, e mmltt ifW-.- a)i?S 323S?1- 5;W5?; TTtWJX&SrSV" i6l VOLUME XXI NO. 21)2. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST IS, 1H85. PUIOH TWO CENTS. J) mfa$w? smmm ,3)11X01 . 'J?5UV3iWWrj - fTW a GETTING A LITTLE HETTEI,. v ; tohavve maim nr.sneu ixutevi: .sij.vs iMi'iiei i:.vi:xi: 1'iiknl tlncuM Tumble Out v. crj (Jnciil-I'icim- l ill I ri.r llwulli ltu-1 .Mltrllng tlie Wild In tllhrr states An Ohie .Innr- inil'ri Sigaileils Opinion nf It The 1im.iI innikcl bus been giniluilly wakening up, nml ut the close el business for tlie past week an Increase if sales win be noticed. Tlie nurhets inn slillcning lip In 1iUeh nml hnldoiseti, as woatiticipaled some time age, feeling oeinlurlablo. As tlie goods me being sampled the.v aie coining up te tlie most suigiiluu expectation. Tin re Is very llltle (lanuge in tlie lc.it less in fact than usual. Tim urii cs nsked ler all grndes el goods me iintfaucv. Tlie ileinaiiil Is geed, anil we can spe no ip.isnn why hiislness should net he Luge. Tlie silos or list wool; feet tin sever d hiin ilied rases just hew ill my only (he pickers themselves knew. Tlioynrenot precl dining their business en the street oernois, which Is right and pioper. Ofthe goods sold "SI" wis the principal pirt, anil of this mere than otie-h ill' was sced leaf. The growing crop In seme section , is showing up Miry finely, whlle in ethers it is liackwanl. We lioirugeod dcalnl' complaint mi at'ceunt or nisi. A geed ile.il or tnhict'e is liciugciit, and tieni ,i riiloaieiiiid among giewetsa leading packer or this ulysivs mmlinr it is being rut loegnon, winch is just as liul tee iiip. A coirespondi nt wiiting Irein tlie Lewer l'lid siys: "I'lie let) icce in tills immediate liolghbniheod leeks i cry premising 'I he ciopsel I. .1. livcis, S. .1. Ankiiin, Levi lletliuaii, Alex. Stevenson and Win Mc Mc CeinbaiP unwng llm line lets, .Hound Dtit Dtit Dtit more Centio. 1 think II tlie bujeis would ride out and ee tlioeieps, I think it would please thein " .Swret.uy iM.uiuiug pulilislies a lotter in wlil h he asks ler Intoiinatien in legard te Ihedutj' en Sninilia tobacco. It Is aw oil known fact that tlie 7.1 centsa pound dutytli.it was pissulaje.u age is evaded. Tlie packets or this i euiity should gie all Ilia uiloriiMtieii te Mr. Manning that is pos sible. Anjthiugnti this subject tint lil'U he sent te this olllce, tlie Imi i.i.kii m i.u w ill be glid te place in Mr. Manning's huiil. We sce bv tlie I . .s. ''Iiitcct .r.in mil th.it lliore has been seme II.imiii.i seed siutnvci tliewatei and i.iuie liack as .Sumatra, and sold lei such; we suppose at the piiiolerlho latter. This is a strong argument at ence for the Imyiuir el Havana wed at ei .M.miilac. liners wilt then iiist knew what tlicy are pelting and get it ut lull piiie. If it will w lap ni.ne i ignis put up asSuiuatra in balm, tlien our (uekes bail belter put it up in th it w i lleieis tlie iiiiiiil't steiy: "The billowing inteiesting steiy, tlieiigh unau thentic atul, is lieing told in nui inarkit: Seme time last winter seveial leal liriusin this city packed Havana si ed le.it ei Mb 'si nep In stub hales and hands characteristic el Suniatia toliaiee. Uiien. the tutus, it is al ii ged, shipped liil bilis or this toliacce te Vmstercl.iiu. Thore, it is lurther asscilpd, em'-hall w.isselil te a dealer there, another half lean A mei lean dealing ill seed led ex tensively, mid well known in .New ) erk lo le M( co i iicles." Tile New Milk Mill lift. Tlie I . s '',,rn en .tnt mil, III itsieview ( 1 the in irket, siys "liiislness is geed," and l,.s: It is new evident that, though the new tob.u'es r "nl wholly leimented us jet, they contain ii g""1' poitien or teUii i os well suited fe' making cempi tillun te Sumatra te a consider i bio extent. Ceil mi it Is that all cropsshew .'ii impievcinent in tlie cultiva tion el teli.ui it width, it persisted In, will doubtless lead te feituni s ler tlie growers. Ilevend disputotl.e t.i t Is istabllshcd new that the count. V can laKe as tlne teba as ' ei giew in Suniatia. All the babble as te an iiuiK.ssible competition Willi Ceelie labei amounts te nothing, em glowers ..iniaise tob.cce as .heaply as it cm be iais.il any vvliore. what (hex lack ill Ceelie labei, they makeup lei in lnli Ibgeii. e and iiigenuitv. Fxmv grower who last J ear succeeded 111 i.iislng ii thin and gl"-sy leal lias already made money or w .11 inake It. hat N the kind el let an n wanted, and tint is tlie kind ortehacio that ptiriliasi isiite willing te paj a pin e tin. Cunt' Wnkll l!ei(iit. Sales el si el leaf tobacco repeited ler the Imi i Mm m I. n b .1. . -ans' Sen A fe., toliacce biekeis, Ne. Ill Watei stieet, New ei k, ter the week ending Aug. 17,1ni . ;ilin (ases Issl lVnnsvlvaiiia, si4fi inc. ; .M) cases lss de. df j lie, ; .Mi cases IsV. state llavani, p. I,; iii'.ws lb-sl l.lttle Dutch, llif.ille. ; ii.Oi.ises issl Olun.Vc; ll0 eases lshlNew Kngkiud, i. t ; IMIuimis sundries, i'2d. Total 1,1'KIimses. Kreiu the Julxme l.f womake the bil lowing extract : Seed I.eat--ervlittle el interest liastian ,plred In the inukettlus week. Tliosileol neariy live hundred cases ler opert is the only leature weithv el note. Hevers were .onspicneiiK bv tin ii aliMMHO, and Wiilerand I'earl sliei ts looked ilesei lid. lSimlei goods nrethc enlv ones that riidved any attention. J'llteen emits Is the piuenked fei them. Jlavana 1'illcis weioseld le tlie ONteut or .u-i m mI fiem uk. tel.l.i. l.lttle eh inge has taken pi ice in the maikotsime our last lepeit Sales l.ave neen low .nui no "- Suniatia i hales vm in taken at liem 1 iltefl i.u Tlie ni.ukit his heen iiilnt itnda limited business has Ixen tr.insictid, as is si en above. Ovei leurtien IiiiiiiIkiI bales wne itupeitcd this week and buyers wne inclined te held oil until tlievsaw what the urn niipoilatleiis leek like, l'liioscou l'liiescou l'liiosceu tluuo high. , , iigmialciir-WePUi tepeit :i geed (e innnil lei Miginia leal, mhiie geed sides have been initie em ' imeu uhkih sninkeis, also new cutters nml sinnkeis at lieniM.) 1J", icnts the uittcis Irein li te ".cents. A lew hogsheads el bl.u I: vna vna i,ersw no taken tit U'. te 1 . i cuts. be jnirkets Imsbiim (piite iclivoler Hut ley till- 'rWstin leal This iiiiiMI mnv be de wiilKilasessentiilh uiicliangi d. Then) Ii is J.... . 1.1,1,, Letter letllll lllllllll V. Illlll 111.11111 I.Ktui'eiK have bought liioie than ler ti while lvast. The s iles ioieiteil lei evperi cuumum liiiisler Miira via llosten nml the Canary lsl.lll.1. , , Ting Thcie is but lillle change te nole in thOHitiialieu. Thne has been a trille nioie doing m tax paid, but we think the pmspnt is geed lei mole- bilHlnesM lain en. Siiuiktng Im reasisl acliv lly was pcicepti pcicepti ite. Clgais Maniil.ictiirciii.iud imisii tiis 10 10 jiertagisid iuijiiiry. IMilt iilclplilu Mai ltd. Seed livl -Auother moderately active week ,irH.iles cm be claimed tei clgai leat, wiMVially the '',1 erej), ler it is admitted thai, asHaiiipled, itshews up qualities which will undeublcdlv pl.iee the cieptn tin env ialile oesltion. In I ut, tlie iii.itiiilai Hirer el cigain is uble new te tut n out stock niadewith tlomestio wr.ipiei-s equal te the best hi np np neirance nnd a decided line Hiuoke. Old leal is weekly liocenilng scaicei nml llnds .. nil., i.nicbasprs nt lull value. lVnnsyl- Miniaehl llllorsare inncislng hi Impoitance iUhim'i.itM tells, iietwilhstanding high priie. Havana Kieivt-s lull iittcntien Irein the '"I'lufiecigar'imd wiull trade thoie has been mi linprevcinent, while the othei blanches 1 1 the trade held their own. IliHIiiinre .Mai In I. l.neer ll-ehits till) IMSt VNOek 1 llllspll II mero aitlve market ler Maryland ilosciip ilesciip ilosciip tlens. Hujers ler Krauce took all Iho win win ples otlerlng siiltable te their wants, unit hhlpicrs genurnlly wne Iree buj eis, etiuslng llrmnt'ssen the pait nl the sellerH forilo ferilo forile slrablo Kteck. Tlie growing crop Is doing well. Ohie tobacco was also In geed 10 quest, especially led ninl Hpaugled sorts, with wiles el "Ji.'i hhds, enu-hali tnken for Duisb jrg nnd the reiiialndbr by ether ship pers. Ceiiiicrttnit Valley l.raf .Mtirkit Very many of the grovvers have llnlslicd topping tUolrtebacco, alew- very lute creiw only reniiiln te top, whlle ninny have suck suck suck oretl the first time Cutting will begin In about ten days Irein this writing, nt least ns seen ns the 'JUth Inst. Se lar we have net Imanl el hiiiry irnin hail or ether source, II woexcoptn high wind en the nlglitef the llh. Then plants, Homewhat young, wnre blown ever. Some Tew grewers went through thelr Ileitis nml straightened it up, ethers allowed It te eoine up ItselT. In tlie latter case the Htnlks me somewhnt eioekod. Tills iloes no Imrin oxcept II Is net qiiitosecouvenlont te handle. The onrllest set was net blown evor te any extent, ns the stalks verv seen get hard and weedy and ro re ro sistthe elleits el quite n stieng whidle blew Itover. In seme liK-allties, net leachetl by the showers thntethers have had, glowers ceinplaln or n small glow 111. The nights nre, or have been, slightly cool, tee cool te ptomelo n rapid glow lb. (Ireen vierins me net very abundant in any section, se rar as we have learned. Iite to bacco should be topped low, ns the Ihue Is short for ilpening tlie crop. It Is said that seme crops have liaidly warmed up a night solar. If such crops were in geed condi tion ler packing, when put Inte ihe cuse the nwnnr should paelc It In ns eenipict n posi tion its is prnrtleul, and eover with cloths, blankets, old enrpets, lug, or any such available material, nnd iiultice a sweat If possible. IttlAt III Tnbirm. Kiein tlie Mlaiiilslinrg bulletin. Hust isllkely te hoeemo n lnatter or con spicuous linpoitniice In ' le Miami Vnlley Iilanters. Xiiinoreils theoiies, lolatlve le the eaue el this ilestiuctive blight, nre entertained, but tione eftliem have inodllied it orellored im inunity te theso who cling te theories ler want of something better. Thus, cool nights, legs, lie ivy deus, and lain drops acting as a lens have been assigned ns causes. All ngiee that iMittem lauds sutler lirst nnd most fiem rust. All vntietlosef tobacco aie subject te 1 list. The slew -glow lug arleties, of course, sutler worst ; ninl I.itlle Mulch, which Is required te stand lour te six weeks niter topping te develop llavei, has no gi eater enemy unless it is Innnil in seasons el continuous rains like Nil I. Clese observation will disclose the Inct that the incipient rust primarily ntbtcks Iho lower leaves of Urn plant and invariably roverstho yellow spots tliU Indicate approaching ripe ness in the leaf. Hint is, in fact, premature and accelerated riK!iilng. Anyel very many causes operat ing in this direction will produce rust in ti greater or less degice. 'Iho remedy lies in tlioehelco ofseed, selection or soil and in early and low topping. It will be found that latn nnd low lopping nggregates the lnnlndy, because it greatly aii-elerntes ripening. Tlie danger nl nut wns leieseeu when the late rains set In. These who billowed the counsel nfthisjeiirn.il nnd topped early nnd low nre In position te appreciate this timely warning. 1 1 in hotter te let Dutch rust in the held th in te cut it green. humor's .Spmlsli, which is in less 'langer el rust than any ether variety, boc.iuse it is n sw ilt grower, must be cut In twelve or four teen davs ntter topping, or as seen ns the yel low xMts, in. licntlng approaching ripeness in a pi ml topped in title season, can lie seen in the top leaves. When cutting is ceinmeiued it should he pushed with all jiossllile speed that Is, 11 two or mero acres have In en planted In ti single day they should be cut in a single day unless for sem'e eause the plants have not'rlcned uniformly. It will net de te cut the pi mis in various degiees el ripeness. ruilerinity must lie the object lliiongheut all methods or cultivation. A raiitlle ')fti in the tu TiiIiik in. hiein slot u ami t-arin. Lexington, by Di. W. l!. I'erry brought te out olllce the nthei daj' n parasite he li id taken from a to te Imiiii stalk. It had sent up from a mass el line roots or suckers, by which it adhered te the tobacco, a number el sti, tight sheets, about lour inches long, without branches. Theso sheets were tilled small purple llow llew ers, but have no leaves. At Iho base el e.icli (low er w as a seed jkmI containing u million of lineseed, mero or less. The doctor Informed us that it made its nppearnnce last year en the tarn of Mr. Sainmril l.vne, nnd has since travelled around cnnslderablv ; that it nour ishes en either tolncce or hemp, ami is I ital te either plant. The tobaice gets sickly nnd vellew Ter want et the nourishment taken by the puaslte nnd gees te the bad. Who can tell us mere about if Uli a S lie or Tell in ii Is Cnlleil Ik ' llrp.tk " The mqiiiiy is treqiiently nude, " Why Is a sale el teb u co in tin) wareliouses called a break"" mid but few et the young pnople uroabletennswor. In olden time, in tlie days et em daddies, the weed was all prbed in hogsheads beloie marketed, and when placed en the warehouse lloer the hogs heulsworestripiKil oil and with asharpireii plunger breaks were niade Inte the hulks el tolnccenud simples taken thorelrom and submitted te tlie Inspection or purchaseis. Heme the eriirin et tlie word " break," and it is iiscjI te this day, notwithstanding most if net all, or the tobacco is placed en tlie ware house lloers in loeso packages or piles. Per sons unacquainted with the toriner inntloef selling are at n less te knew tlie slgnillcani e el the word "break " in connection with the sales el leat tobacco. A Siiiiculiin l.raf 1'iitkrr. A Leaf reporter Interviewed n New Yerk lacker, Iho ethor day, nnd found him In a joyful mood. Said he : 1 havejust had an other peep at the new tobacco, and I tell you, sir, I have never seen anv thing like it since 1 liave been i euneeteil with the initie. Se bcatitilul Is it that it seems n slinme te reduce it le ashes. I reler principally te Connecti cut nnd Wisconsin, both of which I have picked. 1 hear that the ethei stales have much line teb K co, but I have seen toeltttlo el it le oxpress an opinion en Its met Its. 'n less seiik thing unforeseen should occur te nllci t the new tob.icie unfavorably, Suniatia is deemed. Why, it is only a day or two him en large clgai maniil n tuier told me that as seen ns the new tobicce was lit te weik he intended giving up tlie use et Sumatra te- b.ui'O entlreiV. Tlie uoueio lias eceu sun loiniei emps, "although containing much line tobacco, have net hud Hiilllclent te bring down the mho below that et Sllumtl isumair.i. jiiii ims vcar it isdilleieut. Thetobacceisiiniioiiiily of Unit dark, rii li glossy brown color that is se much desired by inaiiufactiiiers, nml will lertalnly be a tiorce coinpetlter el Sumatra. Maniil.ictuiers will be able te purcliiise theso goods Im alieiit one-half thocestol. stun iti.t" Internal Ktwriuie. Hen. .Ins. S. Miller, commissioner et Inter nal leveniie, has minion preliminary report te the secretary or the tieasury en tlie col lection el internal rovenuoniidtho condition ofthe service. Frem this repert it nppears that the cost or collecting tlie internal rev rev eiuiefnrtlin llseal yenr ended .Iitne.'Ki, lhs.r, was about flst),oeo, being T.) percent. el the amlmiit collected, and (Iiiki.iiik) less than the cost Ter the year IsSI It is estlinnted that the total receipts rrem all seu ices el Internal rov rev rov niue ter tlie current fiscal year w 111 be about SnrslMH.,000. . , ,, ,.,,.. I 110 rOCOipis liem llinuvu lli'niiii iiumni. issi. i8sr. ( lull's Illlll (llCIOIltH tln.Ti.s.Nll 27 f Iti,li77,; I llllllcllis . Sllllll Telini'i e, liuulnt; ami Sllieklllg licnlius In leal tillMLlll IM.Il'ini .i."i.sr. ks IH.J11 M n.iss.ui; ii l',5'l'i s-' AiHIllU si 1111.1,1111 .11 .B,ttis7 1,I59,RIT 7s 5,3.-0 25 ICS.IJii M ll.JOO.V. (Hill Cllll IllV) .. Healer In iiiniiiitiii tin ClllelMlClU.SpCCtlll t ix Manulm tuii'is et te bacon (Mptdal tax) Jlaiiu fact in nit et (I gars ("pcctul tax) l'cttillms et toliacce (upcclal tax) i.i V.,7Sii Jil Mi: ii H7,''i l'l ii,in.'iei Total l.ii,t,,a 'is J.M.IOT.tiss 2S A (Inn CIiiIi'h M'U Sliiiet. n Thursdav nlternoeu uext the Maple (irove gun club will held their second sheet nt Mill riinn's park. There will be at least a tlecu gentlemen in the match, and each will sheet at tlltcen llve pigeons. This club is cnioeosed of well-known sportsmen, and in theso Mioets only nieiiiliers are allowed te sIkmiU The aduifssieii charged Is very small, mid the club deserve a geed patronage, as e.xcellcnt sport is always seen ut their meet ings. .Hid llvnr)' l'liml. Yesleulay fi8S was added te the fund for thorellofof James Henry, at the American llapid, telegraph olllce and the whole sum se far collccted la ?10.&a Al'dl'ST QUAUTKK SESSIONS. i ro.eif.j .v.i.v vericri:n nr -i.v ATiitMvr 'in Mi':. lllii Ciiiieicl Mains n .Millien In Ann-t nt .liiilKiiimit Dr. S s sinner, Iriinillln's (liil I.iiIIiiiIii '1 rial Itllli I'iiiiiiiI anil 'lliimn Igmireil. I eiirl i e-assenibled nl -tit) o'clock en Mon day nllci neon mid the lirst case called for trial was that of commonwealth vs. Albert lleuils, indicted ler latently. A I mini Illtuer, or llie I. inenster watch factory, appealed as prosecutor. The testimony ei the common wealth witnesses wns that inaleri.ils nnd tools belonging te the company were missed at tllllcreul times ami suspicion pointed te the accused. Seircli warrants were obtained nnd Olllcers Ititchey and lleuner went le the room occupied by Menus, en Celumbli avenue, ami thete n large number or tools nml considerable material, hloiitllled ns the propeily orihecompitiy, was leiind. Ter the dclense the accused went en the witness stand nnd denied having stolen nny et the ni'iteri il or tools claimed by the ceinpiiiv ns their pioperty. Some or the mateiialH be claimed were waste and he wns glum permission te take thein by n son or .Mr. Illtner and the I'erein m el tliu room In the watch lactei v In which he wasomplevod. In rebuttal Mr. Ilitner's seu was called mid testilled that he never, te the best el Ids knowledge, gave Itemis permission te take tiny el the materials awav. Alter tlie testimony was closed the court asked counsel bit the defense hew long they wanted te argue the case II. F. Davis leplled ten inlutiUs. 'Iho leuit sdd they would only give him live minutes le argue the case. Mr." Davis protested agiinst being limited In his argument mid stated le the court that tlie supreme court had dii'ided that the com I did net h ie tlie power le limit counsel In their arguments, and ir he could net speak ten minutes he would net make any argu ment. Theieiirl would net givoeeunsel tlie ten minutes asked ler.less he would net bike, and the court charged the ptrv. They retired te deliberate, but retlli lied in a few minutes witli n verdict el net guilty. Mil (It it t v III t v nt i i, Themas 1 I.cewasput en tint ler steal ing plttmhm'rt tools Irem llinuphreville A hieller, let wlieui he wetkeil, I.. II. Itachler and .Stener.ShiehierA Co.,rermereinplov(rs. The tools weie stelen en June 17, Irem the first named linn, ninl l.ee was arrested at the l'cniis.vlvanl i rallienl depot as he was about bearding a train ler I'hil iilclphl.i en the nlternoeii of th it day. In Ids possession was u bigieiiLiinitig tools, which were iden tified by the parlies above named us their property. Deleiidant'sieimsel r used the point that iliiliitments i lunging the 1 in envoi tools rrem HumphrPMIIe A K idler and Stenei, Shreinei A Ce., could net l sustained, ho he c.iiisn tus'erdmg te the testiiueiij el the com monwealth's witnesses the tools weie given te the accused li.v his cmpluvpis, and lonse lense ipiently lie cenlil net have stolen them. It he is gitllty el any ellense as te these prose cutions it is 1. in env ns b.ilbe 'Iheceiiit siistaintd tlie point in.ide by utilise I, ami by consent et i eurt the distrn t attorney niten d a iiiilprei ns te these lndlctmeiits. As te the larceny el a brace from I.. II. Ilachler the accused testilled that he Ixiught it Irem a man whose until) he did net knew. This case was submitted te the Jim wit bout argument. The jury acquitted the defend imt alter a low moments' ib liberation. I'll Kl'lll 1. 1 I s M l. si I i. Willi im Miiriav w is hid it ted for assault ing with intent te roll Mis Sushi Itesh, a resident el the Ninth ward. The lommeii wealth's witnesses testilled that en llioi.thef Mnv, the day en which Itanium's circus was In this city, "Mm. Itesh and a number of her Iriends were standing at the corner el .laities anil North ijiieen streets watching the pre (essleii. Tlie accused, who was pushing through the crowd, was noticed te put his hand In Mrs. Itesh's jmcknt. She caught him in the ni t, a pellt email was called ami be w as arrested. The accused testilled in his own b( h ilf tliat en the nth el May he c.iine le this city te join one or tlie depiittiienls or It irnitiu s circus mid denied th.it he made auv attempt te pii k the laily'M xm ket. The jiiiy icndertsl a viidict or guiltv. The court sditencid him le undergo mi im im prisenment r nine months. Vss vi t t l VN nl I li i n. Tims. Cohorts w is indicted ter insisting nnd assaulting I oust ibleMt Faddt n, el Mari etta, en July 1 !. The presm uter testilled that he found Keherts en Iho sidewalk very much llinler the iiilliicnce of II qner and he caught held of li nil witli Iho intention el tak ing lilm te the Ixiieugh Iih kup. Huberts re sisted, sti in k witliesn several times and It was with the greatest dithcultv nnd only witli the assistaliioer.i number otcitiens that he wits bullied ill the station house The accused testilled that when Constable McFiidden m rested lilm he did net wear a iiniterin, did net show an elliier's badge, did net tell lilm tli.it he was an ellict r nnd that Mcl'adden struck the first blew. When near the lockup McFiidden told him he was nu eillier anil he i eased resistance. The Jury rendered a verdict et net gullty.biil Imposed the costs en the defendant. VN 111 I.V11TI.1I si II tin.. Ftetl. Sitler was Indicted under tlie i (mi nion law, let an nltnmpl te commit suicide. The testimony or the commonwealth wit nesses was as follews: On May J?nU the ac cuscil wnssceii te tluew himsell under the w heels el a locnmntive.it tlie J unction en tlie Heading inllread. He was rescued fiem the track iust in tune te save Ids lire. A low me ments afterwards he made a second nttempt, He was then arrested by Constable Zelgler. The accused told the constable that several men had tollewul him Irem l'cterslinig with the Intention et killing lilm, mid that sooner than they should butcher him with knives he had delei milled le kill hhusell by throw ing himself under the wheels or the cat. Stlor,whehisroeovciod soiiiewh.tt, wen ten tlie witness stand, mil testilled th it what leek place en the day he attempted te take his lire appears new te lilm as a dream. He did net deny making the attempt. Tlie juiy rendered a vcidict el net guilty en tlie grounds et iiisiiiUv. Tlie mental condition el Slller w ill new he Inquired into. l'l I vs III' IU'II.1 v. James Dillas pleulcd gniltv In stedmgn trunk, tlie pioperty et su ill ''lets, et Col umbia, anil was seiitemcd ti iiudcige tin Imprisonment nt seven mouths. Chniles Keller pleaded guiltv te stealing a raei liem tlie harbor shop el Demits Mai tin, corner el I'rinceand West Klngstieets, and was sentenced te the county prison ler a term of two ami a half months. (iii.vMi .ii in itririiN. Ti tic Jiilh. Levi Hever, assault with in tent te ravish; Samuel S. Stener, assault nnd battery and ndulteiy ; Jehn O'Donnell, felonious entry ; Jnmes I legan, nssnult and battery ; Janies Dallas, larcinv ; Chnrles Keller, liuceiiy. jiiinri'il liitti. I aie i.ecKaru, open icwii. ness ; lleni'imiii Carter, et nl., hiiceny. Tuemluy Mernim). Court inetntiie'cliKk, Thollistc.iseattaeliodfortrl.il wns Unit of commonwealth vs. Janies Hegan, itssaiiltanil battery. The piosectiter wns Albert Span gler, ii brellier-in-law, and hotestltlcd that en the ITTlli el April, he met the accused and without nny provocation he struck 1dm In the face, knocking soveial teeth out and othervvlse Injuring lilm. At the Justlce's olllce llegiili ndiiiltted that he had assaulted the nrosecuter The aecused testilied thai he met Spangler en Iho irrtli el' April and that gentleman ini ini ini lMirtimedlilintohuyiisulterflothos ler his Imiv. Witnesssahl that he hail been sick ler a long time nnd did net have the money te spare. This nngered Hjungler ami he moved tewanis witness in a llircaiuiiniK iiuhhci, nu feared thatSpaugler Intended te assault him and in seir-iiefonse he struck lilm once and then walked awav from lilm. The case was given te the Jury" under the Instructions of me cenn. a. xeruiciei guiiiy was tuivim, The court senteifed lilm te pay afinoerfo ami costs. CONWCTKD 01' V HIIIUOl'S OI'I'I'.NMU LevvU lleyer, a coleroil man, was Indicted for an assault w 1th attempt te commit a rape onAtigeline Blymyer, a white woman, of Mnrletln. The lestliiieny or the coinmou ceinmou coinmeu weallh's witnesses wns Hint Uoyer wns nt the house or accused en April 'in, In a room, the deer or which wns locked. The woman is weak-mlniled antl subjei I te spnstns. She wns soiled witli two whlle in the courtroom, nnd her testimony could net be tnken. Her slster happened te call nt the home en Iho day in question. Slid found the deer locked anil forced it open. Shu found her sister In bed ninl Iteycr standing In irent of the bed. The prisoner testified that en the day in question he wnsnt lllyniyer's house by in v lbitlen or the r.ither el the girl. He denied linv ing committed the ollense charged. Tlie Jury Hindered a erdlct or guilty. Sentence was postponed, pending n motion font new trial. int. si "Mill ON mi VI.. Dr. S. S. Stener, or Iretiville, was Indicted ferndullery. The testimony el tliocoiiiiuon tliecoiiiiuon tlioceiiiiuon wealth's wltnesses was that the licensed was guilty of the ollense charged with the wife or Mattlii.ts llcirrich,wltli whom he eloped roiiie weeks nge. On trial. Jehn O'Doniiell plead guilty le hteaking open n cir, Iho property or the Pennsylvania railroad ceiupiuy, vvllli Intent te commit a rblenv. He wits sentenced te undergo mi linpilsonment of 7 inenthn, IIIIANI) Jl'llV HliTt'ltV. True lulls Jehn Sweirlk, nttempt te rnvlsh, nnd larceny j William Mutten, bur glary nml felonious mitry; Jcsse A. IIckhI. larceny j Daniel C. Welnheld, nssnult and battery, and burglary ; llltoen true bills for burglary, felonious entry and larceny were returned again (leorge Heiick. lini'-inl Wt Charles Delllnger, larceny ; William Hiitlen, larceny; Daniel Mj'ers, assault mid halterv, county for costs ; Charles Iteihiu, felonious assault mid battery. .mux vur.niiY si:uttn si. uriiT. i in. . n front a Itiniiina) Coupe Unity Cut Mint ItriilMil Last night, between tinnil 10 e'chx I;, Jehn Cherrv, hackmnn, who drives for his f.ithei, I'atrick Cherry, iiiatle a narrow escape Irem being killed en Fast King stiect. lie was driving a black horse hitched te aieiis, lewatd Cenlre Sqiiaie. In front et William son A Fester's store, where Improvements aie being made, there was hanging a latge wooden sheet, which is used for sliding brii ks, Ac, te the street. At thlstlieiiidtn.il frightened and started le run. Cherry lest control or the animal, and he ran against mi Iren hitching pest hi front or lleinitsh's drug store, breaking it oil. Tim animal then dashed Inte a Inrge plle or bricks In front of the New N erk stere, iiuil Cherrv wits thrown from the carriage te the belglati blocks. The lioise ran en te Centre square nnd the wngen struck against the large stone at the i et nor el tlie monument- Here the animal broke loesolrom the carriage, leaving It behind. .eimg Cherry was carried Inte I.ocher's drug stere bv some gentlemen who were in the big crowd which gathered iiume diatelv after Iho iicciilent. Mr. l.oeher waslie'd the bleed from the voting man, and Dr Carpenter, who was sent ter, wns seen en hand and attended te Ids Injuries, it w is found that the mm was badly injured, lie received at ut several litihes In length under the i bin, mid there worn quiteji iiiiiiiIxt en the luck of the head. Ills skull was net injured, as was at hrst supposed. Ileth Ids upper nnd lower lips were badly ut and several teeth tire knocked brum the uplier Jaw. There is a rcarfiil cut in his back near the bit shoulder and his hedv is eev ered w ith bruises almost te his feet. 'I Ins morning when Cherry was seen bv n re re iverter or tlie Is rf.i.i mi.vt i u, at his home en Water street, he could scire ilv move In Nil. He is badly slilleued up and It will lie seme time Ijefore he will le able te be about. lierrj has hi en iinlortiinate with hursts. Last suuiliKr about this time the same horse that he was driving last eveiiiui; ran away rreiiibbn, throwing lilm upon the ) ivemeiit ill front el the Iniki.i iciiini'iih olllce nml liadlv Injuring ldni. 1 he tnupn te which Iho "imrse was hltiliid last evening was almost new. It is new a terrible w ret k, nearly everv p-irt of it having been d imaged. : i.s; i.l.. mill.is 1lll .it .-t l.ei-nl nml ticnirul Nete. if Hie IM.iiiiiiihI I Intel. Itase ball vcsteulay - At I'luladi Iplna Mets 1,, Athletic 't; at llroeklv 11 t Haltiniore i, Hrenklyn I, at New erk ; New 01 k I, l'hilailelplui 2; at Kiclimend : Noilelk 10, irginia ' i it Witshhigten : Westminster , Nationals . (11 innings;; nl Wilkesbarre ; Wilkesbirre 'J, Crickets, of lilnghamteii, 2. at Newark! Newark 1, Waterbiiry n at Hiiilgeix-irt! Trenten 7, Hridgoiert 2. The Waterbury club had but one hit in Newark yesterday In vcsterclav 's game ;u liiciiiueiui, 1 an 01 Norfolk had two two base hits and a triple. The New Yerk had but three hits oil Fer Fer gueon vtsterda.v, but they wen bv brilliant fielding. stevev was put in untre Held vosterday nnd Milligau placed first base ler the Athletics. Yesterday the Norfolk surprix d the ir glnla by beating them at home. Kimber was bit'li.ird. The Athletic players are frightened ever the release or l'ureell mid Kuiglit and the lining or Levctt. Mike Seanlen mlglit strengthen his club rrem the Westminster. Ilirnle did se by securing young i.reer. Hich irilsen of the Hullale 1 lull, li is played ten sttnight games at second base without an error, nccepling hlty-si chances. The Wilkosbarre club was chartered yes terday. Jehn J. Malnnev et the llfennl, loi lei loi merl v or Lancaster, is ns.slst.mt liiamiger. Tlie New Yerk Tumi think Ohltleld will nrmn n i.iln.il.le man te the Hroeklyn. A iiiinibnr of Lancastrians siw him play his eiH'iiing gameat Atlantic City with tlie teatn and they speak In Ihe highest terms el his work. The club or youngsters from Westminster, captained by Hilly Zecher, el this city, mens strong as any et thein. . esterday they visited Washington mid dcicalcd the Nation als in tin eleven Inning gune. They hit O' Day veiy freely. Yesterday's game between the Athletics and Mets was lest by Kiieull, Ihe pitcher et tlie fenner.w he allow ed a ground bill te 11111 through his legs hi the seventh inning alter vvliltli Iho Mets made three runs. Ihe Athletics had but six hits oil Ciishinm. l'eter Smith, late ofthe Lancaster club, is doing geed pitching for the Springlleld clii'i el the New Fngland League, which he latilv joined. In Saturdays gaum ng.iiusi the Moriden. the strongest club In tlie league, the .Sitriiwllrhl Ihuh I'men s.i.vs; "Net until tl'e hist hair or the ninth Inning when two im 11 weie out did tlie Merhlens succeed in . return-:i sain hit oil Smith mid then Themas succeeded In placing a short hit be tween (hliil base and lelt Held. Smith pitched a rennrkably line game, Kichard snii, his old catcher, lucked lilm up in his usual tine stvle." The score steed 11 te 1 In lavorer Spiluglleld, Smith had tliree hits in the game. 'J lilm cs With Circuses, A thief, who nttempteil le steal a lady'H poek'elbook whlle Hariiuni's show wns mak ing their stroetparado upon tlie occasion of thelr reeent x isit here, was sentenced te niue months imprisonment yesterday. Te-morrow another circus w 111 be hoie ami It might be well ter peeple le took out ler (moves during (he street pirade. Ofcourse all kinds of creeks fellow shows, although they have nocennoction with them, and the pollcevvill no doubt watch their movements. A Serenade, Mr. Saintiel llluey, nu cinploye of the l'ennsylv aula railroad at Harrisburg, who is spending his sumnier vacation at Mr. M. Hartley's, at Dillorville, was given asoicnade Monday ev oiling by Kiiigtit's orchestra, .x large number et friends liem Ihlselty weie present,who greatly enjoyed the geed music, geed company and choice refectien furnished by " miiie host." The KulghU tr lilila' rnnventlnu, Reading is rapidly Ailing up lt rep resentatives or the Knights of l'ythias of rennsylvanla, who will held a four days' convention, beginning with te-day. Mayer Oet7. will dollver the addrem or woleeme, which will 1hi rospeiuled by flranil Chan celler Carr, of Alteena. Keany ieur uuii ZdloJgcVeM TIIK WOODS WOKSHII'KliS. itr.i.uiiin S hour i. Tin: i.andisvii.i.i:. CAM I' AT Item Hun li con tin, Ilci.tle r Siiinliiy .Vtcin- imj'h .Xliiriilng nun I:miiIiij; Set ill (-. The AiHilntiiif)iits .Xlailn fur Hit) liven les nf TtitMclny. Mnmhiy Met nxntj Tlie reaction conse quent upon the excitement or Sunday witli Its crowds el jteople, sieclal oxercUes, jilc, is very apparent upon the camp grounds lids morning. The lardiness witli which the people assemble le-day Is very noticeable The early morning prayer meeting at 8i".0 wits led by ltev. J. Nelsen 1 'otter, et Lan caster. The 10 o'clock sen ice was conducted by llev. (1. F. Hughes, et Westminister, Mil., who preached rrem I'rev. ill., 17: "Herwnys nre ways of pleasantness nnd nil her paths nre peace." .Vemfiiv ,.1iYi moeii Thoehlldren'ssorvlco at U'.O wits led by Key. J. II. Fstorllne, or New burgh, Va., and by his iecull(irly happy manner infused much lire Inte the exercises. The meeting was addresetl by D. W. Spenoer, orNevvvllle, l'ret A. T. l'almanil llev. II. F. Heck, el Hnrrisbtirg. At (o'clock Klder A. 11. Leng rend the Scripture lessen Irem 2d chanter el Kplio Kplie sians. FlcierS. Stoneslfer, of l'nlmyra, dis coursed from I'hil. !.,: " Hclng confident el this very thing," etc. He was billowed by II. I.. II0117I10II In an exlinrbitleu ninl address te shiuerK. Mimilin J'vcntm. The iirayor-ineetlng was held in the tent preparetl for that ur M)se at the head of the grounds, nnd was led liy II. I.. Itoii7hell. There was an unusually iuteiestlug meeting and all in attendance said It w.'ts the most spiritual meeting held thus Tar upon the gietiud. At T.'iO f(e. I'. I,. Mcedeiiiiis, el Sixten, Iteillerd county, Fit, preiched i text: 2i Jehn, v, 11-12; "And this is the icceiil," etc. I'nillts 'Iho I'.ev. W. II. Aspril, el the West Mis sion M. F. ihiiieh, wild Iho camp a visit to day. llev. Mtocleinus.nlSaxten, ltev. J. II. Ilnll leigh,llarrisbiirg; llev. F. V. Wcidenhaniei, i:iljil;c tbtew n, D. W. Siieiicer, Newville; and Mr. II. l'hilllps, el Lancaster paid the camp a visit vosterday. The fellow ing .appointment have lieen mule ler te-div : 8;tti p. meeting, llev. C. Ka'iler: 10 o'clock service, Hev.J. II. liai lleigh, el Harrisburg ; D. W. Spencer, of Newville, le lead Hill ihildren's meeting; Hev. II. I . Heck, or Harrisburg, te preach ntl'IOp. 111. Mr. Meyers, el' Shlpiiensbtirg, te lead ii p. in. praver nieethig. I'ref. Mc llvnin, D I)., of" llarkervllle, Crawford eeiiiitv, l'a , te preach at 7;iO. .1 r.l VI I.l .11.1(117 ism i:iivix.tTi:n Illlll' ('lutein 11 nml 'I lif Ir Mnlln r liil Ic l in ill l.iilesliin nl tliinjMiiiilrr. A ti riibleaivuleiK is reported treui Little C.tlllcni, Terre Denne parish, I.u A low days age, while Fitiiln Liretie was engiiged hi ineiildiiig bullets for his gun preparatory te mining a number of his friends in target sheeting, he asked his wire te fill his xw(ler horn Ter him. she was seme ten or twelve feet from the llreplncc, where n few coals viere smeuldering. The lask was but half completed whin a gust of wind suddenly blew ing through the open deer si ut a sp irk straight at the powder, whiili ignited and a terrlllc explosion lollewed. The reef el (he dwelling was tern oil; three rluhlrcn viere Instantly killed ; the mother reciivtd sin h miuries that before many hours she, loe, was dead, while the husband and lather nml two cIilldlTrr-xv-rrrr badly wounded. Tliu noise or the explosion brought a niim bur or neighbors te tlie scene, wheie tlie bruised nml blackened bodies or a whole family told the sad sterv or tlie learlul havoc wrought by a spark. irilltera unci Manageis 'I'lie author of a new Fngtish nevel writes 10111 ernitig editors and managers: "Tliese gentlciiien,"hesald, "are cemjielleil te fellow, they de net le id tlie public taste, and they are wise, (nve them a geed tiling net original, and they knew it nml take It ; oller them twice as geed a thing in a new line, they knew its value perfn'tly, but they rtqt'it lU They have te, and 1 approve thein; tliey knew what they are about. Suppose Shakespeare a coiitemperarv, and net te hav e w ritteu a line. Let fiiin go w ith a masterpiece te tlie Aicordien theatre, and he would id five a week alter 11 neat parcel containing his plav nnd the fol lowing letter; 'Te William Shikes Shikes Shikes onre, esq, stratlerd-011- von. Sir 1 hive read jour MS. tragedy, entitled Ham let, Willi attention, and beg te sav that, making Miiiieallnwaiicefnr jour obvious want olexiierionco In writing ter tlie theatre, 1 find considerable talent lieth in tlie plot and dialogue. I have strong doubts, however, or Its ikjwei or Interesting an audience, and I accordingly regrtt te be under (he necessity (r returnim; jeur.MS with many thank lei its perusal.' And the manager would lx in the right. Tlie public went stand what is goedandnow tee; they want educating llrst, and they will enlv stand n little education at a time." This theerv waset Inexpressible cntntert teininy veutig gentlemen or genius engaged in liteiatme. slMj Watcli Tnul Vlnkern lliu or Werk. The Walthaui watch tool lempany, or WaKliam, Mass.ichusetts, oniplevMng sixtj men, lias closed its shop. AI'OAIt HKAII. A W ill Known New 111u Deiiiixiiil I'ell- lb 1 111 Siiililt'iil) stricken Ddimi M.nvsv.N. Y., Aug. is. Hen. Fdgiu K. Apgar, tlepnty state trensuier, iermerly deputy secretnrj' et state, is net expected te Iho through tlie day, he was taken suddenly ill j-esterd ij' altorneon w Ith a complicalleii el livn ami stomach dlllicullies. Mr. Apgar is iilxnil le years et age and ene of the best known" politicians 111 the state. He was n close lrlend el Oev. Tilden nnd nn earnest iriend of l'residenf Clevelnnd. 11 was his intention te take. in mtlv epart in this hill campaign, lle has been a sullorer Ter severat months, but by I1010I0 efforts man aged te porlenu his duties. His llnee biolh bielh eis have been lolcgraphed lei. Lvilili At U10 p. in., he is slowly sink ing. Fdgu K. Apgar died at 2i II p.m. Shet kins ICalltenil Artlili'iil. Hi'il'vi.e, N. Y., Aug. K Last night nlieiit t) oVleck a shocking iiccident oc curred nt ihe Smith stroet crossing or the Frie lallwny, Fast Hufliiln. A man temie.l Cen rail Haitlunu was cress ing the track carrying in his arms the liltle Ihreo-year-eld son or Jacob Heek, lle failed te see the approach el'a freight 011 011 giiie in time te get out et the way. ltartmnn was struck nnd killed instantly. The child had both loot cut oil and seen died, llnrt iiiiiu was a slngle man, 11 years ei age. The A. II. V. W. nt Hullale. Ill it i.e, Aug. In Thoselect Knights of (he A. O. F. W. arrlved by every (rain (his morning, and ihe lociUeglons worn kept busy receiving the Incom ing gnosis. At 10.30 they assembled In Iho A.O.U.W.hall and were wolceinod. Hen. A. I'. Titii', en behnlt or Iho cltlens or Iluf. lain, iiiiule a speech le which Grand Coin Cein Coin mander Heckwllh responded. The legion ihen went Inte sccret hesslen for the electien ofelllcors. Dentin rrem Clieleul. MAPnin, Ai.g. 18. The reixirts of clielera for (lie past 21 hours ilireugh Spain show l,b30 new cases and 1,718 deaths. Jehn ituikhi Gettiue lletter. Londen, Aug. IS. Mr, Jehn Huskin D.tsscd a geed night nml his condltleu this rut: ueitMii.x.s i.v m i:ivu The Siili-iullil IjiimIs hlili llulr l'ru.rljlf. unci Itrirulli) VV III tlcc iqij Ft. l,.vsci)Tex.,Aug,H.'i'he lands in Mexico upon which the .Mermen leaders have do de elded te lecate their pieseljfes anil new reciutlK riem FureiK) nre situated In (he Northern part or the state or Chihuahua, within lilty miles el the Ari7ena nnd New Mexican boundary line. A jior jier jior tlen or Iho lanils He hi Snnera. Tlie new Cauam is a 111 ignillcaut grazing conn cenn try, well watered and cannula of i high state or cultivation. Tlie seli is virgin. It is said the Mermen section comprises about enu million acres which they have con tracted te purchase nt very low llgures. Ne money hits passed vel, as tlie titles are being Iiorfecled ami the Mormons demand that (he ledcral government shall confirm the legalllj' of (he tltle bofero Ihej' liand ever the pay ments. Arrangements are going forward, hewever, for the Immediate settlement of the lauds antl the vanguard et the Mermen army will arrlve the llrst week In Decoinher from I'tali. Hrlgham Yeung, jr., whlle here re cently said he was ollcred millions of acres of geed land nt at a rcmarkable cheap price and that the Me.xlc.ins were offering every inducement te soctire the Mermen colony Instead of assuming a "Hostile attitude, ns has been currently reported. nothing Valley Djtmmitcr nt Werk. Cem villi's, O., Aug. IS. W'erd from the Hecking Valley last night was te the elTect that the greatest excltcincnt reigns in the vl cinily of Shawnee, Corning and New Straits Straits vllle, en account et the nttempt le blew up (he residence or Hugh Kiniiey, a miner, 'i'lie dastardly work, It is claimed, wasdone by luluers, nnd threats or vengeanee were Ireely Indulged in. The worst sort of feeling prevails among Iho miners en account or tlie recent cut in wages, and the failure or (he sliike last week, Tlie miners agreed te re main at work, bccaime, mouths nt Idleness ami jxirhaps starvation looked them in (he Tace. The operators are at present en top, but it leeks as ir there might l bloody work among the miners in the next Tew dajs un less things change. A llniipts similar te (he ene til Shaw nee nre looked ler nt any day te be followed I, j-a gcneinl strike. There is great uneasiness among both miners and operators. An I'lMklllful Surgeon I'iiiim'h tiicnt sullerbig. Mvtisiivi.i, Ills., Aug. ls.One ofthe most horrible cases of sullcrlng en record Is 1 eported from MeKeen, six miles east el here. On August hi, Davis Hlack, aged 11, was threw 11 from a horse and his arm broken in two places. An unskillful jiliysl. lan set the arm, leaving one et the bones protruding through the llesh. Mertith atlen set In and seen spi cad te the shoulder ind body. The mortified arm was left excised by seme means and en last Wednesday worms began working at the llesh el tlie living bej Alter sullering tlie most aw fill agonies lorhvedays and having his arm nearlycitenaway bv' the worms, tlie sullerer died Sunday night, and the remains were biiiied al once. 'Iho sur geon has been warned te liave (he ceimtrj. Jell D.ixl- In III- ( iinlVili rate llrithrrn Four WeiiTii, Tex. Aug Is The lollewlng letter wns received vosterdaj' by Chairman Van ..melt, from Jellerson Davis, in response te (he icsoiiuien ttilegriiplied te lilm during theiecent great Confedcrata .minion here : liliAirveiu, Mhw., Aug: 13. Mi l'l- ritr Your telegram of the sixth wss ferwnrcled bv tnnll from Mississippi City. Ave have no (olo (elo (ole graphic station "here, and thorefnre tl,'0 re ceipt or our dlHtetch wits delayed, and for (he same re.. en I could net send you an an swer se is ;n reach you befern (he meeting had ndieuriitid. The kind words ofthoox efthoox oftheox Conreiioratus my comrades nnd friends are te 1110 most gratllylug. As far as possible, pleasoitssureall itsseciatt?d with J'eu of (lie cordial appreciation and ihiccre osteeiii with which I nui ladlifully Yours, ISlguedJ Jlil IKHsi.N Davis. siren Car lirlM-r n u strike. Ml'Ml'His, Tenn., Aug. 1" -A Kpnerul strike of all ihe stiect car drivel s iulhecitj was inaiiguratecl this morning, an account et the notice jesterdaj-el a leductien In wages lieni 10 te 1J cents per day, according te the time they had been empleved. I'ew cars were taken out. The stable hands were utilized without molestation irem strikeis, but when new drivers attempted te work the ears were stepped 'Iho tempiny had (.1 drivers in their employ, all of whom are en a stiike with one exception v turntable in the north ern portion ei tliecltv was tern up this morn ing mid tlieieyit nny be senniis trouble, as seme or the strikers are drinking. KIII11I nu Atciillnl nl 11 I'liislitiile. im 1 wr.s, ind., Aug. Is This morning about 0110 o'clock a jeung man named Clark or Fvnusvllle, Intl., stabbed Jacob II. Nans, of Mnncie, luck, soveial times in Iho rcL'ien el tlie heart killing him almost instantly. The terilhle crime was niade worse by Clarke lying Ter his v Ictiin in (he dark, and slal lilug lilm without any warning whatever. The trouble arese about an inmate of Delia Freeman's bagnio. Clarke vowed vengeanee and went otitside and waited for Vel is. The uiurdeier lied and has net jet been ni rested. Ml. Milt Is Net shk. WvsitiMiieN, D. C, Aug. Is. Chler Clerk Nash, of the postelhco dep.utnient saj'sheisassuied that there is no Inunda tien for the lopert unit resuu.isier il.is is sullerini; Irem nervous prostration caused by over-weik. When Mr. Vilas left Washing- (en he was in vigorous health and the lact Im u nn nm nanicd by a physician is ac counted fei by thefacttliat the phjsician In quostlen Is a peisenal filend el Mr. das. Suits l'lleil le itemver iilualile laiuiU. Hei sten, Tex August Is. F. M. O'Fenu has just lllctl IsO suits in the ilistnet court et this county for the heir el Mnry F. W'e.ithor W'e.ither W'e.ithor rerd, ofTenuossee, te gel possossien of ,u; pieces of land in the Olicilloiue, smith sur vey, nml llnee blocks en Main street. Suits te get possossien et 270,000 acies of land In Chorekoo, Hendersen, Husk, Coiyell, He.xar, Medina, Liuiipasas and Housten eountles, nnd flO,lXX) worth of piepmty in Austin have also been cntmed. l'ntnlly SUililietl l a Drunken .Mini. Jl'.llsliV CllV.N. J., Aug. is. 0. O'Slll llvan, of 177 Laidlow avotiue, aged Cfi, imuie home drunk at VliiO this morning, and tailing te gain admittance, he began shouting and kicking in the panels of the deer. Themas Alien, w he resides in (he same house, imiiie down and opened (he deer, un reiuoiisirai reiueiisirai tingwith O'Sullivaii ler his behavieur, the laUer drown kiilfeand fatally stabbed Al Al Ien. O'SulUviin wns arrosted whlle Allen was reuiev ed te (he city hospital. Chief Cei illinium Captureil. Four llevvn:, Arb., Aug. K Scout Leslie has just cninti In and reperts that (he com mand el Maj. D.iv is met a party or Indians en the "th, killed Chloi Nana and seven otheis anil c.iptiued eighteen scptaws, ciiiei iior iier iior iienltno and ene buck, ricriieiiiiiui was badly wounded. (living llm Credit le Spencer. Londen. Aug. 18. The A'ctmhtrci says the result or Karl Carnarvon's visit te Ireland liasjustlllediO motive Tlie oxperlenco Is encouraging, but Fnrl Carnarvon ewes this fact te the success of Farl Hpeneei's liile. tier many tit Oiiupy tliu Careline llaiuU. Londen, Vug. 18. Germany has untitled the pov.ers or her occupation of tlie CaroIIne Islands. A majority et (he pewers will probably unlte with Sp.'m in protesting against Germany's action. THE SHATTKUK1) STEAMER. i.m i:sTii;.nt.(i IHSASTlUt TO tiii: e Aiiati uv tub Tiin s. at. rni.Tex. liellrf Hint It Wns line in n Dj-iminlte Clrlrlilse or Package l'l it oil hi frnnt r llm llcillcr The llrntniis That Are (llvrti 1'er Thin Thfnr). I'liii.Aiusi.i'iii v, Aug. is Thosleamor, H. M. I'ellen, (he scciie of Iho mysterious ex plosion which played such havoc among (he passengers and deck, hands yes terday, lay at her wharf nt Wilming ton te-day, whero the elllclal Investigation was held of the oxpleslon. The cause is still a lnyslerj", but it is bolievcd that dynainlle wns used. Capt. Llnd, or tlie Piukorten dctoctlve ngency, who, by request of the I'ennsylvniila It. It. elllcials, madenn oxaml examl oxaml natlen or the steamer, says that, although he can llnd little en which te base nil opinion, he is satlslled that gunpowder was net used. When tlie explosion eccurred only a little pull orvaperous smeke, which instantly dis appeared, w as seen. Thore xvas net much or a crash nnd no llylng of spliutored tiinben-, . such as accompatiles the firing of gunpowder. It was simply n tumbling of tern objects from thelr fastenings. The pilot house, which was Immediately ever (he oxpleslvo malerial, Is net sliaKeied. Tlie upper for ward deck Reems ie have cellapsed, but Is no( destroyed. The boiler Is all right, ex ex ox eopt that Ihore is a large indentation in the head. It is bellev ed therefore, that a packnge of dj-iinmite or a dynatnite eartridge xvas placed Immediately In front of the boller and thai (he indentation isdue te (he striking et the heav y deck beam against the head or the Isiller. TUT. XltfAltAUUA VAXAT.. A Cllll KiiKlnccr, Spcclullr Dcpiitlreil, Kepnrts Iho l'rngres of the Werk. W.vsmsciTON, 1). C, Aug. K Civil En gineer Menocal, who under erders from Secretary Chandler, went te Nicaragua for the purpese ofrevislng estlinates for thecen- structlen et the Nicaragua intor-eceanlecanaiv' has niade his repert te Secretary Whitney iiiwn his observation of the work en the I'anaiua canal. The result or Mr. Menecal's survej- Is that he finds work has been begun onlj'en 23 out of the 75 kilemeters, compris ing the canal proper and the dredglng in the bay et Panama, leaving lir(j'-(we kilometers or 70 per cent, or the wliole distance as j'e( untouched. He believes that eight million cubic metres is a liberal oslimate or Iho amount or excavalien (e May 1st, although the company claims lour" mil lions mere. The elllcers of the company report that ene hundred and tliiity-live mil lion metres nre required Ter the completion el the canal, but Mr. Moneeal contends that only six per celli or the work required has been done while the cost is only between.'J and I , iei cent- or the total. The past ef forts of the company have been directed, Mr. Menocal sajs, "te a reduction ofthe abrupt elevations; the cutting down of hill sides and dredging in the Colen and hatun sections, ira line be drawn en the prolile of ihe canal joining tlie basis or the isolated olev.illons it may be safely stated (hat with (he oxceplion of (he dredging and sfte xt flfgnitlcnnt o.xcavaUens across seme of the rlrer lends belew that line, whero the lieavv work Is oencvitmteu, nothing whatever Ut been accomplished. .1 JIA1Z2: aUHUIVA'q OI'MtATUIK. Upturning the Ijirujl or Iho Threat In Arrest 11 Cancerous Orewtli, UrKi'At.e, N. Y Anp IS. One of U10 most diftlciilt surgical rations known te the pretesjun w.is lat y porfermod at the general hospital by Dr. Revnvell IMrk, it lieing nothing less than tlie removal of tuu laniyx 01 a patient, In order "destroy a can can cer tliat was fast eatlng the iWfi"v'iie" " ivatient U Dr. J. IL l'iorce, el I'hllli'psbiinr, Ceutre county, Va., who -yintracted the CHR culty which letl te the diatuse, vvhiie Mr Uj arm j-In lstii Dr. I'nrk porferniod whit is known as (raehioleinj, cuKhig through the Irache.in rrem tlie rrent slde or the tlueat and inserted a breathing tube. When the diseased parts wero all cut awaj', and the iuuuiiiorable veins tied and the parts thoroughly cleansed, silver tubes prepared in tills city from models brought by Dr. l'ark from FureiK), wero inserted hi tlie threat te ropl.ice the parts removed. A set of reeds Is also In process of construction w hich are te roplaee (he v ecal organs. They w 111 be put hi place this w cek. The patient is rapidly recovering. This operation has been undertaken only tw ice bofero ; once in New Yerk, the patient lived, the oilier died. OMITS STATU COXrEXTIOX. Tin1 Drlrgnlc l'rpilltlliii: Ihe Nomination of (invorner llcnully. Cem viiirs, Ohie, Aug. is, Delegates te (he Democratic state convention nre arriving en everj' train, and by te-night nearly all the districts will be ropresontcd at tlie state capital. Thore Is an unmistakable feeling among theso new in the city that Gov. Headly will be reneminated. Many go se far as te saj' that thore is no doubt about his reiiominatien, and add that it will suiely be by acclamation. Cel. J no. O. Thompson, Allen O.Myeis and " Ike Hill," nre 011 the gieund taking n lively interest in the pre liminary arrangements. Tlie convention will asseiuble in the epera heuse nt 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Ten fur Thiiriiimi, Cincinnati, ()., Aug. K Tlie Democratic primaries ter the election of delegates te the state convention wero held last ovening. Thodelegatlon elocted Iscompescd principally 01 lieadly moil. As near as can be ascer tained 10 are ler Thurman. Duel of Cowboys Oier a Herse-Thief. Ittsvi uti K, Dakota, Aug. 18,-Tvve cow cew Iwys, Jack Wnltcrs anil Jim Houdell, quar reled in the Deg Den mountains rocently evor the disposition of a horse-thlof, whom tiinvcintiirodllie dav before Walters In sisted that he be lynched and HoikdeU pro pre pro testod te sottle it. The cowboys steed 30 paces and llred simultaneously. Ileth wero killed. Tlie horse-thiot tried te oseape( but was caught by a ranchman, who had wit nessed the dtiel finni his place. ltt'liariitleu for l'ain's Death. Funs, Aug. 18.Henri Hochelort, In J.'liittnnuijemil, urges the governmontto deiuaiid repai atlen ler tlie murder of Ollvler I'.iin. II the goveriiinent will net de this the riiondseri'ain should avongethomselvea upon Loul Lyens, Ilritish minister te Fiauce. S m VJSA T11HH riWIIAUX&ITIEH. The Condition of the Itnremeter ud Ther mometer and iiuUcationnfertheMor iWi W'ahuinciten, D. C, Aug. 18. Fer the Middle Atlantle Btntes, slightly warmer, gonerally fair xv oiither, roitew en in 1110 seuius em iKirtlen by light local rains. Varlable winds, generally southerly. Light local rains liav 0 fiillen in the Seuth Ulantlcanil Kast Oulf states and Tonessoo. In all ethor districts the westher has been generally fair. The temimratuie has rlaen. slightly in tlie Lewer Iike region, U10 Up per Mississippi x'atley and the Middle Atlan Atlan teo states. In all ethor districts the tempera ture has remained nearly stationary. The w liuls liav e been generally from south te west In the 1 Jike regions and New England, and . . . ,.. ..II nll.A- .llutrleta VliriaUIDIIlHIl "I"" "-"s. s.. ,-y- K011 WiiiiN'i'.sD -v. aenerallyfiUr weather Q with nearly stationary tomperaturo is ind 1. , cated ler New Fnglaua auu iiuuie Atiantig j I states, , r .j" C j. rJ a j "i