'V- ? THE liAXOASTHK: DAILY iKTBlJMGEKCMi; ttlOAT IT, - &s t . . AU . ., 3 ' "3 J. i AN Dim TO Till: SPIUNKLLU. Through ihe sultry, ditety d iy, Iho sprinkling sprinkler spunks his way, Sprinkling spriultles e cry who te Without a heUicr or u care. In vnln tliespilghtly (.prlgllng hoots, llccuiise the sprinkler spriuks his bouts, lit vnln On sprinkled Indies suirer, And ew disaster te Iho duffer TlmtipiliikllnKprlnklorpiltklceii Unlll hit icguturtiprliik U done, Nei panics u'en fur enrse or tlmtik Till thai his Hiinl f prink Is sprutik. -from Ihc ST. V. ft ilium. 3tA.xi:ias3i.i tx en an vi t vnOiits. A Untteii Mualral Journal Mnkes Seme Tnrt Suggestions te Singers. Frem the Ilealnn Musical llciiilif. is'ew Hint cIicIm ata quite generally being se jilnced ns te face the conu;ri'gniJeim, u wish Hint the fingers would net only heed our forniprmlvicena te deportment, but also rrincmlicr that the attltude of the body, the position of Iho head, tlie manner of held lug the boek,nnd nbove nil, lUeaciitl ejpretmiev, will linve tiittch te de with tlinacreptnblllly of the eorvlce they render, liven a "loud" style of ilrcua will inllitnte ngnlnU the ollrt' ellrt' ollrt' Uveness era beautiful volee. Thore are singers whose oxpicssleu of Miuntonance Is ra dull, Iicay, net te say htmild, type. They noer show the slightest ciitluishum, but nccm te boenlv plodding en through a service, which U te them only a wearisome routine of duty, and In which they full te llnd the slightest interest. A ehaimlngfaee, e en if net noticeably beauti ful In features, adds ns much interest In song as in conversation; but, when ene de livers the tmisla from a countenance as blankly stolid as the luck of a tombstone, It Is ery dltllcult te get en rapport with the uuuiters. Oij the ether linnd, anything llke an atlcct atlcct ed smirk or perpetual Binile becemes ropul repul slc. The expression of the whele counte nance. In which the mouth and the oves bear the principal pirls, should be HUcirJiu", ifpes-. biuiu, 10 cnnrni me nuouueu, ceriaitiiy net such astoiuake It olhcrwlse than ngioenble te leek at the singer. All contortions are te be avoided, nnd any vlslbln motions, indlcatingthutone is obliged tomaUe the whele nystem a sort of nnimated metronenip, in order te mcasiire the rhythm eonectly, ate absurd. We known basso, with a geed uilec, who habitually scowls when sluglng, nnd when a low tene is required, ducks his chin, as if te Intoicept a larynx which had biekcu loeso and ttnrtcd dew nward. One of the tenors in the same choir Invariably reaches for an upper O, as If, by throwing the head lar back ward, he could pick it from the ehaudcller in the dome. An excellent contralto spoiled the beauty of her singing, net long since, by appearing in a most unbecoming and profusely illus trated hat, which divided the attention of nil with tlie hideous bangs beneath It, making the people Incontinently transpose the well known couplet, sons tomakell read "They will net forget the singer, J'heugh they may forget thu song." And we mentally recall the lace of a soprano, who seme years age bade fair te win a high position by excellent ecnl abilities, but from whom the public- turned, bccntise it wxs pnintiil te leek at her when singing, and who never took a high tene without appearing ns if she was trying te disledge a halt-swallow d lish bone. Origin uf u ruinous llxprcstluu. Prem the Lmilivillc Coiirlei-Jeurnnl A reader write? te eak: ,f Would you plcwe explain thq eatixe erratlicr w hut i3liie Jeke or Vita the remarks nlwil whlEker.' The -c h this "Jeke or point" date back te -voLitlenary lme. Themas Joirereeii. iciie Tt'iii'lt of Jtiy, AvaejgietJ Inte Del wwe te read the Declaration iff IndA, pentieuce, Themas felt eomdderable pride in the nittr ttthe.hitniclr .hf.d wHiinn Hhe Declaration. It happened thai ' u airing winu was mewing wnen he Degan te lead, and his whiskers, of course, patted in the middle. A lady auditor, noticing this, remarked te a neighber: ''The wind is blow ing through his whiskers." Mi. Jullerwjn was se dik?ustcd that he went home nnd sh.ned ecrj- hair lieiu liis clilu and never l.iiscd whiskers again, as will be seen by his itertraits. '1'heus.iuds of excellent citizens keep their beards closely bh.it oil te avoid the wind. "Whit Chandler Wrete or ltii ich In ia;t. "Mr. lte.ich (Minn te this country Jorty years nge, and worked ns a leundry laborer alfUS per month. My the aid or a great natural power anil p-itlent Industry, he lias bocemu an extcush e manufacturer of marine engines,aiid almost the only iron ship builder In America. Although uneducated nnd partly deaf, he is ene of the most remarkable men of the time. In 1M1S he became my friend and client, lias given iue his fullest confidence, mid has nercr taken an import tint business step t Srw Yuri, I'ltcsler, or Washmulen, vilheut cunsiillin; me. JIN simplicity, integrity, and greatness of mind and heart nmke liltu respected by all who knew him." A tonic In ihe Trim Sense of tlie Werd. Net all medicinal vneparatlmiH called tonic tic such V mere stimulant of nppetlte, width Kivcs u fclliiple "lllllp te .Viitine " which lu men i-s no obstacle te hur pieci'seg in t lie human nstem, li In no tiuoscnse a lenle. lluxtcttci'x Mem it h UK lei's net only far transcends In pnrll Hit eulintuy uiiincdlc.itid stimulant of coin im r"C, the thnhpleuit bitters, nnd ie eieneit endedui tenb i In t nlicie they are powcilees de m.i e linn 'nipnu a tcinpeiaiy "llinulii" ' uppcHle, th- Titters n stores dt'C tlen mine dlci bllieu 'ni' ll ml lusiui it-gulurlty In thi liiblt of body. It Is, thoieforc, u tonic In the tnie heiihe of the weld, for does It net it new harmony of tone in the most iiupuitaut func tions of the bed, wheie all before was ilNcoi ilNcei (bint, teeble and intiaiinoiileug? liesldes thU, its tin Ifc'eniUny and icgiilatlng elleet-s constl censtl constl tute It the best possible safcguaid against inn laiiul (Ihe.iacH. 11 cemineei lheiimiitUm, kld iii'v complaints and iientmsiics. Jiilyblted HVEVIAl. NUVIVr.N. "Ih.ne .dl-ed my I) uighter te tiyll,anil ht Is keIuk te de te" lie f Hither e.ij a : "I i dltd en ou about b!. weeks ntje ulek with bllleiu disease. Ven i;ue mu a bottle of Dr. Kennedy's l'liveille Itemedy nnd fi't me nil ihl 1 want inore of it." Tims writes a mini whellvcs In I.ubee, Me., te the pripileter. We ue sine of hearing; favenibly fiein tlie l.ul, ler thUiirtpuratlen Uetaitly suited te llui troubles irem Mhleh women te often Miller. Alse for litllc thlldieu, JlylO-lind.tw (. clukn'e J.liinld lleef Teuie is endorsed bv phynithins. llnnjKlsts. Atker Celutn'Mf title no ether. Of JylJ lwdeed.Vw A WalkliiK Skeleton. Ml. , E. Snriimcr. of Mech:inlC3bnrir.l,a..wiltes: I was nllllcttd with luiiir lever mid libit cm en longs, nnd leduccd te i ualkimi akiliten. Until fiee lti.il bottleof I)r KIuk'm Kind's New 1)1 1)1 iem ly ler Consumption which did me be much Loed that I bottle. After iisIiik three bottles ftiund myself ence nunc a lnuu, completely re blereil te health, with a hearty nppetltu nnd a u Hit in Itush of IS pounds. Call at Cochran's dim; store, 137 nnd i:w Ninth Queen Htieet, I.an. t usler, Pa., and get a free trial bottleof this toi tei mln tine ter all Lung Ulstascs. J.argu bottles, S1.00. (J) 1'iein Cleveland, Ohie, einus a lettci sUncd T Wnlker.sa) lug. 'About six mouths iil'e cemiiieiited tnMni; Jlunleek mood Hitter IB lOl jueli-.uttd 11 v. mid n ise of lumliiiire nnd ceiicml debil d new mu pleased te flatoii.ive receveind m Kid inv umietllu nnd wonted htrtuiKth. 1'eul better .diejrether," Forsaleby II. II. Cochran. dniKirUt. 137 amllXJ Neilli Oticcii street, Lancaster. ruiau,ra.s and purity ni (euimunlcnti'd te Hie eoinpletlenbi Oleiiii'stJulpliurbeap. 'Hill's Bull' 10 u," ty c i lwdeed.Vw NEVEUGIVEUT. It jeu are troubled -vlth neiveus or sltk head lithe, de net glv e up j our case m Incurable until veu have tiled Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription, f-e the teslliiienluls in another teluinu. djti-lwd ISuckleu's Aiulcil Si lie. The Hest Salve in the world ler OuU, llrulscs, Soies, Ulcers, Salt Kticiuu, Fever Boies, 'letlci, (hipptsl llniids, Chllbalns, llurus niidiillbklu Eiiipllens, positively lines Tiles, ei nepay in lulled It U gimi iiutccd togivepctlcu suits tac lien, nt money lctiutdtd. Tihe .5 nuts per box ret s.ilebj Cochran, the Drn-jjilsl, l!7 and I Si eiiti Oin en i-lifet, J Rniastci', Pa (I) itoTiiTTreN" i! ; ats." 1 leniseul tats, mice, reaches, tiles, aut, bed hugs, skunks, ihlpuiunks, gophers. IV. Drug gUts. ( 1 ) lT0HlNUFlLF.S."-SYJlPTOMS!MOISTUKEt Llke perspiration, Intense Itching, werse by Bvrntcliing, most ut night, stems If pin-worms vv era cmwllng. ' 6'ieajuc'i OJiUmriU r it a pleat, tint, ture cure, janit-MWFAw "Speut l'Hty Dollars lu doctoring for ihviunutUm beteix) 1 tried 'Iheirm' Jiclcctrle VII. Used aMi-ccut lHittleef rli medicine, uud get out lu ene week. Fer bums uud sprains it ts cvecllent," Jas. Durluim, r ut I'embieku, N . Fer into by 11 Jl. Coch ran, dniggUt, '37 timl W North Oijecuet'vgt, Jrttpca,- u-c Tnke All In All. Take all the Kldiieynand Liver Mtclicinta. Take all the Jlloeil purifiers, Tuko all the Dytpepsia and Indigestion cum, Tflkcftll tlie pile, Fever nnd bilious tpectflci. Take all the 7'rninand Xcrve ferce reth'. Tuko nil the G'rrn health restercrK. til thert, t.lke nil the best iUidltlcs of nil thcRennd Ihe-uett tlimlttlesefnW thebes-i lnedlclucs In tlie wtnld and ou will llnd that Hep -Jltttcr$ have the best curatlTO ((ualfllcg nifd powers of ull-C(JnCfrec(( In tliciu, And that they will cure When nhy or all of these, slnily ei- cembbiril. rail till A thorough trial will gire positive proof of tht. Hardened Liter. Five years no I bioke down with kidney and liver complaint nnd rheumutlsin. blnce than I have been unable te be about nt nil, Myllverbocamehaidllko weed; my limbs weie puffed up and tilled with water. All the best physicians agreed that nothing could cm e me. 1 resolved te try Hep llitterst 1 Imvu used seven bottles the'biirdiicss tins nil gene fiem my liver, the swelling (iem my limbs nnd It has uerkeittt miracle In my ense other ether w ise 1 would huve been new In my ginve. J. W. MOKMY. Ht'rpvU'.Oct. 1,1(81. I'everty and SufTerhir'. "1 was drugged down vi lth debt, poverty and suffering feryenrs, caused by asltk family and lurge bills ter doctoring. I was completely discouraged, until one jcar age, by the advice of my pastor, 1 commenced using Hep Bitters, nnd In one month we were nil well, nnd none of us hare been sick u day since, nnd I want te say te all peer men, you can keep your families well a year with Hep llitteis for less than ouedecloi's visit will toil. I knew It.' A WenKtNOMAI. 47None gcnulne without a bunch of green Heps en the wlille label. Shun nil the vile, poisonous stuff with" Hep " or "Heps" In their name. luly-lvM.W.KAw SVEVJATj ftUTlVKS. Mntliersl Mothers 1 1 Mothers lit Arc ou disturbed ut night and hiekcn of your rest by a sick child suflerlng and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth 7 If se, goal once nnd get a bottleof M US WINSLOW'8 bOOTIIINO HYUIU. It will lellcve the peer lltlle suffeicr imiiirdlatcly ilcpend upon 11; there Is no mistake about It. 'I here Is net a mother en eaith who has ever used It, who will net tell jeu at once that It will regulate the bowels, nnd gtve lest te the mother, and relief mid health te the child, operating llke tingle. 11 is pcrlcctly safe te use lu nil cases, nnd pleasant te the tustc, and U the prescription of one el the eldest and best female physicians nnd nurses In the United Stntes. Beld ever where. S3 cents a bottle. JiinelO ljdAw Net u Case. Net a case of rheumatism, net a case of neu ralgia, net a cue of lameness, net a case of lwln or sprain net one has failed te re when nt. lacked by 7'Aeiu' Jlclictrlc Oil I'm sale by 11. II. Cochran, diugglst,U7aud 113 North imecn stlict, Lancaster HKAUT TAINS, Palpitation, Drepsical Swellings, Dlzzlners, Indlgestinn, Headuehe, bleeplcasuess cuifd by " WelU' Health Itenewer." (1) . "Wlnl t Can't bn Cmed Mutt be I.'nuured." ThU f0"ni1aae docs'netsianlty that wainust snteifthn miseries of dyspepsia, when d m t fil et ne with the cumtlre juepeitlnA of Huraeek L'loetl Jllttrrt Is nvnllulile. Ittsoueel t be most KUbsiautl.il nnd reliable rcinedb-s held te-slsy, Ferialehy It, It. Ceektaii.drtiasV&t-VV? '"'"i " NenhguwnstresLjiAlTtaWerr .Nmeiu Dfthllltalcd Mrn "Yeu ar allow ed a Jrte trial of tMrty tlaii of the nwiaf Ir.ly' Ci-lchmad VolUUe Belt with Klectile "usjiensei.T Appliance, renei nnu nfrinanenicure ei Airrnun ireiiiiitv. less of Vitality nnd Munli-wl, and all kindled trouble Alse, for inanv ether diseases. Cem plete iLstnruileu te health, vigor mid manhood guaranteed. Ne risk is incuiitd. Illustrated pamphlet, with full Information, terms, etc, mulUd frte by addressing Voltaic licit Ce , Jlur shall, Mich. IIUOW-V8 IIOUSLUOLD TANACKA. Is tlifliuoateffcctlveTaln Dctreet lu the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied externally, and thereby mole certainly UEL1E K TAIN, whctln.r chronic or acute, than any ether pain ullevlater, and It Is wurrnntid double the strength of any similar picpiimllen. It eurcfl pain in the bide, lluek or llewelj, Eoin Threat, ItheumutWin, loethuclu and ALL Al.llLS, and Is The Orcut llellever or Tain. " IIUOWN'U HOUSEHOLD TANACLA " Bheuld belueveiv family. Ateaspoenlulottbo Panacea In a tumbler of hi t water fswLetened, lr iiro iire fenert.j taken r.t nedtlme, will HItUAK 1'1'A COLD. cents n bottle. m311ydM,W,SAw "11UC11U TAIIIA." Quick, complete cure, atlKldiiey, niadderand Uiluniy Diseases, bcildlng, Iitltutlen, Stene, f.rivcl, Cntairhet the bladder. $1. Diugglsts. (1) Honesty the Ilcst Tolled luadvertlslng amcdlclne It U best te be heu cslj deception will never de; the people won't stand It. Let the truth be knew u that Jlurdeck Jlteait Jllttrrt cure scietulu, and all eruptions of the skin. '1 his medicine Is (.old every w here by druggists, forsaleby II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 anil i: Si Ninth Queen sUeet, Lancaster, A Werd of Caution. Itallieud men, mechanics, cnmtnci cl.il tra vclcrs, huse halllstn, laimers, mid ethers who labor out of doers, are peculiarly liable te acci dent and lnJurv. Themui IMtetitc Oil fei briil-f, burns, bites and sprain. Is one of the niifsiupniiuiiieiis yet ''I'M-'q Fer "tile by II. 11 Ce-lunii, drugRi-, 1.17 a 'id 1 eilh i,iuei ii -ii et Laiiciitei'. " llOUOU ON COKNS. ' Ask fei Wi lis' " Iteugh en Coin." 15c. Quick complete cine. Haul or soft louts, waits, bun ions. (I) Thousands Say Se. .Mr. T. W. Atkins, Glrard, Kansas, writes : " I nev cr hesitate te iceemmcnd your r.lvetilc Jilt leis te my customers, they glvu entile kiitlstao kiitlstae tlim and nru rapid sclieis." hleetrlc llitteis me the purest and best medicine known und will positively cure Kidney nnd Liver ( emphtlnts. l'uilfy the bleed and legulnte the bowels. Ne Iniully can nll'enl te be without them. They villi huve huudieils of delhus lu doctor's bills everj-je.il. beldntllfty cents a bottle by 11.11. Cei hnin, Diuggtst, 1 .17 uud 1JU North Quecu street, Lnncaster, Til. (3) SKIN DISEASES. "SWAYNE'S OINTMENT.' " titrainc'i Ointment" cures Tetter, Suit Ithctim. Uliigwerm, Seres, Pimples, Eczema, nil Itch' Eruptions, no matter liew obstinate or long ttantllnu. JanJJ-MWFAw MOTHEItSI MOrilEltSM MOTHEKSMI Aie you dlstu i bed at night nnd broken of jour rest by n sick child suffering und crv lug with the exciuchitlng pain of cutting tenth T If se. gontentonnd getiCbottle or Mis. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYltUT. It will iclieve the peer llttle sufferer Immediately depend upon it; tlieie Is no uilstnke about It. Thcie Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you nt ence that It will regulate the bowels, and glve lest te the mother, und rcllef and heulth te the child, operating llke mnglc. It is perfectly safe te use in all cases, ami pleasant te thu taste, und is the prescription of ene of the eldest uud host female physicians In the United States. Sold every wheie. 23 tents u bottle. maj31-lydM,W,S&w ctJAr.. B. V. MAHTIN, WIIOLHSALE ANU HKTA1L Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber and Ceal 4-Yaru: Je. 4J0 Neith Water and Prince streets above Lemen, Lancaster. n31d -1 AUMQAltUNKKS A JKKFKKIKS, COAL DEALERS. Orriuvs : Ne. 1) North Queen street, and Ne. Ml North Prlnce street. , Vmidb: North Trlnce Btreet, mur Ue.ultng DopeL LANOASTEU, PA. aulMld pOAU M. V. B. COHO XW NOltTH WATEK STUEET, laincaster. Pa., WHOt-KSALK AXU nKTAlL DKALKX IN LUMBER AND COAL. Censkctuis with TUM Tklxtiionie Kxciusua. Yarii and Orrics: Ne. KM NOUTH WATElt BTItEI'.T. lubaivd OOTJJ1HMA1C-1U CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS .AT &3.00 A CCKEK, . n ir. iiv. vnwil tl,whr c,t,fvn i J. IIV 11UI.111 viu.K... BIH. I, A, tanllUfd Lancaster, Pa. A ThANTlO UITY- The Chester County Heuse 13 NOW OrEN. Comfortable, homelike, situated very near the sea, vi ith extended piazzas upon three oecun fronts. This Heuse has long been kneiui us a most pleasant summer retruat. . jmivi ;ma j, KKiji erm KltlCAT Li.- IA.VOMTK llEMEDY, liAPPY CHILDREN. Hew te Make Thpin Se ftctpllicmlti Health nnd They Will Take Care of (he Ittst. The Jey of every well regulated household comes tliledy from the ehltdren. Thousands of nffcetlonnte parents de net Inke care of their children. Through Ignorance mere than culpa ble neglect I hey suffer tbem te fall sick nnd die, when knowledge mltrlit hnvn unveil them te love and home. Mr. David Kennedy offers his " Kn- toflte lleiiiedjr "as umpliiitlciillyaiitmllclue for the children ccnih; In Its action, containing no harmruUngreillentu u nattier, going strnlflhtte the bleed, which when liiipilie. Is thnniit ami source tit disease. " ltvert JUmctlu" Is the friend of childhood nnd should be found In every utlrserv lu the hind. Keep It lu j our limine fur Try 11 nnd you wlllhnglnd jeu saw tills article. Make no mistake. The rnedlt.lne is" tiierll liemtilit" nnd th proprietor's nnme nnd ml dress: l)r. David Kennedy, Uondeul, M, T. One (lelliu-a bottle. Geed Words for n Clond Thing. Dr. Diitla Kennedy's " Kuvorlle Uemedy " Is exactly what It claims tebc, and deserves the praise that are showei-edupen tlbyiill who have uscdIL Mr. Israel II. Hnjdcr, of Saugcrtlcs.M, Y.,says t "ily little daughter was covered Willi. Halt Hhciiiu from head te feet. Dr. Kennedy's 'Favorite llemedy ' cured her. This wns two j ears nge." Wn Are Net In ttin Habit or Tuning liny sort el Patent melltlnes In our columns, hut we ball pen te knew Dr. David Kennedy, of Uoiideut, n.i.snu enn pemeniilly tcslltj lence Of the mrdlclnn ulileli 11 tcstlfv te the excel. tlinitociercaiis ravorlte ltemcdy." And If a mini of ours will persuade unvbed v te use It nnd thus IS limiTYMIt'l Irem suffering no professional etlonctte shall iiiiiurr us ireui snying mat weki. ferdlenses in inu OlOOO, K1UI iievs and bowels it litis no equal. We would net be without II for ttve time the dollar that 11 costs. Daily l'lite;Ttei,A.y. Inlyl-lmeecl.tw YIJR'H 1'IIiTiS. TO DYSPEPTICS. The most common signs of DYHTKTSIA.er INDlUESTION.nrennoiipresslen nt the stom ach, nausea, flatulency,wntcr-bmgh,hcnrt-burn, vomiting, less of nppetlte, and constipation. Dyspeptic patients suffcriinteld miseries, bodily nnd mental. They should stimulate the diges tion, and sccure regular dully action of the bends, by the use of moderate doses uf Ayer's Pills. After tin bowels aie leguluted, onent these Tills, tuken each day after dinner, Is usually nil that Is required te complete the cure. Ai Ell'S TILLS are sugar coated and purely vcgetublc a pleasant, entliely safe, nnd icllnhlc mcdlcpiM rtr the cure of nil Dlsoidcrsef the Stomach und Hew lis. Ihcynie the best of nil purgatives Jei family ue. riixi'AnEii nv Dr. J.C. AYEK& CO., Lencll, Muss. Sold by all DniBglvts. Jiilyl5 "lylCAIC AM) NiniVOUB MEN Who suffer from Nervous nnd Physical Debil ity, impotence, Exhausted VlUilIty and Prema ture Decline, nnd seek Perfect llestoinilen te Heulth.'Fiill Manhood and bex.ial Viger with out Stomach Drugging, can ccktaislv obtain It tn thu "JlAJt.STiv JiOLUS.'V I) I. cuses of the Prostate Ulanl.jSte(ljr, and lUadder, effectu ally cured wltheiitituttrnincnt. Kndened hy Uieumls wlnj b.rAlrfen cured. Adopted 1n lieepltats and Xif wuri1tia.au In Europe and America. s"7,, '-V-VWX'JilJ.S"iW'cd without furgery. Sealed Treatlt unU 'ftiflWlimWi ftetv. Address MAB3TOlsr-REMFJDY0C.ler . DIl. HSBSKOW, itOi t J Wfet lltU. 8tret, Sew Yerk. mayiaiyeVdiw G HAY'S Hl'EOlKIO MBDIOJJi'K. The Ureal English Uemedy. An unfailing turu for liotetcny nd nil DlseaMs that fellow laws uf Meuuiry, Urtlvciniil Lassitude, Tain In tbe Hack, Uanness of Vision, Tremalnre Old Age. and many ethr dlnes . that lead te In sanity or Ceniuuiptl'jn and & t'wniature Grave, Full par lectin In eurpamphlet, watch we de sire te si rid ilea by innfl te every ene. This Sihv clda uieillctne H'snldthyall, OrucglsUatfl pr riickage, or six packages for or wlil hssenl rwi hy mall en receipt of the tu( nsy, by . d" dressing the aient, - II. . COCHKAN, DrugT:)eo!e Agent, Nes. 1J7 and 1?J North ijiic-j stieet, Lincivter, Fa. On account el counterfeits, we hnve adopted the Yellow Wrapin-r i tnn only ceimlne. THE OKAY MEDICINE CO , llutrule. N. Y, AKTK lC ll tyriTuitsi-'Ai I., OOI1SCLT DR. LOBB, NO. K3 North Flllcenth street, below Cnllewbtll street, Thlladelphle. Cures all Diseases of both sexes. Twenty YearsExericnce. Consultations by mall. NEKVOU8 AND SPECIAL DISEASES. New hook Just out. Send ferlt. Hours Ha. m. till 2 p. m ,nud7p m.telOp. m' Heeks frce te the iillllctcd, IcbiHydiw CONSUMI'TION I HAVK A I'O.SI'UVi: lemeity for the nbove dl-case; by Its ihe thousands of ceses of thu worst kind or long standing have been cured. Imbed, se strong Is my faith tn its cirieucy that I will send! WO IIOTTLES FREE, together wlthn valuable lien tlsu ou this disease te any sufferer. Glv e express uud T. O. address. Dll T. A.8L0CUM, JiuiIU-CmduedACinw 1st Pearl ht., N. Y. S" AVKrUKE AND faFHEDY Cljui Xtei-rCRS, Vamcckili: and 8rrt. Disiasis, Why be humbiiggid hy quacks, when jeu can llnd in Dr. Wright the only Kroo Kroe Kree Lin l'RVKiiux in Philadelphia who mikes a eprclalty of the abev e diseases and cucrs them 7 CtTHxanuxanHTKED. Anvic bsb, day and even ing. Strangers can be treated and return home the fame day. Oftltcs private. lilt. W. II. WHIGHT, Ne. 211 North Ninth etieet, nbove ltace, T. O. Uex 073. Philadelphia. lan'-D lydAw MANHOOD IIKSTOKISI). UEMEDY FKKE. A victim of youthful impitidcuce causing Pie mature Dciuj, Nervous Debility, Lest Manhood, Xchavlng tried In valu everj' known temedy, has discovered a simple self cine, which he villi send FltEEte blj lellewsuffeiei-s. Addiess, J. II. ItEEVES, 1 1 Chatham St., New ei k Cll J'. JanlC-ljiedAlj iv TTKAUQUAHTKKH l'OK Til 15 INDIAN MEDICINES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere NO. 1) EAST KJNG ST.. Lancaster. Tit. ajeuvKJtiJiH. A' T HUllSK'H. PICNIC GROCERIES. Suidliies In Oil und Mustard. Flesh Salmen and Lebster. Totted Ham, Tongue, Chicken and (ianie. Deviled Ham unit Chicken. Lunch Tongue and Whole Ox Tonguelii Cans. Tickles In small glu.s Jan. Condensed Milk. Chipped Di led llcef. Full Cicaiti Cheese. Yeik Luncher Tielel Crackers. Fiesli Oysters In one mid two pound tun, etc. T1C.NIU PLATES. Geed Royal CotTee and Teas, At BURSK, NO. 17 LAST KING STREET, LANUASTEll. PA. USlWliVAICIMI. TTMIlKltTMCJNU. UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, Lakeistbb, Pa. Pergenal attention given te nil elder. Every tblng In tlie Undertaking Hub furnished. Having securcu tlie services nfa Itrat-cliiis we cUanlc, 1 am prepared te de all kinds of Uphel. toting at Viry inodemte piiceg. Allklndnef rurulture Uphelaured. aiemeac&ll. KACUlSr.KT, Peerless Traction l'OllTAHLE OU 8TATI0NAKY ENGINE, B0ILEI1S AND SEPAllATOHS, REPAiniNG, and all kinds of Machinery, Contracts takcp and all work such as kept ami done In any Machine Shep. Call en ernddrcss, . Ezra F. Landis, Wekss-NO. 530 te ACT NOUTH CIIEUUT ST., Lancaster, Pa. mlOCuieed.Vw niNOINU AND UOILKlt WOKKH. BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOILER WORKS. A8WH HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, HAVK NO A0KNT8, CAN 1NSUIIK OIJK PATI10N8 LOW PU1CKS AND UOOD WOUK. BOILERS. VortlcalandHerliontal.Tiibnlar, Klun, Cylinder, Murine, Deuble-Deck and Portable. rOUNACK-WOUK, ULAST-PIPICS, STACKS, Ac, Ac TANKS for Wntcr, Acids and Oil. HOISTING EN01NE3. ENGINES. Vettlcat and Horizontal, Stationary, Irem two te sixty horse-powcr. Poilnble Kii(;lncs, en Wheels and Sills; blx blzes I, ti, 8, 10, 15 nnd V) herse power. SAW MILLS. Peny tlllts nnd Lnrue Mills. Hark Mills Cob Mills. Leather Hellers, Tan Packers, Trlnple Ucatlng for herse pen cr. PUMPS. licit and Gear Pumps ; Mining Pumps ; Cem blned Pumps and Heater. Centrifugal Puiup, Stnam Pump. UejirliiK, Piillej-s, Yiy wheels, Clamp Ilexes, HangeiK. Couplings, Cellars, Steel Steps nnd Tees, Pulley Plates, I'licklnc Ilexes, 51 til Spindles, Mill Jluslilncs, Ac, 4c Ac. PIPES. Wrought Iren, JerOas, Steam and Water. Cast Iren Pipes. Uellcr Tubes, Well Costing. FITTINGS. Fer Water nnd Steam, Valves, Cocks, Steam UnuKCs, llauge Cocks, Glass Water Gauges, Safety Valves, Whittles, Olobe Valves, Governors, Patent Setf.PcedlUK Lu blicater-, Glass Oil Cutis, Glest Tubes, Injectors or - , Heller feeders PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Hum suit Pium bsge. f IJKLTINO-Gum. Cotten and Leatbtr. CASTINGS-Ueavy nnd Light Tten nd Bra. - BeUtr Iren, Shi.01 Iren, llr Iren, and Sttnl. HEATERS Tet Dwellings, Schools and Publle llulldlnes. BTBAM HEATING. EUeiate Drawings and Pattern AVetk fur . uIshedKtlCinsenabluUatcs. - Itetnilrlnif promptly and carefully at Uudcd te. Address, JehnBest & Seit rm " NO. 333 EAS1' FDLTONrREET,. LANCAS1KU, PA. JnnlS-ljd.tw Jt.WUJl.VIOXft. pENUYX l'AHK. Penryn Park, -ONIHI Cornwall & Mount Hepe R. R, KxcurMeu Commlttce of Churches, Sunday Schools and ether sell ct organization!-. In msk IiiK their summer arrangements, should net nei; Icct te l-eserve ndaj for Pcnrj'n Park, This delightful tesert Is situated lu the midst otthe SOUTH MOUNTAINS And ii ;ieunu im cilng huiidivds of acres si easy of access irem ull jairts of central Penn sylvania. Fer the Iree use of excursionists there aie extensive CUOQULT AND LAWN TKNN1S GltOUNDS, LAUGK DANCING PAVILION, HAND b'J'AND, KITCHEN, 11ASKET AND CLOAK KOOMS, nnd OBSEHVATOlty On tbe Summit of the Mountain. Thcre Is ulse a refreshment room In charge of a competent catcicr, where meals can be procured ut moderate mtcs, a photograph gallery uud numerous ether attractive feutuies. Ne lhiuers nllevv cd en the grounds. Excursions from ull points en the Philadelphia A ltcudlng and Heading A Columbia Itullieuds will be carried dliect te thu Park without change of cars. Complete Information can be obtained uud en gagcmentsellectcd iv llh parties fiem nil points ou the Philadelphia A Keadlng and Heading A Columbia Kullreuds, upon application te C. (J. Hancock, General Passenger mid Ticket Agent, Philadelphia A Heading Jt.illiead, 'iff Seuth Feurlhslieet, Philadelphia, Pa., nndvilthp.il tics fieuf Lebanunlij'iipplylug totlieuiiderslgned, CAUL V ON hCHMALK.NBKL'. Supt. CeinvinU A Mt. Hepe Itulliead, niuS-3inil i.euuneu in. s UMMKK 01-' 18S5. P.N Cornwall & Lebanon -AND Oolebrook Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In tlie lieurt of tlie Seuth Mountain, en the line of the ubeve lead, Id etrend in liidivlduultiuud associations Free of Charge. Thcse greundH, ceveilug hundicdg efnercs, nre cusy of ucccsri fiem nil parts of Laataru l'.1ll1Qvlvll1lL. 4rTiieleaieMOUNTAlNSTUEAMS,Bpaniicd by rustic bridges i MOUNTAIN SPIUNCB, walled up with nit he Hundjtoue ; SHADY WALKS and PltOMLNAOLS. A LAUQE OANC1NCJ PAV1LLI0X, LAIIUL HININO HALL. KITCHLN, DINlNa UOOM, undTAHLKS.IlKNCIIKS Pild ItUSTIO bKATS. blattered through the greve for the lieu use- el eieurslenlstu. LAWN TKN.N1S.CUOQUKT, HALL UHOUNUS, JiOWIJNU ALLEY, SHOOTING UAL- I.U11Y, QUOITS AHU rOOT HALL renineiif; theninuseiiicnts offeted. Ne Intoxicating Drinks Allowed en the Premises. rf-l'iiillf3 ticaltlnir ll.nm liieeiiiu meals at ttitil'AUK UE-iTAUllANT, which Mill be under the thaiKO of Mil. E. M. 110LTZ, Iho noted caterer of the LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE, wlm will been the irretmds throughout the sea son, giving It his lieiaeiml supcrvlalen iiaKxcurniena irem nil nelnta en Pennsylva nia It. 11. will be carried direct te the Park with out change of cars. jO-ExeursIen rates and full information can be obtained and engagements effected with turtles fiem nil points en the Pennsylvania irtles Hern nil peiuis en tne i-ciiusyivuuiu .11. upon application te GEO. W. HOYD, As stunt Genertl l'usseuger Agent, P. It. 11., Ne. 3 Seuth Fourth slice t, Philadelphia, or te ll.H. upon application te GEO. W. JlOi U, mutant S33 J, 0, JENNINGS, Supt. 0. A L. ft Q, V, 11, JL, liebanen. Vi- myliXHud ' -v - D .UESS GOODS. HAGER & SUMMER DRESS GOODS Summer Silks, Surahs, Tricotine, Foulards, Pongee, Grenadines, Nun's Veilings and Albatross. Linen lawns, French Sntlncs, American Satincs, British Cleths, Chambrny GinghaiuH, Zephyr Ginghams, Embroideries and Laces. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Gauze Underwear. HAGER & 25 WEST KING STREET. N XT 1)0011 TO THU COUIIT I10U.SK. FAHNESTOCK'S. Fer Het Weather - - OK KVKIIY UKSCIUPTIO.N ATSJ.,,pi, 1?, IS, 18, 20, 23C1S. UP. SUMMER UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Gents and Children SUMMER HOSIERY-Great Quantities at Lef Prices. Jerseys I Jerseys 1 1 Jerseys 1 1 ! LA HGK STOCK, ALL SIZES, KOil LADIES AND CU1LDUE.V at 50c , 75c,1.00, fL23, tl.50. tl.75. JJ.00, U.W, $3.00 up. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court pUEAP STOKE. Carpets and Mattings AT- METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S, JTUOJI LATE AUCTIOK SALES Mattlnge, , Oarjt8, Mattings, Carpeta, Mattlnge, Carpets, AIt, LAUGK, WrIITE- C0UNTERP7INES, t rum the lata Grtrt Auction Sale te Hew Yerk, at C5c., 75c, L0) an a upte $.). --"" "" ' 000D llAlltiAI2tS ftt i Metzger & Eaughman's Cheap Stere, v. 43 WEST KING ST., mtr Detween the Cooper Ilcnwi and Sentd Uet B OWERS &. I1U1UST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. AFTER TO-DAY. n Elecrunt Line of BATISTE In Cholre PnUfrns nnd Coloring. Clielct- Assortment of NEW POI.STS.Satlne tlnMi. Our LINEN D'INPKS, ,) i.11(ltj NAINSOOKS nre nronennceil ve lm i:h.-Hn. I.Hillfs IIAU.K VKS' nt mtv, nil filc. Hest PACIFIC LAWNS cleslu TOW ELS, two for i'Kj. SEEKSUCK K1IS e, 6Uc. Lew UargiUus efTciuU In c ery tlfp.irtuint, w lfli BOWERS & HURST, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. - - Lancaster, Pa. hilj:hwai:i; H. Z. lUlOADH. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purchasers te the very fine and com plete line of moderate priced Ladles' Geld Watches, very much in demand Just at present, and vre are well prepared te meet that de mand. We also have Geld and Silver Watches in a great variety of styles and at the low prices brought about by the long depression of the times. Our NIckel Watches at $5.00 are geed watches for the money, and are going off very fast. We roceivod the ether day a large invoice of all the latest novel ties in Silver Jewelry, Oxydlzed, etc., very pretty and worth see ing ; would be pleaBed te have you call and see them. H. Z. LANCASTEU, PA. JlUVHJ'.FVJlSIHJliyU uuuvs. s UinK'S CARPKT HAIili. CARPETS ! RKOPKN1NQ OK SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and IlcstSelected Line of Carpets i ever ex, tilliliArtln tlilneitv WILTONS. VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of HOUY ANUTAPESTKY HllUbSELbfTll &E-PLYU.Vwl and Cotten ChM eitviNCAllPETS UAMAsKand VENKTl.VN CAUPET3. KAG and CHAIN CAHPETSef our own Manufacture , il sneialuV. Speclil A t tintien paid te the Maniifaeture of CUSTOM OABPETS. AUeaFull Ltneet Of L CLOTHS, HUGS, W1NUO vsHAUKS. COVKULETS, Ac,. AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and B OOKB AND 8TATI0NEHY. 0W BAKU'S SONS, OPFEU AT LOWEST PHICES, Wank Boek's, Writing Tapers, Euvolenos, Writing Fluiils sun! Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Steel Pens, Lead Pencils, Pocket Hecks, Hill Heeks. Letter Heeks, and an Assortment of rine and - - AT THE SIGN Of THK 1J00K.-K NOS, 15 and 17 N0IOT QUEEN STJREET LANQASTER, PA. DRT &OOM. irtiirijr,VY BROTHER. Indian Cleths, Fersinn Lawns, Indian Mull, Piqne Wells, French Nalnzoek, English Nainzoek. Embroidered Swiss Robes. Lisle and Silk Gloves, Hosiery and BROTHER Heube, Lancaater, Pa. AT VEKY LOW PHICL3. Carpets, Mattlnss, MattluKO, Carpets. LOT OF reu win ksi LANCASTER, PA. . - Hetel. IMniTI.4 unil lr.A1ll I,(,U1I1J. .,.&.. ..IJ, &.W.W .... ... VICTOKIA LAWNS, rynii"; we "t'l Lurge ouniitltleserthcm wnicnpreptncm te ITS n I)niynln nt IVj. A ltiraln In ChllUreirn HLACK HOSHiltY g out ery Lew. A llli; llurcnln In HATH llest Quality t'Ht Ounlllv of 7.EPHYU UI.NUHAMS. Verv 10 pur cent, deducted from almeit OYcry Bule. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street. v. CARPETS I Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. teb23-2mdw JWOKS. rturMLBtva 'm itm T ANOASTRrt AND MlLIiBIISVi: 14J -m n, H. ilJIK ITAIII.K. :i V.-W unit ll: n. hi., nnd 2-fly, 4. 0. And M ti 2 8 ue nnrt 10 w) a. m., and l:oe, 3 cu, 6) nnrt 7.-W. it LHI1ANON AND LANCASTER JOCiW , .....v....r, .' ABIUliaKJCENT rlUMIIU TRAlK. JUT' ' 'Ki BUNDAY. Utr "Jrit iiet '" ." ZZ. - f, d NOKTHWAltl). Sunttav ,if r. m. a. m. r. . S ffl -T7 9.20 M7 l ) 1 0(17 JkM ''J 8--M :l KK i( eM g-OS SM ,Vj r. h. a.m. r.. "H r. k. a. v. r, m, t "3, 7:30 7:1 KM 1 eiffl 7:10 HOI 4.-00 Mj 8 19 8 10 6:10 ;-l 8.K) 9.12 6: Lebanon... Arrive. A. . p. M. 2.11 I'M 1: 12 .VI 12 40 r. m. r. m. liLsn 12 u 1:14 LU 2.03 ..... 8.00 Cornwall 7iM Mnnlieim 7.13 LnncOKter. 6-17 KIiik SL Lnnc. 6.W Lcave. a. M. , SUUTHWAIIH. Ijfnve. a.v. Ibuiien 7:3) Cornwall im Mniihclm 8rt Lnneanter...... gjj Arrtve. LlngSL, Lane. 8.W 8.55 9:M A.M. t-M r.v. A.M. A . M. wilheb, supt ii. c. ii. ii. r. v. r. m. ll.CK.Ve" Bc"AL,tBS,, SuPt- V. ana C. A ML H. "RO" ELTZ'SuPLP. B. 1L IL nlllydA w JEADINQ & COLUMBIA. AIlltANClEMKNT or PASSENGEIt TKAINB BUNOAyTmAY 81, 18M. NOUTHWAUD. KeadlDK ,'. ARRITV. Columbia 780 Marteltn Junction 7A1 Chlckles 7.30 Lancaster 740 r. k. 2 JO f. M. A. 6M ., 12.33 3.10 .... 4-00 .... 83S 3 50 96 8 40 r. K.A.X. T. M. r. K. 6A9 ..,. 12.t0 1210 LancAStcrfKlnv Rlrr.miI guarrvvllle ' Lbavb. 7M 0:25 A. it. r. f . ,... BOUTHWAUD. LIAVS. A. f. It. Keadlng 7:13 12.00 arrivk. r v. Marietta Junction 900 .... ChtcklcH , gjs Columbia 923 20ft Lancaster 912 18 LanciwterfKlngStrcet).. 020 2.05 yuarryvllle lo.-se .... . A. K. r. H. 7&) .... 820 .... 8.35 .... 8.12 4:80 8.-20 tm 9-20 tM r. m. r. X . r iminn rennnetnt Ui.iiilin9 hi. imin. in and fiwn 1'lilladclnhle, Pottavllle. Harrisbaw, Alleutewn, and New Yerk, via ieund Broek At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and llaltlmore. .i , .l. !arlctln Junction with trains te and from Chickles. At Blanhclm with tralna le and from Lebanon. At Lancaster.) unction with truing le and from Lancaster and yuarry vllle. SUN HAY. .tif", ivoTPuanTVlIIe, 7:10a. in.; Lancaster, King street, S-OS a. m., 3.55 p. m. Arrive Hendliiff, 10 10 a. tn., 8 55 p. m. Leave lleadlnR. 7.-JU a. m , 4 00 p. m. Arrive Lancaster, King Strcet, Oa. m.. &M p.m.j Quarrvvllle, 6:(0p.m. ' npriiaiydAw A. M. WILSON, Sapt PENNSYIiVANlA KA1LHOAD SCHED- ..Tj!,nsJe,RT3 1'Bfca'ter and leave and errlT at Philadelphia as fellows : Leave WKSTWAKI). Philadelphia. News Express! 4-30a.ni. I-cnve Lancaster. 625 a.m. 6J0 9.31 -935 9 50 ' 93 -2-00 p.m. 2.10 ,. nv j-unqeiliicri.... . -a. Mall train via 51 L Jey 7.00 Ne. 2 Jlnll Inilni via Columbia. Niagara Express Hanover A lceui rast Line Hull) t Frederick Accem... I -an caster Accem... Harrlsburg Acceui.. Celtunblit Aiceui.... Harrlkburg Express. Chi. A Cln. Express.f Western Expies t.. Paclfle Express f.... EA8TWAHD. Phll'a Exprcsa) Fast Line Huirtsburg Expicss. .Lnne'r. Accem., ur. . Columbia Accem Seashore Exnirss ... Johnstown Express! dally except Sunday Sunday Mall Dav Exm-cririt 1. mi a. in. via Columbia. 11.50 a. 111. via Columbia. Via ML Jey. 2:15 p. in. 4.40 " 8 40 8M 10 0 Itao " Leavn 2 50 BJO - 7J0 7:40 - 10-41 " 12 10 a, m. las Arrive at Philadelphia. 4:M " 8 25 " 10-."0 " via. ML Jey. 11 15 a m. 8 13 p. m. 5.W " Lancaster. 2-87 " c-ta " 8 10 8J15 " 9I0 " 12 ss p. m. 205 " 3W " 4 45 " 6 45 " 5.15 e.50 HarrUburg Accem 9 The Marietta Accommodation luv.af?ntnmhii at 11:45 a. m.icachlng Marietta at 12 01. Leaves Marietta at 3 15 p. 111. und arrives at Columbia at ut 3 30 : ulhe lcin es at 8- J5 and arrives at 8.50. 1 he Yerk Accommodation leaves Marietta at 7.10 and iirritesul Lancaster at 8.00, connecting with Hunlnburg Expicss ut 8.10. The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect ing at Lancaster with Fait Line, west, at 2.00 p. -iUm'wUI run tlneugli te Frederick. The Frederick Act-ouunedatlon, east, leaves Celumbtaatl2:2Sand?cich2 Luncabtcr at 12A3 p.m. - The Lancaster Accomineflatlcm, East, lvi Hurrlsburg at 8:10 p. inland arrives In Lancaster aii-.wp. m. . , il Hanover Accommodation, west, cOLMctlng at i-'lA ronthrengh te Uaneverally, except ubr.3 Fast Line, west, en,8jyaday, wheu nagga,-wiUK Bioeui Lfowiuwctewn. coaiesiniie. rai Lir.nir-.iiTAs2it.uiuiwnana jiianieiew f The enlv traKns which run dally. On Bnafit. SO.,i 100 au&u irain wesrvyu uv wt urwmwu & l ......" u .. ....... llAlan.hla , .1.'. T. .M "10HNWALL- AND LEBANON AN, VV COLKUKOOICVALYAUjiUJAAe. jg AILROAJS. ijbiiu iran.1 Jiuiiuiiuailir i crH-v wi.ifjjgBi., Arrive at Cornwall at C 10 a. no.. l9ML ian4t3 7.40 p. uu; at Conewago at 7rt a. m LkTd .- "?'4 p. in., connecting -with the Pennsylvania Tall. X C9l read ler iwlnts east and w out. srti JK Trains lcaeCouen age at 7 JO a. m., SM an. 'M it 7J0 a. m., 8J0 anT - 93l S a. in., 4 18 and 9.05 p. f i., 4 JO and 9:15 p. m.,V -i lth Philadelphia and -f :i p. in. Arrive at Cornwall at 8 00 1 m.-. at Isbanen at 8.-20 a. in.. cenncctlui: at Lebanon with Philadelphia : Iteudlng railroad for points oust und west, and tbe Lebanon and Tremont Hrunch for Jenes, town, Plnegrove and Tremont, The (..JUa. in. train will step only at Cornwall Colcbreok and Uellalie. CAJtKLAaEA. OTANDABD CARRIAGE WORK. Edward Edgerley, FINE CAKHIAGE BUILUEIt, MAUKET STHEKT, ItEAll OF POSTOFriCK, LANCASTEU, PA. A LAKGE STOCK Or BUG&IES & CARRIAGES Comprising the Latest Styles and most Ele gantly tlnbhcd, et UKEATLY HEUIJCEU I'ltlCES. If you wish te puiehase a geed arti cle, my work U decidedly thu cheapest In the state. MOl'IO-'TAIK DEALING AMI HONEST ttUKII ra-Umi't full te piicouruee teod work. AH Werk FULLY WAUKANTEII Lewest Prices ferltEPAlKINU ANU ItEPAINTING. One set of workmen especially employed for that pur- ly ei LL A nose. PLEASE UAl.l. A51I EiAMint, uev2CtfdAv -VTORBECK & MILEY. LANCASTER CARRIAGE WORKS. Norbeck & Miley, Prep's, COUNEll HUKE AND VINE STUEETB, LAN CASTEU, PA. THE LAHGEST AND CHEAPEST RETAIL WORKS IN THE CITY OU COUNTY. WE CAN AND DO SELL AS FINE A Jl VEHICLE AS ANY OTHEll Ill'lLDKlt KAtt BKLOMT M THLIU fJllcr.B. .. . j , i newweiinitUmiBtery. but A vjjlt toeut ,, lai'Hjiy.unu seeing mu rjmum TisunmBH.i . ou will net wonder. " Putrenlze lho?e that deierv e It. Our fleck at WM present is very mige, uuu ui u " , tm-ilinr reduction. v . .. .!.- V1' inlirvitef our WHEELS, as iney cai:uuv it excelled. Jf"t WE HAVE A LAUGEVrOCK OK PINE SECOND-HAND WORK; CONSISTING OK 1HIGGIES, PII.1VTONS, C , Ae w hlcb will be sold cheap. . - WrGheusacall and V convinced. uep4r,(-. ing netly done, ;i i ia.Vl M i $ i SH.1 4B jW tS