W . - JWWESP' 7 A. t i -t VOLUME XXI--NO. 201. LANCASTER, L'A., MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1885. 1MUCK TWO CENJ'R CHIPS FK0.M TllK DIAMOND. rfiJ L.ITV.HT lXTKI.I.IOKXVi: hall vrnci.i:. tv it is;: lliccry IVnein.ils AImhiI 11 l'-Kitiiwii l'luj it. An I no Tula! Iti-mrd uf (he Hatting anil llcMlng rilie I'-islcm League l'lilj- t IIli l-ast Damn of lull. Wlcgand, of Newark, get enough r n.i,' crn Lo.igue umpiring. Stevey has made uinie base hits Mian any oilier iiluyer this seasen, 1. T. Hirnuni is ene of lliti backets of Iho new laistcrn Lc.iguecluh lrem Hridgepcnl. Tlie Cincinnati club knocked McGiunK of St. Leuis, silly yesterday mill wen easily liy 11 ti).l. Rlakely, Weidil, Qiiinteu, llaiiu.i .mil I)u gnn.aU well-Known here, aieplavlngln Port Pert liuid, Maine. Herace Phillips ninde no money In Iho show business last winter, nnd he will net try It this season. The Pittsburg team have a clique which is trying te down Keiihne, the sheit step and get hhn released. New NcwarK has a geed cluli, hut people don't want te patronize them. 'I hey have lnade money, however. De France, a new umpire en Iho Southern League, is ery Ml and is often hit and knocked out by' foul lips. Cushmau sceiiib te be geed enough ler the Mets. New if he could only shut the Ath letics out he would he happy. Pole nrewning and Reger Council will likely lead their lesnective ae ittiens In hatting te the end of tint season. Curiy's umpiring h.is given satisfactie i in tlie league, but Gallney will likely go luck when Wes may hae te go. Tlie Merritts dofeated tlie Couesto.ras, In this city en Saturday by the score of 17 te 1.). The game didn't last all day, eitlicr. Mlke Scanlan new tra els with hlsclub. He has become tired of letting bes manage It. Tlie result Is that better Raines are played. Slxsmlth h.isbccu lelviiscd by the Augusta, (Oa.,v club en account el sickness, lle is a great favonte thoie and can j,e back any time. (.tladman, tlie young third b.isem m of tlie Nationals, Is ene of the best men in tlie nine, while Jimmy Knowleseti second is net do ing se well. Harry Wright's only objection te II iland is that no is lelt-haudetl. Yet Al. Reach w as ene of tlie best second basemen in the coun try in his time. Denny Mpck has been appeintetl an Kastern Lcague umpiie. lle llllud the smie jKisltien satislncteiily near the end of 1 isl season and get nothing for it eitiier. Fogarty's short stoppingfer I'hiladeliihii has been most excellent 111 Iho absent e of Hastlau. Tint latter tail a nail through his hand, and will be disabled for t-onie consid erable time. The Memphis elub is sild te be composed ofaletot toughs who occasionally whip tlie umpires te make tilings lively." Tiny are new en n trip and the dillcrcnt towns aie making It het ler them. Geerge M. Italian! has icsigned tlie pres idency of tlie Newark club and Dr. S. W. Jenes hits licen elected In his stead. Mr. II il lard Is new president of tlie Ho-steni Leaguo and wants te gire his full attention toil. In Saturday's game between the Athletic and Rroeklyn clubs McTamany Is credited with a three base hit hv the Sjiertimi Li: The ether papers, with tlie exception el tlie 7'im, gae lilm a single. There seems te be a great deal of dillcicnce In scoring. In ease thore is no vacancy in tlie Ameri can Association ne.t heasen the Virginia club, el ltichmeiid, and the Nationals, of Washington, will join the Southern League. Norfolk will h.ne no club licit season. Newark has applied ler admission te the A met lean Association in case the"Mets" disband. On Saturday ultciuoeu the Active club, efthis city went te Millorsville wheie they easily defeated tlie nine of that town, al though the scceud baseman of the f liner did tlie pitching. Tlie scere was as bil lows : Actives 0 1 7 i. e 1 ! 4 it .Mlllt-lsvllle ... .1 e i e 2 0 2 ! ') As an instauie ei hew tlie .Southern Leaguo clubs are straining every norve te Impiove their teams se as te head oil Atlanta, or at least secure, n position in tlie rai i, it m ty be mentioned tli.it se lar Augusta has signed 20 men, Macen -0, Celiimbus 27. Menu his Ml, Naslnille III, Chattanooga 17, Iliimlughaiii I), and tlauta but 1 besides the eiigmal Jimmy Oahin, seems te be in very bird luck since he joined the Pittsburg club, and the team does net 'W in with liiin in the box. Yesterday the Louisvllle club had eighteen with a total of twenty-een hits oil him, and they wen in eluen innings by II te 10. It wusaslugging match thiougheut, however, its llftceu with a total el heeuteen hits were made oil llecker. Te show hew utlutly loelish it is te pay players big salaries tlie case el Dailey, the one-armed pitcher, is cited, lle was p dd Siitm Hilary a month, drew two months Ml.iry, and during that time pitched in eight games. He was thirty-live times at the bat mid made threo liitR. JIe received in fact, Jl.'iOa game ler his services, or, judged from a batting htamlpelntSUKialilt. Tlie g-ames plaveil Saturday resulted as follews: At Philadelphia: ItroekUu S, Athletic I int I.ouisville : Pittsburg 7, holds helds vllle 'J ; at St. Leuis : St. Leuis 1, OincinnaH 1 ; at New Yerk : Mcts 11, ISaltimore 0 : at Husten : Husten 7, Philadelphia 'J. ; at I'litlale: ilullale 17, HU Leuis fi; at Detreit: Chicago 7. Detroit I ; at Pnnldence : New Yerk, l'J, Providence 4; at Ilichmeiid : Virginia:), Nor folk 0. Talk about the Chicages kicking; why, Ansen can't make an elfer te steep down te tie up Ids shoestring but what seme ingle eve in tlioaudlenie w ill seeachance te shout, ""kick, biby, kick." Kelly guys the auUlence in gieat shape. He purposely Joints te de seme act Just te enjoy a laugh at tlie epeie of tlie audience that hew Is at hiiu. Heme of tliose t'lilciges nover play better than when tlie audience is dialling them ; they like it. for it advertises them ; It illls up tlie seats ; it puts ducats into the treasury; it pleases tlie Ijeys. " Kick, baby, Jilck," means dollars as n motto for Ansen. fiperUng .. The Gume at Christiana. The Christiana club defeated the Dailey club of Philadelphia, Saturday, by a Bcore of 11 te Tlie line fielding of Jenes, U'jy and I McCarty, and the battery wer. el Mel Mel clieraud (Juehrer, were the features or the game. (ItlllbTlASA 11 11 l'A Ej IIAILKV. 11 U J I. IuvIm i r e, el e! e e .Virtue, e . l, l1 5 el u i.uehiii.e I l 2 10 7 0llalley.1t. ll 0, lj 01 1 .lencs.a 1 1 S1 J1 Odtyan.a.. 0, 0 -J 3 1 MuUhcr.p I, 1 " 1, 0 llcers, b l 1 '-, V 0 Itiiruir, l' 1 3 U a 3 Miiitlli, n 0 0, e 2 2 l.liy. 2 i (i .' 1 e r' M Curly, 2 e, 4i a I llltuteil, sa I 1 e I1 e .lulmseu.cf I)1 I)1 1 1 0 llaiiuay, I 2 2 10 0 e M'Cail 1 1 e (I u' e 0 VMHucr.i r 1 J ii e (i liitsMin, I 0 1 ti. 0 1 'leUI II U 17 1.1 2 Total ' 2 "a H 10 il SUMHAI1V. 1:uiih.I inns Cliilntlaua, 5 liiiiililu pltiy, Itjmillliil llcurs liax) en balls Clill-tlaim, 3; lulle),2. hti uck out by .Mclilicr, 11; by Mar tin, 3. Left en iHise Olillatlanu, 7; lliiley, .'. Time of miiiiii One hour unit ll liy minutes. Umpire Ihdlev. lt.NINU.1. Cluistiaiia .. 2 (I e 5 a I e e x- 11 Pulley . . J e e e e u e a e 2 rl. licit ltla Lust Ciauic. Leuis Henke, llrst baseman of the Atlanta base ball club, died at six o'clock en Satur day afternoon of injuries received in tlie game between the Atlanta and Nashville luse UiU teams en Friday afternoon. Henke was running te first base en a hit te third base. The ball was thrown te Mnrr, Nash Nash vllle's first baseman, who niulled It. On leauiiu forward te get the bill In tlme te put out the limner his head struck Henke In the side and ruptured his liver. Henke was bin no lrem tlie ground, and slew hemor rhage bet hi, w ldch continued until his death. A lomuilttie of Iho directors of the Atlanta i lib vvllllicar bis remains te Cincinnati, where he has u wife and two children. His salary will be continued bv the Atlanta Athletic association te his family, nud nu ex hibition gHinoferlheir beucilt will be played at Atlanta seen. il IiitcriKliiiK iteiuril. J. S. Heller, of Culpepper, Virginia, has furnished the Aiui-fuii; .i. with the records of tlie Hastem League club and players. In Helding the clubs ate In this order :' Irginla, Newark, National, Norfolk, Trenten, Lan caster, Jersoy City, Wilmington ; ami in butting they are as fellows ; National, Vlr- ginla, Newark, Norfellt, Lancaster, Tienleu, Jeisey Cily, Wlliiilngten. Derby,olthe Norfolk, leads tlie lutleis Willi an ticragoef.a7, MeTamany led the batting of tlie L'liicaster team, and stands fourteenth, and ninth as a Helder. Smith is twentieth at the bit thirty-eighth as a Helder and eigh teenth as a pitcher. Dc.igle Is nineteenth as a pitcher and twonty-leurth at the bat. inland ranks twcntv-nluth at tlie bat and fifth at second hise. Floed was the thirtieth batter ntid fortieth in tlie Held. Uldlleld camu In thlrly-seceud ns a batter, eleventh behind the bat and twenty-fourth in tlie Held. Parker Is ferlv-llist iit the bat mid thlrtv-seceuil In the field. Kollerd stands at the half-hundretli pest in hatting, ninth as a catcher ami last in the held, (ioedumu is lllty-thlid in bitting and ninth asallrst basemiu. Donald gets lllly-ninth place as a baiter and is the fetirlh third base man. Wetel Is sixty-second with the stick and thirteenth In tlie' box. Tourney is slxly elghth lrem the top ns a batter, and like Donald, ranks leurth as short step, tlie same positions tlie plavers held at the end el last season. Muck is tlie eighty-third batter.but is third en first base. Fitpatriek Is elghtv elghtv elghtv soventh at the lat, hut stands at the top with a record of 1,000 as a right Helder. Maltlmore leads the pitchers and Pyle Is second. Illg glns Is second as a Hceenil baseman, but the man abeve him played but tle games. The batting record shows that theie were ene bundled and eighteen players in dilleieul ilubs of the league. Thore were twenty catcher, twenty pitchers, fourteen lirst base men, twelve second basemen, eleven third basetneu, niiie slieit steps and forly-twe lieldcrs. .i IiuwKi jt.tn: at Tin: J i it h: A Sihlllrns 'iintpt In Willi h I ah II Murl,- mi'ii VViic 11 id lj- l.i'tt. On Saturday altei nenn a sm ill-sled ciewd g.ithered at Mcfirann's park, te witness a luniilng race belwceu Ldward Kaulluiau's Dan and a hnrse named Hiiteher Hey, w liiuh was owned by a man named FUckingcr, who lesides either in Itcidiiig or Adamstown. The match was for 5.10 a side and was the 10 sult of a wager. Hatcher Hey had no trouble in whining In two straight heats, Ids tlme being 5(1 and 57. In tlie lirst licit, Dan loll te the ground ami threw bis rider, Abraham Katillman, te the track, breaking a small bone In ene of his legs, lle rede tlie second heat and did net knew the extent of his in Juiies until Dr. Davis examined him. A number of sHrtiug men from Heading and ether plaioivvere present at the lace and they made considerable nolse in choice Pennsylvania Dutch. Hccaiise their herse wen, they imagined theyieuld de anything. One of tlie pirty, vuth considerable mere money than head, ellered te bet that he could prod uee a man w he could hi.it any ene in Lancaster at running, Frank Parser, the well-known ball player, wasat oncesent for and when he arrived en the ground, the representative from "Pretlo "Pretle "Pretlo tewn" backed down. There was consider censider consider ahle noise ever tlie races, unil it is alleged that the running horse is an old timer and was brought heie te nip some one. mi: jieal'ii asshmjivxi: A l-iruu Iljtrrfc of An'tH Ocr Llaljlllllc Sliemi liy t In? Silil'ilulert. Soen nfler cloven o'clock Siturday morn ing the schedules In the matter efasslgnmcnt of Jehn lteach wcie Hied In tlie clerk's olllce of the reurt of common ple.ts, New Yerk. The liabilities nre f J,2r.2,s77.Sl ; nominal itsscts, Se.'i'iRJi1 is. S7 ; actual assets, ? 1,03 1, 17S.2e. Tlie preferred creditors, with amounts and items, are: William Hew land, for money leaned and work done, U.VJI7.1H; Mechanics ami Traders' bank, otllreokln, $-0,0(JO for money leaned and V, 137.00 ler note due en September 11, 18"0, secured by mortgage bends of . II. Itevunlds and Allidl Crev ellug: P. YV. (fall.iudet A Ce., New- Yeik. SlO.itoe ler money leaned and advauicil, as follews: tUO.OOOen June27, ls.s.-, JJ0,W0 en July 11, lvu. These leans were made in advance of the sale el the notes el the as as sigeor, and the amount due en them Is te be determined iy nn adjustment el their ac count. The total amount preferred is fPJJ, i!17.IK The assignees, Messrs. (Milut.irdaml Weed, give bends in taw.OOO. They explain the dillercnce between the nominal and actual value f tlie real estate as being due te depres sion n the real efite markets wheie the property is located, and the dillercnce m the valiie nt tlie iiijchiiiPiy en the ground that the Kind el machmery is used liy lew petsens. l'llfsU righting llirrii Clmnli. Ill .lamiai' last llev. J. I". O'Sullivan, pastor el bt. Joseph'n lteman Cathellccliurch, in C'auulliis, New Yerk, was silenced in Ids olllce el priesthood by lllshep McNierny, w he apiielntcd Itev. Win. A. Ityan totheiiastorate. Father O'.Millivan claims tliat he h ts net h id an ec leslaslical ti ial and refuses te leave tlie pastoral resldcnce or te deliver tlie kevs of the church te his successor. Fa'ther 11 an went te church en .Sunday and telebiated mass, and alter the sermon de nounced Father O'Sullivan, who was pres ent. Ills mother, who was also present, be came excited and, running up tliunislete wheie her son sat, asked In a loud voice if he would stand it. Father Ityan called a meeting of tlie congregation alter the service te take action in the matter. J atner u hui livan entered tlie sanctuary and said he would preside. As he was about te be re moved by ferce tlie meeting' was adjourned by Father Kyan, who loll for Albany te sec the bishop. IIli) Wielltf l'l'dlill! All) Till 111. Twe women and two children died in Ce. luiubia county, Flerida, en Saturday alter altor altor noen, from eating poisoned watermelon, it appeals that two planters of that county have a w.itcimclen patch, which has been raided almost every night, Fvispcrated at being robbed repeatedly, ene el the planteis en Friday plugged a number of tlie melons and put In each seme poison. He forget te tell Ids paitner, and en Saturday ene of the poisoned melons was pulled and eaten by the latter's family. His wile, two children and n sister-in-law died In a lew hours. When llrst attacked they thought It was cholera niei bus, and lailed te send for a doe dee dee ter until It was tee l.ite. CinlUIe ICniinH Kutlilng of llcr. Dertha Kashler, who el.dmed that she was feloniously assaulted by the Meadow gang a few wceks age, Is still at the county hospi tal. The solicitor el the be.ud et peer diioc diiec diioc tersofCuinboiland county. In reply te tlie communication sent him iiuiuliing about the gill, writes that he made diligent Inquiry us te the statoment made by the girl that her former Iinine was ut Carlisle, mid that he has been unablote Hud any ene that knows her or any ene el her family. He concludes by stathnrtli.it he dees net think she ever lived in Carlisle. Our peer directors w ill write te tlie directors el ether counties el the state te ascertain whoiesho belongs. l'liur CMlilii'ii Iliiincilte Inath. Susan Ashley, colored, of (iraliam, Cia., went te her father's house, which is nearby her own, and left her four children playing oulsldeof the heuse. When she returned Simen Ashley, who was with her, wentlnte the heuse te leek for the children, but as he did net Hud them nnyvvhore about, search was made In the w oeds. When they retnrned te the house it was en tire at ene end, both doers were open, and a mattreHS was in the mlddle of the lloer. When the heuse had burned down the charred bodies of tlie four children pnd a cat wero found whero the mattress 1 Aid been, and It is thought they w ere murdcre and covered up with tlie bed. K fund fur the Old Convict. A. A.niley, superintendent of tlie Hankew A Merciants' telegraph company, In this city, read tee account In the I.NTi:i.Mcii:.Ner.i; of Saturjlay, of the destitution of Jim. Henry, tlie ed convict whose long term of Imprison ment will oxpire en Wednesday erthls week. He at nuce epened a subscription list and the ntuiunt raised will he donated te the old iiufi. Already ever SltilU has liceu sub scribed. These desiring te subscribe te the funil can leave their contributions at the HanVeiSit Merchants' telegraph elllce. Ilaiulieinely i:nr;riicil. Thil resolutions msseil by city councils as a trlhate of respect te the memory of Gcneral GranuliaYO been handsomely engressed by WesliA' 11. Snyder, aud a ceny will be sent te tueJUuiHy of Qen. Grant te-day. AUGUST QUAHTKIl SKSSIONS. .tv I'AtsiM. xi'Mitri: or t ahi:h ex t hi: ijhai, t.tsr. ,liul; Patterson's Iimtriicllnii te llm Ilrnnil .Itii in a-Uiuiktiitili'S I'icwiilliig Tlii-lr CJiiiir li'rly lti.iirn Cniirnt Hiiliii-M-Ollliig Dunn tlm MurliliiPiy "I .liistlcc. Tlie August termer tlmceuit of cpjniler sessions commenced thli morning at 10 o'clock, with ,lu dpi) Patterson presiding. The grand jury were called, sworn, charged by Jiidge P.itlelseit, mid William C. needi er, of .Manliehu tow iiship, was made foieiuiiu. Alter instructing them in their duties hi Iho usual manner, the court called attention te the unusual number of rises en the tiial list, 237 in all en the new list, and nearly 10 old cases from feimer courts. The number Ih etraerdinaiy, though most or tlie cases are et low grade. In regard te cempl iluls made by constables and police eHlcers, Judge Pat terson said Mint in general, where complaints wero made in geed faith mid cm Mioeincors' own view, the elllcets should net be held llable for tlie costs, even when the cwh are ignored. Hut it his licen said by the prison lnspocteis and otheis that olll elll olll cern are in the habit of making arrests of large nunibers or persons, supposed te be tramps, en the ground tliat they weie drunken and disorderly, when in lad they were perfectly sliei. If they were llable te arrest nt all tfiey should have been nrtosted and committed as tramps. It Is alsechamcd that seme aldermen, Justices and constables areln the haliit el uiging persons le make cemplaliit en as'iuill ana iiiltery, surely ei the peace and ether eaes, thus largely swell ing the number of petty i-.Hi-s te Im) disposed of by court. There is no way of retelling these ease's eM'Oiit through the grand Jury, whose duty It will lie te caiefully itiqufie Inte them and if the cases hi ought belere tlie grand jury nre unreunded, It isllieduty el thegraiid Jury te Iguoie them and put tlie costs en the prosecutors, even though the prosecutors be constables. The constables of the cily, lioreiighs and townships were called and presented their ipiarteily returns el tlie condition of the leads, tmger-lsi.irds and el violation or tlie liquor laws All the reports were lav erable. i i nui s i in mim:ss. I.ivense te poddle weie granted te the ful lowing named honorably (Uncharged seldiers: lletuy White, Jeseph Ilegguarth and Jacob Zell. The licenses of Jehn F. Stains, Themas Until, Hmiiy C. Shcm k, Jehn It. Iteilly and Jeseph lldr were lenewed. .Sule'iias In divorce were issued le tlie lollewlng parties: Llla Virginia Lovyfiem Julius Levy, en tiiogreunds el desertion and cruel treatment. Anna M. tiara lrem Henry F. (Jam, en the ground of (lesortien ; Isaac Kittenheiise Irem M irg.irct Hittciiiiouse en the tlie ground of baib irons and cruil treat ment. tioergo F. lSennett, an Insnivent piisener, was discharged under the operation el the iu iu selv cut acts. DaiiielTaiiim.my, jr., convicted at the last term of court el an assault mid luttery en Kallread Olllccr Hey, wits sentenced te piy a line erf'-'i and costs. Jeseph llellin.in plead guilty te entering the cigar factory or II. S. Fberly, In the night lime, and stealing '.','JeO clgais. lle was sen tenced te undergo an imprisonment of soven mouths and Uv e da s. euvMi l! in in rt UN. Vine it Thes. HebcrtH, resisting an ellicei ; Willuiii Muiiav, assault with iutent te rob; Fred. Siiler, attempt te ccinmit sui cide; Albert Ihini-', kmsiiv; T. F. Lee, lar lar ceny; Jes. Hiilliiim, larceny mul klonieus entry. Adjeurned te "Ju. ;:. iiAfri.i.'.i rtw.iriMV Ills r.iinllv 1'liiKli i in CnrrciM Seiiih et llm "Tilliiiiic h" setivatluiirfl Crlilc Ihiiik Dr. M. L. Davis, of the management of tlie cremation lurnace, has rcec ived a letter lrem Dr. ee. W. Jaceliy, who was 1 unity pbsl ci.m te Dr. HapKl, lately cremated here, icirris'ting the New . erk VVi'iiiie'i ac count el the lilt, h in that operation. Alter lericcting many miner inaccuracies, Dr. J. gec w en te say that there was no delay at the station "during which the celllu re mained upon tlie Irelglit platlerm in the sun," and that whatevei impropriety thore was in tlie mode et handling it was the fault of the rallreul cemput and net of tlie crcmiteiium management. Tlie se-called "an blent at tlie crematorium, Di. Jacoby says, haidly merits the name, and ever tiling eNe in the ' i'nnie' article, evepta suggestion that the machinery for drawing in the crib ought te be improved, was a product et "the reporter's lortile imagination." In conclusion Dr. J. expresses his thanks ler many courtesies ami his hearty satisfaction w ith the management. Thore Is some talk el an aitmn ler damages against the Tubtni? for its rccklesi mis statements. llm Oiucrr.it I"" SIiiiipiI night There. Kiem the Llnilnnntl Unqiillc'i. A couple of gentlemen steed en Vine street talking a'ieiit one thing or another when a beggar made a plea ler alms, show ing that his right hand was gene as an in ducement te centi Unite. One of tlie goiillo geiillo goiille nien gave the lollew a dime, but the ether refused te. into up. "Hew did you lese our baud ?" Iho beg gar was asked. "1 vvasceaplingcais. and get my hand se bull' iiiAshc died that . ) had te have it cut oil, sir." "Oii.ne, v en didn't de anv tiling or Iho kind," said the gentlciii.ui who declined te give the beggarauy money. "Hew de you knew? was you thore'" impudently leteited tlie tramp "Yes. I was there," lenlled the gentleman. "Your hand was blown oil while you were trying te steal a watch Irem my pocket, and I am the very ene that did it. The only mls mls take 1 made was in sheeting at our hand in stead el our heart." The beggar didn't slop te parley, but sneaked oil wlthccleilty. An IMltnr l tlm I'nr West. The editor el'n paper ill the lar West has decided net te oxchange with any paper which uses tlie word "nilegite," and ethor words of that character, lle says, "This dun) foolishness lias get te step. When a busy editor is about te clip out an article from nn exchange te useas a leader, he dis covers that It is check lull el hlfalutin wcids. And he knows If he prints It Ills subscribvis will cuss and swear, and may be seme el'theiu will ee uunnliiL' ler the editor. Se at tlie last moment he has te wrlte up a thrilling lo cal, or sheve hi a patent medicine "ad" that has been dead hlx months. Hereafter we shall net oxchange with such luners. When we want big words we cm Hud plenty erthem in our speller and dcllner." The I'ojiiiliitleii of St. l'ulil anil MliinraiielU. According te the Miniiiseta statocenium tlie population of St. Paul Is 11 1,307, and Minneapolis ltS),U00. Hetwoen 1870 and 1SS0 the population of St. Paul increased from 20,030 te 11,173, a gain or 21,413, or 107 per cent. In the same tlme the population el Minneapolis advanced from 13,000 te 40,S7, a gain ef3J,821, or 2.VJ per cent. In the live year period, from lsSO te 1SS3, covered by the state returns, St. Paul's imputation has in creased lrem 41,173 te te 111,307, a gain of 00, tei, or 10S.0 per cent. That of Minneapolis has increased, according te this authority, from 40,8a7 te 129,200, a gain of 82,311, or nAB per cent. The Increase et population in Hamsey county is "0,313, or 1K1 per cent., nnd that In Hennepin is bl,722, or 122 per cent. Ilrevvnrd In hlpht of llniirtrfdit of 1'ceiile. A skill' 111 which were six boys ranging in age rrem elglit te thirteen, capsized In the mlddle el" tlie Moneiigahela river, below lock Ne. I, ut Pittsbuig Sunday afternoon ulieut 4 o'clock, drowning Charles and Mark Rich, Court Alders nnd Jacob Meshuer. The ether two, Charles Mclxucr andaeorge Skedlauder. succeeded iu reaching the shere in safety. Tlie accident happened in sight or hundreds of peeple, but before succor could reach the lads they had sunk for the last time. VA VITA 1.I7.ISII It A ll.HOA U.S. Why C'urpiinilliiiis Should Nut lle Alliniid le M'nlrrTliilr Ciiiitul. rieinthe IsTKLtiuEKira, April i-1, lsl. The capital or.iread should rotiresent Its artual cost, and should net carry in its belly an undue prellt te a coutracler who builds it, or te tlie projector who put it afoot. These men may he entitled te be paid for their idea and the energy Willi which they secure its fiultien; but their compensation should net be a secret one. Thore should be no Imposi tion practiced iixm the public, The read should net be held out as costing what it li.ts net cost. Tliose who lend money en its bends Willi the heller Hi it they have the security or the paid-up stock behind them should have the security in I.ict. If all the money that is te build the read is te be ob tained en the bends nlelic, that lad should he known te the subsci Ibers. This is but com men henisty. The read may, when built, be weilh all It Is capitalized at, hut that is no leaseu why It should be falsely stated that it has cost tlie amount of Its capital. Hut the state is even niore intaicsted In protecting tliose who nre te U'e the railroad than these who lend It their money or Invest In its sleck. It is te tlie Interest of the state that trausiiertatlnn should be as cheap as possible. Freight charges are n very great element In the cost of every article eY com merce. The cheaper tlie cost of carrying the farmer's grain te market, tlie greater will be the sum he realizes from its sales; and the cheaper the cost te the iiianur.ieluicr of the c.irriage of his materials and pieduit, the cheaper he (Mil make them, and the greater, thetefere, will be the number of factories in n state tliat duly pietects its Industry lrem undue tax by the common cirrier. New is the tlme ler tlie legislature te con sider this matter. The constitution declares that every corporation shall give value for Its stock and bends In labor, iu.iteii.its or money. Hut this mandate needs te bu fei mulated in a law which shall secure lis execution accord ing le its spirit. It will boa diillcult one I frhap4 te Iramc, se many nre tlie ways In which a i.ilse statement may be made or cost, ami se great ale the Inducements te make it. Hut it needs te lie framed w ilheut delay. A great railroad is projected across our state as a rival te the Pennslv.mia. It will be wel comed ; but te be of due benclit te the state it must net be permitted te Issue stock or Unids abeve its actual cost. Tlie .Senate has Just lo le pealed the limitation ukhi railroad cipllali cipllali itlenin its behall and Ukiii the statement that It could net build and equip the line it wants te lay, as a preK r rival ler Its great competitor, iur the sio,eoo per mlle te which tlie general railroad law limits tlie stock and bends or railroads built under it. f 120,000 is a great deal el meiiqy te expend per mlle en three huudrid miles or r.ulie'el. Tlie Intent efMr. Vanderlult may be te level the moun tains and makoagiade as level its a race course. The great estlm iti-d cost of his read indicates such puipose, as the rails, cress ties and fastenings ler it mlle of double track railroad, siuJi as the Pennsylvania, w ill net cost hftcen thousand dollars per mile. II the money he spends is honestly and judiciously 1 ml out uixiti the work, the state call have no oljntieu te his sjmnding as much as lie pleases. Hut it need te secure this assurance and te provide a sullldcnt guarantee that the jsjople el the stite will net be called upon le lurnbdi dividends en any watered stock. Mr. Vanderbilt's father made many of his millions by watering tlie stock or the New Yerk railroads which he con trolled. We want no such essay by the son in Pennsylvatil.i. Preliably he intends none; but nevertheless ll is the duty et the legisla ture te see that none Is khsiIj1c. jjeii.v ix ii hum our. Nuw Ilfin Scut by a CorrenpeiHli'iit Itcsl (Icnt at llulirirt. As Mr. Harry Leng, sen or Jehn I. Leng, or Lilierty Square, was en his way en horse back Trein his home te Driimore Centre, tlie herse lie was riding tell, throwing him oil. The herse lull en cue el his limln causing li i in a great deal el piin. Alter lying along the mail lorHeiiio Hum Im iccovered siilllcieut strength te gel en his herse and riiie home, having te crawl te tlie house en hishanilsand knees. Mr. Levi Hellm.m, who recently pur chased the (iardner farm, Intends building u very large tobacco shed the coining fall. As the gcutlem.vn has about ten acres, 1(r tlie weed It will I.ikci a large shcl le held It, The building will Im coiniiieiiieil the coming week bv the architect. Lewi K. Tedd. Mr. Themas Hr.ulley, one el the enter prising farmers et Drumein township, in tends building a house en the lower part ei his farm ler his Min Charles, who has bieii recently married. '1 he lellir has been dug out ami the stones ler the wall hivebceu hauled. The building will be quite an im provement en tlie i cud leading te Liberty Square. The com and second cieps el grass at present leek very premising. The farmers are new ready te buy theli cattle if the dealeis aie ready "te sell. Miss Hva Stevenson and Ml. !. S. Mo Me Comb, graduates et the State Nermal s hoel, Intend teaching in West lleuiplli Id township this tail, at hlty dullais per mouth. Opening of tlm Sciutlirin Kveitliin. The Southern Kxinisltlen was opened en Saturday, in presence of many thousands of pcep"lc. At neon Governer Knett re ceived Iho hremeii, elleeinen and militia, and subsequently uiider their escort pro ceeded te the exposition building. At two o'clock the governor, the .Majer of Louis Leuis Louis vlleo, and Jehn Yeung Itrew ii were received in tlie Music ball by the directors, tlie ex hibitors and an audience of 0,000. Govorner Knett delivered a short address in w hlch he compared tlie tiiuinphs of kmie te tliose of war, and sKke earnestly and hojiefiilly of the industrial progress of the southern people. Atnfghttlie buildings were illumi nated by electricity, and alieul 2.-,oe0 jsoeplo were present. A l'elntcr fur Iho I'res. l'lein the Itcceid Our esteemed but injudicious coiitempo ceiitempo coiitempe raiy tlie J'rcu lcmaiks that "every thlefap- peintcd se lar U a Democrat aud recom mended liy Democrats." The most conspic uous thief appointed thus lar is one Judd, and he get Inte the bureau or labor statis tics upon tlie warm commendations of lead ing Republicans of Colerado. Mr. Carrell D. Wright, tlioelllclalvvhoappointed Judd upon these recommendations, is a Republican and an appointee el the kilo Republican admin istration. A Clilhl'te Nmriin lr.ijM'. Walter Sliissler, Hve years old, made a nanew escape fiein serious injury en Satin day evening. He was playing In Ireut el the County house, did net notice a team h h preachlng ami ran against the herse. The child was thrown under the herse's feet but the herse was stepped in time te pievcut his trampling the child. The little fellow vwh rescued by a gentleman passing by ami after he iccovered lrem his (right was sent home. A (jidlty AVeiiiim Mtli. The wife- or Matthias Hclirich, who eloped with Dr. S. y. Stener, ot'Irenvllle, has Hed. She learned that she would be prosecuted Ter adultery and lelt her iather's home, near Silver Spring, en Thursday. Ofllcers Irem this city went up te Silver Spring en Satur day te arrest lier, but w lien they arrived thore they learned that she left en Thursday for parts unknown. Squevred te liratli liy tlie Card. An excursion ran liem Nazareth te the Water Gap en Saturday. When running into the Btatlennt Pen Argyl, Grant Messin Messin ger, a hricklayer, of Xa.iretli, was caught between the cars and platlenn nud tcrrllily squoced. lle lingered in great agony until afternoon, when he dled. I'linlmsml u Newsiiiiprr. Jehn D. Hateuiau, "vhe learned his tradeat the Xew y.Vct olllce In this city, and also who has beeu n resident of Ida Greve, Iowa, the last low years, lias purchased a half interest in the MaploGrevo7.Y(, a weekly paper pub lished In that town. We wish the young man success in his purchase. A I.A1 l' T'1'5 hK 1SON. Hew (lelh the little mesquite, impiove the inlilnlijlit dark, Te Icive en feichead and en limb 1 IU sanguluiiry uiai k. Hew skillfully te plica hU bill, Hew neat lie makes attacks ; Then stores hlmulf In p irts untccn, Aua dedBceall tbe whacks. A TERRIFIC EXPLOSION. j.i.vr f.-i.'AMA.y uivxnr.n ex a ii .ih; itivr.n srKAMr.u. vr.i.A The lll.inler 'I hut Hi tell tlm Samuel VI. rcltim mi It iv.li)- te Wilmington llie Kntlre Forward Part nrthe VcmpI Alinietlin Water I.lne DrmelUliPil. I'liii.viiin.iMiu, Aug. 17, 10:10 iu m. The liellcr or Iho (..learner Samuel M. I'elten, has exploded. There wero n large number of passengers en beird. Tlie nowsol'thooxplo newsol'thooxplo nowsel'thooxplo slon has caused Inteuse excitement through out the cily. Several persons, It is roiwrled, have beeu killed outright and n large num. her wounded. L.VTint, The explosion eccuced Justnller Mm steamer had left her deck en her trip te Wilmington. As she wasoppesito pier 8, Seuth wharves, the passengers ami crew wero startled by an explosion which shook the beat lrem stem te stern, and when the suioke cleared away It wits found that the entlre for w aid part of the vessel abeve the water line had been badly damaged unit a number of p.isson p.issen gers injured, seme of tliem seriously. The pilot house and entire lipper deck was lifted and loll te the lower deck. The bow pre sented a scene of wreck. Tugs proceeded at once te the Injured vessel anil with tlie assist, ance or the police tug Win. S. Stekeley, which was lying near by nt ouce proccedod te reinove the injured. The ambulance of the Pennsylvania hospital seen arrlved and took most of Iho Injured te that Institution, im: List or iJt'iu:ii. The in lured se lai as known are as wil wil eows: Jehn H. McDiinn, aged'Jears, liv ing iu Cheslei, Boverely injured about legs; Silas Heed, residing fit 1,020 Hancock street badly shocked and contused ; Ressle Hradley residing at 23'JSpruce street, ankle dislocated; Samuel Cooper residing 1,40J Krankferd, In jured about head and body ; Jehn Stovenson, residing Pa von ea street, Camden, shocked by tlie concussion; Gee. Ce kayrn, lesidlrig nt 200 Seuth l'rent street, thigh cut; Gee. Irvm, In lured about limbs aud body; J. II. Chester, a deck hand, llv mg at Chester, face, head and bedycutand bruised. At the tlme the explosion occurred the beat wits crowded with excursionists. Ills estimated that about SOU persons wero en beaid, most el them women and children. Lye witnesses of tlie terrible scene state that it was a wonder that many of the passengers were net killed outright. The steamer was immediately alter the removal e! the passengers towed down the river and, it is said, will be taken te Wil mington ler repairs. She is owned by the Pennslvania railroad company and is a large ami well equipped lieat. If she Is net injured below the water line tlie damage will net Ijo heavy. vwiieL.s i:ri vnaiiens or nn: iiimamkii. The cause of the explosion Is as vet un certain. The pisscngers aud many el these who saw the explosion from the shere insist that gunK)wder or seme similar explosive was ignited en the forward dec k and several persons who were standing en the pier declared that Hit y distinctly noticed the odor of gunpowder. Thore has been ionsder.iblo rivalry be tween the Pulton and ether beats running te Wilmington, and reports have gained ground that seme malicious person placed an ox ex ox piesivoon the disk. This H a uiere innier, liowevor, and the cause of the oxpleslnn will net be known until lurther Investigation Is made. TnihislJ al a CatiiMtiii; lulile. Coin Wasii.vmi:, Wy., Aug. 17. Agent Warden, ofthe hhosheiie iigency, Is iu dally expectation el instruction from the Indian department, te erder all whites oil' tlie resor reser resor tieti except the department emploes. in a row, Saturday e veiling, ever Hie gam bliug table, Charles Williams was shot and killed by Prank Howards. I'.elli men were under the inllueucu liquei. Heward is new in the county jail. (Jic'frlug a Kiisnl.m Intrerm. P. ills, Aug. 17. A signillcant incident of the unveiling of the tatue of (ion. Cliany, at Mails, was the ns option el Karen 1 rede ricks, milltaiy attache et the Russian cm bissy. When he made his appearance, attited in tlie roll umfeiui et a Russian colonel, the crowd cheered itself hearso and cries of "vivoRusse" wciehcaitl in every direction. Knight or the A. (). I'. W. Hlitale, New Yerk, August 17. Te. morrow the Grand Legien of the Select Knights el the A. O. V. W., holds its seventh annual session in tills city. Hvery eilert has been made by the local legion te make the session a success. Tomorrow altorneon thciewill be a lull parade el the combined legions in uniform. There will also be u com petitive drill for tliree prics. The session will occupy tinge days. 1 lie Saratoga Kaccs. Sill.vieciA, N. Y., Aug. 17 Tlie weather is beautiful and Micro is a lai go 'attendance at the races. First race, ene mlle ; Lcnian wen, Decey Duck second, Huren third. Time 1:10. Mutualspaid 527. Second race, ler maiden two-yeir-olds, Hve furlongs ; roreneo wen, Miss Hewler second, Siher Cloud tliiul. Time 1:01'; itrlslilcr Outlook In the Iren Trade. PmsiiL'uu, May 17. The outlook In the iron trade Is new consideied mere favorable than for a number or years. Maiiulacturers cencede that the inautle of depression is be ing gradually lifted. The worst fcature of tradeis the existing strike among the nailers, which gives no promue et a speedy termi nation. Iho Noblest Ituiiian nr Tlii'iu All. Cincinnati, O., August 17. The J.'n ricircr this morning says last evening a tolo telo tole gram came from Columbus te a promiuent politician et this city lrem ene who is -very near le Senater Thunuan saying that he would accept the Domecr.Ulc nomination for governor. This may be considered as true. Contention or Illvcr Illggcn. Pu THUUite, I'd., Aug. 17. The minera of ficials have cilled a convention of rlver dig gers te be held lu this city en August 25. The object of the convention is te dotermino a rate of mimug and lusure coucertod action iu maintaining the satue. A Nev el Hallway Celebration. Hiiussin.s, Aug. 17. A grand historic pro pre cession, comprising all the methods of con cen con veyanco slnce the Reman epoch, took place here en Saturday, te colebrato the &0tli anni versary el the completion or the first rallw ay In Helgluin. An Immcnse crowd witnessed and took part iu the coremonics. Cholera Keeping l'.lght On. M.vnnin, August 17. Reperts from .nearly all the cholern infected districts of Spain place the number of new cases for the past twenty-four hours at 4,01HJ, and the deaths at ,uTA MAltsi;ir.i.i:s, Aug. 17, One hundred and nine deaths hav e declined here sinee Friday. Tlie Cede uf liener In I'rnuce. I'Aitts, Aug. 17. Saturday while attending the Deauvllie races M. Duratid, mayor el Treuville, cpiarreled with M. Daubaln, sub prefect of the department,ivhe challenged him te a duel. It was fought this morning and Duratid was seriously wounded. viuvvs xi:n.s. .11 m my llallcy ICrtlrr Inini llm Itanium Alter Aiiiuiitiliithig a Princely fortune. James A Halley, widely known as ene or tlie proprietors or the Itanium, Halley A Hutchinson circus, began life ns a vender el circus candy and lemonade when a very small boy, and by ability and frugality werKCci ins way upward till he lieoanie part owner In a small show. Some years age he lermcd a partnership with James L Cooper, and witli him established Uoeicr it Hailey's circus and Sanger's Royal Hritish iiieii.'igorie." Thlsshevv made a great deal of money hi Seuth America and Aus tralia, ami en returning te this country Its owners purchased the Londen eiicus ami consolidated it with their own under Mm luinie or "Cooper .fc Hailey's Louden circus." In lssi Mr. Cooper retired te private Hie and Mr. Halley ami Mr. J. L. Hutchinson, who had long liceu connected with the Coeiier ik Halley hIiew, lorinecl a turtnershlp with 1'. T. Itanium ami estab lished the "Itanium, Halley A- Hutchinson's circus." Mr. Hilley has been nu Invalid ler seme Mine, and his doctors longslnce ordered him te give up his business entirely and seel; jierlcct lest et mind and body. In compli ance with this decree he has iust sold out his entlre circus Interest te W. W. Cole, the mil mil mil lionaire clicus proprietor, whose show lias travelled prlncliially hi the West ami Seuth. Cole Isn shrewd man In the business and tlie Itanium peeple havoalwaysreiiudhiiu pretty hard te down. Mr. Haileys fortune is esti mated at f 2, 000,000. James Ii Cooper, Mr. Hailey's old p.utner, lives iu Philadelphia, and coiilrlbutes le tlie city treasury taxes en mere than seventeen acres of liucly Improved property, lle keeps a number el fast trotters with low roeerds and tlieioisne better judge or a herse ami iio.shrewdor dealei in that iiebleaininal thin he. He formerly ran an omnibus line iu Washington andiuade his llrst venture) in the show business by purchasing an interest iu tliat most successful or all old-time cir cuses man iged by G miner and llemmingN, of Philadelphia, the runner long -nice dead and Mm latter new living in retirement. On Monday next Jehn O'Hricn's onus will open mra season in Philadelphia where they will exhibit rer 10 cents. IlKJlUCItATlC ceusrv cemmittiu: lii'cli'Cllnii ill tlm Chairman -Settling a III piltn AImiiiI KciufftCiitalleii. Th" Democratic c eimty c ommittee id ently elected, met Iur organization this morning iu the rooms el the Democratic committee, Kepler's building. Tlie committee vias culled te order by Chairman W. I'. Ileiiscl. II. S. Patterson and Thes. P. McHUIgett weie elected temierary secretaries. Tlie lirst business iu order was tlie elec tion el a permanent chalrnim and W. V. Henscl was elected by acclamation. 11. S header Metzgcr, city; It. S. Patterson, Little Hritain, aud C. P. Yeung, Columbia, were elected permanent stcieUiries. II. P. Montgomery, nominated fei county solicitor, declined, and Jehn 11. Malonewas nominated for tin position by aci lamatleu. Messrs Worst, Klieads and Stauller were appointed as a coiumitlee te ascertain w he is c milled te represent XUisburv township iu tlie committee, the right or William P. Lin ville being contested. Mesirs Rheadsand Stauller reported that the election was infor mal ami that a new election should be held. Mr. Worst submitted a minenty report re commending that Mr. Linville. tlie sitting member, is entitled te hlsse.it. The tnaierity rcqiert or the committee was adopted. The lirst Wednesday or September at White side's hotel, White Herse, between the hours or three and eight o'clock, was desig nated Ter the meeting. William Hamilton was selected as the temporary chairman of tlie meeting and te make all necessary ar rangements for it. Aftorassessing the county candidates $10 each, except the candidate ier piry commis sioner ?2., Mm inoetmg-adjuiiriied. l. .slclhtcr'n mill ciir. Rev. 1. Meister, pastor el St. Stephen's Lutheran church, this city, preached his fifth anniversary ormeu befere a large congrega tion en Sunday morning, taking ids subject from the gospel ler the da Lev.xvui., Iu, "Twe men went up in the tcmple te pray." The statistics rcs)rlrsl by Hey. ll. Meister, covering live years el pastoral labor, were ns follews: Inl.iuts ami adults liaptied Hi7, luneral discourses I pi, m.u rieel Is ieuples and continued s7 young pes i pie. The contri butions during this live vears for various church purMes, home and abie.ul, amount ed te ?12,bd.K5. The Sibbath school nspe nally is well attended In honor of the event yosterd iv (lowers iu pioiusien adorned Iho altar, wlm h was com pletely nn ereu anil arranged in ueaiiiiiui uc signs among tlieiu being a large pillow, the gilt of Miss LI7ie siamin, containing the numbers ls0-iss."i. 'I'lm music by the choir added net a little te the enjoyment of tlie ec casien. I.iihiuci! b u lRlit tVaUhinaii. Tlie niLjht vvatchm m en Remei Trempur'a wharf, at Rondeiit, N. V., heard a splash m the water Saturday night and rushing te the spot round a man struggling in tlie water. lle quickly made aslip noeso el a repe and sui-eeeded In lassoing the man without choking hlui and then aneheied hnn with Ids head abeve water te the v. harfand ran ler help and the m in was d lagged out en tlie vv barf. Iv. of I', Itrpri-enlslHis Ce te Kc.lilliis. Representatives IMw. S. Smelt., or Inland City Ledge Ne. s-s, Majer C. II. Pasiiaeht, or Lancaster Ledgo Ne. os, and AdaiiiGliIen- der, or Teuteiiia Ledge Ne. ltr, left Mils alteiiKsm ler Helding te attend the session of the Grand Ledgo el Pennsylvania, which convenes iu annual session Tuesday morn ing at 10 o'clock. They w ill be ace oinpauied byseveral past chancellors. 'InrlieKm Hellers. Cotten mill Ne. 3 is being supplied with twelve new boileis. Twe nre being put in place at a time when shutting down is obviated. The new liellers are largct than the ones new iu use aud a pipewill be con nected vv ith Ne. 2 te turnish the additional steam requited there. Never Ciutet u Surftilt. fiein the l'eit Allegany Ucperlei As an able state oxeliange, we alue the Lancaster In i lj.i.iuUNii.na little abeve any ether en the list. Take it liem ene year te another, and en any subject, ene w ill Unci that its editorials are carefully and thought fully prepared. Thore isalvv.ijK just enough said en a subject and no mere. It 1YH9 Hern In nui. Prem the Itollufeiito Watchman. The Lancaster 1nti:i.i.iiii.nci:u printed the account et Washington's death in its issuoel January 1, lfc-00 Tlie Katheret his Country having died Decomber 11, 17U0. It is gener- ly siipjiOSOU llllll me nrsi uiuiiuui "i ii:i,liui:m'i:u was printed by Neah the In iu the Aik, lliiildliig Inipreteinciit. This ineruing workiueu began tearing down the two-story brick building en North Queen street, which for years past has been occupied by Frederick Hriinmer, with a livery elllce, and Philip Henurd'H cigar stere. A line new building, threo stories in lielght ami much dcoper than the old one, will be erected. At the .Station Heme. The nolice ronerted nlne olectrie and two gaseline lights as net burning en Satuiday aud Sunday nights. One ledger, the only Iiimate of the station heuse last night, was discharged this morn ing. CJ.le Settled. The complaints made against Miehiel Phelau mid Themas White, of Gordenvlllo, by Silas Oveulccr, erthls city weie settled at Alderiiian Doeii'selllco Satuiday ultorneon, the ceinplalnts being vv ithdraw n en payment el costs and damages done te Mr. Overdeer'a property. 'Iho I'liliip Needs Opeulni:. The running pump at thoceniorof Chest nut and Ann streets, has boeoiuo stepi! up with sand, owing te the recent rains, and tlie peeple of that neighborhood think the city should soe that it Is opened. IX THE LONE STAR J'vTP a r ri.n se mi: i r.x.ts VOXSllir.ltATlOi i.Axn no .tun iitf. (Jiieu Nnmqiapi'r an Oiqinrttiiilly tc ruMllD Allrgnl lrrcgiil.itlll(i,V Claim tin t (he Mate llm t.cut H 17.1,000 liy Mian sr iiKCincnt of the Scheel Fund tf ia ii.sien, Texas, Aug. 17. All r. nc sit ing of Iho state laud beard, last Tiltfe..-!,,, resoltitieu was passed whereby th 's.irt agree te fully exenerate, quit, rcln'natl held harmless Treiii all pains and I u,ullwK, suits, costs, proceedings, damages, ,r..i dLs abilities against the Galveston Aci s '(rrr en account of anything it may publil hljtli Ing any member of the beard Iu the tago tage incut or the lauded allalrs of Tex . 'fhe Vchm had Intimated It possessed d i c Ilia; information touching the manage state lands, which It feared te pu eause of au exceedingly strlugC law, which gagged the press or Hy icasen el this law, nndel cent advorse decision or the i court or Texas, the proprietors of U have Just paid JKywe. lience their i be insured. In its Issue yeslet clay i the .V' f oH'iiseulou the laud he i viewing its work, and makes Ihei the be.ud by its neglectand misinin has lest te the scIkhiI ftiud of tlie siimel fl75,tKW, which should have I looted under the law ft-eni the cattle dining the list is mouths. The V lh.it in Peb. lss,an act was passed c the land lieaul le appoint grass cenn ers whose duties it should lie te ascc constant lusjiectien the aiei of rr belonging te the state and belng eci cittie men without leases. I nder i all ex'cupiers of such lands were cemi piy occupation tax. Twenty niillii uores el grass lands of this cliai.ictcr h rbceu ecmsUiitly grazed upon siuce the i igait the law. Yet tlie land beard only K tit week apiKiinled uiid sent out the grass inimls- siouersupeu whose reperts, the U only be cellectesl, The law makes r sieu for back taxes, lienee Mm state nearly 200,000, winch lias slm in. lined in tlie pockets of bullion a In sUting tliose facts tlie A'cit'iln en. accuses tlie members el tlie land beu lentienal wrong, but iu thenevt "Thlsles-j effl7j,000 was net acei-l could PIOVa as let ly K- counts brcitU or in- trcays itu, ,i ispiesumably the result or Intelll. . e sign." The) III Nut Im Vaiiliintril Mem in: vi., Aug. 17. The si lallpex, vv hicli is provalent here, was imiiorte i aearly hve months age by two Pullman car romluo remluo romlue torsvvho wero treated lit a hesp lai and nursed by men. As seen, hewever as Uie disease bcciime proneuncod the hesp tat was shut up and romevod. They died si wly at llrst. and lately rapidly. Tlie nun ier of deaths recorded Is 120. This meni therft were as many as 13. The gieat ob eb ob stacle in checking It is the ipposi ippesi ipposi tien of a large majority or Picn li Cana dian doctors te vaccinate. They le net even vaccinate their own children The health authorities are doing all ' llietr power te arrest the ejiidetnic, but th. ''jrench population v 111 net heed their insti ctmns, The clergy are beginning te speak l.-e.w Uic pulpits in fiver of vaccination. Ln1' Jr iiesjutai is overcrowdod, and new ex elisions aie in piegress. (In) lllglilaui) AIIiIiIch. l'mi.MiKl.riil v, Aug. 17. The annual gitliering el tlie Caledonian club attracted a large attendance te Rising Sun park te-duy. They left lieadqiiarters, 21 1 Pine streel,ln full Highland costume, shortly afterT o'clock anil made a short st parade. Ti ey wero neceinpiiiied by the lligliia.hl guards, of ItiO New erk Caledonia club. C.ipep Hudg( MulHian, In fiiyuiduniferui, A'r- A. M. Steward, ecliujffil iltu s.-.cjfr-AisIriH .ini'iicif, and Chief Nicholsemoi t'eN')w, erk Caledonian club, accompany Uelilgh laiiel guard. severely lle.itcn lur Ijizlnens CoIimien, hid., Aug. 17. HlmeraBUdOs- i nr Stevens, residing near this p' e. hav't been waited upon by the Ilarrisei 'f'.uty' icgiilaters, and given a dose el meltery,' switches. The blows they delive si were heard by neighbors living a quarter lnlnJliv distant, and the victims aie new uiu i treat-? incut el a physician. The reason tlie whipping was that the Stcv would net WOlk. en. for' " 1H1JTI snvcicii;ti uf tlm Conge, llm ssi:ls, Aug. 17. King Lei ellictally notified tlie poweisof Ids tiuuoftlie title of sovereign et the (lent state el Mm Conge. id has -bump- '0Mrll- ii i:a nn t: rnen.t nn.iri Tlm (.'eiiillllnn cir the, ISarniimter n llicr. inniiiulcraii'l Iiiilli-atleini for tlie ! "v WvsiIlMnes, 1). C, All li .e Middle Atlantic Hnte, fair wi c olbe neitherii portion, van iblc vvuuN, iaij tempo ratine. Light local rains have I.lllen iu i Seuth Atlantic and Hast Gull states; iu ' ithcr dlst i lets the weather his been gene . ftir The tempei-atiirelias risen in the Lc i ku region, tlie Middle Atlantic states, pp Misslssluni and Ohie V.illevs am eencs r,ee ami has lemained nearly statiei -cry iiiull ether disti U ts. The vv mils hav e b i north eily in tlie Seuth Atlantic state- lit te. south iu tlie Lake regions and gci ly ?v nalile in all ether distiicts. Pell Tri:sn.vv. Pair weather el sta tionary teinpoi.ituie aie indicatci ' New Pn-I.md, and r.ur weather fellow ei flgtit local l.iuis, vvltn a sbglit no m tei iiMltu, ler tlie Mlddle Atlantic slates. Ilrnniinl While I'lfihtliig Sts.lH.llvN, P.I-, Aug. 17.- ''''itt)u Luce, Charles Dibble, and Jein UlUlar-J went rowing in tlie Susquehanna mai Mo Me Mo heckanyon Friday. Luce and 1 1 'lad seme elcl misunderstanding and t v hemut quaircllngover iu i r iik " -i; " W came te mews, ami in m "" e-s-- ensued both fell into the water, viieu they . s It remained clinched together HIvjirIi. both sank te the Ixittem. On reapi - -alna en the surlace neltlier would loesoul s Held (Ji 4, te ether. Hllliard lumped into Un WHUjr and, swimming te the ceiiita ti.W mjK , rated tliem. iaice mik B"": ". ""? .ir..,iP.I. Hllliard get Dlimie sai j te the. beat. Luce vv as SH years old. Voting Je.iiiscm'ii IJeily 1'eui.iU The body of the young man Jeunwn, who wasdrovvned in tlie Maldeu croekion Frirlay evening last, while watering hones In the strea, was Veund yesterday at tin i witli of . Maiden creek. The body was takwB teLeM; pert and given in charge or an uu crtaWeref that place. One or Lama.ter Great Secial i'.wnU. ,m., ..rinrennn the "Merrv Tiiree" are holding a picnic at the Green Cot'age, Tlie J , all'iirs gotten up by this clubare ery wall K atteiul eaii testify. Te-di.y's 0"' mc w i net lilcely be an oxceptlon, . unc I U , l picnic will be as merry asm.. .-... ..,,,--i cues. , SI11I mi I'lre. Shobei's (Inte Kellei's) mill, (iniie le .New Verlt James M. Hurko has left Law .e sk-eiiVw ..,i, 1-.1.C -fir oue below LItltz, ciugiiinre m .....,,,- ,' i ,i0.i bv friction c f oueef bnXK spindles? '1.0 llrev.is put out befere qb A Ari. , ns ilnm.c'u was done. XI ll m stm letf it? J H Tlioreifd A ti sfietnrtl .. II., en months' stllV III NOWOr, will leek after the business hit) brother, who gees te Ireland te .y ler'tWi period ei lime. A m' or I I- ! I . VbeJ- f rcta (" A Vt Xtii illtO J - "'fc'l 4 1 ' 'O I t'' IV ! ' 1, oel i mu s Jj,1( n,Utl( I "i n- ; 'it by aii'ei by I Ii UW , I UkI te vfl n t i n ft ii ', f i &. 3Jf tr . $ a & e.i'