u s AuriitfiD. - II.I. Va m mr,w. A..A. -lAUrn C... mij .W OetllH2e7 ' " n ' ' ' '" ' eifSSA.Hsr,,ft."Vcuaaseu- JU-'lStJfefVjFeik dull mesa (10 37WMI0 75. ' jw!Mfc w , jssy.ss." Nev. Jlf'iT' "Tnrpentlne Arm atWHa en snot. ft f xr2r,aM!ui aui i, strained togeoo, i ietsi ia. Y Vj wts, Few&eum dull t Reflned, S)ie. -U- 5r? -hyrardulli cutleaf, 7J.0 J granulated, 6 HlBci ' je V w',0a,: A.ee-jHO. . " ' si Brm ""W"1 imiu-uen ViTeamery, ti-S'f "SI. i - T.. J.. ivnelfli-n rlat nrlmn. fiiHTVc . twAkj?- J8is,lSki7Ke i night skims, 'XOSUe. IJAKt4 ' -.."Wiuu'-ulstSady jSUte.ISKSleci Wostern, aMiTilAH-i f'BBnn nnlnt t rarnltna nnd Lenlftlanii. nnmmnn W.OV.C. allow quiet- prime city, Se. lOuec eiulv t fair cl-irciea. 9c ...Hay dull rtorianinethy 86Sc. -T.V ... . ' mv r-wk f Cioae Cattle Receipts. 8,000 head i shtn. r,M head i market stew and wtukeri u-ers, i,aauji,iv ns, sa -jja ,1JU WO., H ,3JI JD IOWI..VI AS., S4 ckers and feeders, t. b0i ou i . mixed, tl 78SS1 00 1 Tuxans. n Hliartn 60J 00 nesleru lunyeri lewer: and talf-lireeds, fMl 70; vows, ri li IU AVAUS VB19SVIAS lpts, H5U0 head l sNpmcnts. 6.000 : vi oemnioif grades weaker! -sailed, aj limt M i packing and shin: W light, 79 1 skips at S3 78 -Keelpu,2,e00'hedi shipments, 1,080; slew natives, l -e i Weatere. Xns.U 7UM t LaWvS7t!M 7a." 3 . tissurrr Cattle Netttng' doing; the aesnwnll being tkicAf h 5 reeelpu. SW sklpuieuu. sis haasT fla shlDiueuUta ssrk, yesteitiar 1 b fair deuiaua 1 1 FhWadelpnUtt, S4 70s) : Kmrm, '-' - lifr.Ti!a I 3 ri JHiilsstt UN a- - 3Hitr. It; , ''"BsssVrWslll ' h AnSSSSBSSSMt l w',4 I" 1 flliii Fy JrJsassslsssTal a . .'3rri CM ff Xe OBfuiie, An (9, liM p. . Market emltl J Wbea t-rt.. c f eet. He ,.OWJI UH.I BWJ IWT.I "?;, Ha Oct, MMei Kot.,wXe. uii-iwii,e v?n. Perk-Lud- Slbs- etk eepu, n m vebi i 8At.. ieMi Oct., lbs Sept, ) w t eet, f w J Oct., wX)Kci Knv.. NUMU I MR' -corfcft.-tett ,ee . i br, 0 RtwliiikHMk Hw Te, AngJfc-Well itmtliHO p. -Meaey MlKCl per eeat. BxekAace quiet aerenuM&U Arm. Carreney C, Ceep., tOTK tWl W. 00, USbMJ ', VMM bid. the Heek market opened weak, and price decline H te K Pr eemt la the early dealing! under a considerable preature te tell. About 11 o'clock, however, the teHtag eeaaed, and the de cline wu fully recovered by neon, when price again felloe en a raid en LeulevlMe A -Nash. :VUle. At the time of writing the whole lint Is dewnVf! te 1 per cent. IT., Br.M. Weatent Onion, ,a,i4,.,t, TOX .4 I flam express. 4,toe.t4. a vaerieanxxprea. , well, Farge Ce. . ............ . C. O. a i, .. ew Yerk Central W Mew Jersey Central H Ullnet Central Xxpresf umm venixai. Mlektgan Central fertkera Paclne , Mqcuwtb jraviui . .. . Fl ,.. PreiOfTed.a..t.Mt ale..,.,,..,, . Central VaeMe.. Union Faesle,.. i,, . . niHrsWIBVin4.MiiMliMllM Hew Yerk Xlemted M6tOpOsll1M& MftnlwttsiB 'e Alt. Terre Hnute 30J i-reicrreu set Canada racine. Chicago A Alten.. Ches. OU0..1 1. AUnd.,....,,,.,..,,, uel.. Lae. west.. lenver ,. Erie..., ...... ,.4, MIX " iroierroa.... Blannlbal A at. Je. Preferred. Kansas A Texas Si. l,ake snnre., L.B.4H 4 i7vs'lleA NashvlUe 4&X Merris A Essex Northwest HUH " Frefurred . 131 Ontario Western Ohie A Mississippi .( " Freferred ,. FacIflO Hall W Uulcksllver.... l'roterred..... Rending 1 at , Reek Island LK Ban Francisce 11 Freferred Qmofex. ..................... ............ .... " Freferred. BtFaul.... S)i " Freferred Nash A Chat. ..,,,..,., .....,... .... M, L., 8. A W. ,.., .... .......... Wabash. ...,........,.........,.... .... " Freferred C., It. A Q W,i Rochester A Pittsburg rd. A Evans Manitoba Oregon A Nav. Orcnen Transco 3 Fullmnn Palace Car WestShore Z1 , nouselield Marker. SATl'RDAr, August 'H. DAinr. Creainery lluttcr 330 IlutlerV lb 1602U0 Cup Checiie, two cups 30 Cetutgii Cbt ese, two pieces no Dutch Cheese yl lump 8310c reDLTRT. Chickens ft pair (live) " fp'ece (cleaned) Spring Chickens pair Flgcens ft pair. Ducks fl piece (cleaned) MISCELLAKEOCH. Apple IlutterV qt EggbVaeJ! Heney f) B Lard fl Dry Uecf, chipped , Ham. whole j.t--'. Ham, sliced FRUITS. Apples ftHP.- Itnnanas W ffUUZI.. 1300 nfMmnuts. each. 120 Currants ft ft (dried) Dried Annies V nt... .100 100 120 SBStucs yi ijv.. 100 Lemens ft uez , Oranges $ldez.. ...... i'lnxnnnlcs V piece. n-'nK I (te 1330 250 JOO T'ears yt yi pk UmpcM l Iti Cantaloupes , lOe ISO Miiee Watermelons , 10 I3C VICUKTABLES. IlcansftKpk loe Peanper&pk 100 Cabbage vt head.. ucau rlh l'otateca VtUpk ftbuihel ,. Beans (Ltinv) fl qt CarreUift bunch Hcudbulad Onions fl bunch Rhubarb nrbh .3M10O 100120 iOijSOO ....130 ..... SQ .... Be ....fie 3e 13025c Sweet Potatoes fl U pk. Soup Vcnnsflqt.... 12e Spinach Knk 1013e Salsify ft bunch 8(ll0e Turnips f U pk 10Q12e Fcppei-s ft tlez , tulSc Onions f)X pk 30c Radishes pr bunch 3a Tomatoes prlfpk lulic Cucumbers ft tlez 10c Squashes each 3ft4c Egg Plants ft piece &(fJc Cern ft dozen,...., ..cysc risn. Halibut ft ft 13020c Cattish ft ff 13e Ilcirlnu fl ilez ire Fresh Muckcrnl ft B 13a Clams per loe SI Sea Ilaxs loe lllueFish 100 Sturgeon .....10c HELiaiOVS. RELIGIOUS SERVICES "WILL BE held In thu following churches en Sunday, In the morning at 1030, In U10 evening at 7:4 Sunday school at 0-00 a. m. When the hour is different It Is specially neted: Fhisbttxuiab MxxeniAL Cbcrcb, Seuth Queen street Bervlccs morning and evenlng at the usual hours, by the pastor, Themas Thompson. OLivrr Battist Cuirncu. Y. SI. c. A. Reems. Rev. M. Frayne, pastor. Preaching ut 10 JO a. m, and 7:43 n. in. eunuay ecnoei at 0.V) 1 Sa.m. oEcenutvAKuiLjuAi. i cncugn ), en juuieerry street, abeve Orange L. it. Werman, pastor, l'rcaehing at 10.30 a. m. and 7:43 p. in. by the pastor. Sunday school at 0.13 a.m. Prayer and Class en Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7.43 p.m. sharp. St. Luke's RxreitittD Marietta Avenue, Uev. Wm. F. Llehllter, pastor. Divine servlce at 10.30 n. m., and 7:43 p. m. Sinnenln the morning by ltev. B. F.-Bausman,audln the evening by Mr. Thee. Q. Lyre. Sunday school at 9 a.m. U KITED BBXTHnEX IK C'HRIST(COVBRAfT) West OranHO street, between Mulberrv and Charlette Birveis. (lurxuetiy jtnuwn its Doiemi ituv. . r- . i . .. .- . . M. J. Muinma. noster. Preaching at 10:30 n. m. and 7.43 n. m. uy itev. a. r . eait, 01 XJpnraut. eunuay school at 0 a. m. Uracx LuTUXRAy. Cerner of North Queen and James street Rev, C. Elvln Houpt, pastor. Service at 10.30 a.' in., and 6.00 p. 111. Sunday school at 9 a, in. , St. Paul's Divine service at 10.30 a. m. Sun day school at 0.13 a. in. Ne evening service. Cubist Lutheran Church West TUng street E. L. Rced, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7:13 p. m. Sunday school at 8 a. in. First REreRMED Church. Services te-morrow at le-.30a.1n. and C.15 p.m. by the pastor, Rev. J. M. Titxel, D. D. Sunday Bchoel at 9 a. in. ST. faul's M.E. Cuurcu. Rev. Ooergo Uaul, &. IiHVBUU. itOTi UUUIU UUUI, mday school at 9:13 a.m. ; preach . una 7-lS p. m. v M. E. Chapel, corner Charlette ji.. el. jjuavur. eunua uig ai 11r.su u. m. 1 WEST MissiOH H. E. Uhancl. 0 and Lemen streets. Hev. W. II. Asnrtl. imuir. 0 a. in. Sunday school ; 10:30 a. in. preaching by the pastor ; 6.15 p . m. preaching by Rev. Qcorge Uaul. Prayer meeting en Tuesday evenlng V xiek Bethel Re v. Q. W. Seiihanier. pastor. Preaching at 10:30" a. m. by Rev. Jes. Martin, of Cbembcrsburg, and at 7:43 p. in. by the Rev. Win. Sanborn, of Harrlsburg. Habbnth school at 9:13 u.m. Experience meeting at 6.30 p.m. Moravian. J. Max Hark, pastor. 9 a. m Sunday school 1 10 a. ra.,' Litany and sermon ; no evenlng service. All welcome. FazsBTTXRiAK. Preaching In the morning and evening by the pastor, Rev, Jas. Y. Mitchell, First M. E. Church Uev. J. T.Satchell, pastor. Flenching morning and evenlng by the pister, St. Stephens Cerner of Duke and Church street. Rev. E. Meistcr, pastor. Divine services at 10:13 a. m. and 6 JO p. in. Sunday school at 9 a.m. Owing te the continued illness of the chaplain services at the almiheuse and prison te-morrow (Sunday) atternoen, will be conducted by Rev Petter. The Weman's Christian Temperance Union will take part In the meeting at the JUI9V1I, Ufrljuuuur INUSld e CUMIN. On Tuesday evcnlni: nt 7.30 t ay evcnlni; nt 7.30 the W. C. T. U w ill meet at 142 North Prince street irxir JwrjcKTjajiMxitia. CUIICKEN CORN SOUP LUNCH THIS evening at the Central Hetel, under lieeher's Bank, Oysters, Clams, Turtle Sour. Rlrds,ctc. CUBA MYERS. It Proprietor. ROASTED GROUND HOG AND SAUER Kraut Kuneh THIS EVENING at the Heff. man Heuse. Ne. 214 West Ring street formerly known as the King of Prussia. Kuapp's Iswmis terBcer, Wilmington Beer and Budwetser Beer dwetser o'clock. en tap Lunch every morning a n, svajs M. FroprWer. MM HOV..I8B0. nni Mev.ftsn, tu, . ....I.Ofil.00 !.'!!.S)rt75c 23tv30c iiiiiioieo 230 130 .leq. :7:......4oe 13Q1IC 220 130200 ROYAL , BAKING " POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS powder never varies. Amatvel of purity, strength and wholesemeneas. Mere eco nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be old In competition with the multitude et low test short weight alum or phosphate powders. Beld only in cant. Kotal ilAie Fewdsb Ca, IflBWaUfitreetWeWYerk. mav7-lydAw WANTED A Qirib TO DO GENERAL Housework. None but a reliable and ex perienced person need apply. . It AT THIS OFFICE. LUNCH. CUICKEN CORN SOUP Lunehtht. ty1?0JTTALOON( , Derwart Street The best Beer In the city en tap. ltd -TSE0AU8E IT is TRUE-ALL SCHOOLS Jj of medicine agree that Bensen's Capclne Pereus Plaster Is the best external remedy known. 23c. A LARGE LINE Of FINE TOILET Soaps. Superior In Quality. Fragrant and Lasting, at HURLEY'S DRUG STORE, Na 24 West King Street UNCH-MOOK TURTLE THIS EVEN INOat CHARLEY HOSTER'S CORNER SALOON, ltd Rear of Central Market. BIG LUNCH TO-NIGHT I WANT 1,500 men te try my new SAUERKRAUT this evening, and Kohleru Lager Beer, at Excelsior Hall, East King street . ltd JUitn eiiuuniir.uux.1., 1 iui. SAUER KRAUT LUNCH THIS EVENING, At the Maner Hetel, West King street. Fresh Beer en tap. FRANK FltlTB-311, U Froprleier. 1 RAND LUNCH. Bauer Kraut will be served as lunch THIS EVENING at BISMAIICK'S, It no. V cast mng aircci. ON AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 1. THE Lancaster ft Mlllersvllle Railway Ce. will run a special car fercarrylngfrclght Car leaves Mlllersvllle at 1 p. m. and leaves Lancaster at 2.30 p.m. All kinds of frelfiht will be received unit delivered tit nil points along the line. a20-3td PENN SQUARE RETAURANT. SnucrKrnut Lunch TII18 KNENING from 9 te 11 p.m. Spring Chicken, Oyster and Clam Soups, Beefsteaks, Hnni and Eggs, etc., always en hand, Rochester llecr en Inp. Open Sunday night and all nights during the week. 1. tut a,a?i Ut ruptivtur. O-Tclephone connection. ltd HOIOE BLENDED JAVA COFFER Extra Flne Cup Quality at 23c. per pound. Geed Rie CotTee only liKc, and very geed nt 13c. per pound. New Crep Teas Oolong nnd Impe rial, flne flavor, at Mc per pound. Extra Ffne nlbOc Special Inducemcntnln FlnnGrocerles. If you want Geed FIckles grt some of our Fresh Spices, and geed Keur-Year Old Cider, and White Wine TncRar, triple strength. Will be pleased te nerve you, nt WIAXT'B cei:m:i(, atiB23-lyd Ne. 113 West King Street. G RAND OPEN AIIl.CQNtyjUr -AT- MNNERCHOR GARDEN, THIS EVENING, -BY THE- Fairville Comet Band. . ltd HENRY DOEKIt, Proprietor., QCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS, New and Skceni-Hand, THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK IN THE CITY, All Bchoel Supplies used, at the LOWEST PRICES. BOOKS EXCHANGED. At B. H. Zatam & Oe.'a Boek Roem, ISnndMSOUTlI QUEEN STREET. aug2U-2ldK IRANI) EXCURSION. GRAND Afternoon and EveniDg Excursion TO PENRYN PARK, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1SJ3. Trnlns will leave King Street depot nt 12 te nnd 3:37 p. m. Returning, leave the park at 8 and 10 p. 111. Fare for the round trip only fiO cents. A first class Orchestra will acceinnanv the excursion. Supper will be furnished en the grounds at 41 cents. Ait Kinus ut ruiiuniiuiuiiis. i-,auetii afternoon and evening. Frocure your tickets before day of excursion, A. C. RAHTER, aug23-4td Maxaeek. A SS1GNEE8' SALE, ON MONDAY, SErTEJIIIEU21at 18.. The undersigned assignee of Benjumln F. Cochran and wife, by virtue of an order Issued out of the Court of Common Ficen, of Lancaster county, agrcably te the act of February 17th, IB76, whereby liens are discharged, will sell en the premises, all that certain tract or piece of land, containing 39 acres and 80 perches, sltuate en the public read leading from Cjuarryville te Fert Deposit In the township of Dnimerc, county aforesaid adjoining pieiiertles of Dr. J. M. Deavcr, Rebert Moere, Jehn Campbell, Jacob Martin and Mai ' A. Kaulfman. iiimcni estate Is a farm of gi Quality et land. In a Keed state ut vuutvuii'iu, uiiuui Kwiia-uiiii mm uuuui t acres of geed timber, and en which nre erected a of cultivation, under geed fences, with about 4 SOOO tWOBIOrV BTO.NE 1IIVKLL1IIU HOIJMK. Bank Barn, (60 by 30 feet). Wagen Shed, Tobacco Heuse and ether outbuildings, nnd never-falling spring of water near the dwelling house, fruit trees, Ac. This property Is convenient te churches, schools, stores, Ac. Premises aforesaid will be sold In the whole or in parts te suit purchasers. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in., of said day, when terms and conditions will be made known by JOHN M. HERMAN, Asslgnee, B. F. Howe, Auctioneer. uug2j-ltd. A SSIGNEE'S SALE. m ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,18S5; The undersigned asslgnee of Jehn V. Chniles and wife, by virtue of an order Issued out of the Court of Common Fleas, of Lancaster county, agreeably te the act of February 17th, 1870, whereby liens are dlscliargcd, will Bell en the premises. All that certain trnet or piece of land contain centain ing 141 ACRES, mera or less, situate at the ter minus of the read leading from Murtle Ferge te the Heuse Reck, in the township erMurtlc, county aforesaid, adjoining lands of Martin Shenk, new or lale of James McCreary, Jehn Balr, Susquehanna river, new or late of Themas Stewart This real estate is a farm of geed quality et land, in a troed state of cultivation, under geed fences, with about 90 Acres of geed tlmberland and en which are erected a One and One-Half Story Leg and Weathor-bearded DWELLING HOUSE, Summer Kitchen, Large 8wlsser Barn, Wagen bhetl, and ether outbuild eutbuild Inns. Alse, two geed Wells of Water, one at the house and the ether nt the barn, Fruit Trees, Ac. This property Is desirably located, being con yentent te churches, BChoels, railroad, Ac. Bale te commence nt 1 o'clock p. m of said day, when terms and conditions will be niade known by ' J 0HN.M. HERMAN, B. F. Rows, auctioneer Assignee. aug29ltd A-SSIGNEE'S SALE. Ok Wedhxsdat, BEiTEiiniB30, 18S3, The undersigned, assignee of Jacob Htldebrand undersigned, assignee 01 uaceu ttuueurana 1 wife, by virtue of utt order Issued out cf the irtet Common Fleas of Lancaster County, ecably te the Act of February 17, 1876, where ana wi Court nfrnejthlv uy liens are uisceanscu, win win uu tne premi ses all that certain tract or piece or laud con taining 1W Acres, mere orleps, situated in the village of East Willow Street, West Lampeter township, county ateresald, adjoining lands of Daniel Krelder. U. Z. MUey and the Willow Street turnplke.en which are erected a -story FRAME DWELLING UOUSK, with Summer Heuse and Kitchen attached. Ice Heuse, Tobacco Shed, Butcher-Shep aud Stable. This property Is desirably located near schools, churches and railroad, aud in all respects is a very desirable home, having two geed wells of water nnd fruit, trees thereon. , Premises aforesaid will be sold In the whole or In parts, te lultpurchauers. Baletoeommeuctatone o'clock p. ni., when, term and conditions will be made known by JOHN M.MEKMAN, Aa4gnM.j 0. Tf jw, AUViVB;vr, ,- y iv MUHT STREET. EXAMINE BVERY OAKB OP 80AP and see that CIIAB. F. MJLI.KK Is stAmped en. Se BOHAX BOAT genuine without. AnOOKWANTEDINTRIVATEFAMILY. J Geed wages te competent person. Apply at this office. ltd- CAREFUL ANALYSIS BY PRACTICAL ChemteU prove that MILLER'S IlOKAX SOAF Is absel ulcly pure. mar7-emit XTOT1CE. JlI 8 percent will be added en all reboot tux netpatdbyTtlRHDAY, REI'TEMMKR, 1, 1883. W. O, MAK8IIALT., Treasurer, angaVttdH Centra Bunro. AN ARTICLE SUITABLE KOrt ALL purposes, giving excellent results, Is MIL LER'S 1SUKAX SOAF. WANTED-A SITUATION A8 WASH woman. Applyat U, OUiftOttXIl UUJlEDlllBIili augSMt Lancaster, Fa, ON ACCOUNT OF ITS PURITY, strength and general excellcnceMlLLKH'H llORAX SOAF has gained the raver of 'nil who have used It. WANTKD-A GOOD GIRL TO ASSIST a Tailor t one who can sew by hand nnd machine i ean have bearding If desired. w at ae. 711 tssi urange suuav. PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND Kitchen Furniture at Ne. 473 Maner street Monday afternoon nt 0110 o'clock 1 llcdstends, Dressing Uurcau, Tables, Chairs, Carpets, tilass and quoensware. ltd JACOB GUNDAKER, Auct LO. OF R. M. The members of Ko-sbah-ke-nco Tribe, Ne. 22, will meet nt tii-lr wigwam en next council mcettnir. AUGUST 31. at 8 o'clock p.m. Adep tien of new by-laws. It FETERC. UENSEL,C.efR. R. 8. E. WEBER, Veterinary Physician and Surgeon (gradu ate of Ontario veterinary College). Office, Ne. 7 WEST ORANGE STREET. Telephone con nee. tlen with Keystone Heuse. Jy24-2mdTuTh&S TN8TRUCTI0NS IN MUSIC ON PIANO AND ORGAN, Beginning 8EFTKMI1ER 1st te M1BSMARG Fer terms annlv M1BS MARGIE SFURRIER, aug22-3t9,WftS HBBeutb Duke Street 1rANTED-TWO GIRLS TO LEARN TV tnllerliig. Apply nt Ne. 27 East King street steady employment 2td WITHOUT EXCEPTION, THE BEST Cigars in the town, two for Re, at UAKTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. XTO. I COTTON MILL, JX Will stmt up again en TUESDAY NEXT, BKl'TEMIIEIll, at the usual hour. All the op. eratlvcs are expected te be In their places. ilt-nugXaVR BHKODEItACii. EXACTLY THE RIGHT THING. Why don't you cure your backnehewith enn of llensen's Capclne Plasters. Buiu nnd quick. 23 cents. PUBLIC SALE OP HORSES. On MONDAY, AUG. 31, 1h3, nt the Jlerrl nine Stables, Ne. 113 North Prince street, of t car-lead of Iowa Horses. Among them are souie llintclaiis steppers and a few heavy drnfla. Bnle te commence at 1 o'clock, p. in. aiS.;tlt GEORGE GUOSSMAN. Use Miuilieini Heller Fleur. The Original. The Best lnayZ-lyM.WAS It -v-rfvrim!. JW The members of Lancaster Ledge, Ne. (W, K. of I' nre requested te meet nt the Ledge Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, for the Ream nn mi most) of niteneini; me lunerai ei nre. m. nuriiese of ntteneing inn lunerai ei nre, Hatrelgnnr. ilambers of Trutenla and Inland age fit idges are resjicclfully Invited te miet with them. uyortierei JAMES 11. KEARDON, C. C. ltd QEALED l'HOPOSAIJS FOR SIXTY- kJ t ilve tens of best bard Stnutnn or eiinally geed lurnaoeceAi. egg sue, anu sixiy-ne tens 7.. V steve slxe, dcllvcd In cellar of Hemn for Friendless Children, will berecched until Mon day in., 31st lust. All coal te be cleun and free from dust Address Dr. Jehn L. Atlcc, r marked, " Proposals for Ceal." CIIAS.BI. HOWELL. augls Md 8ccrctur' of " Heme." LOSING OUT LinHT.WHIOUT UN DERWEAK AND HOSIERY AT RECHLOLD'S. It will pay te buy It for next season, tho'ie that can. We have a fob let of extra sites, poed elu-ht, Gray and White Undershirts, which e are eclllng at JJccmIb: a bargain) lttcrenesat reduced prices. Shirts, pants, overalls and no no ..en, generally, cheap r Ne. 32 North Queen Street F. S.llulldlngStoue and Bund fur sale. TO MANUFACTURERS OF FINE CIGARS. We hae Just received a large ItiMilce of FINE HAVANA FILLERS which, together with our REST HAVANA SEED WRAPPERS and LITTLE DUTCH, we offer te sell In such q nnntltles as uuy be desired, nt very moderate pilcej. LEWIS SYLVESTER A CO.. Cemer Duke and Chestnut btiects. augC3mdWAB PROPOSALS WILL HE RECEIVED RY titn utifiiTuttrned nntnf neleck. Ti. in.. SEP TEMBER 1.18S3, for Ten Tens, mere or less, of i.vKens v uuey nnu ijiuiiiiieiw viuiirnunjr h,b Ceal, mixed, te fetatien Heuse, and Ten Ions, innrnnrln... nf Hard Nut Cenl. te be delivered at the City enices, during the coming wlntcr.itt such times and In such quantities as ordered. Proposals te be addressed "Frepeily Commit tee' at Mayer's Ofllce. . 1 1OM1, Chalniutn coinmlttce. Jacob 31, Ciuilxs, Clerk. augStdWAS T ANOASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. SESSION BEGINS MONDAY, SEFTEMBER7. TYPEWRITING a special feature. Inatruc H,,m rr,.,,f,i all whncnuinlete the course. New catalogue Just Issued containing list of students in nuenuance lest. year. Call en or address, H C. WEIDLER, , aug2l-tfd!l Trtuclpal. CFEOIAL NOTICE. The Largest and Finest Assoitmentef FALL GOODS NOW READY FOR SELECTION. All Goods In Slngle Patterns only and Cen lined Stales. The prices nre marked In Flaln 1 Igures. The work will be the very best An PTirti Inducement is made te theso who select early, and they have slse the udvaiituge of tne uneiccsv i unburn. CALL AND EXAMINE THE GOODS, IT WILL FAY YOU. JOHN dT HAAS, Army and Navy Merchant Tailor, augSHmdced Ne. EAST ORANQE ST. TtTOUNT ST. MARY'S COLLEGE. Mount St. Mary's College, , EMMTTSDUEG, MD. This Institution continues te glve that thor ough Classical and Mathematical Education for which It has long been celebrated. A Commer cial Course, optional te the students, is con ducted by competent professors. Biiuaiumu tt very nuutiuy juvmuy v iuu wui te uiuge jueuntains, ttttu tar y ictlens nnd dangers et a city, mis peculiar advantages te students, ogue te FRESIDKNT MT. ST, HART'S COLLEGE, )nl20-2ind M W 8 EMMITSEURG.MD. p REAT ELIXIR OF LIFE. ENDORSED BT TBI WORLD. DR. PETZOLD'S GERMAN BITTERS I THIS GREAT ELIXER OF LDTB Is a double Distillation of over'twonty different kinds Dfthe best German Herbs, this belmrlhe only true and rellable process by which ths en tire Orettt Medical Virtues and Curutlve Proper ties of the Herbs can be produced. We are con fident that this great German Tonle will be found the most UEALTU-G1VINU ever placed before the public As a RELIABLE AND PLEASANT INV1G0RANT, It Is absolutely without a rival, and affords Imstamt Rxuxv, and a Faarxcr Curb guaranteed in all cases of Dyspepsia, Less of Appetlte, Nervousness, Weakness, Cramps, Dysentery Cholera Merbus, Nausea, Diarrheea. Asthma. Sick Stomach, ltlllleusness, Ague and Fever and ethei Malarial Dhteases. This Great Medicine Fer Bala Everywhere. L. PHTZOLB OO., Prep's., ' 1ULT1M0KK, MD, yr.-awMiydftWj MIT ABrJUtXUBMMKTa. . AnKtmaTevmv. democraey of the Hlxth 'nl will lin held nt the Hchlll.T lloiine en 8ATU HUA Y K VEN1.NG nt 7K o'clock, HiiMnPMi of Importance. a27-:t JUrOKUEKOF THE COMMITTEE. WHEN NEXT WABHDAY COMER make a trial or one cake of Mllif.I.lt'8 BOKAX HOA1', and after that you will use no ether. WE HAVE BEEN MANUFACTURING C. F. MILLER'S IlOKAX BOAr.stnee 1081, and te-day Its sales are neatly W0.W0 pounds an nually. Tirl LL HEOPEN ON i BKFTEMUKR 1st., At KH EAST ORANGE 8TIIEET, REUKCCA 8. liuiinituuivp pcnoei ier umiaren. a-i-nia-XrOTIOE-ON ALLCITY TAX KEMAIN- -L" INU UNFAII) aner September 1st, thore win no six rcmalnlnir per cent added, and all Water Rents unpaid after September lit, will be nn alderman ler collection. handed te nn C. F. HYKIIH. am27-4ldlt City Trensurcr. A FEW OF CLARKE'S BARGAINS. OlclnoBeap, only 60. Elastic Btarcli. ?c. per box. Laundry Btarcli, Re. per pound. Column's Mustard, 12e. per i ir m. ex sis, itice tut iu. uoeus ucuvcreu ire, Tclephone, CLARKE'S TEA BTOUE. IB West King Btreet TJEMEMBER THE OLD STANDARD. ROHRER'S WILD CHERRY T0N10 Fer Weakness, General Debility, Dyspepsia, Summer complaint etc. KOIIlt Kll'S LIQUOR STORE, apr22-lydll Ne. 2a ccntre Square. TJH)R SALF-SKATING RINK AT COL JD umbla, l'a., with nil its Fixtures, Stcum Heater and 223 pairs of Henley Skates, goedns new. Will sell en cesy terms and nt a bargain. Fosteftlco address, " BO X' NO. 408," Julyl3-3md Columbia, Fa. T-EAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. XV On TUESDAY, HEPTKM 11E11 I, 1683, at 7 O'CIOCK 11. in., aii me cooper iiaune, kp. illCl liv, uuuflii. a. mil uiii'i , M.I1I nrt- at public sale the property Ne. 732 Maner street, consisting of a Two-Btery BRICK DWELLING HOU8K, 32 uy 02 rect, and loter ground, fronting 140 feet en Maner street by 235 te Lafayette and lle WtW along Lafayctte street, innroer less. In the rcur 01 if the dwclllnir water; also, n wash kitchen, weed und coal beuse, a carpenter shop nn d chicken beuse. The buildings are comparatively new, and built of the best material. There Is nn abundance of ex cellent fruit, such as apples, pears, peaches, cherries and grape vines en, the premises. The side let will be etrcred scpa rntcly, 40 by 223 feci. Possession nlvcn Octeber 1, ltwS. The property can belnspe:tcd until the day et sale, wheu nltendance will be given by DA.N1KI. RIIOADS. II. Buuiiert, Auct. iluglS4lTu,Tb,S,R JOUNS.GIVLER. GEO- RATH VON. JOBS. BARGAINS! BARGAINS IN WHITE BLANKETS. BARGAINS IN GREY BLANKETS. BARGAINS IN SCARLET BLANKETS. BARGAINS IN WHITE QUILTS. BARGAINS IN COMFORTS. BARGAINS IN CANTON FLANNEL. BARGAINS IN RED ALL-WOOL 1LANNEL, 23 Cents a Yard. BARGAINS1NTURKEYREDTABLISCOVERS GENUINE TURKEY RED DAM.A8IC, Slc rertli 60c Ask le SCO our LADIES'SOc. MKHINO UNDERWEAR. a-We are showing decided BARGAINS through our sleck nt Lew est Cesh I'rli.es. all TolmS.&Mer&Ce., NO. 25 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. FA. V' ACATION EXCURSIONS. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS: ALL TRAVELING EXPENSES INCLUDED. Parties will leave Philadelphia NOVEMBER M and DECEMBER lu. 1N83, und JANUARY It and FEBRUARY 11, ltftO. FOR FOUR GItAND WINTER TRIPS TO- . CALIFORNIA, With a Return Journey Through UTAH AND COLORADO AND AMID THE OKANDKST SCENERY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. TWO MONTHS AT THE MAGNIFICENT Hetel Del Mente, Monterey. Further tlme nt nny or sixteen different health and plcastire resorts. A choice of routes homeward. Persons desiring te lalt friends lit California also accommodated. Alt arninge-incnt8flnt-cle. W. RAYMOND. I. A. WH1TCOMB. "9Ecnd or call for descripth e circulnr. II. F. SHIELDS. Agent for Raymond's Vacation Excursions, 111 S. Ninth St., under Continental Hetel, Phllaitel phla. aug)-3t . J. 13. MARTIN tt CO. Queensware Department. NEW ARRIVALS EVERY DAY -OF CHOICE PATTERNS a -IN- Heb-Nailed Glassware AND IMITATION OUT GLASS AT LOWEST FRICES. FOUR CASES OF HANGING LAMPS Came In yesterday : are new en Display nt Ono One Half Fermer 1'ilcci. More than One Hundred Different Fatlerns te v Select from lu TOILET SETS, With or Without Mugs. MASON'S AND COLIANCEY FRUIT JARS, AT LOWEST FRICES. J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. West Kiss art Frisce Su. LAMCASTEH.FA. WJCir AnrjSRTlBKMENTB. JJf )0K8 AND STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS. -FOll Lancaster Schools and Scheel Supplies, AT LOW FRICKS AT THE IIOOKSTOKK OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN piU EAP STOKE, METZGER & HAUGHMflN CALL ATTENTION TO THE URGE STOCK OF Weel Flannels and Cotten Flannels FROM THE UTE OREAT AUCTION TRADE SALES IN NEW YORK. Reds, Greys. Navy Blues, Whites and Plaids, ALL AT LOWER FRICKS Til AN EVER BEFORE. COTTON FLANNELS FROM 5 OENTS UP. Metzger & Haugnman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. Between the Coepor Houne anl Berrel Ilorse Hetel. OOWERS HURST, 26 and 28 North Queen Street. WoaieOffellngMiinyllAltOAINB. New Is Iho Tlme te MuLu Yeurl'uichases. Ilargalns In WHITE, RED and GREV BLANKETS. Ilargalns In LADIES', MEN'S und CHILDREN'S UN DERWEAR. Sec our window for the Great lUigaln In MEN'S EUARLET SHIRTS, en'y 60c. liar gains In WHITE, RED nnd GREY FLANNELS. Wc offer an Extra All-Weel KCARLET TWILLED FLANNEL at 25c. Ilargalns In CANTON FLANNELS nttc., nt 6c., nt 8c, nt 10c., ut 120. Rar gains In JERSEYS, nt 50c. NEW STYLE VEST FRONT, All-Weel, at 1.(M and up. bargains in HOSIERY. Ilargalns In TOWELS OurSlere U Full of NEW GOODS. Come and see us. We will give you Lew Prices. BOWERS ut. 20 and 28 NORTH QUEEN T. GAPING 1'AUi STY w:a. flew Styles! lew Designs! If ew Prices! W. D. STAUFPER & CO. HATS, CAPS AND CHILDREN'S GOODS. Leading Fall Etjles id Varijiy of Shaps, Celer and Material .na"JxlKttA$ "ATS- Ee, ABenl fur KN0VS S,LK CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HATS AjNE CAPS. ., '.u.,l.a.e."!!l,''.! ultrnOMirletyiir 8lyle toenrClilhliPii'iillno.niitlcniigiioninteoiiallsracllon te nil, ALL OUUBUMJI Kit HI OCR AND ODD LOTS ure new hclngselil alone-half the original cost. Don't mis a bargain, hut cull ut ence W. D. STAUFFER & CO., fsnuLTur.s ,e iute.s old ntasd), NO. 31 & 33 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. jvjs; rr ah run tiskmenth GEOKO 13 nKNNKTT-l'AOTICAL PLUM11KR, STEAM AND GAS FITTER. AH orders promptly attended le. hiitlsfitclleii guaranteed. Werk done nt reasonable prltcs. NO. 435 NORTH QUEEN bTRKLT, Junel7-3md Lnncasfcr, Fa. OAUTLETT PUAU.S. JU (J Orders for 11ARTLETT I'lIAItS r,r,li,.l nt iiiv Market StaniU In thu Northern and West ern Market Houec, and nle ut ZalniL'rt Cerner; Htiuell an by tcluphnnc or neslul caid ttlllbu promptly att :tendcu le. GEO.-WeHROyEIt. vyAL M. CRAY, COMMISSION BROKER IN GRAIN, STOCKS, ItONDS AND FETUO- I.KUM. FlUtTIO.VAL LOTH A. BrtCULTT. ESIILEMAN'S LAW IIU1LDING, Nea. and 45 North Duke, St., Lancaster, Pa. far-Connected by pilvute wire trlth all the principal exchanges. augS-tfd NOTICE. At tlmrequcfitef the Flnnnte Committee of City Councils, the follettlm; bend nre hero here by called In for the puriieie or the sinking fund; Cjymentet Interest en sumo te teace, fccptem erl, 16i;3, when the principal unit Interest will be payable ut Iho elllce of the City Treasurer. The bends culled In amount le the sum of U,30ii, uud nre an fellows ; Lean of Augu.t 8, 1673. 5 per cent bends, Nei. A . li. 12, u, 14. i, I8.i7,i,i9.sn, n.-;i,-ii,n,'n, X, ). a31 and 3i D. F. RUSE.NMILLER, augiVild Mujer. VrOTIOE. HAVING l'UHCIIASKI) A JL.1 large stock or Woolens nt the late t.heriir fnlc, at ei-y low- prize, 1 w 111 make them up In Suits, Fantaloeu-i or OtciceutH at uiy low prices. All persons halng purchased matt-rial can bare tbciu mnde up and trimmed In first first cIehs style at uiodemto prices. A perfect tit cuarunlccd. A. II. ROSENSTE1N, m-!mdR Sf North Queen street. TDKOPOSALS 1'01K1HE KBCAI'lEsT The Directors of the I'oer will rcccle pie- IwsalH for placing Iren bt.tlrwuv and lUlceny 'lre Escapes, one te each end of the Almshouse, and the same te the Insane Asylum. Plans und speclUcatlens te be submitted by bidders, with I nice, the beard reserving tha right te adept the ild aud plans best suited te the public. Proposals te be opened and considered nt the next meeting el Directors, en September Mb. 13S5. uug.-Jlwd 1885. 1885. "NOVELTIES "EXHIBITION, FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, PHILADELPHIA. Open Irem Sent 15 (e Oct. 31. Concerts uml Special Entertainments Daily. FRICES OF ADMISSION : Adults, 50 Centa. Children, 25 Cents. Coupon Tickets (net geed if detached) 10 for J2.50. (Schools and parties cnu get oxcurslen rates, b upplylng te the Dlicctoref this Exhibition ) uugAI'Jiud mix aoevs. s PECIAIi 1) ABU AINU. Special Bargains for This Week AT THE HEW YOEK STOKE. One II J nil red Dezen All-Linen Memie Towels, 12Xc each, worth aic. Twenty-tlve Pieces, Hand Leem GERMAN TABLE LlflEN 37Ke-, worth 50c a yard. ONE CASE FULL WIDTH RED DAMASK TABLING, 25c. a yard, usual pi Ice, 37Kc ONE CASE FULL SIZE Heney Comb Quilts, 53c, usually sold at "5c. (Jnu Case Luige J.ANCASTEIl (JU1LTS, only B7Kc. each. Opened le-dity, a New Line of DARK GROUND eATlNES in New Styles at Lew Prices. WATT, SHAND & CO., LAKOASTER, FAJ SCHOOL BOOKS. T1IE - STOEET, LANCASTER. PA. & HURST, STREET. - - Lancaster, Pa. ITUH SAltK OR 11 EXT. T7I011 KENT. JD Three Law Oftltcs at Ne. 45 NOIITH DUKE BTKEET; und a basincut A3 ftel long, supplied with water and heat. inaMHld 1!. FRANK ESIILEMAN. OHI'II ANS' COUHT HA Mi On KItlDAV, SKPTEMIlKIt SJ, 18l,atthtf . Leepard Hetel, in thu city or Lancaster, the tin derxlgued, uclmltilttniter of Albert M. '.uhui, deceitBcd, will nxpese, by virtue of an order of thu Oiphaus' Cer.rt of Lancaster county, te pub lic rule, all that certain three story lllllUK DWELLING HOUSEand let of ground, Ne. 311 North Lline street. In the city of Lancaster. The let contains In Irent twenty-two feet, nnd In depth one hundred and thlrty.flve feet, late thepteperty of Albert M.Znhm, deceased. hniii toeeininonin ut 7 o'clock p. in., when at tendance will bcglcuund ternw made known by EDWARD J. .AIIM, Administrator of Albeit M. Znhm, dee'd. II. SutTBKKT, Auctioneer. uug-M-Swd UIHilfJsALr. OP VAMJABLE REAI Estate nf Jehn Knlsten, deceased. The heirs of Jehn llalsten, deceased. wlllRfll at public sale, en thu premises at Reckvllle, lioiipybreok township, Chester county, en WEDNESDAY, SKlTt.MDtll '.', If65, all their real estate, ns fellows Ne. 1. A farm ceutalnlng about l'i". Acres of productive land, In geed statu of cultivation, re cently well limed and manured, pleasantly lo le e.ttcd ou the Han lsburg tin nplku, one mile from Ferrest blatlen en Waynesburg llallread. Heaver Station el Wilmington A N. It. R. Is en the preperty. The Improvements are a large STONE MAN SION, 20x40, with Stene Kitchen ntluihcd; Stone lUrn 4St7S, Straw fehed Mll, i lingo Tobacco HaiiiTt. Wagen Shed, CnrrluKO Heuse, Tenement, &c. There Is an iilniiKlaiiie of Timber en the place; also fruit, sbudu uud ernumcutal trees ubeutthe house. Ne. '.', adjoining Ne. 1, reiilnlns I Acies, en which Is creeled it geed und ceucnlcnt Frntne Heuse and btitblu. Ne. 3 adjoin Ne. 1, and contains about 31 Acres of farm luiul-wltl'eut buildings. Ne. tadjelns NiL-Xcentiilnaitbiul U Acres of geed Chestnut Timber, el ftl ears' growth. Ne. 5;cenUiliiH si Acres Chestnut Timber sltuate lu Went Cain township, en which nre Flag quarries, knew n as "Campbell's Rocks." Ne, uls lleiwur R. It. Station, contains 4 Acres of land; tholiupreoiiientsnruulnrgu Dwelling und Stere Heumj combined, Stable, Witrehouse and Siding; thU Is u geed opportunity forallve business man The above pronertles uie all In geed crdcrnnd must pejltl Uy be sold. Liberal terms can le glNen. Pale at one o'clock e. m. Persons desiring Information or wishing te view thu properties, please call en or uddiets J. 11. RALSTON, Reckvllle, Chester ceuuty. Ctd uug. 13, 18. 20, 'ii, '27, sep. 1 A It w rj.Il AND l'UULIO SALE. -OF- CITY DWELLINGS The undersigned will nlTer at public snte, ut the Lkoi-AIidIIetkl, East King stivct, en WEDNESDAY, HEFT. 15. 1K61, the following dwcllli gs lu Lancaster city : Ne. I. Twe story and Mansatil reef, brick, with twosteiy brick back building. Ne. seu North Lime strcet ; nlne rooms, hull und bath room ; ull modern conveniences ; let, lpxISO feet. Ne. 3. Twe two story nnd Mauxartl reef, brick, tw e story back buildings, Nes. Seil und 60S West James street; hall and nlne rooms; modern conveniences ; let, ssjjxies feet. Ne. 3. Twe two-story bricks, with two-ntery back buildings, Nes. 418 and (JO North Mary street ; hall and seven rooms ; lets, 1VJ3 feet. Ne. 4. Tin co two-story Mansard loef bricks, with two-story brick back buildings, Nes. 4Jfi, 4JS and 410 North Mary ttticet; hall and eight rooms ; lets, 16xS4J feet. Ne. 5. Twe-story and Mansard reef brick, two story back building, Ne. 651 West Chestnut slieut, hull, ten 1001119 and bnlh-roem; all mod ern conveniences ; let, r.)l O.xlui Icet. Ne. 0, Three-story brick," three slery back building uud 0110 story frame kitchen, Ne. 5d West Chestnut street 1 hall, tun rooms and bath loom ; all modern cenvenlucceg ; let, 1(1 l-6x'J3 f t. Ne. 7. Thrco-stery brick nurt three-story back building, und one story frumu kitchen. Ne. US West Chestnut street; hall, cIem-ii rooms and balh-ioem ; papered, tind ull modern conveni ences t let, lei& feet. Ne. 8. Thrco-stery brick and three-story back building, Ne, CeO West Chcstiiutstrcct ; hall and nlne. rooms ; modern conveniences let, 10)x8 feet. Ne. 9. Twe two-story bilcks, with Inline kitch ens, Nes. -i and SI Strawberry street; tour rooms und hall ; hydrant in yard t lets, llxSO ft. 10. 10. two two-story bricks, with two story brick back buildings, Nes. 338 and e-'ni North bhlppen btreet : hall and six 1001ns, bydr utc 1 tuts, lOXIUl icet. Ne. 11. Twe sterv brick, with twosterv back building, Ne. Ill Columbia luenuel and six 100ms 1 hydrant 1 let, vix'Jl feet. Ne. 12. Thrcii tw o-Bterv bricks, with one-sle? bllckback bulldlncs. Nes. is' l 4 and m Kahl4 Court, west of Mary street 1 lUe i-euius, by drain, etc. ; lets, llx&U feet. Ne. 1J. Twe twosteiy bricks, with two-tilery bilck back bulldlng. Nes. JM und 410 Raid's Ceuit) six loeuiM, bjdrant, elu, ( let, lixMJ feet. ah inu uuove uHuiiiiiKS are iieany new, in riiiesL, hemtifl lu thu city. Twethlidi of the puicliuset money limy rumulii, Ifdcsiicd. The premises can be view ctl at any time, nnd further particulars luid at Iho olllee of the tin. dcrslgned. StUu te commence at 7 o'clock p. 111. ALLAN A.HEUR&CO., Real Estate and Insurauca Agents, Ne. Vii East King Street. IL SiiunEBT, Auctioneer. mig-iijuAtepW.li.U.iS.ia ) geed locations, rout readily, occupied uy geed 1 t tenants, uud will be liesltKuly sold nt prices, It j. r necessary, which will lusiire u safe anil pretlln. 1 lile Invebtmcnt. erullurd aemu et the eiietnest,' Vi 'M,' ' ,'T ii'H X & S '.' s T 7. M 'u iT . 1 !3&&f' atAM- lw;f