T-i' iT- ',. " ' t-, rif "' 9-V wPjT. iv i $7t. . 1U 11 .. --. -. s'- ifv y ? l " 1 ? t, THB 'LANCASTER DAILT INTELLIGENOBB, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26,1885 ' w Vv 1 rf Big , V MUKHi," t ' ' EVWy tVtWH IN THE YEAR f' (0imj Jfcetpted) vMrtKMMM tUBWM. V I '.i I MilCIJENCEIl iUILDINa, r W. Cewtwi CiHTHia SqviM, C, ,ULta.MM, r. t'Cfenb a Week. Fin DMart a r Fifty Ctntta Menth. Voltage Free. HKMKNTSfrem Ten te Fifty Ctnll WHK f LY INTELLIGENCER, 5 ( JNpM fag.) :& (hmmHu Every, Wednesday Mornike, I. . ... V A ifWe.Z6i.ard Pterin .4 (franc. s.fV fll,4 Vl GOMMMtONntelfCXevHcitcd from ncrvpert if HH wWi and country. Grrepenrtniarr MtaifaMAin-i ImHMv and een till 6 (A R& dpr. jnty end e Mirn lAe.r tiam, no( or $ rttrapen.,&tu;n proof iff geed faith. Alt Mil leuert vrut e eenngnea tetne ireiw l.tttrt andFt,rmt TV l-cnti-P AMrnlW L 'IIIthV ifiTELLiaENCEfl, tcrSntclltgcuccr. ICASTKK, AUGUftTai, 1883. in-. rSy$$$n Law art the Tariy. .Tbeitteniey genera litis flled bills be- i--iiEi i.L TTl.l l- .11 ' t. .. I VTO :'; VUlltliUk JlllUISUlllg. UUIllillllllllg -, ' that iW transfer of tlie Seuth l'cnn and 11 10 ' 'Beftcfepeek railroads te ll.el'ennsj.vanln 'IrotidlBesteppedjandliolKis been granted , fK U&apSirary injunction in nccenlancq with "Wlite prayemntll Uie eighth day of Sentem- xObStsr ' , 3? HThei-Bievcmcnt thus inaugurated we Avelianllysay is of tlie most important teSfiRwCharacter. it will lead te a uellnlle settle- JK s?Sraentef HUe relations of railroad PSljVtlonatelho state. Tlieyli '?ffifr(lxsn te, de pretty much iW.Jmd have had no 'Vfcle&V iAJ all suits his renkrkaWe Jl. one Is se full e resources, h vljforeus, uSs tiring, undtemayable, eloquent and bold in a contest as Mr. Gewcn, and when he can get before the people of Pennsylvania with such an issue as this, in a legal and peliti cal campaign, he will make Reme howl. We foresee the very liveliest campaign this state has ever known. The presidential cempaigns will pale their Ores befere it and the memory of the hard cider campaign of Tip pecanee and Tyler, tee, will be eclipsed. Ileie is an issue upon which the hearts of Fcmu ylvanla pcople are warm, and where but ordinary men could make the state n flamc ; nud (here is nothing erdlnaiy about Gewcn, armed and n-herse. Tun warm wcather crop of claltnanta for big fortunes Is larger than usual this year. m . ' TiiEnu Is an interesting problem lnstato lnstate lnstato heod drawing ncarer for solution in the com ing constitutional convention of the counties of the southern half of Dakota. It is the purpese te propare for the admission of this portion of tlie territory into tne union as a state. Dakota claims a population of 400,000, or which 250,000 belong te the Southern and the balance te the Nerthern soctlen. Some ,of the comparisons made botween these pro posed states, and theso already in the Union are - cry striking. Dakota has a total area of about 150,000 square inltea. California is larger, and se Is Texas. After the division each ct the hew states will be geographically larger than Missouri or Georgia, and half as large ngaln as New Yerk. What theso two divisions shall be called Is new a burning question with the residents or the territory. The present condition of Nevada should be held lull In the faces of congressmen when they ceme te the consideration of Dakota's division into In e states. Unless its elements of prosperity en close Investigation ghe promlse of pormanence, thore should be no hesitation In refusing the petition for state-heed. W I MANAGED AN EDITOR. MOHMVH ATTACKXB IX ZOSDOV. The Meb's Tit k solemn silence of llcpublicau organs en tlie nnti-adinhilstratlen Issue Is thick enough te cut. cornera- tMf -tlonste tlie state. Tiiey hitherto liave felt us tiiey pleased, no scruple te rtvlf1 Am linlli nt llin Inm iil jfTfti - U wu liaivci. ul hiu imv iiu JyiWyZ w uai'v in t;uti:u nuu iuui, jl i.ibiiui in n Ki . vtvaiace ar. iiuuuuu .my inuui.iiicu uctfin lWi iegly offered by the law te their aims. Tlie 'Ibld corporations have avoided control of riv teas ftWi L5 notwreng tliem in rcfusiug te permit them Erlt te conseUdato. It seem clear cneugMhat rL .v ' ii.. nnAia ni" " - -"" r ..-.-- . ggggmmmfrrutici una in rnmrKHiins ihnt llinv innorne- jg. UVI'MtUW V.J WWMJ-M'1. -. wJ--- '?. isit i. fi i l r ii. i.i :.. " -6 Tuie, u uifxy wxui if uesu iur iuu imuuu jii t Jtsn ' ineiwwxonsuiuuen uy cuiming mat mey iVcwere no' under it3 previsions, being pro pre iPtectcd by tlielr prier charters. This prc- t'" r -"-J "' 'a5S which the l'ennsylvania milre.td will rest its claim that it is free te buy the control of competing lines, which the consti tution plainly forbids. It is high time that it should be decided hew far the railway corporations chattered befere the adoption of the constitution are con trolled by it ; though a decision in this case that the Pennsylvania raihead was free from its control would still net enable it te consolidate with new railroads that are unquestionably under the restraint of .- ..... .. .... i; the constitution, as the forbidden conseli- uauen weuiu uertmmcrrerDOiu. l" Ne doubt n. crrcat inanv Ann lprr.il linintK will be raised in the issue and the lawyers ill be in clever in arguing tliem and the ages vin trouble in dccldinc tliem. But te the plain sense of the pee- iiue lucre is neiuing cempucateu in tne 'jt jsbue anu neimng uimcuit in its uetenni- nation. Thev willnssume that the twonle hf Jhave a right te control their corporations, f'J'i Wliue QOUUKJiiem nn wrnnrr . mill llinv iln r iiinm n- . . . : .... the neenl' nrr: .l- . i-- -. l jijS?' ftpredt. Tftlvlian net lliii tiniver it is hS' netasy te conceive what ieuer they may f1,av,f- ,... J. 110 ceuruj win nuiii neiiuu iiuik I4 " the people have deprived themseHes of the power te keep separate, coiper.v- " tiens which have been chartered separately. T'Whcn the people are declared te be thus v bound around, it will botime for rovolu revolu rovelu " tienand reorganization. It will notbe democracy, when corporations which the people creute may unite themselves to gether against tlie peoples' prohibition, and become stiengcr than their cieater. An issue of this itality laised at the opening of a political campaign passes neccssaiily into it te control it. It cannot be kept befere tlie judges. It must go befere the people, for it is a political as well as a judicial question; and whatever tlie decision of the courts, it is absolutely certain that the decision of the pcople, which will be the final one, will reserve te them the right te control their jcreaturcs. If they h.ive net done it already "under their legal forms, they will de it hereafter. It is simply impossible that in this great state competing railroad corpo rations shall boableto unite when the pcople forbid it. And that is the only question in the issue new raised. The Democratic party, whose governor and attorney general ha ve cast the power - .of the state against the impudent railroad attempUQjleride the constitution, throws itself hotly and heartily and wholly into the effort te preserve tlie people lrem rail road corporation domination. - Its convention meets te-day, mid enthu siastically ratifies tlie stand its state ofll efll cers liave taken. The political thrust and ' the legal thrust are made in unison, and it Is as well that it is se. It is te be understood plainly that the JJoinecmtic party has made its final interpretation of the law in this matter. It asks the ceuit for its decision, although its own mind is made up , for it is a party of law. If the law is construed net te be what it deems it, then it will reform the law and make it agree with its vlew of what is demanded by popular sovereignty. There isnedis- pute about this at all.. Tlie law must for bid railroad consolidation, says the Demo Deme cratic party. That is its stand. It be lieves that the law new does this ; and if does net, then it w ill reform it ; but (be result it demands must come. 'cf , upon this it takes its position and asks k J: Athesutwortef the people 1 JA .it.. - ' .. - Tun New Yerk Mugwumps liave proved the righteousness of their cause, The regular Republican organization are new begging llieui te ceme back within the old party lines. Tim president of Princeton college, Dr. McCesli, Is ene ei the leading educators of tlie age, and w hate cr he lias te say en edu cation is entitled te most respectful considera tion. He has been recently delivering him self of some opinions en the subject of ath letics In American colleges, the gist of which are that alhletlcs and brains are hard te har monize. He believes in athletics, but he finds that theso students whose bleeps Is as hard and as high as the Alleghcnles, are net apt te pass u geed examination In Greek and Latin, liej s cannot train for a beat race and study llorace at tlie tnme time. If they bo be bo ceino ambitious te put up a two hundred pound dumbbell they de it at the oxpcnBe of mathematics and the modern languages. This is old fogy talk. It Is true that under the present dcolepmeutof collego athletics much tlme Is taken from class work, but ihls stem discipline of the tlesh atlccts only a limited number of students. Jly an intelli gent ceurse or exercise, a llttle each day, a student will llnd his muscles growing hard er, his bleed Hew lug freer, and his whele llfe quickened. Then it becomes a pleasure te -run from his books te his dumbbells and In dian clubs, and he w 111 c cutiully llnd real bed In himself the ideal of a sound mind In a sound body. Dr. McCosh's remarks ha e the tendency te encoumge exccssUe study and te repress Intelligent recreation. Tlie bookworm, with stunted muscles, is well enough In his way, and takes many honors in his cellege career. Later years usually llnd him In tlie employ of his inore robust "It's the natural result of a sevcrc ceurse ei Swinburne I" I snatched up my manuscript, and was leaving the room Hushed with shame, trem bling with rage and Indignation, when the editor's olce arrested my attention. Iturned round and looked at him scornfully, ter I felt I could have withered him wlthnglance) but he did net seem te feel It much. "You're a most Impetuous yeunglady," he said In a slew, low, musical volce. "I have net hainiulsucd my criticism or this very remarkable production ; " and he took the manuscript quietly but resolutely from my trembling fingers, "New Miss" "Jenes," 1 said shortly. "Ne, net Jones: but the name will serve;" and I felt his keen irrav eves en my face, and observod an nuiused smlle hovering round the cornersof his mouth, which was uair muuen by a long, lair, drooping mous tache, "New, Miss Jenes, pray sit down" be indicated a high Icathor-cevored cbalr Just oppeslto te him "and let us talk this matter ever. If you had been content, llke ether aspiring young authors, te send your contribution In the ordinary way, through the medfum of the nestman and a new spa per wrapper, It would have been docllned, doubt less, anu roiurneu wan or wnneuv m w temary, though net very consoling, ranks 5 but since you have bearded the lien In his den, you must listen te me ler a few min utes." , , 1 bowed and sat down. lie had get out his scalpel and was going te scarify me merci lessly, but as I had brought It en myself, I fait I must horelcallv onilure it. thellell I glanced surreptitiously round the "den" in search of seme means of cseape. He "flxed tue wmi ins guttering eye," ami i waucu, wonderlng why I had been no mad and mis guided as te outer an editorial ofllce at all. Hlewly, deliberately, with a sort orilendlsh satisfaction, he smoethod out tlie crumpled manuscript, glancing at me w 1th amused In terest. "Why de you wrlte poetry, Miss Jenes V "I don't knew; bocause 1 llke te, I sup sup pese." "A woman's reason therefore allil. Hut de you honestly and really think It necos neces sry for poeplo, een In poetry, and supio supie slng they are very much in leve with each ethor which no ene is nowadays ltlsneces- sary ier mom 10 no duieii' ana sinuien, anu that sort of thing 7 Is it really desirable In the intercsts of common humanity for hearts te be 'rnelted' and 'smolted'?" and he placed ms unger unuer a certain stanza. "Tins sen MtCDIOAX A4A .- Wild Iterance en Uia rrosclrtjeg SaJnU or Utah. Fer some time past several Mermen mk slonarlMbave been laboring with great energy In the East end of Londen and have suc ceeded In making many converts and prose lytes In spite of persistent opposition. Kocently there have been reports that theso mission artes have been systematically kidnapping them te Utah te be "sealed" te rich Mor mons. . All sorts of stories have been told about the harems kept by the wealthy Mor mons and the Indignities lnlllcted upon the girls who were entrapped Inte becoming their wives. Theso reperts have greatly exasperated the East-cnders, and Tuesday night an Infurlated mob Invaded and took possession of the hall in which tne missionaries wero spcaiung. e U MY BACK I Dltr UOOV.1. ViUMMEU CLOTHING. vJ VVyywyt The Invaders stermed the platform, smashed most or tne lurnuure in me nan anu maoen total wreck of everything en the platform. The seven elders who had been conducting the services fled for their lives. The rioters chased thorn through the streets, pelting them with filth and with overy sort of mis mis sile that could be picked up. Heveral of the elders wero captureu anu were terriuiy abused by the mob. Their clothing was tern le aureus, anu luey were ecaieu uniii wey wero unconscious and almost lifcless. The rioters, evidently bollevlng thorn dead, lied and left the Mormons lying naked and bleed ing en the mveinent, where they were after ward found by the police. m -m p THE UNREALIZED IUE.VI- My only leve Is aln ays near In country or In town I see licr twinkling feet, 1 hear The whlMicref her gown. She foots It ever fair and young, Merlecknnre tied Inluutei Ana otie Is e'er lier shoulder nuns, And bangs below her waist. She runs befere me in the mends, And down this world worn track She leaiU us en but whlle she leads Jjhe no cr gazes back. And jctlier volce Is In my dieaniB, Te witch me mere and mere, That wooing volce t Ah me It hceiiis, Less near me than of yore. Lightly 1 sited when hepe was high, And youth beguiled the chage ) I fellow fellow ullll, bub-I , Shall nevcrj.ee her face. Frederick lAtcl.tr. Every Strain or Celd Attack th&t Weak llack and nearly prostrate you. Brown's Iren Bitters, THE BE8T TONIC. STKKNOTlIKNfl THE MUSCLES. STEADIES THE WVJmpilT0. PHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND IT. Dr. J. L. Mtkiis, Knlrflcld. Iown, says ! "Urown'slren Ultters Is the best Iren medi cine I have known In my 30 jears experience. I have found It specially lienoflelat i In nervous or Mllv.lr.UhHii.tlAnnnA In ,.11 flMllULatlUir ftU incntsthtttbcnrsolKiavllyen the system. Us It freely In my own family." Ucnulne has trnde mark nnd crossed red lines en wrapper. TAKE NO OTHEK. Made only by- BltOWN CHEMICAL CO .I1ALT1MOKE, JVD. Ladies' 1Iam Uoek Useful nnd attractive, containing list or prlres fei receipts, Informa tion about coins, etc .given away by all dealers In medicine, or mailed te any address en receipt of 2c. stamp. (7) HAGER & BROTHER. LIGHT-WEIGHT SUMMER CLOTHING READY-MADE. DJtX UOODH. TOUN B. CUVLEH. (JEO. F. KATHVON. thuent, for instance. Is simply ferocious." "Don't I" I cried angrily. "It's cry cruel and unkind or you I It you don't want my poetry, jeu can say se, and hae deiid with it I" "My passion Hew ed forth as n torrent,' which, or course, rhymes with 'abhorrent.' " "Slop, pleasel" and I thrust my flngers into my cars in the most undignified misery ; but I could net shut out the sound of the clear, nulet, mocking olce. but still there was the horrid, gleatlnsr, goon looking editor watching me steadily, his fellow-student, who knew hew te nriWtiitirr.T manuscript ' . UIIMUIJ ., , " 1 " 1 band rcstlntr en my beautifully written poem ; I thought then, and think te this day, that It was anil is beautiful. When I looked at him again he was laughing at my distress, smiling te himself llke a ghoul or a harpy, or something equally horrid, but that he was exaspcratingly leek-looking. "New, Miss Jonas, what else htue veu written besides this ery rcmarkable pro duction T" with another suppres-scil htiille. "Sume blank erse and blanker prose, Aud mere of both than anybody knows." 1 reply, a little bitterly. " Will ou please gUouieniy manuscript? I'm ery herry te hae troubled you; I shall iioer de he again." "Oh, yes, you will, nnd I shall be ery glad le consider some of the blank prese you speak se despairingly of! If jeu will let uioBeoii nice, nuttcr-ef-fact, cummenplacu little story, or n short article en Heme useful domestic subject, such as 'The Aerage Mervanl ' or ' occupation ler tilrw 'any thing of that sort can jeu suggest any thing?" and he leeks at me gnu cly nud ritiostlenlngly something Ileel ami at tractive, that might be treated brlcllv and brightly, made a feature et jin short, 1 shall IxMeiyglad te consider anything of that sort you may favor me with, Sllss Jenes." He always imused mast proveklngly after the " Miss," and I hardly luiew wholherte be angry or te laugh outright, as I stam mered a feoble " Thank you." " And you really should cut Hw inburne," he addeil.wlth. a meaning gluuce at the Should Itncheler 'residents Marry 1 Theso who knew l'rtsldcnt Cleveland well, assert that he has no Intention of marrying during his term of ofuce. IJe Is snld te be wed ded te his duties, and Is the hardest worker the While Heuse has et seen. He has a constitu tion nlile te stand a vast amount of labor, and Durrv's I't'iiE Malt Wiiiskev will prevent all bad effect from overwork or Insomnia, and keep his sjntem In a state of perfect health. Secure u bottle from tiny leading druggist or grocer, which Is free adulteration, and safely adapted te the most dclluite system. m tm A Ijuly l'rofcsser et Cooking Sa) i " Let cooking he en nrtiheeVfully taught, nnd the kitchen will be us nttractlve as the pallor mid the table alwuyn cheerful and bright." She has It. It Is clumsy cookery thaf.ls responsible for nearly an tne uyspepsia ei an eeuiurj-. Jtut It Is llmwu's 1 ran lllttc combine Hludy nnd oscrclse. alll of This is iVi r Tin: census ei Minnesota shows 337,71 1 peenlpjn. the past U.WKV a roiuarkable showing. PER80NAL. Coi.e.si:n J. H. Mesnv, late United States consul at Heng Keng, arrhed at San rnin rnin clsce en Monday en the steamer City or New Yeik. Hisuer Bi.cicuu, of Wllmlugteu, it Is haid will be translerred te Savannah, and Hev. Dr. J"eley will probably succeed him in tlie see of Wilmington. Kn.vnsT Merrill, of Auburn, JIe., has a collection of autographs or revolutionary horeos, Including a loiter written by Paul Revere, bearing the date ei June W, 17!C Themas J. Ci.uverius, convicted of kil ling his cousin, Miss Madisen, is said te have improved In ilesh and strength during his Imprisonment in Kluhmeml, and te proscrve a cheerful demeanor. Tiinoneiin rw:Li:fiiu'Mi!N, bon of the late ox-secretiry of state, was nmrrled en Tuesday morning at Newport te JIIss Alice C'oates, daughter of James Ceales, of theilrin of J. it 1. Ueates, or Scotland. Piuncj: T.euis Keiiiii.vani), of llavailn, has received his diploma as doctor of medi cine, aud Is telling laithlully as assistant sur geon in the Nymphenbeiirg hospital. He is a son-in-law of Isabella, ex-queen of Spain. ltUTLKit denies all that has been recently saldel his seeking Cldv eland's favor. JIe says : " 1 should be very unhappy te have the Impression getabreul that! had any in in llueuce whatever with the present administra tion, bocause I should be overwhelmed with reiiuesls for rocetnmendations fej- place." Jesurii IX Hevvijn, the eldest Master Masen in the United State", died in l'hlla l'hlla delphla en Sunday nfternoen. He was 01 years old, and was the eldest past master In this jurisdiction and the senior member of the tiraud Ledged Pennsylvania. He was installed the first master et Mount Merlah Ledgo, Ne. 155, sixty-eight years age. Aiicimn, the famous Jockey, has docllned a "reUilner" lrem tlie l'rlnce of Wales, te the scandal of the loyal Ilrltens who regard the Intimation ofareyal wlshns tlie most impera tive of commands. In point of laet, Iho prince could net pay Atcher anything llke the figures tliat the crack Jockey receives from ether employers, whlle the stable will be small and net contain many animals of the highest class, If any at ul). Dit. Mahtim:au In his address te the graduates of Manchester New cellege, in lmgland, emphasized with much earnestness anil vigor the necessity in education of hard work and personal cllert en the part of tlie student. He thinks that, whlle the old fashioned pructlce of civ ing if youth studies that he specially disliked, ler disciplinary purposes, was tee ascetic, it Is preferable te the prevalent custom of the present day, in which he solects only what he prefers, ami feels at llberly te put aslcle all tlie rest Weebe unto the Republican party ptit, Grinds aloof. It will go dtAamKfaMatil flirt mitTlitir nieli E' fte Vi)iitiXll"thoJ)emecrntlopaity is left in ji V9nmmm, possession or tue issue it. ue ' " nf js.:4'if.tl ...in i. ....i 1..1..1.. .,- 1-1, S9SHIB, SHSD "" UU Ull.itlMUlULCiy CC11.I1I1 ' .j m'Ml 9i the political majority in tlie L 1 SJ 4 W '?WRii;A,v " . )WT ' " .Uswcb'b OppertHBlty. Jtf.JsVWIlestetter says that he and Maet(rf " are awaiting the return of Mr. Qwa from Europe te determiue their eeujM te .railroad matter. It is easy Mentgk f" fofee what Mr. Gewen will tte. J Tills is his - opportunity qt& br te . the field that beet of i 'w K W: Death or Kx-flovciiier 1'enleil. A special telegram lrem Jamcstew n, N. Y., stitesthat ox-(Ievernor Uouben 11 l-'euten dled suddenly Tuesday aftornoen at about three o'clock vhile at his desk in the First National bank, of which he was president Cash ler E. Morgan slopped into the room te consul him and saw the ex-geverner with his bead leaning upon thechair and breathing neavuy. jjouurrieute nun anu uie cierKs called a physician, but death resulted seen after he was discovered In an unconscious condition. It Is thought that death resulted from heart disease. Decoased was born In the town of Carrell, Chatauqua reunty, New Yerk, July -1, 1819, and was consequently in his slxty-soventli year. He was the yeungest beii of Geerge Washington ronten. His early Hfe was passed in mercantile pursuits. In 1852 he w as elected te Congress, being re-elected in 1S50, 1858, I860 and IhOi In 1SG1 he defeated Horatio Soyiieur for governor, being the candidate or the Kepublicnu party. In 1SG0 he was re-elected governor, and in ISO'.) he was elected United States senater. Slnce leaving the sonate in 1875 his only public, position was that et chairman et tlie United States commission at the International mili tary conference held In l'arls in ISiO. CAN"NKVKlt CO JIE OVKIl AOAI.V, The world gees up uud tba w erld gees down, And the lunchlne fellows the rain t And yesterday's sneer and yesterday's frown Cart never coma eyer again, Sweet Mlr, Xe, never come ever tujaln. don't knew Mr. Swinburne j that I", 1 met him only once, nnd then he said some thing te me in Greek," 1 added. "He might have said something, much worse. Hut I mean you shouldn't doveto se much or your tlme te his poetry, the ' rooms and Hallads,' for instance, and the Songs Hofero Sunrise.' " " liew de j ou knew I de ?" " Internal ovldenco ;" and he touched my manuscript " This betrays u severe course. Yeu must alter your ayle, Mis Jenes. Tiinecueugh for you te ceme te the cj nlcal-inetapliyslcal-liitomprehensiblo hi ten jears, say. S'eu'll be oducated up te the point or net believing a word of It by that time. Kindly loave me your address, and the manuscript shall be returned In the usual way." "Ne. 17 llrewn street, llloemsbury, W. C." I replied, my face crimson ; " care or Mrs. Kent" He wroteit down, and then btoed up te hi. dlc.de that the luterv low was ever, bowed formally, and then touched a llttle bell. Sud denly a small beynppeared, who conducted me down dark, break-neck stairs, through several meuldy, dus'y, labarlntliine pis sages, and out through a bookseller's shop. I lelt mere thoroughly unall, mean, misera ble and digusted than I had ever felt in my whele llfe, as 1 emerged from the shady by street containing the olllce Inte the light and bttstle efl'lccadllly s and as I get Inte a 'bus 1 vowed nover agalu te ceme ten personal encounter with an editor. Hitherto I had been content te drop my llttle contribution modestly Inte the letter boxes or certain weekly publications that delight in small slorles, or I would scud them by pest, and await the result with what patience I could. Sometimes niv stories aud v erscs w ere ae- copted, sometimes net : and I fancied that if an odlter only knew hew exceedingly In dustrious 1 was, hew dovetcdly attached te my calling, ier I had married the muse ei literature ler better, for worse, there was no choice bctweeu doing that nnd belng a governess, he would have aur better opinion of me, and glve ine an hiiiwrtant ionnanentpo.sltiiii en his paiierliumodlately. Then I had heard se much about tlie odlter or the Arlington ; the girls at the reading room of the llrltlsh museum weroceiitlnually talking eriiim; and In an ev II hour, armed with inv most elaborate poetlcal production, I made'my way te the olllce and strauge te say was granted (for Londen editors are dilllcult or access) an Interview. Tlie result was pain, shame, confusion, discomfiture, and, worst of all, failure. Heaven aud earth ! hew I hated that man as I sat in the most rometo comer ofthe'buson my homeward journey; hew I vowed te be revenged, and let hlui knew seme day whom he had sneered and Jeered at I 1 would put him In a novel, In a cemedy, In a burlesque I would caricature him with pen aud pencil. I would beceme famous merely te spite hltn, and refuse eh, the joy of that thought! I would refuse te wrlte serlal for his hateful magazine. 1 bcllovel becamoalinest eloquent In my interual denunciations of him ; and as an immediate practical, disdainful dellance of him, I get out at Oxford stroet and went Inte Mudle's Ter another -v oltime or Sw Inburne. In ene way or another the editor of the Arlington was a geed deal iu my thoughts diirlnir Mm next week, aud the inore I con sidered his conduct, the mere I dotested him; my cheeks burued aud tingled as I recalled bis low, mocking tones and quiet, annihilat ing glauce. As for submitting story, essay or articles te his tender mercies nover I A fortnight passed, and my manuscript did net ceme back. My name was net Jones; but I really did llve with Mre. Kent In Brown street, aud I told her ail about it ; se I should have received it had it been bent Of ceurse he had tossed It In n aipacleus waste-paper basket that I had noticed under his table, and that was the end of it Concluded te morrow, Wanted It Jteptated. Frem the Mobile lleglstcr. At a negre wedding, when the minister read the words "leye, honor, and ebey," the groom luterrupted him and said: "Read that nglu, sah ; read It wunce me', se's de lady kin ketch de full solemnity of tie moan mean In'. Ise been married bem"." l'erhaps seme whltu w ldewers would llke te make the same remark tinder the sjuie eiicum-Btances. Cured or a Hid Habit, from the Cerner Bieno. A woman cured her husband of staying put late at night by going te the der, wlun he came home, and whispering through the keyhole. "Is that you Willie?'' Her hus band's name la Jehn, and he stays, at home uvuvy uiguv uun. . HE.VUINETUKKEY KED TABLE DAMASK, M Inches wide, warranted Fast Celers, 23c, former price, AOc.. JILEACI1EU AND UNMLEACHED TAULE LINENS, At Astonishing Lew Prices. LINEN NAPKINS & TOWELS at Lew Prices. TWILLED ALL-WOOL KED FLANNEL, c.. w erth 0c. CANTON FLANNEL". 5e., Cc , Hc.und KcWc. These goods are werui irem -le. te ec. a j ntu mere, being much better goods limn any goods elfcred at these prices. WHITE WOOL DLANKETS at iS0, worth 3-V). ALL-WOOL WHITE DLANKETS, $310, former price, $1.00. (JENUINE SCOTCH ZEPHVlt GINUHAHS, only 10c., reduced fieui 2.5c. RATINES IN DAUK COLORS FOU FALL, only UKc, worth 16c. -D"n't rorgetourCAUPET DEPARTMENT. The Largest Assortment In Lancaster. JolmS.GMer&Ce., ONE PRICE CASH 810RE, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCABTEU. PA. Oaaslmore Suits, Llnen Suits, Fongeo Oeata and Vesta, Alpaca Coats, Plain Linen Pants, Oorkserow Suits, Sergo Ceata and Vests, Soersueker Coats and VeBts, White Vests, Fancy Vests, Linen Dusters, Mohair Dusters, &c, &e., &ev Furnishing Goods. eummer .wocicwear, Gauze Underwear, Fancy Flannel Shirts, Balbrlggan Undorwear, Half-Hose, Whlte Shirts, Foather-Weight Drawers, &c. llmwu's Iren llltlers thnt r.n euro 1 Ingillicninl ,Md .says, dv hln- HiptUandglvubappy health Instead of wl ion. jsir. la ' I eznerlnnt peiwiuinddelilllty ly using nrewns trim mi iers." evl I'earcc. Klllcelt Cltv. I expenenteii inucu reuci ireinujs .tVXGlAl. NOTICES. Cnu jeu tell who Is 111 the greatest danger of catching any Infectious or epidemic dUcase t " hy,' you say. " the person whose bleed Is In an luipuru or impoverished condition." Ex aetly. Such persons take special complaints as dry gnus bursts Inte lliiniu befere the sparks of a locomotive. Pure bleed Isa defenset Umcans safety, nnd Dr. heniiedy's Favorlte Itemcdy Is theinudeft, safest ana surest ptinller of the bleiHl. Our chief dangers are within ourselves. augiiiiureuW ULrJSHWAHE. H HJH AMAI.TIN. Fruit Jars CHINAHALL Masen Fruit Jars In Pints, Quarts and Half Gallen THE LIUHTNIXU FKU1T JAItS, 'I he Ik'tl In the Market. Jelly Oups, Tumblers and Jars AlLeuet 1'ikt'nat High & Martin, NO. 16 EAST KING STREET, I.ANCAHTKU. J'A. UAT8 AX I) CAVH. DIJWW COST. DOWN TO THE BOTTOM. BALANCE OF OUR SUMMER STOCK bKLLINU FAll 1IEL0W COSf. The following are a few of our prices- A beau tiful light Fur Derby reduced Imui $iO0 te $K). A better light Fur Dei by reduced fromt'-Wte f I 73. A nice Manilla Hat, tlUO. A licnuhie Mackinaw, UOc. A Ileja Mackinaw, KOe. Mens Diess Hats In Canten llruld, 'ie. Ilevn Urcss IlutslnCiiiiteu Jlrald, $20e. Hats for Men nud Heys' every day wear, 5c 10c. and 13c. A full assortment of every Sew Stvle lu the tmde. All the Latest btj le, Plain or Fancy colors. QI.OVKS IN VAK1UTY. Extra Light Weight for Drlv Ing. . D. STAUHPBE & CO, (3HULTZ & HltO.VOLU STAND), 31 & SO NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTEU. l'A. NO. WATC-UKS, &a -ITTATCHES, OLOOICS AND JEWELRY. GREAT REDUCTION! XN VUICE3 OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEVVELUY.at LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposlte City Hetel, near l'a. It. 11. Depet, ated Correct tlme at neon dally from Washington, reguiaiei ly3l-lyd D. C Watches and Clocks repaired, re andomusieu, K IDNl-Y TUOUUIiES. DON'T DOSU . for kldnovalfectlens. UHOOXtcinallvone zi -. .. T .. ..... ..... licnsen n Lupciue ioreua iiaaicievcr meiiu- nej s. C1AT-T. AT KEIOART'H OLD WINE J BTOItE FOU Listen's Extract of Beef. riMEST IK TUS W0BLD. Established, 17W. 11. E. SLAYMAKEll, AgU febl7-ttd Ne. 23 East King 8L mill. MANSION. THE "MANSION." ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The Leading and Largest Hetel. Finely leca ted, elegantly furnished and liberally managed Klectrle bells, lights, and all modern lmpiovs lmpievs lmpiovs meiilu. Uoed orchestra, OHAS. McQLADE, Jy7 !!md l'roptletor. He All ye who suffer from Cerns or Bunions of COCHttAN'S certN Ge and buy CUlt K for Si a bettle cts, at , COCHBANBlG STpRE,, Ves. 137 and ) North .Queen St , Lancaster, Fa. ItlsguaranUwdjtPBtTO iktlafnotlen. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. QHEAP STORE. CI'ECIAIi UAROAINS. Special Bargains for This Week AT THE HEW YORK STORE. One Hundred Ueren All-Linen Memie Towels, l?'f e. each, w erth 3c. Tweiilvllve I'leccs Hand Leem GERMAN TABLE LINEN 3TJic., worth Mc. a ard. ONE CASE FULL WIDTH RED DAMASK TABLING, 2Jc. a j ard, usual price, 37c. ONE CASE FULL SIZE Heney Comb Quilts, .Vc., usually sold at ,5c. One Case Large LANCASTEU QUILTS, only s,e. cucxj Opened te day, a New Line of DAIIIC GUOUNO SATIN Kb lu New St J les at Lew l'rices. WATT, SHAND & CO, LAN CAST Lit, l'A. J. Ii. A1AKTIN A VO. REMNANT SALE. We luive placed en the KEMNANT COUN TEH the ltemnant and Odds und Ends of stock accumulated during the postseason. REMNANT PRINTS, At "e., 3c , 1c. und 5c. a ard. BBMUMT GIMHAMS, At Ic. a uid. RENNANT 0HAMBRAYS, At (.lie j weith 15c. REMNANT MUSLINS, At 4c., 5c., Cv. a aid. Remnant Table Linens, At 15c, ?)e. and -3c. a yard. REMNANT TOWELINGS, At3c.,fc, Sc. a j hid. Remnant Dress Plaids. At CJie; worth 12c. REMNANT DRESS GINGHAMS, At $e ; worth 15c. 1,000 Yards Remnant All-Weel Cassimcres, FOR BOYS' AND MEN'S SUITS AT ONE-FOUKTU VALUE. J. B. Martin & Ce, Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTEU. l'A. HAPPY THOUGHT AND REBECCA Tobaccos only 8e tier plug, at ILLi-UH luuni viuAn UAUTUAN'S UTOBS. mUIS l'APEK IB PRINTED WITH J. K. WRIGHT A CO.'S INK FafrMut Iik Works, M uJ Ph'. lvwi Carpets and Mattings, METZGER & HAUGHHAN'S; FIIOM LATE AUCTION SALE8 AT Mattings, Oarpeta, Mattlnga, Carpete, Mattings, Oarpeta, VEKT LOW l'lUCKS Carpets, MattlngB, Mattings, Carpets. Alse, LAUQE LOT OF WrllTE COUNTERPANES, Frem the late Ureal Auction Bale It New Yerk, at (tte , 75c, 11.00 und up te 13 00. GOOD IlAItOAINS at ou will get letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTEU, PA. lJetween the Cooper IIouue and Serrel Ilorne Hetel. NE EXT DOOHIO THE COURT HOUSP. FAHNESTOCK'S. HEVKIIAL SPECIAL LOIS BLACK SILKS I BLACK SILKS I iuvr ni'KMiii, mini), H.ii fi 2iana l se. necldedlr th offered. Ale LUl'IN'fa II LACK' CASHMKUE and HENRIETTA CLOTHS ter Jleurnlni; l'urpeses, Decidedly the IJet Silks lei ti.i money ever Alse LUl'l.VS IlLALIi CA&IIMEKE SHAWLS Deuble and bingle. Jerseys I Jerseys 1 1 Jerseys 1 1 1 At 50c , -Jc.ll.W', l.":s, tl M. tlu'. .'.&0, up. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuso, Lancaster, Pa. TJOWERS & HURST, 26 and 28 North Queen Street. Large Let of OiiIIIb. with und without frlnije. iHii.crcnieli', Deucut away down AUCTION HAIlOAI.Vri Ol'ENINO TOD VV. which we shall offer very low. elrttteni. Ulack Cilneltncs. Hand in lirtce and te he sold quick, will he marked low. Men's bcarlct Shirts only &0c., und the nnality very goed: new U the tlme te buy them whlle they are here, theywent last Ieiir. I.adle8'Jer se , a hlif drU e at Sue : they gcll fust ; luie lets of them In all sles. llet ter Jersej k, new t le vest front, eliRunt quality, only (I 00 and up. New Humliui-Ks. an uleuiit line open tiwlny. Twe cases New battues und 1'ilnts, ullncw choice Kj lea; coiue und see thcin, jeu ciiniiet help but be suited. Ourspaeewlll net penult us te enumerate all the New Uoeds we uie encnlni; te-day, but thej'atemany of all kinds und will be told esticinUy low. BOWERS & H URST, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. - Lancaster, Pa. F LINN A BRENEMAN. TOISACCU SlIEAltS. CARD Tobacco Growers will find it greatly te their advantage te have a pair of the a GEM TOBACCO SHEARS." The Best Shears for Cutting Off Tobacco. Ne Steeping. Flinn & Breneman, AGENTS FOR. LANCASTER COUNTY, NO. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET., LANCASTER. PA, uuvKRiuitNiauixa tiuun.i. s UIRK'S CARPET HALL. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! UEOt'ENlNU Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new pre pa red te show the trnde the Largest and Hest Selected I.i mi of CarnuU ever ex. ity. wiiviu?. VLJ.vfaa, tiu uie xrnuing rnuKt.3 os uuui AnuiA llLVni V Alt lirsu-kl un 4rtr Plrnln Il'1llX CltlVPU anil all ennlllL i.nu?aE.L,a. aiiue.u-1 JMi jih m nnu yufcmi uuiiiii t-. . ju hja eiii an uuuiuit GltAIN CAHI'EIS, DAMA8K and VENETIAN CAUl'ETH. ItAU and CHAIN CAltl-ElSef our hlblted In this cli 'Al'EbritY own manufacture a speciality. Special Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CAHVET8 Alse a run Llnoei uiLUi.ui.iie, i.uua, nmuun auAvv.e,iivv B.uitn.xB, av., SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sta, Lancaster, Pa. If Hit-ill ill ,t hooks. B' OOKS AND STATIONERY. JOHN BAEH'S SONS, OFFEU AT LOWEST 1'UICES, Blank Beeks, Writing Papers, Envelopes, Writing Fluids and Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Steel Peru, Lead Pencil, Pocket Boek, Dill Uoek. Letter lioekj, and an Aiaertucnt of Fine and titaple BtatVenery, T AT TH SIGN Or THE llOOK.f NOSV 16 Ud 17 NORTH QUflBN STREET, LANCASTER, FA. v z n n ft Tri ,-r J .', s i.lU f -r " f HA