r"vr. It- t, v. ' -t 4&"' ., J 'I L " TELE LANCASTER DAILY CffEELjlftC TTOfBSPiLY; ATOtTBl?fl3;i8S5. ti'i. ?p.pf 'f V I.AST UP K1UJ. AND DAYLIMMT WANING. Last of abb, and daylight waning, Sceulcd sea-cool landward nmklnrj, winclla of sedge and salt Incoming, Wl'h mmiy u lialf-caiighl voice sent up from llie eddies, Many n unilllud confession tunny n Beb and wliliper'd word, , As of speakers f.ir or hid. Hew they sweep down and out! bow tbey unit terl Pecls iiunniiied nt Li-ttn fircnlcst el any, with chcrlsh'd lest rteslijnH, Leve's uniVKponie nchoruger age's complaints hope's Inst words, tiemn Niilcldc's despilrlnjj crj', Atri)i te the tietmtttett uvttte, unit never ngitin rilurn. (in tnnlilhlnn tbcnl On, mi, mid de your p.rt, ye burying, ebbing lltlul On ler your tlmci ye furious debouehoj And yut net you alone", twilight and burying ebb, Noryeu,yohvitdcMjins nlone nor fall u rep, us- plrallens; 1 knew, dlvlne deceitful ones, your glnmeui's scorning, Duly by you, by you nlone, tbe tlde and light ngnln duly the htngOH turning, Duly thenceded discord-parts ollVeltlng, blend Ins, Weaving rrem you, from Sleep, Night, Dc.it h llPClf, The ihythmiisef lllith eternal. Wall Whitman n the nineteenth Century. FAltM I'JIOHI.UMH. The Importance of Ilulng it Uendy nnd Copi ous Wntcr Supplj. Frem the Stockman. With tlie purest wnter In the world ntcoin ntcein nintul, mul with husbands possessing mera than tlioitverugol.muic.nl nbillly of men te provide their homes with labor-Having con veniencev, funnurs' wives lmve mere work te perform In securing water ler culinary nnd lionxihelil purposes tlmn any ether class of women as comlerUibiy situated ns they are in ether rcpecls. Even where the well or spring Is situated reasonably near the kitchen deer, the liousewllo W compelled te tnke many n lead which could be permaucntly obviated by a few hours of labor nnd the ox ex ox iwndlture of a few dollars in meney. In thesedays efnbund.uit, Improved nnd clieup hydraulic nppllnuces the work of the fanner's wile should boslinplilled nnd lightenedvery materially In this p:u tlunlnr. Watorsupplles nre semetimes se located that the host results in arranging conveniences cannot well be obtained ; but in u great majority of rases iney can ie niniie very inucn uotier man they are. Thousands of farmers will proli preli nbly read this paragrapli wiiosewivos should ttover be coinpello(i te Ikive the heuse for n hucket of wnter, hut who perhaps have walked hundreds of miles slnee they wure .married, carrying lieavy buckets, simply bo be c.ft:0 ifiey have raised no objections te doing fe. .Hut we de net think this orfjieelally the lanlt of the men. The wives go en In the old way from year te year, without complaint, and the husbands naturally never thin.c of it. Day alter day the iiboless toil gees en, the backs are bent almost te breaking aud at the name tlme the barn is tilled with seusihle ap pliances te lighten tlie labor en the tarn i. A pretty geed euro ler this suImhIsmIve spirit would be a visit te a city sister or friend ; the wife efn well-to-de larmcr cannot well return home after noting her sister's absolute Iroedeiu irem this water-carrying slavery without carrying with horsemo notions of reform. Ofcourse it is net generally feasible te have the same water conveniences in the country us In the city, with its resorvelrs nnd high prosaure j but in hew many farm house cannot the wider arrangements be decidedly improved We wero moved te say nil this by the privilege recently onjeyetl of visiting with r larmcr whose heuse was thoroughly plumbed. A complete bath room and a model kitchen sink, connected with reser voirs In the reef of the heuse and in the cellar, wero a practical demonstration of the posil pesil bilities of carrying out Mich plans in this country. Justice te themselves requires that our huly readers think of theso things and jnotelor lofenus." IVIint thn I'ciuU Need In Summer, l'rem the l'ralrle Knriner. Fowls need plenty or shade theso iniil iniil miniiiier days, and pure fresh water tee. Most hens are easily "broken" efn desire te sit, it ill the first attempt te remain en the nest ever night they are placed in new quar ters for a few days, or until the lever Is ever. Oat meal mush is geed for fowls that seein n llttlo''elI" in health. Don't forget te gl vi llous in couliiieiiieut a leed or soma green stint , young cloer Is well relished, nnd fresh rus.-nr any hind will net be relused We don't knew hew lettuce fed for any considerable tlme would nll'eet tliem, but liming an extra supply of late, have been throwing it te them every evening for a few days. They cat it greedily, (.'oops for young chicks nre best made with a partial beard bottom for thorn te cluster en in wet weather; the i oefs should be water tight, riace coops near the border of the g.rden that the chicks may tuke n cliase alter the Inseeta The little fellows can de jie posslble harm, and they will seen destroy llielr weight in no.leus bugs and worms. Heme ietiltry wilteis say damaged wheat is geed for few K Woilen't iibe it; the best of euy kind of grain Is nene tee ceed ler ours. Clean out the hen house, nests and all, new, and fumigate thoroughly te get rid or liee. Wash perches, etc, with koresono. It will koeii be time te separate the cockerels fiem the pullets ; with the early hatched, It is beat te de it new. Kill oil' the the old cocks te make room for geed selections Irem among the younger ones. Iinpievlng (in 1IU VII)'ii Method. Fiein the llull'ale Courier. Thore Is in tills city n young r.enedlct who Is he fortuniite as te be wedded te a lady of rare bounty nnd attractiveness. New tills benedict had in all respects proved a model husband and had acquitted himself se faith fully en all occasions that Ids wife had confi dence in him, and willingly Intrusted the most sacred and important du ties te Ids charge. Se fully, Indeed, did she trust him that en Wednesday l.istshe xtarted for the country te have n week's visit with u friend, and the last words te him be be be lere starting having consigned the baby te the tender mercles of tliu inirse wore: "(loergio, pioniise me te uike geed care of Vide. Don't let him ever-eat himself, nnd above all, bathe him legularly. You'll 11ml the bath-tub in the parlor, the towels nre in the linen-press and his comb and brushes nre in the left-hand corner of my right-hand bureau drawer, and the cologne is en the- shelf ntievc. And be hiiie Iwlieu vou've finished te wrap him in his blanket and put him in the sunshine te dry, nnd if he c-o-calches cold telegraph ma" Se flaying she printed odd last Im iMsfdnuud kiss en l'hle's new, tearfully de livered him toiler husband's mm, stepped In In eo the carrlaga and was gene. On Thursduy and Friday lloergo Implicitly carried out the parting instructions of his absent wile. He lathed l-'ide, colegned I-'iile, brushed, combed and dried l'ide. Jlutyesterday morning when the scribe passed by their residence he heard wild yelpings and kl-yMngs proceeding l'rem the yard. Stepping up te the fence, he looked ever ami saw an unusually fat pug, new tumbling en the ground, new turning somersaults In the air,aiul frantically yelping the while. Seuie low yards oil steed Oeorge with ids hands In his pockets and n smile of sweet contentment en his lace. He was lathing l'ide. llehad chained him tonpest liud turned the he-u ou him. Iliirkl hulk I 'Ha SO.ODONT 1 cry. Haute yeutli3iiiul iiiiiUIviih, enmuani buy, Ueincuuxl u sccict I'll unfold, At small eipuuse te young and old, A cliiirm that will ou both bestow A ruby Up, and teeth llku tnevv. uiilMwdced&w II Veiir Liver Kriiiliidd Vim Of Its exl-touce by dull pain or sharp tnlngeft la the i Ight side, or beneath the dexter shoulder blade, tiei-cpt the lemluder ns a warning, and icgul'itn Ihenrgau without le- of time, by the iiscef lleHlitlii h hteinucu Jlllters. I lie niwive Hj-iiiplenisu i mtiially uteempiinli'd by yellow. ncasef the skin, constipation, fiured tongue, illorilcief the stomach, sick headache and ummlngimiuca. lint a ivfenn Is promptly lu (diluted by the hitters, the best pes-dbla ubtl tutu for calomel, blue pill, ,und ether ftuper ftuper jieiiiiit mid hurtful drugs, ciionueusly delgnn ticl in icinedles ter bllleuitc). Appctlte and dlgentluu nre rstintjl, nnd the bowels rcsume icllvlty, wlinn mi lmi'ctu Is given te the lune tte in of health by thin .sterling iiiit-blllnu mcd. (clne,vhK'hiditeh.istliueirectnr enrtelilng nnd purifying the tlienlutleii, and fertlfjing the tytlem iigatnst inaliiilal tnfecllen n nlr or water. U U nle highly lienelUl.il for rlieuma tbm, kidney und bladder tumbles. uiijjli l'j Ken chilli, fever, ngiiu.iiud weaWneiw, Celden'a J.Uliild lk-et Tente, tVhicn'j; tukenenthcr. Of druggll. uul'lwdeedAw BVBOIAT, treiICBB. Cnu yntt tell who Is In the grcntet danger of cnlchtiig any Infectious or cpldeinle dlmmse T " Why," you ay. " the persen whose bleed In In nn Impure or Impoverished condition." Ex actly. Such persons tnke spcrlnl cemphitnts nn dry grafts buists Inte flnuie ocfetc thosturkser a locomotive, l'nre bleed Is n dofause ( ft means mifet)', nnd Dr. Kennedy's Fn vel lie Ucuiedy Is the mildest, safest mid surest puntler of the bleed. Our chief dangers are within ourselves. nuglO-lmced&w Mothers 1 Mothers 1 1 Mothers III Are you disturbed nt night and broken of your rest by a sick child stitrerlng and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teetht If no, go Monre and get n uottleof Mils. W1NSI.OWH SOOT1I1NO BYltUr. It will rcllove the voer llttle sulterer Immediately depend upon it; thore Is no mistake about It. Thore Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you nt ence that It will rcgulate thn bowels, nnd gtve rest te tbe mother, and relief nnd health te the child, operating llke magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In nil cases, nnd pleasant te the taste, nnd Is the prescription of one el the eldest nnd best femnlephyslclansnud nurses In the United States. Sold overywhoro. 11 cents Rbottte. JunelO-lydftw THIN 1'EOri.K. " Wells' Health Uenewer " restores health nnd vigor, cures Dyspepsln, Impotence, Sextunl De blllty. (I. (2) Nervous Debilitated Men Yeu nronllewed a free trial of thirty flnyt of the use or Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltnle llelt with Electric Husponsery Appliances, for thn speedy roller nnd permanent euro or Nervous Debility, lore of Vitality nnd Manhood, and all kindled troubles. Alse, for many ether discuses. Com plete lestoratleu te health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ne risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with full Information, terms, etc., mailed frre by addressing Yoltale llelt Ce., Mar shall, Mich. Us, Instead or unwholesome cosmetics nieiin's Sulphur Heap, which pmlfles thepklii. "Hill's Hair Dye," black or brew n, lift v cents, nuioiwueoihlw JUST AS GOOD. Don't nllew nnyone te mnke you believe nny ether remedy Is Just ns geed for sick headache as Dr. I.eslleVi .special Prescription, for It is net true. This Is the only remedy In the world that strikes at thnroetof the dlseaee and drives it out. Ulveltntrliil. Sewing WlldTJats Ilnw-uiany wnste their tlme and resources In foolish experiments, wlthnnsty worthless medi cines that can never de thorn u whit or geed, ir you are sick nnd want help get u reputable to nicity of established merit. The curative, vir tues of Jlnnlerk llloed lUttert have never been questioned. Keran enrcebled circulation ern wenlc stomach they are splendid. Kersule by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and IS) North Qureu street, Lancaster. "UOUail ON 1-AIN." Cures colic, crump, dlarihien ; externally ler aches, pains, spratus, headache, iininiitgla, llieu inatlsni. Fei man or beiUt. tMaudOOe. ('J) A I.'inycr's Opinion of Interest te All. .1. A. Tnwney, csv.,11 lending attorney el Win nnu, -Miss., w rites : After using It rormero tliun three yents, 1 take gicnlplriuurt! In staling that 1 regard Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, an the best lemedy In the weild for Coughs und Colds. It has never failed te euro the uinstsevein colds I have hud, aiidluvurliibly telleves the pain In the chest." Trial bottles or this sure cure forallTlneat nnd l.ung Diseases may be had KrenatCoch KrenatCech run's Drug store. 137 and Ms North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. I.urgu size, f 1X0. (1) Seme Htretig-Mliideil Women Can regnlate their husbands nmazlngly hist should they net de their duty, llunleek Illoeil Jlittera nre u geed legulntoref the circulation. They nre exclusively u bleed tonic, nnd coiici! ceiici! iiuently strike at the root or muny serious ail ments. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and llf) North queen street, Lancaster. What we Cnu Cure, Let's Net I'nillire. irwecan euro nn aehe, or aepraln.nrn jialn, nral.imuni-s8.iir a bum, or a bruise, or a bile, bv using 7Viemj Kclectrlc Oil, let's de It. 7 Aemuf1 Krlcetrlc Oil Is known te be geed. Let's try it. Fer sale by 11. It. Cechniti, dingglst, 137 nnd 1S1I North ljueim street, Lancaster. Kliked Out. Hewiniiny people there nre who lire stnigglliig tetlseln this weild that nre kicked down nnd out by envious llvnls. Thomm' i:clectrlc Oil timer "kicked eiu'Mts pitrens. It Is true hliui. Fer tin out atreel Ions, asthma and catarrh It Is a certain and rapid cure. Fer wiln by II. it. Cx-h-ran, druggist, FJ7 und 1J9 North ljuceii reet, Jmcaster. Ilini-lllCiS, FL1KS. Files, reaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, grs pheiB, chipmunks, cleaicd out by Itaugli en Kilt.'' 15-. b(i) An Answer Wnnted. Can anynnobilngiisncaseef Kidney or Lher Complaint Hint Electric hitters w 111 net speedily ctnet We Hay they cannot, as thousands f ruses already iierumnently eurcil and w!Te nie dally leeeiuuieuilliig Klectile Hitters, will pi ete. iiilght's Disease, IHabeti-, Weak Itick.eriiny iirliuiry eemplalnt quickly cured. 'I hey purify the bleed, regulate the bowels, ami net ddectly en the diseased parts. F.tery bottle minianleisl. Fer sale nt te. n bottle, by II. It. Cerhrau, Druggist, 137 nnd 12!i North Queen stteet, Lull eastei, l'a. (1) Itiilklru's Arnica Haiti-. The I'.est Salve In the world rer Cuts, Hrulses, Seres, Ulcers, Suit Itheuin, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllbalns, Hums anil all Skill Km pileus, peHltlvely cuies l-lles.ornepny re quired. It Is guaranteed toglve perfect satisfac tion, or money icfiindeiL 1'ilce cents per box. Fersule by Cochran, the Druggist, 177 and 1.19 Ninth Queen stteet, Lancaster, l'a. (I) MOTH EltS. Ifyeuaie fulling : broken, worn out nnd ner veus, use vt ens' iicaun i.enewcr." Drug- gists. ) l'rem Syrncusp, N. Y. "1 felt weak nnd languid; had palpitation of the heart and numbness or the limbs. Jlurtleck Jlloeil Jlitlert h:ie eertnlnlv relieved inn. They lire, most excellent." Mr. .1. M. Wright. Fer wile by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 uud l.'l'.i North Queen sticet, Lancaster. Wlie flees net delight te see a geed looking facet Yet eryslpeius disfigures the features uliuest beyond leeognttleii. Hut this Is net the worst of It. This disease Is us dnngcreiiH us it Is repulsive. II Is sometimes called "St. Antheny's I tie," and elteu causes sudden denth. Mr. S. II. Carpenter, of (inindvllle, N. Y had It in both legs and was cured by Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Uemedy. The medicine excels all ethers for the bleed. Especially adapted te persons In feeble health. uuglu-lmeed.tw Mr. Oeorge Dmlge Speaks. This gentleman lives In Einpeilum, l'a., nnd says, "line et my men, bam Lewis, while work ing In the weeds sprained his unkle se bud he could huldly hobble te thoheuso. Used Thomm' J'cleetric Oil und was ii-iuly ler weik the next morning. 1 have never vet seen se geed u tin-ill clue. Fer sain by 11. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 uud IS) North Queen street, Lancaster. OLANSWAllK. TT1GU& MARTIN. Queensware CHINA HALL New Open, n Large Viulcly el Cheap TABLE GLASSWARE. Alse, a New Line of BROWN STEW PANS, MIXING BOWLS. JELLY POTS, &e OS IMIICE3 VERY I.OV.-S DON'T FAIL TO SEE THESE GOODS HE FOKK I'UltCIIASlna. High& Martin, NO. 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, I' A. VNDEHTAKttHi. -rTNDICHTAKINn. UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, LAWUlBTait, l'A. l'erseuul attention Riven te all orders. Every thing In the Undertaking line furnished. Having secured the bervlces of a llrst-class iwr Chanlc, 1 am prepared te de nil kinds or Uphel. storing at very modenite prices. All kinds et furuliure Upholstered. Give me u call. L. R. ROTE. lanlO-tld STi'ENIHKFKHKNT IlOUAXROAl'S lu the uuirke'. te-day. Nene worthy of the nmebutJlILLtUU ' MMVICAL' H UNT'H UKMEDYi HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVElt REMED YI NfcVKIl KNOWN TO KAIL. It cures when nil ether medicines fall, ns It acti directly nnd nt ence nn the Kidneys, Liver reciiy nnd nt ence en the Kidneys, i.ivc and bowels, restoring them te n healthy action. It Is n sale, sum und speedy cure, nnd hundreds have been euieii ny u wnen piiysiciniii and friends had given them up te die. It is lielli a "Safe Cure" and a " Specific." ItCUIlEH nil Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver Hladdcr nnd Urinary Organs t Dropsy, (travel, Dlnhetus, Hrlghl's Disease, Nervous Diseases, Excesses, Feiuiile Weaknesses, Jaundice, Sour Stomach. Dyspeiisla, Constipation. Piles, Pains In the I lack. Leins and side, Helen- tlouerNon-lteteutlon of Uilue. f l.S at nnueaisTS. VV-TAKK XO OT Hlilt. Send for Illustrated l'nmphlct of Solid Tcsll mentals of Absolute Cuies. HUNT'S REMEDY CO., (3) 1-rovldence, It. I. YKIl'S llAlltYlfSOH. EEOI THE PRESIDENT OF BAYLOR UNIVERSITY. " liidepcndeiue, Tevns, Sept. 2fi, 1W2. (lenltrtnrn : Ayer's Hair Viger Has been In my household ler three reasons . 1st. Te pi event falling out of the Inlr. '.'il. Te pievenl tee rupldchange of color. 3d. Asa dressing. It has given entire satisfaction In cvciy In stance. en icspcclfully, W'w. Caiigv CnAKK." AVRIt-s IIAIlt VKIOU is entirely frce from iincluiuly, dangerous, or Injurious substances. It prevents the hair from turning gray, rosteies gray hair te Its original color, pre cuts baldness, preserves the hair nnd piometes Its growth, cuies dniidruhT and all diseases of the hulr and scalp, and Is, ut the saine tlmn, a very superior and deslrnlile dressing. rnr.i'AriEii nv Dr. J. C. A j or A: Ce., Lewoll, Muss. Sold by all druggltts ; II, six bottles tnr 5. nn j 13 l'j yKAlC AND NKHVOUS MEN Vl'hOBUtrcr from Nurvens nnd Physical Debil ity, Impotence, Kxhuustrd Vitality und Prema tura Decline, nnd teek Perfect Ucsteratlnn te Health, full Jlnnhend nnd Sexual Viger with out f.leniaeh Drugging, um runTAiNLV obtain It In. the "JIA1WTON IfOLUS." Diseases or Uie Prostate (Hand, Kidneys mid bladder, cOTectu nlly cured without Inslrnincnts. Knilersed liy thousands who have been Clued. Adopted III hospitals and by physicians In Kuiope and America. -VAKIOCKI.K cured without surgery. Scaled Treatise nnd Testimonials free. Add rem MARSTON REMEDY CO., or DR. H.TRESKOW, Ne. w West llth Stieet, New Yerk, ninyll) lyeedAw rHlKAM 1SAI.M. ELY'S CREAM BALM! KLY'S CltKAM HAL-M Cleanses the Head. Allays luillummutlDii. Heals the Seres. He stoics the Senses or Taste, Smell, Healing. A Qriilek Heller A Positive Cure. A particle Is applied into cich nestill and Is ngreeuble te use. Price .Ml cents by luiill erut Druggists. Sen for Circular. KLY llltOTIIKUS. Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. JnlyiHyeedXlyvv CONHUMITIOX 1 IIAVH A I'OSITIVK remedy for the above dtsense; by Its use thousands of cases et the worst kind or long -standing have been cured. Indeed, se strong U my tulth In Its ctllraey that I will semi TWO HOTTLF.S Fltlli:, tegetlier with a valitalile trea tise ou thlsdiscahe teuuy siiffeier. tllveexprcss and I'. O. nddrcbs. DU. T. A.SLOCUM, janlC-fiuulund&Cmw 131 Pearl St., N. Y. MANHOOD ntCSTOUKD. KK.MKDY FltKU. A victim of youthful Imprudence cnnshig l're l're inature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lest Manhood, Ac, having tried In vain every known remedy, has discovered u simple self-cuie, which he will bend FJtF.K te his fellow sufferers. Address, J. II. IIKF.VF.S, Chatlutiu SL, New Yerk City. JiinlG-lycedAlvw G KAY'S Kl'KOJI-'IU MKD1U1NK. The Ureiil Hngllsh Uemedy. An unfailing euro for Impetnncy undnll Diseases that fellow Iajss of Memery, Universal Lassitude, l'alu In the Hack, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, nnd many ether dlsejises that lend te In sanity or Consumption and a l'rematnre Ornve. Full particulars la our pamphlet, which we do de do gire te send free by mall te everyone. Tills 3po 3pe clfle medicine Is told by nil druggists nt It per package, or six packages for $.1, or will be sent free by mall ou receipt of the mi ney, by ad drusstng thengent, II. II. COCHIIAN, Druggll,Sole Agent, Nea. 137 and 133 North Que-j street, Lancaster, l'a. On nccountet counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine THK UltAY MKDICINK CO.. lluMale. N. Y. A l'vn:il ALIi OTIIKltS KAlIi, VOHHVLT DR. LOBB, NO. S-i) North Fllteenth street. I e!e Cullewhlll stit-et, l'htludelpliln. Cures nil DUestseiieI both saxes. TwentyliarsKxpeiicuce. Consultations by mull. NKItVOUS AND SPECIAL DISKASF.S, New boelc Just out. Send for It. Hours 11 a. m. till 'i p. m.,nnd 7 p. m.tn inn. m' lloeUa free te the mulcted. fubii-lvdiw SAKH, HUHK AND SPEEDY OUHK. KurTur.K, VAnieeeELuaud SrKuiAL Diauisiw. Why be humbugged by quacks, when you can llnd In Dr. Wright tbe only IIkcid LAit 1'uvaiciAH In Philadelphia who maVea a sividally or the above diseases uud euiies them T CDmcHeuAiiAMTKitri. Auvich vrku, day una even ing. Strangers can be treated and return home thu same day. O Ulcus private. lilt. W. II. WltiailT, Ne. Ill North Ninth strect, alxive Unco, P. e. lkix C73. rhllftdelphln. lun'iMydiw -TTTEADQUAHTEKH FOH TUK INDIAN MKDIC1NES,' Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT Lecher's Drug Stere NO. UK AST KING ST.. Lancaster. Pic GEOlUl E 1 ENNETT VltAOTICATi " 1'LUilllKlt.STKAM AND GAS FITTKIL All orders promptly attended te. Sntislactlen guuruuteed. Werk done nt ntaseniible prices. NO. 4.13 NOIITH UUKKN STHELT, IuneI7-3md Lancaster, l'a. JmTADEIIIA AND SIIEURY WINES AT Eeigart's Old Wine Stere. H. 10. SLAYUAKF.lt, AOKNT, Ne. 23 Kait Uinq Stkxkt. EBtAbllahud I7b5. febU-lfd WUCHtKXMT. MVtWVfW .SSS.SH-fc-S -MV Peerless Traction rOKTAHLE OU STATION AIIY ENGINES, BOILERS AND SEPARATORS, REPAIRING, and nil kinds or Machinery, Contracts token nnd nit work such M kept and doneln nny Machine Shep. Call en oradjlress, Ezra F. Landis, Wewta-NO. 630 te M7 NOUTlt C1IEUKY ST., Lancaster, l'a. mlWmoedAw JgWCIINK AND DOILEK W0KK8. BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOLLER WORKS. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, IIAVK NO AGENTS, CAN INSUUK OUK PATIION8 LOW I'llICKS AND GOOD WOU1C BOILERS. Vertical and Hnrizental.TuhuIar, Kluc, Cyllnder, Marine, Deuble-Deck and Portable. FUKNACK-WOUK, HLAST-I'IPES, STACKS, Ac, Ac TANKS for Water, Acids and OU. HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical and Horizontal. Stationary, from two te sixty horse-powor. l'orlnble Engines, en Wheels nnd Sills; Sli bizes i, u, s, iu, is ana vjj horse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Mills und Large Mills, llaik Mills Cob Mills. Leather Itollers, Tun Pnckers, Trtpple Gearing for horse power. PUMPS. llelt and Gear Pumps s Mining rumps; Cem blncd l'uinpsand Heaters. Ccrltrlfugal l-iiiun. steam Pump. Gearing, Pulleys. Fly Wheels, Clamp llezes, Hangers, Coup Tims, I'ltllny '...Hn, vuii.i.i "t'T u;in mil lings, ueiiars. nu-ei ttleps una lev I'lati.'S. I'ecklnir Dexns. Mill cpinuies, Aim uusmnga, ic, no., AC. PIPES. Wrought Iren, for Gas, Steam and Water. Cast Iren Pipes. holler Tubes, Well Casting. FITTINGS. rer Water nnd Steam, Vnlves, Cocks, Steam Gauge, Ontigu Cerks, Glass Water Onuges, Safety Valves, Whistles, (ilobe Valves, Governors, Patent Snfr-Fccdlng Lu bricator, Class OH Cups, Uluss Tubes, Injectors or Heller roedera, PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Gum and Plain- bage. 1IKLT1NG Gum, Cotten and Leather. CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren and brass. Heller Iren, Sheet Iren, liar Iren. uud Steel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and Public buildings. STEAM HHATLNQ. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur nished at Reasonable Hales. n- Ilepalrlng promptly and carefully at tended te. Address, Jehn Best & Sen, NO. 333 EAST FULTON STBEBT, ..... .... .. . . - -. LANCASTEK, l'A. janlS-lyd.tw WAI.T. VAVXU. -yyiNDOW SOKEENH. Wire Window Screens Have liecome n very Impertnnt mutterln house keeping, and nohedy should be without them. Thu pnee Is within reach or all, nnd when pal up properly will lest you rer years. Womuke them se they need net be removed In opening or closing shutters or windows. Plain Wlre, 60c, (Be, fine, fiSc, 70c, 75c, tmc, h5e, uec, Sl.ui a pair lip. Landscape, ll.SV, 1. 4iMI.SU, II Bl, 1,75 a pair up, nccnrdlng te size. Deers with corners, springs, hinges, etc., reinptcte. We have added largely te our stock or WALL PAPERS Within the last ten day, bought from recent sales in Eastern markets, comprising nil grades of goods. Hanging In best manner. Alse a choice line or LACK CURTAINS. WSteru closes MCp. in., except Saturdays. Phares . Pry, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, FA. COAL. B, IJ. MAUTIN, WIIOLK3ALK AKD RXTAU, Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber and Ceal WYard: Ne. 4M North Wnter nnd Prince streets abeve Lemen. Lancaster, u3-lvd T AUMQAHDNEUS dc JEc'l-'EUIES, COAL DEALERS. Omani : Na 1!B North Queen street, and Na BCl North Prince street. Yacds: North Prince street, near lteading Depot. LANCASTKU, PA. augis-tra jrieAu M. V. B. COHO, S0 NOUTH WATKll STltKKT, iJtncaster, Pa,, VHOLKSALB AMD KKTAIL OKALXR III LUMBER AND GOAL. Cosme-noil with tub TsLRrnoMie Kxchakes. Vabdaxe Oficb: Ne. SW NOltTH WATF.lt STltKKT. teb28-lvd jgJAST END YARD. C.J.SWARR&CO. GOAL. - KINDLING WOOD. ovriea i Ne. je Centre Square. Heth yard and office connected with telephone exchange. Bprl3-iydM4ill WATC11HH, &V.' TirATOHEH, OLOOKB AND JEWEtiltY GREAT REDUCTION IN P1UCKS Of WATCHES. CLOCKS AND L0D1S WOEirNfTSTg Nerlh Queen Street, Opposlte City Hetel, near Pa. It. IL Depot. Correct tlme ut neon dully from Washington, D, C. Wntrhcsnud Clocks repaired, regulated anflndjusted. lyjl-lyd mUIH PAPER IS PRINTED WITH J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK. Fairmoaet Ink Works, 26th and Feen't. Avenue lane-lya PH1LADKLPUIA.PA, y s UUMMER CLOTIIINO. HAGER &, LIGHT - SUMMER READY Oasslmore Suits, Lin en Suits, Pengee Oeats and Vests, Alpaca Oeata, Plain Llnen Pants, Oorkserow Suits, Sorffe Oeats and Vests, Soersuoker Oeats and Vests, Wblte Vests, Fancy Vests, Llnen Dilators, ' Mohair Dustore, &e &e., &e. Furnishing Goods. Summer Noekwoar, Oauze Undorwear, Faney Flannel Shirts, Balbriggan TJndorwear, Half-Hose, White Shirts, Foather-Wolght Drawers, &e. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. QUEAP HTOItE. Carpets and Mattings, -AT- METZGER & HAUGHMAH'S, KltOM l.ATE AUCTION BAI.K3 AT VKI'.Y LOW VUICKS. MattingB, Oarpets, Mattings, Oarpets, Mattings, Oarpets, Mattings, Oarpets, Mattings, Oarpets. Alse, I.AltOE LOT OK WrITE COUNTERPANES,- rrem the Inte Ureal Anctlen Sale in New Yerk, at esc., 76c., tl.00 nnd nplte $3.00. Yeu will get GOOU UAIIOAINS nt letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. Mr Iletwoen the Coener Heube and Serrel Herso Hetel. N EXT DOOH TO THE UOU11T HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S. SKV1SKAI, BLACK SILKS I - .11TST OI'CNKli, nttl."', tl.12. 11.21 nnillUM. offered. AIke I.UI'l.VS lll.AC'K CAHII.MKKi: nnd r-ull Lilies nt All 1'ricen. AlseLUTIN'S HLAClv Jerseys I J 'erseys At Wc,75c., 11.00, fl.2.1, R. E. FAHNESTOCIKy Next Doer te the Court Heuso, Lancaster, Fa. -OOWEILS .t 11UUHT, 26 and 28 North ONE PRICE ! THE LOWEST ! .lUSTOl'KNKD NewSntlne, New Dntlstes, Nrfw IVrcalei, Neiv 1'rlnti. It.innnnt In Can ten Flannel, elegant (Utility ns lewrwtk-. nerynrd. ltemnnntH In Miiillim, he8t(uallty 6'e. per yard. Ladies' iktlbrlgKiin no, ontmireod, n harenln nt2Jc. Our tec. Cornet, we knew, beau any thing for wear and com fort that 1 oflercd anywhere. Men'8 Unlnundrled Shiru nt Wic, worth n urent de;il mere. Yeu will nny no nfter havintt tried them. Otherx have done no. Men's ltalbrlKKiin UiuterslilrtH, erytlne und vrry light, ullaue3, long und abort uleuvca. BOWERSlT HURST, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN llOUNXFUJlNISJUNO UOODS. gHIKK'S UAKI'ET UALL. CARPETS ! UKOl'KNLNO OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest nnd llcwt Bclcctcd Linn of Carpets pver ex, hihlted in this city. WILTONS, VELVETS, all the Trndlni? Mukea of lSODY ANDTAl'ESTK) IIKIIBIELS.TIIIIKE-I-LY, All-Weel and Cotten Chain EXTUA hUI'EUB, nnd nil qualities of IN UltAIN CAUl'ETS, DAltASK and VENETIAN CAUI'ETS. It A and CHAIN CAIII'ETH of our own lnnuu factum u spectalltv. Special Attention paid te the J! anufacUire of CUSTOM CAIU'ETS. Aluealfull Llneef OIL CLOTHS, UUUS,WINDOWSUADES,ClVEELET3,C AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. BTZXHltWAllE. H. Z. KHOADS. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purchosers te the very flne and com cem com pleto line of modorate prloed Ladles' Geld Watohes, very mueh In demand just at prosent, and we are well propared te meet that do de mand. We also have Geld and Silver Watohes In a great variety of Btyles and at the low prieea brought about by the long dopresslon of the tlmea. Our Nlokel Watohes at $5.00 aj -e geed watohes for the meney, and are going off very faat. We roeoived the otber day a larffe Invoice of all the latest novol nevol novel tlos In Silver Jowelry, Oxydlzed, q'ce., very pretty and worth Boo Boe ing ; would be ploesod te have you call and bee thorn. H. Z. RHOADS, LANOABTEu, iA. Ne. 4 West King Street. . --J B OOKS AND 8TATIONEUY. JOrlN BAER'S SONS, OFFEU AT-LOWKST l'ltICE9, Blank Beeks, 'Writing Papers, Envelopes, Writing Fluirts and Iuks, "HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Steel Pens, Lead I'euclls, I'p cket Heeks, Illll lloeks. Letter Heeks, and an Ansertinent of Flne and Staple Stationery, AT THE 81UN OK TUK 1I00K.-K NOSf 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. mmr eeB. VsAahWaV BROTHER, WEIGHT CLOTHING - MADE. SI'KCIAI. J.OT3 BLACK SILKS I Decidedly the Heat Silks lei the money ever IIKNK1KTTA CLOTHS ler Meurnlni? l'nrneses. CAM1MKIIKH1IAWL - Deuble mid ShiRle. 1 1 Jerseys 1 1 1 J1.50. ;.ou, ri.M), up. Queen Street. NEW GOODS ! STREET. Lancaster, Pa. CARPETS ! fnb23-2ni 110UKS. -- 'wVvV1 V.3 "--TIMK ITAIILK. , eiJrt'S'.S tsucMler for Mlllcnrvllle at 7V - 8.00 and 10.00 a. m and 1:00, 3.0O, 6:00 nnd 70 a. . -t nurjeMtM fltteftjt. IiEi,IANWlAUN0?VDNA8TKn J01 'U AWUiiommrreF rAaaiKaKn TRitm. ! SUNDAY, MAY 2lnr, 1SSS NOHTHWAltl). Lebanon s.-ou Sunday , a 'tv A. x. r. xvV .-V r r. X. r. x. CM B-.T7 6 07 5:30 r.x. r.x. 1M 7:fi 8:19 8:13 8:S5 6:1' ivmve. Cornwall 7: VM Manbclm 7:15 lr29 Lancaster. C:I7 KM Klnjf St. LailO. 6.40 12:W Leave. a. c . r. x. , SOUTUWAUD. I 5:47 5:1(1 4:04 8.0) A. X. r.x. r.x. 3:1.1 40 5:1(5 B.43 5:50 r.x. .. - , " A.M. r. m A. X, 7iW 8.01 8:10 0.12 0:20 A.K. j.ouunen 7,-ae 12.10 12 If 1:13 1:53 uemwail 7:S3 Manhclin ftn Laneaxter 8:33 . jinive. King at., Lahc 8:10 2:08 a m xv.-'-j. .'.,. r.--- a. x. r. x. r.x. K. It 8cuA"", Bupt. O. and C. A ML K. U0R0iKLT,8npt.P.Il..U. alMvd&w JEADING & COLUMBIA. AUUANQEUKNT OFrASSENGEU TWAINS. SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1883. NOUTHWAUD. !,. a, x. r.x. r.x. A.X. 2:50 6:30 3:10 4KK) 3A5 M 310 2JU r.x. Aimiva. Columbia , 70 Marietta Junction... 7ai Chlcklcn 7e 12.33 uincaBter 7:40 Lancaster (King Street).. 7U yuarryvllle 0:25 LlAV. a. X. 12.50 9:03 85 7:15 A. X. r.x. 12:10 .... r.x. 80UTUWAUD. LSATM. a w r.x. 6:10 Sr-20 85 8:12 8:20 030 MOMIIUK. .ttHil.tld 7:15 12.00 Aiuurji. Maiietta Junction dm Chlcklcs , 9(1 r.x. eiuinuiu . ..,..,,,,,, g-25 LancaBtcr ,.,, 9-12 iJincaater (King Street).. 9.20 Qearryrllle 10-.20 2:OS 1:58 4:50 5:00 6.-W 2.-05 .Trtt,n19f"lnecrnt "'aline with trains te and from l-hlladelnhla, l'ottavllle. Uarrlburff, Allcntewn. and New Ynrir. via itnnnii in-nxv , . V r.x. r.x. r.x. "nie-. . .. :s iiiSiSSft.Tl'S. SHS. fLfVTS At Marietta Junotler with train i te um from. IllCKll. 1 11. At Manhelm with ln MiK.nri rm i.h.H. W. j AtlJincastcr .lunctien with trying te aud freur "& LancaatorandQuarn-'tlte. . "tS n SO f DAY. e$WSi ..Il,v27S.nrl,' "Ba- ,n-l Lancaster, Kln,M J AnlveUcadlnR.lu: e a,m. j 5-VJ p. m. fi Leave Itcad In r. 7:2( a. in., 40 p. m. ? p.m.: quarry vllle, 0x9 p.m. - aprllll-IydAw A. M, WILSON, S apt i iw V! PENNSYLVANl i ltAUVKOAl) BCOEl'Mlil CLE. , " 4 irna Smi r VTS ""K?" na 'etb ana anit J, at Philadelphia as fellow t X lAftVA Lcave 'J WKSTWAltD. I'hilaaelphla. News Express t 4:30 a.m. Lan easier; nay x'asscngerr 4:0 Mall train via MiJey 7:00 cat r,ji no. Aiaii rraint. ... Niagara Express,... Hanover Accem.... Fast Line Dallyf.... Frederick Accem.. Lan caster Accem,. llarrlsburg Accem. Columbia Accem . Harrlsburg Kxpresi. Clil. ACln. Express Western Express t . l'acinc Express!.. Tla Columbia. 7:10 a. m. 7ia Columbia. n-M a. m. vlv Columbia, Via ML Jey. 2.15 p. in, 4:10 " 3:40 8J0 " 9.35 .ti" JSl 0 J1 H W " 9-M 2-fle p.'m,'. igfi 210 J" .W .l I, .JrtZ2 53J JM 7:40 10-41 12:ie a. n. las -Arrive at l'hllednlphlt. 4:25 8:23 10-3) ' Via. Mt, Jey. 11:45 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 5.00 low 11:20 " Leave EASTWAKD. I'hll'a Kxpressf.. KastLlne Harrlsbnrg Exprus. Lanc'r. Accem., nr .. Columbia Accem Seashore Express.... Johnstown Exprcssl dally except Sunday Sunday Mall Dav Kxnressl Lancater. 2-27 ' ea ' 8:10 c:5b ' U0 " 12A3 p. m. 2:05 " 3.00 " 6:15 4:43 " 6.50 " C.43 " 9:15 " llarrlsburg Accem The Marietta Accommodation leaves Columbia at 11:43 a. in., reachinB Jlarlell 11 at 12 01. Leaves Marietta at 3:15 p. in. und arrlyci at Columbia at at 3.30; aleleavcsnt8:35andairlvc3 atJ10. Tbe 1 erk Accommodation leaves Marictlajtt 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8.-00, connectliig The Frederick Accommodation, we9t, connect ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 2.110 p. 111 .twlll run threush te Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, east, leaves Columbia ut 12.-25 and reaches Lancaster at 12.53 p. in. The Lancaster Accommodation, Eait, leaves llarrtsburi; at b:10 p. m. and arrlves in Lancaster atH.-35p. ui, Hanover Accommodation, west, connecting at LancitterwlthNtaRartvExprcjsatDiOa. m. will run thnmgU te llauever, dally, except-Sunday, rust I.lnu, west, en Sunday, when flamrcdr wlil step nt DewnlnRtnwn, Coatusvllle, l-Jiriusjlmrg, Mt. Jey, Elliabuthtewnand Mlddlctewru I Tbe only trains which run dally. On Sunday 'A ine nau irum west runs or wuyei ueinmui. (fiij i J ss SUWllW A T.T. ATjrt T.MllAWnK IMn ' V. COLEfJiiOOK VAL'J-It AlLltOADS. oetrruwAKfr. '" . r X Trains leave Lebanon dally ( oxcept Bandar 1 at 6.30 a. mt, 1230 and 7:30 p. in. ' Arrive at Cornwall at B:(0 a. m., 11:10 p. m. and 7: W p. n.t at ConewaKe at 7st9 a. m., 1 and" two p. ri., LennecUne with the 1'cnuirylvnttla rnlt rnlt read ter points east and west. jrerrHWABJX, , Trains leava Conewaeo at 70 a.m-. 8rj ana - 8- t. m. j. Arrive nt Cornwall at8.03e.rri-'4:18 ana ft&ln.', m.; at Ixihanen at H:3)a. m, 4i nnd 9.15 tvMLfJi cenncctlnirat Lebanon with Vhlbidelnhla and !m Jtcadlnj; railroad for points east, nnd west, .and3g ine .eeunun unu xiuiuuiii, jiuiicu iui e uum-- ijra vewn, 1 mrgruvu anu xiuiiieuu The 6:30 a. in. train will step only at Cornwall Colobreok and IJollalre. CAJtKIAQEa. OTANDAKD CARRIAGE WORK. Edward Edgerley, FINE CARRLV.GE BU1XDER, MARKET STKEKT, KEAlt OF rOSTOKriCK, LANCASTEU, l'A. A LAUQE STOCK OF BUGGIES & OAEBIA&ES Comprising the Latest Styles nnd most Ele. gantly Finfshed, at GUEATLY UKUUCKD PIMCES. If you wish te purchaae a geed arti cle, my work is decidedly the choapest In the state. MOTTO-" FA" DEALING AND UONE3T x WllllK.'l JKTDen't fall te eticourape goed-ircirlr-All.. work vm.l.Y WAltltAN-iBD. Lewest Prices ferllEPAlKINGAND 11EPAINTINO. Ouoset of werkmen especially employed for that pur pose PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. nev2etfd&w JTORBECK & MILE'S:. LANCASTER CARRIAGE WORKS. Norbeck & Miley, Prep's. COUNEll DUKE AND VINE STUEETS, LAN CASTE It, PA. THE LAJIUKST AND CHEAPEST RETAIL WORKS in the cit')ii cera,'. WE CAN AND DO S.liL A3 "INX A VEHICLE A3 ANY OTIIEIt 1IUILDEK Alt HELOtf TUEIll PK1CE8. Hew we de It is a mystery, hut a visit te enr factory, and scelnK the eystem we have adopted you will net wonder. Patrenize theso that deserve IU Our stock at Firvsentis very large, and will be aeld at u ntlll urther reduction. WobnasterourAVUEELS,M they cannot b excelled. WE HAVE A LAUGH STOCK Of FINE SEOOND-HAND WORK, CONSISTING OP llUnciIES, PHJ3TONB, ftc, Ac, which will he sold cheap. -aivens a call and be convinced, llepa let; neatly done. p '' .99 T f(. i i i fi' m ?j JW iSjffl ,a ftT'j SM -j i 1 3 i 3 IV. i V?A?.M Masm 'L1 1 I vtm M "5 'il H 1- i n ,1 n j5