i " $v v- K A Uf ' '.. J THE I.ANOABTEK DAILY, BITlsliLi ..4 vA.v ? r THE JESSAMINE AMD MOltNlSO-OLORY. ... On a sheet of silver tbe Morning Star lay Fresh, white us a baby child j And laugh'd ated leaped In his Ussome way, On my garaen 01 uiossems giuiru. Fer a Morning-glory's spiral bud Ofsbcll-cencdtnUiiesB slim. Bleed ready te burst hcrdcllcatohend And bloom en the. dawning tllin, A Princess royal In pnrple born Te beauty nnd prlde In the laus'ilng morn, it. And she shook her locks nt the Morning Star, And her raiment scattcr'd wldet Loud laughed at the hollyhock's scltnctnr, Its Jewel of buds te deride. The pemegranate near, llke n V neil of Hume, The heated geranium nigh, Their tlorce heads baw'd te the queenly ilatnr, Fer they knew her state wnslilgh. The fuchsia droep'd, llke a bead of bleed, Her pendant head 'neath a silvery heed. Mi. All wit that this child of the Morning Light Was qticen of the morn nnd them ; That the orlent star In his bed of white Was her l'rlnce in a diadem. Fer lavish he shewcr'd nor pearls that flash And cluster the front of her smock I Frem his lordly fingers of rays did dash Down zephyrs her crib te reek. Hut ii J'cssamlne pale 'ncath the arbor grew, Meck, selfless, and sweet, and n virgin true. tv. Hut the Morning-glory dlsdatn'd her birth, Of her chastity raade n scorn, "I marvel," she said, " If my mether Karth, Was net stek when thou -wert born I Theu art pale us mi Infant an hour dead; Wan thing, dost weary my eye.-' And she .v eakly laitgh'd, and stlncii'd her head, And turn'd te her leve 1' the sky. lint the Jessamine turn'd te the llose beslde With a heavy glance,iud but sadly slgh'd. And the orient grew te a wealth of bars, Ncath which feam-llres .clmrn'd : And the princess proud saw her lord of stars Inn torrid furnace burn'd. And the giant of day with his breath of tlnuie Qlar'd down with ene red oye ; And 'neath his touch the gorgeous dame In her Jewels did wilt nnd die j Hut the .Icfsamlne fragrant wax'd fairer In white. Fer my Lady's lioiem I cull'd It that night. Madisen J. Vanrln in Courier-Journal. .TUSTltJE TO T11K JtKKS. Defending the Honey-Mukers Hew They Hate Ileen Persecuted by Fruit-Growers, Sherp Owners, Vlllnge Councils, Etc. A correspondent of the Country Ucntle- wan, W. T. Hutchinson, riling trout Gene- bee county,Mlchlgau,pleailliigrer the dorense of bces from an army of powecuters Hint are arising around them, relate that in Califor nia the Fresne fruit-growers nre going di rectly te work te crush bce culture. A com plaint has been tiled In the supreme court of San Diege county, charging a beo-keopor, living thirty mile distant, with keeping hundreds of colenics of bees wilfully and maliciously, te cat up nnd destroy the fruits, of the labor of citizens living in that vicinity, The prayer of the plaintlll is, that he may have Judgment mid decroe of the court that tbe keeping of said becs is a nuisance and that it may be abated, nnd that he may ro re ro cevorfrotn the defendant, as damages for injuydone, the sum of ?l,O0O. In the vicinity or Onnrgn, 111., nre raiwd large quantities of grape. Duriug the Inst two years they have been se wormy as te be nlmest worthless. The ewner of ene or the largest vineyards asserts that the treuble is caused by liccs. The city or Waverly, Iowa, has an ordin ance making it a misdemeanor punishable with a line for any person te kcep mero than ten colonies or bees within the city limits. A WISCONSIN FANATIC. One or the most serious cases or prosecu tion of this nature, Is a suit brought by; some, .fanatic in Wisconsin against n nolgbber for damages dene te sheep while grazing. '"lte alleges that his pantnre is mostly white clever, and that the bees catne in countieas. hordes. and drovehls shoep from the pa pa turertliut, In conseijiienco, the sheeprjrretv thin and many died during the wint6fe$AJJe has engaged two lawyers te conduct the et$e, and lays tils dnmoges at S50O. This -will, 6r course, be a '"test case," and nlieultJTH het decided, cillier by ignoranee or sflMntcr'1 est, in favor or the owner of the slieepTWai ture, untold treuble Ter lieo-keepere may re sult. Any "Jealous" or " meddleseme " neighbor may institute proceedlnpa,-at 'law against a keeper of bees, and the wtsand anneyances of a suit will be the rcsnlThla "sheep awl ben" suit arouseil bc-e koepera all evnr the laud, nnd, as a result, tliere lias been formed a National Ilco-Kecpers' Union, "having for its object the protection of the in terests of heo-kcencrs, and the delimse of ilx-h rights In regard te the bces molesting slu-civ any one who Is nt nil acquainted with the habits of bees, knew that, when away from home foraging, they are very timid, and lly away nt tbu approach or nny object. Anether thing during warm, Bimshfny days (which nre the days when bees visit cfoverJ,lieop feed only in early morning and at ovenlng, while from (In. in. te 5 p. m., they will huddle together in seme fonce corner, or under the shade of some tree. Hues work upon clever In the Milddle of the day, rather thnn In the morn ing or nt night. It has been proved tlme and again that bees are noedou In transferring the pollen from (lower te flower, thus Booming their fertilization. It appears nlmest solf-evldont that (lowers wero glven their beautiful oelora, sweet perfumes, and delicious nectar for the purpose of attracting Insects, Dar win says : Ne bees, no seed ; no sced, no in crease of the ilewers. The mero visits from the hoes, the mero seeds from the Ilewers ; the mero beeds from the flowers, the mero flowers from the seeds." He also mentions the following experiment: "Twenty heads of white clevor. visited by bees, produced 2,090 Reeds; wlille twenty heads se protected that bees could net visit them, produced ief one sceil." Salvation Oil, the greatest euro en earth for pain, has made u most brilliant debut, l'rlcc, ac. Philosopher say that iiir.ilrs xhenld always be conducted with a view te the greatest geed of the greatest number. Dr. Unll's cough Syrup does the greatest goeod te the greatest number. ) cents. Fullefl'crll Are these dlserdcia which, beglnnlug with uu apparently trivial Inactivity of thoktdneysor bladder, terminates In Hrlght's disease, diabetes nnl nvntltu. The first two net enlvtuterrunt ihn rntiKtlnni nf tlin renal erirans. but destroy n their structure with ns much certainty ns tuber- iV qular consumption does that or the lungs, lles- teller s emiuucu inuvia is mi uai:wiiuih. uuutkiv, promoting the activity of these organs without ever exciting thorn, thus averting the deadly maladies in which their action Is goprenoto culminate. Tbe removal from the bleed of Im purities which the kidneys should, but de net, when Inactive, secrcte. Is another beneficent effectef this incoiiiparublemcdlcatedstlinulaut and depurcnt. The Hitters la, In nil cases, tee, a fine rcstoratlve of vigor and aid te digestion, remedies malarial disease, and banishes liver complaint nnd constipation, BVHCIAL NOTICES. Who does net delight te sce n geed looking faoef Vet eryslpeltis disfigures the feature almost beyend recognition, tint Hits is net the went of It- This disease Is aa dangerous as It is renuUtve. It Is sometimes called "it. Antheny's Fire," and often caused sudden death. Mr. 8. II. Carpenter, of H rand vllle. N. Y., had It In both legs and was cured by l)r. Kennedy's Favorite ltemedy. The medicine excels all ethers for the bleed, specially adapted te persona In teeble health. uuglOlmced&w Sources of I'rullt. Tbore are'many sources of prellt te theso who ale Ingenious mid enterprising. Jlurileck Jlloetl Jlittrri are a source of prellt In every way. They build up the health surely, speedily, nnd effect ually, which Is saying u great deal. Fer snle by If, II. Cochran, druggist, 157 and IS) North Queen street, Ijtneaster. These are Solid Facts. The best bleed purifier and system regulator liver placed within the reach of suffering hu manity, truly Is Electric Hitters. Inactivity of the Liver, lfllleusncss. Jaundice, Constipation, Weak niuneys, or nny uiscesu ei nut urinary organs, or who ever requires nu nppellzer, tonle or mild stimulant, will always Unit Kleclrie Hit ters the bestnud only ccrtatucure known. They act surely nnd quickly, every bottle guaranteed te give entire satisfaction or money rotunded. Beld at any cents a bettle by 11. JJ. Ceehran, Druggist, 117 and 139 Neith Queen street, Lan caster, Fa. (i) Flrs'.-Claas lusiuauce. Insure wjlh Thetnat' Ecleetrlc Oil. It is the Ohenpestand beat method or Insurance we knew of. ily Its use you are sure te ctcapu many gro gre gro vleus aches und pains. Policies nre ohtnlnuble all druggists In the form of bottles at 6P cents andlleiwh. Fer sale by II 1!. Cochran, drug gist, 137 aud 139 North Queea street, Lancaster. ITnniNQ PILES." BYMPT0MB1M0IBTUBEI Like perspiration, intense Itching, worse by perspiration, intense Itching, worse by ting, most ut night, seems If pta-wenua I ememng. me wereeraw st-sssraai "f7--: . .. " u--.U-ir.iA S- AdrertttWetiMMS. "It has become se common te begin an article In an plegaut, Interesting style, , " Then run It Inte seme adverllseinent, that we avoid all such, " And simply call attention te the merits of Hep Hitters In as plain, honest terms as prsi hi", "Tolnduee pcople " Te glve thorn one trial, which se proves their value that they will nover use anything else." ''TiiHltxMier se favorably noticed In nit the papers, Itellgleus nnd secular, Is "Having a large sale, and Is supplanting all ether medicines. "There Is no denying the vletues of the Hep plant, and the proprietors of Hep Hitters bave shown great shrowdness and ability " In compounding a mcdlclne whose virtues are se palpable te every ene's observation." Did She Die 7 11 Ne I " She llngored and snflenxt along, pining away nil the tlme feryears." ' The doctors doing her no geed j" ' And nt last was cured by this Hep Hitters the papers say se much about." Indeed I Indeed I" " Hew thankrnl we should be ler that medi cine" A Daughter's Misery, " Klevcn yenrs our daughter suffered en n bed of mlsery, " Frem a complication or kidney, liver, ihcu- matlc treuble nnd Nervous debility, " Under the enixi of the best physicians, " Who gave her disease various names, 'Hutnoreliof. " And new, she Is restored te us In geed health by as slinple n remedy as Hep Hitters, that we had shunned for years befere using It." Tiik I'Aintirrs. 47Nnnn gcnulne without a bunch of green Heps en thowhlte label. Shun nil the Vila poisonous stuff with " Heps " in their name. augl-lyM.W.F&w SVECIAL HOTIOXK. Mothers I Mothers It Mothers lit Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering nnd crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go nt ence nnd get a bettle of Mils. W1NBLO W'S BOOT1IINU srilUl". It will rcllove the peer llttle sufferer Immediately depend upon It; thcre Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you nt ence that- It will regulate tlie bowels, and glve rest te the mother, and relief nnd health te the child, operating llke magic. It Is perfectly snfe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldes t and best iomale physicians and nurses In tbe United States. Beld everywhere. 25 rents a bettle. Junel&dydAw AN UNFOKTUNATK FEUSON. The most unfnrtunnte imrsen In the world Is ene anllcU'd with sick headache, but they will he relieved at ence by using Dr. Leslie's Special l'rescrlptlen. See advertisement In another column. (4) Well iu Ever. I.ottle Heward writes from IIutTnle, N. Y., "My sister became greatly debilitated through arduous professional duties, suffered from nausea, sick headache, nnd biliousness. Tried Jlurdeck Jltoed Jltttcn with the most liencdclal effect. Am well as ever. Fer mile by II. B. Cochran, druggist,' 137 and )'S.) North Queen street, Lancaster. The Man Who Talks Much. U'e want te fay n word te you who make n tir ing with your tongue. Yeu certainly must have n elear, strong volce te cngnge your listeners. J)r. Thomai' JCclectrte Oil for sorethront, colds, mid hoarseness Is unexcelled. Use anil admire. Fer sale by It. II. Cechrnn, drngglst, 137 nnd 139 North ijneen street, Lnncastcr. Merveiu OablUUtcd Hen . , Ten are allowed a tret trial e Ihtriti 4ay$ of the ' usaef Dr. Dye's .Celebrated VolUUe Belt with Electric Suspensery Appliances, ter the aneedy relief and permanent euro of Nervous Debility, less or Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse, rer nuvny ether dtseasea. Corn Cern el e te natomsten te heallh. visor and manhood guaeiMte4lH its f laearred. Illustrated BfttafMeV, wtOjfnU Information, terms, etc, iiA frwbyireMlat Vel tte Belt Ce., Mar- $ swsisw, ;. .. Baekleu' Arulcs Salre. The Best Salve in the world for nuts, Uralses, Pnrus, Ulcers, Salt Hbeum, Jfurer Beres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllbalns, llerna nnd all Skin Eruptions, pesltlrely cures File, or no pay re quired. It Is guaranteed te give perfect MlUfee MlUfee tleu, or money rotunded. Frlce 3t cent per her. Fer sale by Cochran, the Druggist, 17 and 139 North (Juecn struct, Lancaster, l'x '(1) A Itcmnrkable Ktcape. Mrs. Mary A. Dalley, of Tiinkhanueck. t'n., was alUictca for six years with Asthma nnd 11 ren chilli, during which time the best physicians could glve no reller. Hcrllfe was deipulred of, until tu last October she procured u llottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, when tminedlate re lief whs fclt.nud by continuing Its use for a short tlme she wus completely cured, gaining In Ilesh 60 pounds In a few months. Free Trial Dettles of this certain euro et all Threat and Lung Diseases ut Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 und 131) North Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. Large bottles fl.OU. (t) Physicians prescribe " Celden's Liquid Heef Tonle for the weak, worn, nud dyspeptic. Take no ether. uu.'i-iwuec vdeedftw Meats the World. Tliat Is what II. C Hebennan, a druggist nf Marlen, Ohie, Nays: "Thema.' Fcloctrle Oil beaU tlie world, bold nlne bottles yesterday and te-day. One mini cured of sere threat of eight years standing. Is splendid for rheuma tism." Forentebyil.lt. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Itese Celd and Hay Fever Are types of catarrh having pccullarsymptems. They are attended by an Inflamed condition of the lining membrane or the nostrils, tear-ducts and threat, affecting the lungs. An ncrtd mucus Is secreted, the discharge Is accompanied with a burning sensation. There are severe spasms of sneezing, frequent attacks of headache, watery and lnltiuned eyes. Ely' Cream halm la n re medy feunded en a correct dlugnesls of diseases and can be depended upon. 60 cents at drug Klsts, or by mail. Bend for circular. Kly llres., Druggists, Oswego, N. Y, au8-2wdeediw ltxaEuncn t (lltfnn's Sulphur Boap presents nil the udvantnges of sulphur baths at a cheap mte. "Hill's Hair and Winker Dye," 60 cents, auil-lwdeedftw BKIN DISKA3KS. "SWAYNF.'B OINTMKNT.' "Hicaync't Ointment" cures Tetter, Salt ltbeum, Mlngwerm, Seres, Pimples, Kczcma, all Itchy Eruptions, no matter hew ebttinate or long Handing. Jan23-MWFAw "Fire Him Out," This Is a common remark when roughs nnd rewdys Insult publle Ueeency by their unseem ly will's. Dyspepsia Is a horrid bore, Flreltent with JSurtleek Jltoed Hitters. Yeu can de It. Korsale byll.lt. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster TT10U & MARTIN. Fruit Jars CHINAHALL Masen Fruit Jars In Pints, Quaitsnnd Half Uallen. THE LIQHTNING FRUIT . TABS, Thellcst in Iho Market. Jelly Oups, Tumblers andJara' At Lewest Prices at High & Martin, NO. 16 BAST KDUQ STREBT, LANCASTER. FA. atOOKH. pOOR, WHITE & QREENOUGH. IBANKERS.r Orders executed for cash or en marglu for all securities current In tLe New Yerk market. Correspondence Invited. WKMIIRUBOK THE NEW YOltU STOCK EX. ciUnuKAnM riiuruihiviH vw ruuua .MANUAL OF K A1LWAY8. 46 W&U StrtMt, N.w Yerk. stl4MMM ,y j. Js v MXB10AZ. F IAVORITB REMEDY. TO GRATIFYHIS WlEE. A aoed Kenten for Hnpptnts. " Fer many years I have suffered from a com plaint which the physicians railed Gravel. I had employed seme of the most noted doctors without obtaining any permanent relief, and for along tlme my cose was regarded aa hopeless. All who knew the circumstances said I must die. Finally my wife lndnccd me te try a bottle of Dr. Kennedy's ' Favorite ltemedy,' which she had somewhere heard of or seen advertised. Without the slightest faith in It, but solely te gratify her, I bought n bottle et a druggist In our vlllnge. I used that and two or three bot tles mere, nnd, te make a long story short, I am new ns healthy a man as there Is In the country. " Since then I have recommended ' Favorite ltemedy te ethers whom I knew te hare suf fered from Kldney and Liver complaints t and 1 assure the pnlille that the 'Favorite Hcmedy has done its work with a similar completeness In every single tnstanee, nnd 1 trust some ether stek and discouraged mortal may hear of It and try the Favorite ltemedy,' aa I did." Wathlng Wathlng ten Menree, Catikilt, If. Y. Don't Let a Foolish Prejudice against popular medicines stand between yen and tbe bealth of your wife, child or baby. Dr. Kennedy's 'Fa vorite Remedy ' it a blessing. It has saved thou sands, and It will help you. If you are sick from troubles of the Kidneys, Ilewels Liver and Weed, spend One Dellar for the Klngef Medi cines. , nugt-lniced&w YKK'H PJIiLH. HEADACHES Are gonernlly Induced by Indigestion, Feul Stomach, CesUvcncis, Denclcnt Circulation, or some Derangcmcnt of the Liver nnd Dlgesttre System. Sufferers will find relief by the use of Ayer's Pills te stimulate the stomach and produce n regular dally movement or the bowels. Ily their action en these organs, Aran's Fills divert the bleed from the brntn, nnd rcllove nnd cure all form's of Congestive nnd Nervous Iieaduche, Billens Hoftdnche, and Sick Hcadache ( and by keeping .the bowels free, nnd preserving the system In a healthful condition, they Insure Immunity from future nttneks. Try Ayer's Pills. 1-IIErAtEll BV Dr. J.0.Ayer& Ce., Lewell, Mass. .Held by nil Druggists. augastescptt GKAY'H SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Qreat English Ilomedy. An unfailing euro for Impotency and all Diseases that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Lassitude, Fain In the Hack, Dimness of Vision, Fremature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. Full particulars Ineurnamnblet. which we de- ilre te send free by mall te every ene. ThlsSpe- cine roeaicine is seia uy an urugguis ni si per package, or six packages for $3, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the uu ney, by ad dressing the agent, IL B. COCIIBAN, Druggl't, Kela Agent, N os. 137 and 1311 North Qucj street, Lancaster, On account et counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper : the only genuine. TIIK OU AY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, N. V. lltEAM HALM. ., ELY'S CREAMt BALM I KLY$ CHE AM HALM Cleanses the Head. AllaysImflarainatIgii.Hcal ,tue Beres. Eo Ee Eo steitMth Senses efTatv SineUV Heartug,-A Quick Jtelicf A roslttvecnro. A partlole Is applied Inte each nostril and Is agreeable te nse. Price 60 cents by mall or at Druggists. Ben for Circular. ELT-JIKOTHEiiS, . , M. .. Dmgglsu, Oswego, S. Y. JulyO-lyoedAlyw 710NSUMl?TIONr-.I HAVE A POSITIVE Kj remedy for the nbove dlsease I by Its use luuuTOnui. .i caavx ui uie wersi, Kinu ei iunx standing have been cured. Indeed, sestmnfrts my faith In its ellleacy that I will sendTWO 110TTLES FREE, together with a valuable trea trea tlse en this dlsense te nny suffurur. Ulve express unu i . j. uuururs, Dlt.T. A.SLOCUM, 1S1 1'carl St., N. Y. JnnlG-CmdcndACmw MANHOOD RESTORED. UEMEDY FKEE. A victim of youthful Imprudence causing Fro Fre Fro matnre Decay, Nervous Debility, Lert Manhood, behaving tried In vain every known remedy, has discovered a slinnle self-cure, which ha will send FltEE te his fellow suffurent. Address, J. II. 11KKVKS, a Chutliam St., Nqw Yerk City. JanlC-lyoedAlyw AFTER AMi OTHERS FAlIi, UOMSDLT DR. LOBB, NO. 320 North Fifteenth street, below Callewhlll street, Philadelphia. Cures all Diseases or both sexes. Twenty Years Experience. Consultations by mall. NEKVOUS AND BFECIAL DISEASES. New book just out. Send for It. Hours 11a.m. till 2 p.m.,and7P- m.telOp.m Heeks free te the uttllctud. feb'Jtt-lvdAw TfTEAK ANI) NERVOUS MEN Who suffer from Nurvens nnd Physical Debil ity, Impotenoe, Exhausted Vitality and Prema ture Decline, and seek l'erfcct llcstoratlen te Health, Full Manhood and Sexual Viger with, out Stomach Drngelng, can ckutaihlt obtain It In the "MAHSTON DOLUS." Diseases of the Prestata (Hand, Kidneys and Bludder, effectu ally cured without Instruments. Endorsed by thousands who have been cured. Adopted In hospitals and by physicians In-Europe and America. mr VAKIOCELE cured without isnrgcry. Scaled Trcatlse and Testimonials free. Address MARSTON REMEDY CO., or DR. H.TRESKOW, Ne. 10 West 1 Ith Street, New Yerk. mayl9-lyeed4w s AFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURE. i UrrpTunn. VAH-.OOOKX.B and Special Disuses. Why be humbugged by quacks, when you can And In Dr. Wright the only Ukou Ukeu lab Physician In Philadelphia who makes a specialty or the above dLseosea and euiibs them T CVkbseuaraktskd. Advicb rags, day ana even lng. Strangers can be treated and return home the same day. OUIces private. im. w. h. witiaiiT, Ne. U North Ninth street, above Uace, P. O. llex C73. l-hlladelphia. tan29-lydAw H EADQUARTERS FOR THE INDIAN MEDICINES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere NO, 9 EAST KINU BT Lancaster, Fa. He. All ye e suffer from Cerns or Bunions Ge nnd buy a bettle of COCHUAN'S COHN CUItEferai cts, at COCIIBAN'SDRUG STORE, Ne3. 137 and 139 North Queen St , Lancaster, Pa. It i guaranteed te glve sntlsractien. s AlNT-RAl'HAEIi WINE. INFORMATION. The Saint-Raphael Wlnoliasadcllcleus flaveur and Is drunk in the principal cities or Russia" Uermany, North and Seuth America, Great liriuun, inuia, anuseun. ine quantity expenea annually la sutnclent proof or Its stability and staying powers, while for the real connoisseur then) u no wine that can be considered Its superior, jrThe8utnt-Uaphuel WlneCeinpanyAalente, Department or the Dreme (Frauoe.) H. E. SLAYMAKER, ifH-Kf.; ,II.XACKlMajTMUft. t " --. ix (tr.ti VTEW GOODS EVERY DAY. GETTING READY -rett- FAIiL TRADE -AT- ASTRICH'8 Palace of Fashien, 13 EAST KING STREET; LANCA8TKH, PA. NEW GOODS Are CeralBg In Every Day. Last week we announced the arrival of a large let of FINE VELVETEENS, In all colors, at aeb. a yard. We forget te moutlen that they are Silk Finished. Te-day w have opened seme NEW TBIUDTG LACES. They are WORSTED YAK LACKS, indifferent colors, at S3c. a yard, and one let. In lour colors, very heavy, at sec. a yard. We bought thorn early because they are cheap. Next we get In a full llns or CREPE LISSE RtJCHING, Seme as low m 10c. a yard ( ethers, tliat nre very hnndsome and line, at 19e., KOc and 2ftc. a yard. It's rather warm te speak about Fall Hats, but in order te be. In time we have received the first lotet BLAOK FALL STRAW HATS This week ; alie, let of New Hat and Bennet FrameB. PLUSHES will be very much In demand tlila season. We shall reeclve a full stock of all colors In a row days. We haven't fixed the prlce yet, but be as sured they will be cheap enough. , We would llke overybody te see our Fifty-Cent Kid Gloves. They nre ns geed us we sold rer 83c. last year. SOMETHING NEW IN CORSETS, calWd the " Hcnuty," only 23c. Our " Unhreuk Unhreuk able," whlte nnd colored, at 4'Je, The ' It. A .," 73. the best for the money ; us geed ns nny Dol Del lar Cerset. IIAUUA1NS IN LINEN TOWELS, NAPKINS, , DOYLIES, TA11LECLOTII8, Ac. New Fancy Berdend HaDdierchicfe, 5 Cts. CIIILDRKN'S HAND MADK WOUSTKD JACKETS nt fiec., i .-InWhlte, glu;Zl'Jnk and Cardinal. SHETLAND SluiflS, Large SUe, ItUck and Colored, fce. Apiece, MevaxrvKininuMti goods. T HK CHEAPEST PLAGE TO HUY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Geal Oil-Lamps and Gas Fixtures, JUHN P. SCHAUM B SONS, Ne. 21 Seuth Qaeen Street, feblT-lvd LANCA8TEU FA. UU0CF.RIE8. AT BUItSK'S. FRESH FROM THE MILLS, SOHUUXER'S AKROI. Oat Meal, Avcna, Farina, Heminy UrIU nnd Uranulnted Cern Meul. We have these goods direct from the maker and are, therefore, fresh and geed. We have the Helmes A Ceutbs Famous Sen Feam Hindi It, which have no superior. We have Klegsnt Large Fat Mackerel by the pound. Alse Ne. i and 3 Mackerel In 10 and 15 pound buckets. OUROOFFEES Are always Fresh Heisted. We have Itles, Juvus, Mecha and Lagnruzru. BURSK'S NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, . LANCASTEB. PA. BVXCTACLKS. " aUl'EftlOK ' " ' SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Field Glasses, Itarometors, Tele, scopes, Mngte Lanterns, Thennonieters, Draw ing Instruments, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. List and Descriptions or our Ten Catalogues sent FUKK en application. QUEEN & CO., NO. 924 CHESTNUT ST. marS-lydAw PHILADELPHIA rnUIB PAPER IS PRINTED WITH J. K. WRIGHT t, CO. '8 INK. FlifMut Ink W&rb, Wk w4 Phq'i Aveaw laaa-lyd PBILADNLPHIA. PA. N' fJTIOE TO TRESPASSERS AND GUNNKRS.A11 nnrsnns are herabv fur. 1.4AA uiuueu iu trespass en any vi we innes et me Cornwall or Bpeeilwell estates, In' Lebanon and Ajsvncaainr eguuuM, waemer inciosea i closed, either for thenaroeae of shoetlni lea, wju Ins, as tbe law will he rikldly enforeejf ajralnst alttresrisMlBBOBsaMlawtsef the uaderslcned after thianotfee. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN, E. TjCKCY ALDKN, ,i , . KUtkta sSlra 1 Ul'sfaViVl MAST m ... m (StSi; TAWisaMs; jmU. Qtim is fcetw, ft 'tfMtUM. ;P - -i.-,..!. iij. .. .-,, ,-t,rin i.tA., OimprntetieAre AllEafcd, ' OR JUST AMUT CLOSING,, And this reminds tot Mmhchas nny ether en thing that the FALL IS APPROACHING And people wilt seen almost before they art aware of It need i. HEA7IER 0I0THIIG-. The place te get your Fall Clothing is at BURGER & SUTTON'S. Our stock et Scheel Suit for Youths tid Hots Is complete. As there remains but a few or the summer vacation days, It will be well ferpareats te see after their Iters' Clothing boron" school "P,1!";. J?J! wla nn.i ear ,tock attractive and CHEAP. It will be te your advantage t6 can ana axnmina our stock lierore, buying else where. " Burger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centra Square, LANCAfiTKK, PA. jnNH TAILORINO. 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. Tbe Largest and Choicest Assortment or FINE WOOLENS IN TIIK CITY OF LANCASTER. AH the Latest Novelties In FANCY SUITING. A CHOICK LIME OF SPRING OVERCOATING. TIIKVEUY HEST WOKKMANSHIP. Prices te suit all and all goods warranted aa represented at his new store, H"e. 43 Uertli Queen St. (OPP031TK THE P03TOFFICE.) H. GERHART. AjTYEKS fc RATHVON. Suits te Order, FOU THE SEAS0N1! Thirty Different Styles OF SIR GES IN OUU STOCK, IN ALL THE POPULAR COLORS AND SHADES. MAUKED F1IOM THR1II ORI01NAL PIUCK TO VEItY LOW FIUUUES., HIUtUES IN lll.UK, GUAYS. UUOWNS, ULACK, PLUM, WINE.OUEENS, DltAll, FAWN AND WHITE, WHITE & FIGURED DUOKS. Fer Vesting rer Evening Wear. PONGEES AND SEKUSUCKEltS FOU EVEN INO WEAK.; LKADINO CLOTU1EUB, NO. 12 EAST KLNO STREET, LANCASTRU, PA. QUK PIUCF.S l'OH STIMIER GOODS LEADTnEMAUKET. Redaction Price List of Hen'i, Beys' and Ohildrea'i CLOTHING. THIN COATS at 40c. 8EEUSUCKEU COATS and VESTS from 11.25 U!licttcr SEERSUCKERS at 11.73. MEN'S UUHINESS SUITS at IM, fS.00, SC.Oe. and S7.00; MEN'S DUESS SUITS at 13.00, $10.00, S12.00 and IH.00. MEN'S HU81NE8S PANTS at 75c. MEN'S ALlr.WOOL OASS1HEUE PANTS at $2.00, S5.60 nnd 13.00. HOY'S SUITS at tiOO, fn.50, $3.00, $tW, $8.00 np CHILDREN'S SUITS from $1.23 upwunU. Custom Department. Onr specialties In this department are Weel Serge Suiting in all Celers, the same we make te order In first-class styles for $11.00. raer in nrst-cimis styles ler sujiv. ALL-WOOL PANTS te order at $0.00, 1100, ai.nn. Hi.ua. i7.ne. tSH.oe. The place te trade Is where you can get the most ter your money, and where you can have the largest variety te select from. L GANSMAN & BR0 THE FASHIONAIILK MKHCIIALNT:TAlLOR8 AND CLOTHIERS, Nea. OO-ea NORTH QTJEBN ST., (Right en the Sonthweat Cor, of Oraage Street,) LANCASTER, PA. JV-Opcn Eve until six o'clock, Saturday until 10 o'clock. Net connected with any otber clothing house m the city. ptUAMPAQNE. , BOUCHE "SEC." THE FINMT 'CHAMPAONB. WINK MOW v.',7uaiBj A. ATKXIfiAKrS OLDWINE 8TOKK, Mew SUM Kiem wvwtasr. . 'IV.)LLATMAKl.Atrt.. 4 Jt . " WL "-- -J.riW n MYERS d RAMI ym MriMM r. u; JOHN aeiVLXK; QWOl F. RATHyeW HOME-SPUR ' A New Style Material rer Ladiec' and Children's DnM-xj IN ALL COL0118, FOB PALL AND WINTER, i VKY HKItYlCBAIlLK, COMKH IN D1FPKIU KNT QUALITIES. Fnli Line of LADIK8' PLAIN andTUICOT CLOTHS at 43c., 7c, c. and IIM. TRICOLITEJ A NKW BUITIKO IN ALI 8I1ADKS. sTNew and seasonable goods received dally nt Lewest Cash Prices. j j0taS.GMer&Ce he. as bast sma sntmrr, , LANCAflTKK. PA. gPKCIAIi HARUAINH. J . Special Bargain for This Week AT THE HEW YORK STOBB. One II jndred Dezen All-Linen Mernie Towels, , UXc. each, worth COc. TwontT-flve Pieces Hand Leem GERMAN TABLE LINEJ 37Hc, worth 50c. n yard. ONE CASE FULL WIDTH BED DAMASK TABLING, 25c. a yard, usual price, STKc. ONE CASE FULL SIZE Heney Comb Quilts, Mc., nsnally sold at 75c. One Case Lnrge LANCASTER QUILTS, only 87Kc each. Opened trwlay.a New Line or DAUIC GIIOUND 8ATINES In New Styles at Lew 1'rlccs. WATT, SHAND & CO., LAXCAS'l'Elt, PA. J. B. MARTIN dc CO. REMNANT SALE. We have placed en the UEMNANT COUN. TEU the Uernnnnls and Odils nnd Ends of Bleck accumulated during xhe pastsciueu. REMNANT PRINTS, AtleSc., e. and lei-yard. MT aiNfrHUS, At le. a yard. RENNANT OHAMBRATS, ' At fiie? worth lie. REMNANT MUSLINS, At lc, nc., Ce. a yard. Remnant Table Linens, At 15c., 2Cc. and 25c. a yard. REMNANT TOWELINGS, At Se., tc., 5c. a yard. Remnant Dress Plaids. AtCJfc; worth 12c. ItEMNANT DREfeS GINGHAMS, At 8c ; worth 15c. 1,000 Yards Remnant All-Weel Cassimeres, FOR HOYS'" AND MEN'S SUITS AT ONE-FOUltTH VALUE. J. B. Martin (fe Ce, Cor. West Kiw: anil Prince Sts. LANCASTER. PA. OOAH. B. B. MAUTIN, WUOLKSA LI AND BXTAtX Dealer in ill Kinds of Lemler and Ceal jO-Yard: Ne. 420 North Water and rrliice atreets abeve Lemen. Lancaster. nS-lva B AUMGARDNERS k JEFJTERIES, GOAL DEALERS. Omesi t Ne. ia North Queen street, and Ne. B64 North Prince atreet. YAana: North Prince stroet, near Readtng DPU LANCASTEB, PA. aual5-ttd in i.i . .II.P hi "'' ' ' ' " mill I QOA.li. M. V. B. COHO, 830 ;kOUTB WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., WHOUBBALB AKJJ BBTAII, DSALSB 1 LUMBER AND GOAL. CommeTiok wrra M TawrBOKia ExosAnea. Valitd Oma: Ha M0 NORTH WATEB street. febaa-iyd VtnOSXTSKlJSQ. -TNT)ERTAKINQ. UNDERTAKER, Cot. Mb tym and Tine Streela, LAKOABTKa, FA. iAr,nVl attention Hlven te all erders. Every I tsWns tn the Undertaking line farnlah-ia. BYiB-iBBuyM -;, jf-.---V--Tr-r-- sAaHn At 'Terr lac at very moderate prices.- All kinds of ""Tf." ilLl.... afvereeaeail., mrBlvura uyumfwie ROTE. lanMV' TITHE LAR0B8T, BEST- AJ4U '" FwepM awenJnant efPlayhig .Cards, In ', eHyff WW "WW tnipwr Vi wVitm r a "TMAli'f tMf.WiOKT ClQi . ui.j - . ., v TAHOJ riJOsf cawhwvsll? M9aMM-wit.il LTOBllffilaiSS :-Sk AisUtNtimirr ,p faMM HOETHWAltD TMtfAltDt.5..n; Lebatu...i :w I ifeLi&Jfi A.M. sWT j at A-Pf7i. -axnve. . , u.'mj wall....... tM I lit lT.ii T: I ...... TiM '. 6:0 4MM.B.M fj .!. -- ., r. I4MM.B.M ItW V ., a. ar, 'Lei Cen wall.. 7.-i Manlwta..i....iM Laneasteir...... M ArHT5- ? . WmzAM 3'-?ni firi -iHm , tm&my- uarttFn aaa KlBg , LM. 8:t0 ' : sa VnaJ.-'-,; kf&miMStJS. u:Jl.,.... . : ""t?"i-ttv""' aMSMMvfhipt ? Aitiiiaif jaM " r , - 7u ,, ,n ARSAKOJHtwn; c rt rijmMM .am mn .f4.$. iWf ,,,,,,,, '.St w itM-IUlKB atn te - -. gaarryvIUe ..."...". l,'M' QUrinv; - -Pv ,r I ' tu Atmirm."'"'" I'S storks StHiMteB... iL urn chjekies..;..,..,.;,.., ,;3b veiaBSJ., uinawin.jif ,, a Lancaster (KlHgBtre t, QuarrnnH4.i.. ...... .! JTrasM.a.r.eet. and from FhuaUelnlr i, Allentewa, an Ken mauvB.. w 1 ii At CetaiWs-with a turnover, ewstrsDurg AtMarteissiJanctfi Ghlelciea.t . 1 At Man helm with t- At LaneaaMr Junct. Lancaster aafi Uearr Iieave QaarryvIllc Uiir-si.'?. street. 88 V n.kUn snf-T"' Arrive Keadtac, 10 95 .7b: iave Hcaawsj, 1 Arrlve Lan -LaneasM: p.tn.i Quarryvtlle, ap ni ii-iyasw )1 W.eJbx4S&m --Ji-i WESTWARD. mwi aixprBaT..... way raasentrer t. . . . Man train via MtJc jwsnswsj........t ;,,, VfT,i- sl . fjte? r EK7S. .fl jIBLfLSBU -' ftPfc lSft a M i.I!i mm'W-m't.mMi t&OieLMM'ti' ' .-'V -sYWJU jra.M'tl.'.KvI ! fwt ' m !; ..;.'v't5kM 4 iSJimJsM.'!-. :lmS9 ' iii5sffsKyM?tfi fV- Ma tswvSksnBCrwSnlsr."- ''- JHSt iBWffiessraa i, l.YirnUliien''-,. 11 rl W4TOrP fck- t itfilf -ifr- rf nx&&a3&k&t 0:l';jl.ini5vlnTi!Vili VM r -iH ..':.. , m ., . ;'pim-.-& .1 ;b, :zm$m$rj&:m--tt Ha 9 nail traint. . Hanover Accem..... li:clutl,,-: Fast Line waiiyt 3 Ml fclfc.'w,st.i.ftJ5jrtBip Frederick Accem... hr.eltiiTS JSvjSKSBE Lancaster Accem... tStt.Jey.S'-S'v j5'CK31 1 MiiTS: JiBI.MUUlj kWWU... .U JJ, Ul, 3Bp;m.- fide v ;s?isshi i:te e j, . Tae.'ShiffiJrS uiiamuia accum..., i:hi Harrlsbunr Express. t:t0 ChJ.ACln. Expresa.t f'O ". 10-.U' . "X 'i,v - - bjjusn Western Express t.. . 0:M ' 12:10 a, ta, Pacino Express t... UX " l-X " I .ndn -1 A taM St. EASTWAItD. Lknauter. Phllaeelnm, H.' rnit'a jsxpresst aw, . J - '"J1S',I Fast Line is:05l era M w uamsuunr Axurcss. s:iw iu.jU r - n Lanc'c, Accera., ar... ;ri. via. Mt. Jey. Q?fr4 LUiUUlUUt ALlTJUlH.ii flW " , ii;fcGL. JD j Deanaoreizprcas.... i-:uap.u s:inp,m. -ip.vf InhnalAwn Vv.l-naal 9Wk. .1 KW, II . ...9 dally except Sunday ; ' TJ, ' A.i Dav Kxnrcast 4:U " ftflO ( " tlK?)tl Ilarriabunr Accem.. GAb J AAA . -" ... w f The Marietta j at ll-.u a. in., lccen.niSaiyiB CelatnblA 7-T. " Wl rcacninK i:antifiitjTBr.' xeavm 'J-JsgGa at 830: also leaves at .aaad,mv fASSKV ;.,, i O Setal The Vers: Accomraedatlon'leavitt mwicm at Aa fcl? 7;10andarr1viiiftt LatiiOAlAT aa-IMO. .Mbmaiuisintf ..f .Jr-,r-'l with Uarrtabnrtr Express at SUA., . "sJ VJSJ&1 In at Lan easier with skv14 iibj- wv, -.tit r d.Ss?Ij .iUSt1HH?SR!KrM - - . - " -..t. ;m.Y?." -rL.t' 'ABB iWW1WW'IW.ACWUUIItiSB Sk7 SSSJWp Bfc ". 9tYin9mr Ain.irAfk rill fli I 'Sim sttifl M S' JLf.1-WHn .HaTVITf.a-PT. run ttreiyta te mxsarzpsgijiisjjmjn a am iuui. wbbl, ca ou at jvewniagun .Trrr. KltEaliHOti irmi..- in.-a-nnjni ... iwiBWUfeaw.w ! ' f ,r.i .... ' ,r: ..' r'rr-. Arrlve at Cornwall t foil a. ra.. I te n. 7:10p.m.; at Conewacc,at730i: in.,lgl5 ands p. m cennecung wiin irni rennsytVKMa read ler DOlnta east and Most.' A, J Ji snirsrtflv.n. ' ,4 'J&- S&H Trains leave ConewAgo, i, 7fij'W!fi Arrlve at Cornwall atsfcfiBiulrt., -US aa Mittel m.; at Lebanon at8:2C :i. m i.ti?) and B-.lS'.-mJi-' connecting at Lebanon rih PtllfUtiitBJssa'and,. ltcadtntr railroad for joints east ana watt, ana ' if. KJ COLEIUIOOS V.i '.1ET.3SA ttROAP,'V aw , rrainiioave'Lebani dviT-'f tsri3p rten hfaW' "wx' at6J0a.m..l2d0andTSr.in.5 .- V.;,.". .&..- the Lebanon and TrrineutkBtkaaU fertfswej. ;Xi town. Plncirrove and Trenient , '"' j 'a. mKn ff.rt n wsln ltlb,V AHl ht eArfttf.ll . . V. Colebrook and Hellal; e. JUIlllll IU. .IMU , ll. VIHJ W WOTM. TTTiV' CjUlHTAGteit. , yrtjJlWJ OTANDARD OAI.tAi3B WORK. Edward Edgerley; ; PTvi?. pat i op mnrjmii,' MARKET BTRBET, P.KA.K OF FOSTOFriCM,. JffW LANC. iTKK, PA. , " ;ra-t,5tt,l -jms A LARGE STOCK OFt JBUGaiES & ,M lA,f! Cemprising1 the M't BWI en?.i": .'IriakA mKK.T(Jtf iranUy Finished, at, i4us-4 ,ii.. 'ssm rifcitin fflfiSZWfift&rr RICES. lfvouwlati(eparctH(ic n eec .Mfij'jM clo.mywerk is dectliniy the atAtit' I ' mmmm .,nn.n .. D.iin .iTii'a lxrr iins'UiVP uuiiu- lAiuv "r.." z1?' r . T.TirrA- V nu.' lf',' w'Tas!OTi!LJHV' TDen't fall-te e ii?ra4g(X'WBfcA33y' Wnrt FULLY 1 AVAR -,1 NlD'.-IWttTrtif& JM2& oak ,hiKVikTiQ.em5iLmryhx7m ferKEPAIKINQ of workmen especial it emplered. ! r?,2Sft2.J&Sri nevtJBtfdAw ' -'.' ,.-- iaSiB LA N y&&mymmMt nmii(smm ii ntiiiii in it i j it ii'UUxJi KsTK'-. u! ' w - - - i a-' -.. , aKVMttxss , Js.n.3"i mzmivm vmim'immk ...u,,,inviiii mn nrivAi'isii. Jra.t,i'" CHEAPEST- -Jra&y'.a 0U CWMMrt"?.&'4tf'.M -WS AU.& a..u. .f r-ji.vy: tWlifcf 2 RETAIL in the ei xx, ou F&Mfr y , , . . 1 9iXP:t" . .M XtrV AN AN11 II BKLUi sWi RU1li.,al,'. tot tsi-tJjtX"s :. y, . ' . .. I' a 43 A UV i-WTttl Vlf hill w M"fuVAitiHL?.?.rPi Hew we de it is a r .twy'WajirYa factory, ana soeinji i wi u ttj vnn win net wenael' ;. Kt.i-irf. ' -,--. r-- Patmntze these tic!4fi"J! niwuint U vftn? l&rsril. a4 iurtliorreduct-fon, i; We bout of pur WUMS eicelled. -, ; WE HAVE A V.i :Y wttjb tsiunnKD! a-aiv us a call And Ut.mmtmm.' rr j . taiMturoe, ,v .,r;,-' ,AWl,..t . .- rf . .-v '..., I1"." tix'.' , . H-.t' - V ' s'.. f,".1r'ntii'.4 &L9f i. j tr v$.in.r.u.,Uf t' ' l'mt" tv . rf v.-s-'i .'- iiw.jsmt . 1ATttL 'YkWEmUAM'VWV. - naH mwmm)Wi JKitf i!. - . jrf J & f m aa?.. v V' e 5-a ii'r.-yaam :.m; m -rt mfflmt Sfer4S : '.' riLisT .cS-v.