" , V" if ft f ,W, lA -', T. vtfti Mr -' (r .i , J .' ' '.Y U k" KV f 't.V,' L ? V tf Ti'-j ' A?S - THE LANCASTER DAILY' iKTEIJitiREKiDElt, WEDNESDAY; ATOUSTM 1SBS. v-U V- ' dv. ",'ii. ,i, xri s . mKiaaaaaaaai f, e -" - . t ; , ' t v .V "'T'Wm IF I MT.ltE YOU. If 1 wcre you, sir, I would net Hiie, sir, tot any woman's le e day niter any j I'd nover stand, sir, At her command, sir, Year In nnd out In tbls fend, foolish way. Acress in y face, sir, I'd have the grace, sir, Or mother wit, te pull n payer musk j And nult te find, sir, What washer mind, sir, Before I'd grovel at her feet teusk. All very well, sir, Fer you te tell, sir, Of thttgrand poet in the olden time t Whose line ndvlce, sir, Was se concise, sir, In that Immortal strain of gallant rhyme. It docs net fit, sir, Your case a bit, sir : He ncYcr meant a man should prnynnd piny With such an Idle air, Blr, Of peer despair, sir. Fer any woman's love, dny after nay. If you will read, sir, The verse, with heed, sir, You'll sce It runs as clearly ns It may. That every man, sir, Should take his answer With m.nly courage, he It yea or nny, Then ccnee your sighs, sir, Ne man's a prize, sir, lu any v, eman's sight, J ust let me say, Who's net tee high, sir, Te sigh and die, sir, Fer any woman's love day after day. Why Louisville Is Proud. Frem the Courier-Journal. The severnl branchea of the IiOtiUvllle to bacco trade are being aroused te the Import Impert Import ance et duly celebrating the unexampled triumph of selling 100,000 hogsheads. Ne otherclty en this contiuent, or clsewbere In the world, evor sold 100,000 hogsheads of tobacco iu a twelvemonth, but Loulsvllle will have accomplished that feat by the middle of Heptember, or in eight and ene-half months. It is a great achievement, richly dosorv desorv doserv ing a great commemoration, especially as the event may be made a matter of general notoriety that Ibis city, which has been nt any time in thn last decade the largest tobacco market in the world, lias doubled its tobacco business in live or six years. Ner is the celebration of such a triumph nn event of interest alene te the tobacco trade. The large contiugeut of support which the receipt andsaleef twelvoer litteen million dollars' worth of a single article- of preduce fur fur nlshes Loulsvllle banks, te nearly all lines of gcnoralmerchandlse, te the ewtjers of block after block of reality and wnroheusos, te the railroad and river Interest, te laborers and draymen, all this clearly means That tbls Is a matter of universal Interest. The sales en Saturday last footed up about 05,000 hogsheads, and the cental of thou sands will be reached probably at the end of n luriuiguu A Hint te Scheel Teachers. Frem the Philadelphia edger. Te fit the young lei the responsibility et cheesing for themselves should be the aim of all education from the kiudergarden up. wards; and for this purposes nothing is uiore essential than te habituate each pupil te bard study and clese thinking. The habit or listless and half-way attention during pre. tractcd school hours in early life la fatal te in tellectual vigor. Fer short periods the mind of the child should be exercised briskly, and close attention and real work should be In sisted en. Gradually theso periods may be lengthened as the power increases, and thus the habit et mental labor nnd personal responsibility will be formed, irthls point be kept lu steady view in every educational system and by every toacher lti his or her immediate contact with pupils they may be lllted te reap the advautagos-el'-tlio elective system j but, if, in our eagerness te attract the young and te smooth their paths of study, we remove from the burdens of bard work and binding obligation, they will be un fitted te make choices for thomselves, either in a university career or in the still uiore important and inovitable crises that await them in life. Nut at All Dlscemciteil. Frem the Terente Tintli. A Btery it told or it (shrewish .Scotch woman who tried te wean her husband from the dram bhep by employing her brolher te act the part of a ghost and friglitnn Jehn en ma way nema, "vvue are you T" oskeu me gude man as the apparition rese before him lrein behind a bush. "I am Auld Nick," was the reply. ''Come nwa', man," said Jehn, nothing daunted. 'GIe's a shake e' your band, I am married te a Bister e' yours J" - Ida O. Abrau, 303 K. ChiiBO street, Paltlmore, Md., writes: I have been Hiiirrrliig for jeurs with Dyspepsia. 1 was ad lied by my physician, Dr. Milten N. Tuyler. te try ' Dr. Putzeld's tier man Hitters," and after taking it but ushnit time, I feel greatly benefited. 1 hav e u splendid apputlte and am gaining In flesh. m m I'ull of Peril Are theso dUerduis which, beginning wllh an apparently tiivial inactivity or the kidneys or bladder, tciuilnatcs in liilghl's disease, diabetes and cystitis. The first two net only Interrupt the functions of t lie icuat eigans, but dostiey their structure with as much cei talnty as lubet cular consumption docs that of the lungs. Ilos Iles tetter's Stomach Hitters Is an excellent dliuetle, piometlng the activity of these organs without evor exciting them, thus averting the deadly maladies in which their action is se prone te culminate. The removal from the bleed of Im purities which the kidneys should, but de net, when Inactive, sec re te. Is auethcr beneficent effect of this lucemparablemedlcatcd stimulant and depurcnt. The Hitters is, In all cases, tee, a line restorative of vigor and aid te digestion, remedies malarial disease, and banishes liver complaint and constipation. SVECIAL NOTICES. Who does net delight te sce a geed looking face? Yet erysipelas disfigures the features utmost beyeud recognition. Hut this is net the worst of it This disease Is as dangerous as It Is repulsive. It is sometimes called "at. Antheny's Fire," and eften causes sudden death. Mr. H. H. Carpenter, of Urandvllle, N. Y had it In both legs and was cuied by Dr. Kennedy's Favorite ltemcdy. The mcdlclne excels ull ethers for the bleed. Especially adapted te persons In Jeoble health. uuglOltneed&w (sources of I'rellt. There are many sources of prellt te theso who ate ingenious and enterprising. Jiurileck Jlloed Blttert are a source, of prellt in every way. They lktillri nn thn TirnltTi stirnlv. Rnecdll v. una OlfeCL- ually, which Isaaylng a gieat-deaL FersnlahyJ 11. j, uecnrnn, aruggist, hi ana isv nuuu ueeu street, Lancaster. "HOUGH ON CORNS." Ask for Wells' " Iteugh en Cern." J5e. Quick oempletc cure. Hard or sort cerus, wurts, bun Ions. (1) MOTHERS I MOTHERS II '.MOTHERS II I Are you disturbed at night and broken or your rest by n sick child suffering and crying w with the excruciating pain or cutting toot MIO UACrUULUllUU Mill Ul UUliuitt ifem i nu, go at once and get a bottle et Mrs. W1N8LO W'i) se, SOOTHING SYHUP. It will rolievo the peer IttUe sufferer immediately derend upon it; there Is no mistake- about It. Thore is net a mother ou earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and. give rest te the mother, nnd relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use lu all cases, und pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription et ene or the eldest and best female physicians In the United Knld HvnrvwheiYi. 25 cents u bottle. uiaySl-lydM.W.SAw Ilcats the World. That Is what II. C. Ilobennan, a druggist or Marlen, Ohie, sas: "Themas' Eclectiie OU beats the world. Sold nine bottles yesterday and te-day, One mau cured or sere threat or eight years standing. Is splendid ter rheuma tism." Fer sale by II. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. Hese Celd and Hay fever Are types et catarrh having pecullartympteuis. They are attended by an lnOamed cohdltleu of the fining membrane or the nostrils, tear-ducts aud threat, affecting the lungs. An ucrld mucus IS secretcu, tue mscuuruu is ucceuipuuieu vv iiu u burning sensation. There are severe spasms of sneezing, frequent attacks of headache, wutery and Inflamed eyes, Ely's Cream Halm Is a ro re tnedy rounded en a correct diagnosis el diseases and can be depended upon. 60 cents at drug gists, or by mail. Send for circular. Ely Ures., Druggists, Osvv ego, H. Y. auS-JwdcedS w lUMKVBKlt I Glenn's Sulnhur Soup presents all the advantages et sulnhur baths at a cheap rate. "llius iiuiruuu wisher jiye, -ou cuius. uu;Hffuenuiw NEVEll (JIVE UP. """ It veu are troubled Ith nervous or sick head ache, de net glve up your case is incurable until you uavu incu iir. aisi Leslie's Special Prescription, in another column. diMwd ) the testimonials "ItOUOHON HATS." Clears eat rats, mice, reaches, flies, ants, bed bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers, lie. Drug gists. ( 1 ) "lire Hint Out." This is a common rumurk vheu roughs und rewdys Insult publle decency by their unseem ly ways. Dyspepsia Is a horrid bore. Fire it out with Murdeek hloed JIUlert. Yeu ran de it. Fer sale by II. H, Cochran, druggist, 117 and ISO North qucuu suwl, Laueuatw - ,, Advertising Cheats. " It has becotne se common te begin nn attlele in nn elegant. Interesting style, " Then run it Inte seme advcrtlsemcnt, that we avoid oil such, "And simply call attention te the mciltsuf Hep Illlters in ns plain, honest terms us possl pessl hie, " Te Induce people " Te glve them one trial, which, se pievcs their value that they w 111 nevcr use anything else." " Tim Hkvkdv se favorably noticed lu all the papers, Hcllgleus'nnd secular, Js "Having u large sale, and is supplanting all ether medicines. "There Is no denying the vlotties of the Hep plant, and the proprietors of Hep Hitters have shown great shrewdncss and ability " In compounding a mcdlclne whose virtues are se palpable te every ene's observation." Did She Die? Net "She lingered and suffered along, pining away all the tlme feryeurs." " The doctors doing her no geed " " And at last was cured by this Hep Hitters the papers say se much about." ' Indeed I Indeed 1" " Hew iliankful we should be ler that medi cine." . A daughter's Misery. " Klevon yeati our daughter suffered en a bed of misery. " Frem a complication of kidney, liver, rheu rheu matle trouble and Nervous debility, " Under the care of the best physicians, " Who gave her dlscase various names, "Hut no relief. " And new, she Is restored te us in geed health by as simple a remedy as Hep Hitters, that we had shunned for years before using It," Tua 1'AtiicnTS. irXene genulne without a bttneher green Heps en the whlte label. Shun all the vlle poisonous stun" with "Heps " lu their name. nugllyM.W.KAw AVJSVtAti NOTICE. Mothers I Mothers 1 1 Mothers 1 1 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken or your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth ? if se, gontenconndgetabottleorMRB. WINBLOW'S SOOTHING 8VKUP. It will relieve the peer Ilttle sufferer Immediately depend upon it; there Is no uilstake about it. There Is net a mother en earth who has evor used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will rcgulate the bowels, nnd glve rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It is porfectly sate te use in ull cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription or ene el the eldest and best female physlclansand nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere 23 cents a bottle. JunelG-lyd&w HUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACKA. Is the most effective Pain Destroyer In the wei Id. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied externally, and thereby mere cettalnly HKLIKVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It is warranted double the strength et any similar preparation. It cures pain In the Hlue, Hack or Dowels, Bere Threat, Kheumatlnm, Toethacho nnd ALL ACHES, and Is The Great ltellever or Pain. "HUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACEA "should be lu every family. A teuioen mi et the Panacea in a tumbler of b t wuter sweetened, if pro pre rnrrcd, taken at eedtlme, will UKKAK UP A COLD. 2S cents a bottle. m31-lydM,W,S4w SKIN DI3KASES.-"8WAYNirs OINTMENT.' "tfiwilne'j Ointment" cures Tetter, Halt Kheum, Ulngwenn, Seres, Pimples, Eczema, nil Itehy Eruptions, no nuilttr hew ebttlnale or long ttamUne. JanS8-MWFw rirs'-ClUM Insurance, Iiisiiie with TViemai' Vclectrlc Oil. It Is the cheapest and best method of lusurancn we Luew or. By Its use you are sure te escape many gre gre vleiis aches and pains. Policies are obtainable ull druggists In the form or bottles at 50 cents andflcuch. Fer silo by 11. II. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lindster. Wellns Ker. Lettie Heward wiltcs from lIufTale, N. Y.. "My slater became gicatly dcbllltutrd tlueugh arduous piofcsletuil dutlc. Suffered from nnnne. i, sick headache, unit liilieumiess. Tiled Jlurdeck Jlloed Jlillcri with the most beneficial effect. Am well ns ecr. Fer irile by II. H. Cochran, druggist, 137 nnd JJJ Neith Queen streetLancacler. HEA11T PAINS, Palpitation, Drepsical 6 idlings. Dizziness, Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cured by " Wells' Health Jtcnewcr." (1) The Man Who Talks Much. We want te say a word te you who make n II v lng 1th your tongue. Yeu certainly must hut e u clear, strong oice te cngage your listeners. Dr. Themat' JCeteelrie Ollforsero threat, colds, and heamenes Is unexcelled. Use und admire. Forsaleby It. U.Cechran, drug,ldt, 137 nnd 133 North Queen street, Lancaster. "HUCHU-PAIHA." Quick, complete euro, nil Kidney, llludderand Urinary Diseases, hcnldlnir. lultntleii, Stene, Onuel, ; Catarrh of the bladder, ft. Druggists. (I) Thousands Say Se, Mr.T.W. Atkins, ainud. Kansas, wiltes: "I never hesitate te lecemmend your Llectile Hit tern te my custemcis, they glve enllre satlsfae satlsfae lien and aieiupld sellers' Eloctile Hitters uie the purest und best mcdlclne known and will positively euro Kidney und Liver Complaints. Purify the bleed and icgulate the bowels. Ne faintly can afford te be without them. They v 111 save hundreds et dollars lu doctor's bills every year. Sold at arty cents a bottle by II. H. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 133 North Queen Btieet, Lancaster, Pa. (3) Nervous Debilitated Men Yeu are allowed a free trial of thirty dajtet the use or Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltale licit with Elvctrle Suspensery Appliances, ler the speedy Klvctrle suspensery Appliances, ier me ti.w relief and permanent euro of Nervous Debility, less or Vitality nnd Manhood, and ull kindred troubles. Alse, rer many etner uiseases. com plete restoration te health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ne risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with Tull information, terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Voltale licit Ce., Mar shall, Mich. tlucklen's Arnica Salte. The Best Salve In the world rer Outs, Hrulses, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllbalns, Hums nnd all Skin Eruptions, positively cures Piles, or no p.iy re quired. It is guaranteed toglvoperfectsatlsrac teglvoperfectsatlsrac toglveperfectsatlsrac lion, or uieney refunded. Price 23 cents per box. , Fer sale by Cochran, the Druggist, 137 und 133 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. (1) A Walking Skeleton. Mi. E. Springer, of Mcchajilcsbnrg, Pa., writes: "I was afflicted with lung fever and abscess en longs, and reduced te a walking tkeleten. Get a Dee trial bettle of Dr. King's King's New Dis covery for Consumption which did me se much ?oed that I bottle. After using tbrce bottles euud myself ence moron man, completely re stored te hculth, with a hearty appetite und a aln In flesh of 18 pounds. Cull at Cochran's rug store, 137 and 133 North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa., and get a tree trial bettle or this cer tain cure ter all Lung Diseases. Large bottles, 11.00. (3) ITCHING PILE8."-SVMPTOMS 1 MOISTUHEI Like perspiration, Intense Itching, worse by scratching, most nt night, seems It pin-worms were crawling. " tiwayne't Ointment "it n pleat. :ment " in jan2S-MW nt. ture cure. XT P11T8ICIAHS prescrlbe " Celdcn's Liquid Heef Tonic rer the vveut, worn, aud dyspeptic. Take no ether. au-iwi vduedAw jiovsr.irvKNiNUise auevs. T HE CHEAPEST PLACE TO HUY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Ceal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -13 A'- P. Ne. 2i Seuth Quoeu Street, Ieb27-lva LANCASTER PA. -VTOTIOE TO TRESPASSERS AND Xl (1UNNEUS. All persons are hereby rer. bidden te trespass en any of the lands et the Cornwall or Speedwell estates, in Lebanon and Lancaster countles, whether Inclesed orunin erunin orunin clesed, either for thepurpose of sheeting or Ash ing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassing en said lands of the undersigned after this notice. 1 WM . COLEMAN FUEEMAN, , . -. - R. PEKOY ALDKN. -! EDWAHD 0. FKEKU AN, JAUoceey for K. Wt Celemart's beire. . rf5., " . ..X1 MXDICAI TJlAVORrTE 11EMEDY. TO GRATIFYmS WIEE. A Geed lleasen for Happiness. " 1'er many years I have suffered from acorn. acern. jilalnt which the physicians called Gravel. I had employed seme of the most noted doctors, without obtaining nny permanent rcllef, and for along tlme my case van regarded as hopeless. AH who knew the circumstances said I must die. Finally my wlfe induced me te try a bettle of Dr. Kennedy's ' Fnvorlle ltemcdy,' which she had somewhero heard of or scen advertised. Without the slightest faith In It, but solely te gratify her, 1 bought a bettle et a druggist In our village I used that and two or threo bot tles mere, and, te make a long story short, I am new as healthy a man as thore Is In the country, " Since then I have recommended ' Favorite ltemcdy' te ethers whom I knew te have suf fered from Kidney nnd Liver complaints i and I assure the public that the Fnvorlte ltcmedy ' has dena Its work with u similar completeness in every single lnstanccraud I trust seme ether sick and discouraged mortal may hear of Hand try the ' Favorlle ltemcdy,' ns I did." Wathlng Wathlng ten Menree, Cattkill, JV. 1". Don't Let a Foolish Prejudice against popular medicines stand between you und the health of your wife, child or baby. Dr. Kennedy's 'Fa vorite ltemcdy ' tt tt blessing, It has saved thou sands, and It Kill help you. Ifyeu nre sick from troubles of the Kidneys, Hewels Liver nnd Hloed, spend One Dellar rer the King of Medi clues. uuullmeedAw A HOM.K DllUGfilST TESTIFIES. Popularity at home Is net always the best lest of merit, but we point proudly te the fact that no ether mcdlclne has wen ler Itself such uni versal approbation In Its own city, state and ceuiiiiy, and among ull people, as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The following letter from ene or thn best known Massachusetts Druggists should beet Interest te every sufferer : Itheumti8m..;;SfihiWKTMIAV,,. se severe that 1 could net meve from the bed, or dress without help. I tried several remedies without much If any relief, until I took AYEIl'H SAIlf-.APAIllLLA, by the use of two bottles or which I was completely cured. Have sold large quantities or jour 8AHSAPAU1LLA, und It still retains Its wonder (ill peiiulailty. The many notable cures it has effected In this vicin ity convince me that It Is the best bleed medi cine ever olfcred te the public. E. F.HAItlllS, ltlverSt., Huckland, M9ss , May 13, IPSi. 01. TJltn.iOT. Gkoiieb AnnnEws, overseer OalC XlIlGUUli lu the Lenell Carjict Corpor ation, was for ever twenty jears befere his re moval te Lew ell afflicted with SALT UHEUM In Its worst rerm. Its ulcerations actually cov ered roero than hairthe surface of bis liedyfand limbs. He was entirely cured by A YEIt'S 8AU SAPAHILLA. Sce certificate In Aycr's Alma Alma nae ler 18. inErAREti or Dr. J. C Aycr & Ce., Lewoll, Mess. Sold by all druggists ; SI, six bottles fur 3. nugiie-'il G UEAT ELIXllt OF LIFE, ENDORSED Bi THR WOULD. DR. PETZOLD'S GERMAN BITTERS I TIU8 GREAT KLIXEB OF LIFE Is a deuble Distillation or ever twenty different kinds et the best German Herbs, this being the only true nnd rcllable process by which the en- tire urcat jucuicai virtues uuu uiiruiivu l iujivt- ties or the Herbs can be produced. We are con- lldent that this great tie ennau Tonic will be found the most HE 5ALTHG1VING ever placed before me puuuc. a a HELIAULE AND PLEASANT 1NV1GOUANT, II la absolutely without n rival, and affords Ihstaht UKMEP.nnd a PinrsuTCDRE guaranteed lu all cases of Dyspepsia. Less ui Annetlte. Nervousness, Weakness, Crumps, Djsentery t;neiera Meruus, nausea, I'lnrruwn, biuiiiu, blck Stomach, Hllllousness, Ague nnd Fever nnd ethel Malarial Discuses. This Great Mcdlclne Fer Hale Everywhere. L. PETZOLD & CO., Prep's., IIALTIMOUE, MD. apr.-8WASIid.tw. G HAT'S Sl'EOll'IO MEUIC1NK. The Great English Uumedy. An unfailing euro for lmpetene for lmneteney nnd all Diseases that fellow nnd all Diseases that fellow Leaa of Memery. Universal l-usalUidj. 1'aJu lu the Hack, Dimness of Vision, PmmaVure OIAJ .Age, ana many etner uiscivbeb uimi, xf-twi -sanity or Consumption and n' Pruuiatuiei Grave., Full lMirtlculars In eurpumpWet, which we de de slre te send free by null te every ene. TbU Spe cific medlclne is sold by all druggl"'? of M If Fiacknge, or six packages for , or will be sent roe by mall ou receipt of the mt ney, by ad dressing the agent, II. H. COCHKAN, Druggl'tlote Agent, Nes. 137 and IS!) North Que"j Slnvt, Lanciuter, On account et ceunterfulw, we have mlepled the yellow Wmpiwr: the only genuine. XllKtllvAI Jll&wa,i.Tr. v..j Jk KnlPile. N. y. c REAM HAI.M. ELY'Si CREAM BALM I ELY'S (5l:KAJl HALM Cleanses, the Head. Alluvs lmll'iiumatlnn. Heals the bores. He 'Stores the Senses of Tuste, bmell, Healing. A Quick Heller A Positive Cuie. Apurllcle Is applied Inte each iimtill nnd Is ngnA-able te use. Price Be cents by mull erul DruggUts. Sen rer Circular. ELY HltOTHEUS Druggists, Oswego, N. 1 . JuIyiJ-lyeedilyw ONSUM1TION I HAVE A POSITIVE remedy ter the above disease; by Its use thousands of cases of the worst kind of long standing hav e been cured. Indeed, be strong is my faith In Its cnlcaey that 1 will send TWO HOTTLES FUEE, tegetlier wltha vnluublu trea trea tlse en this dlscuse te uny sufferer. Give express and I'. O. address. U,T. A.8I.0CUM. JanlG-Cmdsed&Omw 181 Pearl bL, N. Y. MANHOOD KESTOHEn. IlEMEDY FUSE. A victim of youthful Imprudence causing Pie mature Decay, Nervous Debility, LostMunheod, Ac, having tried in vain every known lemcdv. hasdlscoveredaslmple sol fcure, which he will send FllEE te his fellow suffei en. Address, .1. II. ittur. vks, U Chatham St,, New Yetk City. JanlC-lyeedAlyw AFTEK ATIj OTHEKH 1'AII,, COKSCLT DR. LOBB. NO. S29 North Firteenth street, below Callnwhlll street. Philadelphia. Cures all Diseases of both sexes. Twenty Years Experience. Consultations by NEHVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. New book Just out. Send for it, I leurs 11 a. m. till i p. m , and 7 p. m.te 10 p. m Heeks free te the mulcted. febaUvdiw VyEAK AND NEItVOUS MEN Who Buffer from Nervous und Physical Debll it,. imi,ntncu. Exhausted Vltalltv and Prema ture Decline, and seek Perfect I.v'stoiatlen te liwltli, Full Manhood and Sexual Viger with out Stomach Drugging, can ckrtaikly obtain it In the "MAUSION BOLUS." Diseases til the Prostate Ulaud, Kidneys und llladdur, effectu ally cured without Instruments. Endorsed by thousands who have been cured. Adepted lu hospitals und by physicians lu Europe and Jar VAUIOCELK cured without surgery. Sealed Troatlse and Testimonials frce. Address MABSTON REMEDY CO., or DB. n.TRESKOW, Ne. 48 West 11th Btreet, New Yerk, inayis-lycediw SAKE. SURE AND SPEEDY CURE. llumn, VAUicocKLaandBriteuLDisxASM. Why be humbugged by euacks, when you can And In Dr. Wright the only ltnou ltneu lab Puvsieiak in Philadelphia who makes a specialty of the abeve diseases and cubes thorn T Ceiuta euakabtbkd. Advieb laics, day ana even ing. Strangers can bu treated and return home the same day. Offlce.lvate. Ne. 211 North Ninth street, above Ilace, 1. O. Hex 67S. Philadelphia, lanSMydAw H EADQUARTERS FOR THE INDIAN MEDICINES,-. Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, AT Lecher's Drug Stere NO, 9 EAST KINO ST.. Lancaster, Pa, alUE IiARaE8T, 1JEST AND MOST . complete assortment of Flaying; Cards in the city from S cents perpaek up at HAKTMAN'3 YELLOW VKONT 01QAK STOKE, stJEL11 Wi Ji 5M1 ,' wt MMD1CJU 4-M.k A QUTICU1U KEMEDIES. ECZEMA And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Oured bvOuticura. ECZEMA, or Salt Itheum, with Its agonizing Itching and burning, Instantly rulfevcd by a warm bath with Curicun BeAr, nnd a single application of UtrrictmA, the great Skin Cure. Tills rcpeatcd dally, with two or three doses et CUTictiHii ltiset.viirr, the New llloeil l'urlflor.te keep the bleed cool, the perspiration pure nnd unlrrlutlng, the bowel open, the liver and kid neys active, will speedily eure'Kcicma, Tetter, Ultigwerm, Psoriasis, Lichen, Pruritus, scald Head, Dandruff, nnd every species or Itching, Scaly nnd Pimply Humors of the Scalp nnd Skin, when the beet physicians and all known reme dies fall. Will McDonald, 2M3 Dearborn St., Chicago," gratefully acknowledges a cure orEczrnis.er alt Kbeum, mi head, neck, race, arms nnd legs for seventeen years i net nble te wnlk except en hands nml knrni fur nnn vnnr i net nlitn in hnln hint eir rer eight years) fried hundreds or reme dies doctors pronounced his case hopeless t Iiermnncntly cured by Cuticiiiu IUselvxmt bleed purifier) Internally, and Ccticura, mid Juticuka SeAr (the great skin euros) externally, Clias. Ilongliten, Ksq., lawyer, 2i State HI., Ifosteu. rcnerts u. ennn nf Kczemn under his observation for Ien yean, which cevered the patient's body and limbs, nnd te which all known methods of treatment had been applied without benefit, which was completely cured solely by the ccticciu ItiHiuiEs, leaving a clean and healthy skin. Mr. Jehn Thlel, Wllkrsbnrrn. Pa., writes! " I have suffered from Salt Kheum for ever eight years, lit times se bad that I could net attend le lay business for weeks at a time. Three boxes of CcTictiRA nnd four bottles Heselvxbt have entirely cured me or tbls drcadtul disease." Sold by all druggists. Prlce : CctIctjba, R0 els.; Keselvikt, SI.OD; beAr, 23 cts. Prepared by the PeTTiit Data amu Chemical Ce., Hosten, Mass. Tp TTTIFY the Complexion nnd Skin by ' uslug the Cuticuiia Seap. "TIUKD AND ACHING MUSCLES through countless nerves for rest nnd ii. cry In nd leller. i.ike manna te uni riiimren et Israel istiinuc ticuba Pt-AsritB te (he tired, overworked, aching muscle. De net deny Jeurselt the comlert utrerded by tbls new, original and speedy antl ilatetn pain und Inflammation. At druggists, 23c. i flve ler 1.W, Mailed free. Petteb Dnce akd Cdeuieal Ce., Hosten. Sanferd's Radical Cure FOR OATAREH. WITCH HAZEL. AMFJIIUAN PINK. (IAN ADA Fill, MAHIDOLD AND CLOVER HLObSOMS. AslnglodesoofSANFOKD'SHADtCALCUHE Instantly relieves the most violent Sneezing or Head Colds, clears the Head ns by mngle, steps watery dlscliarges treni thn Nese and Eyes, pre vents Ulnglng Noises in the Head, cun-s Ner vous Headache, and subdues Chills and Fevers. In Chronic Catarrh It rleaunc tun nasal pas sages of foul mucus, I esteres the Bcuses or smell, taste and healing when affected, trees the head, threat and bronchial tubes of offensive matter, sweetens and purifies tbe breath, steps the cough, and arrests the piogressef Catarrh to wards Consumption. (Jim bottle Kadlcal Cine, one box Catarrhal Solvent and Sanrerd's Inhaler, nil in ene patk age, of all druggists for 1.U). AskforSAN AskferSAN FOUD'8 KADICAL CUltK. roTTERDcue ap Chemical Ce., Hostex. Cellins' Voltaic Electric Plasters. Fer the relief and prevention, th'e Instunt Ills appnea, et uneumaiism, neuralgia, nciiiicn, ,',.i,nha use Cellins' Plasters, (an Electric Hattery com bined wllh a Pereus Plaster) nnd Inugh nt pain. 25c. evcrv wncie, nugi-imuas. ItOTMOMt. N EV HOODS EVEllY DAY. GETTING READY t frea5?a!! f FALL TRADE AT- ASTBICH'S 'Iff " v ' Pal2U3e,ofJasliieE !& -., "J - 4iPtt 'iisC ,-lM-I ' - -r-,. 3, , 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCAbTKll, PA. NEW GOODS Are Coming In Every Day. Last week we announced theurrival or a large let or FINE VELVETEENS, In all colors, at Sec. a yard. We forget te mention that they are bilk Finished. Te-duy we have opened seme NEW-TMMM1W LACES. They arc WOHSTED YAK JACES, Indifferent colors, ut33c. u yard, und ene let. In lour colors, very heavy, at Wc. a yatd. We bought them early because they are cheap. Next wegotlnurullllne of CREPE LISSE RUCHING, Some as low as 10c. a yard ; ethers, that are very haudsome and fine, at 15c., SOc. and 25e. a j ard. It's rather w arm te speak about Fall Hats, but In order te bu lu tlme w e have recelv cd the first lotet BLAOK PALL STRAW HATS This week ; alie, lets of New Hat and Bennet Frames. PLUSHES will be very much In demand this season. We shall receive 11 full stock or ull colors Ina row da 8. We haven't fixed the price jet, but bu as suied they vv 111 be cheap enough. We would like everybody le see our Fifty-Cent Kid Gloves. They ure as geed us we sold for 83c. last year. SOMETHING NEW IN UORSETS, called the " Ueauty," only 23e. Our " Unbreak Unbreak nble," whlte und colored, at lie. The " 11. A a.," 73. -tne uesi ier luu inuuuy ; us goeu tut uny xjui- lar Corset. UAKQAINS IN LINEN TOWELS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, TABLECLOTHS, Aft New Fancy Bordered Handkerchiefs, 5 Cts. CHILTJKEN'S HAND-MADE W OUSTED JACKETS at 60e., Ill White, HI ue, Pluk aud Cardinal, SHETLAND 81IATOS, Large Site, Ulftck and Colored, We, Apiece. QTORAQK O -A.HD- ( COMMISSION WARBHOUSH, DANIEL HATKK 'tHT M Wt OlMMstMlMt. t:rinm iv.uiu luirr. ninmnrn Hn i iinur. els. Sheeting Pains, Numbness, Hysteria, Fe maeo Pains, Palpitation, Dyspepsia, Liver Cem nl a I n I. unions Fever. Miliaria, and Epidemics. CLOTMtlTU. fTIIlB Oampmcetings Are All Ended, OR JUST ABOUT CLOSING, And this reminds its ns much as uny ether ene thing that the FALL IS APPROACHING And people will seen almost befere they are uwure of It need HEAVIER CIOTHIM. The place te get yettr Fall Clothing is at BURGERS SUTTON'S. Our stock et Scheel Suits for Youths and Heys Is complete. As thorn remains but a few of the summer vacation days. It will lie well for parents te see after their Heys' Clothing boferu school opens. Yeu will find our stock large, attractive and CHEAP. It will lie te your advantage te call nnd examine our stock befere buying else where. Beger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTER PA. TjlLNE TAILOltlNO. 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. The Largest nnd Choicest Assortment el FINE WOOLENS IN THK CITV or LANCA3XKU. AH the Luteal Noveltlos lu FANCY SUITING. ACHOlCKLlNEOr SPRING OVERCOATING. THE VEKV HKSl' WOltKMANSHlP. Pilres te suit all and all goods watrantcdas represented ulhls new stoic, BTe. 43 ITertOi Queen St. (OPPOSITE THE POSTOFflUE.) H. GERHART. Tyt-YEIW A. KAT1IVON. Suits te Order reu hie V TLurty Different Styles ' -or- S E-R G E S IN OUlt STOCK, IS ALL THE -POPULAR COLORS AND SHADES. iTi - J"".v!K(;v ,r",'rlr fr' -t- MAUICEO FlIOM 'III Kill OltlUINAL PUICE TO VEUV LOW nilUllEb. SEItUES IN HLUK, (JHAVS, HKOWNB. ULACK, PLUM, W1NK.UUEK.NH, DIIAH, PAWN AND WHITE. WHITE & FIGURED DUCKS. Fer Vesting for Evening Wvar. PONGEES AND SEEUSUCKEHS 1NU WEAK., ren EVEN LEADING CLOTHIEHS, NO. 13 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTEll. PA. QUll I'ltlOES l'OH STJ11EE ftOODS LEAD THE MAUKET. Redaction Price List of Ilea's, Beys' and Children's CLOTHING. THIN COATS at 0e. SEEKSUCKEIt COATS and VESTS from .!.! "better SEERSUCKERS at 11.73. MEN'S UUSINESS SUITS at S1.50, 13.00, $0.00, alMENS DllESS SUITS at 18.00, 10 00. 11100 and MEN'S BUSINESS PANTS at 73c. MEN'S AL1-WOOL CASS1MEIIE PANTS at l no, (3.S0 and $3 00. HOV'S SUITS ut i00, fiM, tJ.00, $LC0, t(3.(J0 up le W ) CHILDltEN'S SUITS fiem f I. upwanls. Custom Department. Onr specialties in this department are Weel Sergo Suiting in ull Celers, tbu gatne we make le order In llrst-class styles for lll.tu. v ALL-WOOL PANT3 te order at W.00, $t00, t3 00, l.00, (7.00, $3.00. The place te trade is wbore you can get tbe most ter your money, und where you cuu have the largest variety te seicct iruui. L. GANSMAN & BRO., THE FASUIONAHLE MEHCHANTJTAILOItS AND CLOTHIEHS, Nee. 60-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Bight en the Southwest Cor. et Orange Street,) LANCASTER, PA. mwonen Eve until six o'clock, Saturday until 10 o'clock. Net connected, with any outer clothing beuse In the city piIAMPAGNE. BOUCHE "SEC." TUB FINEST CHAMPAGNH )VINK Nt)W IMPORTED. - AT KEIQART'S OLD WINK STORK, Na,S0KATKma8TmT. ' U. K. 8LAYMAKKK, Art. MYERS d ROTi , -vi. JWH Peerless Traction POUTAULE OK STATIONAKY ENGINES, BOILERS AND SEI'AIUTORS, REPAtRINO, and all kinds or Machinery, Contracts taken and all work such ns kept and doneln any Machine Shep. Call ou eraddrcst, Ezra F. Landis, Wenss-NO. K0 le 537 NOliTH C1IKUKY ST., Lancaster, Pa. ml9-6moed4w , JgJNUINK AND HOILEll W011K8. BEST Steam Engine AND BOLLER WOMS. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, HAVE NO 'AGENTS, CAN INSUltE OUll PATUONS LOW PUICE3 and geed wekk. BOHjERS. Vertical and HorizentalTubular, Flue, Cylinder, Marine, Deuble-Deck and Portable. rUIlNACE-WOKK, HLAST-PIPES, STACKS. Ac, Ac. TANKS for Water, Acids and OU. HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical and Horizontal. Stationary, (rem tne te sixty horse-poirer. Portable Engines, en Wheels and Sills f Six Sizes 4, 0, S, H, is and ae horse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Mills and Large Mills. Hark Mills Cob Mills. Leather Hellers, Tan Packers, Trlpplu Gcalliig for herse liewcr. PUMPS. Belt and Gear Pumps: Mining Pumps; Cem blncd Pumps and Heaters. Ccrltrjfugal Pump. Steam Pump. Gearing, Pulleys, Fly wheels, Clump Heles, Hangers, Couplings, Cellar.", Steel hleiM and Tees, Pulley Plates, Packing Hoxes, Mill hplndles, Mill Husblugs, Ac., Ac, Ac PIPES. Wrought lien, Ionian, Steam aud WaUr. C.mt Iren 1'Iih-s. Helier Tubes, Well Casting, FITTINGS. Fer Water and Steam, Valves, Cocks, Steam Gsuges, ges, (iaugu uoeks, uiass water uaiigcs, fely Valves, Whistles, (ilobe Valves, jovnners, Patent Self Feeding Lu- caiei brlcaters. Glass Oil Cups Glass iuik's, xnieciers or Heller reedcrs. PACKING Hemp, Asl'te, Gum nnd Plum bago. HELT1NG Gum, Cotten and Leather. CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren and Urass. Heller Iren, Sheet Iren, liar Iren, and Steel. HEATERS Fur Dwelling?, Schools aud Public Hutldlugs. STEAM HEATING. Estimates. Drawings nnd P.ittern Werk fur nished at Kcugonable Hates. rr Kepalrlng promptly und careiully at tended te. Address, Jehn.' iBest & Sen, . . NO. 333 EAST FULTON STREET, LACA-srWffcVW, ,.,3anl5.Iydw lTJLTJi I'AJ'JUt. -lyiNDOW SUUKENS. The Mosrjulteas and Fleas are plenty, l-'or a Small Investment In .Wire Window Screens -AND- DOORS, Yeu can get rid of them. Prlce within teach of all-sec.,s5c.,(jOc.,nj.,7nc.,75,wx;.,'.i0c.,tnc., ll.ie up te tiW apiece, according te sire and kind. We can make them In v cry short time. LA110E LINE OP WALL PAPERS In all the leading styles, from recent New Yerk sales. Puier hangers te de ull kinds el work In best manner. We have opened a Cholce Line et New Pat terns In DADO WINDOW bllADES, very low in prlce. Plain Goods In all widths ter all stjles orwindevvs. Spring und Cord Plxtuics, Fringes, Ac. Lucu Cuitalus, Poles, Ac. Within the last ten days, bought from recent sales In Eastern markets, comprising all grades et goods. Hanging In best manner. AJse a cholce line or LACE CURTAINS. WStoie closes ut 0 p. in., eiccpt Saturdays. PharesW. Fry, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA. COAK. BIJ. MARTIN, WnOLBSALBAKDIUrrAIC, Dealer in All Kinds of Limber and Ceal WYard: Ne. 4J0 North Water and l'rlnce slrcets abeve Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lv d T AUMOAUDNEUS & JEFFKIUICH, COAL DEALERS. OrrieKS : Ne. 123 North gueen street, and Ne. 6M North Prince street. Yabds: North Prince street, near Reading Depet, LAN0A8TEK, PA. auglMId piOAlj. M. V. B. COHO, KM NORTH WATEH STREET, Lancustcr, Pa., WUOLMALB AKD RSTAIL DKALXK IN LUMBER AND COAL. COHlrCUTIOK WITH TUK TBLirHOMIO ElOUAKOS. Yabd akd OrriCB S Ne. 330 NORTH WATER STREET. reM8-lyd TjlABT END YARD. C. J.SWARR&CO. GOAL. - KINDLING WOOD. Ort ic t Ne. 20 Centra Square. Deth yard and offlce connected with telephone exchange. aprl3-lydM4F.lt JEW CATION AL. TmDUOATIONAIi. COLLEGE OF COMMERCE. OFFICE-NO. 1500 CHESTNUT ST., PHIL'A, A Leading Scheel of lluslness Sciences. Occu pies two commodious buildings. Open all the year. Students iuuy commenco nt any time, A faculty of 10 Instructors and lecturers. Supe rior faellltles ter training young men und women in the Ferms, Customs and "Practices of Current lluslness Procednre, and for tbosno tbesno tbosne cBsful conduct or private und public affairs. Send ter Illustrated circulars. Fall Term begins September 1, lCbS. JyiMmwAlimi THUS. J. PlltCKETT, Prill. y JSVAN'B KLOUK. LEVAN'S FANCY ROULEn FLOUfl, Makes Elegant llrcad. Fer sale by Oreccrs fencrally, Levan ie Bena, Merehant Millers. , OiB 89 U7 NOKTH 1'EINCK BT. apiWJmd T AN0A8TR AND Ml JLJ K. K.TIMM lTAHI.K ., ni..-t 11"" .-tl Cars leave LaaeaHer fe MHMnTWe s ' M7' uars leave Lasearter te HIIwiWe s ij :mnndll0a.m..Rnila.Mwliij 1, C Cars leave Mlllersvllte ter timet a '..r f 'It W g-w anu 10.00 a, m., and lMlHt 7te t ip, ,!jgr XJ LINK HAlI.UdAlv .be, f. )il Auiffdntarte rAsMaim nutr.' tP, SUNDAY. MAY , M88, NORTHWAUD. Bun 1 v , Lebanon. 8;00 2:13 e! Kie' AV. A j. Si i Is 10 t t An tif . r V. Arnve. Cornwall 7: IM Manlielm. 7:15 Iras Lancaster.. ...i 0:17 K-M- Ring St, Lane. 6.M KM Leave. A. w, p. x, . SOUTHWARD. . Jenve. a. m. p. n. e-.m S.3 r.K. 9:91 B-.a 810 A.V. P. W. v A'. M. IH)lannn...i... 7n i? 9an 7: 8-01 8:10 0:11 Cornwall 7:3 IJ-.M 7: Jlnnlielm S'flB Jiis 8:111 LaneiMter 8JS 1:M 8:i8 Arrive King St., Lane. 8:M S48 8:SB A. M. Wilse. Bunt. Hlll.lt.IL n v- u : - jz."-. -7i vi. ..v. vs. OVHULUIO. flIBL L. IHH U. . 11. V " - U.K., --i , AB'' aH0lUlBEtT,8upt.P.K,ll.B., alMyd.w ?$:? TJKADINn . r.nr.iiMlTiiy'"A AKRANOEMENT OIT PASSEMOieK Tlli iWS X SUNDAY, MAY W.'Wf.' NORTHWAUD. M ., i.. Ai- ,! P. t. rr'-; uutuniK.. v.a ASRIVB. Columbia ,.,., vi) Wtjiw' rt.'fV( "V 1M ?...'.!" ouncueu..,,,.,, 7UW ' I'lilriLlna k t ynivfiiV'aiN(iMMiltii 7UV F ! lAncMler.... 7.w V1M8 IjincnstcrlKluR Street).. 7J8 JW9 Uuarryvllle...., &m.... Li a vs. A.X. P.M. UAVa. A. . . Reading .., 1-MJtM Asm vs. -., r.U. Marietta Junction B .... Chlcklns..... (KM .... Columbia , (MS 2-06 Lancaster. felt . 1:58 Ijincnter(Kln(8treet).. 0-30 S.-05 Ouarryvllle 100 .... a.j. p.m. r. K irTralns connect at Heading wllh trail vie and rrem I'hlladelphla, PotUvTlle, Harrlsl t, Allcntewn, and New Yerk, vluileund Ur jb Reute. . At Columbia with trains te and from wt, Hanover, Ueltysburir, Frederick nnd llaltln i v ., At Marietta Junction with train te and . it Chlcklcs. At Man helm with trains le and from Lebii inn AtLnncaitcr Junction wllh trains teamlt'ini Lancaster and Ouarryvllle. SUNDAY. Uave Quarryvllle, 7:10a. m.t Lancaster, f tn street, S.08 u. m.. 3M p. m. Arrl ve Rcadlnif, loiie a. in., 5 M p. in. Irf-ave Rcadtntr, 7i a. in , L-oe p. m. Arrive Lancaster, KlnR Ulroel, tWMa. m.,AS n.iii.t Qtiarryvllle, C.l0p.m. aprll lllvdiw A.M.WII.90N,8u,)i, PENNSYLVANIA KAILHOAD 8CIIIJD-, JULE. ' Trains leave Lanraslcr and loave and airtye at Philadelphia as fellows s Leave W EST WARD. Philadelphia, News Express ( :.T)a. m. ' Wav Passenirerl 4-JO ' , Ia' La nra r.-a i. 0:31 .se II.M 2.001 210 JlalllnilnvluMi.Jey 7:00 - Ne -i Mall train!. via Columbia. Niagara Express Hanover Accnin Fast Line Dally) Frederick Accem... 1aneeMcr At com... II.irilKlnirfT Accem.. Columbia Arcem.... Iliinl.tliini; Express. (Jlil. t Cln. Express.) Western Express)..' PacIQc Express (.... KA'JTWAItD. l'hll'a Express)..... Fast Line Ilarrisbunr Express. Lauc'r. Aicetn., ar... Columbia Accem..... Seashore Express.... Johnstown Express) dally except Sunday Sunday Mall Day Express) Harrisburi; Accem. 7:10 a. in. via Columbia, 11:.V) a. m. via Columbia, via Mt. Jey. 2:13 p. m. 4. tO 6:10 " SM 10 ( " Hffl9 " Leave in. 2.W 6-30 7: 7:40 10-11 1J.10 I in. An1vel Phlladcli Us. 4.25 l-2S l(h20 ' Via. Alt, apy, 1I:Hb. a. 3.15 li. til. S-SO 5:43 ' 050 . " Lancaster. 2.27 M (,'( " WO " K-M 0-00 12JW p. m 2.04 ' 3-00 " 4 " 6.15 ra:.w i .v.t.ev The Marietta Accommodation leaves CeiutubU at 11:1A a. in., reaching Marietta at 12.01. Letves Marlettnnl3'lS p.m. andnrrlvcsntCalumbU.it . nt 3 JO : also leaves at 8-.13 and arrives at SM. A The Yerk Accommodation leaves Mariclti. at , 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8.00, connecting wllh Han Isbunr Express nt 8:10. i The Frederick Accommodation, west, con nedt i lnjc at Itncaster with Fast Line, west, at2:J03, , m.,will run threuah te Frederick. z iAr '1 he Frederick Accommodation, east, le'ss" ,c Coliiieblaatl'jsoandreaolies Iecntr.a;l- t " l.nu ' -. hi Jjf A,jfw" Thn Lancaster AecomwIedaUaa. , Miist. Ism: V -,,'( IT.TrrliirsatfctOp. uuaa4arrlvelaLacl'tyi; v'g" Hanover AccemmnatMmrrfqtamimmmtu. rtw AAncasier wimn inaara a,cwnaiL. Deutuviilt; v v ;' run threnh te IDuiover, d.ij"at-a: a. w!.. tHWi4Ui Tt Wa VWM uujr vmxcasmai 111. Jinr. KIIrift?r1 A I'liA nnln v 1 HiHlBta m 1 I -p' . Uui Hall train -weit run l7 wt of CeiumLU. -lOnNWArili AND X.KBATVTON ASn J COLEIUl()OK.YAI.I.B?rJiAlAaiJAIJ3. (O0THWAB3. Trains leave Lebanon dally (except Sunda; alC3)em.. ltoeanilTJOi). bl. , Arrive u Cornwall ut6.fl a. nul&Mp. m. nt" 7.10 p. id.; at Conewaco at 7:29 n. in., 1:26 and p. ni., ceuuectlnK with the. Pennsylvania I r read ier points east and west. KOBTHWAne. Trains leave Conowage at 7 JO a, in., 8:30 and S.25 p. III. Arrive at Cornwall at 8 00 a. m., 4:18 and 0 j rV in.; at lbanennt8-20a. iu., LSO and ti.15 p. u., connecting at Lebanon with Philadelphia ami' Renting railroad rer points east and west, n-d the Lebanon and Tremont llmnch ter Je"os town, I'lncgroveandTromorit. ThuCAia. in. train will step enlyat Ceni"Sli Colcbreok und Dolialre. OAlUtlAOEH. CTANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. Edward Edgerley, FINE CAKUIAGE BUILDERT U UKET STREET, HEAR Or POSTOmCE, LANCASTER, PA. A LAUUX STOCK OF BTIGfrrES fcCAExUAKES Cemprislni; the Latest Styles aud most Ho He intntly Finished, at QREATLY REDUt.LD PRICES, iryeuwuth te purchase a geed tra de, my work Is decidedly the chcaicst In ' ha statu. MOTTO-" FAIR DEALING AND HONE T WORK." 3-Don't rail te encnuratre geed work. AH Wnrlr KIII.1.Y WARRANTE bif JHiwesi, ran' for REPAIRING AND REPAINTING On't-ft of workmen eieclally employed for tnut par par pese. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. nev2UUdAw -VTOKBEUK & MIIjEY. LANCASTER CARRIAGE WORKS, Norbeck'& Miley, Prep's. CORNER DUKK AND VINE STREETS, I AH CA&TKll J?A y . THE LARQEST AND CIIEAPE8T RETAIL WORKS IN THE CITY Oil COUNTY. WE CAN AND DO BELL A3 MS(li A VEHICLE O sS("t A8 AN'Y OTI.a IUII?DEUA rK j$$& you will net wonder. ft yjJflB Patronlze these that deserve-It. Onr ;t present is very lur luniiorreuuuiieu. . , if ... . . -. ...wu, a .. ..,. ti vve uoasiei uur itii..., T" '' extolled. ' ,'2 J; WE HAVE A LARGE BTOCK Of -ii, FINE SEOOND-HAND WORCVM C0N91STINO OK IIUOMRS. WMtTQtfB, 0-Vs J -1 w n.. which Willie sold nbean. 7 ' -'Ai-J " "" - I.' v. -v -Qiveusa caU and be convlnea, Ken f ' ).-, lag neatly dose. Basn Z! .Sti Zl ;: v-i ir. vy a I h fl ? ,. T I lS'i5g, . tt. 4 M i ' - it .. rn m ZO& (VJii. i Zf'l ' ' 5$3L r. v. ewxr'Bi M.' r &i -Oil f il" TWitS 153 w A . XRTt & 3Z?4,i:H?.'W a Wi .. . "'(SV1. M 5i!S " ,-L;,aMD JS ill -Uf1Xvm p.., " ttlff 8:10 v" - 'tm 8: i. 4- , ?$? 8i f. .yrM i X. t- 'li-.iJd m vWm U " It-S r". m e v wa .&&$i X 11 w yi 43 a! 'W VrT 1 rfc .- M V,j a still $?T$$W . A m$b 'tf , .. . ir. . . f ... 1 S. i" if