Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 15, 1885, Image 1

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W.LWWv. s. .. .
llllllMI lfVI'f 711 7:01
IIAIlAi II ' I I .V I.SJ I?.
Nnnlil Hi' Kill. leu II1111I Ani) 11 1'aj Car rim
tnhilii,; :". (l(HI Itiiin Alliiiitu, (IpiiiI i.
Hie r.lm liti'i'n Niinnw i;i"iin
rinin MiiiIh rireil iiy Tlirm
in M11n1l.1v uininliig thnpiv r.r r llie
Air Unci (ltU'liuieiiil .V. Danv die) mail was
In ought into Atlanta and side-tracked with
thn supply, just beyntul the ear shed.
S'ninntinie hctwuiu o'clock mid dajlighl
TiipmIhv morning an engine n 11 coupled te
lltn ears ami pulhil them four miles nutel
the i ily, wlici can attempt Was made te lob
the p.iy ear. M. A. Cleser, thepaj master, gave
llm fellow In jr necniml of the nll'.ili :
"I ictlrcd te lii'il alieut II o'clock nt night
with no 0110 In llie or besides inj-splf anil
my colored (mrler, Patiick Win. I. About 1!
o'clock I awoke nml ten ml that my car was
travelingat a gloat rati) of speed, pnihably
fuity miles nil hour. I Tell alaimed, spiaug
fiem nij-bed, ran into the pertci's lnnmiii
my night clothes ami tel.l him te strike a
light. 1 then hurrictilj-drpssi.l nut in fieut
of my car and clinilicd iijen llm lop of the
supply car mid looked towards the engine,
hut could sre no 0110. I noticed Hi it the en
gins finnl was turned me and that
the hcidlighl was net lit. I tun te tin hick
end of the car and put oil llie hamlhinkc.
Once lliore I climbed uieti thu top of the
supply car and a-ked, "Whcie an you
going-'' Thn auvv reime .hark : Cuing te
licit . I unction.' H aie jeu going tlicie
ler?' 1 asked Anether Anion eric I out':
'Ain't Jen going t 1J nil In-mnrrniv ' I
then askrd, 'Wind's the' mw, Imi" 'Nnu
will knew seen m iii;li," was II. e iinswii
'you ate the 111 in w e vv ml.'
"Jllst then Innr shots wme hied it mi', ntii'
striking just below mv leet mill passing
thieiigh the supplv r.u. f (Imiiuhl il best in
l.ike precuil en-, and I i" mv pistol te the
pertei, telling bun te si. in. 1 at the rc.u ilnm
and sheet the hist pi rsnn Hi it ntti nipted te
leiicli the bi.ikc. Ill this limp the train had
Mopped near Jehnsen's sliitmii and 1 stepped
oil the rear plaifmiii "I tltu piy cir mil
iibeut 10O j mis dew 11 Hip loadte.ical'in. The
inmaUs, who weie nri'incs, leluse'd tercndei
nhl, se 1 went te tin In iNi cil Mr. Swan
mid he and his sons an, I three or lour etliei
neighbors st.utt (I lm k with 1110 te thu station,
lleleic 1 each ing tlieie we In .ml moving
towards Atl iiitaauil we staitcd In thai direc
tion. Alter walking about one mile we heattl
11 terrihle clash near lifleu station. .Iulhi
fere reaching llm stitteu we hcurd ui"ii till;
llif;, lint at the station net a soul was In be
seen. The ears steed n short distance up tlm
lead Peli-iilpijbl wrecked, and the (limine
had Juinpi .1 the trick. Iliad filjuhi in th
safe and il was the puiposent tlie rascals in
loice me toeiitn the salu by thre.ih nmg niv
I'atri k Ward, Ihccelnred porter, substan
ti 1I11I Mi. tfrex 1 's statement up 10 llm lime
that lie was left with 11 bulbing pistol in Ills
hand gu tiding the trcnsiim. t'atiirk Haul :
"I told Mr. (iin-sii Hint I was gninglngii ird
that brikP, and I steed niv ground lm m
tinie. .Inst attci Mr. Cleser loll Ihcird
soiuebedv lalkiius mid crawled out nt the
light te his p I being set n. 1 could hi .11
s. uial low wbisllis us it they weie
calling caih oilier. Picseiillj a man
cune te llie side window and calhsl
Ini Ml. (nisei. Thin I he.iiii 11 voice
say In 11 sni tnl vvhispci : ' llivj- cuiue hen .'
Till) fmxt tiling I heard was somebody tijmg
te open the icar doei. 1'inding it In'ked,
soiuebedv said in 11 trieudly eiip: 'Say,
l.reser, I want te speak te 3011 a minute.'
lew inemcnlH passed and thn ear deer was
loiced upiu and 0110 in. 11 teieil, 1 illed lur
Mr. 1 1 loser seeral times ami then went mil.
I heaid the engine leaving thn cars, thin
coining link again, and a lenible ci.lsIi
lellnwi .1, which tliiew me down and blol.e
the lamp iimm my In-ul. 'llm glass shade
sine k inn nn the fun licad and 111 ule tin- cut
you sic. s seen as I iiiiihl stand up I
pimped thiuiiiih a side window and loll en
the tr u k, whcie llm ui'Utleincn Imind 1111 ."
II was developed that ni men were coii ceii
1 iiipiI in Hie inbU-iy. One et them, .1 inn s
Nelan, has bi en aiiested, but denies I Is
ceiii.i it . 1n11d nun me in ptiisuitnl
tlie lil)!lliPs. Tbe.V aie bclieed te be ills
I'hargiii Piiiplnvesut the ir I. inn mad.
1 (II 1 li It
. ir.ii.i.i cm '
'llm Mini's Mntlii'i Olijuts. Hill Tb U l""'s
Nut 1'ii'vi'iit M minimi).
Count r.dwaule Calcagm, who is ui the
lead nl one nl llm most pewerlul f unilies nl
the ltuuiaii 11 1st" crai J, h is In en 111 lln-teii (nr
a low days upiin 1 pie i ml en. uid. je.u
m two igi'he met in Kenm Miss Isiln It 1 1:.
1 nedlej-, a Jeung l.nlj nf I'.osten, who lias
dovi'leped leiisideiablc talent as a icilei.
Count Cilcigiii It'll In leve with the 1 111
young Auicrn in gilj, c anted hei and
in time was accepted. It was iml dccun'.l
best that the maniige slieubl take plain
light awav, and a lev. mnuthsageMiss I iced
luv H'tuiiieif In her home en Weiiestii
sii'uare, liosten, with hi thei Twnwiel,s
au-n Cnuiit Calc.igni ici In d liosteu pievided
,. 111, th. hi rbest cicdcutials with win. h te
appease the latndv nl Miss rieedluy, who
oiuiesed the mail h lb" .ts linspilablv
rec hedasa guest bj the 1'i.edlevs, but the
objections et tlie niellier could net be nvoi nvei nvoi
cumeand she peslivi ly leiluilf1 the nuptials.
rinding argument u-oless ll uple en
Saturday took the matter into their own
hands. "A license was pnvuiid at the citv
hall and tin leveis calli d upon (he Itev. s.
1. It ildwin, iastnr of tlie suat-v 1 sin it
Mctheilist 1 hup'h. in I'.ast Itcsten, who seen
inailethein husband. md wile Mis. I'neilli v
susiiectcd that an lnpi 1111 nl had taken l n e
0rvsn011 alter lur ilimghb 1 and levei left
tho'heiiso and she billow nl them. Tim ti ill
was lest until tee late and when she 1 cached
tlie parson's house, 111 I'asl liosten, the 1 mini
and ceunless had lelt.
The slerv ends w lib the happy si ipn 1 1 I a
louianeo. "rinding Imllier nppusitien use
less. Mis. riecdlej smight out the jeung
cuiiple, blcsseil tin m ami took tlH'in mum
with her, w hem tin J sue new spending the
honejii.emi. The hiniied 1 eimnenv at the
paisiinage will be lellnwi d ilia dav m Iwo
1V 11 liime ceremonious wi ihliugattln itlie
,lnl i'l the llnlj Cmss.
, Sen llur. l" DIm'IiiIi.mIIi'iI siilrlls
Silii(uulism has 11 new hobby. That ll
melts Methodist, thn Ilex. Ur. U 1. Wheden,
had, shortly bcloie his ih.Uh, ivelved a 011-
. i.uisllieeic as te iIImiiiiIiihIkiI S'-l'ts. Ills
idea waslliat thu entire 1101 veus s-Uin el a
human bemg, net thoiententsol thm lauiimi
alone, ((instituted the mind. 'I hen hue, llie
ranillic.itleusnl the nervis, humiugiu them
selves slmpe conforming e.n ilv 10 tint el
the whole lluuie, lnaile the soul nl 111.111 pisl
like his bndv sn lar as ceutiguiallmi was
concerned. He Mieved thai al death tiii.
(laiteur and scinblauce et llie dead body
separated itsell, mid Ixv.iine. the eternal Imui
or the siirlt, visiblu 10 its itllews, ami,
uudursome conditions, te tciie-lrial folks.
l)r Whediu ilcscnlad hew the soul gets out
of ihobedv. "Ihneigmgujiwaid," lm sijs,
'the spiift awakes into the puie ether -u
blessed iitnlospheie. This paiadisiac 1 tin 1 s
ill elllUl'UCO IIOIII llie IIH UK' es-cnci,, ami inc
em inciiuled soul lutlies, swims, lues 111 its
own genial imd native elemeiil. rmadise
thus pervades our air above ami ainiiud us,
andatilcath the spiiit enteis Iliuiolnle us
thinilgh 11 M'll." "Me intuiialc I that appill
tlonsaieglluilisesnl the beings nl this close
by hut usually invisible wmld. "I '.veil the
resiiriivted LkhIv of Christ," hesivs, "walkid
llireii 'li the solid wallnl the Innise, and llist
levealeil Itself te His dlscipks at the table."
lie called these beings augebuds mid w
giuvl that thev leave helitnd them, in tlie
tllscirdid ccrpsii, the baser uttiibule-i. The
pertlnrucv nl Wheden's llieeiy te inndern
ipirltuillsiii lies In the harninny with tlie al
. . , ... ..... 1 .ii ,ii ...I 1 1 h.i
legeii pneiioiuce.i ni iiiii'ii.ii.,-'ii"..' ;
been hei7id timu bj several nllhopiolos nllhepiolos nllhopielos
slonnl inrilluilis, and in smue nt llie seances
lernis hi seinhlalice cuiuurliug with the
(outlltiensur auguleiils, have been shown In
astonished disciple-.
laiH'ii'it 11 ill
Jehn '1' I'.ldildge, the New rrovhleuee
hotel hustler, charged lit hue ldr iniati 1'ord 1'erd 1'ord
nev w illi Mrrv nig com caled ill adlj w oaiiens
aiiil tluciteiilug te de Jehn Mehatlj greit
iKMlily Iciiiii, wiw arrebteil yesterdaj by Olll Olll
eer llusheng. Thu iiccused uutured ball lur 11
hearing te-morrow- morning.
1 .Miii.rn irin: or r'tut.s.
I:iiIciiiI.m- lumiK Alen l.tircil hj 11 l.ud'ulik
iitiililen'M Letter.
Smiii wenkH iireii t'hlc.i((i paper puhllshed
a loiter written by u bn e,lrl In the Contr.i Centr.i
lla laclery en the bolteui nl n straw hoi ry he
In wliich the wiilei hivilpil cotipspeudpneu
ullli 11 vlew nl uuitilmeiiy. The jeiiuk
wniuan's nanie is Itossie Mayhurne, mid the
number of letters she husipecixed In answer
te lieriunel iidveitisement ptnvelipr scluune
an uuileubtpil success. Miss Mayhurne is
ynutiK ami hindsnniP, mid Iipi idp.iwas pto pte
bably lusplied by the premptings of 11 (un
loving disposition. Many of tlie leplics 10
cpivpd ate piy amusing. One nl thpin is
wiittpii 011 the loiter head nl llm clnrk nf the
1'nltPil States district court or SU l,nilis, ami
llie wilier Invites the jnntig lady tespml
lier plietivtaph, ami signs hlui'ell " Itichatil
Annlher toads as lullnws :
K M VI! 1.1'. .lune I'l, lHs."!.
Miss With delight and ploasuie I should
llketn corrpspend with ynti. Yen say you
me 11 dandy skater, mid eighteen years or
age, nml I suppese you are aspiiityas you
can he. Hew I should llke te have jour
liietun) te fare ouwhlle passing uwny the
lenrlv Iieui-h! If we could only meet hi thu
pirls 1111 the bank of the K mkakce liver,
which J en 110 jeung folks like te de. What
is illoie loving than tee hw cot harts?
Yours truly, K. II. Defrn.vs.
lime Is another, 11N0 given rrrhnlim
Sl-IIIMI Dunn n, Ilk, July III, ls.s".
li " ( Mtitil'iirnt
I saw join letter adveitlsmgjfnr a hush.iiiil
I, in answer, would siv I am 11 jming man nl
:M ; I It. and s inches "hv, Ithick hair, dark
cninnlpslnn. d irk must ish and a dandy basn-
bill phijei, mid I am at present working ler
a SI. I.euis II1111 at "'1 a inentli. Yeu please
1 ite te tneaiid we inav havea jiliMsant corro cerro corre
sMtulauco mid il Mill mean business you
htvc stunk the rigid ni'iii for 1 am 11 iiiiiti of
biisiness. Ifjeu business It won't he
long Ik Tern we settle and understand each
oilier. I'lease answer. Nniirs truly,
.1. . linst , Spring Harden, III.
Address .1. A. Hese.
I". s - s te niv hetiestv and iPspnnslbility
1 cm iclei j nu 'tn Mi. William llrewder,
inuiister. Mount Neiiien . Mr. .1. W. Itutgh,
express agent, Mount erneii, nr the sst
uiaster at Sni ing 1! irden. Yuiir filPlid,
.1. A. llesr.
letter in 11 tine bund is wiittcu Irniu
( luiMgii, llm writer nf w hieli claims te be a
boekkiopcr In a wholesale cniniiil'.sien heusn
nn l,ake stietl. Ileslgns hlinsell "Itevdin
A jmith finin Ililshiiell, I). 'I'., fearful lest
he may be known, signs himself " KM,"
lock box Nn. 1, llushnell, It. T. .leseph
Itiililaut, 11 travelling silesinau with I.. W.
T. A Sens, .Miiut growers, Iver,
1., Invites Itessm te write te him nt his
Chicago add-, 17 Smith Carpenter street.
u unfortunate writes -is fellows;
SiMtlMii 11:1.11, 111 , .Iiinn is, Ivv'i.
Miss li ssii.-Tlusmeriiing whil'i perusing
the columns of the ( hicagn J),uli Nchi I by
incident man cil jour novel wa.v of '
Invjeui addicssj and, hoping I mil net tee
lain," take the li! wt t V nf answering it, and I
espi'i t I am one among the in. my who are
doing the same tiling : and I expect mi will
be biisj' answering tlicm se busy that you
will net linfl time te answer this imuiumi
leltiranv wav. I will givnj-nu mj' ilescri
linn: lain twentv thuejears nl age, tive
tool tr 11 ini lies high, light cmnploxieu, dark
blue eji , (also l(i tit, and uiu it present ik'cii
pviiigcill Ne !i in springtlulil j ill, ami h ive
piettv I, ill piespnts of leu J'ears at .leliet.
.New," II this should meet jour (avers, and
veu caic teanswei it, iiij'nililrnss Is ' Charles
s. iph-s, Sprmglield, Ilk, (ceuntv jail)."
'lliern is a huge pile ill lottes tint liave
imiiu iiinn neailv eveij portion of the 1 id
led Stales.
rtti 1 .11 1 A ri: ur 1.011 finer
KlniN el MiTiliainlUe I'alliMi in
I'lll K
I rem (Inc-sUlli in line. I Mill.
I nun the Sen link sun
rciKirt made bj' Mr. It. (.illen
spcietarj-el the Kiltish be-ird nl trade nn 10
cent chiuges in the amuimt nl tlie Inieigu
trade or the United Kingdom and llie prn es
el epmtsand uiipeits, has been issued in a
I'arlluuuilaiy impel. Mr. (iillen's 10 10
seanhes extend back te llm year Is 10, and
I'liilii.u 11 tlie averige pi ices et all kinds et
oinuieilitien uniKirted into llm I uited King King
dein and einrt(.il (mm it. Ills general con
clusion is that the ptevailmg prices are
almilt as low as theso el lss and lsl'i, just
belore the geld diveverics, and that 111 the
pound Ireui IsiTi te IsT 1, utter thegelddis
(evmiesh,nl predmed their elicit, prices
wcin in maximum j-eais about one-third
login 1 ami in minimum about one ene
sixili higlmi than bilme theso dlscnvenes.
sune IsT"., however, the laugu in minimum
and 111 ixiiuuui has been as low as the
Invvjiais just befoietlm geld dimsiverips,
and lower than in j'ears like lsleaml lsll.
Tim told elicit lit this tall In prices upon
the values el llntish import ami exirts
siiue ls7 j is piescnlpil hj Mr. (iitleu in the
billowing table:
I nl ut cniiiiHiteil nt
lit rut inhii-i Ihr flit i,( Ifl
tMnnnmi'i I riti.iiiHi
1.7 n-11 Mil M.tninm)
l M'OI Is
LiV. irtui inn 1 j',Vi.n,niii)
Cil Mm a n j; E.iiiiiiiii)
jlimNi.iiin ft
s7 1
I'lnw this (able it aIeirs that imports
winch in IsnI wpie valued at IIJT.UUii.ikii)
would h iv e been in W 1 v lined at t'll'Udu,
01 Ml, and t li it experts which 111 lss. vveie
valued at LJIO.enii.m.i) would have been in
lsTJvalui'l at (. tl'i.ennbini. Tim ininputa
l n m ler lssl w ill, when it is completed, show
astdl greatei dilleience 111 valuation At
piesi nt li re sei nis te he a pause in the do de
i line and a ti nileucv toward a use, but the
tire nl lad remains tli it in the principil mar
ket of die world all kinds et men h.mdisu
I'.ive la'len m price (lining the pisl ten jears
limn one sixlh te one thud en theaeragn,
and in iccial instances much mom.
A .X 1 1 1 i s I 1 WI111 l 1.1.1 liKlilcl.
The slei v of an exciting little episode ut SU
Taul's Kpi-cepal church, Tientmi, N. .1., nn
Similav' last hasgnne into gi m ral ciiclilatien.
This is lliechiiich that was under the cue el
lliv. Mr. Willi.umen, nhncoininitted suieide
last I. ill. ll luiualned wllheut a leslduut
icitei till a short thim since, when Hev. Mr.
Pest, a veiing l'ldladelpliia eh rgj'in in, leek
1 b.uge. it Is slid tlial hull. K I soine dilllclillj
Willi 1 I'hilaib'ipbi 1 cettgi egaliun, and he
has net Ih eu pepul ir with all his
pi'eple. Unbelt .1. .Nettei, a jeung
man cmplejcd as Kilcsnnin hi 0110 el
'I Hilten's leading dij' gnndsslmes, lelt St.
Paul's and alleinled scrv Ice at aliulliei Cpls
inpal ihuri h. On Sunilav last he v Isiteit St.
Paul's Miudav schnel Willi a liieiid, but
avoided Ituv. Ml. I'O't, wliisu acipi liiit.iucu
he had liiimed. Ml. 1'est appieached liitu
mid tried te furcn a cnnvcrsiitiuu. Mr, Nettci
icplied witli mi iiiKumpliiiieularj'
and tin ned his back In the clnrgj man. This
appaienlly angered Mr. l'esl, who pmuipllv
seicil .Ml. .Neliei iiieuuu 1110 waisi vviiu ihiui
arms and attempted tit ejeit him Irein the
mom. i'.elli 1110 jeung men m ngni
build and uieilitim heUht. Thn cleigj'
man, however, had secured an uduiutiige by
grasping thn laj man limn the tear. Mr.
Netler 1 misted lit 1 1 1 in llie struggle he was
tliluwn against a glass dnnr, which wasnhat
leicd. sevi ral gentlemen pi 1 sent then asked
Mr. Netter, ler thu sake of pi aie te it the,
but the ladies giuciallv' eiiceuiaged him te
maintain his gieuiul. He ilci-hled, however,
te withdraw, neu that he steed master nl thu
situation. 'Ihu eccuritucu almost pitl an
end te Sunday school lessens ler Uiu day and
It lias since been the engrossing tnnie in thu
esingiPgatlen and iiinnng church pcnplu
genurally. Mr. Netter adiiilttcd the truth of
the story as given ulmve. He Leys the w'hnln
lilanie en llev. Mr. i'nst, agalusl whninhe
sajssniiie i-cveiu things. Ihu. Mr. Pest de
clines Insiy an tiling tnucliing llie rise.
'I lie S.iw-liimi'n llanqiii't.
Thu ineiuheis of the Lancaster Ceiiuly
Medical society, togulher with their fellows
et the Yolk, liarlurd mid Civil cettntj' so
cieties, nssomhle ut Yerk l'lirnace springs
tn-daj' te enjoy 11 hainpet. A dozen or inore
of tliuni lelt the Pennsylvania depot this
morning, urn! will be met at thu picnic
grounds Iiy ethers who will go try ethor
routes, Tlieru will tin about (Hty hi all, and
they expect te huve a koeiI time.
7 hi: itnvT.ti. act run 11 mi'ii
I'.ii.Mvn mi.t ins itr.irn
lll Aiifiniiilltn In the Killing nl 'llulr
pliijii- Siiteil I mm (tic (intlnn lb 1
eiilbl nl litiisliiiiglilri llnt
He llrrctveil 11 Mnlt,
CiM'tsN 1 1, ()., .Inly .lespih r.dmer,
Ihourennipliee et lleinur In the murder of
W. II. ICiik, was hanged at 10.(17' ,. Al IlhlJ
he was pioueimied ileail. The bedj- was
laken chnrge of hy t'ndeilaker Mulvlhill.
Ile was brave In the last.
Yesleid.iv Calmer ale, ill. ml; mid was
ineiry. Last night he slept well and nn
dieams tmiihled his ioacehil mind. At 5:10
Oils morning hoawuke el his nun volition.
Ile remained in bed, however, until neailv
six o'clock, rather Uradj-caused him te get
tip and iIhms hiui'-pir. After lighting ("in
dies en tlie little while altar In the cell, the
IIev. rather and the tondmnued 11 1:111
knelt down and pissed hall an hour hi
prayer, I'.ilmei Joining in xerj' tily. At
"e'ehx'k hnatu lireaklast. and uller (lulshing
lltn cigar, thrusting his hinds in Ins panta
loon pockets, mid paced up and down the
cull pulling llie cigar, as calmly as if he vv is
tilrrumim. At S o'clock, when the sherill
read thu death warrant, l'almer hilled, ami
listened, and when ceiieludud, he ineielv
bowed his head and resumed his walk. In
a few minutes he was dressed and pinocisled
te the gdlnws with Sherill Itcicsfiiid and
thirty deputies. Tim precession rein lied the
gallows at lo.e'i. Paliuer steed llrm ami said
nothing. t llMffi j, llm tiap was sprung.
llu nl strangulation. In .l.!1., iiilnutes
lm wits pieummi ed dead bj thn coroner.
Thn rritiienf l'almer, iislhn pirlnei nl Win.
lierner, was, hi Its censpipiein es, the gi cutest
crium el the present daj' in Ohie ur iiuj' ntlii 1
s'jile. On Meiuhiv ahcrnoen, Dis'eiulier tilth,
l'.iliueranil liernei were working tngelhei In
Kirk's stable at 't7 West'uh streel. I'c.lh
bnj's knew th it Kirk hid I irge sums of
tumiej- at all Hums, mid tin V pl uined In rob
him ami kill htlil ll lieccssuv.
Kirk cune in at I o'clock that altPrnoen.
" Wh it de veu siv," whispered lierner te
" It's a go," replied l'almer, mid without a
wnrd nl warning, lierner hit Kirk with a
heavj' hammer ; Klik fell, mid moaned.
Palmer followed the blew up w illi soveril
ethers with a club. Then a repe was tied
around Kirk's neck, ami pulled tight enough
te bulge the eves. The m kuts were rilled
mid tJI" I011111I. 'I Ins wa.s divided,
lierner getting the biggest share. Ilaj
was thrown evei the IhmIv, and at dark
the Ixijs drove up with a coveted
wagon lured from Charles T. I lav mm.
'I he btslj was put in anil taken te tlm rav me
near Ciimminsv Illc, where it was found two
d ij's lab r. lierner was tiled in March, Ks.
Ills ilnfense VMisceiiducted by Tmn C.impbell
mill M. T. WiNnu. Against all thn (oiiviuc (eiiviuc (oiiviuc
Ingtestlninnv a nilseiable jui v hmiight in a
verdict nt inaiislaiightei. 'llm result is
known bj eveijbndj-, and the davs el net lollewed will never be
lorgetten. It is net net ess.11 y te tell et the
dajs when a mob fought tlm statu troops anil
Ix-at down the Jail tloers. After all this excite
ment I'almerwastrictl with grim wallsef the
rmned (eurl house (row ning iihiii him Ile
was cenv 11 ted June 'J I, and seutenced te be
ll mgeii Octnbei in. Ile WIS given a icHpltn
1 1 .V the disti let court in order that an applica
tion lur 11 new trill might bit heard. It was
icfiised ami his date of death wasagaiu lixed.
lie was defended bj' Se-elt Miniues, who took
the casu te tlie supreme court, l'almer was
given another trid which lesulted in his
isiuvlctieii and huiiteiicii te h ing .Inly li.
Palmerwasalinnstwhlle. He has manliest! il
a hiutal disK)sitieii ever since his arrest.
Hilling the net he saved his lifulriuu thu
Mini) Iiy 1 l.iiunng that he was a white man
and that l'almer was up stairs. Ile was mil v
I'l. mil a thorough mwdj-.
l'li'inring frr Death r)ll uirs.
l' age H ivid (iambic, a wealthv'
1 tuner near I'mmittshuig, Md., mule a
ieIIIii, 111 which he slept pverv- niglil w itheiil
l.ullire. Ills nnvi'l bed vies rhnst'ii, lit) Haiti,
11s a constant lommdei tli it death Is alwajs
near. Ills desire te impiess this fin t 11 j mil
himsiill was owing te thu sudden death nl
Ins wile, a lady nl thirty jears, who was
killed by lieai t disease list belore he iii.nle
till) I'lllll'll.
They hud lieen tua ball, and. iher H'tuining
linme retiied In bed. I iltecn minutes later
Mr. 1..1111I1I1) rmuiil (hat Ins who wasilenl.
The shnck was believed ley in.uij te have 1111
settled hisiuasen. llealwajsl.eiit Ids celhn
thercalter In the corner or his (lining mom.
Hu would get into it cailj at niglil ami pull
the lid up until nnlj- his lacn was exposed te
view. One day he "had a (ravelling photog
rapher taku a v lew el him as lm I ij' hi the
1 nllln. This picture he had trained and hung
ever the, dining-room in.mtlepicte. Memliy
niglil he retueii in nisieinn al llm usuii
hour, but w hen the servant called him in the
morning il was round lint he was deitl.
The In mI y was net distuibcd and will be bur
led as it was leiind. Mr. (..unble theielore
literally prepared liiiiisell for the gravo.even
le theariaiigciimut el his shroud. Ile was
a man of lar rc.11 lung chiritable habits ami
ninth liki il.
A lllrtliiliiv I'm I).
Yesterday .lai eh Mich ml, engineei of the
I'aikisburg local expicss tiain, attained his
thirty-third birthtlaj', and his ti lends give
him a sin pi ise p.11 tj-111 the evening. A large
artj' was pre sent at .Mr. Mil hiels resilience
In Paikesbuig, and the crews of both tlm
east mid west illusions turned out In lerce.
An excellent supper was served and alt 011-
artj' was pre sent at Mr. Mb hiels residence
Jejed themselves splendiillj'. Ihu paitv
broke up at a I ite hour, the deputing guests
I xpiesMiig wishes lm " in.uij' hajip.v re-
II turns."
('.intuit 1 1. 11 c.t il
The bids lm supplying 1 nal In ti,e iimi nf
thn public selmiil ill this cltv, inn opined
bj' the school ceuiiuilteu nil limldiiigs and
ginumlsat the stnio-tueiu nl Miller A Hut
man, Mr. H.iitiiian being chilrmiu el die
committee. lSaiiiiigaulupr A .lullrlen wuie
the lowest bidders, Unit bid ler the entire
supply (saj-Wi luiiH) el both haul aid selt
coal being V". Is pet Inn. should a gmaler
amount be need it will be supplied at the
sune llguies.
I,ilng In 11 Slnill.
h nan tlic New ml, Sun
Neuugwilu In hlisluml Den'l jnu linden
a ilillcieme In Ihu mill., deal ?
Yeung husband Yes; this Is much hellei
than we liiixr Ik'cii getting.
Yeung x i 1 13 ury niitch bcttei. I get ii
el a new' man. lie said he would gu irantee
it te he peilcctlj' puie, mid se I bmight
enough In last a week.
II i.kvt Taken.
A basket containing en 11 leathern tag the
naiiiu nml addres-sef .1, ('. (iiiel was taken
irniu n isir t the Piixidlug depot nn Tuesday
nn the occasion ol'lhe ictnin of the (Intwidil
chapel ovnisento IVniyn
Al llm snilliiii 1 1 nine.
Tlie only iniiiulu el the statlun hnusn last
night was a ledger mid he was discharged
this inei ning.
rii'Icrt'lue Alw.ljn In I'lilimSiililluiH.
l'hst Asslstunt Postmaster IJeneral Steven.
son sajs that in making appointments te
postellleos hi the Noithei 11 slates the preler preler preler
onee has id ways been given te I'liiniisnldiurs,
ether ipialillcatleiis being eipial Postmaster
(leiieral "Vilas mid Assistant Postmaster
tJeneral Stovcnseii wcre both I'nlen soldieis.
A Ktil but riiifiii tail.
The Pennsylvania Hailread company has 11
rnlllng-stoek ciiimeltj' efjual te tvvlie the
present volunie of business.
.1 II .1 II Itl.Ot) I fill 1. I , I Ml It.
'llm Niitliiiial lulls lleiivll) nn Hie ( lull ami
Km" li lln I'lli heiH sillj.
A fall iiudloiipe witnessed the game he
twei'ti Natlunal and l.mi'aster josh rilaj'.tind
It was a must lemiukahle (ixhihilinii, thu
slugging nl the visitors being dm ninst
iiolnwerlliy ever seen en tlie heiim gmuiids.
They Imd n total el twpulj lour hits, two nl
which were home inns nml thice thrpo thrpe
liasers. The hniue club ditl well piinugh hi
the Held, but alter thu lirnt Inning they
seemed unable In seivn Mmrlssi-v's pitching,
hitting f ii 111 enlv at Intervals dining the bal
ance el thn game. McTamaiiv's biilllant run
ning caleli el a Ily nniu thetiack hmexvasa
notable I'eature of llm rmitest. Mr. Parks
gave about the timxt nl thn art of
umpiring tliat has even been sren
In lids city. Ills luiigmint en bart
and strikes was execrable, and a dot islen nf
mi nut al second base w hen dm itmner was
net touched and nntfnneil was (uitragpnus.
The full scorn is given In low :
LVMASll.ll. ll 11 I' U XAllnNAI It II I" A H
11 I II
nuvtr. I f
1 11 I 11
2 I 11 U
1 11 11 0
2 .1 I 1
.1 'i : 1
2 0 i a
2 1 ii. 0
.1 1 1'iiwell, 1 (1
I " Itillih, I , 1
II 0 Kiiimicfi, 'J .1
ir (i Men l.-cy,li I
i 11 Wlilte, h ' I
r ii liiiiiiiiiiin, 'i
II (I I 00k, III .1
'-' 11 Kiiliniir, p I J
I nlul
P, r 27 i,
'ti ii .'7 a i
.. . In 11 11 li it 0 1
1 I I I 7 I I 2
t.itnciiHler. ,
Niitlmiiil ...
U 11
I limed inns biiiitasler. X
h IM hits Vic I iiiiunv, (iimillnitli, lliiiivel.
ilse anil (jlaibiiiin lime I. w litis- Illlninl,
Hnimi, Hull ll ami Ivnnwht. lleiii.' inns
Kuiiulc nml Mniiiscy Lelt en h.isf.. 1 nn
chhIi 1, '1 ; Niitlmiiil, 7 Dmihle ilui. -Mnrifsscv ,
II1111M 1 find Ivtiriwli stunk mil i.11111 .tstci.
', Nattnimt, 4 I'iim's en li ills I inr intii, 1
Nitllmitil, 1 Uiii..h mi etims-l.iintiiimt,
Nnttmiul, 1 Illi Ii hull hniiuli-. 1'nss. il Imlt
-llnllmil.2 hlllfer, .' Wild Jillf III Wi'tiM,
1 , Sintih, 4 I line nl Kiune hm hmiis iiml
ilililj llveiiilniiti i t inplrc- Ciirks
Niirhilk'n I'lrnli at Clirl.ll.ini.
Tlm Norfolk t lub had an oil ilny jesttmlaj,
and they stepjieil ever at Chrisilaii'i, whnie
limy plaji'd a gaine with the club or that
place. I Julie a largn ciewd el people worn
present, many having imim Irein Dxlmd,
Piirkesbiiig, Cn itpsv lib', Wi-st ('bestir, ami
ether planes. Theru has been a gmat llvalrv
br.'tween theso towns in the bisn Imd line,
and the pcnplu wanted te have dm pleasure
nl "icing the Cbiistlana hud nut. In that
thev wuru net disippmnli d. Thn Niirfnlii
menkeyed with the emmtrv Ixijs during
the eutirii g tine, ami wen as they pleased.
I "or tin' llrst two hillings Derbv pit. lied, mid
as he had prnbablv nevrr been in (he posj pesj posj
tieu bcliire, he was hit hard in. I live runs
were Hindu at the start. In the thinl iuniiig
Hughes was put III and the home i lull did
net sis'iire a base hit until the eighth lulling
when thej'Vteru givin dew-drop balls that
i luldrcii could have hit, Tlmy then inade
Iniir runs. Mel. hi r limy be a (inn pitcher ler
an amateur lub, but lm is nowhere whin
(impelled te luce men who are strong I tiers.
'I he ball was kepi living in everv dins tn.ii
liv' the Southern! rs, ami the home club were
busy all atleruenii running threnuli the po
tato patches In light lii'lil, gathering up Hie
leathi'i. The v lulling dub did se much hal
ting lliat thi'V bpcnine teed, and allot mak
ing long drives te the lu-hl sniun nl tlm p'av p'av
ers rebi-etl te run, preferring In In put nut.
'I he Christiana club tieided well lern while,
but Mum Ins aine tli'iuurahi'd. Sume nl
them must have been biuied up badlv,
judgiiig limn the manner in win. h tiny
1(11 ever thu ball III their endeav
ors te ship il. 'I he Nnifelss made
a number nf eirnrs and thej
seniuetl te regard thn w hole g mm as a big
Ink (i. Tlm Chiintiana thought thllereiitlv
I heamnteurH have no reason te be ashamed
e( their score, Iiowevk, as the j" plajetl
against a strong teiim, whii h is mst as likelj
te beat the l.mcastur as tlm Chiistiaua. The
scnie el jester.lnj's game, bj' innings, was .
s. m lull II ii t) (. (i fi I ' I id
( lirlstlun i 'i ii a ii a e u I s 'i
ethor ball games plavcd vestenlav At
Philadelphia : l'hilailelplu. i , liosteu I); at
P.ullale : Chicago 'i, llullale 1 ; at New erk :
.New nlk i, Priividenie 0 ; at Detreit: De
troit :.. St. Leuis ll ; at St. I.euls : St. Leuis 7,
Athletic u , at Louisville : l.omsville In,
llrnnkljn 7; at Pittsburg: Baltimore ",,
PiltsbuVg i ; at Cincinnati: Cim iiinati ,
Mi'ls J.; at Millville, -N. .1.: siaiit rsi-t I,
Millvilh J.
1)1 uuiiliil Dntit.
The Norfelks mid Imcastei e(u tin u
series nl games here te-dny.
Piert i', el l.est j ear's erk t lub, broke his
leg while running te a base hi ll.utferd,
Cen n.
(ileasen, Delau and Uuwe have ergmi,ed
a te.uii in si. l.euis which is t died thu bl.n k
listed ttaiu.
The P.ullale club cannot last line h longer,
and tlm plajeis villi be distributed among
tlilb-rent t lubs.
'Ihu Amen, .in Ass i itien will forsake
thu gun :u tie plan, and next season will
play nn the peris ntage el gate lcceipls
I t ill. 1 pic.
in I. has a base ball club ii.iuuil atlm be
Iiii7.ud ; jesterdaj' thev played a g line with
the Spasms, iiunthu nine, and vierc tlelt iti d
by tlie se-oie nf 1.1 tes.
esterilav Nelan pit. lied his lust gaum
rnrllm Phliadelphias since his arm give out,
and tlm llnsteus h id but live bits, while the
Phillies made but nun nil llulllugleu.
Managei llackelt, of the Newark elub, his
leinstated Hickiuin, pit. her, and will pmb
ablj' sign a new battel v iintl two or three
tiel'tlers befiue having en their Southern
AKKIPgltlllg Aliiint sj-, nun
I mill till' Oxtnr.l I'll's
Thu aipraisnl value nl the peismi d estate
Dt Sanders Mi Culluugh, ilm.iseil, I ile nl
Oxfenl, was ever Sliviilii, and Hie real us us
tateisvalutdat about fU ..ikk), an aggregatu
el abeul ;i"l,uni). ineug the investnmnls
was a'tive pei cent. Itiltmime city bend et
$J,ih)ii, which Mr. MeCulleugh purch ised hi
sii, and has regularly tliawu interest en the
same semi-miiiiiallj' lm loilj'-bve j'ears.
Tlm ImiiiiI matuies this jeir. Mi. M.
estimated Ids till line il losses tluimg
his business i .truer at t.Ji.uitl. Tlie
leal estale consists el the dwelling liouse
andanice biilltliug let m oxlenl and two
valuilile larms in Drimiore and Cnlerain
townships, l.iiicaster cminly. Mi- -Mdul-Iniigh
m ule a w ill, tlnv ismg ids et.itn as fol fel
Inws : siH) letheChestiiul Level PiesbvU nan
eliurch, fJ,(KH) te baud nl luicigu nilssiens,
f'.'.uOU te tleinestie nussinns, f'J.uut) te lund for
ilisabletl miuisteis, 1,uiH1 te Mis.
Lvans, a niece, and te nis wile and two sil
lers ami i hildieii of two tits eased sisters the
b.duecel llm est it,.. His wile, Joillietl S.
Md nil. uiuh, nml V. ilium T. I'liltmi, csi ,
weie aipemltd ex. . nleis nf llm will.
Auiuiitl schslnn nt .IiiiiIiii Auii'ilian .llcihaults.
The st ite council et dm Junier Amciicau
Miclunics nl P. iiiisvlvaui.i, twt ntj'-slxth
aiinu il, will c mvcim in I. (). O. I', hall, Nes.
Ilili and "Dl Lickawannaavenue, Scrautun,
nn Tuesilaj, .1 1 il v il, Ivsi, at 10 dcIih'U a. in.
SptH'lal rales have been pruciiiedat the hotels
mid all lailiuads Ihmughuul the state te
s'cianten linui whom eouneilsaie loeiiled,
'1'he pmgiesset the oulei during tlie j'
has been marked net eulj' in iiumbeis, hut ly, thowesteru part el the statu lead
lug er.v hugi'lj'. This, mid ether causes,
will m.ike this session ene of thu laigust and
ninst Iinpnitaut evei hultl by thu eigani,i-
line impuitaut foatuie te hoceusliloicit and
w liich has caused censltlei able tliseiissleu and
ililleiciice of opinion, will be thu changing
the tiamenl the elder.
Thu lopieseutatlves of this distiict will
leave next Mniulay iiininlng, and linm ludi
c.itinns all the cniiuclh. in tlie cuiinlv w ill he
lullj- leprcseiitcd.
A 1'aUe Alaini,
Thu Ilarilsluiig J'iliml announces and
enniliiputs upon the fact that "Collector Mue
(innlgle appointed Mi. I'luistlaii 1'unk
ganger at the lllghsplre ilibtillurj' in the
place et .lames N. llliindlu." Colleetor Mac Mac
(ieuigh) inlnrms mi I.n i 1:1.1. uiKi.cmt 10
porter that this Is the Hist he lias heard of it ;
that the socretiirj'oflho tieasurj' and net he
innkes such iippelutineuts, mid that as yet hu
lias inade no recommendations te thu trcas
urj' departiuenh
Died In tlie Wet
i:ilwoed Hallow ell, aged iii, htother of
Mr Sainitel P. llally, or Onp, died at his
home tu New Lexington, Ohie, Thursday
last, et llright'rt dlsease of the kidney
I'.ukei, I I (i 1
llnUmil, c J i (I
inland, i I '.' i
.VI ruin') .mill
(IniHliiian.l 11 I s
Iiniiulil. :i ii, I .'
Suiitli, 1 A p I) 11 I
Tmniicy, s , I (1 y
elel, p.V,l 11 i 1
iiimtus arr. in 1111:; iinn
I Ul'tlM.MI J I.'IH.M.'.V.
'llm HiIkIm nl llm Mevcnirnt te Xlnltn 'Hi
I'liiimii. n,t a I'mi I'.uk llm I .mil
llii) Ullli i:iiilmnt(e Dim .inillmin -I lie
I'liiKiiiniliie In I'nll Dclnli
Nl vii viia I'.vm.s, N. Y., .Inly I,-.. This is
Niagara's lwndaj'. The story et the eman
cipation erXJigimi fs an Inteiesthig ene,
though perhajis familiar te most readers.
The Idea originated In Is7s in an Intel vluvr
between (ioveiuei Uoblnsen, or New Yerk,
and Lord Dullurlu, then giixcruer gcuuial el
Canada and met Willi such laver that te-dny,
thu view or Niagara Pulls is thrown open le
the world without charge. 'I Ids morning
this unually ipilel village Is overllowhig
with visitors mid trains are rapidlj'
in riving from all illrectietm crowded
with iissungers. (.evenmr Hill will
nnive Irniu llullale about olevon
e clock mill will be met by a reception
cnmmlth'umid e-tnrted te thu International
hotel. Plugs, binning mid banners are (lying
in nil directions ;is fat as the oye can reach
011 both sales or dm river, the I'nleu Jack
mingling with tlieslarsanil strlpesln adding
brilliancy te theseine.
The decorations at, the International hotel
ate magnificent, in rrent or the building, al
llseentie, is the large arch with two mottoes
asdewribed in theso dispatches last night.
Private residences make an elaborate ills
play el hunting, each ene seemingly trjing
te iiutdn the ether in this direction. Aiurimr
die most handsome nl the decorations are
these nr the Jewett him k and the . Spencer
house. 'I here are as vet lew prominent ar
rivals, except thu membeis el tlm committee
lirig. 1. ens. .lowed mid lingers and Ueserva
tlmi Committeemen Andersen, mid
ex Lieut, liev. Dersheimei.
Tlm trains arriving alieut 11 or 1 !:.'.() are
Mxpuitpil te bring thn mere distinguished
guistser dm day. 'I he weather is all that
(an 1 desired i oel and pleasant, 'llie lirst
h-ature nl tlm 1 1'lebradnn began Icy the tiring
nl hm guns at sunrip by the 7lh hutteiy,
u.itiiuul guards. Tiiu 1 eromenles atteiiiling
the trimsler ertlm lands so'eeted Ter the jiark
will take place in Prospect park at neon, In
pn xciice id the governor and nlhcers el the
stale, members el the Niagara I 'alls associa
tion. 'iVi distinguished guests and the
citijms Viuembled, the Hen. Kraslus
UriHiks will then preside and dm exercises
will be fijiciicfl bvprajiT hy lilshep Coxe.
The pmseiitatinii address will he inade hv
Hen. Win. Iinisheimer, president el the
cfiiiimlssieii, mid will be responded te bj' the
gev eninr. The uuhtarj' rev low s mvur at 2.',J
. m., ami in the evening thr' Palls will he
illuminab'il by tlm ilisj,li nfnre works trem
both sides et the river and Irniu (inat island,
iiisimi' 1 ex! , uiiki 01 I'livtsi.
Tlm lollewlng is the ollue of iiraise and
piavei wtilili was tlrawn ini by IINI1011
We pl.lise The
'I bee te be Lr.rd :
ml, we ackuewleslgu
I le.iv en ami earth am lull ur the Majesty ur
'lbv lnrj .
(, all je work's of the Lord, iieas and
tloeils , "(), allye giecn things uen earth,
ami all c children of men, bless j'e tlie Lord
pr.usn llini and ri ''nir Hint forever. Al
mighty IiimI, who n m.-st the earth te be In
habited and g.iwst WBSte place te our
1 iihers, selling the bounds of thelr luhiLi luhiLi
llens, mid, hj- their labor, making the tvu
tb rness te blesMim as the rcnte : xve hlfss
'1 bee ter thu goedlyherltago they have left
te u, iimir children. Meru eHieclally
this d.iv, wu prsdse Thoe for mak.
ing iM.iutiful these limits of our land,
mid fur sic iking te all nations ami kindreds
and tongues in the phsj with the voice of
m my waters, Illnsstsf Im. thy unnie that Theu
hat nieiicil our eves te ;e. and our ears te
hi ar.aiid that 'I lien hast pui It Inte tlie hearts
nl thisiKople te ,u knew ledgu Thy glorious
wurhs, tn make them 1 legacj- and a testi testi
ineiij unto their tluldien's children. '1 here here
leie these pleasant plai es nf Niagara we tin
set apart this ilaj' Irein eniumnu and sordid
uses, making these coasts and aisles
whii h 'Iheii hast marveleuslv adorned,
te be a school for the hearts, and
minds of men, and of discipline In
then senses: tn inspire our eountrj'ineii
former with a leve et nature ami of Thee, its
author and ri valor, ami te make us knew
and teel that man cannot live hj- bread 011 iy,
but hy thu better things Theu "giv est in Thj'
wtirksimd in Thj' word. Accept these, our
thanksgivings mid command a blessing en
all who share in the duties el thisi olehra elehra olehra
tieu, that thej-maj' xrlenii the s.une as a
servicute their ceimtij' and te theii follow fellow
men. (.rant, also, dial all theso who shall
herealter enjoy the benefits el this place may
make a right use nf the same lur their own
weir.ire ami with grateful hearts te Thee,
their (.ed, through .lesiis Christ, 0111 Lord.
A llilillng Kiln sn in.
'I he tram bearhig tlie putj'
airiveil here about le o'tleck. There was
verj- little deineiistratlnn, the pirtv being
mtcivtd hj' the citiens' cntuiuiltee anil
escorted tn the hotel. The
weather which, up le tins hour had beeu
I'f.iut it ill, new turned out a bitter disappoint
ment. A diivic has set ill which premises
te last ter the daj. l.verj' incoming train
brings its ipieta te adil te tlie multituile
alrpadj- lit re and the streets are thronged.
(.overner Hill dehveied an address in
which he took occasion tn saj' :
' We rejoice, net at the victerj' el science
nr the sublime cllnits nl lmclianlcal genius,
but ever that exhibition of elevated sentiment
unsellish genemsitj', creditable jiublie sjihit
and genuiue iatrietisni, which inaugurated
ami can led te linal suet ess this philanthropic
prejet t fnr the pieservatieu te tlie world hu
lls iron use forever el the majestic scenerj- ut
the Pulls el Niagara, natures' grandest gill te
Itnlliilii 'turning Out In Client I'erc.
lii 1 1 vi.e, N. Y., .lulj- 1.). ltboeined this
illuming us II all llullale was hound lur tlm
secnu el thu npening nf llie statu park. As
nail J- ns "Mil a huge erewd had arrived at the
central depot and hy h. o'clock the line ex
tended le lieni the ticket olllee soine 7.'i or bU
leet down the waiting mom. The llrst
oxeursien tiain consisted et 11, packed
toevuillowing. Thotwerear eeaelips woie
(K'ciiiieil hv the Clev eland drays. The train
left at U o'clock. The eugiuu was gaily doeera-
tisl wlthllagsaudstroainers. Tliogeveinor's
tiain lollewed llve minutes later. It con
sisted nl a passenger reaeh and thn drawing
room 0.11, "Catsklll," and was drjiwn hv
Superhilcndent Itniiews' penj engine. In
tulilldiin tn the iruvei nor mid skill, lliore wei u
oil bnaul thu delegation el'cltlens, who met partj'at HaUivia last even
ing, and piess lopresenUitlves. The second
excursion train lett ut 10 o'clock ; it was com
posed of tw eh e cms, nil Idled. The military
tiain, consisting el sixteen cars, pulled out
alieut lik'ie. On beard w 010 the ilith regi
ment, headed by the Mexican bind and thu
drum ceips; the 7-lth legitnent and cadets;
Ce. 1) llullale Heards nnd the marine guard
of the stcmiier Michigan, composed of IS eltl-(ui-iitindiu
arnied marines under the com
mand et Lieut. Ilejur. Tlie Moslem mid
Ahieiiciu llags llew slde hj siiln, and this
token nl the lriendship of the two lepublics
of the new world ovekod npplause us thu icg
liuent moved down Main stteet en Its waj'te
thu depot. TheTltirreglment wits led by its
j euthliil drum corps. Thu trains mev cd out
iiinltl choeis Irein the xast crowd assembled.
Thu demand for transportation is something
enormous mid taxes the riicility of them.uls
le the utinest.
I'lve Pi tun.) Ivnula l'u.liimttii.
W.vsin.NineN', I), t'., July in. The pist
master goneral te-day uppelnted lloergo P..
Shnncr, postnuuter et Pughtown, Pa.,
Jeseph Holller, ut Prement, Pa., i Jeseph
IT. Uninherger, at Ilerryhurg, Pa., ; and
p. J, Birmingham, ut (ilrardvllle, Pa.,
ln.uc 11 or ten has been poit peit
master nt Noitheast, I'.u
Thu prcsidunt te-dny appointed Jonathan
11. Kllbeurn. ol'Pueblo, Cel., receiver e! pub-
1 lie moneys ut that place.
aiii am xf; ertis i l.rn. in r tsv.
'Hie i:n.l,ili -,iuil: 1 Mar With the Aluh ni.
tin) New. si nit,.. I, melon.
Londen, .Inly P. The 7'iiin this morn
ing publishes ndispatih limn Its special cm
respondent oil dm Uusse ATgh 111 lientler,
sent viaTeheian, In which he states that the
Uusslans 1110 becoming verj-aggressive and
appear Intent en Ien Ing a w.u with the
Afghans, Tlie (erresKiudeiil saj-s that tjie
Uusslati forces liniler Cel. Alikhaunll are ad
vnticlng en ninsse en ttlllkar P.v-s from the
various jKiliits mar thu Irentlers hi Id hy the
Uusslans, but pilnclpilly Irein Sarlkhs, nml
make hut littluolleit utieneealliig their In
tentions, 'i hu Afghans me much alarmed by
this ferwartl movement of the Uusslans, and
exhibit auxietj' lest the Uusslans may take
possession nr the pass nml march nn lleral.
Tlmy are determined, huvvovcr,te oppeso miv
lurlher advances hy the Uusslans with all
the force at their command, and should the
Uusslans peisist In their course n bloody enn
Ihut p.innnt miu h lunger be avoided. The
correspondent adds that he is llrmly ortlie
hcllertlmt 'el. Allkliauell is secretly con.
niv ing vv ith the object el bringing en a light,
and that hels heml-vv inking and deceiving
the C7jir by raise reimrts as tn thu troops
under hisceminaud.
i:(ltcmi'iit In I'lu mil il ami I' (;lr lc.
The dispatch has caused a piefuiiud sensi sensi
tlen throughout Londen and has had a
marked ellecten the various exchanges. On
the stei'k oxchauge consels nave declined '.
pur cent, shit e Its publication, while Uusslnu
and Hvyptian bends 111 0 down lullvmie per
l.fiNlms, .luly I , '(, iesuted adv.lllte
el the Uussians into Alghaiiistan Innii
.ulllkar Is causing atl IntPiisn exciteiiu nt in
both political ami lluam l.d ein les. At die
clese this alternneti consels sheweil a ilei line
el I I -10 Irein theepr mug price and " Uns.
slins" were wildly ipieted at tmin te '.
In the lliiii.c tit ( winnimi.
Londen, July Pi. In dm llouspelCom.
mntis tills alterniHiii Lord It.iinlnlph I'huich
ill, (' n tarj nl state ler India, repljing tn 11
ipiestlen bj- Sir Jehn Lublin, k, im'iulier for
Londen 1 niversity, ilmt the ministry
were aware or the res put mi reae In the (us. forces nt .ulhkar.
lie lurther stilted that thn xighnu 1 mn
lii.iniler al Herat had bts-nme sn alarmed at
the proxmillj-el se large a number nr troops
and tlm threatening attitude assumed hv tlie
Uussians that he had inviUtl the Lnglish
(.liners Cel's Nate ami Pern m k In entei tlie
eit j. This rc'iuiHt had In en 1 emplied with.
In tlm lobbies el the Heuse the opinion is
Ireelj-expressed that the lliissinii 1 empiica
liens are rapid lv appreaehmg another crisis
and that gnve trouble Is imminent.
I.iikIMiiiii 11 Alter Vlrvl. ill liillmi).
Ilostes July r,. City el Mnxn e Hp.s
te the lhi'ihl saj: " Ciipilabts here are
discussing the probability el dm ( cntrnl
1 ail read linking into Pnglish builds. It is
generallv believed hem that Pnglisli ibple-matj-
is active 111 workiugte this un.l. Ills
epenlj-sihl that ir (he Central passes into
I'nglisli (oiitrel the mail will only he lullj lullj
epcratrsl Ireui Heuthwest, tlie
northern divismn being kept open only rm
transput tntinu el tr(Kiis and mails. This
would is) virtual consolidation with dm era
Crn. line. The scheme tin eaten Aunricau
fnlcrcstfi tu tin country.
A Itegiif Count In Trouble.
MesTitm, Can, July II A flashily,
ilrcsneel j'eung" fellow who rame here two
weeks nge, registering as Cieorge DoWeItf, a
count from Ilerlln, was nrrosted jestenlaj-
for ferglns n the banking hjdse of ! ried-
lnml Sonierxllle, nf ' te the amount of
$18,001, whlcti he sucured at the Columbia
bank, Philadelphia. Oftlcers from Philadel
phia will arrive te-morrow with extradition
papers. DoWelfo was a lien in soeietj- here,
nud Hjiorted a member of the New Yerk
doinl-inendc, wliem hu introduceJ us his
Vlrxlnii'., ttepiihttmn ttuite Ueiivelttliilu
U II 11 MOM), ,u, .lulj- 1 1 '1 no . ltV IH
swarming with delegates te the l'ppublieau
convention, wh 1 h assembles at neon tu daj
and will be called te erdi r bj- Hen. Win.
Pveij county 111 the stall is ippiosented
anil them will be about Tim delegates present.
The convention will nominate candidates for
governor, lieutenant goveiner and attnrnej
general. 'I line am lliiee 1 indidates fui
governer: I0I111S. i,e, I'.s. lllair, at present
atlnrni j gent lal, imd ex Cniigressinan Henry
Hew en. 'I he t h 1111 es am that, ise w ill 1.0
sin illp hi Mmitieal
Mux 1 ill vi, .lulj- 1 1.-since Mninlaj- 111
cases nl sniallpux have been mpetletl, et
whiih llve will be treated at the Civic hos
pital, 'llie deaths I10111 the disoase during
tlie past week nunibei 11. The Herald this
morning demands that the poliej- el conceal,
incut nl cases shall be abandoned, and calls
upon the health depiitinent and citizens te
bring te light everj- case that is known or
stispet ted.
V Itrtllljeil l.irl's Oi'-plli.
Sxevv H111., Md., .Inly 11. Neir Pmev
(.rove, Mis Aine .lencs, a vcij-jiretty girl,
aged 17 jears, made an unsiicepssinl attempt
te ('011111111 suicide, owing te hei lovei4wef.
te tle voting fanner having iiiinei
refusing te ninrrv-her. Hei fiiendsa
iudignaut, and unless the 1 1 11 fa 1 1 1 1 ti 1 1 ltf
atones ler his tieatment et the gill bj-lTT
lining ms piemisu te iici, tin v will ( ausn
him trouble.
Miiliae'l IXillt i:iiteil.
LeMuiv, July 11. Mr. Michael Dav dt, tlie
Irish agitator, te-dny in a speech nn the land
ipicstien, stinuglv ilennuni ed ami ten.
ilenmeil the hind pun base selicme pmpn-cd
bj- tlie government, anil tharai tpried it as a
li.dp.iblt swindle bj- whicli enh the lauil lauil
lerils would be bcnclitud,
liuurilliig AkuIiiI llfhlni lent sliiitcnt-.
Citv or Mi:xu e, J ulj-1.1. Students hav
ing threatened tn storm tlie lliilem peniten peniten
tlaij'le lelcase the iinpiisened editors and
students, the government lias placed a
ceitlnu nl snhlleis mound the buildings.
A Valuable ItetiU.
We have letclvetl riein Jacob M. Chillas,
eleik nl cninninii council, a very convenient
little benlc, which will pioveol lunch value
teanj- one. It contains the names of all
olllceisel thecll.v, including thu mayor, city
trnasinor,chief et llm dcpaitinent,alderiueii,
assesseis, and policemen, togcthet with the
uicinbpisef both branches el councils and
thuilillerent coniinltteesel theso bodies.
Suit Agalimt tlm Cil).
Jeseph II. II uber Iiasenteicd suit against
the city el Ijinenster for a billet f h.n.17 fur
work done ut tlie water weiks. The bill has
been nppieved hy the water nml llnaiice
ceninilttees, but the major declined te diaw
11 wariaut ler the miinunt, because thoappio theappio thoappie
piiitlnn is nearlj' exhaiisletl, lliore being
only 11 smalt Hiun in thu water weiks lund,
mid that the maj 01 iiilunds keeping ler the
nay el laberers. .1ue11nau uur nas nesig-
iiated Hatuiday nexl fei the hearing.
l'.iut-i, at tlie rail..
A tint rorflOOnsiite between lalvvaid 11.
Kaullman's " Smuggler " and Win. Hiesh's
" Uitlj- IS." lias been urianged, te take
place nt Mcliimin's lurk, 1111 Saliuday, July
tilth. There will also be a iiinuing iiicoen
the nanie day, in which at least a hall-duen
horses will take part.
A Purled lleiiimi.
Frem tin New mk Herald
If there Is uuy litimnn lielng w lieni it is
perftvtlj' proper te leathe und uhhei It bi
thu ilcuinu who is constantly saying that he
M caiidld and ulwiiya iy what he thinks.
r.nrr.Mi:x r t'Arsi.n nr Tin: ttvsrxK'
mev tr im: mv.sstj:i: haxic,
CiiintU nl IlciiiiillniK at the llrnil nml Ilmtirh
Ullltrs dimming fur Thrlr .Itenej A
t'ni-li That Wilt Cnuoe .Xliuti Dli
Ircus In smilheiii Ireland.
Hi, -luly 1.1 Thn suspension of (he
Minister bank has caused the wildest cxclle
meut among the depositors throughout the
southern portion nl Ireland. Crowds or
theso nnterlimntes are congregated this
morning ut llie head nlhee in Cerk as well ns
the branch ellltcs In this city, Lhnerlck amlm
elsewhere, clainnihig Ter thelr money and
denouncing dm direeteis or the Institution
for their mismanagement. Thousands; or
small fanners had all thelr savings de
posited with dm concern, mid should the
bank lull te liiiuldiite Its obligations, great
suilering must ensue. The pelice Imve
Liken extra preoititlens te guard against an
outbreak. A strong rorce is en guard at tlie
various nlllces nf the bank but the crowds
aroheuily increasing, while tlie oxcitemont
grew s apace and trouble is feared borero the
d ij- insses.
1 in: n 1. vv s IN lONDON.
Londen, July ll.'ihe news or the
bank r.iilure cieated a sensation hore. Last
uv ruing the Parnollltes hi the Hnttse of Com Cem
limns excili.tlly paced the lobbies or gathered
In ginups discussing the disastprtothelr con
stituents and tu themselves. The opinion Is
geneial among them dial the failure will
cause a gi eat deal or sullei ing in llie south of
li eland.
The liabilities nt tlm institution are fS,750,.
(hki, and Its sharebnldeis arc ehlelly ladies,
whose sole dependence is en tiiu divi
dends accruing tmin dm shares. The
diippters el dm bank exptess conlldcnce
in their abilltj te setde all . lalms in full.
Thu hotice el susH'iisien snd it was due te
the vvitlidi.iwal nl several heavy despesits
since the litigitien of .lm k son versus the
Muiiterb,mk tluettei-s, which preduced nn
uneasy tcclmg among dciioslters. The bank
was unable le rudie ipih kly enough te meet
tlmilemimils. Tlicie is 1111 uncalled caplUil of
.1 un aij: tj.uiticAi. ftCA.viiAi..
A 1 1 ti -I. iri.1'. lip.itii lhlli.i.Ml tn He Due te Ills
Wile's lull. Ii'llt
AIM s n 1 1:, Texas, July 11. This com- fc
mtinitv is verv 11111..1, i, ..ii.t.i ... .,.. n. ..,..
- - -S - .- "v.. "...I d nut- il
rageeus scandal w hu h has rctentlv (ometo l
light, Persniim iimnths it has been whis
pered Hint iuiiupnr lolatiens t xisted Ijo
I ween llev. .1. I . Lilly, a Ikiptlst dl
vine nl this teiintv, and the wite of
I. P. P.arringleii, 01m el bis ildiis. The
enuple were Hied bf leir the , bin li, but
airplittisl, and the died aw iv until
about 11 week age, when Mi. Piiringten
was I011111I (lead in the Iudiui tnnterj, his
death having Ih-pii ranted hv an ovcrdeso of
morphine. After this Mrs. Harrington and
Lilly were constantly in reiup.mj-, and the
suspicions of the citrons begin le be aroused,
aroininlitee was appomted te investlgate the
atl.ur. A letter was leiind, written bj liar liar
riiigten te his wife, telling her lliat en ac
count of her lnfldollt.y,he no longer wished te
llve, and iufhnuthiir ins intention of com.
mining .iiilclde. 'An - miouyxueii letter
' UreHspel . nnrrliiBteiijscw tilmi feunef s-ri
wnicii iniermea nun inat fits wTfivas rnlrttv
Mrs. Harrington Hsjin- pressed, ceS
her guilt, nml thatsliPiiud Ll! ly had plan ned
te olejw. Sen nddi t tint she had told her
husband or her leve l r Lilly. Lilly at firm
denlcil everv thing but when confronted
with Mrs. IWriingtee s 8tatem"pt lit) eon
fes-sed, and trtctl te tliiu'v the hi . It
woman. Hu said she had writtei, f n
ters te hint, leading him en. TIM 1
iiidlgnatinn ngalnst both he 1
many assert that theie xv'as Tjiil
nertedxviH. Harrington's death. '
te he m hiding and trying te get
1 - SLMI
satelncahtj, nut lie xull haidlv'
esi ape e.isilv.
' ,sH.- wjrf
"as,j : 1 a
If'U)lnx Th il the 1 itiiilite Is
Hum. I ( 1 1 v, K ins is, lidv 11.
of auli-Texas siixkiiuu have
viewed in reliieine te tlm tele
specter Aiinstreiig te tin s. , rutin
tenor, sLilmg tint llm tia
open, and that al, dull
tween dm ilmvt is and
have been settled, m I .
' am uieiiiuing with at
This thoj-mest t inph.itn illv 1 i
that it is a ruse con. ntnl en tie
dreveis, and luither th it n
net had stitlii lent lime te um lien
whcie be was at tlm turn ! i
erder te msixs t said ste. I, tli i;
from Put lti'iin te wheie tin
held is ever inn miles, and Hi
be impossible lm hunt" hue cm
receiving Ids nhl. i d enhn n i
tarj- nf the iiitpit.u.
sn. hiteii-
im et J?
,4 .I.A.I., fQ'
Ik lutfius i t
it- fievv 5r l
icvsi bO'T'Sf , ,
ranchvfiA- ' i
" UI'
i struct bu 3 .i
Utmlnfj vJ
1 01 UIU tf1Vfl
siK mTva
t HeneA
ing Uitfif
lishvnce Z$,
i wetild
here aluah
I e secrer
I mitral nl tin' I il' Minn, nnd,
Minni v I'm (s, Minn lull
15. The
I el the eight lie i i1
i the Rand
and Cnv kendall tauulits, l .w.n drewiteil
hi Lake Mliiiu tenk i sun 1 1 , w ill take place
huisdaj allernei n . i w s w ill be j
ip latnllj- an l intiuiaiaTneiidsut fhe
'f thu tlectMse"iTiitiTl public services at
theWiietei v. Indications of the griofef
tlie wholecitj-over the c.ilaiuitj- glow moie
marked d.iilj-, and oveiy llagstall in tlie city
displays its bunting at half-mast. The city
olllces me closed. Tlie U thus of the (lis
aster woie well liked In all classes of cltl
mis, and the indications art) that the funeral
will boa Luge mid Imposing one. The city
leuncil, ihainbei el eemmercn, Turner's An
cient Order el llibeiiiiansaml ether societies,
will attend.
An Allt'gi'tl Chfiit'itn Xtiiiilcrrr.
ill iii.(Nini)N, Iowa, July II. -Keng All
Leng, the Chinese niuideicr, ariested hore
Situidaj night nn a lelegrmu lieni Itenie,
N. Y., ch u god with the killing of Sing Lee,
at that jilacc, en June .10, was brought hoferii
thechciiit J ml go en awrit el' habeas corpus,
andvvasdiiyJi uged. Ile w.vs at ence rear
icsted, hew ever, en an Inhumation 11 toil bo be bo
I'ue a iustice, and was held In SI0,lXX)
bends ler apiclimiumj' lie.iring Thursday
iifteimmu. In del'.iull nl bail, he was ro re
ni.imled te jail, eillceis lieni New Yerk
with uxtiadltleu jupeis aie expected te ur
live hoi e Thin sduj- iiiuiniug.
sinillpiiv nn ItiMld a Vessel,
11 vi lc vx, X. s., July 1.1. The Fuiness
line steamer liosteu Citj-, lieni Louden for
llnsluu, discharging halt ut her cargo horn
j'estertlaj' wies oideieit Inte the stream for In
spection heoaiise nl a suspii leu that ene of
her crew had smallpox.. Agents of the
steamer lolitse Inluiiuatien, but there are
said In boseveial cases en beard,
ir i:atii mt rittiiiAiiii.iriES.
llm Cuiitlltlnii nt (he ltiirniniler auil Ther Ther
iiieinuliiriiiiil Inillialhinti for thtiaierrtiw.
WAHiiiNfiiew, 1). V., July 15. Fer the
Middle Atlantic &Ut,os, gouerally falrweather,
v hi lahie w indsjgonet all y seuthw ostet ly,nears
lj' btntininiry tennieruture.
Light mid uirlable winds generally pro pre
vail. Lecal rains liave l.illeu In New Lug.
laud, the southern poitieu of Middle Atlan
tic states, in the Lewer l.uke regions und en
tlie iuuuediate (itilf coast, ever Lnke Michi
gan, und thu temperature has risen in tlie
northwest; In the remaining districts it has
luuuilued nearly stationary.
1'ett Tut hsdav l-'ulr weathur li ludl
cated for the VtbJtitlc coast slates.