'?ijv-TiiJ4i; .r v"j PT- " - " , ',:'?- a-"' v'"ff i..W --.' v'' "V -.'; kv' ;v '-yi.T" h ;rr-.rYFtrj ? i t '-V ,' 3;V;W-Tr,T7-'';' 7.-";;-v ; p v -- j. '.vrfHgT warns - 'viirv r i JiaTftBsu;1 a. m u.r - iini i i i mm put hi i i i ' i n ' mii hip ' iimi " iwwi i wi Rimini iwpmi ni'i 11 ti'iwMiii i' ' iwihii m i iii whi im' w w i hi i 'im pij' i m i '' " wii mi i i iiii ' m'iM'i in nn nn i m i i i i'iiiiii 'in .'m v L . r ,...-- ,r . ,-- . y ,. - - - , - , ."; - --'?--- . t r - y. - - ! " ,, - . .. ia IT- j THE LANCASTER DAILY IKTELUGENCEB, FRIDAY, JULY 3i, 1885, K .' tiEFemr j.v rr.vmijgx(i. Tlie Fcstllciice Unit I,nrk In tip Water Pipe Heit te l'retrct llie rubllc. Frem tlie Philadelphia llcceul. Chief Englneer Ludlow, In lih annual re port or tlie wnter department, points tlie linger or warning te the need of rcutilatlng by law the worker pluiiibers, ter tlie pio pie pio icctlen or llie publia, health ngatn&t the fatal eliects of Igtiorauce mul dlshonesly. Hap pily tlie lienril oflienltli Ii just new engaged In prevtilllig rules mul regulations with a view 6r correcting tlie very evll complained of by Colonel Ludlow. At tlie lait session of tlie loglslature a bill was passed providing for tlie registration of plumbers nlter tliey linve hIiewii thctuselvcf, te be conipctent n en, mul for nn Iinprovemcnt In tlie present n Olhed of draining clesets Inte Bewers. lly tlie previsions of this bill 11 is iniule obllgn ebllgn obllgn tery en builders te hereafter pre ide a trap for overy new closet, with n water well benrath, he tlmt t he contents will speedily find their way te tlie nouer. Colonel Lud low thinks, howevor, that "n liouse sup plied with a bath should nlse lme direct con nection with thusower, and sodispense with the foul and dangerous practlce of storing putrosclble vnsle luatters upon tlie premises, te the great detriment of tlie health of the neighborhood and city. Tlie beard el health will ask councils te in sort in tlie beard's appropriation bill for 1880 an Item for the payment of ene chief Inspec tor and six assistant Inspectors of plumbing. It Is propesod te pay;the chief Inspector $1,500 per annum and the assistants (1,000 each per annum. A coniuilttee of the beard, com prising Messrs. Vandorsllce, Davis, Patter son and Cloemau, is new endeavoring, with with the old of a couimlttce represent ing the Master l'liunber's association, te ilmft rules ami regulations ler the examina tion and registration of plumbers and the supervision of thelf work The joint com. nilttce has received copies of the plumbing laws new in vegue in the cities of New Yerk, Brooklyn, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St Leuis and Chicago. The committce has been studying each of these, and Ithonesto ebtlan enough suggestions, se that It will be enabled te produee a faultless cedo of rules. "Tlie relations of the water department te the plumbing business are extremely inti mate," says Colonel Ludlow. It is upon tlie plumbing appliances in a homes that the wnter charges are innde; but further than this, the woilteftho plumbing Is a mutter of llfe or death te the Inmates el the hones. Colonel Ludlow snenlcs or Philadelphia hav ing a higher deatli-rate than Londen, "not withstanding tlie groater nge of the latter, its population of -1,0(10,000, compared te Philadel phia's 1,000,000, and the nverage of elght per sons te each heuse, against less than six in Philadelphia." He says that Philadelphia kills ene persen In a thousand mero than Londen, "se Hint tlie lives el mero than 100 persons nre sacrificed overy year mul tlie health of thousands mero imiafred." Among thocnuses ter this condition el things Colo nel Ludlow cltes dofective plumbing. WHY VM'MllIKn .SHOULD 1IU INSPI.OTl.il. Colonel Ludlow entertains very earnest ami decided views respecting the need of supervising the work of the plumber. In his repert for IRS! he particularly referred te tlie necessity of establishing such a law, mul In his present repert he deems It easentlal te again invite attention te the subject. The rotation of bad plumbing te the wasle of water, and u consequent unnecessary charge upon tlie city in the annual oxpense of tlie department, is again referred te in the pres ent repert. In speaking of the sorviee of tlie pipes nnd connections Willi mains, the chief engineer states: "Tlie pipes and fixtures may be of tlie most worthless character, both In design and material, and arranged and connected In the most faulty mid derelict manner without any ene but the owner, who seldom knows anything of thce matters, having tlie right te object or intcrlere. In consequenco the appliances are mero often defective than geed, and besides leaking largely in ordin ary use, frequently burst- and iloed the premises until the water can be turned off, whoreby both tlie owner and the city are victimized and put ten large and unneces sary expense. " A proper system of regulation and regis tration would prevent all this, ami tlie cost of the scrvice would be mero than repaid In the reduction et expenditure ler pumpage and distribution, te say nothing of the protection of the tux payer lieiu rebberynnd annoyance. As the case stands, any man, hewever incom petent, who cheeses te de se, can call him self a plumber, and although tlicre nre or dinances forbidding irregular attachments and designed te punish crooked work, noth ing short of a small army of inspectors could prevent it, and incessant domiciliary visiting is lieiu oneusive m me individual ami repug nant te the private rights of the eltl.cn te be Reciire from unnecessary Intrusion In his home. If therefore, any means can be de vised by which this annoyance can be ob viated it should be adopted." The daimcr from hewer gas from un trapped anil unventilated pipes, Colonel Ludlow seys, is in a great measure due te the work of the plumber. Te protect n family from this hidden peril a man is called In without being required or able te submit the least evidence et Ids qualifications for se critical a task. The chief speaks efn physi cian being compelled te procure a diploma bofero practicing medicine, and of a druggist net being permittcd te expose his wares for iale or in fill a prescription without a suitable guarantee thai he is thoroughly eonversnnt with the art of compounding drugs. " Hut the plumber," he continues, "whose incom incem petency or dishonesty may be fully as deadly, after possibly a few months sorvice with a man no wiser than himself, puts out his sign mid invites tlie public te call him In and pay him for work which may shortly bring grief and desolation te the noiiseliold. lie ex hibits no proefof his knowledgo and respon sibility, nor of his acquaintance with the best known laws of sanitation, and his work is hidden from view in dark and secluded parts of the house, behind walls and woodwork, with no ene te examine his plans or te in spect the result of his lnlKirswlien coinpleted. "Hcnce the multiplicity of sewer connec tions without the semblance of a trap, the sewer-vent pipe leading Inte the het-air flue, Instead of the smeke Hue, tlie ventilating plpe terminating In the attic instead of pro jecting through the reef, the disjoined drain pipe In the cellar, llie current of fcower gas info tlie bed chamber, tlie overllow pipe;frem the cistern leading directly te the sewer pipe, the Joints of drain pipe open from original delects or from Mittlcinciit, tlie rusty nail driven through the lead mul the ether thousand and ene violations or tlie common laws olHuuitatien tlie rotten pipes and leaky fixtures -perpetually out et order, and the souree of perpetual anneyance and oxpense, causing leul drainage, dump and polluted soil, mul guneral unhcaltlifutncss of the home. Ilence the prualeuce of zymetic diseases which yearly slay their victims mul sicken many mero, impairing liealth, snap ping vitality, musing less et time anil wages and rendering tlie subject uu easy prey, if net directly te tlie effects of contaminate nir and water, than te tlie llrst provalent epidemic or souree of dlsease. City councils cm donewisoror inoroneod ineroneod inoreneod ful tiling for tlie promotion of tliopublle than te enact such legislation as shall provlde for the examination and licensing of competent plumbers and the rejection of tlie incom petent and unworthy," Hen A. A. Kine, U. S. Senater from Veiment. save : It ulleids nie great plcnsuru le stnte Hint " Dr. PeUelil's (lerumn JlltterH' is n tellable and ilcai-uut medicine nnd the best lexer used for ijck stomach und lllllleusucss. A Necessity of Health, It Is n prime necessity of healththat the notion onto bow els should be kept regular. Put the w ay te overcome a temporary lit of constipation or te lemedy chronle cestlvencss, is net le del uge the stomach and diench the bowels with purgatives of violent and painful action. The happy medium between un Inoperative and vio lent cuthnrtle Is Hostetter's Stomach lllllers, which acts Just sulllclcntly upon the bow els te reluvthem without pain, nnd which being a wholesome tonic, as well as apei lent, has the effect of sticugtbeiiliig both them nnd thu stom ach, mid promoting the well being of the whele internal economy. The removal of the blle from the bleed, lncreasesuctlvlty of thu ller, usually dormant In cases of ceMlveness.nnd sound di gestion fellows the use of this bcnetlcentmedt. cine, us thorough und genial in its effects ns It Is safe and pure In composition. Hheumat'sin, fsverand ugue, kidney troubles and debility are also remedied by It. Jy uugJ HfEClAL NOTIVEH. .ii i.i.,n A, Uli.nl my Daughter te try It. and she Is going te de te." He further says: " 1 culled en you ubeut six weeks uge sick with bilious disease. Yeu gave me a bottle of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Hemedy and set me all rigid. I want luore of It." Thug wiltesnman whellve.luI.ubcc.Me,. te thb proprietor. We are sure of hearing favorably from the lady, for thU preparation is exactly fculted te the trouble, from which women be elten suffer. Alse for little children, llylO-lww Tuke All In All. 7lfce all the Kidneys and Ltvcr .1citfctnrt. Tnke utl the Jlloed purifiers, Tuko all the Xtyiprpilu and liiultfuslleii cure, Take all the Ague, Fever nnd bilious tpectflri. Take all the Jrefnnna Nervo ferce ri(ir. Take nil tbe (7rrn( health restorers. In therl, take all the best qualities of nil three and the be it (ittntlttetetnW the beat medicine In the world ami smq will nnd that Hep J. Him have the best curative qualities and powers et all cenrnirnrd In them, And that they will euro when any or all of these, singly or ceniMrinf. Kallt I I I AtlioieiiKh trial will glva posltlve proof of this. Hardened I.tTer. Five years nge I breke down with kidney and liver complaint nnd llieumatlsm. Hlnrethen I lmvobeen unnble te he about nt all. MyHverbccainohnnlllke weed) my limbs M ere paired upand tilled till wntcr. Alt the best physicians agreed that nothing could euro inc. 1 resolved te try Hep Hitters ! 1 have used seven bottles ; the linrdncns has all gnne from my liver, the swelling from my limbs and It has tcerketla miracle In my case j other wise I would have brim new In tiiy grave. J. V. MOItKY. Hdkfaui, Oct. 1, 1881. l'ecrty nnd .SiifTerliiKi "I was drugged down with debt, pnveity and sutTerhig for yenrs, caused by a Blck family and large bills for doctoring. 1 was completely dlfceurngcd, until one year nge, by tlie ud leu of my pastor, 1 commenced using Hep Hitters, nnd In ene month we wcre nil well, and none of us have been sick nday since, nnd I w ant te say te nil peer men, you can keep your families well a year with Hep Hitters for less than one doctor's visit will cost. 1 knew It.' A WenKINOMAW. -None Kcnulne without a hunch of green Heps en tlie white label. Shun nil thovlle, poisonous stuff with " Hep " or "Heps" In tlielr ninic. liily-lvM.W,FAw HVVVIAl. NOTICES. Mether t Atntliemt! Mnthers 1 1 1 Aie you disturbed at nlirlit and broken of your rest by a sick child miircrlng nnd crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If se, gontenco nnd get n boltleof Mils. Vt'lNSLOWS BOOTHINO SYKUr. It will rcllove the peer lltlle sufferer Immediately depend upon It; tlicre Is no mlslake about It. Tbore Is net n mother en cai th who has ever used lt,whewlll net tell you r.t ence that It will regulnte the bowels, and give rest te the mother, nnd relief nnd health te the child, operating like mnglc. It is perfectly sufe te use in nil cases, nnd pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of ene of the eldest nnd best fcumlephyslclansnnd nurses in the United Suites. Sold everywhere. 2S cents a bottle. JunclG-lydAw The Kind we lake. The lncdlclne we most HUe Is that w hlch docs Its work quick ami well. Jlnrileek Jlloeil Jlltteri nre the quickest Kind of a cure for dyspepsia mid IHeriiud kidney nllectlens. Fer side by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 und IS) .North ljuccn street, Lancaster. KK1,U1,HKUVKI If you nre losing your grip en lire, try " Wells' Health Keuuner. liees direct te weak spots. (3) Causes AstoiiUhment. Completely prostrated for days with ly pr bllle Indt- L'eMlten nnd us lever. I'lie effects of two bottles of llurilerk Jllnetl lliltrr astonished iiiii; visum! improvement rignieir." jir. aeuii Hates, Kllnlru, V. Y. Fer sale by II. II. C'eelirun, druggist, 137 and IS) North (Jnccn street, Lancas ter. Tint niihlle lucks net n ceniilue remedy for skin dt-euses In lllcnn's .Sulphur Seap. " mil's ly c 7-lttdeed.tw tVliat Tin ce Application! Did. "I was troubled vcrv much with sern feet. Three applications of TViiwiiij' Kclcctrlc VII en tirely cuied them. Nothing better In the mar ket.'' .lueeb llntler, Ucuiltiig, I'n. Fer sale by H. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13U North IJiieun slnsst, Lancaster. ITCIIINUl'iLKS." SYMPTOMS I MOISTUUKI Like persplrnllen, Intense Itching, werse by Bcmtclilng, miwt nt night, seems If pln-wemia well) craw ling. Hwayur't Ointment "it it nlnn. jiU. ture cure, jemW-MWtAw (lilt Heur Sports. With the epenliiK of the season of outdoor spurts conies the tlme or treublu ler tlie peer xletlms of Hay Fever and Itose Celd, Fer tnem Mowers huu noedor, and the Hummer llttluer no beauty. Te snuff, sneeze and wlpe their weeping eyes for three or lour successive Uieiilhs, this is their pitiable portion There Is no help in t-eu voyages, theie Is no help In high mountain air. lint there Is a po-ltlve cure In IUv'h Uieani llalin. Try It. J f you continue te Hii'ffer It Is because you neglect a remedy as sure ns It Is cheap and pleasant. JySJ 2 deedi w Celiikx's Liquid liect Tonic Is admirably iidiiiiti'd for females In delicate health. Cel- ilcn's, no oilier. Of druggist. . .. JySSlwdeed.Vw A Startling DUi-eiery. Mr. Win. .Iohnsen.nl Huren Dak., writes that his wife had been troubled withaente llienchitls ler many yeais, and that nil lemeilies tried gn e no permanent lcllef, until he procured nbottle of ;r. Kiiifi't New Dlieevery for Consumption, Cough', and Colds, which had magical effect, and procured npemiancntcuie. It Is guaranteed te euro nil IMn-iises or Threat, Lungs, or ltroii ltreii chlnl Tubes. Trial liettles Free at Cochrun's Hrug Stere, 137 and li'l North IJnten Stieet, I an custur, l'a. Ltugesizeil.OO. (1) AN irNFOUTl-NATi: PKUSON. The most unfortunnte person In tlie world Is one afflicted with sick headache, but they will be relieved at ence by using Hr. Leslie's Special Prescription, bee advertisement in unethvr column. t'l l'UETTY WOMKN. Ladles who would retain freshness nnd vlvne. ty. Don't full te try " Wells Health Itenewer." (3) UUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD TANACKA. Is thomestcffectlvo Pain Destreyerln the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken internally or applied externally, .nnd thereby inore certainly UELlhVK l'AIN, whether chronic or ucufe, thun any ether pain Hllnvluter. and It Is warranted double the girenginc Hemes i of nuy similar preparation. as lsiln in the Blue, ll.iek or Jlewels, Sote IM..1....1H, lutn nWitltunhn mill ALL Threat, linivi ituvi i,,,.,. -...., .".....-- .... ACHES, ana is inn unm iit'iiuvnr m i "' iioeievs imnsKiinLU PANACEA "should IllOWN'S llDUSftllUUU 1-.1.1.WM Huuuiu be In every family. A leaspoenfnl et the Panacea in a lumuier furred. 1 taken er of b t watur sweetened, ir pre ;en nt Dcdlliue, will HUEAK UP A rwif.li n.l rntt, u lmtlla ' m311ydM,W,Sftw BlvIN DISEASES.-" SWAYNE'S OINTMENT.' iNimunt'i Ointment" cures Tetter, Salt Hheum, UliiKWerin, bores, Pimples, Eczema, all Itchy Etuptlena, no matter hew pbttlnatr or long T The Ten ellng Salesman H an Irresistible fellow, brim full of stories, Jokes, courage, sen ussunuicu mm tin Huts ii-ir tnl-lmr ittliul. llurtteck Jltoev llilteri are u very taking medicine i they tuke uerywhein. und uiu sold everywhere. Fer sale by II. 11, encurun, uruggisi, ui uu f lutt, uwv. street, Lancaster. MOTHEUSI MOTHEU8II MOTHEU81I1 Are you dlsturbed nt night and broken of your ... ...,- n..,t.1 ....... .! n .a ....ii nv....... ..ft.,. the excruciating pain or cutting teeth t irse, go at ence nnd get nbottle or Mrs. WlNSLOW't! BOOTHINO bYUUP. It .will reliove the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It there Is no mlslake ubeut It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will regulnte the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating llke magle. It Is nerrecUy sale te use In all cases, und pleasant tn the taste, and Is the prescription of ene of he eldest and best leinulu phyutciuns In the Unlted Hi.iiu u,iii i.vnrATU'hein. 'JAcenta a bottle. maj-Sl-lydM.W.SAw lie Careful of the liable. if: your children are threatened with croup or any threat illineniiy, nppiy a lew ureiis m J'iewku' Eelectrle Oil. It Is the nicest meillclne ler the little ones we knew of. Fer sulebyll. H. Cochran, druggist, 137 nnd ISO North tp.een street, Lancaster, Net u Case. Notncase of iheunmtlsm, net a ease of neu ralgia, net a case or lameness, net a ease or pain or sprain nut one has tailed te go when at tacked by TAenint' Jtcleetrlc Oil. Fer wile by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137und ISU.Neith ljuceii street, I-ancuster. Ner tills Oehllllatcd Men Yeu nrenllewed a tree trial of thirty ilnyx of the me nf Dr. Dyu'B Celebrated Voltaic llelt with Electric Suspensery Appliances, ler the KPfedy rullefHiid permanent euro el Nervous Debility, less of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse, ler many ether diseases. Com plete lestoralieu te health, vigor und manhood guaranteed. Ne risk U Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with lull Information, terms, etc., mailed rree by addressing Voltale Helt Ce., Mar shall, Mich. Iluckleu's Arulca Suite. The Htst Salve In the world Ter L'ut, Druises, Seros, Ulcers, bait Hbeuiii, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cbllbulns, Hums and nil Skin Eruptions, positively cures Piles, or nepny re quired. It is guaranteed te give perfectsatlsfuo perfectsatlsfue perfectsatlsfuo lien, or money rerundcL Prlcu 23 cents per box. arorsaleby Cochran, the DruggUt, 117 and 139 Iferttk queen strest, Laucftater, Pa, U) MEIICAT PVVOIUTE 11KMEDY. HAPPY CHILDREN. Hew te Make Them Se Keep Them In Health nnd Tiles' Will Tnke Care of the Itett. The Jey of overy well roguhded household comes chiefly from the children. Thousands of nffectlenutn parents de net tnke eare of their children. Through Ignorance mero than culpa ble neglect tliey suffer them te full sick nnd die, when knowledgo might have saved them tolevo nnd home. Dr. David Kennedy offers his "Fa vorite Itemedy "ns emphatically n medicine for the children gentle In Its action, containing tin mrniiiMnjrfih'enMirAnfrirr, going straight te the bleed, which when h w hen Impnre, Is th jn impure, is int nireritr Itemed, are, Is the seat and source of disease. lsii. Mtvarlte Jlemeilu" " Is the frlend of childhood nnd should be found In every nurserv In the land Keep It In your house for your children's sake, ns well as Try It nnd you will be ulnd you snw this nrtlcle. ns wen lis ler vunr own. for your own. itlnil ree snw nils article. Make no mistake, The lncdlclne Is "finertte Jlcmcilu " and the nronrleler's liame nnd ad. dress i Dr. David Kenuedy, Itondeut, N. Y. One dollar nbottle. flood Words for n flood Thing. Dr. David Kennedy's " Favorlle Hemedy " Is exactly what It claims te be, nnd deserves the prulfe that are showered upon It by nil who have used It. Mr. Israel 11. Snyder, of Saugertles.N. Y..snys i "My Ilttle daughter was cnered with Salt Hheum from head te feet. Dr, Kennedy's Fnvorlte Hemedy cured her. This wns tw u years nge." We Am Net In the Mnblt or Tuning any sort et patent nicllclncs In our columns, bat we hap pen te knew Dr. Dnvld Kennedy, of Uondeut, and can personally testify of thn medlclun which th (v te the excel- lenen or the medlclun which the doctor calls "Favorite lleinedy." And If a word of ours will persuade anj body te use It and thus ilnd relief n nse ii ami urns nnu reiiut lirnfesstentil ntlnltntte shall irein suffering no hinder us from savl hinder us from saying that word. Fer diseases of thn b oed. kldneis and bowels It has nn equal. We would net be without It for ilve limes the dollar that It costs, Dally 'J'tviet, Itey, AM". " InlyMmeedAw H AMI IIKNKWKU. HALL'S VEOETAHLi: SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER! Seldom docs n popular lenicdy win such a strong held upon the public conlldence us has HALL'S HA1UHI:NJ:wKU. The cases In which It lias accomplished a complete restoration of color te the hair, and vlgmeus health te the scalp, are Innumerable. Old people like It for lis wonderful power te tCstore te their whltptilmr lnrku llu.lr nrtirlmil cnierami eeauiy. Mlddle-ugedtM'Oplollkeltbe- . . . . :-:.-" - --v -- n"-'"- ,i,iin,i ii sn it lirovenfs them from getting bald, keeps druff away, and makes the hulr gimv thick strong. Yeung ladles like It nsadressslng imni and because it gives tlie hair n beautiful ulnssv Ins. tre, nnd enables;! hum In dress It In whatever form they wish. Thus It Is thn lavorltnef all, nnd It lias beceme ee simply bicausc It disap points no one. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOIl THE WHISKEUS Has become one of the most Important popu lar toilet articles efgeutlemen's use. When the beard is gray or uulunitlv of nn undesirable shade IIUCIifNOHAM'S DYE Is the remedy. ritKTAiiKii nv K. P. Hall & Ce., Nashua, N. H. Sold by all Druggists. July3e-nug3 w EAK AND KEItVOUS MEN Who suffer from Nerveus and Physical Debil ity, Impotence, Exhausted Vitality und Prema luru Decline, ami seek Perfect Kestorutlen le Health, Full Manhood mid Sexual Viger with out Stomach Drugging, can cuiitainly obtain It In thu "MAllhTliN liOLl'S." Diseases of the l'rostate (Hand, Kidneys and Illadder, effectu ally cured without Instrument. Endorsed by thousands who have been cured. Adopted In hospitals and by physicians In Europe and America. -VAItlOCELK cured without surgery. Sealed Tteatlsn and Testimonials free. A duress MAIISTON REMEDY CO., or DR. H.TRESKOW, Ne.tr, West llth Street, New Yerk. mayl9-lyeedw "IKKAM HA I'M. ELY'S CREAM BALM! KLVS CKEAM HALM Cleanses the Head. Allays Iiiiltammutleii. Heals the Beres. Ito Ite Ito stereinho SeiiM's of Taste, Smell, Hearing. A tpilck Keller A Positive Cure. J A particle Is applied into each nostril and Is ngreeuble le use. l'rlcu fie rents by mull oral Druggists. Sen for Circular. ELY IHtOTlIEItS, Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. Ju1yMyred.Uyw G HAY'S Kl'KOIKICJ MED1U1NK. The Great English Itemedy. An unfailing euro for Impotency und all Diseases that fellow Less of Memery, Dnlversal Lassltude, Fain In the Hack, Dimness of Vision, Prematura Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a I'rematnre Uruve. Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we do de do gire te send free by mall te every ene. This Bpo Bpe clfle medlclnn Is sold by all druggists at tl per package, or six packages for $-1, or will be sent iree by mini en receipt or llie mi ney, by ad' urusiing ion u 11. 1. CO ugent. JCIIKAN, Uruggl't, Hele Agent, Nea. 137 and 133 North IJiiO'j street, l.aneaster, I'n. On account et ceunlnrfclts. we have adopted mu lunew i-niiur: uin only gunuinu. TflE OKAY ME1 ED1C1NECO., llulTule N. Y. FTKlt AM' OTHKHS KAIIj, OONSULT DR. LOBB, NO. KS North Fifteenth street, below Callewhlll Btrect, Philadelphia. Cures all Dlsensesef both sexes. Twenty Years Experience. Consultations by mall. NEItVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. New book pjst out. Send for It, Hours 11 a. in. till 2 p. m., und 7 p. m.te 10 p. m' Heeks free te the mulcted. feb'-K-lydiw QAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURE. O HurTur.R, Varioecklk and Stkeial Disbasks. Why be humbiiggud by quacks, when you can find In Dr. Wright the only Knar LAn Physician In Philadelphia who makes a specialty of the above diseases and cures them t Cukkhuuarantkkd. auvich rtiKn.duy ana oven even lng. Strangers can be treated and return home thu satne day. Olllccs private. 1)11. W. II. WKIU1IT, Ne. 241 North Nhilh Btrcet, above Unco. V. O. Hex 673. Philadelphia. Ian29-lydw CONSUMl'TION I HAVE A POSITIVE remedy for the nbove dUcnse; by Its use thousands of cases el the worst kind of long standing have been cured. Indeed, se strong Is my lalth In Its elllcncy that 1 will send TWO DOTTLES FltEE, together wlthn rnluuble trea tise en this disease le any sufferer. OIve express and I. O, addiess. DU. T. A.BLOCUM, Janl&Cindcea&Ginw 181 Pearl bt N. Y. MANHOOD RESTORED. UEMEDY FllKE. A victim of youthful liupriidunre causing Pro Pre maturo Decay, NcneusDublllty, LnitMaiilioed, Ac., having tried In vain overy known remedy, hasdlsceveicdu simple self-cure, which he will send FltEE te his fellow- stiffc icin. Address, J. 11. IIEEVES, 43 Chatham St., New Yei k City. JantO-lyoedAlyw TDTKADQUARTERS FOR THE INDIAN MEDICINES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil. -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere NO. 0 EAST KINU ST.. Lancaster. Pa. UHOVE11IEH. AT llUllSK'S. PICNIC GROCERIES. Saidtnes In Oil and Mustard. Fresb Salmen and Lebster. Petted Ham, Tongue, Cblcken mid Game. Deviled Ham and Chicken. Lunch Tongue and Whole Ox Tongue In Cans. 1'lckleg in siiuill glass Jars. CendeiiMd Milk. Chinned Dried Heef. Full Cream Chucse. Yerk Lunch or l'rotzel Crackers. Fresh Oysters lu oue and t'e pound cans, etc. I'lCNlO PLATES. Geed Royal Coffee and Teas, At BURSK, NO. 17 EAST RING STREET, LANCASTEU, PA, CLernvra. M YE1W A UATUVON. Suits te Order FOH T1IF, HOT SEASON ! ! Thirty Different Styles i -or- SERGES IN OUU STOCK, IN ALL THE POPULAR COLORS AND SHADES. MAHKED FHOM TIIEHt OUH1INAL PUICl'. TO VEHY LOW F1UUIIKS. HEUUES IN HI. UK, OKAYS, IlltOW.VS, 1ILACK, Pl.l'SI, WINE.tlHEENS, Dltll, FAWN AND WHITE. WHITE & FIGURED DUOKS. Fer Venting for Evening Wear, 1'ONtlEKSAND SREItSUCKEltS FOH EVEN INO WEAIt. LEADING CLOTHlEKS, NO. 12 EAST KIKG STREET, LANCASTKIt. PA. NOTIONS. A1 HTUIt'H HROTHER8. BARGAINS -AT- ASTRICH'8 Palace of Easbien, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTEU, PA. SPECIAL LOW PRICES; -IN- EVERY DEPARTMENT. LACE MITTS llliiek Pure Silk Lace nnd Jersey Mitts, ;ee. a pair. SILK U LOVES. Fine Summer Shades at 37c. a pair. LAD1 ES' HOSE from 5c. n pair up. CIULDUKN'S HOSE. French Illlibed.ali colors, 10c. a pulr. (1 ENTLE Jl EN'S SOCKS. Unbleached, Full ltegularMude, l'.'e. apslr. LADIES' OAO.E INDEKWEAIt, Fine ijual Ity, long or short sleeves, 'i'tc. CHILDUKN'S 11A1JZE SHIUTS Fine Quality, Silk lllnding, from I .'He. up. LINEN TOWELS. Flue Quality, Purn Linen Damask, Imrdcml, 12X'. a pair. LINEN NAPKINS. Heavy AtM.lncn Damask, WhlK Re. nwieee. If. I lest Turkey Hed, Imported, fringed, 7c. TA1ILE CLOTHS. Heavy Unbleached, large sire, 75c. nplere. EMHI10IDEUIES. Fine Wide Pattern at lOc.nnd I2)fc. aynrd. ALLOVEU EMIlltOlDEItY. Very Handsome, reduced from J 1 .50 te 11.11 n yanl. HAMIIUHG NET. Twenty-scen Inches wide, new patterns, lfc. and 'He. yard. OMENTAL LACES. New Sjieelal Hargalna nt 22c. and 23e. a yard. COUSETS. The Unbreakable at t'W 'lhe bt'at tlmt am be had for the price, While nnd Colored. HANDKEKCHIEFS. Fine AIM.Iuen Hemstitched, 2-luch hem, only 12Xc, uplcce. FANS. Finn Feather Fans, In White, Pink, lllue. Cut ill- nal.atSScupleee, LEATHEIt SATCHELS Ueund Hjrs, all leather, leather lined, Wlh pocket Inside, black or tan, only .'"V. LEATHEIt PELTS. Handsemn LlKhtTan Celer Alligator Skin, two stniw, well uiiide, sttlehed en edges, 200. uplcce. HUTTONS. Fine Peail Huttens.lPc. te 21c. nllne. in. u caid or two dozen. LACE FICHUS. Fine Dimmed tn Oriental Luce, dlireicnt pat terns, IHc. uplcce. MADAME CLAMC'S DKESS SLEEVE l'llOTKCTOlt New and oed. SHETLAND SHAWLS, Large size, flue quality. In Dardlnal, LlKht III uu, Uarnct nnd Hlack, only U2c. apiece. S"EverythIng nt the lowest prices, nt ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 1J EAST KINO ST., LANCASTEU, PA. COAI BH. MARTIN, WnOLKSXLV AMD UTA1L Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber and Ceal 3-Yaud: Ne. 420 North Wnter nnd Prince stteets nbove Lemen. Lancaster. nJ-lvd OAUMQAltDNEllS A JKFKKKIES, GOAL DEALERS. Officii! : Ne. 120 North Queen street, nnd Ne. 504 North Prtnce gtreeL Yards: North Prince street, near Heading Depot. LANCASTEU, PA. nm.'15-Ud c IOA1 M, Y. B. COHO, 330 NOUTU WATEH STKEKT, Lancaster, Pa., WnOLBSALH AMD KKTA1L CKALBR IN LUMBER AND GOAL. Cokhbetios with thb Telhi'mosie ExonAhea. Y'ARDAVD OFFIOIt Ne. 330 NOIITH WATEU STUEET. feu2a-lyd pABT END YARD. C. J. SWARR & CO. GOAL. - KINDLING WOOD. Office i Ne. 20 Centre Sen nre. Heth vnrd and omce eennecien wiw teiopueno exenauge. aprlS-lydMAF.H OU CAN SAVE MONKY. Hy bujdng your Underwear, Shirts, Work ing Pants, Overalls, Cellars, Ceirs, Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Umbrellas and Notions. AT HECIITOLD'S, Ne. U NJifth Queen E Ireet. 47-SIgu df the nig Stocking. P. 8. Choice Wutldlug LeU, fitone and Band for wile. , MYERS t RATION, ct.eTnxxa. TITERC1LVNT TAW01U -1. IcCATJLET, MERCHANT TAILOR I NO. 134 NORTH QUEEN BT. (Ihichutlllcr'a Untitling.) ON K O F Tl I K FI N EST LI N KS O F FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS, FOU THE BI'ltlNO AND SUMMElt TltADE, EVEH SHOWN IN THIS CITY. SrCull nnd tnke n leek nt the goods, nnd you will be suit! te lmve your mrasiiru taken for a uu. junctMyd JJURdKR Ai BUTTON. Mid-Siiiiiinei' Bargains -AT- BDRGER& SUTTON'S We are selling Light-weight Suits ATUHEATLY KEDUCK1) l'UICES. We knew money Is scarce and we want tohelp our customers out bv giving them a Uoed Suit for llttlutnency, cither lleiidy-uiade or Made te Order. UNDERWEAR IN UUKAT V AU1ETY AT l'HICES. EQUALLY LOW Have you seen our ALL-SILK, SATIN-LINED TIES.ONLYit.1aT The All-in-One Overalls Are guaranteed net te rip. They nre idling very fast at fiec, -OIVE US A CALL.-6 "Our stele will close atO p. in. from .Inly 6 te Sept. 7, baturdnyi exceptcd. Burger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCA8TK.lt, PA. F INK TAILORING. 1885. SPRING 1885. - H. GERHART, FINETAILORiNG. The Largest and Choicest Assortment of FINE WOOLENS IN THE CITY OF LANCASTEU. All the latest Novelties In FANCY SUITING. A CHOICE LINE OF SPRING" OVERCOATING. THE VF.UY 1IEST WOKKMANSH1P. l'rlees le suit all and ull goods warranted as represented nt his no w store, Be. 43 North Queen St. (OPPOSITE THE POSTOFF1CK.) H. GERHART. QL'll I'RK'EH FOR STJIIER &00DS I.EADTI1EMAUKET. Redaction Pries List of Vita's, Beys' and Children's CLOTHING. THIN COATS at tee. SEEltSUCKEU CO .ITS and VESTS from $1.25 ti)i. liener SEEItSUOKEHSntil."5. MEN'S HUSINESS SUITS at l JO, $3.00, fC.00, and 7.e. -MEN'S DUESS SUITS at $i.V), 10.00,1100 and $11.01. M EN'S I1US1NESS PANTS at T5c. MEN'S ALI.-WOOL CASSlMEUK PANTSat fitw, A. Wand $.1.00. JIOY'S SUITS at ril)0. K.M. $3.00. II.C0. 15.00 up te fi.W CHILDItEN'fl SUITS from I1.S5 upwards. Custom Department. Oar HpeelaltliM In this department are Weel Scn;e Suiting in iill Celers, the wime MeinuWu te order In tlrst-clnm HtyleH for $ll.(i. ALL-WOOL PANTS te order at $n.00, $100, $.1 (10, $0.00, 7.HI, ISM. The lace te trade U M here you can ?et the most ter your liinncy, and wheie you can have the largent vailety te select from. Ii. GANSMAN & BRO., THE FASI1IONAIILE MEItCIIANTITAH.OUS AND CLOTHlEKS, Nea. 06-68 NORTH QLTEBN BT (Hlght en the Seuthwest Cor. of OranR-e Street,) LANCASTEU, PA. 3-Open Eve until six o'clock, Saturday until 10 o'clock. Net connected wlUi any ether clothing heuse In thu city. OEASSWAKE. H IU11&MAKTIN. Queensware CHINAHALL New Open, a Lai go Variety el Cheap TABLE GLASSWARE. Alse, a New Llue or BROWN BTBW PANS. MIXING BOWLS, JELLY POTS, &e J- PHICES VEHY LOW.-t DON'T FAIL TO SEE THESE OOODS UK FOHE PUHCHASInG. High Si Martin, HO. 16 HAST KING BTRBBT, LANCASTKH, PA. trAeajUfEJir. JIOR Peerless Traction POttTAIILE OH 8TATIONAUY ENGINES, BOILERS AND SEI'AHATOIIS, REPAIRINO, and all kinds of Machinery. Contracts taken ami nil tt m k such a, kept and doneln nny Machine Shep. Call en eraddresi, Ezra F. Landis, WepKg-NO. M0 te 5.T7 NOIITH CIIKltltV Lancaster, Pa. mltnineedAw ST., E NOINK AND llOIIil'JR WORKH. BEJST Steam Engine AND- BOILER WOEKS. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN 0 OODS, HAVE NO A0KNT8, CAN 1NSU1IE OUU PATHONS LOW P1UCE3 AND UOOD WOltK. BOilERS. Vertical and IlorUentaliTithuhir, Fine, Cylinder, Marine, Deuble-Deck and Portable. FUHNACEWOKK, IILAST-PIPES, STACKS, Ac, Ac. TANKS for Water, Acids and Oil. HOISTING ENOINES. ENGINES. Vertical and Horizontal, stationary, Hern two te sixty horae-pon er. I'ortnble Engines, en Wheel nnd Bills s Six Sizes I, C, 8, 10, 15 nnd 2u horse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Mills and Laree Mills. Hark Mills Cob Mill?. Leather Hellers, Tan Packcn, Trlpple Hearing ler herse power. PUMPS. Helt and Clear Pumps; Mining Pumps ; Cem blned l'mnpit nnd Heatei'S. Cerltririigal Pump. Stnnin l'ump. Oenrlnir, l'ulleyn. Fly Wheels, Clamp Poxes, 11 annum, Cmipllnns, Collani, Steel fatcpi and Tee, Pulley I'latea, l'acklnR Hoies, Mill Spindles, Mill Hushlngs, Ac, Ac, Ac. PIPES. Wrought Iren, rer Has, Steam and Water. Cost Iren Pipes. Helier Tubes, WcU Casting. FITTINGS. Ifer .Water nnd Steam, Valvcc, Cocks, Sleara Unnges, Cauga Cocks, Class Water Uauges, Safety 'Valvi. WhUtlin, (llolie Valves, Oovernors.-l'atent fceir-Feedlng Lu bricators, Ulau Oil Cup?, ehus Tubes, Injectors or Heller Keoders. l'ACKINU-Hemp, Atliostes, Oum and llein- bage. HKLTINO Oum, Cettr-n nnd leather. OASTINOS Heavy and r.lght Iren and JlrAM. Heller Iren, Sheet Iren, Haj-Jren, ftllrtSUsel. HEATERS rer Dwellings, Schools and Public Puddings. - . STBAM-HEATTNG. Estimates, Drawings nnd Pattern Werk fur nished ut Iteasonable Kates, ja- Itcpalrtne promptly and carelully at tended te. Address, Jelin Best&rSen, NO. 333 EAST FDWON STREET, LANCASTEU, V A. Janl5-lyd.tw lrAf.r j'Ai'r.it. w INDOW HUKKENS. Wire Window Screens Have become n vcrv Important matu nn houee heuee kecplng, und nobody should be lllieut iheni. The pnee Is within reach of all, and when put up properly will lust you for yean. We make them se they need net be reme ed In opening or closing shutters or windows. Plain Wire, 60c, 5Sc, Bec, 65c, 7lic, 75c. 80c. Me, '.K)e, II tin a julr up. Landscape, $1.25, 1.4U,(l.SO,$I.5t,l,;.- a pair up, according te sire. Doern llh cernuiv, springs, hlngfs, etc., complete. We liave added lai-gely te our stock of WALL PAPERS Within the last ten days, bought from recent sales tn Eastern mnrketn, comprising all grades of goods. Hanging In best manner. Alse a choice line of LACE CUHTAINS. fttf-More cle-.es at 0 p. 111., except a.ituid.iy. Phares W. Pry, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTEU. PA. Hl'ECTAVLES. QUFUKIOK SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Flold Glasses, Haremetcrs, Telo Tele scopes, Magle Lunterns, Thermometers, Dniw lm InstruiiientH. l'hllnxenhlcal and Chemical Apparatus. List and Descriptions or our Ten Catalogues sent FHEE en application. QUEEN & CO. NO. 024 CHESTNUT ST. uiara-lydiw PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. SeOR, WlilTEikaitEENOubll. C4 BANKERS. Onlers executed for cash or en margin ler all isccnrltles current In the New Yerk uiiukct. Correspondence Invited. MEMHEUSOF THE NEW YOltK STOCK EX. CHANOEAND PHOPUIKTOUS OF POOlt'S MANUAL OF HAILWAYS. 46 Wall Streot, New Yerk, octl-lrdeod WATCHES, JtV. GREAT REDUCTION in nucEa ok .. ,.tr.i.tu jfcu iif imrttiULe'Vtr Anrre Tavnt 1 J lVllnfiygueJAnil, LOUIS WEBEll'S, Ne. 159 12 Qqwhi Sired; Opposlte city jioiei, ne-ir re.K. k. upeu Correct time utnoeiidally from Woshlnaten, D. O. Wutchesund Clocks -repaired, rrgulatetl and adjusted. )31-lyd ptHAMl'AUNE. r Rnurwp "'ste.nv THE FINE3T CHAMl'AflHttWINKv NIMvi ATKEIOAHT'S OLD WlTDltK, v no, si J5.AOT mnu anuuwr. 1L E. SLAYM AKEU, Act, ICtabUih6d,1786. Y Iehl7-Ud t r . -u TBArELKB'B '6VZBM, wj'. a 3" ANOASTKR AND MILIiKRSVILLl -i H. n. tijik iTAiir.K. - .. .m J:2 Lancaster rer MlllanrUla at UMLi 9.00 and 1 1: n. tn., and I.eu, 4:00. 60 nd BM p. m, i .JK !'!).Tn. Ml'lcrsvllle for Lanewter at )- .w mm iu.uu a. in., nnu iam gsjn, ave ana J.twa. m. T KI1ANON ANn LANCASTER JOINT v .M J-i UNEItAILItOAD . ' ' . AtuuwcKmirrey risaiiwetn Tuimn. , SUNDAY, MAY 2lTIt, 1SS3. S NOKTHWAKD. , . a.m. r. m, r. m. Lebanon koe 2:is b:.Vi Arrive. Cornwall 7:13 J as (1-37 Mnnhclm 7:1.1 1.-.1 r,:d7 Lancaster. C:7 12J0 MM King St. LOIIC 0.W 12:10 5.30 Leave. a. u. p. K. P.M. SOUTHWAUD. IjCaVO. A.M. P. K, P. M. Ibnnen 7:3) i2jij 71 Cornwall....... 7:35 12:15 7:13 Manhclin ...... C.03 1:18 8:1U Lnncnstcr 8JU IAS 8.W Anive. King St., Lane. 8:10 2.05 8- Sunday a.w. n- it. 0:le MB B4T 6:10 4:04 P.M. P.M. 3:4.1 4:00 R.in 6:t3 BN0 r.x. 8: 6:1(1 8.-03 A.U. A.M. 7:13 8.-01 8:10 8:12 930 A.M. A. M. P. K. P. V. A. M, Wilsen, Supt, It. C. VON SCIIMAEKMSKE, A C. It. K. h,m n n.l n A ut ft H. It. ,.- Ukeiujs Kltz, Supt, P. A It. H. H. nll-lydAw JEADINO A COIiUMRIA. AltKANOEMENT OF l'ASSENUEIt TKAIN9. SUNDAY, MAY 21, ,1885. NOKTHWAKD, ,. .. M. Heading 0:15 ARRIVK. Columbia 7:30 Marietta Junction ,. 7153 Chlcklcs 7:30 P.M. 2J P.M. A.Mj Ka 3:10 ID) 3.35 Lancaster 7:40 Lancaster (King Strcet).. TM ynarryvllle 6.-2S Lhavb. a. m. SOUTUWAHD, LBAVH. 1 r 12JS0 12:10 3.50 3.40 25 9.05 83 7:li P.M. P.M. A.M. Heading 7:15' ARRIVE. Marietta Junction e.-OO Chicklns , nan Columbia , 9.2s Lancaster (i-u Lancaster(KingStreet).. 9:20 Quarryvllle ;,, 10:20 . A.M. M. P.M. 6:10 7.59 8:20 8:25 8:12 8.-20 0.-20 r.u. 120 P.M. 205 1A8 2:09 420 B.-00 6:211 P.M. P.M. P.M. Trimins connect nt Heading with trains te nnd rrem Philadelphia, PottsvTlle, Harrlsbtirg, Allcntewn, and New Yerk, via Hound HroeU Koute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Octtysbuig, Fredetlck and lbiltlmeru. ...A.t s'nnetta J uuctlen with trains te nnd rrem Chlcklcs. , ,v, -y, At Manhclm with trains te and fret.1 lbanen. At Lancaster Junctlea with tralmitojmaireui Lancaster und Qcmryvllle. u, r sejfnv. Le,ir?Punrrj; JH'.Tilea. w.j lAhtsur, King street, is:iw a. m.. ian, in. Arrlve Keartli in x, 30-10 a. tn., Sa5 p; in, mi . 7a n tn A'tVl t .A . I.cave Ueadlni , 7S0 n. m . 400 nT irt.i. Arrlve Ijinc-w er. Klnc Street. 0.2i W. SJM p.m.! Quarryvlll 8:40 p. in. nprlllMyd&w ,M.WILSO.V,Eupt, PENNSYIWa MA. RAILIIOAD S0UKD ULK. T.rn!!,B.It',at0. ljl "M" ana !te and arrlva at Philadelphia as lullews 1 4 iave jumve Philadelphia. Lancaster. WE8TWAHD. News Express!. 4JJa.m. enra n. in. esw MI " ft35 pJO " KB5 ' 1 ftl p. TO, BIO Way l'assengerf. Mail train via ML, 4:30 OV 7:03 Ne. 2 Mall tnilnt.. . vlaCelutn Niagara Express.. .. Hanover Accem.. , Fast Line Dally) ... Frederlck Accem . Lancaster Accem , Harrlsburg Accen , .. 7:10 H- m. .. vlaCelumb ... 11'JOn.m. via Celarab! via Mt Jey. a,2A " aa p. in. b-M - uniumuia Arcem .. Harrlsburg Expreis, Chi. A Cin. Expres.r Western Expnjss . Pacific Kxpress t - :u 7J0 -7.W " 10-41 12-10 a.m. 15 " Arrlvna-. Philadelphia, 6:10 " 8M " 10.08 " U:J ' KASTWAUD. Lancaster. Phll'n Ezprcssi.. .. Ittt " Fast Line 8.-05 Harrlsburg ExprcfS, 8:10 ' Lane'r. Accem., nt .. 8:55 " Columbia Accem.. ,. 90 " Seashnre Express. . 2-58p. m, Johnstown Exprcf 2.-05 " dally except Sunday Sunday Mall 3-00 Day Express! 4: " llurrUburg Accord C:43 4-25 10-20 via. Mt, Jey ll:4ia. in. 3.15 p.n. avn s.ts - 6-M 9-45 " The Marietta Acv etr. u'"nleave Columbia at 11:15 a. in., leaclk, 1. XM -at 12i)l. Leaveii Marietta at 3.13 p.n ,-.iu. tat Celnm.laal ntsj- also leaves ,1 ' -1 1 ;ivea at8J. .XYoricAeooiui 4 1 avbm MarlettA nt 7,,.?'J? arrives at I ' A' ' d 8.00, cennectlner vr!,'1i.'",,J',uer8K' '& ' ia TbeFredOHrltAi'i- '"sUuen, weaLeimnect lng at Lancaster w.'' m pie. west, at 20 p. m.,twlll run thrOoe" - fVn iTlck. The Frederick Ay. vr-ifit-Oatlen, east, leaves Columbia at 12raauTc,s Lancaster at Utfi3 HrXho-XKTicaster Ar-y. piuen, zmU leave 'i ""ii " 6-iv ' "wt taps in LAncuier at 9-5 p. m. -, vf.iB!. Hanover Accemi-. ''ufJiKLtf&MiecUn.'; at Lancaster with Nls . riHk JU run uinmga w iiui ri uAuyipjjjjpjjjjjjnd step at Downlngte' -j Otttesvlllerniiuurg, Mt. .lev. EllZflbctht .lilldMiaaiutewn t The only trains ch tun dally. On Sunday the Mall train w c?l . . ug bv way or Columbia. OKNWAT.lj -VD TiKBANOJ J COLEUUOOK ALLI'.Y HAlLHOAl e rrBWAnn. Trains hstve Lchr n dally f oxeept Sunday' at CM n. m.. 12-.J0 nn ' se n. m. Arrlve ut Cornwa it 8.40 a. m.. 12.40 p. m. and 7:10 p. 111.; nt Conow 1,0m 7.20 a. m IrtS and B.20 p.m., ceuncciing ..1 ide iennsyzvanu ran. read ler points cast and wesU -..raw-Aim. Trains IcavoCencgo at 7J0 a.m., SS) and B.25 p. m. Arrlve nt Cornwa it8-Cn.m.,4:l? and !rC5. m.; atlxsbanen at 8 i'a. m., l-iu and 1k15 p. ju., connecting nt Lcbni -n Willi rblladelphla and Heading railroad le ,eIntseast and wet. and the Lebanon 'and '1 1 ment Hruach rer Oouoi Oeuoi Oouei town, Plnegreveaii't 1'rement, Thn 0:30 a. in. train nil step only at Cornwall Colebrcok and IIcIIkje. CAUC1AUE9. QTANDAHD OA HKIAGE WORK. m ifij. Edward Edgeiiey, ' FINE CAR! iAOE BUIIDEIt, MAl'.KET ST11KK1 KKAU OF POSTOFFICK, LAN( ISTEK, PA. A LAlt - feTOCK Or BUa&IES J5 OARBIAG-ES Comprising the 1 rantly Finished, l'UICES. Hyeuwl '. est Styles and most Ele- ea UltfiATLl minimal' tn mirr.hose a cned art l'UICES. irvi cle, my work Is dei ledly the oheaicstlivthe suite. MOTTO-" KA1K1 BALING AND HONEST ..1uv.11 -Don't rail te Werk FULLY WA rerUEl'AUtlNOA el workmen ospectu pose. PLEASE OA nev2titfdw rai-oge geed work. AU '.ANTED Lewest Prices ItEl'AINTINO. Onoset oinnleved for that tur- ANI) KXAMINFh -MOIUJEOK & i UKV. LAN (FASTER CARRIAIIE 10RKS. Norbeck & MilbyPrep's. COUNEll DUKE A .D.V.1NK 8T11KET3, LA , CA'1UHA. .', THE LA11UKIT AND CHEAl'BSr RETAI-4 WORKS fc( THE C.TY OH COUNTY". WE CAN AND DO 8KLL A3 JUNE , --vEHete us ami" tvim-ii itirirnifit rAii uietOW.,y'5V " TMUUM'MOKS. '.Si-ftfrtA1' new redo It Is a mystery, but a ywu w tjmpiWlV raeier- ana steiuff uie aystciu wy iiaveauvinsi you,yTiuetwquder. 'd ,itrenlse theso that deserve ltr.6n r siefjrtT. 3 ptjieut If Very large, and will be M ftt V'lf-T: itither redncllen. yYW; WolestorourWHKKLS.a they caMiW 'tjUMiltea,. t,v i wslivvy . i,Aiiau 8tqck: or . $Vf Xlim SECOND-HAND ,WORK,7 ii - CS&1ST1NU OF HPtlfllES, PH.V.T0JJS, 40., Ac., which will he sold cheap. niveuaa call and he convinced. lleplr- lo3eatlydene, ,'. iil j rK; a fv,7 m ,.n ?-?? '-K', II 1&.3 WV ,rw'