THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1885. Itl'.lll Kl'.l). On co en n summer dav, Far riuin the bcnlcii way, seiui' full) I'udi tnestrsiv ' upld, mayhap. 1 nileralcafy tii'O, liem should 1 clmnfote tie, horn, but my Itnsiillc, Taking u napf 'llit'ie In nlnvetv Jidulf, "cloeni t fiem Iiiliudei's leek, Scar hei neglected bonk, Miliiibeilug rIie lay. What could n fellow On? Tell me, sir, wouldn't you Kneel ami tiikuounet two lvlscsawnv " Ml, but I blol.e the spell Opened hei eyes, unit t 11, ( enlil I de clue tlnn tell lien It was lildltct Humbly rer grace I plead; Stciiilv she shook hprbead: couldn't j en wall," she said. "Till I awoke, f from the Jtttrtard Aditicatv. An Iiirlilrnt of An hl)l!ie Ulhbmis' Career. Tlicre Is ene Incident 111 thti primale'i llfe which lie Kclilem tetiehri en, but wlileh dtiscil iiiinioiise niinwiiient nt thotline It occurred. Wlille llisliep of Klcliineiiil he Was the defendant in Milt lelatltiB tosemo church property. Wheu he was allied te the witiiess stand the plalntiH"s lawyer, a diithiKuMicd luminary who still shines In Hichinend, alter vain ondeaers te Invelve the witness in contradictions struck en a plan which he thought would annoy the bishop. He thorcfero quostlencd Mr. bens' rlRlit te the title of Hlshep of Hichinend ntid called en him te preve his claim te the olllce. The defendant's lawyer or ceurse ebiectcd tothlsasirruleiant, Imt the bishop, with a quiet smile, said he would comply witli the request If allewrd n half hour te produce the necessaiv papers. This was allow ed. The bishop left the coiiitreoin ntid returned in twenty minutes with n document which he pro ceeded te read w Ith re.t seleninilv all the inore solemn ns the paier was all in Latin. 'I he plaintiffs lawyer pictended te take notes industriously, bow Ins; his head once in a whlleas If in nenulosceneo, nud seeinhig porfectly convinced at the end. When the leading was llnNliril he announced that thn papal bulls just lead wero entirely tery, at the same tlme apologizing ler his ex pressed doubts. The next day It leaked out that the bishep,unable te llnd the papal bull at his residence, had bieucht te court and read a Latin es.ay en 1'ope Lee the, written by ene et students and for warded by the pi esldcnt el the cellcgn as a specimen of the young man's skill in Latin composition. Tint smart law j or has net heard the lest of It ycL rertlnetit te the se.iMin, Fiem the New iik Times. He They glve very large dishes of cream here. She Yes. He One illsli is about all that ene dure eat. She Yes. He P.irticiil.uly as ice cri'am issiid te be far from healthv. Slie Yes. He I undeistaud that miuh of the ice cream newadais is made up of pobenoiis compounds. ishe Yes. Ilore. waltei. che moanetlier dish of vanilla, and bring me the check for What Hn ."eiilid. Frem the Uaibei's Guttte. "New, you loll me, I a fair memory, it great capacity for learning languagei, a large hump el voneration, and a well ilovol ilevol ilovel oped head generally." "Yeu hale," said the phrenologist. "Js there anything," said the man under examination, in the oxuberauco et his joy, "thatmv head needs te make it absolutely period?'' "Yes." "What is it, pray"' asked the man. "A hhampoe." An JUy Cure 1 reni the ( hlcage Ledger "Dees your husband go toledge, Mrs. (;n,. berick?" "Well he just don't. 1 broke up that llttlogamen wlille age." "Why, hew hi the world did jeu de it?" "Viieneer he started for the ledgo I went with him as far ns the skating rink, and told him te call ler me en his way home. It only took a lew deses te euro him." llie IlbdinpN M.II. I- lern the New Yerk Sun " Well, my little man," said tlie bishop te Hebby, "de you remember me?" "Oh, yes sir," replied Hebby. "Yeu stepped with us when you wcre here betore. I 'a thinks It can't test veu for hotel bills." It Amir Liver Heiuiiitl Vuu Of Its existence by dull pain or sli.up twinges In the llghtslde, erbeiieulh the dextei shoulder blade, ucei pt the leuiliider -is a wurnliig, aud legul.Ue theorem without less el lime, by the usl of llesti'ttel s Ptem ich UUtil. 'I he above symptoms are usually accempmltd byvellow byvellew ness et the skin, constipation, lulled tongue, dlsenki et thn sleinath, hick hciduhe and morning nausea Jlut a leluiin Ispieiupllv In stituted bj the Illlttis, the best possible hiiIiI1 hiiIiI1 t'lte for calomel, bluu jilll, mid ethei supei potent and limtful drugs, eiioneeuslj deslgna ted us lemtdli s ler biliousness Appelltu and digestion uie lesteied, and the bowels lesume ut'tlx II), whun an Impetus Is gil en te the tunc liens of health bj this stcillng untl bilious uiid lcine, whithalse has theelltttef eiulthiiig and puiifyliig the clieulalleu, and luitifvlng the svstem against nialailal Infection In air ei watei It is also highly bcnellclal for lhetiuia tlaiu, kldlie) and blnddtr tumbles. iiuglJ ID HIT.UIAI. NOTICES. Can jeu tell who is 111 the gieutet diuigir of eatthlng any Infectious ei tpidemle dlseaxu ? " Why," jeu Bay, " the peisen who-e bleed is in an Impure ei impoverished tondlllen." hx actly. buih persons laki) special complaints as illy grass Inn sis Inte llamu befoie the piikset u locomotive, l'uie bleed is a defense ; ll means sntetv.and Dr. Iveniieilj's Fnveiltu lleinedy Is the mildest, biilenl and suiest piinllei of the bleed. Ourchlet dungeis aie within euimiIvik. uuglO-lmeediw The uutilllve pieperllcs el (,'olden's I.lcjulil lieel Tenle Hiisliiln the body without solid loeil. C'uWeii'a; uoether. iiuIT IwileedA w Mothers 1 Mothers 1 1 Mothers!!! Are you disturbed lit night and biekeu of j out lest bya sick child suUellng and cr lug with the ciciuclatliig pain of cutting teeth t If be, go at once and gut a bottleof Jilts. WINfaLOW'S SOOrill.Vti is VUU 1. It will lelleve the peer Uttle sulfuier Immediately depend upon It; thuie U no mistake about It. 'Ihele Is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell ou at onto that it will regulate the bowels, mid give lest te thomethei.und lellcf and health te the child, openiting like magic. It is perfectly safe te use In all cases, mid pleasant te the taste, and U the prcscilptlen of one. el the eldest and best female physicians aud nurses in the United States. Sold ei cry wheie. 23 cents ubottle. Junelfl-ljdiw Nereus DeljllltaleU Men en are i allow ed a free trial of thirty days of the in Uvh'h Celebiiitud Voltale licit with use. of Kieciric susienseiy pimauees, iui iimpmm) rulltf iitidveitnaiient cuioef Non-eus Debility, lossef VlUUlty and .Manhood, and all kindled troubles. Alse, fei many ethur dise.ises. Coin Cein Coin plete lestorullen te health, Iger anil manhood guarantied. Ne risk Is Inclined. Illustnittd pamphlet, with full Infoiiiuitlen, tonus, etc., mailed fite by udditsslng VelUiiu licit Ce., Mar ahull, Mich. IIEAUT l'.UXS, ralnllHtlen. Drepsical Swellings, Dizziness, liidlifestlen leaduche, Slteplcssuiss cuied by " W oils' Health ltunew er." IW Te banish enntagten from garments and llnen, dlslnlect with Lilenu's sulphur beap, 1'lke'a Toethatho Dreps euro In one minute. iiuI7 lwdced&w HUOWN'S IIOUfaLHOLU l'ANACKA. Is the most otfcctlve l'aln Destroyer In the world. Will most suiely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied externally, and thereby niore certainly KEL1EVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It U wurruntcd double the strength of any similar pieparatlen. It cures pulu In the bide, Hack or Hew els, Sore Threat, ltheumatlsui, Toethacho and ALL ACUEft. and ts 'lhe (Ireut Itellever of l'aln. " llUOW'N'S IIOUOEIIOLD PANACEA " should be In e ery family. A teaspoonful et the Panacea in a tumbler of b(t water sweetened. if pre-lerit-ilA taktn st ecdtlme, will UUEAK UFA COLD, a cents ubottle. Who does net delight te SCO n geed looking lacef ct erysipelas dlsllgiires the feutuix-s iiliuctelbeend reiogullleu. Jlut this Is net the worst of 11. '1 Ids disease Is as dangerous as It Is lepulshe. It is sometimes culled "it. Antheny's t lie," ami often causes sudden death. Mr. S. II. Oil pouter, of GrnniUllle. N Y, had Itlnbelh Iiks 1 and was cuied by Dr. Kenneiiy's FiiNorlte Heuiedy. The medicine excels all ethers ler the bleed. Especially adapted te persons In lecble health. uuglO-lmeed,!i.w "lnjcmrPAiiiA.'' Quick, complete cine, all Kidney, Hladderand Uruian' Olsenses. Sculdinc, Irritation, Stene, UruuLCatttrilieI the bladder. IL Druggists. Ailierlllng Ctieais. " It has become e common te bruin mi article In an eliganl, Intel cstlng style, "'llicn run It Inte some aiUcitlscment, that wenwild all pucli, " And Miiiply call nttintleii In the tuciltnef Hep IlitterH In iik plain, honest leiins as pesi.. hie. "'Ie Induce people "Teglie Ibem one trial, which m nees thell Mil no Hut they will never use anj thing ilu." "TiibUkmkdv m favorably noun A In all tlie pnpcm, Itcllgleus and secular, is "Having a large sale, and lastippUtitlux all ether medicines. "Iheiels uedciijlngtlm vlctucs of the Hep plant, ami the propilelern of Hep Jlllteirthave shown gicat shrowdiiesnniloblllty " In compounding a nicdlclne whose litues me te pal)iable te every ene's obscivatlen." Did Sim Die? 'Ne I "Shelliigeitdund oiilleiedaleug.plnliigaway all thotline for j ears." " The docteis doing her no geed i" "And at hist was ctucd by thU Hep llltleis the p ipers say se much about." ' Indeed I Indeed I" "Hew thankful we should be fei Unit medi cine." A Diugliter's Misery. " Klevcn J cars our daughter inircicd en a bed of niUeiy. "Frem a complication of kidney, llvei, ilicu. malic trouble and Nervous debility, " r niler the cat e of the best physicians, " Who gave hei dlsease atlein ntiines, " Hut no lellcf. " And new, she Is ii-stored te us 111 geed health by us simple a icmcily as Hep lllttei-s, that we Iriil shunned ferycara bcfeiu using It." Tun Vrr.i. Ci-Neiie gcnulne without a liuiich of gn en Hes en the while label M,uu alt the lle poisonous stuir with " Heps " In their name. iuigllyM,W,Fw Hi'r.riM. sorters. sewing Wild Oat.. He many waste their time and leseuice, In foolish ex pertinents, with nasty worthless mi dl tlnes that cm necnIe them a whit of geed. If you are sick and want help get a reputable re medy of established meilt. 'I he curatlie vir tues of JIurdneK Jlloeil llitlm have never bten luestlened. Fer mi enttebled circulation or a weak stomach they are splendid Forsaleby II. II Cochran, druggist, 117 and 131 Neith Queen stleet, Lanciisttl. " ltOUOH ON UATb." Clearseut nits, mite, touches, files, ants, bed bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Drug gists, (1) HAl'lII 'lHANsir Tim latest and bct fenn of rapid transit ! for a person troubled w Ith a slrk headache te lake a dose of Dr Leslie's Special I'loeciiptlon mid what u rapid transit train the affliction takis for lis depaituie. su Ddeitlseiiieut In auethtr column. deciij lyd(l) Seme Streng-Minded AVeinen Can regulate llielr husbands amiizliigly fast should they net de their duly. Jluriteek Illoetl Hitters are a geed legislator of the circulation 'lliey are extlustvelj a bleed tonic, mid conso censo conse quently strike ut the loot of many pel Ions all ments. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, diuggUt, 137 u i id If) North Queen strctt, I.-mtiikler. lTCHINai'ILKs." SMIl'TOMS! J10ISTUKKI Like perspiration, tntense itchlmt. werse by scratching, most at night, seems if pin-worms were crawling. " mieaiw't Ointmrnl " n ). nt. lure cure. janSS-MWiAw "ItOl'liIl DN COHNS " Ask for Wells' " Heugh en Cern " 1.W Quick eemplelH cine. Hurd ei soft corns, wurts, bun ions. (I) SlOTlIKltSl MU1IIEHSII MOTHKltSlll Are jeu disturbed at night anil broken of your rut by a sltk child suffeitng and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If se, go at once and get a bottle or Jlrs. WINSLOW'8 ROOTHI.VO bVltUI". II will reliee the peer llttla sulTircr luimedl itely ilepend tiiien It; theie is no mistake about it. lheiu Is net a mother en earth who has ever iied It, who will net tell jeu nt onto that II will reguhite the bowel, and gle rest te the mother, and lcllel and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly salt) te use In all cases, and pleasant te tlie taste, and Is the prescription of one of Ihu eldest and best female physicians In the United States. Sold everywhere. 3.1 tents a bottle. may3l-ljdM,W,SAw What we Call Cure, Let's Net fjiilure. If wecan ctne a sprain, era pain, ei a lameness, or a burn, or a bruise, or it bite, bv using viemii' JSclrctrie Oil, let's de It jfjiemuj' nclectrlc OH ts known te lie geed Let's liylt Cochrun, druggist, 137 and 130 North (Jut-en stleet, Lancaster. All IMIter's Tribute. Theienl' Keatei. editor of Ft. Wayne, 1ml, Oatette, wiltes "ler the past II m ears ha ve alwajs used Dr. king's Nw DUcevurv. for coughs of most Mucin character, as well as ler tho-eef umllder Hpe It bcer fills te eltect a spictH cure My fueuds te whom IluiM' iteem- meuiu-d It speak et It In same high tonus llnv lug bi en cuiid by It el ei ry cough I have had fei fleeais, I teusiiler It the eul lellableaud sine cine for Coughs,! elds,ctc Call at Cochran's Drug Stele, 117 mid 111 Net Ih Ouctu stivet. Liiu- tstei, la , and get a I rttt lrin iieine. Sle, I ll Kicked Out. Hew liLiiiv people theroaie wheinii sliuggllng te ilse fu this weild that ate Kb ktd down aud out by envious llvals. 'J.enuis' Ecleetrie Oil iieM'l "kicked out" Its pitiens. It Is true blue Fer tlueit alTcetleiis, asthma and catarih It Is a certain mid rapid cure Fei sale by II. II Coch ran, iliuggist, 1J7 and 1&) Neith Out-en stleet, Laneastel Very Ileniarlinble Iteteiery. Mr. Gee. V. Willing, of Manchester, Mich , writes "M( wife has been almost helplct-s ler Am jeais, 'se helpless that she could net tin n ever In bed alone she used two bottles of i:ii ctrtc llltlci", unci Is se much liunievcd, that she Is able new te de hei own weik ' Klettilc Hitters will deiill that Is claimed for them llundieds of testimonials attest theli gicutcurullvopewcr". Only filly (cnlsii bottle at Cochran's Ding stere, l37aiidlJ'iNerth(mi-en btici't, Laucastur, l'u (.') SKIN DlSKASfcS. "SW'ANla OINTMF.NT.' "tiuaine's Ointment" cuius Tetter, Salt Uhi'iim, ltlngwerm. Sines, I'imples, Kc.emu, all Itchy hiuptleus, no matin hew abtltmitr or long itandlne. "JaniJ-MWFAw llutklen's Arnica Salie. The Ilest sale In the weild for CuH, Iliulees, Seies, I'lteis, halt Itheuin, Fevei beit-s, 'lellm, Chapped Hands, chllbilns, Hums and all Skin Kiupliens, positively fines I'lles.ei nepiy ie (lillitd. It lsguuninteed toglveitrftttsutlsfac teglveitrftttsutlsfac toglveitrftttsutlsfac lien, ei money lefuudcd. 1'iltu 'l" cents per box. 1 or sale by Cechnin the Diugglst, 1J7 und 13s Neith yuccn street, Lancaster, l'u. (1) Frem S) I acme, N". Y. "I felt weak and languid; had palpitation of the heart and numbness of the limbs, liurdeck Jlloeil lHtteri hue tertulnlv telleed me. 1 hey nig most excellent." Mr. J. M. Wright. Fei sule by II. it. Cochran, diuggUt, U7 und 131) North (Jut-en stitet, Luucastur. Mr. (leerEO Dedge Speaks. This gentleman lives In Emporium, l'u., and sajs, "Onoet my men, Sam Lewis, while work ing In the weeds sprained his uiikle se bad hn could huidlyhebblu te the house. Used Themas'' Kclectrtc Oil und was icady ler work the next morning. 1 have uoveryet seen se geed u medi cine. Fer sain by H. II. Cochran, diuggUt, 137 and 1?J North CJucvn street, Lancaster. COAL. a MAltTIN, WU0LB8ALB AMD RETAIL B. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber and Ceal 43-Yaiid : Ne. 420 North Water aud I'rlnce streets nbove Iemen. Lancaster, ii3-lvd T AUMGAHDNKH3 & JEKFKKIKS, COAL DEALERS. O r ticks : Ne. La North Queen street, and Ne. 6(H North I'rlnce street. Yards: North I'rlnce Btreet, Dear Heading Depot. LANCA8TEB, PA. auulS-Ud m. V. B. COHO, 330 N011TH W'ATEIt 8THEET, Lancaster, Pa., WUOLESALB AND RRTAtL DEALER IH LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection with tub TELErBOie Ezcuaxeb. Yare ad erica : Ne. xsu neiith WATKH BTltKET. InbiJ-lva STOCKS. y00H, WIlITi: & GUEENOUaiL aBANKERS.ID Oiilers executed for cash or en margin for all securities current In the Sevr Yerk maiket. Correspondence Invited. MKMHEUSOFTHK NEW YOKK STOCK EX. CHANGE AND PKOPHIETOUS OF POOU'S MAN UAL OF HAILW'A b. 46 Wall Streot, New Yerk, octl-lydeod pAVeiUTi: ki:mi:dy. TO GRATIFY HIS WIEE, A Heed Heason rer Ibippliii'". "Fei inanv eiis 1 h ie milTereil from acoin acein philut which the physicians callid llrnvel. I hid einplejid some of the most noted doctors without obtaining any pctmancnt rollef.olnl fur along lluie my c no was lcguidcil us hepcle". All who knew the elrcumliiucis said 1 mint die. Finally my wife Induced me te Hj ubottle of Dr. Keumdj's ' FiiMiille Itetmdy,' which she had snmewheie heaid or or seen advertised. Without thn slightest faith In II, but solely te gratify her, 1 bought a botlleol adiugglstln mil ilhige. lusid that and two or thn e bot tles meie, and, te make a long story short, 1 am new as healthy a man us there Is In the country. "Slnce then I hne lcceinmendeil ' Faverltn Itemcdy ' te elheis whom I knew tolmvosuf telmvosuf tolmvesuf feud fiem Kidney and l.ler complaints i and I assuiollie imblle that the Favoilte lleiiwuly ' liiisileni'lts weik with n similar completeness In cviiy single Instance, and 1 trust souieothor sick and discouraged nierlat may hear of Hand tiy thn' Favoilte Itemcdy,' as 1 did." Washing ton Menree, Liliktlt, A". 1". , Don't Let it Leutish I'rejiiillca against popular medicines stand between you and the lioilthef your wife, child or inliy. Di Keuucdy's ' Fa verltu llumedy ' is a blessing. It has saved thou sands, mid It will heti you. If you are sick ftem troubles of the Kidneys, Hew els Liver and llloed, spend One Dellar for the htngef Medl clues. migl liucedAw A Yl'.ItVS 1IAIH VltiOlt. PE0ITHEP11ESIDENT OF BAYLOR UNIVBRSITY. " liiilcpeiiilencp, Texas, "ept, l, lSi (ienltemrn Ayer's Hair Viger lias been In mv huiiselield lei thieoieasens 1st. Te pieveni falling out of the hill. d Te prevent tee lapld change el tolei. .Id Asa du'sliig It bus gieli eiitlie sallilaellnii In eeij 111 stance, loins iepettfullv, W it I'AHKi Crank." AVIllFS HAlll llfielt Is entirely free rrein uncleanly, daiigeieus, ei Injurious substances. It picM'iits the hill' from turning gray, restores gray hair te Its original color, pi events baldness, present's the hair and promotes Its giewth, cures daudiuir and al diseases of the lull mid scalp, and Is, at the simu time, n erysuperlei and desirable dressing uiKi-MiKt) in Dr. J. C. Aycr k Ce., Lewell, Muss. Seldbyiilldruggl iiugl.1 l'J ,ls tl, li bottles for fi, CONSUMPTION' 1 ll.Wi: A POSITIVE lemedy fei the iibeiu disease; by Its usu thousands of caes of the worst kind of long BlaiidtnghaMibeeu (tiled Imlted, sostiengls my faith In Its tllluicv Unit 1 will scndTW'O 1I0T1LKS FIILK, together wllha Miluable tn-ii-Ilse en this disc-use te any sulleier (Jloexpivss and 1. U. address. HILT A. SI.OrUM. JanlOflmdoedACinw- 1S1 I'eurl Ht., N. V. A KTKU ALL OTIIKKS KAIL, OOSSULT DR. LOBB, NO. 321 North Fifteenth street, below Callewhlll street, l'hlhidelnhla. Cures all Diseases of both seice. TwcntyltarsLxiMirlence. ConsulliiUeiui by mall. NKHVOUS AND SI'KCIAL DISKASKS. New book lust out. l-end for it. Hours 11 a. m. till i p in, and 7 p into 10pm" p 111 lldec Heeks free te the a 111 felelvd&w -yy-KAK AND N'UHVOUS MEN W hesuirii fifiin i-reus aud Fhysltul Debil ity, Imnetente, I h ni-li l Itallty and I'remi tuiii De line, and se.-k I'eiteet llcstorutlen Ie Hculth.lull .Manhood and cenul Viger with out Steiimch Drugging, e in i KKTAmtY obtain It in the "MA It's I ON HOLIS" Dl-e.iscs of the l'lostute (ilanil, Kidneys mid IJl.idder. eireclii ally cured without liistrumeiits i.iidered by thousands who Itawi In en cured Adopted in hespluils und by phslclans ill Kuiepu und America. ir VAUIOCKLK cured wlthent surgery. Sealed TruitNe and Testimonials lixa Aitdrt-ss MARSTOII REMEDY CO., or DR. H.TRESKOW, Ne te West Ilth Htriel, New link. inaylD SltlLVM I5ALM. ELY'S CREAM BALM! KIA'.-s CU1.M i;I.M (.liiin-es I he Head. Allans Iiullainmatleii. lUals the hen-. He Hen s the s,.i-s of laste, Smell, Ileiirlng. A (Jultk Kellel A l' lie Cure. , A pailliln Is applied Inte ei' h uestill and Is agrx-iible Ie use I'rhe in ci'iiti by mail el at Diugglsls f-tu lei ( lictilui. 1:1.1 itiieiiiKit'i, III ugglsts, Oswego, N. V. J ul j JUjeed.tlj w OAKK, SUUK AND KPHKllY UUKK. kj Itt'iTCna, Vakicecblk and Spbciai. Diseases. Why be humbiiggtd by iiuatks, whun jeu can rlnil in Dr. Wright the only ICeou ICeeu lar l'livsiciAK In Philadelphia who makes u specialty of the ubee dlstasesuud t'l'RKa themT CCRK3 0UARANTKKD. ADVICK l-RER.duy ttnU OVt-n- lng. Htraugers tun be triated und return heu.0 the same day. Olllces pilnte. lilt. W. II. WKIGHT, Ne. 211 North Ninth street, above Itace, 1 O ISej b7 I'hlhidelphli. lan'.-i-lydAw MANHOOD UKS'IOKi:i. KhMKIIV M1EK. A victim of eiithful Impiuilenee causing In m Iture Decu, Neneus Debility, LestiliinluKid, Ac ,h ivlng tiled In vain evrry known rriiieily, liasdlscoeredasluiile self cure, which he will send FULL te his ftlleiv sullcreis. Addit-ss, j. ii. ithi: i:a, 13 Chatham hi., New 1 erk City juiil3-ljcedilvw G KAY'S SPKOIKIO MKDIUiNK. ;lish Hi t and all euro for Impotency and all Diseases that tallow Less of Momeiy, Universal Lassitude, l'aln In the Hack, Uliuni's) of Vision, I'reuialure Old Age, and many ether diseases thut lead te In utility or Consumption und a 1'rem.ituie Grave. Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we do de do etietosend fiee by mall te every ene. This Bpo Bpe Bpo clfie medicine Is sold by all druggists at tl pur Fiackuge, or six packages for i or will be sent ree by mull en receipt of the mi uey, by ud dressing the agent, II. II. COCHItAN, Diuggl'., riole Agent, Nns. U7 and 13") North CJm-.. street, Luntnster, l'.i. On iiccountel ceuutei felts, wu hiive adopted the lellew Wrapper; the only genuine. THE UKAY MED1C1NK CO., Ilnlfale. N. Y. TTEADQUAKTUKS I'OBTIIK INDIAN MEDICINE", Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, AT Lecher's Drug Stere NO. 9 EAST KINO 8T Lancaster, l'u. uevsuFuiiiiisnim nouns. rpHK CHEAPEST PLACE TO HUY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Ceal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -id A 1- JODN P. SCHAUM & SON'S Ne. 21 Seuth Queeu Streot, feuCT-lva LANCASTKIt PA. GK O K 0 12 II K N N 13 T T I'UACTIOAL. PLUMIIEH, STEAM AND GAS F1TTEU. All orders promptly attended te. Satisfaction guaranteed. Werk done at reasonable erlcea. NO. 435 N'OUTU QUKEN bTHEET, Junen-Jinil Lancaster, Pa. n.OTUIMI. TAILOKINO. F INI' 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. lhe Largest and Choicest Assortment of FINE WOOLENS IN THE CITY OF LANCASTKIt. All the Latest Novelties In FANCY SUITING. A CHOICE LINK OF SPRING OVERCOATING. 1IIK VE11Y HF,ST WOUKMAN8H11'. l'rtces te suit all and all goods warranted, as represented uthls new store, B"o.43Iertli Queen St. (OPPOSITE Till! POSTOFtlCE.) H. GERHART. M YJSKS A ItATUVON. Suits te Order 10K THE HOT SEASON ! ! Thirty Different Styles -OF- SERGES I.N OfU STOCIf, IN ALL TIIK POPULAR COLORS AND SHADES. .M A llULli rilllM 1IIKIK OKIOINAL PKICK 'IO Kia LOW I'lOUUL-j. ShllLLS IN IlLt'K, ljU.VYb, IIUOW.NS I1LACK, FLCJI, WINi;,(JltKLN9, 1)11. II, FAWN AND WHITK. WHITE & FIGURED DUOKS. 1 or Vetting for Ureiilng Weir. l'ONGKES AND RRKIHSUCKKHS FOH fc EN I.NO WEAlt.: MYERS dlUTHFl, LEADING CLOrillEltS, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET, LANUASTE1L PA "lylLLIA.MMLN A KO.S1KH, tOJli'ENDIUJt OF l'UICLb AND AUT10LCS ON ALK DUKINU 11IK OltEAT IIAltOAIN WEEK. CLOTHING. Jlen' All Weel bult. t 5() i () 1U U) li M II 10 7 Kl H 10 'J Kl 4 M 3 10 U I "J Mens All Woeol W emtt it "jults Hey's All-Weel 6ulU I!n'i All Weel Werntiil fulls Chllilii 11'it All Wuul "-nlli- . .. t'lillilien's All Weel Viilts Men's I Inht Sliliuil fcLurmcLct Ceals ami I Ihl Slilpul fci.urMiel.ei Ceals D.ul; btrlpeil Si yiiiiickel Coats I.-MU Men's D.ul; btrleeil Si yiiiiickel Coats mill I'HtH Men's Dark Chei kf-ecisiickerCeils ami cts. Men's Ll'ht Check bui-sucker Ceils anil tel. FURNISHING GOODS, Norfolk Flannel Shirts. All Weel UnlTerMty Flannel Shirts. HIuu Flan nel lleitlnt; hhlrts. Tourist Flannel bhlrts. Halbrli?nn t'naershlrts Slimmer Merine I'nUershlrts Nevl Nev I UudeisIiIrN. Hickory cloth Shirts. Fancy Hosiery. Ttck and Puff Scaifn. 'lhe clanaent fccarf. 1'eiciileSc.ii fs. Hull Plate Sleeve lltittens. The Windser Level Cellar Hntlen. feu Pins. fciipendeis. HATS AND CAPS. Pine Manilla fctiaw Huts. (Icnulue MacLIun Straw Hats. Fine Canten llrald btiaw Hats. Mixed Illaek and White Straw Huts. Stltr Fur Felt Derbys. FIciIble Fur Ftlt Derbys SliirWeul lelt Derbs. Healble Weel Iglt Seft Finished Felt Hats. Seft I'nllulsheit Felt Hats. . .. Seil Weel Ft It lints. Hey's Stiff Felt Hats. Hey's Selt Felt Hats. Men's Linen Hats. Men's Seersucker Hats. Men's Silk Tourist Cups. Men's Cleth Tourist Caps. Men's Hlue Han Cups. Hoj 's Pole'aps. Hey's Scheel Cups. Momle Cleth Dusters. Linen Herse bheels. Hiding Whips. Driving Whips. Pocket Heeks. Ciuh Pulses. Hill C'uscs. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ludles' French Kid Uulten Gaiters Ladles' Ciuiieiu Kltl Huten lialters. Ladles' Pebble Unit llutten Unltcrs. Ladles' Flench Kid Newport Tle Slippers. Ladles' Curaceii Kid Nenpeit' Tle Slippers. MUscs' French Kid llutten (lulters. Misses' Curacea Kid llutten Halters. Misses' Pebble Clout llutten Gaiters. Misses' French Kid Newport lie Slippers. MUses' Curocen KM Newport Tle Slippers. Children's Kid Spring Heel Shoes. Chtldien's Kid IIIkIi Hcel Shoes. Children's Pebble Protection Toe Shoes. Men's Oenutne French Culf Lew Cut Shoes. Men's Genulne French Calf Lew Cleth Tens. Men's Ciunuine French Calf Lew Hunard lies. Men's Calf llutten (.alters. Men's Calf Holmeral Gutters. Men's Calf Cen- t'less Gaiters. Hey's calf llutten Unltcrs. Hey's Calf Haluieral Gulters. Men's Cen sices Gaiters. LLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 31, 36, and 38 East King St., LANCASTER. PA. rrmK bust 60 HAVANA CIGAR IN X the City, nt IlAlHilAH'O YELLOW 8T0UE. FHONT C1UA1V iUMMKIl CLOTIIINO. HAGER & LIGHT - SUMMER READY s CtiBSImore Suita, Llnen Sulta, Fonizeo Ceata and Vesla, Alpaca Conla, Plain Llnen Pants, Cerkscrew Suits, Sergo Coats and Vests, Soersuckor Ceata and Vests, Whlte Vests, Fancy Vesta, Llnen IDusters, Mohair Dusters, &c, &e., &e. Furnishing Goods. Sumtner ;Nockwear, Qauze Undorwear, Fancy Flannel Shirts, BalbrlBgan Undorwear, Half-Hoeo, Whlte Shirts, Foather-Wolght Drawore, &c. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. C IIIKAl' KTOKK, Carpets and Mattings, METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S, FUOM LATF, AUCTION 8ALEH AT Mattings, Cariets, Mattings, Carpeta, Mattings, Carpets, Alse, WHITE COUNTERPIN Fiem the lale IJret Auction "ale III New Yerlf, Hi r.v , 7.V-, tl w anil 1111 .te t'.00. LOOD HAUUA1N3 lit letzger & Haughmaii's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. '- Hotwuen the Coeiwr HoiiBeand Serrel Herse Hetel. N i:xt doehto Tin: ceuht house. FAHNESTOCK'S. M.VLHAL BLACK SILKS I .U'VT OPLVKD.Hl II en,ll I.'. II 2t nml f I VI. De. liledlv lhe Hest MIIs im the money I'Mir off. led Al'ii LUPIN S III. CK C l I M Kill; 11111I II K.Mlli: l"l CLOTHS rer Mourning Pin ewes, lull Lluesul All Prices. AlseLl l'l.S'd lll.ALK CAMII.MKKl; M1A1N l.S Deuble anil --liigle Jerseys I Jerseys I ! Jerseys ! ! I At , 75c, f 1.00, H.S3, 1 JO. 2 OP, fiW, up. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the CouftHeuao. Lancaster, Pr.. - TOWi;U.S A HU1LST, 26 and 28 NerthtQueen Street. I. MMK Ueeill sp(e Alii ntlim lean Iiiiiiimii.c. en ntF.S' IILAOK UOTTON HOSE J nil ii leil, which wi etrerul in i julr 1 IiIm m net mole th m hulf prle 1-ir them. I VD1KS II 1 ItlilijIiAN 11(11 We liHNcu tiiiirnlu loom r in llicm .a ;,. h i,ii. en, f.s. III.KAI IIKDCAMOS M.ANN KL" nt V, WJe.bc ,10c aiulIJV nuhililtu Im Ihehi-I that aie etTcieilfiu the money and art m l.lnj; etj faat III.KACIIF.H ML'SLINMit Lew Prien. UNHLKAUIKD M I SLINSuiLim New Meck el IIITh. IthDaiKt I.UK1 M.ANN hLS (it Lew 1'rliei. Ilnijalin in Ol 11,18, (eMlOKl'd ami IlLANKiri Don't foiKeteiu III alii SHMKltL-5 anil IILACK Mil fv-5 , me .ire etltiin thuin low. Oui Jec. M1I11L MUSLIN blllllT taUei the leail uiuluiu selllui; l.nt 1i llieui. BOWERS & HURST, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. - - Lancaster, Pa. clocks, atiititeits H.a R1IOAD.S. The Reduction of Prices by Manufacturers has Roached All Grade3 of Jowelors' Wares, and we Invite the public te an examination of our prices which, with the quality of goods, will be found unrivaled. The Graceful Patterns of Goods produced this soaeen, andthelr Lew Cost, will surprise buyers. TINY WATCHES IN GOLD, SILVER OR NICKLE and QUEEN CHAINS te be worn with them. OXYDIZED SILVER IN GREAT VARIETY. STERLING SILVER HAIR PINS SET WITH BRILLIANT STONES, and SILVER AND GOLD RIBBON PINS. DIAMONDS ar,e much In demand becaitBO THEY ARE CHEAPER THAN USUAL. Yeu are invited te bring your BROKEN WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEW ELRY te be Ropaired, Cleancd and made as geed as new. H . Z . LANCAbTKH, PA. cyRepalrlng of Fine Complicated Werkmen. HOUSKFUllSItilllSU noens. QUIRK'S CARPET HALL. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! HKOPEN1NO Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trarte the Largest ana Pent Selected Line i of Carpets ever ex. hlhltedln this city. WILTONS. VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of HODYANDTAPESruY B11U8HELS,TIIUKE-PLY, AllAVoel and Cotten Chain KXTKA BUPEKS, and all qualltle of IN OHAIN OAilFETS.DAMAsiiaud VENETIAN CAKPETU. 1 AU and aiAIN cA tPElSef mir own manufacture ii speciality. Special Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CAUPETS. AlaeaFull Line of OILCLOTHS, IIUUS, WINDOW SHADES, CO EULETS, 4C, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and B OOKS AND STATIONERY. 0W BAER'S SONS, OFFEIl AT LOWEbT PKICES, lilanlt UoeliB, Writing Fnpers, Envelopes, Writing Fluids ami Liks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, sinni Pem Lead Pencils, PocVet Heeka, mil Heeks, Letter Heeks, and an Asieituicnt of rineand IT AT THE SIGN OF THE 1100K.-S NOS. 16 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. !HIY (flODI. BROTHER. WEIGHT GLOTHING - MADE. VKKY LOW' PKICF.S. 'Carpets, Mattings, Mattings, Carpote. LAUOE LOT OF ES 11 00 ami iiple V.W. Yeu will get SPLClAL LOT'S BLACK SILKS ! axis jinexzvs. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street. Watches aud Musical Bexes by Skillful Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. tu23-2ind&w hooks. rim erivr J ANCASTKU AM) MII.LLK J- It. It.-TI.MK TAIILE. Cars leave Liuicaler for .Mlllemvli Oeiiiiultl ln m ,biiiI2ii, iKLi.itinn, LarHleiie Mll!elllle for Lnnrn,i 8.011 and loco h. ,., und 1 i, S W, ft in) u.,, J 12HANON ANdTaNCAS'!' ' J-i LINKILMLUOAD. Ar.r.AseKMCNTOf rxBSimenn tiia SUNDAY, MAVgltlt.Ha. NOUIIMVAUI). It 0 , , a.m. r. m. r.v. Lebanon seu 215 E.y, ArrH e. r it? ji 101 a-j r K. t x. M StTO r.M. Cornwall....... 7 II Manhelm MS I.ancnMer...... (i-17 KIiik St. Lane. U.IO l.M IIS 12 SO 11.10 ni7 6 07 SJH 6.30 r.v. r. m. 7-71 7 11 8I'I S.IS j.eave. a. m. HOUTIIWAHD. Leave. a. m. r.v. r. m. Lelianen Tin Cornwall T.'il Mauhciin n. Lanciister SiS3 Arrive. 1 2; m 12.11 1'IH LiS 200 niiiK at,, L,anc. bue s co s vu 9, c a. m. r. m. r. M. a. 1 A. M. Wilsew. SunL ll. ('.. it. u C. Vek ScuIAlK8EI!, Sunt, C. and C, MLJL Ukohe iTZ. SunL P. A It. It. It all 'y i4w tt R KADINQ & UOLUMHIA. AUHANOEMENT OF PAS3KN0EII aUNDAY.MAYM.lSM. NOHTHWAHD. UA1N9. Headliier 4m aurivi. C0I11111I1I1 ,, 7 x Maileltn Jitnetleii 7A1 Chlcklcs 7-.xi Lancimter 7-. Lancaster (Klin; btl-oet).. 7.10 O-uniryvllIe . (,. r.v. 2.M A M ie lXt i .... 12 VI 12 10 U-09 Kit 7-J3 U' '" A. k. r . 1 A.M. SOUTHWAHD, A n. 7.15 , A K. LltAVB. KeaUlnu... ARR1VK. li 11 .... 12tJ P.M. jianeiui junction jioe .... in i.nicKi-s pj, , ,JSj Celumhla p.11 2nr, i, ' Ltneasti-r !:! 1 vs .-J l.aitcasterd.liinstluit).. O'JO 205 f3i 5.00 CMatrjHle 10.2(1 .,., (.3) ., A. M. r. M. - if f y ;TraIin connect at Heading with mini, te and from Plilltilelnlili, PolUvTlle, JI11 rlDure. Allentown, and New Yerk, via Heun IUikiU Hinile. At Columbia with trains te and fivn Yerk1, lliinm-er, t.etlysbiirif, liiHleilcIrnnd H. Itiinn ...V, 5!""elta Junction Willi trains teaiil frei' Chlckles. At Manhelm with trains te and from let nen.A At Lanc.ister.1 unction w ith triUns te mi' L-eia Lancistcraudyuairvvllle. fc 80NDAY. 1-eae-QuarFvllIc, 7:10a.m.; I.ancasi' itln. Street, m jJUp! in. Arrive KcadiiiB, le-loa. rn., 5 W n. in. I.cavn Ui-ndlnir. 7:20 a, m , 1 no p. m. Arrive Lancaster, King htieel, 9-211 a in.. 8i" -p. in.: Oiiarryvllle, C.IOn. tn. ' aprn uiyuAw A. M. WILSON lupU PENNSYLVANIA KAILUOAI) .f'HKU- .T.!?!,ns.Ic.'vT0. Lancaster and leave an t arrlM at Philadelphia as fellows : .eavn WKSTWAKD, News Exmess ave I, . - a ' Phihub 'ph'a 10 a. n 4 an ' I Way 1'iissonnert. . Mall train vUMt.J Ne. 2 Mall tmlnf. .. ey 7.0) " viacoiumeia. 710 a. 111. via Columbia. 11-Vj a. m. via Columbia, vl 1 Mt. Jey. 2 IT p. in. 4 10 " Nlag.ira Kxpiess HanoM-rAccem .... Fast blue Dally) Frederick Accem... Lancaster Accem .. llnrrlsburi; Accem.. Columbia Accem ... Harrlsburt; Express. Chl.Cin Express.) Western Express ).. Pacific Express (.... 0i ' ! .1 p m. IU W " ze - ' Kl 10 U li 1ii.n1. 1S5 Ar ITeRt I'hlla lelphU, . t " K23 11 Al ' via. Mt Jey I 4S in, 'p. ta. S40 8 50 " lout " 11-20 " Leave Ijincaster. 2 27 " BOS " e 10 " 8 VS " 91) 1.' M p. in, 2 OS " KASTWAUI). Phll'a Express) Fast Line Harrlsburt Expiess. Lanc'r. Accem , ar ., Columbia Accem..... "k-ashere Kxniess ... lolni'.teHn l.presf uuiiv eci pii-unuay "und ly Mall il ' Day Express! I 4" " 1 HaiTlsburn Accem c 13 " 1 he Miirb-tta Ar iotiiinelailnnli-:vi"-i at II I'j a 111 , n u-hinjj Marlrttn at 12 e' Maid Haul .1 IS p 111 and atrlx-s at ( .-. at 1 Ie, iil-eli iM-siiii- CiandaiiiM's 1 - 'I he link Actomtued itfen leaves )lu 7 Hi and anlesat Luucastur nt S.uu, con with ll.tirtiburij Express at 8:10. 'lhe Irtderlck Accommodation, nct, Inat Lmrasler with last Line, west, 111 .' 111 run thieu-h te Fredeilck. 'Ihe 1 lulerlck Aicoimiiedation. e-is' R H M (K . ' ubia ' ..4 at xinect- ivc Celuuiblaati:.aand retches LancafU r at UAJ p. in. lhe Lancaster Accoinmedalloa, 'iiaveb Hiurlbiiri; at b.lOp. ui.andairlves In Ll caster, at ' 13 p in. HaueM r Accommodation, west, cennc Alae at Lanisisti r lth Nl.iuar.iExjin.'ssatO-Wa in. will run tlinnich te Hanover, dally, except Sunday, Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when liaifced, wuj ll(fl'0d, wul art esburir... step at DnnnlriKlewn, Ceatesville, Pari os' b. .v), -r,u-.ui.ruimi' 11 tutu iiuuiuiuwiu I The only trains which run dallr. On "unfiirr the M all ti alt. wt runs l 9 vnsv el Cel n. nOUNWAIL AND LEBANON V. COLEUKOOli V ALLEY BAILHOA- tOlTTRWAIlD. Trains Iaute TIiRnen ds.lle nr,l V lr at6iia tn l2'Wtind70p m. Arrtvi-t. 1 l 1.1 nte-iue. m,1240 IX . r 1 in p 1 1 1 im .11 ; 3) . 111 , 1 2n P 111 , iimiiettlii with the Peiinsjiv .10. .- lead Inr pi tints e.i"t and west. MORTIIWAIlll. Tiiilns leave Conewase at 7J3 a. 111., 3a and b i" p in A 1 rive at Cern wal I at SOB a. in., 4 H an l 3JfjV. m ; at L b men at S J) a. in , 1 10 and ! ' p, m., ceiineclliiRiit Lebanon wllh Plilladulr as. nud Heading lullread for points east and w t, end the Lebanon and Tremont Jlranch fei -easi. town. PlnecroveandTicinont. Ilieti'Wa. in. train will atop only at C Colebrook and Hellalre. .TlJt CAKRIAOES. CTANDAKD CAUHIAOE AVOKK Edvarci Edgerky, FIXE CAItKLUiE BUIL1) l, MIL.lhT 8TIIHET, HKAIt OF l'09'll KFlr ", LANCAbTElt, PA. A LAKGE STOCK OF JBU&G-IES & CAMIA&ES Comprising the Latest Stjles and 1 K'liitly HiiTshed, at OHEATLY Kl I'KIULS. II jeu wlih te purchase a n tie, my weik is decidedly the cheap slate MOlT0-"FAIKDELINQ AND 11 WOUK." Don't lull te encouniire geed vv Weik I-ILLY WAUKANTED Lewe fei UEPA1K1NO AND HEPAINTINO, ie. uUtEll .0 -.rll in tim y All 'f'CVi 'no licit of workmen especially empleyid ler 11 pui pui pese. PLEASE CALL AND EXAM1NS, nevatfd&w -JOKIiUUK & MIL-EY. LANCASTER ' CARRIAGE WORKS, Norbeck & Miley, Prep's. COKNEK DUKE AND VINE STUEET3, I.A1? CA3TKlt I1 A THE L AUG EST AND CHEAPEST RETAIL WORKS IN THE CITY OH COUNTV. WE CAN AND DO SELL A3 JTIXK A VEHICLE a AS ANY OTHKIl I1UILDEII KAli HELOW TllEIlt PKICES. , v" Hew wodeltlsuinytitery, hut u visit te oter factory, anil seeliii? the syitlcui we luiyd mlonted f j ou will net wonder, Pationlze deserve IL Oirtteekat , pieseutls very laiKO, and will be seh at n still luxtherieductleu. r We beast of our WHEELS, 03 thej CAUtiuluJ excelled. ,(t 1 WE HAVE A LAUOE 810CU Or FINE SEOOND-HAND WOR! .. ; .. .ir U.VOia4l.u ur UUllUlJ.f7. IIUI,.U19 4c, which will be sold chop j-Glveua call and be convinced. Ins neatly done. Jftl r rr : 'CM it m 4 ?l l 'Hm l i I, i! ft' e; M . m r. 1 TSJ ' (