ffSP Mwm Vv 1 .'.. f l r n ' -.' V i Jw, v Wl K -, ,-ff.j , , f " I- vavi.H f ;"-Vj . T tr f7 , 'A 3 TELE EAHOABTEB BA3LY IKTEUjIGEOEB, FBIDAY, JULY 24, 1885. H$p3gft' st ..'wvnr . rr V, r zj&M tV ." AiFINTELLI GENCER Hi i R?3 S1 8 Ear ' ti&X. & rwa: IHLHe Every Evening ' in the Year, (Hundayt Excepted) RTKlNMAIt IIENSEt, BY Grant's fmne will luorcase with the shadows of tlie lengthening years te coma A DAY UNDER THE BANTU. INTELLIGENCER BUILDING, V. Ceiinxn Ccktbi Square, LAKCASTBO, I'A. irra yttfv .!". A ILY 2'tn Centt a Week. Flit Dcllan a Tear erJ-Vly Centt a Menth. foliage Ice. ADVERTISEMENTS from Ten te Fifty Ctttfi 6 a Unt, WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, Eight Paget.) C.A ' ' Swi-i" Published Every Wednesday Morning, mr ' TiiKnii Is perhaps mero wholesalo reguery in the oil business than In nny ethor, niul tlie tricks of the oil sharps, If properly explnlncil te the hoathen Cliltice, would niake hi in mad with Jealousy. Thoell shnrp who knows ins business can locate oil ut any point of the glebo en an Instant's notice, mid ns he Is n voluble, Insinuating chap, he tlmls It net difficult te porsuade n goodly nutuber of the gulllble te IjcIIove nil that he tells tiiem. He will evon go se far as te drill a nole and pour Inte it crude oil transported tliltlier from n distance With thesoevldcncos ofa"gU9lier," subscriptions te his selimne pour In llke water ; and when he gotsnlltheready meney that Is floating he decamps for miotlier field of labor. Ills victims usually doslre te koep their foolishness a soeret, nnd thus the scoundrel escapvs punishment. It would be a geed thing for the oil country If the heavy hand of the law could be laid en the oil sharp te his extermination. at the riiit.AHBi.rniA zee, tjwilllj- nml Ounntliy of Feed Krtten mm . "Vtt & iv.t bORKESroXDEyCEteUeitcd from every purl of the ttate anil country. Correspondent! are re qutited la icrite legibly and en one ttile of the paper only; anil te ttgn their numci, net for publication, but In proof of geed faith. All unonymeu) letter! will be centigned te the ten if r bathtt. Addreii all I.ettcrt and Teltgramile THE INTELLIGENCER, I LANCABTEn, l'A. Ir Jehn Ileach is worth two dollars te evcry ene that lie ewes, why did he fall? , $l)c Lancaster 3fntclligcuccr. LANCASTER. JULY it, INW. X s n i- ' .. T taSW? Ji5t f i r t-: The Sleck lloeni. 1 If tlieruwusany improvement npparenl ' in business tlie advance of tlie Willi street fVlirlces for rullreud Eccmitics would be reasonable and might' be expected te be permanent. But as there is no indication of a revival in trade tliere can be no fair ground upon which te aspect a revival of railroad earnings. Tlie rise in stocks seems te be based upon the belief tbat tliere will be a cessation of railroad rivalries. Certain agreements are teperted between the New Yeik Central and Pennsylvania iallread interest by which each iste lie down in its pasture", and accept only its fair share of business. Whereupon it appears te be sup posed that the ether railroads of the coun try, cliarmed by this neble exhibition of unselfish wisdom, hae determined te de likewise ; se that from henceforth no company will carry geed that are in tlie territory of another company, and none w ill charge less than the ethers for the like service Upen this belief railroad stocks go up flying ; as the) ought te if tlie idea was well founded; for a company may carry a small amount of freight and yet de a profitable business if it can charge what it pleases. Tlie only sufferers by this raihead loveliness are tie public, who may be considered te be heartily damned by the agreeing companies. But if this expected thing, that balloons the prices of railroad stdcks,ceines i cully te pass, we may deem the millennium te be upon us ; in which daj railroad directors will be se geed that tluy will net take ad vantage of the people any mere than they will of each ether ; and se even the public Vill net suffer if it be teally true tliji- the railroad companies havj reached the sensi sensi bie conclusion te steal no mere of each ether's business. We declare that wn nre liellirhted te sen fl'V'islenfldencft pntprtu'iicd hv investors In wa :: 3 frsibiluy efylliu goodness in the rail- Uin) exist, 'iin ;" ," ,a ""M"1 ni th.it tim stork imvTW have bloomed se fnUy into flower out of UilsTi'SJiiiUil of ceufidencc. 'But possibly they have net. 1 1 would be se amazing, if they had,as te niake the fact doubtful. It may be that they are only , pretending ; each one cone iving that if he seems te believe, some greater simpleton will think him sincere and act accordingly. There is no ether reasonable explanation of the rise in stocks, save that it was con cocted upon a theory of impossible cessa tion of railroad rivalry, te bleed the believers in such millennial happenings. When the business of the country se revives that it will give enough trade te the railroads te go aieuud, dividends may be looked fei and the wise man may invest. It gees without haying that increased prices of rail carriage will net tend te revive business; and rail road agreement to-llcete the public will net help the wool te grew. Mere Queer rariiiers. Mr. Sayre, the president of the Seuth Pennsylvania raidread, says, that the ne gotiations for tlie sale of his laiiread have net been carried en by its ellicers, and that in fact lie lias learned as much about tlie matter fiem the newspapers as fiemany ether seuice. It seems that Mr. Arander bilt lias been selling out the lead's officers, as well as his associate owners, without saying as much as by your leave. Mr. Van derbilt feels his eats. He is hardly a com cem com fpitable person te have as a partner. But hbwill be blessed, indeed, if he does net find something uncomfortable, tee, about .Ins partners before they part with him. If no biiaues them elf as readily (is he seems fu think that he can, they aiea very amia ble set of centlenicn. indeed. President. iJjayie seems te be of the accominedatiiiff M$Kml 1,ims-'lf- "When hu regrets the aban f ,"dnreent of his read, he expresses himself snbmissive te it, if ether mere important interests can thereby be subserved. lie is confident that new read through Seuth Pennsylvania will be some day built and it w ill be a paying investment. This may be deemed fair notice te the Pennsylvania, iiiauiysiaugiiteringtnispresentprejecttliey de net prescrve themselves from futuie schemes of a like character. They may w called upon te buy yji.a parallel read - -?h;,;w f.. xr , "at y imv I: " "uu wiruie ier uiis sei t of bur. -; . .. iiinu a iree railieud Jaw - "'jiuiui, anu iieuiing could be "iiiixie capitalists than "l a railroad line belw Pltf and Philadelidiia, could sell at a profit te llaand which would pay una did net buy iy up rival rVnl IMn 4C,ni,.lit Uc .J . I ;"? rr ia) ilv'id nesi tjtiore struck liltn iu gel rid of it mei! y starving it with low frei ut that Inut him as mucl truth is that railroads cannei rid of l lvalry and must1 .el and geed management fV 'taking en n great lei rivals is asure way te del It has doubtless occurred te many hotel bearders, partlculerly at tlie sununer resert hotels, that thcre Is a vat deal of waste en en talled en the lengthy bill of fare commonly furnished. And as the held proprietor docs net work for glory, the conclusion is inevi table that the boarder is made te "pay for the waste that is apparent. It is, therefore, grat ifying te see that a reform Is being inaugu rated in this respect. A writer In the August Century, Geerge lie, says: "The best hotel", It gives me pleasure te state, aie fust moving in the direction or simplicity In the bill of fare, iu New Yerk, the leading liouse en the American plan, docs net provide its table with much mero than one-halftho variety et dishes ene may have ollured nt suconu-rute, pretentious concerns throughout the coun try. The dlutarv, tee, in America, is un questionably Improving." Thoaverago hotel guest circs net se much for a great variety of edibles ns for geed quality In the few placed before him. Xe.ni: will regret that tlie suffering hcie was finally released from his martyrdom of pain. ciltciTel Vi-ufiimeus i a soctler thel veei! in nere fullding Tin: New Yerk Herald, which pays con siderable attention te the weather from year te year,netes thatthearea ofexeossholicat for the last ten days extends frointlieGulf coast and Kesteru Texas in a northeasterly sweep, Boinewhat fan-shaped showing that the vast "warm wave," stretching from Texas te Massachusetts, is due te tlie movement or tropical air Inte the hlgher latitudes. Tills cannot be otherwise clearly accounted for than by assuming that the air pressure In British America has liccn for seme time abnormally low and consequently a strong movement of the het currents from the Gulf of Mexico has been Induced. Te knew that the lack of preier air pressure In llritish America Is causing the extreme and long continued terridncw) Is very llttle satisfaction te the man who finds Ufe a burden even iu a linen duster. The present terrldlty in New Yerk bids fair te ccllpse the famous heated July of 1 870, in which en ten days the mercury rose te or nbove IK), going en one day as his high as VX What a Jelly thing it would be for the denizens of the metropolis If an Iceberg of geed proportions should gaily lleat into New Yerk harbor at the thne when the beat way getting In its warmest work ! PEH80NAI,. Jehn C Khkme.nt, who is 71! years old, Bays that he camped where Chicago It, vvhere Minneapolis Is, and whure Halt l.ake City is before tliere was a liouse at cither place Gi.adsteni: has from the estate of Hay wurden nn lucoine of $Uj,O00a year, and he Is mtren of four church livings ene of which, held by his son, is worth Sli&ea Ili:itm:iiT Spiinchii, overburdened with the deiuandsef cerrcsiKiudcntx, has adopted the plan of mailing lithographed circulars explaining why he docs net answer the let ters received ny nun. Jin. Gatljne. tr maehlne gun, Niitilnt the best tliTnjrr, governmenrrr, ti for our navy, is te build 'jliI'm hliln rnllwitv iinil run thn dryland, out of tlie reach of for go gunboats. Dn. TnetTHKi, as a result of a number of observations, states that In every c;ise, vary ing according te the condition of the indi vidual, thore is an exhilaration of the pulse rate and u slight elevating of temperature from smoking. If the avcrage tomperaturo of non-smekurs were represented liy ,oeu, that of moderate smokers would be 1,00s, whlle the heart In the lormer case was male ing 1,000 pulsatieny, In the latter it would beat 1,15-0 times heuce the harm of tobacco smoking. m hlie 1'likjeil It In LuiumMit. Jehn T.Hayinend, en lilt summer vacation, tells a New Yerk World reporter, that last year lit had u lady fiem Washington, a young married lady, conie te him for help in getting a position upon the stage. J le found hcrMiiart, full of talent and already full of promNe. IIe gave her the part of Amelia in "In Paradise" She played it during his engagement in Lancaster, l'.u She appeared inthorelo with only two slight preliminary rehearsals, and played thn urt nitirh better than the leading lady of the company, who was a trained prntessintiHl. Mr Hay mom! Iielleves that all of our leading publie spoak speak spoak ersUrofluo uclers. Cenkllug, ni.ilne, Kvaits, Ingersoll might new make great hits in al most any part they might undertake upon the stage JSialns, individuality and n knowl edge el the world nnd of human naturoare the prime requisites te miccess en the static. The man or w enian w he has theso Iscortaln'te succeed upon the stace v Itheutany se-called professional training. Ne great actor was graduated lremany scIkmiI except that of real life, and no elncutieuist was ever able te give any ene thefalutest sciublauce of eloquence. The Distress, feign I" Mnlnx. In Maine, according te tlie Bosten (italic, te give the sign of distress te any member iu geed standing, pound thrce times en the euter gate, (tive two hard kicks and ene soft ene en the inner deer, give the password, " Itutherferd B. Hayes," turn te the left, through a dark pos&ige, turn the thumb thumb hcrew of u mysterious gas fixture ninety de grees te the right, holding the goblet of the encampment under the gas llxture ; then re re ro verso the thumbscrew, bhut your eyes, Insult your digester, loave twonty-llve cents near the gas tixture and hunt up the nearest como cemo come tery, se that you will net have te be can led very fsr. m A Chilli Accidentally Pel.uncit. Werd has been received In Chambersburg, I'a., concerning the accldeut.il and fatal jiol jiel jiol senlng of Bolle, tlie fourteen-year-old daugh ter of Geerge W. Kough, at JCast Wutorferd, Juniata county en Tuesday last. The child was sullering with malaria and her lather ad ministered a dese strychnine in ml.stake for for quinine. Tlie (laughter died iu terrible agony befere medical uslsUuce arrived. The father had purchased the strychniue for the purjiose et poisoning crews sometimongo and had forgotten about Its presence in tlie house IIe has become almost crazed with the grief occeslonoJ by the death or ids child. The bottle had net been labeled as lolsen. licit tK . 4. A .-tJBrL.-.z5m &7JW& , und?uoeK- W&r. Pitts they I'ennsyl- 1) tun, even if Vanderbilt lines when he IIe found when the i he thought cheaply uht charges. as it. The hope te get en economy lieir prosperity. by buying out ruction. Tins thrifty Tmgllsbnian with himself as he rcllectstlJ mero ehild ren of Queen VI I viaea for by parliamentary; (shakes hands at there are no leria te be pre- ntut. The Kalltliury aeveriiinniit Dcrculecl. The government was defeated In the ilouse of Commens Thursday evening byn voteof 160 te 130 en a clause of the medical rellef bill. The Parnellites oppesod the govern ment. On thoanueuuceiuout of the resnlt ofthe division the ministers held u hurried consultation nnd Sir Michael Ilicks-Beacli anueuueed that Iho government iclhiqulshed rosjieuslblllty for tlie bill. Sir William JIarceurt Immediately accepted the responsi bility en behalf or the opposition. The (lis (lis cussleu ofthe bill was then coutlnued, Mr. Celllngs moving tlie amendmeuts put down la the name of Mr Balreur, wlie had charge or the bill. Tlie Halt Mine of Wlellcrkii. David Kcr In New Yerk Thne. Cenctudcd. OIIAt'Tnu It. Your cxpcclalteiis regarding the famous Polish salt mini) are artfully heightened by the f xlieme difficulty of reaching IU It lies about Revcn miles southeast of Cracow, Poland's nnelent capital, vvhence tliere Is only ene train a day te Wiellc7ka. It wns being worked ns early as thoepoulng of the eleventh century, nnd has been excavated Inte no less than 1(5 illllcreut gnllorles or tun tun nels, the total length ofthe tuliie liem point te point belng fully ene mid three-(tiarter miles, and Us depth below the surf.iee 820 feet. At present, howevor, itischieily val val uable ns a curiosity, for although work Is still being carried en In seme of the lower galleries, the yield of salt appears te he all tint exliaustcu. And new, nil the ucceury fermalltlrs having been transacted, ve lerin hi c!o"e order along with our fellew-slghtKeers and our polite elllclal marches us oil through the town llke a Heck of sheep, through tlie ens. tle garden, along the slde of the big dusty market place, up n sleep, wludluu sued bc bc veud It, halting nt length In front of n lingo building of Hlaring red brink which stands in tlie mliiiiieei asiuaii inciesurenml hears upon Its front the hnprcsslye words, "Sr.yb l)aulelnwlc7kn." J list as I am beginning te wonder whether theso Jawbreaklng eoiisen ants are applied as a test trt all candidates for admission te the mine, no ene being allowed te enter who cannot pronounce Its name, a tall, sallow fellow, mceslcd all ever with buttons, comes forward und ushers us Inte a kind of nnto-reoui, where we array ourselves in long whlle sineck- fiecks and tight-fitting green uqw, thereby assuming the edifying appear appear unce of a band of Hungarian foresters going out hunting hi their nightgowns. We nre eight in number nt! extremely pretty Austiiau lady with an ingeniously ugly husband, n very long Pole fiem Cracow accompanied by his betrothed and his future inother-ln-law, (possibly cherishing a faint hope of being able te leave the latter behind smuowheredown In Ihodepthsef the inlue;) Mrs. Kerand myself, and last but certainly net least an excitable llttle fellow with n bald head and a red face, who wemi hardly te knew hew te gut ridef liissuiierllueus energy and keeps darting te unit lre like an oxiiledlni; cracker, ttheutiui;. laugh ing and gesticulating with n vehemence that quite elect! Hies the sober Keeper of the entrance. At last all Is lead y, and we nre led oil te be shut up in a kind of overgrown birdcage, net unlike thn elevatnr of n hotel, ex'-pt that it bcghM by going down Instead of up. As we descend the dim lantern that swings abeve our heads casts a ghostly glimmer upon the hides of the shaft and makes our shrouded llgures leek qnlte unearthly. Down, down, down, ns If tills sir.mge de went wcre never te und, till at length tliere comes n rattle and asudden shock, and then the deer el our prison Is Hung open and we nil scramble hastily out. On issuhiK from thocaite we lind ourselves in a dark, low, damp ussagc, or rather tun nel, which hcems te wind away endlessly Inte the utter blackness beyond. Along thin gloomy mgiireKi we lollewas liest we may the dim light curried by our guide, which ever and ntien throws out our long whim shrouds nnd half seen faces In litlul rellul against the black walls around, suggesting a train of ghosts led by death himself through the shadowy corridors of the world below. This grim idea is suddenly Imrne out Iu a very unexpected way by thebtaitliug specta cle that njiens iiKii linns we inakn.iKliarp turn te the left. What i ucliaiitisl palace is this we have tutored ;or rather wliat strange underground cathedral et llie dead, with its altar and Its Madenna, its pillars and Us niches, its elligies of saints carved in quaint medheval fashion by hands which nmldercd iiueciusi ages age, wnuetlieir wen. mmu re mains fresh and perfect ns ever ? Wher ever the light of our reader's torch catches tlie dark pillars and shadowy walls n thou sand sparkles reeld unearthly brightness answers ILsjileain, for thn whole structure Is hewn out of solid rock calU lien it was first shaped out by the pious toil el the Pol ish workmen, Prussia had net even begun te exist. Austria was faraway from lhiiqet. and further still from any thoughts el ever iKWsesslng IU Hussla was a renietu ami half barbarous state which had Just freed ltaelf from the yoke of Tartary, while Poland, supreme Hern the Jiallra te the frontier of Turkey, was still ene of the greatest klng- loins or the world. Hut tlie Ironvef fort ene has chanced I'eLuidV Lft,jiinant into her .WSht,Wi Airt'TrrraTrpTrctch of fe.xy js iced- ni llf jriciiiiuie UI1U 1 null lllll llll.lllC.1 ' her ancient Plast and Jagcllnn menaWl)? iu the gloom and silence of midnight, with the ghostly phospherosoenco of the grave glimmering uten their rusted armor, und a depth of uuuttonible sorrow- in their haggard faces and rayjubs eyes ut the thought ofthe neble loritage that has passed fiem their race forever. Onward, ever onward, through the dim unending ui:i7e of these siiiiIcms citai eiii ls, the very echo of our steps Hounding unnat urally loud iiinid that tremendous Hilence and the black niacin el us k en either side lllckcring Inte a spuutrid efglininier as we go by only te darken again the next uiemeut into a deeper gloom tliun ever. Net a word Is uttered among us, for human spitch and huinau lalightei inn lliul no place in the depths of eternal night. .Silently as a train ofghestswo glidn along the ilieary way. All ut ence llieic Is another halt in the darkucs, nnd tle'ii t sudden blae or light re veals a iniglitv ilmua rising fir hImive our heads, and vat walls of rock shutting us iu en evcry side ; grim and gigantic as tho-ie efan Jgyptiau pMaiuid. Here are no sculp tured b.ilnis, no fantastic decorations; all is bare, rugged, celuss.il. Ju such :i temple the dwnrllsh, mish.ip n savages who prowled here thousands of ,v ears age may have poured out upon the lough-liewn idUir of Tugliqih the weed spirit or pe-oeii, the thunder god, the bleed el the first strangers who ventured among them. Lit us pass en, and that quickly. Hut even this sjiectacle.gi im though it is, is nothing te that which immediately fellows. A lew minutes I iter the faint gleam of our guide's torch, w hlch is new last dying out, shows that we aie standing upon a narrow bridge that seems te hang poised iu the empty uiraboveu cold, black guir or fathom less depth, while its futthcr end vanishes Inte utter night enlv a few yards beyond the spot where we Maud, ir, as the gloomy Mohammedan tradition declares, the disem bodied souls of all men must pass le their final account neiess the riizor-like biidge of AlSirat, which spans the gull" between the world or the living and that el the dead, it must be such a ene us this. All at ence tliere comes a deafening explosion from belew, and u burst or lire as II nil tlie flames of thlsextmet hell had broken forth ence mero. Then a show oref rockets comes dai t ing up through the blackness Jike fiery ser pents, their rear nnd hiss echoing and ro re ro cchelng along all the countless passages as If it would never end. Hut the tcnitie iniprchslveness et this valley of the bluidew or death is net at its height even yet. Wandering en through the overlasting night, we suddenly see the dying glare of the teich rcilected iu a dark, still fhlrror-like surface, and find ourselves standing en the brink of a black, slimy, dismal lake, tlie prfctt likeness of that ghastly "Peel of Ilela" In which, according le the grim .Scandinavian legend, the souls of cowards vvere deemed te sink deoper and deeper through all eternity, without n hope et ever rising ngiin. Is tlie Styx, then, no fable alter nil ? and can tills be Charen's beat that comes Hitting shadow like toward us athwart the sullen waters, gliding fertli again without n sound the mo ment we nre en beard? In Mich a spot any tale of horror seems jmsslble. Howevor, the gloomiest of these scenes or terrer is also the last. Our long inarch has bieuglit us at length into the inhabited poillen ol'llie initie, und human llgures are seen Hitting te and fiein the spectral twilight, while the voices of meu, the clink or mining tools, the rumble or trucks and barrows, break the snell or tlie tomb-like silonce. Hut all thebe sights and sounds or life cannot blot out what has geno before, and I Involuntarily draw n long breath of reliel en merging ence mero into the light of day, laden with crys tals of salt presented te me by the obliging manager, "t.0 take back und show iu America." I E-M' 1 .VEDTCAL. lr "1- rilllK IIITTKIIM. iimn in ina zoeiogirai iinriicn. from tlie l'ublla Ledger. "We feed our animals almost entirely upon herse nosh, Mid ox-Keepor Dickinsen, new butcher at the 'Zoe.' 'Heme or tlie horses are presented te us, but most or them nre bought at rates varying from about 3 te JO. Thore Is n mistaken Idea that the great er jiart of tlie animals we kill ero broken down street car horses; we get them from nearly all walks of herse life. Many of them nre hit when they ceme te us. Thore nre people who have been the possessors of horses for n down or a score of years, nnd, who, when it becomes nocessary te part with them, prefer letting us take tlie animals rath er than see them go te work In places where they might net be gently treated in their old ngc. " We kill, en nn average, about thrce horses a week. Some come from points ten or twel ve mlles Irem the city. A large number oftheuinio 'knuckled, the Joint abeve Iho hoof having Ijecu Html nod. Occasionally we II ml opportunities te buy becf Hint Is gar llcky, but herse meal is mere relished than beet by our wild animals. It is jiielcr. 1 think that in winter thcre Is llttle dlll'eronce bclw ecu the tiste of herse llesli and that of beef, except that the fermer is a llttle mw ent er. Our mi ni wira cat mero In whiter than In Hummer." AlilnmU That l'-lt llnrnellculi. "Among our nnlmats that cat the herse meat nre the liens, tlgers, pumas, leopards, jaguar, hyenas, uscelet, wolves, foxes, badgers, skunks, eagles, owls vultures and eendnn. About ence a month we give seme of the meat le the bears. They would eat it eltener, but tliere is tee much strength iu it Ter animals in captivity. About '!' pounds el meat are eaten every day by the animals in the garden during the summer. In winter that (iiiantltv Is exceeded. Nene of our cjrnlvcreus animals nre Ted mere than once a day, the time being 3' o'clock. They would probably llke te eat oftener, but by our present system we keep their appetles In geed condition, and as far as possible prev out disease. A full grown Hen or tiger eats from twolve te fifteen pounds a day. Tlie liest of the me.it Is given te tlie liens, tlgcis, leopards, pumas, Jaguar, Ac, and the Inferior qualities te the wolves, liy enas. dhmes, eaales. Ac. Prem thrce te six l)iinds a dav are eaten by a leopard, n Jaguar or puma. The fifteen animals In the Hen and tluer liouse censume from ene hundred te ene hundred and twenty-llve pounds a day. The feed given te the hyenas Is mainly beiie. They grind Iho bones te powder and swallow all of IL The meat given them is generally the shin nnd ether tough parts. " l.ittloer none of thodressod herse gees te waste. Ju preparing feed for birds, hir in stance, we chop the rib hones nnd meat all up together. The ground bone answers the puriHwe or gravel In the bird's stomach. Seft benes ground tip nre given te the quad ruped whenever such reed Is nncessry le put their stomachs In geed condition. In tiielr wild state many or theso animals howl una newi ail niguu in captivity tney gene rally sleep all nlgiit, iHSMitse ineir nunger is regularly appeased. Iu a sbita or nature they nre sometimes obliged te go ten days without feed, and when they get It they gorge themselves.'' In tlir l.lrplmnt Huiim. The elephant "Jennie," which Is about twvthlrds grown nnd weighs about thrce and a-hairtens, eats dally en an average, or 100 pounds or hay, halT-a-bushel or peas and a peck or potatoes. Nobody knows hew many groundnuts she and the ethor ele phants and "Pctu" the rhinoceros, eat, but Sir. I'leudergrast, tlie kcecr of tlie animals in tlie elephant house, says that en Sundays and ether holidays the llttle merchant nt the deer or that liouse, sometimes soils six bush, el or groundnuts. Mr. I'reudcrgast Hays the groundnuts de no harm te the elephants or rhinoceros, but visitors nre net allowed te give them or any thing elote the hippopotamus. The prlncljVtl loed or the elephant Is hay. Oi-cisleunlly they are given bread, and ence or tvv icon weak, they rccolveoals. "Jennie" drinks nbnut sixty gallons or water dally. She and the ether elephants nre fed ence a dav. The wlhl iKjarsnnd peccaries are fed twlee a day, their loed being generally the sanie as that given te common pigs. Kech el them will eat dally two leaves of bread nnd a quart of Hjtatecs. The hippopotamus, which Is thrce years old and welgh l,2tK) pounds, or nlsiut ono eno one hoveuth or the-weight or the full ej?rr animal, cats feed similar te tlviTTt horse, taking a bucketful of cut feryf nt each of it two ualiy meals. me principal infxi -rr Vtte." the rh nectTSsT n'-hiiVPole" I ten feet long, exclusive or Ids tall, and weighs about threo-ntid-it-hairteuor mere. Occasionally he is given vegetable and bread, the latter being especially iclished by him. Hread is given lit ii for the same reason that sometimes li'einplA the gift of candy te children. As Sir. Piendergastsays, "'Pete' sometimes gels sulky or mad and slashes around his cage in a fearful way. When he Is in that mood bread will generally jiaclly him.'' He eats sixty or seeiity ihiiiiuIs et hay In a day, and is given ulniut hair a bushel of bran two or thteellui"4 a week. He drinks daily about sixty gallons of water. Nene of tlie aiiiiuds iutliiielepliaulhouseeatuie.it. Ithluocereses will crush a man or ether animal vvitn their teeth, but, It Is Hahl, they will net eat llesh. "Pete" enjoys his shower bath Hiemi warm dajs. IIe is the only animal in the place that po.sse.stw this luxury. Tlie loed given the zebra is llke that or nil ordinary hmse. The " Zoe " specimen Isnet savage, but very stubborn, and n danroreus biter and Kicker. Iteccntly, when ft was necessary te trim the animal's beers, nlue men were required te held her. The two sc.i liens (at eighteen pounds or llsh dally, being fed twlee a day. The epi curean chiuiau7Ce is given bread, milk, honey, extract el malt, sweet joUtees and occasionally oranges. T'he keeiier must be very watchful of this animal's digestion. D UK8S GOODS. tmx s nOeim. i lAklkntM l J. I !. tmsVA. th fciMfe ')? ffSdftaKil., V Brown's Iren Bitters, THE BEST TONIO. Trade. Mark. (iVAMTV, I'lmtry-i'-NOT (juantity. t On overy bottle. Physicians and Druggists Recommend It. This inertlclnn.coinblnlnglren with purovege purevege tnlitn tonics, etilcklv ami remiilclclv ClIltKS IMHI'KI'Sl.v, I.NIIKIKSTION, WKAK.NKfcS, tMI'tllti: llT,OOI). MAI-AltlA, CIII1.I.S nnd rKV'Kllaml NKlMtAI.HIA. it Is an iinfiillltiK roniedy for dUcnses of the l.lvcrima Kldnnys. it In Invaluable for dlne.iaes peculiar te women, and alltvlie haul neilenttiry lives. Itiloes net Injure tlm teeth, enuse llcnflnctin os piisluuiCoimtlimtleii UTlIi;il lixiu uiedlcliier iln, it enrlclicii nnd piirlOn tlie bl(st, stimulates tlm apnctllc, aids tlm iufdnillatWm of fissl, re lieve Hcurlhiirii and llclclilng, and Btlun(tli Btlun(tli ems the tnurelra nml nerves. KerlntnrnilltPtit Fevers, Ijvssllude, I.nck of Hliergy, Ac., It 1ms tin ennui. Tlie Kiiinilnii Iihs Tnule Shirk nnd crossed red lines en wrujiper. Tukt, noetlio. Mudoenlyby IlUCMt.-S Ulir.311U.VI' v-w., IliLTIMOIlB, Me. eH3 lydAlvw (J) S.VJiPITATION OP THE HEART CAN BE CURED hy Ihoimeof Hit. OltAVKS' IIKAIIT IIKUUI.A Tim. It Ins Ieiir been n ti ceiilzcd leiuedy for Heart lilsfiisc, in all Its feiins, .ScrveiiMiicH". SlecplCBsiii'is, Imnulrcd Kncrny and Mental rAi .in trxxs-' i HAGER &, BRO'IHIER . t vas. J J-J ii 4 '' SUMMER DRESS liOODS. .!. Alfeii;. Summer Silke, Surahs, Tricotlne, FoulaitlbPengeo, Qrenadines, Nun's VelUngs and Albatross. " 'itSfj''-'' Li lien I.uwiis, Frciit'h Antilles, Aincrlcan Siitiiies, Iliilish Cldllis, ('liniiitirayUiiigliaiiiH, Zcpliyrtliiigliiiiiis, Embroideries and Laces. Iiuliaadelhs, l'OTsiau Lunn.", ue Wells, l'i nch Nalii.oelf, I Ki llsh Nniuzveb. Enibreited Swiss Robes. Faculties, ItyHiiepilii, lndlKeiitleii,dlwjifHiif tlie Hteumili ami IIemcIk. A cleiuj'liuilief Clay City, lnd., wty tlm llnurt lleculuter ii (ied's llfesf liitf Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Lisle and Silk Gloves, Hosiery and Gauze Underwear. liiu., xaj-i inn Heart u tesutreiliiK huiimtiity Kl per Iteltle, G fur .',, at l)ni;f;lt. Rend te F. n. I.'(5 AI.l.i, Ciuiilirldge, Slasn , Ter fii'O iMiuiihlet en Heart Iliscuv, etc. ii) CLOTlllXtl. TTCADQUAllTKIW J "Oil SUMMER Merine Slilrta and Drnwers, Oauze Undershlrta and Drawers, Cholce Nocktleu, E. tz W. Cellars and Cutru, O. Ii C. Cellars nnd CufTd, Crown Cellars nnd Cuffs The Best Fitting Dress Shirts. BIIIKTH ANI SOCIETY I'All UMIKItKAMA ilADK 'JO UIMlKlt. At Erisman's, NO. 17 WKSTKINU&TKKKT. e AK ll.VI.Ii. BUY YOUR CLOTHING AT Wanamaker& Brown's, OAK HALL, bUVTIIEAHTL'uRSCK SlXTll AND il VIIKUT bTKKKTH, HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. "jm;XT DOOK TO TIIH t'OPUT liOL'HU. FAHINSESTOCK'S. Fer Het Weather - - WniTE GOODS for Ladies, Of" UVUUY DKSt'Utl'TION ATC'J.M'i, li. i 1", JO, lit IS. UT. SUMMER UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Gents and Children SUMMER HOSIERT-Gieat Quantities at low Prices, Jerseys I Jerseys ! ! Jerseys ! ! ! LAUOi: STOCK. A 1.1. SI.K", FOlt LADIha AM) (JlllLI)HKN ut We , 75c.,l.(i0, 1.23, Jl.W II 73, i.0,ttW,W.00uji. l'lllLAIlKLl'lllA Jlylltfd A7 MALI. l'AVr.tt. i.ndew suki:k.vh. Wire Window Screens rtprteui l'ruHtrutieii llercau'd. Netlilnu i an succcsfully meet tlie rciiutie. menu et exliaitsted jiehvih and hlutttircd nerves but ti iviil.tceiiiciit of thoie elements v lileli luve licvn duplelcil TliU miiHtbcdoiie or coiuiiletii iiitMtmtlen euBUCiJ. The only uviiil uviiil able rcsmuce Hi ttlllliuvuiy recntlal ii Hurry's I'l'ius Malt Wi.itscv. Vtuft v.itli jtrtulcutcarc It will Inevitably dufvat the meat lliiuatcnliig jieislbllllleij or utler imntratleii. It Ii buncll clal allke te either sex und nil occupations, and Wnatrnnlzid liy the best In overy community, bold by ull lellablu druggUtH and giecel.s. " Iltilicili's Anatomy of .Melaniliely " Is a wonderful book, sett Inn forth in Kie.it de tail Just hew miserable human belncseau be. Hut tlie uhelu henlblu mess of uilsciy may be biiiumcd ii) In niiu vierd dyspepsia. Anybody u In) is mulcted wltli that disease knows tlie w hole vwelclied story- Anybody w he has taken llrewn's lien Hitters for dvpep-da knows hew complete und hnppyls tlm cine. Mr. Chas. A. Wilsen, of St. Leuis, writes, lliewn's Iren Hit ters has uieally lelleved me of weak Meinacli, liidlisestKiu and dizziness," il'VClAT. XOTIVES. rersims WIiii nre runt Fifty will llud I)r. Ken ncdy's Favorite Heincdy Just about the medi cine they need when they ucedaiiiedlclneat ull. Tin ten years which fellow that ui;e are full of dunifcns which de net threaten younger nicu and women. This pioparutlen gives tone te the nyetem, greatly expels luipuiltlcs and pre vents thROutcropplnifefrfllscajes the needs of which may lme been sewn In catllcrllfu. Why net Hv u out ull ) our days In health and bt length. JlyHMuidftw Tin; Mv.sTLitn;s. Once, en my mother's bieust u child I ctupt Helding my breath ; Thore, sufe aud nad, lay shuddering and wept At the dark mytery of Death. Weary and weak and worn with all unrest, Spent with the (trite. Oh I mother let uie weep upon thy breast. At the sud wyttery of J.lfe. -W. D. lleuflli. An JaitciprUlug ll.ilel-Keeper. 1'ieiu the Ilurtieid l'esa. Sutnnier resert lietels ure putting en lilg atljectlves anil olliurvisekociilnt;aiuro with tlie Boasen. Mesenbatini, who la-eps tlie "lloinlelr," was taken te tasU ler btretclilntr his ailvortlseincnt tee much. " Hi thore, Mose," said n friend, 'J see you advertise that your rooms have been on en on larced." "Se dey liuf." "Uut thore have bcen no carpenters at work onyeurplaeoj" "Net Wait till 1 toleyott. Ihaf bcraiveU tier luijicr eU' ilose walls. feo I" I have taken ene bottle of Dll. GltAVKS' IIKAKT IIEUULATOH for J leal I Dlscase and find it ull Iceulddeslie. A. A. Ilolbreok, Wor cester, Mass. Free pamphlet of F. 13. Ingalls, Cambridge, Ming, f 1.00 per boltle at druggists Out Doer HperU. With the opening of the Hcasen of outdoor sports comes the ilmu of trouble ier the peer v lutlinset Hay Feverand Hesi Celd. Fer them tlowets have no odor, nnd the summer little or no beauty. Te sntitr, sneeze and vrlpe their weeplng eyes for thiee or lour succuslve liieiulii, this U their pitiable poitleu. Tliere Is no help In scu veyuges, there Is no help In high iiieiiDtalu air. Hut them Is a positive, euieln Kly's Cieaui Halm. Tiytt. If jen eoiillnue te sutler It Is because you neglect a i emedy us iliiie us Itlscheupunil pkiisant. JyiU'indced&w USK IT IX COIil) W.VTKll, USK IT IN het water, It will give geed results MIL. LHIt'aHOKAXbOAl'. PENNA. 0IOAU8 FIIOM tLOO PEK Hundred up, ut IIAUXMAN'S LLLOW FKONT CIG.AU HTOltE. A TLANTIO CITY- The Chester County Heuse 13 NOW OPEN. Comfortable, homillke, situated very nar Iho sea, with extended jiluzzus upon three ocean fronts. This Heuse lias long been known as a most nloeMiut suiuiuer retreat, . junciimd J.KEIil & SONS. Iluvi become a very linpeitanl niatlerln house brer tnir. mid iHtWtfiv Hlieuld, tin wltlifmt them. The Tinre Is within reaelier all, and when puC" irtrpnipnvllii lasijouieryeirs. it u in ike thcui se they nich-nV-'Z removed In opening or closing sliutters or wlndewsr- U'iL'il "? i"t' Mc, wc. We, 7ee, 7.'e. &no, h5e, W)e, Slam Ttrj!i.'L"P. Landscape, Jl.il, ll.tO, 1J0, Jl ft, JI.7J u imtrTflr. according te size. Deers with coruers, springs, hlngi's, etc., romplete. We hav e added largely te our stock of R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te tbe Court Ilouse, LancrtBter, Va.. IIIKA' HTOKK. Carpets and Mattings, VI METZGER 6c HAUGHMAN'S, FUOM LATi; AUCTION 'ALEU AT V UUY Mattingii, Carpet8, CnrpetB, Mattings, MattlngB, Caniets, Alse, I.AIKil; LOT OK LOW I'KIChS. Oarpeta, Mattinga, Mattincs, Carpets. WHITE COUNTERPANES, Fiem the lale (ileal Auitlen f-ale In New eik, at K.V , 75c, l.OOl) IIAUUAI.Vb lit II.W and up te J if. ou will get WALL PAPERS Within the last tell days, bought from leeeul Ktlptilii KiKteni murkf iH.ciiiupiiHliig ull gmdcit of kimxIm. Hanging In bcxt iiiiiimer. Alse ii chnlc line of LAI K CUltTAINM. -:toieclesei utilp. m , except Satuidaja. Phares . Pry. Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Ij.m;asujl-1!A. TISEzpf & Haugluiiaii's Clieap Stei '43. WES5!1 KIMG- ST., LANCASTER, PA. - lletween the Cooper IIehm and Serrel Herso Hetel. pOWEKS A IIUHST. ' SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT,) TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS. Having been unable te clese out oufBtecYe m" tUrTroqulred time in oider te raake a change In our business, which was our intention, we new give notice that we shall continue en in our nrosent line of business and shall epen new goods from te-day which we shall eflbr at lowest cash prices. Thanking ene and all for past lavers, we rcspectfully Bellcit a call In the future. Remember we have only ene price, and that the lowest. BOWERS & HU RST, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. - - Lanccister, Pa. U trxu r.n ta kiku. NDKKTAK1KO. iSL.R.eROTE,& UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Slrccfs, LLNCiiTKtt, l'A. l'erxenal attention plvcn teall orders. Kvery thliifrln til 11 UndurtuKlitKlliiefurulihed. Huvlngiecurt'd tlie Hervlren nt a Mml-cliMS ihd chanle, I uut prepared te de ull kinds of Uphel. etciliiK at veiy moderate lit Ices. All kinds et furniture Uphelntcred. Ulru uw a call. L. R. ROTE. JanlO-ttd WATCH 1M. AC. -IITATOIIKS, CLOCKS AND JEWKLKY. GREAT REDUCTION IN 1'ItlCKS Or WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWKLKY, at, LOUIS WEBOl'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Qeeen Street, Opposite City Hetel, nc.ir l'u. It. It. Depot. Ceneettlnie ut nuen dully from WunhliiRtnn, D. C. WuteliMUiid Clocks rep.iited, leguutiid and adjusted. JyJMyd HTOCKS. TpOOlCAvfllTE & GltKKNOUGH. CIBANKEF(S.J8 Orders execnted for canh or en margin Ier ull securities cuneiit In the New Yerk luaiket. Correspenduueo lnvlteil. MKMHKItSOK THE NEW YOllK STOCK K.. CHANUKANP I'KOl'ltir.'lOUb Or' I'OOil'S MANUAL Of KA1LWAYH. 45 'Wall Streot, New Yerk, octl-lydeod TY ONCE jj soap ; everywhere. liSlNf! lMIhliKIt'H I10HAX STOItAOK AHD COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIEL MAYEU decMyd IG West Cheat nut BtreeU QNE DOLLAU WIIjIj I'AY. FOIl I'ANTS, VEST AND HAT. Well suited te attend picnic, excursions or fishing pintle. Alfe shlrU of uny kind for ile. and up. Hosiery from 5e. up te the finest Lisle nnd llritish. Uauia Undervteur. Duster lust the thins te wear thli viiirm wcuthcr. All cheap teiiull the picseut lliufu. At llECIITOLD'S, Ne.&J North Queen htleut. 43-Sigu of the lllj SteckiiiB. mllE MANSION. THE "MANSION." ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The Lendlntr and Largest Hetel. Flnelylncn ted, elegantly fumlshea unit liberally niiiiiai;cd Klectvtu bells, lights, and ull modern luiprevu. incuts. Geed orchestra. OHAS. McQLADE, Jy7-2md rropiletei. bii.xr.HWAm:. HJ- KIIOADS. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purchasers te the very flne and com cem com plete line of moderate priced Ladiea' Geld Watches, very much In denmnd just at present, and we nre well propared te meet that de mand. We also have Geld and Silver Watohea in a great variety of styles aud at the low prices brought about by the long depression of the times. Our Nickel Watohes ut SG.00 are geed watches for the meney, and nre going off very fast. We roeelvod the ethor day a large Inveice of all the latest novel ties In Silver Jewelry, Oxydized, etc., very pretty aud worth Boo Boe ing ; would be ploased te have you call and bee thorn. H Z LANCASTER, l'A. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street. 1WUK8. B OOKS AND STA'ljONEItY. JOHN BAEKS SONS, Fluids and Ink, OFFER AT LOWEST I'ltiCKS, IlluiiK Heeks, Writing Papers, Envelopes, Writing; HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Steel I'euH, Lead l'entlls, 1'ecl.ct Uoeks, lllll Uoeka, Letter Heeks, nnd an Assortment of Flne and Stapla Stationery. S- AT THIS SIGN Or TIIIJ 1I00K.-S ' NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JIOUSHFUJI.VISIIIXO UOU1K1. s IIIKK'3 OAIU'KT HAIiU CARPETS ! CARPETS ! UEOrENlNQ uir SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. e trude the Ijiment and Heat Selected l.lnu of C'nriwlH everur, Bl.Vl.TH, ull the 'i'ntdluir Mattes of HOllV ANDTAI'LSTItY nnd Cotten Ch iln KTKA SUl'EUS, mid nil iiiinlltleit of I.N. VVonrenow preiuned te show the hlbltudln thlHelty. HltUhSKl.s, iiu.i.r.- WILTONS. V 11. V .11 ll'-..l JluUf ar.l.e. I III. l.r.-l i. I , j it'll inn iiim . ii i m iu 11 11 i. . UHAIN CAlci'LTS, DAMASK ttlid VLNliTIAN CAItl'K'lS. UAU und CHAIN KI'KTcinf our ownmanufactttieiispeciiility. bpeelul Attention mid te tliuJIanulattumefCUSlOJI CAitl'IiTS, AlseaVulI Llnoef OlLCLOlllS, AuUS, Wl.NDOSHADES.COVKULETS, Ac. AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. leb'audAw