Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 29, 1885, Image 1

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A Century Knnt In Heeds of llciiev olciue mill
In r.t.Mtlng .luillce rir Ills Oppreiiieil
Hue VIkIIh t tlie Hely Land-ltc-
vlowerills Hcmnrltnlile Career.
On October 2llh eflast year, this vonora venora vonera
blomiil distinguished philanthropist, whose
ilealh occurred Tuesday nllorneon, celebrated
his 100th birthday, which was made the ec
casien of public celebration nt many places
In tbts country as well as In Kuroiie, with it
ppcclnl observnnco nt tlie jiluce of bis resi
dence, near HaniNgate, and at Leghorn, w liure
lie was bem.
Sir Moses Montefloro was born October
21th, 17HI, nt Leghorn, Italy. His lather was
an English merchant. Tlie family can glve
no cei tain account of its origin, but helle ve
it took Its naiiie 1'iointhe town of Mciito Mciite Mciito
ileio, in the provinee of Ascoli I'icone, en tlie
eastern slepe of tlie Apennines, anil named
for Its munitien en 0110 of the llower-erowned
hills of the riccul. The public career
et Sir Moses commenced In 1811, when he
was elected (hiliey, or treastircr,ofthenmiont
Shephardl synagogue, In Ilevis Marks,
Londen. The years bofero this he had,
by his union with Judith Cehen, become
brother-in-law 10 ene 01 me nhlesl inlan
ders of that day, N. M. Jtellischlld. In
1S27. lie minified a lone-cherished dcslie of
visiliim the Hely Land, u journey that deen-
tmcil his sympathy with the cause of op
pressed Judaism, t'pen his return he was
elected u luuuiber of the beard of deputies of
lliitish Jews, then the only organization In
Great llritain for the uasistance and piolec pielec piolec
Henor Jewish rights. In ls&'i he became its
president. His anxiety for the welfare of his
co-rellgienlsts, and the ability and iiidnmlt iiidnmlt
able y.eal with which he led that cause niade
him a well-knew n public character berore his
world-f.uneus bonevolcncp, which were net
confined hv distances of limits of creed or
country, lie assisted In the drafting of the
bill for the removal of .low Ish disabilities.
carried by the Uouse of Commens iu Nlft;
and the following year, with Lord Jehn Kus-
sell, he concerted a plan by which he threw
open le the Jews all municipal elllces. Ills
nephew, Damn Lionel de Itethschild, leek
ins scat its inu limt jewmi member el I'.ir-
Uament ins reni;i(i.N iiiu:ruiti;.v.
Ills solicitude ler the condition of his for
eign brethren was equally earnest In 18.17,
when he iald a second ylsll te Palestine te
listiibute rellef te the f.imiiie-stricken in
habitants ei Sated and Tiberias, he obtained
permission from Mehemet All fei Jews teac-
qulre nnd cultivate inml, ami lie impressed
them with the necessity of encouraging agri
cultural pursuits among themselves He
Hindu seven pilgrimages (tlie last about nliie
years age) te the Hely Land, and personal
visits le Damascus, i nnsiantmnpie, Morocco,
iteiiluaiiia, Nt Petersburg and Uomehavont-
losle.l the lncMiuusllble extent ami sincere
nature el his benovelont actiity. In
1837, accompanied by his wife, he set out
Ter Syria, which had been racked the pre
vious year by earthquakes, and was tlicn
Iteing devastated byaplague. They traveled
irein villnge te vlllage dispenslng rolief le
the sullerers. On his return le Londen he
was elected sheriff et Louden stud Middlesex
lind knighted by the queen. 'Pfle massacre
lit Damascus and the perhccutien and out
rages which followed In 1S10 aroused great
ivmiuthv for the Jews throughout F.urone :
C7,000 weie siibscrilied in Londen, of which
mm Kir mieses cenirinuiett tiieu, nun wen
it unce te Kgypt unit successfully pleaded
he cause of his co-rellgionist.s bofero Mohe-
inet All, and allerwards went te Conslaii Censlaii Conslaii
ineplo and induced tlie sultan le giant
no .lows equal lights wiui otner people in
khe dominion of tlie porte. On his leliiru
Jfrem tills mission tlie uncen showed her
ipprcclatlen of his work by graining him
:no (llMliicuen ei ecanng superiors te
Ids family arms. The patriarch's untiring
L-lferts wilh Czar Nicholas in behalf of the
Russian .lows, his able and successful labors
with Leuis riituippe, ivingei i' ranee, in re
ferences le the persecution of 1SI7, and his
ileadimrs witlt the grand shored' of Me
rocce in fsl In tegard te tlie massaere lliore,
ireall loinemboroii wan grutiiuuu by ine
.lovvn-treddcu of his race who have been
boiiellttcd through his exertions. On his
return from Hussia In 1SHJ he was made n
baronet by Iho queen and Sir Rebert Teel.
III.ATH ei i..vii MONTiirieui:.
Tlie death of Lady Jlontelloro, which ec
curred Sopteinbor'Jj, ISil'J, wivs it great blew
e her husband te whom she had been a
icleved hclpmateaud companion for 50 years.
In her lfloniery he built nt ltamsgate a cel
lege, whero cncrable rabbins, maintained
by his goodness, pass their days In prayer
and peace, lie teunded also In her memory
prlzes and scholarships at all the Jewish
public schools, and tlie Jewish community
established in her honor a Heme forOona ferOona forOena
lesonts at Seuth Norwood. A
lamp burns lu her tomb, which Is an exact
copy el Uial ei iiacuei en ine reau ireiu
liothlehom te Jurus;ilem.
SirMoscsassunied ler his arms mi nllce-
tlounte rcmeinbrauce of that l.aslcrn laud
toward which he turiied every day tlnoe
times in praver, a cedar of Lebanon betwenn
two mountains el llowers (vwnti ill ;)')
He bere also u forked pennon Inscribed " Je-
rusaleni " in llobrewchai-aetors. His motto
was "Think and Thank." I le was a magis
trate for Middlesex and Kent commissioner
of lioutenancy for tlie city of Londen, and
deputy lieutenant for Kent.
Ker soine tlme nfter tlie celebration of his
ene hundredth birthday anniversary, It was
found that he inlglil siiecumu te ineiesuiis
el r.n exeiteinent that, his physicians and
friends feared, was tee great ler ene el ins
oxtremeago, for he had taken a lively and
grateful interest lu the festivities that did
film se much honor. He seen regained his
customary health, howeer, which wits re-
niarliabiy goon, inscnse na-s ueun iuiiiiuu
te as a pioeioiino "iiereiuiy ei longeviiy,
nnenf his DareiiLsliavim; died at the ase of
70. the ether at bj.JUA.gnmd father at 7, JtliL
grauumollier at ;u, uis urniners ai .i nuu irj,
' . .. ........ . . i m - ,ii.i
nun ins sisiers at ei. e- aim iv. i line nu
naturally sullored soine pliyslcal languor
during ine last low years in ins ine, ins niun-
lal lerces rciuauuHi igorens aim no ruumiuu
till the last the quick human sympalliy uial
made his long lllb loom with deedsef u bonov benov bonev
olenco se large, Judicious and neble as te
make his name nonercu nnu revereu un
people of all nations and creeds.
Oil Ills Jlletlle.
Frem Iho Dctuill r'leu l're.n.
He was telling It te his honor at the police
court yestcrday. Said he :
"Well, you Knew I went home about I
o'clock in the allorneou. Wire was there. 1
chucked her itnder the chin tender-like, and
s.ild 1 :
" Melly, w he runs this shanty V
"And she spcaka up Aery pieinptly and
"Samuel, It's a woman about my Blze,
mid don't you forget It I'
" Pshaw 1' says 1.
" ' Dead fact,' says she.
" And 1 chucks her tiuder the chin ngutn,
net qulte se tender this time, nnd I says :
' Melly, I cm de you tin hi about two
"And she doesn't wait a boceud te an-
swer: .
" ' Samuel, that's where you're laine. Put
the better man.'
"Kieteutr says I.
'" I'll proe UP says she,
" Well, your honor, she puts ine en my
inettle, as It were. Ne husband as is a hus
band can stand it te have his w If" nay nhe
can wipe the beards with lilin, and fee 1 spits
ou my nanus ami sans in.
" And you caine out ahead ?"
"Well, that's the way I've get It down in
my diary. She gave me two scalp euls, a
black eye and six bites, and 1 loesonod three
of her teeth, cut her lip and choked her
sonseloss. If she gees bragging aretiuii tiiai
it was a draw I'll be leady te try It again, for
I'll allow no woman in Detroit te walk en
me. I'll light 'em Judge I'll light 'em till 1
A JIulf Millien In Sinuhe.
The Pennsylvania salt and chemlcal works
or Philadelphia were almost entirely do de do
Btreyod by tlie ou Tuesdny. The less la
estimated at ue.uiy halfuHUUIoudeHoru.
l-um-aMcr HUH Centliiiilns te Cnme Out or llie
Little Km! r tlie Hern.
In Washington yestcrday the Lancaster
club was dofeated ler the third tlme. The
coriespondontof the : snysoftliegaino:
"The Natlennls earned woven of their nliie
tuns and the Lancaster batted lu the last
two innings for six runs, one-hall being
earned. White's plnylng nt short was the
feature of the game, nud ahoine run was also
scered ler hint en n clean drlve te the right
tield corner of the grounds, lleth Smith mid
Wlse woie batted bard, nnd when I'owell
relloved the latter the Lancxsters had such a
picnic wllh hint that Wlse had te go back
Inte tlie box for the local team." The score,
in lull, is given :
riiikcr, 1... e 1 v n e linker, 1 .. 2 5 1! I) u
elillli'lil, e e l 4 'J Cook, in 1 1 J 0 1
lloilei.l, r.. olio (i l'ewcll, r, p I - I 2 'i
llllnnil, 2.. !3H II llurcli.l I 1 4 0 0
JlcTiim' 2 2 1 (i e Fiilincr, e 1 S 4 11 1
llenulil,... 1 2 1 2 2 KiiehIcs, 2 I 1 2 .110
hinlUi, p.. . II 1 1 4 Wlilte, H... 2 2 14 0
Tiiiiincy.H.. I e r 2 0 (ilmltimii, 3. 0 2 13 n
Wetzel, 1 .. 1 2 u (i u Wise, p., r e u e 2 A
Total lisaiiiili Total... .,ftH U
LamviHtcr 0 0 0 0 1 (1 0 4 27
National .": 0 0 2 13 3 0 0 x 0
Knrni'il riliit Nnllennt, 71 I.iinc-iKler, .'I. Twe
lmie lilts Wutrul, Kuenli-x. (lliiilnmn, MuTiiin.
iiny, Iieunia. Iletnariin Wliltn. l.ctten h,ies
National, 5; l.ancntiir, 7. Deublii ptuyn
llllnnil and Toiiiney. Struck mil Sniltli, 2 1
VIc, 1; l'eell,2. fluscB en balls haiicastcr,
1 ; .National, 3. ilacs en errern National. 2 (
I.iinennler, 1. lilt ly ball i.nncasier, a; an an
tlenul, . IMkhimI balls Kulmer. 1 ; (lldlliild, 2.
Wllil pilches Wise. 2 I l'ewcli, 1 Hinllli, 1.
TliiioefUiuiio-Two lienii). Umpliu-lliilci).
DlaiuiMHl IleU.
Olhergiimes of ball yesterday : At Phila
delphia: St Leuis 0, Philadelphia:! i at New
Yerk : Detroit 12, New Yerk 0, Hroeklyn
5, Mets. 1; nt Piovldcuce : Providence II,
llullale I ; at ltosten : Chicago H, llosteu 7 :
nt llaltimore : Athletic 'A Italtlmore I ; at
Loulsvllle: Leulsvilltifl, t'lnclnnatl I.
The Ilroeklyns had but two lilts oil t'ush
man yesterday, but they lest through peer
It Is doubtful whether the L inctsters will
winugame lit the Seuth. It is lioped how hew how
ever, that they may fare belter in Noifelk
than befeie.
Theio is liltle doubt that the Norfolk will
take a step upward in the championship race
befoie long.
iiij: iti' vnr.r.ic thamipvi:.
A rrntv.t Sent by 1.1'Uer t" Sir. Viimlerlillt
Flinil tlieL'iiliip.lii)- Stmklmlilelii.
A meeting of stockholders of the 1 leech
I'reek company took placeTuesday afternoon
in Pliiladclphia. Tliere were ptesciit from
oulslde tlie city ex-Sonaler William A. Wal
lace, president of the IScceh Creek com cem
pany; ox-Senater e, J. II. Ileyd,
and nlse nearly every stockholder of
the read in the city, Including Presi
dent Keini, Soliviter Kaercher, and Secre
tary Pester, and Hlrecter 1. V. III III
laiusen, oflhe Heading railroad cemiiaiiy ; J.
M. (.iazim, K. C. Iviilght, J. N. Hutchinson
ami ethers. The gentlemen present loprc-M-iiliHlevor$l,00,iUOortlHJ
capital stock el
the lleach Creek cemiuny, mid the proceed
lugs were harmonious throughout. Many or
the inoiubers present had glen but liltle
attention te the inatler of tlie sale eT their
read te the Pennsylvania railroad company,
and the whele subject was lueugbt up for
their beuclltand thoroughly discussed in all
its details. Senators Wallareand Peale were
particularlystreng in their opposition te the
measure. 'The sclieme was denounced as n
breach or goodwill! en the pert or Vatidcr-
The preposition or the lViinsylvanla rail
road company, as stated In Uoneral Magee s
circular, heretofore published, was presented
te tlie meeting for consideration, nud it was
imaniineuMly voted net te accept it in its
present shape A committee consisting or
Messrs. Pealc, Oazzam and lleyd was up up
iielnted te leek alter the interests or the
stockholders opiecd te the transfer. These
gentlemen will proceed togatherull possible
Information en the subject and report nt sin
early day te the stockholders such steps as
they may think necessary le lie taken ler the
proper protection or their rights.
.1 l.l'.TTEli rilOlt TllV J'.'IAO.V.
Smcu Prlsenera Unite hi Di'tullliiBtln'Ir'WrmiBs
AVIille Cenlliifl In lliniiiuur' Hall.
Lam'aktiiu Ceiniv Puisev, July UiT.
James Henry has been a hard working man
for 10 or 12 years and Is new broken down
with rheumatism and his oye sight Is bad
nnd I thiit.c It would be n eharatable act te
help this man along new he Is working en
the yard minding tlie chickens as he can de
nothing elsb we will new show up le you Iho
condisiens el buinmers hall the place Is
lorrable lllthy and full c,f verniin we asked
ler a broom and soap te keap eureelves clean
but we did net get It we sent ler the doctor
ten days age and lie has net showed up yet
J ou asked for the scissors te cut ene of the
boys hair thathadlice and iniir told him te put
coal oil en his head and put a match te Hand
cliarlle asked if he could communicate with
his friends and Htaull'er said this is a russian
batile and he advised us te tise diniiamile
nud when we kicked nlxnit the heat he said
why deu't you men commit murder or soine
high crime and we will feed you geed mid
glvoyeu three mealsaday this place Is woise
il.,.,, ..iiilorunnviilner HbllV tiriSOIlS WO Will
gtvoyeit a bill of fare bread for breakfast
salt ler dinner and water for supper It makes
you swell up as iryeu Usui uropsey
wcekness and have le lay down Hi
ie graiiil
iurv cendemed this place
three times 11
taint lit for nobody te b
This Is tlie whele truth
(Signed) Himim
OlIAltl.US He I'll Will l.llll
Wl I.I.I AM Abl.lIN
llAi.TiMeiu: Jei:.
An SS,000 Verilltt In Hure Cae.
Tlie Pnlted Stttes court Ter the Western
district or New Yerk has just given a de
cision for ?S,000 and costs against Dr. II. II.
Throop, orScrnntei, in the somewhat noted
casoer the trotting herse Heward J., whose
original owner, II. P. llerrick, or Klmlra,
was plalntlll te the suit Karly in the lall of
las--' irnrrii-k cjiinft te Hcrniiteii wilh his trot
ter, and lielng short of funds, received mi
advance of ?l,()00en Hewurd J., fiem Drs.
J. S. Wnlder and William Huggeity, with
the understanding that ou laying the
meney nt the end of the season, he
was te recover possession or the herse.
Subsequently Haggerty and Walden quar
reled evor a driver, and the dispute was
settled by Dr. 11. II. Tliroep j a wealthy
lever or last horses, agreeing te take Hag Hag
gerty's iuterest in the tretter. At the clese
of the season llenlck appealed with ?1,000 te
i edeeui Heward J., but Dr. Tliroep refused
te surrender the animal, alleging niamu nu
Ixntght him. Tliroep thou sold the herse te
Smith it Hlpley, of New Yerk, for 15,000,
and llerrick then commenced an action
against Dr. Tliroep ler?I0,O00, with tlie re
sult as already stated nlter a lively litigation
in which liovcrnerHill, of New erk, and
r,llw. untnlihiu nirn IlllerOstOll. TllO (laill-
ugesand costs will bring Dr. Throep'n bill
up te nearly ?12,000.
Ticket unit lHegaten c'hesen In Ileillerd,
Cetunibla uiiil Vciiuiigu Ceunllea.
The llodrerd Democratic convention nenil
nated Henry Whitaker, of Llberty, ler
assoclatejudgo; William Cessna, ofCelcraluo,
rer peer director! jas. ueuius, ei ninuii, ier
iiirvi-niiimiasinner: Jeslali Ames,of lledferd,
jur. county commltteo, nnd N. Ju Me-
(5lrr. J. H. Neble. A. Kulleld nud W. L.
Pynn delegates te state convention.
The Columbia Domecratlo county ceuven-
lien met lu Illoemsburg.
Kamueismltu was
iiemiuatcd for slierill ou
the fourth ballet,
the ether candidates belng William Miller.
w. llnllman. llenrv u. noiciinernuu
K. M. Dunkel. G. W. Derr was nomlnateil
l'er jury commissioner, and Dr. M. G. m m
ner, et Centralla, for eorenor.
Atthn Vonaiiire Domecratlo county con
ventien Uie following ticket was neminated:
J. 1). Hancock, district attorney j Dr. H. Hro Hre
dln, coroner ; Jehu WUlhigs, jury cominls ceminls cominls
Rlenor. Free trade resolutions and an eulegy
ouaeneral Grant were passed. J. I). Han
cock, Martin Carey and William Cress were
elected nuite delegaUsi, with Instruction to te to
huiuert J. 1!. McAllister for statu treasurer.
Apatlii'H Coming In In Kiirremtcr Who Are
AtiniiKt Dead Willi Hunger Tim J.:mrtn
or tleii.hliprlilan Willi llieClicji'iiueK.
lulling iMiimn ntut Olil llucks.
Tomiistenk, Arizona, July 20. The
Aiuelies en the north boundary line have
apparently broken up Inte small parlies of
two nud three and upward, ntidure evidently
trying te gain thelr roservntleu. This theory
Is sustained by the fact that they huve com
mitted few dopiedatleus this side of the line.
Monday night about sundown live Apaches
were seen twelve miles fiem this place, en
the Illsbce read. They woieitisinounlnd by
men armed with guns. Thelr horses weie
probably stelen In the vicinity. They made no
hestile demonstrations. A party Is nlse
known te be lurking hi the Whectsloiie
mountains, 2T miles west of here. Lieut
Knysen, with a detachment of troops, left
Pert Hiiaehiica, Monday, for the Wheotsleno
mountains, and will try le dislodge the In
dians. Twe Ap.iches came Inte OachnvUle, a
small settlement en the line i0 miles from
this place, Sunday evening, and surren
dered. They were nearly lamlshed, and had
evidently been without loed son oral days.
Wlieu questioned they claimed. te be gov
ernment scouts, but the statement Is net Ih
lleved and the Indians will be held ns pris
oners until the truth Is ascertained, lloperts
reach bere r scattering bands being wen In
ether localities and that a collision will occur
been seems probable.
General Nliurlilau'ri .lleteiiienU.
Pout Hi:no, Indian Territory, J uly 20.
Having been nt this pest making an investi
gation Inte the Chcyoiine trouble, with n
vlew te Its eradication, lienend Shertdan nud
his bielhcr, Cel. Michael Sheiidjii, left here
at I i. m., yesterday, and relays have been
established between this point nnd Caldwell,
Kansas, which place they expect te reach by
ll o'clock this morning. Following a brief
rest at Caldwell they will Uke the afternoon
train east, and expect le icach Chicago ou the
31st lust, w hoi e the general will probably
tcmalti one day bo'ero proceeding te Wash
ington. Special Indian Inspector Armstrong
accoiupaliiesthe parly.
Killing Smiikws mill Olil Itiitlm.
To.miisteni:, Arizona July 20. Pcrsensjiist
arrived from Hoiiera, stite that a company of
Mexican citizens led by Ariz Pi, discovered
a squaw camp lu the Piuitl mountains the
latter part of last w eek. The camp was at
tacked and a numlKir or squaws and a
few old bucks were killed. Many or
the roriuer escaped by taking roruge In
the mountains. Tliey were undoubtedly the
raiulliesef renegades, trying te regain the
reservation and were probably lull behind
with the iiiteutieu or being ttken in by tlie
Tniled Stales troops in which case they
would have be.n relumed le the reservation
A. SS. 11 1. t.l TllV VAI'TLVJIVN.
Clieinkein Wliu riiiii In iMy Tlielr 4lrle
anern Itebire tint l'rnlili'iit.
Lirri.i: Kecif, Ark., July UK lntelll lntelll
genee from Indian torrltery ludiciites that
the Cherokees nre inevlug te hear the cases
made by Chief llushyhead and ether chiefs
le ealtle syndicates abolished. Over 0,000,000
acres of land nre covered by these cases.
They were made without tlie consent of tlie
peeple at large, and a majority or the Chero
kees hae been protesting since tlie public
were acquainted with tlie fjet of such steps
having lieen taken. The intention is te
present the facts te President Cleveland ilia
memorial from the peeple and usk lilm te set
aside tlie leases, and drlve the cattlemen out
The rental secured by the leases is only a
Tew cents per acre, whlle the lands einbar einbar
rassed comprlse tlie best portion or the
Chorekeo territory. The Chorekcos allege
thatsiucotlie leases were made they have
been besct by ngeiiLsef thocittle kings, who
desired te work up a sentiment r.tvorableto
selling large tracts or land te cattle com cem
luiilcs j that cattle are ranging en laud net
underlease, butroservod l'er the Chorekoos ;
and that altogether the catllomen are a dis
turbing oleinentniid ought te be removed.
Arrested ler Mailing Obwene Letter.
Omaha, July 20. -Gee. II. Derthard was
arrested here last night for Minding obscene
ptistalsand lelters toKev. Dr. Porrine, pastor
or (j'race church, Prhana, Ohie, and Agnes
Dnnaldseii. of the same place. Iist lall
Dcrthard was married ten sister or Agues,
who proved iiiir.ilthful. He blamed Pen Ine
and Agnes for the woman's conduct nnd
since Junohe has been tramping thaeugh
Nebraska mailing obsccne letters te them
from nearly every iiosteillce. Last year,
whlle located at Mlnden, this stite, Hcrthard
nai row ly escaped arrest for sending un
indecent leUer te Den. Duller en political
matter. He is tlie man who created a
sensation In Washington by trying te sheet
Gultcauin the court room during the trial.
Sevon years age he was a practicing lawyer
... ,. .... - ..I.I . !.'!.. ..1. 41. n
111 tills Cliy. tie uecaiuu mi am i" i'iuvh, .
iqiostleof Prohibition, nnd preached a cru cru
sade with him. Later he w cut le pieces nud
new H a torrible oxatnple or the cll'eets or
inlenuie ranee.
Ne Stbeme fur Dividing Dakota.
Paikie, Dak., July 20. A paityer DakeUi
and Mentana capiUiltsts will go te Washing
ton seen with a new scbonie for a division of
tlie territory. They pnqiose te form all
Dakota east or the Missouri rier into ene
sUte, that part west or the rlver and the
eastern part or Mentana, the cattle grazing
belt into another, while the Western part
of Mentana, the mining region, win
I in the third, mid the Dlack Hills will be
attached te Wyoming. They uie eonlidetit
or success as they have umple money
In Ilehair r .Lime h Stephens.
Duni.iN, July 20. Mr. Jehn Dillen, M..P.,
presided at a lecture dollveied here last
night by Michael D.ivitt in aid or James
Stephens, the e-head centre of the Penlan
Iirolherheod who Is new in exne m
land. lu introducing the lecturer, Mr. un
ion said that but mr Stephens' oilerls the
Land Leaguo could never had oxlstcnce.
Mr. DavKtniiiiouneed his intentien te agitate
the land question until landlords becaine ex
tinct iu Iieland. The nudlonce was very ou eu ou
tliuslastle nnd sang sevcral national ulrs
during and nlter the speaking.
0,000,000 Nut Kiieugh.
Londen, July 20. It is net belleved that
the Kgyptlan lean or 0,000,000 will be
sulllcicut te meet the dollciencles of tlie
governmoiit, and it is certaiu that tliore will
be no balauce en hand. Tlie ludoinnliled
claims tiiat will be paid llrbt.aud It Is thought
that these alene will nggregate a sum nearly
equal te that rcalized upon the lean.
Jluctln get Czar and Kinperer.
VniNNA July 20. M. DcGIersmul Count
Kalnekv. ininlsters of foreign affairs of
llusula and Austria, rospectlvely, will be
prcssnt nt the iippreachlng meeting of the and the Kmperer Francis J oseph.
S0,00l) Fire In Hn.tuu.
Hoste.v, July 20. Tlie building occupied
by the Standard Dye Weed company for
cutting and grinding leg weed, was burned
last night l.ess, gSO.OOO.
Honoring a Orent Hebrew.
Londen, July 20, All or thla menilng'n
Iiers contain laudatory notices of Sir Moses
Tlie Origin il ufn Fiiiuetin Vi'uS.' Document ami
Its llliterj.
When the Century piiblLshed eneral
Giant's artlcle en Pert Doneluoii, In Doeem Deeem
her, 1881, It contained an tuiloxraplite copy or
liie famous uncoiidltlenal Biirrender loiter.
Tlie nrtlcle wild that no ene knew whero the
original letter wat. The lellcr read :
llKAiKiuAUTKim Anxr is tub Fiklii Cami )
kkii De.SKLflO.v, l'ebruary in, mi. j
tlencrut N. ). llueknrr, (Mlicdrrufa Ann;.
Sir : Yours of this dale, proposing an nrm nrm
Istlee and appointment of commissioners te
soltle tonus or capitulation, ls Just recelved,
Neterms oxcept nn tinconditleniil and Itiiino Itiiine Itiiino
dlate surrender cm be accepted. 1 propeso
le iiiove Immediately tiK)ii your works. 1
am, sir, very respecluilly, your obedient ser
vant, IT. 8. (JllANT,
"Lawyer D. C. Klllmiirticnr Lltchlleld,
Connecticut, saw the article and wrete te the
publishers or the Ccitlnr; that he knew
where the original letter was. Dr. J. K.
Wallace, of Pmitem. near Lltchllcld, mar
ried a Danbury h'dy, who was the cousin of
Iho wire or General ltiwlliis, linint'scbicl of
stall nnd secretary of war. When General
KawihiHdled In July, 1870, he was altoiided
by Dr. Wallace, mill the doctor says Hawlins
gave hhu the letter hi November, 1870, with
a ren lark that It would some time would be
valuable. The CcHlnry sent te Kll Kll Kll
bourue, scoured tlie lelter. fur ene
day and had a fac-blmlld made. C.
U Wobster, of the llrm which Is publish
ing Grant's momelrs, went te Wnterbury
vosterdav nnd drove evor te Pant-tin
me niicruoen tosceiiio uiiicr. nr. ununce
showed the document and Mr. Wobster ro re ro
ce"iil7ed lis genuineness nt a glance. Dr.
Wallace Mid lie had ence bad nu odor of fle
for It from a New Yerk mini, new dead, lie
had refused fl.riOrorit,eirered by the Wobster
Publishing company. Mr. Webster oll'ered
him ?200 ler It, which was finally accepted.
Mr. Webster returned te New Yerk with
tlie valuable letter. He says he will sail Ter
Hurope en Saturday wilh lour complete
copies el the first voliime of the memoirs (or
translation. The plates for Knglaml nud
Australia will be made lu New Yerk mid
forwarded le be printed there for the ether
countries they will be translated. Mr. Web
ster says that en Saturday before the geuor geuer
id's death he showed him the proer sheets or
the first velume, and tegether they roiised
thorn, even te the last pages. Grant put
Sherman's name en one or the maps, whicli
has since liceu mortised into Die plate it
was Mr. Webster's intentien te present the
general with tlie Hint copy of the llrst vol vel vol
iieo lids week. Grant was opposed te Illus
trating the books, btitleitit te tlie publishers'
Judgment. When asked If he wanted Koso Keso Kose
orans' plcture te npitear lu it he said : " Cer
tainly, IT ethers' de; for he did neble work
mid I shall net let personal feelings come lu
iiuii:r statu uli:anim;s.
llev. M. P. MeSwiggan, Catholic pastor of
the HeckscherUlle, Schuylkill county,
church, died en q'ucsitiy of paralysis.
Henry Kodenbeiigh, llme-burner, residing
iu Plymouth Montgomery county, com
mitted Miicidoen Tuesday in ailtet melan
choly. Jehn Itrewnb.ick, a Norrlslewn rartwiiter,
died Monday night Irem the eU'ects el a frac
ture of theskutl, receiw'd whlle at work
from a falling lieard.
An eleven-year-old ghl or Win. Hacken
loch, a wealthy citizen of Snydertewn, was
killed by the cars Monday evening, while at
play along the track.
About 100 people, all told, have died from
the fever In Plymouth since its lirst outbreak.
Tlie highest uiimlicr sick at ene tlme was .kki.
One hundred thousand dollars have been
spent in relief measures.
Henry Paseld, residing seven miles from
Sunbury, met n fiigbtriil death Monday. Ile
was haiilmgaloaderiogstolhoniill. Coming
down te a sleep bill the herse ran off, throw
ing him under tlie wheels or thowageu. The
llfe was crushed out of him, the wheels pass
lug evor his breast
Arrreteil fur Ilnrglaiy unit l.ia-uu-list
evening Alderman ltarr committed
William Ilutten te the county prison for
hearings en charges of burglary and larceny.
Ilutten Is an lumale of the almshouse, nnd
nt nn early hour yesterday morning Israel
Zimmerman, the farmer of the county farm,
discovered hltn entering an outbuilding ad
joining his rosidence. He was t-ikcu Inte
custody by Mr. Zimmerman and kept until
an elllcer arrived, te whom he was bunded
ever. letter iu the day it was learned tint
Ilutten had stolen a tablecloth and a niiiuher
or ether nrtlcles, the property or Mr. Zlm Zlm
meriuan, and that he had entered the store
house In the almshouse building for tlie nur nur nur
jiose or robbery. The cases will be heard by
Alderman Parr next weak.
Ceanhen In tlie Iluliifit YVurhl.
Jehn A. llciiHQii, civil engineer and con
tractor, el San Francisce, has made .an as
signment His liabilities are reported at
5150,000, and his assets, consisting or real
csbite in different parts or California, are
said te equal the liabilities.
Jehn A. Dulter, a prominent operator
el Muhoney Plane. Pciina., has been foie-
clescd by ihe sherilf. The colllery operated
by him will be sold en August lid. Dutter's
liabilities nre alieut ?lJ,0ua
Peter Ilurke, wholesale tobacconist, of
Mobile, has madeiui asslgiiiiieut. Liabilities
5"i0,000; ussets, nominally, 100,000.
Opening of isejmeiir Mreet.
The viewers appointed by tlie court te
assess damages caused by the propesod open
ing or Seymour street botween Seuth Queen
Btreet and Love Lane, filed their reiert
last ovenlug. They award the following
t.itn:i ires :
;lly, County.
Sandilt. Mcl'lierseu's Kutate .'! !,
Cathailue Duiice 4W !."'
II. K. i:lilfinan I1"0
1). 11. llartholeiiuiw, no damages,
Mary A. llartholeniuw '!
lira. Carpenter anil lieleulus "'
Aiiuust Man .:; , .i
'liie vlowers altored their rojieit as te the
amount of damages awarded te Dr. Henry
Carpenter te be paid by tlie city iu tlie open
ing or Franklin street The amount as
awarded was 1,000 but by a clerical error it
was made f 1,000.
rUAS ervu a srnr.cii.
Jehn Hrlght In Anns Oier .Sume S-ivage Cilll
iIbiii Directed Agalnitt Illm.
Ill the Heuse or Coinmens Tuesday night
Mr. Callau's inotieii te consuie Jehn llright
for his remarks at the Spencer banquet w.s
debated. Mr. Hrlght made an eloquent mid
dellant sjicech, declaring the policy of tlie
Irish Parliamentary party unworthy el Iho
respect or these who at heart ravoted the true
cause of Ireland. Mr. llright quitted tlie
Heuse as seen as he had finishing speakinir.
SirMichael Hlcks-lleacli, chancellor of the
Kxchoquer, then made seme conciliatory re
marks, mid advised Mr. Calluu te withdraw
Ids motion ou the ground that whlle Mr.
Bright words might nave been consurauie
had they beeu sicken In the liouse, they
were in fact exempt from such nation be be bo
cause doliverod at a tirlvate meeting.
Themas Pewer O'Connor, M. P. for Gal way,
agroed with Sir Michael's view of the matter.
Lord Hartington speke iu deronse et Mr.
Hright's course After further debate Mr.
Callan's motion was rojected 151 te "J.
Apprei lug might's Kemark.
Lonuen, July 29. This morning'! iiapci-s,
Tery and Liberal ulike, unlte In declariug
the speech doliverod by Jehu Hrlght in the
Heuse of Commens last night in deft'iise of
his utterances at the Sponcer dinner te have
been a masterly retort The papers gen
erally disaprrove what they term the "run
with hare and hunt with hounds " policy of
the Tery loadera.
I'atrlck Cherry Arretted.
Patrick Cherry, proprietor et a hack line of
this city, has been complained ngahistby
Themas Lundy, watchman at the Feunsyl-
vanla depet, berore Alderman McConemy,
en the charge of disorderly conduct It Is
the same old story of treuble between the
hackmen and railroad olllelals, ami a hearing
en Monday will no doubt bring out the facts
of the case. Chief Dotectlve Urady, of the
railroad company, arrosteu rat, aim sunpoj sunpej sunpoj
naed a large number of wltnesics.
Dentil or Mrs. M. A. Huepes.
Mrs. .Mary Ann Hoopes, wlfe of Marls
Hoepcs, ofOhestnutLovol, died in her 77th
year, tier luuerai win taue iiace iu viu
Nebo, ou Friday.
A Hinging Opening Aililrms y Chairman liar-
bimr The Temporary Orsanlxittlnii llnr-
betir Likely le lie Nniueil for (laternur
If Tire Other Are Unavailable
KlOHMeNl), Va,, July 20. ThoDeinocralio
shite convention has organized. Hen. Jehn
S. Harbour called the convention te erder
and made a ringing speech. dipt ltebt
Crockett, of Wythe, was elected toinjieniry
chairman and Win. Tayler Tiieiu socretary.
After nllbctlng a teiiiiwary organization
by tlie election or Rebert Crockett, or Wythe,
Ter temporary chairman, the convention ad
journed until I o'clock this afternoon.
In tlioafterueou session the committee ou
pernianchl organization and platform will
probably repert, and It is thought the nomi
nation speeches will be made te-night, but a
ballet will "hardly be rcached until te-morrow.
Great pressure has been brought le
bear en Mr. Harbour, and if there is anything
lUfe a bitter con te it between Lee and Me Me
Klimey, It Is posslble that Mr. Harbour will
lie nominated. Tliore Is strong talk of giving
Parson Massey the second place en the ticket
UltAXfa llVltlAL Vl.AVE.
Making Arrangement) fur tlie 1'lnal Interment
u r the Demi Soldier.
Mr. McGniKieit, N. Y., July 20. Werd
rc-.ichcs bere this morning that the casket for
Gcneral Grant's body left New Yerk by the
jiTO tram. It will reach here alieut 430.
The body will be placed hi It te-night.
The company el regulars is still ou guard
duty, en the cettage grounds, and will re
main there. Discipline has been enforced te
the extent of keeping houie or the family
waiting at the guard lines Ter orders from
tlie elllecrs or the day lx;fere they could pass.
Iteiiietn WeMern ScttleiiientK In Muiiriilng,
Fiem Pert Leavenworth General Nelsen
A. Miles telegraphs teday: "The news of
the nation's great less reached us In the
Indian territory. In passing through the
remote frontier settlements' the smallest
villages nud humblest homes give evideiice
of mourning rer the dead aeil nyrnpaUiy for
the living. Tlie feeling, 1 universal Trllli alt
classes who billowed his distinguished, lead
ami were ferttmatn enough te witncsD Lis
achievements. I was gralillert, te knew that
Ids great work for mankind bad been fully
Kiravntliic f'T a Iliirlal Vitull,
Ni:w Yenif, July, 2a The work of ex
cavating In Ulverslda Park for the -vault
whicli is le 1h nsod'ler the temporary burial
of Gcu. Grant waa finished at neon te-day,
The excavatfen Is llve hsut tleep, hine feet
wide and fourteen feet from end te end. Ten
masons will begin the concrete work en the
foundation this afternoon. The walls of the
vault will hoof brick twenty Inches In thick
ness, and It will tikea row days, nt leas!, te
complelo the work.
a me riTTSitviui run:.
One ul the I'Jnent mul ijujeKt el (!li I'm lories
Tutally I)elryel.
PiriMiiL'iui, Pa., July 20. At 2 o'clock
this morning tlie Iiihiiciihe frame ware waro ware
heuses or Deylo A Company, glass manu
facturers, was discovered te be en 1 1 re. The
buildings occupied nearly the entire square
liclwecii Ninth nnd Tenth streets, Seuth Side,
and in addition ten large quantity of glass
ware contained sei oral tens of packing hay
mid hundreds of barrels and boxes. The
lire, which seemed te envelop the entire
structure nil at once, rapidly spread te the
brick mould shop, which contained many
valuable moulds of fancy table-ware. Frem
thence te the main factory tlie Haines com
municated, and then enveloped the olllce.
In less than an hour ene of the finest and
largest glass manufactories iu the country
was totally destroyed. The less is placed at
Sl.W.OOa The llrm are heavily Insured,
i'here has been no lire in tlie factory since
the first of the mouth.
Tlie cause is supiiesed te be from spon
taneous combustion. After every tiling
within reach or the llames had lieeii con
sumed, tliore were several explosions of
natural gas III rapid succession, which
scattered brick and burning timber iu all
Cleveland's Luve fur HiiuhIe.
Iti 1-i-Ai.e, N. Y., July 20. Mr. Fred. C.
M. Umlz, president el the Musle Hall com
mittee, received last evening a lettei from
President Cloveland, enclosing a subscrip
tion fur S2.7) toward rebuilding tlie halt In
the letter the president says : "A rcsidonce of
mere than 27 years in llullale and a pesi
tien rer a short tlme at the hcau ei lis muni
cipal government could net fail le interest
me exceedingly In all that peitilus te the
city's advancement and presperity, and
whether it shall be my residence again or net,
this interest will net abate, nor shall I ever
forget the proofs I have recelved in the past
that I may confidently nuuiber among the
poeploof llullale many true and tried friend."
The fund Ter the rebuilding of the new
hall new amounts te nearly 575,000, a further
hiimor?27,000beiugnoodcd belore the com
mencement of the work.
lanpcrer William lu Improved Health.
Gasthin, July 20. Tlie health et the
emperer has wonderfully improved since his
arrival liore. He walks with a firm step In a
perfectly straight line and with head ercct
salutes all whom he meets. He frequently
bteps te talk with acquaintances and appeals
tesullcr no fatigue. Hisftiends are fearful
that he is overtaxing his strength and have
tried te porsuade him te take mere rest, but
tints far without success.
Their Wages Hedueed.
PrrTsuuite, Pa., July 20. Tlie four bun
dled empleyes or Wostinglieuso air brake
Ce., have baon.netillod or u heavy rodtictien
in tlieir wages) nver.iging about twenty per
cent The cutting from 5 per cent, in seme
instances te 33$ per cent iu ethers. Tlie
reduction takes ctlect en Aug. 1st Scarcity
nf orders is tlie reason assigned by tlie
Veinleu Medical Heard.
The pousien medical exauiinlng beard for
the Lancaster district has been reorganized
by the appointment of the following oillcers:
Dr. Henry K. Muhlenberg, Dr. F. O. Al
bright and Dr. II. 13. Wcsthaell'er.
Hied of Leikjaw.
Cenrad Meser, West King btreet, tills
morning lest a herse worth $250 by lockjaw.
The herse was insured in tlie Poeplo's Llve
Stock lusuraiicocempany, of Pa., et which J.
Uoscntieiu is gonerut agent ier tuis ceuiuy.
Off With S1.000 of Vunils.
Wasiunoten, D. C, July 20. The post
master at Mariana, Flerida, lias absconded,
taking witli him f 1,000 of postal funds.
Iletiirncd te Court.
William Francis, charged with stealing an
axe from Pntten Gault, has been held for
trial nt court by Justlce Pleaiti of New
Helland. , , ,
Hdvvard Patterson, arrested for waylaying
Sherman Troop ou the highway and
threatening te harm him, ha3 lieen held In
ball for trial nt court
St. Mary's Catholic Church I'lciile.
The plcnle of St Mary's Cathelh church at
Penryn park te-day was largely attonded,
Soveral hundred left for the park en Uils
morning's early traiu aud mauy wero left ou
the uoeu train.
the hush lroencuovvvii.
A Itenldent of tlie Lener Knit Cat .-Mil Stai keil
nn Immeiise Oumitlly,
Prem tlie Oxford Press.
David Keen owns a line farm of I le acres
lu Drumere township, L-incasler county.
This estate, twenty-line years since, was
tee preperly or William S. Kwlng, rather or
Alexander Kwlng, or Oxford. At that
tlme three clieslnut trees or enormous pro
portions steed iu a field net far from the
old slone house, which is set against a bank.
Theso trees were net very prolific in bear
ing nuts nnd thelr principal object appear
ed te be le cever a considerable bihicoeI'
ground, which they did, as thelr large,
strong limbs extcuded further out with
each succeeding year. Mr. Kwlng, wish
Ing te titllire the ground en which they
steed, ene day informed William Nertlinm-
iner, then the greatest weed-chopper or that
soctlen or country, he might have the trees
Ter cutting theni down. Tills pleased the
voternn of the axe, and securing the ser
vices of seven ether stalwart cheppers, they
attacked the trio kings. Heur after hour
panned as eight axes rese and loll and entered
the tree, rer ene was cut at a time, and the
plloelclilpslncroasod as the work progress pregress
cd. One by ene the huge specimens or vege
tation were laid low nt the feet of the men
who had deprived tliem of thelr strength nnd
lire. The stumps of tlie trees measured from
8 te 8)4 feet In diameter. When cut up the
trees yiolded 33 cords of weed and about 1000
pests and rails. Of William Nerlhammcr it
lias been said that be cut nnd piled up seven
cords of weed per day when lie worked, and
he was a Ktranger te Idleness. While cut
ting hi the weeds he did net steep te rotnevo
the brush hear him but cleared It aside with
his reet He was also a coeor and could
make a large number or Heur barrels hi a
day. His adaptability was lu working or
handling woeunnd iu which he established
himself qulte a local reputation.
Swimmer Jlutler's (ireat I'eal In Cutting tlie
ICant HlveralNew link.
On Monday evening Dennis F. Duller
swam across the Kast liver, rrem New
Yerk le Hroeklyn, with his reel lied
mid his hands bound behind him. The
repe used was somewhat larger than
an ordinary clothes-line. Duller crossed
his leet, and they were lied tightly at the
ankles and Just below the knees The repe
was Iheii pascd around his waist, and his
hands wore'placed liehlnd his bark and
lied nt the wrists and elbews. Iu this
condition lie was absolutely powerless,
and could net rlse te his feet or even
assiime a silting position when laid upon
tlie fleer. He was se helpless that the
men began te demur about putting him into
the water, but he laughed at their fears and
assured them tluit lie was iierfectly confident
Duller wan lifted Inte a small Ixut by three
men and then dropped Inte the watcradxmt
100 feet Irem Uie cud of tliepler. The swimmer
sank out of plglitbut at ence came te tlie sur
face, barely showing his tice nbdve It, and,
pinioned as he was, ixgnn te make headway
out toward the middle of the river, swim
ming en ills back. The men en the beat mid
the sailors en the nelghlxiring vessuls cheer
ed h tin vigorously, but lie heard tlicui net,
Imvjsu'be his cars were (itulfed with cotton.
JIe propelled himself by drawing his knees
up te his body and then utmlyiitenltig ills
legs, and he inade qulte rapid headway. He
was nlneteeu minutes in crossing th- river,
tlie tlde interfering uoinewhat wUh his 'iiro 'iire 'iiro
gress. The man who successfully accomplished
this feat was formerly a reidut et Lancas
ter. Ile came te ibis city from PnllM.ulpbUi,
when a boy and attended -the Ixmien street
schiKiIs for several years. He left Lancaster:
seme years age. wliett In this city ie was a
wonderful swimmer arid many young men
efthls town were taught tlie art in the Cen-
estega by Dennis.
Head, Itut no slgib ur llsehiliuii.
Wedncsilay last Miss Florence M. Coen,
nged 20 years, died suddenly while ysiitlng
nt Oconto, Wis. Her body was brought
home le Hdgorlen and arrangements
made for the funeral sorvices, which took
place Saturday. Although apparently dead
the usual evidences of dissolution are net
present nnd she has net, therefore, been
burled. The body has at no time lieen rigid,
nor are the extremities cold, and no signs el
decomposition are visible. Defero her death
she exacted a premise rrem her mother that
ir ever she should die suddenly her remains
should lie kept until her relatives were
certain of her death, as she had n horror or
belng buried nlive. Her body will be kept
tmburied until death is established beyond a
Druie Irem rhlliulelpliln.
Klllett Lane, nepbew or Harriet Iane
Jehnsen, and Wilsen Jenkins, prosecutor or
tlie pleas or Camden, N. J., arrived iu this
city te-day rrem Philadelphia. Tlioydrevo
here, and are pleased with that manner of
travel. They are the goods or Mr. Themas
The Saratoga I'ljeis.
Sauaioea, N. Y., July LU-Fitht race,
winning penalties, non-winning ami maiden
allowances, six lurlengs. Pat Dennis wen,
Cel. Clark second, Jim Hcnwick third.
Time. l:ltU. Mutuals paid flOO.20. There
isalarger nttendance than usual te-day at
the track. Tlie weather is oppressively
Second race, non winning nnd maiden al
lewances, ene mlle and a hair. P.nlgma wen,
Clay Plate second, Geerge I thlul. Tlme,
2:11. Mutuals paid J10.50.
Third Kace Six ftirlengs ; Gelden
Plnebus wen, Harou Favorite bocend, Kcd
Girl third. Time, 1:10. Mutuals paid,
Fourth llace Seiling and beaten nllew-
ances ; ene mile ; Uonnie P. wen, Compon Cempon Compen
sation second, Tabilliath third. Time, 1:11.' j.
Mutuals paid, ?37.50.
Tlie winner was bold te G. 11. Merris Ter
10,000 I'cople nt Mt. Gretna.
Mr. GuuTNA, Pa, July 2a-Nearly 10,000
noenlo are en the eamp Siegrried Hid brlgade
encampment grounds bere te-day. Govor Gevor Gover
uor Pattlsen nnd General Hartranft and
their stalPs arrived this morning. They are
encamped in touts near Hrlgade Cemmander
General Gebln's headquarters, aud will stay
two days. A thorough Inspection was made
this morning by Mayer William J. Valk
inan, of the United States Army, and by
DrigadoGenoral Guthrie, or the state deparl-
l'lre De.trujs Cabinet Wnrtiiuuses.
Londen. July 20. A fire in the eastern
district te-day destreyed three large cabinet
warehouses and d.unaged llve ethers. Tlie
warehouse or the llosteu chair company, of
New Yerk, sullored dainage le the extent of
se vend thousand pounds.
I'reaebliig a Hrltlsh Alliance.
Londen. Julv20 A telejrraui from Simla
says that the Amoerof Afghanistan is mak
ing a tour of tlie country delivering speeches
te show the vast benellt te be derived from
an alliance with the British. His poeplo are
ropertod te be very enthusiastic
Te Aid the Cholera Siitlercrs.
IteMi:, July 20. Tlie mere liberal religious
aocletles hore are organizing volunteor rolief
oxpedltions te visit the choleni Insocted dis dis
e'fSiiaiii and as far as posslble help the suf
ferings of the inhabitants.
l'arnelllle HlacKguards."
Londen, July 20. Lord Kblngten, M. P.
ier Tiverten, addressed his constituents in
timt town last night Ile doueiinccd the
ministry roundly Ter "far truckling te these
Parnolllte blackguards."
Great rire lu Muntrenl.
Mentukal, July 20. The factory of the
lleyal Kloctrle Light cempaiiy en Devvd
street, was completely destroyed by flre this
menilng. Mettor's paper box factory aud
four dwelllugs adjoining were also consumed
by the llames. The total less Is placed at
?1,000,000 covered by Insurance.
lllugmphleiil KKetih or tl
tecdt Jnmcs II. Marsh,
ur the iJUKJintcr I'est
liens Career In
Oiiltttl Who Sue
n the Control
" nisDutl- tf,'
Henry Hdwin Slaymak as betu at Mar-,,
garelta l'utnace, Yerk i Ay, October'20,
1S2S. II is father was Ste ! C. Slay maker,
and Ids mother Susanna iart, a daughter
of Adam Heigart
In 1810 Mr. Slaymaket he was then 12
years old, came with his cuts te Lanea
ter, and has since that ti 'tear a resident
or tills city. I le nttendeil hoel, first et Uie'
Franklin academy and erwards at the
high school. One or li hoelinates was
Jehn T. MacGonigle, i uutly appointed
rovenue collector, am a old chum
or theirs tells us that ". hn was the IJest
and Harry the worst boy uhoel." A
On leaving school yeuiu laymaker went
Inte Cel. Mayer's hardvva tore, as n boy-of
all work, and remained 'ic-e three years.
He subsequently took a ixmitlea as sales
man In the hardware ster if Jehn F. Sloin
man ik Sen, remaining th euntll 1S51, when
he rernicd a partnership v uh Wm. C. Plnk Plnk Plnk
orten, and opened a hardv ire tere en North
Queen street, abeve Onuij , under the firm
name of Pinkerton A aymaker in the
building rormerly used s u polefflw by
.Mrs. Dicksen. Here the fi iu carried en busi
ness ler six or seve years, cloning
out in ls.i7. Iu A i ,'iiftt, lb57, M
Slayfiiaker took charge f " Ilelgart's Old
Wjne Stere," and has hai ':hatge of Hfretr
that lime le Uie present le maintained the,
high reputation which t ,e houe lutd lone
enjeyed for the saloeftn re liquors and b;
his iHJrseual energy nduei largely te tin
biciucss, se that for man yfts"iist a bettl
or bnuidy,gin,wlnoeT whLiy,taaripcd ' KeI
gart" has lypun and is the only tjuaratitee e
purity that a cx?an1VW"rcqnirs. i
Mr. Siaymaket' was brcugUt up timia-
AVhlg Inlluences an4 uneng iron-makec
alie Jreti niongers, nua vniuraiiy ivcuuiui-
pretecUnit vvnen ine w jug pany mm
rty t
till 1
IiIbi in tiiTSAtaftcr ltscruhlns aJiiat lu 1852,
aud its factloilMtemptoJ"tp recrcanizc
under Uie dMliucufO, uaijiee of ".Wool ".Weol ".Woel
ly Heads" and "SUvrf Grays" 'jrffjjfc
tsiaymaKer casi. ins iermuty " .'"intea,
lalliw lVli.n 1.11. finfltl Vll - 1
a ear or two later. Uie former beirrtr hi
ey ine new iispuuiicau pany nuu uie inner
by the new American partyi Mr. Slnytuaker
gave buppert te the latter, and was an acUve
adherent of Fillmore and 'lay ten in 1550, and.
of Dell and Hverctt, iu 160 H Frem that date date
te the preseld, Mr. Slayu.aker has Lusan a
constitutional States Hlgl is Democrat, and
has steed by the party ' victory or defeat
without sha'dew or turning and by precept
and oxatnple has given aid te the party:
which after many bitte experiences and
many flagrant wrongs int ted upon it has
at last conie into possessi' of the govern.
Mr. Slaymaker has licet ad his life a xuem-i
lcr of the Protestant Epi'.-pal churcli. He!
was nn active momber in .lie organ IzaUen of
St. Jehn's Free Eplscep: ciiurch and was'
ene of the first vestryn m, but for certain,
leasens b,itIsfaeter' te 1 mnelf he left St.!
Jehn's and rotunied te St 'tmca, the church i
or his youth, and has be n ene et Us most ;
active members. And I e d It may bq re
marked, as a curious ci " Idonce. Uiat Uie ;
retiring iastiuaster, Jame ,L Marshall, and!
the postmaster-clect, He v-li Slaymaker, '
occupy adjoining pews iu t I St James; and
that no unkind word h. evor passed be be bo
tweon them.
Mr. Slaymaker's infill yiocerd Is net a
long one. lie was a im nber of Uie lAa-
casler Fenciiilcs as lenu ze as 1850: was
promoted te the position
and when the war breke
organization of the three
and of the Union Guard)
rderlv sergeant.
... assisted Tu the
ufths velunteers f
BbiL would liar,j
, had noHtfqio' neHtfqio' noHtfqie'
erfer3'rand pre
goue te tlie field with the
taut business manors ii
vented It When Feuus tauia was tbreat-
ened with invasion he as- 4lin organ! Jing
Ce. D. Will P. V and v made capU; n of
thocemiiany and marcl as farseutias
llagorsiewn, XMU. UIO -lergcuuy u ujh
passed, the company wns
Mr. Shiymaker lias b '
Lamberten lodfje 170 F n
fifteen years during wh
tlireugii the chairs and
master, and high priest
the Lancaster Ledgo of
tiirlce puissant grand ma
tbanded. 1
a meuibe of
A. M. for a nit
time he, ps tcA
-anie werbhl fill
jliapler 43, ac
'crfoctien bee
r. . i
Haymaker w
ecters of Ti.
J? or twenty years jur
member of the beard or t
ter city school district, i
i ir, as bis .set
nmte jocularly romaiked howaswhena ty
i ii... i,i ixiv In snlinel the writer of' 1 is
sketch can aver from i intenal knewlti
that lie was for twenty yi rs ene of the T y
best of directors. A
. i nr tu'OlEicni
ivesltlvcly declined a ret
tiring fiem moinbersh
animeusly tendered hi
ler bis zealous nnd uusi
eause of oducatleu.
The only otlier offices i
maker was elected wero
whicli he held till the e
and jury commissioner
three years.
Mr. Slaymaker was n
the old velunteer lire e
tlme he was 18 years old
prosent paid "call " sys
lien. A t ene tiine or otlier
Iiositlen In the old "Unl
oller up te piosidont piesidont piosident
ofilco he held for 28 yea
et olllce many radical cha
lire department New
tlie Union siictleu hand
steamer wero introducei
ing an actlve advecate
warm I'rieud also of tl
'Uen, andea
Uie beard
a vote of thai
lah work-in i
whicli Mr. (i ' ' '
soefvlty.uudt ,
i was atteUahi
-hick he held t
ictlve inember
i rUuent from t
te 1682, wheu t
went into Opei
hald almost evc
Ne. i," from he
bich lasl nunu
During his ter
os took, place In I
ie of hose can
.line and the fit
Mr. Blayptaker, b
nit Uietn, and
present paid lb
AKslgned him Mi
'grity, ability an
e no doubt that )i
ster. ,
hamlities. ;
'orueter auit TUr
, for the Merrow. )
July 20. Fer U.
morally fair vreatit
ami extremq fleufti
mal local Riiew'iJrs
, btaUyiiary tempera
xtend from the 8
the Carolina, an
In tlie Senlli Atlav
Ill uu litmus ussuiiiuii
Slaymaker has shown I
trust, and his friends h
will make a tip-top pest
ll'EATIlElt Ml
The Condition of the 1
ineuieter and Indlcatl
M lddle Atlantic btates,
oxtept lu the northeri
oastem jxirtlens, ecca-'
variable winds and neat
A slight depression
Lawrence rlver valley
overlies Dakota.
Lecal rains have fain
.f I latir ..I llf.4 '(till
l the Lake region
lIUll'Ul ""' """" " n ....... ii J
Light, varinlile winds i enuraiiy pi'"" :
The temperature ha rlsen iu the ewer
Lake region in the cmainuig dUtrlcta J ,
has remained nearly st llenary. t
Feu TiumstiAY SHUcnary temMratU'
with gonerally talr wc ther lw ludlcatwl fc'
the Middle Atlnulie states.
1 " 'm -m
iUvSttfj yE ii rel
' 'KM!BE i' iiLLiHIiiw n
I ?!
YBAItB. ; ' :f ,
r.1 1
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