r-:j .J V - THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCES, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1885. ''& V.. -CJ ii. ?&' I? ' .s t '. r J: 1 1 X B .'-t. I vw n it- P 'TLf XWBIS OLDEST CITIZEN. rjr-j4jjj or haswet. ir. Mtrt'hts - AT WYNE. ON HVKDAT. ! I . WliqlMtalned HlffH Itauk 0er (he iqtA I Country M CIH Engineer Mishap te n ':?J.'. MMkjnnltti-TlK) Intent In Pellra 't' Clrrlei Mnute the Deg. llitulnr Correspondence et lSTXLLinxNcin. - l- a ine t. i ttflll . i ; .. ,i;i.iiMHiA, Jiny aa. namuei y. miuijiii, - ifceeldeftt citizen of Columbia, died at Wnyne, DriAmira ceinty, Pa., en Sunday evening UJaly 20, ln(jihe elghty-tlrst year of his age, '' The funeral will Uke plaoefrom the rcHldonce i,M lifailgen, Mr. Geergo It, :."( J' I I'lllll II Ull --mmm JH ..- i "" -.1 UU ?!! .I5i Wednesday hftorneon at two o'clock. ltr, i wvnar m Knfimifi nn n uninn Kiriit'Ln iiii -at ...... - I. .. . - .. .... a 1 Mimin was. miring ins enure me, cenncciuu .wllhvarieirtn . ?' 'ijhtlneer lnl MAygmk premlni (.,W'tenTenl work V-.wlth various railroads In the capacity of civil r j -. . r .. . bleu profession he had attained promlnenco. He was the author of .Hyj;'"'eTenn wents mi mm nuiyccv wiuvu .STOgi extensively throughout the country by all ft if ine are cngngca in mis imsiness. iir. jiMllilinuas been connected Willi many rnii- reads in thlistnte, nmeng ethors tlie rennsyi- van la ana Heading v ueiuinmn raiirenu. Accident te a Itblcksmlth. "vhl? William lTnnlv. n lrinck-nmlth. mnnlnvpd iAri ... ........... - j, - , ,- ' In the shops of the Pennsylvania railroad at V ' litis piace, was engaged, yesicmny, in nuip .' "ln rnrnlr tlin nllet nf mirrlnn Ne. 334. Bv ji some accident a large ixnt, witicn was u ue ' d, used en the onglne foil from tlie grasp efMr. T&te HftrUy. striking him en the great tee of his A r.JS, i 1m1. AiaI ...kblmr a rnrv linlv itbhIi in thnt 'if s?ij meroher. Dr. Craig attonded te the Injury, Wlliun, aillliiiiiju nub nuriuus, in in j painful nature. The Injury will necessitate Mr. Hardy stepping work ler Beveral days. In I'ellce Circles. Becky Jenes, a colored lass of Tew hill, was arrested by omieer Wlttlck, yesterday, for abusing several children living in the vicin ity of her house. She had a hearing at the offce of Squlre Kvans and was discharged upon the payment of tue costs. During the summer months the park has been greatly used by many porBens who as semble iliore for the purpese of playing cro quet and ether different games. A number of boys also congregate tliore and they bolmve In a manner that causes great annoyance te the ponens living in the neighborhood of the park. Complaint has been made several times of the manner in which tliose boys act, and the trouble should be abolished. They stay in the park until late hours or the night and act in a way that brings discredit te the ether frequenters. It must be admitted that boys cannot always be quiet and tliey must haVe sonie boisterous nmuscmeuLs, yet there is no limit te the way in which the boys act in the park, and a timely warning should have the ellect of making these boys act a little mere properly. Muzzle the Deg. The chiefburgesshashad n proclamation printed concerning the jireper muzzling of dogs during a peried of tenty-feur days, commencing July 21st This is a very proper measure, as during tills heated term the dogs are apt te become rabid. The owners of many dogs hae complied with the ordinance relating te this matter, although many ethors have failed te de. A deg-catcher has been employed by the proper authorities and he has begun his work. A day or se age nine dogs w ere ctxp tured without muzzles, and as they were net rcdoemed In the proper tlme, the dogs were uiKun 10 inn minis 01 me lewn una Kiui'ii. Thore are still many ether dogs running at large without muzzles and it their owners de net want him te share the kude fate as the dogs a compliance with the ordinance should lie made at once. Town Nete. Itanium's advertising car arrived in town this morning, and the men employed in the car nre busily engaged in lestingth(Oarga bills, announcing the cominJMRecircus. The car contains a steam Pope and the nevp,lJfthaUracta large cremls te hear the fptTritr airs vjilcli are played by an attend antln thecaiJ. 1 rnu,A?6l.Tiu'0a llre company Ne. 1, have decided net te accept the invitation sent te thulu from the Susquehanna hese company, of Harrisburg, te visit that place In Septem ber. The peles useil for the electric light are distributed In the different htrcet of the town, and the work el erecting the baine will be commenced very seen. The campmeeting at I.andisville, cent 'd IrM'HV.ind alarKonumberef families own tills mernini; for the place. te he 'present at the oiienlng. On Sunday August ill a number et trains will run ever the IleadliiKtV. Columbia railroad for thecamn. A late train will leave ter home after nil the exercis.es of the day are concluded. A very pleasant vening party was given by Miss I'allie Welsh, at her home en Seuth Second street, last night. The pay car of the Philadelphia it Heading railroad company arrived in Columbia to day, containing the wages due the empleyes of this read for the month of June. The date of holding the picnic at Wild Cat Falls, by the Bible class of Second street Lutheran church, has been changed from August Mh te the anh of the same month. The borough supervisor is giving his at tention te the grass in the gutters of our town, and is having It romevod. lMITXlir TO llOACIl'S ASMOXCJES. -A'kbig for n Just Settlement te lie I'reinjitly . Bluile ler I'Hfct Werk. 8ocreui7Vhltnoy has wrilten as fellows te Jehn Reach's assignees : The very lllieral treatment which the con tractor has lioreleforo i evolved has loll the government without sulllcient margin of moneys reserved te enable it te protect itself in the present situation. The contract pro vided that 10 per cent uheuld be retained from the bills as they came due and held as Hecurily for the completion of the work. At the prosent time theso reser vations would have amounted te 210, 710. They have been surrendered te the contractor under circumstances net im portant te consider new, Willi the exception orre.070. In addition te this small sum or 20,070 in our hands thore nre unpaid bills for extras clalmed en the ships, amounting te 20,uS8.13, and in dlspute en the Delphin, f 2015.03; ultogethor (mostly In dlspute), fS3,3O1.0J. As against tills four ships are in yeurhands, uixm which ever 52,000,000 has Loen lsiiil. which must bccnrnpletcd te tiff valuable, liable te greater deterioration by neglect than all the nioueys unpaid and In dispute would repay. It is or the utmost conseqiicuce te the government, as it is te yourvihes, thut a Just Hettlement of past transactions should be had and a new depart ure made. I suggest, ns a practical method et arriv ing nlu solution of the matter, a meeting of yourselves and your ceunsel with the at torney general and myseir, at which sonie practical method or dealing witli the subject may le arrived ut which shall be within my legal authority. I.IllKItAI. TREATMENT. Secretary Wlntney said that he had no doubt the goveramontwouldhavoto takothe (Unfinished cruisers in Jehn Reach's hands aitd completo thorn itself. This may be con sidered as the probable outcemo of the con. Mfence which he agrees te held with the representatives or lteach. Secretary Whitney atai said that he believed Iteach's fall nre an hi't one, but he did net think the gov gev uffbent could be held resKiusilile for it, since tlie treatment accorded lleacli by the KOeriiiuniit hnil lmen. te sav tlin IpmuI. nv. ceedliijfiy liberal. CI ill tier tce rromellon. Prof. Coe. N. Olevor, late n teacher In the boys high sehiel, Lancaster, n position which he'reslgued U, accept a fl.'JOO olerkshlp in Washington, liosijeen promoted te a fl,tee clerkMilp, lie and several ethors passed a rigid examination for promotion under the civil fcervlce rules. rin examination lasted a day und u hnlfand vys very thorough, but the proffsser came oil' wXli Hying colern, nnd has the honor or belug thb first of the civil serviie appointees being promoted. His many irlends iu this city oengratulato him. Seeu 'ejrree Crusliwl u Dealli. A ditch train ou tlie lllchmonlVei Danville railroad Monday ran evor n cow near Suwanee, Ooergln, and ene car was thrown Jrontjtue track. "In the ear were linoeu negre train hands and Ix burs or Iren. Tlie car turuatl en its side and the iron (nil niten the negreurt, killing aeyeu and wounding three mere. T Trumps Witt Werk H They ilut. Frem tie trio Ob.erver. T'rauJpa liave broke SW leads ofsteuo iu the r Jail yard tiiwat UW W of April. MIOWNElt Little Oilier at annr.NT.Ayn mill. Milnille rutin en n Leg te n Watery "drove. Dlller Hlilndle, the eight yeai-eld son or Jeremiah Slilndle, residing at 228 Hhlppnu stroet, was diowned at (Ircenland Mills, Kast Lampeter township, Monday afternoon. Corentr llenaman was ne'tlllcd, and he went te the sccne of the accident, where he held nu Inquest A. II. Dlil'enbaugb, A. K. Dlf Dlf fenbaugh, Christian Barr, Benjamln Dliren Dliren linneh nnd H. .T. Pitch, were the corenor's Jury, nnd Dr.WlIllatn Compten, the coroner's physician. The facts, as dovclepod at the hearing, wero thet Jeremlah Hlilndle took his son Dlller, nnd a boy named Mlshllch lull ing yosterday. When the party arrived near Greenland Mills, Mr. Slilndle left the boys Willi the herse, whlle he went down the creek a short distance. During ins nbsonce, the boys were playing en n leg that lay In the Btream, and whlle thus ougaged young Slilndle fell from tlie leg Inte tlie crceK, which was nbeut flve feet deep at tills point Yeung Mlshllch rnn te whero tlie fatlier was, te tell lilm that ids son had fallen Inte tlie creek, and the father hurried back but the body had sunk. An alarm was raised nnd Christian Uarr. nn cmploye nt tlie mill, searched for and re covered tlie body in less than IMcen minutes from the tlme he went down. , Had young Mlshllch rnn te the mill, which was only n short distnnce from tlie scene of the accident, tlie lmy might have been saved. The verdict of tlie Jury was accidental drowning. Tlie remains were brought te this city nnd taken te the home of Mr. Slilndle. DreirnlnB or Jninrs Edmund Wetten. Tite drowning of James Kdmund Wetten, brotlier or Mrs. Prank Bltner, or this city, was brielly nlludcd te j-osterday.' Yeung Wetten lived at Ne. 3,r.l0 WarronstrcetPhll- adelphla, and he was drowned tn tlie Dela ware opposite Pcnnsgrove yesterday nflor nfler nflor neon. lle was twonty-thrce years old. Wet Wet eon nnd a iiumber of friends arrived by steamer Themas Clyde, at Pcnnsgrove In tlie morning, and, hiring n couple of small beats went out en the rlver te fish nnd crab. During the afternoon Wetten, who had been soated in tlie stern of ene or tlie beats, nrose for the purpese of taking the rower's seat Tlie beat was rocked ami Wetten, los ing Jils balance, fell overboard. He could net swim nt all nnd was tinahle te save him self. His friends could net swim either, nnd nltheugh only ten yards nway, could net render him any nssistance, nor could a crowd el nconle who witnessed tlie drowning from n pier, about fifty yards distant During the nltcrnoen the body was recovered by soveral deck hands or tlie steamer Susie A. McCall, who wero rewarded with a gift oranurse presented by guests ut 1'rench'n hotel. DEsreiLKD or ltr.n tlt.OSSY JlltAlJ). A Olrl'ii I.iiiz lll.tck Ilnlr Clipped ere in a l'ulillc 1'nrk liy a MlHrrruut. Miss Ida Schrader, or Chicago, with her rather, mother and sister, was In Lincoln park en Monday. Ida lias black hair forty four inches in length and very glossy. It was nrratiged lu two long braids which hung down her back. About six o'clock slie was looking nt the prairie dogs, together with her parents, when she felt a slight pull at her hair. Turning suddenly she saw n man with n pair ofscissers in his hand. As she turned the long braids wero pulled from his grasp, but tlie sciasers snapped off about a loot of ene of them. She .screamed and the man ran away. Several persons in tlie vicinity gave chase and the fellow was captured nnd turned ever te Oillcers Schtitter und Cushmati, who searched him und found tlie piece of hair cut from the girl's head iu his itosseHslnn. He also had tlie t-elsseis and flve rough draw ings roprcsenting himself In as many dlller eiit positions cutting luilr from tlie heads of young women. When taKeii te tiie station house liogiiv1lie r.aiue of C. A. Solemon. He Is a smalTlan and has n sneaking leek. When laaVn bofero Ju 'co Korstel Solo Selo Sole mon said he was a painter by trade. He said he had been drinking beer, and It made him Insane. When asked if he was elten troubled in that way, be said that when he was a liey he fell Inte a cellar nnd cracked Ills skull, and Unit he often had get into trouble wlmn he did net remember doing anything. He was asked whero he get the draw lugs, and acknowledged having made them hlmscir, but add it was only In fun. Tlie justice 'promptly lined him f 100, and In default he will go te ilridew ell for nearly seven months. new ni'. ktli,ei tiij: vat. A rittblinrger Ktolien a Siliemn te Nllem-e a Moonlight Serenade. Kiem the Dispatch. A citi7('ti named Ocorge Henry liuggins, who lives out i'ilth avenue, has been gteatly annoyed for seme tlme past by a large, lino line lialred cit that has made practice of lurk ing around his premises nightly, and kind or whooping things up in tlie wny or howling. Mr. Higgins had laid awake nights studying up schemes te put a period en tlie cat's career, He lias hit it several times with lumps or coal and old hoets: he has fedllt en bcelstcak sprinkled with rat poi son and broken glass, but tlie cat has always turned up sleek nnd smiling en the suc ceeding eicning. On .Saturday night, however, he secured a small sausage, and opening ene corner, poured half uu niince ofnitre glycerine into It. The leaded sausage was doiMisited ou top el the fence lit the yard whero tlie cat made his base of operations. The pnle moon came sailing up ever the hills, but Mr. Ilugglns sat up at the window and waited, with a gleam in ills eye. Presently tlie little pussie came prowling along tlie fence rail and espied that sausage. Tliore was a gurgling gulp, and it was geno. Then Mr. liuggins preeeded te act He let nut n yell and fired u beet at the cat It jumped oil tlie fenee, tliore was a torrlble re re jiert, tlie air was tilled with fur, and the cut will net sing by tlie moonlight any mete, nnd Mr. liuggins slept well last night. Steam Heat for Maner Street .Scheel. Tlie cemmittee en buildings and grounds, of the Lancaster school beard, have award te Jehn Hest the contract for heating by steam the Maner street public school building. Last winter tlie teachers and pupils suflered se much from cold that tlie schools had te be several times closed. The cemmittee lieing satisfied thnt tlie het air heaters inusowere insiilllcleut te heat tlie buildings determined totake them out, and put in steam hcaters. Mr. Most will immediately put them in, nnd guarantees that he will heat the building comfortably en the coldest days, with a JuivingefSO perjrent of coal. His contract price isf.VK). Tlie committee will add the old lieaters te luse In the Ann street school building, which wnsnlse Imperfectly ho.ited last whiter. Vunderlillt le Capture the West Shern Itend. Tlie New Yerk Central A Hudsen lliver raltraid company has oxecuted it contract with Drexol, Morgan it Ce., ngroeing upon a reorganization of tlie New Yerk, WostShero it Mulf.ile railway company te take posses sion of the property or the reorganized com pany, tinder a lease, and te guaraiitoe tlie prmcijial and intorest or tlie bends w lileli nre te be secured by mertgage upon that prop erty. It is believed that the bondholders will accept the terms. A l'letihant Hep. The Amerli'usclub, a social organization, gave a very pleasant hop nt Uelierts' hall last ovenlng In which 00 couples participated. Tayler's orchestra rurnislied the music. Te tlie following gentlemen the pralse for tlie success of the event oolongs : Frank Heney, Leenard Kissinger. Samuel Cenner. Naiiinni Fnuikferil, (iis)ige l!oit.el, Oeorge F.okert, Themas McF.vey nnd Ocorge Cranier. He Knew What She Wax. from tlie Meicliaul Traveller. Several gontlemen wero standing nbeut the deer at a swell reception, wlien n very line loeklhg lady passed down tlie hall. My Jove," sold ene, "that's a magnifi cent looking woman." " Very Imposing, indeed," said nnnther " Yeu liotslie Is" said a third " I knew, for l've been her husband for ten yc.Hn." An Old Well Cnien In. Yesterday afternoon as Henry Shetl'stall, blacksmith, was iu tlie act of shoeing a herse hi Ids shop in Seuth Christian stioel, an old well In tlie shop, which had Ikjeii filled up many years age, caved hi. The herse was directly evor tlie well, and went down nbeut Ien feu and was with dllllculty get out unin jured. The hole was tilled up iigiiiu with a few cartloads el dirt Surety of The 1'eure, Alderman MrO linn, en complaint of Frank Leibfrled, held Mrs. Annle Scheld te ball for her appearance at court, te answer for surety of the pgaec nirigely Kncumpraent. At the meeting of the charter members of llldgely oncampmeut Ne. 217, lest evening, the following rommittce en organization was appointed : 1). II. Itewmnit, Cherien I. Iah ills, Charles A. Yeung, II. 1. Lnndls, and Henry Wolf. A cemmittee en reception of grand oncampment oillcers consisting of A. W. Winger, llenry ltlll, K. E. Snyder, Joel S. Kaby and J. P. Ackerman, was also. n pointed. The new encampment will elect officers nt their meeting en Monday evening next The grand ofllcers will orrlve here en Tuesday nnd In the nftomeon and ovcitlnger that day the new encampment will be Insti tuted. DrUlnic Acclilmit. About neon te-day Mr. O. W. Bltner met with an ncctdent whlle driving en North Duke street. Ills herse sltpped tlie hrldle and ran down Duke street te Kast King. Upsetllng tlie carriage and breaking nway limn It, the herse ran down Kast King te Centra Hquare and up North Queen tn ho he mon, whero he was captured. Mr. Bitner was net hurt, but the herse had one of his legs badly hurt, and the carrlngeaud harness wero a geed deal damaged. llelern Alitennan A r. Dennelly. Wesley Staplcferd, jolerrodto as having been nrrestcd for beating his wlfe nnd drunk enness nnd disorderly conduct, was heard by Ahlerman A. 1 Dennelly last evening. jIIs wire did net nppear te press ,the charge of as sault and battery, and that case was contin ued for the present On the charge of drunk drunk enucss and disorderly conduct he was com mitted te the county prison for 10 days. Ate A Tint of Ire C renin III 40 Seconds. Frem the Yerk Dally. A butcher residing west of tlie Codertts, soyernl oveiilngs nge ate a quart of Ice creatn In ene hundred Recends, eating the first pint In Terty seconds and the otiter pint In sixty Hocenus. He claims te be the champion ice cream cater iu Yerk and is ready te centest with all comers. A Virien Dug. On Sunday ovenlng James Kislier, a driver for the city transfer company, was walking up Christian street te tlie company's stables, he was attacked and badly bitten in the calf of the leg by n vicious (leg belonging ten innti named Gallagher. Dr. Albright cau terized tlie wound, and Mr. Kislier made complaint against Gallagher for koeplng n vicious def,. Dentil of Heme. On Sunday n young gentleman of this city hired n herse from Cyrus Celvin, te bike a drlveln tlie country. The animal took sick ttpen reaching Mountvllle. He was placed in tlie stnlile nt Michael Mums' hotel, whero he died histnight The herse, which had net been evor-driven or Lndly treated, was a va va uable one. Street Vienrni In Ncmlen. The viewers appointed by the court te assess ilamages caused by tlie proposed open ing of Clirystal, Ceral and First streets, hi the southwestern section (r the city, niut tills morning. They went ever tlie route of tlie proposed streets and adjourned te the court liouselotaKo testimony as te inn vaiue of tlie laud taken from the seeral properly owners. Clinrged With Larceny. Henry Stllvert 11 tramp, was given 11 meal by a family living en North Lima street. After he left, 11 large silver spoon was missed, ami it Is believed the tramp ioek it He was followed and arrested by Officer Marnheld, and locked up for a hearing licfore Alder man Deen. irnlen Afchorliitlen Ksrursleii. Tlie Union association, romjieseil or mein bcrs et tlie Union 1'ire company niut 11 few invited gnosis will leave te-morrow for Heise's island in the Susiiuehanna where they will remain until Sattirduj&ilght. About '-') iicrsens will go en the excursion and they will lake with them a lull orchestra. At I'eiirju. The Union Methol and First Maptlst Sun day schools are picnlcing at Penryn te-day. Several hundred persons went te the park in the morning train hikI alsea number went hi the afternoon train. St Mary's Catholic church picnics nt the same place te morrow. Tramps Commuted. Charles Mrcnder, Charles Schlnughter and Cettlcih Auxer, tiiree tramps nrreslisl by Censtable Wiggins, of West Ianieter town ship, en Saturday, for annoy ing tlie farmers, were heard by Alderman Marr last evening and committed te the county prison for three days each. Yesterdnj'n I'lcnlc nt Iteiky Springs. Yesterday afternoon the liackd rivers or this city held a picnic nt Heeky Springs. Tlie crowd was net large but mixed. Al though the dancing was kept up until lli o'clock, everything passed oil very quietly, and there was no "scrapping." Te Cremate at Leck llaien, A. II. Strnycr, or Leck Hacn, I'x, n well known gentleman of means, lias announced his Intention el building a crematory in that city ami making it u complete structure ler the Incineration of dead bodies. A Deb That fines l'llie Fishing. Thore isn deg at Delaware Water (!up, I'a., that gees fishing en his own account, elten returning witli n line pi ice iu Ids mouth which he has captured. At tlie Ktullen Heuse. Six gasoline lights wero reported as net burning last night There wero noneoftho inmates of the station house for tlie dlsjiosi dlsjiesi dlsjiosi Hen of the mayor tills morning. Determined te Die. D. liexter, an old and successful merchant of Clevehmd, Ohie, leadod himself with chains and weights, thou leaped into tlie lake nnd was drowned. Drunk and Disorderly. Wm. Hunter, arresled this morning for drunken nnd disorderly conduct was dis charged by Alderman Deen, en jurymcnl of costs. Scut Out. Dennis Meohan,nrrested by Ofilcer Derwurt for drunkenness nnd disorderly conduct, was heard by Aldernian Uarr te-dny and com mitted te Mummer's Hall for thirty days. And Therefore Ne l'lnce for flnmt. 1'iemthu riilladclphla Newh. Central Park Is n geed place te bury an elephant or te onshrlue a mummy. Connected nlth the Telephone, .). Hoever's grocery. Ne. 35'l Kast Chestnut sheet, and James 11. Hwalne's livery stable. Ne. It Seuth Christian street, uru connected with the telephone exchange. r. ltellgleus Intelligence. Itellgleus services under the dliectlen et Itev, C, II, Johnsten, of Kulton circuit, will be held In Jenes' Greve, near Kldnra Station, Oxford and l'uachbotlein It. It., en Thursday, Vrlday and Saturday next, July 30th, 31st and August Isl Keys. P. M. llrady, Win. Ifumlerd, K. U. Coxuen, J. II. Turner, A. 1'. Tayler mid W. K. hinlth, eie expected te be present Pleaching en thoattei theattei thoattei neon and evenings of Thursday and Ki May, nnd 011 tlie nierntng and afternoon efSutiiulay. Kuv. .1. II. Turner, of Little ltrllnlu 1'iesbylci Ian church, and Itev. C. II. .Johnsten, of lit, .Ien M. K. church, Fairfield, ulllexcluinge pulpits. 011 Sunday next, August 2d, ut 10 30 a. ui. Cuiiipiiicctingal llrownstewn, beginning Au gust 10, und ending August 11, by the Evangeli cal association, ou their old camp ground. MEATUS. SntNDir.-July 27, 185.ln tlitiT city ,M. Dlller Bhtndle, son of Jeremiah anil Annle Hbludle, aged I) years, 5 luentlis and 7 days, The relatives and friends or the family are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral from hU parents' residence, Ne. ?2& Netth Bhlppun street, en Thursday morning ut S o'clock. In terment at Mount Airy at 1 o'clock. MAHKF.TH. I'lillttdelphU l'reduce Market, l'liiLAPKLrniA, July 2S.Flenr was dull but steady and the demand was ceiirtncd te the w ants of the heme trade. Sides of LUX) ban els. including l'enmiylinnla, family at (IQ4 23 Western de (t Otii 2.1 1 Mluueseu bakers' ut l&1 Patents ut (5 5 60. Itro flour was quiet at (3 75 per barrel ter cliolee. l-'eed was In fair demand and -wanted 1 Bales or Western Whiter llruu, ut lfl 26Ml(t73 1 sir ten. 1, 1 p, ui. call Wheat, 93ke bid for Julyi'ele ,Aug.i V4e feriept: WoferOot? Cern into for July 5ije for Aug.j Mc Jer Scut.! MKe for Oct. Ontg aKe. bid for July t ter 8ept 3Je, for Oct. 31c. Aug. 32K New Yerk l'reduce Market. Nkw Yerk,. July 28. Fleur inntket dull rine, IKOQSMli Suiicrltne, 13 5!313 70) Common te Fancy Extra Ohie. U nvet out (loeato Clietcu Extm Vcatcrn,"il03.i Minnesota, $3 M Wheat Ne. I Ued, Winter, Aug., W)i t Betit., teiijit Oct,l lf. Cern Ne. 2 Mixed, Aug., G2e 1 Sent,, 62VC l Oct.,Me. Oats Ne. 2 Mixed, Aug., 8iet Sept., 31J40. Uye dull anil nnmlnnl. Ilarlev nnmlnnll v unchnnired. l'erkitiill i Mcm, llianau 7.1. I.ard $fl 71, Aug i Pi M, Mcpt Melflsscs liemlniil I 19e InrliOteM. Itenln steady at tl lTVCfJl 20 femtndncd te geed. 'iiirpi-'iiiinuiiiiii Hi ;f7c. ....::... -..:;.' r:rjm - I'ettelctim dull i Iteflncd In Cntvn.weiWKc. Jluttur ntcady t Western Imitation Orcamury, ineiac. uliccsednll j Western Klattirline, 4fJI4'e. Kgs ntendyi Htitte, XQl3yict Western, t!2 12Je. Jtlce nominal. Hugnr unlet Ciitleaf, K)L6 1 Granulated, fijia 1 allow dull t prima city, 5 3-1 Gc. Celfeii dull t talrcarReeH, B(p. lhiv nominal i Ne. I. lierfftl.ua Freights dull Oialn te Liverpool M. Clitrnge 1'rmlucn MnrkeU CntCAiie, July !a,!):.T0iuni. Market owned ! Wheat Atuiut, wsvet Sept.. KiMe t Or-l,, DIC. Cem AiiKiist, iWu jHept. tVit Oct, l):c. Mats Aug., iV)ie.; Sept., 4IJJiV!. fork Aiij.'.,1U 17 i HupL.lle t Oct., I0S7. I jird Aug., Pi W) s Kept,, 00 1 Oct,, fl 1.7. lllbs Aug., V 13 1 Bept, l 75 1 Oct , .' Si. CLOSIHCl, Wheat .July, 87Jiej Aug., OOe j Bept., tKJJc Oct., viyec. Ceni-.luly,.VCi Atig.,t:Ke i Bcpt.,4l)iQllie J Oct., 41'Jc. Outs July, Slet Aug., 2rte; Beut, BQ&&0. I'erk July, lie -at Aug., flOXCH; Bept fill UH. l.nnf July, M 55; Aug., (0 05 j Sept., ?u iiMW i.t. lllUrt A lie., C.5 C7Kt Sept, (5 77K i Oct, VK. I'hllailelplila Live Stock Market. I'iiiladelviiia, July 27. The receipts at the dllTurunt stock yards were ! Ker the week Hcnvc, 2,'me previous week, 3,100 head i ulieep, 11,500 hend ; pruvleim week, 15,0)0 head ; hog, l.soe head ; previous w cck, 4,se0 head. llccf cattle were In fair renucst. We quote as follews: Kxlra,GGeC! geed, SKG'ie I medium, 4 Se : cemmim, 3yi(il'ic ; 'J cxiuik, 4Q5c. Knt cewb were dull Ht 3(c. Milch cows were deinenillzed at U'sUfiO. Milch calves were dull nin(iic. Sheep wciulnuctlvc. Wnqiiote ns fellows : Kxtra, iUQMe t goeitSJiBlo t medium, SffV ! common, lft'ic ; culls tremfiOa te fl V '"'ail. Spring Inmiis were dull nt .1kf7Ke. llrcssed hog wete dull lit 0;(.Gilc. City Dressed JJi-eves were fairly active at Cfty DrcMCd Sheep wero In f ilricuiiestnl 0fisc. Ure Stock l'rlces. CniCAOO Cattle Kecelpts. 8.M1O hend: uhlp me.nls, 2,0111) head ; market dull; 15fi-c lower; Klilpplug steers, l,'l.VJI,.ve tts, 15: 1.200 i,;ve r.s Ki i)(i ii aifi..iM an., (I jms ni steckiTs and feeders, $1 75425 1 cows, bulls and mtied, fillip I W; Tenuis, ti i(iiw. Hogs Iteeelpts, lH.Otnl licid ; slilpments, 4.)j market flnu ; mixed hogs s cents higher: rough and mixed, (I u.H(l 25; packing mid shipping, (I H3l (JOj light, (I 30Q4 S3; skips, Mftl 23. Bheep lieeelpts, 1.000 head; shlpinenU, 2TO; market steady and llriu ; unlives, t-uefi3 7'i; Hi te I JU B.s mid ever, tl .ViQI M ; Texans, II 75.l 75. '1 he roirrj'.fetirNof'tspeclntciiblegrnin irem I.lverpiMil c mill's the cuttle market budly de moralized. The weather Is tropical; beefeaters nre taking a vacation. With heuvv supplies of American cattle the best sold at l ecu UV 11. dressed. Kast I. iiikrtv Cattle dull and weak at ade nine of from 10 lelSc from last week's prices ; receipts, 3,l!'l head ; shipments, l.Vfi head. Hegsmarket firm and prices Mcudy ; rhlliidelphlas.d 75Q4 85: Verkets. (I 7ls3 !'.), lerelpUi, 5,ui0 head : shipments, 2,'iml hend. Bheep dull nnd unchanged ; receipts S.sui lutid; Hhlpiiiulits, 1,200 head. Ktei k Markets. Quotations liy Heed, McOrann A Ce , Itaukers, lincuMivr, ia. II a.m. I2M. 3 p.m. Missouri 1'aclHc Mlehlg'in Central New Yerk C'untml New .lersey Central Ohie Central Del., lack. A Westen Denver A UleUraude Krte Kansas A Texas likuBhem Chicago A N. W' common. N. N.flnUA Western .St. I'iiiiI A OmalLi l'aclrlu Mull lUichosterA I'lltsburg Bt. I'lllll Texas l'aclflc .'. Union I'uelrle Wnbash Coiiimeu Wiilnish I'n-ferri'd Western Union Telegraph.. Imlsvllle A Niishvllie N. Y Chl.ABl I. , U'hlgh Vulliiy I.uhlgli Navigation I'euiisylvunU Heading 1'. T. A Ituirale Northern Pacific Common Northern l'licitlc l'ref Hestonvllle 1'hlladelplila A Ki1u Northern Central Central Transp Canada Southern en People's Passenger Missouri l'acillc in (WK HI l!l !l7',i !s "X -X '-, ltii" leVi; 10lPs i "K ut uti 1$ ' 2" "H. Kill '-s Mi VI !I7?I !tsk 1JS 101 II;? i 2.1 25JJ -y, 47 is v riii 7s i is;i iifs !X H & 11 II 111. I.Vi BIJ4 WtZ ;- $ .... .... an 'XA 67M tM il i? w. 5'j'J !!'. W.i e?4 ?- k iVjj i'lij a 40 4-.V. k; 2I 2I 2IJi 'i 100J4 li'iU i'i My, New Yerk Blerk .Markeu New Yerk, July 2S. tVall street, 1:30 p. m. Meney ut 1 per cent. Kxchunge quiet; (Jeveininenls Htm Currency 0's, Coup., (I27j bid ; ift, de, $112 bid ; i',Vt:)i hid. The stock market this morning opened llriu, and under the leadership of the Vuuder bllls advanced J te 1 per cent, iu the early Had ing, The stocks named were strong 011 the 1111. iieuiireiuent made last evening of the settle ment betueeu the West bhore and New Yerk Central. About the Hint cull, turnover, there was a decided piessuie te sell the list under 1hlcl1 thuudviuieu was mere than lest by mid d ly. 1 he market Is new steady ut a decline of iile'i'-i per cent. 1 r.M. .1 1'.M. ifi 111 i'i" 1.-J Western Union Adams Kpicns , Amerleeii Hxpivss ll.h. Dxpiess Wells, Kaige A Ci 0.0. I. A C C. C. C. 1 New Y'erk Central New .leisey Ceutnil Illinois Central Express Ohie Central Michigan Central Northern l'acillc " I'lelerred Central Pacific Union 1'iicltlc Missouri Pucltlc Texas l'acillc New Ymk Elevated a ll'H 2i a 4V,i 4(l)i w JlelropelHan Slitilhatliili Alt. A Telle lluiite " Preferred 125 :x Canada Southern 3li 34K Canada l'acillc ay. Chicago A Alten 1,111 Ches. A Ohie , ,. 6U D. A Hud lsI Del., Iic. A West luU lUlJ-i Denvnr.. M: Elie ll; l5? Preleired 30 Hannibal A Bt. Je M Pl-uleiltiil Kansas A Texas l.uku Bhere esu; I,. K. W 1,'vs'IleA Nushvllli 5t)K 81 '4 Mi Mertis A Kssux 12 Nerthnest , Hi M', ' Prefctrcd ljeji 130)i OutaileA Western 111? Ohie A Mississippi w " i'referred l'acillc Mall 47 tlK Quicksilver , .1 " 1'iulerrcd , 20 Heading 17K nX IIIKIK 1BII1IIU, ........ . .... US Bun Francisce 181 1 a 2.W it Omaha . Bt. Paul i'referred.. 20 Preferred Preferred Nash A Ch.it M., 1...B. A W Mali. lull " Ptufeued.... C, 11. A Q Knthcster A l'ltlsblilg. I'd. A Kvans Manitoba Oregon A Niiv. Oregon Transco l'ulluiau 1'alace Cur..., , 12U , 17" Leral storks and lleiulc Koperted by J. U. Leng. Par l.ast value, sale. Iincester City, 6 per cent, 1885 (KM flW " " IhOO. 100 113 " " ' ma 1011 120 " Sperct, Inloraeyeura., Hl lui.5 4 Scheel lean 100 Kr.'tf " 4 " in 1 or 20 years uu 102 " 4 " Iu S or 20 years, 100 1U4.25 " 4 " lu lOer'JOyears. lu) 110 Maiihehn Iloreugh lean IU 102 DANK 6TOCKS. First National Hank 1) Kavurers' Natlnnnl Hank , M Fulton National Ikiuk lne J.anmsler County National Hank..... W Celumtila National Kink..., , Hu Cliilstlana National Rink HU Kphratu National Hank ion First National H.iiik,Celuinlila 1UI First National Hank, Stnishutg loe First National Hank. Murluttu lne 101.50 110 ISO 110 1 n 115 lit 155 S.I 2ul 150 150.10 101.20 (IS 13U 110.50 110 IU 7.W First Nutleuul Hauk, UU Jey, loe l.ltllx National Hank 1UU Munhebu National flunk , loe Union Nutleuul Hank, Mount Jey,.,. 60 UlllOll .lltlllMll.l JHlllS, iUl.llllV tfl'V,,.. IA New- HelUnd National itank..,.....,., 1(U (lap National limit 100 auurryvllle National limk...,., lue 01 tben Hank stock. ,,.,,. lej TCKNVIKK STOCKS, 1 Spring A lteaver Valley,.,,, .,'.',!. ,as, Bridgeport A Honcahen.., Celmnfilaft Chestnut llltl, Celtinibtaft Washington.. ..... it a UM 18 31.09 9) 80 IU 41 21 CO m 70 M 75 1 107 HO 41 .13 W 1.75 ConcsleKii X nit npriug, Celuinhltift Mullet tn zi Jluylewn A Kilrnuotniewn il Lancaster. Kphruln...... Ijincnijtcrft Willow Btrcet ;..., El BtmsburgA Millport 2.1 Marietta Maytown 2.1 Maricttn ft Mount Jey , Ijine., EUrabnthlewn ft Mlddlolewn. )( ljincnutcr Kniltvllle. , m Lancaster AI.lt lt 2.1 Knst llmnaywlne A Wnynesburg W .nnmster A Wllllnnistewn . V Lnncnster ft Mnner M Lancaster A Mnnhelni Vt ijincastcrA Marietta. ,, 25 Uincnstcr ft Noir Helland. KM MIRCBLLAMKUUS HIIXJKS. Qiinrryvllle It. It ,. M MlllerNVlllnBtrentCHr..... M Incjnlrlng I'rliitlng Ceinpnny fe Uanltuht anil Fuel CnmiiatiV.. ........ 2.1 00 nt se lne ti 10 sm.su 210 A 1B.05 75 (in WI.8S 35 ll inn as 7.0 Blevuns lloime (llendu). Kill Cel iiinlita (Jus Company.. 'Si Columbia Water Company , 10 Hnxnnclmnnn Iren Ciuimny loe Marietta Hollew-waro KM Htnvpiis HniHn M MIllRrNVllliiNnnnalBcboel 2.1 Northern Market... M Knsleru Market........ 00 Western Market M Lancaster City Htrcet Uallway Ce K0 (lax Company llends ., 110 Celutnbln lle reu uh llends U Lancaster A BiiKiiiichnnuii...., 500 Liiucifltcr A New llunllle 2 1'OTATICAI. Deiiiucmtte County Ticket. llrcnrtter. JONAS 7..STAUFFKK, East Eail. County Kollciter. II. F. MONTfJOMKUY, City. JYfjteu Jnipcctert. (IKO. If. (lONDKIl, Stnisblirg lloieugli. C. O. AMMON, Kphrata. lHrcctert 0 J'oer. 0. 11. Itr.NNIN(JKll (2 years), llrcckneck. H. II. IlKIST (.Ijears), East Ilemplleld. JOHN tTKWAMT (3 years), East Hempfleld, Jura t'onimlitlencr. K.O. DII.t.Elt, Eurl. Declined. NEW AVrEHTIHEatENTH B AKINO POWDKll. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. TII1H powder never viii las. A marvel or purity, strength and wholesemeuess. Mere (( mimical than the ordinary kin. 1, and cannot be sold lu competition with the multitude nt low test, short weight, alum or phesphate ponders, Mild only in cum. Hoval Hakimi Pehiikr Ce., lu; Wull Street, New Yerk. muv-'7-l dA w "TAVKI.OUS IN ITS OPKltATlON," iL Bneetuiid he.illhy linen tlie result of mim.i:h'si:ei:a. meaK 1-a(5ati:i.i,i: taiii.i: peit hai.i: l J CHEAP, (feed iis New. OKI). KI.OIJY. It Ne. 11 Kast Chestnut Micct. TTKJK IIKNt! X: A Twe and a-half slnry IIHICK 1IOUBK. Ne. i) West Chestnut stteet . .. I l..... ,1, u, ...... I.ik1...i, .1... Atinlv ut tlie JV2tr! INTEI.I.KjKNCEU OFFICE. Hl'iim:y'.s n.vriiACT ok vanilla is unexcelled for strength nnd purity of flavor. Fer sale ut iiuni.nvs tiittre stehe. Ne. 21 est King Street, TYONCB-UNIN(I MILLKIt'S- -IlQItAN Fer uiile - SOAP you wlll u-e 110 ether. uvery uere. ITiNI)OUNi:F -1!Y nn'SI(MANHANf U Druggists. Eerli(sy knows the uses of a plaster, and that llenseu's Cupclne Plasters are tiie liest. Dits. r wi:m:it, Veterlnuiy Physician nnd Surgeon (gradu ate of Ontario teterinarv Cellegu). Olllce, Ne. 7 WKBTOKAMiKbTltKKT. Telephene connec tion with Kuystenu Heuse. Jy.'l 2mdTu I'hAb WITHOUT KXCUPTION, THP2 IIKST Cigars In the town, two for 5c, nt llAKTMAN'S YEl.l.OW FHONT CIOAK KTOKK. N OTIUIi Hllheut a lust cause, and I will netlin resiimiHt. bio (erany bills contracted bvher. J-22-ldAltw FKI.IX MOIIKIS. GKOKO K It HNN KTT-PRACTICAL PtOMIIKH, BTKAM AND (!AS FITThlt. Allmders promptly iitteuded te, Sallsractlen guaranteed. Weik done at reasonable prices. NO. 433 NOUT1I (JITEEN STHKri', Juucl7-3iiid Iincuster, Pa. Ti:MKSinUR TJIK OLD STANDARD. KOIIItEIt'S WILD CHEHHYTONVC Fer Weknes, (lenrnil Debility, Dyspepsia, Bummer complaint, etc. HOHUKH'S tlQUOIt STOHE, npt22-lydlt Ne. 22 Centre Square, T5i:i)UCTI0N IN CUSTOM -MAD15 XV Clothing, A well-made, Elegant trimmed and perfect lilting business Stilt ler (18 00. A goeif English Ceikscrew Worsted Suit, tint braided, in one, two, three or four-button cuta way, for (25.00. A handseme Check Cusslineie Suit for (W.ue. Aneleguntberge Bull, in Mack, lilue, drab or blown, ler (15.00. Fine English btilped or Cheek Pantaloons Hern (5.uuup. Ite membe,all work Is strictly first-class. Every giirmu.'t warranted te b u represented. A geed tit, wcll-nuide and nlcci trimmed. The l.irucst ussortnientef patterns In this city. A. 11. HOSENBTh'lN, ni2l-Cindlt 37 North Queen street TtTOUNT ST. MARY'S COLLEOli Mount St. Mail's College, EMMITSBUItO, MD, This Institution continues te give that thor ough Classical and Muthemiitlcni Education ler which it has long been celebrated. A Commer cial Course, optional te the students, Is con ducted by competent ptofessers. situated lu a vciy healthy locality at the feet of the Hlue Hldgu Mountains, and far away from the distractions and dangers et a city, tills oellego eire id peculiar advantages Ui students, Bend for Cutaregue te PRESIDENT MT. ST. MARY'S COLLEGE, Iill20-2nid M WB EMMITSHUIIO, MD. AMRNDMHNT TO THR CONSTITU TION proposed le the citizens of this Com Cem Com menweulth for their approval or rejection, by tlie (ieneral Assembly of the Coinmenueulthof Pennsylviinla. Published by 01 der of the Sec Sec relaryef the Coiiiinenneiilth. In liursiiancn of tliu 1st section of ArtlcleXVltl of ihe Constitu tion. Joint resolution proposing an amendment te the Constitution et tbuCoiuuieniu-ulth of Penn sylvania Hu It resolved by the Scnate and Heuse of Hep. resculutlvesef the Cniumeiiweiilth of 1'ennsjl viiulii lu Ueueral Assembly met, that the fellow, lug Is piopesod us an amendment of the Consti tution or ihe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, In nccntdiince Willi the previsions or the eigh teenth ill tide thereof. AMI'.NDMKNT, 'I hat section tlie el utllcle lle of IhoCniiHll IheCniiHll IhoCniiHll lutleiiof Iho Coiiimeiiueullli of Pennsylvania, which reuiWus follews: "Whenever iicenulv shall contain terty thousand Inhabitants it shall cnustltuluUKoparuteJudlclal district, and shall elect one Judge leiuned iu the luw, nnd lne (iencnil Assembly shall provlde for additional Judges, as the business of the said districts may require. Counties containing u population less than isBiilllclent te constitute separate dis tricts shull bn formed Inte convenient single districts, or. If necessary, may Uu attached te contiguous districts us the (ienenil Assembly limy provide. The ofllce of associate Judge, net learned lu the law, Is ubellshed Hi counties form ing separate districts ; but Iho several associate Judges in elllcu when this Constitution shall bn adopted shall bervu for their unexpired teims," be and the same Is hereby unleaded, se us te rend as follews: Whenever a county shall con. tain sixty thousand Inhabitants it may cons,tt cens,tt cons,tt Inte a separate Judicial dlslilct, and may elect onujudge learned In the law; and the Ocneral Assembly shall provide for additional Judges, us the business of said district may require. Counties net forming separate dlslilcls, shall be formed Inte convenient single districts, ns the (Ieneral Aseinbly may provlde. The olllce of associate Judge, net leui ned tut he law, Isubellsh ed In counties forming wimiiitii districts and having mere than one law Judge; every ether county shall elect two iissnclutu Judges, who liull net bn rru uired te bu learned In the law t but the several associate Judges In elllce, when this amendment shall be adopted, shall serve for thulr unexpired term. A true copy of the Joint Itcsolullen, W. B. BTIKOKO. Secretary of the Comruemrtmltti, JuIyn-JwaM. JVBir Alt r:nT18F.MENT8. JTKXTDOOltTOTHUCOUllTllOUSF. , " J FAHNESTOCK'S. hEVKIt.VI. 81'EUIAti LOTS BLACK SILKS ! - - ltST I'l.NKl', lit I .(10,11.12, (1.2 and 11.50. Depldndlv the IleH Bilks let thr, money nirep-d. Alse I.tll'fN'S lll.AUK OASIIMKItKiind HKNUIKITA (JI.OIIIS ler Mimrnliig fill 1; roll l.lues nt AIII'rlnM. AlsOl.Ol'l.N'S I1LACK CASH MhKK SHAWLS, llonble and Slnf-le. Jerseys I Jerseys At 500., 75c, 11.00, (1.25, R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuso. Lancaster, Pa. NEWjAUrr.KTl.SEMllNTIt. A'liseiiUTi: puihtyTnmchy PA It- tlciiliirUgiiarunlced by using Mll.bKK'H IIOHA-V BOAP. uuirT-Oiiid UK liAI'.aiCHT, MKST AN'I) MOST complete assortment of Plaj lng Curds In the elty from ft cents per pack nput HAHTMAN'H YE1.I.OW FHONTCiaAIt STOHE. S' CHOOI, TAX POlt 18S5. The dnnllcafe Is In the hands of tlin f rensurer. Thrce per cent, oil for prompt payment te Aug. 1, 1KB. W. O. MAK9HA!.!,, Treasurer, Ne. 12 Centre Square. mm utlllil IIUU1B 11U111 V II. 111. IO II. 111. Junclltfdlt N ART1ULK OIVINO nKAIriIYA( Hen le the skin, liictery wayeonduche te health, Is MII.I.EH'B UOHAX BOAP. B1 KST (IOOD.S AT I.OWKST Piticr.H. 4 Its. " A " Sugar fer23c : 4 nackaces Cern starch for 25e 1 4 Rs. Tea Hlscults for 20c ; 4 B.s. Prunes for 25e: 4 fts Hlce for 25c. (Iranuh.tid Sugar, 7c. Cetfecs I Cetrees 1 Teas t Ten si Tel ephone. CliAKKK'S TEA8TOHK, 3S West King Street rpUK rilKAPltST AKTICI.K IX TIIK JL innrki'l te dsy, considering quality, Is Mil. I.EIt'SHOHAABOAP. mm-: miKATKST known soap -L answer all imtnusels Miller's llerav. TO T YVKNTY-SKVKNTH DAY of Tin: Great Clearing Sale -AT- HIRSH & BROTHER'S ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. Notwithstanding the latenes of the mmhciii and the 11 ml led demand fergrsslsat this tlme of the 5 ear, we are kept busy continually since the (ileal Clearing 'alohas Im en Instituted ut our heu-e, and no wonder. Wuiim selling CLOTHING Of All hind? and VVelghl-, OKNT'S lUIENISIIlNfi OOOl)", '1 HUNKS, VAI.lahS, Ac, Atsnch (Jreally Heduccd Prices, that every body takes iidaiitiigeofthlseiiHirtiiully (wlikli Is but seldom etfen-d.) e hae'ele-eil out en titely 11 great luiiiiy lets, but there Is still o,uile 1111 itsserlineul left. This leal lng sab nlll con tinue but 'I IIIHTEE.N DAYS I.ON;i:it, and II will be toteur interest te lake adiuntuge of It while It lasts. HIRSH & BROTHER'S One-Price Clothing Heuse, COHN EHOF NOIITII OtT.K.V STKKKT AND CKNTUE StlUAUK, i,.vs,c.STi:ii7Tr.NN'A" W1 LiilAMHON A KOSTKR. Seashore and Excursionist's SUITS! ENGLISH SKHdK, INDKIO 1SI.UK FLANNKI. AND KSShX. FbANNHI. SUITS. SEERSUCKER COATS AND VESTS, lu various Colored Striiies and Check. SILK FINISIIKD MOHAIlt VKsTS. COAIS AND MtiHT-WKIUIlT CASSIMKHK PANTS. L1.VI.N, ALPACA AND MOHAIR DbSTHH''. CIIU.DitEN'S l.l.VKV AND WHITE DUCK l.l.VKV AND SUITS. CIIII.IIHEN'S ODD PANTS WAISTS. AND BHIIIT HATS AND CfiPS -FOlt- Excritsie.v pai:tii:s, picnics and thav 1:1. im;. silk peck i:t caps, fi.exiiilk sthaw IIAtS. Selt Felt lints, and for Full Dress Wear. th Peimlar Dei by MHT Fell Hat, or 11 tlue Ma nilla, or stylish Oxford stitr JS1I111 Straw Hat, Lap Dusters and Herse Sheets IN ALL (QUALITIES, -THE- NORFOLK SHIRT Isatlne Hiniiel Shlit, rutin tit with a ruener ullnwaiice made ler shrinkage. 'Hie Workman shirt, lu this shirt, ts tieilcct. Hittten holes are neatly made and the buttons sewed ou strong, care being taken (hat. no two or mere grades of Flannel are put Inte ene g.iimeut. Cellars, Culfs and Pleats ale of the sumo quality of llan nel that the body Ms made ftetii, Thushiil Is especially suitable for seashore wear. We have them lu till sizes unit 11 variety of colors. SUMMER NECKWEAR Ol All the Most Fashionable Shapes and Celers. Gauze Underwear Fient Twcnty-llve Cenjs I'pwaids. -A- STYLISHSHOE FOR LADIES, $2.50. Made fn two shapes, the Fiivotlle Oneru Toe and the comfertablo Common seiisn. They are iiiadu of bright finished Kid and Ciiruena Kid Fronts, with (llevu Kid Tops, All widths and a lull languor sizes. They ure without exception the very best ter the prfce, J,De. tf- States close ut U p. m., except Saturday. LLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 36 and 38 East Xing St., LANCAKTF.U, I'i. f v . '"MJ"- ' BLACK SILKS I ever lllaIS, 1 1 Jerseys 1 1 1 U.G0.I7.C0, (WO, up. Vl.OTlllMI. Clothing te incet every fiiiiey ami le plcnse Uie laste el' every Jmyer may always Iio I'eunil en our (allies. Ne ene ncetl leave us unsutislled. Our stock is lull or real bargains nt closing prices, within tlie reach el' every purchaser. A. 0. YATES & CO., 602, 604, 606 CHESTNUT ST Philndelphln. in! 3ind EOH HALE OJC KENT. Fen sAiiU-Kiniir iloitsii'evi:u Porlllble i:iu.lne. Illl.el-lfiu ti T1in.t.li. linn icier cinvcr liiuier. and en vciv e.isv terms. Will be sold ehiap IMMKI, D III vx, Jvl"-lwd<w iJuniTiil'le, Pa frielFiti:N'r. X! Three Law Olllces at Nn. NOUTII Dl'K K bTKKl.T; und a b.istnentM feet long, supplied with walei and heat, maran-tfd II. FUANK KHIILK.MAN. FOIl HAIJ'- SKATIXf! 1UNIC AT t'Ol7 Ulllbl't, l'.l., Willi llll Its I'IMUICS, HtiMitil Healer und 2&1 p ills of Henley Skates, gfsid us new. N 111 sell en easy tonus nnd at a bargain Fofctefllco uddlc.es, "1IOVNO. !," JnlyLVlind teltimbla. Pa. I.IAIAI, NOTICES. Jtista'ti: o1'",ieiix m. w ,iin, iin,r., ii late of Lancaster county, deceased The tiudcrsigncduuditnr.itppnlutcd te jiass upimev ecptleus filed te the neceiint of I. 1! i.niiblll, trustee under the w 111 of .Jehn M. V hltehlll, ile ile ceased, und te dl-ttlbute the balance lu his Iiindsteaml nmniiglhe-e legnll) enlltled tethu Kline, will sit for that liiiriMi-e en KltlDA 1 , AL'OUST 11, isv., nt 10 o'clock, a. m., lu the I.t luiity lloem et the Ceuit Heuse, In the I, It) of Lancaster, where all pel-sens luleie-trd lu tald uisiriouiien mil iiiieuu. JjS-lteuw M. Al'O. ATLLC, Audllet. ASSIONKI) IJSTATi: OF 11AIITOX Wengei and v. He of Ijincaster city, .un cover county The iiuderi-lgiud iiudfter, up. peil.tj 1 te pass upon exceptions te the account und dlsti Unite the bidauiu remaining In the hands or N. . I. Kiilieth, assignee et said barten Wenger and wife, le and among Hiemi legally entitled te the s-une, will sit ter that puiiiosnen TlilH.SD.U. A1'(.L'STI1,1ns, t pi',,, ioek-, a in.. In the Library lioein of the ( i.mt Heuse, In the City of l.anca-ter. where all pel una Inter ested In sulddlsttlbulien may utti nil Julyb-ileaw .1 NO. A. CO i Lh, Ainliti r ITIHTATK OK C'VTIIAIMNi: I.ICKI 1M 12 lute et West Lumpeter township, Lancas ter county, dee'd. 'ihe undersigned udlter, appointed te distttbutu the balam remaining lu the hands of Daniel Hiker, 1 xiiatei of the last will und testament el said deei.iMd, te and among thine legally cnttllid te the same, will sltfer that purpo-e ou Wl.DM.tD A , l(, 12, lssl, ut Pi o'clock-, a. in., lu the Library Hentn of Iho Court Heuse, In the City el I anc.iMer, whcteull persons Interested In said ibstiibutieu niuyuttend. .IM. VIOIIK, Jy'-lteuwd Miditer, STATKbK KOSANXATO.Ml.lXM)X", JUlnte of Luncjuter city, Lancistereountj.de Lancistereeuntj.de ccasi d. The utidei-slgned auditor, appointed te ill-tribute the balance remaining lu the hands efCIuis. (J. Hales. udiului-trutnr, te and among these legally rntlt led te Iho saine. will sit for tlutputpoueii TL'IIDAY. l (.I'ST jj, lsl, ut Id) o'clock, ii. Hi., lu the Library Hisiiuef the Court Heuse, lu tile City of Lancaster, when) all persons interested In said distribution may attend. U. C. KII.NNKIIV JyS-Gtdeaw tudlter I71STATU OK DAVID KIIiMNOr.K, li tin-city of Lancaster, deceased. Letter OP rs of administration c. I. i. ou said estate h.i lug been grunted lethuundeinlgned, all pei-seusiudebled thereto ale le(uesled te nmke Immediate pav tueut, und thoe hiving claims or demands against the same, will pic-cut them without delay fur sell lenient te the undersigned, residing lu the ilty of Lancaster. WILLIAM t. S1IIHK, Adiuluistniter. KsitUN FniNKLiv, Atl'v JuirJ-Ct'J'ueaw MISCELLANEOUS. USH IT IN COLD WATCH, I'SK IT IN lint wider, II wlllgliegmsl tesults MtL LKH'bHOHAXsOAP. -VrAC'llINISTS, l'OUNDltYMKN AND TJL HlacKstulllis use 1III.L I'd HOHAX SOAP und clalinlt utieiiu.illed. w NTED AX TTXl'KHT M1I.1.1NI1H at head of the department at AhlHlCH'a 1'AliACHOK F SIIION, ty2."lwd Ne. 1J Kast filng street. ITie it l'imiTV, K.crji.i,nNt'K, ki'li, welghtund strenglli MILLKIt's HOKAX feOAP has no equal. aiHK li:ST 6e HAVANA tUtlAH IN . theCity.tit llAHTMAN'S YKLLOW FHONT CIHAH STOHU. S'1 TORAQK COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DAN1F.L MAYKIt dec2 Ivd in West Chestnut street. YOU CAN SAVH MONKV. Hybujlngyeui Underwunr, Hill Is, Werk, lug Pauls, Oii'ialls, ( ellals, Culls, llandker llandker chlels, Siispniulei-s, irmbrell.isaud Notions. At HKCIITOLD'.i, Ne. 5 J Neith Oiiceu Street. 47-blguorihe Hlghlis-klug. P.M. Choice Untitling Leis, Sleue und Sand for s de. Ptt liNKYN l'AHIC. GRAND EXCURSION Ai'.'7ru AMvrinir. Picnic ektiiu Lancaster Maennercher MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1005. The feclelywlll de all In Its power letnakn this ene el Ihomesi pleasing fuuts its history. A full OiehcMruuudii lull Hand will iicceiupuii thoexcufhlon. Tickets Only 50c; Cbildren, 25c. Siicclal train will have the Iluidlng depot nt 8 o'clock ii, m. tlelnrnlng, leave lYuryu 1'nik at 7 o'clock p. in. Keiirsleii tickets will alie be taken en ihelrnlulcai lngnt IJni. Nen-niemhers caneblaln tickets en letnuimeiidutlouef a geed standing member by applying te the couiinltUe of urningcmuiits. jyswta H. GllltllAUT, Chairman, f rt ....