lljcfc. IStr 'V -i V -n rqe h&tf ,.-.' ' 'k. t - j J &. ,m.i V.'-. . m fu i w.. ?. jguiL A&AU'JnilMt . i.t few &.V ," a ,viatvt? w jw '- ."w ftflMMMr'tMFiJt; kli AV HBJn. tef ilt Prttallejit in ,tei- WwiU tip fttlMt-Th retnll 54 IAbmhc tetnnrt-The KIM ,'ABOM TOwH. iW) ' Correspondence of the iNTitLieiscxn. bCMfeUVAttK. 36. Fer tlte part tlirce nyM been noticed thai tne casn btVaf Mwi'mliilnery stere of Mr. A. mm abort en tllflcrent occasion. IfhAeMftrfef Uki irtiortage could net be d,': II vb supposed that BornejQer- hd faemDBlnie'ithertill efThe store t (HMipMpetrater of the thdlt could net be unui.bya lucky cnanceuie per- 1 4etng the stealing was found out yoster- Mf. ,immi lias two stores, siue py sine, ilejWSBOUse'bulluintr, and the upper i uwiniy inra in ciean mere in oho nrinsurmer room a verv larce ioek tak situated In such n iKxdtien that tur one In the lower room ran view the upper story by looking uireugu me Be between, both rooms. Yesterday i the tinner stere room was ion en. i M..4I...... .m.. .(ifut.li.li4. ..,tt 1. Mflwlni Fr niwvubBujr uuuuniiiAf uni. etiivb ,wa9 nuiiv ii?r aiiy urmu uu itia. famm. Tim nnrMAiut wntfddrny i rewarded about ilve o'clock lest even- .'' Mt when.8 small colored boy yras seen te k 'm3ar Uukainrn nml wtiim tin found tin rtnrfm t l ' m U.. (feiutM. I. A ....Int.!.. wn.. . I.. l.. .w...... BW r I JiH WTO IUUIU ft.TJ llllllfcljl HUH IU UIU IAIUIILS1 MjMftmnateteu.a auni-ei money irem tee tiioeeir drawer.' His actions wero seen by ' ihA Mrsen in nhe lower room thretleh the looking ''glasH and they Immediately went feMhwust : we oey, uiu no OHcancu wim me 'in his possession and cninmenced IrMttlngnp street Officer Witlick was deMM ".hand and cave cuase and sue- eesded.'.la ' arresting the lxy When the'lad Mtd captured, he hnnded the plcce of tnoaeyte.tfie of&cer with the remark .Here',U'i. The bby was taken te the -.eAeeOf Sqntra Ev-aus where he gitve his 'Sonjew.mil. xThe money, which was a all Ti.TBf WMHir. was Kivuu 10 1110 Biiuiru wne iu- ;t' turned It te the owner. The cash accounts of :;Mr.iA.';,.Tessel show that during the past w, three weeks about thlrtv dollars wcre stelen ns&.at'Taneas times. The uey was taken te tbe 7,'VDoreugD ieckup, wnore no new remains. V. ;The interested parties de net wish te . ":'?.. lirtirtn. ia.ilf IP vifAtifnt rAattlftftritt la martrt Viv llin nlrentsef thelad, but lftbowhelo amount "l'ei money is nu. reiuuuuu 10-uay iue uvy r'iwlll be taken te Lancaster jail te await a .hearing before the court before he is com- vuiii;u IU UIO E1UU8U VI IWIUKV. ff. t"it. u; Farmer! Who Itaced. n", r. CFkln mnmtnif ahniit !l.Qi". rf-.'lrtrtl- n niimtinr v!?-et countrymen wero driving In the Lancaster t feir lueir way 10 iiucuu murjiuu iu ' '1 1 Ihnv nnnrivjpJipd Fifth mill T-nrimt Rtrnetn the m.tnten, commenced racing. On Locust street Seelew Fifth, the borse belonging te Jehn VX acnaener, 01 f-iizaocuiiewn, cemmenceu kicking and completely destroyed the dasher 7?r Aflhn ritnn fiilif nthnr nnrf nf thn vnlilnln. The horse Uien began bauktugand succeeded Viln upsetting the wagon, and the preduce for 'if, VMUBlf aI man nnnllAvnrl nlimil 4lm ninnf Dnt fuiuwtavb ntw Tuttwitiu auuui iiiu Duvutt jiu' $' Iaj nrvrtu ettil ihin nrnMitntti tf lirt rain ter. cecs and the products of the farm wero tii.nilxed together. The owner of the team 3j 4mn- lu.1.. l.lnl.A.1 .. I.lu .Inl.l tn.. I... !... tf' T0 WUT AIVAVU .til II IB llUI IVg ttjf IUO M. i-f t... it Wl... arnrwen lu i Inlnl mma1. n.l I. ml uvinj. auw t.nu.. inn iumi nivvn, iuiu Mini te be taken te a carrlage shop for goueral re ', pairs. l'ellce Ji'-ith. David Bycrly, an old resident or Dry town, was befere Squlre Evans this morning, te unmver the rharge of assault and battery pre ferred against him by Mrs. Charles Heller, a resident el the same place, nnd who Is a daugbter of the defendant The testimony given was mat Jiyeny, uccemmg mcenscu at the hu&bund of Mrs. Heller, struck at him with a Jockey stick nnd inKslng him hit his daughter a very sovero blew with the stick. Uyerly was put under $200 bail for geed behavior toward Ills daughter nnd was compelled te pay costs of J the suit )"i;., evening at the ofllce of Snuire Yeung en the goei Keopingauiseruouy lieuse. uca y, ceiCKpu, was cnarea wuu lorcitiie t-vn ceiiH4alnt of Ilildebmndt The br Henry wn( in Hjoilieimo of Christian Tenrv entered Xhe second sterv window . i??Jte search for her. Thcso-parties wero. con- gf :nv..ft.l In tl.A fin-lit nl l.ut M tttiTtta I. iT,l, f ; . VV,IUIIU h.... ..(..v .'. uti, LM...... a... S rriin rairf!". HntlliHl Hinlr tlltUiiiltlpfi hv iliv. iL'tiieF nnJ-.4. IrJM?. ... .,. in..- .J9 Am. Snllln If nnkln. nt Ilil1nilnllililn. tins r&fircturned hsme nfler n visit te her uncle, R iJSAIr. Geergo O. Fisher. "& Harry II. Pr-i. - - , his home lis imrents in Cel- K.a.1. .utuiru. E..i.Ia waf Cbarles Haldeman has ictiirncd home from -&Js tt visit Irt rriinninHnnlniv,i li efi-J "--.--"i ..-...., - Town Notes, The geld ring tbat wa chanced etf by tlie Iren Meulders' union at their tiicule last sSaturdsy was given te Stella WoUe, a little BaiiHtn.Valu-iiitffrvtrefri'! Mho lielillnif tlie lunkv unber. 'The Columbia Citizens band was out Her- iiVenadlng last night aud rendered geed music. '? At a meeting held ljbt night, Clias. H. FII- iKJrt, was eiccieu ircasuier ei mat organiza tion. Benj. Kccse was out cuuuiug yesterday en the hills back of Washington tioreugh, and succeeded In sheeting a ground hog, which was tbe largest ever been in Columbia clgh ing nearly lerty pounds. A German baud of six instruments uere in town yosterday aud te-day and they uiaile excellent music Hlversldollemo, Ne. 27, will held a picnic in Helse's weeds en Wednesday, August IW. The brotherhood of railroad brakemen chanced elfa ten dollar geld plcce lust night, for the benefit of thelr ledge Dlspatolier llebert E. Williams hud the lucky number and secured the meney. 'Sk. Tbe valuable trotting herse "Kox,"ljoloug "Kex,"ljoloug "Kox,"ljeloug ,'"' 'Inirte Kamuel Caiunbcll. died last nicht of v, inner fnver. The herse was an excellent trs- :.-r-"'Ti nrr: .i..7.i i.:r.ir . :. j. unver huu Mill uu Aiii3.?i:u iy uiu raiiuiin ji the livery stable (ThA Snniluv cu'lifinl rrim f.T Kni.iml nlrnef 'Zt, 'Lutheran church Is being greatly Improved -H w rmlnir nrercfl. ',' - - - ' a juei'OJiTJUi'a ririv jmaoixaties. Hew He Metamorphosed n Small 15alle.ry Cup i ylf, lule nil iiiieriini jiiacninc. fAKr The head "Was It Dynatnite?" which np- ,,V neared ever a tbree-stlck local In tbe A'ewJCra l;f't"t last evening, startled tbe community and ' -v1 'linrlilrAfla of TW.ni.ln worn unnhln In Rlnnn tnftt. 4 "night IVBttpcw, that en Saturdayafternoen ;'-;,. a small oanuenweru uaiiury cuj), hucu as is y used for burglar alarms, etc.. was found in ?:, Oherrr alley, in the rear or Oscar uoueiu's !-'?- new bulldlnir. The finder of tbe cun did net knew what it was and it was taken te tbe puice or Aiuermau ucen, wnore a rc " porter or the Era. saw It. He was told that it was n dyuamltocartrldge aud swallowed the tale. He cencluded at ence that " the . eblect el the person, or norsens. who placed ilfitU tube "where feuud was te blew up Mr.Uo Mr.Ue ; 3?f hein's building." In erder te get ahead or HI., vUMIUU.'V.M.ivu, ...vr .u'uin. ...ji.j wrote un the startlluir item at a late hour in 'the afternoon, aud it was given a promluent C place m tne paper, j-asi evening many ersens. called at the uiderman's olllce te hce the harmless little cup, which leeks like a '-; V ilnnrAr Tint, jimt has thonaine of tlin natenten It'A Plainly stamped upon It All were Bur- s prwea ai nnaing wuai iue nuegeu inieniai machine really was, but it is net known wtialtiar ilin rnivirlnr hnM vft fltspnv-pi-Ail lila .'' uiit4dce. 'yy Jt is uid that a book will seen be Issued irum iue new i.ru uiiicv, cuuuuiiiiik u uuiitx ty ttoner many "wue" ana sensational stones f V which have appeared In that paper durintr ,' jk the past year. It will tell about the Headless L V'; Ohcat which Is nightly seen In the Maner , .V tewnshln tobacco patches, the petrllled man. rcyaad the geld mine, the sea monster which v jtureateuBiouesireyuieciuzensoijsamuriuge, " nniithA'iwo-'vear.eld trettinir linrse vliiT'li VVwaae itttlelu 'Za'i the first day he had ever " weruTianiesB. The recent accident te "Mr. 4sPtar-Jioeley " will also be described and fC the work will be fully Illustrated. 'Squlre 7 1'llwth bow writing soveral chapters for the TI;werk.-''irL'- naveErriconiajiieu auemer wuu taie last revetiiiig when it stated that Win. Paulsen, . the weU-kuewi. baker,had uruelly driven his itswiteiedkath'eu Sunday as he has dene be- Sre.;Tbe tiuth cf the story Is that the animal was oely used. by Mr. Paulsen te deli vor his BtMd and drive Ins father te his house, and tat rauae tf his death was colic. r u 1. k , Lstun Held. . LstyM addressed te Ihe following parties aaihald at the, Lancaster posteilloo for jhw! 4a iVlfrgftfl Manufacturing Company, Chi ' flam lilEi WW. A. Keunedybex m, Jack an hety, Atlantic City,'N. J. .i CTOi $ HO BE CKKXATMH tit tUtrVABrMm.' ' ' ' . '. , , . " ' .. 0alh , Df Jehu r.Eruw, One of the ' . CaHferMta h fem-Vlnm." Fruic ,the Wf t Chester Bcptibtlcan. Dr. Jehn'F. Kvaiis. a well-known and emi nent physician .ahd surgeon, breathed ' his last at OdO o'clock Monday morning, at tbe residence of bin sister, Mrs. I.ydia Heinhart, at Steclten, Dauphin county, Pa. lie had been nflllclcd souie two years or mere with a cancereus affection en tbe chin, which ex tended te the threat and adjacent ports caus ing him great suflering, and finally terminat ing his life. He had been 'very low, hardly alive for soveral days or weeks past, and only kept up uy ine tise or ctner mm otner ano dynes and stimulants. Dr. Kvans was born In Bast Coventry township, nnd wesCT years of age In May last. lie graduated at the JclTorsen Medical college, Philadelphia, In 1815, went te Potts town nnd practiced there thrce or four years. In 1810, lit company with ethors, he Joined the "ferty-niners" who went te the geld regions of California, nnd remained there two or thrce yeara. Iteturnlng he located at Wallace, Chester county. During the war he tendered his services te the gev ernment mm wns nppomieu Msisiani sur geon or the 175th Pa. Itoglmeut, and after wards cntored the surgeon general's depart ment at Washington. Ten years of the latter pan et jus iue was spent in pracuce ai jjewu il lnetewn. In connection with Dr. .llremmer- man, which place he only leftjind went te Btoeiloil when hH ailment cempelled him te de se. He was nn omament te tbe medical profession, n man of line literary aud sclon sclen sclon tltle attainments, nnd a most useful, popular aud genial gentleman. He wen and held the ostcem of all witlvwbem he was asso ciated in his pathway through life. A unes i iwe years age ur. j. iu iiiciurg, el this borough, performed an operation en iir. i.vans cnin, wmen ier a ume appearcu te aid him considerably. About six months later Dr. McClurg portermod anether opera tion, and In March last Dr. Haves Aicnew per- l fetmed an operation at Uie Pennsylvania hes pital, i'iiiuuioipnia.Mixmeniusagojir. uvans went te Stcelten and gave up tbe practice or tuodiclue. Hlnce his removal be had an op oration performed in Uarrlsburg. This was unsuccessful, having never healed, nnd sluce then the patlent sank rapidly. His re mains will be brought te Lancaster and cre mated. He Is a brother of Nathan Kvans, of East Geshen, Mrs. Charles Moero, or Pott8lewnt Mrs. A. M. btaull'er, or Madisen, and Mrs. Lydla;Hlnelmrt, of Stoelton, Pa., widow el Daniel lUnehart, formerly of Pughtown, this county. TUKflKSC trillTJS VUILV. llnnr He Unpcd With a Lancaster County QUI 100 Years Age. The Pittsburg Dispatch publishes an Inter esting history of the 11 ret whlte child born west or the Allegheny mountains under British dominion. The father of this child was Jonathan PI inner, w be erected a leg cabin at a point about ene hundred yards east of the old Eualt house, Pittsburg, which stands en Fertydlltli strict, a short distance below Butler. It was in this cabin, en the &tii of Decem ber, 1702, that Gcerge Plumer was born. He was, se he always asserted in his later years, the Hint whlte child born west of tbe Alio Alie Khcny meuutaius uuder British dominion, and in this claim he Is backed by a Btate- uioutte the same ellect In A tics' Jlcntstcr. an eld-time weekly newspaiKjr or Philadelphia, and by nuelhcr.in the "History or Newburg, jMaas." The duellers in this frontier home were frequently annoyed by Indians, and ou mero than ene occasion wcre comjKilIed te llce te the fort for their lives. When Gcerge Plumer was a small boy he saw two Indians ceme te the cabin, ene of whom threw the fresh scalp of an infant in his mother's face. With a coolness nnd ceurage born of constant oxpesuro te danger, Mrs. Plumer did net change color, but set bolore her un pleasant visitors some meat, bread and honey. After eating until satisfied, they witbdrew, giving the war-whoop. On anether occasion a can oe lead of Indians tbrice turned back te massacre the occupants of tiie cabin, but wero dissuaded by tbe chief known as Whlte Eyes, who reminded thorn that no Indian ever stepped nt Mr. Pltimor'snbedo hungry that was net fed, or in his distress that was net rclievcd. The circumstances attending the marriage of Gcerge Plumer are as romautie as could be desired, even In tlie c.ise of " the first whlte child bem west of the Allegheny mountains uuder British dominion." The object of his nfl'cctteus was a young lady named Margaret Lnu-ry. and Mie was the veimgcst daughter of Colonel Alexander Lewry, a prominent, wealthy nnd Iniluentlal Indian trader of Denegal, Lancaster county, Pit She was visiting her slster Mary, who, Willi her husbaiul, Jehn Hay, Hved en a farm a short distance aboe Six Mile Ferry, given them by Colonel Lewry. "Miss Lewry," says tlie "History of Wosttnoro Westtnoro Wosttnero iaud county," "first met with Geergo Plumer nt the stere of Mr. Elliett in Pitts burg who Introduced him te her, as be had a frleudly regard for the young 'buckskin.'" An attachment sprang up between them, which resulted in nn engagement or mar riage. But the coursse of true leve ran no mero fctiioethly then than new. Mr. and Mrs. Hay wcie both very much opposed te the match, for Uiu leaseti, it is tuid, that Plumer was peer. Te Miss Margaret's mind, however, poverty was net a hiilllclent objec tion, and bhu Mas he dctcrmlned en union with her lever that Mr. and Mrs. Hay wcre at last compellcd te guard her day and night te prevent liorlreiu eloping with him. Tills statn of ntlalrs continued thrce or lour nlgliK One foggy morning, however, at the cud of this time, Mrs. Hay, who had been sentinel during the night, was be exhausted mill Moony tli.it she loll nil easy victim tn Margaret s specious arguments in favor of nor going te ucu aim taking a reM. Airs, nay was seen wrapped in the deep slumber which naturally visits these who have te sit up at night with leve-stricken young ladles. TJils was Maigarel's opportu nity, and shu grasped It Sbe bad pre viously removed her clothing, little by little te the spring beuse, and new she hah ten ed thither aud changed tier dress. Her lever was in waitlug with horses lu a clump of trees near by, and she was seen mounted by his side. But all was net yet safe. At this critical stige of the proceedings tlie iriendly fog, which had hitherto veiled their actions, 'lilted, and Mr. Hay, who had some time be be be eoeo gene out Inte tbe Holds te get his horses, spied tlie runaways and entered Inte a lusty puisuit Love aud a geed start proved mero than a match for him, howevcr, and he was compelled te glve up the cliase. The run aways succeeded in putting their heads into tlie matrimonial uoeso without encountering any further difficulties. The date of their marriage was August 3, 1781. Mr. Plumer was elected successively te the statu legislature and te Cengress, and from him the present iniluentlal Plumer family in tbe western part of the state dorive their ancestry. lie Wus a Practical l'unster. Fiem the Merchant Traveller. Out West, right under the eaves of the Heckics, lives n patriotic editor, and last Fourth of J lily he concluded te enthuse, k he announced that bis paper for that week would appear In national colors. On the day of issue an old subscriber was en hand nnd get the first copy from tlie press. "Hew's this?" he exclaimed, looking ecr the sheet "Hew's what?" Why, this paper isn't in the national colors as you announced ; there's nothing here but whlte and blue." "Well, nin't that right?" "Of ceurse net Wnore's the red ?" "Oil, it will be read, just as seen as the issue gets in the hands of subscribers." A fatal Drink In the Oailc. Jehn Finegan, employed .by Nelan it O'itellly en the Beading it Pottsvllle rail road, died iu torrlble agony late Sunday night The men slept in a stable or the con tractors and during the night Finegan get tip and mistaking a bettle el aconite ier whisky drank the oisen. Shortly after he was discovered by ene of his companions sullering terribly. The inUtake was seen discovered, but medical aid wus In vain. Finegan was about 15 years old. Kulitrgcd Mem Itoenu. Williamson fc Fester linve been making Improvements iu tbe btore rooms recently purchased, but occupied by them for a number of years. The wall between 'tlie stere rooms en the first tlner wasvucccsifntry taken out by Israel .Mayer, contractor, and Iren pillars substituted, 'i he east store room hj new six feet wiilcr. They are al- making larger the ether rooms iu the building. Dead or Atlr;mnent. Jehn 0. Llchty and wife, of Maner town ship, have assigned nil thelr property for the bencllt or creditors te Abraham W. DcUInger. of Lancaster lewuship. lAyQAffTBR DAmr ffitkttiw !-.. ..... Wat 4ai - . i TtMTtellewHglerswer6 graatedby the register of Wills for the week ending Tues day, August 25 1 . TESTAMEStA'nv, EHr.iticth Retter, le le eeased, kite of Warwick township) Ilonja Ilenja mln Itltter and Pninklln O. Uuch, Warwick, executers. Henry B. Esbenshade, doeoasod, late of Xeaceck tewnship: Daniel Esbensbade, AdamlJ. Ksbcnsliatle and William Esbcn shade. Iioaceck. executers. ADMlNiSTitATiON. Tlies. Mlller, do de ceased, late ei Fulton township j James M. Dallance, Ltttle Britain and Jes. T. Milter, Fulton, administrators. Christian II. Jehns, doeoasod, late of Lan caster township; Jehn Jehns, Lancaster township, administrator. Isaae Llvlncaten. deceased, late of Kalis- bury township; Jehn U. Livingston, city, and W. Q. Livingston, Salisbury, adminis trators c. tn. Mary Kendlg, dcccased.lata of West llcmp llcmp fleld township; Jacob Kendlg, West Hemp Held, administrator. Henry H. EddeI. deceased, late of Balti mere, Maryland j J. W. Kelly, Marietta, ad ministrator. Emily K. SlicalT, deceased, late of Lan caster city ; J. K. Hebble, city, administrator. Jehn Shank, deceased, late of Ililey county, Kansas; Jehn II. ILiSS, Warwick, adminis trator. VmI Iencgal Hems. Tlie Heck Point Sunday school will held Its frce annual plcnle nt Cameren's greve, near Denegal springs, en Saturday, August 29lh. Quite a number of farmers from this sec tion will exhibit live sleck at the coming county fair. The I ccent rains have washed out the read's considerably, nnd Supervisor Jehn Grady will have a little patch work for awhile. Mr. Gcorce Orlmmel. of Baltimore, is spending his vacation In Denegal among his friends. Mr. Benjamin L. darbcr while letting the water from his fish pond ene day last week, found among a host of fishes a German carp which weighed ten pounds. The Iteck Point lyeeutn association are making great preparations for holding their grand annual picnic The tlme and pluce has net yet been decided upon. Coining Fairs. Tlie Lebanon Valley Agricultural, Horticul tural and Mechanical association holds Us fifth annual exhibition at Lebanon, en Tues day, Wcdnesdav, Thursday and Friday, September 10, 10, 17 and 18, 18S5. The thirty-first annual exhibition or the Berks County Agricultural and Horticultural society will be held lu Readlug on.Soptcm en.Soptcm on.Septcm bcr8,9, 10 and 11th, and promlses te be the oest exposition ei products ei tne larm, garden and erchaid, ei thorough-bred horses and cattle, or the household and dairy, and of agricultural Implements and machinery, ever held lu the county. The Cecil county, Mil., Agricultural society will held its sixth annual lair en Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October f, 7, 8 aud Oth. Slelu Fourteen Trade Dellar. An orphan boy named Fred Hest,, aged fourteen years, has for soveral mouths been employed by Mr. Fred Dink, a butcher of Marietta. Mr. Blnk had deposited In a chest in the heuse twenty trade dollars wltii hopes that seme day he would get full value for thorn. Yeung Pest would from tlme te time, as he wanted a little spending money, take a dollar or two, until last Friday w lien it was dlsceercd that fourteen wero missing. The boy was arrested and heard befere Squlre 12. D. ileath, win. committed him te Jail ler trial at court in default el flOO ball. Dealh r lie'le's I!etcr." ' The well-known trotting herse Dexler, ew nod by Wm. Kote, died yesterday. The animal was very old, and Ills owner asserts that he was 42 years of age. He was brought from tlie West by I'manuel Sheber, and was afterwards owned by Jeseph Balr, Uriah Bltier and Jehn Fucgley. llote had him for many years. He created a great deal of ex citement, several years age, by trotting a race nt the park, against another herse, en a wager, and winning iu SH'J. Had Itel.itlies lu l.inciMrr. Tlie Glen Falls, N. Y., Weekly .Star of August 21, chronicles tlie funeral en Thurs day last, of Jehn Keenan, ene of the most substantial citizens of that place, the undo or Miss Ella Kceiiau,er tills city. Fourteen priests were present at the funeral services. The pall bearers were Hen. Judge Brown, Congressman Jehnsen, Hen. Lyman II. Northup, Daniel Peck, Win. Carblen, Pat rick Green. Edward Carrell, Patrick Cun ningham, Hiram M. HarrK M. II. Bradl, Charles Parson nud Hiram Krutii. Frightful Tragedy by Children. J. II. McGewau, of Talladega, Aljbauu, killed and dressed u pig fern barbecuelast Friday. His three ciilldreu, aged 11, ',), and 4 years, s.iw the processor biitchoringtlie pig. Tlie next day MuGewan loll home, nnd tlie children agreed te repeat the process of tlie day licfore. Having no pig, the two elder children proceeded te butcher the youngest They cut its threats ami hung it up by the hcelx, as the pig had hung, and wero pro ceeding te diseiubewl it when (heir mother discovered the horrible tragedy. Adtcrse CrltlcUmnr ilinlgn l'litterMiii. Frem tlie Philadelphia l'rcss. In Lancaster, under Judge Patterson's ruling, the children are protected in the commission of crime, as theso wiie are robbed by I hem may net punish them them selves aud the court will net undertake that duty for them. Iflioysefll and under may appropriate all tlie portable property they can carry elf without fear el punish mcut, petty larceny Is bound te nourish apace and properly w 111 be exposed te a new and unnecessary danger. Yeung lady Killed by n Gravel Train. AtJBig Beck bridge crossing near Pittsburg, shortly bofero neon, ou Monday, a gravel train ou the AllcguonyVulley railroad struck a puaoteu lu which wero tiiree young ladles, instantly killing Stella Smith and seriously but net fatally injuring Emma Smith aud Mary Dunn, The phaeton was reduced te kindling weed and the herse killed. Slier I OT Sale stayed. The sberlll's sale at the clothing stere of Diifenderfer A Eby has bceii stepped by the court staying tbe writs en which the goods wcre being sold. The goods unsold will be takeu te the sheritrs ofllce and stored away until the court disposes of the questions rnlsed as te the legality ofthe Judgireuts ou which the executions were Issued. A Geed l'lctiire. Ill the window or Augustus Hbeads, ou East King street, there is a finely executcd crayon picture which was made by Gerald PilHjr of Bayler's gallery. The subject is a sister or the young artist and the workro werkro workre llccts credit upon him. Milling a Fellow-Student. Frederick Nerrls, a resident of Ogdcn City, and student or St Stephen's cel loge, New Yerk, Is en a visit te Stuart P. Hamilton, a fellow student, of this city. JCcuted n store. David Balr has routed his large line stote room en East King street te Hese Brethers, umbrella manufacturers, for a term of llve years. Sent Out. Cathcrliie Dennelly, arrosted yosterday for drunkenness and disorderly conduct by Officer Cramer, was committed for ilve da) a by Alderman Ferdney. Kent te Jnll. Jobu Green and James McDonald, two tramps who wero begging, wero sent te jail for lu days each by Aldermaii Deen. VJSA1UN. IlAimex lu thlaclly, en the 23d lust, Ames L.IIaruien.ln the 4uth year ofhlsuge. The relatives tuid trlends of tlie family, also l'erttSI.U. A, It,, and the clgurmakertt of Lan caster, nie respectfully Invited te attend the funeral from his lute residence, Ne. 13 North Mary etreet, en Wednesday afternoon ut 2 o'clock, lntenucntat Luncasterceinctcry. ?l I But Augnt23,lHg3. Anna 11. Feld, aged 27 yeair-, 4 uieutus and 22 days, The relutives and friends of the fuinilyvare re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from the residence- of her hu&lmnd, Jehn J. Fuhl, and her parents. Jehn M. and Kll7.ai.-ctn U rider, Ne, 22J West Chestnut street, Lancaster city, en Wednesday afternoon ut 2 o'cleek. Services at St Jehn's Lutheran church, West Orunge struct luicrmeut ut Woodward Bill cemetery, aSi St JJ .. H" - "J 4. G 4 C DTraLLIGENOieB, TDEfiDAY, AUGUST 25, 16. , MJJUOttB. 'I a. ., Kw Yerk PrMaea Market. Kw l erk, jiiig. S3. kiearau1lanjitncliangca. Ftnc,94el 4m Humtrflue, $3 tit5i Kitrn WheatNe. ailed, Wlulr. Aug.. "KWel Sept., eiw Ootetjer, PBMei Nev. tttX. . Cern-Nat Mlxed, Aug., 63H$"KI Sept. MKt I Oct ., BlKci Ner. Me. Kye dull ana unchanged. jiariey nominal. l'erk nnlctitncss 10'25ln W. Larfl dull 1 W 48, Sept.W3 Oct, M&7 MoIemch (lull 1 17317KO for CO ttftt. I'urpentlnastdndratAlKeen spel. , . llestn dull, strained te geed, II 1(091 ll). Butler sipudy t Wetlern Imitation Creamery, choice, SlgKe. Cheese nutet ; Western Fltt prime, tftoe.j Btntc. 6Be. Kg(?s firm i Rtute, 15)0100 1 Western, UQHXe- Hlce nominal, ..... Sugar ftrm t icflncd granulated, OKei low lew low dcred.ejssoji, rrelgntsdiill. , fallow steady prime clty.50. Coffce nnlet, hut firm i fair cargoes, Xw)ic. liny dull ; Ne. 1, 0081100.) Chicago l'redaca Market. CniOAOe, Aug. M,l:Mn. m. Market opened : Cern Sept., 4ie t Uet., 4Jje Nev., 40!ic Outs Bent., Wie Uct., SI'te. fork sept., W te Oct., IS W fork Sept.. KS ; Oct., IS W j Nev., $s 87. j.aru (Jet., wh, Itlbs-bcpt., (5 W Oct., J M. CLOBIKO. i Whe.it Bept., TOJfe Oct., 8ie Nev., SlJie ; Cern-e'pt. U Oct, e Nev., Iue ; May Jats-Scpt, HlKcs Oct., JIKe i May.lMJie. 1'erk-BcpU, IS SSMt Oct. in 00 ; Nev.. ? 77K. Lord Sept., M K I uct, fu in ; ev w n. Jtius-Scpt, JKt Oct, 67K riilbtdelplda Live Stock Market PiiiLAUELrniA, Aug. SI. The receipts at the dl irerent stock yards wero I Fer the week ltenves, 3,500 1 previous week, 2.KU0 head t sheep, 15,500 beadj piovleus week, 11000 bead) hogs, 5,000 head (previous week, 4,5eu llet'r caltle wcre hi geed request, and, with large urrlvalu, prices declined. We quote as fob Kxlra,flffeKei geed, lQ.vXe i medium. H8 Se 1 common, SQlfies TcAans, ICiei Colons Colens docs 43tf?5A-C fcn ..MTu'wattl Itiflftlvfl lit WXfllMc. Thin dry cows were In peer demand nt tle2S. Mich cows were lu better request at 30GJj. MllcU calves were wanted Httyrtyic Sheep wcre demoralized and lower. e quole us follews: ., ,, Lxtra, 40ke goed,52jeio t medium, 33e I common, lj-'.,'c, .... Spring lambs were In full supply and at the Int. nut wilnt tt till, BPA4nil. lit 2Wtf4lC. Dressed begs were In geed demand nt (QiC. City Dressed Ileevcs sold well at WJflKc. City Dressed Sheep wcre lu fair demand nt live Bleck Frless. Cbicaoe Caltle Uccclpts, 10.VO heads ship ments, S.l'JO -bead s natives llrm ; shipping ...... r. i 'tvim vi ii. i wn nn l.cnoeiJI'iO .. Hmi 40 DSOQl.SM JLS., tla5 00 Jteckcrs and leeders, tJ7JQ4O0t cows, bulls nnd mixed, tl 733 1 10 : Texans. tt 5003 S I western rangers, slew i natives and half-breeds, O0SI, J. Hogs Receipts, 15,W head ; shipments, 0,000! markutnctlvei 5100 higher i rough and inlxnd, tt leai 3J : packing and shipping, II 3301 mi light, tl SSfll J ; skliis at 2 7SQ3 8J. Sheep UccclpU, I.M0 bead i shipments, none; market steady s natives. tlQi '', lexuiis, Kast l.iBnrr Cattle active but unchanged ; prime. 7se! fair te geed, 5ft5 5 ; comuien, ill 1',: receipts, 3.018 head; shipments, 1.53S heudj shipments Satui-day and Sunday te New Yerk, 00 carloads. Hogs uctlve nnd firm t rhlladclphlas, tl W& 5 OJ I Hulte. nnd Verkers. l fc4 W ; gnissurs, SI WGl fie i lerelpts, fl,liie j sblpuienui, J yen; shipments te New Yerk Saturday and Sunday, 32 carloads , , Shi-en Market dull and 25e loner than last week's prices ; ircelpts, S,800 head j shipments, S.iO head. NtecK Market. Quotations by Heed, McUrann A Ce., Hankers, ii'-iucasicr, in. 11 A.M. 12 H. 3 p.m. fl r- IUO1? Michigan Centml New link Central... ., New Jersey Central.. Ohie Central Iir. Ijirlr. A Wintern: 1WI 43K leiii Denver A Uie Urande 11 Krle u KunsaM A Texas 21 I ...... Ut.nn TV i.nni e, it, iv...... ...... ....... "VII Chlcflue A N. W.. com toen. 10114 N. N. Ont A Western.! 14i St. Paul A Omaha 37 l'aclHe Mali VA Rochester A Pittsburg-; St l'aiil 7.V. Texas l'actrlc 1'j Union 1'ac.lUc 51 Wabash Comuien ) Wabash l'rul erred m, f.)J ml "i-a 15 is 41 Western Union Telegraph. Umlsvllle A Nashvllle N. Y., Chi. A St. I. Luhlirh Vullev 4rt I, 5S 4i-r tt si Lehigh Niivlgatlen...... I'Miiiinylrufiltk. . lteadluir.., V. T. Allulfale., Nerthuru 1'acHlc. ' clnfi'iiei j-l'rdf.... Northern l'oclne V HI'S UJUVMIU. l'hlladulphla.t Krle Northern Central... Central Transp CanuditSouthern... till l'lsiple's l'ttSROiiger. Went Blioie Cel. Ceal Nertheiu I'ucllle... Mbseurl l'aclllc sK M m kc: 101 v. trig v-te j'iii , !t:i Hen Yerk Stock Market. Nkw Yerk, Aug W. Wall street. 1:30 p. Ut. Meney at IK lcr cent Kxctange quiet. Governments II nu. Currency Cs, Coup., $127 bid ; i'Cs, de, 1113 bid : 4's, 1122 bid. The stock nmrket epentdsteady, but the feel ing foen gate nay te weakness catisetl by u free felling of tbe leading stocks, which continued steadily throughout the morning. At neon prices w ere den n K te 3 per cent, and the mar ket has sluce been dull and featureless. Western Union Adams Kxprcus American Express U.S. Express Wells. Farge A Ce C.C. i.A 0 C. C. C. 1 New Yerk Central New Jersey Central Illinois Ccntrul Express., Ohie Central , Michigan Central Northern i'ucllle ' rrulcrrud.. Central 1'aclDc Union 1'aelUe Missouri 1'uclUu Texas l'uclllc New Yerk Elevated Metropolitan 125 Manhattan Alt A Terre Haute SO ' l'rufcned , Canada Southern 37 Canada Fuelllc Chlcuge A Alten 13J cues, a ume. 1). A Hud Del., Luc. A West.. Denver Erie " l'relernd 10IU llijj Ilauulbal A St Je " l'rcluried Kansas A Texas Lake. Shere 71 L.E.AiV.... . .... L'Vs'lleA Nashvllle 45) Merris A Essex Northwest 101 " Preferred 11 Ontario A Western, .... Ohie A Mississippi 1'icfcned Paclfle Mall w;i Quicksilver .... " l'reierred Heading , lteck lslund... San Francisce, .1 1S0X 1'iclened. Omaha. ,1 Bt. Paul 1'iufcrrud Nash A Chat , SI., U.S. AW Wabash riuferrcd,.,, C.,11. A Q Uechester A 1'HUburg 131 ra. a Evans .... Manitoba HA Oregon ANav hi Urcgen Transco , I'JJh l'ullman l'olace Cur , West Shere ..T .... Household Market. Tuesdav, August 23. DA1RT. Creamery Butter , ., Uutturyb Gup Cheese, two cups.'. Cottage Cheese, two pieces Dutch Cheese V lump roeiTBT. Chickens V pair (ilve) fl piece (cleaned) Spring Chickens pair l'limena M milr. Uucks W piece (cleaned) loS50e MISCKLLAHXOUS. Apple Uuttery rit., 25e EggsV dez , 13e HoueyV ft ,..., 300 Lard fl ft , sQOe Dry Ueef, chipped. , 40e Ham, whole ., 130140 Ham, sliced 22e vaurra. Annies 11 W ilk 1! HananeH Vdez 2530e Cocoanuts, each ....8J12e Currants V & (nneuj Diled Apples V Qt Dried Peaches fl qt Prunes fl ft , .,., Lemens 1 dez Oruuges ft dez t Plneupples fl piece ,,, Peaches ft WpK., .,. Pirs ftKpk , Uranea wit. ,. Cantaloupes..,,.,,,.,..,...,,.. ,, 510e Wutermeleus lOgQJe VBOKTAltle, WJi. fJ iw" llfi nl if Mi', lr.M. 3r.M. tu us;i .... HI .... 7 ... M .... 115 .'.'.'.' naK WJw .'J VM Mi 131H YSi iini w as mi IK'S e4j Ml is 200 300 120 100 .....,..,..1UC 12a SOIOO 20 K'O .!;"!!24Se ,., oaieo lOiilSu UeansVJiplc. ,10C -" . -.. . .-K - ,S. 'h .JT' Peat per Wpk,.,. Cabbage bead. ....100 ...Sfite ,.!Vleo . ...... i.. i..,. ..... i dels fnib Potatoes WKt'k bushel... . . ....10lte IO!WO .,...,......... Bcan.i (i.ima) V at.. .i ,.V0 ,...,..,. te ....., i 5e Carrots 1R bunch Head Kama. ...i Unions w bunch.. ...... Hhubarbprbb.. Sweet I'otatecs ft pk 8eip IlnnnsVqt. ....... ........... no . . . i . . .Be .......lJgUO ....120 lOttlSa ...I. BplimchKnk noisily y uu uneh 8010a Aumips IjT r Peppers &ei.... tj- unions KKn! k. Kadlatics pr bunch Tomatoes pr Wnlt.... Cucumbers 1 ilez.... Srtuashes carh........ Kgg Plants X plcce,. .urn f uuzen, run. Halibut V ft.....,., ISaVj Cattish fib... ......13e Iturrhig V dnz lte Fteh Mnrkcral W 13e Clams per loe... tl Bea Ilaxs.... .10e IllueFlsl tee Sturgeon .10c anAiH. Wheat , Oats Cern. nye Hay per ten..... Clevurni-ed,.. ,..., Timethy,. llerdUntss Orchard Umss ..oteavj (20 ..tog.vje ose ..I!K21 ....SiUiO 1.B0 i:r, Mixed l.awn urates... .u Fleur V bbl tt.ne3 Lecal Slecks aim liemis. lleporled by J, II. Leng. Par Last value. s.ile. Lancoslere per cont.,18se ,. 100 113 t " ICJ-t, Lancaster 5 per ctln 1 or 30 years. ' 4 " Scheel lean.... " 4 " lu ler SO years ' 4 " In 5 or sej cars " 4 " lnlOerSOyears Manhelm lloreugh lean baiix BTecfcs. First National Hank , Fanners' National Hank... Fulton National Hank Lancaster County National llauk.... Columbia National Hank Christiana National Hank Knbrntu National Hank.... First National Hank, Columbia 101 10) 1) 1111 III) 11(1 KM 120 1UI.5 lcnji nil KH.S5 I0 KM ll M 1( 50 1UU 100 IUO 1U0 l:il.i 110.75 1HH 110 I A 115 111 153 1'0I.1TICAI Democratic County Ticket 7eru"er. JONAS Z. BTAUFFEH, East Earl. County flbllcffer, JOll.V E. MA I.O.N E, City. Prlten Intpectert CEO. 11. GONDEIt, Strnsburg lloreugh. C. (I. AMMON, Ephrata. Dlreclen of Peer. C. II. UCNN1NGEK (2 years), Hreckneck. 8. H. HE18T (3 years), East Hemplleld. JOHN STEWA11T (3 years), East Hcmpricld. Jury Conimtitiencr. E.C. HILLEIt, Earl. SK WJLli VJ'M TlSKStKNTS. B AKING POWDEP. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. "THIS powder never varies. A truirvelnf purity, I strength and wholesemcncss. Meru eco nemical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, ulmn or phesphate powders. Held only in cant. Kotal HiKiNO 1'emiKn Ce., 100 Wall street. -New Yerk. uuiv27-lydA w ROOMS WANTED. Tnoer thrce pleasant unfurnished rooms centrally located ; First Wnrd preferred. Ad dress, "TENANT," ISTELLiOKitcxn Olllce. It iTeiirn: iiennut t pilvctical I'l.UMIIEIt. STEAM AND OAS FITTEU. All orders promptly attended te. Satisfaction guaranteed. Werk dene nt reasonable prices. NO. 435 N011T1I QUEEN STIIEET, Juncl73md Lancaster, Pa. TENNA. ClOAItS FItOM ri.oe pep. X. Hundred up, at HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FHONT CIOAU ;hT01tE. THE IlEST, PUUEST AND CHEAIT.ST Ulp lu the market te-day Is MILLEH'S HOIIAA BOAP. WHEN NEXT WASHDAY COMES muku n trial of ene cake of MILLEU'S ISOKAX OAIaud alter ether. that you will use no THE BEST th.iClty.at HAltfMAN'S tic HAVANA CIOAU IN YELLOW FltONT CIOAU blOKK. -irr. HAVE UEEN MANUFACTUHING f V C. F. MILLEU'S DOU AX SOAP since HI, aud te-day Its sales ure nearly 50o,uue pounds an nually. :TAI1LE OILS, ItEFINED UOHAX nnd Cuu&tla Lves make the excellent aril cle called MILLEU'S HOKAX bOAP. AUEFUL ANALYSIS II YPRACTICAL Chemists prove that MILLEU'S 110KAX AP is absolutely pure. inur7-Cmd WITHOUT EXCEPPION, THK BEST Cigars in the town, two for 5c, at UAUTMAN'S YELLOW FltONT CIOAU BTOUK. E XACTLY THE RIGHT THING. Why don't you cure your backache with one of llenseu's Cupclnu Plasters. Sure and quick. T cents. 11HE LARGEST, BEST AND MOST . complete assortment or Playing Cards lu the city from 5 cents per pack up at HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FltONT CHI Alt STOUE. TTfEADQUARTERS GEO. II. THOMAS JLl. POST fl, U. A. it. Comrades will ag,Rcm. bleat 1:30 p. in., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2U, for funeral services of late Comrade Ames L. Hanimii, at 2 n. m It it. u. . 11UENEMAN, Commander. TOTE IS MAKINO OABINBT PHOTOGRAPHS AT M3.00 A DOZXH, AT NO. 100 NOUTH QUEEN BTKEET, lenlStld Lancaster, Pa. -VTOTICR Xs( At the tcqucst of tbe Finance Comuilttce of City Councils, the fallow lug bends ure here by called In for the purpose of t thesinklnir fund: nuy inent et Intercut en nam same te cease. beDtcm- .ami ,bal .v.un thn nrinHnil nnd lnt.,ttut ivlll be payuble at the ofllce of the City Treasurer. Tbe bends called in amount te the sum off 12,300, and are as fellows : Lean of Augusts, 1S78, 5 per cent, bends, Nes. 8, , 11, 12, 13,14. 15, HI, 17. 1, 19. 211, 21. 22, 21, 21, 23, SO, 29, 30.31 and 32. l D, P. UOSENMlLLElt, aug-23 3td Mayer. TEAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. XV X On TUESDAY, SEPTEMHEIt 1, 18S5, nt7 o'clock p. in., at the Cooper Heuso, 1 will offer at nublle sale the properly re. ,52 Maner street, couslstlngef a Twe-Story UUICK DWELLINU HOUSE. 32 by 32 feet andlet of ground, I routing 110 feet en Mauer street by 255 te Lafuyotte and 104W along Lafayctte street, mero or less. In the rear of the dwelling is a hydrant and well of water; also, a wish kitchen, weed und coal beuse, a carpenter shop und chicken house. The buildings are oemnuratlvely new, and built of tbe host material. There U an abundance of ex cel lent fruit, such as apples, pears, peaches, cherries and grape vines en tbe premises. The side let will be offered soparately, 40 by 225 Xcct Possession given October l.lsss. The property can be Inspected until tbe day el sale, when attendance w lilbejgl yen by II, SupuxnT, Auct. auglsmtTu.Th.S.U HTOOK&. pOOR, WHITE dnKENOUGn. BANKERS. Orders executed for cash, or en margin for all securities current In the New Yerk market Correspondence Invited. MEMHEUSOFTHE NEW YORK STOCK EX CHANUEAND PHOPUIETOUS OF POOU'8 MANUAL OF UAILWAY8. 45 Wall Street, New Yerk. oeU'lydooa XEW AltVXRTtBlXStryTH FIK8T-ULA8.S BOA11DINO. Together with the choice of rooms ero the flmt or sreend fleer. Hurnacd by nene In tte city. Call en or addrc?, NO. H NOIlTlt QUEKK BT. Table boarders accommodated. aA-tld KIDNEY TUOUBLKS. DON'T DOSH for kldnoyalTccttens. Usei'xtcrnnlly enu lleneu's Capcfne Pereus Plaster ever thj kid neys. vyM. M. GBAY, COMMISSION BROKER IN OUA1N, STOCKS, 110ND3 AND PttTltO. l.KUM. riUCTlOKAI. LOTS A HrtCtALTV. KSIILKMAN'8 LAW Ittll I.OINO, Nes. 43 and 43 North Duke, Bt, LiiiiKuixtur, Pit. 3Connccted by prlvatu wlie Willi all the principal excuanges. urs tia AN ARTICLE SUITABLE POU ALL purpepcs. giving excellent results, Is MI !. LEU'S HOItAX BOAP. DK. S. K. WE BE 11, Vcterlnnry Physician and Buigeen (gntdn ate or Ontario VulorlnaryCellcgo). Udlce, Ne. 7 WESTUltANOKSTKKKT. lien with He) stone ltouse. JyJIliiiidTuTliAS f irANTEI)-A H1TITATION AS WASIL TT woman. Apply nt NO.Wi.NOiail 1IUK C1J8TKKET, nugSt iiniasicr, i a, AN ACCOUNT OF 1TH PfJHITY. J strength nnd general oxcellimceMlI.I. Kit's IIOftAX SOAl1 has gained the Tuter of nil who have used It. T ANOASTKIt C0MMEIM3IAL COLLEGE. SESSION IIEUI.VH MONDAY, SEPTEMHEIt 7. TYPE WK1TINU a special featuie. Instiuc Instiuc tlens frcetenll who complete the ceurse. new catalogue nisi lssucu ceniaiuuig ntei stuuenis in aiiouuani'e last year. Call ou or addres, H C.WEIDLER, I'rliiclpiil. aug.i-uuii A1 LLINTELLiai5NTPKHSONS,CHr,M- lsts and Doctors nlve MILLEH'S IKIKA.X SOAP the preference., pEMEMBEK THE OLD STANDARD. ItOUUEU'S WILD CHCItltY TONIC Fer AVcakncss, Ucneral Debility, Dyspepsia, HOHIIEH'B L1QUOH STOUE, npi22-lydll no. n Leuire squni e. M OTHERS AND FATHERS TAKE NOTICE, THAT SCHOOL WILL COMMENCE &HOKTLY AND THAT HIRSH & BROTHER AltE SELLINO THIS WEEK BOYS' SUITS OP EVKIiY DESCUIPTION, Frem the plainest te the most eluborate, in all the Blzes that come In Heady-Made Clothing, ut prices which will make you wonder bow they can be made up ler tbat money. Deu't let jour boys leek shabby in dresi. when you cun buy them a Suit us low U3 11.73, ec Slugle Pants as low as 40c. Our assortment lu Hits department cannot help suiting you, as it Is complete lu all stylfs, sizes and qualities. THESASIEWECAN SAYOF OClt MEN'S CLOTHING, GENTS' FUKN1SIIING. TKUNKS, VALISES' AND UMUUELLADEPAHTMENT.S Your Special Attention we DlieetteUur MEHCHANT TAILOllLNCi DEPAKTM ENT Call and sec us at any lute befote puithasliig elsewhera, and we will be plcacd te sbuw jeu thieugh thostepk. HIRSH & BROTHER'S ONE-PHICE CLOTHING HOUSE, COHNEHOF NOUTH QUEEN PTHEET AND CENTUE SQUAHE. '.ANCASTEH, PENN'A. w 1LL1AMSON A FOSTER. VACATION DATS FOU A Git EAT MANY SCHOOL BOYS Aie drawing te a close, and by Tuesday next they must be provided with Clothing, Shoes and Hats or Caps te begin the Fall XVnn of bald erk with some piny at iutciMils. We open this week a very nice selection of Cheap and Durable Soils FOIt HOYS, WITH ODD COATS AND PANTS. Flannel, Percale & Calice Waists. POLO CAPS Fer 23 aud 13 Cents Each, In Celers te Match Any Suit. WE AUE SELLING A GOOD, DURABLE SHOE FOU A HOY FOU (1,50. Cheap Straw Hats. WOUlUNGPANTS.UUCOYDUSTEHS.FANCY HOSinilY, SUSPENDEKS, CHIL DUEN'S HOSIEItY. LIGHT AND MEDIUM WEIGHT UNDERWEAR. One Let of HOYS' W1NDS0UT1E8 at IScts Each. One Let of GENTS SILK HANDKEUCHIEF8 for 23 ctri Each. WHITE SH1HTS ler 2 53, 73 els and (1 01 Each. But the Best et nil Is the EIGHMIE SHIRT. Some ofthe Advanced Styles of HATS for Fall ure icady new for you te seu. A Specially ia Beel Dags for 10c. Eacli 32, Ut 30 Hi 3S East King Sf., LANCABTEU, PA. Williamson & Fester. XXAMINlfEVlJliv OAKE OP SOAP 5ud.,.t.htc,,AS- I'.MII.LKH lsUinlH;d en. Ne lluitAXbUAPgonulne without. HnilLHY'S KXTItAOT VANILLA. Of lull strength nnd with the rleh aroma of ihe puw bean. A lull llue of flavoring ox ex tracts at B UUIIIiRY'S HltUa STOKE, Ne. 21 West King Street FHW OF CLAUKIVS ilAHGAINS. Olclne Soup, only 5e. Elustle Starch. e. ier box. Laundry Starch, te, per pound. Column's MiiMalil, lxc. per M . Six T,i. Htcorer25c. Uueds delivered freu, Tclephone, OliAItKE'S TEA RTOitE, 33 West King Street pitOPOSALS l'OIt FIHK LSCAPKS. The lilrcttnrs of th Peer will rccolve pie. VeaN for placing Iren Stairway and Halceny Flie Escapis, ene tet-ach end of tbe Almshouse, mid the sumo te the limine Asylum. Plans and ni'nviuuiii win iu uusuemiiieci uy uiaacrs, Willi in ice, the beard reserving tbe right te adept the bid and plans best suited te the public. Propeials te be opened und considered nt the next meeting of Director, ou Septcmber 5th, l1". nug22-lwd OH lmiTISH AND DOMLSTIC HOSE, Cheaper thin oer, no te HKCHTOLD'S. Just received, llrllNhaiul ether Hose which we are selling ut prices less Hum they cost te muiiu tuctuie, being .lob Lets fiem Forced Sales. Alse Underwear, ahlrU, Pants, Vests, Overalls'and othcrgeiidsusuiilt kept in Ocnts' Furnishing Stoics. Plia&i'iutl and nxamlne before veu buy. 1IKNHY HKCHTOLI), Ne. 62 North Queen Street iTSIgii ofthe Hlg Slecking. P. S.Hulidliigsteiiu and band for sale. -VTOTIOli IIAVINU POKCHASED A AJ lai-ge stock of Woolen at the late sherifTs Hale, at vury low prices, 1 will make them up in Suits, Pantaloons or Oiereents at very low prices. All persons having purchased material van have themmaile up and trimmed in first class si) In ut uiedcrutu price?. A perrect fit 'juaranlccd. A. II. liOSENSTKIN, in:i-tiimllt s; North Quicn Btreet s OUVEN1US. .l.VNUAHY. lly ter he in this month Is bem, Negemsbut Garnets should be worn ; 1'hcy will lusuiti her constancy, True Iello ship nnd fidelity. FE U UU A It Y. The February beiu will find Sincerity and peace et li.ln , Freedom fiem passion end Irein care, If they the Amethyst should war, MAKC1I. Who en this world of ours their eye In Mai eh llrst open, shall bewbe lu days of peril, firm and brave. And w ear u Uloedstouo te their grave. APHIL. Shu w he from April diitej her jeai-, Diamonds should cur lest lillter tears Fer vain icpcntante flew ; this stone Euiblem of innocence is knew it. MAY. Who first beholds the light of day. In spring's sweet Hen my mouth of May, And wears an Euicrcldull her life, Shall bu a le cd and happy wile. JUNK. Who comes w Ith summer te this earth, And ewes te dune her day of birth, With ring of Agntuen her band. Can health, weulth and long life command JULY. The glow ing Huby should adorn These who in warm July are bum ; '1 hen w 111 tliry be exumpt and flee Frem le e's doubts and anxiety AUGUST. Wear u Sardenyx or for thee Ne conjugal felicity! The August born without this stone 'lis mild must live unloved und lone. SEPTEMHEIt. A maiden born when autuinn leaves Am rustling in Septembers breeze. A Sapphire en bur brew should hind 'Twill cine diseases or the mind. OCTOHEIt Oetuber's child Is born ler ec, Aud life's vicissitude must knew ; Hut lay an Opal en ber bieu.il Amrhepc will bell these weilds te lest. NOVEMHEH. Who Hist comes tetbts world below With drear November's fog and snow, Should prize Topaz's umber hue Emblem of friends and levers tiue. DECEMUEU. If cold December gave you blith '1 be mouth of snow nnd leu and mirth, Place en our bund Turquoise blue, Miecess will bless wbate eryeu de. ALL TUU A dove Arte IN STOCK uf H.Z. RHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. I WEST KING STUEET. s AINT-ILU'UAEL WINE. INFORMATION. TheSalnt-ltapUnel Wliiuhasndellcleuii flaveur and 13 diuuk In the pilucliml cities of Russia' Germany, North und iy, ertn arm biuuu Seuth America, Gicat BrtUlii, India, and se ou. iln, ubouuautltvcxneited Is sullleleut proof of Its stability and stuvinrr newep.. whlle Ier thuteal conuefsseur there is no ulue that can be considered its superior. ia-TheSaliit-ltaplmcl WinoCnuipaiiy,Valenre, Dcpartmentel the Diemu (France.) H. E. SLAYMA1CER, 113 tl.l Nil '31 K -V.-l I li I N l. KTK I'.hl Feit ha lis un Jttsxr. I70H KENT. 5 Thice Law Oftiees at Ne. 45 NOUTH DUKE STUEET; and a b isment 55 feet long, supplied with w nter aud heat. martOtld II. FUANK ESHLEMAN. I710U HALE. SKATING KINK AT COL- uiubfa, P.u, with all Its Fixtures, bleam Heater and 225 pairs of Henley Skates, geed m new. Will sell en easy terms and nt a bargain. Postellleo address, " HOX' -NO. 4ia," Julyl5-3md Columbia, Pa. PUHLIC SALE OK V.VLUA11LE HEAL Estate of Jehn ltnlsten, deceased. Tbe heirs of Jobu Italsteu, deceased, will sell at public, sale, ou the premises ut lteckUle, Honeybrook township, Chester ceunly, en WEDNESDAY, SEPTtMllfclt '.', 1&3, all thtir real estate, ns fellow 8 : Ne. 1. A larm ceutalnlng ubeut l'.!5 Acics of productive laud, in geed statu et cultivation, ic euntly well limed and mini und, pleasantly lo cated en tbe llarilsburgtiunplku, enu mile fiem Ferrest Station en Wuynusbiui; Kallread. iteaver Station et Ulmlugten A -S. K. li. Is en thupiepeity. Tbeiuipioveuientsarea lurge STONE -MAN-SION, 30x10, w 1th btenu Kitchen attached; Stene Bam 44x75, Straw Shed 32x4.', i iaign Tobacco llama. Wugeu Shed, Curriage Heuse, Tenement, Ac, There is an ubuuduuee of Timber en the pluee; also fruit, shade and ornamental trees about tbe house. Nu. 2. adjoining Ne. I, contains 4 Actus, en which is erected a geed and tencu!cul Frame Heuse und Stublc. Ne. 3 adjoins Ne. 1, nud contains ubeut 31 Acres of farm laud without buildings. Ne. 4 adjoins Ne. ,1, contains about ;i Acies of geed chestnut Timber, of S5 y ears' growth. Ne. 5:cnntalnH i Acies Chestnut Timber sltunte lu West Cain township, ou which are Flag 0.uairlcs, known as "Campbell's Hecks." Ne. ills Heaver it It. Station, contains (Acres of land ; thn Improvements ure u large Dwelling iindstoie Heuso combined, Stable, Warehouse und Siding; thUlsagoedoppoiluutty for a Ilvo business man 'lbeabnvu piepei ties aie all In goedoidurand must positively be sold. Liberal tciius can be given. Sale at ene o'clock p. in. Persons desiring liifoinulleu or wishing te View tbe piepeilles, please call en or millions J. 11. U ALSTON, Heckvllle, Chester county. Ctd ailg. 13, 18. 20, 25. 27, sep, 1 A 21 w A31U&V3MNTS. F ULTON OI'EKA HOUSE. AUGUST 24, 25, 26, 1880. F1UST APPEAUANCE IN LAXCASTElt OF Miss Annie Lewis, The youngest soubielte en the stage, In her own Heautllul Comedy, ejtltled LITTLE TRUMP. Supnerted by n Streng and Cuiufully Selected Motiupelltan Company. ADMISSION 10.20A30 CENTS. HhSEUVED SEATS, M) CENTS, Fer Sale nt Opera Heuse. u21-.1t fli-OT.iCZJJ.f. QUPERIOH SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Field Glasfcs, Harometrra, Tele scopes, Mugle Idiulerus, TberineuiuturH, Diaw. lug Instruments, Philosophical und Chemical Apparatus. List and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues Bent FUEE en application. ' QUEEN & CO., NO, 024 CHESTNUT BT, inarJ-lydAw PHILADELPHIA. ii..i.,iit.i.i,i4ii..itiii,i..i i V irxf .'t . . ' j-i -rrr iUF', .V Eaasaa, ja iS-jBt iteffiii