wt TIi ', '.V !.. c ' ":.. , v',.l V i ?v- "J, . . .. 'i'-:: .1-" " 'j-kl f W,. i if . !J )- .-. wT ft' V&Ximj X'M9f&M I7JSK3ST.' Ik IV B r .. L ', R- n i in: MS JS&& 8;.;t y- lilLY 1NTELLIGENGER. i" "u -sikwHED Every evening in the Year. (Sumteyi Excepted) 8TEINMAH ft II ENS EI, BS afev? . .INTELLIGENCER BUILDING, B. W. Cehreb Oirrsa Bqeam, LAHOAMia, PA. 'iMZ.K-3Wi Cenlt a WVcfc. File fiillart a Year or Fifty CerUt a Menth. Voltage Fret. JLDVRRT18KMKNTU from Ten te Fifty Cent a Line. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, (Eight Paget.) Published Every Wednesday Morning, Twe Dellar! a Year In Advance. lORRESPOTfDKXOKielicited from every part nnJtate and country. Correspondent are re- qutU.ti write legibly and en one tide of the paper only; and te tign their name, net for publication, but in proof of geed faith. All nnonpmeui letter will be cemlgncd te the watte batkc.l Addra I nil Letter t and Telegramtte THE INTELLIGENCER, LAHCA9TKTI, l'A. muacitcr iJntclligcuccr. LANCASTER. JULY US, 1885. ( Publishing Bad Nevels. The ever-production of bad novels or tlie fnex that almost anything can find a publisher has nevcr been better Illustrated than in the case of Admiral Perter, of the navy. Having fallen into the sere and yel yel lewlcaf , with little te de and less te think of in his profession he has simply given up his declining years te the production win tlie form of novels of the most un mitigated rubbish put into piint dming lc cent years. And yet this dreary stuff, without an idea between its cevers, has found pub- ' Ushers who have been willing te send it ' forth with their honored imprint. In the ene case the Admiral's maiden attempt at fiction his se-called novel was much , longer than any recent work, and mere 4, Juiceless and stupid than any recent or , remote. ' The weakness of these se-called literary ' attempts may be imagined by the follow ing et'tiniate from the New Yerk Sim, where eyen; weik 'a given careful oxami exami liatiejnnd reading, nn&jiasscd upon with -. -' intelligence and fairness : "If blunt, un gracious speech be positively i.reded te awaken adequate compunction Ifttliq admiral, we must tell him that the print ing of his cheap, amorphous compositions was a grevieus waste of ink. Neither in respect of substance or style have tiicse puerile effusions a trace of merit te justify their inllictlen en the reader. They se without form and void. The se-called "adventures" of "Harry Marline" would bankrupt the publisher of a dir.ie novel scries, and the "romance" entitled "Allan Dare and Ilebcrt le Diable" produces en the stomach the unpleasant effect of a concentrated extract of the Police Gazette, disUycd amid the spasms of delirium tie- itien te the efforts of the callow irunngs or literature tlie reading world is te be given everything that the senile can write, it i3 certainly time te ask what pro tection publishers give te readers, cr what assurance the public has that it is net con ferring its patrenage upon the products of a kindergarten or a home for indigent old nuv it Is high time that tlie press fel- ldweatlie example set by the Sim and de neunced thebatkand useless books ground out every year simply because publishers can get pay for thm as se much job print ing. The Cholera In .Spain. It will be noticed that the cholera epi demic shows no signs of abatement in Spain, the list of daily deaths crawling up at times very nearly te 1,000. The Ferran system of inoculation has ln.en tried and found wanting, and in some place's people are trying te keep their spirits up by sweet music's charms. The music god travel ing in company with death presents iau incongruous sight, but it points 'P-' moral mat a sunny Heart and cuy . ... . ' 'irits are the liest feil3 te eFr reany nse. The cholera, viewed from this distance, seems an unimportant foreign oc currence ; but if it ence gets a foothold in any of the big American cities, the ques tion will be a very serious one. Experi ence li,as proved that the best means of preventing this calamity is by exacting tlie most rigid quarantine. Dr. Leale, ene of the flve pliysicians who discussed the subject in the August Kerth American Review, says en this subject: "We who have battled with epidemic Asiatic cholera in its most malignant form at the homes of these affected, can testify that abselute quarantine prevents Its en trance, thorough disinfectien extermi nates it, and proper treatment carries a very large proportion of even tlie severest cases te recovery." The fact that abselute quarantine pi events tlie cntrance of a fatal disease of this nature should be deeply pondered by these entrusted with the duty of seeing that quarautiue regulations are strictly observed. Shocking Taste. General Grant's sons seem te want te bury liiin in a New Yeik park. Ills wlfe probably will show better sense. Tliere is no propriety in tinning a paikinten jji-rve-yu.nl ; but If tlie New Yorkers like it and the Grant boys like it nntl the widow yields te it, se may it be. The rest of the country can cmlure It. Grant Is likely te be lonely for many a year in the New Yerk park. There tire greater men than he in the state, but 110110 likely te leave behind them rupresen tat Ives be feeble-mindedjas te want te bury them in a plny-greuuil. Once upeim time it was thought that only consecrated ground would de ; new it seems that seme folks consider the best plnce te be the least sa cred and the most public. It does net mutter where the body Is laid away, it is true ; but it is a wrench of the sensibilities te bury away from tlie churchyard or ceme tery. - m m llallread Absorption. Mr. Vundeibllt proposes te pay half price for the AVesl Sliore nnd seems likely ti get It at his bid, though soine of the owners de net want te surrender. They have a valuable line of read, capable of doing a large business. Jt would have b;cn a profitable enterprise but for the com petition of the New Yerk Central, which determined te crush it by low freight rates. HkJ M TELE Ueth reads fciiffercil, find tlie ene with tlie longest puree nnttimlly conquers. Tlie contemplation of t he nbserpl ion et this rival read ami of tlie proposed absorption of competing reads In J'cnnsylrnnln surely should cuchre tlie efforts of tlie states of New Yerk and l'cnnsylvnnla te prevent se great a public and private wrong. "We de net knew what power New Yerk liai te preserve tlie West Sliore read from being swallowed by tlie Central anaconda, but we de knew that ample power exists In the btnte of Pennsylvania te pievcnt such con solidation of competing lines of railroad. If the Pennsylvania railroad can sccute control of tlie llcech Cieck nnd Seuth Pennsylvania leads It can only be by the corruption and infidelity of tlie high ofll efll ccrs of Pennsylvania ; and of this we will net suspect them. Conckhnine us have peace" Grant's liurlnl place, " Let NoNnnecd say Hint tlie American Is net Interested in tue history of his own country, when tlie phenomenal popularity of tlie recent contributions te tlie history of the Inte war In the Ventura mngnzlne nre con cen con Hlileicd. More ovldenco'lu the saine direc tion is nflbrdcd by the published fact thnt the Magazine of American History has becn obliged te print three odilleim of Its July number te incet the demand for tlie series of "War Studies" it contained. Be long as Amerlcans cherLsh tlielr glorious past, the future of thelr country Is assured. It Is far cheaper te plant foresta thnti te bere artesiaii wells ; nnd te the latter ex tremity ivonre surely coming. It is nil nonsense for tlie telegraph peeple te say that underground wires for telegraph purposes nre tee costly nnd nt the naiue tlnie impracticable Mr. Jacques, tlie electrician of tlie Ilell toiepheno company, has bcen making soine investigations of this subject In France and Germany, tlie result of which he gives in A'ciencr. lle finds that sound can be conveyed underground n much grentcr distanee and much mero satisfactorily in n city than overhcad. Wliile the original cost of tlie undorgreuiid syslein is nearly deuble that by means of peles, tlie saving In repairs mero than makes up for the dillorcuce. Mr. Jacques say : " The yearly cost el repairing nu overhead system, is lint less than thirty percent, of the cost of construction, nnd the line Mould have te borcnevi'odoiicointuolvo years. The cost of repairing nu uiiilcrreimd system la practically 111. The I'aris tole- phoue company, with wires extending te thrce tlieusaud subscribers, docs net lieep any rep.ilrinrn. The durability of an under ground system, provided lead-covered cables nre used nnd tliere is ueinlernal causoef do de do teriorutiou, is nt least thirty years. India rubber cables encased in lead will last tlie the same length of time. 801110 have becn inuseby the Kronen government for this length of lliue mid nre new in geed condi tion." And this is why tlie day of under- greirnd v Ires H bound te eotne, nnd very seen. Many a clilld liiluht be wived ir bIvcii n brcatlief f.csli alt nt tlie right tlnie. Tills Huuunnr weather is killing inanyHU infant that might live nnd flourish if its parents would tnke it nway from tlie heat nnd dnst of the city te tlie coolness of tlie country or sea side, Oie the infant fair play, roiiieiiilicritig that llrty icr cent, of the deaths that yearly occur In oiircitlesare these of children under 11 ve years of nge, Gjneiiu ai.i: has of late years blossomed outintegrc.it popularity among these ivhe cannot rcconcile te their conscietices or their stomachs the sterner stull' of which soine drinks are made. A New Yerk dealer re lates that thrco-ieiirths of the se-called im ported article Is made in the United States, and that he has lucn Oiling and rclllling for the past seven years the bottles that contain the foreign labels. An with nil decoctions that beceme popular, ginger ale millers much from the adultemtcd stull that is often Beld for it. One kind Is made lrem cheap ginger, and Is doctored with the extract of red pop pep per nml ether chemicals te gie it Iwdy nnd bite. The men who make it claim that red pepper is geed for tlie stomach, but they nevcr reler te the ether chemicals. In the ether, instead of using n pure extract, they buy up whorevor they can condemned nnd spoiled ginger root. Some of them make their own extract from tills and ro-infercoit with cnyenne. Others grind It up and brew a vlle nle from it, which they finish witii cayenne and clucose. The cheapness of these latter compounds make them very tempting te dealers te hell. Hut a man w he is fend of ginger nle must take his chances with these who risk their happiness en lud water and bad beer. IIyduant water new sports the color of cider fresli from tlie press. I'aine and for fer fer tune await tlie inventor of bomething te clar clar ilr'tlie foul and turbid contents of reservoirs. It is the man who has brawn and brain equally well dovelopcd that stands the best chancoef successin this workaday world; but it is net efteii that cellege athletes nre found te be clese students as well. A bril liant exceptien te this rule Is V. W. Davis, bow ear of the ltowdein crew at the Worces ter race, wlie lias been nwnrded the Goodwin prize at Itowdejp for the best written com mencement part, and also the first pri.e for extemporaneous composition. If he koeps en through life as he has begun, Iio will le a speakinn illustration of hew n sound mind may be preserved in n sound body. Kr. M. mm soeius need u successor. te be dead enough te PERSONAL. Cauiunati Ni na, formerly papal secretary of state, Is dead, In his 7Hh year. Khai.ii'A Auneni.A hasassumed the lead ership et the followers of the late mahdi. lle.v. ,Ii:iu:miaii Ui.apic is credited with saying that the IT, 8. government was the most obdurate and unreleiitiug cioditer nnd the most dishonest debtor in the world. Mit. Oi.adste.ni: Is the owner of probably the longest pencil ever made. A manufac turer nt Keswick has sent te him a walking stick, thirty-mne Indies long, made of cedar, and forming a large pencil, with a Ilorrow Ilerrow Ilorrew dale lead nearly half an inch rnpiare running tiireugu il it lias n bona stiver uanu, which bears an inscription in vorse. Gkkkrai. A. U nuhsiu.r., or Pittsburg, who was the adjutant general of Pennsylva nia during tlie rebellion, died nt Montevideo, Uruguay, wiioie he was United States con cen btil, during the latter pait or May. The llrst intimation his daughter mid ether friemls In Ilarrishiirg had of his death was n funenil notlce which appeared In the llucues Ay res Mantlartl, of .luue 2, a copy, of which had been received. Mn. A. A. Mt'Nfintt, ene or tlie richest moil jii Chicago, lias just sailed for Kuiope, wliore he provisos investing fU00,OtiO in paintings. He liasnlrculy ?loe,000 Invested In paintings, mid has just purchased a. Mels Mels beuler for 515,000. He provisos te build up n great art gallery for Chicago which shall rival anything et the kind In Americu Visi tors will have free admlttauce by ticket, nnd ultimately the callerv will be ulven te the city. As a beginningha has secured twentv vight paintings. Mr. M linger Is a bachelor, nnd hussoveial millions incsted In Chicago real esiaie, irein which no recoivesnu annual lucome of ever f.100,000. The ltfiil und the Ideal. Tlie new Lord Hethscliild was ence np np pealeil te rer Ills opinion ns te the dilloreuco between the real nml tlie Ideal. " Tim real," luld the ilnancier, " Is it Hpnnlsli isiiu i the Ideal Is the Kpaiilsh lieud." 1'K.IIU! HATIIl'.ltS. . What Is nattier or neater, What Is prettier or sweeter, Than a dimpled, darlli.c dainty, diving belle, As she plunges lu the water, I.Ike a Triton's dulling daughter. Laughing lightly at each limpid, languid swell I Frem thi Jielatt Journal, IjANO ASTER PAJLY Tetritraex'a latest resar. launching Inte Verne Over the Wedding of tlie Princess Beatrice, from tlie New Yerk Independent et July 30, The Princes') Itentrlce was married en the day thnt Goneral Grant died. Wedding mid dying, Jeying and grlevlng, till altoruate lines in each day's pnge of history) and se we carry hi our right hand thochnpletwo will lay en the bier of pur own great dead, nnd In our lett we tnke tlie bridal wreath weven by Iklta.n's laureate peel for Jlrltnln's youngest prlncess. Our naent In Londen hoscabled te us the following swoetnnd worthy lines: Twe suns of I.ove jimke day of lmiimii lift1, Which el he, with all Its pains ami griefs nnd deaths, Wrre utter daiknes t ene tlie nun of dawn, Tliut brightens through Ilia mother's tender eyes, And warms U10 child's nwakcnliiK vel Id (and IIIIO Tlie IntrrrlMnff mm of upeusnl love. Which f 10111 lier linuncheia erlilt diiiwn the child Te meve 1 11 ether spheres. The mother w cens At that wlilte fiinenil of the ultifrle lire, llerinalilenilniighter'n tnnrrlaire and hcrteaii) Are lmir of pleasure, half of p.ln. The child Is happy ever In IcavlliK her. Hut thou, T1110 cliiiiKhtcr. wlioae all fnlthfnl llllnl eyes Ilnve seen the loneliness of earthly tlU'encx, Wilt neither quit the wldnwecl ureuu nor let jniHiiueriiKiiiei leve liuve rmm In vain, Hut, mevliih' through the inether'g home, he- tween The two that leve thee, lead n xnininer life Swayed by each leve, and snaring te eaeh leve l.lke eniu eenjcetiired planetln inld luuveii llclween te hiiiis, nnd drawing duwu I10111 both The light und genial warmth of double day. Tcnnyten. (Wheat nnd Cern Crep. In summarizing its latest crop reixirts the New Yerk Fnrmcn' Jlcvitw says: "The harvest of the winter wheat, new nearly completod, furnishes no grounds for lncrcos lncrces ItiK our estimates nlready given of tlie crop, but rntlicr the contrary, bIiice from Ohie, In diana, Illinois and Missouri come, reports of many fields net plowed up In the expectation of n partial crop op it oft Htandimr. because thev would net PS ay ler 1110 laiwr 01 uarvesting, Hojierts of fnjury te spring wheat from rust, insects or ether cause ceme from souie local! ties, but as yet de net Indlcute such injury lis te appreciably nll'cct the output of the crop, which is rapidly approaching harvest, nnd premises nn avornge yield for the ncrcnge sewn. Taking tlie crepns n whele, P. is in a critical stage new, nnd n few days of tin tin tin faverable vcatber might work great Injury te it Cern has made a wonderful ndvnnre slnee our lest report. It is In geml condition for tlie season of tlie year nnd nllerds no Krniind for worry.. With nvorace wcallier for the next six wecks a niagnillccut crop will be roallzed." I'.laht New Cnrdlniils. A pap.vl consistory was held lit Heme en Monday. The peH) dollvered nn allocution. Arclililshep Mer.ui, of Australia; Archlilsliep Mohelos, ofCelopnoj Archlilsliep C,ipicel latre, or Capua; Aruhbisliep HaltaKlInl, of Ilolegiin; Illshep Sclilofllne and Meuslgnnr Cristoferl Norecrcatotl cardinals. Twe ether cardinals vore named (n pette. Klglitecii areliblslieps ami bishops were nominated, In In cliidliiBtheHlKht llev. Dr. Walsh, prcsldent ofMayneotlicolloKO. Irclnnil, its n hiicciwet te tlie late Cardinal McCalxi in tlie arclihis arclihis arclihis ropricef Dublin, nnd tlie Hiplit llev. Dr. dress its nrchblslieii of Oregon. U. H. A. rri'MTilnj; Oimi's Hi'iillli, Physician (In patient) "Yeu slieuld take two grains of (iiiiiilne every hour or half hour." Patient "Oreat Scot I doctor, Isn't that ralher eften?" I'liyslcian "Ne. Take it In a liltle whisky." Patient "All right. Twe grains every hew often did you say ?" I'liyslcian ''Ilvury hour or half hour." Patient "All rigid, doctor. Twe grains every half hour." -. m het At nc Ii te .spare l'lem tlie New Yerk Times. Girl I will leek at your hammocks, please. Denier Yes, miss. New, thore is some thing nice Net extensive, and at the same tlme pretty and strong. Girl It doesn't leuk very strong. Dealer I will guarantee it te sustain n weight or thrce hundred pounds, miss. Girl Let me see ene hundred and twenty and one hundred and slxty-llve would he Just two hundred and eighty-live very well, I will take that ene. Tim President Didn't flail en Hmiiluy. Inasmuch as many letters are pouring into the Wlilte llouse containing clippings from rollgleusnowspaiicrs censuriifg the president nnd his party for having geno tishlpg while nt Woodmont recently, it scorns proper te say that the rliarge is absolutely without fpundatien. The laws or Maryland and Vir ginia and tlie regulations of the Woodmont club rerbid fishing en Sunday. Kvcn If tlie president bad net tlie strong respect for th Sabbath which he entertains, he mlcht be expected te respect the laws and the rules or 1I1S nesu. Taut llernc In Sllnnrtetii. During nn exhibition performance ei Coui Ceui Coui medoro Kittson's llyers nt Hechester, Minn., ou Monday, pacer Johnsten made n inile lu 2:11'4, the fastest inile ever made In Min nesota. Ollie Hecker and Firebrand then made a running rnce In harness, the former winning by a length and a half in i&yt. This Is bollevod te be the fastest mile ever made in harness. IN MEMOKIAM. V. H. Omul, (icnernl and lU-l'ri'pildrlit. Fer the lNTBLLKIENCKIl. ills Merk being done, let hhn sleep, let him rest In that laud where lib fathom have geno be fore. Ills sun huth gene down In the fur distant west, Te nrlse en a better und happier shoie. This wreath Is new weven with friendship nnd love, And Inld with respect en the tomb where he sleeps ; The AukcI et Death will take It above, And place It mound him wlieiu nobody w cep. II Is deeds will survive libn In song nnd In story, Thu coiiininnder-lii-thlef nnd the president tee; He sleeps his last sleep, let hhn rest In lib glory, KnslirhiLd In the folds or the lted, White nnd llluu. Ilci: J. J. Mcllxnlne. Lancabtte, I'a., .Inly 20, 18W. "I sold In two years thlity-thtee thousand one bundled und twenty (.TM.n)) bottles or Hunt's Hernedy. It Is a viunable medium) for kidney diseases." W. il. IIlamuine, l'rev. Jj2Slwdoed&w Hunt's Itemcdy Is purely veKctntile, nnd a speedy cure for hqait dbcuee und rheumiitlnm. Jj-SJ-lwdeedAw - m m Nourishing Nutriment Ter NursliiB Metliers. Scientists nnd physlclnns universally agree In ascilbing the most healthful tonic und nutritive qualities or all grains te barley. This Is ene great leasen why livvrv'e Turk Malt Whiskbv b se exactly suited te thu icqulreineiits or mothers at the critical tlnie when their systems nre extraordinarily taxed te biipply proper nourishment Ter both themselves und thelreir Hpiing. Ills absolutely iree from ull adultera tions und Impurity nnd the best doctors strong ly recnmnicnd it rer the above purposes us th only lellnble nnd safe article te use. Sold by all rellablegrecers und druggists. ruinous fur Families. Most appropriately Is llrewu's Iren Hitlers culled a fuinily modlclne In view of such cases as that of Mis. Cniik, of 07 Felltmhuysen Ave., Newiuk, N. .1. The lady wiltcs, "I have used brown's Iren Hitters since lust summer with Kroat beneilt, especially for IndlKi'stlnn and ill Mays buy liulfu dozen bottles at once. There ure thriHi te use It ; we ull feel streamer than for j cars before, and can recommend it te all who suirertrem dysiiepslu. less of striiiiKth or Indl uestlnn, rightfully termed the king or evils." SPECIAL NOTICES. l'eisens Who nre I'ast Fifty will And Dr. Ken nedy's Favorite lteincdy Just about the medi cine they need w hen they nccdaniedlclnent all, The ten years which fellow that uge ure full or dangers which de net threaten younger men nnd women. This preparation gives tone te the system, greatly expels impurities and prevents the outciepplng of diseases the seeds of which may have been sewn In earlier life. Why net live out ull your days In health und strength. JlylO-lmdiw Tiik pnhllu lacks net u genuine remedy ter id; In dbeases iuuiunn's buiphur Soup. " Hill's Hair Dye," black or brown, llfly cents. 3-i7-lwdeediw I lime taken Olie bottle of DR. GRAVES' IHSARTi HKUULATOR for Heart Dlsease and llnd It nllI could desire. A. A. Helbroek, Wor cester, Mist. Free pamphlet or F, K. lngalls, CatuhrldiAi, Mass. 11.00 per bottle utaruguUU INTELLIGENCES, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1885. MEDICAL. TgneWN'SIKON U1TTKHS. 'WOMEN Needing rouewed strcnuth.er who nurTer from Inniinitlv peenlliir te the sex, should try Brown's Iren Bitters, THE IIEST TONIC. Trnde Jtark QUALITY, 1'UHITY-NOT QUANTITY. On Kvery Dollle. Thl mcdlctne combines Iren with purn vcko vcke vcko tnble tonics, nnd In Inrnlimble ter IMheiisi-s jH-eulliir te Women, and nil who lend sedentary lives. It Knrlches nnd TurUIes tlie Weed, Htlin ulates the Appetite, MrenKthcn the Muscles and Nerves In fuel.tlioreiiKlily lnvliterates. Clears the complexion nnd makes the skin smooth. It does net blacken the teeth, cnuoe headache, or produce constipation i ether Iren medi cine da. Mm. Elizabeth lUinrj, 71 Fnrnell Ave., Mil waukee, W Is., sayg, under date of Dec. an, 1881 : " 1 have used llrewn's Iren Hitters, nnd It has been mero tlinn a doctor te me, hnvlnit cured me of the weakness Indies have lu lire. Alse cured inn of 1.1 er Complaint, and new my com pletion Is clear and geed. Has been beneficial leiny children." Ucnulne has above trnde mark nnd crossed red lines ou ruppr. TAKK NO OTllKlt. Jlade only by HltOWN,3CIIKM10AI.CO.,HAI,TIMOUK, Ml). IiAdiks Hahu Heek Useful nnd attractive, eenlnlnliiKllBt or prizes for receipts, Inlerma- tlen nlioutcelns, etc.. ulven nwav by nil dealers In medicine, or malted te any address ou receipt of 2c. stamp. (.1) VITKAK AND NKHVOUS MEN Who stirrer from Nervous nnd l'hyslesl Debil ity, Impotence, Kxhausted Vitality and l'roina l'reina l'roina tuie Decline, nnd Beek Perfect llcstomllen te Ilenllli, Full Manhood nnd Kuxunl Vlgni- with out Stomach DritKKlni;. can cicutaimlt obtain It In the "MAHSTON 1IOI.UH." Diseases of the 1'regtntfl uinnd, Kidneys nnd Hladdur, ctTeclu nlly cured without lustriiinentH. Kndersed by thousands who have been cured. Adnnlcd In hospitals and by physicians lu Kurope and America. - VAUIOCF.I.K curril without surgery. Scaled Treatise und Tustlmenlitls Iree. Address MAR8TON REMEDY CO., or DR. H.TRESKOW, Ne. 40 West 11th Street, Nuw Yolk. mayl!Myced&w AMITATION OP THE HEART CAN BE CURED hythonsnef 1)11. OKAVKS' IIKAUT ltKOUI.A Tilll. It has Ieiik own u recognized remedy ler II.... p. m....... r ..ii I... r.. ...... .........n Sir eplCH.niCMS, lnipiilnil ........ ....'iin.7, in mi iiq itiiiiin. .-i ii i.m.im. linency unu iicnmi rUCIIIIH'H, IIVKIM-pnlll, lnillKCSIIOII.UIHf'IIM'HOI me hteinacli ami Iwiwi'Im. a clerttyiimiier (J lay City, Ind., nays the Heart ItrKuluter Is (JeU's lsfcsMiiK tesutrerlni; buinanlty. 81 per Itettlr, 0 for .',, nt DrugRlnts. Pend te r. K. 1N(! AI.I.S, C'nmbrldKc, Mass.. for fill) pamiililet en 1 1 cult IMm'uhu, etc. (.') UhOTIII.VU. e AK HAI.k BUY YOUR CLOTHING -AT- Wanamaker& Brown's, OAK HALL, Southeast Ceh.-iEn. Sixth and Market Stiiebts, 1'IllLAHILI'IIIA. Jlyll tfd TTHADQUAHTKILS FOIt SUMMER Merine Shirts and Drawers, dauze TJnderahirta und Drawers, Cheice Neckties, ' E.eW. Cellars and Cuffd, C. & C. Cellars and Cufftf , Crown Cellars and Cuffs The Best Fitting Dress Shirts. SlllltTS AND SOCIKTV l'AltAPHKUNAl.lA I1AUK TO OUDKIt. At Erisman's, NO. 17 WKW KINUbTltKKT. VTYEHH it HATH VON. Suits te Order FOll THE HOT SEASON ! ! Thirty Different Styles -OF- SERGES IN OL'll HTOCK, IN ALL THK POPULAR COLORS AND SHADES. MAlth'KI) KltOM TIIKIIl OltKilNAL I'UIC'K TO V1HIY LOW FlUUlthS. HKIttiKS IN ItHIK, OKAYS, llltOWNS, 1II.ACK, I'LUM, WI.NK.OKKKNS, DltAlt, FAWN AND WIHTK. WHITE & FIGURED DUOKS. Fer VesthiB for livening W nr l'O.NtlKLS AND SF.r.llSlICKnitS KOU KVL.N 1NU WKAlt. IS & im? m LEADING) CLOTHIKUS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANOASTF.lt. PA. STOCKS. pOOH, WHITE & QRKENOUail. ,aBANKEKS.iS Outers executed rer cash or en margin for nil securities current in the New Yoikiuaiket. Uorrespendeuco Invited. MKMIIKRHOFTIIR NF.W YOUK HTOCK KX- (JIIANUKA.VI) I'ltOfitlKTOKU OF VOOtt'S MANUAL OF RAILWAYS. 45 Wall Streot, New Yerk. octMydeed PKNNA. OIQAKS FHO.M fLOO 1KK Hundred up, tit HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIUAR STORK. IHST-OLAS8 HOAimiNO. " Together with the cheice or rooms en the first or second fleer. Surpassed by nene In the city. Cull en or address, . N0.4WNORTHQUKKNST. Table bourdon accommodated. tui-trd w ANTED. A Yeung Man te Learn the Drug Business. Address In writing: "l'HARMAClST." iKTELLtaKNCinOnritu, Ijineuster, I'a. A TLANTIO CITY- The Chester County Heuse IS NOW OPEN. Comfortable, homelike, situated very near the bee, with extended piazzas upon three eccun jruiiia. rms Jieuse hum lone been known as a most pleasant summer retreat. at. j. J.KVIftfAHQNS. JUUet-iHBI MY RATBFON nnr uoedb. gi'KeiAii AirijitATieN salk "" ' WATT, SHAND & CO., D AUK MAKINO KXTKN8IVK AI.TKUAT10N8 AND ADDITIONN TO THK New Yerk Stere, And In order te reduce surplus stock nnd mnke mero room, ener special Inducciiicuts In every department, , KXTUAOUDlNAIlYHAItGAINS IN IHcaclied ami Unlilcnchetl MusliiiH. BLEACUED AND UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS In nil wldthsniidfiunlllles. Tickings, Turkey Red Tablings, Table Linens, Towels and Napkins, AT Till: LOWKST 1'ltlCKH KVKIl KNOWN. I'KCtAIiHAItOINBIN DRESS GOODS. ODD LOTS AND HKMNANT8 ItHDUCED AT HALF UHUAM'UICr.3. MW YORK STOEE. JOIIK8.GIVIiKIt. OKO. V. ltATHVON. I0SPIT0 CANOPIES!! AT 11.60 bl'WAltDS. WE JIAVB A 1'KW I'JIXKS CANTON MATTING At Mc. per yard, Itedncud from 50c. 1 he Largest and Unit Asserted Styles of BODY & TAPESTRY BRUSSELS ANI- INGRAIN CARPETS In Luncastcr, nt the LOWKST CASH 1'KICKJ FOR nAItllAINS, CALL AT JohnS.Givler&Ce., e.i: rnicr. uv (ioeih and uaupiit HOUSK, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, I.ANCASTKU. l'A. J. H. MAHTIN & CO. SHIRT DEPARTIEET. WE OARRY IHK LAIttiLST STOCK OF FLANNEL SHIRTS -- Inthncltv. Flnnnel Shirts esn sdarded ut., ic. for thu heiwheiT, 1 Ishlng, Ciiuiplng i University Flannel Shirts, Pleated Flannel Shirts, Jersey Flannel Shirts, Bicycle Flannel Shirts, White Flannel Shirts. Pleated Bosem White Dress Shirt. 'Hie Neatest Shirt made ler Bummer Wear nnd Full Dress. PEARL SHIRT. Thiee-l'ly Linen Rosem, Wnmsuttn Muslin, Ouamutced Fit ; tUW apiece ; six ter t&.tn. 75c. White Dress Shirt. New Yerk Mills Muslin, Loese Edge llosem. 49c. White Dress Shirt. Rxccllcnt Muslin ltelnfetced Frent und Rack. Shirts Made te Order a Specially. J. B. Martin A Ce. Cor. West King ami IVince Sis. LANCASTKR. l'A. HATS AND CAI'.S. CUHriUSINQ HI5DUCTIONS. Surprising Reduction in Summer Hats! -AT W.D.STAUFFER&CO.'S, Leading Manufacturing Halters. All our Finn Line or Fiislilnnnble Slmwand Light lleiby Hats being sold new Regardless or Cost, tiuch Kit inerdinary Reductions never before eHVred. Our less veur gain, htlll a few of these .Moe Light Felt Hats at Me. Don't lnls a bargain. Everything Nuw lu beasen. W. D. ST1TIFEER & CO, (SHULTZ A IJROS.1 OLD STAND), NO. 31 & 33 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. I'A. T HE MANSION. THE "MANSION." ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The Leading and Largest Hetel. Finely leca ted, elegantly furnished and liberally managed Electric bells, lights, and till modern linpiuvv meals. Uoedoicbestru. OHAS. MeOIiA.DE, Jy7-!md l'roprleter. T HIS PAPEH IS PKINTKD J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK. Fairmeant Ink Works, 26lh and Vm Aveoee lB- fUILADXLFHIA.I'A. nnr IlESS GOODS. HAGER & SUMMER DRESS GOODS Summer Silks, Surahs, Tricotine, Nun's Veilings and Albatross. Uncn lawns, French Salines, American Salines, ISritish Cleths, t'hanihrny Ginghams, Zephyr Ginghams, Embroideries and Laces. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Gauze Underwear. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. C IKAI KTOHIi. Carpets and Mattings, METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S, FROM Mattings, Garpeta, LATE AUCTION BALKS AT VERV LOW I'RIUKS. CariX)ta, MattinRD, Oarpets, Mattings, Mattings, Carpets, Alse, LARUE LOT OF WHITE- COUNTERPANES, Frem the late Oreat Auction Sale In New Yeik, at fi5c.t TSc., $l.tl and up .te V.M. Vouwlllget (iOOD RARUAl.Sh at letzger & Haughman's Clieap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. f Rutwecn the CKirs)r Iloue nnd Serrel Heme Hetel. pOWKKS A 1IUUST, 26 and 28 North Queen Street. ONE PRICE ! THE .MIST OrK.VRD New Sntlncs, New Ratlstes, New Percale. New 1'ilnti. Remnants In Can ten Flannel, elegant quality us low us 5c. per yard. Remnants In Miwllns, bestiiiallty (,',c per ysrd. Ludien' Itiillirlggnii IIem extra gmsl, a bargain nt'i'ic. Our tee. Corset, we knew, beats uny thlug for wear nnd ceiufuit that Is elteieil auywheie. Men's Unl.iundrleil Mill ts nt Sec., worth a great deal mere. Yeu will miv senftei ha lug tried them, ethers bale done se. Muu's Ilalbilggan Undershirts, leryllne and ciy Hirht, all sl?es, long anil short sleeves. BOWERS&T HURST, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. - - Lancaster, Pa. SlLXliHWAlll!. H. Z. KHOADH. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purchasers te the very flne and com cem com pleto line of modorate priced Ladiea' Geld Watches, very much in demand just at prosent, and we are well propared te meet thnt de mand. We also have Geld and Silver Watches in a great variety of Btyles and at the low prices brought about by the long depression of the times. Our Nickel Watches at 85.00 are geed watches for the meney, and are going off very fast. We received the ether day a large invoice of all the lateat novol nevol novel tioB in Silver Jowelry, Oxydized, etc, very pretty and worth soo seo soe ing ; would be ploased te have you call and bee thorn. H. Z. LANCAhTKR, l'A. B OOKS AND STA'IiONKKY. JOHN BAER'S SONS, OFFKU AT LOWF.ST PRICKS, Wank Heeks, Writing Paper?, Envelopes, Writing Fluids nml Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Sleel I'ens, Lead I'euclls, l'ecket Heeks, lllll Reeks, Letter Heeks, and an Assortment of Fluu and fttnrdu hUitienery. f AT THE 810N OF THK l()OK.f NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. PA. iiuvaxFVRNisuisa uoens. s,n UK'S CAKPKT HALU CARPETS ! REOl'KNINU OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We nre new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Rest Selected Line or Carpets ever ex. hlbltedtli this city. WILTONS, TKLVKTS, all the Tiadlng Makes of liODY AND T M'KSTRY HRUSSKLS, TIIRKE-I'I.Y, Ail-Weel nnd Cotten Chain RXTRA BUl'Klt.S, and all iiualltles of IN. URA1N CARl'KliS. HAMAHIi anil vknhtian own limnuliicliiie a speciality, bpeclal Attention AisettFiiH Line of OILCLOTHS, RUUS, WINDOW SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. HATCHES. JtC rATOIIKH, OLOUKH AND JISWKLKY. GREAT REDUCTION IN l'RICES OK WATC'HKS, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, at LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposlte City Hetel, near I'a, R. It. Depet, Correct time nt neon dally from Wnshlnpten, P. C. Watches and Clocks rep.ilicd, lvgulatcd andadjusted. )j31-lyd TTAIM'Y THOUOUT AND RKBECOA JL-L. Tobaccos HAUTMAN'S Tobaccos only Be per pliiK, ut ir.i.i.utv FROM' C10AR bTORK nl,T. AT JtniOAKT'S OLD WINE J STORE FOIt- Listen's Extxaet of Beef. vtvurr i tub weeld, JCltabUhed,17B6, H. K.SLAXUAKUR, Agt-lebir-ua r Ne. 3) KMt KlBK BU N BROTHER. Foulards, Pongeo, Gronadines, Indian Cleths, Fcrsian Lawns, Indian Mull, PIque Welts, French Nainzoek, Fnglisli Nainzoek. Embroidered Swiss Robes. Lisle and Silk Gloves, Hosiery and Mattings, Carpets. LOWEST ! NEW GOODS ! aoevs. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street. noeKs. CARPETS ! UAiirr.ia. iiau ami l.iiai. UAicrriHin our paid te thuMauiitaetuiviil I'Ub'ltIM t ARl'K'lH, HUAUKii.COVKRI.KTH, a. -AT- leii'rt-'iu.rtv VNltEUTAKISO. TJNDEKTAKINO. UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, L&HUASTVR, l'A, Personal attention Riven te nil orders. Kvery thliiK In thu Undertaking line ruriilshed. Having secured thu sei vices of a llrst-elass me) chunlc, 1 am prepared U de ull klmN of llphel. BterlUK at very modorate iirlces. All kinds el Furniture. Upholsteied, (Jlve 1110 u cull. L. R. ROTE. lanin-ttd VTADEIHA AND rjUKUUY WINKS -AT- Rcigart's Old Wine Store. H,.K.BLAVllAKKR,AaKjT, J Ne. 10 EabtKike Btbkkt. Kslabllshed 17tA. reblMld