' k i.' it i ". v: I .. , '. T (J. ' 5 . - v CL" v "i 'tf, ' i iv - V i , . r cna 4i rfidHi w f iu -V . ,V vr: Vt 4 v iecei. - IVHs THE 1 ., .- t II A- J -fcW Yea' T ".AV. 'i iU ;; 11 Vi i atk'VJ!, . r- t. - ?? .- . r O ?. t T P giiAHcyun Saturday, august 29, less stisiniiI.TsTtsiiT!?. ,....,.,.., - -., ..- . ,s LtdtNCER tUILDINa, .f tivWi' OettMi CaM , 'H.WI,1MUM FA. l:fr ,- - X.BBsW'T.-' ". r - --T7 ;.& " -Js"'? WIIKLY - S $S& 7A INTtLLIdENCER, ; uujusi ti, jaatf .& vvc Lis 1 H .- tffiiri-ra. r vat t ?9--.v iniJemtitL &d)imXBMwiuiim4 nmeintrmi ;$Sr mw ""i?? r?';,?- ft JNIMtMMM, tn rrfl ,, ' '"iT ! 22S?Mtefiri)ilfMni4l M(M iMHK panwrtef KhM tit 6em wl(hi tetm tf'd 'wit. ForitkiBOreUiAaprebfiUeihHtthe fittkm of tlie subjeet of ChrMimoe operation is the caum of individual union' effort in fare important ChrteUaa churchee. Only a few days age it was anneunctd tlwt Biriiep A. Cleveland Coxe, of tlte Eptocepal diocese of Western New Yerk, warmly urged a conference of the bishops of the church in advance of the triennial' convention of 1880, te, ceutider litur gical and missionary questions. And prier te that a cablegram from Lon Len Lon eon stated that Cardinal-Manning was the projector of a' world's congress of English-speaking Catholics Jri the Drltish metropolis. The striking feature of the latter plan which will probably be carried te fruition, lies in the preposition te ex tend membership in tlte proposed congress te the laity as -well as clergy ; for Catholic laymen heretofore have been chiefly used te untie financial rather than canonical knots. The questions te be discussed in the con gress open n wide field of laflulry, the chief being the change from Latin te Eng-, TMftrtrtto-MateprteilMS te be apwtty lively eetpM Wrt whiter. f I5 , &SfflL$mM v 'Bluili i k. "a VlT TlLLlatNCER, jtjjf' lAweAwnm,rA. aaartaiwwfr ;&. !5l',' Tf & . TrtSHmMvlMrDebeivrthe new president fth Wew Yerfc Ceairal railroad com- - -. . j. w - r - jt- i. t3n. USSiWwsVett, action of Tenn- peeerCreek .aKairsand as; may be sup- ?5,peeedrtney 'wjuMaypraDie w tne BJau. ,'t-J 'i yJThey are of interest ceMsg from the New ana sat, vtwiuer- themselves they Depew is agcntle- ftiS cited and'bred'te the.professlenof thelaw, Sfirwhich nehis follewcdfas the attorney of Jp 'lhe Cental railroad and Mr. Yanderbilt ; y&XL 'iexhiblting a tendency te-digress into poll- .lErraA,H!r-t'C",,iuw'y ..t-..y v., , IjSi flowing the business interests of his em--HVfp&yers. He has an established reputotlen &rt-3Va an after, dinner orator, and is. a geed pe- n--fi..'ii ntic&i BDeaser. euv iuuie ie nwmiuw iji..ev:w r. , -, ' . i'?Mhis depth as a lawyer, and as a LFlrauread president he Is yet en trial. The Sir - 'r.rAnt nffert te euell the competition which has proved se expensive te his com pany seems te him te be the panacea for all 'the country's woes. He thinks that with the railroads prospering the whole country will be prosperous; reversing the mere na tural preposition tliat with the country prosperous the railroads will be. He con cen aiders that competition is bad for the rail reads; that wliat is bad for the railroads is bad for the country ; consequently rail road competition is bad for the country. He reaches thl3 conclusion logically upon his theory that the country's prosperity waits upon that of the railroads. This reasoning gives a fair impression of Mr. Depew as a lawyer, statesman and railroad president. It is excusable in him in thn latter canacltv : but it is in vain jjfe thathe appeals te the country for cenil- fJfSthishjb'tionerWielr quality. Conse- "fwlBWgSWr- Depew-Jias te say in crit- itioner i'ennsyiywsij-"" Le euuin X'eunsylvania and railroads, alibeugU)'3 states ..wnMtmunu n .nnr ,a n r 4jPAi' ijiT,r.JU ftffiffi lish in certain devotional exercises. The I eeaa xaun tongue has been aanerea te in the Catholic' ritual for the reason that its words being no .longer in use retained a fixed meaning, thus preventing misconcep tion of their import and avoiding the changes te which words of a living lan guage arc heir. It will be interesting te note the action taken by the congress en this point, as there is a strong movement in the direction of having the church prayers in the same language ad that of the worshiper. Besides this question, theso of temperance and the condition of the work ing classes arc te be considered. This pre gramme ought te make the congress a very btisy one. Religious gatherings of this description are productlve of great geed in quickening spiritual thought and in causing the world toturnaside from its every day routine and face the inovltable hereafter. If they bring about a mere frequent and earnest contemplation of the latter, they will have well served their purpose. Thk recent publication of, ttw address of WlUtatn nearylUwle, the wetl-knewn 1'hll delphls Jurist, deUrered before the Phi Beta Kappa seeieiy at Hat vara college en tee subject of "The Educated Unemployed" has attracted wide-spread attention. What te de with the avalanche of .young men pouring annually out of the doers et the college Is becoming moreand mere a burning question. AU admit tliat the profeawens are over crowded ; but the new aspirants for fame and fortune in them keep their eyes llxed en the legend "Thore is room at the top" and enter manfully Inte the fight for a livelihood. They de net knew what, as Mr. lUwle says, they will seen learn by bitter experience that a man of merely average capacity, be he ever se Industrious, ever se ambitious, may s.'t solitary In his eluce, Heartsick wiin nope deferred. The frozen fact almut, the whole situation la that the surplus energies wasted la law and medicine aheuld be directed in the path of skilled labor. Let the young man of mechanical bent who has msde up his mind te dabble In Tiiackstone or materia medics use his intelligence In the direction of better blacksmithlng, carpentering, etc., and it wilt be necessary te record fewer failures for the future f It is bow 48 years staos.Uraee Darling was laid In her grave at BamberOugh, Northum berland. -Au eftgy was placed ever her tesab. It appears that the effigy has Buffered much from exposure te the weather. The Bamborough people are proud of the heroic girl ; sad, in order that her example may net be forgotten, they have Just placed a memo rial window In the pariah church. The me morial represents' the three virtues Forti tude, Charity and Hepe, the first named In ins foreground, grasping an ear. adove ana below are representation ofanireUi bearing a scroll, en which is the Inscription I " drace lterslsy Darling. Bem 21th November, 1815. Died 20th October, .1812. Wreck of the For Fer For fanhlre, 17th September, 1838." Tim Mocking BaUread AccldanU. Mrs. Jaaab Reeser. an emlirrant. fell from the fast line west Friday night, near Alteena. and, was badly injured. Her condition at present is critical. Hhe was until recently a resident et Asuianu, l-a. Mrs. Lewis, aged eighty-seven years, whlle attempting te cress the railroad track at Dun cannon, Perry county, Friday afternoon, was struck by a train and instantly killed. Hhe was thrown upon the pilot of the engine and carried almost a mile before she was discovered. s KKBlCAIs 4Ah , hAa.. ntlNQ FBVKB. At thin ftfniien nearly nrrry ene needs te u nmn nrt nf Innle. meM cnlrm into alinefi crery ptiynlclnn'B powcrlntlen for theso who :a uuiiu fljtr uoe: OPS. UUMMHR CLOTHINO. V need llnR up. Brown's iron Bitters, TIIK nEST TONIC. Trndn llnrk QUALITY, PCIllTY NOT QUANTITY. On Kvery lkittle. Fer Weakness, Lasullurte, HAGER & BROTHER, Ac., it HAS MO KQUAL, and Is the only Iren nicairlne that is net injurious. Lack of Knergy, is tiieeniy iron It K n riches thu Tue generosity of this government Is unparalleled ; 110,000,000 wero paid out in pensions this month. m m - TnB rhlladelphla Prea$, having naively remarked that the only way te overcome the late 81,000 Republican majority In this, state would be te estrange a large body of Ropuu Repuu lican voters, or make them indifferent, and having asked " Hew could this be expected or secured V the Bosten JIcraM thinks It might be done by sewing broadcast ever the State the JPress' own vigorous and pointed pretests against Beas Quay's nomination, with the reasons gathered from his record why it was a nomination net fit te be made, and still less At te be ratified. Mem. for some esteemed newspaper pub lishers: "Be sure you're right, then go ahead." FOHIVENKSS. When en this fragrant sandal tree The woodman' axe descends, Andebe who bloomed te bcntiteeiuly Ilencath the keen streke bends 'n en the edge that wrought her death, Hying she broathed her sweetest breath As If te token In her fall Peace te her fees and leve te all. Hew liardly man this lessen learns Te smile and bless the hand that spurns Te see the blew, te feel tbe pain, Hut render only love again This spirit net te earth Is given, Oue had It, but It came from Hraven lieviled, rejected and betrayed Ne curae he breathed, no platut he made, But when In death's deep pang he sighed, frayed for his murderers and died. Wilder, Persian II'rHrr. , m Nole. De suspicious et persons who recom mend any ether article as 'Must as geed." and take nothing else but Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. A party pnld ten dollars for a horse at an auc tion sale. The horse waa lame and brulsed all ever. A bottle et salvation OH oestlng m ccnta was used i he Is new valued at two hu dollars. Iiloed, Invigorates the system, Kcstercs Appe. uie, Aim Digestion. It ders net blacken or Injure lliotceth, cause headache or produce constipation ether Iren mcOMna de. Dr. O. It. UiNKLar, n leading physician of i' tntfullntne. I nun action excels all ether forms of Iren. In weak niMMnrn lnr condition nf tbe svstalll. llrewn's Iren Hitters Is usually a posltlve necessity. It Is all that Is claimed for It." Ucnulnohae trade mark and crossed rcd lines en wrapper. TAKKNOOTHKIl. Made only by 1IUOWN CHESIICAb CO., I1AI.T1MOUK, Sid. LIGHT-WEIGHT SnrliiDai.M. flhfn anvaf Jtrewn's iron bitters Is a thoroughly geed It In my practice ami una lis SUMMER CLOTHING READY-MADE. I.ADim' HAhd neon Useful and attractive, cenUilnlng list of prircs for receipts, Informa tion about coins, cte., given nwav by all ilnilcra In medicine, or mailed teany address en receipt of 2c. stamp. 18) YKR'B l'ILIS. undcrcd E?TJ' attorney and present pi F.1?.' It ration whose projects ai BWVJl.A , .. -n 1 I.. ss-.SA8ii.Ws.. sc: - j'- s i "i Ing the fact that Mr. Dcpew is the ex- presidenter acorpe- are challenged by the action efrennsylvanla. And the opinion is very we.ik in the ar gument it makes. Mr. Depew is be ceufi- !ent or his wisdom and judgment, that he hires te argue the question. lie would 'a been safer If he had followed tlieex- pleef the wlse judge who decides but abstains from giving his reasons. A weak argument is a very bad tiling te offer te a critical public. Perhaps Mr. Depew did net knew that his argument was weak ; which would show that he is weak. He atales the case in a way which he evidently considers te be striking ; as It is ; but it is strikingly bad. He says that twenty.seven gentlemen united te build a railroad, and get tired of it after lliey had built some culverts and done some grading, and proposed te sell out their charter, rights et way and every thing they had te a rival company, which was the only party capable of tak ing 5 and then the attorney general of the state steps in te forbid them selling te the competing company, which was the only Kti ' one that could buy, Se, te be logical, he ffip declares tliat the state ought te tell them 'Sra!.fgoenand complete the read and that it LH$Jt will guarantee them against any less in the T.njiAx 4trnneuMnn.in which thfiV hail pntmirpii enlv iH te make money. &. iy ' , r. r "Yr. ' -,' i l.i'V? IK-&J h '? that it will be S? iMr. Depew's opinion as a lawyer Is that ground for such an action, and se held by the courts. If,it Is, it will be under a weightier argu- mentthan he makes- The twenty-seven. ,, i, gentlemen undertook te build a read' wholly in a state t which forbids, In its ;feffeoaititutIen, cerapetlng m reads from 'iaiBy,,way consolidating. Therefore, ,'ihW'" Mr, Depew admits that they "agwrew aeii uui iuuu uutumjucM.-u tn 'J.. ..,. . -i i ",& terpnse te a cempeuns cuiuyany, no con cen &f .eedes H is a transactbn under the ban of n j Atthe eonstltutien : unless he means te held, , ii m,i tne tact ei tue reau ueing unuuisiied n rUfTarannn In tbfl flltnntlnri unnn vpSwUkhhedoeanet seem te stand, since he ., 4s ia,smwuiy convineeu umt ie xiuetu vreeK ttiia4, which he coneedes te be a completed $r-- eis,equallywlththeS6uthPennescapeathe Ky . IntArdlrt nf tha constitution unen Its sain tvtrL T - ""ete a rival company, ' VTJe,wlll net thinkthat Mr. Deiew is TV" fc - jKT . ,"" tS?3" w. us uiiie: i , ...j, t. i., .. , - "T opeecu wemu uia&a uuu, 110 is ? , r-tlkingie interest of his employers and $ j"w 'ww "j "s anerneyeuip into me m- ' - 34" -- -1- n(t,. .Li . .. ,v nu,vu Hinnyg U1U1K lllOy Call toexhiuttlerlilre. Vut be Is surelv ijssnt te think that a state cenati- hiwno'feroe, and that twenty-seven eri,al4edlytlP'3nnsvlvanla and '.lerk Central failreadsl ought te be ve wroega n ai any time in a coach. , ' iJJ- vj Management and Meney. Management is worth mere than money. It is net the money a man lias that makes him comfortable, prosperous and happy ; but his management of the money. "With out management his money will seen de part, and leave ircveriy and misery in its stead. A very little money with wise man- agement gees a very long way in the world. If It does net bring wealth, It does insure against penury. Nine-tenths of all our peer and needy in the land are net in need of money half as much as they are of management. The most of them, at sometimo in their llfc,1iad the opportunity and means te make some thing of themselves. Had they managed rightly they might have comfertablo homes and steady, paing work te thisday. Even as it is, by far the greater numberef them, the vast majority, are net really suffciing for want of money. Meney docs net scrub floors, wash out stains, mend clothes, and bring order out of confusion. Meney docs notmake the wasteful saving, the sluggish industrious, and the shiftless energetic and enterprising. Tew Indeed are the peer, In this city, at least, if net in the whole country, who de net cat enough feed In a year, and get oneutrii rioiumc.ie uasoinree square an. wholesome meals every day and be dress! respectably and comfortably, summer i-11"1 winter; and fowhve rmK Vmie and water enough at tliclr 'Uspesal te make and keep their dwelling place, however small and humble, at least clean, neat, tidy and cheerful. Yet leek at the shanties, filthy and dilapidated, that many of them inhabit! Hebeid the crowds of men, women and children, ragged, half-starved, and misera ble that leunge around them! What is the trouble with them ? Chiefly it is want of management. If theso women knew hew and cared te select and prepare feed se as te get the most nourishment from it with the le.'ist wjtste, and te appor tion it se as te have variety and make it " go furthest" ; if they knew hew aud cared te save their clothes, te keep them clean and whele , if these men cared te repair their houses and furniture, te make them comfertablo, decent and attractive; and if they knew hew and cared te earn a proper livelihood and te pietitably employ their earnings ; in ether words, if they had a little who management, they might still be peer, but the sting would be taken out of their poverty, its misery and its shame. Per it is a mistake te suppose that poverty, in itself, is either disgraceful or fraught with mere unhappincss than wealth. There are peer people, net a few, in this city who enjoy the respect of the community as fully as they could it they owned millions. And there are ethers in whose humble homes, despite their bare floors and scaut furniture, there are as true and genuine happiness and enjoyment te be found as in the most luxurious mansion in the -Land, perhaps mere. But these honored peer are net dirty, nor ragged, net wasteful, lazy nor shiftless. They have but Itttle money, and se cannot buy the show of respect of their fellow-citizens. Ner would they if they could. Hut they have the faculty of management. They manage te keep up their own self respect, and se manage te earn the real re spect of ethers. The question of the cause and euro of poverty lias beceme a problem of national import. It is pressing evermore imper tunately for solution. Philosophers, scientists, theologians have been wrestling with It in vain. Se long as money was thought te be the key, te the problem, se long they must fail. Meney lias nothing te de with the cause of poverty, and it can have nothing te de with its cure. Net in pos session, but in being and doing must be sought the solution. Step asking what men have, have net, and ought te have. The trouble is net there. Hut find out what they are, are net, aud ought te be, There you are at the true root of the diffi culty. Step trying te make them mre mere, until you have succeeded in making them be mere. There is a chance for real charity; the field for right benevolence. It is a vast one, and long already white for the harvest. m -Js i'-y. aw s De-Operatlre Chrkrtbui Werk, 3 constant battle between Christian- infidelity it,, has been often sutr. bat all the ChrhtUau L creeds merge lereucas and uatte in warfare i the common ehasny. Hut as this at destined never te get beyond of being abstractly beautiful, ) .believe" lulu practical working! i cheered that-weir persevering 1 There is net likely te be anything wrong In Colonel Merris accounts, nor anything worse than negligence in their settlement. EriTAPH ON A DUDK. de, stranger, go te yonder mound And grter sad tribute pay there; ' " Ah I there," ha te the girls would say, "When living, In a giggling way - , Se fhen. we placed him 'ncath the Krcund, We murmured Benly, u Stay thre i" FiitnthiAeHn Courier, The Associated Press, which occasionally gets held of a ploce of news, though it gen ally turns out te be net new if true, or net true it new had an aflorneon dispatch the ether day about a young man at liar Harber, having challenged n naval lieutenant te mor tal combat for speaking disrespectfully of Gen. Grant It Is disclosed that tbe chova cheva ller roierred te was Alfred, son of Cel. Fred, and nophew of ox-Senater Kosceo Cenkllng. He Is a pompeuannd bumptious fellow, like uis iuncr, auu uiu aiery a gev up iu $ujr him. The hoax wax deliberately organized In the implicit belief that Mr. Alfred Conk Cenk linc would swallow the bait. The alleged naval efllcer was a dummy, nnd Mr. Conk Cenk ling was artistically played te oxikme Ills bumptiousness. The Associated Tress, how hew how evor, took the cork under and swallowed the line tee. m PERSONAL,. JtindK SrAi.Le successor te William Wal dorf Aster, as United Htates minister te Italy, lias arrived In Heme. JtmnK I'eiii: Ij. Wickiw has authorized tbe publication of a card, uithdraning from the can vans as the Teople's candidate for J ndge In Yerk county. v MajeiiFkancih I). Lke, ene of the lead ing architectH or St. Leuis, died suddenly en Wednesday of apeplexy, at ene of the North ern lakes, where he had geno en a fishing oxcttrslen. lle was the Imenter of asub asub inariue torpedo, and sorved iu the late war en General llcturegatd's staff. Sam Jeni:s, the revivalist, In his sermon in Cincinnati last Sunday said : " I don't bolievo any of Darwin's theory, unions you invert it- Invert It and my Judgment Is. it'H a fact. We canto from the messed hand of Ged perfect. Hut 1 leek about me and think tbe world is running te monkeys." Chah. 8-Welkk Raynhe lias no rcoeilec- ttnn nfKtU'h n rv)fiinrMAtlrm n till I 'Ii'Ih ' i' nfltnln-nnm ilmiit 111 fa-icK rc- .iiiiiaufl lVuiaware county conven tion. He also says that the statement of Senater Cooper, "Moreevor, Sir. Welfe as sured ine net sixty days age that he was wholly In favor of Quay's nomination," is entirely Incorrect. llisv. Hkiikr Nkute.v has published a frank talk en the "The Decay of Kocleslas Kecleslas tlcism," or the opening of new spheres of spiritual activity by the widenlng growth of knowledge When pulpits preach te indif ferent pens, tbe laultdoesnetllo In the pews, he maintains, hut in the indllTbrence te the freshly roealed subjects for human intclli intclli intclli gonce and interests tlint science authorita tively brings te our ken. Tin: Knv. J. F. X. O'Co.vneii, ordalned a priest a few days age, recently presented $100,000, his part of nfortune left te him by his father, for the building of the college of St. Francis Xavler, New Yerk. Mr. Frank ISarnum, of Oaltimere, a caudldate for priest hood honors, refused a fortune of eier fSO, 000 ion him by a brother, who stiptilfUed that the legalee should forever sever his connec tion with any order of the Catholic priest hood. TIMen's Physical Condition. Mr. Tlldcn's physical condition may bode bede bede scribed as being, solar as his, age admits, healthy. He has sufllclent strength te get in and out of his carriage without any assist ance ether than the support of his Danish valet, Leuis, who always accompanies him. His right arm remains practically heipless, but he la able te use his lelt in making notes and in eating. His physician has ad vised him net te write much eu account of the possibility of straining the muscles or the arm. He holds Ills head erect, and Is able te walk about the heuse without assistance. He was seventy-ene years old last February, but although act! ve life has made sonie In road upon his strength, the less of the ablJJ ty te speak above a whisper Is the chief an noyance of which hocemplalns,and Dr. Sim mons is treating him specially for this. Within the last week hia voice has grown a trifle stronger. Ills complexion Is ex tremely pale, and his eyes have lest some brightness nnd some quickness of motion, but a flush comes te bis check and a new life te his expression after he has enjoyed a rapid ride about hia farm or up Broadway. Mr. Tilden's condition is net much dlllercnt te what it was wheu he attended tbe funeral of Augustus SchelL On a fair day he rlses at about 7:30 a. m., nnd la aided te his tnllut hv T.nnln. At ft o'clock the first meal Is served In the break fast room en tbe v est side of the heuse. He usually takes threo-quarters of au hour for the meal. Theu he gees Inte his library, at the rear ofthe heuse en the llrst fleer, and, sealing himself In the deep bay wludew, glances through all the New Yerk papers and such letters as Mr. Smith, bis secretary, thinks are necessary for him te see. This hour Mr. Tilden alwavs enlevs. After in o'clock be enters his carrlage and rides about the farm, or. if the weather is particularly cool, passes the romalnder or the morning lu reading. His favorite books are theso en historical subjects. While engaged In study he will net be disturbed. Luncheon Is served at 1230 o'cleek. This meal he fakes In company with hia niece. At break fast Mr. Andrew IT. Ornnn In nrauinl The afternoon Is spent in various ways. As a rule, however, Mr. Tilden, accompanied by Leuis, takes a drlve up Broadway, going sometimes as far as Debbs Ferry, Irviugteu orTarrytewn. These drives are oxtremely beneficial te him, and he uses overy fair day te divert business In this way, Oftentimes Mr. Tilden posses au beer in the old con servatory, or In examining the progress made en the new one. Ills flowers are high ly prized, and a beuquet from 'his green houses adorns the table at every meal. Alter his drive he usually retires te his library and spends an hour or no in reading, until dinner is served, at 6:30 or 0 o'clock. The evening is passea wim uir. ureenana the ether mem bers of his housheld. He retires for the night at between 0:30 and 10 o'clock. The day Is enjoyed in the quiet which comes from the extended grounds of Greystone, and from the ex-governor's disinclination te be disturbed except en urgent business, That he enjoys this existence, free from the rush and hurry of a great city, as he found it at Qramercy park, can readily be appreciated. Latest Triumph of Modern StlTue. Hest of.the distilled productions In mertlcliial or social use are undoubtedly open te the seri ous objection of harboring suniclent percent ages of deadly poisons te lnfluence the bleed, unduly exclteer completely paralyze the nerves mil ininrnihe delicate ceatlnir et the Internal organs, se that Injurious reactions, unnatural cravings andhahltual demoralization sometimes result. Denials are both foolish aud untruthful. These objections are new all happily overcome In Duffy's Ten Malt WHisKBr, which Is made from the finest barley by the last triumph of modern science, se nbelutely free from every thing deleterious, that the strictest moralists and most careful consumers are atlke enthusl- aslleln its pralse, whlle nursing mothers, Brow Brew ing children and weakly persons of nil constitu tions are rcaplne untold benefits from Its use without the slightest fear of bann. It Is per fectly safe te rely en. Beld by any reliable gro cer or druggist. m m Need Meney T Well. II you need It ever se much, the bent way Is te erli for It. And you can't work te much advantage unless you have geed health. r . -m. n.,w,nHr nr ftplillltiltl!. fir rllOU luatlc, Uih best way te begin Is te Invusta dollar In a liottle of Ilrewn's Iren Hitlers, wh ch will enrich your Weed and drltn out your ailments. Health Is better than wealth, llay A Shoemaker. lrugglsls, Hannibal, Me., say, " W e never sold an Mrtlole tliat gae as geed satisfaction u lirewn's Iren uitturn. Bl'JCOIAIi NOTICES. On"jreu tell who Is 111 the greatest dnngcr of call hint? any infectious or epidemic dlscanel " Why." you say, " the person whose tileud Is In an Impure or impoverished condition." Ex actly, (inch persons take special complaints as dry grass bursts Inte naine Uefore the spaiks of a locomotive, l'nre bleed Is a defenje : ft means safety, and Ur. Kennedy's Kaverttii ltcmcdy Is the mildest, safest and surest nurtller of the bleed, our chief dangers are within ourselves. augUMinued&w HEADACHES Are genendly Induced by Indigestion, Keul Blemacn, Cesllvencas, Deficient Circulation, or seme Derangement of the Liver and Vlgestlte System. Sufferers will JInd relief by the use of Ayer's Pills te stimulate the stomach and produce a regular dally movement of the bowels. Ily their action en these organs, Arm's Pills divert the bleed from the brain, and relieve and euro all forms of Congestive and Nervous Headache, Ullleus Headache, and Sick Headache ; and by keeping the bowels free, and preserving tlie sjstcin Iu a healthful condition, they Insure Immunity fiem future attacks. Try Ayer.'s Pills. . Oasalmere Suite, Linen Suite, Pongeo Coats and Vests, Alpaca Coats, Plain Llnen Pants, Oorkeorow Suits, Sergo Coats and Vests, Soersuoker Coats v and Veata, White Vests, Fancy Vests, Linen Dusters, Mohair DuBters, &c., &c, &e. Furnishing Goods- Summer Nockwear, Gauze Undorwear, Fancy Flannel Shirts, Balbrlggan Underwear, Half-Hose, White Shirts, Feathor-Weijrht Drawers, &e. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. N EXT DOOK TO THE COUUT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S. BBVKUAL SPKOIAI. LOIS iimi'AEr.ii ry Dr. J.O,Ayer&Co.,Lewell, Mass, Beld by all Druggists. augD-tescpt2 W-IIiLlAMaON dcFOSTEf- ARE UNCASING THBIIt Early Fall Styles VLUTUIfill. XTEAlKiUAUTEItS KOK SUMMER Merine Shlrta and Drawers, Qauze Underahlrta and Drawers, Cbolce Neckties, E. Ai W. Cellars and Cuffs, ' C. St O. Cellars and Cuffs, Crown Cellars and Cuffs The Best Fitting Dress Shirts. SIIIUTS ANH BOCIKTY I'AKAI'HKUNAMA MADE TO OltlJKIt. At Erisman's, NO. 17 WEST KINO BTUEKT. BLACK SILKS I - BLACK SILKS I .IUSTOl,KNEI),ntine,1.12,l.aandlM. Decidedly the liet Pllks lei tud money ever nffcred. Alse LUPIN'S UI.ACK CAHIIMKKK and 1IENKIETTA CI.OTUS for Mourning l'urpescs. Full Lines at All Trices. Alse LUPIN'S BLACK (JA"jHMEUEhIIAVLS Deuble and bliisle. Jerseys I Jerseys il Jerseys 1 1 1 At60c.,7Sc.,1.00,$1.2J,tl.50.IW, $1W, up. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Nezt Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. e AK HALL. TUKACCU SltJEAlM. niLINN & HKENEMAN. CARD. Tobacco Growers will find it greatly te their advantage te have 'a pair of the BUY YOUR CLOTHING K -or- Th MecMslty of Competing lines, from tha Welktbore aarette When the freight ou a case or paper is eleven cent from .Rochester te Lyens, ..seventeen eenta from Lyeaa te Cerninfc and thirty few oenui-front CerntBK W WWabre, it ahews hew OQBvenWnt tt St te live e a aUuile lUe of railroad. . ,- CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Furuishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, Muklntr room hy tearing out Old Walls, Parti Parti liens, etc, aud selling souie Stiff Hats that cost from 11.00 te $1.00 each for 10 cts. apiece. Thc$e styles arc a llttle old, hut the goods are perfect and Just the Hats for Scheel Heys. WE MAKE NO ACCOUNT OF STRAW HATS, TIIEV CAN 1JE 1IOUGHT AT ANV PHICE. We are getting ready te furnish everybody with Clothing, and have net forgotten the Heys that you are thinking of sending te school next week. If you can make his Old Ceat answer for a llt llt teo while yet eome and select a pair of ODD PANTS, ANU WE WILL TUY AND MATCH HIS COAT. GENT'S Furnishing Goods Mean a great deal, and if we have net get Just what you want, will try and get it for you. One thing In particular, de net faU te see, ana that U cur BOYS' SHOES, THE G03DWBAR1NQ ONES. Seme we keep because they are cheap, ethers are for their geed wearing qualities. Price, 75c. and Upwards. -AT- Wanamaker& Brown's, OAK HALL, Southeast Ceimsa Sixth aud Marukt JbTitsrrs, 1'HILADXLFIIIA. Jlyll tfd TITKHCUANT TAILOK. GEM TOBACCO StfEIRS." The Ifteh'earfckOutting Off Tobacco. Ne Steeping. NO. Flinn &"Srgfie AGENTS FOR LANCASTER COUNTY, 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET. uuuar.FaitNisuiNu auevn, I. MAULEY, MERCHANT TAILOR I NO. 131 NORTH QUEEN ST. (Itnclimlller'a Building.) ONE OF THE FINEST LINES Of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS, KOIt THE SPUING AND SUMMEU TUADE, EVEU SHOWN IN THIS CITY. 3-Call and take a leek at the goods, and you will be sure te have your measure taken for a suit. JuncO-lyd TkTOTJIEKS AND FATHERS TAKE NOTICE, THAT SCHOOL WILL COMMENCE SUOUTLY AND THAT HIRSH & BROTHER AHE BELLING THIS WEEK BOYS' SUITS OF EVEUV UESCU1PTION, Frem the plainest te the most elaborate, in all the sizes tliat coma In lteady-Made Clothing, at prices which will make you wonder hew they can be made up Ter that money. Don't let your boys leek shabby In dress, when you can buy thorn a Suit as low as tl.73. or Slngle 1'ants as low as tee. Our assortment In this dnnnrtment. ntnimt help suiting you, aa it is complete lu all styles, sUes and qualities. THE SAME WE CAN SAY OF OUIt MEN'S CLOTHING, GENTS' FUUNISHIXG. TUUNK8, VALISES AND UMUUELLADEl'AUTMENTS. Your Special Attention wu Direct te Our m'eUCHANT TAILOUING DEl'AUTMENT Call and see us at any rate bofero .purchasing clsewhere, and we will be pleased te show you through the stock. HIESK & BROTIER'S ONK-rUICE CLOTHING HOUSE, COUNEU OF NOUTII QUE KN 8TKEET AND CENTUK BQUAUE, I.ANCASTEH, l'ENN'A. s UIKK'S CARPET HALT RRSin, lancaSCP PA' - l CARPETS! CARPETS! UEOl'ENING OF bMIKK'S CARPET HALL. hit 1IUU (III owninanufactureasi Alsearull Llneei bM.I HI! .t.r .... .A - t speciality. SneLlal AtluiiU.m nnld te the MiiniitaetuTirVS-l..V."l f" i oer OfL CLOTHS, BUUB. WlND0y8UADi.S. COVEULET8. Ac. ' WM.UAUl'BTB. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. lebrt-'iniflAw vitindew WALL PATER. SCREENS. The Mosquitoes and FIcss aiv plenty. Fer a Small Investment iu Wire Window Screens AND- DOORS, Yeu can get rid of tbem. l'rlce within reach el all aoe., &3a,uoe.,G3.,oc.,73.,bOc.,tiUc.,'J.'Sc., fl.ne up te titw apiece, according te slze and kind. Via can make them in very short time. LAUGE LINK OF WALL, PAPERS Iu all the Ieadlug styles, from recent New Yerk sales, l'aper hangers te de nil kinds of work tn best nutnncr. We have opened n Cholcel.lno of New rat terns In DADO WINDOW SHADES, very low In price, l'laln Goods In all widths for all styles of windows. Spring and Cord Futures, Fringes, Ac. Lnce Curtains, I'eles, &e. Within the last ten days, bought from recent salesln Eastern markets, comprising all grades of goods. Hanging In best manner. Alse a choice line of LACE CUltTAINS. asTSteru clones at Op. in., except batutdays. Phares W. Fry, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCA8TKU, PA. 31 IS CELLA NEO VS. APPY THOUGHT AND REBECCA TODacces only ba per nluir. at YELLOW FUONT CIGAB D1UUG. H UAUTMAN'S THE BEST the City, at UAUTMAN'S 60 HAVANA CIQAR II FHONT CIUAU YELLOW Sl'OUK. M Williamson d Fester. 32, 31, 36 k 38 East King St., LAKOABTKK, VX. TOENNA. OIQArW vFROM JL HOB KAMXMAXY)- !HBBC fLM PKR CTORAGK O AMD- COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIEL MAYEU ded-lvd 18 West Chestnut street. TOTE IS MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS at S3jM a son, AT NO. 106 NOUTU QUEEN STItEET, JanUUd Lancaster, Fa, WAXCUEB, JtO. yyATCIHCS FOR ALU AOENT OB Aurera Watch Company, CALL AMD SEB THKM AT LOUIS.WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Qaeea Street; Opposite City Hetel, near l'a. It, U. Depet. Fine Watches and Clocks for sale. 21 years ex perience at repairing. FIne Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Correct time dally by telegraph. Jyaf-lyd ADE1KA AND BIIERKY WINES -AT- Keteart's OH Wine Stere. II. K. SLAYMAUKlt, AOKhT, Ne. 'JO Kabt Kihe Stbekt. KstabUshed 1785. febn-lfd TJUUST-CLA8S IIOAUDINO. -C Together with the choice of rooms en the first or second fleer. Surpassed by none in the city. Call en or address, NO. tit: NOUTII QUKEN ST. Table boarders accommodated. afi-tld - EVAN'S FLOUJt. J LEVAN'S FANCY ROLLER FLOUR. Makes Elegant llread. Fer Bale by Grocers generally. Iievan fc Sens, Morehant Millers, Om ce i 17 NOUTU l'UINCK ST. aprZ7md FTOflS PAPER IS PRINTED WITH J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK. FairmeiiDt Ink Werk?, 26lh and IWil At I an My d I'HILADKLI'HIJ BPEOTACUES. mUE alANBION. THE "MANSION." ATLANTIC CITY, V. J. The Leading and Largest Hetel. Finely leca ted, elegantly furnlshsdand liberally managed, Klectrlelells, lliiits, and all modern Improve meatSj Cioedoreheitra. vusvn. mwxuMJjm, rr a - . fmnilaliir tl BIOOKS. pOOR, WHITE & GUEENOUQU. IBANKERS. Oiders executed for cash or en lnurglu ler ull securities current In the New Yerk market. Correspondence Invited, MKMUEUSOF TUB NEW YOItK STOCK EX. CHANGE AND fllOl'UIETOUS OF l'OOlt'S MANUAL OF KAIL WAYS. 45 Wall Street, New Tork. oeU-lydeed t QUPERIOR SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES, Mlcrosceiwg'rield Ulajjca, Uiremeturs, Tulo Tule scopes, Mni(ls JjinleriiB, Theruieiueters, Draw ing instruutunts, .I'htlnsephlcal and Chemical Apparatus. List a'nd Descriptions of our lea Catalogue sent FUEE en application. ALL. INTELLIGENT PERSONS, Oil KM--tataaadpoetort glu MJLLKK' MOKAX v1 y '"QUEErr&p0 NO,tat CHXHCNUT T. im-awii r FillLADXUHIAj .1 iw K . . ' ? r hi1 & .L h. .' -u - -i - -"," 'Jll WWIM WJ"!0. . r'T' " rj